755 Mencken
755 Mencken
755 Mencken
A collection of Menckens work, including: Letters, books, and magazines Books from his library Gifts from him to the Library of Congress
Terms: Payment by major credit cards, check, money order, or PayPal (to michaeljosbornebooks@verizon.net). Institutions may be invoiced. All items are subject to prior sale. Books may be reserved pending payment. Standard discounts are avilable. Domestic media mail shipping is included; insurance is additional. Other shipping arrangements may be made. International shipping is billed at cost. Returns are accepted within seven (7) days of receipt. Please contact me prior to making a return for shipping instructions. Maryland residents please add 6% for sales tax. Michael J. Osborne Books LLC 11010 Wood Elves Way Columbia, MD 21044 410-992-1451 michaeljosbornebooks@verizon.net www.michaeljosborneboooks.com Available by appointment. September 2010
Icanappreciate whatalaboroflovethecollectionwas, rangingoverthewholespan ofMencken'spublishinghistory,andthe cataloguedoesitfulljustice. RichardJ.Schrader antiquarianbookstores.Ihadmyownfavorites dealerssuchasGoodspeedsinBoston,Argosy inNewYork,LoudermilksinWashington,and, ofcourse,thosemustyanddecrepitbut wonderfulbookmausoleums,nowlonggone, scatteredalongHowardStreetinBaltimore.A visittothemalmostinvariablyturnedupat leastonenewtreasure.Someofthemostrare itemsIacquiredfromobscurelittleshopsin lowrentareasofChicago,Cleveland,Cincinnati, AustinandSanFrancisco;notsomanyMencken devoteesinthosetowns,Iassumed.Invariably, Iwouldconfrontdealerswithmysoiledand raggedwishlist,which,foldedinsidemy wallet,accompaniedmeatalltimes.Ialso scannedcatalogsandwasaregularattendeeat bookauctions,frequentlycompetingagainst othereager,oftenbetterheeledMencken collectors. Nowadays,IthinkofallthetimesI wouldstealthilysmuggleanewlyacquiredgem intomyhome,lestmysweetwifediscoverthe depthofmyobsessionandadmonishmefor squanderingourmoneyonanotheroldbook. (Shealwaysknewbut,blessher,never complained.)Ithinktoooftheraritiespricey eveninthoseearlydaysIhadtopassupfor lackofwherewithal.Hadthejobofayoung reportercommandedgreaterremuneration, thiscollectionnodoubtwouldhavebeenmore complete. Theshadowslengthen,astheysay,and thusitstimetostartsheddingofsomeofthe flotsamandjetsamoneaccumulatesina lifetime.AnewgenerationofMencken enthusiastshasemerged.Ihopetheyseethese offerings;theressomehardtofindstuffhere.I amconfidentmyfriendMichaelOsbornewilldo hisbesttoseethatitfindsagoodhome. DonBacon,Washington,DC,September1, 2010. 2 Michael J. Osborne Books LLC - 11010 Wood Elves Way Columbia, MD 21044
1. [About H.L. Mencken]. The Atlantic. May, 1959. Boston: The Atlantic Monthly. 107p. 28cm. Wrappers. Top cover torn at the spine head, creases; still in very good condition. Includes Alfred A. Knopf's article For Henry with Love: My Friendship with Mencken. (10191) $30.00 2. [About H.L. Mencken]. The Dickinson College Magazine. November, 1979. Carlisle, PA: Dickinson College. 52p. 28cm. Wrappers. Writing in magic marker on front cover; address label on bottom cover; still in very good condition. Includes the article Twelve New H.L. Mencken Letters. (10197) $20.00 3. [About H.L. Mencken]. Ford's Theater Presents the World Premiere of David Wayne in An Unpleasant Evening with H.L. Mencken. Washington DC: Ford's Theater, 1972. Pocket folder containing Sun write-up, review, press release, handbills, photo copies of reviews, 2 copies of Ford's Theater Performance Magazine; photo copy of script. Insecting to the review; otherwise in fine condition. (10205) $250.00 4. [About H.L. Mencken]. Gardens, Houses and People. September, 1958. Towson, MD. 31p. 29cm. Wrappers. Offsetting, slight foxing. A very good copy. Includes Mencken as a Talker by Louis Cheslock. (10176) $10.00 5. [About H.L. Mencken]. H.L. Mencken. Fanfare by Burton Rascoe. The American Critic by Vincent O'Sullilvan. Bibliography by F.C. Henderson. New York: Knopf, 1920. Frontis, 32p. 18cm. Stapled card. In very good condition. Scarce. (10137) $50.00 6. [About H.L. Mencken]. HaldemanJulius Monthly. June, 1926. Girard, KS. 128p. 22cm. Wrappers. Covers separated, paper browned. In good condition. Includes Isaac Goldberg's article "The Arrest of Mencken." (10150) $45.00 7. [About H.L. Mencken]. Maryland. Autumn, 1969. Annapolis: Maryland Magazine. 32p. 33cm. Wrappers. Slight rubbing. In very good condition. Includes the article The Saturday Night Club Revisited by Gwinn Owens. (10196) $20.00 8. [About H.L. Mencken]. Menckeniana. A Broken Run - Spring, 1962- Fall, 2009, Nos 1-191 [Missing 6 issues]. Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Free Library. Stapled card. All in near fine condition. [Duplicates available] (10156) $500.00 9. [About H.L. Mencken]. Menckeniana. The First Eight Issues, Spring, 1962 - Winter, 1963. Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Free Library. Stapled card. All in near fine condition. (10157) $75.00 10. [About H.L. Mencken]. Newsweek. February 6, 1956. 92p. 28cm. Wrappers. Front cover almost separated, library stamps, address label. A good copy. Includes a brief obituary. (10183) $10.00 11. [About H.L. Mencken]. Photo in The Bookman. August, 1929. New York: The Bookman Publishing Inc. 25cm. Wrappers. In very good condition. (9919) $20.00 12. [About H.L. Mencken]. Reader's Digest. December, 1958. 230p. 19cm. Wrappers. A very good copy with minor wear. Includes The Most Unforgettable Character I've Ever Met by H. Allen Smith. (10182) $10.00
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13. [About H.L. Mencken]. The Saturday Evening Post. August 23, 1952. Philadelphia: Curtis Publishing. 120p. 34cm. Wrappers. In better than good condition. Includes the article The Curious Case of the President's Bathtub by Beverly Smith. (10195) $30.00 14. [About H.L. Mencken]. Saturday Review. December 17, 1960. 74p. 28cm. Wrappers. Creased and rubbed. A very good copy. Includes The Mencken Myth by Stephen Fitzgerald. (10179) $10.00 15. [About H.L. Mencken]. Saturday Review. July 14, 1962. 74p. 28cm. Wrappers. Creased and rubbed, address label. A very good copy. Includes Anti Buncombe and Humbug by Richard Tobin reviewing M.K. Singleton's H.L. Mencken and the American Mercury Adventure. (10180) $10.00 16. [About H.L. Mencken]. Saturday Review. May 27, 1950. 74p. 28cm. Wrappers. Pages toned, cover slightly faded. A very good copy. Includes Baltimore Iconoclast & His Icons by Duncan Aikman reviewing The Irreverent Mencken by Edgar Kemler. (10181) $10.00 17. [About H.L. Mencken]. Saturday Review. September 7, 1968. 74p. 28cm. Wrappers. Slight fading, label removed. A very good copy. Includes Critic Behind the Ruffian by Rochelle Girson. (10178) $10.00 18. [About H.L. Mencken]. The Sun. Monday, January 30, 1956. Baltimore. 4p. Mencken's obituary. Cover story, page of photos. (10199) $35.00 19. [About H.L. Mencken]. Texas Ranger, 1977. Austin, TX: Texas Student Publications. 46p. 28cm. Wrappers. A very good copy. Includes Red Gibson's How I got the Spike. (10174) $10.00 20. [About H.L. Mencken]. "The Mystery of H.L. Mencken's Bookplate" in The Courier. Number 35, 1970. Syracuse University Library Associates. pp. 1-7. 23cm. Stapled. In very good condition. (9922) $25.00 21. [About H.L. Mencken]. Allen, Frederick Lewis. Only Yesterday. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1931. Frontis, 370p, indexed. Later printing. Black cloth; dust jacket. A near fine copy in chipped, very good jacket. (9913) $15.00 22. [About H.L. Mencken]. Angoff, Charles. H.L. Mencken. A portrait from memory. New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1956. 239p, bibliography, chronology. 21.5cm. Second printing before publication. Green cloth; titling in black and gilt. Slight stain on front cover; jacket shows edge wear, tear on spine; prior owner's address label. In very good condition. (9967) $15.00 23. [About H.L. Mencken]. Ask, M.N., ed. Who's Who in Journalism. 1928. New York: Journalism Publishing Company, 1928. 538p. 23cm. first edition. Blue cloth; titling in black. Penciled notes on front free endpaper and pastedown; slight wear to spine; corners bumped; otherwise in very good condition. (9986) $75.00 24. [About H.L. Mencken]. Benchley, Robert. 20,000 Leagues Under the See or David Copperfield. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1931. 233p. 21cm. Seventh printing. Orange cloth with black titling. Spine slightly faded; minor edge wear. In very good condition. [Adler: p, 282]. (9856) $20.00
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25. [About H.L. Mencken]. Bode, Carl. Mencken. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1969. 452p, illustrations, indexed. 24cm. First edition. Brown cloth; titling in gilt and black. Corners lightly bumped; bookseller mark in black on the front cover pastedown. In very good condition. (9907) $15.00 26. [About H.L. Mencken]. Bode, Carl. Mencken. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1969. 452p, illustrations, indexed. 24cm. First edition. Brown cloth; titling in gilt and black; dust jacket. Corners lightly bumped; jacket slightly chipped. In very good condition. (9908) $20.00 27. [About H.L. Mencken]. Boyd, Ernest. H. L. Mencken. Modern American Writers series no. 4. New York: Robert M. Mcbride & Company, 1925. Frontis, 89p, bibliography. 19.5cm. Blue cloth. Spine titling faded; spine ends worn; corners slightly bumped; foxing to frontis and prelims. In better than good condition. [Adler, p. 274] (8285) $10.00 28. [About H.L. Mencken]. Cabell, James Branch. Some of Us. An Essay in Epitaphs. New York: Robert McBride, 1930. 130p. 25cm. In a limited edition of 1295 copies, of which 1250 are for sale, this is copy 622/1295. White cloth back and blue paper boards; paper title labels; slipcase. Spine darkened; small spot at the foot of spine; slipcase top detached. In very good condition. (9916) $60.00 29. [About H.L. Mencken]. Casseres, Benjamin de. Mencken and Shaw. New York: Silas Newton Publisher, 1930. 146p. 21cm. First edition. Light blue cloth. Spine faded; covers faded; corners skinned; prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. In slightly better than good condition. (9914) $10.00 30. [About H.L. Mencken] Castagna, Edwin. Long, Warm Friendship: HLMEPFL. Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1964. 9p. 23cm. Stapled card. A fine copy. (10291) $10.00 31. [About H.L. Mencken] Castagna, Edwin. Long, Warm Friendship: HLMEPFL. Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1964. 9p. 23cm. Stapled card. With a Meckeniana subscription form, the leaflet H.L. Mencken by Jane Wilhelm (revised by Richard Hart), and a one page ALS dated June 30, 1967, from Betty Adler apologizing for the adressee's treatment by the Mencken room staff. In fine condition. (10293) $45.00 32. [About H.L. Mencken]. Covarrubias, Miguel. The Prince of Wales and Other Famous Americans. Preface by Carl Van Vechten. New York: Knopf, 1925. Unpagintaed. 23.5cm. First edition. Yellow cloth back and batik boards. Portrait of H.L. Mencken. Slight soiling; corners skinned; edges rubbed; missing the frontis. In better than good condition. (9924) $100.00 33. [About H.L. Mencken]. Davenport, William H. Modern Exposition. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1946. 400p. 23cm. Later printing. Green cloth; titling in gilt. Pages have toned; prior owner's neat signature and address on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. (9979) $10.00 34. [About H.L. Mencken]. De Casseeres, Benjamin. Mencken and Shaw. New York: Silas Newton, 1930. 146p. 21cm. First edition. Blue cloth; dust jacket. Front hinge almost cracked; slight fading at
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edges; jacket chipped, faded, torn at one flap. In good condition. (9990) $15.00 35. [About H. L. Mencken]. Dorsey, John, ed. On Mencken. New York: Knopf, 1980. 313p. 22cm. First edition. Brown cloth; dust jacket. A fine copy. (9989) $15.00 36. [About H.L. Mencken]. Durant, Will. On the Meaning of Life. New York: Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, 1932. 144p. 20cm. First edition. Blue cloth titling in gilt. Spine faded; slight insecting on top edge; prior owner's address sticker on front cover paste down. In good condition only. (9928) $10.00 37. [About H.L. Mencken]. Durr, Robert Allen. "The Last Days of H.L. Mencken." In The Yale Review: A National Quarterly Autumn 1958. pp. 58-77. 24cm. Wrappers. Fading and creasing of covers; still in very good condition. (9894) $10.00 38. [About H.L. Mencken]. Fecher, Charles A. Mencken: A Study of his Thought. With a foreword by Alfred A. Knopf. New York: Knopf, 1978. 391p, indexed. Second printing. Blue cloth; titling in gilt on the spine; dust jacket. Jacket slightly toned at edges. A fine copy in a near fine jacket. (9906) $15.00 39. [About H.L. Mencken]. Forsythe, Robert. Redder than the Rose. New York: Covici Friede, 1935. 241p, illustrations. 19cm. Second printing. Gray cloth; titling in black. Slight soiling of covers. In good condition. (9964) $10.00 40. [About H.L. Mencken]. Frank, Waldo. In the American Jungle. New York: Farrar & Reinhart, 1937. Frontis, 302p, indexed. 21cm. First edition. Green cloth; titling in gilt. Spine faded; titling faded; edges faded; corners lightly bumped; bookplate and neat prior owner's signature. In better than good condition. (9963) $15.00 41. [About H.L. Mencken]. Goldberg, Isaac. The Man Mencken: A Biographical and Critical Survey. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1925. Frontis, 388p, indexed. 21cm. First edition. Blue cloth; titling in gilt; teg. Signed by H.L. Mencken and Isaac Goldberg on the front free endpaper. Corners lightly bumped; minor edge wear. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 58] (9911) $350.00 42. [About H.L. Mencken]. Hahn, Robert. "H.L. Mencken: Bad Boy of Baltimore" in St. Albans Bulletin. Number 44. Spring 1967. pp. 13-21. 21.5cm. Stapled. In very good condition. (9923) $10.00 43. [About H.L. Mencken]. Harris, Frank. Contemporary Portraits. Fourth Series. New York: Brentano's, 1923. 318p. 20cm. First edition. Green cloth in gilt. Two small stains on front cover; spine faded; still in very good condition. (9858) $20.00 44. [About H.L. Mencken]. Harrison , Joseph B. A Short View of Menckenism in Menckenese. [University of Washington Chapbooks No. 1]. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Bookstore, 1927. 24p. 18cm. Jacketed stapled card. One jacket flap detached, other fragile; faded at edges; still in better than good condition. Scarce. (10147) $45.00 45. [About H.L. Mencken] Harrison, S.L. Mencken Revisited: Author, Editor & Newspaperman. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1999. ISBN:
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0761814507. 127p, indexed. 22.5cm. Soft cover. Former library copy with penciled marking; otherwise fine. (10308) $20.00 46. [About H.L. Mencken]. Hays, Arthur Garfield. Let Freedom Ring. New York: Boni Liveright, 1928. 341p. 21cm. Second printing. Blue cloth; titling in gilt. Minor wear and in very good condition. (9859) $20.00 47. [About H.L. Mencken]. Hecht, Ben. A Child of the Century. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1954. 654p, indexed. 21cm. Third printing. Black cloth back and green paper boards. Spine titling faded; prior owner's neat signature and address label on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. (9915) $15.00 48. [About H.L. Mencken]. Hecht, Ben. Letters from Bohemia. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, 1964. 203p. 21cm. First edition. Gray and green cloth; dust jacket. Minor insecting at top edge of covers; minor wear to jacket. In very good condition. (9983) $15.00 49. [About H.L. Mencken]. Hobson, Fred C. Mencken. A Life. New York: Random House, 1994. 650p, illustrations, indexed. 24cm. First edition. Black cloth back and paper boards; dust jacket. Remainder copy with mark on top edge; sticker ghost on front panel of jacket. A near fine copy. (9987) $15.00 50. [About H.L. Mencken]. Hobson, Fred C. Serpent in Eden. H.L. Mencken and the South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1974. Frontis, 242p, indexed. 23.5cm. Second printing. Blue cloth; dust jacket. Fore edge of covers bumped. A near fine copy. (9988) $15.00 51. [About H.L. Mencken]. Huneker, James Gibbons. Intimate Letters of James Gibbons Huneker. Collected and edited by Josephine Huneker. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1924. Frontis, 322p, indexed. 23cm. First edition. For subscribers only. In an edition of 2050 copies this is copy 1724/2050. Maroon cloth back and paper boards; paper spine label. Reprints several letters to H.L Mencken from 1916. Spine faded; two corners skinned; prior owners' neat gift inscription and address label on front free endpaper. In very good condition. (9888) $75.00 52. [About H.L. Mencken]. Huneker, James Gibbons. Intimate Letters of James Gibbons Huneker. Collected and edited by Josephine Huneker. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1936. Frontis, 322p, indexed. 22cm. Black cloth in blue and gilt; dust jacket. Includes several letters to H.L Mencken from 1916. Jacket rubbed, slightly chipped; red spot on top edge. A near fine copy in a very good dust jacket. (9902) $35.00 53. [About H.L. Mencken]. Huneker, James Gibbons. The Letters of James Gibbons Huneker. Collected and edited by Josephine Huneker. New York: Charles Scribner, 1922. Frontis, 324p, indexed. 23cm. First edition. Orange cloth; titling in black. Includes several letters to H.L Mencken. Spine faded; front free endpaper detached; slight toning of pages. In very good condition. (9890) $25.00 54. [About H.L. Mencken]. Johns, Bud. The Ombibulous Mr. Mencken. San Francisco: Synergistic Press, 1968. Frontis, 63p, illustrations. 22cm. First edition. Printed paperboards; dust jacket. Inscribed and signed by Bud Johns. In fine condition. (9999) $100.00
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55. [About H.L. Mencken]. Kronenberger, Louis. The Republic of Letters. Essays on various writers. New York: Knopf, 1955. 260p. 22cm. First edition. Gray cloth back and green paper boards; dust jacket. Stain on bottom board; possible inscription from Kronenberger crossed out on front free endpaper; prior owner's address label partially removed; jacket stained and soiled. In good condition. (9975) $10.00 56. [About H.L. Mencken]. Lewisohn, Ludwig. Expression in America. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1932. 624p, indexed. 24.5cm. First edition. Blue and black cloth; titling in gilt. One corner skinned, others almost; minor wear; prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. (9927) $15.00 57. [About H.L. Mencken]. Lippmann, Walter. H.L. Mencken. Reprinted form the Saturday Review of Literature, December 11, 1926. New York: Knopf, 1926. 8p. 20cm. Stapled card. Slight fading. In very good condition. Scarce. (10139) $75.00 58. [About H.L. Mencken]. Manchester, William. Disturber of the Peace: The Life of H. L. Mencken. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. 336p, indexed. 21.5cm. First edition. Orange cloth back and tan cloth covers; dust jacket. Newspaper article offset on the front free endpaper and pastedown; jacket chipped, torn, creased, spine sunned. In very good condition. (8338) $120.00 59. [About H.L. Mencken]. Manchester, William. Disturber of the Peace: The Life of H. L. Mencken. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1951. 336p, indexed. 21.5cm. Later printing. Orange cloth back and tan cloth covers. Prior owner's ink stamp on front free endpaper, otherwise near fine. (10001) $45.00 60. [About H.L. Mencken]. Manchester, William. H.L. Mencken: Disturber of the Peace. New York: Collier Books, 1962. 382p. 18cm. First Collier Books edition. Wrappers. Prior owner's address label. In very good condition. (9920) $20.00 61. [About H.L. Mencken]. Mayfield, Sara. The Constant Circle: H.L. Mencken and His Friends. New York: Delacorte Press, 1968. 307p. 23.5cm. First printing. Brown cloth back and orange paperboards; dust jacket. Jacket slight soiled; two corners bumped. In very good condition. (9909) $15.00 62. [About H.L. Mencken]. Mayfield, Sara. The Constant Circle: H.L. Mencken and His Friends. New York: Delacorte Press, 1968. 307p. 23.5cm. Third printing. Brown cloth back and orange paperboards; dust jacket. Jacket slight soiled; prior owner's address label on front flap; slight spotting on spine. In very good condition. (9910) $15.00 63. [About H.L. Mencken]. Morrison, Joseph. "Colonel H.L. Mencken, CSA" in The Southern Literary Journal, Volume 1, No. 1, Autumn, 1968. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. pp. 42-59. 21.5cm. Wrappers. In very good condition. (9921) $25.00 64. [About H.L Mencken]. Nolte, William H. H.L. Mencken: Literary Critic. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966. 282p. 20cm. Reprint. Wrappers. Minor wear and in near fine condition. (9982) $10.00
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65. [About H.L Mencken]. Nolte, William H. H.L. Mencken: Literary Critic. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1966. 282p. 23.5cm. First edition. Green cloth; dust jacket. Minor wear to jacket edges. A fine copy in a near fine jacket. (9993) $20.00 66. [About H.L. Mencken]. Rascoe, Burton. Before I Forget. New York: Literary Guild, 1937. 442p. 22cm. Green cloth. Dust jacket flaps pasted to pastedown and front free endpaper; penciled notes; slight fading; prior owner's address label. About very good. (9953) $10.00 67. [About H.L. Mencken] Rascoe, Burton, ed. Morrow's Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1929. New York: William Morrow, 1928. 319p. 21cm. First edition. White cloth back, printed paperboards; dust jacket. Includes Leis Galantiere's "Monsieur Mencken Chez La Duchesse de Guermantes." Faded at top edge; jacket torn and chipped with loss; still a very good copy in a good jacket. (9849) $45.00 68. [About H.L. Mencken]. Reader's Digest. 70 Most Unforgettable Characters, Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest Association, 1967. 528p, illustrations. 19.5cm. Yellow cloth back and tan cloth boards; silver top edge; dust jacket. Slightly cocked; jacket torn at head of spine. In very good condition. (9971) $15.00 69. [About H.L. Mencken] Roosbroeck, Gustave L. The Reincarnation of H.L. Mencken. Np: 1925. 22p. 18cm. Stapled card. Slight fading. In very good condition. Scarce. (10138) $60.00 70. [About H.L. Mencken]. Schmalhausen, Samuel D. Our Changing Human Nature. New York: Macaulay Company, 1929. 510p. 22cm. First edition. Black cloth; titling in silver; dust jacket. Slight stain at the foot of the spine; bookplate; tear at the fore edge of the front free endpaper; jacket chipped with loss and short tears, slightly soiled. In very good condition. (9929) $100.00 71. [About H. L. Mencken]. Seldes, Gilbert. Mainland. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936. 443p, indexed. 21cm. First edition. Tan cloth; titling in gilt and black. Covers faded; corners bumped; front free endpaper clipped. In very good condition. (9926) $15.00 72. [About H.L. Mencken] Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley. Fire Under the Andes. A Group of North American Portraits. New York: Knopf, 1927. Frontis, 331p. 21cm. First edition. Blue cloth back and decorated paper boards. Spine ends worn; spine titling faded; minor edge wear and fading; still, in very good condition. (9844) $20.00 73. [About H.L. Mencken] Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley. Fire Under the Andes. A Group of North American Portraits. New York: Knopf, 1927. Frontis, 331p. 21cm. First edition. Blue cloth back and decorated paper boards. In a limited edition of 600 copies for "friends of the American Mercury in the advertising profession" this is copy 64/600. Spine ends worn; spine titling faded; minor edge wear and fading; corners skinned; penciled notes on the front free endpaper; still, in good condition. (9961) $100.00 74. [About H.L. Mencken]. Shaw, Charles G. The Low-Down. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1928. 289p,
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illustrated. 19cm. Portraits by Peter Arno. First edition. Blue cloth; illustration on front cover; titling in blue; string page marker. Corners bumped; minor insecting; bookplate; former owner's address label; penciled notes; paper clip rust on fly leaf; still, in very good condition. Biographical notes on Fitzgerald, Loos, Mencken, Lewis, Gershwin, Gish, Darrow, and others. Scarce. (9981) $200.00 75. [About H.L. Mencken]. Sherman, Stuart. Critical Woodcuts. Illustrated with Portraits Engraved on Wood by Bertrand Zadig. New York: Charles Scribner, 1926. 348p. 21cm. First edition. Green cloth; paper spine label; dust jacket. Includes the chapter, "H.L. Mencken as Liberator." Minor wear; jacket slightly chipped. In very good condition. (9855) $30.00 76. [About H.L. Mencken]. Sherman, Stuart P. Americans. New York: Charles Scribner, 1923. 336p. 19.5cm. First edition. Black cloth; titling in gilt on the spine. Spine titling faded; minor edge wear. In very good condition. (9912) $15.00 77. [About H.L. Mencken]. Sherman, Stuart P. Americans. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922. 336p. 19.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth. Spine titling faded; insecting at top edge of front free endpaper, top edge and front cover. In good condition. (9970) $10.00 78. [About H.L. Mencken]. Shivers, Frank R. Maryland Wits and Baltimore Bards. Baltimore: Maclay and Associates, 1985. Frontis, 347p, illustrations. 23.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth; dust jacket. Slightly cocked; jacket insected along spine; still in very good condition. [Schrader: B 223] (9925) $15.00 79. [About H.L. Mencken]. Singleton, M. K. H. L. Mencken and the American Mercury Adventure. Durham: NC: Duke University Press, 1962. 269p, indexed. 22cm. Green cloth. A former library copy with penciled markings and security label on bottom board paste down; otherwise a fine copy. (8249) $20.00 80. [About H.L. Mencken]. Smith. Allen H. Life in the Putty Factory. Philadelphia: Blakiston Company, 1945. 218p. 19cm. Reprint. Blue cloth; dust jacket. Penciled notes on title page; slight fading; jacket torn and creased with loss. A very good copy in a fair jacket. (9951) $10.00 81. [About H.L. Mencken]. Smith Bernard. Forces in American Criticism. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1939. 401p. 22cm. First edition. Blue cloth; titling in gilt on the spine. Slight insecting along spine; slight fading of edges; otherwise very good. (9985) $10.00 82. [About H.L. Mencken]. Smith H. Allen. A Short History of Fingers and other State Papers. Boston: Little Brown, 1963. 301p, illustrations. 21cm. First edition. Yellow cloth; dust jacket. Slight soiling on back cover; paper clip rust on one page; corners slightly bumped; jacket spine faded; chipped, torn and creased on back panel. In very good condition. (9976) $10.00 83. [About H.L. Mencken]. Stenerson, Douglas C. H.L. Mencken: Iconoclast from Baltimore. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971. 287p, illustrations, indexed. 22cm. A fine copy in a near fine jacket. (9966) $20.00 84. [About H.L. Mencken]. Stenerson, Douglas C. "Mencken's Early Newspaper
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Experience: The Genesis of a Style." In American Literature. A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography. May, 1965. pp. 152-166. 23cm. Wrappers. An ex-library copy in very good condition. (9895) $10.00 85. [About H.L. Mencken]. Thurber, James. The Years with Ross. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press Book, 1959. Frontis, 310p, illustrations. 21.5cm. BMC. Black cloth back and paper boards; dust jacket. Slightly cocked; address label removed; note in pencil. A very good copy. (9952) $10.00 86. [About H.L. Mencken]. Untermeyer, Louis. From Another World. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1939. 394p. 22cm. First edition. Blue cloth; titling in gilt. Slight insecting on spine; prior owner's address label; bookplate; otherwise in very good condition. (9962) $15.00 87. [About H.L. Mencken]. Van Dorn, Carl. American and British Literature Since 1890. New York: The Century Company, 1925. 350p, indexed. 20.5cm. Blue cloth. Prior owner's address label; signature on the front cover pastedown; spine titling faded; minor insecting. In good condition only. (9968) $10.00 88. [About H.L. Mencken]. Wagner, Philip. "Mencken Remembered" in the American Scholar. Spring 1963. pp. 256274. 25cm. Wrappers. In very good condition. (9917) $10.00 89. [About H.L. Mencken]. Wilson, Edmund. The New Yorker. May 31, 1969. New York: New Yorker Magazine. 116p. 29cm. Wrappers. A near fine copy. Includes Edmund Wilson's essay The Aftermath of Mencken. (10175) $10.00 90. [About H.L. Mencken]. Winchester, Paul and Frank D. Webb. Newspapers and Newspaper Men of Maryland Past & Present. Baltimore: Frank L. Sibley, 1905. Frontis, 178p, 18p ads, illustrations, indexed. 26cm. Blue cloth; titling in white. Bright front cover, minor wear and in very good condition. (9978) $125.00 91. [About H.L. Mencken]. Winchester, Paul and Frank D. Webb. Newspapers and Newspaper Men of Maryland Past & Present. Baltimore: Frank L. Sibley, 1905. Frontis, 178p, 18p ads, illustrations, indexed. 26cm. Blue cloth; titling in white. An ex library copy from the News Post & American Library with several ink stamps; a reference copy, title written on spine, reference dept on front cover; binding and some pages detached; a fair copy only. (9977) $15.00 92. [About Mencken, H.L.]. Kemler, Edgar. The Irreverent Mr. Mencken. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1950. Frontis, 317p, indexed. 22cm. Blue cloth. Spotting on bottom edge; slightly cocked; prior owner's address label. About very good. [Adler, p276] (9959) $15.00 93. [About Mencken] Lippmann, Walter. Men of Destiny. Drawings by Rollin Kirby. New York: Macmillan, 1927. 244p. 21.5. First edition. Red cloth; paper title labels. Prior owner's neat signature on the half title page. A near fine copy. (9846) $25.00 94. Adler, Betty. A Descriptive List Of H. L. Mencken Collections In The U. S. Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1967. [18p]. 28cm. Stapled card. Slight fading. In very good condition. [Multiple copies available] (10172) $10.00
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95. Adler, Betty. Man of Letters: A Census of the Correspondence of H. L. Mencken. Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1969. [Missing the frontis], 335p. 23cm. Faded at edges. In very good condition. (10171) $10.00 96. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury Digest. Spring, 1936. New York: Knopf. 125p. 19cm. Wrappers. Slightly rubbed spine; moderate wear, pages browned. In good condition. Reprints Hatrack. (10153) $30.00 97. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. I, April, 1924, No. 4. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 385-510p. Wrappers. Slight fading at edges, back cover detached; still in better than good condition. (10162) $30.00 98. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. I, February, 1924, No. 2. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 129255p. Wrappers. Slight fading at edges. In very good condition. Includes Eugene O'Neill, Sherwood Anderson and James M. Cain. (10161) $65.00 99. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. I, March, 1924, No. 3. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 157-383p. Wrappers. Slight fading at edges. In very good condition. (10160) $45.00 100. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. II, June, 1924, No. 6. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 129-255p. Wrappers. Slight fading at edges. In very good condition. Includes F. Scott Fitzgerald's Absolution. (10158) $100.00 101. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. II, May, 1924, No. 5. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 1-127. Wrappers. Covers detached; still in better than good condition. (10159) $30.00 102. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. III, August, 1924, No. 8. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 385510p. Wrappers. Slight fading, chipping, at edges. In very good condition. (10164) $40.00 103. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. III, December, 1924, No. 12. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 385510p. Wrappers. Slight fading, chipping, at edges. In very good condition. (10167) $40.00 104. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. III, November, 1924, No. 11. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 257383p. Wrappers. Slight fading, chipping, at edges. In very good condition. (10166) $40.00 105. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. III, October, 1924, No. 10. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 129255p. Wrappers. Slight fading, chipping, at edges. In very good condition. (10165) $40.00 106. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. III, September, 1924, No. 9. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. 1127p. Wrappers. Slight fading, chipping, at edges. In very good condition. (10163) $40.00 107. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury. Vol. VII, April 1926, No.18. [The Hatrack issue]. New York: Knopf, 1936. 385-510p. 26cm. Wrappers. Former owner's stamp on front cover; slight chipping and rubbing; still in very good condition. (10145) $50.00
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108. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. XXVIII, January, 1933, No. 109. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. 1-127p. Wrappers. Covers chipped, faded; text stained. In good condition. (10168) $25.00 109. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. XXX, November, 1933, No. 119. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. 257-383p. Wrappers. Covers chipped, faded, back cover torn, spine almost gone. In good condition. Includes a piece by Langston Hughes. (10169) $25.00 110. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury, Vol. XXX, November, 1933, No. 120. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. 385-510p. Wrappers. Covers chipped, spine torn at head, creased, back cover torn, label on front cover. In good condition. The last issue under Mencken's editorship. (10170) $30.00 111. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury. Volume XXXIX, No. 154, October, 1936. New York: Knopf. 119256p. 19cm. Wrappers. Slightly rubbed; ink stamp on front cover; date in pen; still in very good condition. Includes Mencken's The Case for Dr. Landon. (10152) $20.00 112. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury. Volume XXXIX, No. 156, December, 1936. New York: Knopf. 385512p. 19cm. Wrappers. Chipping, slightly rubbed, spine torn at head. In good condition. Includes Mencken's The Dole of the Bogus Farmers. (10151) $20.00 113. [American Mercury]. The American Mercury (Volumes 1-30). New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1924-1930. Thirty volumes complete in original wrappers, issues 1-120. The successor to the Smart Set for Mencken and George Jean Nathan, Knopf gave them editorial control of a magazine that published some of the great authors of the twentieth century: Eugene O'Neill, Sherwood Anderson, Carl Sandburg, Theodore Dreiser, James M. McCain, Sinclair Lewis, William Faulkner, Vachal Lindsay, Edgar Lee Masters, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Margaret Mead, Lewis Mumford, Louis Untermeyer and many others. Each issue also included Mencken's biting editorials. As Mencken stated, "The editors are committed to nothing save this: to keep to common sense as fast as they can, to belabor sham as agreeably as possible, to give a civilized entertainment." Includes the famous "Hatrack" issue, April1926, for which Mencken was arrested in Boston, and the US Post Office refused to deliver. Truly the Mencken era of The American Mercury, a complete run in wrappers, with little wear, one loose cover, and in very good condition. (9634) $1,750.00 114. [Audio]. Eric Goldman Interviews Alfred A. Knopf [and] The Vintage Mencken. Pegleg Prototype. Not for Sale. One CD. Tracks 1-6: On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1965. Track 5: H.L. Mencken. Tracks 7-8: Clifton Fadiman in conversation with Alfred A. Knopf and Alistair Cooke upon the publications of Cooke's The Vintage Mencken in 1955. Rare. (10203) $250.00 115. [Audio]. H.L. Mencken Caustic Genius [and] Bring on the Angels. Pegleg prototype. Not for sale. One CD. Tracks 14: In interviews, friends capture the venom of America's premier critic. Narrated by Chet Huntley, 1956. Tracks 5-6: A dramatization by CBS Radio Workshop of Mencken's start in Newspaper Days.
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Broadcast June 8, 1956. Rare. (10202) $250.00 116. [Audio]. Henry L. Mencken interviewed by Donald Howe Kirkley, Sr. Washington DC: Library of Congress Recording Laboratory. Recorded June 30, 1948. Two long playing records not for commercial use. Album cover and sleeves. Front cover of album insected with some loss. Rare. (10204) $375.00 117. [Audio]. The Mencken Cheslock Recordings. Baltimore: The Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1999. One CD, nine tracks. Booklet. In fine condition. Rare. (10200) $200.00 118. [Audio]. The Opening of the Mencken Room Featuring Alistair Cooke, Hamilton Owens with Amy Winslow and Richard Hart, April 17, 1956. Baltimore: The Enoch Pratt Free Library, 2000. One CD. Booklet with an excerpt from Marjorie Mathis' report in the Sun 4/18/56. In fine condition. Rare. (10201) $100.00 119. [Bookplate]. H.L. Mencken's larger bookplate. 9x6cm. with good margin. Fine. (10242) $100.00 120. [Gift of H.L. Mencken]. "Pressa" International Press Exhibition Cologne, May-October 1928. 11p. 8vo. Wrappers. Stamped on page 3 with "Gift H.L. Mencken Jul 13 1927". Browning and chipping. Library of Congress duplicate surplus stamp on the front cover. In good condition. (6430) $100.00 121. [Gift of H.L. Mencken]. Speaking of Baltimore. Volumes 1 and 2. 1927 and 1928. Baltimore: WBAL. Each 48p. 8vo. Each is stamped "Gift H.L. Mencken" (the first 10 May 1927 and the second 3 April 1928). Library of Congress surplus duplicate with stamps. Each is in very good condition. (6432) $375.00 122. [Gift of H.L. Mencken]. Botkin, B.A. The Play-Party in Oklahoma. Reprinted form the Publication of the Texas Folk-Lore Society, Number VII, 1928. Austin, TX: Texas Folk Lore Society, 1928. 18p. 22.5cm. Wrappers. Covers chipped, torn, detached. Signed by B.A. Botkin on the front cover. Gift of H.L. Mencken stamp dated "Jan. 2 1928." (10142) $350.00 123. [Gift of H.L. Mencken]. Brown, Harry Gunnison. The Single-Tax Complex. Reprinted for private circulation form the Journal of Political Economy, vol. XXXII, No. 2, April 1924. Np. 164-190p. 22cm. Self wrappers. Fading at the edges; center crease. In very good condition. Compliments of Harry Gunnison Brown with his signature. Gift of H.L. Mencken stamp dated "Jul 15, 1926." (10143) $475.00 124. [Gift of H.L. Mencken]. Johnston, Mercer G. (Director of the Baltimore Open Forum). Open Letter to Colonel William J. Donovan (Assistant to the AttorneyGeneral of the United States) Offering him an Opportunity to make Amende Honorable for the Department of Justice to Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana. Baltimore, Maryland: January 12, 1926. [2p]. 8 x 11" "Gift Mr. H.L. Mencken March 30 1926." Soiled; twice creased. Library of Congress. In good condition. Decorated World War I officer, Attorney General for New York, Assistant to the Attorney-General of the United States, Roosevelt later made Donovan Coordinator of Information, an office which later became the OSS. During World War II Donovan returned to active duty and eventually became a major general. (6902) $325.00
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125. [Gift of H.L. Mencken] National Amateur Athletic Association. Baseball, a Study of Baseball Made by the National Amateur Athletic Association. [1926]. 8p. 8vo. Wrappers. Penciled Gift/HL Mencken May 17, 1926. Library of Congress duplicate surplus. A very good copy. (6420) $375.00 126. [Gift of H.L. Mencken] Stone, Melville. The Associated Press: A reply to criticism. 1914. 6p. 8vo. Wrappers. With "Gift H.L. Mencken January 30, 1929". Library of Congress duplicate surplus stamp on front cover. Spine torn, creased; edges faded. In good condition. (6431) $300.00 127. [Gift of H.L. Mencken]. The Baltimore Press Club. The Baltimore Press Club. [1925?]. 4p, folded 8x11 sheet. This is stamped on the inside "Gift H.L. Mencken July 13 1927" Chipping at edges as well as a 2-inch tear in the front bottom wrapper. Small Library of Congress surplus duplicate stamp on the first page. Reprints Edgar Guests The Newspaper Man. In good condition. (6429) $400.00 128. Haardt, Sara. The Love Story of an Old Maid (Little Blue Book #375). Girard, KS: Haldeman-Julius Publications, 1927. 33p. 12.5cm. Stapled blue card. Paper toned; minor wear. In very good condition. Scarce. (10136) $45.00 129. Knopf, Alfred A. Portrait of a Publisher. Volume 1: Reminiscences and Reflections; Volume 2: Alfred A. Knopf and the Borzoi Imprint: Recollections and Appreciations. New York: Typophiles., 1965. 297p; 301p. 18.5cm. Volume 1: red cloth and black cloth in gilt, dust jacket; volume two: green cloth and black cloth in gilt, dust jacket; slipcase of yellow sides and paper label. One in an edition of 2,000 copies. Tight in the slipcase resulting in chipping to the top edge of volume 2; head of spine on both jackets torn away; still a fine set in very good jackets and slightly soiled slipcase. (10283) $60.00 130. [Knopf, Alfred A] [Mencken, H.L.]. Alfred A. Knopf Quarter Century. Elmer Adler, 1940. Frontis, 52p. 20cm. Green cloth; paper front cover and spine labels; slipcase. Designed by W.A. Dwiggins. Signed by H.L. Mencken and fellow members of the Book Table. Spine faded; otherwise a near fine copy. [Schrader: B 146]. (10284) $500.00 131. [Knopf, Blanche W.]. Read at a Luncheon Given by Fannie Hurst, Anne O'Hare McCormack and H.L. Mencken to Blanche W. Knopf on December 18, 1940. [New York: Alfred A. Knopf], January, 1941. [10 leaves]. 20cm. Tied blue card. Designed by W.A. Dwiggins. One in an edition of 500 copies. Poem by Robert Nathan and tribute by Thomas Mann. Slight fading and edge wear; still, a very good copy. [Schrader: G17]. (10285) $75.00 132. [Letters]. Dated August 28, 1946. Addressed "Dear Mr. Kadison." One page TLS on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery with envelope. 16x21cm. Two folds; otherwise fine. "Dear Mr. Kadison: Bronson Alcott was an incurable dead-beat and in many other ways he fell far short of the ideal American patriot, but now and then he said something worth hearing. My best thanks for that abstract from his journal. I certainly hope to put it to good use the next time a chance offers to revise my book. I have never encountered Adirondackian, and can find no trace of it in my collection. Certainly it must be recorded. I shall add Waterproof, LA to
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the list headed by Gott, Maryland and Intercourse, PA. My very best thanks." (10253) $450.00 133. [Letters]. Dated December 31st [1923] Addressed "Dear Owens." One page TLS [initialed] on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; one corner torn away; slight discoloration on one end; two small spots; 1923, penciled; otherwise very good. "Dear Owens:- My best thanks for the handsome notice of the American Mercury. God, it appears, was with us, despite the absence of the usual signs and portents. The magazine went out of print two days after publication and we are now on the press with a second edition. Knopf has bought five new yellow neckties. The second number, now made up, shows a few holes in the falseface. By no. 6 we should be in the hands of the Department of Justice. I enclose a copy of William Feather's Magazine, just in. A good specimen of his stuff starts on page 7. If the thing interests you, ask him for it, and he will be tickled to death. I'll see you in a day or two." The first issue of the American Mercury was published in January of 1924. (10247) $1,200.00 134. [Letters]. Dated February 23rd. Addressed "Dear John" [Dr. John Ruhrah]. One page TLS [initialed] on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; two very small tears and creasing at the edge; otherwise fine. "Dear John:- I suggest Friday March 6th. Will that be all right? Let me know as above. I am going to New York this afternoon, but shall return by the end of the week. Yours in Xt" (10245) $275.00 135. [Letters]. Dated February 24th. Addressed "Dear Mr. Parker." One page TLS on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; wear at folds; otherwise very good. "Dear Mr. Parker:- Thanks very much for your note. Your subscription is being forwarded to the Smart Set office. As for the "Conversations", I doubt we will be able to go on with them. Nathan and I tried to revive them recently, and actually managed to concoct a new one, but it was hard work: the mood seemed to have passed." (10256) $450.00 136. [Letters]. Dated July 18, 1930. Addressed "Dear Mr. Weymer." One page TLS on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; penciled "M" in corner; otherwise fine. Dear Mr. Weymer: I am enclosing the autograph you ask for, and with pleasure. Though I have never been an autograph collector myself, it seems to me to be one of the most interesting of pursuits. I am astonished at what you say about my letter paper. I'll have to see that the stationer improves it." (10249) $275.00 137. [Letters]. Dated June 26, 1931. Addressed "Dear Mr Preece" One page TLS on green American Mercury letterhead. 13.5x21cm. One fold; slight fading; otherwise fine. "Dear Mr. Preece: Thanks very much for your note, and for the three copies of Desiderata. I offer you my sincere congratulations on the magazine. It seems to me that it is very interesting and, what is more, beautifully turned out. All we hear about Australia in the United States, at the moment, is news that the Commonwealth government has gone bankrupt. This unfortunately does not strike Americans as extraordinary. Our own government shows a deficit this year of a billion dollars. Meanwhile, news of deflations and moratoria pour in daily, and
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the American investor begins to give up hope." (10251) $750.00 138. [Letters]. Dated May 18, 1938. Addressed "Dear Ham." One page TLS [initialed] on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; penciled "15" and spotting in corner; short tear on one side; otherwise very good. "Dear Ham: My infernal stomach continues to upset me, and writing is virtually impossible. I am therefore going to the Marburgh this afternoon for an investigation by Ben Baker. He tells me there is nothing serious in sight, but that I probably need a rigid diet. He'll try to work it out within the next few days. I should be back home by the end of the week. Keep this to yourself. I am writing to John and Wagner. I tried hard on Sunday , Monday and Tuesday to do a Monday piece for you, but it simply refused to be born. I feel quite well most of the time, but when I sit up at the typewriter I begin to ail." (10252) $1,200.00 139. [Letters]. Dated May 4th. Addressed "Dear Mr. Maxwell." One page TLS on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; otherwise fine. "Dear Mr. Maxwell:- I wish I could, but the plain fact is that the theatre doesn't interest me, and that I am thus against writing about it. I haven't an idea on the subject!" (10246) $275.00 140. [Letters]. Dated May 5, 1925. Addressed "Dear Hamilton." One page TLS [initialed] on green American Mercury letterhead. 13.5x21cm. Two folds; slight fading; otherwise fine. "Dear Hamilton: 1. I'll be at the office at 2:30 on Thursday, rain or shine. 2. There is much excellent material for "Civilization in Georgia" in the file of Julian Harris' paper. For example, consider the issue of May the first. At the bottom of the editorial page, toward the right, there is a superb extract from the Carroll County Times. I enclose a copy of it. 3. Lying in bed last night, meditating upon ghostly themes, it occurred to me that the music of your song "She was poor but she was Honest" makes an exact fit with "Life is real, life is earnest | And the grave is not its goal." Let us try this at the roundhouse next Saturday." (10248) $475.00 141. [Letters]. Dated November 17, 1916. Addressed "Dear Doctor" [Dr. John Ruhrah]. One page TLS on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; otherwise fine. "Dear Doctor: Just a line to thank you for the pleasantest evening I have spent in a long, long while. I enjoyed meeting your friends very much, and the Englishman seemed a very decent fellow. As an apology for talking too much, I am sending you a little book that may give you a snicker or two. You may well imagine the sort of reviews it is getting in virtuous family papers." More than likely Mencken included a copy of the Book of Burlesques. (10244) $475.00 142. [Letters]. Dated October, 1946. Addressed "Dear Mr. Clarke." One page TLS on Mencken's Hollins Street address stationery. 16x21cm. Two folds; otherwise fine. "Dear Mr. Clarke. Thanks very much for your letter. If you ever turn up the Norton book, let me hear of it by all means. I am also interested in books or pamphlets on the Canadian-French language, and on the English language in Canada. There are very few of the latter, but the former seems to be plentiful. I have a number in my collection, but am always glad to hear of more." (10254) $375.00
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143. [Letters]. Dated September 4th [1930]. Addressed "Dear Hamilton:-" TLS [initialed] on letterhead from The Lord Nelson, Halifax, Canada. 27.5x21. Triple fold; slight toning; short tear; otherwise very good. "Dear Hamilton:- In connubial confidence Sara has told me of the noble contribution you and Olga have made to our armory. My very best thanks. I hope to eat regularly, and if so I'll need tools. The two of you must be the first martyrs to face the new cook. She is a Baptist from South Carolina. The weather along the St. Lawrence was infernal, so we came here hoping to smell a breeze. Unluckily, it is almost as hot. I begin to suspect that God is up to His old tricks. Perhaps it would be discreet for me to say a kind word now and then for the Twelve Apostles and to lay off greasing Pontius Pilate. I hope, this afternoon, to compose a piece for you on the state of Christian culture in Montreal. The town has some merit. Married life is grand. So long as man obeys his wife there can be no reason for discord. More of this anon," Mencken and Sara Haardt were married in Baltimore on August 27, 1930 and left the city bound for Montreal and Quebec on their honeymoon. They enjoyed Montreal but found Quebec to be hot and crowded. Bode writes: "They decided to move on to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where the weather was much cooler and the streets less crowded. After a few days at the Lord Nelson Hotel and another comfortable stay in St. John's, New Brunswick, they were ready to come home. "I begin to feel like an old married man already," Mencken wrote a friend... (10250) $3,000.00 144. [Letters]. Dated September 8, 1925, unsigned letter addressed to H.L. Mencken concerning remarks made about Arkansas. 26x16cm. Paper clip rust; one fold. In very good condition. From the collection of Hamilton Owens. "My dear Mr. Mencken; I wonder if you are blissfully aware of the amusement we Arkansans are enjoying at your expense? You have exposed your lack of diplomacy to a very great extent, also your ignorance of the existing progressiveness of our wonder State. To us you are an object of ridicule, we have you down [as] derelict, imbecile and other equally unpleasant things. Of one thing we are convinced, and that is your refreshing ignorance. Your reference to the Klansmen and women of America I attribute to your own inability to qualify; hence the slurs. Allow me to add that I am not a Klanswoman, but if they were to take up arms against you and defend a name that needs no defense, I would immediately become one of them. Arkansas is a very progressive, peace loving state, tho I hasten to add my dear Mr. Mencken, that were you to enter our portals we would possibly straightaway become the land of cuthroats and morons you have so charitably described us as being. In closing I explain that I am not a politician. I do not even vote. I'm just twenty years of age, one of Arkansas' proud natives, whose ire has been thoroughly aroused by your onslaught." (10243) $175.00 145. [Letters]. Not dated [June 12, 1923 on postmark]. Addressed "Dear Mr. Parker." ALS on Smart Set stationery with envelope. 21.5x14cm. Two folds; slight fading; otherwise fine. "Dear Mr. Parker: Where the Harris book is to be obtained I don't know. Harris himself is somewhere in France. He may be reached in care of the American Express Co at Nice. I have not heard of the book being offered for sale in America. It would probably be forbidden by the Polizei." Frank Harris' My Life and Loves, the first volume of which
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was published privately in Paris in 1922, was banned in the United States. As a writer known for his typewriter, manuscript letters from Mencken are rare. (10255) $1,000.00 146. Mencken, August. A Book of Hangings. Selected from contemporary accounts and edited with an introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Hastings House, 1942. Frontis, 264p. 21.5cm. First edition. Brown cloth; titling in black. Minor edge wear; corners lightly bumped. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 149] (9900) $20.00 147. Mencken, August. First-Class Passenger. Life at Sea as Experienced & Recorded By Voyaging Landlubbers of the Past. New York: Knopf, 1938. 334p, illustrations. 21cm. First edition. Green cloth; titling in blue. Minor spotting on covers and spine; prior owner's neat signature on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. (9901) $20.00 148. Mencken, H. L. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of the English Language in the United States. New York: Knopf, 1937. 769p, [xxixp index]. 24.5cm. Fourth edition. Blue cloth in gilt on the spine. Prior owner's address on the front free endpaper; minor insecting. A very good copy. [Schrader A 19.4.e] (9797) $20.00 149. Mencken, H. L. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of the English Language in the United States. New York: Knopf, 1923. 489p. 24.5cm. Third edition. Blue cloth in gilt on the spine. Prior owner's address on the front free endpaper; minor insecting; bookplate. A very good copy. [Schrader A 19.3.a] (9798) $25.00 150. Mencken, H. L. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of the English Language in the United States. New York: Knopf, 1921. 492p, indexed. 24.5cm. Second edition, first printing, first issue. Blue cloth in gilt on the spine. Prior owner's inscription on the front cover paste down; minor insecting. A very good copy. [Schrader A 19.2.a.i] (9799) $75.00 151. Mencken, H. L. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of the English Language in the United States. New York: Knopf, 1919. 384p, indexed. 24.5cm. First edition, first and only trade issue. Blue cloth in gilt on the spine. In an edition of 1500 copies this is copy 705/1500. Slight soiling; spine titling faded. In better than good condition. [Schrader A 19.1.a.ii] (9800) $750.00 152. [Mencken, H.L.]. The American Magazine. [December, 1909]. 147-288. Missing the covers. In fair condition. Includes a brief piece by Mencken on Cardinal Gibbons. (10154) $15.00 153. [Mencken, H.L]. The American Mercury Reader. New York: American Mercury, 1943. 208p. 19.5cm. First edition. Green wrappers in green, red and black. "This book is not for sale" at bottom of title page. Fading of covers, edges rubbed. In better than good condition. [Schrader: B 159A.1. Variant] (9972) $45.00 154. Mencken, H.L. The American Scene: A Reader. Selected and edited, with an introduction and commentary by Huntington Cairns. New York: Vintage Books, 1982. 542p. 21.5cm. Reprint. Soft cover. Paper toned; minor wear. A very good copy. [Schrader: AA 8] (9960) $10.00
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155. Mencken, H.L. Americana 1925. New York: Knopf, 1925. 311p. 21cm. Second printing. Black cloth; titling in gilt on the front cover and spine. Spine faded, ends worn; edges rubbed; slight soiling; minor insecting; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 30.2.a] (9807) $20.00 156. Mencken, H.L. Americana 1925. New York: Knopf, 1925. 311p. 21cm. Second printing. Black cloth; titling in green on the front cover and spine. Spine faded, ends worn; edges rubbed; slight soiling; minor insecting; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 30 2.b] (9806) $20.00 157. Mencken, H.L. Americana 1926. London: Martin Hopkinson, 1926. 279p. 20.5cm. First British edition. Blue cloth; titling in gilt on the spine. Spine faded; edges rubbed; slight soiling. In better than good condition. [Schrader: A 32 1.a.iv] (9804) $25.00 158. Mencken, H.L. Americana 1926. New York: Knopf, 1926. 279p. 20.5cm. First trade edition. Black cloth; titling in gilt on the front cover and spine. Spine faded, ends worn; edges rubbed; slight soiling; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 32 1.a.ii] (9805) $25.00 159. Mencken, H.L. The Artist: A Drama Without Words. Boston: John W. Luce, 1912. 33p. 18cm. First edition. Brown paper boards. Minor edge wear. In near fine condition. [Schrader: A 9.1.a]. (9824) $150.00 160. Mencken, H.L. The Artist: A Drama Without Words. New York: Samuel French, [1920]. 20p. 20cm. Third edition. Orange wrappers. Minor edge wear. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 9.3.a]. Schrader notes 1000 copies printed. (9825) $100.00 161. Mencken, H.L. The Bathtub Hoax and Other Blasts and Other Bravos from the Chicago Tribune. New York: Knopf, 1958. 286p. 22cm. First edition. Blue cloth; dust jacket. Jacket with some edge wear and few short tears. A fine copy in a very good jacket. [Schrader: A64.1.a] (9958) $20.00 162. [Mencken, H.L.]. Blanchette and The Escape. Two Plays by Brieux. With Preface by H.L. Mencken. Translated from the French by Frederick Eisemann. Boston: John Luce Company, 1913. 240p. 19.5cm. First edition. Green cloth; paper spine label. Label creased; minor spotting; prior owner's address label on front free endpaper; bookplate. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 13] (9833) $50.00 163. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Burlesques. London: Jonathan Cape, 1923. 239p. 19.5cm. First British edition. Yellow cloth. Covers soiled; missing the front free endpaper; offset on endpapers. A better than good copy. [Schrader: A 14.2.c.ii] (9773) $45.00 164. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Burlesques. New York: Knopf, 1923. 239p. 17.5cm. Pocket Book Edition. Second printing. Maroon cloth with black and red decoration; decorated endpapers; dust jacket. A fine copy in a taped from the inside, chipped, dust jacket. [Schrader: A.14.2.f] (9774) $75.00 165. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Burlesques. New York: John Lane Company, 1916. 253p; chart. 19.5cm. First edition. Maroon cloth in gilt. Covers slightly insected; bookplate; reduced photocopy of letter tipped in on front free endpaper; still
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in very good condition. [Schrader: A 14 1.a] (9790) $85.00 166. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Burlesques. New York: Knopf, 1920. 233p. 19cm. Blue cloth. A former library copy with markings and labels; covers rubbed; spine ends worn; still in good condition. [Schrader: A 14.2.a] (8506) SOLD 167. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Burlesques. New York: Knopf, 1924. 239p. 17.5cm. Pocket Book Edition. Third printing. Maroon cloth with black and red decoration; decorated endpapers A very good copy with fore edge chip and slight rubbing. [Schrader: A.14.2.f] (9778) $25.00 168. Mencken, H.L. A Book of Calumny [First Printed as "Damn!"]. New York: Knopf, 1918. 139p. 19cm. Second issue. Blue stamped covers. Minor rubbing; prior owner's address label on front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 17.2.a.ii] (9818) $150.00 169. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Prefaces. New York: Knopf, 1927. Frontis, 288p, indexed. 21cm. Blue cloth. Spine titling faded, corners skinned; prior owner's neat signature on the front free endpaper. Better than good. [Schrader A 16.1.g] (9770) $25.00 170. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Prefaces. New York: Knopf, 1927. Frontis, 288p, indexed. 21cm. Blue cloth. Spine faded; spotting on bottom board; insecting to gutter of front free endpaper. Better than good. [Schrader: A 16.1.g] (9771) $20.00 171. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Prefaces. New York: Knopf, 1920. 288p, indexed. 19cm. Third edition. Blue cloth. Spine faded; non detracting stain at foot of spine on the bottom board; slight discoloration of top cover. Better than good. [Schrader: A 16.1.c] (9772) $35.00 172. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Prefaces. New York: Knopf, 1917. 283p. 19cm. First edition [binding B]. Blue cloth in gilt; orange top edge. Former library copy with markings and labels; otherwise very good. [Schrader: A.16.1.a] (8473) $75.00 173. Mencken, H. L. A Book of Prefaces. New York: Knopf, 1922. 288p, indexed. 19cm. Third edition. Blue cloth. Spine faded; minor insecting of covers; missing the front free endpaper. A good copy. [Schrader: A 16.1.d.i] (9787) $20.00 174. [Mencken, H.L.]. The Borzoi 1920. Being a sort of record of five years' publishing. New York: Knopf, 1920. Frontis, 143p. 19cm. First edition, presumed second printing. Borzoi paper boards. Signed by Larry McMurtry on the front free endpaper. Corners bumped, skinned; still in very good condition.[Schrader: B 35] (9860) $50.00 175. [Mencken, H.L.]. The Borzoi 1925. New York: Knopf, 1925. 351p. 19.5cm. First edition, second printing in a limited edition of 5000 copies. Black cloth back and Borzoi paper boards. Edges worn, spine titling faded; still in very good condition. [Schrader: B 62]. (9845) $25.00 176. [Mencken, H.L.]. The Borzoi 1925. New York: Knopf, 1925. 351p. 19.5cm. First edition, second printing in a limited edition of 5000 copies. Black cloth back and Borzoi paper boards (violet and tan). Edges worn, corners bumped and skinned; spine titling faded; still in better than good condition. [Schrader: B 62]. (9899) $20.00
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[Schrader: A 57.1.a] (9831) $100.00 177. Mencken, H.L. A Carnival of Buncombe. Edited by Malcolm Moos. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1956. 376p, indexed. 22cm. First edition. Red cloth back and blue cloth boards; dust jacket. Some fading of cloth; small spot on bottom board; minor spotting of jacket, short tear, slight soiling; prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Schrader: A63.1.a] (9954) $25.00 178. Mencken, H.L. Christmas Story. Illustrated by Bill Crawford. New York: Knopf, 1946. 31p, illustrations. 18cm. First edition, first issue. Signed by H.L. Mencken on the title page. Blue cloth over boards [Binding A], illustrated paper label on the front cover; dust jacket [Jacket A]. Minor spotting on the covers; boards are warped at the fore edge; minor wear to jacket edges; still a better than good copy of this book in a very good jacket. [Schrader: A 57.1.a] (5708) $125. 179. Mencken, H.L. Christmas Story. Illustrated by Bill Crawford. New York: Knopf, 1946. 31p, illustrations. 18cm. First edition, first issue. Signed by H.L. Mencken on the title page. Blue cloth over boards [Binding A], illustrated paper label on the front cover; dust jacket [Jacket A]. Covers slightly faded; jacket worn at the corners. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 57.1.a] (10282) $200.00 180. Mencken, H.L. Christmas Story. Illustrations by Bill Crawford. New York: Knopf, 1946. 31p, illustrations. 18cm. First edition. Light blue cloth [Binding A], paper label; dust jacket [Jacket B]. Jacket torn across front panel, and at spine; price clipped; prior owner's address label on front free endpaper; still in very good condition. 181. [Mencken, H.L.]. Cosmopolitan. January, 1935. New York: Hearst. 170p. 29cm. Wrappers. Spine head torn on bottom cover, minor edge wear. In very good condition. Includes Mencken's article The Arts. (10190) $75.00 182. [Mencken, H.L.]. Cosmopolitan. May, 1936. New York: Hearst. 198p. 29cm. Wrappers. Bottom cover separated, spine chipping, minor edge wear. In better than good condition. Includes Mencken's article Convention Days Are Here Again. (10189) $85.00 183. [Mencken, H.L.]. Criticism in America: Its Function and Status. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1924. 330p. 19.5cm. First edition. Navy blue cloth. Reprints "Criticism of Criticism of Criticism." In very good condition. [Not in Schrader. Adler: mentioned, p.58] (9848) $30.00 184. Mencken, H.L. Damn! A Book of Calumny. New York: Knopf, 1918. 103p. 19cm. First edition. Green cloth; titling in gilt. Minor rubbing; slight fading. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 17.1.a] (9819) $200.00 185. [Mencken., H.L.]. The Delineator. October, 1908. Volume LXII, No. 4. New York: Butterick Publishing Company. 463654p. 28cm. Wrappers. Covers intact; spine chipped and torn. In better than good condition. Includes Mencken's What You Ought to Know About Your Baby, part one, the New Born Baby. (10155) $375.00 186. [Mencken, H.L.]. Delineator. October, 1933. New York: Butterick. 92p. 34cm. Wrappers. Covers torn along spine;
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creases; short tears; still in very good condition. Includes Mencken's article, Overnight Saints. Also, Sara Haardt's short story Each in Her Own Way. (10194) $125.00 187. Mencken, H.L. The Diary of H.L. Mencken. Edited by Charles Fecher. New York: Knopf, 1989. 476p, indexed. 24cm. First edition. Tan cloth; dust jacket. A fine copy. (9997) $30.00 188. [Mencken, H.L.]. Encyclopedia Americana. New York: Americana Corporation, 1946. 25.5cm. Red cloth; titling in gilt on the spine. p523-524. Article on "Americanisms." Corners bumped, minor wear. In very good condition. [Schrader B 83 cites earlier editions] (9905) $15.00 189. [Mencken, H. L.]. Esquire. January, 1944. Chicago: Esquire Inc. 196p. 34cm. Wrappers. Some pages have browned, slight fading, minor wear; still in very good condition. Includes Mencken's article Obsequies in the Grand Manner. [Schrader: B 195.1, cited] (10193) $125.00 190. [Mencken, H.L.]. Forum and Century. November, 1930. New York: Forum Publishing. 257-320p. 29cm. Wrappers. Spine chipped and torn; covers detached, but intact. In good condition. Includes an American Mercury advertisement for Mencken's The American Language, and a discussion of What I Believe. [Adler, p.147] (10192) $25.00 191. Mencken, H.L. A Gang of Pecksniffs and Other Comments on Newspaper Publishers, Editors and Reporters. Selected, edited and introduced with a profile of Mencken as newsman by Theo Lippman. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers, 1975. 206p. 23.5cm. Second printing. Brown cloth stamped in copper; dust jacket. Almost closed tear at top edge of front panel of jacket; jacket slightly toned. A fine copy in a very good jacket. [Schrader A 71.1.b] (9903) $20.00 192. Mencken, H.L. A Gang of Pecksniffs and Other Comments on Newspaper Publishers, Editors and Reporters. Selected, edited and introduced with a profile of Mencken as newsman by Theo Lippman. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers, 1975. 206p. 23.5cm. First edition. Brown cloth stamped in copper; dust jacket. Almost closed tear at top edge slight edge wear and toning to jacket. A fine copy in a very good jacket. [Schrader A 71.1.b] (10259) $20.00 193. [Mencken, H.L.]. Gardens, Houses and People. February, 1957. Towson, MD. 39p. 29cm. Wrappers. Writing on front cover. A very good copy. Includes Mencken's Journalism as a Trade. [Schrader: G 1 (originally published in 1909)] (10177) SOLD 194. Mencken, H.L. George Bernard Shaw: His Plays. Boston: John W. Luce, 1905. 107p. 19.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth; paper title labels. Spine insected; prior owner's neat signature; still a better than good copy. [Schrader: A 2.1.a] (9820) $200.00 195. Mencken, H.L. George Bernard Shaw: His Plays. Boston: John W. Luce, 1905. 107p. 19.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth; paper title labels. Corners lightly bumped; bookplate; still in very good condition. With "An Announcement of publication" laid in. [Schrader: A 2.1.a] (9821) $300.00
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196. Mencken, H.L. The Gist of Nietzsche. Boston: John W. Luce, 1910. 60p. [2p ad]. 19cm. First edition. Burgundy cloth; paper labels. Bookplate; minor wear. In better than very good condition. [Schrader: A 6.1.a]. (9823) $200.00 197. [Mencken, H.L]. H.L. Mencken on Politics. A Carnival of Buncombe. Edited with an introduction and glossary by Malcolm Moos. New York: Vintage Books, 1956. 365p, xi. 18cm. First Vintage edition. Second edition, first printing. Wrappers. Two spots on front cover; slight soiling. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 63.2.a] (9878) $10.00 198. [Mencken, H.L.]. H.L. Mencken Prejudices. A selection made by James T. Farrell and with an introduction by him. New York: Vintage Books, 1959. 258p. 18cm. Third printing. Wrappers. Spine darkened; slight soiling; prior owner's address label on the fly leaf. In very good condition. [Schrader: AA 6]. (9879) $10.00 199. Mencken, H.L. Happy Days, 18801892. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1940. Frontis, xi, [1], 313p. 22cm. First edition. Tan cloth over boards; titling in blue and red; dust jacket. Corners lightly bumped; slightly cocked; jacket chipped, torn at tail of spine and slightly soiled, spine slightly faded. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 49.1.a] (9810) $45.00 200. Mencken, H.L. Happy Days, 18801892. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1940. Frontis, xi, [1], 313p. 22cm. First edition. Tan cloth over boards; titling in blue and red; dust jacket. Corners lightly bumped; brief gift inscription; jacket chipped, torn at tail of spine and slightly soiled, spine slightly faded. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 49.1.a] (7009) $75.00 201. [Mencken, H.L.]. Harper's. September, 1976. New York: Harper's Magazine Company. 100p. 28cm. Wrappers. Pages toned; still in very good condition. Includes Newspapers, Women, and Beer: The Letters of H.L. Mencken. (10198) $30.00 202. Mencken, H.L. Heathen Days, 1890-1936. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943. Frontis, x, [2], 299p. 22cm. First edition. Tan cloth over boards; titling in blue and red; dust jacket. Signed by H.L. Mencken on the front free end paper. Slightly cocked; jacket with few chips and slightly faded; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 54.1.a] (9812) $300.00 203. Mencken, H.L. In Defense of Women. Garden City: Garden City Publishing Company, 1922. 210p. 21cm. Second edition. A Star Book. Black cloth. Inscription on front free endpaper; with prior owner's address label. Better than good. [Schrader: A 18.2.l-m] (9776) $20.00 204. Mencken, H.L. In Defense of Women. New York: Time Incorporated, 1963. 172p. 20cm. Fifth edition. First printing. Wrappers. Prior owner's neat signature on the front free endpaper. Very good. [Schrader: A 18.5.a] (9777) $25.00 205. Mencken, H.L. In Defense of Women. New York: Knopf, 1918. 218p. 19cm. Second printing, second issue (1919). Dark blue cloth. Signature on front free endpaper of comedian Joe Laurie, Jr; minor wear and in very good condition. [Schrader: A 18.1.b.ii] (9796) $150.00 206. Mencken, H.L. In Defense of Women. New York: Knopf, 1927. 218p. 19cm. Second edition, ninth printing. Dark
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blue cloth. Prior owner's address label on front free endpaper; small stains on covers; spine ends worn. In better than good condition. [Schrader: A 18.2.i] (9808) $35.00 207. Mencken, H.L. In Defense of Women. New York: Knopf, 1918. 218p. 19cm. First edition, first issue with the error on the title page. Dark blue cloth; titling in yellow. Minor wear, spine ends slightly worn, spine slightly faded; still, in very good condition. [Schrader: A 18.1.a] (9828) $250.00 208. Mencken, H.L. In Defense of Women. Free Lance Books VI. New York: Knopf, 1922. 210p. 19cm. Second edition. Black cloth back and gray paperboards. Edges rubbed; corners skinned; slightly soiled; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 18.2.a] Possible variant binding. (9839) $45.00 209. Mencken, H.L. James Branch Cabell. New York: Robert McBride and Company, 1927. Frontis, 32p, illustration. 19cm. Grayish green wrappers. Slight foxing of illustration and preceding page. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 35.1.b] (9814) $60.00 210. [Mencken, H.L.]. Life Magazine February 20, 1956 -- Cover: Claire Bloom. Chicago: Time. 134p, illustrations. 35cm. In very good condition. H.L. Mencken's last article. (10173) $15.00 211. Mencken, H.L. A Little Book in C Major. New York: John Lane, 1916. 80p. 19cm. Maroon cloth over boards; titling in gilt. Inscribed and signed by H.L. Mencken on the front free endpaper. Bookplate, minor spotting on the front cover; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 13.1.a]. (9816) $500.00 212. [Mencken, H.L.]. Living Philosophies. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1931. Frontis, 334p, illustrations. 24cm. Black cloth; titling in gilt. Corners slightly worn, headcap slightly worn. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 96]. (9984) $25.00 213. Mencken, H.L. Making a President. New York: Knopf, 1932. 186p. 19cm. First edition, second printing. Black cloth stamped blue. A fine copy in a very good jacket. [Schrader: A 43.1.b] (9822) $200.00 214. Mencken, H.L. A Mencken Chrestomathy. Edited and annotated by H.L.M. New York: Knopf, 1956. 627p. 22cm. Fifth printing. Blue cloth; dust jacket. Little spotting of cloth; jacket chipped with short tears; prior owner's neat signature and address label on front free endpaper. In very good condition. (9998) $75.00 215. Mencken, H.L. Mencken on Music. A selection by Louis Cheslock. New York: Knopf, 1961. 222p, index of composers and performers. 22cm. First edition. Prior owner's address label; little wear. A near fine copy. [Schrader: A66.1.a] (9956) $30.00 216. Mencken, H.L. Mencken on Music. A Selection by Louis Cheslock. New York: Knopf, 1961. 222p, index of composers and performers. 22cm. First edition. Blue cloth. A former library copy with markings and labels; otherwise bright and in very good condition. [Schrader: A66.1.a] (8462) $15.00 217. Mencken, H.L. Mencken's Last Campaign. Edited with an introduction
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by Joseph C. Goulden. Washington DC: New Republic, 1976. 135p. 23.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth; dust jacket. A fine copy. [Schrader: A72.1.a] (9957) $25.00 218. Mencken, H. L. Menckeniana: A Schimpflexikon. New York: Knopf, 1923. 132p. 19.5cm. Expurgated edition. First trade printing. Orange cloth in gilt; teg; acetate jacket. Slight soiling of covers; jacket in two pieces, with much loss. A very good copy. [Schrader: A 37.1.c] (9775) $50.00 219. [Mencken, H.L.]. Menckeniana. A Selection from H.L. Mencken's A Mencken Chrestomathy with a Footnote by George Jean Nathan. New York: Knopf, 1949. [14p]. 25cm. Wrappers. Slight fading, minor insecting and in very good condition. "We prepared a limited number of these Mencken brochures as souvenirs of the 1949 ABA convention." Publisher's note laid-in. Scarce. (10149) $125.00 220. Mencken, H.L. Minority Report. New York: Knopf, 1956. 293p. 22cm. First edition. Blue cloth titling in gilt; dust jacket. Offset on bottom board paste down and endpaper. In very good condition. [Schrader: A62.1.a, dust jacket B] (9955) $20.00 221. Mencken, H.L. My Life as Author and Editor. Edited and with an introduction by Jonathan Yardley. New York: Knopf, 1993. Frontis, 450p. 24cm. [Schrader: A 84.1.a]. Beige cloth and cream paper boards; dust jacket. Corners bumped; otherwise a near fine copy in a near fine jacket. (10258) $30.00 222. [Mencken, H. L.]. The Nation. April 12, 1922. Spring Book Supplement, part II. 427-454. 30cm. Self wrappers. Bottom fore edge corner torn away for last two pages. Includes Mencken's review, Dream and Awakening, of Ludwig Lewisohn's Up Stream. (10188) $45.00 223. [Mencken, H. L.]. The Nation. April 26, 1922. 481-508p. 30cm. Self wrappers. Slight foxing and darkening at edges. In very good condition. Includes Mencken's article, Footnote on Journalism. [Possibly Schrader: C 2, first published in 1901] (10186) $45.00 224. [Mencken, H. L.]. The Nation. December 7, 1921. Holiday Book Supplement in two parts. 635-688p. 30cm. Self wrappers. Slight fading at edges; covers of second part separated. In good condition. Includes Mencken's article, On Living in the United States. [Schrader: C 13] (10187) $65.00 225. [Mencken, H. L.]. The Nation. January 17, 1923. 55-80p. 30cm. Self wrappers. Top fore edge corner torn away for two pages. In good condition. Includes Mencken's letter to the editor, Hoch Iowisch. (10184) SOLD 226. [Mencken, H. L.]. The Nation. May 3, 1922. 509-552p. 30cm. Self wrappers. Slight fading at edges. In very good condition. Includes Mencken's article, Maryland: Apex of Normalcy. [Schrader: B46 is the first book appearance in 1923] (10185) $45.00 227. Mencken, H.L. Newspaper Days, 1899-1906. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941. Frontis, xi, [2], 313p. 22cm. First edition. Tan cloth over boards; titling in blue and red; dust jacket. Signed and dated by H.L. Mencken in the year of publication on the front free end paper. A near fine copy in a very good jacket with little chipping.
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[Schrader: A 51.1.a] (9811) $400.00 228. Mencken, H.L. Newspaper Days, 1899-1906. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941. Frontis, xi, [2], 313p. 22cm. First edition. Tan cloth over boards; titling in blue and red. Signed and dated by H.L. Mencken in the year of publication on the front free end paper. An ex library copy with markings; tape ghost on spine; corners lightly bumped. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 51.1.a] (6749) $225.00 229. Mencken, H. L. Notes on Democracy. New York: Knopf, 1926. 212p. 19cm. First edition, first trade printing (presumed second printing). Blue cloth; dust jacket. A fine copy in a in a slightly insected but still very good jacket. [Schrader: A 33.1.c]. Jacket states "Second Large Printing" at top edge of front panel. Jacket is bluish gray, not tan. (9826) $250.00 230. Mencken, H.L. The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Boston: Luce and Company, 1913. 304p, indexed. 21cm. Third edition, fifth printing. Burgundy cloth in gilt. Corners lightly bumped, spine ends slightly worn; spine slightly faded; gutter stain in first few leaves; still, in very good condition. [Schrader: A 3.e] (9829) $45.00 231. Mencken, H.L. The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1913. Frontis, 325p. 20.5cm. First British edition. Burgundy cloth in gilt; teg. Corners lightly bumped, one corner solidly bumped, spine ends slightly worn; spine slightly faded; still, in very good condition. [Schrader: A 3.1.b.i] (9830) $150.00 232. Mencken, H.L. The Player's Ibsen. Little Eyolf. Boston: John W. Luce, 1909. 125p. 15.5cm. First edition. Red cloth in gilt; teg. Slight fading; prior owner's neat signature on front free endpaper; still an attractive copy in better than very good condition. [Schrader: A 5.1.a] (9832) $250.00 233. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Fifth Series. New York: Knopf, 1926. 307p, indexed. 19cm. First trade edition. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge. Slight foxing; minor soiling. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 34.1.b] (9785) $65.00 234. Mencken, H. L. Prejudices Fifth Series. New York: Knopf, 1926. [307p, indexed. 19cm. Blue cloth; dust jacket. [Binding A ]. Former library book with most labels on the jacket which is chipped with loss; non detracting staining on the covers; still a very attractive better than good copy in a good jacket. [Schrader: A 34.1.c.i] (8508) $65.00 235. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: First Series. New York: Knopf, 1920. 254p, indexed. 19cm. Third printing. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge; slipcase. Prior owner's neat signature on the front cover pastedown. Spine slightly faded. In very good condition. [A 20.1.c] (9779) $35.00 236. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: First Series. New York: Knopf, 1919. 254p, indexed. 19cm. First edition. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge. Prior owner's address label and neat signature on the front free endpaper; Spine slightly faded; damp stain at foot of spine, across fore edge, penetrating the boards only. Slightly better than good. [A 20.1.a] (9783) $75.00 237. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: First Series. New York: Knopf, 1929. 254p, indexed. 18cm. New Pocket Book Edition. Green cloth in silver. Prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper; slight
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fading. Slightly better than good. [A 20.1.n] (9795) $20.00 238. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: First through Fifth Series. The Borzoi Boards Set. Five volumes. New York: Knopf, 1924-1926. 254, 254, 328, 305, 317p, indexed. 19cm. Decorative Borzoi boards; yellow cloth spine; paper title labels; some edge wear. Non penetrating stain at foot of spine and bottom edge; minor edge wear. In very good condition. Scarce as a set. [Schrader: A 20.1.i - noted]. (9788) $500.00 239. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Fourth Series. New York: Knopf, 1924. 305p, indexed. 19cm. First trade edition. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge; dust jacket. First several pages bunched at the top fore edge corner; slight foxing; jacket spine faded, lightly soiled, minor chipping. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 29.1.b] (9784) $200.00 240. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Second Series. New York: Knopf, 1920. 256p, indexed. 19cm. First edition. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge; slipcase. Prior owner's neat signature on the front cover pastedown; one corner bumped. Spine slightly faded. In very good condition. [A 24.1.a] (9780) $125.00 241. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Second Series. New York: Knopf, 1923. 256p, indexed. 19cm. Fifth printing. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge. Prior owner's address label on the front cover pastedown; corners lightly bumped, small stain on front cover. In very good condition. [A 24.1.e] (9782) $25.00 242. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Sixth Series. New York: Knopf, 1927. 317p, indexed. 19cm. First trade edition. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge. Non penetrating stain at foot of spine and bottom edge. Better than good. [Schrader: A 36.1.a.i] (9786) $50.00 243. Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: Third Series. New York: Knopf, 1922. 328p, indexed. 19cm. First edition. Blue cloth; gilt spine; red top edge; dust jacket; slipcase. A near fine copy in a spine faded very good jacket . [A 26.1.a] (9781) $300.00 244. Mencken, H.L. Selected Prejudices. New York: Knopf, 1927. 166p. 18.5cm. First edition. Green cloth in black and gilt. Lightly soiled and faded; prior owner's address label on the half title page; front free endpaper glued to pastedown; still an attractive copy in good condition. [Schrader: AA 3] (9791) $30.00 245. Mencken, H.L. Selected Prejudices. New York: Modern Library, 1930. 166p. 17cm. First printing. Blue cloth, title in gilt on the spine. Lightly soiled and faded, stain on front cover; front hinge starting; still in good condition. [Schrader: AA 3] (9793) $20.00 246. Mencken, H.L. Selected Prejudices. New York: Knopf, 1927. 166p. 18.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth in black and gilt. Lightly soiled and faded, stain on front cover; prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper; front hinge starting; still in good condition. [Schrader: AA 3] (9792) $30.00 247. Mencken, H.L. Selected Prejudices. New York: Modern Library, 1930. 166p. 17cm. First Modern Library edition. Blue cloth; title in gilt on the spine. Covers are soiled; stain at the foot of the spine; missing the front free endpaper. In good condition.
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[Schrader: AA 3] (9882) $10.00 248. Mencken, H.L. Selected Prejudices: Second Series. London: Jonathan Cape, 1927. 166p. 17cm. First printing. Blue cloth, title in gilt on the spine. Lightly soiled; slight scratch on bottom cover; still in very good condition. [Schrader: AA 2] (9794) $30.00 249. [Mencken, H.L.]. Seven Famous Reprints from the New Thirteenth Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica with biographies of the Authors. New York: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1927. 128p. 19cm. First edition. Blue cloth; titling in gilt. In near fine condition. [Schrader: B 65 cites the article in the Britannica; Adler p.28-29] (9874) $50.00 250. [Mencken, H.L]. Smart Set. August, 1910. New York: Ess Ess Publishing Company, 1910. 160p. 25cm. Wrappers. Slight darkening of covers; few very short tears to fore edge; otherwise better than good. Contains Mencken's A Hot Weather Novellist. (10211) $125.00 251. [Mencken, H.L]. Smart Set. December, 1909. New York: Ess Ess Publishing Company, 1914. 160p. 25cm. Wrappers. Slight darkening of covers; chipping and short tears of fore edge; spine ends torn; otherwise better than good. Contains Mencken's "A Doll's House" -with a Fourth Act and George Jean Nathan's The Drama Behaves Itself. (10213) $125.00 252. Mencken, H.L. The Smart Set. Suggestions to our Visitors. [Reprinted by the Grabhorn-Hoyem and presented to members of the Zamorano Club of Los Angeles and the Roxburghe Club of San Francisco at their joint meeting on September 21-22, 1968]`. [6p]. Tied card covers. Head of spine bumped, otherwise near fine. Scarce. (10148) $100.00 253. Mencken, H. L. Spiritual Autopsies. An Article on Gamliel Bradford. Reprinted form the Literary Review of the New York Evening Post. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1922]. Six pages folded. 16cm. Slight offset to fore edge; still in very good condition. Scarce. (10146) $100.00 254. Mencken, H.L. Thirty-five Years of Newspaper Work. A Memoir. Edited by Fred Hobson, Vincent Fitzpatrick and Bradford Jacobs. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. Frontis, 390p, indexed. 23.5cm. First edition. Black and blue cloth boards; dust jacket. A fine copy. (9996) $30.00 255. Mencken, H. L. Three Years: 1924 to 1927. The Story of a New Idea and Its Successful Adaptation. With a Postscript by H. L. Mencken. New York: Knopf, 1927. 45p. 25.5cm. First edition. Borzoi boards. In a limited edition of 600 copies signed by H. L Mencken and Alfred Knopf, this is copy 208/600. Covers faded, corners skinned, some chipping; still in better than good condition. (9817) $250.00 256. Mencken, H.L. Treatise on Right and Wrong. New York: Knopf, 1934. 332p. 21cm. First edition. Blue cloth in gilt; dust jacket. Inscribed and signed on the front free endpaper by H.L. Mencken. Stain on front cover; corners bumped; jacket slightly faded; still in very good condition. [Schrader A 44.1.a] (9834) $500.00 257. Mencken, H. L. Treatise on the Gods. New York: Knopf, 1930. 398p. 24cm. Blue vellum covered boards in gilt; teg; dust jacket; slipcase. In an edition of 375 copies this is copy 265/375 signed by H.L.
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Mencken. Slight insecting along top edge and spine of jacket; jacket with short tears and minor chipping; slight warp; still an attractive copy in very good condition. [Schrader A 40.1.a] (9802) $650.00 258. Mencken, H. L. Treatise on the Gods. New York: Knopf, 1930. 364p.[Index]. 21cm. Blue cloth, titling in gilt on the spine. Slight fading of spine. In very good condition. [Schrader A 40.1.b] (9835) $100.00 259. Mencken, H. L. Treatise on the Gods. New York: Knopf, 1948. 302p.[index]. 22cm. Second edition, second printing. Black cloth, titling in gilt on the spine; dust jacket. Two corners bumped; jacket chipped, small tears. In very good condition. [Schrader A 40.2.b] (9836) $35.00 260. Mencken, H. L. Ventures into Verse. Baltimore: Marshall, Beek & Gordon, 1903.. 46p. 19cm. Wrappers. Facsimile copy printed for Smith's Book Store, Baltimore, MD, copy 221/250. [Schrader: A.1.1.b] (10144) $150.00 261. [Mencken, H.L.]. The Vintage Mencken. Gathered by Alistair Cooke. New York: Vintage Books, 1956. 240p. 18cm. Fourth printing. Wrappers. Slight soiling; spine darkened, a little creased. In very good condition. [Schrader: AA 5] (9880) $10.00 262. [Mencken, H.L.]. The Vintage Mencken. Gathered by Alistair Cooke. New York: Vintage Books, 1955. 240p. 18cm. First Vintage edition. Wrappers. Slight soiling; spine darkened; prior owner's neat signature on the verso of the cover. In very good condition. [Schrader: AA 5] (9881) $10.00 263. Mencken, H.L. The Young Mencken. The best of his work collected by Carl Bode. New York: Dial Press, 1973. Frontis, 573p. 24cm. Green cloth; titling in copper; dust jacket. Review copy with publisher's announcement laid-in. In fine condition. [Schrader: A 68.1.a] (9965) $25.00 264. [Mencken, H.L.]. Adler, Elmer, ed. Breaking into Print: Being a Compilation of Papers Wherein Each of a Select Group of Authors Tells of the Difficulties of Authorship and How Such Trials are Met. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1937. 196p, indexed. 24cm. First edition. Black cloth; blind stamped and in gilt; dust jacket. Jacket toned, chipped and almost separated; endpapers toned. A fine copy in a fair jacket. (9869) $25.00 265. Mencken, H.L. and George Jean Nathan. The American Credo: A Contribution to the Interpretation of the National Mind. New York: Knopf, 1920. 192p. 19.5cm. Black cloth, titling in gilt. Minor insecting; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 22.1.a]. (9827) $75.00 266. Mencken, H.L. and George Jean Nathan. Heliogabalus. New York: Knopf, 1920. 192p. 21cm. First edition, third printing. Black cloth; titling in gilt. In an edition of 2000 copies, this is copy 1355/2000. Slightly rubbed; small stain to fore edge; prior owner's signatures and address label; still in very good condition. [Schrader: A 21.1.b] (9813) $85.00 267. [Mencken, H.L. and George Jean Nathan]. Last Smart Set; First American Mercury. Last issue of Smart Set , December, 1923 bound with the first issue of American Mercury, January 1924. 24cm.
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Bound in green buckram; titling in gilt on the spine. Bookplate of Robert George Guyer. In very good condition. (9809) $200.00 268. [Mencken, H.L. and George Jean Nathan] . Pistols for Two by Owen Hatteras. New York: Knopf, 1917. 48p. 18.5cm. Wrappers. First edition. Ex private library with bookplate and spine label. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 15. 1.a] (9659) $150.00 269. Mencken, H. L. and Robert Rives La Monte. Men Vs. The Man. New York: Henry Holt, 1910. 252p. 19cm. First edition. Burgundy cloth in gilt. Signed by Robert Rives La Monte and inscribed to his friend and comrade, Alexander Hayman. Prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. Slight rubbing; hinges starting; still in very good condition. [Schrader A 7 1.a] (9789) $1,000.00 270. [Mencken, H.L.]. Baker, Carlos. The American Looks at the World. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944. 437p. 21cm. Red cloth. Stain along bottom board; slightly soiled; spine titling faded. In good condition. (9974) $10.00 271. [Mencken, H.L.], Baroja, Pio. Youth and Egolatry. Edited with introductions by H.L. Mencken. Free Lance Books I. New York: Knopf, 1920. 265p. 19cm. First edition. Black cloth back and red paper boards; red spine label; titling in black. A near fine copy in a chipped and torn good jacket. [Schrader: B 30]. (9837) $75.00 272. [Mencken, H.L.]. Bode, Carl, ed. The New Mencken Letters. New York: Dial Press, 1977. Frontis, 635p, indexed. 23cm. Red cloth back and paper boards; dust jacket. Jacket with faded spine and short tears, price clipped. A fine copy in a very good jacket. (9994) $25.00 273. [Mencken, H.L.]. Brooks, Van Wyck, ed. The Letters of Gamaliel Bradford 1918-1931. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1934. Frontis, 377p, indexed. 24cm. First edition. Green cloth; titling in black. Has one letter to H.L. Mencken. Covers faded. In very good condition. (9889) $20.00 274. [Mencken, H.L.]. Burgess, Johnson. The Lost Art of Profanity. Foreword by H.L. Mencken. Drawings by Orson Lowell. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1948. 223p, illustrations. 19.5cm. First edition. Red cloth; titling in gilt; dust jacket. Jacket chipped at head of spine, short tear on front panel. A near fine copy in a very good jacket. [Schrader B 70]. (9873) $30.00 275. [Mencken, H. L.]. Cairns, Huntington. H.L. Mencken. The American Scene. A Reader. New York: Knopf, 1965. 542p, bibliography. 24cm. First edition. blue cloth; dust jacket. Former owner's address label on front free endpaper; some wear to jacket edges. A near fine copy. [Schrader: AA 8]. (9992) $25.00 276. [Mencken, H.L.] Conklin, Groff, ed. The New Republic Anthology. 1915-1935. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, 1936. 566p, annotated index. 21.5cm. Green cloth; titling in black. Minor wear; slight crinkle of cloth at top of spine; prior owner's address label on front free endpaper; still in very good condition. [Schrader: B 124] (9851) $20.00 277. [Mencken, H.L.]. Cooper, James Fennimore. The American Democrat.
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With an introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Vintage Books, 1956. 190p. 18.5cm. First Vintage edition. Wrappers. Toned; spine darkened; old price in black on front cover. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 99.2] (9866) $10.00 278. [Mencken, H.L.]. Cooper, James Fennimore. The American Democrat. With an introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Vintage Books, 1956. 190p. 18.5cm. First Vintage edition. Wrappers. Slightly toned; spine darkened. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 99.2] (9867) $12.50 279. Mencken, H.L. ed. A New Dictionary of Quotations on Historical Principles from Ancient and Modern Sources. New York: Knopf, 1942. 1809p. 24cm. First edition. Blue cloth in gilt; dust jacket. A very attractive very good copy in a good jacket. [Schrader: A 53.1.a] (9803) $100.00 280. [Mencken, H. L.]. Farrar, John, ed. The Christmas Bookman. Volume LXII, No. 4, December, 1925. New York: George H. Doran, 1925. "My Dear Walpole: An Open Letter from H.L. Mencken." appears on p. 438-439. Bound in blue cloth with illustrated paper labels. Minor wear to the spine ends; prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Adler: p. 144]. (9875) $75.00 281. [Mencken, H.L.]. FoersterNietzsche, Elizabeth. The NietzscheWagner Correspondence. Introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1921. 312p. 21cm. First edition. In an edition of 1500 copies, this is copy 677/1500. Brown cloth; paper spine label. Slight warp of front cover; prior owner's neat signature and address on the front free endpaper; still, in very good condition. [Schrader: B 39]. (9870) $50.00 282. Mencken, H.L.]. Forgue, Guy J. Letters of H.L. Mencken. Selected and annotated by Guy J. Forgue. With a personal note by Hamilton Owens. New York: Knopf, 1961. Frontis, 506p, xxii [index]. 24cm. First edition. Blue cloth: dust jacket. Jacket torn and creased at bottom edge of front panel. A fine copy in a very good jacket. (9991) $15.00 283. Mencken, H.L., George Jean Nathan and Willard Huntington Wright . Europe After 8:15. With decorations by Thomas H. Benton. New York: John Lane Company, 1914. Frontis, 222p, illustrations. 19.5cm. Yellow cloth in gilt and blue [Binding A]; dust jacket. Prior owner's neat signature; jacket tape repaired from verso. A very bright fine copy in an otherwise very good jacket. [Schrader 10.1.a] (9843) $450.00 284. [Mencken, H.L.]. Gingrich, Arnold and L. Rust Hills, eds. The Armchair Esquire. New York: G.P. Putnam, 1958. 354p, appendix. 22cm. First edition. Black cloth; titling in red and silver; dust jacket. Prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper; jacket chipped, short tears, some loss. A near fine copy in a good jacket. [Schrader: B 187.1] (9898) $20.00 285. [Mencken, H.L.]. Gruening, Ernest, ed. These United States: A Symposium. First and Second Series. Two Volumes. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1925. 388p; 438p, indexed. 21cm. Third printing. Blue cloth; titling in gilt on the spine; second volume with jacket. Includes Mencken's "Maryland: Apex of Normalcy." Corners bumped; minor edge wear; jacket of volume two with loss, good only. The volumes are
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in very good condition. [Schrader: B 46]. (9865) $100.00 286. [Mencken, H.L.], Harrison, Arthur. Tales of Mean Streets. New York: Modern Library, 1921. 251p. 17cm. Brown leatherette. Minor wear to the head of the spine. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 38]. (9861) $20.00 287. [Mencken, H.L.], Howe, E.W. Ventures in Common Sense. Introduction by H.L. Mencken. Free Lance Books II. New York: Knopf, 1919. 271p. 19cm. First edition. Black cloth back and blue paper boards; blue spine label; dust jacket. Edges rubbed, corners skinned; jacket chipped with loss. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 25]. (9838) $75.00 288. [Mencken, H.L.]. Huneker, James. Essays by James Huneker. Selected with an introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929. 492p, indexed. 22.5cm. First edition. Green cloth in gilt.. Corners bumped, minor wear to the spine ends. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 86.1] (9896) $20.00 289. [Mencken, H.L.]. Huneker, James. Essays by James Huneker. Selected with an introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929. 492p, indexed. 22.5cm. First edition. Green cloth in gilt.. Corners bumped, minor wear to the spine ends; slightly cocked. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 86.1] (9897) $20.00 290. [Mencken, H.L.]. Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll's House, Ghosts, An Enemy of the People, The Master Builder. [Introduction by H.L. Mencken]. New York: The Modern Library, [1940]. 383p. 18cm. Second edition. Grayish cloth stamped in green and gilt. Corners slightly bumped; front free endpaper clipped. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 23.2] (9887) $15.00 291. [Mencken, H.L.]. Ibsen, Henrik. Eleven Plays of Henrik Ibsen. Introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Modern Library, nd. 482p. 21cm. red cloth; titling in gilt. Spine faded; front hinge starting. A better than good copy. [Reprints the introduction from B 23. Not in Schrader or Adler as such]. (9877) $10.00 292. [Mencken, H.L.]. Ibsen, Henrik. The Master Builder, Pillars of Society, Hedda Gabler. Introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Boni and Liveright, [1918]. 305p. 17cm. First edition. Green flex leatherette. Offset on covers, still in very good condition. [Schrader: B 23.1] (9883) $15.00 293. [Mencken, H.L.]. Ibsen, Henrik. The Master Builder, Pillars of Society, Hedda Gabler. Introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Boni and Liveright, [1918]. 305p. 17cm. First edition. Later printing. Green flex leatherette. Prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper; two small holes in front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 23.1] (9884) $10.00 294. [Mencken, H.L.]. Ibsen, Henrik. The Master Builder, Pillars of Society, Hedda Gabler. Introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Boni and Liveright, [1918]. 305p. 17cm. First edition. Later printing. Green flex leatherette. Slight soiling of covers; minor wear to the edges. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 23.1] (9886) $10.00 295. [Mencken, H.L.]. Ibsen, Henrik. The Master Builder, Pillars of Society, Hedda
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Gabler. Introduction by H.L. Mencken. New York: Modern Library, nd. 305p. 17cm. First edition. Later printing. Green flex leatherette. Bookplate. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 23.1] (9885) $10.00 296. [Mencken, H.L.] Janvier, Meredith. Baltimore Yesterdays. [Preface by H.L. Mencken]. Baltimore: H.G. Roebuck and Son, 1937. Frontis, 170pp, illustrations. 21 cm. First edition. Black cloth; titling in gilt. Non detracting slight staining on front cover; prior owner's neat signature on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 130]. (9871) $25.00 297. Mencken, H. L., Johnson, Gerald W., Frank Kent, Hamilton Owens. The Sunpapers of Baltimore. New York: Knopf, 1937. Frontis, 430p, [xvi index]. 24cm. First edition. Red cloth in gilt. Signed by all four authors on the front free endpaper. Minor wear and in very good condition. [Schrader: A 47.1.a.i] (9801) $600.00 298. [Mencken, H.L.]. Johnson, Merle. You Know These Lines! A Bibliography of the Most Quoted Verses in American Poetry. New York: G. A. Baker & Company, 1935. 195p. 23.5cm. First edition in an edition of 1000 copies signed by Merle Johnson. Brown cloth. Corners bumped; prior owner's address label on the front cover pastedown; still in very good condition. [Schrader: B117; Adler, p.31] (9892) $85.00 299. [Mencken, H.L.]. Johnson, Merle. You Know These Lines! A Bibliography of the Most Quoted Verses in American Poetry. New York: G. A. Baker & Company, 1935. 195p. 23.5cm. First edition in an edition of 1000 copies -- this copy not signed. Brown cloth. Corners bumped; prior owner's address label on the front cover pastedown; slight insecting to spine; still in very good condition. [Schrader: B117; Adler: p.31] (9893) $50.00 300. [Mencken, H.L.]. Lewisohn, Ludwig. A Modern Book of Criticism. New York: Modern Library, nd. 210p. 17cm. Brown cloth. Reprints sections of "The Homiletics of Criticism, The Critics Function, The Puritan and American Literature" Corners bumped; hinge weak at the title page. In better than good condition. [Not in Schrader or Adler] (9862) $20.00 301. [Mencken, H.L.]. Lewisohn, Ludwig, ed. A Modern Book of Criticism. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1919. 210p. 17cm. First edition. Black leatherette. Reprints sections of "The Homiletics of Criticism, The Critics Function, The Puritan and American Literature" Corners bumped; penetrating stain across the fore edge and top edge; hole in front free endpaper. In good condition. [Not in Schrader or Adler] (9863) $20.00 302. [Mencken, H.L.]. Lewisohn, Ludwig, ed. A Modern Book of Criticism. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1919. 210p. 17cm. First edition. Brown leatherette. Reprints sections of "The Homiletics of Criticism, The Critics Function, The Puritan and American Literature" Prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Not in Schrader or Adler] (9864) $20.00 303. [Mencken, H.L.], Muir, Edwin. We Moderns. Edited with introductions by H.L. Mencken. Free Lance Books IV. New York: Knopf, 1921. 244p.19cm. Black cloth back and green paperboards; spine label. Slight fading of front cover; slight rubbing;
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corners slightly skinned.; still an attractive copy in very good condition. [Schrader: B 31] (9841) $100.00 304. [Mencken, H.L.] , Nietzsche, F. W. The Antichrist. Translated from the German with an Introduction by H. L. Mencken. New York: Knopf, 1941. 182p. 19cm. Sixth printing. Blue cloth. Slight fading at edges; bookplate. In very good condition. [Schrader: A 23.1.f] (9815) $45.00 305. [Mencken, H.L.] , Nietzsche, F. W. The Antichrist. Translated from the German with an Introduction by H. L. Mencken. Free Lance Books III. New York: Knopf, 1920. 182p. 19cm. First edition. Black cloth back and orange paperboards; spine label. [Binding A]. Edges rubbed; label darkened; corners skinned; still, in very good condition. [Schrader: A 23.1.a] (9842) $300.00 306. [Mencken, H.L.] , Nietzsche, F. W. The Antichrist. Translated from the German with an Introduction by H. L. Mencken. Free Lance Books III. New York: Knopf, 1920. 182p. 19cm. First edition. Black cloth back and orange paperboards; spine label. [Binding A]. Edges and covers rubbed; label darkened; corners skinned; prior owner's neat signature on the front free endpaper; label of "Thurland and Thurland" of Chicago on the bottom of the title page; fold out advertisement for "Der Einzige und sein Eigentum" pasted? between the bottom fly leaves; still, in slightly better than good condition. [Schrader: A 23.1.a] (10286) $300.00 307. [Mencken, H.L.]. Pearce, Eugene L. Statesmen and Gadflies. New York: Little & Ives, 1930. Frontis, 191p. 25cm. First edition. Purple cloth with titling in gilt. Largely unopened. Spotting on front cover; edges and spine faded. In better than good condition. (9980) $30.00 308. [Mencken, H.L.] Rascoe, Burton, ed. Morrow's Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1928. New York: William Morrow, 1927. 210p. 21cm. First edition. White cloth back, printed paperboards; dust jacket. A near fine copy with minor wear in a slightly insected but very good jacket. [Schrader: B 75]. (9850) $50.00 309. [Mencken, H.L.]. Rodgers, Marion Elizabeth. The Impossible H.L. Mencken. A selection of his best newspaper stories. Foreword by Gore Vidal. New York: Doubleday, 1991. Frontis, 707p, indexed. 24cm. First edition. Black cloth back and paper boards; dust jacket. Inscribed and signed by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers. Slightly cocked; otherwise a fine copy. [Schrader: A83] (9995) $100.00 310. [Mencken, H.L.]. Schreiber, Georges. Portraits and Self-Portraits. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1936. 175p, illustrations. 25.5cm. First edition. White cloth with titling in black and red. Cloth covers darkened, spine also; very slight insecting at top edge; prior owner's neat signature on the front free endpaper; still a better than good copy. [Schrader: B 118]. (9876) $15.00 311. [Mencken, H.L.], Smith, Allen H. Desert Island Decameron. Garden City: Doubleday Doran, 1945. 406p. 19cm. First edition. Gray cloth. Reprints "Clarion Call to Poets." Corners bumped; slightly soiled. In very good condition. [Not in Schrader, or Adler]. (9857) $20.00 312. [Mencken, H.L]. Spivak, Lawarence, ed. The American Mercury Reader.
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Philadelphia: Blakiston Company, 1944. 378p. 20.5cm. Second edition. Green cloth; dust jacket. Corners bumped; slight stain on bottom board; jacket chipped, stain on front panel. In good condition. [Schrader: B159A.2] (9969) $10.00 313. [Mencken, H.L.] Squire, Marian (compiled by). The Stag at Ease. A Cookbook. Being the Culinary Preferences of a Number of Distinguished Male Citizens of the World. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1938. 164p, indexed. 21.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth; titling in gilt. Includes Mencken's recipe for "Deviled Crab." Spine faded; slightly spotted; book mark taped to front cover pastedown; still, in very good condition. [Schrader: B 135]. (9847) $30.00 314. [Mencken, H.L.], Stearns, Harold E., ed. Civilization in the United States. An Inquiry by 30 Americans. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1922. 577p, indexed. 22.5cm. First edition. Blue cloth. Slight fading; spine ends slightly worn; missing the front free endpaper; note in pencil on fly leaf; still a very good copy. [Schrader: B 43.1] (9854) $125.00 315. [About H.L. Mencken]. Van Doren, Carl. Many Minds. New York: Knopf, 1926. 242p, indexed. 19.5cm. Second printing. Black cloth; titling in red. Includes "Smartness and Light." Two corners bumped; slight soiling; prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Adler, p.280] (9904) $15.00 316. [Mencken, H.L.]. Walter, Erich A. Essay Annual. 1933. Chicago: Scott Foresman, 1933. 372p, bibliography. 19cm. First edition. Green cloth with yellow titling. Slight soiling and edge wear; penciled note on front free endpaper. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 107] (9973) $15.00 317. [Mencken, H.L.], Weaver, John V.A. In American. The Collected Poems of John V.A. Weaver. New York: Knopf, 1939. Frontis, 316p. 22.5cm. First edition. Black cloth; titling in gilt on the spine. Inscribed by Peggy Wood Weaver to Alec Waugh. Slight fading of spine. In very good condition. [Schrader: B 140] (9853) $150.00 318. [Mencken, H.L.]. White, E.B. and K.S., eds. A Subtreasury of American Humor. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1941. 814p. 22cm. Grayish cloth and titling in gilt and red. Includes "The Wedding: A Stage Direction." Corners bumped; still in good condition. [Not in Schrader or Adler]. (9891) $25.00 319. [Mencken, H.L.]. Wilde, Oscar. A House of Pomegranates. Illustrated by Ken Kutcher. Preface by H.L. Mencken. New York: Dodd Mead, 1928. Frontis, 180p, illustrations. 24cm. Later printing. Black cloth covers in gilt. Prior owner's name stamp in three places plus signature on the front cover pastedown and date on the fly leaf; spine faded; still in very good condition. [Schrader: B 24]. (9868) $50.00 320. [Mencken, H.L.]. Wilde, Oscar. A House of Pomegranates. Illustrated by Ken Kutcher. Preface by H.L. Mencken. New York: Dodd Mead, 1928. Frontis, 180p, illustrations. 24cm. Later printing. black cloth covers in gilt. Bookplate of Janet Gaynor taped to verso of front free endpaper; spine faded; still in very good condition. [Schrader: B 24]. (9872) $50.00 321. [Mencken, H.L.], Wood, James N.
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Democracy and the Will to Power. Edited with an introduction by H.L. Mencken. Free Lance Books V. New York: Knopf, 1921. 245p. 19cm. First edition. Black cloth back and green paperboards; spine label. Corners slightly skinned, slight fading and soiling. An attractive copy in very good condition. [Schrader: B 40]. The cover says Free lance Book "VI", an error not cited in Schrader. (9840) $125.00 322. [Mencken's Library] Thompson, Richard W. The Footprints of the Jesuits. Cincinnati, OH: Jennings and Graham, 1894. Frontis, 509p, indexed. 20cm. Red cloth. Corners bumped; slightly soiled; still, in very good condition. From the library of H.L. Mencken with his bookplate on the front cover pastedown. (10141) $1,200.00 323. [Mencken's Library]. Tolstoi, Leo N. The Living Corpse. A Drama . Philadelphia: Brown Brothers, 1912. 125p. 20.5cm. Black cloth; titling in gilt. Corners bumped; spine ends worn, titling faded; slightly rubbed; still in very good condition. From the library of H.L. Mencken with his bookplate on the front cover paste down. (10140) $1,000.00 324. [Smart Set]. Fifty three issues of Smart Set from 1906 - 1923. With and without covers. In good condition overall. (10257) $600.00 325. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. April, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine and edges chipped with sections missing; still, in better than good condition. Contains Aldous Huxley's Over the Telephone, (10215) $100.00 326. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. August, 1916. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1916. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Cover edges worn; writing in pencil on the front cover; pieces of spine missing; paper has browned. In good condition. Contains Sinclair Lewis' I'm A Stranger Here Myself. (10235) $100.00 327. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. August, 1922. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1922. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Includes the satirical "Americanization: A Movie" cartoon by William Gropper. The usual chipping, otherwise in very good condition. (9635) $100.00 328. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. August, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine and edges chipped; few pages partially soiled; still, in better than good condition. Contains Dashiell Hammett's The Crusader, writing as Mary Jane Hammett. (10206) $175.00 329. [Smart Set]. Smart Set. December, 1912. New York: John Adams Thayer Corporation, 1912. 160p. 25cm. Wrappers. Usual chipping, tears to spine; otherwise better than good. Includes Mencken's A Visit to a Short Story Factory and George Jean Nathan's All Work And -- No Play. (9643) $75.00 330. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. December, 1918. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1918. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Includes Ben Hecht's "Fifteen Minutes." Usual chipping, paper browned; still in better than good condition. (9639)$100.00 331. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. December, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover taped and detached; spine missing pieces; edges chipped and worn. In
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good condition only. The last issue of Smart Set. (10238) $45.00 332. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. February, 1919. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1919. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine and edges chipped; paper has browned; still, in good condition. Contains Ben Hecht's The Eternal Fugitive. (10214) $100.00 333. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. February, 1920. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1920. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Back cover missing; spine chipped. In good condition. Contains F. Scott Fitzgerald's Benediction and Dalyrimple Goes Wrong. (10225) $175.00 334. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. February, 1922. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1922. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine and edges chipped; front cover almost detached; missing the bottom cover; still, in good condition. Contains F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Far-Seeing Suspects. (10208) $325.00 335. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. January, 1919. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1919. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover chipped; spine chipped; edges chipped; paper has browned. In good condition. Contains Ben Hecht's The Successor to Mr. Hennerby. (10239) $100.00 336. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. January, 1922. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1922. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover detached; spine almost gone. In good condition. Contains Aldous Huxley's In the Tea Shop. (10233) $100.00 337. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. January, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover missing; spine chipped. In good condition. Contains Dashiell Hammett's The Master Mind. (10226) $75.00 338. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. July, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover insected; edges chipped. In good condition. Contains Dorothy Parker's Too Bad. (10237) $75.00 339. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. June, 1920. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1920. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine and edges chipped; paper has browned; still, in good condition. Contains F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Smilers. (10209) $350.00 340. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. June, 1922. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1922. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Covers missing. In good condition only. Contains F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Diamond as Big as the Ritz. (10224) $50.00 341. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. March, 1922. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1922. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine and edges chipped, spine with loss; front cover detached; still, in good condition. Contains Ben Hecht's Winkleburg. (10210) $100.00 342. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. March, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine taped; front cover fore edge chipped, torn, creased. In good condition. Contains Dashiell Hammett's From the Memoirs of a Private Detective. (10229) $125.00 343. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. March, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover
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detached; most of spine missing; bottom cover missing; table of contents missing. In good condition only. Contains Dashiell Hammett's From the Memoirs of a Private Detective. (10228) $45.00 344. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. March, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover taped, most of spine missing; portion of bottom cover missing. In good condition. Contains Dashiell Hammett's From the Memoirs of a Private Detective. (10227) $100.00 345. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. November, 1920. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1920. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Covers detached; paper has browned. In good condition. Contains Aldous Huxley's Among the Nightingales. (10222) $100.00 346. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. November, 1922. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1922. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover missing. In good condition only Contains Dashiell Hammett's The Great Lovers. (10230) $75.00 347. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. October, 1919. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1919. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Covers torn, creased, chipped, piece missing; bottom cover detached; two pages torn at the bottom edge; paper has browned. In good condition. Contains Theodore Dreiser's Sanctuary and Willa Cather's Her Boss. (10223) $75.00 348. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. October, 1921. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1921. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Cover edges worn; pieces of spine missing; paper has browned. In good condition. Contains Carl Van Vechten's Cordite for the Concerts. (10236) $100.00 349. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. October, 1922. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1922. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover chipped and torn at the fore edge; base and head of spine missing. In very good condition. Contains Dashiell Hammett's The Parthian Shot. (10232) $225.00 350. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. October, 1923. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1923. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover rubbed at the fore edge; base of spine torn. In very good condition. Contains Dashiell Hammett's The Green Elephant. (10231) $250.00 351. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. September, 1919. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1919. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Spine and edges chipped; slight insecting of covers; paper has browned; still, in good condition. Contains F. Scott Fitzgerald's Babes in the Woods. (10207) $375.00 352. [Smart Set]. The Smart Set. September, 1920. New York: The Smart Set Company, 1920. 144p. 25cm. Wrappers. Front cover detached; back cover missing; spine almost gone. In good condition only. Contains Stephen Vincent Benet's Summer Thunder. (10234) $45.00 353. [Smart Set]. Dolmetsch, Carl R. The Smart Set a History and Anthology. New York: Dial Press, 1966. Frontis, 262p, illustrations. 31cm. White cloth in gilt; dust jacket. Corners lightly bumped; very slight soiling; slight spotting at top edge; jacket spine darkened, spotting to edges; prior owner's address label on the front free endpaper. A very good copy in a good jacket. (10241) $50.00
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Addendum [Smart Set]. June. 1914. New York: John Adams Thayer Corporation, 1914. 160p. 25cm. Wrappers. Slight darkening of covers; chipping of fore edge; stain front cover and first few pages; otherwise, better than good. Contains Menckens The Anatomy of the Novel and George Jean Nathans Toujours Shaw. (10212) $125.00 [About H.L. Mencken]. A Bibliography of the Writings of H.L. Mencken. Philadelphia: Centaur Book Shop, 1924. Frontis, 70p. 19.5cm. Black cloth back and black paperboards with gilt title labels. In a limited edition of 300 copies, this is copy 224/300. Gilt labels rubbed and faded; prior owners address label on the front free endpaper. In very good condition. (10543) $75.00
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