8.1 Proposal:
Participants in the Sofia Seminar should give feedback on the review of the
Budapest Declaration. A draft review statement should be sent from the
Consortium Meeting on Training and Learning for Community Development in
Sofia to the IACD, CEECN and HACD. After a short process of amendment,
endorsement and identification of appropriate individuals, it should be sent to
named people in relevant bodies in the Council of Europe and named people in
relevant bodies in the European Union by a group representing:
TLCD Consortium
TLCD partners should also send it to the relevant national agency or agencies.
In September 2009, there should be follow-up contact with national agencies
and European institutions requesting specific proposals related to budget lines
for 2010.
“One hundred and thirty community workers, researchers, donors and policy-makers, and
representatives from government, civil society organisations and community groups, from 33
countries across the European Union and beyond, met in March 25-28 in 2004 at an
international conference, to prepare for the accession of ten new countries to the EU. The
conference was sponsored by the International Association for Community Development, the
Combined European Bureau for Social Development, and the Hungarian Association for
Community Development under the patronage of the President of Hungary. ”
One of the specific outcomes of the declaration was the decision by CEBSD to
work on Community Development in relation to European Union objectives on
Lifelong Learning. CEBSD obtained funding from the European Union and led a
project under the Grundtvig Programme in 2005-2006 followed by a Consortium
under Key Activity 4 on dissemination from 2007-2009 to pursue the articles on
training and learning in the Budapest Declaration.