250T Frequency Transmitter
250T Frequency Transmitter
250T Frequency Transmitter
Table of Contents Introduction Description Specifications Specifications (Display Option) Installation Calibration General Maintenance List of Drawings Typical Installation & Simplified Schematic (4501-077) Electrical Connections: DC C/V Input (4501-093) Configuration Jumper Location (4501-095) Dimensions: DIN Rail Mounting (4501-080) Dimensions: Surface & Snaptrack Mtg. (4501-081) Mechanical Assy: Mtg -XP Enclosures (4501-082) NEMA 4 & 12 Enclosures (4501-083) Explosion Proof Enclosure (4501-084) Explosion Proof Enclosure, with Window (4501-085)
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INTRODUCTION: These instructions cover the model types listed in Table 1 below. Supplementary sheets are attached for units with special options or features. Table 1: A. Model Number Format: 250T-Input-Mounting/Display-Certification-Calibration B. Typical Model Number: 250T-FQ1-XP-NCR-C Series 250T -Input -FQ1 -Mtg/Display -DIN -SM -ST -N4 -N12 -XP -XPD1 -XPD2 -XPD3 -Certification -NCR -Approval2 -Calib. (Blank) -C1
Notes (Table 1): 1. Unit can be ordered with or without the factory calibration "-C" option. All other input types automatically include calibration to customer specifications (no "-C" needed). Any customer specified calibration info will be included on a separate calibration label on the unit. 2. Consult the factory for current information on agency (e.g. Canadian Standards Association, etc.) approvals.
It is very important for the user to consider the possible adverse effects of power, wiring, component, sensor, or software failures in designing any type of control or monitoring system. This is especially important where economic property loss or human life is involved. It is important that the user employ satisfactory overall system design. It is agreed between the Buyer and Acromag, that this is the Buyer's responsibility.
DESCRIPTION: The Model 250T Frequency Input, Two-Wire Transmitter accepts a periodic or pulse waveform signal (such as those originating from tachometers, magnetic transducers and turbine flow meters), and provides a 4-20mA process current output directly proportional to the signal frequency. The input circuit is direct coupled, fully isolated, and can accept signal amplitudes from +/25mV to 150V RMS. Any one of ten input frequency ranges, from 25 Hz to 25,600 Hz spans, can be easily selected by changing one jumper (shunt) on a digital divider network. These transmitters are RFI-protected, operate over a wide temperature range, and feature excellent temperature coefficients, which minimize the effects from harsh plant environments. Other features of this unit include the following: A quartz crystal time-base design is used for improved temperature performance. Three filter network time constants (field selectable) are provided to optimize output response-time and ripple characteristics. Two input threshold circuits are provided (field selectable).
Acromag, Inc. 30765 South Wixom Road P.O. Box 437 Wixom, Michigan 48393-7037, USA
Copyright 1991, 1994, Acromag, Inc., Printed in the USA. Data and specifications are subject to change without notice
SPECIFICATIONS: Function: This two-wire transmitter accepts a frequency, periodic, or pulse waveform input signal, provides input circuit isolation, and converts this signal to a 4-20mA process current output. Wide range zero and span adjustments utilize 22-turn potentiometers accessible from the front of the unit. The transmitter has various mounting and enclosure options. MODEL/SERIES: 250TINPUT: Frequency: direct coupled input, span ranges 25 to 25,600 Hz; input impedance 50,000 ohms typical. Input span and zero ranges are adjustable as specified below, except for special ranges which are factory calibrated per customer specifications. -FQ1: Frequency: Span 25 to 25,600Hz, Zero: 0-20% of Span. The input span is continuously adjustable over the preselected input span range. The minimum input frequency for any range can be from 0-20% of full scale frequency. FQ Range A: FQ Range B: FQ Range C: FQ Range D: FQ Range E: FQ Range F: FQ Range G: FQ Range H: FQ Range I: FQ Range J: Span: Span: Span: Span: Span: Span: Span: Span: Span: Span: 25 50 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 to to to to to to to to to to 50 Hz 100 Hz 200 Hz 400 Hz 800 Hz 1,600 Hz 3,200 Hz 6,400 Hz 12,800 Hz 25,600 Hz
CALIBRATION: A. TRANSMITTER: This section provides information for unit configuration and calibration. If the unit was factory calibrated, jumpers have been placed in their proper positions and verification of the calibration can be made per the Adjustment Procedure. If the calibration of the unit is to be changed, first go to the "Shunt Block Configuration Procedure" before going to the Transmitter Adjustment Procedure." 1. Transmitter - Shunt Block Configuration Procedure: The Frequency transmitter is quite universal in that it can be configured for Unipolar or Bipolar input signals, a large number of frequency ranges and ripple/response filtering. Before the adjustment procedure can proceed, the jumpers have to be configured to the requirements of the application (refer to Drawing 4501-095). To gain access to the Configuration Jumpers, remove transmitter from the installation first. Second, remove the circuit boards from the plastic enclosure as described in the Jumper Configuration procedure below. Third, configure jumpers (shunt blocks) as described in the Jumper Configuration procedure below. Note, calibration per the Adjustment Procedure should be performed before the circuit boards are reassembled within the plastic enclosure.
B. DISPLAY: Display - Adjustment Procedure: If the unit you are calibrating has a display, it is calibrated separately from the transmitter. The calibration of the transmitter must be verified FIRST (see above procedure), before verifying the calibration of the display module. Refer to Drawing 4501-093 for location of Transmitter's Zero and Span adjustments and the location of the Display's Zero and Span adjustments. NOTE: The display option is factory configured for a particular customer specified range -- the Display Zero (DZ) and Display Span (DS) adjustments are trim adjustments only. Display - Calibration Example: Model: 250T-FQ1-XPD1-NCR Input: 0 to 12,800Hz Display: 0 to 1280 counts (x 10 = 12,800Hz.) 1. Set the frequency input to 0Hz (the Zero point of the transmitter's span). Adjust the Display Zero (DZ) pot of the display module to the zero of the display range, 0000 in this example. 2. Set the frequency input to 12,800Hz (the full-scale point of the transmitter's span). Adjust the Display Span (DS) pot of the display module to the correct full-scale display reading, 1280 (x 10 = 12,800Hz) in this example. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the readings converge. The display is now calibrated.
GENERAL MAINTENANCE: The transmitter contains solid-state components and requires no maintenance, except for periodic cleaning and calibration verification. When a failure is suspected, a convenient method for identifying a faulty transmitter is to exchange it with a known good unit. It is highly recommended that a non-functioning transmitter be returned to Acromag for repair, since Acromag used tested and burned-in parts, and in some cases, parts that have been selected for characteristics beyond that specified by the manufacturer. Further, Acromag has automated test equipment that thoroughly checks the performance of each transmitter.