Work Life
Work Life
Work Life
Worklife balance
Worklife balance is a broad concept including proper prioritizing between "work" (career and ambition) on the one hand and "life" (Health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development) on the other. Related, though broader, terms include "lifestyle balance" and "life balance".
The work-leisure dichotomy was invented in the mid 1800s.[1] [2] In anthropology, a definition of happiness is to have as little separation as possible "between your work and your play."[3] [4] The expression "Worklife balance" was first used in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual's work and personal life.[5] In the United States, this phrase was first used in 1986. Most recently, there has been a shift in the workplace as a result of advances in technology. As Bowswell and Olson-Buchanan stated, increasingly sophisticated and affordable technologies have made it more feasible for employees to keep contact with work. Employees have many methods, such as emails, computers and cell phones, which enable them to accomplish their work beyond the physical boundaries of their office. Employees may respond to an email or a voice mail after several hours or during the weekend, typically while not officially on the job. Researchers have found that employees that consider their work roles to be an important component of their identities, they will be more likely to apply these communication technologies to work while in their non-work domain. [6] Some theorists suggest that this blurred boundary of work and life is a result of technological control. Technological control emerges from the physical technology of an organization [7] . In other words, companies utilize email and distribute smart phones to enable and encourage their employees to stay connected to the business even when they are not in the real office. This type of control, as Barker would argued, replaces the more direct, authoritarian control, or simple control, such as managers and bosses. As a result, communication technologies in the temporal and structural aspects of work have changed, defining a new workplace in which employees are more connected to the jobs beyond the boundaries of the traditional workday and workplace [8] . The more this boundary is blurred, the higher work-to-life conflict is self-reported by employees [9] Many Americans are experiencing burnout due to overwork and increased stress. This condition is seen in nearly all occupations from blue collar workers to upper management. Over the past decade, a rise in workplace violence and an increase in levels of absenteeism as well as rising workers compensation claims are all evidence of an unhealthy work life balance. Employee assistance professionals say there are many causes for this situation ranging from personal ambition and the pressure of family obligations to the accelerating pace of technology.[10]. According to a recent study for the Center for Work-Life Policy, 1.7 million people consider their jobs and their work hours excessive because of globalization. These difficult and exhausting conditions are having adverse effects. According to the study, fifty percent of top corporate executives are leaving their current positions. Although sixty-four percent of workers feel that their work pressures are "self-inflicted", they state that it is taking a toll on them. The study shows that seventy percent of US respondents and eighty-one percent of global respondents say their jobs are affecting their health. Between forty-six and fifty-nine percent of workers feel that stress is affecting their interpersonal and sexual relationships. Additionally, men feel that there is a certain stigma associated with saying "I can't do this".
Worklife balance
Worklife balance each week. During World War II, hours worked rose to forty-five each week. The normal range of hours worked during the four decades after World War II was thirty-nine to forty-one hours; (Whaples) however, starting in the 1990s, factory workweek hours began to exceed forty-one hours. As previously mentioned, Americans work approximately 47.1 hours each week; some employees work up to seventy hours. Therefore, it is safe to state that the average number of hours Americans presently work each week is the highest it has been in nearly seventy-five years. In 1900, only nineteen percent of women of working age were in the labor force. In 1999 sixty percent of women worked outside the home. Even if the hours worked were slightly higher at the turn of the century, most households were supported by one paycheck. In 1900, eighty percent of American children had a working father and a stay-at-home mother; however, by 1999, that figure was only twenty-four percent. [9] During the Great Depression, working hours were reduced. By 1932, approximately fifty percent of Americans were working a shortened work week. Instead of reducing wages, employers decided to lay off many workers and attempted to protect the employees that remained by encouraging them to job share. President Hoovers Commission for Work Sharing pushed voluntary hours reductions, and it is estimated that nearly three to five million jobs had been saved. (Whaples) Companies such as Sears, General Motors, and Standard Oil reduced the number of days worked each week, and Akron began a six-hour workday. The AFL began to call for a federally-mandated thirty-hour workweek. [10] By 1933, some experts were predicting that the thirty-hour workweek was within a month of becoming federal law. [11] Congress began hearings on mandating the thirty-hour workweek, and the Senate even passed the bill (which was written by Hugo Black and sponsored in the House by William Connery) fifty-three to thirty. Newly-elected President, Franklin Roosevelt initially supported the bill, but had second thoughts when he realized that the bill had a provision to forbid importation of goods produced by workers who worked longer than thirty hours a week. Instead, Roosevelt began to support the National Industrial Recovery Act. Labor leaders were encouraged to support the NIRA instead of the Black-Connery Thirty-Hour Bill with a guarantee of union organization and collective bargaining. With the threat of a mandated thirty-hour work week, businesses fell into line. [12] When specifics codes for the NIRA were drawn up, shorter hours were no longer a genuine concern.[13] After the Great Depression ended, the average weekly hours worked began to rise. (According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 1934 the average hours worked each week was approximately thirty-four hours). During World War II, hours increased by approximately ten hours a week but, in the aftermath of the war, weekly work hours averaged forty hours. [14] With automation of the workplace in full swing by the 1970s, large numbers of women began entering the work force and an awareness of stress rose to the forefront [15] In the publication Type A Behavior and Your Heart, cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman wrote about the hurry sickness common to workaholicspeople who had no friends and who never relaxed or went to museums [16] In the late 1970s, Professor Robert Karasek of the University of Lowell (now known as University of Massachusetts Lowell) developed a method for analyzing stress-producing factors in the workplace. It has been widely employed to examine workplace pressures and their relationship with research data on coronary heart disease, musculoskeletal illnesses, psychological strain and absenteeism. Karasek explains, In situations where an individual has high demands on him and low control, the undesirable stress of work and other situations becomes problematic. [17] The 1980s brought new complaints of work-life balance related stress. This time period was given such names as the ME generation, the age of narcissism and the pursuit of loneliness.[18] The number of cases of emotional depression in the United States was believed to have doubled between 1970 and 1990. What you do is what you are was the common and unhealthy assumption. According to 'The Workaholic Syndrome', written by Judith K. Sprankle and Henry Ebel, By their sheer numbers and the consequently narrowing opportunities at every upward run of the organizational ladder, the baby-boomers have been compelled to do more,
Worklife balance to move faster, to compete harder. They, in turn, have set the pace for other age groups. The signs of increased stress are legion and have been intensified by an economic climate that mandates that if we marry at all, we marry a working spouse. [19] In the late 1980s, the computer revolution was not only responsible for corporate downsizing, but also increased the demand of employee output. Social critic Jeremy Rifkin states, Back in the agriculture-based society, people were more attuned to generatively [20], and middle-stress disorders and diseases of affluence were not part of life. They werent triggered until the Industrial Age, and now the Information Age has worsened them. Nowadays, instead of seconds, its nanoseconds. We have moved from designing a schedule that real people can execute in whatever time it takes them, to a program which people can monitor but cant affect. [21] In the 1980s, the number of workers compensation claims for gradual mental stress began to rise. Claims rose from 1,844 cases in 1981 to 15,688 in 1999 in the state of California alone. Because of the large number of cases as well as evidence of numerous cases of fraud, efforts were made in the early 1990s to reform the workers compensation program. Led by Republican Governor of California Pete Wilson and Democratic Party State assembly Speaker Willie Brown, the new law stated that claimants had to prove that stress was at least 51 percent of the reason for their illness. [22] Unfortunately, because of these reforms some feel that it is now extremely difficult to be approved for workers compensation. John Burton, dean of the school of management and labor relations at Rutgers University feels that part of the reason for the decline is that a number of states made it difficult to get stress into the system. So even if the stress is out there, its not showing up (in the compensation statistics). Some of it shows up in the rising violence, which is a crude proxy for the stress out there. [23]
Work statistics
According to a survey conducted by the National Life Insurance Company, four out of ten employees state that their jobs are "very" or "extremely" stressful.[10] Those in high-stress jobs are three times more likely than others to suffer from stress-related medical conditions and are twice as likely to quit. The study states that women, in particular, report stress related to the conflict between work and family.
Worklife balance The feeling that simply working hard is not enough anymore is acknowledged by many other American workers. To get ahead, a seventy-hour work week is the new standard. What little time is left is often divvied up among relationships, kids, and sleep. [12] This increase in work hours over the past two decades means that less time will be spent with family, friends, and community as well as pursuing activities that one enjoys and taking the time to grow personally and spiritually. Texas Quick, an expert witness at trials of companies who were accused of overworking their employees, states that when people get worked beyond their capacity, companies pay the price. [10] Although some employers believe that workers should reduce their own stress by simplifying their lives and making a better effort to care for their health, most experts feel that the chief responsibility for reducing stress should be management. According to Esther M. Orioli, president of Essi Systems, a stress management consulting firm, Traditional stress-management programs placed the responsibility of reducing stress on the individual rather than on the organization-where it belongs. No matter how healthy individual employees are when they start out, if they work in a dysfunctional system, theyll burn out. [10]
Worklife balance commitment to their organizations than their counterparts, their advancement in organizations may be unfairly obstructed [19] . Working mothers often have to challenge perceptions and stereotypes that evolve as a working woman becomes a working mother. Working mothers are perceived as less competent and less worthy of training than childless women [20] . Another study, focusing on professional jobs, found that mothers were 79 percent less likely to be hired and are typically held to a higher standard of punctuality and performance than childless women [21] . The moment when she becomes a mother, a working woman is held at a completely different norm than her childless colleagues. In the same Cuddy et al. (2004) study, men who became fathers were not perceived as any less competent, and in fact, their perceived warmth increased.[22] The ways in which corporations have modeled the ideal worker does not compliment the family lifestyle, nor does it accommodate it. Long hours and near complete devotion to the profession makes it difficult for working mothers to participate in getting ahead in the workplace [23] . A Fortune article found that among the most powerful women in business (female CEOs, presidents and managing directors of major corporations), 29 percent were childless compared to 90 percent of men ([24] ; [25] ). Should a woman seek a position of power within an organization, she must consider the toll on other facets of her life, including hobbies, personal relationships and families. As Jeffrey Pfeffer states: Time spent on the quest for power and status is time you cannot spend on other things, such as familyThe price seems to be particularly severe for women [26] . Many executive jobs require a substantial amount of overtime, which as a mother, many cannot devote because of family obligations [27] . Consequently, it is nearly impossible for a working mother in a top management position to be the primary caretaker of her child [28] .
Worklife balance share the house work and family work together.[31] [32] Both men and women believe that women should have jobs before considering marriage; for better life and to be happy in marriage. Young people do not think their mothers generations were unhappy. They also do not think they were powerless because they were not economically dependent.
Regarding home life, men and women have similarities with work and home life. Today, home is not a heavenly place which men and women could rest and feel comfort as before, but home is an additional place of work.[31] [36]
Worklife balance
Consequences of an Imbalance
Mental health is a balancing act that may be affected by four factors: the influence of unfavourable genes, by wounding trauma, by private pressures and most recently by the stress of working. [38] Many people expose themselves unsolicited to the so-called job stress, because the "hard worker" enjoys a very high social recognition. These aspects can be the cause of an imbalance in the areas of life. But there are also other reasons which can lead to such an imbalance. Remarkable is for example the increase in non-occupational activities with obligation character, which include mainly house and garden work, maintenance and support of family members or volunteer activities. All this can contribute to the perception of a chronic lack of time. [39] This time pressure is, amongst others, influenced by their own age, the age and number of children in the household, marital status, the profession and level of employment as well as the income level. [40] The psychological strain, which in turn affects the health, increases due to the strong pressure of time, but also by the complexity of work, growing responsibilities, concern for long-term existential protection and more. [41] The mentioned stresses and strains could lead in the long term to irreversible, physical signs of wear as well as to negative effects on the human cardiovascular and immune systems. [42] Psychoanalysts diagnose uncertainty as the dominant attitude to life in the postmodern society. [43] This uncertainty can be caused by the pressure which is executed from the society to the humans. It is the uncertainty to fail, but also the fear of their own limits, not to achieve something what the society expects, and especially the desire for recognition in all areas of life. [44] In today's society we are in a permanent competition. Appearance, occupation, education of the children - everything is compared to a media staged ideal. Everything should be perfect, because this deep-rooted aversion to all average, the pathological pursue to excellence - these are old traditions. [45] Who ever wants more - on the job, from the partner, from the children, from themselves - will one day be burned out and empty inside. He is then faced with the realization that perfection do not exist. [46] Who is nowadays empty inside and burned out, has in the common language a Burnout. But due to the definitional problems Burnout is till this date no recognized illness. [47] An attempt to define this concept more closely, can be: a condition that get only the passionate, that is certainly not a mental illness but only a grave exhaustion (but, lo and behold, can lead to numerous sick days). [48] It can benefited to the term that it is a disease model which is socially acceptable and also, to some extent, the individual self-esteem stabilizing. This finding in turn facilitates many undetected depressed people, the way to a qualified treatment. [49] According to experts in the field are, in addition to the ultra hard-working and the idealists mainly the perfectionist, the loner, the grim and the thin-skinned, especially endangered of a burnout. All together they usually have a lack of a healthy distance to work. [50] Another factor is also, that for example decision-makers in government offices and upper echelons are not allowed to show weaknesses or signs of disease etc., because this would immediately lead to doubts of the ability for further responsibility. It should be noted that only 20% of managers (e.g. in Germany) do sports regularly and also only 2% keep regularly preventive medical check-up. [51] In such a position other priorities seem to be set and the time lacks for regular sports. Frightening is that the job has such a high priority, that people waive screening as a sign of weakness. In contrast to that, the burnout syndrome seems to be gaining popularity. There seems nothing to be ashamed to show weaknesses, but quite the opposite: The burnout is part of a successful career like a home for the role model family. [52] Besides that the statement which describes the burnout as a "socially recognized precious version of the depression and despair that lets also at the moment of failure the self-image intact" fits and therefore concludes "Only losers become depressed, burnout against it is a diagnosis for winners, more precisely, for former winners.. [53] However, it is fact that four out of five Germans complain about too much stress. One in six under 60 swallows at least once a week, a pill for the soul, whether it is against insomnia, depression or just for a bit more drive in the stressful everyday life. [54] The phases of burnout can be described, among other things, first by great ambition, then follows the suppression of failure, isolation and finally, the cynical attitude towards the employer or supervisor. Concerned persons have very often also anxiety disorders and depressions, which are serious mental diseases.
Worklife balance Depressions are the predominant causes of the nearly 10,000 suicides that occur alone each year in Germany. [55] The implications of such imbalances can be further measured in figures: In 1993, early retirement due to mental illness still made 15.4 percent of all cases. In 2008, there were already 35.6 percent. Even in the days of illness, the proportion of failures due to mental disorders increased. Statisticians calculated that 41 million absent days in 2008 went to the account of these crises, which led to 3.9 billion euros in lost production costs. [56] For companies it is time to act and support their employees with a healthy work-life-balance.source needed
Worklife balance
Global comparisons
According to a new study by Harvard and McGill University researchers, the United States lags far behind nearly all wealthy countries when it comes to family-oriented workplace policies such as maternity leave, paid sick days and support for breast feeding. Jody Heyman, founder of the Harvard-based Project on Global Working Families and director of McGills Institute for Health and Social Policy, states that, More countries are providing the workplace protections that millions of Americans can only dream of. The U.S. has been a proud leader in adopting laws that provide for equal opportunity in the workplace, but our work/family protections are among the worst. [61] This observation is being shared by many Americans today and is considered by many experts to be indicative of the current climate. However, the U.S. Labor Department is examining regulations that give workers unpaid leave to deal with family or medical emergencies (a review that supporters of the FMLA worry might be a prelude to scaling back these protections, as requested by some business groups). At the same time, Senator Chris Dodd from Connecticut is proposing new legislation that would enable workers to take six weeks of paid leave. Congress is also expected to reconsider the Healthy Families Act which is a bill that would require employers with at least fifteen employees to provide seven paid sick days per year.[61] At the state level, California has paid family leave benefits for its workers. New Jersey lawmakers are pushing legislation that would make their state the second state to add this worker benefit. Under one New Jersey proposal, workers who take leave would be paid through the states temporary disability insurance fund, augmented by a 0.1 percent charge on workers weekly wages.[62] Traditionally, many conservatives have opposed paid family leave, but there is a sign that this mindset is beginning to change. Reverend Paul Schenck, a prominent member of the National Pro-Life Action Center recently stated that he would support paid maternity leave on the assumption that it might encourage women to follow through with their pregnancies instead of having abortions. According to Heyman, Across the political spectrum, people are realizing these policies have an enormous impact on working families. If you look at the most competitive economies in the world, all the others except the U.S. have these policies in place. [62] The United States is not as workplace family-oriented as many other wealthy countries. According to a study released by Harvard and McGill University researchers in February 2007, workplace policies for families in the U.S. are weaker than those of all high-income countries and even many middle-and low-income countries. For example, the study notes that the United States is one of only five countries out of 173 that does not guarantee some form of paid maternity leave. (The other countries are Lesotho, Liberia, Swaziland, and Papua New Guinea).[62] Other differences include the fact that fathers are granted paid paternity leave or paid parental leave in sixty-five countries; thirty one of these countries offer at least fourteen weeks of paid leave. The U.S. does not guarantee this to fathers. At least 107 countries protect working womens right to breast-feed and, in at least seventy-three of them, women are paid. The U.S. does not have any federal legislation guaranteeing mothers the right to breast-feed their infants at work. When it comes to sick days, 145 countries provide sick days to their employees; 127 provide a week or more per year. There is not a federal law requiring paid sick days in the United States. At least 134 countries have laws setting the maximum length of the work week; the U.S. does not have a maximum work week length and does not place any limits on the amount of overtime that an employee is required to work each week. (survey) Sweden, Denmark and Norway have the highest level of maternity benefitsSweden provides 68 weeks paid maternity leave, Norway provides 56 weeks paid maternity leave and Denmark provides 52.[63] American workers average approximately ten paid holidays per year while British workers average twenty-five holidays and German employees thirty. Americans work twelve weeks more a year in total hours than Europeans. In Europe, the Working Time Regulation has implemented a maximum of forty-eight hours of work per week.[64] Many countries have opted for fewer hours. France attempted to introduce a thirty-five hour workweek, and Finland
Worklife balance experimented with a thirty-hour week in 1996. In a 2007, the European Quality of Life Survey found that countries in south-eastern Europe had the most common problems with work-life balance. In Croatia and Greece, a little over 70% of working citizens say that they are too tired to do household jobs at least several times a month because of work.[65] In Britain, legislation has been passed allowing parents of children under six to request a more flexible work schedule. Companies must approve this request as long as it does not damage the business. A 2003 Survey of graduates in the UK revealed that graduates value flexibility even more than wages.[66] In all twenty-five European Union countries, voters punish politicians who try to shrink vacations. Even the twenty-two days Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles and Slovenians count as their own is much more generous than the leave allotted to U.S. workers. [67] According to a report by the Families and Work Institute, the average vacation time that Americans took each year averaged 14.6 days. Even when vacation time is offered in some U.S. companies, some choose not to take advantage of it. A 2003 survey by Management Recruiter International stated that fifty percent of executives surveyed didnt have plans to take a vacation. They decided to stay at work and use their vacation time to get caught up on their increased workloads.[67]
[1] Die Methodologien des Systems: Wie kommt man zum Fall und wie dahinter? edited by Ren John, Anna Henkel, Jana Rckert-John (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=qLXi5X658y0C& pg=PA172) p.172 [2] Peter Burke (1995) The Invention of Leisure in Early Modern Europe (http:/ / findarticles. com/ p/ articles/ mi_m2279/ is_n156/ ai_20059976/ pg_1?tag=artBody;col1), in Past and Present, no. 146 (Feb. 1995). [3] Life, issue Oct 4, 1968 (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=7lMEAAAAMBAJ& pg=PA42) p.42 [4] Paul Krassner, Harry Adler, Richard Claus, Laura Godofsky, Irwin Rosen, Carole Quinn and Avima Ruder (1963) An impolite interview with Paul Krassner (http:/ / www. ep. tc/ realist/ 41/ 03. html), in The Realist, n.41, June 1963, p.24 (http:/ / www. ep. tc/ realist/ 41/ 24. html), quotation:
One of the aspects of happiness is when you can make as little distinction as possible between your work and your play
[5] Publication in: New Ways to Work and the Working Mother's Association in the United Kingdom [6] Boswell, Wendy, and Julie Olson-Buchanan. "The Use of Communication Technologies After Hours: The Role of Work Attitudes and Work-Life Conflictt." Journal of Management 33.4 (2007): 592-608. [7] Barker, James. "Tightening the Iron Cage: Concertive Control in Self-Managing Teams." Administrative Science Quarterly 38 (1993): 408-37. [8] Boswell, Wendy, and Julie Olson-Buchanan. "The Use of Communication Technologies After Hours: The Role of Work Attitudes and Work-Life Conflict." Journal of Management 33.4 (2007): 592-608. [9] Boswell, Wendy, and Julie Olson-Buchanan. "The Use of Communication Technologies After Hours: The Role of Work Attitudes and Work-Life Conflictt." Journal of Management 33.4 (2007): 592-608. [10] http:/ / library. cqpress. com/ cqresearcher/ cqresrre1995080400. [11] http:/ / library. cqpress. com/ cqresearcher/ cqresrre1995080400 [12] http:/ / www. msn. com [13] Williams, J. & Boushey, H. (2010). The three faces of work-family conflict the poor, the professionals, and the missing middle center. Center for American Progress, Hastings College of the Law. [14] Williams, J. & Boushey, H. (2010). The three faces of work-family conflict the poor, the professionals, and the missing middle center. Center for American Progress, Hastings College of the Law. [15] Williams, J. (2000). Unbending gender: Why family and work conflict and what to do about it. New York, NY: Oxford University Press [16] Mumby, Dennis K. Communication and Power in Organizations: Discourse, Ideology, and Domination. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Pub., 1988. Print. [17] King, E. (2008). The effect of bias on the advancement of working mothers: Disentangling legitimate concerns from inaccurate stereotypes as predictors of advancement in academe. Human Relations, 61, 16771711. doi: 10.1177/0018726708098082 [18] Hoobler, J., Wayne, S. & Lemmon, G. (2009). Bosses perception of family-work conflict and womens promotability: Glad ceiling effects. Academy of Management Journal, 52, 5, 939957. [19] King, E. (2008). The effect of bias on the advancement of working mothers: Disentangling legitimate concerns from inaccurate stereotypes as predictors of advancement in academe. Human Relations, 61, 16771711. doi: 10.1177/0018726708098082 [20] Cuddy, A., Fiske, S. & Glick, P. (2004).When professionals become mothers, warmth doesnt cut the ice. Journal of Social Issues, 60, 4, 701-718.
Worklife balance
[21] Williams, J. & Boushey, H. (2010). The three faces of work-family conflict the poor, the professionals, and the missing middle center. Center for American Progress, Hastings College of the Law. [22] Cuddy, A., Fiske, S. & Glick, P. (2004).When professionals become mothers, warmth doesnt cut the ice. Journal of Social Issues, 60, 4, 701-718. [23] Williams, J. (2000). Unbending gender: Why family and work conflict and what to do about it. New York, NY: Oxford University Press [24] Gilbert, N. (2008). A mothers work. New Haven: Yale University Press. [25] Williams, J. (2000). Unbending gender: Why family and work conflict and what to do about it. New York, NY: Oxford University Press [26] Pfeffer, Jeffrey. Power: Why Some People Have It--and Others Don't. New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 2010. Print. [27] Williams, J. (2000). Unbending gender: Why family and work conflict and what to do about it. New York, NY: Oxford University Press [28] Williams, J. (2000). Unbending gender: Why family and work conflict and what to do about it. New York, NY: Oxford University Press [29] http:/ / www. kenexa. com/ en/ AboutUs/ Press/ 2007/ 07JUL25. aspx [30] Gerson, Kathleen. Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies, and the Transformation of Gender. The Kaleidoscope of Gender, 2011, p. 399. [31] "Natalie Jolly" (http:/ / www. nataliejolly. com). . Retrieved 2011-01-25. [32] Gerson, Kathleen. Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies, and the Transformation of Gender. The Kaleidoscope of Gender, 2011, p. 402. [33] Van Knippenberg, Daan. "Organizational Identification versus Organizational Commitment: Self-definition, Social Exchange, and Job Attitudes." Journal of Organizational Behavior 27.5 (2006): 571. [34] Tracy, Sarah. "Becoming A Character for Commerce." Management Communication Quarterly 14.1 (2000): 90-128. Print. [35] Tracy, Sarah. "Becoming A Character for Commerce." Management Communication Quarterly 14.1 (2000): 90-128. Print. [36] Emslie, Carol (2009). "Live to work or work to live?". Harvard Educational Review 16 (1): 151172. [37] http:/ / www. abcnews. go. com/ health [38] Gerbert, Frank (2010): Wenn Arbeit krank macht Burn-out- das Leiden einer modernen Gesellschaft. Warum die Zahl der Ausgebrannten wchst. In: Focus no. 10/10, p. 92-103 [39] DESTATIS, Statistisches Bundesamt (Ed.) (2003): Wo bleibt die Zeit? Wiesbaden [40] Garhammer, Manfred (2004): Auswirkungen neuer Arbeitsformen auf Stress und Lebensqualitt. In: Badura, Bernhard/Schnellschmidt, Henner/Vetter, Christian (Ed.): Fehlzeitenreport 2003, Wettbewerbsfaktor Work-Life-Balance. Berlin [41] Badura, Bernhard/Schnellschmidt, Hen-ner/Vetter, Christian (Ed.): Fehlzeitenreport 2003, Wettbewerbsfaktor Work-Life-Balance. Berlin [42] Weinert, Ansfried B. (2004): Organisations- und Personalpsychologie. 5. ed. Weinheim [43] Reich, Franziska 2010: Raus aus der Perfektions-Falle. In: Stern no. 11, p. 44-54 [44] Reich, Franziska 2010: Raus aus der Perfektions-Falle. In: Stern no. 11, p. 44-54 [45] Reich, Franziska 2010: Raus aus der Perfektions-Falle. In: Stern no. 11, p. 44-54 [46] Poelchau, Nina 2010: Interview: wer lassen kann, wird gelassen. In: Stern no. 11, p. 56 [47] Gerbert, Frank (2010): Wenn Arbeit krank macht Burn-out- das Leiden einer modernen Gesellschaft. Warum die Zahl der Ausgebrannten wchst. In: Focus no. 10/10, p. 92-103 [48] Gerbert, Frank (2010): Wenn Arbeit krank macht Burn-out- das Leiden einer modernen Gesellschaft. Warum die Zahl der Ausgebrannten wchst. In: Focus no. 10/10, p. 92-103 [49] Gerbert, Frank (2010): Wenn Arbeit krank macht Burn-out- das Leiden einer modernen Gesellschaft. Warum die Zahl der Ausgebrannten wchst. In: Focus no. 10/10, p. 92-103 [50] Gerbert, Frank (2010): Wenn Arbeit krank macht Burn-out- das Leiden einer modernen Gesellschaft. Warum die Zahl der Ausgebrannten wchst. In: Focus no. 10/10, p. 92-103 [51] Boersch et al. (2008): Das Summa Summarum der Gesundheit 20 wichtige Aspekte zu Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden fr Manager und Fhrungskrfte. 1. ed. Frankfurt: Be-triebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler [52] Meckel, Miriam (2010): Brief an mein Leben Erfahrungen mit einem Burnout. 1. ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowolt Verlag [53] Beck, Sebastian 2009: Die Mdigkeit der Rastlosen. In: Sd-deutsche Zeitung of 03/15/2009 [54] Reich, Franziska 2010: Raus aus der Perfektions-Falle. In: Stern no. 11, p. 44-54 [55] Gerbert, Frank (2010): Wenn Arbeit krank macht Burn-out- das Leiden einer modernen Gesellschaft. Warum die Zahl der Ausgebrannten wchst. In: Focus no. 10/10, p. 92-103 [56] Gerbert, Frank (2010): Wenn Arbeit krank macht Burn-out- das Leiden einer modernen Gesellschaft. Warum die Zahl der Ausgebrannten wchst. In: Focus no. 10/10, p. 92-103 [57] http:/ / knowledge. wharton. upenn. edu/ article. cfm?articleid=1970 [58] Williams, J. (2000). 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Worklife balance
Gregory, Abigail, Milner, Susan "Work-Life Balance: A Matter of Choice?" ( doi/10.1111/gwao.2009.16.issue-1/issuetoc) Gender, Work & Organization, Vol 16, Issue 1, Pages 1177. Anderson, Jennifer., "Report Highlights Gap Between European and US Vacation Time." ( Ergoweb, 15 May 2005. retrieved 20 February 2007. Barada, Paul W., "Exempt Vs. Nonexempt Workers". ( retrieved 24 February 2007 Clark, C S. "Job Stress." ( CQ Researcher, 4 August 1994. CQ Researcher. Retrieved 1 March 2007 . "Effects of Stress." ( WebMD. 2 June 2005. Healthwise, Incorporated. 3 April 2007. Freking, Kevin., "Study Links Child Care to Poor Behavior." ( ABC News, 26 March 2007. The Walt Disney Company, Retrieved 4 April 2007. Fisk, Donald M., "American Labor in the 20th Century." (, Compensation and Working Conditions Online. 30 June 2003. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved 4 April 2007. Gallitano, Thomas., "Small Necessities Leave Act, Maternity Leave Act". ( images/stories/publications/time off article.pdf) J. CKRP & F. 2007. Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP. Retrieved 16 February 2007 . How extreme is your job? There is a danger of the 70-hour workweek becoming the new standard. (http://www. Survey, 18 February 2007. Retrieved 18 February 2007. Matuska, Kathleen & Christiansen, Charles et al. (eds). Life Balance: Multidisciplinary Theories and Research. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press/Slack Publishers. 2009 O'Bannon, Brent., "Balance Matters: Turning Burnout Into Balance". ( R&B Publishing, TX: 2007. Paving the Road for Women to Return to Work. ( Nightly Business Report. PBS. 8 December 2005. Retrieved 3 April 2007 . Survey: U.S. Workplace Not Family-Oriented. (, Forbes, 1 February 2007. Retrieved 17 February 2007. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. (, U.S. Department of Labor, 1 March 2007 . Wide Variation in European Maternity Benefits. (, HRM Guide 17 February 2007. Whaples, Robert, ed., "Hours of Work in U.S. History". ( EH.Net Encyclopedia. August 2001. Retrieved 3 April 2007 . When It's Just You After School (, Kids Health. 2007. The Nemours Foundation. 4 April 2007. Work-Life Balance Defined. (, 2006. "Kenexa Research Institute finds that when it comes to work-life balance, men and women are not created equal" (, Kenexa, July 25, 2007. Accessed May 27, 2008. (
Worklife balance
External links
The Sloan Work and Family Research Network at Boston College ( "Stress...At Work" ( document and "Working With Stress" (http:// video from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health The Work-Family Dilemma: A Better Balance (The Barnard Center for Research on Women) (http://www. Writings concerning a shorter workweek, with emphasis on its economic impact (http://www.shorterworkweek. com) Work Life Balance: Opportunities for SMEs (, a video by Eurobalance (, a project focused on work-life balance, funded by the European Commission through Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
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