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Electron Msds

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Environmentally Preferred Dielectric Solvent
Rev. 06/06/2007 2177A Flintstone Drive TUCKER, GA 30084 www.ecolink.com email: info@ecolink.com 800/886-8240 or 770/621-8240 (95 EST) FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY Call INFOTRAC 800/535-5053 (24 HOURS)

Section I: Product Identification

Product name: Synonym: Molecular Formula: ELECTRON Proprietary Blend Proprietary Blend

Section II: Chemical or Hazardous Components

Chemical Name CAS No. Approx. wt.% Exposure Chemical Name Citrus Terpene 68647-72-3 >10% (*) TLV 100 ppm

The Plain English Section

Material Safety Data Sheets can be confusing. Federal law requires us to print a great deal of technical information, which probably wont help the non-scientist. ECOLINK includes this PLAIN ENGLISH section, written to address the questions and concerns of the average person. If you have additional health, safety or product questions, dont hesitate to call us at 800/886-8240. Health Hazards: ELECTRON is a non-halogenated industrial chemical. We call it environmentally preferred because it is intended to replace products that are more hazardous, (1,1,1 trichloroethane, mineral spirits, MEK, etc.). This does not mean that ELECTRON is completely harmless. It is strong enough to remove tough industrial soils, so it can irritate your skin. We suggest you wear gloves, and avoid extended exposure to unprotected skin. Dont get it in your eyes, or breath large amounts of the vapor, (it will dry out your nasal passages). Used on a rag or from a spray bottle, the product wont produce fumes in any great quantity, (dont spray ELECTRON under high pressure without adequate ventilation). For more exposure and first aid information, refer to MSDS Sections II, VI. Flashpoint: ELECTRONs flashpoint is 147 F. This represents the temperature that the liquid must reach before it emits fumes that will ignite. This is pretty hot, so combustion in ordinary use isnt a big concern. If ELECTRON is used on rags, the rags can ignite if exposed to an open flame because the solvent is wicked onto the cloth. Be sure to dispose of rags in an airtight container specifically designed to prevent spontaneous combustion. Dont use ELECTRON or any other combustible solvent around welding or any other hot work area. Disposal: Straight from the drum, ELECTRON is not considered a hazardous waste product. Once it is contaminated with whatever you are cleaning, the resulting mixture may fall under a hazardous classification, depending on whether or not the material you are cleaning is hazardous. If you arent sure how to dispose of used ELECTRON, give us a call and we will help you make the right decisions.

Severely Hydrotreated Light Distillates CAS No. 64742-47-8 Approx. wt. % >75% Exposure (*) PEL 100 ppm (*) Manufacturers recommended exposure limits. ALL MATERIALS IN PRODUCT ARE TSCA LISTED RCRA REGULATED: No CERCLA (superfund): Not Applicable DOT regulated: No DOT haz. class: Not applicable DOT Shipping Name: Not applicable DOT number: Not Applicable (Questions concerning DOT information refer to DOT manual CFR 49, chapter 1, 10/96 edition)

Section III: Physical Data

Appearance & Odor: Boiling Point: Evaporation Rate: Percent Volatile: Solubility In Water: Specific Gravity: VOC Content Vapor Density (AIR=1): Vapor Pressure: Colorless liquid with mild citrus terpene odor 349 F. @ 760 mmHg <1.0 100% Negligible 0.8112 810 gm/l 122 gm/l less exempt compounds >1 0.30 mmHg @ 68F

Ecolink, Inc.

Material Safety Data Sheet ELECTRON

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Section IV: Fire and Explosion Hazard Data

Flash Point (Method): Bulk Liquid (TCC) 147 F Flammable Limits: LEL 0.7% UEL 7.0% Extinguishing Media: Regular foam, water fog, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, Class B. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Keep fire exposed containers cool with water. Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in the positive pressure demand mode with appropriate gear and chemical resistant personal protective equipment. Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along the ground or be moved by ventilation and ignited by heat, pilot lights, other flames and ignition sources at locations distant from material handling point. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near drum (even empty) because product can ignite explosively.

First Aid: Ingestion: Seek medical attention immediately. If individual is drowsy or unconscious, do not give anything by mouth; place individual on left side with head down. Contact medical facility or poison Control center for advice on whether to induce vomiting. Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Keep person warm and quiet. Seek medical attention. Irrigate immediately with water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Wash with soap and water. Thoroughly clean contaminated clothes and shoes before re-use. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Oral Toxicity (mice) LD50 5.66.6 g/kg Absorption (rabbits) LD50 >5000 mg/kg NTP Not Listed IARC Monographs None OSHA REGS Not Regulated




Toxicity Data: Acute Toxicity: Skin Toxicity: Carcinogen:

Section V: Reactivity Data

Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Sources of ignition such as sparks, hot spots, welding, flames and cigarettes. Ignition/flash may result if concentration of product is in the flammable range. (See section IV for LEL and UEL values.) Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Strong oxidizing agents and/or strong acids. Hazardous Decomposition: May form carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section VII: Precautions for Safe Handling

HMIS Information: Health 1 / Flammability 2 Reactivity 0 Personal Protection B

HMIS Definition: 0 Minimal, 1 Slight, 2 Moderate, 3 Serious, 4 Extreme / in the Health Category denotes material does not target any major organs. * in the Health Category denotes material may target certain organs. Eye Protection Safety glasses and splash protection required.

Section VI: Health Hazard Data

Primary Routes of Exposure: Oral, Inhalation, & Skin Ingestion: Swallowing large amounts may be harmful by causing gastrointestinal irritation. Inhalation: Breathing large amounts may be harmful by causing nose, throat, and respiratory tract irritation. Eyes: Irritant. Liquid contact will irritate eyes and may cause stinging, tearing, and redness. Skin or Contact: May cause mild irritation of redness and burning.

Protective Gloves: Nitrile gloves. Respiratory Protection: Not required under conditions of normal use. If vapor mist is present, use NIOSH certified organic vapor mask. Ventilation: Local exhaust/hood or fan may be used. Other Protective Clothing: None required under normal use. Work Practices: Store rags used with this material in an airtight, metal container to prevent spontaneous combustion. Treat this chemical with respect and follow all MSDS instructions.

Ecolink, Inc.

Material Safety Data Sheet ELECTRON

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Section VIII: Control Measures

Small Spill: Absorb liquid on vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and transfer to hood. Large Spill: Eliminate all ignition sources, (flares, flames including pilot lights, electrical sparks). Persons not wearing protective equipment should be excluded from area of spill until clean-up has been completed. Stop spill at source. Prevent from entering drains, sewers, streams, etc. If runoff occurs, notify authorities as required. Pump or vacuum transfer spilled product to clean containers for recovery. Transfer contaminated, absorbent soil and other materials to containers for disposal. Waste Disposal Method: ELECTRON is to be disposed of according to local, state, and federal regulations. Please call us if you need additional disposal information. Precautions To Be Taken In Handling & Storing: Since empty containers contain product residues, all hazard precautions given in the material safety data sheet must be observed. All metal pails or drums should be grounded and/or bonded when material is transferred. Any use of this product in elevated temperature processes should be thoroughly evaluated to establish and maintain safe operating conditions. Sudden release of hot organic chemical vapors or mists from process equipment operating at elevated temperatures may result in ignition. Other Precautions: Keep this and all chemicals out of the reach of children.

Section IX: Part Number & Packaging

Product Name Electron Electron Electron Electron Electron Part No. 0296-55 0296-5 0296-1 049-1 0164-1 Packaging 55 Gal Drum 5 Gal Pail 4x1 Gal BX 12 x 22 oz 12 Pt BX NSN Number 6850-01-375-5555 6850-01-375-5553 6850-01-375-5554 6850-01-371-8049 N/A

DISCLAIMER: Ecolink, Inc. believes the information contained herein is accurate. However, Ecolink makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy of this data or the results to be obtained by the use thereof. Ecolink, Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury from the use of the product described herein.


Ecolink, Inc.

Material Safety Data Sheet ELECTRON

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