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Spalart Allmaras

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Review of Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model and its Modications

Teymour Javaherchi March 12, 2010

Abstract Spalart-Allmaras (SA) is a turbulence model for modeling dierent type of turbulent ows, specically aerodynamic ows. Dierent terms of the governing equation of this model (e.g. production, diusion and destruction), just like the other turbulence models, were modied after 1992, when it was published by Spalart & Allmaras. In this literature review, we will rst go through the details of the governing equation of this model and after understanding the role of each term and reasoning behind it, we will discuss the dierent proposed modications for this model and concentrate on the one that we have used in my research and discuss how the modication eects the SA model by comparing the results from SA with other turbulence models.


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is becoming more and more popular every day, since on one hand the advanced technology is providing desktop computers with huge memory capacity and powerful processors for unbelievably cheap prices, which are capable of solving large two and three dimensional problem numerically just in few days. On the other hand CFD commercial packages, like FLUENT, make performing numerical simulation easier than any other time. However this easy access to the required tools for doing dierent type of CFD works, does not mean that anybody can produce correct and physically meaningful results for any problem. The important point for being able to have a successful and meaningful numerical simulation is to have sucient core knowledge about the numerical model that is being used and being aware of choosing the right parameters and options for the numerical model. It is possible that one can run a simulation successfully, but the results does not make any physical sense or even be totally wrong! In this paper we will review one of the common turbulence models, called Spalart-Allmaras model, which was basically developed to model aerodynamic ows. At rst we will go through the details of each term of the its governing equation and then we will explain dierent proposed modication for that. In the end we are going to concentrate on one of those modications, go through details of it and present some results to compare the modied model with other available turbulence models.


Spalart-Allmaras Governing Equation

The Basic Equations

Spalart-Allmaras is a one-equation turbulence model, that has been developed mainly for aerodynamic ows. This model is basically a transport equation for the eddy viscosity. The key idea that Spalart & Allmaras used to develop this equation is very similar to the model of Nee & Kovasznay. In order to develop a closed system of governing equations for the mean motion of the ow, one should determine the distribution of the Reynolds stress. The various terms in the equation for the Reynolds stress can be identied as convection, diusion, production and destruction. Both Nee-Kovasznay (NK) [1] and Spalart-Allmaras (SA) [2] made a simple educated guess concerning the various terms such as diusion, production and destruction based on the physics of the turbulent ow. The dependent variable in both of these models is the eddy viscosity, which is related directly to Reynolds stress as follow: t = uv du/dy (1)

The eddy viscosity is considered to be governed by a rate equation and therefore it is dependent on the past history through convection and on nearby values through diusion. Generally any transportable scalar quantity, like eddy viscosity, subject to the conversion laws is transported according to the following equation, which is the basic equation for both NK and SA model: DF F = + (u )F = Diusion + Production Destruction Dt t (2)

To construct the full model for a turbulent ow, each of the diusion, production and destruction terms should be dened carefully. Dening these terms and make them non-dimensional will results to some additional constants and non-dimensional functions in each term. Those constants and functions will be dened based on the available experimental and numerical results. Nee & Kovasznay did a better job on describing how they dened each of these terms in compare to Spalart & Allmaras, therefore we will present both method for dening understanding the reasoning and philosophy behind the above terms and then we will concentrate on SA model and continue with their notation through the rest of this literature review.



NK consider the general denition for the diusion of a scalar F by the following equation: Diusion = F (3)

where F is the ux of quantity F due to diusion and is given by F = DF F , where DF is the coecient of diusion. They also consider the total viscosity n = + as the transportable quantity, where 2 is the

eddy viscosity and is the molecular viscosity. They assume that since the turbulent motion diuses by itself, it is reasonable to assume the coecient of diusion as Dn = n, therefore as a result in any case the turbulent Prandtl number and Schmidt number are approximately equal to one Dn /n 1. Considering all of the above assumptions the diusion term based on NK representation will be given as follow: Diusion = (nn) (4)

SA representation for the diusion term is a little dierent in compare to the one by NK. They consider the classical diusion operator as ([t / ]t ), where t is the eddy viscosity and is a turbulent Prandtl number. Up to this point the two representations are exactly the same, considering that the turbulent Prandtl number is approximately equal to one and the molecular viscosity does not play a major role, since in such turbulent ows (e.g. aerodynamic ows) the energy and information cascades ow only from the larger scales to the small scales. The dierence comes from the point where SA argue that there is no reason why the integral of t should be conserved. They point out the manipulations of two equation models often brings out diusion terms that are not conservative, for example cross terms between k and . Therefore analogues to this explanation they allow a non-conservative diusion term, involving rst derivative of t in their diusion term and in the end their representation of diusion term will be given as follow: Diusion = 1 [ (t t ) + cb2 (t )2 ] (5)

Note that the rst term on the right hand side of the above equation is the same as the diusion representation by NK and the dierence is due to the second term only.



In NK model it has been stated that The eddy viscosity can be regarded as the ability of a turbulent ow to transport momentum. The ability must be directly related to the general level of activity and therefore, to the turbulent energy. Based on this argument, they dene the production term analogues to the production of turbulent energy, assuming that production term must increase monotonically with the magnitude of the mean vorticity | U y | and also with the increasing of the total viscosity. Therefore the most straight forward form for the production term can be represent as follow: production = A(n )| U | y (6)

where A is a universal constant, n is the total viscosity and | U y | is the mean vorticity. Note that if we substitute the denition of n in the above equation, the production term will be linearly dependent on the eddy viscosity and mean vorticity, which is a very similar to the form of production term in SA model. The main dierence between NK and SA model for dening the production term is consideration the appropriate form of mean vorticity. Since NK model the turbulent shear ow, then the form of | U y | was 3

the best choice for their model, but SA ow of interest is mainly the aerodynamic ows in which turbulence is found only where vorticity is. As a result they used the magnitude of the vorticity 2ij ij where

ij Ui /xj Uj /xi , as the appropriate form of mean vorticity. Have this in mind that other forms of mean vorticity are also available and can be used in formulating the production term. SA has mentioned few of them in their original paper, but they said that they have not yet tasted the model with those proposed terms. The interesting point is that, one of the modications that was considered for SA model was based on the choice of the mean vorticity in production term, which we will discuss in the later section of this literature review. In the end the production term dened by SA was as following, where cb1 is a constant: production = cb1 St S 2ij ij 1 Ui Uj ) ij = ( 2 xj xi (7) (8)



NK again used the same assumption that the eddy viscosity can be considered as the ability of a turbulent ow to transport momentum and the ability must be directly related to the general level of activity, therefore to the turbulent energy to construct the destruction term. They argue that the rate of decay of the energy of high-intensity homogeneous turbulence is, to a very rough approximation inversely proportional to the square of the energy as follow: du2 = (u2 )2 dt (9)

Separating the terms of the above equation and integrating both sides, will lead to a decay law as follow: u2 = 1/t (10)

Since the rate equation (2), considering the quantity F to be the total viscosity n, in the absence of the production and diusion term will reduce to the following form: n = Destruction t (11)

based on NK assumption of similar behavior of total viscosity and turbulent energy, it can be considered that Destruction = n2 . In the end based on the above assumptions and dimensional considerations the nal form of destruction term will be as follow: Destruction = B n(n ) L2 (12)

where B is a universal constant and the characteristic length L has been introduced in order to make B a non-dimensional universal constant. Generally L is a function of y , but in the region of the outer edge of a turbulent ow L can be considered to be equal , where is the boundary layer thickness. However closer to the wall L = y turn out to be a good approximation. The dependence of the destruction term on distance 4

from the wall turns out to be quite necessary to account for the high rate of dissipation in the proximity of solid boundaries, where the maximum dimension of the dissipating eddies in the direction perpendicular to the ow must be the same as the distance from the wall. Representation of SA for the destruction term is close to the way that NK present their destruction term. The only dierence is that SA dened a non-dimensional function beside the constant in that term. SA argue that in a boundary layer the blocking eect of a wall is felt at a distance through the pressure term, which acts as the main destruction term for Reynolds shear stress, therefore based on this assumption and dimensional analysis, the rst form of destruction term would be cw1 (t /d)2 , where d is the distance to the wall and cw1 is a constant. Tests show that the model, on one hand when equipped with the destruction term, can produce an accurate log layer. On the other hand it produces too low a skin friction coecient in a at plate boundary layer. This shows that the destruction term as formulated, decays too slowly in the outer region of the boundary layer. To overcome this problem SA multiplied the rst form of the destruction term by a non-dimensional function fw which equals to 1 in log layer. In the end the nal form of the destruction term will be as follow: Destruction = cw1 fw ( t 2 ) d (13)

From now on we will only discuss the SA model and stick to the corresponding notations that we introduced so far. In the next section we will talk about the calibration that SA did to nd the best values for the dened constants and also the way that they dened their non-dimensionalized functions.

Calibration of Spalart-Allmaras Model

As it has been seen in the previous sections, each term in the main equation of SA model includes constants and non-dimensional functions. The procedure for evaluating and dening the appropriate form for these constants and non-dimensional functions respectively is called calibration. In the process of calibration, constants and functions will be dened with help of experimental and numerical results of the type of a ow that should be modeled. The basic assumptions that we talked about in previous sections are also helpful to recognize the range of constants. SA calibrate the free shear ow version of the model by requiring correct levels of shear stress in two dimensional mixing layers and wakes. Appropriate values for the peak shear stress were considered to be 0.01(U )2 and 0.06(U )2 for the mixing layer and wake respectively, where U is the peak velocity dierence. This gave SA two conditions for three free constants cb1 , , and cb2 , and leaves a one dimensional family of solutions which is shown in Fig. 1 parametrized by the Prandtl number . Based on the above results and observations in the numerical simulation results, SA suggested the

Figure 1: Calibrated model constants.

following values for constants: = 2/3 cb1 = 0.1355 cb2 = 0.6220 (1 + cb2 )/ 2.4 (14)

Now the only remained constant and non-dimensional function to be dened is the one in the denition of destruction term. SA argued that in a classical log layer, where with friction velocity u and turbulent kinetic energy k , the strain rate tensor and eddy viscosity are dened as S = u /(kd) and vt = u kd respectively, consideration of equilibrium between the production, diusion and the destruction term is possible, provided that the constant cw1 in the destruction term is dened as function of other constants as follow: cw1 = cb1 /k 2 + (1 + cb2 )/ (15)

SA dened the non-dimensional function fw inspired by algebraic models, in which the mixing length plays a major role near the walls. This length scale is dened by l the following non-dimensionalization: r t Sk 2 d2 (16) t /S and square of l/kd was used to make

Note that both r and fw equal to one in the log layer and decrease in the outer region. In the end a satisfactory form for the non-dimensional function fw for SA has been dened as follow: 1 + c6 3 fw (r) = g 6 w g + c6 w3

g = r + cw2 (r6 r)


The above function is shown in Fig. 2. The results are most sensitive to the slope of fw at r = 1, which is controlled by cw3 . The step from g to fw works as a limiter that prevents large value of fw , which could 6

be problematic for the numerical simulations and give an undeserved importance to the fact that S may vanish. The region r > 1 is exercised only in adverse pressure gradients, and then rarely beyond r = 1.1. Having fw (0) = 0 is not essential, since in free shear ows the destruction term vanishes on account of the d2 in its denominator. According to calibration reasonable values for cw3 and cw2 is 2 and 0.3 respectively.

Figure 2: fw function involved in the destruction term.

Final Form of Spalart-Allmaras Model

For the buer layer and viscous sublayer, SA introduced two new variables v , which is equal to vt except in the viscous range and X v / . They followed Baldwin and Barth[3] in choosing a transported quantity v , which behaves linearly near the wall. This is benecial numerical solutions, since v is easier to resolve than U itself, in contrast with other variables like dissipation rate or turbulent kinetic energy k . Therefore SA model doesnt require a ner grid in compare to k or k models. In order to arrive at this SA,

considered the classical log layer and devise near-wall damping functions that are compatible with know results. These functions are dierent than fw which was a near wall inviscid destruction term. As it was mentioned before the reason for introducing new variable v , was that the eddy viscosity vt equals kyu in the log layer but not in the buer layer, therefore v was dened so that it equals to kyu all the way to the wall. This result to the following equation: vt = v fv1 , fv 1 = X3 X 3 + c3 v1 (18)

SA state that fv1 function has been borrowed from Mellor and Herring and the appropriate value for cv1 was chosen to be equal to 7.1. Considering v as a new variable, aects the denition of production term by changing the way that and is scalar norm of the strain rate tensor S was dened. The new denition for S will be denoted by S dened as follow: S+ S v fv2 , k 2 d2 fv 2 = 1 X 1 + Xfv2 (19)

would maintain its linear behavior in log layer all where fv2 has been constructed, just like fv1 , so that S is singular at the wall, but as long as v the way to the wall. S would be be zero there (at d = 0), therefore the production term is well behaved. The other quantities involved in the inviscid model will be dened 2 d2 ). In the end SA insert the molecular viscosity in a in terms of v instead of vt , for example r v /(Sk convenient place in order pay little attention to a factor of and the nal form of the transport equation and basically governing equation of Spalart-Allmaras will be as follow: v 1 Dv v = cb1 S + (( + v )v ) + cb2 (v )2 cw1 fw Dt d


Modications for Spalart-Allmaras Model

In the very last section of the original paper by Spalart and Allmaras[2], they talked about the potential modications and alternative options that can be considered for each of the terms in the one equation that governs their model. For example, they stated that there is a modication for the non-dimensional function fw in the region r > 1 or there is the choice of S , between the vorticity, the strain rate, or another scalar norm of deformation. These comments state that, the values of constants or denition of the nondimensional functions are not universal and can be modied in future. Sometimes it might turn out that the evaluated constant or dened non-dimensional function is under- or overproducing a specic term in the turbulent ow. This can be regarded as the nature of turbulent modeling and what makes this eld of study interesting and attractive for scientists to learn more about dierent aspects of this eld of study and try to model this chaotic ows as close to the real world and possible. In the next two sections we will rst briey explain proposed modications and second concentrate and discuss the works that has been done recently to look at the modication of variable S in the production term, which turn out to be a problem specially when SA model is being used for modeling highly vortical ows (e.g. wake of a wind or tidal turbine). In one of our recent presentations at American Physical Society conference[4], we received a comment on the turbulent model that we were using for modeling the turbulent wake of the NREL phase VI wind turbine. The comment basically was that Spalart-Allmaras, the chosen turbulence model in our work, is not capable of modeling highly vortical ows accurately. Although at that time we had validated our numerical simulations against the famous report by NREL, which was about experimental results of testing the NREL 8

Phase VI turbine in a NASA Ames wind tunnel, we found that comment very interesting and start doing research about it to nd out whether this comment is valid or not? During our research we found a paper by Potsdam & Pulliam[5], which was presented at the AHL Specialists Conference on Aeromechanics that was addressing the problem that non-modied SA model has with highly vortical ows. They stated in their paper that the typical dependence of the eddy viscosity production term on vorticity is problematic for highly vortical ows. They claim that the eddy viscosity can be drastically over-produced in the vortex core with non-modied SA model or any other model in which the production term depends on vorticity solely. In order to ameliorate this and other diculties resulted from this over-predication, Potsdam & Pulliam proposed ve dierent modications for this type of turbulent ows and ran dierent type of simulations for dierent cases of highly vortical ows to study the eect of each modication. Going through the details of each of these modications and modelings is beyond the scope of this literature review, therefore we will just briey explain each of them in the following section and then concentrate on the one, that we used for our simulations and work, in the section after that and in the end show how that particular modication modied SA model in compare to other turbulence models.


Proposed Modications by Potsdam & Pulliam

Following is a brief explanation of existing turbulence models and modications from Potsdam & Pulliam paper to include the eect of rotation in highly vortical ows and account for this non-physical dependence: 1- Turbulence models which explicitly include rotation and curvature terms do not suer from the overproduction of eddy viscosity. This includes the full Reynolds Stress turbulence models (RSM). They are however, still quite expensive, and yet to fully show improved accuracy. 2- Rotation and curvature have been developed for application to a range of turbulence models. Spalart proposes an empirical alteration to account for rotation and curvature by introducing additional Galilean invariant, higher derivative terms[6]. 3- A simpler correction has been proposed by Dacles-Mariani and was originally implemented for the production term, P , of the Baldwin-Barth model as follow: P = c1 vRt S (21)

where c1 is a constant, v is the laminar viscosity, Rt is the turbulent Reynolds number and S is a scalar measure of the deformation tensor. This modication is very similar to the one that we used and validated in our research against experimental data form NREL and other turbulence models. We will go to details of this modication in the next section.

4- A simple alternative is to turn o the production terms in the o-body grid wake region. This is typically only possible in multi-block or overset mesh systems. Based on this assumption the turbulence that is generated elsewhere can still convect, dissipate, and diuse, but it can not be produced. This modication has some physical basis, as experimental studies on wing tip vortices have found reduced turbulence levels and analytical studies indicate laminar diusion mechanisms due to the solid body rotation in the vortex core. 5- An even simpler ad hoc modication includes completely turning o the turbulence model in the wake such that the eddy viscosity remains at its freestream value. The freestream value of eddy viscosity sets the boundary condition to any near-body grid blocks where the turbulence model is activated. From my personal point of view the rst proposed modication is the most expensive one and it is expected to work very well, but since computational time and expenses are two major factor in CFD works, it will not be the rst choice to go with. The fourth and fth modications will not be a good choice for modeling turbulent ows at all, since these modication partly or completely ignore the nature of the ow, which is being turbulent. Therefore a good choice would be either the second or third one, since they will consider modications to the model that we are using, instead solving the ow directly, which is very expensive or simplify it the ow signicantly by ignoring the nature of the ow. In the following section we go through the details of the third modication proposed here.


Modication of Production Term in Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model

As it has been mentioned before the idea for the modication that we used in our work is the same as the third modication discussed by Potsdam & Pulliam. The key point is to dene the scalar measure of the deformation tensor, S , in the production term in a way that it will not only depends on vorticity. As a recall the dened production term for SA model was as follow: v Production = cb1 S , where S+ S fv2 , k 2 d2 v fv2 = 1 X 1 + xfv2 (22)

In this modication scalar measure of the deformation tensor, S , will be dened as function of both vorticity and strain rate as follow: S |ij | + Cprod min(0, |Sij | |ij |) Cprod = 2.0, |ij | 2ij ij , |Sij | 2Sij Sij (23) (24) (25)

uj 1 ui ij = ( ) 2 xj xi

1 uj ui Sij = ( + ) 2 xi xj

Form equation (24) it can be seen that in regions where the vorticity is the dominant term and it exceeds strain, such as tip vortices, the production term will be reduced. In the regions where strain and vorticity are of similar magnitude, such as boundary and sheer layers, there is no eect as the correction term goes to zero. 10


Results and Conclusions

Figures three and four on the next page show results of numerical modeling of NREL phase VI turbine using modied version of Spalart-Allmaras and k turbulence model. All the boundary conditions, domain grid size and etc. are the same for both cases and the only dierence is the turbulence model that has been used. These colorful plots are showing the axial velocity of the ow, normalized by the inlet velocity
m equal to 6.8( sec ) on a X-cut plane along the wind tunnel. Turbine blade is at position Y R

= 0 and velocity

proles are shown on Y-cuts planes along the wind tunnel. Fig. 3 shows the case of SA turbulence model, whereas Fig. 4 shows the case of k model with velocity proles from SA superimposed in blue on it. As it can be seen, both cases models near wake (up to 5 radius downstream of the blade) very similar to each other. Velocity proles at each section are in a very good agreement with each other except near the hub of the turbine and the edge of the turbine wake. Note that we are not modeling the hub at all. We are considering an empty volume starting from inlet and go through the wind tunnel to the outlet and the boundary condition there is free sheer wall. The main conclusion is that the modied SA model is doing a very good job, especially at the near wake where the vorticity is dominating strain rate, which means that the modication is taking a good care of overproduction of the eddy viscosity. One more dierence between the two results is the obvious change of both background velocity contour as well as velocity proles at the far wake (after 5 radius downstream). This can be linked to the decay term of the SA model. As it can be seen the ow modeled by k is decaying much faster in compare to the one modeled with SA. By looking at Fig. 4, one can say that velocity proles from k model are recovering to the shape of the velocity prole at the inlet in a much faster rate in compare to the one from SA model. Unfortunately based on limited data that we have, we can not say which model is doing a better job in modeling the far wake. For sure one model is doing a better job in compare to the other one, but the only conclusion that we can come up with, is that the dissipation rate in k model is much faster in compare to SA model.






Vy/V0 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.04 0.99 0.94 0.89 0.83 0.78 0.73 0.68 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.37 0.31 0.26 0.21 0.16 0.10 0.05 0.00

0 2 4 6






Figure 3: Contours of dimensionless axial velocity, plane x = 0, SA model


Vy/V0 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.04 0.99 0.94 0.89 0.83 0.78 0.73 0.68 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.47 0.42 0.37 0.31 0.26 0.21 0.16 0.10 0.05 0.00




0 2 4






Figure 4: Contours of dimensionless axial velocity, plane x = 0, k model


The main focus of this literature review was on the original paper by Spalart & Allmaras[2] and paper by Potsdam & Pulliam [5]. The main problem with SA paper was in giving a clear explanation for the dierent terms of the governing equation. Therefore, based on professor Rileys advise, we start working with the paper by Nee & Kovasznay[1] who did an excellent job in explaining those terms from fundamental equations with reasoning behind constructing each term of the equation. There were two problems with Potsdam & Pulliam paper. First one was changing the notations and also form of the SA governing equation, although they referred readers to the original paper by SA[2]. The other problem was a wrong citation for the third proposed modication. They cited the paper by Dacles-Mariani and claimed that those were the people who originally implemented that modication of the production term in SA transport equation, but after referring to that paper, I found out that they are just using the results from a private communication between Spalart and Boeing company! However, except these minor points, both of the papers did a very good job in explaining the philosophy of the work and guiding reader toward the right way for understanding the key idea of the paper.

Future Work

During this literature review there were two points that I could not nd an exact answer for them because of lack of time. Therefore I think that they can be a good choice for future work to make this literature review more complete. The rst point was the denition of the second term in the the diusion term,

cb2 (v )2 , in the main

equation. The hint for understanding this term is the following statement in SA paper However there is no reason why the integral of vt should be conserved. Manipulations of two-equation models often bring out diusion terms that are not conservative, for instance cross terms between k and epsilon. Referring to Baldwin & Barth paper[3] will give the readers an idea of the manipulations of two-equation models and spending some time on doing the basic manipulations will help the reader to come up with this term and nd out about the details and meaning of it. The other point was the obvious dierence in both colorful velocity contours and velocity proles in results from NREL phase VI turbine simulations at the far wake of the turbine. Finding out about the reason behind this dierences and that which model is modeling the ow closer to the real case would be a great idea, which needs the detail knowledge about they way that k model works.


[1] Nee V. W. and Kovasznay L. S. G. Simple phenomenological theory of turbulent shear ow. Physics of Fluids, 12:473484, 1969. [2] Spalart P. R. and Allmaras S. R. A one equation turbulence model for aerodynamic ows. In AIAA 92-0439, AIAA 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 1992. [3] Baldwin B. S. and Barth T. J. A one equation turbulence transport model for high reynolds number wall bounded ows. AIAA-91-0610. [4] Javaherchi T., Aliseda A, Antheaume S., Seydel J., and Pologye B. Study of the turbulent wake behinde a tidal turbine through dierent numerical models. In 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, volume 54, 2009. [5] Potsdam M. and Pullian T. Turbulence modeling treatment for rotorcraft wakes. In AHS Specialists Conference on Aeromechanics, Jan. 23-25 2008. [6] Spalart P., R. and Shur M. On the sensitization of turbulence models to rotation and curveture. Aerospace Sciences and Technology, 1(5):297302, July 1997. [7] http://www.uentusers.com/uent/doc/ori/v121/uent/uent12.1/help/html/th/node52.htm.


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