The Oredigger Issue 15 - February 2, 2009
The Oredigger Issue 15 - February 2, 2009
The Oredigger Issue 15 - February 2, 2009
Oredigger Staff
Sara Post
Headlines from around the world
Lily Giddings Emily Trudell, Staff Writer
Managing Editor
Zach Boerner Redoubt Volcano, located week while the star was vacation- Pirates have hijacked another Cuban President Raul Castro
Copy Editor roughly 100 miles from Anchorage, ing in the Caribbean. Reportedly, ship in the Gulf of Aden, one of visited Russian President Dmitri
Alaska, is set to blow in the near a flat screen TV, recording equip- the most dangerous places in the Medvedev to boost foreign rela-
Abdullah Ahmed
Business Manager future. People living in the area ment, and guitars were some of world for piracy. The ship is a Ger- tions between the two nations.
have been encouraged to buy dust the items stolen. man-owned tanker carrying a crew This is the first time since the Cold
Amanda Graninger masks and goggles. A bus overturned roughly 27 of thirteen. War that leaders from Cuba have
Design Editor A mother of six gave birth to oc- miles south of the Hoover Dam, The United States Justice De- visited the Russian capital.
tuplets in California, ranging from killing at least seven and injuring at partment is currently investigating Uzbekistan officials claim to
Ryan Browne one pound, eight ounces, to three least ten. The bus was carrying a former CIA officer to Algeria An- have found the world’s oldest
Webmaster pounds, four ounces. The mother group of Chinese tourists from Las drew Warren, who is accused of woman. Tuti Yusupowa was born
Cericia Martinez had undergone fertility treatments Vegas to Arizona. drugging and raping two Algerian on July 1, 1880, making her 128
Asst. Design Editor for Layout before the pregnancy. The number of cases of chol- women while he held the position. years old.
The Republican National era in Zimbabwe, Africa, has
Tiffany Turner Committee elected its first African risen past 60,000. Experts report
Asst. Design Editor for Style American leader, Michael Steele. that the spread of the disease
The U.S. government decided is not under control nor is
Robert Gill not to renew a security contract it slowing, with poor
Asst. Business Manager for
Sales and Marketing with Blackwater Worldwide, a sanitation in the
security firm that has been working affected ar-
Ian Littman with the United States in Iraq. The eas.
Asst. Business Manager for government noted a 2007 incident
Web Content wherein 17 Iraqis were killed in a
shootout with Blackwater security
Mike Stone guards.
Fool’s Gold Content Manager
Joseph Moser, 87, a World War
Tim Weilert II veteran who was shot down over
Content Manager Nazi territory and spent time in the
infamous Buchenwald Concentra-
Jake Rezac tion camp, was honored with the
Content Manager Distinguished Flying Cross,
meant to honor those displaying
Spencer Nelson “heroism or extraordinary achieve-
Content Manager
ment while participating in an aerial
Neelha Mudigonda flight.”
Content Manager The Food and Drug Admin-
istration announced that a crimi-
David Frossard nal investigation is underway in a
Faculty Advisor Georgia plant where the salmo-
nella outbreak in peanut but-
ter products is thought to have
originated. Nationally, over 500
salmonella cases have recently
been linked to peanut butter con-
The London home of singer
Amy Winehouse was robbed this
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
February 2, 2009
n e w s Page 3
Applying ultra-
adsorb gaseous molecules such pure platinum surfaces. Addition- of the most interesting aspects
as carbon monoxide, hydroxide, ally, these platinum nanoparticles to study in materials research.
and diatomic oxygen. have been easily poisoned by Through her studies of surface
Many of these catalytic ma- common contaminants in the in- chemistry, Devina Pillay has
terials have been proven highly coming air stream, such as sulfur, opened doors for further research
cold molecules
successful. For instance, gold that block the relevant reactants in the field of surface chemistry.
nanoparticles grown on rutile from adsorbing to the surface. Her work has progressed science
(TiO2) have been shown to oxi- “The cost and efficiency need to closer to more efficient catalytic
dize carbon monoxide gas at very be increased in order for fuel cells processes and proven that the
low temperatures. “Unfortunately to become an everyday reality,” most profound discoveries can CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
said Pillay. occur on the very surface of ma- requires two of the ultra-cold gas
there have been problems in sta-
Côté compares it to running particles coming together to form
bilizing these gold particles,” ex- Pillay explained that alloying terials.
up stairs: “Each time you go up a a molecule in an excited state. As
step you loose energy. As the mol- Professor Côté explained, “they
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Page 4 f e a t u r e s February 2, 2009
Wanted to try your hand at Parallels developed programs virtual machine is the real thing. its features. Enter Sun, with their platforms. As will the virtual ma-
Linux? Needed to run SolidWorks that could run Windows within It takes innovative programming free VirtualBox suite. It’s rough chines. Copy over your disk im-
on a Mac? Or Word on Linux, if OS X with the greatest of ease to emulate hardware in software around the edges in places. age file (in all likelihood, smaller
you’re into that sort of and downright brilliant Copying files from the host op- than an equivalent install on a
thing? Thanks to the mod- work to make said soft- erating system to a guest is like real machine) and your settings
ern marvel of virtualization, In short, the virtualization soft- ware go at a respectable copying files over a network ver- file, then start the system up on
you don’t even have to re-
boot your computer to ex-
ware sets up a “virtual machine” clip. However, the job isn’t sus drag-and-drop ability in Fu- your new “host.” That’s it; all your
too terrible, since all ma- sion and Parallels. However, the files and settings are transferred
perience two or more op- with hardware mirroring a “real” jor operating systems can software runs a good bit faster over. Future of computing? Pos-
erating systems at once. run on the same proces- than its for-pay competitors, and sibly.
Before the more tech- computer. sor type (x86), which also you can even get an open-source The bottom line is that if
nical people rant and rail happens to be standard version to pick apart as you will. you’re having problems running
about the long life of vir- fare for the vast majority of VirtualBox also exemplifies the XYZGrapher in Windows Vista or
tualization software, back in the and with only a 15 to 20 percent desktops, laptops, and if you like Office 2007 better
days of what is now Microsoft’s performance hit versus running servers. than Office 2008, grab some
Virtual PC, let this be taken into Windows alone. One problem. VM- VirtualBox also exemplifies the virtualization software (Virtu-
account. Virtualization took off The process? In short, the Ware Fusion and Par-
when Apple turned Intel. At that virtualization software sets up a allels cost a good bit
features that make virtualization alBox is a good choice) and
a copy of Windows XP from
point, people could switch be- “virtual machine” with hardware of money, and they’re so cool. AC&N, and you’ll be good to
tween Windows (or Linux) and OS mirroring a “real” computer, on Mac-only products so, go. Speed-wise, you won’t
X with a simple reboot, but a few which Windows XP Professional, if you want to run Linux be playing 3D games in a vir-
companies figured they could do Windows Vista Business, Ulti- within Windows or the other way features that make virtualization tual machine, but for everything
better. Soon, they did so by har- mate (according to Microsoft’s li- around, you’re out of luck. On so cool. You can install the client else, you are golden, no format-
nessing the power of Intel’s new- cense terms), or pick-your-Linux- the other hand, Microsoft’s Virtu- on Windows, Linux, or Mac, and ting, rebooting, or hair-pulling re-
est processors, VMWare, and flavor can run, pretending the al PC software is rather anemic in it’ll work very similarly on all three quired.
As a campus that is devoted to by the buildings’ custodial staff and
“earth, energy, and environment,” the transported to a central location for
Colorado School of Mines has slowly, pickup. In Weaver Towers, there are
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but persistently, become greener. recycle bins next to the regular trash
With the new semester came new bins. Residents are responsible for
options for waste management as taking recyclables from their rooms
Environmental Health and Safety to the “Single Stream” containers on
(EHS) introduced single stream recy- the main floor. EHS student workers
cling receptacles to the Mines cam- transport materials from the central
pus. locations in buildings to the campus
“We continually try to facilitate recycling facility. The results from the
3 or more Medium
recycling around campus to make pilot program will guide us in further
it easier for the students, staff, and reducing landfill use and maximizing
faculty to participate,” said Gayle El- resource recovery.”
1-topping Pizzas
liott of EHS. The receptacles, which Elliott stressed the need for cam-
have blue lids and feature the recog- pus-wide participation when she
nizable recycling symbol, can handle said, “We will continue to support
“single stream” recyclable items and programs which are environmentally
are one part of EHS’s continuing ef- and fiscally responsible. We see that
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forts to promote sustainability. “Single the greatest improvements in recy-
stream recycling,” according to Elliott, cling could be achieved by universal
“includes such a wide variety of items participation by students, staff and
that if used properly, it should reduce faculty.”
the volume of trash which is hauled Acceptable items for single-
to the landfill.” However, some items stream:
should not be placed in the recep- Paper 8303
tacles. These include items contami- Plastics 1-7
nated with food, any type of fabric, Cardboard
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w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
February 2, 2009
f e a t u r e s Page 5
Sorority recruitment
private school for no breaking signals down into every
pay, so I guess that’s electrical engineer’s favorite wave,
a hobby. the sine wave.
What are Make up a new variable
Play-Doh With Plato award.”
LB Williams your plans symbol.
CSM girls say sorority life has de-
Staff Writer for after In the spirit of Scott Strong
veloped them into more well-round-
gradu- math, it should be something fast,
Informal sorority recruitment ed young women. Instead of being
ation? strong, agile. Something simple
commenced and concluded last a specific, single-purposed club, a
like a smiley face, or pumpkin.
month with house tours, coffee, ice sorority allows for a variety of inter-
Or any seasonal vegetable. Or
cream socials, and lots of laughter. ests to flourish. Individuals are wel-
only when appropriate, a Starfleet
Events were designed for potential comed. Joining a sorority is about
new members to become better forming bonds, sisterhood, and life-
What about the ratio?
acquainted with the sororities. Colo- long friendships.
rado School of Mines (CSM) girls CSM has three sororities with
had the opportunity to consider an brand new houses on campus. Each
all-female community environment house has its own unique vibe and
while the sorority chapters looked to traditions. Are they equally attractive
embrace new friends. to sorority-inclined students? Yes.
Most CSM students would not All three sororities had to decline
think of joining a sorority or frater- interested girls during this spring’s
nity as a priority. Combined with the recruitment cycle. Disappointed girls
Mines schoolwork load and extra were all encouraged to continue vis-
social obligations, such as Home- iting their favorite houses over the
coming float building and charitable semester and to return in the fall for
fundraising, a busy schedule is a potential bid.
bound to occur. Sigma Kappa mem- It is understood that the decline
ber Roxanna Meza says the base is not personal; it is a matter of ruled
commitments are totally manage- capacity. Each sorority is allowed a
able. “Because you’re doing them chapter maximum of 45 members.
with your best friends, the activities This includes all current, undergrad-
actually feel special and effortless.” uate-enrolled sisters living inside and
Academics are the priority for outside the sorority house.
the CSM sororities. They each have More ‘spots’ are available in the
study nights and amazing class notes fall because more graduations occur
at the end of spring semester. Fall
from prior years for their members. A
subtle rivalry does exist between the rush is the official recruitment period
houses, including the fraternities, but for the academic year for all Greek The tougher the challenge, the better it feels when you finally overcome
it is all in fun and in everyone’s best societies on campus. There are it. Most people wouldn’t have thought it was possible to run a gas rig on
interests. They compete annually for more events, free food, and friend- less power than it takes to boil a kettle of water. But that didn’t stop us
honors such as “Best Pan-Hellenic making opportunities during that for- from finding a way. If you get a kick out of being challenged, talk to
GPA” and even a “Greek Weekend mal period. All undergraduates are Shell. We’ll team you up with some of our most accomplished problem
welcomed to check it out.
solvers, and give you the training and support you need to develop
your career. Together, we can help build a responsible
energy future. Think further. I/O:
For more information, stop by our booth at the Spring 2009 Colo
Career Day, February 10, or apply online at Size
Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Artis
V: 3
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Page 6 f e a t u r e s February 2, 2009 f e a t u r e s Page 7
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Page 8 l i f e s t y l e February 2, 2009
Far too often, foreign films don’t do well in America because of the mono-lingual tastes of the American
consumer. No one wants to sit through 2 or more hours of subtitles. However, these people are missing out on
some fantastic films. There is much to gain when watching foreign films, as they are a window to other cultures
Your student body different from our own. In the spirit of diversity, which Mines has often endorsed, this week’s Must See Movies
president, Kevin Duffy, looks at a few foreign films that everyone should watch.
invites you to the eighth 1. Shichinin no samurai [The Seven Samurai] (1954)
Many consider The Seven Samurai one of the greatest pieces of work in all of film. This Japanese movie
ASCSM meeting of the year. has been imported through an adaptation of the basic plot in the film, The Magnificent Seven (1960). However,
nothing can quite compare to Akira Kurosawa’s original masterpiece. Set in Japan in the 1600’s, the plot revolves
around a small village that has been frequently attacked by a group of guerrilla thieves. In order to save their vil-
The next ASCSM meeting is lage, the village elders hire seven unemployed samurai to protect their town. Receiving nothing in payment but
food and shelter, these seven misfits manage to repel the thieves and protect the village. Despite its three and
February 5 at 7 PM in Student Cen- a half hour length, The Seven Samurai deserves a watch due to the quality of the emotion, drama, and action.
3. Persepolis (2007)
It has been many years since the classical, 2-D animation style has been used for a feature length film in
raffled for the America, which is why one must go to the foreign market to find animated fare of this quality. Spoken in French
and based off of the graphic novel of the same name, Persepolis is an autobiographical tale of Marjane Satrapi.
Set in 1980’s Iran, we follow Marjane as she grows up through multiple revolutions. From a Czar to an Islamic
audience at
state to war with Iraq, the instability of Iran causes Marjane’s parents to send her to Europe for safety. However,
the fact that she is from Iran causes some tension at first, due to racial profiling and stereotypes. Eventually, her
homesickness gets the better of her, and Marjane heads back to Iran. Persepolis was animated in the black
each meeting.
and white style reminiscent of the original graphic novel, which ends up being a strong vehicle for the beauty
and violence of this film.
For Homework – See Wo hu cang long [Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon] (2000)
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February 2, 2009 s p o r t s Page 9
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Page 10 o p i n i o n February 2, 2009
Minds at Mines
Over one hundred students this policy should not be enact- affect a number of students.
gathered for the Faculty Senate ed, we are still faced with a dis- To remedy the situation, ASC-
meeting last November to ex- concerting situation. The faculty SM is optimistic that the faculty
press their concern over the pro- is within will add
posed plus/minus grading policy t h e i r I am confident that the students an A+
A hypothetical universe: snow days for undergraduates. Together, we
stood up and conveyed to the
l e g a l
right to and faculty of this committee will associat-
with an
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
February 2, 2009 s a t i r e Page 11
8-6: Wimp. Now, either you’ve been living under a rock or you think
“American” begins with a silent “P.” Don’t blame the fact that you can’t
spell on being an engineer - blame it on all that paint you sniffed in junior-
4 5 6 1
14) Society of Women Engineers
13) Society of Student Geophysicists
2 5 9 8
12) Society of Physics Students
11) Society of Petroleum Engineers
3 6 2
10) Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
9) Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
1 3 5
8) National Society of Black Engineers
7) International Society of Explosives Engineers
9 7 5 8 4 6
6) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5) Association of Engineering Geologists
3 4 1
4) Association of Computing Machinery
3) American Society of Mechanical Engineers
5 2 1
2) American Society of Civil Engineers
1) American Institute for Chemical Engineers
7 3 6 9
1 9 4 5
Puzzle by
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Page 12 a d v e r t i s e m e n t s fbruary 2, 2009
• Hormone-free Milk
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days? You can now get your AFPP • Proudly Serving
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• Organic Espresso Drinks
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t