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ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 017 Oct-08

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Issue: 017 Oct’ 08 The VOICE Messenger

 “We came here not to gain but to give” – IIM Bangalore preaching……………………
 Corporate VOICE takes DYS participants
participants on a picnic to Chowpatty.…
 Chitra and Vishakha camp report…………………………………………………………………………
 Leaders of future being trained at VTW 2008…………………………………………………………...
Shreshta for the month HG Krishna Kishore Pr ……………………………………………………
………………………………………………………… ……………………4
 Exciting QUIZ to sharpen the intelligence……………………………………………………………….4

Without Krsna Consciousness, everything is void

Prabhupada: "I am coming back to the city after three years. Hare
NEWS FLASH…! Krsna. I have been around the world and have found that happiness
 ‘National VOICE VTW-08’ & and peace cannot be established in this world by materialistic
‘Facilitators Training Course’ advancement. I have seen Japan, which is highly advanced in
held at Kolkata. machines and technology. Yet there is no real happiness
there. But the people
people of India, even if they do not
 ISKCON Pune gifts ISKCON understand the significance of sankirtana, they enjoy
Kolkata with HG Acharyaratna p listening to it. My advice to the Indians is that if you
as Vice Temple President and a advance only in science and technology, without paying
team of 4 brahmacaris – Amal attention to hari-nama,
hari nama, then you will remain forever
Puran p, Sankirtan ananda p, backward. There is tremendous strength in hari-nama..."
backward. hari
Kumarlila p (ITBHU) and Sripad Reporter: "You have said, and I quote, "Even
p (NITW). communism, if it is without krsna-nama,
krsna nama, is void.' Why do
 50 Bangalore YOGA devotees
you say that?"
meet under the shelter of the
unique ‘Govardhan Temple’ Prabhupada: "Why do you refer to communism in particular?
with HG RSP Without Krsna consciousness,
consciousness, everything is void. Whatever you do,
 The first batch of ICFC pass-outs Krsna must remain in the center. Whether you are communist or
take up new roles in VOICE capitalist or anything else-it
else it doesn't matter. We want to see whether
 VOICE and YOGA devotees from your activities are centered around Krsna."
Pune visit PRERANA at Mumbai. Reporter: "Right now there is too much turmoil
Reporter: tu in Bengal. What is
 HH Lokanath Swami Maharaj your advice to us at this time?"
visits ISKCON Pune. Prabhupa : "My advice is to chant Hare Krsna. This is the piece of
advice to both the capitalists and the communists. All animosity
 VOICE club at NITK sponsors
preaching activities. between them will cease completely, and all their problems will be
solved, if they take this advice."

IITians and NITians enter IIM without CAT, to save the boys from rat race
IITians generally enter IIMs to gain education. But the devotees
various IITs and NITs say- “We
We have come
co here not to gain anything but to
give something–Krsna
Krsna consciousness”
consciousness” as they enter the IIM Bangalore
campus. Devotees of “BHISHMA--YOGA” started preaching this academic
session at IIM Bangalore! With the blessings of HG RSP, Ankur Varshney Pr

& Aditya Pr took charge of the project under the guidance of HG Shankar
Pandit Prabhu and HG Vamsi
V Vadan P. First devotees tried to start off
with the traditional book distribution method, but seeing many students
complaining against the 'intrusion' of 'strange' people in campus, Kuldeep
pr, Aditya pr & Ankur pr contacted the Student Union President and got
permission for seminars and book distribution
distribution table. This book
distribution table saw variety of students in the 7 day span - ranging
from atheists, to impersonalists, to only-if-wife-allows,
only to Bolly-wood-Bhaktas,
Bhaktas, to descendants-of-
Darwin... to Krishna-worshippers!
worshippers! Seeing them, Krishna Reddy
Reddy Pr exclaimed, "These boys are really
tough nuts! But Lord Caitanya’s mercy can melt the hearts of anyone, whether they be nuts or bolts." bolts.
During book distribution, Harish Iyer Pr said, "Here boys and girls are in the same hostel! It is
certainly Srila Prabhupada's compassion that HG RSP has sent his representatives and books here to
deliver them."
Current status: 14 boys attended the one-time
one time program, and subsequently 6-8 6 boys have been
attending weekly sessions on DYS by HG Shankar Pandit Pr. As of now,no 2-33 boys are chanting daily 1-
2 rounds and two of them appear to be very promising. - Bh. Aditya Mittal, Bhishma YOGA

Corporate VOICE takes a picnic to Chowpatty

Breaking the records of it’ss own,
own ‘Corporate VOICE’ moves ahead with
variety of preaching programs for the DYS course participants. After the
Retreat camp held in the month of September, a picnic was held for 80 men
and women to ISKCON Chowpatty on 12th Oct. “This camp is full of joy and
said HG Sundarvar pr. Devotees started
tarted from
Pune in 2 buses, ledle by HG Sundar var pr and HG Shyama
Ras pr. On the way, they saw “Damodar-lila”
“Damodar lila” drama and a
quiz was there on the same. They were amazed to hear
from HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj-“Real
Maharaj “Real renunciation in
bhakti means complete attachment to Krishna”.
“The atmosphere here in temple is filled with genuine
love and affection”, said Mr.Narayan.. In the evening, HG
Radheshyam Pr addressed all of them on how the spiritual world is Goloka
Vrindavan, the world off mirth and merry with no sorrow or worry. On the way
back to Pune, there saw “Nrsimha-lila”
“Nrsimha drama video & expressed their
eagerness to increase their number of rounds of chanting Hare Krishna.
– HG Amal Puran Das,, Corporate VOICE

Chitra and Vishaka camps help in Pune

CHIRTA CAMP: The theme for the CHITRA by unlimited devotees in unlimited ways. So, we
camp held in the last week of September
Septem have to learn to live with all such devotees in
was “Repentance of Ajamila
Ajamila”. HG our life”. Devotees did the special exercise of
Sankirtanand pr analytically explained how our churning
ning their heart by writing a individual letter
actions lead to prarabdha & aprarabdha karma to Lord Chaitanya expressing their feelings of
and their effects. Then devotees were given gratitude and praying for more mercy.
different case studies of a person justifying his -Bh.
Bh. Sandeep Gera, Muralidhar VOICE
mistakes, blaming the Lord, time,
circumstances, people around him etc.
etc Afternoon
session was
conducted by HG
Ramanand pr on
the topic “A Great
Hope” in which he
said, “A pure
devotee has a
strong conviction in
the protection of Lord”.
VISHAKHA CAMP: The theme for the last WHAT IS THIS BODY?
VISHAKHA camp was “Dhruva Maharaj’s M B - BIRTH
life”. This camp was taken by HG Sri Guru
Charan pr where he said, “Krishna
Krishna is worshipped O - OLDAGE
Grooming future leaders at National VTW 2008, Kolkata
A very joyous festive mood pervaded the atmosphere at
ISKCON Kolkata as the devotees from VOICEs all over India
assembled during the Dussehra vacation for the National VTW
2008. The devotees were divided in two groups, consisting of
second year devotees in one group and seniors in the other. HG
Acharyaratna p had suggested to HG RSP to arrange a special
training program for all Facilitators to train them how to do their
duty. HG Anangamohan p and HG Vallabha Caitanya p offered a
first class facility at ISKCON, Kolkata to organize these events and
we are very thankful to both of them.
Camp for 2 year devotees: In a lecture on “Immorality and
Morality”, HG RSP said, “Devotees should not indulge in immoral
behavior, knowing well that the Lord in our heart is watching every
one of our activities; if we ignore Him and act immorally, that will
cause injury to our integrity.” HG Chaitanya Charan pr lectured on
“Transcendental Morality” in connection with Karna and Ekalavya.
They were graced by the presence of HH Bhakti Purushottam
Swami Maharaj who said, “The purpose of human life is to become
self-realized”. They also had divine association of HH Bhakti
Siddhanta Swami Maharaj who said, “All of you should preach, take
association of each other and serve Lord Krsna”.
Camp for 3rd 4th year & senior devotees: This group consisted of
mainly devotees who are facilitators, preachers, or in management posts.
This was the first ever-held ‘Facilitator Forum Training Course’ in the
history of VOICE. It began with a lecture of HG Radheshyam Pr on the
three pillars of trust worthy character “Integrity, Non envy and Maturity”.
HG RSP remarked that “Our VOICES should have an atmosphere of
unpretentious love, affection, appreciation. Then the boys will feel
secured in VOICE.” He spoke on topics like “Importance of spiritual
strength for sustenance in KC and preaching”, “Experiencing the shelter
of Hari, Guru and Vaisnavas”. He said “Facilitator has to be a Caregiver, rather than an authority”.
While lecturing on “Learning to see good in others”, HGRSP said, “Whenever we see that someone
is causing pain to our heart, we have to see his good intention behind the
action. When we deal with others, we should know that good intentions are
not good enough, but how we say what we say is also important.” Another
inspiring point to most of the devotees is that “We should separate the sin
from a sinner; every saint had a past (Valmiki) and every sinner has a
future (Ajamila) i.e. Hate the sin and love the sinner.” Every evening, they
had Gaur Arati in the temple hall of Sri Sri Radha Govindaji. On some days
it went on for an hour with the kirtan lead by HG Mandali Bhadra Pr and
dancing led by HG RSP.
Behind every success there is a great effort. To prepare nice notes for classes and manage
the schedule, HG RSP had to go for late nights on almost all days - just to help all the devotees.
“This VTW is a unique success in VOICE history because of its excellence in addressing various
practical issues that help in spiritual progress, along with management efficiency in prasadam,
room allotment etc.”, remarks Ashish Gupta, a final year devotee from Kharagpur. Aditya pr from
Warangal says “After attending this camp, I am very inspired to take up service of facilitation
seriously for the pleasure Guru, Krishna and Vaishnavas”. – Bh.Dikshit, IIT KGP VOICE


1. Are you living inwardly and outwardly in a manner consistent with your mission?
2. Are your intentions, secret desires, private ambitions, dreams or passions contradictory to what
you publicly proclaim about yourself or your organization?
3. Are the decisions you make congruent with the principles of your mission?

Shreshtha – HG Krishna Kishore Prabhu

NAME : HG. Krishna Kishore Pr
About Krishna Kishore pr : He is the first grhastha from IYF, Pune. Currently
he is one of the leading counselors for many grhasthas as well as students.
Academic background: University topper at PICT during his M.E in
computers; received the ‘Best Teacher’ Award at VIT for academic year 2006.
Current services: Counselor, Sales manager for IYF books, preaching at GGD
VOICE since 10 yrs, Conducts Corporate-seminars at Tech Mahindra, teaches
‘Essence of Bhagavad gita’ course in VIT college for students as part of their
Spiritual interests: Preaching, Studying Srila Prabhupada books.
Let us hear from Krishna Kishore pr about his journey in Krsna Consciousness.
Q: Hare Krsna Krishna Kishore Pr! How were you introduced to Krsna Consciousness?
Krishna Kishore pr: When Radheshyam pr began youth preaching in Pune, 1994, the 1st college he
started was PICT. Through that program may of us like HG Premnidhi pr, HG Gaursundar pr.etc came to
Krsna consciousness. From the beginning days HG RSP encouraged us to preach & give sessions.
Q: You took up teaching job rather than a software job. So, how did it affect your life?
Krishna Kishore pr: I was working with Patni Computer Systems in 1997. Seeing my hectic schedule,
Radheshyam pr suggested me to switch to teaching job. I reasoned it out to myself that there are so
many teachers, my father was one himself, and all these people also make a good living. 10 years down
the line I am happy with my decision. Though I earned less than what I could have had if I continued with
Patni Computers, I feel greatly blessed with more time for engaging in Lord’s service and also attention to
my family. I have a house, a family with 2 children and I am maintaining them in the best way possible.
It would not have been much different had I continued with corporate life.
Q: What is your inspiration for preaching at GGD VOICE consistently for the last 10 yrs?
Krishna Kishore pr: Having been inspired by HG RSP I went to preach in Sinhagadh college of Engg in
1998. I have been going there regularly for the last 10 years. There is a tremendous amount of
satisfaction in seeing boys pick up Krishna consciousness nicely. The taste of seeing students becoming
devotees and the powerful management and systematic follow up system set up by our brahmacaris have
been the motivating factors for me to keep going there for the last 10 years.
Q: According to you what are the advantages of having a simple job in grhastha asram?
Krishna Kishore pr: From a personal & spiritual view point I think that I have benefited tremendously in
a college job where we are on ‘our own’ for most of the time and do not have to do any daily or regular
reporting to our ‘boss’. This is a type of freedom that is
important for a devotee. Also there are no strict
deadlines to be met or any type of work pressures. QUIZ-1
Working hours are 7 hours a day and I get on an 1. Who was Kamsa in his previous life?
average 2 hours to mail devotees, read something etc. 2. How many times did Srila Prabhupada
Also teaching keeps me connected with college students travel round the world?
and this even helps in my preaching services as I
3. What is the quadrant that one has to
remain aware of student mentalities etc. Recently since
my college has gone autonomous, I have also been focus upon in general to avoid ‘crisis’ in
teaching a course based on ‘Essence of Bhagavad Gita’ Time Management Matrix?
to 40 students in college. I have the opportunity to do 4. Who is the spiritual master of Tukaram
this each semester and I am quite happy that I am able Maharaj?
to use my time in college to reach out the message of 5. Who is known as Sambandha acarya?
Srila Prabhupada’s teachings to my students. 6. How many years did Lord Chaitanya
Q: How did VOICE benefit you in your life?
manifest His earthly pastimes?
Krishna Kishore pr: I always value my college days
and life in temple where I received a good training (both
7. Who wrote ‘Damodarastakam’?
practical and philosophical) which turns out to be the 8. Which is more dangerous--VISHA or
spiritual base for the rest of my life. VISHAYA?
9. Who is referred to as Gudakesha?
Editorial Board
10. We have only one soul in our body.
HG Radheshyam Das, M.Tech, IIT Bombay & Director,VOICE
HG Chaitanyacharan Das, B.E, COEP, Pune
Please mail your answers to
Sudhir, Anurag, Sandeep, Sri Ram, Tushar, Aditya,Venkatesh
To invite your friends mail to vnl_subscribe@gmail.com
voice.nlquiz@gmail.com before 20th Nov.
The winners will be given special gift along with
VOICE,4-Tarapore Rd, near Dastur’s Boys School, Camp Pune-01
the release of next News letter.

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