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Homeopathy Cures

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The text discusses the history of homeopathy and mentions several important figures like Hippocrates, Paracelsus, and Samuel Hahnemann. It also provides information on common homeopathic remedies and their uses.

Paracelsus and Samuel Hahnemann are mentioned as important historical figures. Paracelsus believed in the principle of 'like cures like' and Hahnemann is considered the founder of homeopathy.

Remedies like Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Aconite, Belladonna, Arsenicum, and Rhus Tox are mentioned as common remedies for children's illnesses like teething, colds, earaches, fevers, diarrhea, and injuries.

HOMEOPATHIC GUIDES By Miranda Castro, F.S.Hom. In the fifth century BC Hippocrates(C.

470-400 BC)the father of medicine wrote that there were two methodws of healing; by contraries and by similars. Every disease has its own nature and arises from external causes from cold, from the sun , from changing winds. He advised against meddlesome interference, saying, Our natures are the physicians of our diseases. His observations on cure by similars were not followed by the medical profession and over the next thousand years they seemed to lie dormant-except of course, that country people throughout the world have used this principle sucessfully in their own folk medicines for many hundreds of years. Paracelsus(1493-1541)a German doctor born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheimwas unconventional even by the standards of his time.He was one of the natural philosophers who sought to overthrow what he called the logicomathematical theorising of the time.He saw the earth as a great chemical laboratory and recognised the value of chemical experiments in meditine,both as the basis for understanding physiological process and as a source of medicinal preparations.He is called the father of chemistryfor he updated alchemy by moving it away from itssearch for the elixir of life towards treating illness and practical pharmaceutical studies.he based it firmly on the observation of plantsanimals and minerals and stressed the importance of direct,practical experience and experimentation.He railed against those who believed that contraries cure. Paracelsus believed in the harmony of the whole universe.He turned to German folk medicinewhich believed in like curing like,or that the poison that causes a disease should become its cure.As a result he was accused of advocating the internal use of lethal poisons,but in fact he gave careful attention to dosageand noted that a very small dose could overcome a great disease.He also used only one medicine at a time.He saw nature in each and every person as a vital spirit ,and predicted the germ theory of disease by stating that the causes of disease were external seed- like factors became localised growing in specific organs as the seeds of disease which combated the local vital spirit of the organ and body.He also believed in the natural recuperative power of the human body. THE FOUNDER OF HOMEOPATHY: SAMUEL HAHNEMANN(1755-1843) Samuel Hahnemann was born in Saxony on 10 April 1755 .Hahnemann was the third of five children born into a poor but protestant family.He was educated initially by his parents.His father a man of high principals and deep religious belief,taught him never to learn or listen passively but to question everything. Legend tells us that before his father went to work he would lock the boy in his room with a problem to think through,releasing him on his return only if he had the correct answer. The young Samuel appears to have taken learning very seriously; he certainly had an inordinate thirst for knowledge and is reported to have been gifted and clever child,though often ailing from over-studying and his familys economic circumstances.At school his teachers recognised his unusual intelligence and he was not charged the usual fees.His greatest talents were for languages, mathematics, geometry and botany. By teaching and translating , Hahnemann paid his way through the university of Leipzig where he studied medicine and Chemistry. He qualified as a doctor in 1791 and practised medicine for about nine years,during which time he married. Increasingly ,however, he became disillusioned by the cruel and ineffective treatments of his time(blood-letting, purging, poisonous drugs with horrendous side effects) and took the courageous decision to give up his practice, concentrating instead on study research, writing and translation:Page-5. I cannot reckon on much income from practice I am too conscientious to prolong illness or make it appear more dangerous than it really is It was agony for me to walk always in darkness when I had to heal the sick ,and to prescribe, according to such or such an hypothesis concerning diseases,substances which owed their place in the Materia Medica to an arbitrary decisionsoon after my marriage,I renounced the practice of medicine,that I might no longer incur , the risk of doing injury, and I engagewd exclusively in chemistry and in literary occupations. This meant that for many years his family was extremely poor,with Hahnemann,his wife and a growing number of children living at times in only one room and with little more than bread and fresh air as sustenance. One of the major works Hahnemann translated was Dr.William Cullens A Treatise on Materia Medica.Cullen(1710-90) was an Edinburgh teacher Physician and chemistand his book included an essay on Cinchona which Homeopaths call China).from which quinine ,the treatment for malaria,is

derived.Cullen attributed Cinchonasability to cure malaria,with its symptoms of periodic fever, sweating and palpitations,to its bitterness.Hahnemann,sceptical of this explanation,tested small doses on himself and wrote in a letter: The standard medical assumption had always been that if the body produced a symptom the appropriate treatment would be an antidote,an opposite or contrary medicine to that symptom.For example constipation would be treated with laxatives,which produce diarrhoea . Hahnemanns experience with Cinchona indicated that a different principle of treatment might apply.Hahnemann would have been familiar with Hippocrates writings on curing with similars and so it must have been with great excitement that he embarked on further experiments that confirmed this principle.He called this similia similibus curentur , or let likes be cured with like,and this principle of curing with similars become the first law of asystems of healing he called homeopathy, from the greek homoios(similar) and pathos(suffering or disease)., in order to differentiate it from orthodox medicinewhich he called allopathy, meaning opposite suffering. If I mistake not practical medicine has devised three ways of applying remedies for the relief of disorders of the human body.The first method that of removing or destroying the causes of the malady,that is preventive treatment.The second and most common , contraria contraris that is healing by opposites,such as the palliative treatment of constipation by laxatives..the third similia similibus,that is,in order to cure disease,we must seek medicines that can excite similar symptoms in the healthy body. Hahnemann wrote this in 1796.During the next six years he conducted many provings on his family and friendsand also studied accounts of the symptoms shown by victims of accidental poisonings. Finally he set up in medical practice again,but with adifferent basis for his prescriptions. He used the material he had gathered from the provings and in his patients looked for the simillimum-the remedy whose symptom picture(based on the provings) most matched that of his patient.His methods were met with disbelief and he was ridiculed by colleagues,but the patients flowed in and the astonishing results Hahnemann achived verified his history. He also differed from conventional practitioners in giving only one remedy at a timewhich was unheard of in an age when apothecaries made fortunes by mixing numberous substances ,many of which were highly noxious.This earned him enemies among the pharmacists. Hahnemann numbered the potentised the remedies according to the number of times they had been diluted . A remedy diluted 6 times (taking out one- hundredth of the liquid each time and adding 99/100 alcohol) was called a 6C.In his life time he prescribed up to the thirtieth potency. The ORGANON and other publications; Hahnemann proved about 100 remedies.wrote over 70 original works and translated about 24 EnglishFrench,Italian and Latin texts on a wide range of subjects. He also corresponded with homeopaths ,Colleagues and friends throughout the world all in addition to his vast daily practice. In 1810 Hahnemann published the first edition of the ORGANON of Rational Medicine (later The Organon of the Healing Art),which ran to six editions, each one modified and expanded.In the same year when LEIPZIG was attacked in the Napoleonic campaigns and 80 thousands men were slaughtered ,Hahnemanns treatment of the survivors and also of victims of the great typhus epidemic that followed the siege were highly successful and further increased his reputation. Between 1811-1821 Hahnemann punlished his Materia Medica Pura in six volumes., In these volumes remedies were given in weak dilutions and not in potentised doses.Coffee,teawinebrandy and spicy or salty food were all banned from the provers diets.although a little beer was allowed.Games and work activity were restricted,but moderate exercise was encouraged. In 1828 Hahnemann s Chronic Diseases and their Homeopathic Cure appeared (it eventually ran to five volumes).In it he elaborated on the philosophy of the Organon, adding more remedies as a result of his experiences in successfully treating cronic patients. Hahnemanns final years: In 1834 a certain Mademoiselle Marie Melanie dHervilly travelled from Paris to consult Hahnemann (now aged 79 years and a widower) in KOTHEN where he was established.She was an attractive,intelligent society lady of about 30 years,and a self styled artist who had caused a minor scandal by dressing as a man. After reading The ORGANON she came to study with Hahnemann, claiming that she had a vocation for medicine.Within 6 months of her arrival in Kothen they were married much to the horror of Hahnemanns remaining family.They moved to Paris and set up house in the fashionable rue de Milan,where Hahnemann established a prosperous practice,continuing to work long days with his patients rich and poor alike, maintaining his no cure no fee system. Melanie helped her husband by taking notes and began to treat patients under his supervision. On 2 July 1843,at the age of 88, Hahnemann died in Paris after a few months of bronchial catarrh.Melanie refused to allow friendsand

family to visit the body; there were no invitations to the funeral and Hahnemann was buried in a public grave in the cemetery at Montmartre.Fifty five years later his body was exhumed and reburied in the famous Pere Lachaise cemetery along with poets,musicians and field marshals. Melanie Hahnemann continued to practise after his death; as she had no formal medical training , she was the first woman lay homeopath.Presumably wealthy after Hahnemanns death,she refused to help her German relations,and withheld various of her husbands notes and writings,including the sixth edition of the Organon,against repeated requests from homeopaths.She held out for enormous sums ,gaining a reputation for being shrewd and calculating. Unpopular and isolated,she died at the age of seventy-eight. Samuel Hahnemann lived before the germ theory of disease had been proposed, before thermometers,the x-ray and antibiotics made medicine appear increasingly scientific.Yet,as we have seen,in his ideas and in his approach,he was certainly a man of science and an innovator.He was a man of sufficient intellect and culture to combine science and metaphysics.Consciously or unconsciously, he drew on the traditions of German folk medicine,alchemy and magic, as well as the developments in Chemistry,pathology,Pharmaceutics and medicine which in the late 18 th and early 19th centuries were beginning to make medical diagnosis and treatment both more accurate and more humane.Although brought up in a Protestant household,in later life he became a religious free thinker,believing that God permeated every living thing.He also seems to have believed that he was divinely chosen and guided in his work. Hahnemann was apparently an irritable man with a penchant for antagonism which to have lived on in many of his followers.They were mostly doctors who became converted to homeopathy.Two such converts were CONSTANTINE HERING and JAMES TYLER KENT. Constantine Hering(1800-80)- studied medicine at Leipzig University,where,after publication of the ORGANON,his professor asked him to write a paper disproving Hahnemann's theories. Far from being able to discredit Hahnemann ,he found himself greatly interested and abandoned the paper.He was also successfully treated for an inflammation of the hand that threatened amputation after a wound became infected while he was dissecting ,and this convinced him further.He became involved in the homeopathic world and joined the Provers Union which meant he had to move to another university in order to complete his medical training because of the hostility at Leipzig towards homeopathy. In 1827 Hering travelled to south America on a voyage of botanical exploration(financed by the King of Saxony) and sent details of his researches back to Germany-including the provings of Lachesis the bushmaster snake ,which he personally undertook,asking his wife to record everything that he said and did while he was delirious from the venom. On his way back to Europe he stopped off in Philadelphia and was persuaded to stay to become one of the founding fathers of homeopathy in the USA. He set up the first training academy (which was closed down after the funds were embezzled by a dishonest secretary),then the Hahnemann Medical College,which flourished and grew almost to university status. It had 70 professors and lecturers, and 300 students training at any one time, treating 50,000 patients and 6000 out-patient cases a year in a general hospital with 200 beds as well as a special wing for midwifery. In all , 3500 homeopaths were trained by the college. Hering continued to prove remedies throughout his life and wrote extensively .He is best remembered today for his Laws of Cure.He also took Hahnemanns miasm theories a stage furtherdeveloping the idea that any disease could leave a taint or miasm. He developed potentised disease productswith which he experimented by giving them to people who had never been well since suffering from a particular disease. For example,he potentised the sputum of a person suffering from tuberculosis and gave it to patients who had never been really well since suffering from tuberculosis themselves.This method of treatment cleared the miasm and enabled the indicated remedies to work.This was not classical homeopathy as Hahnemann had developed it,and has since been called ISOPATHY that is,treating with the same thing rather than with a similar thing. James Tyler Kent(1849-1916)-After qualifying as a physician in his native America,Kent practised orthodox medicine until his first wife became ill and demanded homeopathic treatment.The success of this treatment converted Kent and he devoted his remarkable energy to to Homeopathy.A man with a high moral sense and an equally strong belief in his own rightness and authority,Kents writings are dogmatic , much like Hahnemanns later works. He advocated the use of very high potencies-up to CM and MM and mainly prescribed abovethe 30 th potency.Kents major published works are his Repertory, his Philosophy and his Materia Medica.The Repertorywhich is more systematic and readable-and therefore more accessible-than earlier ones,is the one still most in use today. His Materia Medica was-and is-also the most accessible to date.He developed pictures of the remedies-constitutional types as they became known-from patients

emotional symtoms,identifying, for example, Sulphur patients, who were scruffy and lazy(ragged philosophers,as he termed them). This approach moved away from the purely scientific and pathological understanding of the remedies.Those who adopted Kents new methods , along with high-potency prescribing ,became known as Kentians.His influence increased after his death,both in the USA and abroad. In 1826 a young doctor called Frederick Hervey Foster Quin visited Hahnemann in Germany and spent some time studing with the Leipzig homeopaths; later he studied for a year with Hahnemann in Paris.He was a very well connected young man with a flourishing practice and a social network to match.He had been appointed physician to Napoleon in exile on St Helena,but Napoleon had died before he could take up the post.In 1831 Quin caught cholera while visiting Europe to study homeopathic treatments for the epidemic and was cured with Hahnemanns prescription of CAMPHOR. In 1832 Quin set up a homeopathic practice in London,where he treated many famous people,including Dickens and Thackeray,and in 1844 he established the British Homeopathic Society.He founded the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1849. Queen Adelaide,wife of King William IV,brought homeopathy from her native Saxony to the English royal family.Albert,Queen Victorias consort,was the son of Duke Ernst of Saxe-Coburg who had employed Hahnemann in 1792 to run a humane lunatic asylum in Germany. The English royal family maintains an active involvement in homeopathy to this day. The Queen has her own consultant homeopath and carries her black box of homeopathic remedies with her on all her travels.(page-5 to 16). Pinchuck and clark,Medicine for Beginners, Writers and Readers,London,1984.

Natural Health care for CHILDREN by Karen Sullivan,published by Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Ltd., 5,Windmill Street, London WIT 2JA, e-mail-info@piatkus.co.uk Homeopathic Guides on STRESS & The complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro Published by Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 25,Eccleston Place, London SWIW 9NF Potency: The letter C refers to the method of dilution that has been used (in this case the CENTESIMAL scale of dilution) .This means that the original substance has been made into a liquid and diluted in an alcohol solution.One drop of this solution is added to ninety-nine drops of distilled water or alcohol and shaken or succussed to render the first potency or 1c.This process is repeated at each stage, taking one drop of the last potency and adding it to ninety-nine drops of dilutant.Nons0luble substances such as metals and minarals go through a grinding process called trituration in order to make them soluble. You can also come across medicines that have a d or x after the number which means these have been diluted according to the decimal scale.This involves the same basic process that has been outlined above,but in this case the proportions used are one drop of dilutant to nine drops of alcohol or distilled water.When buying homeopathic medicines, you may find that the c is often omitted from the centesinal potencies.As a result ,a centesinal potency of Arnica may be labelledArnica 6 or Arnica 30.However,decimal potencies will always have a d or x on the label. ABSCESSES: Hepar Sulph-for an abscess that is tender,causing sharp pain.Belladonna-for early stages,where there is tendreness and throbbing pain.Silica- for aslow forming abscess,with swelling,that doesnt appear to come to a head.Lavender,Tea tree oil or thyme will help to bring it out. ACNE: Psorinum, Silica, Antimonium Tart for pus-filled pimples. Sulphur-for chronic acne with hard and rough skin.Hepar Sulphar for large boil-like spots.Pulsatilla-when the acne is aggravated by rich,fatty foods., your child dislikes stuffy roomsand is often tearful. ASTHAMA- Ipecac,Arsenicum(Waking between midnight and 2 am with difficult breathing. Bryonia for asthama that comes on at the end of a cold with hard and dry cough.Nat.sulph for asthma in damp weather.loose cough with yellowish mucus.Lachesis for asthma that comes in spring or autumn.

Allergies: Urtica will help with hives; Pulsatilla will help with thick catarrh (specially if your child is tearful) and itching eyes.Arsenicum for sneezing and itching eyes.Aconite when your child is restless and frightened. Veratrum-when her skin is cold and mottled with a cold sweat. Arnica for shock brought on by injury. ANAEMIA- Ferrum Phos after taking food. Nat mur for anaemia with constipation ,headache, and tendency to cold sore. Calc.Phos for anaemia during a growth spurt , accompanied by irritability ANXIETY: - Aconite for sudden panic attack. Arsenicum may be useful if your child feels insecure,restless tired. Nat.Mur. may be useful if she dwells on morbid topics and hates fuss. HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER and DEFICIT DISORDER: BEDWETTING: EQUISETUM when the wetting occursduring dreams. Belladonna ,when it occurs early in the night . Kreosotum, when wetting occurs during dreams in early night and deep sleep.Causticum, when wetting in first sleep,worse in clear weather or when your child has a cough . Plantago, when all else fails. BOILS: Belladonna for red ,tender, new boils. Hepar Sulph. For boils that are sensitive, and weep easily. This will bring the boil to a head. Gun powder for weeping but not painful boils. BRONCHITIS: Pulsatilla- worse in stuffy room,dry caugh at night and loose in the morning. Ipecac for nausea,vomiting and a feeling of suffocation.Bryonia for dry,stabbing cough with headache and great thirst. Phosphorusfor tight,ticking cough,pale, anxious and thirsty for cold water.Aconite, for sudden onset,wiyh dry cough and chills.Essential oils: eucalyptus and thyme to be inhaled in a steam bath.Ginger oil heavily diluted and rubbed into your child,s chest for chronic bronchitis.Honey and lemon with hot water can be shipped regularly. BURNS:Burns with redness,stinging, and burning , The remedy should be given internally,and can also be applied to the affected skin in diluted tincture or cream.Also consider Calendula or Combudoron(TM) diluted tincture, lotion or ointment.worse from touchUrtica urens. Blistering burns that are stinging and red.- use Hypericum tinture diluted,and Urtica urens as an internal remedy.Once blisters have broken, change to diluted Calendula tincture.(HOMOEOPATHY for babies and Children-A ParentsGuide.-by BETH MacEoin. Page No40.

CATARRH: Onions are an excellent purgative ,and can be offered rawor cooked as often as possible.Mustered powder can be added to a footbath to help decongest nasal passages and clear catarrh. Arsenicum : for thick,yellow discharge that makes the nose and surronding area sore .Pulsatilla: for yellow or green catarrh that is not painful., accompanied by weepiness.Nut.Mur. for catarrh like raw egg white with dry nose and lose of taste and smell. Calcareafor yellow smelly catarrh. Sulphur,when there are dry scabs inside the nose, causing bleedingand nose stuffier indoors rather than outdoors. CHICKEN POX : Variolinum can be taken once in cases where there is an epidemic of chicken Pox before your child acuries the illness and symptoms should be less severe. Rhus Tox can be taken for few days after contact with an infected childand then again as soon as the first spots appear.Aconite is useful in the early stages of the illness.Belladonna is useful for fever. Add baking soda to the bath to ease itching. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME COLD SORES : Nat.Mur. for deep cracks in the lower lip,dry mouth and puffy burning sores.Rhus Tox. For mouth and chin sores, and ulcers at the corner of the mouth. Sempervivum, for ulcers in mouth,and bleeding gums., worse at night. Capsicum for cracks at the corners of the mouth,pale lips ,rash on chin blisters on tongue and bad breath . COLIC: Chamomilla is useful for babies who seem better when they are held.Pulsatilla is used for babies who are better in the fresh air and when they are rocked. Cuprum Met. Is used when the tummy rumbles, and the child curls her fingers and toes in discomfort.

COMMON COLD: Aconite in the first stages of a coldparticularly if it seems to have come on suddenlyafter your child has been outside.Belladonna: for cold with high temp. and great thirst. Nat.Murfor watery colds,particularly if accompanied by cold sores. Kali.Mur.for catarrhal colds.Ferr.Phos.for hot colds.Arsenicum for watery colds,particularly if your child is prone to frequent colds.Euphrasia for colds affecting the eyes .Pulsetilla is useful if your child is clingy and irritable,and when there is thic9k yellow discharge. Bryonia-can help an irritable childwho is thirsty and wants to be left alone. Mercurius is for a child with an earache and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Conjunctivitis: Euphrasia-for burningitching eyes,use one or two drops of euphrasia tinture to bathe the eye.Pulsatilla for mucus collecting in corner of eyes. Heper Sulph-to draw out infection.Cucumber slices can be applied on shut eyelids ,if the itching is extreme. COUGHS: Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Ant Tart( for a cough that causes the chest to rattle,and makes breathing painful. Bryonia for painful dry cough made worse with movement. Spongia for crowing cough.DROSERA-for tickling cough worse for lying down(doest like to use blanket or cover and restless during laying down.Sleep comes after long time. Aconite- if the symptoms come on suddenly. Chamomilla to soothe a child who is inconsolable but better for being held. CRADLE CAP: Cradle cap is characterised by a thick encrusted layer of skin on your babys scalp.There will be yellow scales,which form in patches , specially on the top of the head.In severe cases,cardle cap can last for up to three 3 years. Calendula ointment. Lycopodium. Lavender oil with Carrier oil to be massaged. CROUP: The characteristic cough of croup is definite loud bark or whistle, caused by inflammation of the of the vocal cord.viral infection on throat. Spongia taken every 20 minutes during an attack.Aconite can be taken alongside.Phosphorus for croup when there is a thirst for cold drinks.Drosera for deep ,hoarse sounding cough with gasping and retching. Lavender oil in hanky be placed in babys bed..offer a hand-hot honey and lemon drink to ease the symptoms.Honey has strong antibacterial properties. CONSTIPATION: Lycopodium for when there is flatulence but no need to open bowels for long periods of time.Hard stoolspassed with pain .Nux vom for constipation that alternates with diarrhoea.Opium-when there is no desire to pass stool.Silica when there is a burning sensation after a bowel movement. Causticum- for a stitch like pain accompanying a bowel movement.Bryonia for large hard dry stools with congestion in the abdomen causing distension, and a burning feeling in the rectum.Alumina-for desire to open bowels until rectum is full. Stool may be covered in mucus. CATARRH: Onions are the excellentpurgative,and can be offered raw or cooked as often as possible. Mustered powder can be added to a foot bath to help decongest nasal passages and clear catarrh. Arsenicum for thick yellow discharge that makes the nose and the surroundings area sore. Pulsatilla ,for yellow or green catarrh that is not painful. Accompanied by weepiness. Nat.Mur., for catarrh like raw egg white , with a dry nose and loss of taste and smell. Calcarea, for yellow ,smelly catarrh. Sulphur, when there are dry scabs inside the nosecausing bleeding,and nose stuffier indoor rather than outdoor.

DEPRESSION: Aurum : for feeling of worthlessness or selfdisgust.Your child may beintensely driven and competativebut suddenly give up . Pulsatilla for brusting into tears at the smallest slight.Arsenicum-if your child feels chilly tired , restless and obsessively tidy.Ignatia: if depression has a specific external cause.such as bereavement, breaking up with a girl friend or exams. DIABETES: DIARRHOEA: If the diarrhoea is linked to gastroenteritis,ARSENICUM may be helpful or

COLOCYNTH. Diarrhoea with gripping spasmodic pain with copious ,thin,yellowish stools,ACONITE for sudden diarrhoea.Pulsatila for worse at night and made worseby rich food.Carrot juice or soup is very helpful DYSLEXIA: effects reading spelling writing memory, and concentration and sometimes Maths,Music, foreign languages and self organisation.Sepcific learn difficulties.Inability to remember the studt,label for known objects. Lycopodium for three weeks daily. DYSPRAXIA: Children with dyspraxia have difficulty in learning new and unfamiliar tasks. EARACHES and EAR INFECTIONS : Ear infection in inner middle or in outer parts of the ear. Occasionally a boil can crop up in the outer ear, which can be very painful. The most common causes of earache in children are middle ear infections. These are usually caused by the transmission of infection from the nose or throat by the Eustachian tube. It is easily blocked and infection does not have far to travel to the middle ear itself. Heper Sulph is useful for acute attacks, with an earache accompanying a sore throat; the child will feel chilly. Pulsatilla, if the pain feels like the eardrumis being pushed out and your child is weepy. Aconite ,for an earache that comes on suddenly. Belladonna , when the affected ear is red and hot and the child is feverish and perhaps delirious. Chamomilla,when the child is inconsolable, and the pain is worse with draught. THIS IS A GOOD FIRST REMEDY FOR MOST EARACHE. A few drops of neat lavender oil can be placed in theear on a cotton ball,or gently easedin with a cotton bud. Gently massage the neck and head on the affected side with a few drops of lavender oil in a light carrier oil. ECZEMA : Sulphur,when the skin is burning red,hot and itching. Graphites,when the skin appears infected.Petroleum,when there are deep cracks with a watery discharge. Urtica urens, for a nettle rash type itchiness. Rhus Tox., with blisters that are worse at night, and improve with warmth. A gentle massage with a blend of chamomile, lavender and /or melissa in a little carrier oil can be used to treat eczema. EATING DISORDERS: (ANOREXIA NERVOSA) FEVERS: Keep food a minimum ,so that your childs energy is not used for digestion, but is free to fight infection. There is some evidence that fevers can be prolonged by giving too much food, particularly food that is hard to digest (spicy foods). FLU: Symptoms including a high fever, possibly accompanied by shivering, a sore throat, possibly a cough,a running nose and sneezing , breathlessness, weakness, headache, aching joints and muscular pains,nausea and loss of appetite,and sometimes accompanying sleep problems and even depression. Gelsemium, when muscular weakness ,aching and heaviness are the most predominant symptoms.There may be shivering . Rhus Tox, for flu that comes on after getting wet. There is a lot of aching in the joints rather than the muscles; restless and cant find a comfortable position. Bryonia for a bad headache , and dry cough. Your child will want to lie quite still and may be intensely irritable. Eupatorium Perfoliatum , for very intense aching in the back and limbs with shivering chills. Belladonna, for high fever ,with red cheeks and staring eyes. Chamomilla, when your child cannot be comforted and sems to be in intense pain. Arsenicum,when your child feels debilitated , often with loss of fluids; watery diarrhoea and sometimes vomiting . BARLEY water is a traditional remedy for high fever particularly when the cause of the fever is infection and inflammation. GLUE EAR: Kali Mur ,when there are cracking sounds in the affected earaccompanied by swollen glands in the neck. Lycopodium ,when there is deafness and a roaring sound in the affected ear. Pulsatilla for a full feeling in the ear ,and weepiness Mercurius,when there is thick ,smelly discharge. GRINDING TEETH: ARSENICUM

HAY FEVER: Allium for hay fever with burning nasal discharge. Sabadilla, for hay fever with asore throat. Arsenicum,when there is a constant need to sneeze. Euphrasia, when the eyes areitching and red. Blend a drop of lavender,eucalyptus and chamomile essential oils with a little carrier oil in massage. GASTROENTERITIS: Arsenicum for burning pains in the abdomen and great thirst.Pulsatilla: for symptoms worse at night,and tearfulness.Baptisia, if a salmonella infection is suspected-stool dark,bloody smellynear liquid. Phosphorusfor a burning sensation when stools are passedwith vomiting and cravings for cold water which is then vomited. Sulphur,for burning diarrhoea that is worse around 5 a.m with a red and itchy anus.Massage chamomile and geranium oils into the abdomen to bring relief from pain and discomfort.Honey is natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.Mix a few teaspoonfuls in a cup of warm water and encourage your child to sip.Freeze into ice-cubes if your child finds hot drinks difficult to manage.Live yoghurttaken by the teaspoon throughout the day,can help to restore bacteria to the stomach and digestive tracts.This is not appropriate for babies who have not been weaned. GERMAN MEASLES(RUBELLA): Rubella is a viral infection characterised by symptoms that mimic a cold , and swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck. There is an accompanying rash, made up of pale pink dots that usually cause only.mild discomfort.The incubation period is 14 to 21 days .The condition itself only lasts three to five days. Pulsatilla when there is thick yellow discharge and hot red eyes.Belladonna,for fever,a bright red rash and hot face.Phytolacca,for painful ears and swollen glands,better on taking cool drinks.Aconite,if there is a high fever and not too much mucus. Merc.Sol., where there is yellow discharge and a fever.A few drops of lavender oil on the bedclothesor on a hanky near the bedwill help ease symptoms and calm your child. GLANDULAR FEVER : Glandular Fever /kissing fever or infectious mononucleosisas it is also known,is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus(EBV-a herpes virus).The virus multiplies in the white blood cells,eventually harming the immune systems efficiency.Glandular fever is usually transmitted via saliva.hence its nickname of the kissing disease. While symptoms may last for only six weeks,recovery is slow.and fatigue and low energy levels may linger for months.This virus spreads more rapidly among the children in closed or overcrowded conditions.Most adults have been exposed to EBV by bthe age of 18 years and are immune. Most young children infected with EBV show no symptoms,unlike older children and adultswho may have fever,fatigueenlarged neck lymph nodes and inflamed throat and tonsils.There may be some indication of swollen glands or a mild rash of small slightly red raised spots.A blood test may be necessary to diagnose the condition if it is suspected.BELLADONNA-for sudden high fever, with red face and agitation.Merc.Sol. for tender glands and smelly sweat .Calcarea for chillinesssweating,a sour taste and fatigue.Cistus,for chilly feeling , with painful neck and glands,exacerbated by cold air and mental exertion. Baryta Carb., for swollen glands-this remedy is particularly useful for children.Bach flower essences are often used by practitioners to help cope with the physical and emotional effects of glandular fever. HEADACHE: Headache without fever may be due to: Stress Ignatia for headaches caused by emotional stress. Nux vom, for headaches caused by over indulgence or stress(after a birth day party ,example). Nux vom or Pulsatilla,for migraine. Aconite for a sudden headache,that feels worse for cold , and characterised by a tight band around the head. Apis for stinging,stabbing or burning headaches,where the body feels tender and sore. Belladonna for throbbing ,drumming headaches with a flushed face. Bryonia for sharp,stabbing pain when the eyesare moved. Hypericum,for a bursting ,aching headache with a sensitive scalp. Ruta, for a pressing headache caused by fatigue,and made worse by reading. HICCUPS: Nux Vom for hiccups after eating ,accompanied by belching . Ignatia , when hiccups come on after emotional upset. Cicuta ,for violent,noisy hiccups. HIVES: The best homeopathic remedies to try are APIS ,for swelling and burning,particularly of the lips and eyelids; URTICA , for a rash that feels like a nettle sting ,worse for touching or scratching; and Rhustox., for burning,itching and blisters.These remedies should be taken every three hours.Addafew

tablespoons of baking soda to the bath to relieve itching.Urtica urens cream,which is available from health food shops and some good pharmacists,will soothe and promote healing. JUVENILE ARTHRITIES where stitching pains occur in swollen pale or red joints. Colchicum,when it is worse in worm weather,with inflamed joints that are sensitive to touch ,Your child may feel irritable. Rhododendron,when symptoms are worse in stormy weather. Rhustox, when symptoms include pain and stiffness,made worse after rest and in cold damp weather; symptoms improve with movement. Pulsatilla,when pain moves from one joint to another.Your child may be tearful . Apis, for hot,stinging pain. Chamomile and lavender oils are anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving and can be used in local massage,OR Compress. MEASLES: If you have decided not to immunise your child against measles, it is important that you take him to a good homeopath , who will offer Morbillinum, a noseode that works to reduce the harmful effects of the condition and in some cases incur immunity against it. This is particularly important if you believe that your child has been in contact with someone with measles. Homeopathic remedies are appropriate for measles, but you may want to talk to a good homeopath about the best remedies for your child.In the mean time ,consider : Aconite and belladonna , for high fever. Pulsatillawhen there is diarrhoea,yellow discharge and cough. Bryonia ,when there is a hard ,painful cough and a high temp accompanied by thirst . Stramponium, when there is a high fever , a red face and convulsions. MENINGITIS: Symptoms-Fever,Neck stiffness, (your child may find it hard or painful to bend her neck forward), headache, which may be severe, Photophobia(sensitivity to light), vomiting, drowsiness, a patchy rash that does not turn white when pressed(press down a clear glass over the rash., if it remains red chances are your child has meningitis).these symptoms often develop rapidly over a period of hours. In babies and very young children the ealy symptoms of meningities are not specific. They include Fever, irritability, which may be made worse by holding and hugging. Loss of appetite vomiting, unusual lethargy, or sleepiness, resisting bending her neck ,even if you try to encourage her to look down or up.Later,babies and young children with meningities may have seizures.In babies , the fontanelles(the spaces between the bones of the babys skull) may bylge or feel tense to the touch). After you have called an ambulance ,you can offer the following homeopathic remedies: Arnica,for symptoms arising after a head injury. Aconitefor restlessness,fear and great thirst. Bryonia,for a severe headachemade worse by eye movement. Belladonna, for staring eyes, delirium and fever. MIGRAINE: First remedy is Aconite, if symptoms come on suddenly ,particularly if they are worse after exposure to cold.Then offer Belladonna which is most useful if your child is red faced and staring. Pulsatilla,for migraines that seem to be worse in the evening, and aggravated by rich or fatty foods.Your child may be tearful and not thirsty. Thuja for a left-sided headache,with the sensation of a nail being drilled into the skull Lycopodium for pain that is worse on the right sideand painful temples and dizziness.This is a good remedy for many children. Nat.Mur. when the headache is blinding and throbs ,worse for warmth and movementand attack preccded by numbless around the mouth and nose. MOUTH ULCERS: Arsenicum,when ulcers are on the edges of the tongue, with burning pains Mercurius,when ulcers are on the palate or tongue and are yellow and spongy. Kali Bich.when the ulcers feel thick and firm and sting. Arsenicum,when ulcers are on the edges of the tongue,with burning pains. Mercurius,when ulcers are on the palate or tongue,and are yellow and spongy. Kali Bich: when the ulcers feel thick and firm and sting. MUMPS:

NAPPY RASH: Calendula ointment on to the cleaned nappy area to soothe and reduce inflammation.Bach rescue Remedy.A drop of lavender or rose oil in a peach kernel carrier oil can be gently rubbed into the nappy area.Use this to prtect against nappy rash as well. Rhus Tox for an itchyblistered rash.Sulphur may be appropriate if skin is dry and scaled. Merc Sol. Can help to reduce acidity of urine.Cantharis, when the urine is scalding and the skin is raw. NAUSEA AND VOMITING :Feeling of sickness and vomiting are symptoms ofvarious disorders including gastroenteritisinner ear infectionmigraineover-eatingand there may be many ,many other causes.A constant feeling of nausea with no vomitingbut with a headache and abdominal painis most likely to be stress-or anxiety-related.A raised temp can also cause vomiting in some children. Arsenicum for when nausea and vomiting are accompanied by diarrhoea, and symptoms seem to be worse between midnight and 2 a.m .Your child may be thirsty for small sips of water. Nux Vom. When nausea is made better by vomiting and may be caused by over indulgence(after a party) . Tabacum for nausea and vomiting relieved by uncovering the abdomen.This is a good one for travel sickness. Phosphorusfor cravings for cold waterwhich is then vomitedand burning pains in the stomach. Pulsatilla for vomiting after rich fatty food,with tearfullness. Arnica, when vomiting follows a head injury. Aconite,when vomiting and severe pain last for more than an hour, and is not relieved by vomiting. OBESITY: Graphites , if your child suffers from constipation and skin problems, and feels cold . Kali Carb, if your child has catarrh. Ferrum Phos , if your child is over sensitive and flushes easily. Capsicum, if your child tends to be lazy ,has a red face and suffers from burning sensations in the digestive tract. RASHES AND SPOTS: In a small baby,a rash on the body is often heat rash, as babies have illformed sweat glands.The rash disappears on cooling down . Rashes in children are very common ,most of them being caused by acute illnesses or allergies.Most of the viral rashes are baccompanied by a feverloss of appetite and malaisealthough some (such as Rubella) are not. Calendula Cream SHINGLES: Is a extremely painful disease caused by the herpes zoster virus(also the chickenpox virus).The first sign of shingles is sensitivity in the ares to be affectedthen pain.There may be fever and nausea and a rash of small blisters develops on the fourth or fifth day.These turn yellow within a few daysform scabsthen drop off,sometimes leaving scars.In some cases there may be persistent pain for months or years(post herpetic pain). Arsenicum,for burning pains worse between midnight and 2a.m.with skin eruptions and a restlesschilly and anxious state. Lachesiswhen the left-hand side of the body is effected with swelling. Rhus Tox,for red blistered and itching skin-better for movement and warmth. Fanunculus,for nerve pains and itching worse for movement and eating. SINUSITIS: Kali bich is the main remedy, particularly for thick sticky mucus that accumulates in the throat,which is difficult to clear. Heper Sulph.if Kali bich.doesnt help. Pulsatilla,for sinusities accompanied by weepingness and pain above the eyes. Place an ice pack across your childs face. At first it may be difficult to bear the cold, and you may Only be able to hold it there for a few minutes,but within a short space of time,your child will begin to feel the congestion breaking up.This is one of the principles of osteopathy and it can make a dramatic difference. SORE THROATS: Tincture of calendula can be added to a cup of boiled water and used as a mouthwash to encourage healing and treat infection. Belladonna ,for sore throat accompanied by a red face and fever. Gelsemium,when swallowing is painfuland your child feels exhausted and weak with pain in the neck and ears. Apis,when the pain is worse on theright side , and it feels better for cold drinks. Lachesis,when pain is worse on theleft side,there is a feeling of constrication,and pain is worse from swallowing saliva but better for swallowing food. Aconite for a sore throat that comes on suddenly , with a burning throat and swallen tonsils.

SLEEP AND WAKEFULNESS: Rus Tox, When your child cannot sleepis irritable ,restless, and wants to walk around. Aurum, when your child has vivid dreams about dying,hunger, or problems at school.He may wake depressed. Aconite,when sleep problems are worse after shock.There is restlessness,nightmares and perhaps even a fear of dying. Phosphrous is useful if there is thirst, and alternating anger and affection. Pulsatilla,for a weepy,clingy child. Chomomilla,if sleep is being disturbed by teething,or if your child cannot settle without being hugged, rocked or patted to sleep. Nux vom. For irritability,and after a busy day,or too much food or fun. Coffea,when your childs mind is overactive and he cant switch off. Lavender oil,on hanky tied near the bed will help your baby or child to sleep. STICKY EYE: Pulsatilla,when there is mucus collecting in the corner of the eyes. Heper sulph., to help to draw out any infection. One or two drops of euphrasia tincture, diluted in cooled, previously boiled water,can also be used to bathe the eye. STYES: A stye is a boil occuring around the root of an eyelashusually caused by stphylococcal bacteria.A collection of pus at the base of the eyelash produces the characteristic small yellow head. Pulsatilla, in the first instance. If it doesnt work ,try Staphisagria,every hour,for up to ten doses. Diluted lavender oil can be applied on the eyelets.

TEETHING Chamomilla is standard homeopathic medicine for teething,and can be taken as required for up to six times a day to ease symptoms and relieve the distress. THRUSH: Thrush takes many forms,the most common of which are oral and that which develops in a nappy area. Oral thrush is characterised by sore,white ,raised patches in the mouth. In the nappy area or skin folds,it takes the form of an itchy red rash with a white top. Borax, at the first sign of an outbreak. Mercurius, when there is more saliva than usual and your childs tongue trembles. Capsicum,for sore,hot patches. Arsenicum , for burning pains,mouth ulcers and feeling worn out. FOR vaginal thrush in girls, try: Pulsatilla, for cloudy or watery discharge that causes smarting and soreness.Graphites,if the vagina is sore,with small ulcers on the labia. Calcarea,if there is vaginal itching,yellow or milky discharge and increased itchiness around periods. Echinacea, to boost the immune system, will help to prevent chronic thrush and help the body to fight infection. It can also be applied directly to affected areas (in the mouth, or on your childs bottom). Oral thrush may be helped by preparing a mouth wash solution with lavender, lemon and peppermint essential oils( 1 drop of each in 500ml of spring water). TONSILLITIS: Chronic tonsillitis must be treated constitutionally by a Homeopath, but for acute conditions,try: Belladonna,for a sore , tender throat with shooting pains and stiff neck. Heper Sulph, for a feeling that there is a fishbone caught in the throat, and pain is alleviated by warm drinks.Breath is foul,and there is yellow pus. Lycopodium, for a throat sore on the right hand side,and the tongue is dry and puffy but not coated. Better after cold drinks,and worse between 4 and 8am or p.m. Mercurius,when throat is dark red,swollen and sore,worse on the right hand side.Breath is smelly and there are hot sweats. Phytolacca,for a rough,constricted hot throat, with red swollen tonsils and pain extending to the ears.Worse on the right hand side and with heat. TOOTHACHE: Chamomilla,when there is unbearable pain,made worse by cold air,or worm food and drinks.

Apis, when gums feel tight and swollen, and the toothache burns and stings. Staphisagria, for severe toothache made worse by cold air,food and pressure.Cheeks would be red and swollen. Plantago, for nervy teeth, aggravated by cold air and pressure, but better for eating. Belladonna , for throbbing pain and a dry mouth. Aconite, when pain comes on quickly. Arnica,for pain after a filling or an extraction. TRAUMA : Aconite,after any traumawith Arnica,if there is physical injury. Ignatia,if trauma follows a bereavement or when there is intense grief. Opium,if your child is frightened by the death of a loved one, and numb with grief. Pulsatilla, if there is sleeplessness ,helpless weeping and catarrh. Nat.Mur., for a child who rejects sympathy and prefers to hide his feelings. TUMMY ACHES: Bryonia is useful if your child is very irritable,and screams at the slightest movement,and Chamomilla is good if your child seems better for comforting,but otherwise almost impossible to please.If over indulgence is the problem, Nux Vom. is appropriate. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS : Canthariswhen the urin burns and is violently painful. Mercurius,for violent pain with blood in the urine. Apis,for stinging pain that is better for cold water. Sarsaparilla,for burning pain after urinating. Offer plenty of live yoghurt,which can ease the symptoms and prevent recurrence by building up the natural flora of the gut. Barley water, mixed with some lemon juice and honey, is traditional remedy for UTIs. Good Vitamin-C supplement,which acts as a natural diuretic and boosts the immune systems. WARTS: A wart is a small, hard growth, usually brown or flesh-coloured,on the skin.It may be caused by any one of 30 strains of the human papilloma virus.The warts are highly contagious,but not dangerous, and can occur more frequently when the immune system is compromised. Thuja for soft,fleshy warts that ooze and bleed. Causticum,for warts on the face or fingertips, and painful verrucas. Dulcamara,for hard,smooth,fleshy warts on the back of hands. Kali Mur. For warts on hands. Nat.Carb., for weeping warts on the toes. Rub fresh lemon into the wart daily, and keep moist(with a plaster). Rub fresh garlic into the wart to fight the fungal infection,and offer plenty of garlic in your childs diet to boost immunity. Apply a little lemon oil directly on the wart,and continue to do so until the wart disappears. WHOOPING COUGH is a bacterial infection that causes bouts of coughing and frequently vomiting ,specially in younger children.It gets its name from the characteristic whoop when the child draws in his breath for the next bout of coughing, but the whoop may be absent in older children.It starts with a runny or snuffly nose for about a week, together with the cough,which is always worse at night.There may be as many as 50 paroxysms of coughing which can be so severe that the face goes red or blue and the eyes bulge.There may be some vomiting with the coughing spells.The cough improves slowly over many weeks. Whooping cough is highly infectious.Children should not attend school or playgroup for 21 days from the onset of the cough. Aconite can be taken during attack,or at the beginning of the illness. Antimonium tart.is particularly good when there is a rattling cough with gasping. Try Sanguinaria,for a harsh,dry cough. Drosera is useful when the cough is made worse by lying down,and there are pains below the ribs. Bryonia is suggested when there is a dry, painful cough and vomiting. Pertussin may be given in one dose towards the end off the disease to prevent an echo effect.This is partcularly useful in the early stages of the condition if your child has been immunised against pertussis,but fell ill anyhow.Increasethe intake of foods containing vitamin C and zinc,to aid the action of the immune system.Acidophilus should be taken after any illness,to encourage the healthy bacteria in the gut.Try to avoid citrus fruits,which can cause vomiting. WORM: A teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and senna can be combined in a cup of live yoghurt and taken by the teaspoon before meals.The former stuns the worms and the latter encourages them to be expelled.Raw onions,carrotsapples and raw turnip will also kill worms. Cina,which may alter the balance of the body so that the child expels threadworms naturally.

Teucrium,for an itchy bottom and nose, worse in the evening and with restless sleep. Santoninum,when all else fails.Acidophilus tablets should be taken for several weeks to improve the health of the bowel. IMOTIONAL ISSUES : Grief : Ignatia is the number one remedy for acute feelings of sadness and loss.It can calm both the hysterical and over-sensitive and those who keep their grief bottled up.Children and emotionally dependent people can be helped by PULSATILLA. Acid Sulphurosum(Ac-sul): Effects of exhaust fumes: severe headache with ringing in the ears., constipation., persistent choking cough; feeling of tightness in the chest with with difficulty breathing. ACONITE is the major remedy for helping people get over a shock or a terrifying experience. GELSEMIUM is best used when you start trembling with nerves and literally go weak at the knees. ARGNIT is a good all-round anxity remedy,where there are symptoms of great restlessness. It also has a claustrophobic picture so could help with fear of flying or travelling by underground(subway). The panic often causes diarrhoea.Another anxiety remedy that can also affect the bowels is LYCOPODIUM. Strangely, people who need Lycopodium often excel at the ordeals they have been worrying about, once they have gone through the panic barrier. INSOMNIA : There can be many causes of sleeplessness : Worry, habit, bad eating patterns and others. For the hamster on the wheel syndrome, where your mind is rushing around in neverending circles, VALERIAN can be magical. For constant early waking, especially if you live too much on your nerves and eat too much rich food,try NUX VOMICA. 1. ACONITE: Cold, coughs and fever with headache, throat pain, teeth pain with chilling cold, earache,Chicken pox, common cold with headache, dry barking cough at night and midnight,eye inflammation, headache,restless sleep at night, wound with bleeding, measles , sudden skin rash, itching, soar throat

Symptoms appear suddenly and violently,often at night. They may appear after catching a chill or after a fright. Fear or extreme anxiety may accompany symtoms. An important remedy for high fevers with extreme thirst and sweat. Major remedy for violent , dry croupy coughs. Best used at the beginning of an illness. Anacardium: Nervous exhaustion as a result of over study. Or exam nerves.If they feel worthless.
General State: Face pale with dark rings around eyes.Back ache,Cramping, Cough-Worse at night,CONJUNCTIVITIS, Cystitis:constant urge to urinate ; scanty urine.Earache,headache,Sore throat. ALLIUM CEPA: Often from cold damp penetrating winds and this remedy is principally of use in colds and coughs dull fronted headache, pains in the jaws go to the head. Tearing, bursting and throbbing headache worse in a warm room better in the open air. Worse in evening. Sneezing comes early and with increasing frequency. Watery nasal discharge and obstruction goes from left to right nostril.Fullness in the nose bleeding.Sneezing,often repeatedly, with a streaming nose. The nose and eyes burn and are irritated. Nasal discharge is acrid while the tears are bland.A major remedy for hay fever(when the nose is affected more than the eyes) and for colds. ANT TART : A wet, rattling cough from deep in the lungs,with shortness of breath and wheezing. Helps to bring up mucus from the lungs. APIS: A useful remedy after injuries, especially from bites or stings where there is swelling,puffiness and redness. The affected area feels like a water bag. Fever appears quickly and without thirst. The person is restless and irritable. The symptoms are often relieved by cool air or cold compress.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM : Anxious before exam/interview, dull , confused hurried. While walking/speaking/waiting.Impatient.Worst for mental exertion. Emotional stress: failure fear. mental strain, uncertainty worry. These are lively, extrovert types who express their feelings openly. They are speedy, hurried, They move and speak fast. They are impatient and impulsive. Punctuality is important to them.They also expect others to be punctualbecoming anxious if they are late.They are worry about their future and this can quickly get out of hand.developing into more deep seated fears.They can be superstitious.Walk hurriedly.Desire fresh air.Panic,nervousness and anxiety. Feeling worried,hurried and unsupported. Fears of anticipation,such as stage fright,exams,visiting the dentist,flying and many others.The nervousness may cause diarrhoea and winds. APIS MELLIFICA : For Rashes, rough skin, also worse after sleep or touch. Worse for heat or worm room,better for cold.Thirstlessness. For restless patients-throat,eyes, insect bites.Better for cold(any thing) cool air.Worse 3 to 5 p.m.Pressure, worse for heat.There are worm blooded people who can become ill if over heated. Eyes raw red and burning,swoolen eyelids.Earache,coughcustitis,exhaustion,Fever joint pain,sore throat,mouth dry,tonsils. 2.ARNICA: Bleeding gums blood blisters,boils, broken bones, bruises, nose bleeding, eye injuries, injuries, joint pains, sprains,toothache. ARSENICUM: Vomits everything, Worse before and just after midnight burns up and down, Diarrhea with exhaustion and restlessness due to mental anxiety and uneasiness.Liking hot water and hot drinks.Emotional stresses: Anxious when alone.with fear,during a fever at night.Bites fingernails.Blames others.Depressed, Restless, selfish, Tidy. Emotional Stresses:Fear,guilt, resentment, uncertainty, worry , insecurity-often financial, irritability which,if left unchecked,can lead to depression.Cough,-dry, painful tickling, better for hot drinks, cystitis: burning pains. Fever: dry,burning heat,worse at night. Flu-with fever and restless,anxiety etc.Headache.Indigestion with heart burn.Piles,Sore throat.Stomach ache.Vomiting with diarrhoea, abdominal and stomach cramps.It is often the first remedy to try for food poisoning. Asthmatic, wheezy breathing, often worse at night.Head colds with a runny nose.Chilliness, restlessness, anxiety and weakness accompany the other symptoms.*Warmth gives great relief in most ailments. General sensitivity to chemicals.Tendency to coldscoughs and sore throats. Pale anxious,exhausted and restless. 3.BELLADONNA: Common cold and fever, same with headache, cough with barking sound,some times non stop as a result resparetory problem , (at night) earache, ( mainly right side ear ) common cold with eye inflammation, headache, skin rash, measles, itches, soar throat, teeth ache.Violent and intense symptoms appearing suddenly. Fever with high temp little thirst and burning,dry skin.The face or the affected part is usually bright red. Throbbing pains,especially in the head area. The pupils may be dilated and over-sensitive to light. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA : Mouth and breath are foul as is the tongue which has a dirty yellow brown coating, painful ulcers appear in the mouth and throat.Ear infection(SPECIALLY ON Right Side).Patients may have breathing difficulty with great desire for air. Or be afraid to go to sleep in case they suffocate.They are very thirsty and drink water but may pass little urine. Bromium: effects of dust. Dry cough worse for taking a deep breath.With hoarseness and sore throat. 4.BRYONIA alva: Change of weather from cold,flu, fever with cold and headache, bodyache, backache, gastric flu. The symptoms tend to develop slowly. Dryness marks all symptoms: in the month,membranes and joints.Extreme thirst. The condition feels worse for the slightest motion and better for firm pressure. Bryonia coughs are dry and very painful.The person is irritable. 5.CALCAREA carb: cold, headache, Diarrhoea in teething children, worse after drinking milk, earache.common

6. CALCAREA Phos: Catches cold easily, slowness of children to learn, worse for cold,damp,for wet weather, slow developing , slow learning to walk, weakness of children ,anaemia,broken bones, cough, whooping cough,headache,cramps in calves, insomnia, joint pain, teething of children.

: Abscess discharging pus of glands,cough,earache,eye inflammation,for healing of wounds.

7.CALCAREA Sulphurica 8.CALENDULA: External use for wounds, burn injuries. 9.CANTHARIS: For burns with blister,Urinating frequent,hot,red urine,pain are violent and spasmodic.There may be a constant desire to pass water and the bladder never feels empty. 10. CARBO Veg: Worse for exertion,after eating rich foods.The main use of this remedy is for dealing with acute indigestion. 11.CAUSTICUM: Bedwetting,burns,causes over using voice(sudden temporary loss of voice), belches(testing of food just eaten),Belly/Stomach feels full,pains cramping. THE BURPS TASTE OF FOOD JUST EATEN,soar throat,choking, constant desire to swallow.Worse for talking. Voice lost(sudden). 12.CHAMOMILLA: Cough worse at night, Diarrhoea with pain,earache (unbearable).worse for wind,fever,stomach bloated, joint pain, labour pain (un bearable),Period problem,Teething,toothache, vomiting, 13. CHINA: Anaemia, worse for cold, no appetite.The skin over the whole body feels sore,but whereas it is aggravated by light touchhard pressure is soothing.They are persistently chilly,are worse for cold weather.Anxious,Apathetic,depressed Diarrhoea,worse after eating during afternoon exhaustion, headache due to mental strain, sore,bruised. Indigestion- belches,bitter test of food eaten, worse after eating.; 13(a)DROSERA : Cough with choking,suffocating coughing bouts that come on as soon as the head touches the pillow.- Hoarseness and suffocative spasms which come on when eatingtalking or drinking cold drinks.Although chilly, coughing is accompanied by profuse sweating ,especially at night. May vomit with cough.Worse from Lying down.At 2 a.m. Cold drinks.eating.loughing. Better in open air. Being active. Deep, barking coughs. Prolonged and incessant coughs returning in periodic fits or spasms. The cough may be so severe that it results in retching or vomiting. 14.CINA: Nose picking constantly, teething in children, Cough in fits suffocative 15. COCCUS Cacti: Cough- choking ,irritating,violent,whooping cough,tickling in larynx,mucus,copious after each coughing.throat dry.(better for fresh air and worse in a stuffy room around 11.30 p.m . COCCULUS: Nausea, vomiting, and dizziness, as in travel sickness. Exhaustion and nervous stress,perhaps due to lack of sleep. EUPATORIUM : Flu-like symptoms,with aching all over, but pains that seem to have lodged deep in the bones. There may be a painful cough, sometimes with nausea. EUPHRASIA : Eyes that are sore,red and inflamed. The eyes water with burning tears. In cases of hay fever,the symptoms are sneezing,itching and a runny nose, but the eyes are most affected. FERRUM PHOS : Flu and cold symptoms that are not well defined. Weakness and tiredness. General anaemis: the remedy can be very useful for women with heavy periods or during a pregnancy. GELSEMIUM: Aching,heavy muscles which will not obey the will. Tiredness, weakness , shivering and trembling. Fever with sweating but little thirst. Headaches concentrated at the back of the head. Fever with sweating but little thirst. Headaches concentrated at the back of the head.

Anticipation: the mucles tremble with fear at the thought of, or during,an ordeal. HEPER SULPHURIS: Worse for getting cold., for cold dry weather,for fresh air ,for lying on painful side at night ,for pressure,for touch,for being uncovered,for cold wind.Heper types hate the cold.their symptoms are usually worse at night and develop when they are asleep.They may cough more in the night.They like to stay always in worm place in winter. Sore throat : Pains spread upto ear,splinter like,Tonsils-swoolen.Better for hot drinksworm compress. Toothache: Gum bleeding,abscesses. Extreme irritability and over sensitivity. Coldness,specially around the head. Hoarse,dry coughs with yellow mucus,croup. Abscesses and boils that contain a lot of pus and are slow to heal. Heavy perspiration. HYPERICUM: Pains are often felt shooting up the limbs, along the tracks of the nerves. 16. IPECCAC: Ipecac is the first remedy to think of for violent persistent nausea which accompanies virtually all of itscomplaints(headachediarrhoea,labour pains,whooping cough,haemorrhage). Colic pain.Symptoms pains ,aching ,cramping, griping with vomiting. Cough: Symptoms: Breathing difficult,fast, wheezing,cough,choking, dry whooping,nosebleeding,worse during fever.The coughs are nasty,and children have difficulty breathing during the coughing-they go stiff and blue in the face.They may complain of irritation in the larynx(Voice Box).Noose bleeding.Diarrhoea: stool grass green.due to over eating.Gastric flu,headache With vomiting. Nausea: Empty belching, retching,copious saliva. worse after eating , for movement,for smell of food.The person will feel nauseous but unable to vomit . Persistent nausea,not helped by vomiting. Coughs accompanied by nausea. Morning sickness in pregnancy.Asthma or wheeziness with nausea. Sick headaches. IGNATIA: Sadness and grief following emotional loss. Changeable moods : tears following laughter,or hysteria. Suppressed emotions,when the tears wont come. Pronounced sighing following a period of anxiety,fear or grief. .KALI BICH: Thick, strong, lumpy green discharges from the nasal passages or mouth. Headaches in small spots as a result of catarrh. Dry cough with sticky, yellow- green mucus. KALI SULPHURICUM : Common cold: Kali Sulph patients are

Lachesis: Cough: Choking as soon as person falls into a deep sleep,suffocative,violent.

Worse after a sleep on waking.The voice is hoarse.Earache: LEFT SIDE EAR with Soar Throat. Food poisoning due to rotten meat.gums bleeding headachefeels heavy,pains in foreheadspreading to back of head.burstingpressing,violent. Better after eating, worse on left side of head for lying downon waking .walking.pressure. For cuts,wounds, bleed freely slow to heel. The skin around the wound looks dark or bluish and the blood is dark. Mumps.nose bleeding, sore throat,toothache.Teeth are sensitive to cold waterto being touched and to warmth in general. Sore throats,much worse on the left side. Painful throats where liquids are more difficult to swallow than solids. Menstrual pains and tension improve when the flow starts. Hot flushes around the time of the menopause. LEDUM:Puncture wounds such as from nails or splinters,bites and stings,whose pain is eased by cold compresses. Wounds that look puffy and feel cold. Injuries to the eye, which looks cold, puffy and bloodshot. LYCOPODIUM : Conditions that are worse on the right side or that move from the right to the left side of the body.Flatulence and pain in the abdomen or stomach.The problem is aggravated by gassy foods such as beans. The person may crave sweet things to eat. Magnesia Phos: Magnesia phosphorica has been nicknamed the homeopathic aspirin because of its success with curing minor aches and pains.Colic painCramp,Earache, Headache,Period problem ,Sciatica ,back pain, Teething, Toothache. Mercurius Corrosivus-(Mere-C)-Mercuric chloride :Desire to urinate: constant; painful; frequent.Pains: burning; Urine:burning;dark redgreenscanty.Urination dribbling;frequent; difficult.

Swollen and tender glands. Profuse sweating and increased thirst. The breath,sweat and secretions are usually offensive. The tongue looks flabby , yellow and coated. Fevers blow hot and cold. Irritability and restlessness. Magnesia Muriaticum / Chloride of magnesium : General Symptoms: Worse after drinking milk at night.This is small remedy that is useful for babies colic or digestive upsets that are worse for milk or caused by drinking milk.Coliccommon cold, constipation,Diarrhoea, Headache,Insomnia. NATRUM MUR: Headache, SoreThroat, Nasal discharge, Nose runs excessively when bending forward, Mouth and lips noticeably dry., Child wants foods with a strong savoury taste,specially salty things,constipation may be troublesome with hard stools,tremendous straining to pass dry , hard stools.

Skin is generally dry with tendencies to crack easily,specially during the winter months. WORSE from:Extreme temperature, sunlight and hot weather. Stuffy rooms , emotional stress, Better for cold bathing, open air,
NUX VOM : Nausea or vomiting after a rich meal,when the food remains undigested like a load in the stomach. A feeling that if only you could vomit you would feel better. An urge to pass a stool -but the results are unsatisfying. Heartburn with a feeling of sourness. Hangover headaches. PHOSPHORUS : Suits people who are lively,open and friendly,but who are also occasionally nervous and anxious. PHYTOLACCA : Sore throats that look dark and angry. Sore throats in which the pain feels like a hot ball and may extend to the ears. Swollen, tender breasts with hard lumps and cracked nipples. PULSATILLA : Tendency to be weepy and clingy, feeling unsupported. Suits people with gentle, sympathetic natures. Yellow green discharge from the eyes or nose. Symptoms are helped by sympathy and fresh cool air. RHUS TOX: Extreme restlessness with a red , itchy rash. Stiffness in the joints,which is eased by gentle motion. The symptoms are better for wormth and worse for cold,damp and over-exertion. RUTA: Bruises to the bones. Strains to the joints and connecting tissue, especially to the ankles and wrists. The symptoms are worse for cold and damp and better for warmth. Eye strain,with dim vision,from overwork. SEPIA : Suits tired,depressed,emotionally withdrawn people. Morning sickness in pregnancy, which is worse for the smell of food. Hot flushes during the menopause. Exercise may relieve the mental and emotional symptoms. SILICA : Suitable for symptoms that are slow to heal , or for people who feel the cold,or who lack stamina or vitality. Small-scale infections that seem to be turning septic or putrid, rather than healing. SPONGIA: Dry spasmodic cough. The cough sounds like a saw being pulled through wood. SYMPHYTUM : The remedy is prepared from the common herb comfrey. It is also known as knitbone. Speeds up the knitting or fusing together of bones. Injuries to the eyeball,such as being hit by a hard object. VALERIAN : Especially useful when the mind feels like a hamster on a wheel. VERBASCUM: Earaches of all kinds, both in children and adults. VIBURNUM OPULUS : For severe cramping and muscle spasms.

9 TOP HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR CHILDREN 1.For a crying, irritable, inconsolable baby who needs to be carried everywhere,try CHAMOMILLA. This remedy is also indicated for teething 2.For a tearful child with green nasal discharge and no apparent thirst , try PULSETILLA. This is a great remedy for the heart breaking,I want my mummy tears of a toddler. 3. For a condition that comes on suddenly ,after exposure to cold air ,for example, try Aconite.It is a good first-try remedy for colds or earaches that appear from nowhere. 4. For fever,with a red face,try Belladonna.It is also useful for any pains that seem to be hot red or throbbing. 5.For tummy bugswith diarrhoea or vomiting that seems to be burning and a great thirst for sips of cold water,try ARSENICUM.It is ideal for traveller,s tummy. 6.Remember ABC when treating a sick child .It stands for Aconite,Belladonna and Chamomilla. Many childrens acute health conditions(fevers, coughs,colds,earachesetc.) that come on suddenly respond to these remedies,taken in ABC order. Leave about 20 minutes between each remedy. 7.Croup often responds to Spongia, taken at 30 C for two or three doses. 8.For falls, bashes ,bruises or injuries of any kind ,take Arnica.In fact,keep a bottle in your handbag at all times. 9.Strained muscles and joints will respond to Rhus Tox . This is also a first-line treatment for chickenpox. The best selling flu remedy in France is Anas barbariae 200C, commonly marketed under the trade name OSCILLOCOCCINUM, is also popular in US and is effective primarily at the first signs of INFLUENZA.A study with 478 patients suffering from influenza showed that almost twice as many people who took the homeopathic remedy got over the flu after 48 hours,as compared to those given a placebo.

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