Data Reports of sharp pain on the abdominal incision area with a pain scale of 8 out of 10 Facial grimacing Guarding behaviour Restless and irritable
Action Administered Celecoxib 200mg IV Encouraged deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques Kept patient comfortable and safe
Data Increase respiratory rate of 24 cpm use of accessory muscle to breath presence of nonproductive cough
Action Administer O2 Perform suction if there is a secretions Give cough suppressant drugs Encourage the patient to perform a relax breathing exercises
Response Patient shows a continues breathing and the respiratory rate normalize
Data Pt feels they are not emptying bladder despite the need to void more frequently. Urinary output significantly declined in last 24 hrs. Last void 16 hrs ago.
Action Palpated bladder, distension noted and pt unable to pass urine. Foley inserted as ordered to relieve urinary retention. 12Fr 10 mL balloon to gravity.
Response Pt indicated no pain during insertion. Draining clear yellow urine. 1000 mL out