ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 017 Oct-08
ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 017 Oct-08
ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 017 Oct-08
“We came here not to gain but to give” – IIM Bangalore preaching……………………
Corporate VOICE takes DYS participants
participants on a picnic to Chowpatty.…
Chitra and Vishakha camp report…………………………………………………………………………
Leaders of future being trained at VTW 2008…………………………………………………………...
Shreshta for the month HG Krishna Kishore Pr ……………………………………………………
………………………………………………………… ……………………4
Exciting QUIZ to sharpen the intelligence……………………………………………………………….4
IITians and NITians enter IIM without CAT, to save the boys from rat race
IITians generally enter IIMs to gain education. But the devotees
various IITs and NITs say- “We
We have come
co here not to gain anything but to
give something–Krsna
Krsna consciousness”
consciousness” as they enter the IIM Bangalore
campus. Devotees of “BHISHMA--YOGA” started preaching this academic
session at IIM Bangalore! With the blessings of HG RSP, Ankur Varshney Pr
& Aditya Pr took charge of the project under the guidance of HG Shankar
Pandit Prabhu and HG Vamsi
V Vadan P. First devotees tried to start off
with the traditional book distribution method, but seeing many students
complaining against the 'intrusion' of 'strange' people in campus, Kuldeep
pr, Aditya pr & Ankur pr contacted the Student Union President and got
permission for seminars and book distribution
distribution table. This book
distribution table saw variety of students in the 7 day span - ranging
from atheists, to impersonalists, to only-if-wife-allows,
only to Bolly-wood-Bhaktas,
Bhaktas, to descendants-of-
Darwin... to Krishna-worshippers!
worshippers! Seeing them, Krishna Reddy
Reddy Pr exclaimed, "These boys are really
tough nuts! But Lord Caitanya’s mercy can melt the hearts of anyone, whether they be nuts or bolts." bolts.
During book distribution, Harish Iyer Pr said, "Here boys and girls are in the same hostel! It is
certainly Srila Prabhupada's compassion that HG RSP has sent his representatives and books here to
deliver them."
Current status: 14 boys attended the one-time
one time program, and subsequently 6-8 6 boys have been
attending weekly sessions on DYS by HG Shankar Pandit Pr. As of now,no 2-33 boys are chanting daily 1-
2 rounds and two of them appear to be very promising. - Bh. Aditya Mittal, Bhishma YOGA