Newsletter Summer 8 2013
Newsletter Summer 8 2013
Newsletter Summer 8 2013
TRAINING DAYS & SUMMER BREAK OUR FINAL TRAINING DAYS FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR ARE FRIDAY 28TH JUNE AND MONDAY 1ST JULY, WHEN SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED TO CHILDREN. WE THEN BREAK UP FOR THE SUMMER AT 3.30 P.M. ON FRIDAY 19TH JULY AND RETURN ON WEDNESDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER. WELL DONE Well Done to Briar Swift who has passed her Jazz Dancing with Distinctions. FRIDAY PHONICS IN RECEPTION Would parent please note that there will be no Phonics Afternoon on Friday 21st June. This applies to both classes. SCHOOL CROSSING PATROL Our wonderful Crossing Patrol Warden will be away from his duties for two weeks from Friday 17th June. We hope that DMBC will be able to supply a relief warden, but you should be aware that it may not always be possible. Please reinforce with your children to be particularly careful if they come to school unaccompanied. GREAT WALLS OF WRITING! Please come early to collect your child on Thursday 20th June as school will be open from 3pm for you to go into class and see the great examples of writing on display on the walls in class and around school. We are very proud of this and would like to give parents the opportunity to have a look too. THANK YOU Many thanks to everyone who sent in Sainsburys Active Kids vouchers. We gained 2643 vouchers, and the School Council will see how they might be spent. SPORTS DAYS All our Sports Events will be held in the afternoon, from 1.30 p.m. onwards, on the following days; Reception Monday 24th June Year 1 & 2 Tuesday 25th June th Year 3 & 4 Wednesday 26 June Year 5 & 6 Thursday 27th June Nursery parents will be notified separately of their events. We hope you can make it. TOMBOLA DONATIONS Once again we are hoping to have a tombola and refreshments stall at all our Sports Days, and we would appreciate donations of suitable items to use as prizes for this
ATTENDANCE Congratulations to WHITE CLASS for winning the Best in School attendance award with 98% attendance! The whole class will be rewarded with a visit to TOCKs club. Overall school attendance went down slightly last week and is now 93.5%. Our target is 95%, so please help the school to reach this target by attending school every day. You can check your classs attendance levels on the school website. HOLIDAYS DURING TERM TIME Please remember that until the end of this academic year, holidays in term time can only be authorised if your child has over 95% attendance. From September, no requests for holidays can be authorised at all, except in exceptional circumstances for which written evidence must be provided. Fixed penalty notices will be issued if unauthorised holidays are taken in term time.
ABSENCE DUE TO ILLNESS Please remember to phone in as early as possible on 321914 and leave a message if your child is going to be absent due to illness. PARKING ON GRESLEY ROAD We have had a phone call from a resident saying that tenants who live in the bungalows on Gresley Road are having problems with parents parking at pick up and drop off times. This is causing access problems for mobility scooters and could potentially be dangerous should one of the residents need an ambulance in an emergency. Please, if you bring your children by car, make sure you park in a responsible manner with regard to our neighbours. Many thanks.
CROSSING LITTLEMOOR LANE AND PARKING We now have a Crossing Patrol Warden, so please impress on your children that they should use the warden when they try to cross the road. Again we are asking that you park sensitively when you bring and collect your children, bearing in mind not blocking our neighbours drives or double parking and causing problems for children trying to cross the roads. Additionally, please do not park ON the pavement, as buggies and wheelchairs need the space on the footpath, as well as it being dangerous for children if you try to drive on the path. Thank you for your co-operation. HOT WEATHER - HATS, WATER BOTTLES AND SUN CREAM Please remember to send your child with a hat for the sun, and a water bottle now the hot weather has decided to come back. Wide necked bottles can be filled from the water coolers in school. Please remember to put your childs name in the hat. Also, putting sun cream on your child before they leave home the morning would be a good idea if you feel they need it. Boots currently have a half-price offer on their Soltan 8-hour sun cream. It is called Once kids 8 hour play sun cream, which is SPF Factor 50+ and protects against UVB rays. Thank you. UPDATE TO EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES We are experiencing difficulties at the moment contacting parents when their child is ill, or left behind from an after-school club or activity. Please make sure, if you change your mobile number, or even move house, that you let school know. Thank you. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NEWSLETTER We are encouraging the children to contribute to our weekly newsletter with stories, pictures and items of interest they have done in the classroom our outside school. The contributions this week are from Year 1. Look out for more class contributions in the coming weeks