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Blowjob Information for Beginners

If you are here because you are looking for beginner information on how to give a blowjob then please read this page. The rest of this site is written for mature adults in committed sexual relationships. If you are looking for first time blowjob advice, then perhaps the rest of the site isn't exactly for you, but take what you can from this page. If you are thinking about giving a blowjob for the first time, this can be both daunting and exciting. Most of us want our first blowjob to go well. We don't want seem clueless and we don't want to make a fool out of ourselves. And we want it to feel good for him. But make sure you aren't doing it just for him. Pressure to do things you may not want to can come from many sources - not just him but also friends, people you aren't friends with, even TV can make you feel like you need to something that you actually don't feel comfortable doing. When it comes to blowjobs, never do it unless you are comfortable and happy with the idea. If you aren't then you will both enjoy it less than you should, and you both should definitely enjoy it! But before you jump in the deep end, it is very important to equip yourself with knowledge! And that's why you are here, but more than the knowledge of "how to", you need to know about the risks and dangers and about the ways to protect yourself. Read the Blowjob, How Safe Sex Tips and don't stop there. The more you know, the better prepared you can be!

Doing Something Wrong The thing most people are worried about is doing something wrong. If this worries you then don't. If you haven't given a blowjob before then you aren't supposed to know exactly what to do. And men aren't all the same. Some like it one way, others like it another way. And the fun is in learning what works for each other. What we learn in sexual relationships is that with better communication comes a better sexual experience. If you want to give your boyfriend a blowjob for the first time, talking about it way beforehand may be a good way to practice that communication. Once you are comfortable talking

about it, when it comes time you won't feel self conscious talking about the blowjob while you are doing it.

Making a Mistake If something strange happens that could be embarrassing, the best response is just to laugh it off or comment on it. Though it isn't really a mistake, going too far and gagging can happen easily when the penis is inside your mouth. Don't worry, just laugh or make a comment like "Whoops, too much."

How to Make it Feel Good for Him The best way to find out what feels good for him is ask him and try to pick up on his reactions during the blowjob. This is where practicing talking about it pays off (because saying this stuff out loud can be hard!). If he is inexperienced too, then he may not be able to tell you what he likes from experience, but once you start he will find it pretty easy to tell you what feels good - if you ask him!

Being Prepared Condoms! Using condoms is always the best policy. Be sure you both understand and respect that you want to use a condom. A quick safe sex tip for beginners: putting on a condom can be difficult, but without one sex shouldn't be an option. If you are thinking of giving a blowjob for the first time, try flavoured condoms. Once you have decided you want to give a blowjob for the first time, try practicing putting a condom on him (or him putting in on himself) on a separate day prior to any other sexual activity. Once you get this down, it's one less thing to worry about! But just having a box of condoms doesn't mean you are prepared. Deciding if you are personally prepared is something only you can do. Though friends do have a strong influence on our behaviour, try not to feel pressured by what others are doing or what others expect of you

How do you give a blowjob

If you have decided you are ready to give a blowjob, but want to know exactly what to do, then here is a quick rundown. Remember that you don't have to know everything right off the bat, and there is a lot of fun in learning these things together with a partner you trust.

The Dirty Basics of a Blowjob You have to get his cock out of his pants. Then you have put it in your mouth. (If you have talked out it beforehand with him, then he will be freshly showered and his cock will be nice and clean, even under the foreskin.) You don't have to jam his cock in your mouth straight away. You can take some time to get to know the little guy first. See how it feels in your hand. Ask your partner if you can have a look. Every cock is different, so it's fun to see what his looks like. When you are ready, lick and kiss him first. Go slow so you can both focus on how everything feels. Then take him in your mouth. When his cock is in your mouth, it will be resting on your tongue and your lips should be relaxed but making a seal around his cock. Take your time to explore how his cock feels inside your mouth. Move your tongue around it and suck it gently while moving up and down. Be careful not to scrape his cock with your teeth. The head (with the foreskin pulled back on uncircumcised men) is extremely sensitive, and teeth can really hurt. The important features of a blowjob are warmth; wetness; and friction. Inside your mouth is warm, when you move there is friction and your saliva is the wetness. Don't worry if a little saliva dribbles out as wetter is generally better. Just smooth it around with your hand. That's enough to start off with. Find out for yourself all the little things that work for your partner, as it can be a lot of fun. And if you aren't having fun, then why are you doing it?

The Result of a Blowjob When a man is stimulated enough, he will come (ok, you already knew that!). So what should you do with that come? That is completely up to you. If he is wearing a condom you can just continue with what you are doing until he tells you to stop. You will get to feel how his penis changes through his orgasm, and you will be safe from possible diseases. If you aren't using a condom (have you read the BlowjobHow safe oral sex information?) then you can let him come in your mouth, let him come somewhere else such as in a bunch of tissues or in your hand. If he comes in your mouth then again, you can spit it out into a bunch of tissues, etc, or you can swallow it. This is something you might think about beforehand or not, but don't worry if you change your mind at the last minute. Using a condom, deciding where his come goes is completely up to you and you shouldn't let the actions or words of others coerce you into doing something you aren't comfortable with.

He Came Too Quickly / He didn't Come If he came very quickly from your blowjob then you have nothing to worry about. If you enjoyed it then you should have the chance to try again. If he didn't come from your blowjob then again, you have nothing to worry about. There is nothing wrong with a blowjob that doesn't end with an orgasm. If your guy is a frequent masturbator (and most young guys are these day, thanks to the porn providing net) then it will be harder to make him come because his penis will be more used to stimulation. Don't expect that you will be able to make him come the first time. It usually takes practice. The biggest problem is your jaw will get tired way before he will ask you to stop.


Look after yourself by being educated about safe sex, and by keeping condoms available. Think about it, are you ready? Don't feel pressured by anyone's expectations. Talk about it with him. Talking about it beforehand is practice for being able to talk about it during the act.

Relax. Don't expect too much from your first blowjob. Laughter can make an awkward situation easier.

Watch his reactions to your actions. If you think it's hurting him, ask him. If you think he likes it, ask him.

Have fun. You should enjoy it too!

Definition of a Blowjob

A blowjob, known by many names including its technical term: fellatio is the act of providing sexual stimulation to a man using one's mouth. This is generally done through various different styles of licking and sucking his penis and scrotum. Often the giver will use her hands to assist in providing said sexual stimulation. A blowjob can be a primer to intercourse or other sexual activities, or it can come to its own end with the man ejaculating from the orally administered pleasure.

But that is a technical definition. Just like sex, and many other things in life and relationships, there is so much more to a blowjob. For starters, men and women undoubtedly have different perceptions of what a blowjob is and furthermore, what a blowjob means.

What is a Blowjob: From a Woman's Perspective

A blowjob is selflessly providing sexual pleasure to your lover (unless you are enjoying the classic 69 position). A blowjob can be a chore. A blowjob can be power. A blowjob is being able to spoil him, to focus entirely on what can be the most gratifying sexual act for him, without distraction.

A blowjob can be a form of submission or a form of power. Depending on the mentality you approach the act with, and especially the position you take will determine (or express) whether you are taking a submissive or dominant role.

A blowjob is communication. When you are giving your lover head, it is a communication of love. Admittedly there is a lot of lust involved, but between a loving couple, sexual activity and thus head is an act of love. As with all communication, don't forget to use all communication tools at your disposal. i.e. voice, eye contact, touch, smiles.

What is a Blowjob: From a Man's Perspective

A blowjob is having luxurious sexual attention lavished upon you. A blowjob is egocentric pleasure. A blowjob can be power, or submission. A blowjob can sometimes be giving in to being spoiled by a generous lover who you want to give pleasure at the same time.

A blowjob is a fantasy. It is common knowledge that men think about sex far more than women - a conservative ratio from the Telegraph says men: 13 times per day; women: 5 times per day. Thoughts of blowjobs occupy many of those thirteen daily forays into fantasy world. Men think about blowjobs a lot and are either thinking about something they want or something they have had. Be the 'something he has had' fantasy by giving him the best head he has ever had, be the 'something he wants' fantasy by teasing him with a blowjob he has coming.

A blowjob is also acceptance. A man's penis and his ego are for most men interwoven. Receiving a blowjob from a lover is a wonderful thing just for the fact that she is giving so much attention to the organ that defines his gender. That it feels good physically of course helps too.

A blowjob is, for many men, one of their first sexual experiences and thus is strongly associated with their feelings of what sex should be. Because it is one of their first sexual experience, it can be a strongly intimate act. Some men claim they find oral sex better than intercourse, and considering it is the first act of intimacy for many men, it is not difficult to understand why they might see it this way.

A blowjob is the best. This is what some men say, and many people - men and women find that oral sex is the most pleasurable for of sex. Something about lying back and just receiving a lovers lustful ministrations doesn't disagree with that.

Common Blowjob Questions and Answers


How do I give a blowjob? How can I keep my mouth wet when giving a blowjob? How can I make giving a blowjob easier? His cock is too big. What can I do? How do I know if he is enjoying the blowjob? What should I do with my tongue while I am sucking his cock? When is the best time to give a blowjob during sex? What should I do with his foreskin? Do I move the skin when giving a blowjob? How can I give a good blowjob if I am shy? Why do guys like to watch when I give him a blowjob? Is it fun to give a blowjob? How do you indicate that you want to give a blowjob? Is it ok to stop half way through a blowjob? What part of his cock should I focus on when giving a blowjob? How do you know when he is going to come?

Answers How do I give a blowjob?


The answer to this question is easy enough to answer, but then maybe you want to know more than just how do you give a blowjob - maybe you want to know the answer to how do you give a good

blowjob. First the straight forward answer, then the deeper one.
1. How do you give a blowjob? - First you must take his pants off, or somehow get his cock out into the open. Then you take his cock into your mouth and start sucking. The sucking is more about friction that suction, so press your tongue against his cock while it is in your mouth and move your head up and down so his cock is going in and out of your mouth. There are various other tips and techniques, but that is about the basics of it.

See the "Information for Beginners" for more on how do you give a blowjob.

2. How do you give a good blowjob? - The difference between giving a blowjob and giving a good or great blowjob is most often attitude and of course practice. To give a good blowjob you need to know the basic technique which comes with practice, but the biggest factor that will have your lover so in love with you over this one little act is attitude. If you can enjoy the act and share that enjoyment with him so that he knows you are enjoying it, then he will enjoy it so much more. This site is here solely to teach you how to suck cock and to answer your blowjob questions, and you will find much more on in our main blowjob guide.

How can I keep my mouth wet when giving a blowjob?


It is often said about blowjobs, because it is true and because it rhymes, that "wetter is better". If you find that when you are giving head, it seems a little dry, you could try a few things:

1. Make sure your mouth is clean and fresh. Rinse with mouthwash, brush your teeth and get your tongue too. When you start out with a minty fresh mouth, saliva just seems to come more easily. 2. Alternatively, chew a piece of gum or suck on a MILD mint. 3. Take his cock deep into your mouth, to the point where you the gag reflex start to kick in. Don't choke yourself, but getting close will start your saliva glands working. 4. You can use flavoured lubes to increase the wet factor. And if you have tasted normal lube, you might think "no way", but there are lubes designed exactly for this! Hello blowjob lube! And once the saliva starts flowing, don't ruin the effect by swallowing the saliva. Keep it in your mouth. The wetness will help promote more saliva and when it gets too much, just let it drool out to lubricate your hand that is stroking the rest of his shaft.

How can I make giving a blowjob easier?


It's not unnatural to get tired. You love him, you want to make him feel special, but everyone is human and the reality is, the super special "make him feel like a king" blowjobs are not an everyday activity. They are special occasion blowjobs, when you both have the time to devote special attention to each other.

The best advice for making a blowjob easier or quicker is to use your hand and mouth together. Use your mouth on the head and your hand stroking the shaft.

It is also important to find a comfortable blowjob position, because if you aren't comfortable then it will never be easy.

His cock is too big. What can I do?


Sometimes it seems like his cock really is too big for your mouth. But if you try you should be able to open your mouth wide enough you should be able to at least get the head into your mouth. From there it may get more difficult. Taking him further into your mouth might be harder, and you may find it uncomfortable.

If this is the case, rather than trying to provide all the stimulation with your mouth, just suck on the head of his cock, swirling your tongue around and let your hand provide stimulation the rest of his cock. Grip the shaft, and let your saliva dribble down so your hand becomes wet and slippery. Stroke him with your hand and just take as much as you comfortably can into your mouth. With practice you might find his size isn't so intimidating, and that you can take in more than you thought.

How do I know if he is enjoying the blowjob?


Communication is the most important part of sexual acts, as it will help you understand how to make it better for each other - for yourself and him.

Sometimes it's not easy to ask if he likes what you are doing, as you may feel a bit of pressure to already know what your lover wants and likes. But asking him "Does this feel good?" gives the opportunity for him to offer some guidance as to what he thinks might feel good. And as you keep trying new things, keep asking so you know what he likes. Compare two blowjob tricks and ask him which he likes better.

Also look out for the non-verbal communication: the expression on his face; the pace of his breathing, or if he holds his breath while you do one thing, maybe he likes that (or it might hurt! better ask which it is); or maybe you can tell by his moaning, swearing and yeah, yeah, yeah's.

What should I do with my tongue while I am sucking his cock?


Your tongue is the most important thing to use when giving a blowjob, so it's good to understand exactly what you can do with your tongue during a blowjob.

You can use your tongue outside your mouth, in the same way you would lick an ice cream cone, or different variations of licking - softly, forcefully, with a wide tongue, with just the tip, quick fluttering motions, long slow licks, or swirling your tongue around the head - it really is up to you and your

lover to find out what he likes best. You can also lick him anywhere from his anus to the tip of his cock (or even explore his whole body), again finding what you both like.

But if you really want to use your tongue magic, you must remember to use it while his cock is inside your mouth. As you take the head into your mouth, keep your tongue pressed against the underside of his cock. Remember to keep doing this throughout the blowjob!

As you move back and his cock comes out of your mouth, keep the tip of your tongue focused just under the tip, where the coronal ridge comes up to meet the urethral hole. You can even flick this area as you slide your mouth up and down to further enhance the effect, letting him feel both the soft and the rough side of your tongue.

When is the best time to give a blowjob during sex?


Generally, most people like to give blowjobs at the start of sex and this is probably because oral sex is softer. Oral sex for both of you can be a great way to warm up prior to sex, but there is no rule that says blowjobs can only be at the beginning of sex. It can be a great way to slow down and draw out the fun, or even a fun way to end sex - if you enjoy it that way.

The general rule is: if you feel like doing it, he is probably not going to complain.

What should I do with his foreskin? Do I move the skin when giving a blowjob?

When an uncircumcised man is un-aroused, his foreskin will generally be covering the head of his penis. As the man becomes aroused and the penis grows, the skin in some cases may retract from the head, however it usually remains covering the head.

While the foreskin is an erogenous zone, it's also there to protect the head and is why uncut guys have a more sensitive head than cut guys. So when you are giving an uncircumcised guy head, you can pull the foreskin back straight away to uncover his wonderfully sensitive cock head, but you can earn extra points by playing with the skin a little - trying to slip your tongue under it, or trying to push the skin back with your lips and tongue rather than pull it back with your hand. Remember it is an erogenous zone, so don't leave it out!

How can I give a good blowjob if I am shy?

If you want to give your lover a blowjob, but feel to shy about initiating it, then try remembering that as much as you want to give him a blowjob, most guys once you let them know, would love to let you give them a blowjob too.

If you want to give him a blowjob, but feel shy or insecure about the act itself then you have to remember two things: 1. If you feel uncomfortable about taking part in any sexual act, you should not allow yourself to be pressured into doing it. If you aren't enjoying it, then you should always feel comfortable about saying stop at any time. 2. If you do want to, but just feel insecure about how you might look, how you might perform, or anything else like that, don't worry. Give yourself time to learn what works for both of you. Remember that he will be caught up in the pleasure of the blowjob and won't be criticising how you look doing it. (And guys like to watch. It can be a bit hard not to feel self concious sometimes, but if it didn't look good to them they wouldn't watch!) It might be hard, but just try to relax into what you are doing. He will be caught up enjoying the blowjob, and won't be worrying about a single thing else.

Why do guys like to watch when I give him a blowjob?


Guys love to watch. They love to watch you give them head and it is true of every guy. But why?? Well the first thing is you are playing with his most favorite thing in the world. He wants to see if you like it as much as he does. If you can show him how much you love it then you are already halfway to giving him an amazing blowjob.

The other reason guys love to watch is it is just how they are built. Guys and girls are different in how they get and stay aroused. Where girls get turned on emotionally, guys get turned on visually. That's why guys enjoy porn more than girls.

So even though it can be uncomfortable, make you nervous and self conscious the best thing to remember is that he is looking at you because he is enjoying it. You might think you look a bit silly, but to him it is the sexiest thing he has ever seen.

You can read more in our blowjob guide about why men are turned on by blowjobs.

Is it fun to give a blowjob?

Yes. Giving a blowjob is fun if you are mature and confident in yourself, if you are in a sexy mood, and if you aren't feeling pressured by onyone. Pressure can come from him, your friends, society, tv or anyone else. If you are new to sex and blowjobs, read this blowjob information for beginners. The main contributing factor to whether a blowjob is fun is you - how you feel. If you don't feel like you want to do it, it will never be fun and you should never do anything sexual unless you want to and are having fun too.

If you are looking for some ideas to make your blowjobs a little more fun and exciting, try the blowjob tips and techniques fun room.

How do you indicate that you want to give a blowjob?


The answer to this depends on so many things: the situation; your age and experience; your relationship with the man; how comfortable you are talking about things like this.

Generally it's not something you need to indicate you want to do, it something you just do. Your doing it is a pretty big indication you want to, and wanting to is one of the most important parts of giving a good blowjob.

Assuming this question comes from a younger person new to the world of sex - you can try literally telling your boyfriend you want to give him a blowjob. But you might not be comfortable just coming out with it like that, so another way to indicate you want to give a blowjob is to just slowly move into it. Start out kissing and touching, then move your hand to his cock. Undo his pants and get his cock out and stroke him while you are kissing. Then, just dive in. Of course, wait for an appropriate time and place.

On the other hand, if you are more experienced with sex and are just wondering how you can show your boyfriend you want to give him a blowjob then you first need to get his attention. If he is busy he may not want the distraction but 99 out of 100 guys won't mind being interrupted for a blowjob! So, get in front of him and get his attention. Kiss him and grab his cock through his pants, give him a sexy little smile and start undoing his pants and by that time he will be well aware of your intentions and most likely will be happy enough to let you do what you want to do.

Is it ok to stop half way through a blowjob?

Most guys will adamantly tell you "NO! Never stop half way through a blowjob!" And it sure is a teasing thing to do but the answer always is "never do anything you don't want to". So if halfway through the act you decide you don't want to continue or you start feeling uncomfortable you absolutely should speak up. - "Sorry, that's all." with a wink or "Sorry, I need to stop." is all you need say. So YES!! It is ok to stop half way through a blowjob! However, try not to make a habit of this with your lover. Imagine counting down the days till Christmas as a kid, then suddenly being told "Sorry, no Christmas." A short blowjob as part of sex is another thing (and completely fine), but to build it up then snatch away Christmas is a little mean and you could expect a little sulking.

What part of his cock should I focus on when giving a blowjob?


The place you want to focus on is the head, and specifically the underside, just below the "V" created by the ridge. When you stand facing a man, then kneel down and take his cock into your mouth, this perfectly places his cock for maximum pleasure. From this position, that sweet spot will be sitting directly on your tongue.

But you don't want to focus all your attention on the head and sweet spot as it can sometimes be numbing. Good blowjobs have variation and the rest of his cock, his balls and other hidden spots are all erotically sensitive areas!

How do you know when he is going to come?


You may have noticed that when you are receiving sexual pleasure, often you can come close to orgasm then fall back from that feeling, maybe come close again and fall back again until with enough time and the right stimulation you can come. Guys are the same so you may experience the following warning signs periodically throughout a blowjob until he actually does come, but here are some signs that he is getting close to coming:

1. Breathing and moaning - his breathing may get heavier, faster and especially right before he comes he may hold his breath for a short time as the orgasm overwhelms him or if he isn't afraid to make noise then you may notice a change in his moans. 2. He may just tell you - some guys don't say anything, others like to tell you they are coming. If they don't actually say they are going to come, they may be urging you to "keep going", or "don't stop" with quite some urgency.

3. His penis swells - just before he comes often you can feel his cock and particularly the head swell. This however isn't restricted to just before he comes, and you may feel this change throughout the blowjob. 4. His grip - if he is holding your hand or perhaps his hands are in your hair or on your head, you may notice his grip gets a little tighter. This is a good signal that he might be just about to come, or if not, that what you are doing feels really good.

Solutions to Common Complaints about Blowjobs


His penis smells! How can I give him a blowjob with a stinky penis? I don't like the taste. I don't want him to come in my mouth. A blowjob is so selfish. I don't like giving head unless I'm already horny. I'm worried I'm not good at giving a blowjob. He's always asking for a blowjob and that makes me not want to. My jaw gets tired and sore if I give a blowjob.

Solutions His penis smells! How can I give him a blowjob with a stinky penis?

If you don't like the smell - don't think that getting him to wash with soap right before is an unreasonable request, or if it is your saliva that starts to smell after a while, try a mild mint or flavoured lubes to mask the smell.

I don't like the taste.


If you don't like the taste - again, get him to wash before, or flavoured lubes, and if it is the come you don't like, just don't take it in your mouth - you don't have to! If you don't like the taste but still

want to give a great blowjob, at least try not to be scared of his come. You don't have to eat it, but making faces of disgust isn't a turn on and won't will make him feel terrible.

I don't want him to come in my mouth.


If you are worried he will come in your mouth without telling you - tell him, let him know you don't want come in your mouth and if he does come, decide on a place where he can finish.

A blowjob is so selfish.

If you don't like it because it's just one way - make it reciprocal. Decide that oral sex will always be as a 69 where you both get the pleasure at the same time, or take turns and make sure you are both

getting fair turns.

I don't like giving head unless I am already horny.


If you only like it when you are horny - then tell him, and see if the whole game works better when he takes some time to warm you up first.

I'm worried I'm not good at giving a blowjob.


If you are worried that you are bad at it - then talk to him and he will tell you it doesn't matter. And the fact is you can't get better without practice, and he would definitely rather you practice and get better than not. Plus, when you are practicing, he is getting head. No way he won't like that!

He's always asking for a blowjob and that makes me not want to.

If you don't want to because he is always pushing and hinting for you to give him a blowjob - talk to him and explain how that makes you feel, and how it in fact makes you not want to do it. Let him know that he will get blowjobs when it feels good for you but you aren't there to service him whenever he has a hankerin' for head.

My jaw gets tired and sore if I give a blowjob.


To me, this is like an un-fit person complaining they get puffed if they try running, or that their legs get sore (so that is why they can't run). If you are out of shape, it's not easy to get into shape, but it's better to get there than not be un-fit and slovenly.

To get over the sore jaw issue, you need to practice more. Or you can try these jaw exercises that will help you keep your mouth wide open for longer before it starts to hurt.

But this may also be because you are using your mouth too much. If you are a beginner or just don't
give head very often, try doing it a little more regularly and your jaw will get used to being open for longer. But you don't have to just sit there bobbing up and down with his cock in your mouth for 15 minutes. That will start to hurt. Whenever you feel the twinge in your jaw, take a breather and just lick him for a bit. Spend a few minutes doing this. It will let your jaw relax and guys love to see you swirling your tongue all around the tip of their cocks or licking up and down the shaft. Even though this site is a guide to giving great head and isn't a relationship guide, in or out of a relationship sex should be a fun, safe and enjoyable experience for both partners. A blowjob should be given because you want to, not because you feel pressured to. Ok, back to the how to of giving great head.

Comfortable Blowjob Positions

The first thing you need to think about when starting your blowjob is positioning - where are you in relation to him? You need a comfortable blowjob position so it's easy for you, but you don't want to settle in to a blowjob position that makes it less enjoyable for him. This page details the blowjob positions that are best for giving the best blowjob with a little insight into why they are the best positions. But don't miss out on experimenting and trying new things! Exploring together is fun and fun is good. After this page, we look at the rest of the who, what, where, when and why's of giving a blowjob. After you understand that you should find the how comes easily enough.

Blowjob Position with Him Reclining Lovers might find themselves in a horizontal position, especially while kissing and hugging on a bed. She will then move down toward his cock, positioning herself between his legs with him lying face up. This is best blowjob position for him to relax while she makes love to his cock with her mouth. The downside, her hair can obscure the view and he is left staring at the ceiling. Men love to watch a woman sucking on their cock. This is easily fixed with a couple pillows under his head, and a hair-tie.

Sexy Tip - As you are propping some pillows under his head, talk dirty and ask him if he wants to
see your lips on his cock. (Especially relevant if your lips are freshly glossed or rouged.) Tease him and smile at him while holding his cock, pout your lips and kiss the head. He may have told you he wants to see your lips wrapped around his cock, but don't give it all to him straight away.

Standing or Sitting Blowjob Position Oral sex can in a way be an act of submission and you can play on the power he feels by making sure he is above you in a sitting or standing blowjob position. If he is standing, he will benefit from the feelings of power and also he can easily watch as your lips slide up and down his cock. Remember that guys love to watch you enjoy their cock. If you sit him in a chair and give him the royal treatment, he will feel like a true king. Sit him down, let him lean back, come from between his legs (spread them far apart to expose his cock and balls to you) and devour him.

The benefit of the standing position over the sitting position is that he can thrust into your mouth while standing. This may be daunting, but thrusting is the natural male instinct and helps to bring on an orgasm. Keep a slippery wet hand loosely gripped around his shaft for a faux extension to your mouth. (It will also help keep you from gagging.)

Important point about the above three positions In the above three positions, to maximise the pleasure you are giving him, it is better to approach from between his legs, or below. In particular, with him reclining it is possible to come from a 69 or head to tail position. The 69 is wonderful, no argument, but when you consider the location of the most sensitive spot on his cock - the underside of the head of his penis in relation to the most agile part of your mouth - your tongue, then to align them for the most contact, the best blowjob position is one where you are approaching from his feet, face to face and slide down. These blowjob positions also allow for seductive eye contact. Looking up with a smile in your eyes communicates your enjoyment to him and that is very important. If it is fun for you and you enjoy the blowjob, so will he. They also allow him the best view because in these positions your body is not in the way. He has an unrestricted view and he will love it! If you just want the most comfortable blowjob position because "Hey, he will still love it!", try the 69 or the non-straddling version where you just sit to the side but still facing his feet. This position may be more comfortable because you won't have to crane your neck over so much to accommodate his upward pointing erection. Whatever blowjob position you end up in, the most important thing is that you both are having fun. If you are in a comfortable position you will be better able to offer the ultimate pleasure of the blowjob to your lover. But be sure he is comfortable too as this is a time to focus on his pleasure, right! For the best blowjob positions for deepthroat, read how to deepthroat on the Deepthroat page. For other blowjob positions to try for the fun of it (fun is good!), see these fun blowjob positions.

Blowjob When - When to Give a Blowjob

This is the Blowjob When of our BlowjobHow guide and deals with when to give a blowjob. You can give a great blowjob anytime, but at the right time a great blowjob will become an amazing, neverforget-it experience for your lover.

When is the Best Time for a Blowjob?

Anytime is a Good Time For most guys, now is the best time for a blowjob. To exploit this to your advantage, giving your partner a surprise blowjob will be a great thrill for him. Perhaps you might like, after a long day at work, to come home to him with a bouquet of flowers in hand and a hot bath waiting for you. For a guy, an equivalent might be if he came home and you just sat him down on the couch and relieved him of the days stress with a luxurious blowjob. After you pull his pants down, you can run a hot washcloth lovingly over his cock and balls to wash away the days sweat. The warm cloth will feel wonderful, but cool his cock down a bit by blowing softly on his shaft and head. Then when you take him between your lips, the contrasting warmth and wetness of your mouth will be emphasised.

Build It Up Instead of waiting for the when that is, the best time to give a blowjob, create the when. While guys love blowjobs and want them now, making them wait is good too. This doesnt mean not giving them head for a month, this means building the anticipation. If you build up the anticipation, you build up his desire. If he is planning to visit you, or he is at work, that morning you can let him know that you cant wait till he arrives or gets home, so you can take his dick into your mouth and suck him till he comes. This will have him half hard all day, and when he gets there he will already be halfway ready to cum. And when he does get there, don't forget to deliver on your promise with enthusiasm to show him he wasn't the only one thinking about his dick in your mouth all day!

As Part of Sex Any time is a good time and guys always love to see you love their cock. (See why they want you to love the little guy in Understanding Him.) When is the best time to give him head as part of sex? Most people start out with oral sex and finish with intercourse but it doesn't have to be that way every time. Mid-intercourse oral is a very sexy act. Initiating a blowjob when you are riding him can be like saying "I love your cock so much and it makes me feel so good I just want to taste it!" (Don't be afraid to say that too!) However that sounds to you, that is a very flattering, ego stroking comment to a guy. It is also a bit kinky and shows him you love him and his cock, which is what a blowjob is all about. What about a blowjob when it's getting towards finale time. Whether you are exhausted from a long sex session or just want to let him live out his porn-star fantasy, ending a sex session orally is a lot of fun. It's less intimate than finishing together, but that is made up in dirty sexiness. Whether he shoots in your mouth, on your face, on your breasts - guys love this porn style ending because they can see it! Men are visual, so feeding his visual sense is a huge turn on. Also, moving to a blowjob when he is about to come shows you want to get up close with his cock and his orgasm - nothing shows you love loving his cock more than that!

Blowjob Where - Where to Give a Blowjob

We mentioned that right now might be a guys answer to "When is the best time for a blowjob?"; and likewise, right here might be the response you get if you were to ask the best place for a blowjob. However you can do much better to increase the experience for him.

Right Place for the Right Mood

Like making love, finding the right place or creating the right time and place can bring about a better blowjob experience. Often the right place is synonymous with the right time and you may need to juggle a few things to set the perfect stage. The setting contributes to the mood and the whole experience so the "where" will depend upon the mood you want to create and the type of blowjob you want to give.

Loving Blowjob This is the blowjob where you sit him down and let him know you just want to show him how much he means to you with oral love. This works well with the classic blowjob positions set out on the first page. For this type of blowjob you need to set a scene of intimacy. Your bedroom at a time when you won't be disturbed; or your lounge when you have the house completely and definitely to yourselves; or a hotel room. Somewhere you are both comfortable and don't have to worry about anything except the blowjob. Leave absolutely nothing to distract you - TV off, music soft (no radio, the ads are annoying). This blowjob might take a while so have a drink nearby; grapes or cherries can be a nice addition. Candles and aroma oils burning on the side build this scene up too.

Sexy Tip - The bedroom is the common place for love-making in all it's forms, including oral love
but just a few changes such as candles, a new scent, or even moving the bed to the centre of the room (and covering all blankets/comforters with a sheet tucked in all around so it becomes a soft centre stage) can make it a new room and will make it a memorable occasion.

Different Bedroom Blowjobs Your bedroom or your home is often the best place for a blowjob as it generally requires privacy, but that doesn't mean it always has to be a loving blowjob. Make it what you will. Role play or exploration might even bring out something you wouldn't describe as loving - something raw and carnal that you both keep a secret. Who knows... but when you get that privacy, make sure you both enjoy it!

Risky Blowjob This is for those who get excited with something a little more adventurous. This is the kind of blowjob that he will never forget purely for the novelty of the experience. It's the kind of blowjob you might brag to your friends about when sharing crazy experiences. The risky blowjob is best done on a whim. If you prepare for it, it might still be fun but it won't have the same spice an impromptu blowjob will have. A risky blowjob location is anywhere you run the risk of getting caught. Common places might include the beach, changing rooms in department stores, in the park, anywhere the mood hits and where you can find a mostly private area. If you are sitting in traffic (the one lane kind - a highway, with people parked right beside you is a bit more

exhibitionist that risky) and suddenly he realises you are in the mood and want to pass the time with less talking and more... Well, he will not forget that for a long time!

Road Head As opposed to the example above, road head is specifically while driving. Many guys talk about it, and it would be something he will never forget but it isn't without danger. While a car can be a fun place for head, road head is a blowjob where danger presents and can't responsibly be recommended... There is no right where to give a blowjob, but the most common is in privacy, where you can both enjoy an act of love. Different places evoke different moods and feelings so play with these to your advantage. Have fun giving a blowjob where you find the mood and explore how different places work for you.

Blowjob and Attitude

If you want to learn how to give a blowjob then you probably want to know how to give a really good blowjob. In that case, the most important thing you need to know, if you take only one thing away from this how to give head tutorial, let it be this: LOVE AND ENJOY IT!! If you read the previous three chapters, you might have noticed a lot of "loving his cock" instead of "sucking his dick". That's because attitude is the main difference between a blowjob and a mind blowing blowjob. So love his cock! Love sucking it! Love licking it! Love his balls! Love it when he comes! It sounds crude, but if you want to know how to give an amazing blowjob, the secret is you have to be a cock loving slut (or at least have fun pretending to be one).

Enjoy Blowjobs by Being Good

It is so important it must be said again Love Sucking His Cock! When you give good head to a guy, you are enjoying it. You cant expect him to enjoy it if you don't enjoy giving head. If you dont like it then ask yourself "why not?". It is a gift of pleasure you are giving him, if nothing else, enjoy that side of it. Like most things, if you go in with a positive attitude, it will be easier and you will enjoy it more. It is easy; you are good at it; you enjoy giving head. Think of these three things as the legs of the three legged blowjob stool. Remove one leg, and the stool falls over. And since most people enjoy easy things they are good at, practice can make a blowjob more enjoyable.

If you just don't like giving head: try to find out why. If it's something that can be changed, talking
about it with him is a good idea. If you are here, you must want to give him head, so if you both can find a way to make it better for you, it will be better for him. And he will love the idea of finding a way to make it better for you to give him head! See some solutions to common blowjob complaints.

Expressive Blowjob Attitude

Blowjob Eyes Remember to look at him occasionally. This will let you gauge how much he is enjoying your skills and it is also a super sexy blowjob technique. Imagine it now. Imagine his cock in front of you. Look up into his eyes and lick under the head. Take a longer lick up his shaft. Now, still looking at him, take him into your mouth. That is sexy. Watch his jaw drop while you suck the head and move down the shaft, all the while maintaining eye contact. When he's slippery with saliva, really start pouting your lips to show them off to the best visual advantage. Its that confident attitude that will knock his socks off. Then to add the cherry on top, close your eyes dreamily and lose yourself in the pleasure of sucking his cock, as you dont want to be staring at him the whole time.

Think about this: when you talk to someone, it is important to look them in the eye. Maybe not the
whole time, but it is important to maintain eye contact for the most part. Communication is a two way street - we gauge each others responses. We also use more than just our voices. Eye contact is an important example of this, but we also use gestures, touch, facial expressions, body language, and more. Consider that a blowjob is communication between lovers. Obviously this form of communication focuses on touch, but for the best communication, for the best blowjob, employ all your other communication skills too!

Create a Visual Being confident means showing off, and guys love this. Its no secret that guys are visually oriented creatures. And that mean guys love to watch you suck their cock. They want to watch your tongue lick up the length of the shaft. They want to watch as you slide the head between your lips (rouge and lip gloss must be mentioned again play on his visual attraction with freshly glossed lips). Let him see you, his cock, and you enjoying his cock, and everything else. Dont hide.

Make-up can enhance the visual aspect. Not just lip gloss but also your eyes, and whatever other steps you take when doing your make-up can show you have taken the time and most importantly, that you want him to watch. Sexy!

Show Him You Love It So you know how to give head? Dont be shy about it! Show him that you arent scared of his penis, in fact you love it! Show him you enjoy giving head (to him) almost as much as he enjoys the blowjob. Show his you love his cock because the secret is, so does he. But let him know you love giving head by letting him see what you are doing. By being enthusiastic. By initiating the blowjob. If you don't love it and let him see that, he won't enjoy it as much and even though he may still ask for a blowjob he is probably wishing you were more like his previous girlfriend who... you know where I'm going with this. So the basic message is this: from a man's perspective, he doesn't want to see you just giving him a blowjob out of duty, disgusted the whole time. Nothing could be better than the exact opposite of that - you willingly giving him head out of love, and actually enjoying it. So if you are thinking "But I do enjoy it!" then just get creative showing him, with a sexy smile while your mouth is full or with a whispered confession of lust before you start - if he knows you enjoy it, he will be halfway there. If you are thinking "But I don't really like it.." but you are reading this because you want to get better at head, you can still follow that advice - whatever part of giving head or his cock you like, let him know you enjoy that part. Mental stimulation is part of giving head too. Love It!, Love It!, Love It! - All you need, to know how to give the best head, and the rest will follow.

Penis Psychology - Understand Him and His Penis

Once you understand a little bit about the psychology of a guy and his penis, this will help you to know why guys love blowjobs so much and you can use this information to help you give a better blowjob. Just FYI, this is not a psychology paper and the author is not a psychologist, but what follows generally holds true for most guys.

Penis and Ego

These days, its not in vogue to admit you care about the size of your penis or that it has any effect on your confidence but the truth is most guys from the cockiest to the shiest have some of their confidence (or lack of) wrapped up in their penis. Every man loves his cock which is why no guy ever wants to be called small. If you can love his cock as much as he secretly does then he will love you for it!

Roles and Acceptance A mans cock and balls are the embodiment of his masculinity and gender. When it comes to the sexual part of a relationship it is the mans role to make the woman feel exquisitely beautiful, protected, desired, loved and womanly. In reciprocation it is the womans role to make the man feel wanted, needed, desired, loved and manly. Over and above all, both should feel completely accepted by the other. So knowing that his cock and balls are the pride of his manliness, how does this relate to blowjobs? Well, what stronger act of acceptance is there to show all this than taking his penis into your mouth? When he sees you treating his cock and balls with such love, you aren't just stimulating the nerves, you are also showing his ego that you love this part of him that makes him a man, and that is a big turn on for him. To emphasise the point, imaging a woman about to give a blowjob then holding up the mans cock with a look of disgust. Do you really want me to put this in my mouth? How can that man feel loved, manly and accepted? And even if she proceeds, he may enjoy the blowjob physically, but he wont feel good about it*, and he wont feel accepted. Loving and accepting him and his manly cock and enjoying him in your mouth is the essence of how to give a blowjob. Use this knowledge with the techniques on following pages and you will understand how to give an amazing blowjob! *A blowjob, like all sex, is only partly about the physical stimulation. Arrousing your lover mentally is hugely important. It has been said "The brain is the biggest sex organ", and as such it should be stimulated. Play on his pride by showing you love his cock. Play on his fantasies by letting him see while you enjoy sucking his cock.

Come There is a strange reverence of semen. Men love to shoot their come on to a woman. They like you

to swallow. They like watching the final part of a porn scene where the guy come's on the girls face, or in her mouth. It's weird and most men probably couldn't explain why. If you think about come as the male essence of procreation then is easy to see why, at a basic level, it is the object of such fascination. So this may help you understand why he likes to come inside your mouth when you are giving him head. Also it is said to feel better not to pull out of a warm, wet, soft, nice place - and makes sense too. However, most men in loving committed relationships whose girlfriend or wife doesn't swallow don't care. They may fantasise about it, but when it comes down to it, if the woman they love doesn't like it then they don't want her to do it. Given how powerful a man's come is on a basic level - one could call it the essence of life if one were so grandly inclined - swallowing it is one way to show you share the respect for it. But if this isn't for you, simply taking a second to admire the ejaculate will give a similar feeling of acceptance and pride to your lover. You don't even have to say anything, just acknowledge it, and don't be disgusted! So if you are worried about swallowing his come, fret not! You can still play with his mentality with something as simple as a sweet smile at the sight of him coming to let him see you are as fascinated as he is by his essence of procreation you have both evoked from his body. So why do guys love blowjobs so much? Well, if it is a good blowjob then not only will it feel good physically but also he will feel his cock is admired and adored - and with his cock being the definition of his manliness (in the sexual/reproduction meaning) this will make him feel like a real man.

Blowjob WarmUp Techniques - How to Start a Blowjob

The best blowjob has to start somewhere, and regardless of blowjob techniques it is important to enjoy what you are doing. So right from the get go, be sure to show your enthusiasm. But maybe you feel a little self-conscious when you initially take him into your mouth. Even though you may feel a little shy, don't try to hide what you are doing. A good blowjob is a good show - he wants to see! Think about what you are doing for him and trying to get yourself turned on will go a long way. If you feel self-conscious about your blowjob techniques and that first taking him into your mouth, DON'T! Confidence is sexy. If you still aren't sure, try this: Kiss him (on the lips) and take hold of his cock, kneel down and hold his cock gently against his belly as you kiss his belly just to the side of his cock. Move your hand up so that now you are only covering the head and kiss the shaft of penis.

Lick it then kiss it with an open mouth that is more of a sucking action. And now the blowjob has begun! Release his cock from his belly so it is easier for him to see then lick and suck your way up to the head and finally take him into your mouth. Try to let him see where your mouth is touching his cock and to really knock his socks off, look up just as you take the head into your mouth for the first time. Whoo!

Before you start - Blowjob for his Mind

You can give a good blowjob without too much foreplay, in fact for some, blowjob is the foreplay. But if you want to give your guy the once in a lifetime blowjob then you need to treat it like it is the main event and warm up to it. Start warming him up for the blowjob not physically, but mentally. Let him know he is in for a treat so that the desire starts building in his mind and body. This is especially effective if you are in two different places, but will be together soon (ie. at work then home). Set the scene and get him in position. If you want to do it while he is sitting on the couch, then guide him there. Kiss him softly, lustfully and feel him. Tell him you want to feel it in your mouth before you sit him down on the couch. You are alone, but step away from him to lock the door, close the curtains, turn of the TV and radio (maybe put on some mellow music). Let him watch you walk around slowly, making sure everything is perfect. If you see him touching himself, tell him to keep his hands on the cushions. Do you want to be naked? Do you want him naked? What do you both like? Don't go straight for his cock. Push his thighs wide so you can see his cock and balls. Stroke his thighs and belly, getting close to his cock and just teasing him. Admire his cock. How much does he want the blowjob to start? Build it up. Let him feel the heat of your breath on his cock or balls, before you only kiss his leg or belly. How much does he want it now? Or before you even start touching him, while you are sitting right in front of him, take a minute to put on some lip gloss (if you don't have it on already). He's going to be watching his cock going into your mouth, so shiny glossy lips make it super sexy and he will also enjoy watching you sexyour-lips-up in preparation.

But now that you have his mind and passion burning, it's time to enjoy the physical side of the blowjob. Below are some good blowjob techniques to slowly start the best blowjob of his life.

Warm-up Techniques for a Great Blowjob

Use Your Hands Use your hands to warm him up by:

Feeling and squeezing him through his pants Stroking his chest Reach into his pants and roll his balls in your hand Let him feel you feeling his cock as you take your hand out of his pants If you are worried about taste, use your hands to wash him with a warm face-cloth

Use Your Mouth - part 1 Remember, enthusiasm is the key to how to give a blowjob. Dont be shy but at the same time you dont have to go all out right from the start. Teasing is a sweet torture. So whether you start out leisurely or at full pace, try these oral warm-him-up techniques.

Cat licks and dog licks Just lick his cock and balls everywhere with quick little cat licks and long wet flat tongued dog licks. Get him wet all over.

Catfish Attach your mouth to the side of his cock and with your tongue to keep the saliva flowing, without losing contact, move your mouth up and down his cock and balls and anywhere you want. When you finally get to the head take him fully into your mouth to move on to the main course.

Hot Air Simply blow gently onto his cock and balls briefly before commencing the blowjob. Watch his scrotum move and swirl as you change the temperature with your breath.

Use Your Mouth - part 2 Use your aural skills. Men are visual creatures, that cannot be denied, but you can stimulate a man also with words and sounds too.

Soft moaning - doing this while you are starting out gives him the impression you are enjoying yourself, which you should be! And if you are enjoying it, he will all the more.

Talking too much - it is super annoying. But at the beginning, starting out with a bit of dirty talk between soft little sucks and licks is a fun way to tease him all the more, and get him even more worked up. "Oh.." suck "honey.." lick "I love" lick, suck "your.." long suck "nice.." quick lick "hard.." quick lick "cock..". See if he doesn't love that!

Use Your Body

Let him see your sexiness. Wear your sexiest underwear for the special occasion or just strip down to your plain white panties. Men love to look!

For those women well endowed, graze your breasts or nipples across his chest to let him feel their smooth and soft texture. Let him feel the warm full weight of your breast as they briefly rest on his cock.

Use your cellphone

Send him sexy text messages that let him know he is in for a treat when he gets home, or when you meet. This will have him fantasising all day and he will be so mentally aroused when you do get together that every sensation will be enhanced by the hormones racing around in his brain. Remember, the warm-him-up isnt a means to an end; rather it is just a way to get the party started. Tease him and drag it out a little or just say hello then get down to blowjob business. Either way, have fun with the blowjob warm-up techniques then use the blowjob basics to get him from the warm-up to blowjob heaven.

Blowjob Technique Basics

This part of our how to give a blowjob guide describes the techniques to take him from warmed up to ready to come. These techniques are the basics that should be the foundation of every blowjob. However you bring your man to the brink, remember to let him see what you enjoy about his cock and bringing him this tantalising pleasure. Showing your enjoyment, along with some basic blowjob skills, is the key to how to give a great blowjob. The mans cock and womans vagina are made for each other. When giving a blowjob you are creating a substitute pussy so remember what makes your pussy great and emulate that with your mouth - ie. no teeth, warm, wet, soft.

Use Your Tongue For the main part of the blowjob, use your tongue to maximise frictional contact. In other words, when his cock is in your mouth, keep your tongue pressed against his shaft.

When you come up to the head, you can swirl your tongue around the head or just give it an extra flick, keeping him inside your mouth. As you move back down his cock, move your tongue back to the front of your mouth to once again press against the shaft. The idea is that as you move your mouth up and down his cock, your tongue should be conforming to his cock, maintaining contact and that delicious friction. Try to get your tongue everywhere, but the place to focus your tongue is the underside of the head. Move your tongue around the frenulum, which is the small bit of skin where the foreskin seems to come together and join the shaft, right below the pee hole. (We actually have frenulum in many places, and there is one under your tongue - to see it, lift your tongue up and it the the tight piece of skin "holding " your tongue down.)

Use Saliva While you are sucking on his cock, dont be worried if saliva dribble or bubbles out of your mouth.A good blowjob should be wet anyway, and when his cock is dripping wet, your lips will slide up and down his shaft smoothly. And from a guys perspective it is also pretty sexy to see a woman comfortable enough to not worry about what she looks like and just enjoy sucking his cock.

Use Your Whole Mouth Let his cock into your mouth as far back as you can accept. Go slowly to avoid gagging but if you do gag a little, dont worry because he wont. He will be busy enjoying the blowjob and wont think anything bad about you getting a little over ambitous with his cock. And he might even get a thrill out of having a cock that is "too big".

Take Small Breaks When giving a blowjob you should work strong and steadily but every so often take a detour to pay attention to his balls or even his anus, lick and kiss his belly or chest or go up and kiss him. But whenever you take your mouth off his cock, remember to keep the contact and motion going with your hand. Getting him to the peak is like hiking to top of a snowy mountain wearing skis; getting to the top is slow and steady work and stopping is like pointing your skis downhill. All that work is undone very quickly. So if your mouth comes off, your hand must go on.

Up and Down Friction is what gets him to come. So you will be bobbing your head to mimick the in-out penetrating motion of sex. But dont think you have to go fast the whole time. Your tongue will be providing most of the pleasure, and with this extra feature your pussy doesnt have, a moderate speed is all thats needed. Also, consider urging him to thrust slowly into your mouth for a while. This will allow you to rest your neck, and thrusting is a catalyst for men's orgasm.

Variation You definitely want to keep your focus around the head to bring him to the brink, with a general inout motion, but you may also want to try a variety of different speeds, motions, techniques. Doing the same thing has a numbing effect and so variety is good but remember that whatever crazy new techniques, tips or skills you learn, they are only really an entertaining time out before you get back to what will actually get him to orgasm - the in-out friction focus on the head. These are the basics and all you really need in combination with some enthusiasm (LOVE HIS COCK!!) to give your lover a great blowjob. That really is the truth of it. Simple technique plus the 'LOVE IT!!' attitude is all you need to give a great blowjob. Read about finishing techniques next to wrap up your otherwise amazing blowjob.

How to Finish a Blowjob

So you have employed the basic techniques set out on the previous page. You have been lavishing him and his cock with warm, wet and enthusiastic attention. He is moaning and holding your head as you slide up and down his cock. He is involuntarily thrusting into your mouth and you can tell he is getting close. He is going to come. If you want to know a particular technique that can make your man come to orgasm, it is merely what you have read up to this point. There is nothing you need to change up to the point of orgasm. If he wants you do to something, he might tell you. Mainly you can expect Keep going! Keep going!. He may want you to go a little faster (also using your hand here can help). He may

start thrusting (again the hands helps to keep his thrusting in check). The important point is listen to his requests and try not to stop what you are doing KEEP GOING!

His Come At this point, some women might get a little apprehensive about the mans ejaculate. His penis is in your mouth so naturally when he comes, it will flow into your mouth too. What He Wants - If your man is the same as many, he probably likes a blowjob to finish with his cock still in your mouth. He doesn't want to leave that nice warm wet happy place. Also, many men would like you to swallow their come. They feel it completes the blowjob. Other men like to pull out and either with their own hand or with you doing it for them, jerk off untill they shoot their come on you. Generally they want to shoot on your face or breasts. And The Reality - The reality is it is up to you. You have to do what you are comfortable with and most importantly what you enjoy! Sex should be fun, and when you are giving a blowjob, he is going to be enjoying it the most when you are enjoying it too. So no matter what he wants, if you aren't enjoying it, it won't be what he wants. The important thing is to find what you are both going to enjoy. If you are happy enough to take his come in your mouth, then let him know. If you are worried about it, let him know too. Tell him if you don't want his come in your mouth. It will ruin the blowjob if you let him come in your mouth and you don't want it, because not only will he see the disgust on your face, but also it will ruin the experience for you too. Most men may prefer a blowjob that ends with the girl happily taking a mouthful of the manly essence of their virility and swallowing it like some delicious magic potion; but at the same time, most men who are with a woman they love who doesn't like to swallow their semen have no desire to see her do what she doesn't want to do.

Swallow? It's up to you. If you want to, then it is very unlikely your man will be unhappy at that fact. If you don't want to swallow, but don't mind him coming in your mouth then kind of spitting it out around his cock as he is coming can be dirty-sexy. As he is coming, just let the come spill back out

of your mouth (and push it out with your tongue) so it spills out (rather than actually spitting it out) and will drool down your chin or back down his cock, depending on your position. Alternatively collect it in your mouth then as lady-like as can be, spit it into some tissues. Tissues are better than running out to the bathroom to spit it out, because it is kind of rude to run out just after your lover has had a wonderful orgasm at your hand, so to speak. Stay there with him as you both bask in the aftermath of an amazing blowjob. And if you don't want him to come in your mouth, then be sure he knows. It can be fun to let him come on you, so you can still feel the effect of your loving ministrations, or you can finish up watching him come on his own belly - also fun. Lay a towel on his belly first for an easy clean up.

Reaction to His Orgasm So you have brought him to an orgasm. He has just had an amazing blowjob and is still there twitching with aftershocks. There is come dripping down your breasts (or whatever the scenario is) and you are glad it is finally over. WHAT!? This might be the case, but hang in there for just one more minute! You have just brought him to orgasm. It is a lovers gift. Don't treat it like a chore you are glad to be done with. Rather, give him a smile and let the fun last a little longer. Sex to adults is like "playing" to kids, and you both just had fun playing, so be happy about that. Try to show him you enjoyed his orgasm, because it was something fun you both did together. Dont Leave Early Even after the come stops coming out, he will still be coming down from his high, or recovering from that orgasm, so be there with him for that. Maybe even keep holding his cock, playing with his balls, or just stroking his chest or thigh. If you still have him in your mouth, keep sucking gently. Approaching his orgasm it is good to maintain the same pace and pressure, and maybe through it he might want you to keep going but after an orgasm, men's penis's become super sensitive. It can be almost painful with too much attention, so slow, soft, wet and warm is what he needs now. Keep going till he asks you to stop. The blowjob may be coming to an end, but the loving attention need not be over so soon. If you are in bed, snuggle up and let him hold you as you both lie there for a bit, recovering from a truly amazing blowjob.

What is Deepthroating?
Deepthroating is the act of taking your lovers penis into your mouth and then allowing it to enter your throat, the same way a sword swallower might swallow blades. Deepthroating is only possible if your lovers cock is long enough to enter your throat and is easier with slimmer cocks. If his cock is shorter, you may be able to take it in your mouth without the need to deepthroat it.

Why Does He Want Deepthroat?

There are three reasons why deepthroat feels good: 1. The inside of the throat is soft and covered with a lining of mucus that physically makes it feel wonderful to the penis. Also it is a narrow passage, so when a penis enters the throat it is constricted and there is friction from all sides. 2. A man's naturally built in sexual reproductive instinct is to push his cock all the way into the vagina so that when he climaxes and the sperm is released deep inside the woman and the sperm will have a better chance of survival and eventually fertilise the egg. To ensure the man knows to do this, he is programmed so that full penetration feels good, purely based on a natural reproductive instinct. Deepthroating is the blowjob version of full penetration and for that reason feels amazing for him. 3. The third reason it feels good comes back to the most important point of this guide. It shows him

you love it! How can you show a more abandoned enjoyment of his cock that wanting to take the
whole thing into your mouth and down your throat? You might choke a little, perhaps gag or become teary eyed. He sees this and then sees you still you want his cock in your mouth. When he sees your enjoyment outweighing the discomfort involved in deepthroating or even learning to deepthroat, then he will love it, and that ultimately is the goal of giving a great blowjob.

How to Deep Throat

Deepthroating is something only a very few people could be expected to do naturally and in reality it is a skill that needs to be learned, much like a baby learning to walk. It will take a constant effort where you might not see any improvement for a while. You must be dedicated and if you fall, get back up and try again. Don't expect to learn how to deep throat overnight. Realistically you need to

give yourself a few weeks to a few months to even start to get this. It's not easy - you are training your body not to react how it is built to react. But, you don't fail. You either succeed or give up.

Tips for Learning How to Deepthroat Get comfortable with your throat. While you are in the shower, try putting your fingers into your throat. Put them to the back, press them on your tongue and bend them as you slide them, following your tongue, down into your throat. It may seem strange but doing this without too much thought and pushing the fingers as far into your throat will help reduce gagging - too close to the oesophagus will gag you. You should find once in, you can hold your fingers in your throat for a second or more if you can remain relaxed. NOTE: Only do this with trimmed nails, for safety. Buy a dildo to practice on. It will really allow you to learn how to deepthroat faster and easier when you can practice any time you want - even get into a routine. You can practice with something that won't do anything you don't want it to do, so you can relax (which is important - you can't relax your throat if you are worried he will push in too far or something like that). Also it will allow you to start off with something perhaps slimmer and more flexible than your lovers penis, which will be easier to accept into your throat and bend where it needs to, to go down your throat more comfortably. Practice. Being able to deepthroat is not a natural skill and if you want to learn you need to practice. It might sound less than erotic but establishing a routine is a good way to ensure you practice often and keep practicing. You will get it eventually. Be prepared to feel like it is impossible, then keep practicing. When you first put the dildo or his cock to the back of your throat and gag, you will probably think there is no way in hell you can get past that point. Keep practicing. How to Practice Deepthroating Take it slowly. When you are practicing, take the phallus (real or imitation) into your mouth as far as is comfortable. At this point your stomach should be fine and you should feel no discomfort. Then take it in a little further. Your stomach may feel like it is about to clench but you shouldn't be gagging. Don't push too far - Past the comfort zone but before the puke zone. Practicing is just about bringing yourself to that slightly uncomfortable zone. Push the phallus in till it is too much then let it out. Don't try pushing it back in if you feel like you might puke. Wait it out, then continue.

Over time you will become comfortable with the cock or dildo at the entrance to your throat. When you have built up a gag reflex tolerance, you are ready for the next part, which is a bit of a jump taking it into your throat. When you are feeling ready and relaxed and your mouth and the cock are lubed up with saliva, try letting it into your throat. You must be relaxed. Push it into your throat but at the same time don't force it. If you can, try swallowing as the cock starts entering your throat, to get past that initial gag area. Once it is past there, for some reason it seems easier to hold it there as long as your stay relaxed and don't freak out.

Best Positions for Deepthroat

Remember that swallowing a slim and flexible dildo will be easier than a thick and unbending cock. If you are practicing on a lover, consider positions that lessen the bend in your throat. Deepthroat position 1: Try lying on a bed with your head half dangling off the edge - your standing lover will insert his cock into your mouth as you guide him. This position is great because it stretches you neck out perfectly straight and you can feel it open up much more easily. But you might have to experiment with pillows or his standing/kneeling height to get this one right, as the wrong angle brings teeth into play. Deepthroat position 2: Or consider lying on top of your lover in a 69 fashion as his cock will bend with your throat that way. (For some reason cocks can bend more easily up towards the stomach than down towards the feet.) This is great because you now have control, compare to position one where you have to have a lot of trust in your partner. But if this one isn't so easy for you, try position one.

So as you take these words of deepthroating advice, remember that until you do learn how to deepthroat, a slobbery hand around the base of his cock can be an effective alternative to taking him fully into your throat. If you never get it, at least you have learnt a valuable lesson of how for you can push your limits. And perhaps you both had fun trying. If you want to practice alone till you perfect the technique you will need a dildo! Have a look at what we chose for the best deepthroat dildos from the BlowjobHow Toy Shop.

Extra Blowjob Techniques and Flourishes

Different blowjob techniques can add to the fun of a blowjob but the most important part of giving a blowjob is to love it and enjoy it. Showing him your enjoyment (as opposed to your dissatisfaction or reluctance) allows him to enjoy your gift of love to its fullest extent. That enthusiasm combined with basic blowjob techniques and you have all you need to give a great blowjob. These extra blowjob tips are merely to add a little extra fun and flourish to you skills that already provide supreme pleasure. A Good Blowjob Gets the Balls At any point during the blowjob (except when approaching the finale), take a timeout and give his balls some attention. This feels great when you use big flat tongued licks and suck them gently into your mouth, as they like to feel the warmth from your mouth. Dont leave his cock alone though, as this will rapidly undo the work you have done to bring him this far keep a hand stroking his cock while you slather his balls with your mouth and tongue. A Good Blowjob with a Helping Hand Using a hand, or even both, extend the warm, wet, wonderful sensations of your mouth down his whole cock. While you are sucking on the top half (third/quarter) of his cock, let the saliva dribble out of your mouth to lubricate the hand you are using to stroke the rest of his cock.

Try moving your hand in concert with your mouth but on a delay. From the top your mouth and hand go down together then the hand continues where the mouth cannot. Once the hand reaches the bottom the mouth goes back up and as you reach the top, then start the upward stroke with the hand. Image your hand is kind of like a yo-yo to your mouth. And keep your tongue busy licking the head, of course focusing on the underside.

Or try moving your hand and mouth in opposite directions, but not in a frantic manner or you are liable to punch yourself in the lip. Grip as you stroke your slippery hand down his hard shaft simultaneously strongly sucking upwards on the head of his cock like you are trying to stretch him out. Relax the grip and suction to return to the initial position and repeat.

Or even keep your hand stroking up and down the shaft (vary your speed and grip strength) while you just suck on the head. The key is that the oral movement is now all inside your mouth keep your tongue moving, massaging, stroking, swirling, sliding, and keep the saliva dribbling down to your hand.

Saliva tip for that helping hand put his cock right to the back of your throat. If you have tried deepthroating you will know about this already but when you get the gag feeling, your mouth produces a very viscous and slippery version of your normal saliva. And it is perfect. Just gag a little and you will see the results. Let that sexy goop slide down his cock and use it as the perfect homemade hand-job lube. (Just dont forget this is a blowjob!)
Use Your Body Use your hands, your breasts, your thighs, your feet to titillate his body while you employ your oral blowjob techniques! When your make love, its not solely about the vagina and the penis its about each others whole body stroking, licking, kissing, pinching, squeezing, slapping... A good blowjob is the same. Its not just about cock and mouth. Use your hands to stroke his scrotum, his butt, his thighs, chest, belly. If he is lying down, let him feel your breasts on his thighs or belly (depending on position). Let him know how horny sucking his powerful cock makes you and straddle then slide your pussy along his leg. Moan around his cock. Use all of your beautiful sexy self to arouse all his senses. Worship You are giving your man untold oral pleasure and he loves it. Show him you love it as much as he does that is you love the blowjob and you love his cock as much as he does. Stop sucking his cock for a second and just admire it. Just for a second. Look at him and let him see that you think it is truly a beautiful thing. Then lick it slowly from base to tip. Do it again on the other side. Put your mouth on the side and suck it as if you were doing scales on a harmonica. Do anything else you can think of that will give this message, do what comes to you naturally. Then get back to sucking.

Final Word
If you have read this booklet of a website then you will hopefully realise that while the above blowjob techniques can add a little spice, a few new sensations and some fun to a blowjob, the heart and soul of a good blowjob is in the attitude and the love that you show for him and his cock. So whatever extra blowjob techniques you use, however skilful you do or dont feel, the main thing to remember is a blowjob is a way to show your lover you love him and just like any other gift, the more effort you put in then the more the recipient will enjoy it.

And to continue the analogy, when giving a gift it is poor form to attach guilt or tell how much it cost, you should only enjoy that the gift makes the other person happy. This holds true for a good blowjob; never let your lover think it is a chore for you or that you dont enjoy it. If you don't want to, don't do it but when you do, make it easy for him to enjoy it by enjoying it yourself. Remember: Good blowjob techniques are fun and feel good but it is love for him and what you are doing that makes a great blowjob. In fact it makes the best blowjobs!

Advanced Deepthroat Techniques

If you have mastered the skill of taking your lovers cock into your throat - and if you are worried because you can't, be sure, it is something you have to master, practice, learn (in other words it's not something that you can expect to come naturally) - here are a few techniques to try to expand your deepthroat repertoire. Yep, it can be more than just in and out! The Head Wiggle When you have his cock deep in your throat and your nose is pressed against his pelvic bone, wiggle your head left and right, kind of as if you are shaking your head to say no. This will cause your mouth and throat to go out of alignment, in other words it will put a bend in your throat and this bend will push from one side of his cock pushing the head against the other side of your throat. This adds a brand new sensation to an already amazing experience. Deepthroat Ball Lick Combo Again, when you have his cock in your throat as far as it can go, you will find yourself pressed against his pelvic bone. You will also find that if you are in a non-69 position his balls are either touching or very close to your chin. For the deepthroat ball lick combo, push your tongue out of your mouth and try to lick his balls that should be right there. This not only gives his balls a little bit of tongue action but the action of your tongue moving out of your mouth will mean your whole tongue will be sliding up the underside of his cock and that will feel amazing for him. The Faux Swallow When you have him in your throat, the idea here is to try to swallow or to try and do the swallowing motion. Try making a swallow action right now to see the movement and motion that happens in your throat. If you can do his while he is deep in your throat he will feel that intensely. Undulation

Similar to trying to make a swallow action while he is in your throat, you can try to undulate your throat. Place your hand on your throat right now and see the different ways you can move your throat. Next time you are deepthroating him, try these movement with him and see which ones make him groan. Passive - A.K.A. Throat Fucking When you really have the art of taking him into your throat mastered, you can try letting him take control. If he has a dominant streak (and many guys do) then he will really enjoy being in control of the depth and speed that he is penetrating your throat. You can do this in any position but this is also necessary if you want to try the position where you lie on the bed with your head hanging over the edge and he stands in front of the bed and enters your mouth from there. If you try this, it is a good idea to start off with only a degree of passivity - try keeping your hands on his hips so you can easily let him know if he is pushing too deep or going too fast. When you really get good or get used to this, you can totally relax and let give him complete control. Whether this is a turn on for you and him, decide that yourselves.

These deepthroat techniques are for those who have mastered the act of taking their lover's cock into their throat without gagging and are ready to add a little more to it. If you haven't yet learnt how to deepthroat, remember that for most of us it does take a lot of practice!

Blowjob Tips to Perfect Your Head Technique

Here are a variety of blowjob tips for you to use while you are giving you man a sensuous blowjob. These blowjob tips are the essentials to a great blowjob. Try them out to see what works for you, as every blowjob is a learning step towards a better blowjob.

Important Blowjob Tips for Every Blowjob

Enthusiasm. This is the most important blowjob tip and is nothing new to the message BlowjobHow promotes - Love It and Enjoy It!! If you enjoy it and are enthusiastic and he sees that, that alone will make you an amazing lover in his eyes. Also if you enjoy it, that enthusiasm will lead you to discover your own personal blowjob tips and tricks that work just for you and him.

Variety. After enthusiasm for giving him head, this is probably the next most important blowjob tip. A change in the sensations allows you to refocus on the stimulation. Repetition is numbing. Doing the same thing the whole time you are giving him head will not work, it will not feel good for him and it will not feel good for you - think lock jaw. And it will be boring for both of you. So do something he is loving for a while but switch to something else before it gets boring.

If you are sucking and bobbing up and down for a while and notice you or he is becoming less enthused, take him out of your mouth and try licking instead of sucking. Or take a moment to just stroke him with your hand.

Don't use the same hand the whole time. A good grip and stroke does work, but change to a softer stroking for a while to allow the nerves to re-awaken. When you go back to a stronger grip, it feels better than before.

From softly sucking his cock, with a hand resting over the top of his cock, pull it slightly down so it is pointing straight out at 90 degrees then very carefully, torturously rake your nails up the underside of his shaft. Then when you go back to warm, wet and sensuously soft it will feel so good again!

Vary the temperature from a warm mouth to cooler by blowing on his cock or by inhaling through your mouth while it is still full of him!

Especially relevant to stroking his cock, speed variation can feel amazing for him. Guys like their cocks stroked hard and fast, but too much can be a bad thing so you need to stroke hard and fast then do a few slower strokes. Same applies to sucking. Suck short, shallow and speedily then switch to a long deep suck. Or suck is cock lovingly, as deep and slow as you can then slide a hand up from the base and stroke hard and fast for a few seconds before going back to the deep suck.

Wet and slippery is good. Try to get it wet from the start with saliva (or flavoured lubes). Keep it wet. While you are sucking on him, don't feel the need to swallow the saliva that builds up in your mouth. Let it drain out of your mouth to lubricate the rest of his shaft.

His balls. Don't be afraid to give his balls some attention. Specifically it is the scrotum that enjoys the sensation your mouth will bring. Squeezing his testes themselves will bring pain. There are also tupes within his scrotum going from his testes further up into his body. Pressure to these tubes also will cause tremendous pain.

Use your hands. While he is in your mouth, a common and very effective blowjob trick is to use your hand to stroke up and down the shaft in time with your mouth. At the same time your other hand can be stroking his balls, thighs, belly, chest, anywhere.

Blowjob Techniques

While loving enthusiasm over technique is the most important aspect of a blowjob, trying out different and new techniques can be good fun. And what two things are more important to maintain a happy relationship than love and fun!

This page aims to be a plethora of crazy, awesome, challenging, useless, wonderful, stupid, brilliant, advanced, basic, bad and good blowjob techniques. Try them at your leisure and pleasure.

Currently, we have the following for you to try, but if you know something everyone else here doesn't, please please please take the time to write a comment here. And remember, this is the Fun Room section so if these giving head techniques seem strange, seem not necessarily great or anything else, that's why they are here! Still, they can be fun to try! Worship the Cock (or Cock on a pedestal)

This crazy blowjob technique is all about putting his cock and balls on show and focusing solely on these sexual organs.

For this technique he should be lying down face up so his cock and balls are easily accessible. You should approach him from between his legs. To put him on display, slide your hands up his inner thighs, thumbs pointing down, finger up. Slide your thumbs under his scrotum and pull his sack upwards with your thumbs overlapping. Your forefingers should come around the base of his cock so you are now circling his cock and balls, but your hands should be palm down over his groin. This should effectively pull his balls up as well as make his cock point towards the ceiling.

Now that you have everything on display, or up on the pedestal, it's time to worship. Just lick and suck (and maybe, very gently slide your teeth along his shaft) as you please, worshipping the display of manliness you hold in your hands. Sloppy Josephine

Generally a blowjob is given with your lips wrapped around his cock. This blowjob technique forgoes the lips to enhance the sloppy sensation. Open your mouth wide and use just your tongue and the back of your mouth to stimulate him. This isn't deepthroat, but for those with a sensitive gag reflex, it might be difficult. Your tongue should be rubbing the shaft and the head should be getting caught between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. During all this, do not concern yourself with saliva. Let it drool out uninhibited. Sloppy.

The Harmonica Technique

This is quite well explained by the title. In the harmonica blowjob technique you are not sucking the cock with the head inserted into your mouth. Rather, you are sucking up and down the side as if you were playing it like a harmonica. Or to give another description, look at his cock from the side and go at it like you are taking a bite out of a sandwich (but DON'T bite his cock). Rather, slide up and down slowly, sucking his shaft and trying to touch your nose with your tongue after it has gone all the way under and around his cock.

For a little humour, make some harmonica noises while you are down there.

Lollipop, Lollipop, Ohhh Lolli-Lollipop

Take him firmly in hand, gripping him around the base of his shaft so as much of his delicious cock is sticking out of your hand. With some saliva gathered on your tongue, give a big lick on the head of his cock. Remember the underside of the head and for about an inch down is the really sweet spot, so focus there but do make sure you get all around the head. Get cute with a "Mmmm, my lollipop." and let him know what you are doing. Suck it too, but your focus is only on the head and when sucking you should have your tongue swirling around just as you would with a lollipop - getting as much contact between the surface of the sweet and your tastebuds.

Grip and Tug

Whatever you call this blowjob technique (even though it employs your hands), the idea is to constrict and push blood up to the head in order to increase sensitivity. Start with a grip (say with thumb and fore+middle finger) around the base of his cock. Make sure the whole shaft is nice and slippery with saliva then maintaining a firm grip, slide your hand up his shaft towards the head.

Take your other hand and place it where the first was initially. Use the same motion and grip then slide up the shaft as the first hand returns to its original position. Your hands should be chasing themselves up his shaft and this technique will be squeezing blood up into the head.

As this is a blowjob, you could keep the head in your mouth with your tongue constantly licking him. Alternatively, just watch as the head enlarges and become a vivid and angry red. Then stop the stroking, maintain a grip (quite firmly) around the base and look up at him as you lick the shiny helmet, gently stroking the urethra and all around his head. Then get back to what you were giving before a.k.a. a good blowjob! Yo-Yo Motion

Think about the motion and interaction of your hand and a yo-yo when you... yo-yo. At the start, your hand goes down with the yo-yo for a short way but then your hand stops and the yo-yo continues on down by itself. Just as it gets to the bottom you pull your hand up as the yo-yo gets to the end of the string (if you are doing this with your hand and mouth on his cock, your hand and mouth will be pulling in opposite directions on his cock) After the yo-yo gets as far as it can, it bounces back up to your hand. Once in your hand, they both go down together again and repeat the process. Now imagine your mouth is the hand, your hand is the yo-yo. That is the yo-yo blowjob technique.

More blowjob techniques coming slowly... in the meantime, please feel free to share yours here with a comment below! And don't be afraid to give it a creative name!

Blowjob Tongue Techniques

You tongue is absolutely the most important thing that you should be using in a blowjob. It is strong and agile, it has a rough and a soft side for different textures, it has warmth and with the saliva from your mouth it is sexily slippery. How to use your tongue in a blowjob is something you learn through practice, trial and error. Every guy is similar but at they same time what each guys likes might be different and as this blowjob guide stresses, good blowjobs are more about attitude and enjoying yourself rather than about any one technique. So try all these tongue techniques and see which ones work for you.

Get to Know your Tongue

Before getting into specific techniques, it can be helpful to learn exactly how your tongue feels. To do this, simply put a clean finger in your mouth and move your tongue over it. Flick it with the tip, run the middle of your tongue over it forward and back, see how the middle of your tongue feels compared to the sides, the tip, the back, the underside. Feel the

difference between a soft and hard tongue. Can you move your tongue and keep it soft? Or does it go hard when you start to move it? How about when you stick your tongue out of your mouth? Can you maintain control? Does it feel different?

Get to know what you can do with your tongue and see how the movement feels to you. (Try doing this in private, perhaps while you are enjoying yourself in another way!)

Tongue Techniques for Blowjobs

Flicking with the Tip

Pointing his cock upwards and holding it just in front of your mouth, flick the sweet spot with the tip of your tongue. Tease him with feather light flicks then apply more pressure. Flick your tongue up and down or try squiggles left and right while slowly moving up and down over his sweet spot.

Also try this flicking tongue technique along his perineum - the line between his anus and balls.

Pressure Point

When his cock is in your mouth so the underside of the head of his cock is resting on your tongue, push the tip of your tongue hard up against the sweet spot. Keep it there and move up and down. Then start moving your tongue slightly side to side or rolling it back and forward. The rolling back and forward should especially make him moan.

Head Swirl

Hold his cock so it is pointing towards your lips with the tip almost touching you. Stick your tongue out and swirl it around the head. Try to keep your tongue soft (although this can be hard when you are sticking your tongue out). This tongue technique is great as a mental stimulation - it's a showoff move, and that's always a good thing.

Every so often, take the head into your mouth and give the head a quick but intense suck to vary the sensation.


With this tongue technique, you may want to use some lube or just use saliva. Start by gathering some saliva in your mouth (see these tips on how to get saliva flowing for a blowjob) or if you are using blowjob lube, place a dollop at the base of his cock - right on the big tube and right where the scrotum meets the shaft. Then with a big, wide, flat tongue, smear the lube or saliva up and down his shaft. Get all around the sides, the head, even get his balls. The goal is just to make sure every square inch of him is coated.

Tight Fit

The main message BlowjobHow tries to promote is that a blowjob isn't about any special techniques but rather about loving what a blowjob is all about and to love doing it for your man when you are doing it. Everything else is just part of that. This however really is a good tongue technique that you can use to surprise your man with a sensation he might not have felt before in a blowjob.

As you take him into your mouth, keep the tip of your tongue on the bottom of your mouth and push the back up against the roof of your mouth. Now push him against your tongue. The tip of his cock should be pressing hard against your tongue. Then let the pressure off with your tongue so that he pushes through and goes a little deeper into your mouth. For him it will feel like he is penetrating something super tight.

A fair warning though - sometimes if you or he is pushing too hard, when you relax your tongue he might go in a little deeper than you expected and cause a little choking. So be careful.

Fun Blowjob Positions

This is the fun blowjob positions area where we look at some fun and exciting blowjob positions to try, well, just for the fun of it! That you enjoy what you are doing when you are giving a blowjob is one of the most important aspects of giving an amazing blowjob. After all, if you don't enjoy it, then he won't enjoy it as much either.

Try all of these fun blowjob positions and maybe one will become your favourite! Some are a little tricky, so check out our main guide for the three best and most comfortable blowjob positions that also maximize his pleasure!

Blowjobs in the Sixty-nine Position (with Easy Sixtyeight Variations)

Classic Sixty-nine

The classic 69 position is a wonderful blowjob position because in this position, both partners get to give pleasure to the other. (And you both get some!) The man lies on his back and the woman positions herself so that her legs are straddling his head and her head is directly above his cock. It doesn't matter who is on top or bottom, but with the woman on top it is easier to move your head around his jutting cock. With the man on top, he has to be very careful not to push himself into her mouth as she won't be able to pull her head back.

Sixty-eight Variation I - Un-straddled Sixty-nine

A 68 is simply a position similar to a 69 position, but where one partner is not receiving oral pleasure. So 69 less one is 68.

In this variation he should be lying on his back and she should be kneeling next to his head while sucking his wonderful cock while reaching under his leg and gently stroking his balls. From the classic 69 position, she would continue sucking and licking him and simply unstraddle his head and kneel to the side.

Sixty-eight Variation II - Under the Chassis

In this variation she should be lying on her back looking up and he should be on his knees (in an upright/standing position) almost straddling her head. He will have to bend his cock sharply downward to let her taste it (maybe not so easy for some, especially when fully aroused). From the classic 69 position with him on top, he would simply "stand up", but remain on his knees.

Under the Chassis Variation I - Going Fishing

He is standing on his knees and she is lying on her back, looking up. He comes up to her head from the side and offers his cock down to her. If his cock were a fishing pole standing straight up, he would need to bend it forward and down (like casting a fishing rod?) to start "fishing" in her mouth. From the under the chassis position, he would simple move around to the side, rather than straddling her head.

It might be easier for him if he leans forward for this position, so that his cock doesn't have to bend down so much.

On Your Side Sixty-nine

The on your side 69 is just like a classic 69 but instead of one partner on the bottom and one on the top, both partners are on their sides, facing each other's special places and just enjoying.

68 Variation I - where she pulls back

In this variation he should be lying on his side and she should lie also on her side, facing him but top to tail with her legs and hips drawn slightly away from him yet her shoulders and head closer with her mouth in contact with his hard erection. From the On Your Side 69 position she would move her hips back, but maintain that wonderful contact with his crotch.

Standing 69

The standing 69 is one of the more advanced blowjob positions. This position will be easier for couples where he is bigger and physically fit and she is smaller and has no trouble being upside down. In this position the he will be standing, holding her. She will be bent at the waist, with one leg over each of his shoulders so her pussy will be right in front of his face. She will be hanging down his front and will also find his cock directly in front of her.

To get into this position she could start in a hand stand against a wall then he could move in, squat down enough so that her legs can fall over his shoulder then stand up. Or if he is strong enough and she small enough, he could just pick her up and manoeuvre her into position (though with fair warning first).

68 Variation I - Sack of Potatoes

The 68 variation of the standing 69 is with him standing holding her upside down so she is in range of his cock with both of her legs over one of his shoulders so she is effectively slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. If you are going to go to all this effort however the 69 version of this position seems much better.

Fun Blowjob Positions with Him Sitting

Passenger Seat Blowjob - Seated from the Side

Whether you are out driving or just sitting at home together on the couch watching a movie, this blowjob position starts with both of you seated side by side. Then without needing to move too much, she turns slightly and bends down to give him a blowjob while he continues facing forward. If you are in a car, you should be stopped at this point, and if you are watching a movie you may want to pause it!!

The Royal Blowjob - Seated from Below

The royal blowjob is so named because this is one that will truly make him feel like a king. This is one of the three best blowjob positions for giving the most amazing blowjobs.

For this blowjob position he should be seated comfortably in a chair or on the couch, somewhere he can lean back and relax. She kneels between his legs and leans forward to begin.

Variation I - Lovers Seat

In this variation, he is seated on a couch or somewhere comfortable. His legs are spread and she is seated on the floor, between his legs and leaning back against the couch so they are both facing the same way. Here he might easily be gently massaging her shoulders. To begin in this position, all she need do is lean back with her head resting against his inner thigh and turn her head towards his cock. It's not a position that allows too much stimulation, but it is relaxing and is more of a prelude to the royal blowjob position.

Fun Blowjob Positions with Him Lying Down

Rock Around the Clock (Cock)

This position is not just one but many positions, accounting for all the different angles of the compass she could choose to attack from if he is lying on his back. With him lying on a big bed, to start with, she would kneel between his legs and lean forwards (like the foetal position but on her knees) and suck his cock from there. Then she would rotate around his cock like the hands on a clock. From each angle, her tongue will be hitting a different area on his cock. And you don't have to move around for this position. Pick a "time" and do that

position where 12 o'clock would be the classic sixty-nine position and 6 o'clock would be the starting position previously described.

Flutter Board Fun

He should be lying on his side and she should be lying perpendicular to him, her face meeting his crotch. If looking from above they would be in the shape of a big T and he would be the top line. She should prop a pillow under her chest like a flutter board or similar floatation device to help her get in line with his cock. From this angle, she can softly suck the head of his cock while relaxing on the pillow.

Variation I - Pools Edge

He should be lying on his side on the edge of the bed or couch with his cock sticking out into the air and she should be sitting below the bed, facing him. This blowjob position would be optimum if instead of sitting in front of the bed she were in the pool and resting at the edge, him lying casually on the side while she discretely sucked his cock.

Happy Ending (even without the massage)

In this blowjob position he has to lie face up on a table or bed and she stands or kneels to the side. Then she can lean forward and give him a wonderful blowjob, made especially more wonderful if it were to come after a relaxing blowjob but as the name suggests, the ending should be happy enough even without the massage.

Fun Blowjob Positions with Him Standing

Stand and Salute

He should be standing and she should be kneeling directly in front of him paying loving attention to the soldier standing at attention. This blowjob position is an extremely powerful position so is one of the three best blowjob positions from the BlowjobHow main blowjob guide.

Crazy Blowjobs Positions (these positions don't fit anywhere else!)

Happy Dog

The happy dog starts out with him on a couch. He should be kneeling in a dog position on the couch with his chest or arms resting on the couch back, so that he is facing the opposite way than if he were sitting. She should then sit below him on the floor with her back against the couch, so that she is facing the way you would be if you were sitting on the couch. Her shoulders will be between his knees. To start giving him a blowjob she will need to let her fall back against the couch cushions and look directly up at him. She may need to pull his cock downward to get it into her mouth. You will see why this position is called the happy dog when he starts wiggling around like he is trying to shake his tail.

These blowjob positions are a lot of fun just to try for the fun of it, and you might even find a new favourite here! But if you want to know the best positions and why they are the best then see the blowjob positions in our main blowjob guide.

Fun Blowjob Ideas

This page is dedicated to fun blowjob ideas. These blowjob ideas aren't necessary to know how to give great head, and aren't necessarily great ideas, but they can be a lot of fun to try out. What's more, if it works out for you, nothing is more memorable than an original blowjob!

Blowjob Fun - Try These Ideas!

Sexy Blowjob Talk - Talking Dirty While Giving Head Talking dirty can be a lot of fun. But if it's not something you and your partner already do, initiating it can be a bit daunting. The easiest way to start is simply by talking during your blowjob. Obviously, not about mundane things, but still keep it simple. The most obvious first step is to ask him if he like it. The trick is, only ask him when you know he likes it. If you don't know then that is communication and is still a good thing. If you do know, and you are just drawing out a comment, it's dirty talk. The next step is to tell him what you like. If you like his cock, tell him. Use some appropriate descriptive words and there you have some great dirty talk! Remember: Don't stop while you are talking! When your mouth comes off, make sure you replace it with your hand stroking his "strong hard cock, with the smooth beautiful cock head that feels so good in your mouth". Dirty?

Oral Hygiene: Mouthwash + Blowjob = Wet Wet Wet!! Just before you intend to give your lover a blowjob, go to the bathroom and get the mouthwash, preferably something really strong like Listerine. Don't bring it to the bedroom, that could be painful! Just rinse your mouth as per the instructions on the bottle. Spit it out and get back to your man. You might want to quickly rinse with water afterwards to be on the safe side, or if you don't mind giving him a bit of a burning sensation, never mind. The idea is that the minty-alcohol flavour that is burning your mouth will trigger your saliva glands into overactive defence mode. You will start to generate a lot of very watery saliva. With blowjobs, wetter is better so use that saliva to your advantage. Have fun with it!!

Singing Blowjob This one isn't easy to do without breaking out in laughter but pick a song you know, put it on and while you have him in your mouth, sing along. You don't need to sing the words, but follow the tune. This is similar to The Hummer Technique, where you hum while he is in your mouth. The vibrations add a little bit to the sensation. This time you have the song to back you up.

Ice Cream Dick Get some ice cream in a bowl and stir it around and around till you get close to a soft-serve consistency. Spoon it on the head of his cock and very quickly lick it off. You will want to spend a bit of time warming him back up before you add another dose of ice cream. Be warned that cold and cocks don't generally mix well, so be sure to focus on the warming him back up part. Also, if the head is too sensitive, try spooning small amounts along the underside of his shaft (while he is lying down, so it only drips on his belly). Alternatively, take a small mouthful of ice cream then let his dick into your mouth. Suck him until he warms back up. This way is easier but sometimes messy can be fun! Also, when the ice cream isn't in your mouth, when you don put him in your mouth, the warmth contrasts against the cold ice cream.

Ice Cream Balls Prepare the ice cream as with the Ice Cream Dick method. Move from sucking his head down to his balls. Keep a hand stroking the head. Then add some ice cream. Try to get it all before it melts and slides off, but be careful! Watch his scrotum react to the cold!

Whipped Cream Dick Another variation of the Ice Cream Dick but with whipped cream. Cream from a can is more convenient for this one, and is less prone to melting. Apply the cream anywhere you want or let him apply it where he wants you!

Chocolate Dick Same idea as above, but with chocolate sauce - Hershey's syrup is good.

Oral Exercises - Practicing Blowjobs at Home

If you get a lot of free time alone with your lover then you have the chance to do some blowjob practice with him. If you don't, then you may want to do a few minutes "blowjob training" by yourself. It may sound silly, but if the desire comes over you to spoil your lover with an unforgettable blowjob, then a little training will go a long way.

Why do I Need to do Blowjob Exercises

There are many different kinds of blowjobs, from the quick "just a taste" blowjob before sex; the "quickie" that makes him come but isn't so memorable to the long and luxurious blowjob when you just want to spoil him rotten or feel like indulging your oral cravings. If you want to give your lover a blowjob he will never forget, this kind of blowjob takes a while. It's not a sprint, it's long distance. If you are unconditioned your jaw might cramp up on you. (Not that you will just be bobbing the whole time, but still.)

Blowjob Exercises
Jaw Stretching
The first thing that seems to tire out when you are giving a long and luxurious blowjob is your jaw. To exercise your jaw, start with a quick warm up by opening and closing your jaw as if you are working a crick out of your jaw. Next, relax your jaw and move it side to side, all the while slowly opening and closing your jaw. Step three is to really stretch the jaw with a yawning motion. Stretch your jaw as wide as you can. Hold for 2-3 seconds and relax. Stretch again and hold for 5-10 sec. Stretch your jaw once more but this time hold at maximum stretch for as long as you can. Then relax.

Facial and Labial (lip) Muscles

The next blowjob exercise is for your facial muscles. Make a pout, pushing your lips out as far as you can and hold for 2-3 seconds then pull back into an exaggerated smile for 2-3 seconds then relax briefly. Repeat again holding for 5-10 seconds then again for 30-40 seconds.

The last exercise area is the most important part of your blowjob arsenal - your tongue. (You may wish to do these exercises in the shower so that your hands will be clean for this part, but if not, be sure to wash your hands first. Or instead of using your fingers to simulate the cock, you can use a dildo!)

For Tongue Strength

Place two fingers (fore and middle) inside your mouth, pad side down against your tongue, up to the second knuckle. Press your tongue up against your fingers, flatly so as to get the most surface contact and pressure. Slide your tongue down your fingers so your tongue will come out of your mouth while maintaining the pressure and contact. Bring your tongue back into your mouth. Now switch to just applying pressure with the tip. Again slide your tongue as far down your fingers as you can while maintaining the pressure. Now go back to the flat tongue, apply as much pressure as you can but this time as you go down your fingers swish your tongue side to side. Then go back to just the tip, but with the side to side motion. Maintain pressure the whole way.

For Tongue Agility

With your fore and middle finger in your mouth to the second knuckle, flick the tip of your tongue back and forth against the underside of your first knuckle, an approximation of where the sweet spot would be on your lovers cock. While flicking back and forth, cycle from strong pressure to light flicks. Keep flicking with the tip of your tongue as fast as you can for at least 60 seconds. Lastly take your fingers out of your mouth but directly in front of your lips as if you were making the "shhh" gesture with two fingers but with your fingers turned pads towards you. Now more flicking up and down, but this time with a flat tongue. Flick upwards with the rough side of your tongue and downwards with the soft underside of your tongue. Go as fast as you can for at least 60 seconds.

Looking for more skills to work on? How about learning how to deepthroat?

How to Give a Handjob

BlowjobHow is a blowjob guide but it is also important to know how to give a handjob, because a handjob can be an integral part of a blowjob. If you have read the rest of this guide, then hopefully you have picked up that the underlying message is to have fun and enjoy yourself when you are giving a blowjob. This also applies to giving a handjob. If he sees that you hate giving him a handjob then he won't enjoy it either. If you are enjoying yourself and he can see that then he will enjoy the handjob all that much more.

How to Give a Handjob

So, whether you are giving a handjob, a blowjob, a tit-fuck or anything else, there are some key factors that apply universally to pleasuring the male organ. 1. Wetness: Lubrication in any form (whether it is sex lube, saliva, olive oil, or soapy water if you are in the shower) helps your hand slip up and down his cock. The slipping, rather than just a firm unslipping pull is the kind of stimulation that feels amazing to a man's cock. 2. Warmth: Men are made to enjoy putting their penis into a nice warm vagina. So warm hands are a must. If you naturally have cold hands, then quickly sneaking to the bathroom or kitchen and running hot water over your hands can help. 3. Pressure: It's not easy to know how hard to squeeze his cock when you are giving a handjob, but generally you want to have a good grip but not so strong that your hand can't move up and down. Try starting off feather light and slowly, slowly squeeze tighter to increase the pressure. Watch his face to see when it is too much, but don't worry, he will tell you before it becomes too much. Also know that is cock is quite durable, and even a strong squeeze wont injure him. 4. Focus on the head: The most sensitive part of the male organ the head, but this is more true for uncircumsised men. So start with your hand gripping around the head. If his foreskin is up it will help your hand slip up and down over the head. With uncircumcised men, be careful not to chaffe the head with too much direct friction as it is particularly sensitive (being protected all day by the foreskin, compared with the head on cut guys cocks that rub directly against underwear all day long). 5. Sensation Variation: Try to keep the sensations changing. If you stick with one thing it can have a bit of a numbing effect, so switch it up! You can vary the speed, the movement, the pressure to create any number of different sensations.

6. Use everything you've got: If you're giving a handjob is part of your blowjob then you will be using your mouth anyway, sucking his balls, licking, kissing, etc. But if you are getting him off with just your hand, you still don't want it to be just your hand! You don't have to suck his cock but you can still kiss his belly, his chest, his inner thigh, his nipple. Also use your breasts, your smile, your voice - either dirty talking or even just vocalise your enjoyment. 7. Enjoy yourself: Whether it be enjoying the act, enjoying his pleasure or enjoying the pleasure you are giving yourself while simultaneously giving him pleasure, he will enjoy it more if he sees you getting into it too. It is important to remember that every guy is different. Whether you are giving him a blowjob or handjob - how he likes it may differ from how previous lovers have enjoyed it or how you think it should be done. Don't let that put you off though, finding out what he likes best is a lot of fun!

How to Give a Handjob - Techniques

Below are some descriptions of good handjob techniques. Try these handjob techniques to enhance your blowjob or just anytime you find his cock in your hand.

Single Hand
Here are some single handed handjob techniques to try, but even though the main action requires only one hand, make sure you are using your other hand to do something - stroke his balls, rub his inner thigh, pinch his nipple - whatever takes your fancy The Full Stroke This handjob technique is a great one to revel in the glory of his cock. If you can grip your partners cock with two hands and still see the tip (ie. if his cock is big) then this is a great handjob technique that lets you both admire his natural endowement. Start with your first around the head of his cock with a loose grip. Stroke down the shaft until you can't go any further then come back up, right over the head until you aren't holding his cock anymore, but you are still touching the tip. Repeat. Use lube to allow your hand to slip up and down his full length. Adjust the strength of your grip to find just the right pressure. Slow with a firm grip or fast with a loose grip.

Milk the Head This handjob technique is a perfect alternating accompaniment to the above "full stroke" technique. Using these techniques together will provide the perfect handjob technique as one moment you are titilating the nerves over his whole cock and the next you are focusing on the most sensitive area of his cock. Start with a grip around the head of his cock and simultaneously squeeze and slip your hand up. You don't have to be squeezing his cock head hard, the squeezing is just to maintain contact as you move over his head and the head tapers down. Stroke back down then repeat the motion. This squeezing/milking motion is the closest to how many guys do it themselves.

Two Handed Handjobs

There are a few different ways you can use two hands to provide various amazing handjob sensations.

Double Pump Just grab his cock with two hands and stroke up and down. Keep your fists together so the little finger of the top fist is resting on the forefinger of the bottom fist. Stroke up and down together. You absolutely should use lube for this.

Milk the Head - Squeeze Version See the Milk the Head version above for the milking technique. Now take your other hand and tightly grip the base of his cock. Squeeze with the bottom hand and milk with the top hand. The squeeze will force more blood to the head and will intensify the sensation.

Twist n' Stretch Grab his cock with two hands and with a fairly good grip, twist your hands in alternate directions while sliding your hands away from each other as if you were trying to stretch his cock out. It's ok if

your top hand comes off the top of his cock. Stroke back down to return to the start position and keep repeating. Again, you absolutely should use lube for this handjob technique. Never-ending Penetration Make a fist with your hand and rest it on the tip of his hard cock so the tip is trying to get between your little finger and palm. Slide your hand down over the head of his cock, so it is "penetrating" your fist, from the little finger end. Stroke all the way to the base of his cock. Follow it with your other hand while the first hand comes back to the top and keep going so he is only feeling the downward stroke.

Vary the strength of your grip strength so that the "penetration" ranges from super tight to feathery soft to really get the best sensation from this handjob technique. Use lube!!

Anatomy Guide
This page is a compilation of all the tips you can find in the interactive anatomy based blowjob guide. Each tip has been compiled here in case you have trouble with the interactive guide, or just don't want to do so much clicking. A blowjob focuses pleasure on the male genitals, and this page of the BlowjobHow blowjob guide breaks up his genitalia into separate erotic zones, with fun tips you can try on each area. Beware that while most of these blowjob techniques are fairly easy to try, some are not for the faint of heart, and require a willing and open minded "blower" (the blowjob giver) and "blowee" (the blowjob receiver).

Urethra Opening
The urethra opening is also know as the pee hole (or more crudely the piss hole) and is where urine and in the case of a blowjob; semen exits the body. The small hole is more of a slit and has two half moon shaped red areas to each side that are soft and fleshy.

Tip 1: The urethra opening is a very sensitive area on a penis, but it isn't as pleasure sensitive as other areas. Some men find it a turn on to have their urethra opening licked as if you were trying to get the tip of your tongue inside but be very gentle. Try it out to see how your man reacts, but remember it is a sensitive area and too much attention can be aggravating.

Tip 2: Another trick to try with the urethra opening, is when he is coming, if you aren't a big fan of swallowing - try putting the underside of your tongue over the urethra opening and this will force the cum to squirt under your tongue and dribble out. This might sound strange but no taste buds under your tongue means the main complaint of cum (the taste) is eliminated.

The glans is more commonly known as the head or more colorfully as the purple helmet. It is somewhat softer and spongier than the shaft of the penis, and resembles the texture of a hard boiled This area is the focus of most blowjobs for two reasons: egg.

-It is the top of the penis, so naturally is the first part of the penis to enter the mouth. -The head along with another special area is the most sensitive area of a mans penis and stimulation of this area is the most common way to bring about orgasm.

Tip 1: The head is the focal point in a blowjob. Of course, try to see as many places as you can, but this is where you end up and this is how you make him come. Whether you are using your hand, mouth, breasts, whatever - keep the head inside. If it's your hand, stoke part of his shaft, but it's always the top that guys focus on, so learn from them. If it's your mouth, then the old school up and down bobbing action gets it done.

Tip 2: Take the head into your mouth, and just go crazy with your tongue. Try to put your tongue on random - swirl it around the whole head, just use the tip, use the rough side, use the smooth underside, flick it like a snake, use it like you might be stroking the chin of a baby kitten. Go crazy and try to get your tongue everywhere at the same time, while keeping the head in your mouth. (Using your hands somewhere else at the same time is gold!)

Tip 3: This technique is more to excite him mentally than provide direct stimulation, but that is just as important.

Hold the shaft firmly or stroke him slowly while you lick just the head like a lollipop. Make sure he can see what you are doing, and with a sexy "I know you love this" smile, look him right in the eyes as you take a big lick of his sweet lollipop.

Tip 4: Another show-off move that works well if you throw it in every so often. Simply come up off his cock for a few seconds and swirl your tongue around the head. You can just swirl your tongue around the head, or you can try to follow the coronal ridge (where the head flares out). Either way, this is a teaser or a mental pleaser, so you only need do it for a little while to make it work. Too long and it will get boring.

Not every man has one of these. If he has been circumcised then he is missing this skin which in an uncircumcised man, covers the head of the penis. There are pros and cons to having a foreskin. Those men who are circumcised are generally less sensitive, which can make it harder to make them come. Circumcised men however can often seem cleaner. This is because under the foreskin, something called smegma is produced that can have a strange smell. However, with good hygiene, there is no reason an un-cut man cannot keep his penis clean and fresh.

Tip 1: Some men's foreskin will automatically retract when they become erect, but most will remain covering the head until manually pulled back. Suck the head with the foreskin still up and slip your tongue under the foreskin, exploring the hidden head with the tip of your tongue. Once you have finished exploring, make a tight ring with your lips and push the foreskin back.

Tip 2: Men with foreskins masturbate differently to men without. Often they will keep their foreskin up to act as a lube, by reducing the direct friction on their head, which is generally more sensitive due to it being protected by the foreskin all day. Try masterbating him with the foreskin up and between your hand and his head when you need a break from using your lips/tongue/mouth.

The urethra is the tube that carries the urine and semen through the penis and out of the body. It is the third main part of the shaft, after the two parallel and sturdier corpa cavernosa that fill with blood to create the erection.

If you draw a line from the anus to the tip of the penis, you may notice a line of discoloured skin along this trail. This is more easily visible on the skin covering the urethra. In some men it is not noticeable, in others it is quite distinguishable.

Tip 1: As the urethra forms part of the shaft, just about everything you are doing to the shaft during a blowjob, you are doing to the urethra.

The urethra is on the underside, and for some reason the underside of the penis is more sensitive that the top, so using your tongue to trace the urethra is a fun way to use your tongue during your blowjob. Alternatively, if you are stroking the shaft, try rotating your hand so your thumb is directly over the urethra tube.

Tip 2: This tip is for after the finale. Once your man has come, there still might be a drop of semen left inside the urethra. Most men after bringing themselves to orgasm, will squeeze the length of their shaft like a toothpaste tube to get this last drop out. They wouldn't do it if it didn't feel good, so try it out for him. Ten points if you are enthusiastic enough to lick that last drop of the tip of his cock with a "cat got the milk" grin.

The shaft is made of three parts. There is the tube that is along the underside, which carries urine and semen out of the body. The other two part are called the 'corpa cavernosa' these are the part of the penis that fills with blood and become hard, creating the erection. Some men have a slight curve to their shaft. Most apparently to the left, and some more so than others.

Tip 1: The main method of attack for the shaft it to use your hands. Use your hand to stroke it while you are using your mouth elsewhere. When gripping a mans penis, be quite firm. If you put your hand around your wrist and apply just enough pressure to stop blood circulation so that the veins on your hand start to swell - that is the absolute minimum pressure use on a guys shaft. In fact, that amount of pressure will be a delicious tease, so don't be afraid to use a grip twice as firm.

Stroke up and down, and when your mouth gets tired, let you stroking cover his whole dick.

Tip 2: So while you may use your hand most of the time on his shaft, a great blowjob will see your tongue get everywhere.

His cock is a dripping ice cream on a stick, and you are trying to lick it all up as fast as you can. Big licks up his shaft, using your whole tongue. Make it your goal to get saliva all over him. For this part, you don't want to have a dry tongue, so if you need to, have a glass of warm water nearby. Warm

water will keep your mouth nice and warm. Another way to keep the juices flowing is with a candy in your mouth. Or even use some tasty blowjob lube!

Tip 3: Another way to get sexy with his shaft is to get a bit musical. Imagine his shaft is a harmonica and you are in a country band. First get him and your lips slippery, then start sucking on the side of his cock and slipping up and down, without breaking contact. This is a great one to make eye contact with him, and let him see your sexy, exciting, confidence in what you are doing.

The scrotum is the skin pouch or sack that holds the testicles. The testicles themselves are extremely sensitive, and the slightest jolt can cause pain. The scrotum on the other hand is quite durable, and can handle a fair amount of pulling, pinching, squeezing before it becomes painful.

Tip 1: The scrotum expands and contracts to bring the testes closer or further away from the body, in order to keep them a constant temperature. It can be fun to watch how it moves as it contracts when it gets cold.

To try it, just spend a little while softly sucking and licking his scrotum (which he will be loving!), then when his scrotum is sufficiently relaxed pull back and gently blow a cool breeze across his balls. Watch them swirl around as they pucker up to keep his testes nice and warm.

Tip 2: His testicles are probably the most vulnerable area of his body, so it can be fun to gently test his pain threshold here. Suck his scrotum, and try to get one of his testicles into your mouth too. Now, slowly pull away from his body, while slowly increasing the suction. Watch his reactions carefully, you don't want to hurt him! Let go with a pop when you think it's getting close to his limit.

Tip 3: You don't have to just use your mouth with his balls. While you are sucking his cock, keep a hand under his ball in a cupping motion. Then you can gently pull your hand down and kind of towards you, half keeping a grip with just your fingers (ie. holding, not squeezing) and let his scrotum slide out of your hand.

Try it with your fingers to the side (this feels more natural) and with your fingers pointing directly away from you.

The perineum is known by a few names, more commonly "the taint", or "no man's land", and is the area between the balls and the anus. What we see of his cock sticks out above his balls, but the shaft actually continues under the balls and even under the perineum. So area of skin hiding behind his balls is also hiding the rest of his shaft!

Tip 1: Because the perineum is covering a part of his shaft, you can use you fingertips to quite firmly rub this area. By rubbing back and forth, you are stroking a section of his shaft not often stroked, and it will feel amazing for him. Stroke up and down, and when your mouth gets tired, let you stroking cover his whole dick.

Tip 2: There is no escaping how close the perineum is to his anus. Some of those on the receiving end may not like you getting that close, and some of you on the giving end may not want to get that close yourself anyway. But if you are comfortable with it, don't be afraid to get your tongue down there while you are paying special attention to his scrotum. It's not super sensitive, but swirling your tongue around here, or just big licks that cover his lower scrotum area too will feel super good for him.

Tip 3: This final tip is more an extension to one of the "scrotum" tips. If you are cupping and stroking his balls with your hand (while you are licking and sucking his hard cock), let your fingers wander back and stroke this area softly too, along with his ball sack. So, either a firm massage, a loving tonguing or a softer stroke all feel good on his perineum.

The Scrotum Valley

This is the area between his ball sack and his leg, the pit that might be comparable to an arm pit. It's not an attractive name, but it is still a sensitive area that can be used to your advantage in proving amazing blowjob pleasure.

Tip 1: This is not really an area you need to focus on for must guys, but a little attention can be nice.

A good time to visit the valley is right at the beginning, as you are kissing and licking around his cock and balls, building anticipation, kiss your way through the valley.

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