College Management
College Management
College Management
College Management
1. Introduction
1.1 Project Profile:Project Title Front-end (Used) Back-end (Used) Project Duration Team Members Team Members Name : College Management : Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2008. : MS SQL Server 2005. : 6 Month. : 3 : Sonal B.Patel
College Management 1.2 Company Profile:Company Name Company Address :- BK infotech :- U-3, City Light Complex,Opp.DevDarshan Apt .Surat. Company Head Email Contact No :- Mr.Hemant Parajapati :- infotech.bk :-9825224730
are an india base software company. Custom Software Development and Web Development have been our focus since Aug, 2011. The Foundation was laid by Mr.Hemant Prajapati, we deliver cost effective and reliable. solutions worldwide. Our expertise in IT in general and software in particular is our competitive edge. Advancing beyond the conventional project by project model, we provide our clients with fulltime resources on a long term basis. A Dedicated Development team of more than 7,headed by Mr.krunal Mahajan Using dedicated development team you will get access to specific skills,gain better control over the entire software and have the accumulated expertise transferred back inhouse .
College Management
College Management
2 .Services Provided: Website Designing:We are Specialized in developing websites that work. As a website design company we offer a full circle approach in website design and web development, our website designing services cover strategic planning business intelligence, creative, application development, product/ service promotion and solution maintenance. Software Development :We are great at designing user interface and defining product features. Our teams significant experience in both products and services allows us to make suggestion on your products plans. Overall the structure is tailored to provide cost effectiveness and flexibility, we enables us to promptly respond to rapidly changing plans .
College Management
College Management
3. Propsed System
3.1 Objectives:Record all material leaving your warehouse there should be appropriate paperwork for every type of stock withdrawal. Process paperwork in the timely manner-all printed picking document should be filled by the end of the day.stock receipts should be put away and entered in the computer system within 24 hours of arrival. The main objective of the system is the retailer to student. The interface of the management and user with the system should be convenes.
3.2 Scope:1. Scope of the software are as follows: All the retailrs can use the software. Stock will be easily maintained, item can be categorized easily, and it can be known to us that which item is in which warehouse. Coustomers dictionary is included,so that thay can be searched easily. Various report can be generated.
2.Path Ahead: we can further include accounting. We can also include credit card system.
3.3 Existing System:The inventory management system is a general inventory management system which is simple to use. The user has to only make entry of all the paperwork that has done throughout the day or he can use at POS(Point Of Sale).
College Management
Access database Authenticates Users.
Constraints, under which the project is to be conducted,are time constraints:3 months
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College Management
4.1 Hardware & Software Requirements Hardware Specification:
: : :
Space Requirements :
Software Specification:
Language Software
: :
Operating System :
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Introduction of VB.NET
VB.NET is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a wide range of secure and robust application that run on the .NET Framework. We can use VB.NET to create tradition Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed component, client-server applications, database application and much more. Microsoft Visual VB 2005 provides an advanced code editor, convenient user interface designers, integrated debugger and many other tools to facilitate rapid application development based on version 2.0 of the VB language and the .NET Framework.
VB.NET is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. Because software robustness. Durability and programmer productivity are important, the language should include strong type checking, array bound checking, and detection of attempts to use uninitialized variables, source code portability and automatic garbage collection. There are no global variable or function. All methods and members must be declared within classes. It is possible, however, to use static methods/variables with public classes instead of global variable of the enclosing block, unlike C and C++. Local variables cannot shadow variables of enclosing block, unlike C and C++. Data type into two categories 1. Value types 2. Reference type
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SQL Server 2005 Architecture
Microsoft SQL 2005 is a family of production that meet the data storage requirement of the largest data processing and commercial web sites, yet at the same time can provide easy-t-use data storage services to an individual or business.
The data storage needs of a modern corporation or government organization are very complex some examples are:
Online Transaction processing (OLTP) system must be capable of handling thousands of orders placed at the same time. Increasing numbers of corporation are implementing large web sites as a mechanism for their customers to enter orders, contact the service department, and get information about products and for many other tasks that previously required contact with employees. These sites required data storage that is secure, yet tightly integrated with web.
Organization is implementing off-the-self software packages for critical services such as human resources planning, manufacturing resources planning and inventory control. These systems require database capable of storing large amounts of data and supporting large numbers of users.
Organization has many users who must continue working when they do not have access to the network. Examples are mobile disconnected users, such as traveling sales representative or regional inspectors. These users must synchronize the data on a notebook or network, record the results of their work while in the fired and then finally reconnect with the corporate network and merge the results of their fieldwork into the corporate data store.
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rapidly deliver SQL Server application that customers can implement with a minimum of installation and administrative overhead.
Data warehousing
SQL Server 2005 includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary data for online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing databases and analyzing data using English-based questions.
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There are various types of feasibilities available that depend on different factor like technical, operational. A feasibility study could be used to make a proposal for new system. A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a projects viability. These results of this study are used to make a decision whether to proceed with the project, or table it. Study of requirement analysis is done through different Feasibility studies. Following are different Feasibility Studies
Technical Feasibility.
Need for Feasibility Study:To answer the question whenever the new system is to be installed or not? 1. To determine the potential of exiting system. 2. To know what should be embedded in a new system. 3. To avoid costly repairs in new system. 4. Improve the existing system.
1. Technical Feasibility:
In Embroidery management hardware for the system is simple personal computer which is available in almost each and every embroidery production company. So, we can conclude that Embroidery management system to be implemented is technically feasible.
2. Economical Feasibility:An important outcome of the economical feasibility study is the cost benefit analysis.
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Cost savings Increased revenue Decreased Investment Increased profits
Operational Feasibility:Will the system be used if it is developed and implemented? Will there be resistance from users that will undermine the possible benefits?
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Project Development Approach
Each project need to be developed with software model which makes the project with high quality, reliable and cost effective. The Iterative Enhancement Model is one of them which try to combine the benefits of prototyping and waterfall model. We follow these model strategies in our project.
The basic idea is that software should be developed in increments, each increment adding some function capability to the system until the full system is implemented. At each step, extensions and design modification can be made. Steps of Models:
Design 0
Design 1
Implement 0
Implement 1
Analysis 0
Analysis -1- - - -
In the first step of model, a simple initial implementation is done for a subset of the overall problem. This subset is one that contains some of the keys aspects of the problem that are easy to understand and implement and which form useful and usable system. A project control list is created that contains, in order, all the tasks that must be performed to obtain the final implementation. The project control list gives an idea how far the project is at any gives step from the final system.
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Each step consists of removing the next task from the list, designing the implementation for the selected task, coding and testing the implementation, performing an analysis of the partial system obtained after this step, and updating the list as a result of analysis. These three phases are called design phase, implementation phase, and analysis phase. The process is iterated until the project control list is empty, at which time the final implementation is of the system will be available.
How we use this model for developing this project? First task of our project begins with current system analysis, in this task we are trying to understand how the system works on internet. Then we are reviewing ourselves what we understood about project and design description and problem specification. And finally we have solved the problem and make analysis over. Then we started to design this project. Initially we had started by building UMLs for the project. These UMLs are useful to understand the flow of the project and the data within it. We prepared Data Flow Diagrams. It shows the whole flow of our project.
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In system analysis more emphasis is given to understating the details of an existing system or a proposed one and then deciding whether the proposed system is desirable or not and whether the existing system needs improvement. Thus, system analysis is the process of investigating a system, identifying problems, and using the information to recommended improvements to the system. System analysis refers into the prices of examining a situation with the intent of improving it through process of planning and new system to either replace or complement an existing system. But before any planning is done the old system must be thoroughly understood and the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and using the information to re-comment improvements in the system. Or in other words, System analysis means a detailed explanation or description before computerized a system under consideration, it has to be analyzed. We need to study how it functions currently, what are the problems, and what are the requirements that the proposed system should meet. A system analysis related to public decisions is often referred to as a POLICY ANALYSIS (in the United States the terms are used interchangeably). A system analysis that concentrates on comparison and ranking of alternatives on basis of their known characteristics is referred to as decision analysis.
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Do registration
Retrive result
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2nd Level DFD for Admin:
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Ad d City
Add Name ee Autho
Bnam e Retur n
Manag ee
Study in
Tot al
Roll no
Lab fee
Student Total
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Process Specification:-
Login info.
When triggered by user, admin, client, employees, project manager, team leader. This process manages a login process of any user, admin, client, employees, project manager, team leader. This process checks username and password and if it is true then it gives authority to access the whole data.
Registration info.
When triggered this process by user this process manages a registration process of the client. Whit this process we can ashcake a new entry of the client.
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Insert Project
When triggered by user this process manages the entering of information in Project_Master table. When necessary any project.
Update project
Update Project
When triggered by user this process manages the updating project information in Project_Master table. When necessary to in a particular project.
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Delete Project
When triggered by user this process admin can easily delete the any particular project which is accepted from the client.
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Staff Salary
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Student Fees
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Cource search
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Software testing is critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Some of the testing objectives are: Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. A good test case is one that has high probability of finding the undiscovered errors. Testing phase involves operation of system or application under controlled condition and evaluating the results. The controlled condition should include both normal and abnormal condition. Testing should intentionally attempt to make things go wrong to determine if things happen when they should not or things dont happen when they should.
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7.4 Integration Testing:
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while conducting test to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The objective is to take unit tested module and build a program structure that has been dictated by design. After our individual modules were tested out we go to the integrated to create a complete project. This integration process involves building the software and testing the resultant software for problems that arise from component interactions.
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System Testing
As the s/w is to be integrated with other system elements, system testing focuses on validating the system integration by, Recovery Testing Security Testing Stress Testing quantity, frequency or volume. : To assure proper recovery : To protect the improper penetration : To confront the program with abnormal resources such as
Feasibility study documentation Project schedule Context diagram E-R diagram Data flow diagram Table layout Files and attributes Coding Testing Documentation Users training Implementation
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Inconsistency of data.
All the information maintains Difficult such as item information of students and staff.
Higher cost.
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College Management
The Project Provides all information about the college Management. It includes functionality of college information like staff information, Fees information or exam information and student information. College management system is an integrated Desktop application that handles various academic and non academic activities of a College/Academic Institute.
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9. Reference
References:The following books were referred for completing this proje ct This include books for front end part and books for back end part.
References Books: Visual Basic.Net Programming 2005 edition Software Engineering By Roger Spressman Microsoft Software Development Network (MSDN)
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