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Portfolio Based Assessment: Assignment Brief - Portfolio - Feb 12 - v1.1 Page 1 of 14

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Unit Title Systems Analysis Student Name Ugwoke Obinna Philip Student ID

Unit Code

SAS 105084
Tutorial Issued Date 21 February 2012 Portfolio Task 1 of 4

Portfolio based Lecturer Name Assessment Malcolm Thompson

Task Title The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Development Methodologies Aim of the Task

Understand the systems development life cycle and the various development methodologies.
Learning Outcomes of the Task 1.a Identify the functions and purpose of each stage of a systems life cycle 1.b Provide evidence to support an understanding of the lifecycle 1.c Compare different life cycle models

A telecommunications network provider wishes to upgrade and update its network operations centre. Part of that upgrade involves the installation of a new network management information system As a systems analyst working within the organization you have been given the task of producing a proposal for the development of a new system, to meet the following requirements; Real time traffic management; monitoring of the trunk network and the throughput of traffic at the major centres Monitoring of power failures and network alarms Provision of the following statistical information; network usage, network downtime, time to repair, fault analysis System development must focus on cost efficient methods but more importantly must fully meet the above requirements in a short development time scale.

Task 1 i. ii. iii. Identify the functions and purpose of each stage of a systems development life cycle (SDLC) Compare the most widely used life cycle models and their corresponding development methodologies For the given case study briefly state with reasons a suitable systems development life cycle and a development methodology.

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Reading Materials 1. A Denis, B Haley Wixom, D Tegarden; Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2; Wiley 2. G Shelley, T Cashman, H Rosenblatt; Systems Analysis and Design 3. Roger Pressman Software Engineering resources. http://www.rspa.com 4. http://www.helsbysports.com 5. http://www.instinctive.co.uk/bookit.asp

Feedback Strengths

Areas for Improvement

Lecturer: Malcolm Thompson



Assessment criteria for pass To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to:


Understand the systems analysis life cycle


Understand systems analysis tools and techniques Perform a system investigation Perform functional and data modeling

a) Identify the functions and purpose of each stage of a systems life cycle b) Provide evidence to support an understanding of the lifecycle c) Compare different life cycle models a) Use data modeling techniques b) Create entity-relationship diagrams c) Use modeling documentation a) Investigate a given problem b) Identify system requirements c) Document an investigated system a) Identify system processes and functions b) Produce a functional model c) Perform data modeling



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Case of scenario In design a telecommunications network provider that can have a network management information system I am going to design it a way that it is going to have real time traffic management, monitoring of the trunk network throughput of traffic, monitoring of power failures and network alarms. All this network management information will be maintain TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE

Introduction 1.0 What is a System 1.1.1 What is Systems Analysis? 1.1.2 The role of Systems Analysis and Design 1.1.3 What is System Development Life Cycle? 1.1.4 The stages of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). a, Planning. b, Analysis. c, Design. d, Implementation. 2.0 The types of Systems Development Life Cycle. a, Waterfall Life Cycle. b, V-Model Life Cycle. c, Spiral Model Life Cycle. d, Iterative and Incremental Life Cycle. e, Fountain Model Life Cycle. 3.0 Recommendation for the model

WHAT IS A SYSTEM A system can be defined as components that come together to form a single unit (system). Thus, it is a collection of different components that are fixed together to form a single system. A typical example is a computer system which is made up of many components. Another instance is the human system. Hence, the purpose of this coursework which is basically to produce a holistic analysis of an information system, which of course, comprises of a lot of different steps, stages and components. WHAT IS SYSTEM ANALYSIS Assignment Brief Portfolio_Feb 12_v1.1 Page 3 of 14

Systems analysis is the study of sets of interacting entities, including computer systems analysis. This field is closely related to requirements analysis or operations research. It is also "an explicit formal inquiry carried out to help someone (referred to as the decision maker) identify a better course of action and make a better decision than he might otherwise have made or System analysis is the process of planning, researching,

investigating, coordinating the problems of a particular system with the purpose of recommending realistic, durable and reliable system. System analysis can take two different forms; it can be analyzing a system that is existing already with the aim of improving it and meeting new business goals; it can also be analyzing a system from scratch.

System analysis and design has a very critical and crucial role to play in the over all development of information systems. This is because of the nature and necessity of the role, planning, analyzing and designing occupies. The basis of this role is to make sure that a critical preparation, planning, analysis and design are carried out in order to meet the needed systematic and structured flow of data input, processing and output according to the users requirements and improved business goal. Thus, this means that there is more emphasis on working with software users; on performing analysis of their business, problems, and objectives; and on communicating the analysis and design of the planned system to all involved. As a result of the foregoing systems analysis and design is methodological and systematic process for developing high quality information systems.

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The system development life cycle (SDLC) follows a project through from the initial idea to the point where it is a functional system. It is a core part of the methodology that is used when defining a project. Life cycles fall into a number of different categories, iterative being the most common but they also include waterfall, spiral and chaos models. Common methodologies include Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) and Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF). Each step in a systems lifecycle can be broken down into many smaller sub-steps or processes. Each stage follows logically after the previous, but it is an oversimplification to say that one stage is a distinct step after another. It is important to understand that the system lifecycle is iterative as well as the stages involved along the way. Different methodologies will have different variations of this lifecycle model. A common iterative lifecycle is show in the diagram below and each stage is described after the diagram.
PLANNING: Function It helps to identify the needs of the system and captures the requirements of the system. To identify the nature and scope of the problem To investigate whether the problem need IT solution, and also know what needs to be reviewed Purpose It assists in knowing the anticipated cost through feasibility study. In order to capture the business benefits/system justification In order to learn about business operation, so that a critical analysis can be done To define project goal and other requirements like security. ANALYSIS: Function The analysis of the system identifies development process and approach to follow. the suitable

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The end users information system needs are properly analyzed. Purpose The analysis purpose is to capture what exactly the system is going to do. There is need for justification of any chosen approach. It is required to understand and document end users needs for the system DESIGN: Function Is to produce a structured plan of the whole information system. To ensure that the specifications of system elements are meet like input and output of data processes. Purpose To describe how the proposed system is to be built. To ensure that the right and specific technical requirements are used for the system To describe the movement of data between operational databases. IMPLEMENTATION: Function To test the functionality of the features of the system Purpose To achieve required optimization of the system To review the system before placing it into operation to make sure it meets all specific requirements.

The types of Systems Development Life Cycle.

Waterfall life cycle

Waterfall life cycle is a very well-known and oldest software development life cycle. This software development life cycle model was designed in 1970 by Winston W. Royce. One of the features for which this model is known is that, it is simple and easy to use. Here, each stage of development is Assignment Brief Portfolio_Feb 12_v1.1 Page 6 of 14

completed before another phase is brought into considerations. The simplest software development life cycle model is the waterfall model, which states that the phases are organized in a linear order. A project begins with feasibility analysis. On the successful demonstration of the feasibility analysis, the requirements analysis and project planning begins. The design starts after the requirements analysis is done. And coding begins after the design is done. Once the programming is completed, the code is integrated and testing is done. On succeeful completion of testing, the system is installed. After this the regular operation and maintenance of the system takes place. The following figure demonstrates the steps involved in waterfall life cycle model.

Prototyping Software Life Cycle model

The goal of prototyping based development is to oppose the first two limitations of the waterfall model discussed earlier. The basic inspiration here is that instead of freezing the requirements before a design or coding can proceed, a throwaway prototype is built to understand the requirements. This prototype is developed based on the currently known requirements. Development of the prototype obviously undergoes design, coding and testing. But each of these phases is not done very formally or carefully. By using this prototype, the client can get an "actual feel" of the system, since the interactions with prototype can enable the user to better understand the requirements of the desired system.

Advantages of Prototyping
1. Users are actively involved in the development 2. It provides a better system to users, as users have natural tendency to change their mind in specifying requirements and this method of developing systems supports this user tendency.

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3. Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a better understanding of the system being developed.

1. Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building systems. 2. Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as scope of the system may expand beyond original plans.

The Iterative Enhancement Life Cycle Model

The iterative enhancement life cycle model counters the third limitation of the waterfall model and tries to combine the benefits of both prototyping and the waterfall model. The basic idea is that the software should be developed in increments, where each increment adds some functional capability to the system until the full system is implemented. At each step extensions and design modifications can be made. An advantage of this approach is that it can result in better testing, since testing each increment is likely to be easier than testing entire system like in the waterfall model. Furthermore, as in prototyping, the increments provides feedback to the client which is useful for determining the final requirements of the system.

SPIRAL MODEL DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE This is a recent model that has been proposed by Boehm. As the name suggests, the activities in this model can be organized like a spiral. The spiral has many cycles. The radial dimension represents the cumulative cost incurred in accomplishing the steps dome so far and the angular dimension represents the progress made in completing each cycle of the spiral. The structure of the spiral Assignment Brief Portfolio_Feb 12_v1.1 Page 8 of 14

model is shown in the figure given below. Each cycle in the spiral begins with the identification of objectives for that cycle and the different alternatives are possible for achieving the objectives and the imposed constraints.


This type of development life cycle demonstrates the relationship between each stage of the life cycle. It is also a modified version of the waterfall life cycle. It often addresses a particular project rather than the whole organization. Therefore, the processes are temporary which is discarded at the end of the project. It also relies on verification from the previous stages.


Fountain model development life cycle is another logical improvement of waterfall model nevertheless; there is always a feedback during development to the previous stage. As a result, this model of life cycle is very flexible. There is also a closer interaction between design and requirements.

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Recommendation for the model My own Recommendation for the model that will be use for the telecommunications network provider is waterfall life cycle. The waterfall model is a sequential design process, frequently used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing progressively downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design, Construction, Testing, Production/Implementation and Maintenance.
Advantages of Waterfall Model The waterfall model is the oldest and most widely used model in the field of software development. There are certain advantages of this model, which makes it, one of the most widely used models as yet. Some of them are: Being a linear model, it is very simple to implement. The amount of resources required to implement this model are minimal. One great advantage of the waterfall model is that documentation is produced at every stage of the software's development. This makes understanding the product designing procedure, simpler. After every major stage of software coding, testing is done to check the correct running of the code. FUNCTION REQUIREMENT FOR THE NETWORK MANAGEMENT Real time traffic management :- In this work we propose a traffic management

mechanism to support real-time flows in highly unpredictable sensor network environments. The mechanism is based on a joint traffic regulation and end-toend scheduling approach; a traffic regulation component adjusts the incoming packet rate to implicitly control the channel load and intelligently rejects packets that are more likely to miss their deadline while a laxity-based scheduling component projects the packets' per-hop delay and compensates for network endto- end delays. Thus, high success ratios without severely degrading the fidelity are achieved. Our mechanism attempts to maintain accuracy in a resource-efficient manner even under extremely unstable network conditions where delays are difficult to model and compute. Furthermore, the adoption of a component-based approach allows for substantial independence from both the MAC and routing layers. We thoroughly evaluate our mechanism and demonstrate its accuracy and performance merits.

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Monitoring trunks is very important if you want to keep your customer happy. In addition to notices about trunks failing you can always execute script which reloads certain trunk. FreePBX has elegant way to deal with these scripts.
Trunk Monitoring:-

Network Security
Increasingly corporate networks are the targets of massive virus attacks. These malicious attacks often cause the corporate networks to go down leading to lost business days. Network dependant enterprises can't afford to suffer such attacks, as the financial implications are quite high. A sound tool that lets you detect the onslaught of any virus attack or worm attack instantly is well in order.

Erd dramgram Use case Network services Traffic managemen t Network Administrator

Network User

Generate Network Manager network Scenario status Actor: network user, network administrator, network manager, network technician Goal: the network user uses a network service, the network administrator manages network traffic, the network manager generates report for the network status and the Network Network Technician network technician repairs the network problems. Technicia n

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Note: the diagram describe the interaction between staffs for solving network problems

Network user

Complains for network failure

Network administrator Manage, check network traffic and report network failure Send complain information to network manager

2 Store information

Network manager


Store network failure information

Compile report, generate report and decide for network repair Decide and send message for network repair by the network technician Network technician

Repair and send feedback of network repair 3 Store information

Repair network problem and report


Store network repair information

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Note: the sequence diagram describes the interaction between network for solve any network problems. Network Traffic monitor managemen Network user t complains for network performance failure 1.. 1.. Network user Network Network Administrator * 1 user 1.. * Network: Internet administrator Telepho ne Network: manager Network: technician Generate report and determine network repair 1.. Repair and call to Test 1 . . 1 network performance Network 1 Manager Generate report

Network Manage, check network engineer traffic and report status of network fault Reuse the network service 1.. Network * Report good network status technician and performance

Entity relationship diagram Alarm engineer

Time to repair

Network user

Network administrator

Network manager

Network technician

Complains for fault Check Activity diagram fault Yes Traffic management Generate report Repair network


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An Introduction to System Analysis Techniques, 2nd Ed. [Paperback] Systems Analysis, Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles, and Practices (Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management) [Hardcover] Business Information Systems: Analysis, Design and Practice [Paperback]

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