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Learn ABout Texas Insects

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A Learning and Activity Book

Color your own guide to the insects that crawl, hop and wing their way across the plains, hills, forests, deserts and mountains of Texas.
Compiled by Curator Emeritus of Entomology & Geology at Texas Memorial Museum Editorial Direction

Chris Durden

Georg Zappler
Art Director

Elena T. Ivy

1999 Texas Parks and Wildlife 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744
PWD BK P4000-043 3/99

All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems without written permission of the publisher.

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There are Lots of Insects and They are Fun to Watch

Relative Importance of the Orders Among Insects
Rank Scientific Name of Order Percent of World Species Common Name of Order

1 Coleoptera 38.54 14.89 2 Lepidoptera 3 Hymenoptera 13.69 13.09 4 Diptera 6.65 5 Hemiptera 4.25 6 Homoptera 0.93 7 Trichoptera 0.93 8 Orthoptera 0.80 9 Collembola 0.73 10 Grylloptera 0.66 11 Mallophaga 0.65 12 Odonata 0.59 13 Neuroptera 0.53 14 Blattoptera 0.53 15 Thysanoptera 0.33 16 Psocida 0.30 17 Siphonaptera 0.27 18 Ephemerida 0.27 19 Phasmida 0.25 20 Termitida 0.21 21 Plecoptera 0.20 22 Manteida 0.18 23 Strepsiptera 0.15 24 Dermaptera 0.09 25 Diplura 0.07 26 Anoplura 0.06 27 Panorpida 0.04 28 Lepismida 0.03 29 Protura 0.03 30 Machilida 0.03 31 Megaloptera 0.02 32 Embiida 33 Scolopendrellida 0.01 0.-34 Raphidiida 0.-35 Zoraptera 0.-36 Raphioptera 100.00 Total

Beetles Moths Wasps Flies True bugs Hoppers Caddis flies Locusts Springtails Crickets Biting lice Dragonflies Lacewing flies Roaches Thrips Barklice Fleas Mayflies Walking sticks Termites Stoneflies Mantises Twistwing flies Earwigs Campodeans Sucking lice Scorpionflies Silverfish Telsontails Bristletails Dobson flies Webspinners Symphylans Snakeflies Angel flies Snowskips

More than half of all the animals known on earth are insects. There are more than 1 million (perhaps as many as 3 million) species of insects, while there are only 1/2 million other known animal species. There are 100,000 or so species of insects native to the United States. More than 1/3 of these have been found in Texas. Texas has more different kinds of insects than any other state. 0 Relative Importance of Insect Species Among All Organisms
Rank Name of Order Percentage of Species

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Color the area on the pie chart that represents Moths.

Insects 42.00 Other Animals 29.00 Bacteria 9.00 Fungi 8.00 Single-Celled Organisms 6.00 Plants 5.00 Archaebacters 1.00

Many people say they don't like bugs, meaning insects and other creepy crawlies, because they have not stopped to observe them and to realize how very few insects are really harmful. Insects are truly facinating and watching their activities can provide hours of fun. Insects are easy to find, since they are common in just about any kind of habitat. You can find them in your backyard and in any field or patch of woods, in lakes and rivers, in deserts and on the seashore, but almost none at sea.

Insects do a Lot of Good, but a Few are Pests

Like insects everywhere, Texas insects are important agents that, overall, make our lives better and more interesting. For better or worse, we share the planet with them. Lets try to get along. How insects are beneficial or good: Without insects, we would not have pretty flowers to look at or fruits and vegetables to eat. That is because most plants need insects in order to reproduce. Without insects, we would have fewer songbirds, lizards, frogs and mammals like bats, shrews and anteaters. These animals would have nothing to eat since they all feed on insects. Without insects acting as clean-up squads and garbage collectors, dead trees and animals would be piling up everywhere.
Frog catching a horsefly Honey bee pollinating a flower

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A Kind Word About Bug The word bug has several origins that have been punned together to form its present English meanings: a true bug or hemipteran, insectlike, microfossil, microorganism, disease, defect, enthusiast, obsession, fear, hidden microphone, asterisk, to sting or to molest. Bwg is Welsh for ghost. Bugge is Middle English for demon, beetle or scarecrow. Boggle is North English for a terrifying apparition. Bougre is French for a nasty fellow. Buz is Spanish for a hit, kiss of respect or sting. Bogie is a surprising event. Bogyman is a bugaboo or fearsome figure. These other meanings are probably responsible for the general dislike and fear of bugs by people who are ignorant about insects. Let's call the whole group INSECTS and save BUG just for insects of the order HEMIPTERA which can bug or sting you like a bedbug with their pointed mouthparts. This excursion into etymology, or the study of words, should not be confused with the subject of this book, entomology, or the study of insects. Harmful insects

American burying beetle with a dead mouse

How insects are harmful or bad: Some insects are pests meaning that their way of life is in conflict with ours. Some spoil or eat our plant or animal food, or destroy our possessions. Some suck our blood and spread disease.

Boll weevil

But, aside from being good or bad, insects are fascinating creatures to watch and many are very beautiful.

TPWPress 1999

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An Insect Quiz Follow this key to distinguish an insect from other living things: Does it take on nutrients, increase in size and reproduce, using large molecules based on carbon, including DNA? YES, it is a LIVING ORGANISM. NO, it is a mineral. Does it grow from one cell to many, reproduce, move, feel and react? YES, it is an ANIMAL. NO, it may be a plant, fungus, amoeba, alga or bacterium. Does it have each side of the body a mirror image of the other, at least in the early stages? YES, it is a BILATERAN. NO, it may be a jellyfish, coral or sponge. Does it have the nervous system under the gut? YES, it is ARCHAEOGASTRAL. NO, it may be a starfish or vertebrate. Does it have a thick outside skin of chitin (which must be shed to increase body size), segmented by thin folds of skin that take up the slack in rings that bead the body into a number of segments? YES, it is an ARTICULATE. NO, it may be a mollusk, roundworm or flatworm. Does it have segmented legs or other appendages attached to many of the body segments, compound eyes on the head, and powerful striated muscle? YES, it is an ARTHROPOD. NO, it may be an earthworm, tongueworm or tardigrade. Does it have jaws on the second segment behind the head cap? YES, it is a MANDIBULATE. NO, it may be a trilobite or arachnid. Does it have filamentous antennae on the head cap, but no second antenna by the mouth, and does it split its skin along the back to molt? YES, it is an INSECT. NO, it may be a pillbug, barnacle, or millipede.

How To Recognize an Insect

A great variety of small animals exist that you might confuse with insects. For example, spiders, ticks, scorpions, millipedes and pillbugs are not insects. So, how do you tell the difference between these creatures and insects? (See An Insect Quiz to the left.) Only insects have their bodies pinched in to form a distinct head, mid-region (thorax) and hind region (abdomen).

Head Thorax


All but the most primitive insects have only three pairs of segmented legs, all attached to the thorax. Most insects also have one or two pairs of wings attached to the sides of the middle and back segments of the thorax.




Insects are mandibulate, arthropod, articulate, archaeogastral, bilateral, animal organisms.




Circle the animals that you think are insects.

TPWPress 1999

How Insects Grow

Insects change a great deal during their lives. These changes can be so drastic that various growth stages look entirely different. Metamorphosis (pronounced mettamor-fo-sis and meaning change-of-shape-process) is the name given to the sequence of changes from egg to adult. The two most common forms of insect metamorphosis are called gradual and complete. Gradual or incomplete metamorphosis Here, the insect that emerges from the egg is called a nymph. It looks like a little adult, not like a worm. As the nymph grows, it sheds its skin and after several growth stages reaches adulthood. Wings develop from flaps on the thorax that enlarge sideways at each stage. The young nymphs live in the same habitat and eat the same food as the adults, thus competing with them directly.

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Egg Nymph Adult

Gradual metamorphosis of a mole cricket


Day 7-Nymph

Day 23-Nymph

Day 50-Adult

Life cycle of a grasshopper Complete metamorphosis Here, the embryo hatches from the egg without features of the adult. It usually resembles a worm and is called a larva (plural: larvae). Larvae shed their skins as they outgrow them and increase in size. After a certain number of sheddings, the outer skin hardens into a tough casing and the insect is now called a pupa or chrysalis. Some larvae which are caterpillars, like those of moths or sawflies, construct a silk covering over the pupa and this is called a cocoon. During its pupal stage, the insect transforms itself completely, with some cells moving into their adult position and the remainder turning to mush and being discarded. When the insect emerges from the pupal case, it is a winged adult and can reproduce. At first the wings are soft and shriveled. They are pumped up with blood to full size, then enzymes tan and harden the skin. Complete metamorphosis allows the young insect not to compete with the adult by living a different life from the adult in a different habitat. For example, the leaf-eating caterpillar becomes a nectar-sipping butterfly.
Where do you fit?

Egg Caterpillar


Adult Complete metamorphosis of a Gulf fritillary





Life cycle of a two-wing fly

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The Working Parts of an Insect: Outside

All insects have three body divisions: The head is concerned with getting food and with sensing what goes on in the insect's surroundings. Thus, eyes (for seeing), antennae (mostly for smelling and tasting) and mouthparts (for feeding) are all located on the head. The thorax is the body division involved with movement. Thus, the three pairs of jointed legs (typical for all insects) and the two pairs of wings (possessed by most, but not all insects) are located on the thorax. The abdomen is the largest, fattest section and it contains the organs for digestion, elimination and reproduction.

Insect ancestor

Evolution of insect anatomy

Molting split line Ocelli (simple eyes) Compound eye Antenna



3 10 S17 S10 S11 S12 A S5 S2 S4 S6 S7 S8 S9 S13 S14 S15 S16 S18 17 T 18 19

Mandible Labrum

Front view of an insect head

S1 5 6 4 S3 7

13 8 9 16 15


Typical Insect Thorax

The thorax includes: segment S5 or prothorax with pronotal shield (10); and foreleg (11); segment S6 or mesothorax with forewing (12) and midleg (13); segment S7 or metathorax with hindwing (14) and hindleg (15).

Exoskeleton The head consists of: a cap or acron (A) in front with antenna (1); ocelli (2); eyes (3); mouth (4); segment S1 with upper lip or labrum (5); segment S2 with jaws or mandibles (6); segment S3 with foodfingers or maxillary palps (7); segment S4 with lower lip or labium (8); often with additional foodfingers or labial palps (9).

The abdomen includes: segment S8 (often reduced or fused with the thorax in wasps); and segments S9 through 14 (simple segments usually without appendages); segments S15 to S17, carrying gonopods (16) or specialized appendages for mating and egg laying; the last segment S18, carrying hind feelers or cerci (17) and the paraprocts (18) or frass shapers for eliminating waste. The anus (19) opens between the last segment and the telson (T).


Old skin Molting of a stick insect

TPWPress 1999

Insects do not have a skeleton made of bones inside the body the way we and other backboned animals do. Instead, the insect skeleton, called an exoskeleton, is a tough skin made of a horn-like material called chitin (pronounced kai-tin). The exoskeleton fits the insects body like a suit-of-armor with flexible membrane joints that permit movement. As the insect grows, the body gets plumper, stretching the membranes until the skin must be shed to accommodate the larger body size. This shedding is called molting. There are several molts before an insect can mature.

The Working Parts of an Insect: Inside

Inside an insects body are the organ systems concerned with various life functions.
The digestive system Y for extracting nutrients


7 11


from swallowed food and pushing out the waste as frass. The system is basically a tube that starts at the mouth (1) with salivary glands (2). The tube of exoskeleton extends as foregut (3) to a crop (4) which often has teeth for grinding food. The soft midgut (5) is attached behind the crop where there are appendixlike sacks or diverticulae (6). These secrete digestive enzymes. The midgut absorbs nutrients, which are transported to the cells by the blood. The circulatory system G for carrying nutrients to, and waste from, all the parts of the body. A tube-shaped segmentally chambered heart (7) pumps the greenishcolored blood to the front of the body along the back. This fluid then circulates freely throughout the body, seeping toward the back as it bathes the cells. There are no blood vessels.


a Side view of the interior of a grasshopper.


8 9

The respiratory system P for obtaining oxygen from air and getting rid of carbon dioxide. Tiny tubes called tracheae (8) (pronounced tray-key-ay), carry air throughout the body from small outside openings called spiracles (9). Aquatic insects have gills as well to keep the tracheae from flooding. Oxygen passes across the gill membrane into the tracheae. Gases are passed directly between cells and tracheae. Some larger insects such as dragonflies and bees may be seen to breathe by muscular movement. Some insects use air to make hissing sounds. The excretory system X for getting rid of the waste left from metabolizing nutrients. The hindgut (10) excretes crystals of soluble waste products removed from the blood by Malpighian tubules (11) which function like kidneys. This soluble waste is excreted dry and combined with discarded food detritus to form the frass which is expelled through the anus (12). The dry excretion of soluble waste allows retention of water. Some wastes get stored in the hard skin of the exoskeleton where they are used to make pigments for bright colors.


Cross-section (a-a) of the interior of a grasshopper.









Bottom-up view of the interior of a grasshopper.

Color Guide
G - Color the blood vessel green. Y - Color the digestive system yellow. X - Color the excretory system (Malpighian tubes) red B - Color the nervous system blue. P - Color the air tubes of the respiratory system pink.

The nervous system B for picking up information from the sense organs and coordinating behavior. There is a brain (13) at the head end. A double nerve cord runs the length of the underside of the body. There are nerve centers or ganglia (14) in each segment to control various parts of the body. Because of these extra brains, an ant that has lost its head will still walk. The reproductive system for the production of future generations. Females have two ovaries with eggs, and males have two testes and an organ for mating. Females mate and save sperm to use later. In most insects, eggs are fertilized as they are laid. Some insects lay unfertilized, yet viable, eggs. This process is called parthenogenesis. Many insects may be parthenogenic in summer but produce males for sexual reproduction in winter.


Silk gland


The alimentary canal (Y), silk gland, dorsal blood vessel (G) and ventral nerve cord (B) of a caterpillar. 7
TPW Press 1999

How Insects Smell, Taste, See and Hear

Smelling and tasting are most important to insects. They are chemical senses that use nerve sensors to recognize molecules. Insects use smell and taste to recognize others of the same species, distinguish males from females, locate suitable foods and follow trails back to the nest. Molecules carried by breezes land on nerve sensors on the antennae where they are identified as smells. Male silk moths smell pheromone (pronounced feroh-moan) molecules released by a female miles away and fly to her. Sexton beetles can smell a dead mouse many yards away and fly to it to lay their eggs on this food and bury it. Other insects taste flavors by touching membranes to foods. Beetles and cockroaches taste with their mouth palps. Butterflies taste leaves with organs on their feet to identify suitable caterpillar food on which to lay eggs. Ants use their antennae to taste the chemical trails marked for them by fellow workers. Seeing is also very important to insects. This physical sense is based on the intensity, color wavelength and polarization of light. Simple eyes, or ocelli, are present in most larval insects and many adults where there may be up to three. They are used to distinguish day from night, and determine the polarization of light which is used to tell time or direction. Compound eyes are found in the adults of insects and other arthropods. The individual eyelets are close-packed honeycomb-like to form a compound eye with six-sided lens facets of clear thick cuticle. Under each facet, an eyelet has its own receptor and optic nerve. We do not know how an insect puts these individual pictures together in its brain. We do not know what a bee actually sees. Compound eyes are good for detecting minute movement. They also sense colors but in different parts of the spectrum than we do. Thus bees and butterflies see the hidden ultraviolet patterns in flowers. Hearing is another important sense for many different insects. Most insects hear by sensing the vibration of small hairs or membranes on the skin. Grasshoppers, crickets and cicadas signal their presence by making noise with ratchets or vibrating membranes. They make noise to communicate their presence or attract mates. Crickets and mantises have membrane organs on the front legs that function as ears. Grasshoppers and cicadas have ears on the abdomen. Many moths have ears on either the thorax or abdomen, tuned to the frequencies of bats, their most serious predators.
8 Compound eye Simple eye

Variety of insect antennae

Honeycomb sixsided lens facets Close-up of eye

Under each facet each eyelet has its own receptor and optic nerve. Ratchet

Grasshoppers sing by bowing the rigid forewing with a ratchet on the inner side of their hindleg.

Crickets and mantises have membrane organs on the front legs that function as ears.

TPWPress 1999

How Insects Fly

Most insects have wings and can fly. Insects were the first organisms to evolve wings 325 million years ago in the middle of the Carboniferous Period. Wings helped their owners escape from the predatory arachnids (spiders and their relatives) and vertebrates that proliferated at that time. Wings may have first served as a shield for the soft abdomen, then as a parachute. They also serve as a radiator-receptor to warm the blood in sunlight on a cold day. The wing is a cell sandwich with tracheal air tubes and blood pathways between upper and lower cuticle. The cuticle is thickened, usually over blood vessels and tracheae to form veins. These veins are veins struts that permit long and strong yet flexible wings.
Cockroach wing

Insects that have power flight use hooks or other methods to lock their wing pairs together in flight.
tracheal air tubes

Wasps use a hymen or row-of-hooks.

Wing Microstructure

blood pathways front/costa

Moths use a frenulum or spike-in-bracket. Bugs use a sulcus or folded margin.

Open wing
back front/costa

Folding pattern

Primitive Wing Structure In order to move the wings, primitive insects like mayflies and dragonflies use two sets of muscles.

Advanced Wing Structure More advanced fliers, like butterflies, flies and bees, use only a single set of muscles.
Spring stressed

Wings up
Contracted muscles Relaxed muscles

Wings up
Contracted muscles


Wings down Wings down

Contracted muscles Relaxed muscles
TPWPress 1999

g relaxe rin

Relaxed muscles

How Insects Move

Most adult insects, nymphs and many larvae have three pairs of legs, one for each segment of the middle section of the body called the thorax.
Coxa The usual insect leg consists of five parts: The coxa joins the leg to the body and is often fused with the body. The trochanter is a small joint permitting the leg to rotate foreward and back. Tibia The femur looks like a thigh and is usually large. The tibia looks like a shin. Femur Tarsus The tarsus looks like a foot with up to 5 Trochanter segments. It ends in a claw or pair of claws. Claw Many insects have hairy or sticky pads on the Femur tarsal segments for traction and tasting. All segments of the leg may have articulated spines Tibia or rigid teeth for traction or protection.

The shapes and proportions of the various parts that go to make up an insects leg vary, depending on its way of life:
Grasshoppers, crickets, fleas, leafhoppers, leaf beetles and other jumpers have muscular femurs and long propelling tibias. Tiger beetles, ants, cockroaches and other runners have long legs in strong sockets. Chafers and other tree-climbing beetles have strong turned-back claws for grasping twigs and leaves. Hanging flies have similar recurved claws for capturing and holding prey. Water beetles and water bugs have paddles or hair-fringed flippers for swimming. Pond striders, caddis flies and other pontoon walkers have fringed feet that hold air-bubble floats permitting walking on water. Flies and other crawlers on smooth leaves or skin have dry adhesive pads that cling to glass with a molecular bond the same way that plastic wrap does. Mantises, mantis flies, assassin bugs and other hunting insects have a forelimb with a spined and muscular femur and opposing tibia for grabbing prey. The usual insect walk is accomplished with reaching forelegs, stabilizing midlegs and pushing hindlegs. The majority of insects have other specialized functions for one or more pairs of legs. In addition to those already mentioned these include digging, clasping, signaling and disguise. Cockroach Grasshopper


Toe Nail Names of the parts of your leg



The many legs of primitive insects (view of abdominal leglets and tubercle organs)
Reach and pull Balance

Praying Mantis



Three-leg system of a cockroach Water-strider


When an insect walks it never lifts more than one or two legs at a time. This gives the insect walk a wavelike motion. Each pair of legs performs a specific function. The forelegs reach ahead, the hindlegs push, while the midlegs act as stabilizers.
TPWPress 1999

How Insects Feed

Insects feed on all sorts of organic materials. Some bite and chew plant materials, others are hunters or scavengers that eat meat (usually other insects), still others suck plant juices or blood. There are even midge larvae that feed on crude oil in tar seeps, digesting it with bacteria in the gut. Biting and chewing mouthparts consisting of several pairs of jaws and jaw-like structures moving from side to side are the basic kind found in insects. These mouthparts evolved from the jointed legs of the front segments of the early ancestor of insects. Biting and chewing mouthparts are common to beetles, grasshoppers, cockroaches, termites and most wingless primitive insects. Basic Kind of Insect Head and Mouth Structure
A - The acron is the front-end head cap. It is divided on top by a Y-shaped epicranial suture, found only in insects. o - The three ocelli or little eyes. a - The antennae or feelers. e - The compound eyes or big eyes. M - The mouth opens between acron and segment 1 underneath. 1 - The labrum is the movable upper lip on segment 1 that is joined to the acron behind and around the mouth. 2 - The mandible is the limb of segment 2 which also bears the tongue. 3 - The maxilla is the limb of segment 3. It has a coxa of two segments. The mandible-like lacinia is attached to the inside of the coxa. The palp-like galea is attached to the end of the coxa. The leg-like maxillary palp (3a) is attached to the outer side of the coxa. This jointed palp has its trochanter attached to the coxa, followed by femur, tibia, tarsus and pretarsus, just like a leg. 4 - The labium is the limb of segment 4. It has a coxa of two segments. The lip-like glossa is attached to the outer segment on its inner edge. The palplike paraglossa is attached to the end of the same segment. The leg-like labial palp (4a) is attached to the outer edge of the same segment. This jointed palp has a trochanter, followed by a femur and tibiotarsus.

123 4 o a A e

4 1 M 2 3 3a 4a

This basic kind of chewing structure is modified in other groups of insects. Usually the modified mouthparts take on a thin, long, piercing and/or sucking shape. Modified Mouthparts Chewing / Lapping: bees and some wasps Piercing / Sucking: most true bugs, leafhoppers, treehoppers, mosquitoes, fleas and horseflies Siphoning: butterflies and moths Sponging: houseflies and stableflies

TPWPress 1999

Mosquito 11



evolution . . .

Major Features of the Evolution of Insects

In Cambrian times, 570 million years ago, a kind of marine crustacean adapted to life in beach pools, caves and freshwater ponds. This may have been an agnostid or an ostracod. The first insects were entomostracans or tiny shrimp-like animals that lived in caves or in damp earth between the rocks sometime between the late Cambrian and the Silurian, from about 535 to 440 million years ago. They stopped being crustaceans when the organization of the head, with one pair of antennae, reached that of insects and when the molt line was restricted to the back and neck. At first they had to be small, as oxygen reached the body cells only by diffusion through the skin. They evolved inpocketing of the skin which formed tubes that brought fresh air through a branching network of tracheal tubes to serve cells deep within the body. This allowed an increase of body size that brought insects out from under rocks and exposed them to the predators of the time. These predators were only arachnids and centipedes until the end of the Devonian, about 350 million years ago, when vertebrates came out on the land. To evade predators, the early insects evolved different body styles and ways of life. They fed on fungus, lichen, algae, decaying plant matter, worms and small arachnids. From this early radiation, symphylans, diplurans, proturans, bristletails and springtails have survived. By the early Devonian, 390 million years ago, some insects evolved a stronger jaw. The two sockets on which the jaw now moved allowed strong muscles and precise biting. Woody plants, armored arthropods, shelled snails and active amphibians became potential food. From this stage, silverfish have survived. By mid-Carboniferous time, 325 million years ago, some insects specialized for amphibious or aquatic life, becoming predators of ponds, especially ephemeral pools which had no predatory fish. To breathe in water, flaps at the edge of the body developed rich tracheae in order to absorb oxygen from the water. These flaps became gills. Some of these gills were used as fins for swimming. As the body grew larger after each molt, the fingills enlarged; those of the muscular thorax, especially on the second and third segment, were largest. Amphibious adults could crawl out on vegetation and fall on prey, using the expanded gills as parachutes. Precision of movement increased with the development of a muscular articulation and the parachute gill-flaps became wings. Dragonflies and mayflies have survived since the middle of the Carboniferous Period from this stage. The early members of this group all had nygma, or clear disc-shaped wing organs of unknown function that today are found only in the wings of panorpoid (see page 37) and neuropteroid (see page 49) superorders. Most of the early nygma-bearing insects, other than dragonflies, evolved sucking mouthparts, at least in the adult stage. They certainly fed on the protein-rich developing cones of higher plants and may also have fed mosquito-like on the blood of the large basking labyrinthodont amphibians of the middle Carboniferous Period.


Leptistheria Tiny shrimp-like animals





Bristletail Springtail



Dragonfly nymph

TPWPress 1999

Meanwhile, also in the mid-Carboniferous, 325 million years ago, other insects specialized for terrestrial life under and on vegetation. The flanges of the thoracic segments enlarged to form shields, especially backwards, to protect the soft upper surface of the flexible abdomen. In order to mate, these shield flaps had to be articulated. They were probably used in courtship rituals as signaling devices and as parachutes during falls out of bushes. Webspinners and angel flies have survived from this stage. None of these insects or their derivatives had nygma. About 315 million years ago in the late Carboniferous, formidable new predators appeared in the form of small reptiles. Insects with sluggish or uncontrolled flight were ready prey. A lot of large insects went extinct when the first reptiles appeared. Forewings became modified as aerodynamic surfaces and hindwings became large undulating pulsed sails, by enlargement of the rear edge. This happened independently in several different orders. Some cockroaches have simple wings as do their termite and beetle derivatives. Others cockroaches have folded vannal fans on the hindwing as do their mantis and cricket derivatives. Grasshoppers and stick insects have folded vannal fans of the hindwing composed of a combination of veins different than those in cockroaches. Stoneflies and earwigs have yet another configuration of the hindwing fan. By 302 million years ago, during the late Carboniferous, some nygma-bearing insects evolved a pupal stage and proliferated in the Permian to become the panorpoid complex including snowskips, scorpionflies, fleas, caddis flies, moths, flies and twistwing flies. A second branch proliferated in the late Carboniferous to become neuropteroids including snakeflies, dobson flies and lacewing flies. Also by 270 million years ago, in early Permian time, some of the relatives of angel flies developed piercing, then sucking mouthparts and survive today as bark lice, biting lice, sucking lice, true bugs, leafhoppers and thrips. A few leaf hopper scale insects have achieved a pupa-like stage. Also by Early Permian time, about 270 million years ago, some of the simplewinged cockroaches evolved a pupal stage, hard forewing cases and a pattern of folding that permitted an extra long hindwing. These survive as beetles, the order of animals that today is richest in species. By 225 million years ago, during Triassic time, a group of parasitic neuropteroid insects evolved a hooked wing-lock mechanism and became parasitic wasps. Some larvae switched from parasitism to eating leaves and became sawflies. Others developed a pronounced waist, setting the stage for the evolution of bees and ants when the flowering plants evolved in the mid-Cretaceous Period about 100 million years ago. Almost all the insect forms we know today had evolved by the time the dinosaurs appeared 220 million years ago. Beetles proliferated first, feeding on the high-protein pollen of conifers and later flowering plants. Flies, moths and bees took advantage of the high-energy nectar produced by flowering plants that diversified in the mid-Cretaceous. The general diversity of insects survived the asteroid impact event at the end of the Cretaceous which is thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs. Indeed a species of carpenter ant and the smoky brown cockroach survived this crisis, and are still with us today.

evolution . . .
Herdinia Early winged insect

Eucaenus Roach relative

Unfolding of earwig hindwing

Early scorpionfly



Cupedid beetle

Early wasp

Carpenter ant

Smoky brown cockroach

TPWPress 1999

NON-HEXAPOD INSECTS Classes Symphyla, Myrientomata and Entotrophi Included here are survivors of the first kinds of insects that crawled onto land at least 400 million years ago. Three classes include three living orders. SYMPHYLANS Order Scolopendrellida 33rd in diversity 6+ species in Texas. Although they look like little centipedes, these animals have the same kind of head as other insects. They have the same kind of abdominal leglets and tubercle organs on their underside (see page 10) as other wingless insects, and they spin silk.
Symphylella texana in Family Scolopendrellidae. This white 24-legged centipede-like animal has a true insect head but no differentiated thorax. The 7mm adult spins silk around the eggs and guards them. Hatchlings have 12 legs and add a pair at the back at each molt. Young and adults eat root hairs in rich organic earth.

Garden symphylan (sym-fie-lan)


TELSONTAILS Order Protura 29th in diversity 8+ species in Texas These tiny insects lack antennae and eyes. The long front legs act as feelers. Parts of a large telsontail have been found in 380-million-year-old rocks.

Worm-like telsontail

Eosentomon vermiforme in Family Eosentomidae. This pale-yellow 6-legged animal has no antennae and uses its front legs as feelers. Needle-jaws and a beak-like lip allow feeding on root cells deep underground. Hatchlings have an 8-segmented abdomen with a telson. Another segment is added in front of the telson at each of 3 molts. Only 1/10mm long, this speck-sized animal can be recognized by its weaving gait.

Measurement Key The size of each insect is given as the length of the adult from the head to the end of the abdomen (not including any tail or appendages). 2mm = the width of a nickel coin 25mm = almost an inch 304mm = almost a foot

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CAMPODEANS Order Diplura 25th in diversity about 27+ species in Texas These small white insects are sensitive to pesticides and other pollutants. Their presence in the soil is an indication of the health of the ecosystem.

Folsoms campodean (camp-oh-dee-an)

Campodea folsomi in Family Campodeidae. This white 6-legged 2-tailed animal has a body like a string of beads. The 4mm adult spins silk. The young are born with 6 legs. Young and adults eat mold or fungal hyphae and small worms in rich organic earth.

Folsoms campodean 4mm

False earwig

Japyx diversiunguis in Family Japygidae. This pale-yellow 6-legged animal has a pair of pincers on the abdomen. It looks like a small wingless earwig. The 8mm adult places eggs on a silk stalk in an earth cavity it guards. Hatchlings lack pincers and are guarded by the mother. Young and adults eat other soil arthropods.

HEXAPOD INSECTS Class Hexapoda (Includes all the remaining insects) The earliest hexapod insects were small six-legged wingless forms that adapted to life under rocks at least 400-million years ago. Two subclasses include three living wingless orders. In two orders, the springtails and bristletails, leverage of the jaws is weak because there is only one articulation of the mandible with the head. SPRINGTAILS Order Collembola 9th in diversity 295+ species in Texas The body is compact by fusion of segments in the abdomen. This provides stability during the huge leaps performed using the spring apparatus. (See Pearly springtail below). Some springtails, like butterflies, have ribbed scales that refract bright metallic colors, especially in species that live in flowers and feed on pollen. Springtails recycle leafmold. more stuff . . .

Pearly springtail

Pseudosinella violenta in Family Entomobryidae. This white insect has iridescent pearly-bluish scales. The 2mm adult has an abdomen of 6 compacted segments. The last pair of leglets on the abdomen are lengthened to form a jacknife-spring, latched by a clasper under the body. Release of the clasper flings the insect high into the air where it may be blown away from predators. The adult places eggs in a varnish capsule. Juveniles molt 6 times. Young and adults feed on fungal hyphae, spores and bacteria. 2mm

Fungus flea

Forage flea

Hypogastrura boletivora in Family Hypogastruridae. This blue-gray-violet insect is pale yellow underneath and covered with waterproof wax. The 1.5mm adult has an abdomen of 6 compacted segments. The furcula spring is very short. Young and adults feed on fungal spores and hyphae and may be found on mushrooms and moldy leaves by the billions in winter.

Sminthurides violaceus in Family Sminthuridae. This is a violet-brown speckle-patterned globular insect. With a tiny head and a large furcula spring, it looks like minute jumping pea. The 1mm adults and young sometimes swarm by the billions in clover fields.

The female captures the male springtail to fertilize her egg. 15

Other springtails 1mm

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Insect designing and story telling Youve learned about the parts that make up an insect. Now, take your ideas and develop a new species of insect. On a sheet of paper or in your journal, draw and tell the story of the discovery of your insect. Write about how you discovered it. What were you doing at the time of your discovery? Does your insect fly, walk or swim? How does it develop? What kind of food does it eat? Where does it live? Does it travel great distances or stay in your backyard? Draw an image that your insect might see from its habitat.

BRISTLETAILS Order Machilida 30th in diversity 8+ species in Texas Bristletails have a body round in cross section or flattened sideways like a shrimp. Fossil bristletails have been found in 390-million-year-old rocks.

Rock bristletail

Hypomachilodes texanus in Family Meinertellidae. This 18mm gray-and-black speckle-patterned shrimpshaped insect has very long jumping legs at the end of the abdomen. It skips about on open rocky areas where it feeds on lichens. Look for these insects on Enchanted Rock in winter.

Machilis variabilis in Family Machilidae. This 9mm silvery and brown specklepatterned shrimp-shaped insect also skips among the pebbles of gravelly prairie. It feeds on devils dishrag algae and lichens. These insects may swarm by the millions in winter.

Prairie bristletail

STRONG-JAWED INSECTS Subclass Dicondylata (Includes all the remaining insects.) At least 392 million years ago insects made their first great leap forward. The jaw developed a second articulation socket with the head. This allowed strong muscles to power a mandible with optimum leverage. SILVERFISH Order Lepismida 28th in diversity 8+ species in Texas Silverfish are primitive wingless insects, flattened top to bottom, like cockroaches. They are covered with hairs, some of which are enlarged to form scales that have a pearly or iridescent sheen. They occur in houses, rock shelters and under rocks in dry habitat. A fossil silverfish was found in 389 million-year-old rocks.


Lepisma saccharina in Family Lepismatidae. This 19mm silver-scaled flat sinuous streamlined insect runs from light in cool damp storage buildings. It feeds on books and baskets. It has followed people out of the caves of Asia into our houses all over the world.

Reddells subterranean silverfish
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Thermobia domestica in Family Lepismatidae. This 15mm gray or brown speckle-patterned flat streamlined insect runs from light in hot dry storage buildings. It feeds on glue and paper. Originating in Asia, it now lives in houses all over the world. 16

WINGED INSECTS Infraclass Alata (Includes all the remaining insects) At least 325 million years ago, strong-jawed insects evolved wing flaps on the second and third segment of the thorax. This was the second great leap forward for insects. There are 6 strong tracheal tubes in a simple insect wing. These tracheal tubes are located in blood passages, the finest of which form a delicate network between the upper and lower skin of the wing. The wing membrane is thickened over the tracheal tubes to form the wing veins. The branched veins act as struts supporting the floppy wing membranes. subcosta (Sc) radius (R)

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Bluebottle fly

Bluebottle fly wing sc r

vannum (V) postcubitus (PCu) The name of insect wing veins.

media (M) cubitus (Cu)



Early pupa

PRIMITIVE WINGED INSECTS Supraorder Polyneoptera These insects have mouthparts adapted to solid food handling and chewing. Except in beetles, the young are little versions without or with incompletely developed wings. The major metamorphosis or structural change between embryo and insect occurs just before hatching of the egg and the young live with and compete with the adults for food. Fossils have been found in 325-million-year-old rocks. HOMONEUROUS PROTORTHOPTERANS Superorder Embioidea These primitive winged insects have the forewing and hindwing nearly the same shape. The oldest fossils have been found in 325-million-year-old rocks. WEBSPINNER FLIES Order Embiida 32nd in diversity 4+ species in Texas These curious insects spin silk from glands on their forelegs. They live communally under bark or in leaf thatch of palms and yuccas. In some species, wingless females feed on plants and winged males are predators. The wings develop gradually over several nymph stages, as backward extensions of the corners of the top shields of the middle and back segment of the thorax. Fossil webspinner flies have been found in 260-million-year-old rocks.
v PCu cu m

sc r

Late pupa sc r

m cu v (PCu) Adult Development of tracheae in a silkmoth wing

Black webspinner fly

Oligotoma nigra in Family Oligotomidae. This 14mm brown-to-black beaded-bodied insect is found under the bark of dead postoak trees. Winged males retreat into the tubes backwards, dragging their wings over their heads behind them. They feed on bark and dead leaves and the insects they find in them. Male Webspinner nymph wing development 17
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ANGEL FLIES Order Zoraptera 35th in diversity 1 species known in Texas These tiny social insects have winged and wingless forms. They associate with termites or earwigs and feed on their young, along with mites and fungus. They are one of the oldest groups of living insects, having survived at least 318 million years.

Hubbards angel fly

Angel fly nymph

Zorotypus hubbardi in Family Zorotypidae. This 2mm white-banded brown-to-black insect is found in soft decayed wood and old sawdust piles in the Big Thicket of East Texas.

Finding words youve learned

N I G N U F C Y E MO L D S WN L T H T S O S I L N A P O A R A O K O D P L I N P R C P H A R D C S E B D OO F Find the words below. They can be up, down, forward, backward or diagonal within the puzzle. CROPS FOOD FUNGI MOLD PLANTS POLLEN SAP WOOD

Male Female LICE, BUGS and THRIPS Superorder Hemipteroidea These insects have an enlarged front of the head behind which lies a powerful muscle attached to the back of the mouth for suction. Most have part of the mouth adapted for piercing; some have a pronounced beak for drawing in fluids. BARKLICE Order Psocida 16th in diversity 123+ species in Texas These ancient survivors have bulbous bodies and large heads with chewing mouthparts partially modified for piercing. Winged species fold the wings rooflike over the body. Some spin silk and live communally. Others live in caves where they feed on scraps left by bats, and in libraries where cookie crumbs and library paste are their food. Fossil barklice have been found in 260-million-year-old rocks.

Cave louse


Psyllipsocus ramburii in Family Psyllipsocidae. This 3mm greenish gray louse is found in caves in warm and tropical areas. It enters houses to feed on dry protein such as dead insects.


Nymph stages

Commom booklouse

Liposcelis divinatorius in Family Liposcelidae. This 1.5mm pale-tan louse infests and eats books or other dry vegetable cellulose stored in humid places.


Stout barklouse
Developmental stages of a barklouse
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Peripsocus californicus in Family Peripsocidae. This 6mm black-banded clear-winged barklouse is found crawling on the trunks of trees during damp cool weather. 18


BITING LICE Order Mallophaga 11th in diversity 400+ species in Texas Found on mammals and birds, these lice feed on scraps of skin, hair or feathers. They have large toothed mandibles adapted to grinding. They may have evolved from nest-dwelling barklice about a 100 million years ago.

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Slender duck-feather louse

Anaticola crassicornis in Family Philopteridae. This 2.5mm reddish-brown slender louse eats scraps of skin and feathers on ducks, especially the feral Muscovy ducks found in South Texas. Turkey louse

Chicken headlouse

Lipeurus heterographus in Family Philopteridae. This 1.5mm brown louse eats scraps of skin and feathers on the heads of chickens. It has followed the spread of domestic chickens from India all over the world.

Cattle biting louse

Bovicola bovis in Family Trichodectidae. This 2mm brown slender louse eats scraps of skin and fur on the hides of living cattle. It has followed human migration and colonization on domestic cows from India.

Hen and chick 2mm

LEAFHOPPERS Order Homoptera 6th in diversity 2700+ Texas species These insects have strongly veined, clear, often glassy wings. The mouthparts form a beak towards the back of the head and are adapted for piercing and sucking plant sap. They frequently excrete excess body wax. This may be as a white powder, long streamers, or hard shells of shellac. Some exude sugar syrup or honeydew with which they obtain the protection of ants. Fossil leafhoppers have been found in 260-million-year-old rocks.


Broadwing hopper

Acanalonia bivittata in Family Acanaloniidae. This 6mm green broadwinged net-veined leafhopper feeds socially with its waxy young near the tip of a growing shoot of many kinds of shrubs. Because of their broad wings and strong patterns, some fossil species have been mistaken for butterflies.

Where to put the pin in a specimen

Broadwing hopper 6mm Horn hopper Leafhopper dorsal view 10mm

Horn hopper

Scolops sulcipes in Family Dictyopharidae. Like its relative the lantern fly, this 10mm brown leafhopper has an inflated face, extended foreward to form a horn. It is most often seen at lights at night. 19

Horn hopper
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Cicada face

Cicada nymph

Tibicen superbus in Family Cicadidae. This 50mm green cicada is common in the heat of summer, buzzing in the treetops. When picked up under a light, the males squeal but the females are silent.

Superb cicada

Superb cicada 50mm body

Froghopper spittlebug

Lepyronia quadrangularis in Family Cercopidae. The nymphs of this insect suck the sap of plants and release a clear froth that hides them and keeps them from drying out. The 5.5mm brown-banded tan-colored adult has a huge leap and resembles a tiny tree frog.

Spittlebug 5.5mm body

Adult cicada emerging from nymphal skin Spittlebug

Meadow cicada

Buffalo treehopper

Stictocephala bisonia in Family Membracidae. This green thorn-shaped 11.5mm hopper feeds on the sap of green twigs.


Painted leafhopper

Cicadella hieroglyphica in Family Cicadellidae. This 7mm bright-red leafhopper has black hieroglyphiclike marks on the head, red wings with white streaks and a yellow spot in the middle of the body. These hoppers are most common on willow.

Grape leafhopper
Gulf black willow leaves

Erythroneura comes in Family Cicadellidae. This 5.5mm brown-speckled clear-wing leafhopper swarms on grapevines in fall. 10-million-year-old fossils of this species are found in South Texas. There are 369 other species in the same large genus. 20


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Paratrioza cockerelli in Family Psyllidae. Common on peppers and other nightshades, this 4mm greenish-tan fly feeds on plant sap. Psyllids have been common since Permian time, before the dinosaurs, some 260 million years ago.

Tomato-Potato psyllid

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White fly larva

Greenhouse whitefly

Trialeurodes vaporariorum in Family Aleyrodidae. These 1.5mm waxy-white broad-winged flies look like tiny moths as they rise in a cloud from ligustrum and other shrubs.

White fly adult


Melon aphid

Aphis gossypii in Family Aphididae. This common 2.5mm green aphid feeds on the sap of cucumbers, melons, cotton and many other soft green plants. Winged males and females hatch only in winter. In summer, males are not produced and the parthenogenic females give birth to pregnant young. In this way huge populations are built up rapidly. The third generation may be seen through the translucent back of the summer female.

Japanese privet

Clover greenfly egg

Grape phylloxera

Phylloxera vitifoliae in Family Phylloxeridae. This 1mm white aphid-like bug was accidentally introduced from Texas into Europe in the 19th century where it almost wiped out the wine business. The old vinyards of Europe were saved by grafting the European heirloom grapes onto phylloxera-resistant American rootstock.

Clover greenfly female

Grape phylloxera underside 1mm

Cochineal bug

Dactylopius coccus in Family Dactylopiidae. This 2mm flat waxy pink bug lives on prickly-pear cactus. It exudes a protective coat of white wax filaments. In Mexico these insects are gathered to make the edible red dye cochineal. 21

Prickly pear
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TRUE BUGS Order Hemiptera 5th in diversity 1600+ species in Texas Almost all true bugs have the base of the forewing thickened to form a wing case, while the outer portion is veined and clear. The wings clip tightly shut with a latching mechanism on the edge. Hindwings are large, membranous and well adapted for driving flight. The mouthparts form a beak at the front of the head and are adapted for piercing and sucking plant sap or animal blood. Fossil true bugs have been found in 245-million-year-old rocks.
Ocelli Antenna
rn Ho

Burrowing bug 5mm

Compound eye

yp art

ent par par t

n Tra

Lace bug nymph Beak (needle) Chinch bug nymph

Burrowing bug

Pangeus bilineatus in Family Cydnidae. This 5mm shiny black beetle-like bug is common in the soil of forests. Adults and nymphs feed on sap from the roots of trees. 5mm

Chinch bug adult 4mm

Yucca plant bug

Leptoglossus phyllopus in Family Coreidae. This brightly patterned brown, pale-yellow-and-red-spotted 20mm plant bug belongs to a mimicry group that includes the polistes paper wasp (see page 54) as model and a clearwing moth (see page 39) as mimic.

Lace bug underside

Chinch bug

Blissus leucopterus in Family Lygaeidae. In an effort to eliminate this black-and-cream-colored 4mm feeder on San Augustine grass, a lot of poison has been poured on lawns and been washed off into our streams and rivers.


Beautiful lace bug

Sycamore lace bug 5mm

Corythuca bellula in Family Tingidae. This tan-colored net-winged 5mm bug sidles across leaves of forest trees. Adults and nymphs feed on sap.

Assassin bug
Ambush bug
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Phymata erosa in Family Phymatidae. This 11mm green, yellow-and-black patched bug waits on flowers to pounce on butterflies, its prey. 22


Wheel bug

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Arilus cristatus in Family Reduviidae. This 40mm dark-brown predatory bug may be seen on warm days in winter flying between trees or searching for insect prey. It has what looks like half a cogwheel on its back. It really stinks.

Top view of wheel bug


Kissing bug

Reduvius personatus in Family Reduviidae. This 13mm black-and-orange bug sucks blood from mice, rats and domestic animals.

Conenose bloodsucker

Triatoma sanguisuga in Family Reduviidae. This 22mm brown bug with yellow-and-black-banded abdomen lurks in old buildings, rockpiles and caves. This insect disperses at night to suck blood from sleeping people and domestic animals. In South America they carry Chagas Disease, a kind of sleeping sickness common in horses.


Where to put the pin in a speciman

Water strider

Gerris remigius in Family Gerridae. Using pontoons formed from hairs on the feet, this 18mm gray-black skinny bug skates across the surface of ponds. It pounces on insect prey which it drains of blood with its beak.

Giant waterbug

Lethocerus americanus in Family Belostomatidae. Also known as electric-light bug, this 85mm greenish-gray-andbrown flat insect is attracted to lights at night. It can stab a painful bite if cornered. It is normally aquatic. The female lays her eggs on the back of the male who keeps them safe until they hatch. 85mm

Water strider


Notonecta undulata in Family Notonectidae. This green-and-brown 18mm water bug looks silvery from the large air bubble it carries between its legs. This bubble acts as a float so the insect swims upside down. One pair of long legs are used as oars to row the bug along.

Threadleg bug


Water boatman

Underside of backswimmer

Arctocorixa alternata in Family Corixidae. This yellow-and-brown-banded 8mm water bug often swarms in desert pools. It swims right side up and usually has fine cross-striped forewings. It is eaten by some Native Americans. 23
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SUCKING LICE Order Anoplura 26th in diversity 24+ Texas species These minute flattened tick-like insects have piercing mouthparts adapted for drawing blood. The feet are tiny clamps for holding fast to hairs. The head is very small. Each species is adapted to feed on one or a few closely related host animals. Some hosts, such as people, have several species of louse specialized to feed on them. Fossil sucking lice have been found on frozen ground squirrels in ancient permafrost.


Human head louse

Pediculus humanus in Family Pediculidae. Black-and-brown 5mm cooties sometimes show up at school and pass from head to head among children. The large white eggs are laid attached to hair and are called nits. It has spread world-wide on its human host. 5mm

Hog louse

Haematopinus suis in Family Haematopinidae. This dark brown, wide, flat 4mm louse is found on hogs. From Africa or Asia, it has spread worldwide with human migration. American javelinas carry different species.

Pear thrips

THRIPS Order Thysanoptera 15th in diversity 197+ species in Texas Even adult thrips are tiny. Their wings are reduced sticks fringed with long hairs on which they are carried by the wind. Juvenile thrips and wingless adults may move from plant to plant by hitching a ride on another insect. Most feed on plants. A few are pests. Some beneficial species feed on mites. Others serve as food for hummingbirds who gather them in flowers with their barbed tongues. Fossil thrips have been found in 250-million-year-old rocks.

Eggs Nymph stages

Orange thrips

Scirtothrips citri in Family Thripidae. This 3.5mm black-and-pale-yellow common thrips of native and crop citrus plants is notorious for infecting host plants with virus diseases. Adult



Nymph stages

Developmental stages of the redbanded thrips

Flower thrips
Female 1.5mm

Frankliniella tritici in Family Thripidae. Often a pest of crops, this black-and-cream 1.5mm insect may occur in populations of billions. 24

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HOMONEUROUS PROTORTHOPTERAN ALLIES Superorder Perloidea These insects have many crossveins in the wing. The pleated fan of the hindwing is composed of a different set of veins than found in grasshoppers and their relatives or in cockroaches and their relatives. Fossil homoneurous protorthopteran insects of the extinct order Paraplecoptera occur in 290-million-year-old rocks in North Texas. EARWIGS Order Dermaptera 24th in diversity 8+ species in Texas Earwigs have nothing to do with human ears. The name comes from their habit of congregating to feed on flies in the flower of devils ear, the plant now known as jack-in-the-pulpit. The end of the abdomen bears cerci formed into pincers. These are used in courtship and may also be used for defense. Fossil earwigs have been found in 200-million-year-old rocks.

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Ancient paraplecopteran

Ring-legged earwig

Euborellia annulipes in Family Labiduridae. This 12mm dark-brown insect with yellow-ringed legs is a native species found where grain is stored, in packrat nests or in grain elevators. It feeds on the young and dead of insect pests of grain.

Ancient protelytropteran

Finding words youve learned


Common earwig

Forficula auricularia in Family Forficulidae. This 15mm chestnut-brown-and-black species accompanied settlers from Europe and is found throughout Texas wherever there are gardens. It lives under rocks, boards and flowerpots where there is a chance of moisture. Food is mostly dead and decaying organic matter but occasionally young tender shoots are eaten in the garden.


Find the words below. They can be up, down, forward, backward or diagonal within the puzzle. ADULT BUGS COCOON COMMON EGG INSECT LARVA NYMPH PUPA

STONEFLIES Order Perlida 21st in diversity 76+ species in Texas The young nymphs of these insects develop in cold-water streams where they feed on small aquatic arthropods, often taking more than one year to develop. Most adults do not feed and have short lives from 2 to 3 weeks. The wing action is not powerful and does not permit sustained flight.

Winter stonefly

Hydroperla crosbyi in Family Capniidae. This 16mm lemon-yellow-and-black stonefly is one of the few found outside East Texas. The aquatic nymphs live in fissures of the Edwards Aquifer, coming to the surface for emergence of the adults. Adults are found in winter and spring in rocky areas, often far from surface streams.

GRASSHOPPERS AND THEIR RELATIVES Superorder Orthopteroidea These insects typically have many long parallel veins in the forewing. The back of the hindwing is expanded as a pleated fan. Fossils have been found in 300-millionyear-old rocks.

Riparian earwig
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WALKING STICKS Order Phasmida 19th in diversity 13+ species in Texas Not only do the adults resemble twigs, grass and leaves, but the eggshell is also disguised as a seed. Large species are rarely seen because they live in the tops of trees, but sometimes may be found knocked to the ground after a storm. They feed on leaves. Some females reproduce by parthenogenesis, that is without mating with males. Females of other species may remain mated for several days. Fossil walking stick insects are found in 290-million-year-old rocks.
Anisomorpha ferruginea in Family Anisomorphidae. Greenish-brown 65mm adults of this species may be found walking on trees and on the sides of houses in fall and winter. Mating pairs of large females and tiny males may stay coupled for several days. When disturbed, they spray an acrid fluid from glands behind the head. Be careful, they aim for the eyes.

Prairie alligator

Walking stick 150mm


GRASSHOPPERS Order Orthoptera 8th in diversity 460+ species in Texas Lengthened hindlegs with strong muscles in the femur permit powerful jumping by these insects. Nymphs use this jump to escape. Adults use the jump to launch into a driving flight. The front wing is semi-fixed and the hindwing fan is waved for propulsion. Males sing by bowing the rigid forewing with a ratchet located on the inner side of the femur of the hindleg. Fossil grasshoppers occur in 220-millionyear-old rocks.
Crown Antenna Where to put the pin in a specimen Which are the two identical grasshoppers? Wings (cut off) Studs forming bow or ratchet Hindleg

Ocelli Compound eye

ing ew g r o F win d Hin

Ear Hindleg (cut off) Foreleg Midleg

Digging tail organ Spiracles 3 foot joints on all legs

American locust

Schistocerca americana in Family Catantopidae. The 95mm black-speckled tan-and-yellow adults of this species and five others are especially common in fall and winter in the Post Oak woodlands of Central Texas. Unlike their close relatives, the locusts of the Bible, they do not normally swarm. They feed on most plants, living or dead.

95mm body American locust

Longwing plains grasshopper

49mm body 26

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Dissosteira longipennis in Family Oedipodidae. Adults of this 49mm species are found on prairies where males hover, clattering their wings in competition for territory and mates. They feed on herbaceous plants, mostly grasses. These insects have brown mottledtan forewings and cream-tipped black hindwings.

Rough-backed pygmy grasshopper

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10mm Asymmetric mandibles

Paratettix rugosus in Family Tetrigidae. This brown-speckled 10mm grasshopper has tiny forewing flaps and large clear hindwings. It is found frequently on the ground in open woodland along streams.

Mexican grouse locust



Paratettix mexicanus in Family Tetrigidae. The brown-white-and-tan-speckled 12mm adults of this species are especially common in fall and winter on the gravelly floor of Post Oak woodland in Central Texas. They feed on lichens and plant detritus.

Labium Grasshopper mouth parts


Ellipes minuta in Family Tridactylidae. Adults of this 6mm yellow-brown species may be found on wet sticky yellow clay around pools in the limestone regions of Texas. They live in burrows in which they survive summer drought. They have spine-pontoons on the hind feet which they use to walk on water. They feed on green slime algae.

ROACHES AND THEIR RELATIVES Superorder Blattopteroidea These insects have many-branched veins in the forewing. The fan of the hindwing includes different veins than in the grasshoppers and their relatives. CRICKETS Order Grylloptera 10th in diversity 271+ Texas species Unlike true grasshoppers, crickets have a set of strong crop teeth for grinding food, and most crickets are fierce predators or omnivores. Sound is produced by filing a ratchet on a wing vein over a vein on the other wing. There is usually a vibrating membrane near the base of the wing to magnify the sound. Like mantises, crickets have ears on their legs. Large sword-like ovipositors place cricket eggs into the ground or under bark of plants. Fossil crickets have been found in 316million-year-old rocks.
Antenna Ocellus Compound eye Ear Foreleg Midleg Ready-to-jump position

The leap




Forewing Sword ovipositor (female) 4 foot joints on all legs

The float

Broadwing katydid

Ready-to-land position

Microcentrum rhombifolium in Family Tettigoniidae. This green 60mm leaf-winged cricket is often heard in the treetops. It is seen only when blown to the ground or dropped by predators, where it is soon devoured by fire ants. These crickets eat leaves in the treetops. 27

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Conehead katydid

Male conehead cricket Female

Neoconocephalus triops in Family Tettigoniidae. This 68mm prairie cricket is common all year in gardens and meadows. Summer individuals are green, winter individuals are tan colored. It has strong black jaws in a red mouth and has a strong bite. Although its main food is grass, it may catch and eat other insects. It produces a hissing scratchy call by rubbing the wings together. It is often attracted to light.

Jerusalem cricket

Club-tailed camel cricket

Ceuthophilus nodulosus in Family Ceuthophilidae. This 24mm wingless brown-mottled tan cricket lives in caves and hollow trees. It is frequent in basements, cool sheds and privies. It feeds on fungus, dead insects and decaying plants.

Prairie-ant cricket
Prairie-ant cricket hitching a ride on an ant

1.5mm Female

Myrmecophila nebrascensis in Family Myrmecophilidae. This 1.5mm pale-gray cricket lives in ant nests. The cricket feeds on dead insect matter in the ant nest and is also fed on regurgitated food by the ants who, in return, receive special chemical secretions from their guest.

House cricket

Acheta domestica in Family Gryllidae. This 16mm tan cricket accompanied humans out of Africa and then spread throughout the world with European colonists. It lives in houses where it requires minimal food and moisture. Ancient legend warns of an impending death in the house, when a cricket trills in the hearth. Green tree cricket Eggs

Green tree cricket


Oecanthus fultoni in Family Oecanthidae. This 17mm pale-green musician of summer and fall comes to house lights. The timing of trills changes with air temperature. The trill frequency at any locality may be calibrated and used as an audible thermometer. Eggs are inserted under the bark of twigs by the female who uses her sword-shaped ovipositor.



Mole cricket

Mole cricket
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Neocurtilla hexadactyla in Family Gryllotalpidae. This 31mm grayish yellow-tan subterranean cricket used to be considered an agricultural pest for the damage done by nymphs to the roots of crops. Pesticides and the attraction of adults to commercial lighting at night has led to a sharp decline in populations. It is considered an endangered species in some midwestern states. 28

TERMITES Order Termitida 20th in diversity 19+ species in Texas These small, soft-bodied, pale-colored social insects can digest wood with the help of single-celled organisms that live in their gut. They are found in dead trees, in buildings, in the soil, in earth mounds and in cardboard structures of their own making. Fossil termites have been found in 98-million-year-old rocks.

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Adobe termite

Gnathamitermes tubiformans in Family Termitidae. Colonies of these 8mm yellowish termites occur in dry pastures and desert grassland where they may cause the bald or discolored spots. They construct earth tubes up the outside of surviving dead and dying vegetation, which they eat. They are also found living in dry cow dung.

Adobe termite male

Blackhead termite

Adobe termite queen

Nasutitermes corniger in Family Nasutiermitidae. These 7mm dark-brown termites manufacture globular nests of corrugated cardboard on vegetation high above the ground. From a distance these look like heads or like mammals sleeping in the trees. Bacterial digestion of cellulose in the gut of these termites contributes more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than do cattle which digest cellulose in the same way. In Texas, this species is found only in tropical woodland along the lower Rio Grande, but it ranges far into South America. Egg

Nymph stages

Blackhead termite worker

Adobe termite worker

Common termite

Reticulitermes claripennis in Family Reticulitermidae. These 7mm black-and-cream clear-winged termites normally live in dead roots of mesquite and other trees. With these habits, they, of course, will infest any house where woodwork touches the ground.

Find the trail through the maze.

Worker Queen

Blackhead termite soldier

Common termite soldier

Out 29
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MANTISES Order Manteida 22nd in diversity 74+ species in Texas These insects are proficient hunters. They watch the eyes, even of large animals. They will track your eyes as you walk behind them while only moving their head. The spiny forelegs shoot out to grasp prey and crush it. They nibble on the torn body of their food with precise mouthparts. The order is less than 80 million years old and evolved from a superfamily of cockroaches.



Little brown mantis

Carolina mantis

Litaneutria minor in Family Pyrgomantidae. The 23mm gray adults are found on dry vegetation where they wait for insect prey to land. Eggs are laid in a small case of dried protein foam made by the mother. The tiny nymphs disperse, most of them not surviving to adulthood.




Mediterranean mantis

Iris oratoria in Family Mantidae. This 54mm green or brown mantis startles predators by suddenly opening its wings to display the large eyespots on the hindwings. It was imported and introduced in 1933 to control pests in cotton fields. Horned ground mantis

Finding words youve learned


Find the words below. They can be up, down, forward, backward or diagonal within the puzzle. CLIMBER CRAWLER DIGGER JUMPER HOLDER RUNNER SIGNAL SWIMMER WALKER
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Bordered mantis

Stagmomantis limbata in Family Mantidae. This 71mm green mantis is often found among sunflowers waiting for butterflies and other insects to land. It constructs a protein-plastic foam case around the egg mass in which the eggs survive the winter, protected from parasites and predators. 71mm 30

COCKROACHES Order Blattoptera 14th in diversity 30+ species in Texas Although most cockroaches are winged, they rely mainly on quick legs to dart out of danger. They flourish anywhere there is food, moisture and warmth. Roaches adapted to living in houses have oily bodies. They carry bacteria in this oil to condition the food they run over. They also mark their territory with strong odors we find foul. Other roaches living in the wild have clean waxed bodies covered with velvet down and are not unpleasant at all. Fossil roaches occur in 316-millionyear-old rocks.
Compound eye Pronotum Forewing Antenna Simple eye Cerci Mouthparts Thorax Frontleg Midleg Abdomen Hindleg

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Female Leafcutter-ant-guest roach

Leafcutter-ant-guest roach
Leafcutter-ant-guest roach male 2.5mm

Attaphila fungicola in Family Attaphilidae. Adults are found up to 15 feet underground in the fungus garden chambers of the leafcutter ant. Young individuals may ride to a new colony on the backs of their hosts. This tan 2.5mm roach was discovered 12 feet underground in a building excavation in Austin in 1904.

Female Bolls sandroach

Bolls sandroach

Arenivaga bolliana in Family Polyphagidae. Red-speckled gray-brown 30mm adult males fly to light in summer in Central Texas. Other related species occur in West and South Texas. The downy females have no wings and burrow in the dust under houses and in natural rock shelters where they feed on packrat droppings.

Male 30mm

Say people who have eaten them Cockroaches taste like shrimp. Life span American cockroach 100-500 days Brownbanded cockroach 115-136 days German cockroach 90-200 days

Meadow roach

Pseudomops septentrionalis in Family Pseudomopidae. Tan 19mm adults are found in daytime on meadow foliage, especially along streams, in late spring and early summer. This, our prettiest cockroach is black with an orange shield over the head and a yellow margin to the wings.


Giant cockroach 300-600 days Oriental cockroach 316-533 days Smoky brown cockroach 191-586 days

Dark wood roach

Parcoblatta pensylvanica in Family Pseudomopidae. Pale-bordered black 21mm adults are found under leaves in woodland along rivers. A fossil of this old species has been found in 38-million-year-old volcanic ash beds.

Smoky brown cockroach


Periplaneta fuliginosa in Family Blattidae. The 48mm adults may wander into houses but are much more common outdoors. Nymphs live in accumulations of damp leaves in gutters or knotholes of hollow trees. The young eat fungus and animal droppings. The dark-walnut-brown adults eat moist decaying matter. This species ranges from Florida to Austin and also occurs in southern Japan. A 72-million-year-old fossil of this species has been found at a dinosaur and redwood fossil locality in Montana. This may be the oldest known living animal species. Respect that roach when you meet it! 31

German cockroach carrying egg case 2.5mm

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BEETLES Superorder Coleopteroidea These hard-shelled roach-like insects have made the third great leap forward in insect evolution they have developed a pupal stage. Larvae live very differently from adults and do not compete with them for food. Metamorphosis or major change in body plan occurs between pupa and adult. This separation of larvae from adults is such an asset to insect livelihood that a pupal stage evolved three different times in different groups of insects. BEETLES Order Coleoptera the most diverse order 18000+ species in Texas As in earwigs and true bugs, at least part of the forewing of beetles is a hard shell used to protect the hindwing. As in earwigs, the hindwing is longer than the forewing wing cover called elytron and must be cross-folded to be stowed away. Unlike earwigs, however, the wing is not pleated but rolled and is cross-folded. Like cockroaches, beetles have well-developed chewing mouthparts. Beetles have one or more kinds of larva per species and a pupal stage. They are scavengers, omnivores, carnivores, herbivores, burrowing miners, and wood borers. They have survived for at least 260 million years. Although beetles are often grouped with all the other insects that have a pupal stage, they are structurally closest to their roach relatives.
Wing cover or case (elytron) Antenna Compound eye Jaws: Labial Palp Maxillary Palp Abdomen Hindleg 5 foot joints on all legs Coxa Trochanter Femur Tibia Midleg Foreleg Pygidium

Carolina tiger beetle

Mottled reticulated beetle

Snail-eating beetle

Cupes concolor in Family Cupesidae. Found under the bark of dead trees, this 11.5mm brown beetle has changed little since its family first appeared in the Permian, some 250 million years ago.

Circulionoid larva Cerambycoid larva Caraboid larva 2mm

Telephone pole beetle

Micromalthus debilis in Family Micromalthidae. This 2mm brown fly-like beetle has several unusual kinds of larvae which may produce pupae and adults, or may by parthenogenesis give birth to more larvae. They are found in rotting wood.


Splendid tigerbeetle
Developmental stages of the telephone pole beetle
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Cicindela splendida in Family Cicindelidae. A beautiful glossy green 15mm beetle with cream-flecked copper-red wing cases found running over sandy roads in pine and oakwoods. The subterranean larvae use their head and thorax for a trapdoor. 32


Searcher beetle

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Calosoma scrutator in Family Carabidae. A foul-smelling beautiful glossy green 36mm beetle with iridescent blue-and-copper trim. This voracious predator eliminates cutworms and other caterpillars.

Large ground beetle

Pasimachus punctulatus in Family Carabidae.

This 30mm glossy black beetle is seen running over open ground even in hot sunny weather. It preys on armyworms and tent caterpillars.

30mm Scarites beetle

Small ground beetle Cornseed beetle

Harpalus caliginosus in Family Carabidae. Found under clumps of short grass, this black 11mm beetle is a predator of cutworms. Agonoderus pallipes in Family Carabidae. Found eating germinating grain, this 6.5mm black-and-yellow beetle often flies to light.

Crawling water beetle


Peltodytes pedunculatus in Family Haliplidae. Found in puddles and streams, this 3.5mm black-spotted yellow beetle crawls over aquatic plants. The larva eats small water animals. Adults fly from pond to pond.

Bombardier beetle

Predaceous diving beetle

Dytiscus marginicollis in Family Dytiscidae. Sometimes called water tigers, the adult and their larvae are voraceous predators that take minnows and tadpoles as well as insect prey. The black color of the 30mm beetle has a greenish oily sheen.

Bronzy large whirlygig


Dineutus assimilis in Family Gyrinidae. This 11mm flat bronzy-black beetle scuds across the water surface of ponds. The eyes are specialized with the top half of each eye adapted to see above water and the lower half below water.

Colliurus beetle

Water scavenger beetle

Hydrous triangularis in Family Hydrophilidae. This 48mm streamlined black beetle and its larva feeds on decaying animal and plant detritus. Flying from pond to pond, these beetles are often attracted to light. Underneath, they have a strong double-spiked keel. Their fossils are abundant with mastodon remains in the tar pits of Los Angeles. 33 48mm

Water scavenger beetle

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Sexton beetle

Larva Adult

Nicrophorus marginatus in Family Silphidae. This 21mm orange-and-black-banded beetle is attracted to the smell of dead animals. A number of beetles excavate earth from under the body, lowering it into the ground. They lay their eggs on this larval food supply before covering it with earth.

Spotted rove beetle

Sexton beetle

Staphylinus maculosus in Family Staphylinidae. A velvety brown 18.5mm beetle with spots, this insect is attracted to decaying animals where it feeds on the other insects feeding on the carrion.


Eyed elater

37mm Pupa Flathead apple tree borer beetle

Alaus oculatus in Family Elateridae. This is a 37mm black click beetle with a striking pattern of a white waxy coating. When placed on its back on a flat surface, it will flip over with a sharp crack of the body. Larvae bore in decaying elm trees and adults are usually found wandering on the trunks of dead trees.

Appletwig borer beetle

Amphicerus hamatus in Family Bostrichidae. This toothed black 21mm beetle bores in twigs of fruit trees and grapevines. It frequently flies to light.

Flathead apple tree borer beetle


Chrysobothrys femorata in Family Buprestidae. This is a flat 15mm bronze beetle with a copper and greenish sheen, found on and under bark. The larvae eat their way through the dead or dying inner bark leaving twisted flat galleries filled with their frass.

Black carpet beetle

Black carpet beetle

Attagenus piceus in Family Dermestidae. This 7.5mm black beetle and its black-haired larva live in and eat carpets that have stains or residues of soluble organic matter. It is an Old-World cave species that followed humans into houses around the world.



Sawtoothed grain beetle

Oryzaephilus surinamensis in Family Cucujidae. This 4mm elongated chestnut-brown beetle is found in stored foods and vegetable products. This is another Old-World species that has followed humans out of rock shelters into houses around the world.

False stinkbeetle
Pupa Sawtoothed grain beetle
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Eleodes tricostata in Family Tenebrionidae. Seen crossing roads in hot weather before rain, this 18.5mm satin black beetle stands on its head when disturbed and releases a foul-smelling oily repellant. 34

Ladybird beetle

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Hippodamia convergens in Family Coccinellidae. Red with black spots and yellow dashes on the thorax, this 7mm beetle is a garden favorite. Larvae and adults feed primarily on aphids. Spread by mail from garden stores, this species is found almost everywhere. In winter, it congregates on mountaintops or ceilings in masses of hundreds to thousands of individuals, waiting for spring. The combined strength of the foul-tasting body fluids is a deterrent to predators.

Ladybird beetle wing Larva


Pupa Ladybird beetle





Ironclad beetle

Zopherus haldemani in Family Tenebrionidae. Seen gathered at fungus on fallen trees, this knobby white-on-black 28mm beetle is a Texas favorite. The exoskeleton is so hard it must be drilled to pin a specimen.


Mexican bean beetle



Phyllophaga fervida in Family Scarabaeidae. This soft-brown 27mm beetle flies to light by the thousands. The j-shaped grub larva is familiar to gardeners. It feeds on roots of trees and shrubs. Adult beetles feed on leaves.

Adult 27mm Junebeetle

Hercules beetle



Dynastes tityus in Family Scarabaeidae. This pale milky-green black-spotted 69mm beetle with the over-and-under horns is becoming scarce. The j-shaped grub larvae live for a number of years in large hollow oak trees in old growth woodland. This habitat is vanishing. The female is black, without horns. 69mm



Red-and-black dung beetle

Aphodius fimetarius in Family Scarabaeidae. This 8.5mm black-and-brick-red beetle flies to light. It can be found in pastures burrowing in fresh cow dung where it lays its eggs.

Painted hickory borer longhorn beetle

Cyllene caryae in Family Cerambycidae. Jet black with fine yellow lines, this 18mm beetle reminds us of a wasp, especially when it buzzes in flight. The larvae burrow under the bark of dead and dying hickory trees. 35

Hercules beetle
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Cottonwood borer longhorn beetle


Plectrodera scalator in Family Cerambycidae. This white-patterned black 40mm beetle is often found on the trunks of cottonwood trees in midsummer. The larvae bore in the wood of living cottonwoods.


Pupa Developmental stages of the Colorado potato beetle

Colorado potato beetle

Leptinotarsa decemlineata in Family Chrysomelidae. This yellow-and-black-striped 12mm beetle manages to find potato plants wherever they are planted. The black-spotted dull-red hump-backed grubs feed on potato, tomato, egplant, horsenettle and other nightshade plants.


Spotted cucumber beetle

Diabrotica duodecimpunctata in Family Chrysomelidae. This black-spotted pale-green 9mm beetle is often seen flying into gardens in spring and fall. The larvae prefer melon, squash and cucumber but will eat new green shoots of almost any plant. 9mm

Imbricated snout beetle

Developmental stages of the spotted cucumber beetle Larva

Epicaerus imbricatus in Family Curculionidae. This gray-and-black-mottled 8mm beetle with an obvious snout lives in meadows and prairies where it feeds on buds and young leaves. The larvae feed on grass roots.


Plum curculio

Conotrachelus nenuphar in Family Curculionidae. This gray-streaked dark-brown 6mm beetle is common in winter. The grubs feed in plums, cherries, peaches, almonds and apples. It is the most common worm found in apples. 6mm

Adult Plum curculio


Elephant billbug
Where to put the pin in a specimen Larva Elephant billbug larva


Calendra zeae in Family Curculionidae. This shiny black long-snouted 9mm beetle chews holes in the young leaves of corn and related grasses. It is common in summer along streams.

Shothole borer beetle

Shothole borer beetle top view

Pupa Shothole borer beetle

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Scolytus rugulosus in Family Scolytidae. These are 4.5mm black beetles with a minute whitedotted pattern that emerge from tiny shot holes in the bark of trees. The larvae make elaborate branching galleries just under the bark. 36

4.5mm Shothole borer beetle sideview

NYGMATE INSECTS Supraorder Telomerida (Includes all the remaining insects.) The early members of all the orders contained in this grouping had a hindwing similar to the forewing, and on the wing surface were circular organs called nygma, of unknown function. A few of their descendants still carry these organs.

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Vein Crossvein

THE PANORPOID COMPLEX Superorder Panorpoidea These insects have caterpillar larvae and a pupal stage. Well-known members are fleas, moths, butterflies and flies. The metamorphosis or total rearrangement of anatomy occurs in the pupal stage. The caterpillar can be thought of as a hatched embryo, adapted for feeding. Larvae live in different places than the adults and feed on different food. Larvae do not compete with adults and much larger populations can be supported in the same habitat. Fossil panorpoids have been found in 300-million-year-old rocks. TWISTWING FLIES Order Strepsiptera 23rd in diversity 66+ species in Texas Larvae and females are parasites of other insects. They are attached to the membranes between segments of the hosts abdomen where they feed on blood. They are restricted in choice of host, but many twistwing flies parasitize many insects from bristletails to grasshoppers, cicadas, butterflies and bees. Of all the insects that have a pupal stage, twistwing larvae are the only ones with compound eyes, like primitive insects. Fossil twistwings have been found in amber.



Triozocera mexicana in family Stylopidae. This 2mm black and cream colored insect has forewings reduced to tiny stabilizing clubs and hindwings enlarged. Females look like tiny bedbugs. Larvae run free when first hatched but become internal parasites of silverfish and firebrats. Pupation is in the live or dead host.

Mexican stylops



Mexican stylops

SNOWSKIPS Order Raphioptera 36th in diversity 0+ species in Texas None of these have yet been found in Texas, making this the only living insect order not yet known from the state. Most living species are of the genus Boreas. These 5mm-long black insects probably occur near the top of the Davis or Guadalupe Mountains. They should be looked for hopping around on snow or moss on a damp day in winter. In the Rocky Mountains, there are several black or brown species of these vegetarian relatives of the scorpionflies. The order has survived for the last 300 million years. SCORPIONFLIES Order Panorpida 27th in diversity 23+ species in Texas Male scorpionflies have an upturned abdomen with a bulbous end that resembles a scorpion tail. When trapped, they feign a wasp-like stinging motion but are quite harmless. The spiny caterpillar is a predator and scavenger of other insects in leaf litter. The pupa is moth-like. Adults capture other insects on which they feed with their beaked chewing mouthparts. Scorpionfly relatives have survived for nearly 270 million years.

Snowskip female

Snowskip male

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Orange-banded scorpionfly

Panorpa nuptialis in Family Panorpidae. This black-banded orange-winged four-winged 22mm fly was once common in fall. Its flight and walking habit as well as coloration reminds us of a wasp. Fire-ant predation on its larvae have made it uncommon.

Western hangingfly
Hangingfly caterpillar

Bittacus occidentalis in Family Bittacidae. This tan-winged four-winged 30mm fly hangs from vegetation along streams. It grasps passing prey in its curling feet. The larva is predatory on insects in leaflitter.

FLEAS Order Siphonaptera 17th in diversity 140+ species in Texas These are small wingless jumping insects that are external parasites of birds and mammals. The body is flattened into the vertical plane to permit sliding between hairs. Spines and bristles keep the flea from sliding off the host. Eggs are dropped in the nest of the host. Flea caterpillars feed on dander in the nest. The pupae are formed in a cocoon. Strong hindlegs permit adult leaps of about a foot onto a host or from host to host. Although a given species is restricted to one or a few hosts, adults may survive for a generation or two on alternate hosts, but tend to be stunted. Fossil fleas have been found in 90-million-year-old rocks associated with fossil furry flying reptiles (pterosaurs) from the days of the dinosaurs.




Cat flea

Ctenocephalides felis in Family Pulicidae. This is the common dark brown flea in houses. Brought in by cats, it drops relatively large long white eggs into rugs. The larvae feed on dander, pupate and, after 6 days, the newly hatched 2.5mm fleas jump onto pets and people. They can carry diseases and parasites.

CADDIS FLIES Order Trichoptera 7th in diversity 344+ species in Texas

Cocoon Developmental stages of the cat flea

Caddis flies resemble moths in wing shape and venation and are often colored like moths. They lack the tongue of moths and have only hairs, not scales, on wings and body. Eggs are laid in water. Caterpillars called caddisworms build a case which they carry about like the shell of an hermit crab. The caddis case is constructed of leaf or twig fragments, sand grains, or trash which is held together by silk. They pupate in the caddis case. Newly hatched adults crawl out of the water and fly off weakly. Most are nocturnal.

Seine-making caddis fly

Trap net Hydropsyche scalaris in Family Hydropsychidae. This is a brown-spotted tawny moth-like four-winged 12mm fly usually found near streams. The aquatic larva builds a case of pebbles held together with silk. It also spins a funnel net to sieve out food from the stream.

Caddis fly caterpillar Adult

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caddisworm in case 38

MOTHS Order Lepidoptera 2nd most diverse order 4700+ species in Texas Lepidoptera is Greek for scaly-winged. Scales are articulated hairs that are expanded sideways to form flat plates reinforced by ribs and crossbars. The distance between crossbars on the scales is often the wavelength of red, yellow, green or blue light and is responsible for the vivid glowing colors of some species. Scales are also pigmented with colorful waste chemicals. Mouthparts are modified to form a long coiled tube for sucking nectar, water or fluids from animals. Teeth on the tongue allow some desert moths to feed on mammal blood. Eggs are laid on or in plants. Caterpillars are voracious feeding machines. The pupa or chrysalis is often placed in a cocoon. Silk is commercially spun from cocoons of several species of moth. The Aztecs printed their books on silk paper made from the cocoon of the edible madrone butterfly caterpillars. Fossil moths have been found in 245-million-year-old rocks.
Eye Antenna Jaws Spinnerets Legs Pro-legs Caterpillar Palp Cell Tongue
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

more stuff . . . Make a mobile Enlarge the moth and butterfly illustrations on the following pages, color them, hang them by a thread on a hanger. Hang up the hanger and enjoy your artwork.

Antenna Eye



Yucca moth

Tegeticula yuccasella in Family Incurvariidae. This 8mm moth with clean white forewings and gray hindwings is found in yucca flowers. The female gathers pollen, lays its eggs in the yucca pistil, then plugs the hole with pollen, guaranteeing fertilization of the seeds on which her caterpillars will feed. Yuccas do not set seed without these moths.

Ailanthus webworm moth


Atteva punctella in Family Yponomeutidae. This striking 8.5mm moth has black-bordered whitespotted orange-red forewings. The caterpillars live communally in ailanthus trees in cities.


Squash borer moth


Mellitia satyriniformis in Family Aegeriidae. This iridescent greenish-black 18mm moth resembles a wasp. Legs and palps have dashes of white and orange. Caterpillars bore in the vines of gourds, squash and pumpkins. Adults are day fliers.


Squash borer moth

Redbud leafroller moth

Adult Gelechia cercerisella in Family Gelechiidae. Developmental stages of This is a 7mm glossy black moth with a white head and forewings with five white spots. The the squash borer moth caterpillars roll the edge of a redbud leaf to form a house and venture out at night to feed. 39
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Adult 7mm 8mm

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Bagworm moth

Adult female

Adult male

Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis in Family Psychidae. The smoky clearwing 8.5mm males have furry bodies and fly in the daytime. Caterpillars build large silk bags reinforced with twigs and walk from branch to branch inside the bag on junipers and other shrubs they eat. Females never grow wings, mate in the bag, lay their eggs in the bag and never leave it.


Eggs in old skin

Female bagworm moth in case

BUTTERFLIES several unrelated groups of moths have adapted to life in the full sun, using nectar from flowers as a source of energy. Some of these have clubbed antennae and no winghook mechanism and are called butterflies. Others have feathery antennae and a hooking mechanism holding wings together in flight. These are called day-flying moths. Most languages have no separate word for butterfly, calling them all moths. Skippers are butterflies that may have evolved from the lineage that gave us pyralid moths. Hairstreaks, harvesters, metalmarks and swallowtails may have evolved from skippers. Snout butterflies, fritillaries and admirals may have evolved from primitive moths related to ghost moths and goat moths. Whites and sulphurs may have evolved from hedyliid moths near the inchworm lineage. Fossil butterfly scales have been found in 100-million-year-old amber. A fossil snout butterfly egg has been found in 80-million-year-old sediment. Fossil butterfly bodies with wings attached have been found in 48-million-year-old oil-shale rocks.


Checkered skipper

Syrichtus communis in Family Pyrgidae. This 15mm white-checked black butterfly is often seen on trails with its wings open moth-like. Caterpillars feed on mallows and many other trailside weeds.

Checkered skipper

Great blue hairstreak

Hairstreak caterpillar

Atlides halesus in Family Lycaenidae. This sooty black 26mm butterfly has an orange-spotted body and large areas of bright glossy blue on the upper wings. It is often found nectaring in poverty weed bushes in the fall. The green slug-shaped caterpillars feed on mistletoe. Adults may be seen high in the tops of liveoak and mesquite at almost any time of year.

Adult Harvester
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Feniseca tarquinius in Family Liphyridae. This black-patterned orange 12mm butterfly with whitish underside is found near colonies of wooly aphids on which it lays its eggs. The caterpillar disguises itself with wax from the aphids which it eats. The short chrysalis has false eye pattern and looks like a minute monkey head on a twig. 40

Two-tailed tiger swallowtail

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Pterourus multicaudatus in Family Papilionidae. This narrow black-striped multi-tailed yellow swallowtail is the largest butterfly (35mm body, 63mm wing length) in America north of the tropics. The largest individuals come from Central Texas. Caterpillars here eat prickly ash and wafer ash but farther west eat choke cherry. The Aztecs knew this butterfly as Xochiquetzalpapalotl, a manifestation of one of their gods in butterfly form. Two-tailed tiger swallowtail 35mm body 65mm wing length

Snout butterfly

Libytheana bachmanni in Family Libytheidae. The only butterfly with a long beak formed by the two palpi on the face, which are elongated to protect the tongue. Eggs are laid on hackberry. Drought wipes out the parasites that keep their numbers down. When rain comes, many caterpillars reach maturity on new soft hackberry sprouts. The orange-and-brown white-spotted 23mm adults that grow up in crowded conditions have the urge to emigrate and they fly off by the millions to seek new homes. They have been doing this since the time of the dinosaurs.

Monarch chrysalis


Danaus plexippus in Family Danaidae. This round-winged black-banded orange 30mm butterfly has been called the storm fritillary because it rides the cold fronts into Texas on its way south. It is the only butterfly that migrates birdlike between tropical mountains and temperate prairies on a regular annual basis. Most monarchs seen crossing Texas spend winter in central Mexico and summer near the Great Lakes. A few monarchs spend the winter on the Texas coast. Some breeding monarchs summer on the Red River and in Palo Duro Canyon. Monarch


Morpho peleides in Family Satyridae. This dark 34mm butterfly is ornamented beneath with red-andyellow eye-like rings. At rest on the forest floor, it looks like an old leaf. When approached, it suddenly opens brilliant electric blue wings. This may startle a predator and give the morpho a chance to fly away. This tropical forest butterfly of Central America once wandered into Texas near Hidalgo. Morpho underside

Mourning cloak


Nymphalis antiopa in Family Nymphalidae. Leaf-shaped and leaf-patterned on the underside, this 25mm butterfly has a rich maroon upperside bordered by yellow, outside a row of blue dots. Caterpillars feed on willow. It is common across the northern hemisphere and has colonies at the top of some tropical mountains. It is a favorite subject for illustrators. 41

Mourning cloak
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Caterpillar to chrysalis Caterpillar 24mm body 16mm body

Gulf fritillary
Chrysalis Gulf fritillary Draw a butterfly

Agraulis vanillae in Family Nymphalidae. This is a black-spotted long-winged orange 24mm butterfly with many silver patches on the underside, and common in most of Texas. Its caterpillars feed on passion-flower vine. It is the easiest butterfly to cultivate in your garden.

Falcate orangetip

Anthocharis midea in Family Pieridae. This is a delicate white 16mm butterfly with hindwings green-speckled beneath and forewings orange tipped. Caterpillars feed on new spring growth of cress. Adults fly from February to April and larvae finish development as the foodplants dry up. The rest of the year is spent in the chrysalis, waiting for spring.

Grapevine epimenis moth

Mexican plum

Psychomorpha epimenis in Family Agaristidae. This bright white and brick-red patched black butterfly-like 11mm moth is active in full sunlight. It visits the flowers of the first cherries and plums that bloom in the spring. The black forewing has a white patch and a blue metallic band. The black hindwing has a large red patch. It has wing hooks and ears, like a miller moth.

Urania swallowtail moth

Butterfly tongue

Urania fulgens in Family Uraniidae. This spectacular swallow-tailed black butterfly-like 27mm moth has iridescent green bands across the wings. It flies in the daytime like a butterfly. It normally lives on the canopy of tropical forests but during big hurricanes, individuals are occassionaly blown north into Texas. This has happened six times that we know of.

Yellow slant-line inchworm moth

Feeding movements
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Tetracis crocallata in Family Geometridae. Some inchworm caterpillars found on sumac may produce this yellow 20mm moth in late summer. 42


Io moth

Automeris io in Family Saturniidae. This maroon-marked yellow 37mm moth will open its wings quickly to suddenly display the eye-like marks on the hindwings. This may startle a potential predator and permit the moth to escape. Caterpillars have stinging spines and feed on many different plant species.

Io moth female

Io moth male

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Io moth caterpillar

Fold a butterfly. See page 45 for fullsized pattern.

Common lytrosis inchworm moth

Lytrosis unitaria in Family Geometridae. The streaky gray pattern of this 24mm moth matches the bark of red oaks, providing camouflage. Caterpillars feed on oak leaves.


47mm body

Luna moth

Actias luna in Family Saturniidae. This purple-marked pale-green 47mm moth with long tails was once common in the eastern half of Texas. Outside lighting has interrupted the normal breeding of this species over much of its range and it is now rare.

Luna moth

Luna moth caterpillar

Luna moth cocoon

Giant leopard moth

Ecpantheria scribona in Family Arctiidae. This white 41mm moth has black spots and blue rings on the forewing. The caterpillar is a black wooly-bear that feeds on garden seedlings and weeds.

Giant leopard moth caterpillar

Armyworm moth

Pseudaletia unipuncta in Family Noctuidae. This lightly speckled tan 25mm moth swarms in the fall. The caterpillars come out at night to feed and devastate new plants in gardens. The moth occurs throughout the world where there are meadows. 43
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Variegated cutworm moth

Peridroma saucia in Family Noctuidae. Another world-wide moth of the second largest family (after the family Curculionidae, or weevils) of living organisms. These 14mm variegated-shades-of-gray dusty-miller moths shed scales when alarmed and make potential predators sneeze. They roost in crevices, often in automobiles, to rush out at the first stop.

14mm body Variegated cutworm moth caterpillar devouring a leaf Egg mass

Black cutworm moth

Agrotis ypsilon in Family Noctuidae. This black-streaked 16mm dusty-miller moth is common throughout the world. In Australia, the native people light fires to attract the moths which they then eat roasted. An epidemic of these cutworms devastated the crops and grazing land of medieval Norsemen, wiping out their colonies in Greenland.

Individual egg

16mm body

Caterpillar Variegated cutworn moth Corn earworm moth caterpillar

Corn earworm moth

Heliothis armigera in Family Heliothidae. This yellow-and-tan 24mm moth swarms on all continents. The caterpillars feed on corn and other large grains.

Where to put the pin in a specimen

Make a caterpillar

Cut two 3-inch circles out of paper. Decorate one circle as a caterpillar face use your imagination. Add horns or fuzzy pipe cleaners for antennae. Decorate the other circle as the back end of the caterpillar. Cut a rectangle, 3 inches by 12 inches. Decorate both sides of the rectangle to look like a caterpillar body. Accordion-fold the rectangle. Tape or glue the decorated face to one end of the folded rectangle and the other decorated circle to the back end of the folded rectangle.


Adult Corn earworm moth

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Outer wing tip of forewing

ct io ns of fo ld

lin es

fo rf or ew

in gs

Outer wing tip of forewing

Middle (match with forewing)


2 3














Butterfly tails

Directions for the working with the pipe cleaner: Fold pipe cleaner in half. Make a twist 2.5 inches up from fold. Insert both forewings and hindwings. Twist pipe cleaner tightly around center line of both wings. Shape antennae. Fan out wings. Place both forewings and hindwings in center loop of pipe cleaner

Finished folded butterfly

Recycled Paper Folded Butterfly

To make a paper-folded butterfly, follow the directions above. Make a mobile by tying several butterflies together or use your butterflies to decorate your room or a package.
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Hindwings of butterfly

Middle (match with hindwing)

D ire

Forewings of butterfly

C r te en

Forewings of butterfly

Directions: Trace the wing patterns on to old magazine pages. Cut out with scissors (2). Follow the fold line directions to fold forewings and hindwings (3). The forewing is 7 inches square. The hindwing is 11 inches across. Tie folded forewings and hindwings together with pipe cleaner (5).

e lin

C en te rl in e

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TWO-WING FLIES Order Diptera 4th in diversity 7000+ species in Texas This large group includes crane flies, midges, gnats, mosquitoes, deer flies, fruit flies, blow flies, house flies and a host of other two-winged flies. The second pair of wings is reduced to form peg-like structures called halteres (pronounced halltair-ez) which are flight-stabilizing organs. Fly mouthparts range from chewing to piercing, sucking or lapping. The larvae are usually maggots with reduced heads and are specialized for living in soil, decaying organic matter or as parasites of plants or animals. A few, like hoverflies, have active predatory larvae. Like cockroaches, scavenger flies condition their food by carrying bacteria from site to site. A fossil fly has been found in 260-million-year-old rocks.
Nephrotoma ferruginea in Family Tipulidae. This brown-veined 21mm fly looks like a giant mosquito. The larvae, called leatherjackets, live in earth and feed on roots.


Common ferruginous cranefly



Developmental stages of the common malarial mosquito

Common malarial mosquito

Biting midge

Anopheles quadrimaculatus in Family Culicidae. With four black spots on the wings, this gray fly is the 10mm black and brown dreaded carrier of malaria. The larvae and pupae are aquatic, living in standing water.

Lovebug male

Lovebug female

Pear midge pupa

Lovebug Pear midge


Contarinia pyrivora in Family Cecidomyidae. The black-headed pinkish-white 3.5mm fly lays its eggs in the flowers of fruit trees. Enzymes deposited with the eggs cause lumps on the fruit, on which the maggots feed.

Plecia nearctica in Family Bibionidae. This black-and-orange 8mm fly often swarms by the millions in meadows. Many of the flies in the swarm are mating. The maggots live in mud and damp earth.

SPECIALIZED FLIES Suborder Brachycera


These flies have only 3 segments in the antenna. Fossil brachyceran flies have been found in 155-million-year-old rocks.

Shore fly
Adult Gall midge
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Ephydra riparia in Family Ephydridae. The greenish-gray 7mm adult flies swarm over seaweed on the shore. Their maggots live in and on the rotting seaweed


Cheese skip

Piophila casei in Family Piophilidae. The larvae of these 4.5mm yellowish-gray flies are the worms found in aged cheese. What their original habitat was, is not known.


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Black-and-yellow soldier fly

Trachinid fly parasite of insects

Odontomyia truquii in Family Stratiomyidae. This black-and-pale-yellow-green 12mm fly is often found on flowers. It is an important pollinator. Specimen Empty pupal case


17mm body

Exoprosopa sordida in Family Bombyliidae. This yellow-and-black-banded 17mm fly with a smoky patch on the wings is common on flowers in the fall as an important pollinator. The grubs are parasites of other insects.

Name of host insect When it emerged Where collected When collected By whom collected


Musca domestica in Family Muscidae. This gray-black 11mm household fly has spread throughout the world with humans. It conditions its food by infecting it with bacteria and yeast carried on its feet. The maggots are common in wet garbage and manure. 11mm

Housefly larva

Housefly pupa

Flower fly

Sensory hair

Syrphus ribesii in Family Syrphidae. This 18mm black-and-yellow bee-mimic is an important pollinator found on flowers in spring. The grubs feed on aphids. Claw Pulvillus Empodium

Fly foot

25mm body

Tabanus atratus in Family Tabanidae. This 25mm brownish-black horsefly torments livestock, feeding on blood. The grubs live in wet mud where they feed on worms and other insects. 47

Black horsefly

Flower fly larva (or maggot)

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Brown robber fly

Diogmites angustipennis in Family Asilidae. This reddish-brown dark-patterned 23mm fly perches on meadow weeds, waiting to dart out and catch other insects. These are held in the strong legs while the robber fly pierces the body of the prey, injects digestive enzymes and extracts nourishment. All this is accomplished while the fly is on the wing. Asilid fly a bumble-bee mimic

Copper-green-bodied long-legged fly

Condylostylus sipho in Family Dolichopodidae. This 7mm metallic green fly waits on leaves to pounce on other insects on which it feeds.

Larva or maggot


Wheat-stem maggot fly


Meromyza americana in Family Chloropidae. This 7mm brown-striped yellow fly lays its eggs on grasses. The maggots feed in the center of the grass stem.

Wheat-stem maggot fly

26mm body

Screwworm fly

Screwworm fly

Cochliomyia americana in Family Calliphoridae. This black 26mm fly lays its eggs in or near wounds on cattle. The maggot burrows under the hide making holes and increasing the chance of lethal infection of its host.

Grasshopper maggot fly

Nycteribid fly a parasite of the Mexican free-tailed bat

Sarcophaga georgina in Family Sarcophagidae. This 16mm gray-and-black checkered fly lays its eggs on the backs of flying grasshoppers. The grubs enter the live grasshopper and eat its body contents. They pupate and emerge from the dead grasshopper.

Greenbottle fly
Hippoboscid fly a parasite of birds
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Lucilia caesar in Family Calliphoridae. This coppery-green 11mm fly comes to wounded animals or fresh carrion. The maggots produce enzymes that were once used to help the healing process in deep wounds in humans. 48

11mm body

Rabbit bot fly

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Cuterebra cuniculi in Family Cuterebridae. The grubs of this 12mm fly live under the skin of rabbits, cats and dogs. The adult fly has black patches on a grayish body.


Sheep ked

Melophagus ovinus in Family Hippoboscidae. This dark-brown tick-like wingless 6mm fly is a parasite on sheep, feeding on blood. Its eggs hatch in the mother ked. Larvae feed inside the mother and are laid as pupae that soon hatch into adult keds. Rabbit bot fly wing

NEUROPTEROID COMPLEX Superorder Neuropteroidea Larvae of the older orders in this group are nymph-like, having many adult structures. The pupa has free wing sacks, not glued to the body. Well-known members are lacewings, bees, wasps and ants. DOBSON FLIES Order Megaloptera 31st in diversity 10+ species in Texas These insects have heavily veined membranous wings of primitive appearance. They have nygma, the spot organs of unknown function that are found in many fossil insects and in primitive neuropteroids and panorpoids. Flight is an awkward flutter used as a sloping parachute drop after climbing up some tree or rock. Larvae are aquatic and there is a pupal stage. Fossil dobson flies have been found in 260-million-year-old rocks.

Where to put the pin in a specimen Sycamore leaf Egg mass Base of egg mass

Smoky alder fly

Sialis infumata in Family Sialidae. A four-winged 11mm fly with smoky black wings and a body of black plates separated by yellow membranes. The larva is a predator in rivers. It pupates in sand at the river edge. Adults emerge in winter. Hatchling larva

Dobson fly

Corydalis cornutus in Family Corydalidae. The larvae of this gray 55mm fly are called hellgramites and used as bait by fishermen. They are predators in streams. The male has long jaws that are not strong. The female has powerful short jaws.

Dobson fly female 55mm body Hellgrammite or dobson fly larva

Dobson fly male head showing long jaws 49


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Snakefly larva

SNAKEFLIES Order Raphidiida 34th in diversity 1 species known in Texas The snake-like head on a long skinny prothorax neck gives these flies their name. The long and thin, well-veined glassy-membranous wings are of nearly equal size. Females have a long wasp-like ovipositor for laying eggs in protected crevices. Larvae are predators among the insects of the leaf litter. Pupae have big floppy wing sacks. Adults have been successful specialists at the art of robbing prey from spiderwebs for at least 160 million years.

Cedar brake snakefly

Snakefly pupa

Agulla adnixa in Family Raphidiidae. This 18mm black-and-cream species is a rarity of cedar thickets in Central and West Texas. Snakeflies have changed little over nearly 300 million years. Adults rob spiders of the prey caught in their webs. Larvae are active predators of soil insects. The pupae are concealed among twigs.

LACEWING FLIES Order Neuroptera 13th in diversity 218+ species in Texas Many branched veins decorate the wing margin of these insects with close-spaced terminal forks. Most adults are predators of other insects. Owl flies catch and eat butterflies. The larvae have hollow mandibles through which they inject digestive enzymes and suck in the fluids of their prey. These little dragons often disguise themselves by decorating the body with scraps of bark or the skins of their victims. Many mantis flies lay their eggs in the egg sacks carried by wolf spiders. Others have long stinging ovipositors and lay their eggs in caterpillars.

Dusty-wing fly larva

Dusty-wing fly

Conwentzia psociformis in Family Coniopterygidae.

This 1.5mm pink four-winged fly has powdery white wings that resemble those of the whiteflies on which it preys. The larva is like a miniature dragon that races over leaves hunting whitefly nymphs. 1.5mm

Clouded ant lion

Clouded ant lion adult

Brachynemurus nebulosus in Family Myrmeleontidae. This clouded-wing 42mm black-speckled-gray species flutters weakly to light at night. The larva, called a doodlebug, digs a pit in dry dust and waits at the bottom for ants to fall in. The pupa is covered by a silken cocoon covered with grains of dust.

Goldeneye green lacewing

Chrysopa oculata in Family Chrysopidae. Bright golden eyes, delicate green wings and an offensive odor distinguish this 17mm insect often found congregating at lights at night. Females lay eggs at the end of long thin white stalks. The larvae eat other insects, especially greenfly aphids. Goldeneye green lacewing larva

17mm body

Brown mantis fly

Says mantis fly

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Climaciella brunnea in Family Mantispidae. The half-brown wings identify this 21mm species. Adults flock to pest infestations in sorghum fields. Eggs are laid on grass leaves. The active tiny larvae reach out and grab a ride to the nest of a polistes paper wasp (see page 54) where they enter and feed on the wasp grubs. To escape the wasp nest, the adult mantis fly mimics the wasp. The brown mantis fly has a banded form, a black form and a red form that each mimic one of the common species of polistes wasps in Texas. 50

WASPS AND THEIR RELATIVES Order Hymenoptera 3rd most diverse 7500+ species in Texas Hymenoptera is Greek for joined-winged. This refers to the row of hooks that fit into a groove on the other wing and hold the wings together. This character is shared by all winged members of the order. Fossil wasps have been found in 110-million-year-old rocks. SAWFLIES Suborder Symphyta Sawflies have caterpillars that feed on leaves and spin a silken cocoon in which they pupate. Adults have thick waists.

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Sawfly caterpillars notice all of the pro-legs

Plum web sawfly

Neurotoma inconspicua in Family Pamphilidae. This yellow-marked black 11mm sawfly has forewings and hindwings hooked together like other hymenopterans. The yellow gray caterpillars are webworms on cherry and plum in the spring. 11mm body

Evergreen sawfly cocoon

Evergreen sawfly

Monoctenus fulvus in Family Diprionidae. Green caterpillars found on juniper pupate in a brown silk cocoon and hatch into fat 15mm yellow-brown adults. Evergreen sawfly caterpillars

Pigeon horntail wasp

Pigeon horntail wasp caterpillar

Tremex columba in Family Siricidae. This banded-brown or occasionally black-and-yellow horntail wasp is 38mm long. Females lay eggs in dying elm trees. Larvae bore tunnels through the wood on which they feed.

38mm body

Where to put the pin in the specimen

HYMENOPTERA WITH WAISTS Suborder Apocrita (Includes ants, wasps and bees). These insects have a narrow waist between the old abdominal segment 2 and the first abdominal segment which is now part of the thorax. They have grub larvae with reduced heads. These grubs are parasites, feed on provisions left by the adult, or are fed in the nest by the adult. Social colonies evolved three times in the suborder: in the ants, in the wasps, and in the bees.

Ensign wasp

Prosevania punctata in Family Evaniidae. Recognized by its short flat flag-shaped abdomen, this 6mm black parasitic wasp is often seen at windows in houses. It lays its eggs in cockroaches.

6mm body

Wheat-stem sawfly

Long-tailed megaryssa

Megaryssa lunator in Family Ichneumonidae. This banded-brown or occasionally black-and-yellow 38mm ichneumon wasp is the same body size as the pigeon horntail wasp on which it is a parasite. In addition, the female has a hair-like ovipositor more than two times its body length which she uses to probe wood and insert an egg in the horntail larva which she can hear feeding inside. 38mm 51

Megaryssa laying eggs

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Yellow ichneumon wasp

Ophion luteus in Family Ichneumonidae. This light-brown 27mm ichneumon wasp comes to light at night. The larvae are parasites of Junebeetle grubs. The sting is painful but not serious.

Armyworm wasp
Hatched wasp larva on spider


Chelonus texanus in Family Braconidae. This 3mm black wasp with brown legs and two brown spots on the abdomen lays eggs on caterpillars of the armyworm moth (see page 43). Its larvae are parasites that emerge later from the armyworm pupa.

Greenfly wasp
Spider parasite wasp

Lysiphlebus testaceipes in Family Braconidae. This black 1.5mm wasp lays its eggs in aphids in which the larvae develop and pupate. It is a very important control of aphid populations.

Greenfly wasp Strawworm wasp male 1.5mm body

Weevil chalcid
Strawworm wasp female

Strawworm wasp

Eurytoma tylodermatis in Family Eurytomidae. This 1.5mm iridescent black wasp lays its eggs in the grubs of weevils.

Harmolita grandis in Family Eurytomidae. This 1.5mm black wasp lays its eggs in grass straw. Males have tiny clear wings covered with minute hairs. Females are wingless and ant-like.

Clover seed chalcid

Bruchophagus funebris in Family Eurytomidae. This 1mm brown wasp lays its eggs in clover seeds on which the larvae feed. 1mm body

Where to put the pin in a specimen

Trichogramma wasp

Trichogramma evanescens in Family Trichogrammatidae. This 1.5mm black wasp lays its eggs in the eggs of other insects. Its larvae feed and pupate inside the egg. It is used for biological control of pests in grain silos. 52

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Ant comb

Ant comb

Blacktail ant

Crematogaster clara in Family Formicidae. This black-to-reddish-brown 8.5mm ant is common in attics which it colonizes by entering on telephone lines. It builds a messy nest of chipped wood and seeds but actually preys on other insects, especially termites.

Carpenter ant

Blacktail ant

Camponotus pennsylvanicus in Family Formicidae. These 10mm black ants tunnel in damp rotting wood. They have changed very little in the last 60 million years.

Solenopsis invicta in Family Formicidae. This reddish-brown 6.5mm ant, a native of South America, was introduced by accident near Mobile, Alabama in 1930. It has since spread east to North Carolina, north to Tennessee and Arkansas and west to the Texas High Plains. Its main method of travel is in lawn-grass sod on trucks. It sporadically reaches New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California in new lawns. The nest is domed and has a crust. The worker ant grasps the skin of the attacker with its legs and jaws while it inserts its sting. The sting produces a pustule and a red inflamed area around the pustule. Many people are seriously allergic to this fire ant. The ants attack any small animals on the ground. They are responsible for killing young horned lizards, quail and about half the caterpillars of butterflies in infested areas. They enter caves and exterminate the rare and endangered animals that live in them. Their populations decline during prolonged drought, but with rainfall, they build up again rapidly. A growth hormone that keeps them from reaching sexual maturity works slowly to eradicate colonies. A fly that lays its eggs in the head of the ant as a brain parasite may help reduce their numbers.

Red imported fire ant

Ant grooming back

Texas leafcutter ant

Atta texana in Family Formicidae. This 10mm red-brown ant is seen carrying green leaves to its burrow. Nests of these ants may be more than a hundred years old and up to fifteen feet deep. In an underground chamber, ants use green-leaf mulch to grow the fungus on which they feed.

Ant grooming antenna

Leafcutter ant carrying leaf

Mule killer velvet ant

Dasymutilla occidentalis in Family Mutillidae. Named for its powerful sting but, as in all velvet ants, only the 17mm wingless female can sting. She can also squeak if disturbed. The body is covered with black and brilliant copper-red hairs. The larvae feed on the larvae of ground-nesting bees. Mule killer velvet ant male Mule killer velvet ant female Ant grooming head 53
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Mud-dauber wasp

Sceliphron caementarium in Family Sphecidae. This glossy black 28mm wasp with narrow yellow marks builds long nest tubes of mud, containing several cells with eggs and stocked with live but paralyzed spiders.


Mud-dauber nest

Tarantula hawk

Tarantula hawk attack

Pepsis formosa in Family Psammocharidae. This 55mm black wasp with orange wings flies three or four feet above the prairie, searching for tarantulas. The wasp digs a burrow, catches and sting-paralyses a tarantula. It places the live but comatose tarantula in the burrow, lays an egg on it and fills the hole. The young wasp grub feeds on the fresh live paralyzed tarantula before it pupates and metamorphoses to an adult wasp. These wasps are frequently seen feeding at flowers of soapberry bushes at roadside rests in West Texas.

Common yellow jacket

Vespula maculifrons in Family Vespidae. This yellow-and-black-banded 16mm wasp lives in large colonies which occupy a stack of paper combs inside a paper shell. They usually build in a hollow tree or shed near a feral honeybee nest. These wasps catch and sting honeybees to feed to their own larvae in the nest.

Polistes paper wasp nest 16mm

Common yellow jacket nest

Polistes fuscatus in Family Vespidae. This 26mm yellow, brown-and-black-banded wasp nests in small colonies on an open paper comb built under leaves, branches, eaves or right over doorways. They often sting the second or third person slamming the screen door. They are gardeners friends because they meticulously pick caterpillars off plants in the garden, to feed their own larvae. 16mm

Polistes paper wasp

Leafcutter bee
Bee-hunting wasp
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Coelioxys octodentata in Family Megachilidae. This black 23mm bee may be seen cutting discs and strips out of leaves. The bees use these leaf patches to line the ends and sides of the hole they bore in dead dry wood. They then fill this leaf-lined container with pollen, lay an egg on it and seal the chamber. The larva feeds on the stored food. 54

American bumblebee

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28mm body

Bombus americanorum in Family Bombidae. This 28mm furry black-and-yellow bee gathers pollen and nectar which it stores in brood chambers dug underground. It is an important pollinator that may be wiped out by careless use of insecticides in the garden or on the farm.

A bumblebee with the abdomen open to show: 1) the honey crop and 2) the air sacs of the respiratory system.

1 Italian honey bee Caucasian honey bee

Domestic honey bee

Apis mellifera in Family Apidae. This is the bee of Egypt and Mesopotamia, the ancient lands of milk and honey that form the cradle of Western Civilization. The 15mm strains from central and northern Europe tend to be light orange in color and easy to handle but susceptible to mite and fungus diseases. The strains from Mediterranean countries, India and China are dark in color, often black. They are harder to handle but more resistant to disease.

15mm body

Honey bee organs

Bee outline

African honey bee or killer bee

Apis adansonii in Family Apidae. This is the light-orange-and-black 14.5mm wild bee of central and southern Africa. Its nest has been raided by people and honey badgers for thousands of years, so it is very nervous, protective of its nest and quick to anger. It is slightly smaller than the domestic honey bee, lighter in weight, higher pitched in buzz, slower in flight, and carries less poison. However, there are more bees per nest and they are less tolerant of trespass. They produce more honey than the European honey bee. When food is scarce, they move on to a new area. If attacked, you can outrun them. Do not wear light blue clothes around these bees. Most injuries are to machine operators who accidentaly damage hives and because of motor noise, do not hear the bees coming. African honey bees have been hybridized with domestic honey bees in the laboratory but they do not normally do so in the wild. African honey bees attack a domestic beehive, kill the queen and males, use the workers as slaves, gradually replacing the population of the hive with their own. Beware of feral beecombs in caves and rock ledges. African bees have spread north to Texas since 1956 when they were introduced on the Amazon in Brazil. At present, they occupy Texas north to Dallas and Amarillo, east to Houston, west to El Paso, then through southern New Mexico to southern Arizona and southern California. In winter they die back to central and south Texas and southern California. 55


Digestive track

Nervous system

Air sacs

Where to put a pin in a specimen

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STIFF-WINGED INSECTS Supraorder Plagiopterata These insects achieved power flight by evolving a strong base plate for all the veins in the wing. Because of this rigid plate, they cannot flex the wings back parallel to the abdomen, although damselflies can bend the abdomen up parallel to the wings. Fossil dragonflies and mayflies had nygma or circular organs on the wings although no living species do. Since aquatic nymphs do not compete with the aerial adults, members of this group never evolved a pupal stage. MAYFLIES AND THEIR EXTINCT RELATIVES Superorder Ephemeroidea These insects have one or more of their later nymphal stages with fully developed wings, capable of flight. Unlike living mayflies which have lost their adult mouthparts and do not feed after the nymphal stage, the adults of the extinct orders Palaeodictyoptera and Megasecoptera had piercing beaks for feeding on plant and animal fluids. MAYFLIES Order Ephemerida 18th in importance 98+ species in Texas The slender, lacy-winged adults do not have mouthparts and live for only a day or two. During that time they mate and lay eggs on water plants. The aquatic nymphs have chewing mouthparts and feed on small plants and animals. They take up to 4 years to develop into flying adults. Fossil mayflies have been found in 300-million-year-old rocks.

Mayfly nymph

Large mayfly

Fairy mayfly nymph

Hexagenia bilineata in Family Ephemeridae. This 18mm mayfly is greenish grey with yellow soft parts. There is a synchronized emergence of subadults from the aquatic nymphs. Mayflies are the only living insects with a flying nymph. The subadult flying nymphs have cloudy wings. The clear-winged mature adults emerge the following day. Massive flights are a hazard to motoring, obscuring windshields and slicking pavement.

18mm body

Fairy mayfly

Caenis diminuta in Family Caenidae. This 5mm gray-and-white clearwinged mayfly has only one pair of wings, the hindwings have been lost. The nymphs live in ponds.

Common mayfly
Mayfly nymph
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Pentagenia vittigera in Family Palingeniidae. This 10mm clear-winged mayfly has a broad black band along the leading edge of the forewing. It is found adult in summer, often during drought and far from water. 56

DRAGONFLIES AND THEIR EXTINCT RELATIVES Superorder Libelluloidea The strong jaws of the nymphs are retained by the adults. The nymphs are underwater dragons that prey on other insects, fish and frogs. The adults are hawks of the air that feed on butterflies and other insects, swooping from above. DRAGONFLIES Order Odonata 12th most diverse order 239+ species in Texas The large transparent wings of these accomplished hunters of other insects move individually with great control. Dragonflies can hover or fly backwards or forwards with ease. The aquatic nymphs have a large retractable shovel-shaped lower lip. They use this as a catch-arm for snatching prey. Fossil dragonflies have been found in 320-million-year-old rocks. ing
Compound eye Neck

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Blue damselfly

ew For

Antenna Labrum Mouth parts



9 10 4 5 6 7 8

Legs Mask In Dragonfly nymph with under-lip grabber called a mask.


Auricles (male) Pairing organ (male)

Genitals Anal claspers

Blackwing damselfly nymph

Civil bluet damselfly

Enallagma civile in Family Coenagrionidae. This is a common 31mm damselfly with pale blue-banded black abdomen. The nymphs live in sluggish streams.

Blackwing damselfly

Calopteryx maculatum in Family Calopterygidae. This is a common black-winged 55mm damselfly with a metallic green body. The female has a white dot near the apex of each wing. Nymphs live in streams of the pine-and-oak woods of eastern Texas.

Blackwing damselfly nymph Dragonfly nymph with lunch


Stigma Male: black Female: white

Blackwing damselfly wing

75mm body

Dragonfly jaws close-up

Tenspot dragonfly

Libellula pulchella in Family Libellulidae. This black-and-brown with bluish white patches 75mm dragonfly cruises over meadows to catch insects on the wing. Nymphs live in sluggish streams. 57

Tenspot dragonfly nymph

TPWPress 1999

Page 2: Color the area on the pie chart that represents Moths.

Page 4: Circle the animals that you think are insects.








Weevil Insects.


Page 18: Finding words you've learned


Page 25: Finding words you've learned


The spider is an arachnid (eight legs, two-part body, no wings or antennae). The pillbug is related to crabs. Where to pin a specimen Label every specimen with: Where it was collected When it was collected By whom collected.

Page 26: Which are the two identical grasshoppers?

How to spread a dead butterfly specimen

Page 30: Finding words you've learned


as Tex996 , n sti , 1 ay AuJune 6ck D Bro

Missing leg

Wing outlined

Page 29: Find the trail through the maze.

Missing two legs

Austin, Texas March 30, 1999 Paul Montgomery

c and d
Special thanks to my mother, Eunice Taylor

Label every specimen with: Where it was collected When it was collected By whom collected.

Did you find another path?



Learn More About . . . HOW TO ENCOURAGE INSECTS G. Ajilvsgi, 1990. Butterfly Gardening for the South. Dallas (Taylor). 342 pp. J. G. Needham, 1937. Culture Methods for Invertebrate Animals. New York (Dover Publ.). 590 pp. Learn More About . . . HOW TO GET RID OF INSECTS Cynthia Wescott, 1943-1972. The Gardener's Bug Book. (Doubleday). 689 pp. A detailed list of garden pests you will find useful. Many of the remedies are, however, unsafe and some are no longer legal. William Olkowski, Sheila Daar and Helga Olkowski, 1991. Common-sense Pest Control. (Taunton Press). An extensive modern reference that gives least toxic alternatives. Learn More About . . . HOW TO PHOTOGRAPH INSECTS A. A. Blaker, 1977. Handbook for Scientific Photography. San Francisco (W. H. Freeman). 319 pp. Learn More About . . . HOW TO SAVE INSECT SPECIMENS Ross H. Arnett and Richard L. Jacques, 1981. Guide to Insects. (Simon & Schuster). George C. McGavin & Richard Lewington, 1992. Insects. Smithmark American Nature Guides. Lorus and Margery Milne, 1980. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders. New York (Alfred A. Knopf). Learn More About . . . INSECT HABITS H. C. McCook, 1907. Nature's Craftsmen. New York (Harper & Brothers). 317 pp. P. J. DeVries, 1987. Butterflies of Costa Rica and their Natural History. I Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae. Princeton NJ (Princeton U. Press). 327 pp. B. Holldobler and E. O. Wilson, 1990. The Ants. Cambridge MA (Belknap/Harvard U. Press). 732 pp. V. Sbordoni and S. Forestiero, 1984. Butterflies of the World. New York (Times Books/Random House). 312 pp. W. Linsenmaier, 1972. Insects of the World. New York (McGraw-Hill). 392 pp. J. H. Thorp and A. P. Covich, 1991. Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. New York (Academic Press). 910 pp. Learn More About . . . INSECT NATURALISTS R. H. and M. E. Arnett, 1993. The Naturalists' Directory and Almanac. Gainesville FL (Sandhill Crane Press). 439 pp. L. W. Burkhalter, 1965. Gideon Lincecum 1793-1874, A biography. Austin TX (U. of Texas Press). 362 pp. Learn More About . . . INSECTS AND GROUPS OF INSECTS Lorus and Margery Milne, 1980. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders. New York (Alfred A. Knopf). 989 pp. R. M. Pyle, 1981. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders.. New York (Alfred A. Knopf). 924 pp. E. S. and L. S. Dillon, 1961. A Manual of Common Beetles of Eastern North America. Evanston IL (Row, Peterson & Co.). 884 pp.

J. G. Needham and M. J. Westfall, 1955. A Manual of the Dragonflies of North America. (Anisoptera). Berkeley CA (U. of California Press). 615 pp. J. R. Helfer, 1987. How to Know the Grasshoppers, Crickets, Cockroaches and Their Allies. New York (Dover Publ.). 363 pp. P. A. Opler and V. Malikul, 1992. A Field Guide to Eastern Butterflies. Peterson Field Guide 4. Boston (Houghton Mifflin Co.) 396 pp. J. W. Tilden and A. C. Smith, 1986. A Field Guide to Western Butterflies. Peterson Field Guide 33. Boston (Houghton Mifflin Co.). 370 pp. B. M. Drees and J. A. Jackman, 1998. A Field Guide to Common Texas Insects. Houston Gulf Publ. Co.). 359 pp. R. H. Arnett, 1985. American Insects, A Handbook of the Insects of America North of Mexico. New York (Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.). 850 pp. H. E. Jaques, 1951. How to Know the Beetles. Dubuque IA (W. C. Brown Co.). 372 pp. L. O. Howard, 1942. The Insect Book. New York (Doubleday, Doran). 429 pp. C. V. Covell, 1984. A Field Guide to the Moths. Peterson Guide 30. Boston (Houghton Mifflin Co.). 496 pp. R. E. White, 1983. A Field Guide to the Beetles. Peterson Guide 29. Boston (Houghton Mifflin Co.). 368 pp. Learn More About . . . FOSSIL INSECTS C. Finsley, 1989. A Field Guide to Fossils of Texas. Austin TX (Texas Monthly Press). 189 pp. L. Grande, 1980. Paleontology of the Green River Formation, with a Review of the Fish Fauna. Laramie WY (Geol. Surv. Wyoming, Bulletin 63). 333 pp. P. C. Rice, 1980. Amber, The Golden Gem of the Ages. New York (Kosciuszko Foundation). 289 pp. C. J. Durden, 1978. Fossil Cockroaches from a 1554 Spanish Shipwreck (pp.407416) in J. B. Arnold and R. S. Weddle. The Spanish Shipwrecks of 1554, The Nautical Archeology of Padre Island. New York (Academic Press). 462 pp. S. A. Elias, 1994. Quaternary Insects and Their Environments. Washington (Smithsonian Institution Press). 284 pp. Learn More About . . . OTHER ARTHROPODS H. W. and L. R. Levi, 1968. A Guide to Spiders. New York (Golden Press). 160 pp. D. Jones, 1983. The Larousse Guide to Spiders. New York (Larousse & Co.) 320 pp. J. H. Comstock and W. J. Gertsch, 1948. The Spider Book. Ithaca NY (Comstock/Cornell U. Press). 729 pp.

Caterpillar Adult Longwing zebra 59

5 6 1 2 3 12 13 14 15 16 17 4 7 8

10 11


18 20 21 23 20 20 29 30 31 32 33 20 35 34 37 40 22 36 38 39 41 21 24 25 26 28 27


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Tawny emperor butterfly Conenose bloodsucker Mud-dauber nest Eyed elater Elena's favorite insect Looper caterpillar Large mayfly Praying mantis American bird locust Spittlebug Monarch chrysalis Bumblebee Giant walking stick Checkered skipper Giant swallowtail Mayfly Cranefly Grasshopper Dragonfly Fire ant Texas agricultral ant

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Ladybird beetle larva Longhorn beetle Snakefly (Chris's favorite insect) Moth caterpillars Morning cloak caterpillar Sawfly larvae Clouded ant lion Prairie-ant cricket Scarab beetle (Georg's favorite insect) False earwig Garden symphylan Telsontail Broadwing leafhopper Whiteflies Ladybird beetle Insect eggs Mole cricket Grasshopper Monarch caterpillar Ironclad beetle Firefly

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