Southern Cross Case Digest
Southern Cross Case Digest
Southern Cross Case Digest
Facts: Petitioner Southern Cross Cement Corporation (Southern Cross) is a domestic corporation engaged in the business of cement manufacturing, production and importation On 22 May 2001, respondent Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) accepted an application from Philcemcor (PCMC), alleging that the importation of gray Portland cement in increased quantities has caused declines in domestic production, capacity utilization, market share, sales and employment; as well as caused depressed local prices. Accordingly, Philcemcor sought the imposition at first of provisional, then later, definitive safeguard measures on the import of cement pursuant to the SMA (Rep. Act No. 8800, also known as the Safeguard Measures Act.
After preliminary investigation, the Bureau of Import Services of the DTI, determined that critical circumstances existed justifying the imposition of provisional measures. the DTI then issued an Order, imposing a provisional measure equivalent to Twenty Pesos and Sixty Centavos (P20.60) per forty (40) kilogram bag on all importations of gray Portland cement for a period not exceeding two hundred (200) days from the date of issuance by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) of the implementing Customs Memorandum Order. The corresponding Customs Memorandum Order was issued on 10 December 2001, to take effect that same day and to remain in force for two hundred (200) days
Due to DTIs imposition of the provisional measure, Southern Cross filed with the Court a Very Urgent Application for a Temporary Restraining Order and/or A Writ of Preliminary Injunction (TRO Application), seeking to enjoin the DTI Secretary from
enforcing his decision.
Issue: Whether or not a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining the collection of taxes is proper?
Rulings: The court cannot grant a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining the collection of taxes, a preemptory judicial act which is frowned upon, unless there is a statutory basis for it. In that regard, Section 218 of the Tax Reform Act of 1997 prohibits any court from granting an injunction to restrain the collection of any national internal revenue tax, fee or charge imposed by the internal revenue code. Therefore, a writ of attachment shall not issue to enjoin tax collection.