Key To Happiness and Peace
Key To Happiness and Peace
Key To Happiness and Peace
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Introduction Family Ties Restoring Love Spend Millions Permissible Lie Special Duaa Prime Spot in Jannah Sacrifices The Gold is Yours Happiness Cash Benefits Great People have Great Qualities Rise and Fall of Families For the Children 1 2 3 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 22 25
Among the values that are most cherished by all human beings are mutual love and peace. No sane person desires enmity or loves dissention. While this is part of basic human nature, our beautiful deen of Islam, which is the most perfect and complete way of life, has greatly emphasised the importance of these aspects. Mutual love between all Muslims, and especially between family members, is a requirement for direct admission into Jannah. Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said: You cannot enter Jannah until you believe, and you cannot be a Believer until you love one another! Should I not tell you of that which will generate mutual love? Make
Family Ties
This hadeeth highlights the importance of mutual love, that the perfection of imaan is dependent on it. While this applies to the family of the Muslim Ummah in general, its greater application is in ones immediate family. Hence, astounding virtues have been mentioned for those who make the effort to enhance this love and strengthen the bonds of kinship. The gist of some of the many ahaadeeth in this regard are: 1. The one who wishes to have blessings in his life and wealth
2. Kinship is suspended to the Throne of Allah Taala and continues to make this duaa: The one who maintains me, may Allah Taala maintain him. The one who severs me, may Allah Taala sever him! (Saheeh Muslim #6519) 3. Join ties with the one who severs relationship with you, give the one who has deprived you, and forgive the one who has oppressed you. (Musnad Ahmad #17452)
Restoring Love
The fundamental importance of mutual love in the Ummah in general and in the
family in particular is evident from these ahaadeeth. However occasionally, due to being human, some occurrences in day-today life affect, challenge and sometimes even interrupt this love. Once again, due to the extremely high importance of maintaining love and unity, the rewards for restoring the love that was interrupted is equally great. Sayyiduna Abu Dardaa (radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: Should I not inform you of that which is superior to (optional) fasts, salaah and charity? Yes, do tell us replied the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum). Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: Fostering love and unity, for verily dissention shaves off (the deen). (Sunan Abi Dawood #4919)
Spend Millions
Allahu Akbar! Can we imagine...? A person spends the entire night in tahajjud. Another spends his days fasting. A third person spends millions in charity. All have engaged in extremely great forms of ibaadat for which they will be rewarded tremendously. Yet, the one who earns greater rewards, and who has a higher position in the sight of Allah Taala, is the person who makes efforts to foster love and restore unity.
Permissible Lie
In fact, to assist him in his task and help him in his mission, Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has relaxed the prohibition of a major sin for him - the sin
of lying. Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: He is not a liar, who makes peace between people. (Saheeh Bukhari #2692) The meaning of this hadeeth is that in order to create peace between people, if something contrary to the reality is spoken, it is permissible. For example, if the mediator says to one of the parties that the other was speaking highly of him and praising him, whereas not a word of praise was said, there will be no sin. This highlights the importance and virtue of maintaining love, unity and peace.
Special Duaa
Various noble traits and aspects of good character enhance love between people. Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is
so greatly pleased with such people that he made a special duaa for them. Sayyiduna Jaabir (radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: May Allah Taala have mercy on the one who is kind and easy going when he buys, sells, pays or demands payment. (Saheeh Bukhari #2076)
being the rightful party, a palace will be built for him in the middle (prime spot) of Jannah. The one who adopts good character, a palace will be built for him in the highest levels of Jannah. (Tirmizi #1993) According to another narration, Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: I guarantee a palace in the middle (prime spot) of Jannah for the one who avoids a dispute despite being the rightful party. (Sunan Abi Dawood #4800) Subhanallah! The Nabi of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) standing guarantee!!! What a fantastic bargain!!!
Like any other very precious commodity, some sacrifices are necessary in order to
acquire the virtues and elevated position in the Hereafter that have been promised for those who maintain peace and foster love. However, these sacrifices not only earn mountains of rewards and elevate ones position in the Hereafter, the benefits are enjoyed even in this world. Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) described one such dispute where the immediate benefit to both parties was as clear as daylight.
you and not the gold. The seller replied: Well! I sold you the land together with whatever is in it (hence the gold belongs to you). Eventually both the buyer and seller referred their dispute to a mediator to help them to resolve it. The mediator asked them: Do you have any children? One of them replied: I have a son. The other replied: I have a daughter. The mediator then said: Get the boy married to the girl. Spend this wealth upon them and also give a portion in charity. (Saheeh Bukhari #3472)
In this incident, each person had the heart of gold to give away the pot of gold to the other. This golden gesture became the catalyst for the happy marriage of their
children. Since their own children benefitted from that wealth, the benefit in reality came back to both of them. The result was that all around there were happy people and happy families. This was the priceless return on investment in this world. Indeed it was priceless, since all the wealth of the world cannot buy happiness. The rewards in the Hereafter are beyond imagination. The fundamental lesson in this incident is that often the benefits of the sacrifices to maintain peace and enhance mutual love flow on to ones generations to come. What a beautiful legacy to leave for ones children and grandchildren!
Cash Benefits
Another incident mentioned in the ahadeeth that highlights the immediate benefits of sacrificing in order to maintain peace and love is the following: Three people from among the Bani Israeel were travelling when they were suddenly caught in a storm. They took refuge in a cave. While inside the cave, a huge rock fell directly in front of the mouth of the cave, thus blocking their way out. Hence each one prayed to Allah Taala to move the rock, and in the form of intercession presented an action which he had done sincerely for the pleasure of Allah Taala alone. One of them presented the following selfless deed: He had once hired a person to do some work. At the end of the day the employee
for some reason was displeased and left without taking his salary. The employer invested the salary amount in livestock. After some time the employee returned and demanded his due, which was a meagre amount. The employer pointed to a herd of goats, which was the proceeds from the investment of the salary, and told him to take them. The employee was shocked, but the employer assured him that it was all his and he may take it. Upon presenting this sincere, selfless sacrifice and making duaa, the rock moved and they were eventually saved. Subhanallah! What a wonderful way of getting ones duaas answered. The employer in this incident made many sacrifices. He invested the money on behalf of the employee and took care of the investment. This was a major task since he had invested in livestock. In any
case, since the employee had not initially taken possession of the money, he was only entitled to the amount owed to him as his salary. The profits actually belonged to the employer. But, he opened his heart and gave it all away to the employee. This sacrifice became the means of the acceptance of his duaa and saved his life. Here again, the lesson is clear. The sacrifice to maintain peace did not go in vain. It was an unimaginable gain!!! Also, the benefits of these sacrifices are not always instantly apparent. However, we receive the benefits when we need them most.
rights merely for the sake of avoiding a dispute. He would very often quote the hadeeth of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in relation to this (regarding the the guarantee of a house in Jannah, as mentioned above) above). Besides this, it is unknown as to how many people deceived him in his personal dealings. Many had tried to bring up cases against him. There were those who attempted to defame him through newspapers and the media. However, in the face of all these incidents he never resorted to the tactics that are nowadays adopted when replying to such propaganda. Instead, in most cases he relinquished his right and came out of the predicament. He always avoided any type of confrontation and dispute irrespective of whether it related to academic issues or a discussion with people of opposing
Once while he was still living in Deoband, Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb (rahimahullah) purchased a plot to build a home. After the commencement of the construction some of the neighbours approached him and said that a portion of the land belonged to them since their drainage went through it. However, according to the municipal title deeds and the various records, they had no right to the land and the land entirely belonged to him. In order to avoid any type of quarrel, he handed over to them that part of the land which they had laid a claim to. As a result the building that was being
constructed had to be restricted in size. However, he preferred having a restricted home instead of quarrelling!!! Nevertheless, after some time these neighbours came back to him and offered to sell that part of the land to him. He accepted the offer, paid them for that piece of land which actually belonged to him and then extended the home. (Al Balaagh Mufti Aazam Number, vol. 2, pg. 1068)
Darul Uloom
Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb (rahimahullah)s Darul Uloom (which is presently one of the biggest in Karachi) was originally housed in a small building. When the workload increased and the place became constrained, a dire need arose for a larger place. Hence, Allah Taala
provided the means and a large tract of land was allotted by the government for the madrasah. The land was situated in a very prime location and was an ideal spot for the Darul Uloom. The legal procedures were followed and the transfer papers for the land were processed. After gaining control, a room was built on the land and a telephone line was also connected. An official foundation laying jalsah was then announced and leading Ulama from various parts of Pakistan graced the occasion. It was on this occasion that some individuals laid claim to the land, stating that the land did not belong to the Darul Uloom. Coincidentally the claimants had engaged certain reputable personalities who were also revered by Hazrat Mufti Shafee Saheb (rahimahullah). Initially, he attempted to defuse the dispute but to no
avail. Hence, he thought to himself that what kind of blessings will there be in a madrasah whose foundation is laid on a dispute. Subsequently, he announced that he was relinquishing his right and abandoning the property. Upon hearing this decision, the madrasahs administration committee objected by saying: How can you pass such a decision? Such a large property in the middle of the city! It is extremely difficult to find such a property. How can you leave such a property which we have already gained control over? Hazrat Mufti Shafee Saheb (rahimahullah) replied: I am not compelling the committee to abandon the property, because the committee has already gained control and ownership of the land. If you wish to still go ahead and construct the madrasah then you may do
so. However, I will not be part of it, since I do not see any blessings in a madrasah whose foundation is laid upon a dispute. He then cited the hadeeth of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam): I guarantee a home in the middle of Jannah for that person who leaves out quarrelling despite being correct. He further added: You are complaining that to get such a land is difficult, difficult, whereas Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is saying that he guarantees a home in the middle of Jannah. Constructing a Darul Uloom is farzfarze-kifaayah and saving Muslims from quarrels and disputes is farzfarz-e-ayn. It will be a disservice to deen deen if a farzfarz-e-ayn is left out in order to discharge a farzfarz-e-kifaayah. I will not construct a Darul Uloom whilst engaging in a dispute. Saying this he abandoned the property.
Subsequently, Allah Taala blessed Mufti Sahib (rahimahullah) with a very much bigger and better property upon which the Darul Uloom is currently built. (Islaahi Khutubaat, vol. 6, pg. 153 / Al Balaagh Mufti Aazam Number, vol. 1, pg. 44 & 212) A striking lesson that we learn from this incident is: The more you give, the more you get. Yes indeed this is a reality. Give away only for the pleasure of Allah Taala, and to foster good relations, and witness the blessings and peace pouring into ones life and children.
of, is based on some specific qualities. Those who adopt the positive qualities prosper, most importantly in deen, while their lives are generally peaceful. Otherwise, there is much turmoil and misery on every front. Hazrat Moulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (rahimahullah) was an internationally renowned personality. He was an Aalim of a very high calibre and among the great thinkers of the time. Among other achievements, he was a historian of note and produced several masterpieces that encapsulated the biographies of many luminaries of this Ummah. Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) once gathered all the children and people of his household. He then said to them: I have called you for a very special purpose. Alhamdulillah, I have undertaken a study
of history. Therefore I am well aware of many great families in history including families of learned and pious personalities who lost the legacy of their great predecessors. Eventually irreligiousness crept into them and led to their destruction. Hence in the light of my study of history, I am mentioning to you three things which, if you act upon them, inshaAllah you will flourish and as a family you will be saved from destruction. 1. Never be the oppressor. Rather be the oppressed one. 2. Refrain from forbidden wealth. Restrain yourself from even doubtful wealth. 3. Treat your relatives well, even though they behave indifferently.
as 1+1=2. However, the reality is that these compromises + sacrifices, solely for the pleasure of Allah Taala, add up to millions, albeit in various different ways. In many instances, ones children and generations to come reap the rewards. After all, one works, strives, slogs and toils ... for the children. Sometimes people in their advanced ages fight, litigate, prosecute and sue ... for the children. Indeed, it is permissible to provide for ones children and also to acquire and secure what they are rightfully entitled to. Any permissible means may be adopted for this purpose. However, the most secure, guaranteed and safest way to secure the best for our children is to latch on to the unseen system of Allah Taala - that system where 1+1 can even add up to one million and one.
In the system of adopting the apparent means to protect ones interests, one has to toil, slog, fight and sue. To benefit from the unseen system, one sincerely compromises, sacrifices, overlooks and forgives. The apparent means are not guaranteed to produce any result while the unseen system is guaranteed. At times, the apparent means to secure ones rights produce more problems than benefits, whereas the one who draws from the unseen system of Allah Taala receives more bounties than he expected or imagined. The choice is clearly ours. May Allah Taala bless us all with peace, love and unity in this world and the everlasting bounties in the Hereafter in Jannatul Firdous.