Radio Play Rubric
Radio Play Rubric
Radio Play Rubric
Dear High School Theatre students! For this assignment you will collectively create an original 8-10 minute radio play. You need to work together to develop your idea along with your music and sound effects. You will need to incorporate at least 10 sound effects and musical elements into your nal performance. These will be broadcast to an enthusiastic High School audience. (48 performance points) Preproduction:
4 points Idea Team has a clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do and generally how his/her work will contribute to the nal product. 3 points Team has a fairly clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do overall but has trouble describing how his/her work will contribute to the nal product. 2 points Team has brainstormed their concept, but no clear focus has emerged for the team. Team members may describe the goals/nal product differently. 1 point Team has spent little effort on brainstorming and rening a concept. Team members are unclear on the goals and how their contributions will help them reach the goal.
HS Theatre 2
4 points Script Script is complete and it is clear what each actor will say and do. Sound effects are introduced where necessary and appropriate. Script is quite professional. Students meet and discuss regularly. All students contribute to the discussion and all are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work.
3 points Script is mostly complete. It is clear what each actor will say and do. Script shows planning. Some sound effects are used.
2 points Script has a few major aws. It is not always clear what the actors are to say and do. Script shows an attempt at planning, but seems incomplete. A couple of team meetings are held. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work.
1 point There is no script. Actors are expected to invent what they say and do as they go along.
Students meet and discuss regularly. Most students contribute to the discussion and are listened to respectfully. All team members contribute a fair share of the work.
Meetings are not held AND/ OR some team members do not contribute a fair share of the work.
HS Theatre 2
4 points Volume All vocals are at an appropriate volume throughout the entire radio play. All music and sound effects enhance the overall radio play in a positive way.
3 points Most vocals are at an appropriate volume throughout the entire radio play. Most music and sound effects enhance the overall radio play in a positive way.
2 points Less than half of the vocals are at an appropriate volume throughout the entire radio play. Some music and sound effects distract from the main content of the radio play. The play is not very original and little creative storytelling is done or attempted. Characterization is lacking for the most part or not apparent. Little to no vocal choices are made or attempted.
1 point Most vocals are not at an appropriate volume throughout the entire radio play. Most music and sound effects distract from the main content of the radio play There is little to no originality or creativity in the presentation of the play. Very little characterization is heard or attempted.
The play is told The play shows and performed some originality in an and creativity interesting and creativity way Students indicate a strong character. Vocal choices are specic, well thought out and applicable for chosen character(s). Group members are vocally expressive throughout. Some characterization is heard and attempted. Some good vocal choices are made and presented.
Vocal Expression
HS Theatre 2
3 points Presentation is for the most part well put together, organized and professional. 4-5 points Student speaks clearly and expressively for the most part and is committed to their character (s) for most of the performance.
2 points The presentation is well put together and organized but inconsistently. 2-3 points Student does not speak clearly and expressively and little commitment is apparent in their characterization
1 point The presentation is completed, but poorly ordered and put together. 1 point Student makes little to no effort to speak clearly and expressively. A character is not apparent or very poorly performed.
Individual Performance
6-8 points Student speaks, clearly, expressively and is committed to their character (s) for the duration of the performance.