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DLSU HUMAART Policies (Third Term 2013)

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DLSU HUMAART (Third Term 2013)

CLASS POLICIES: RESPECT - Listen in class (whether it be the teacher or the designated reporter). - Instructions will only be given once or twice. - If you want to talk to your seatmate, kindly go outside and discuss. Consideration for others who care to listen is a key for respect. - Please reserve all your side comments (even related to the subject) after class. - No one is allowed to use LAPTOPS or CELLPHONES during class sessions. UNLESS one is setting up for his or her reports, or required by the teacher, then they may do so. Finishing papers or doing projects required in other subjects is prohibited. CLASS PARTICIPATION - Everyone is required to participate in every class activity, including presentation of reports. All students are graded for every activity and report. REPORTS: Criteria: Presentation (creativity of presentation, etc.) Clarity of report/vocal projection Understanding of Topic Since this is an art class, reports are expected to be done in an artistic way, lively and interesting for the class. Failure to appear for the assigned topic for reporting forfeits his/her chance for a grade. Only those who can present an OFFICIAL EXCUSE SLIP will be accommodated. It is also the students responsibility to verify with the teachers record of the presentation after his/her report. Guidelines for Reporting: 1. For your power point presentation, include only key words, concepts, illustrations, pictures or video clips. Do not put all the text in your visuals and simply read. You must mention the concept then explain in your own words. This will be a test of how well you understand your reports. 2. Each will be assigned to a group that will focus on a certain art genre. Assign among your group specific topics for reporting. PLEASE coordinate with your respective groups by communicating through our Yahoo Groups.

3. For references on topics , please use reliable sources (books, offical websites, etc.). Wikipedia, blogs (unless it is the offical blog of an artist, critic, writer etc.) are NOT accepted.


Attendance: Punctuality is a key trait to professionalism. Every student is required to come on time for class. If one comes to class after 10 minutes, he or she is already considered LATE. If a student arrives 30 minutes after the class starts, he or she will be marked ABSENT. It is the students responsibility to sign the attendance sheet upon arrival in class. If there are absences, please secure an excuse slip and get an official university excuse slip from the Office of the Vice Dean, College of Liberal Arts.

Papers/Projects: All requirements (papers, projects, class work, etc.) must be submitted on or before the deadline. LATE REQUIREMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Projects submitted on the same day should be left on my desk/pigeonhole temporarily located at the Literature Department, North Conservatory. Since you will be required to attach developed pictures and ticket stubs from shows with your papers, all papers must be COMPLETE- meaning everything- from pictures or stapled tickets must be secure and ready for submission. Unstapled tickets or unattached photos will not be accepted. PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! When a one-page paper is required, please make it one-page ONLY. No more, no less.

* Please secure all your papers in your files. If an extra copy is requested from you in the future, be prepared to submit. Always, ALWAYS write your section (Your section will be your ID). Failure to do so will have deduction on your grade. PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is a serious offense. If a student fails to make the proper citations and simply copies and pastes, he/she automatically gets a failing grade of 0.0 for that paper. If one cites a

passage, he/she must put quotation marks or paraphrases a passage writing the source in open and close parentheses. Do not simply acknowledge the sources at the end of the paper. Observe proper documentation.

HUMAART BANK During the course of the study, there will be instances when students will be required to attend concerts or theater /dance performances. Students should set aside at least Php 1,000 (consumable) for ticket purchases.

COMMUNICATION: Email: farkyact@yahoo.com Yahoo groups: HUMAART_Global3 Group Home Page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HUMAART_Global3 Group Email: HUMAART_Global3@yahoogroups.com Consultation Venue: Literature Department, North Conservatory, LS Building Consulation Schedule: MW 9:40-12:00 noon, TTh 1:30-4:00 PM Dates: Must make an appointment two days before the scheduled time.

Note: Students must provide two (2) 1 x 1 ID pictures after the first class meeting. One for the index cards, and another for the seat plan.

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