Magnetism in Graphene Nano-Island
Magnetism in Graphene Nano-Island
Magnetism in Graphene Nano-Island
We study the magnetic properties of nanometer-sized graphene structures with triangular and hexagonal shapes terminated by zigzag edges. We discuss how the shape of the island, the imbalance in the number of atoms belonging to the two graphene sublattices, the existence of zero-energy states, and the total and local magnetic moment are intimately related. We consider electronic interactions both in a mean-eld approximation of the one-orbital Hubbard model and with density functional calculations. Both descriptions yield values for the ground state total spin, S , consistent with Liebs theorem for bipartite lattices. Triangles have a nite S for all sizes whereas hexagons have S = 0 and develop local moments above a critical size of 1.5 nm.
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The study of graphene-based eld eect devices has opened a new research venue in nanoelectronics1,2,3,4,5 . Graphene is a truly two-dimensional zero-gap semiconductor with peculiar transport and magnetotransport properties, including room temperature Quantum Hall eect6 , that makes it very dierent from conventional semiconductors and metals7 . Progress in the fabrication of graphene-based lower dimensional structures have been reported both in the form of one-dimensional ribbons8,9 and zero-dimensional dots2,7,10 . Interestingly, the electronic properties of graphene change in a nontrivial manner when going to lower dimensions. Ribbons, for instance, can be either semiconducting with a size dependent gap or metallic8,9 . The electronic structure of graphene-based nanostructures is expected to be dierent from bulk graphene because of surface, or, more properly, edge eects12 . This is particularly true in the case of structures with ziz-zag edges which present magnetic properties13,14,15 . Whereas bulk graphene is a diamagnetic semimetal, simple tight-binding models predict that one-dimensional ribbons with zigzag edges have two at bands at the Fermi energy12,13,16,17,18 , i.e., are paramagnetic metals. Spin polarized density functional theory (DFT)14 and mean eld13 calculations conrm that these bands are prone to magnetic instabilities. The fabrication of graphene nanostructures using topbottom techniques does not permit creating atomically dened edges to date10 . In contrast, bottom-up processing of graphene nano-islands is very promising19 . Hexagonal shape nano-islands with well-dened zigzag edges atop the 0001 surface of Ru have already been achieved20 . This experimental progress motivates our study of the electronic structure of graphene nanostructures with various shapes. Graphene quantum dots also hold the promise of extremely long spin relaxation and decoherence time because of the very small spin-orbit and hyperne coupling in carbon11 . We have found that, remarkably, both the DFT calculations and the mean eld approximation of the single-
band Hubbard model with rst-neighbors hopping yield very similar results in all cases considered. Our mean eld results are in agreement with the predictions of Liebs theorem21 regarding the total spin S of the exact ground state of the Hubbard model in bipartite lattices. The honeycomb lattice of graphene is formed by two triangular interpenetrating sublattices, A and B . Triangular nanostructures have more atoms in one sublattice, NA = NB ; our mean eld calculations consistently predict that the total spin of the ground state is 2S = NA NB and that is mainly localized on the edges. This could have been anticipated from Hunds rule and the appearance, in the non-interacting model, of NA NB degenerate states with strictly zero energy. Hexagonal nanostructures, for which NA = NB , result in S = 0 ground states even when interactions are turned on. A value of S = 0 does not preclude, however, an interesting magnetic behavior. In fact, we predict a quantum phase transition for hexagons: Whereas small ones are paramagnetic, large ones are compensated ferrimagnets, both with S = 0. The shape and the single-particle spectrum.- The different atomic structure of triangular and hexagonal graphene nanostructures can be appreciated in Figs. 1(a) and (b). Zigzag edges are formed by atoms that belong to the same sublattice, A or B . In the case of the triangular systems the three edges belong to the same sublattice, hereafter A, whereas in the hexagon three edges are A-type and the other three are B -type. The edge imbalance in triangular nanostructures results in a global imbalance, so that the total number of atoms in the sublattice A and B is not the same. In what follows we characterize the size of both triangular and hexagonal nanostructures by the integer number N of edge atoms of the same sublattice along one edge of the island (see Fig. 1). The structural dierences between hexagonal and triangular nanostructures reect in their electronic properties. At the simplest level, we describe them in the one-orbital tight-binding approximation12,13,16,17,18 . The
2 character close to the Dirac point (E = 0), but, again, there are some dierences. In the triangle, the zero energy states have a full sublattice polarization L = 1 and their edge content can reach almost 1. In the case of the hexagon there is a perfect AB symmetry (L = 0.5) and the edge content does not go above 0.8. Electron-electron interactions.- The manifold of 2NZ zero energy states, including the spin, of the triangle is half-lled. Electronic repulsions determine which of the 2NZ spin congurations has the the lowest energy. If Hunds rule operates in this system, the ground state of triangular graphene nanostructures (or any other sublattice unbalanced graphene systems, for that matter) should have a maximal magnetic moment 2S = NZ . In contrast, the single-particle spectra of hexagons features some dispersion, which acts against interaction induced spin polarization. To put this on a quantitative basis, we have calculated the electronic structure using both a mean eld decoupling of the one-orbital Hubbard model and DFT calculations in a generalized gradient approximation (GGA) as implemented in the GAUSSIAN03 code22 , using an optimized minimal basis set23 .
FIG. 1: (Color online). (a) and (b) Atomic structure of the triangular and hexagonal graphene islands. (c),(d) Single particle spectra for the N = 8 triangle (left) and hexagon (right) (e),(f) Sublattice resolved edge content (eq. 1) and sublattice polarization (eq. 2)
model Hamiltonian H0 is totally dened by the positions of the atoms and the rst-neighbour hopping parameter t, which we take equal to 2.5 eV. We set the on-site energies for all the carbon atoms equal to zero. We assume that the edge atoms are pasivated, so that there are no dangling bonds. In Figs. 1(c) and (d) we show the (low energy) spectra corresponding to a triangle (left) and a hexagon (right) with edge size N = 8. If the system is charge neutral the relevant electronic states, corresponding to the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs and LUMOs) are around E = 0. The most striking dierence between the spectra of the triangle and the hexagon is the existence of a cluster of zero-energy states in the case of the triangle. A sucient condition to have NZ states with strict zero energy in graphene structures is to have a sub-lattice imbalance NZ = NA NB . In the case of graphene islands with triangle shape (see Fig. 1), the sublattice imbalance satises NA NB = N 1. In order to quantify the edge/bulk character of the single particle eigenstates n (I ), we dene their sub-lattice resolved edge content: W (n) =
I ,edge
|n (I )|2
FIG. 2: (Color online). Left column: self-consistent energy spectra for a graphene triangular island with N = 8 (g 1.a). Closed (empty) symbols correspond to full (empty) single particle states. Right Column: local magnetization close to one of the corners of the triangle. Uper row: DFT calculations. Lower Row: mean eld calculations with the Hubbard model. Magnetization arrows are plotted horizontally for the sake of clarity
where = A, B and I runs over the N atoms. We also dene the sublattice polarization L(n) =
In the mean eld approximation for the Hubbard model we solve iteratively the Hamiltonian H = H0 + U
|n (I )|2
|n (I )|2
nI nI + nI nI ,
Both in the case of the triangle [Fig. 1 (e)] and the hexagon [Fig. 1 (f)] states have a predominant edge
where H0 is the single particle Hamiltonian described above and nI is the statistical expectation value of
3 the spin-resolved density on atom I , obtained using the eigenvectors of H . This mean eld decoupling can describe spontaneous symmetry breaking along a chosen axis. The results shown here were obtained xing N and N , with N + N equal to the number of carbon atoms in the structure. This permits to compare with DFT calculations where one typically xes N N . A self-consistent solution of H is characterized by the n n spin density: mI I, 2 I, , and a single particle spectrum n, . The total spin S = I mI obviously satises N N S = 2 . Uncompensated lattices: Triangles.- In Fig. 2 we show the spectrum and the spin density for a N = 8 triangle. Upper panels correspond to DFT results with hydrogen passivation of the edge atoms. The results in the lower panel correspond to the mean eld results for the Hubbard model. In both cases we have veried that the solutions with N N = NZ = 7 have lower ground state energy than solutions with dierent value of 2S . The typical energy dierences are above 0.5 eV. We choose the value of U such that the HOMO-LUMO gap in the majority spectrum is the same. In the case shown in Fig. 2 this corresponds to U = 3.85 eV. Notice that the mean eld and DFT spectrum have very similar structure in the neighbourhood of EF . Interactions open a spin gap in the single-particle zero-energy manifold, resulting in maximal spin polarization of those states. The magnetization density of both calculations is also very similar: The A atoms on the edge are copolarized positively (right arrows) and their B neighbour atoms are copolarized negatively. The net total spin is mostly sitting on the edge and the local magnetization goes to zero in the center of the island. Using the same procedure as above to x U , we nd that its value decreases as the size of the islands increase. The values of U so obtained are always below the critical value U 2.2t 5.5eV above which innite graphene would become antiferromagnetic13,24 . These results indicate that the Hubbard model captures the low-energy physics of graphene triangular nanoislands. One can conclude that next-to-nearest neighbor hopping, long-range Coulomb interactions, and correlations, as included in the DFT calculations, have a minor eect on the low energy sector. Importantly, the basic features of the mean eld solutions, like the structure of the spectrum, the total spin of the ground state and the magnetization density, are very robust with respect to the value of U . We have found very similar results for triangles with N between 5 and 30. The solution that minimizes the ground state energy always satises 2 S = N N = NA NB = NZ = N 1 . (4) spin of the ground state by simple counting of the sublattice imbalance. The fact that the number of strict zero energy states NZ equals to NA NB provides a simple picture of how the magnetization comes about: Spin polarization results from Hunds rule and the absence of kinetic energy penalty in sublattice unbalanced graphene structures. Compensated lattices: Hexagons.- In the case of balanced structures Liebs theorem predicts that they have S = 0. This is compatible with a locally unpolarized state, but also with locally polarized solutions with antiferromagnetic correlations. In these cases, calculations are necessary to obtain the local magnetization density. In the case of hexagons there is a competition between the dispersion of the single-particle spectra and interactions. Dispersion occurs because of the hybridization of states that otherwise would lie in a single sublattice close to the edge. These states overlap in the inner region and close to the vertices and hybridize through hopping in H0 . Smaller nanostructures feature larger hybridization and are less prone to develop magnetic order. In the case of hexagons we expect a critical size above which exchange interactions take over and the edges magnetize. This is indeed what we have obtained from our mean eld calculations. The local magnetization mI for the N = 8 hexagon with U = 2.5eV is shown in the right panel of gure 3. The local magnetic moments lie mainly on the edges. We quantify the formation of local moments in compensated structures by the sublattice resolved average magnetic moment on the edge atoms m
Our mean eld Hubbard model and DFT results are in agreement with the Lieb theorem that states that the spin S of the ground state of a Hubbard model in a bipartite lattice satises the relation 2S = NA NB 21 . If the Hubbard model with rst-neighbors hopping and constant U can be applied to graphene-based structures of arbitrary shape, the theorem permits to predict the
where = A, B and the sum runs over the 3N edge atoms of the sublattice in the hexagon. For a given value of U , there is a critical value of N below which this quantity is zero. In Fig. 3a we plot m edge as a function of N for three dierent values of U . We always nd that mA edge = mB edge . This panel also shows how the critical size depends on U . When sweeping U in a rather wide range (U = 1.5 to U = 3.5 eV) the largest possible paramagnetic hexagon goes from 7 to 4. We have also estimated the critical size with the help of DFT calculations and found that the largest paramagnetic hexagon corresponds to N = 8, which is consistent with the mean eld Hubbard results for small U = 1.5eV. Final remarks and conclusions.- We have seen how the magnetic properties of graphene nanostructures are intimately related to the sublattice imbalance NA NB in agreement with Liebs theorem21 . This is related to previous work on vacancies in graphene25 . As a consequence of Liebs theorem a single vacancy results in the formation of a local moment with S = 1/2 and the sign of the spin coupling between two single atom vacancies would depend on whether or not they belong to the same sub-lattice26 . The correlation between sublattice and sign of the exchange interaction is also seen in our re-
4 electron transport in systems with spin polarization and without magnetic anisotropy28. The controlled addition of single electrons to other nanomagnetic structures, like magnetic semiconductor quantum dots29 , aord the electrical control of their magnetic properties. This deserves further attention in the case of magnetic graphene nanoislands. In conclusion, we have studied the emergence of magnetism in graphene nano-islands with well-dened zigzag edges. Our DFT calculations suggest that the magnetic structure of the ground state of graphene nanoislands can be described with a simple Hubbard model. Ground states with nite spin S appear in structures in which the number of atoms of one of the sublattices is larger than the other, NA > NB , like triangular islands. The single particle spectrum of these structures features NZ = NA NB states with strictly zero energy, localized in the A sublattice, which yield a magnetic ground NB state with nite magnetic moment S = NA when 2 interactions are included, both in a mean eld Hubbard model and with DFT calculations. Compensated structures (NA = NB ) like hexagons have S = 0. However, they develop spontaneous sublattice magnetization above a critical size. All our results are nicely consistent with Liebs theorem21 and complement the theorem in the case of S = 0 ground states. Note added: Upon the completion of this work we have been aware of a related work by E. Ezawa30, in the singleparticle approximation, and De-en Jiang et al. and O. Hod et al. doing DFT calculations31 . We acknowledge useful discussions with F. Guinea, B. Wunch, R. Miranda and L. Brey. This work has been nancially supported by MEC-Spain (Grants FIS200402356 and Ramon y Cajal Program), by Generalitat Valenciana (Accomp07-054), by Consolider CSD2007-0010 and, in part, by FEDER funds.
FIG. 3: (Color online). (a) Sublattice resolved average magnetic moment (eq. (5)) as a function of N for 3 values of U. (b) Magnetization density for U = 2.5eV and N = 8. Arrows are plotted vertically for the sake of clarity
sults for triangular and hexagonal nanoislands: Moments in the same sublattice couple ferromagnetically whereas moments in dierent sublattice couple antiferromagnetically. Indirect exchange interaction in graphene follows the same rule27 . Nanomagnets show remanence and hysteresys because of magnetic anisotropy, which originates in the spin-orbit interaction, very small in graphene. Therefore, the direction of the spontaneous magnetization, M , of graphene nano-islands will uctutate in the absence of an applied magnetic eld. At zero eld, the detection of magnetism should rely on properties that depend on |M |, the modulus of the magnetization vector. An example of this is the quasiparticle density of states, as probed with single
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