Optometry Guidelines For Use of Scheduled Medicines
Optometry Guidelines For Use of Scheduled Medicines
Optometry Guidelines For Use of Scheduled Medicines
Authority 1 Purpose 1 Scope 1 1. Endorsement for scheduled medicines 1.1 Eligibility for endorsement 1.2 Approved programs of study and assessments 2. Use of scheduled medicines by optometrists 2.1 Quality use of medicines 2.2 Maintaining competence 2.3 Prescriptions 2.4 Practice procedures 2.5 Adverse event reporting 3. 4. Supply of scheduled medicines Guidelines for the use of topical antimicrobials 4.1 Microbial resistance 5. 6. Guidelines for the use of topical steroidal preparations Collaborative care guidelines 6.1 Role, responsibilities and communication in collaborative care of patients 6.2 Patient involvement 7. Guidelines for care of patients with, or at high risk of developing, chronic glaucoma 7.1 Equipment 7.2 Emergency management of acute primary angle closure 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5
Review 5 Appendix A Approved programs of study and assessments for the purpose of endorsement for scheduled medicines Appendix B List of scheduled medicines approved by the Optometry Board of Australia for administration by optometrists holding general registration Appendix C Board-approved list of Schedule 4 medicines Appendix D First aid for acute angle-closure event 8 6
The Optometry Board of Australia (the Board) has developed these Guidelines for use of scheduled medicines under section 39 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law). National Board guidelines describe the professional standards the Board expects of registered practitioners. They may be used to indicate appropriate professional conduct or practice in proceedings involving health practitioners under the National Law.
The Board considers optometrists whose registration is endorsed for scheduled medicines to be qualified and competent to: obtain, possess, administer, prescribe or supply specified scheduled medicines, and use those medicines appropriately for the treatment of conditions of the eye.
These guidelines outline the Boards expectations in relation to the use of scheduled medicines by endorsed and non-endorsed optometrists.
Optometrists who hold this endorsement may only possess, prescribe or supply Schedule 4 medicines to the extent authorised under the legislation that applies in the state or territory in which they practise. Information will be published on the Boards website about the authorities that apply in each state and territory of Australia.
The guidelines apply to: optometrists with general registration who use scheduled medicines for diagnostic purposes, and optometrists whose registration is endorsed for scheduled medicines, who use scheduled medicines therapeutically to manage eye conditions independently and collaboratively with other healthcare practitioners.
Under the Boards Code of conduct for optometrists, optometrists have a responsibility to recognise and work within the limits of their competence and scope of practice. This includes ensuring they have the equipment, expertise and skills necessary to practise safely and effectively.
The term scheduled medicine is a substance included in a schedule to the current Poisons Standard within the meaning of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth).
2.3 Prescriptions
Optometrists whose registration is endorsed for scheduled medicines must ensure that, when authorising the supply of a Schedule 4 medicine to a patient, the prescription is handwritten or computer generated. When prescribing a Schedule 2 or 3 medicine, the Board encourages endorsed optometrists to issue a prescription, to help ensure effective communication with the pharmacist. Prescriptions must be handwritten or computer generated and include the: date of issue details of the prescriber, patient, medicine (including name, strength and quantity) precise directions (except when directions are too complex and are provided separately, or when administration is to be carried out by a nurse or other person instructed and authorised to administer), and the prescribers signature.
(b) choosing suitable medicines (if a medicine is considered necessary) so that the best available option is selected by taking into account: the individual the clinical condition risks and benefits dosage and length of treatment any coexisting conditions other therapies monitoring considerations, and costs for the individual, the community and the health system as a whole.
The Board advises against endorsed optometrists selfdiagnosing and then self-prescribing schedule 4 medicines.
(c) using medicines safely and effectively to get the best possible results by: monitoring outcomes minimising misuse, over-use and under-use improving peoples ability to solve problems related to medication, such as negative effects, and managing multiple medications.
2 3
The complete strategy can be found at www.health.gov.au. Refer to the Registration Standards tab on the Boards website.
associated with medicines, particularly those associated with new products. This information forms an important part of the TGAs monitoring activities and plays a key role in helping identify potential relationships between a therapeutic good and a series of adverse events. When a link can be established, the TGA takes action to ensure that medicines available in Australia continue to meet appropriate standards of safety, efficacy and quality. Further information can be found on the TGA website www. tga.gov.au.
ocular infections that constitute true ocular emergencies and require immediate treatment identification of risk factors for ocular surface infections indications and mechanisms of referral for microbiological investigation, and interpretation of the results of microbiological investigation and appropriate management stratagems arising from these results.
At present, fluoroquinolones have broad-spectrum activity with relatively little microbial resistance. To maintain maximal efficacy of these preparations, fluoroquinolones should not be used when alternative, equally effective agents could be used instead. Optometrists should consider a specialist opinion for patients who may require long-term antimicrobial use.
potential side effects of topical steroid preparations, including a propensity for raising intraocular pressure in susceptible individuals and the potential development of cataract, and management strategies for steroid-related intraocular pressure rises.
the roles and responsibilities of each person participating in the shared care.
Optometrists should consider referral for a specialist opinion for those patients who may require long-term steroid use.
The Board recommends the use of protocols and forms to clarify responsibilities and facilitate the transfer of information and communication between practitioners. Such systems may involve standardised forms used by all parties participating in the arrangement or may be a less regimented agreement that each party will provide or forward a report to others after each consultation with the patient.5 Ongoing discussion between the optometrist and the other treating practitioner(s) should involve reviewing these protocols and making changes necessary over time to ensure optimal care of the patient.
7. Guidelines for care of patients with, or at high risk of developing, chronic glaucoma
The following guidelines for care of patients with, or at high risk of developing, chronic glaucoma should be read in conjunction with: section 6 of these guidelines, Collaborative care guidelines National Health and Medical Research Council of Australias (NHMRC) Guidelines for the screening, prognosis, diagnosis, management and prevention of glaucoma 2010 (the NHMRC Guidelines) 6, and A guide to glaucoma for primary health care providers - a companion document to the NHMRC Guidelines for the screening, prognosis, diagnosis, management and prevention of glaucoma 7.
Optometrists Association Australia has published a position statement on Shared Care. This may inform the development of such protocols and or forms. Published at www.nhmrc.gov.au/guidelines/publications/ cp113-cp113b.
7 ibid.
The NHMRC Guidelines and the companion document outline a series of recommendations and supporting evidence for all practitioners involved in the screening, prognosis, diagnosis, management and prevention of glaucoma. In terms of collaborative care of patients with glaucoma, the Board endorses the recommendation from the NHMRC Guidelines that the professional roles, responsibilities and referral pathways are best determined in individual cases based on location, resources, skill-base of local health care practitioners and patient choice.8 When a diagnosis of chronic glaucoma is made, or a patient is at high risk of developing the disease, optometrists whose registration is endorsed for scheduled medicines must: refer the patient for specialist assessment and advice about ongoing management, or develop a management plan that includes initiation of treatment and monitoring of the patients response.
7.1 Equipment
To comply with these guidelines, optometrists must have the equipment to measure and/or assess a patients intraocular pressure, central corneal thickness, threshold visual fields, anterior chamber angle, optic nerve head and retinal nerve fibre layer. Optometrists should refer specifically to the sections on Diagnosis of glaucoma and Monitoring: long-term care in the NHMRC Guidelines.
Instillation of anti-glaucoma eye drops is the preferred primary intervention in chronic glaucoma management9 however, in certain cases patients will need initial assessment by an ophthalmologist for possible surgical intervention or laser treatment. Optometrists must be able to identify those cases and refer where appropriate. Optometrists should refer to the NHMRC Guidelines when setting target intra-ocular pressures and when making decisions about glaucoma management plans, including the frequency of review appointments. The patients risk factors for progression, their disease state and capacity to self-manage will dictate the frequency of review10. Referral for ophthalmological assessment and advice must be considered if the anti-glaucoma treatment does not stabilise the patients condition. The Board expects that optometrists managing patients with glaucoma will maintain regular communication with the patients general practitioner, ophthalmologist, physician or other health care practitioner. Clear communication between practitioners is crucial to ensure each practitioner understands who is responsible for providing each aspect of the patients care.
The Board will monitor this guideline for effectiveness and review it at least every three years. This guideline replaces any previously published National Board guidelines on use of scheduled medicines. Date of issue: 21 March 2013. Last reviewed: 21 March 2013.
National Health and Medical Research Council of Australias (NHMRC) Guidelines for the screening, prognosis, diagnosis, management and prevention of glaucoma 2010, p. 83 www.nhmrc. gov.au/guidelines/publications/cp113. NHMRC Guidelines, p. 108.
Appendix A
Approved programs of study and assessments for the purpose of endorsement for scheduled medicines
The Board accepts the following qualifications and assessments for endorsement for scheduled medicines.
Overseas-trained optometrists
Optometrists currently registered in Australia who trained outside Australia and New Zealand and who have or have had therapeutic prescribing rights in their country of training, may have their registration endorsed to prescribe medicines by successfully completing the Assessment of Competence in Ocular Therapeutics (ACOT) examination. This is conducted by the Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand (OCANZ). Information about ACOT can be found on the OCANZ website at http://www.ocanz.org.
Appendix B
List of scheduled medicines approved by the Optometry Board of Australia for administration by optometrists holding general registration
The Optometry Board of Australia has approved the following diagnostic drugs for optometrists to administer in the course of their practice: anaesthetics, local (synthetic cocaine substitutes) when prepared and packed in the form of eye drops tropicamide when prepared and packed in the form of eye drops containing one (1) per cent or less of tropicamide cyclopentolate hydrochloride when prepared and packed in the form of eye drops containing one (1) per cent or less of cyclopentolate hydrochloride atropine when prepared and packed in the form of eye drops containing one (1) per cent or less of atropine sulphate homatropine when prepared and packed in the form of eye drops containing two (2) per cent or less of homatropine hydrobromide pilocarpine nitrate when prepared and packed in the form of eye drops containing two (2) per cent or less of pilocarpine nitrate physostigmine salicylate when prepared and packed in the form of eye drops containing 0.5 per cent or less of physostigmine salicylate.
Registered optometrists should be familiar and comply with the current requirements of state and territory drugs and poisons legislation in the jurisdictions in which they practise. The Board will publish on its website a list of authorities that apply in each state and territory.
Appendix C
Board-approved list of Schedule 4 medicines
Under section 94 of the National Law, the Board may endorse the registration of eligible optometrists as qualified to obtain, possess, administer, prescribe or supply the scheduled medicines used in the treatment of conditions of the eye, included in the list below.11 Table C1 lists the Schedule 4 medicines that have been approved for use by optometrists whose registration has been endorsed by the Board. This is a duplicate of the list published in the Boards Endorsement for scheduled medicines registration standard. For an optometrist to possess, prescribe, supply or use these Schedule 4 medicines in a particular jurisdiction, the authorisation must be provided for by enactment of legislation in that jurisdiction. Registered optometrists should be familiar and comply with the current requirements in the jurisdictions in which they practise. The Board will publish on its website a list of authorities that apply in each state and territory. Table C1 Board-approved list of Schedule 4 poisons that optometrists with a scheduled medicines endorsement are qualified to obtain, possess, administer, prescribe or supply for topical use
Anti-infectives Anti-inflammatories Anti-glaucomas Miotics, mydriatics and cycloplegics Atropine Cyclopentolate Homatropine Pilocarpine Phenylephrine Tropicamide
Aciclovir Azithromycin Bacitracin Cephazolin Chloramphenicol1 Ciprofloxacin Framycetin Gentamicin Gramicidin Neomycin Ofloxacin Polymyxin Tetracycline Tobramycin Vidarabine
11 Refer to the Boards Endorsement for scheduled medicines registration standard published under the Registration Standards tab of the Boards website.
Appendix D
First aid for acute angle-closure event
The following immediate interventions are suggested, unless otherwise contraindicated in a given patient, for the emergency management of acute primary angle closure. Optometrists whose registration is endorsed for scheduled medicines are not currently authorised under state and territory drugs and poisons legislation to prescribe, possess or supplyacetazolamide(Diamox). In urgent cases, and when permitted bylegislationin the relevant jurisdiction, a pharmacist can supplyDiamoxto the patient when requested to do so via a telephone order froma medical practitioner.Optometristsare advised toliaise with a medical practitioner to arrange the supply ofDiamoxfor the patient. (a) An oral dose of acetazolamide 500mg (Diamox) can be administered provided there are no contraindications. If Diamox cannot be tolerated orally, the patient is likely to require intramuscular or intravenous administration of Diamox and/or treatment with other therapeutic agents. In this situation, referral and transfer to an ophthalmologist or hospital emergency department should occur without delay. (b) Instil the following topical medications (allowing approximately two minutes between each drop): One (1) drop beta-blocking agent (e.g. timolol, 0.5 per cent). One (1) drop alpha agonist (e.g. apraclonidine, 0.5 per cent). One (1) drop carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (e.g. brinzolamide, 1.0 per cent). If the eye is red and inflamed, one (1) drop highpenetrance topical steroid with the optometrist or patient to instil a further three (3) drops at regular intervals in the first hour, then hourly thereafter.
Note: Pilocarpine should only be used for mechanisms involving phakic pupillary block or angle crowding; use of pilocarpine is contraindicated for retrolenticular causes of angle closure as well as those involving aphakic or pseudophakic closure events.
It is preferable to withhold instillation of pilocarpine until the IOP has been reduced (except in the rare instance of an angle-closure event being caused through routine pupil dilation, in which case instillation of pilocarpine should commence immediately). (c) Just before the patient is transferred, and after discussion with the ophthalmologist confirming that instillation of pilocarpine is indicated, instil: One (1) drop pilocarpine, 2 per cent (with the optometrist or patient to instil a further drop in 15 minutes).