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Parents' Handbook: Harkness Teaching

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H a r k n e s s Te a c h i n g

Parents’ Handbook

2 0 M a i n S t re e t , E x e t e r, N e w H a m p s h i re 0 3 8 3 3 - 2 4 6 0
Welcome 2
The Academy’s Mission Statement 3
Residential Life Mission Statement 3
Reaching Your Child at School 4
In Case of Emergency 5
Academic Life 6
Attendance 8
Day Student Issues 10
Residential Life 15
Rule-Breaking/Disciplinary Issues 23
Health Care, Health Education, and Counseling 26
Campus Safety 32
Dining Services 33
Daily Living 33
Laundry 35
Worship 35
Information Technology Services 35
Travel 36
Financial Concerns 38
College Issues 40
Parent Volunteer Opportunities 43
Other Academy Publications You May Find Helpful 45
The Parent Advisory Committee 46
Important Phone Numbers 47
Lexicon of Exeter Terminology and Slang 48

Updated 7-2008
The Parents' Handbook is a supplement to many of our Academy
publications. It was developed by the Dean of Students Office in cooperation
with the Parent Advisory Committee, and is intended to help you as parents
and guardians of our students to have a better understanding of how the
school works. You can find an online version of The Parents' Handbook and
The E Book in the Parents gateway of www.exeter.edu
Based upon past conversations with parents and suggestions from
our Parent Advisory Committee, we have compiled a list of questions and
aimed to provide a clear, concise answer for each. When appropriate, we
refer the reader to other Academy publications for information, rather than
repeating information here. We hope this answers many of your questions,
but encourage you to contact us if you ever have any questions about our
policies, procedures, support services, etc.
Throughout this book we have, for the sake of simplicity, referred to
you as parents of our students, but we do recognize that some students have
guardians and we are always glad to work with those of you who serve in that
capacity as well. Also on the subject of simpler word choices, a student is
often referred to as "your child" rather than "your son or daughter" - the
phrase may sound a bit youthful when referring to a high school student, but
after all, they are, and will always be, your children. Finally, we alternate male
and female pronouns throughout the text.
If you think of any topics that you believe should be included in future
issues of this handbook, please let us know by sending a note to the Dean of
Students Office. We look forward to many conversations with you about your
children's education and well-being.

* This book references the Academy website, www.exeter.edu, in many places.

Here are some tips for locating information on www.exeter.edu:
• Use the 'gateways' at the top of the home page (Current Students,
Parents) to locate information quickly. In the Parents gateway you will
find a link to the Parents' Handbook, yearly schedules, The E Book and
all sorts of useful information.

• Use search at the top of the home page to locate specific information.

• Navigate through the main subject areas of the website to locate

additional information (About Us, Admissions, Academics, Library,
Student Life, Arts, Athletics, Summer Programs, Giving).
You can use Adobe Reader to search a pdf-formatted document, such as the
Parents’ Handbook or The E Book. To do this, open the document in Adobe
Reader and then select Bookmarks (the tab to the upper left of the document) to
view the table of contents. You can also select “Search” in the Adobe Reader
menu, and then follow the prompts to locate your desired topic.

The founder of Phillips Exeter Academy defined its mission more than two
centuries ago. "Above all," John Phillips stated, "it is expected that the
attention of instructors to the disposition of the minds and morals of the youth
under their charge will exceed every other care; well considering that though
goodness without knowledge is weak and feeble, yet knowledge without
goodness is dangerous, and that both united form the noblest character, and
lay the surest foundation of usefulness to mankind."
Exeter today continues the commitment to unite knowledge and
goodness. It seeks students who combine proven academic ability,
intellectual curiosity, and tenacity with decency and good character. At the
Academy, exacting inquiry and thoughtful discourse foster the life of the mind,
instruction and activity promote fitness and health, and the daily interactions
of a residential school nurture integrity, empathy, and kindness. Because
learning and growth at Exeter arise from each individual's engagement with
others, the richness of education here requires diversity in all its dimensions;
students and faculty value the differences they bring to the community they
The challenges that students meet at Exeter and the support they
receive have a common purpose: to stimulate their development as
individuals and as members of society. Exeter seeks to graduate young
people whose creativity and independence of thought sustain their continuing
inquiry and reflection, whose interest in others and the world around them
surpasses their self-concern, and whose passion for learning impels them
beyond what they already know.
Exeter believes that academic life and residential life are united in purpose.
The academic principles of goodness and knowledge must guide our lives
beyond the classroom as well; there is no schoolroom where knowledge
alone is pursued, no area of residential life where goodness forms the only
curriculum. Exeter affirms that academic success is linked to the excellence
of our residential life, and we commit ourselves to pursuing that excellence in
order to enhance the learning environment at the Academy.
Exeter strives to create an environment that cherishes both the
individual and a strong sense of community. We must teach civility, honesty,
generosity of spirit, and concern for others. Students must learn to make
personal decisions regarding time, to care for their own physical and
emotional well-being, and to balance work and leisure. The opportunity to live
together in a residential school should help students look beyond self-concern
to responsible citizenship and to the welfare of others.

How can I reach my child by telephone?
Each student is assigned a telephone number, which is given to him on the
day he registers at the Academy (move-in day). However, we do not supply
phones; therefore, students should bring a phone for use in their room.
Students maintain the same phone number during their years at the
Academy. Please ask your child to share this number with you and others as
soon as he receives it (we usually recommend that students call home during
the first few days, anyway), as we will not give out the number. If you know
your child’s extension number and would like to call him, then simply dial 603-
777- and the four-digit extension number.
Do I have to listen to my child’s voice mail greeting every time I call?
Though we do recommend that parents listen to their children’s greetings now
and again, one can bypass the greeting by pressing “5” or “#” once the
message has begun. That will take you directly to the prompt, a beep, to
record your message.
How can I reach my child by e-mail?
Again, each student is assigned an e-mail address when she arrives at the
Academy. The address is usually made up of some form of the user’s name
followed by “@exeter.edu.” Ask your child for the address when you move her
in or ask her to e-mail you as soon as possible so that you’ll know where to
How can I reach my child by fax?
Letters or documents can be faxed to students at the Academy Post Office.
That number is 603-777-4384. Soon after a letter is received (or when the
Post Office next opens for business), it will be placed in the appropriate
student’s mailbox.
How can I reach my child by mail?
Each child is assigned a PEA box number when he registers on opening day.
Find out from your child what his PEA box number is and then address letters
and packages in the following fashion:
Student Name
PEA # ________
Phillips Exeter Academy
20 Main Street
Exeter NH, 03833-2460
Can I use AOL Instant Messenger to communicate with my child?
Yes, our computer network allows student users to use AOL Instant
Messenger when students have access to the Internet—that is, from 6:00
a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Friday, and 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on

Whom should I call in an emergency?
If your situation is a medical emergency and involves a student who is on
campus who needs immediate medical care, either instruct the student to dial
911 from any telephone or call the Exeter Police/Fire/Ambulance dispatch
yourself by dialing 603-772-1212.
If your situation is a health-related one (either physical or emotional
in nature), but does not require urgent care, you can contact the Lamont
Health and Wellness Center at 603-777-3420. Our Health Center is open 24
hours each day, seven days a week, when school is in session.
For other types of emergencies, such as an illness or death in the
family or a concern about your child, you should start by contacting your
child’s adviser and/or dorm head. If you do not reach that person in a timely
fashion, please contact the Dean of Students Office (603-777-3411). The
office is typically open Monday through Friday during business hours and
Saturday mornings when school is in session. After hours or during
weekends, you can contact the dean on duty by calling the Academy’s main
number, 603-772-4311. The dean will return your call as soon as possible.
Whom should my child call in an emergency?
Again, depending on the type of emergency, your child can turn to many
different folks on campus.
If a student needs emergency medical attention and needs to get to
the hospital immediately, she should dial 911 from any telephone, and then
stay on the line to describe the problem and the location of the person in
If a student is ill, injured, or in distress, but doesn’t need emergency
care, she can contact a faculty member or Campus Safety at extension 4444
to arrange transportation to the Lamont Health and Wellness Center. If a
student has another urgent matter that comes up, such as a death in the
family or a personal concern, she should contact her adviser, dorm head, the
faculty member on duty in her dormitory, or the dean on duty to discuss what
she can and should do.
What should I do if I have bad news to convey to my child?
If your child is a boarder and you need to share unpleasant news with him, we
strongly suggest that you alert either your child’s adviser or dormitory head
prior to, or soon after, contacting your child. If you do this, there will be
someone here who can check on how your child is doing and offer support. If
you cannot reach either of these individuals, please contact the dean on duty
(please refer to the previous question, “Whom should I call in an emergency?”
for instructions on reaching the dean). The counselors at Lamont Health and
Wellness Center are another source of support in difficult circumstances. You
can reach them by calling Lamont Health and Wellness Center, 603-777-

How can I keep in touch with events at Exeter in case of an
Exeter uses the website – www.exeter.edu – to communicate proactively with
parents during any situation that we know may cause concern to parents. If
you hear of any situation at Exeter or in the local area that may have an
impact on your child, please check the website home page. We post
messages in the area on the right side of the home page, called the Lion's

What guidance is available to a student with respect to her academic
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with their diploma
requirements. This information is found in the Courses of Instruction book
and, for new students, in the course registration materials sent to them soon
after admission to the Academy. Prior to enrollment, students may contact the
Dean of Students Office to discuss any questions they may have about their
course requirements and selections. Once matriculated, students should
discuss any plans or changes in their academic programs with their advisers.
Each spring, advisers will help their advisees plan their courses of study for
the following year. If a student has a more complicated situation or specific
concerns about academic planning, she should contact the Dean of
Academic Affairs for additional information.
To which adult should my child go with academic concerns or
There are many people to whom a student can turn for academic assistance.
Each student is assigned an adviser who is available to assist him with
academic, personal, or social matters. When a student has an academic
problem and doesn’t know where to turn, his adviser is a good source of
advice and guidance. If the concern or question is particular to one course,
your child might choose to speak directly to the instructor to request
clarification of a grade, extra help, or other assistance. Of course, department
heads, the Director of Studies, and the Dean of Academic Affairs are also
available to help students with academic issues and curricular questions.
How does a student calculate her grade point average?
Academic work is graded on an 11-point scale in which A=11, A-=10, etc. to
E=0. Courses graded on a pass/fail basis do not influence a student’s grade
point average, but they often do determine whether a student can meet
diploma requirements. In order to calculate her grade point average, a
student should determine the number of points earned for a particular grade,
add the points earned for all courses together, and then divide the sum by the
number of credits attempted, excluding the pass/fail grade. For example: (B,
C+, D, A, B+, P) divided by 5 credits = (8 + 6 + 2 + 11 + 9 + 0) divided by 5 =
36 divided by 5 = 7.2 g.p.a.

What happens to students in academic difficulty?
Students who encounter difficulty in any of their academic pursuits will have
access to a large support network readily available to them. Given the
particular rhythm of the academic terms, students need to seek academic
support as soon as they realize that they are experiencing difficulties in
keeping up with the demands of the course(s). Making their instructor(s)
aware of their academic difficulties is the first crucial step. Instructor(s) can
assist the student in determining what may be at the root of the difficulty and
help design specific steps to address the situation at hand. Many instructors
regularly offer extra help, either individually or in small groups. Peer tutors are
also available in most disciplines. Students can access this academic service
by visiting the Academic Support Center in Phelps Academy Center, by
contacting the academic support counselor, and seeking the assistance of the
Dean of Academic Affairs.
If, at any academic reporting period, an instructor indicates through
his/her grading that a student is experiencing a substantial level of difficulty,
the student's academic report will be reviewed by the Academic Advising
Committee (a faculty committee chaired by the Dean of Academic Affairs) and
they will consider if this level of demonstrated academic difficulty warrants
being placed on some level of academic action by the faculty. Please refer to
The E Book or the Academy Website for a full description of the process and
the levels of academic action. A junior (prep) or new lower who is
experiencing some organizational or adaptation issues in their academic
program may be encouraged to enroll in our Study Strategies course which is
offered during the winter term.
What if my child has a diagnosed learning difference?
If your child has undergone some form of neuro-educational assessment,
prior to entering or while attending the Academy, and has some
documentation in that regard, you should plan to share this documentation
with the Dean of Academic Affairs. The dean will review the documentation
including the suggested recommendations and determine, in the presence of
a diagnosed learning difference, what level of accommodation is necessary
as well as available. The dean will also work with the student, his or her
parents, adviser, and instructors to act upon the determined
If you suspect that your child might be exhibiting some traits
compatible with the presence of a learning difference, please discuss the
matter with your child's adviser; one of the counselors at the Health Center;
the Academy physician and with the Dean of Academic Affairs.
What exactly is the Harkness method?
The principal mode of instruction at Phillips Exeter is student-driven
discussion, typically around an oval or round table, a system we call the
Harkness method. Please see page one in the Courses of Instruction book for
a description of the Harkness method. You can also find this information on
the Academy’s website, www.exeter.edu. On that website you’ll also find
some videos that explore the Harkness theme.

What if my child is not accustomed to speaking up in class?
Many students are not accustomed to a discussion-oriented system of
teaching and learning. We recognize that for some it will take more time to
develop a comfort level sufficient for full participation in our class discussions.
We also recognize that some students are, by nature, more reticent than
others. However, we do expect that all students will find a way to actively
participate in class discussions. If your child finds it difficult to speak up
during class, encourage her to prepare well for class. It is much easier to
jump in to the discussion if you are, at least, familiar with the topic. Also,
suggest that she discuss this matter with the instructor. Teachers can often
make some suggestions for becoming more actively involved in class
What if I am interested in the teaching philosophy of a particular
The Courses of Instruction book offers some insight on the academic
departments’ goals and philosophies. You can also find some of this
information on the Academy website www.exeter.edu. Also, please feel free
to contact an instructor or the department head with any questions or
Is there a study hall?
No, the Academy believes that students should be self-motivated to complete
their assignments in a timely fashion. However, we do strive to maintain quiet
work conditions in the dormitories after 8:00 p.m. on school nights. Students
are expected to be in their dormitories and working after their check-in times
(8:00 p.m. for grades 9 and 10, 9:00 p.m. for grade 11, and 10:00 p.m. for
grade 12) on those nights.
Do you have a summer reading list?
No, the Academy does not require any reading or other work over the
summer recess. We do encourage students to use some of their vacation
time to read widely in books and publications or to engage in activities that
will enrich and edify them.
What if my child must miss a class or other appointment due to
If a day student is not well enough to meet his required appointments, he may
stay at home but his parents should call the Lamont Health and Wellness
Center (LHWC) as early that day as possible at 603-777-3420 and report his
absence. If a day student is at school when he becomes ill, he should report
to the Lamont Health and Wellness Center. There, he will be evaluated and, if
deemed appropriate, will be treated and given a place to rest until he is
feeling well enough to return to classes or arrangements can be made for him
to return home.
If a boarder is not feeling well enough to attend her classes or other
required appointments, she must report to the LHWC. There she will be
evaluated and, if deemed appropriate, will be treated and given a place to rest

until she is feeling well enough to return to classes. If an absence is to be
excused, a student may not stay in her room while ill. If a student is unable to
walk to the LHWC, the Campus Safety staff can provide transportation. In
such circumstances, the student should contact a dormitory faculty member,
the LHWC, or Campus Safety to arrange transportation.
What if my child must miss class or other appointments due to an
important event, such as a wedding?
If a student would like to request permission to miss a class for a special
event, he will need to request permission from the deans. In order to do so,
he should pick up a petition form from the Dean of Students Office, fill it out,
and give it to his adviser for her review and signature. The petition should be
submitted to the Dean of Students Office at least ten days prior to the date of
the event. The deans will review such requests during their regular weekly
meetings. Such permissions are not granted automatically, but rather are
considered on a case-by-case basis.
Students do not have to petition to miss classes for religious
holidays. Please see the section of this publication entitled “Worship” for
more details.
What if there is a family emergency and my child needs to return
home suddenly?
We understand the need for students to be with their families and close
friends when there is a family emergency, such as a death in the family. If
such circumstances arise, please contact your child’s adviser, dorm head, or
the Dean of Students Office. It is a good idea to let an adult on campus know
prior to, or very soon after, informing your child (please refer to the “In Case
of Emergency” section of this publication for more information). We will help
you to make arrangements for your child’s return home.
Please note that there is often a tension at these difficult times
between the student’s need to attend her classes and her need to be at home
with friends and family. When appropriate, we will do our best to ease that
tension by excusing absences, obtaining assignments to be done at home, or
extending deadlines for work. However, it is important that your child not be
away too long as it will only make her eventual return to school more stressful
if she misses too much work (see the question below “What if my child
misses too many classes?").
What if my child misses too many classes?
We monitor student attendance closely and have a strict standard for
unexcused absences. Students who miss four or more unexcused classes in
a term are subject to disciplinary action. Parents are notified in writing when
this occurs. Please refer to the Attendance section of The E Book for a
description of the Attendance Committee’s procedures and the likely
responses when a student misses too many classes. This information is also
reproduced on the Academy website, www.exeter.edu.
We also monitor the number of excused absences. Whether the
absences are due to college visits, time spent at home or in the Health Center
due to illness or personal emergency, or absences approved by the deans,
several absences can create a cumulative drag on one’s academic
performance. If we notice a student is accumulating a lot of absences, either
the adviser or one of the deans will discuss it with him, and perhaps his
parents, with the goal in mind of learning how we might best support his
efforts to attend his classes. If we are particularly concerned about the
number of absences, the Dean’s Office may require that he be evaluated by
members of our Health Center staff through an Academy Student Assistance
Program referral. In extreme cases, the Academy may need to require a
medical leave of absence.
At the conclusion of each term, you will receive an account of the
number of reported excused and unexcused absences for that term. If you
ever have any questions or concerns about your child’s attendance record,
please contact your child’s adviser or one of the deans.
If parents have questions or concerns, how should they
communicate with the school?
If you know which department you need to address, then please feel free to
contact that department directly. You’ll find the phone numbers for many
Academy departments in the Appendices section of this publication. For
student-related questions or concerns, we suggest you start with your child’s
adviser. He should be able to assist you or refer you to the appropriate
person or department. Of course, parents should always feel free to contact
the Dean of Students Office (603-777-3411) with any questions or concerns.
What is the role of my child’s adviser?
The role of a day student’s adviser is the same as that of a boarding student’s
adviser. The day student adviser aims to provide academic and personal
support and guidance to her advisees. Of course, the day student adviser
may not see her advisees as frequently as advisers of boarding students see
their advisees–day students are continually on the move. But through regular
meetings, phone conversations, and a few updates from the Dean’s Office
(grades, attendance, etc.), the adviser will keep tabs on how your child is
managing her various responsibilities. The best adviser/advisee relationships
are fostered when both parties work to keep in close touch, so do encourage
your child to keep in contact with her adviser by dropping by occasionally,
returning calls, and calling her adviser when she has a question.
Occasionally, advisers may contact the parents of their advisees to update
them on their child’s progress and solicit their input. Please contact your
child’s adviser if you ever have any questions or concerns or if you would just
like an update.
What is the best way to reach the adviser?
Because individual advisers might answer this question differently, we
suggest you ask your child’s adviser how best to be in touch. But in general,
you can reach your child’s adviser in any of four ways: telephone, fax, mail, or
e-mail. You are always welcome to schedule an appointment to visit as well.
Telephone: Each dormitory faculty member has an Academy extension in his
apartment and many have office or classroom extensions as well. When
contacting a dormitory faculty member at home, we ask that you use the
dormitory extension number, rather than his private number. Unless instructed
otherwise by your child’s adviser, please use the private number only in cases
of emergency and only after trying the Academy extension. Non-dormitory
faculty members also have Academy extensions assigned to them. These
numbers usually ring in a classroom or office. In all cases, a private message
can be left for the faculty member on the voice mail system. If you must speak
immediately to a non-dormitory faculty member during the night or a
weekend, you can use her private home number (usually found in The Photo
Address Book) to do so.
Fax: You can fax a letter to any faculty member by using the Academy’s Post
Office fax number: 603-777-4384. The faxed document will be placed in the
appropriate faculty member’s post office box.
Mail: To send anything to a faculty member, please use the Academy’s
mailing address: Phillips Exeter Academy, 20 Main Street, Exeter, NH 03833-
E-mail: Each faculty member is assigned an e-mail account. The e-mail
addresses can be found on the Academy’s website: www.exeter.edu or in
The Photo Address Book. Please be aware that some faculty members do not
use e-mail on a regular basis, so please follow up by telephone or in writing if
you do not receive a response.
How are day students involved in the life of the school?
Day students are very much a part of everyday life at the Academy. They, like
all students, are equal participants in classroom, athletic, and extracurricular
endeavors. They are welcome to take all of their meals (yes, even on the
weekends) in the dining hall, participate in all extracurricular activities, and
use all Academy facilities. They are welcome to visit in the dormitories on
school nights until 8:00 for preps and lowers and until 9:00 for uppers and
seniors, and until 11:00 on Saturday nights.
What facilities are available for my day student?
Phelps Academy Center is designed to be the hub of student life and the
campus crossroads. The first floor of Phelps Academy Center houses the
Grill, the Post Office, and a large entry lounge, which is the perfect place to sit
and enjoy a coffee break, read your mail and catch up with other members of
the Exeter community.
The second floor consists of the Student Activities Office and the
Day Student Lounge. The Student Activities Office is located on the corner of
the second floor. In addition to meeting rooms and offices, students have
access to a literary club room with six workstations, and a club resource room
with club mail boxes, club files and a self-serve copier. Day students have a
space large enough to accommodate all of them. The day student suite
includes individual lockers, two showers, and two lounges: one for hanging
out with friends and one for quiet study. There's also an office where day
students can meet privately with advisers.

Is there a day student network?
Day students are in frequent contact with each other. Beginning with a
reception prior to the start of school, there are occasional events to bring the
day students together. The Day Student Coordinator, with the help of the Day
Student Committee (see description in The E Book), is also available to help
students with any concerns and address issues that pertain to the day
student population. Day student advisers often choose to gather all of their
assigned advisees together occasionally, giving day students another
opportunity to gather in small groups. Day students have a common space at
Phelps Academy Center where they gather to study and socialize; they are
also welcome to study at the Library and elsewhere on campus. Student
Listeners are chosen from the upper and senior day students to keep an eye
out for the well being of this group. Also, day students elect representatives to
the Student Council.
Is there a day student directory for carpooling purposes?
Yes, the Dean of Students Office produces a directory at the start of the
academic year.
May day students drive to school?
Yes, as long as a student is a licensed driver he may drive to school. Vehicles
driven to school must have a PEA parking decal. During mid-summer, parking
decal information and application forms are mailed to all day students and
parents. Parking decal information and forms are also available at the
Campus Safety Department and the Dean of Students Office. It is important
that students who drive to campus know and abide by the motor vehicle
regulations outlined in The E Book.
May day students drive boarders to the drugstore or to the pizza
No, day students may not drive boarders unless the boarder is an overnight
visitor in your home and proper written permission has been obtained from
the Dean of Students Office (see the Motor Vehicles section of The E Book or
you can find this information at www.exeter.edu). Day students do report that
they are sometimes asked to help boarders run small errands such as this, so
please remind your child that this policy is for her (and your) protection.
May I drive boarders to the drugstore or to the pizza shop?
Yes, a boarder may ride with a driver over the age of 21 in the Exeter vicinity
(which is defined in The E Book as the region in New Hampshire bounded by
Route 125, Route 16, and the ocean) for a day trip as long as the student has
informed the faculty member on duty in his dorm where he is going, with
whom he is traveling, and when he is likely to return.
May we entertain boarders in our home?
Absolutely! For day trips, please see the information above under the
question “May I drive boarders to the drugstore or pizza shop?” For overnight
visits, the boarder must obtain proper written approval from the Dean of
Students Office. For this approval to be granted, a boarder must have
parental permission, and we require that the host (that’s you!) provide a
written invitation to the Dean’s Office for each occasion. Please note, it is
understood that the parents of day students, or adults designated by the
parents, will be in residence during the visit and are responsible for the
visiting students.
May day students spend overnights on campus?
On non-school days, it is possible for a day student to occasionally spend a
night or two in the dorms with parental permission and permission of the
faculty member on duty in the dorm and/or the dorm head. We ask that the
parent speaks directly with the faculty member.
When inclement weather is anticipated on a school night, day
students are welcome to stay with friends in the dormitories. Again, please
contact the faculty member on duty to request permission. Please do not
hesitate to call the Dean’s Office 603-777-3411, if you are not sure whom to
call in the dorm.
If a day student, or parents would like to discuss a possible stay
outside these parameters (i.e. staying over on a school night when weather is
not a concern or staying in a dorm longer than one night), they should discuss
this request with a dean.
Where can a day student store books and other belongings during
the school day?
The day student suite includes individual lockers for each day student where
they can store books, clothing, and other belongings. There are also two
showers, and two lounges: one for hanging out with friends and one for quiet
study. Students are also assigned lockers in the gymnasium. Storage for
musical instruments is available in the music building.
How can I reach a day student during the day?
If the message is not urgent, a message can be left on a day student’s voice
mail by calling her Academy number; you can send an e-mail to her; or you
can call the Academy Post Office (603-777-3424) and ask that a note be left
in her mailbox. Oftentimes, it is useful to call Phelps Academy Center and ask
that a message be left there for your child. If there is an emergency and you
need the Dean’s Office to find your child immediately, please call the office at
Who should be notified if a day student cannot come to school
because of illness?
You should call the Lamont Health and Wellness Center directly if your child
is too ill to attend classes. The phone number there is 603-777-3420. Please
be sure to call as soon as you know your child will be absent. You do need to
call for each day he will be absent.
If a day student is at school when he becomes ill, he should report to
the Health and Wellness Center. There, he will be evaluated and, if deemed
appropriate, will be treated and given a place to rest until he is feeling well
enough to return to classes or arrangements can be made for him to return

Can day students utilize the services of the Lamont Health and
Wellness Center?
Yes! The Lamont Health and Wellness Center staff is available and willing to
treat all of our students. However, when your child requires the care of a
nurse practitioner or physician, you may prefer to have your child see her
primary care provider so that continuity of care is insured. For more
information about the services offered by the Lamont Health and Wellness
Center, please see the section of this publication entitled “Health Care, Health
Education and Counseling.”
What should a day student do if inclement weather makes driving to
school hazardous?
The Academy typically does not cancel school during snowstorms or other
severe weather conditions. If, however, a day student or his parents
determine that driving to school might be hazardous, he may stay at home.
We ask that the student’s parents contact the Dean of Students Office at 603-
777-3411 to report his absence as soon as possible.
If storm conditions are predicted and travel conditions are expected
to be poor, day students are welcome to stay with friends in the dormitories.
Day students and their parents should contact the faculty member on duty in
the dorm to request permission and make the necessary arrangements. If you
do not know whom you should contact in the dorm, please call the Dean of
Students Office for this information.
May day students take overnight trips with their parents and miss
Saturday classes?
Because the quality of our classes depends on the presence and full
participation of all of our students, we require students to attend all of their
classes. Exceptions are made only for extraordinary circumstances. If your
child would like to request permission to miss any classes, she will need to
submit a petition to the deans at least ten days prior to the day in question.
Petition forms are available in the Dean of Students Office and require some
advance work on the student’s and adviser’s parts to complete the form.
Students need to plan well ahead for this.
Students do not need to petition for permission to miss classes for
religious holidays. Please see the “Worship” section of this publication for
more details.
Can day students access the Academy’s computer network from
It is possible for day students to access the Academy’s network from home.
For more information please contact the ITS department at 603-777-3693.
How can the parents of day students be more involved in the life of
the school?
We welcome all parents to attend athletic events (be sure to wear our school
colors!), theatrical performances, concerts, guest lectures, etc. You are also
welcome to attend an occasional assembly program, though we warn you,
seating is very limited. Because of their proximity, day student parents are
typically more able to participate in these events. Having parents on the
sidelines or in the audience—even if they are not their own parents—means a
great deal to our students. You can keep abreast of current events by
consulting the News & Events section of www.exeter.edu.
Day students’ parents are also encouraged to participate in the
Seacoast Association activities. The Seacoast Association is one of our
regional organizations that aim to bring alumni/ae, past and present parents,
and occasionally current students together for lectures, socials, etc. Every
now and again, when we have a volunteer opportunity, we recruit volunteers
through the Seacoast Association. You can also contact the adviser for your
child’s class to find out if they might need some assistance with class events.
How are housing assignments made?
Each spring, our returning students choose their rooms for the next academic
year. Each dorm runs its own housing selection process. Students can
choose to exercise their “squatter’s rights” and select the same room, or they
can take part in a lottery system to choose a new room. Dorms often factor a
student’s class level, roommate preferences, proctor placement, and seniority
in the dorm into the room selection process. Prior to departing for the
summer, a student typically knows where he will be living the next year.
Over the summer, after determining which spaces are available, we
turn to our lists of new students to fill those spots. When doing room
assignments, we use information that we cull from the Admissions Office
records (such as the student’s grade level, where the student lives, interests,
race or ethnicity, and activities) and we factor in any requests we’ve received
from the dormitory heads and the incoming students. If your child has any
special needs or requests about his housing assignment, he should put this
request in writing and forward it to the Dean of Students Office prior to July 1.
Although we do our best to meet such requests, we cannot make any
Are there dorms for particular grade levels or areas of student
Some of our dormitories are small houses (they house 10-16 students).
Those dormitories are reserved for uppers, seniors, and sometimes lowers.
Our other dormitories house students in all grade levels. All of our dormitories
are single-sex residences. We do not divide students in the dorm in any other
way. We prefer to have a heterogeneous mixture in the dorms, which allows
students to “rub elbows” with a variety of people who bring different
perspectives, strengths, and experiences to the residential setting.
Is there a housing questionnaire or roommate matching form?
No, we do not use a roommate matching form. Admission information
provides sufficient data to make good housing assignments. Though students
may encounter some difficulties or challenges with a roommate (something
that is not always avoidable even when using a questionnaire), they often
learn a great deal about themselves and other people as they work to resolve
the problem and, as a result, develop deeper, strengthened relationships.

Dormitory faculty, proctors, and student listeners are available to assist
roommates with any issues that come up.
What should we bring for the room? May we bring furniture such as
a computer table or a sofa? What appliances are allowed or
Rooms are furnished with a bed, extra-long twin size mattress, bureau, desk,
desk chair, desk lamp, and many dorm rooms have an additional armchair.
There is not sufficient space in most rooms for a computer table or
sofas. Students who bring a computer and printer with them usually put these
items on or next to their desks. Some rooms are carpeted, others are not, and
so it is best to wait until you arrive to decide whether or not you’d like to
obtain a rug. All windows are outfitted with a shade of some sort. It is a matter
of personal taste whether or not to put curtains in the windows—generally,
students do not choose to hang curtains.
The laundry service, E&R Laundry, provides each student with one
pillow, two pillowcases, four flat sheets, a wool blanket, and six white towels.
Students may want to bring an extra set of sheets to use when their basic
sets are with E&R Laundry. We have 82" long mattresses, which fit extra-long
twin size sheets. Some students choose to bring a comforter. Plenty of towels
are available in the gym for sports.
Safety for our students and faculty is very important to us and we
take it very seriously. Students may not have appliances such as halogen
lamps, refrigerators, microwaves, hot pots, televisions, irons, coffee pots,
towel warmers, corn poppers, toasters, space heaters, etc. in their dormitory
rooms. Please do not bring these items to Exeter. However, students may
bring an electric cooler for their room. The electrical systems in some of our
older dormitories can be taxed by the heavy electrical load that today’s
computers, hair dryers, etc. require, so we encourage students to bring with
them a fused power strip that will enable several items to be plugged in
without breaking the circuit or causing a fire. Those students who wish to
protect their computer from a power surge should bring a surge protector.
Please note that the school does not insure student belongings.
Please review the sections in The E Book entitled “Sound and Video
Equipment,” “Care of Student Rooms,” and “Furnishings, Equipment, and
Clothing” for more information about what students may bring to school.
May students have pets?
Given that we have so many people sharing these living spaces, we cannot
allow students to have pets in the dorms.
May we come by early to see the room?
Because the dormitories are in use during the summer months and there is so
much to do to prepare for the fall term, we are not able to open the dorms for
previews. If you have any urgent questions about the dormitories, please call
the Dean of Students Office. Otherwise, we will look forward to welcoming
you on opening day.

Can my child’s belongings be stored over the summer?
There is very limited storage for boarding students to store personal
belongings over the summer. Dorm heads organize the summer storage
process during the last two weeks of school in May. Dorm heads also
organize the removal of items from storage during the move-in process.
Exeter assumes no responsibility for personal property lost or damaged while
in the storage facilities during the summer or school year.

To whom should my child go if she has a problem like a broken

window or a radiator that is not working?
When there is a problem with the building, your child should report the
problem to either the custodian of her building, her adviser, or her dorm head.
Students shouldn’t “sit on” a problem. We want to know if something is not
working or is broken.
Whom can my child talk to in the dorm if he has a personal problem
or is worried about someone else?
First of all, if it is an emergency situation, please turn to the section entitled
“In Case of Emergency” and follow the advice found under the question
“Whom should my child call in an emergency?”
With that said, there are many people available to assist students
with such concerns. Advisers are on hand to consult with students about
academic, personal, dormitory, and other matters. Alternatively, your child
could talk to his dormitory head, who is charged with overseeing the well-
being of the students living in a particular dormitory as well as the overall
functioning of the dorm. Or, if he prefers, he could seek advice from another
dormitory faculty member. When in doubt, he should just go to any faculty
member he feels comfortable talking to and describe the problem. That
faculty member will, if necessary, steer the student to the person best able to
help him.
If the matter is more urgent and your child is unable to contact his
adviser or dorm head, he should feel free to approach the faculty member on
duty in his dorm for advice or assistance.
Sometimes, students prefer to talk to someone their own age when
they encounter a problem. There are two sets of student leaders designated
to offer support to their peers. Student Listeners are uppers and seniors who
have been selected to serve as peer helpers. They are trained in active
listening and attend weekly workshops on issues relevant to teenagers and
life at PEA. Proctors are seniors who work with the dorm faculty to establish a
positive atmosphere in the dorm and look after the well-being of the students
living in the dorm. More information about the role of the Student Listeners
and proctors can be found in The E Book.
Finally, if a student would like some help from someone outside of
the dormitory, he could contact one of the deans in the Dean of Students
Office, or a member of our Health Services staff for some advice or support.

What is the best way to reach the adviser?
Because individual advisers might answer this question differently, we
suggest you ask your child’s adviser for the easiest ways to be in touch. But
in general, you can reach your child’s adviser in any of four ways: telephone,
fax, mail, or e-mail. You are always welcome to schedule an appointment
when you are on campus, as well.
Telephone: Each dormitory faculty member has an Academy extension in her
apartment and many have office or classroom extensions as well. When
contacting a dormitory faculty member at home, we ask that you use the
dormitory extension number, rather than her private number. Unless
instructed otherwise by your child’s adviser, please use the private number
only in cases of emergency and only after trying the Academy extension.
Non-dormitory faculty members also have Academy extensions assigned to
them. These numbers usually ring in a classroom or office. In all cases, a
private message can be left for the faculty member on the voice mail system.
If you must speak to a non-dormitory faculty member during the night or a
weekend, you can use her private home number (usually found in The Photo
Address Book) to do so.
Fax: You can fax a letter to any faculty member by using the Academy’s Post
Office fax number: 603-777-4384. The faxed document will be placed in the
appropriate faculty member’s post office box.
Mail: To send anything to a faculty member, please use the Academy’s
mailing address: Phillips Exeter Academy, 20 Main Street, Exeter, NH 03833-
E-mail: Each faculty member is assigned an e-mail account. The e-mail
addresses can be found on the Academy’s website: www.exeter.edu or in
The Photo Address Book. Please be aware that some faculty members do not
use e-mail on a regular basis, so please follow up by phone or in writing if you
do not receive a response.
What if my child doesn’t get along with her roommate?
Roommates occasionally experience some difficulties as they negotiate how
they will live with one another. Student Listeners (our peer counselors),
proctors, and dorm faculty stand ready to assist students if they encounter
roommate conflicts. If your child is having a problem, encourage her to talk to
one of these people, particularly her adviser. Most situations can be worked
through with a bit of help, but we can’t help if we don’t know about the
problem. Encourage your child to try to work the problem out. Students learn
a lot about themselves and others as they work to solve these real-life issues.
If for some reason your child does not want to talk to her adviser directly,
please consider contacting the adviser yourself in order to alert him to the
What should I do if my child is homesick?
Many new students (and some returning students) experience some level of
homesickness. The following are some ways that a parent or guardian can
help a student over this hurdle:

Assure him that this is a natural, common experience over which he
has a good deal of control.
Your child should plan to bring a little bit of home with him: a favorite
poster from his bedroom, that old stuffed animal, and pictures of special
places and people are all great ways to ease the transition.
Please speak to your child’s adviser and let her know what you are
hearing or seeing. Oftentimes, especially when new to the school, students
do not feel comfortable sharing their feelings with faculty. Instead, they put on
a happy face and tell us that everything is “fine.” Please let us know if
everything is not “fine.”
Encourage your child to get involved in activities. There are many
exciting opportunities on campus, and keeping busy is a great treatment for
homesickness. Because free times can be hard times, help him anticipate
unscheduled times and plan activities with others. Refer your child to
Blackboard for announcements and for information about student clubs and
Help your child to focus on the things that he likes here at school:
classes he likes the most, friends he will make, or unique opportunities that a
boarding school can provide.
It may be overwhelming for a student feeling homesick to think about
a whole year, so help your child break the year down into manageable parts.
For example: Parents’ Weekend, Thanksgiving vacation, and winter break are
all events that will arrive much sooner than the end of the school year.
This is probably not a time to go “cold turkey” from family contact.
Encourage regular, scheduled e-mails, letters, calls, or visits. Knowing that he
will be speaking with a parent or loved one at a specific time can free a
student’s energies for other things. Parents often ask how frequently they
should call. Ultimately, this is a personal decision, but be sure that you follow
your child’s cues about the frequency of contact, even if you are (and you
probably are!) missing your child a great deal and would like to communicate
with him more frequently.
Encourage your child to get adequate sleep, nutrition, and exercise,
all of which affect mood and resiliency. For this reason, discourage late-night
phone calls with family and friends.
Meals in the dining halls can be a bit daunting for a new student.
Urge your child to ask a roommate, friend, classmate, Student Listener, or
proctor to join him for a meal. Many dorms have “dorm tables,” tables the
dorms adopt for themselves as a home base in one of the dining halls.
Suggest that your child find out about this. Although everyone in the dining
hall may appear to be sitting with an exclusive group of friends, the Academy
actually has a very welcoming atmosphere. If a student sees an empty seat
and asks the occupants of that table if he might join them, most likely he will
be welcomed and included in the conversation. Though they require some
courage, such risks usually pay off.
Urge your child to talk to someone about his feelings: proctors,
Student Listeners, faculty members, or the staff at Lamont Health and
Wellness Center are all good choices. Remember that it is perceived distance
from home and not geographic distance that correlates with homesickness.
Don’t be surprised if your child starts to talk about feeling homesick
at some time other than the beginning of the school year, particularly after
being home for a major vacation.
If your child feels he is getting behind on his work, encourage him to
approach his teachers and explain the situation. He can also ask his adviser
for some assistance with this.
If the homesickness does not seem to abate and you remain
concerned about the impact of your child’s mood on his daily functioning,
please contact his adviser and/or one of the school counselors. You can
reach the counselors by calling the Lamont Health and Wellness Center at
What if my child is a bit more quiet or introverted by nature?
If your child is more withdrawn or retiring than some others, she will not be
alone. Many of our students find it difficult to reach out to others when in new
situations. With the help of our faculty and student leaders—proctors, Student
Listeners, team captains—we do our best to help new students to get to know
the other students in their dormitories, teams, classes, etc. and to involve
them in the life of the school. Typically, such a student will become more
comfortable with time. If you anticipate that your child may have some
difficulty on this front, please talk to her adviser.
Who helps my child manage his time?
Each student is expected to manage his own time. However, we do support
that effort by maintaining study conditions in the evening, limiting television
use during study hours, and by requiring that students be working after their
check-in times (8:00 for grades 9 and 10; 9:00 for grade 11; and 10:00 for
grade 12). If a student is having particular difficulty concentrating on his work,
his adviser can give him a study card. This card is posted on the student’s
door and requires that other students not enter that room during study hours.
However, a typical student room contains many distractions: reading
materials, computer games, access to the Internet, a telephone, art or music
materials, etc., and every student needs to figure our how to resist these
distractions when he has work to do. If your child needs additional help
managing his time, please encourage him to talk to his adviser to consider
additional strategies. You’ll also find some suggestions about time
management under the next question, “How can I be sure my child is eating
well and getting enough sleep?” Your child may also want to arrange to meet
with the Academic Support Counselor to assess his time management and
study skills by calling 603-777-3724 or via e-mail at pparris@exeter.edu.
How can I be sure my child is eating well and getting enough sleep?
As they transition to living more independently, students, whether day
students or boarders, have to learn how to manage the various demands on
their time and energy, and figure out how to take good care of themselves in
the process. For many students, their first term at PEA is the first time that
they independently choose what they will eat for every meal or what time to
go to sleep. This is a tremendous learning experience and most students
manage it well. However, some students need some extra guidance.

The best way to gather information about your child’s eating and
sleeping habits is to ask her. In the beginning she may complain about the
sleeping conditions (it’s too hot or cold; it’s too quiet or noisy; it just doesn’t
feel right) or the food offered in our dining halls (it’s just not like yours). These
types of complaints, of course, are usually part of the process of getting used
to this new environment.
If she complains about the food served in the dining hall, encourage
her to keep an open mind and to remember that in addition to the hot
selections served on the main line, she can also choose food from the salad
bar, deli bar, pasta bar, and the cold cereal selections. If any of her
complaints about the food offerings might be remedied, urge your child to talk
to the Dining Hall manager about it or to drop a note in the suggestion box in
the dining hall. Our Dining Services staff is constantly on the lookout for ways
to improve their offerings.
If her sleep seems to be impacted by her roommate’s habits or noise
conditions on her floor, encourage her to discuss these matters with her
roommate or her neighbors. Encourage her to seek assistance from her
adviser or a proctor.
Your child might feel she does not have enough time to attend
mealtimes or to get adequate sleep because she has too much work to do.
Though new students often face a great deal more work than they have ever
seen before, it is possible for a well-disciplined student to complete her work
and get enough sleep. How much is “enough” sleep? Individual sleep
requirements vary, but research suggests that adolescents typically require
somewhere between eight to ten hours of sleep per day, including any naps.
We generally recommend that students get at least seven and a half to eight
hours of sleep per night. When a student is staying up very late, it usually has
a great deal to do with procrastination or poor time management on the
student’s part or a mistaken belief that an Exonian is not working hard
enough if she gets eight to ten hours of sleep each day.
If your child is not getting enough sleep, please encourage her to
carefully evaluate how she is using her time. Emphasize that students need to
spread their work throughout a given week. If a class doesn’t meet for three
or four days (it can happen), that doesn’t mean she should let the homework
go until the night before the next class meeting. Students need to use some
of their free time during the school days, Wednesday afternoons, or
weekends to do some work, as they can’t get it all done between 8:00 and
10:30 p.m. on school nights. Larger projects need to be worked on little by
little rather than just during the last couple of days before the deadline. Also, it
may be helpful to remind your child that if she is sleepy during her classes,
she will only create more work for herself because she will then need to try to
master the material on her own, which is not a very efficient use of the
Harkness system.
Be assured that we will also keep our eyes and ears open for
potential problems on these fronts. If you hear anything from your child that
causes you concern or you are worried that she is not getting enough sleep or
eating well, please contact her adviser.

Are students’ birthdays acknowledged while school is in session?
Students’ birthdays are listed on Blackboard on the appropriate days. Also,
some advisers or dormitories choose to acknowledge students’ birthdays
through cards or celebrations. Contact your child’s adviser if you’d like to
know what the tradition is in your child’s dormitory.
What do I need to know about the out-of-town permission process?
The out-of-town permission process is the system we use to determine
whether or not a student is eligible to leave the Exeter area for a day trip or to
go anywhere for an overnight trip. Students who are on restrictions for
attendance or disciplinary infractions are not allowed to go out of town, except
during specified open weekends. In order for the Dean of Students Office to
approve a student’s application to go out of town, the student must submit an
application for out-of-town permission; a signed permission for the outing
from his parent; and, when not going home or away with parents, a written
invitation from the adult the student will be visiting.
Parents can provide permission in one of two ways. First, you can
write a note to the Dean’s Office indicating that you give your child permission
to embark on a particular journey. That note needs to be signed and date-
specific. Alternatively, parents have the option to complete an “Out-of-Town
Permission Sheet” each year. This so-called “blanket permission form” allows
a parent to grant permission for certain activities for an entire school year. If
you indicate on this form that you give permission for an activity—such as
going to Boston on an unchaperoned train—then we will approve your child’s
out-of-town requests for that activity every time he submits a request, without
further communication from you, as long as everything else is in order.
Using the blanket permission form can be a time saver for you, your
child, and the Dean of Students Office. However, it is subject to abuse. For
instance, many parents indicate on the permission sheet that their child “may
take an out-of-town permission to be in the company of either parent without
specific further communication… This includes going home for a weekend or
a hotel visit with the responsible parent.” Occasionally, a student will indicate
on his application for an out-of-town permission that he plans to go “home” or
“to Boston with parents,” knowing that his parent has given blanket
permission for him to do so, but with no intention of seeing his parents or
going home. Instead, he might choose to go elsewhere: a friend’s home, a
fraternity party, a concert, or a hotel. If he is discovered violating this trust, he
will be subject to major disciplinary action for dishonesty or leaving Exeter
without permission. Therefore you need to feel certain that your child can
responsibly handle the freedoms you grant him. If you are uncertain, you can
limit the permissions on the sheet and plan to grant permissions for outings
on a case-by-case basis. Also, you can change your child’s permission form
at any point during the year. You only need to put your request in writing and
send it to the Dean of Students Office. There is more information about the
out-of-town permission process in The E Book.
Can girls visit boys’ rooms or boys visit girls’ rooms?
Yes, boys and girls may visit in each other’s rooms after obtaining “visitations”
permission from a faculty member. Such visits are restricted to certain hours,
the room door must remain half-way open during the visit, and the faculty
member supervises the visit. You can read more about our visitations policy
in The E Book.
What if my child doesn’t get along with her adviser? What if my child
wants to change advisers?
We recognize that all students will not get along with all teachers. The same
is true with one’s adviser, particularly if a student has to be reminded about
matters like dorm rules, attendance, and so on. If your child is having a
problem with her adviser, do encourage her to keep the lines of
communication open with her, and please try to do the same yourself. If there
is something in particular that the adviser can address, it would be very
helpful if you or your child could share this perspective with the adviser. With
time and good communication, your child may change her mind and grow
fonder of her adviser.
In the meantime, do encourage your child to find other adult supports
on campus. Whether it be another dorm faculty member, a favorite teacher or
coach, a counselor at the Health Services, or a club adviser, the more adults
a student feels she can talk to, the better. No one faculty member will meet all
of a student’s needs, but students who are connected to at least one adult at
Exeter tend to be happier here.
Lastly, if you feel or your child feels an adviser change is necessary,
such changes can be requested in May for the next academic year. Students
are notified when such requests can be submitted. If you have any questions
about this, please contact the Dean of Students Office.
Must the adviser be affiliated with the dorm where my child lives?
Yes, we do require that advisers, when advising boarders, be affiliated with
their advisees’ dormitories. We know that advisers can do a better job looking
out for individual students when they are involved in the life of the dormitory.
As members of the dormitory team, advisers spend time in the dormitory,
know the other students living in the dorm, understand the dynamics of the
dorm, are involved in dorm activities, and participate in regular meetings with
the other faculty and the proctors. We believe that this involvement in the
dorm helps advisers do a better job helping individual students and the dorm
as a whole.
What if I have an inkling about rule-breaking at the school and would
like to have someone check on it before the kids get into trouble?
Parents will often hear about potentially troublesome behaviors before
Academy staff. If you are concerned about your child or another student and
would like someone at the Academy to check into it, please do not hesitate to
contact us. You need not share the names of the students involved unless
you are comfortable doing so. In most circumstances we do not have to share
the source of the information (i.e., your name) when addressing the problem.
If we are not already in the midst of a disciplinary investigation, your
call, e-mail, or letter will not start a disciplinary investigation if you do not want
that to happen. Instead, we will work to help the students involved through the
use of our non-disciplinary assistance policy. Prior to contacting us, we
suggest that you review this policy in The E Book.
It is important to note that Academy personnel are required to report
certain situations to local or state authorities. Please see the question in this
section entitled “Under what circumstances are Academy personnel required
to share information with local and state authorities?” for more information
about these reporting laws.
Do you have a policy on hazing?
Yes, we take hazing very seriously. So seriously, that it is one of our major
rules. We discuss it with students at the beginning of each year, and
oftentimes, later in the year. We encourage all of our students to review the
statement about hazing found under the “Academy Policies” section of The E
Book. Please review this statement yourself and discuss this matter with your
If you ever have any concerns that a student might be the victim of
hazing, we ask that you discuss this matter with your child’s adviser, dorm
head, or one of the deans. You need not share more information than you
wish. We do not necessarily have to share the source of the information (i.e.,
your name) when addressing the problem.
If we are not already in the midst of a disciplinary investigation, your
call, e-mail, or letter will not start a disciplinary investigation if you do not want
that to happen. Instead, we will work to help the involved students through the
application of our non-disciplinary assistance (NDA) policy. Prior to contacting
us, you may want to review this policy in The E Book.
It is important to note that Academy personnel are required to report
certain situations to local or state authorities. Please see the question in this
section entitled “Under what circumstances are Academy personnel required
to share information with local and state authorities?” for more information
about these reporting laws.
What happens if my child is caught using alcohol or other drugs or
breaking another major rule?
If a student is caught using, in possession of, or under the influence of
alcohol or other drugs, the first thing we do is bring the student to the Lamont
Health and Wellness Center to be evaluated and to be certain that he is in no
danger. Usually, we require the student to spend several hours at the Health
Center. Parents are notified soon after the offense is discovered.
Breaches of the alcohol and other drug rules are major offenses (see
The E Book for a complete list of major rule violations), which means that a
student who violates one of these rules may be subject to dismissal from the
Academy. The Dean’s Office investigates the situation and asks the involved
students to write factual statements that describe their involvement in the rule
violation. The dean in charge of overseeing the discipline process and the
faculty chair of the Discipline Committee then determine what, if any, rule was
violated. If a student is found to be in violation of a major rule, he is asked to
appear before the Discipline Committee, usually within a few days of the
offense, to explain his actions. The Committee, after talking with the student
and hearing reports from his adviser, faculty friend, and student friend (the
latter two are chosen by the student), decides what the response will be.
Typically in situations involving violation of a major rule, the Committee
deliberates between placing the student on probation and requiring the
student to withdraw from the Academy. The decision of the Discipline
Committee is final.
If your child remains at Exeter after an alcohol or other drug violation,
he will be enrolled in the Academy Student Assistance Program. This can
also occur for other rule violations such as hazing or stealing. He will most
likely be required to meet with a counselor and a health educator so that he
can have safe, confidential places to discuss his decisions and his use of
alcohol and other drugs or other rule violations. Other support mechanisms
can be put into place and are discussed with the parents.
It is important to note that Academy personnel are required to report
certain situations to local or state authorities. Please see the question in this
section entitled “Under what circumstances are Academy personnel required
to share information with local and state authorities?” for more information
about these reporting laws.
What is the parents’ role when a student violates a major rule?
Parents of students are notified soon after we determine that a major rule has
been violated. At that point, the dean will explain what has happened, how
the disciplinary process works, and what the parent can expect. Parents are
welcome to come to campus to support the student during the Discipline
Committee meeting time. However, parents are not allowed to attend the
actual meeting. We do this to encourage students to take responsibility for
their own actions and to insure that no student is advantaged or
disadvantaged by a parent’s presence or absence.
Where can I learn more about the disciplinary process?
The disciplinary process is described in detail in The E Book under the
heading “The Discipline System.” If, after reviewing that section, you have
further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Dean of Students
Office (603-777-3411) for more information.
Under what circumstances are Academy personnel required to share
information with local and state authorities?
Although it happens rarely, New Hampshire state law does require that
Academy personnel report certain situations to local or state authorities. Even
if the Academy deals with a situation through our non-disciplinary assistance
(NDA) policy and we do not apply our disciplinary procedures, if a student
violates a law and the action is reportable under these or any other laws, she
may still be subject to criminal investigation and prosecution. It is important
that you familiarize yourselves with these laws as violations can carry serious
consequences for your child. Please discuss these matters with her, and we
will do the same. The more we, parents and teachers, work together to help
students make good decisions, the better. The following is a brief description
of these laws. Please note that in the State of New Hampshire, those who are
17 years and older can be charged as adults when they break a law.
According to New Hampshire RSA 169-C, Academy personnel are
required to report to local or state authorities if we suspect that someone
under the age of eighteen has been physically, sexually, or emotionally
abused or neglected by any other person.
The New Hampshire Student Hazing law (NH RSA 631:7) requires
Academy personnel and students to report to local authorities when,
according to the legal definition, a student has been hazed.
Under the Criminal Acts in Safe School Zones law (NH RSA 193-D),
Academy personnel are required to report to local authorities if we witness or
have information from the victim of an act of theft, destruction, or violence that
occurred in any “safe school zone,” which is defined as an area inclusive of
any school property or school vehicles. This law, known as the Safe School
Zone law, includes the following violations when defining acts of theft,
destruction, or violence: homicide, first or second degree assault, simple
assault, felonious or aggravated felonious sexual assault, criminal mischief,
unlawful possession or sale of a firearm or other dangerous weapon, arson,
burglary, robbery, theft, or illegal sale or possession of a controlled drug.
For more information about these and other laws that apply to your
child’s life while here at Exeter, you can refer to the “Academy Policies”
section of The E Book. Full text of all New Hampshire state laws can also be
found online at http://www.state.nh.us/government/laws.html.
What should my child do if he gets sick?
If a day student is not well enough to meet his required appointments and
needs to stay at home, his parents should call the Lamont Health and
Wellness Center (LHWC) immediately and report his absence. If a day
student is at school when he becomes ill, he can report to the LHWC. There,
he will be evaluated and, if deemed appropriate, will be treated and given a
place to rest until he is feeling well enough to return to classes or
arrangements can be made for him to return home.
If a boarder is not feeling well enough to attend her classes or other
required appointments, she must report to the Health Center. There she will
be evaluated and, if deemed appropriate, will be treated and given a place to
rest until she is feeling well enough to return to classes. If an absence is to be
excused, a student may not stay in her room during the class time; she must
report to the Health Center. If a student is unable to walk to the Health
Center, or if she feels ill at night, our Campus Safety staff can provide
transportation. When in this situation, the student should contact a dormitory
faculty member, the Health Center, or Campus Safety to arrange
Depending on how she is feeling, a sick student may contact her
instructors for assignments or wait until she is feeling better to do the work. If
a student misses three or more days of classes due to illness, the Health
Center will notify the Associate Dean of Students. If appropriate, she will then
notify teachers and have assignments sent to the student.
When a student needs to miss several days of school due to illness
or injury, teachers are usually quite accommodating, but they still need to hold
students responsible for the course requirements and material. Unfortunately,
the more classes a student misses, the more difficult it is to meet the course
responsibilities. Usually, once better, students are able to catch up and
continue on with their classmates. However, in rare cases, a medical leave of
absence may need to be considered.
If you believe your child needs some additional academic, medical,
or psychological support due to an illness, please contact a member of our
Health and Wellness Center staff (603-777-3420) or the Associate Dean of
Students (603-777-3411).
Will I be notified if my child is ill or seeks help at the Lamont Health
and Wellness Center?
The Academy’s confidentiality policy for students treated by the staff of the
Health Center is designed to remove any perceived barriers to healthcare; to
encourage students to promptly seek medical and psychological care and
support when they need help; and to encourage students to develop trusting
relationships with their health care providers and be candid about their health
histories and risk behaviors. Therefore, medical and psychological
information shared between students and the Academy’s health care
providers is private and treated confidentially within the limits of the law and
certain Academy policies. In most circumstances, students are comfortable
sharing their health concerns with their parents, and our health care providers
will always encourage them to do so. Parents do have the right to see the
medical and counseling records of their child(ren) who is(are) under 18 years
of age. However, in the effort to promote candor and trust, the Academy asks
that parents respect the privacy of students who may not wish to share
certain information.
The staff at the Health Center will contact you if your child stays
overnight at the Health Center, if your child seeks help at the Health Center
while under the influence of alcohol or another drug, if your child requires
emergency care at a hospital, and, of course, if your child grants us
permission to do so.
For more information about the Academy’s confidentiality policy for
students treated at the Health Center, please refer to The E Book or you can
contact the Lamont Health and Wellness Center (603-777-3420).
Does the faculty know if my child sees a nurse, nurse practitioner,
doctor, or counselor?
If a student must miss a class in order to see a physician, nurse practitioner,
nurse, or one of the counselors, or needs to rest at the Health Center, his
name will be placed on a list that is shared with the Dean’s Office. The reason
for the visit is not listed, only the time of his arrival and the time of his
departure. This information is put into the attendance database and allows
the Dean’s Office to determine when a class absence should be excused for
health reasons. However, every effort is made by the Health Center staff to
schedule appointments during the student’s free times and if the appointment
time falls during those free times, the visit to the Health Center is not included
in the report sent to the Dean’s Office for attendance purposes.
The only way a faculty member will generally learn the reason for a
student’s visit to the Health Center is if your child shares that information.
However, the Academy must also balance matters of privacy and
confidentiality with safeguarding the interests and well-being of our students
and our community. Thus parents and students consent to allow the Medical
Director, counselors or their designee to disclose to those authorized
employees and agents of the Academy, who have a need to know, the
minimum amount of medical and or psychological information necessary to
serve the best interests of the student and/or the community. Students and
parents who have questions with regard to confidentiality and its limits should
direct those questions to the Medical Director or her designee at the Lamont
Health and Wellness Center. In the event of a disclosure required by law,
every effort will be made to notify the student and/or parents in advance.
For more information about the Academy’s confidentiality policy,
covering students treated by the staff of the Health Center, please refer to
The E Book or you can contact The Lamont Health and Wellness Center
Will we be charged for services provided by the Lamont Health and
Wellness Center staff?
The Health Center offers a variety of health care services, including
evaluations and treatment by the Academy’s own physician, nurse
practitioner, nurses, counselors, health educators, nutritionist, and athletic
trainers. Tuition bills include an annual Student Health and Wellness fee that
ensures that students have access to a broad range of services provided by
our team of health care professionals at the Health Center, at no additional
cost. Additional fees will be charged for medications, immunizations, and
annual physicals. Also, the services of health care professionals not on the
staff of the Health Center are not covered by this fee.
What are the advantages of enrolling my child in the student health
plan provided through PEA?
The Academy strongly encourages all parents to carefully review the benefits
of the Student Accident and Sickness Health Insurance Plan because it is
specifically designed to meet the needs of Academy students. Plan features
include, no deductibles, coverage for a broad range of medical services
provided by specialists and hospitals, laboratory and x-ray, a $1,000
pharmacy benefit, and coordination of the payment of claims with your health
insurance plan. Enrollment in the Plan also avoids any delays in obtaining
medically necessary referrals for care or treatment by specialists or at
hospitals, by eliminating any requirement for authorization by your primary
care physician or your insurance plan.
A student must be enrolled in the Student Accident and Sickness
Health Insurance Plan if:
1. He is an international student without comparable U.S. insurance.
2. He has no insurance coverage.
3. He is a residential student enrolled in a “managed care”, or other
type of insurance plan, that does NOT include coverage for out-of-
area NON-EMERGENCY services.
Those parents who elect to waive out of the Student Accident and
Sickness Health Insurance Plan agree to accept all associated financial
responsibility for payment of medical services their child may receive while in
You can learn more about the Student Accident and Sickness Health
Insurance Plan at www.exeter.edu under Student Life section, Health and
Wellness option or you can contact the Lamont Health and Wellness Center
How can my child find a physician specialist, dentist, orthodontist,
or therapist in the local area?
The staff at the Lamont Health and Wellness Center is more than happy to
refer students to local practitioners. If there is an urgent need for your child to
see a physician, dentist, or therapist, our staff will do what they can to help
her make an appointment. They can also help a student arrange
transportation, if necessary. We do ask that non-emergency appointments be
scheduled during a student’s free time. We understand that this is not always
possible, but ask that every effort be made to avoid absences from class.
If such an appointment has not been scheduled by the Health Center
staff as a follow-up to an appointment there, and your child is likely to miss a
required Academy appointment or will need to leave the Exeter area for that
appointment, you must notify the Dean of Students Office in writing by fax to
603-777-4396 or by U.S. Mail to notify them of the appointment and, if
necessary, request out of town permission (usually necessary for boarders).
Other than advisers, teachers, and coaches, what kind of emotional
support is available for my child at the Lamont Health and Wellness
Center or elsewhere?
The entire staff at Lamont Health and Wellness Center—our nurses,
nutritionist, athletic trainers, nurse practitioner, physician, health educators,
and counselors—is available to support our students emotionally. Much of
what they do on a day-to-day basis involves assessing and caring for
students who need some personal or emotional assistance. Our licensed,
mental health counselors are available to meet, free of charge, with individual
students or groups of students for confidential discussion relating to
emotional growth, social or personal adjustment, academic achievement, or
any issue important to the student. There is a counselor on call for urgent
matters 24 hours each day when school is in session. For more information
about these services, please refer to the “Health Services” section of The E
Book, or under Student Life section, Health and Wellness option on our
website, www.exeter.edu. You can contact any of our Health Services staff
members by calling the main Lamont Health and Wellness Center number,
Many students also find emotional support when they talk to our
School Minister or with one of the deans.
The Academy also offers two support groups for students of color.
For more information about these groups, students should contact the Dean
of Multicultural Affairs.

How does Exeter handle sex education?
All ninth graders and new tenth graders are enrolled in one of the Health and
Human Development courses. These courses cover a wide range of health
topics, including human sexuality. When discussing sexuality, we cover a
variety of topics: sexual behavior, sexual orientation, reproduction,
contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, dating
and romantic relationships, marriage, gender roles, communication between
friends and partners, sexual assault and rape, and most importantly, decision-
making. We do not try to hide information from our students, nor do we glorify
sexuality and sexual behavior. Our primary goal is to help students consider
all of the possible consequences of various choices and actions—whether
they be physical, social, emotional, moral, religious, or economic
consequences—and to identify how they can best take good care of
themselves and meet their long-term goals.
The Health Education Department also offers a senior-level elective
course entitled "A Study of Human Sexuality". This course examines the
biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of human sexuality and
sexual behavior.
We strongly encourage our students to talk about sex and sexuality
with their parents. If your child is enrolled in one of the Health and Human
Development courses, ask him what he is discussing in class. Though sexual
topics are infused in the curricula throughout the year, we discuss most of the
sexuality-related topics during the spring term.
In addition to these courses, the health educators are available to
meet with students individually, in small groups, or in dormitories to discuss
health topics such as nutrition, substance use and abuse, stress
management, fitness, and sexuality. They also sponsor some evening
workshops and all-school assemblies. Students can also come to the health
education library on the third floor of the Lamont Health and Wellness Center
for books, pamphlets, and videos about a variety of health topics. Lastly, the
health educators work with a group of student peer educators who work to
disseminate accurate health information on our campus.
It is also important to note that our physician and our physician's
assistant are available to meet with students to discuss medical issues
surrounding sexuality and sexual health. Students can arrange appointments
in person at the front desk of Lamont Health and Wellness Center, or by
calling the Lamont Health and Wellness Center at 603-777-3420.
What is Exeter’s health policy on alcohol and other drugs?
The Academy believes that alcohol and other drug use interferes with healthy
adolescent development. Through our Health and Human Development
courses, assembly programs, Student Listener and proctor training
workshops, dorm discussions, small group discussions, and our individual
work with students we work to prevent drug misuse and abuse through
education, early identification, and intervention.
If a student is discovered using, misusing, possessing, distributing,
purchasing, or selling alcohol or other drugs, this infraction will be treated as
a major disciplinary offense. However, the student’s health and well-being will

always be our primary focus. She will be evaluated by our Health Services
staff and offered the appropriate support and care.
Drug Testing Policy When a Student is Suspected of Being Under
the Influence of Alcohol or Other Drugs
If a student is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or another
drug, but denies having used any drugs, the Dean of Students or a designee
may require the student to be tested. If the student refuses to give consent
for this testing the Academy may presume such test would be positive.
Our policies allow students to come forward and ask for help when
they believe a student needs adult help with an alcohol or other drug-related
issue. If any student takes the responsibility to seek help for her or another’s
use of alcohol or other drugs and no disciplinary investigation is underway,
she may disclose past or current violation of alcohol or drug rules without fear
of disciplinary consequences. Instead, follow-up would often involve a referral
to the Health Center or a required evaluation through the Academy Student
Assistance Program (ASAP).
It is important to note that Academy personnel are required to report
certain situations, including some drug violations to local or state authorities.
Please see the question in the “Rule-Breaking/Disciplinary Issues” section
entitled “Under what circumstances are Academy personnel required to share
information with local and state authorities?” for more information about these
reporting laws.
For detailed explanations of our alcohol and other drug-related
policies, please refer to the sections in The E Book entitled “Seeking Help,"
“Seeking Help in Non-Disciplinary Situations," “Disciplinary Situations
Involving Medical Emergencies or Substance Abuse," which are found under
the heading of “Advising, Confidentiality, and the Discipline System.” Under
the heading “Academy Policies," please refer to the sections entitled “Alcohol
and other Drug Philosophy/Policy," “New Hampshire State Law," and
“Academy Student Assistance Program."
What is the Academy’s policy on prescription drugs?
Students are allowed to self-administer all appropriately prescribed
prescription drugs with the exception of psychotropic medications. In order to
ensure your child’s safety and to coordinate your child’s healthcare, we
require that you inform the Health Services of all medications prescribed for
him. Your child should secure all prescription medications in his room so that
no one else has access to them. For psychotropic medications, including
stimulants used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder, antidepressants, and
sedatives, we require that these medications be stored at the Health
Services. Typically, we then dispense weekly allotments to the student. If you,
your child’s physician, or your child would like to arrange to have his
medication dispensed more frequently (for example, on a daily basis), that
can be arranged by contacting the Lamont Health and Wellness Center at
603-777-3420. For more information about this policy and the related
procedures, please refer to The E Book. Of course, if after reviewing The E
Book material, you need additional information, please feel free to contact the
LHWC staff at the number listed above.
Where can I find Exeter’s policy on HIV/AIDS?
Our policy on HIV infected individuals can be found in the Academy Policies
section of The E Book.
How does the Academy provide for students’ safety?
A great deal of what we do is pointed toward providing a safe, secure setting
in which students can best learn. Whether it is running fire drills in each
dormitory, keeping our buildings and grounds in good condition, certifying
many faculty and staff in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),
monitoring student behavior, securing the dormitories each evening, or
advising students how they can keep themselves safe, we work hard to
provide and maintain safe living and working conditions.
We have an active Campus Safety staff. Members of Campus Safety
patrol the Academy streets and grounds 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
All vehicles and personnel are in constant radio and telephone
communication with the Academy dispatcher and the local police and fire
departments. We work closely with the Exeter Police and Fire Departments to
maintain safe conditions. Fortunately, the Exeter Police and Fire Safety
Complex is only one block from campus, which allows for very quick
responses in emergency situations.
We encourage students to let us know when they are concerned
about any safety or security issues and ask that you do the same. You can
contact your child’s adviser if it is a dorm-related concern, the Director of
Campus Safety (603-777-4444) or one of the deans.
Is Exeter a safe town?
Yes, compared to many places, Exeter is a relatively safe and quiet town.
Members of the Academy community feel quite secure walking around town.
However, students, faculty, and staff should use some common sense in day-
to-day living. For example, we ask students to stay on well-lit paths and to
travel in groups after dark. We ask that students not admit strangers to the
dormitories and that they report any suspicious persons or activities
immediately to Campus Safety. Some of these issues are addressed in The E
Book under the headings “Campus Safety,” subheading “Personal Safety.”
There is also information available on the Academy’s website,
www.exeter.edu under Campus Safety. Please review this information and
consider discussing the content with your child.
Do students ever experience harassment in the town of Exeter?
Although relatively rare, some of our students have experienced harassment
in town. Whether the harassment is based on one’s affiliation with the
Academy, gender, race or ethnicity, perceived sexual orientation or other
characteristics, this harassment can understandably be quite upsetting to a
student. We ask that students go immediately to an adult for help and report
ALL instances of harassment to Campus Safety or the Exeter Police as soon
as possible. Students should provide as much information as possible: a
description of the perpetrators, where the event occurred, names of any
witnesses, the direction the perpetrators took, and, if they were in a car, the
make, model, color, license plate number (even if it is only a partial number)
of the car.
How can students reach the Office of Campus Safety?
Students can call the Academy Campus Safety Office at extension 4444
when on campus, or by dialing 603-777-4444 when off campus.
How can I get more information about what is served in the dining
The Dining Services department offers a wide variety of food items at each
meal, including a choice of entrées, at least one vegetarian entrée, a salad
bar with a wide selection, a deli bar, a pasta bar, and even cereals. Students
can therefore be selective in their choices. The daily menu for the Academy
dining halls can be found on the Academy’s website, www.exeter.edu.
How can my child make suggestions to the Dining Services?
If your child has a suggestion, or even a favorite recipe she’d like the Dining
Services staff to consider, she can drop it in one of the Dining Services’
suggestion boxes (located near the entrance of each dining hall). The Dining
Services staff also solicits ideas and input from a Student Council committee,
The Student Services Committee, and meets with that group on a regular
May I call the Dining Services directly if I have a special concern
about food choices for my child?
The Academy employs a dietician, who works both with the Dining Services
department and with individual students through the Lamont Health and
Wellness Center. She is happy to speak to parents and students about any
special dietary concerns. If adjustments must be made in the dining halls’
offerings in order to meet a student’s needs, she will work with the involved
parties to find a solution. The Academy dietician can be reached at 603-777-
What if my child is a vegetarian?
The Dining Services department offers a wide variety of food items at each
meal, including at least one vegetarian entrée. In addition, Dining Services
hosts occasional meetings with dining services staff, the Dietician, and
members of the community to try some new recipes and to provide some
feedback about vegetarian menu choices. They can also learn more about
maintaining a balanced, nutritious vegetarian diet.
What kind of clothing should my child have?
Exeter can be cool in the fall, and is cold in the winter (temperatures typically
range from 10º F to 40ºF, but the temperatures can drop below zero). The
spring (and early fall) temperatures can be quite variable, ranging from cold to
hot (up to 90º F). In September, each student should bring shoes and
outerwear suitable for wet, rainy weather, as well as a jacket suitable for cool
weather. For the winter, students will need a winter coat and boots suitable
for walking in the snow and slush. If you are unfamiliar with the New
Hampshire climate, you may want to wait to purchase new outerwear until
your child has experienced the Exeter climate and seen what the other
students are wearing.
What is the Academy's dress code?
The following dress code is required in classes, assemblies, when
representing Exeter at other schools and colleges, and for occasions when
“dress code” attire is specified. Because fashions change rapidly, members of
the community should keep in mind that the purpose of the dress code is to
reflect the discipline and seriousness of purpose we associate with academic
pursuits and other occasions requiring dress code attire. This principle
governs any question about an item of dress deemed inappropriate, but not
specifically listed in the code. Boys: shirt and tie or a turtleneck. Girls: a
dress, skirt or nice slacks with a blouse, sweater, collared shirt, or turtleneck.
Boys and Girls: hemmed shorts may be worn; ethnic attire is acceptable;
shirts with tails must be tucked in; revealing necklines, tank tops, spaghetti
straps, bare midriffs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, military fatigues, overalls, and
athletic wear are prohibited; hats may not be worn indoors except in
dormitories and athletic facilities; all clothing must be clean and in good repair
(not torn, frayed, or cut off); and skirts and shorts must reach at least to the
fingertips. The dress code is fully explained in The E Book.
How can I order a cake for my child’s birthday or find
accommodations for a weekend visit?
You’ll find several local businesses, bakeries, banks, hairstylists, hotels, etc.,
listed in the Parents gateway section of www.exeter.edu. If you need any
additional information or suggestions, please contact your child’s adviser.
Can my child bring a bicycle to campus?
Students are welcome to bring bikes to the Academy. They should bring
helmets and bike locks as well. Most dormitories have racks nearby for
securing bicycles. Since bike theft is not unheard of on our campus, we
strongly recommend that students register their bicycles with our Campus
Safety department by visiting that office or by using their on-line form. If a
stolen bicycle is recovered by the Exeter Police, the registration will facilitate
a speedy return of the bike to the rightful owner.
Our address or work numbers have changed; whom should we
Please notify the Dean of Students Office in writing with any changes of
address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc. This
information can be faxed to the Dean's Office at 603-777-4396 or e-mailed to
Who should we contact about a problem with the laundry service?
If students have a problem with the laundry service, they should go in person
to the laundry office, which is in the upstairs lounge of Wetherell Dining Hall,
Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Students can also call E&R’s
School Customer Service Office directly at 800-243-7789 between 6:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Can students do their own laundry at Exeter?
Yes, dormitories are equipped with laundry machines for the students’
convenience. The machines are operated through the use of a laundry debit
card. If a student is enrolled in E&R Laundry service, there is no additional
charge to use the machines. Students not using E&R Laundry service can
add value to their laundry debit card in increments of $10 or $20 by using a
machine located in Phelps Academy Center, ground floor level.
How far is the laundromat?
Students who prefer to use a local laundromat will find Burnham’s Laundry
(and Dry Cleaning) on Lincoln Street, about a five-to ten-minute walk from
Jeremiah Smith Hall.
What religious services are offered at school or in the nearby area?
There are a number of worship opportunities both on and off campus. Please
refer to The E Book for a description of the Phillips Church programs and
contact the Office of Religious Services (603-777-3452) for information about
local houses of worship.
May students miss class for major religious holidays?
Yes, students may miss class for major religious observances and holidays.
In order to do so, they must secure proper approval from the Dean of
Students Office through the out-of-town permission process. If students or
parents have any questions about this, they should consult with the Dean of
Students Office or with the School Minister.
Are students required to bring a computer to school?
No, but most (over 95 percent) do. Though many assignments require the use
of a computer, students can complete these tasks on an Academy-owned
computer. However, doing so requires more planning on the student’s part.
Computers are available for student use in the Library and Phillips Hall. There
are additional computers available for students enrolled in particular courses
in the Science, Art, Computer Science, and History departments.
When will my child be able to use her telephone and voice mail
The ITS department aims to have all student phone lines and voice mail
accounts active when students arrive at the beginning of each year. Students
receive network accounts during the enrollment process and an assigned
telephone number and voice mail when they arrive on campus. If a student
encounters a problem, assistance is available through the ITS support line at
extension 3693 (603-777-3693).
How soon will my child be able to get online?
The ITS department automatically sets up students’ network accounts, and
students can log into the Academy network when they arrive on campus. As
long as the student has the proper equipment and has received the set-up
information at registration, he should also be able to set up his on-line access
on move-in day. Some students may need some help assembling the proper
equipment or setting up the account. In that case, students may contact the
Support Desk at extension 3693 to request assistance. Because there is
heavy demand for assistance during the opening days of school, a student
may need to wait several days before a student volunteer “tech” can assist
him. Department staff and student volunteers are available in dorms during
registration to provide assistance. In the meantime, the student should be
able to use his on-line account from one of the campus computer labs on
Is a student’s use of the telephone monitored?
We do not monitor the content of any student’s calls. Unless we are
investigating a disciplinary infraction involving the use of our telephone
network, we do not check what numbers are called from a student phone, nor
do we check where the incoming calls are coming from.
If you’d like more information about these policies, please refer to
Academy Network and Policies in The E Book. You can also find this
information at its.exeter.edu.
Is a student’s use of the Internet monitored?
Students’ use of the Internet is not routinely monitored, although excessive
use will be tracked by the system administrator for tasks that impact system
performance (e.g., certain computer games, chain letters, and mailing lists),
and users may be required to discontinue such activities. The Academy does
reserve the right to access information stored or transmitted over the network
in order to investigate possible violations of any Academy rules.
Students and their parents should be aware that some of the material
on the Internet is pornographic, violent, or otherwise objectionable. The
Academy cannot assume responsibility for limiting any student’s access to
such material. Parents should review their expectations with their children.
Parents can install software such as CyberPatrol on a personal machine that
limits access to sites.
If you’d like more information about these policies, please refer to the
Academy Network Resources and Policies in The E Book. You can also find
this information at www.exeter.edu/its.
What if my child’s flight is delayed and he will be late arriving at
In this circumstance, please notify the Dean of Students Office as soon as
possible at 603-777-3411.
Where can I find out what transportation is available to and from the
airports and to and from Boston?
The Academy provides bus transportation to and from Logan and Manchester
airports at the beginning and end of each term and the Thanksgiving break.

As each break approaches, more detailed and up-to-date information
can be found in Blackboard.
Students can take a train, run by Amtrak, between Boston’s North
Station and Exeter’s station, a five-minute walk to campus. However, the
schedule for this service, known as "The Downeaster," varies and may not be
convenient to students' schedules. Information about Amtrak service can be
found at www.thedowneaster.com, www.amtrak.com or by calling 1-800-USA-
Alternatively, a student can choose to use a private shuttle or
limousine service to travel to or from the airports or Boston. This information
can be found in The E Book.
For more information about PEA's transportation services, please
contact the transportation coordinator at 603-777-3494 or
Do you recommend the Manchester airport?
Yes, the Manchester airport is a good alternative to Logan airport. Although
fewer airlines fly in and out of Manchester, the airport is only about a 30-35
minute drive to or from the Exeter campus. It is a small airport, so it is very
easy to find your way around. The Academy does schedule a bus to and from
Manchester at major breaks and the close of school. The bus schedule is
distributed to families during the summer. Alternatively, you can also arrange
private transportation between our campus and the airport. This information
can be found in The E Book.
What if the airline requires that a designated adult meet young
Some airlines do require that travelers as old as 14 years of age be
accompanied by an adult when they check-in and that they be met by a
designated adult at the point of arrival. This creates a challenge for some of
the families of our younger students. The Academy is not able to provide
adults to meet students at the airport gates or accompany them to the
terminals when they are departing. We suggest that you contact a friend or
relative in the New England area or arrange for one of the transportation
companies to meet your child at the airport. For more information about these
services, please contact the transportation coordinator or
Where can I find out about Academy vacation buses to Connecticut
and New York City?
Each summer, you will receive complete bus information about the opening of
school. As each break approaches, detailed information about transportation
can be found in Blackboard.
If I can’t find a conveniently scheduled flight, can my child arrive late
when returning to school from vacation or depart school early for a
We depend on the presence of every student during class time to provide the
best learning experience for all. The same is true in the dormitory. In order to
maintain the integrity of all of our classes, we require that students arrive on
time for the start of each term and stay through the last appointment on the
last day. Therefore, you should arrange your child’s travel schedule so that
she is able to attend all of her required appointments during the school term.
Students who are absent may be held accountable through our disciplinary
If you encounter any extraordinary circumstances in making these
plans and your child might need to be excused from classes, your child can
petition the deans for permission to be absent. Such permissions are not
granted automatically, but rather are considered on a case-by-case basis. We
ask that students submit such petitions at least 10 days prior to the event in
question. For practicality’s sake, your child should submit a petition as soon
as he becomes aware of a need and prior to committing to any travel
If my child needs a U.S. passport, where in the Exeter area can he go
to complete an application?
The United States Post Office on Front Street does have a passport service.
They are open for passport business Monday through Fridays from 9 a.m. to
noon and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Applications can be picked up and
completed there.
What additional expenses can we expect during a year at Exeter?
You can anticipate that your child will need to purchase textbooks and school
supplies (students spend approximately $850 per year on these items), and
pay for transportation expenses when traveling to and from school. She may
also want or need money for some take-out treats, snacks at The Grill, or a
meal at a local restaurant; outings to the mall, movies, the theater, a ski
slope, or Boston; athletic equipment; clothing; video rentals; the purchase of
compact discs or computer software or games; health and beauty aids; over-
the-counter or prescription medications; room furnishings, etc.
How much spending money should my child bring for a year?
Personal expenses vary a great deal. Some students take every meal in the
dining halls, while others order take-out several times per week. Some require
a few clothing items, others crave many more. You and your child should
discuss what you can afford and what you think is an adequate amount for
spending money. Students should have some source of emergency funds
whether that is access to an ATM card, a credit card, or a checking account
for which the student has signatory rights. The most convenient way for
students to obtain cash is with an ATM card. Our ATM with the Seacoast
Credit Union is located next to the Student Center.
Students can use their Academy identification cards to charge items
at the Academy Grill (our snack bar); The Exeter Bookstore (where one can
purchase both textbooks and popular books, compact discs, computer
supplies, programs, and games, stationery supplies, posters, greeting cards,
and Academy gifts and apparel); and student clubs for events and
fundraisers. Please be sure to discuss with your child how much he can and
should charge on his Academy account. A student PEA Charge Account
statement itemizing these charges will be mailed to parents monthly. The full
balance is due upon receipt of the statement. Charge privileges will be
suspended if the balance remains unpaid for more than 60 days.
If, despite your setting clear guidelines for spending, your child’s use
of the Academy charge account becomes a problem, you can contact the
Accounting Office to request your student's charging privileges be
Student PEA Charge Accounts and local vendor accounts must be
paid before a student is allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony or
graduate. The Academy may withhold a transcript and/or diploma due to
nonpayment of accounts.
Are there low- or no-cost activities available on campus?
Yes. Students can attend club meetings and events, athletic contests,
professional and student concerts, or art shows free of charge. Of course
they can play Frisbee, peruse the Library’s holdings, or utilize the athletic
facilities, in addition to myriad other activities. Our Student Activities staff
works with a student group to plan a variety of events on campus: weekly
movies, concerts, dances, games, lectures, etc. that are usually offered at no
additional charge.
Student Activities (and some clubs) also offer students opportunities
to go skiing, see a play in Boston, attend a concert in Portsmouth, and enjoy
similar excursions. These events typically require students to pay a fee.
However, if a student would like to participate in such events but does not
have sufficient funds to do so, she should discuss this with the Student
Activities Office staff, as there is often financial aid available. We do not want
to see financial need prevent a student from participating in some special
Can students save money on textbooks?
Absolutely. Used books are available at the Exeter Bookstore as well as
from other students. The Financial Aid Office also has some textbooks
available for loan to students receiving financial aid. With some
experience and some planning, students learn how to save money on
What is my child’s responsibility regarding athletic equipment?
Typically, the Academy provides athletes’ uniforms and any safety equipment
such as helmets, pads, etc. Students are responsible for providing any
footwear, sticks, clubs, rackets, bicycles, or other equipment. If a financial aid
student anticipates difficulty meeting such expenses, he should discuss this
matter with the Director of Financial Aid. We do not want to see financial
need stand between a student and participation in the athletic program.
How can we set up a bank account in town?
If your child is younger than 18 years of age, banks may require that a parent
or guardian be with her when she opens a checking account or requests an
ATM (automatic teller machine) card. One needs a Social Security number to
open a checking or savings account, regardless of age. You many want to
contact the banks listed on our website, www.exeter.edu, before you arrive in
Exeter to determine their requirements for opening an account. We should
note that there is a Seacoast Credit Union ATM located next to Phelps
Academy Center.
Can my student obtain cash on campus?
The most convenient way for students to obtain cash is with an ATM card. A
checking account for students is encouraged, either at a bank of your
choosing at home or in Exeter. Our ATM with the Seacoast Credit Union is
located next to Phelps Academy Center. In early August, parents will receive
a mailing from the Seacoast Credit Union that will include account set-up
Some parents choose to obtain a check-cashing card for their
children through one of the local supermarkets, Shaw’s, Stop & Shop, or
Market Basket, so they can cash checks or pay for food with a check (these
cards may also allow a consumer to take advantage of certain special prices).
The Academy provides free bus transportation to a Walmart Super Center on
Wednesday evenings and to the supermarket area on Saturday evenings.
Can my child get a job on or off campus?
Many students take a job in one of the many offices on campus as a way to
earn extra spending money and develop important job-related skills. Students
are allowed to work a maximum of six hours per week and need not be
receiving financial aid in order to qualify. If your child is interested in working
on campus, he should approach the Human Resources department to
determine which departments have openings. If he is interested in working in
a particular office, he should approach the head of that department. Students
working on campus will need a Social Security card/number prior to beginning
a campus job.
Occasionally, students do find employment off-campus. However,
students usually find it difficult to meet the responsibilities and schedules of
such jobs while attending classes and keeping up with academic, athletic,
and extracurricular responsibilities.
Can my child obtain a work permit for a summer job through Phillips
Exeter Academy?
If your child is to be employed in the State of New Hampshire or in another
state, she should contact the public high school in your area to obtain a work
permit. The Dean of Students Office can supply a certificate of attendance if

At what point should we begin to think about the college application
The college application and decision process is important, but not so
important that it needs to begin in the ninth grade. It’s usually not helpful to
put too much pressure on a student about colleges early on; as a matter of
fact doing so can be counterproductive. Curriculum planning, of course,
begins early in a student’s high school career. During the first couple of years,
students should focus on choosing a broad and rigorous curriculum and doing
their best work while pursuing their curricular and extracurricular interests
with passion. Students can turn to their advisers for assistance in course
Exeter formally begins its college process during the upper year. In
the fall, uppers are invited to four mini-college fairs that are held on campus.
This gives the uppers an opportunity to begin to consider what types of
institutions might interest them. Students begin meeting with their college
counselors during the winter term of the upper year and are introduced to a
wide range of college admission resources. At this time, Upper Parents are
invited to The College Admissions Weekend – a two day event introducing
them to the college admissions process and current admission trends. During
this weekend, The College Counseling Guidebook is distributed to parents.
This guidebook gives students and parents valuable information that will help
them throughout the process. The College Counseling Guidebook is also
available on the Academy’s website, www.exeter.edu, along with several
other resources for students and families.
We are aware that some families are interested in thinking about the
college application process earlier. We support that choice. However, we do
caution you to be careful about this. Most students are not ready to do much
thinking about college choices earlier than the upper year (many uppers
aren’t quite ready yet either, but our process eases them into it). If you begin
these conversations too early, it can put too much pressure on a student who
does not yet have the tools to make these decisions.
How can I get more information about the college counseling
Our college counseling website is a comprehensive source of information for
students as they set about choosing a college. This interactive site
supplements traditional college counseling tools and offers an opportunity for
students to personalize the college process. It contains a rich library of
information, a calendar to guide students and their families through the
college admissions cycles, and a password-protected section which offers
students specific information about colleges and the opportunity to save some
personal information.
In addition, parents may be particularly interested in perusing the
newsletters – monthly reminders and updates for students during certain
cycles in the college admissions process.
For more information, please go to the College Counseling Office's
website at http://college.exeter.edu or the Academy’s home page and select
the Parents gateway.
Where have Exeter students gone to college in recent years?
Exeter is proud of its history of helping students choose colleges appropriate
to their interests. A list of the institutions chosen by our recent alumni/ae can
be found on the college counseling website – http://www.exeter.edu/college –
under the Library section.

Does Exeter recommend PSAT/SAT coaching?
We recommend that all students be prepared for standardized testing. The
best preparation is found in the day-to-day work all students should be doing
in their courses. However, standardized testing does bring its own challenges
and students may need some extra preparation for this type of testing.
Whether a student chooses to take practice tests, or to enroll in a specialized
course, it is important to discuss what is in his best interest. While we do not
endorse any specific program, we do suggest that students find a program
that will reasonably fit into their schedules, perhaps by using vacation periods
and/or the summer before their senior year.
The Academy offers (to uppers and to seniors) full access to the SAT
Online Course™, a personalized online test prep program, designed by
College Board. Students (uppers) will also be offered an optional winter term
workshop to review the SAT I and to offer practice tests in a timed setting in
preparation for the benchmark test in the spring.
Additional information about standardized testing and test
preparation is available under the "Standardized Testing" section of both the
Upper and Senior sections of the CCO website (www.exeter.edu/college.)
What about college financial aid?
Schools vary on how they determine financial aid packages. Many parents
have been surprised to learn that some colleges and universities are not as
generous with aid as Phillips Exeter Academy. Parents are strongly
encouraged to review the information about financial aid found in The College
Counseling Guidebook or on the College Counseling Office’s webpage. It is
important that families consider this matter early on in the college counseling
process so that the student can make informed decisions when deciding
which schools to apply to.
What will be different for my child at college that I should prepare
myself for?
Although the Exeter experience teaches students a great deal about learning,
managing one’s time, independence, personal care, interpersonal
relationships, money management, household chores, teamwork, community
living, decision-making, and integrity, our graduating seniors will most likely
encounter some additional challenges at college. Whether they find the
academic work more or less challenging, are faced with alcohol or other drug
use, have to juggle employment with their studies, need to live with two other
people in a room smaller than that senior-year single(!), or have to adjust to
city living, students will have the opportunity to build on all they have learned
here and at home. But the biggest change that first-year college students
face—and one that parents may need to prepare themselves for—is the fact
that they have more freedom: freedom to determine what time to return to a
dorm, freedom to determine when to study, freedom to determine who will be
in their dorm rooms or apartments, freedom to determine how to spend their
time, freedom to determine what classes they will take, freedom to determine
whether or not to attend classes, etc.
These freedoms, of course, can be incredible gifts. Given these
freedoms, students usually rise to the challenge and grow more academically,
personally, and socially competent. But some stumble, and the safety nets
are smaller on college campuses.
Because college-age students are presumed better able to handle
these challenges, there are fewer checks and balances; there are fewer
people checking in on a student’s progress. Most schools do not keep
centralized attendance records, no one is checking them into their dorms
each evening, there aren’t usually rules about who can be in one’s room,
“study hours” don’t exist, and teachers often don’t know when a student has
fallen behind on the coursework until it is too late. Before too long a student
can create quite a mess for herself without anyone really knowing what is
going on.
So, what can parents do to help their children to prepare themselves
for these new challenges? The best thing you can do is talk to your child
about these realities. Do some research about the colleges and universities
your child is considering and discuss the pros and cons of each with her.
What kinds of support systems are available? How many students are
typically in a first-year course? A fourth-year course? How does the advising
system work? Who supervises the dorm? Who is watching out for the welfare
of students living in the dormitories? What is the social scene like? Does the
school have a lot of reported alcohol and other drug use? What are the crime
statistics for the campus and surrounding area?
Once a decision is made, and your child has matriculated at her new
school, occasionally check in with her about her progress. And from time to
time, remind her that if she needs help, you are available and that there are
folks at all colleges—instructors, teaching assistants, resident advisers,
counselors, coaches, tutors, deans—who are willing to help a student when
she stumbles. She only needs to ask for help.
Will I be asked to contribute to the Parents Fund?
We do invite parents to contribute to the Parents Fund. Each year the Fund is
used to support some of Exeter’s most critical programs; particularly faculty
salaries and student scholarships. Gifts may be of any amount; what we value
most is the strong participation of parents at every gift level.
Are there other ways for me to contribute to the life of the school?
If you live in the Exeter area or will be in town for any length of time, please
be sure to attend some Academy events. Whether it is a student theatrical
performance, a visiting artist’s concert, an athletic event (be sure to wear
those school colors!), a lecture, or a poetry reading, we value parental
participation. During student events such as an athletic contest or a dramatic
performance, it means a great deal to students if they see parents on the
sidelines or in the audience — even if they are not their own parents. And
attending such events will give you another window into the life of the school
and an opportunity to become a direct participant in school events. You can
keep abreast of current events by consulting News & Events section of the
Some parents choose to subscribe to student publications, such as
the school newspaper The Exonian, as a means of staying in touch with
campus current events. Others choose to become active in one of Exeter’s
regional alumni/ae and parent (past and present) networks. This gives you
additional opportunities to meet members of the Exeter family in a variety of
settings, while enjoying a social, sporting, or cultural event.
The Admissions Office often has opportunities for parents to assist in
the admissions process by serving as contacts for the parents of newly
admitted students as they decide whether Exeter is the right school for their
children. If you are interested in helping us in this effort, please contact the
Admissions Office at 603-777-3437.
The Alumni/ae Affairs and Development Office is always looking for
parent volunteers to assist with our fundraising efforts Parents who volunteer
for this work would typically contact other parents to encourage them to
contribute to the Parents Fund. If you are interested in helping us on this
front, please contact the Director of Annual Giving at 603-777-3477, or

The E Book. The E Book, the official Academy handbook, is an indispensable
item for students and their families. In it you will find an explanation of our
academic, disciplinary, advising and administrative policies and procedures,
and details about our residential life program. Students and parents should
familiarize themselves with the content of this book—it is a “must read.” The E
Book is published annually in August. A copy is sent to parents and each
student is given a copy upon arrival in September. The E Book is available as
PDF document on the Academy website, www.exeter.edu.
The Photo Address Book. Also known as the “Face Book,” The Photo
Address Book contains photographs, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-
mail addresses for our students, staff, faculty, and trustees. Most students
purchase a copy; some parents choose to keep a copy at home as well.
Typically published in late-October, this publication is available for a fee
through the Exeter Bookstore. A computerized version is available free of
charge on the on-campus computer network.
Courses of Instruction. Each winter, the Academy publishes the Courses of
Instruction book for the following academic year. This book lists the courses
offered the following year and explains the diploma requirements, the
Academy’s academic program, and schedules. It is distributed to all students
in April. The Courses of Instruction information is available in the Academic
section of www.exeter.edu.
Orientation Guide. This small brochure is mailed to all new students in
August. It contains the opening days’ schedules and provides some valuable
information for the new student.
Voice and Computing Handbook: A Guide for Students Using Academy
Technologies. This comprehensive guide is distributed to all students each
September. It includes information about setting up and using their telephone,
computer, voice mail, and e-mail accounts. This guide includes a full
discussion of students’ rights and responsibilities when using Academy
technologies, an explanation of the technical support available, and some
troubleshooting suggestions.
www.exeter.edu: Check the home page for news, sports scores and events.
Inside the website you'll find online versions of the many publications
produced by Exeter: The E Book, the Parents' Handbook, The Exeter Bulletin,
Non Sibi, and more. You'll also find useful information that can help you
understand what Exeter is like – including the What's My Day Like feature
that presents a typical day in the lives of several students, the Athletics
sections that presents detailed information on teams and scores, the
Admissions section that presents the Harkness philosophy with words and
video, the Library section that gives you access to online resources, a list of
daily menu offerings and much more. Remember to check the Parents
Gateway to find useful links to information in the website.
Blackboard: We have been working to make information for parents available
on the password protected area of our website. To access this portal, go to
our website, www.exeter.edu, click on the Parents gateway, and click on the
link to Blackboard (under Exeter Daily Life). You will be brought to the login
screen. Type peaparent into both the Username and Password areas and
click on Login. Some of the items posted include the Academic Year
Calendar, FAQs for New Parents, and Transportation Information.
The Exeter Bulletin. Published quarterly, the Exeter Bulletin is sent to all
members of the Academy family. It contains news about the school,
alumni/ae events, and class notes.
College Office Guidebook. Published annually, this book is distributed to
Uppers and their parents during the winter term. It describes what a student
needs to do to negotiate a college admissions process and includes a helpful
timetable for student action. This guidebook can also be found online in the
Parents gateway, College heading of www.exeter.edu.
Principal Tingley instituted the Parent Advisory Committee in October 1998.
The group is constituted to advise the principal on selected issues. In general,
the Advisory Committee meets twice each year to consider questions relating
to Academy-family relations, and issues of campus life in which the Academy
stands in loco parentis. The Advisory Committee typically consists of
representatives of three families from each class—a maximum of 24
parents—and reflects geographic, ethnic, and economic diversity.

The Academy’s Main Phone Number is 603-772-4311.

To call these numbers directly when calling from off-campus, dial 603-777 +
extension listed.
Academic Administration
Anthropology 3452 Accounts Receivable-PEA 3438
Charge Accounts
Art 3361 Accounts Receivable- 3487
Tuition Accounts
Classical Languages 3485 Admissions 3437
Computer Science 4313 Alumni/ae Affairs 3454
English 3590 Athletic Training Room 3491
Health Education 3509 Bookstore 3500
History 4333 College Counseling Office 3415
Mathematics 3556 Communications 3450
Modern Languages 3592 Counseling 3527
Music 3453 Day Student Coordinator 3494
Physical Education 3421 Dean of Faculty 3405
Religion 3452 Dean of Students 3411
Science 4313 Dining Services 3490
Theater and Dance 3732 Directions 4330
Director of Studies 3429
Financial Aid 3637
Health Services 3420
Human Resources 3395
Information Technology 3693
Lamont Gallery 3461
Laundry Service 4416
Library 3426
Phillips Church 3538
Post Office Phone 3424
Post Office Fax 4384
Principal’s Office 3401
Public Events Line 4309
Campus Safety 4444
School Year Abroad 3411
Student Activities 3494

Juniors: a.k.a. preps - grade 9.
Lowers: a.k.a. lower middlers - grade 10.
Uppers: a.k.a. upper middlers - grade 11.
Seniors: grade 12. We refer to post-graduates as seniors, as well.
P.G.s: Post-graduates: one-year students who attend Exeter for an additional
year after graduating from high school, also considered seniors. We refer to
post-graduates as seniors.

Things you’ll hear

A.S.A.P.: Academy Student Assistance Program, coordinated through Dean’s
Office and Health Services to assist students in difficulty. Typically, a non-
disciplinary response that involves parental notification and required meetings
with a counselor, health educator, physician, or other health professionals.
A.T.: Adviser-teacher conference, called by Dean’s Office where concerns
about a student in trouble are discussed.
A.T.C.W. or ADVICE: Advice to Consider Withdrawing from PEA, given to
students and their parents on the vote of the faculty when their academic
performance at Exeter is below acceptable levels.
Academy Life Day: A day set aside early in the fall term to allow students
and faculty to engage in some special activities in dorm, adviser/advisee, or
day student groups.
Back-up: Refers to a dormitory duty arrangement when a student proctor
does check-in, while a faculty member is present in the building and supports
the proctor.
Bubble: The semi-circular glass enclosure on the North side (facing Webster
Hall) of Wentworth Hall.
Check-in: Students must check in with person on duty as follows:
• preps and lowers: 8 p.m.
• uppers: 9 p.m.
• seniors: 10 p.m.
• All students on disciplinary action: 8 p.m.
• Saturday nights and designated
Friday or Sunday nights, all
Students not on disciplinary action: 11 p.m.
Check-out: Students may ask to check-out to the library, music building,
photo lab, computer room, observatory, math help, quiet study, or
appointment with faculty member. See The E Book for more details.

D.H.M.: A term used by students to describe their quest to understand a
text—that is, to uncover or discover the Deep Hidden Meaning of a text,
usually used to refer to English or Language assignments.
Dick: A verb form of “dickey,” meaning both the act of a student missing a
class and the act of a teacher turning in an absence slip, as in “I dicked that
class,” and “I just got dicked.” We are told that the term dates back to the
1930s when Wells Kerr served as the Dean of Students (actually Mr. Kerr
served in that position from 1930 to 1953). The students of the time viewed
Mr. Kerr as being very honest and fair-minded. They made a connection
between Mr. Kerr and Dickey Kerr, the one “honest” starting player employed
by the White Sox during the scandalous 1919 World Series and so began
calling Mr. Kerr, “Dickey.” Notes received from Mr. Kerr (which were often
about attendance) were eventually referred to as “dickeys,” and the rest
evolved from there.
Dickey: An absence slip. (see previous explanation)
Discipline Committee: Also known by its initials, D.C., a committee
composed of faculty and non-voting students who convene to determine the
disciplinary response to a rule violation after hearing from the student(s)
E.P.: See “Evening Prayer.”
Evening Prayer: Also known as E.P. A non-denominational service, held
weekly (Tuesday evenings, 9:30 p.m.) in Phillips Church. Typically quiet and
candlelit, this service usually involves performances by student musicians or
readings from various traditions. Very popular with students, perhaps
because of the inspiration found in a typical service, perhaps because
underclassmen can check-out of their dormitories for it, or perhaps because it
is known as a nice way to spend some time with someone you like very much
or on a first date.
The E Book: Academy rule and information booklet. (also available on line at
Exonian: Our student newspaper, the longest continuously published
secondary school newspaper in the country.
Fac-Brat: A term of endearment (we believe) used to refer to the sons and
daughters of faculty, usually those who live on campus.
Fac/Proc: A regular meeting of the faculty and proctors of a dormitory. Here
the well-being of individual students as well as general dorm issues are
Face Book: The Photo Address Book. A source for student, faculty, and staff
photos, phone numbers, home addresses, etc. The print version is available
for sale in the Academy Bookstore. A digital version is available free of
charge on the on-line campus computer network.

Fat Block: Class meeting of 1 hour and 15 minutes, each format has one of
these per week, used for labs, extended classes, or testing.
Fishbowl: Windowed dining room in Wetherell Dining Hall.
Format: The word used to describe a block of time in our daily schedule. For
example, the class period that begins meeting at 8:00 a.m. on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays is called “A format.”
Go-up: Students who are in major disciplinary trouble are asked to appear
before or “go-up” before the Discipline Committee.
Grill: Snack bar located on the first floor of Phelps Academy Center.
Traditionally, Exonians omit the article “the” when referring to it, as in: “Let’s
go to Grill.”
Illegal V’s: Visitations (see definition under “V’s” in this lexicon) that do not
enjoy faculty permission and may be outside the allowed times for visiting.
Late-lights: Preps and lowers who have not completed their work by 10:30
p.m. may ask faculty on duty to extend their bedtime (varies from dorm to
Marking Period: The points in a term when teachers report a student’s
progress in his courses, done at the midpoint and the end of each term.
Midterm grades are not final, but are used to gauge students’ academic
Meditation: Thursday mornings, Phillips Church, speakers from Academy
community talk for 20 - 25 minutes about something important to them.
Attendance is not required.
Midnight Scream: This ritual involves yelling out the nearest dormitory
window at midnight on the last night of each term. Because of the impact on
the community, we limit this behavior and don’t encourage it.
Midterm Grades: At the midpoint of each term, teachers submit to the
Dean’s Office grades for all students. These grades are not final, but are
meant to be progress reports. They are not sent home to parents and
guardians, although they are not meant to be kept secret from them either.
Non Disciplinary Assistance (NDA): is a policy by which student can come
to an adult to discuss a student problem without disciplinary consequences.
Please see the discussion of the "Non-Disciplinary Assistance" policy in The
E Book for more details.
Opt: Sports option. An upper or senior can choose not to participate in a
physical education activity or sport for one term each year. Doing so is
referred to as “opting.”
Out-of-Towns: Written permission required for students to leave the
Academy for a day trip out of the Exeter area or for an overnight visit
The Path: Exonians talk of greeting one another “on the path”—that is,
greeting others (whether you know them or not) when encountering them
around campus. Greeting people on the path is one of our more cherished
PEAN: Yearbook.
Petition: If a student needs to miss a required Academy appointment (class,
sport commitment, Assembly, dormitory check-in, etc.) for any reason, she
should complete a petition form as early as possible. The Deans consider
these requests during their regular meetings.
P.O.: The Academy Post Office. When Exonians refer to it, they omit the
article “the.” For example: “Are you going to P.O.?”
Principal’s Day: The principal has the power to cancel classes one day each
year, at his discretion. (This is usually a surprise to all and a hotly discussed
Probation or Probes: Disciplinary Probation. The most stringent disciplinary
consequence while still remaining at the Academy. A twelve-week period that
includes five weeks of early check-in, a mid-point review and a final review by
the Discipline Committee. If a student does not pass the review, he will be
required to withdraw from the Academy.
Proctors: Students chosen by their dorm (almost always seniors) who help
with check-in duties as well as making themselves accessible to students as
a trusted friend and an additional connection to dorm faculty.
Put-up: Students who are caught breaking rules are asked to appear before
the Discipline Committee; therefore they are “put-up” before the committee.
Psych: Little treats, notes of encouragement, signs, etc. given to athletes by
teammates, managers, coaches, or friends on the day of a contest.
R.A.L: The reporter-at-large paper required of most upper English students.
The students observe the work of a person of their choice during December
break. They then write a detailed, descriptive account of their experiences.
RdR: See “Restrictions With Review”.
Red Bandits: Students (usually seniors) who aim to ignite school spirit at
athletic contests, particularly the Exeter/Andover contests.
Requirement: Requirement-to-Withdraw from the Academy, as the result of
major rule violation, decided by the Discipline Committee; or as the result of
poor academic performance, decided by a faculty vote.
Reserve: A meeting added to a course schedule so as to allow five meeting
periods each week, indicated on the schedule by the letters Q, T, U, V, W, Y.
Restrictions: Disciplinary consequence for some disciplinary infractions or
attendance difficulties, requires early check-in and denies out-of-town
permission for a period of two to three weeks.
Restrictions With Review: Disciplinary consequence for regular or major
discipline, including attendance difficulties. Involves four weeks of early
check-in and no out-of-town permissions, and a review by either the
Attendance Committee or the Discipline Committee at the end of the four
weeks. Sometimes referred to as “RdR,” which is taken from the Academy
shorthand for this response—that is, Restrictions-disciplinary-with Review.
RTW: See “Requirement.”
Scholastic Probation: Voted by the faculty, a student is placed on scholastic
probation if there are serious concerns about a student’s academic record.
Lasts a period of at least one marking period (half of a term).
Scholastic Warning: Typically a first response of the faculty when a student
has an unsatisfactory academic record in a given term or marking period.
Sevens: Early check-in (usually 7:00 p.m.—hence the name) for one or
several nights, assigned by dorm faculty as the result of late check-in,
excessive noise in dorm, poor housekeeping, etc.
Smurfs: A nickname for Andover students (school color is blue).
Spaz: A.k.a. “prep-spaz” or “Prep Program.” A fond nickname for the ninth-
grade physical education program required of all preps not playing a varsity or
JV sport in a given term.
Stricts: See “Restrictions.”
Study Card: Advisers may put a study card on a student’s door, after
discussing it with the student and perhaps other dorm faculty, to remind
student and friends that the student is to be doing homework in his room
during study hours. The student may not have visitors in his room during
study hours when a Study Card is on his door. Students can request a Study
Card from an adviser if he wants some additional structure during study
Study Hours: Those periods of the day when classes or Assemblies are
normally held, and after 8 p.m. every night except Saturday.
V’s: Visitations.
Visitations: Boys and girls are allowed, with the permission of the faculty on
duty, to visit each other in dorm rooms with the door at least halfway open
and the lights on. Visitations can be requested on school nights from 7:00
p.m. to 7:45 p.m. and on Saturday nights from 8:00 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. (some
dorms don’t have visitations every night; it’s up to the individual dorms).
333: Usually used to refer to the research paper required in the third course in
the U.S. History sequence, History 333. The course (and paper) is required of
most students and typically taken by uppers.

The Parents’ Handbook is published by the Dean of Students Office.


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