English Lang 153694 7. Proficiency Standards
English Lang 153694 7. Proficiency Standards
English Lang 153694 7. Proficiency Standards
The Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards (Michigan ELP Standards) provide a foundation for English language acquisition and the academic development of students who are identified as limited English proficient. The goal of these standards is to establish criteria to support students who are learning English as an additional language. The implementation of ELP standards is essential for educators and learners so that their teaching and learning aligns with the expectations of the Michigan English Language Arts Standards and further ensures English language learners access to the full content area curriculum. Since current research has shown that language proficiency is further developed through academic application, core curriculum subjects such as social studies, science, and mathematics serve as the wider context for English language development, progress toward language proficiency, and overall academic achievement. Michigans Vision for K-12 Education The Michigan Curriculum Framework Introduction and English Language Arts Vision Statement set forth that Michigans K-12 education will ensure that all students will develop their potential in order to lead productive and satisfying lives. All students will engage in challenging and purposeful learning that blends their experiences with content knowledge and real-world applications in preparation for their adult roles. (Michigan Curriculum Framework Introduction, p. i) The ultimate goal for all English language arts learners is personal, social, occupational, and civic literacy.English language arts education in Michigan incorporates the teaching and learning of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Integration of English language arts occurs in multiple ways. First, English language arts curriculum, instruction, and assessment reflect the integration of listening, speaking, viewing, reading, and writing. The English language arts are not perceived as individual content areas, but as one unified subject in which each of the five areas supports the others and enhances thinking and learning. Secondly, there is integration of the teaching and learning of content and process within the English language arts. The common human experiences and the ideas, conflicts, and themes embodied in literature and all oral, written, and visual texts provide a context for the teaching of the processes, skills, and strategies of listening, speaking, viewing, reading, and writing. Finally, literacy educators believe that the knowledge, skills, and strategies of the English language arts are integrated throughout the curriculum, enabling students to solve problems and think critically and creatively in all subject areas. (Michigan Curriculum Framework English Language Arts, pp. 3-4) The Michigan ELP Standards support this vision by providing standards and benchmarks for local school districts, administrators, curriculum specialists, and teachers in K-12 schools as they develop effective and equitable education inclusive of English language learners.
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Language learning is cultural learning. o To learn a new language is to learn a new culture. Patterns of language usage vary across cultures and reflect differences in values, norms, and beliefs about social roles and relationships in each culture. General education in U.S. schools often reflects a culture different from that of the ELL. Within a well-designed ESL/bilingual instructional program, ELLs learn to understand cultural differences and expectations for successful participation in the school. For ELLs from diverse cultural backgrounds, the goal is to attain the same high standards as native English-speaking students. Native language proficiency contributes to second language acquisition o Literacy in the native language correlates positively with literacy in the second language. The level of a students native language proficiency varies. Some ELLs come to the task of learning English and content through English already literate in their native language. Native language literacy can assist these ELLs to construct meaning from academic materials and experiences in classrooms where English is the medium of instruction. However, other ELLs may have had interrupted schooling or limited literacy development in the native language. These students need instruction focused on sustained literacy development to fully participate in school.
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Domain Listening
English Language Proficiency Standards Follow simple and complex directions Understand spoken English to participate in social contexts Identify main ideas and supporting details from spoken English Identify the meaning of vocabulary in the content areas Identify speaker attitude and point of view Make inferences and predictions Use spoken language for daily activities within and beyond the school setting Engage in conversations for personal expression and enjoyment Use spoken English and nonverbal communication in socially and culturally appropriate ways Use English to interact in the classroom Provide and obtain information; express and exchange opinions Demonstrate comprehensible pronunciation and intonation for clarity in oral communication Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners on a variety of topics Use strategies to extend communicative competence Recognize concepts of print literacy Demonstrate phonological awareness and the relationship of listening/speaking to decoding Build vocabulary to develop concepts Understand and use grammatical rules of English to improve comprehension Read and demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and supporting details Apply reading skills in social and academic contexts Read for research purposes Make inferences, predictions, and conclusions from reading Analyze style and form of various genre Identify authors voice, attitude, and point of view Use conventions and formats of written English Use grammatical conventions of English Write using appropriate vocabulary choice and variation Construct sentences and develop paragraphs to organize writing supporting a central idea Use the writing process to produce written products Use various types of writing for specific purposes Use multiple sources to extend writing Use tone and voice to engage specific audiences
2.1; 3.1; 3.3 1.1; 1.2 2.1; 2.2; 2.3 2.2; 2.3 2.2; 3.3 2.2 1.1; 1.2 1.1; 1.2 3.1; 3.2; 3.3 2.1 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2 1.1; 1.2 2.2 1.3; 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.2;2.2;2.3 2.2; 2.3 2.2; 2.3 2.2 2.2; 3.1 1.2; 2.2 1.2; 2.2 2.2; 3.1 1.1; 2.2 2.2; 2.3 1.2; 2.2; 3.1 2.2; 2.3 3.1
R.1 R.2 R.3 R.4 R.5 R.6 R.7 R.8 R.9 R.10
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Level 1A
Students with limited formal schooling Level 1A includes students whose schooling has been interrupted for a variety of reasons, including war, poverty or patterns of migration, as well as students coming from remote rural settings with little prior opportunity for sequential schooling. These students may exhibit some of the following characteristics: pre- or semi-literacy in their native language; minimal understanding of the function of literacy; performance significantly below grade level; lack of awareness of the organization and culture of school. (TESOL, 1997, p.21) Because these students may need more time to acquire academic background knowledge as they adjust to the school and cultural environment, English language development may also take longer than ELL beginning students at Level 1B. Level 1A students lack sufficient English literacy for meaningful participation in testing even at the most minimal level. Recently arrived student (less than 30 days) These students have not been assessed with the Michigan English Language Proficiency Test or other tests used for placement. Beginning (Pre-production and early production) Students initially have limited or no understanding of English. They rarely use English for communication. They respond non-verbally to simple commands, statements and questions. As their oral comprehension increases, they begin to imitate the verbalization of others by using single words or simple phrases, and begin to use English spontaneously. At this earliest stage these students start to construct meaning from text with non-print features (e.g., illustrations, graphs, maps, tables). They gradually construct more meaning from the words themselves, but the construction is often incomplete. They are able to generate simple written texts that reflect their knowledge level of syntax. These texts may include a significant amount of non-conventional features, invented spelling, some grammatical inaccuracies, pictorial representations, surface features and rhetorical features of the native language (i.e., ways of structuring text from native language and culture) (TESOL, 1999, p.20).
Level 1B
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Early intermediate (Speech emergent) Students can comprehend short conversations on simple topics. They rely on familiar structures and utterances. They use repetition, gestures, and other non-verbal cues to sustain conversation. INTERMEDIATE Level 2 When reading, students at this level can understand basic narrative text and authentic materials. They can use contextual and visual cues to derive meaning from texts that contain unfamiliar words, expressions and structures. They can comprehend passages written in basic sentence patterns, but frequently have to guess at the meaning of more complex materials. They begin to make informed guesses about meaning from context. They can begin to identify the main idea and supporting details of passages. Students can write simple notes, make brief journal entries, and write short reports using basic vocabulary, and common language structures. Frequent errors are characteristic at this level especially when student try to express thoughts that require more complex language structures. (State of Virginia, pp. 4-9) Intermediate At this level students can understand standard speech delivered in most settings with some repetition and rewording. They can understand the main ideas and relevant details of extended discussions or presentations. They draw on a wide range of language forms, vocabulary, idioms, and structures. They can comprehend many subtle nuances with repetition and/or rephrasing. Students at this level are beginning to detect affective undertones and they understand inferences in spoken language. They can communicate orally in most settings. Students can comprehend the content of many texts independently. They still require support in understanding texts in the academic content areas. They have a high degree of success with factual information in non-technical prose. They can read many literature selections for pleasure. They can separate main ideas from supporting ones. They can use the context of a passage and prior knowledge to increase their comprehension. They can detect the overall tone and intent of the text. Students can write multi-paragraph compositions, journal entries, personal and business letters, and creative passages. They can present their thoughts in an organized manner that is easily understood by the reader. They show good control of English word structure and of the most frequently used grammar structures, but errors are still present. They can express complex ideas and use a wide range of vocabulary, idioms, and structures, including a wide range of verb tenses. (Virginia, pp. 11-14)
Level 3
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Level 4
Transitional Intermediate At this level students language skills are adequate for most day-to-day communication needs. Occasional structural and lexical errors occur. Students may have difficulty using and understanding idioms, figures of speech and words with multiple meanings. They communicate in English in new or unfamiliar settings, but have occasional difficulty with complex structures and abstract academic concepts. Students at this level may read a wide range of texts with considerable fluency and are able to locate and identify the specific facts within the texts. However, they may not understand texts in which the concepts are presented in a de-contextualized manner, the sentence structure is complex, or the vocabulary is abstract. They can read independently, but may have occasional comprehension problems. They produce written text independently for personal and academic purposes. Structures, vocabulary and overall organization approximate the writing of native speakers of English. However, errors may persist in one or more of these domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). (TESOL, 1999, p. 21) Monitored (Advanced Proficiency) Students at this advanced level have demonstrated English proficiency as determined by state assessment instruments (English Language Proficiency Test - ELPT). They are expected to be able to participate fully with their peers in grade level content area classes. The academic performance of these students is monitored for two years as required by federal law.
Level 5
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards L.1 Follow simple and complex directions L.1.1.a Demonstrate understanding through non-verbal gestures or with single words or learned phrases L.1.1.b Follow simple two-step oral directions to complete a task in English L.1.1.c Interpret gestures and visual cues used in instruction L.1.1.d. Perform basic classroom tasks when prompted X Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
L.1.2.a Follow simple three or fourstep oral directions to complete a classroom task L.1.2.b Restate and execute multi-step oral directions L.1.2.c Respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions X X
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards L.2 Understand spoken English to participate in social contexts
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
L.2.1.a Understand highly contextualized simple speech with frequent repetition and rephrasing L.2.1.b Understand basic language such as, greetings, leave-taking, questions, and directions X
L.2.2.a Understand simple speech produced by peers and adults on familiar topics with repetition and rephrasing X
L.2.3.a Understand age-appropriate social discourse with occasional repetition and rephrasing X
L.2.4.a Understand ageappropriate social discourse L.2.4.b Respond to messages by asking questions, challenging statements or offering examples that affirm the message L.2.4.c Demonstrate understanding of figurative language and idiomatic expressions by responding to and using such expressions appropriately
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards L.3 Identify main ideas and supporting details from spoken English
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
L.3.1.a Use active listening comprehension in a variety of situations such as following directions, responding to requests, and listening for specific purposes L.3.1.b Listen attentively to stories and information read aloud X L.3.1.c Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and instructions through nonverbal responses X
L.3.2.a Listen and respond to stories and other texts read aloud, including classic and contemporary works
L.3.2.b Orally identify main points of simple conversations and stories read aloud X X L.3.2.c Understand the major ideas and supporting evidence in spoken messages
L.3.3.a Identify main ideas and fact versus fiction in broadcast media X
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L.3.2.d Identify some supporting details from a variety of media messages L.3.2.e Listen attentively to stories/information and identify key details and concepts using both verbal and non-verbal responses L.3.2.f Identify the main idea and some supporting details of oral presentations, familiar literature, and key concepts of subject matter content X
L.3.3.b Listen attentively to stories or content information and identify key details and concepts using both verbal and written responses X
L.3.4.b Listen attentively to more complex stories/information on new topics across content areas in order to identify the main points and supporting details
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L.3.4.c Listen and respond appropriately to presentations and performances of peer or published works such as original essays or narratives, interpretations of poetry, or individual or group performances of scripts
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards L.4 Identify meaning of vocabulary in the content areas
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
L.4.1.a Understand limited key content area vocabulary supported by visual representations and realia (real-life objects) X
L.4.2.a Understand key content area vocabulary supported by visuals and written text provided during classroom instruction X
L.4.3.a Understand vocabulary and discourse features of content areas L.4.3.b Use knowledge of language and develop content area vocabulary to support comprehension of the speakers message X
L.4.4.a Take accurate notes based on classroom instruction; clarify questions regarding information with peers or teacher; and/or clarify from text or other references
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards L.5 Identify speaker attitude and point of view
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
L.5.1.a Use ageappropriate social conventions that characterize the new culture while listening, such as eye contact, physical proximity, and turn-taking X
L.5.3.a Interpret speakers messages, purposes, and perspectives L.5.3.b Listen critically to interpret and evaluate L.5.3.c Evaluate a spoken message in terms of its content, credibility and delivery L.5.3.d Identify the main ideas, points of view, and fact/fiction in broadcast and print media X
L.5.4.a Identify strategies presented by the media to present information for various purposes, such as perform, entertain or persuade
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards L.6 Make inferences and predictions
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
X L.6.4.a Demonstrate proficiency in each aspect of the listening process such as focusing attention, interpreting, and perspectives L.6.4.b Differentiate fact and opinion on topics or issues presented by broadcast media
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S.1 Use spoken language for daily activities within and beyond the school setting S.1.1.a Use learned phrases to respond to questions and directions X S.1.2.a Make requests and obtain information from the community X Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
S.1.3.a Participate in conversations on social topics by asking and requesting information S.1.3.b Acquire goods, services, or information by spoken request X
S.1.4.a Draw conclusions from interactions with individuals from other cultures
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S.2 Engage in conversations for personal expression and enjoyment
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
S.2.1.a Communicate basic wants and needs in English S.2.1.b Use common social greetings and simple repetitive phrases X
S.2.2.a Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar topics by asking and answering questions and requesting information X
S.2.3.a Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and requesting information X
S.2.4.a Negotiate and initiate social conversations by questioning, restating, requesting information and paraphrasing the communication of others
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S.2.3.b Demonstrate understanding of idiomatic expressions by responding to and using them appropriately X
S.2.4.b Talk about experiences using expanded vocabulary, descriptive words and paraphrasing
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S-3 Use spoken English and nonverbal communication in socially and culturally appropriate ways
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
S.3.3.a Understand and interpret the significance of gestures, facial expressions, and body language X
S.3.4.a Produce appropriate gestures, facial expressions and body language S.3.4.b Use idiomatic expressions appropriately S.3.4.c Vary speech according to purpose, audience and subject matter
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S.4 Use English to interact in the classroom
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
S.4.1.a Recite rhymes, songs and simple stories S.4.1.b Respond orally to factual questions X
S.4.2.a Ask and respond to questions using phrases or simple sentences S.4.2.b Participate in classroom discussions S.4.2.c Restate in basic terms the main idea of oral presentations using subject area content S.4.2.d Ask and answer instructional questions using simple sentences S.4.2.e Give directions or instructions to classmates S.4.2.f Participate in guided discussions S.4.2.g Give simple oral reports X
S.4.3.a Participate actively in cooperative group activities and projects S.4.3.b Participate actively in content area discussions with peers and teachers
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S.4.4.a Exchange, support, and discuss opinions and individual perspectives with peers on a variety of topics dealing with content area information or issues
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S.5 Provide and obtain information; express and exchange opinions
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
S.5.3.a Respond to messages by asking questions, challenging statements, or offering examples that affirm the message X
S.5.4.a Talk about experiences using expanded vocabulary, descriptive words and paraphrasing S.5.4.b Negotiate and initiate conversations by questioning, restating, requesting information, and paraphrasing the communication of others
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S.6 Demonstrate comprehensible pronunciation and intonation for clarity in oral communication
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
S.6.1.a Use clearly spoken single words and learned phrases to be understood by a native speaker X
S.6.2.a Speak understandably with awareness of English intonation and phonological patterns X
S.6.3.a Speak clearly and comprehensibly by using standard English grammatical forms, pronunciation, phrasing and intonation X
S.6.4.a Demonstrate control of the English phonological system and patterns of intonation when conversing with a native speaker in spontaneous situations
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S.7 Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners on a variety of topics
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
S.7.2.a Prepare and deliver short oral presentations S.7.2.b Retell stories and participate in short conversations X
S.7.3.a Prepare and deliver short presentations on ideas, images and topics obtained from various common sources S.7.3.b Prepare and ask basic interview questions and respond to them X
S.7.4.a Prepare and deliver presentations and reports in various content areas, including a purpose, point of view, introduction, coherent transitions, and appropriate conclusions
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards S.8 Use strategies to extend communicative competence
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
S.8.2.a Ask for clarification and repetition S.8.2.b Identify orally the main points of simple conversations and stories that are read aloud S.8.2.c Make requests relevant to the teaching learning process (homework instructions) X
S.8.4.a Respond to messages by asking questions or by challenging statements S.8.4.b Summarize orally with accurate representation of the content of the conversation
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R.1.1.h Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book X
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.2 Demonstrate phonological awareness and the relationship of listening/speaking to decoding
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.2.1.a Demonstrate that print represents spoken language R.2.1.b Understand that as letters change, so do sounds R.2.1.c Use knowledge of consonants and vowels sounds to match sounds to letters R.2.1.d Use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and vowel sounds in decoding words R.2.1.e Read common word families and rhyming words R.2.1.f Use decoding skills to read known and unfamiliar words R.2.1.g Match oral words to printed words
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.3 Build vocabulary to develop concepts
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.3.1.a Recognize high frequency words R.3.1.b Develop basic sight words X
R.3.2.a Use context clues as a strategy to figure out meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases R.3.2.b Use meaning clues and language structure to expand vocabulary (pictures, background knowledge, context clues) R.3.2.c Apply knowledge of lettersound correspondences, language structure, and context to recognize words R.3.2.d Identify simple words with multiple meanings R.3.2.e Identify simple literary terms (title, author, illustrator) X
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R.3.3.b Demonstrate knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, root, antonyms, homonyms, synonyms and abbreviations to determine meaning R.3.3.c Recognize words that have multiple meanings in literature and texts in content areas R.3.3.d Recognize simple idioms and figures of speech R.3.3.e Identify simple literary terms across a variety of genre (title, author, illustrator) X
R.3.4.a Use knowledge of cognates and false cognates when reading R.3.4.b Recognize simple analogies and metaphors in literature and texts in content areas
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.4 Understand and use grammatical structures of English to improve reading comprehension
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.4.2.a Recognize basic English syntax (sentence structure) and grammar to derive meaning X
R.4.3.a Use knowledge of complex syntax (sentence structure) and grammatical features to derive meaning from narrative text X
R.4.4.a Apply knowledge of complex syntax (sentence structure) and advanced grammatical features to derive meaning from content area texts
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.5 Read and demonstrate comprehension of main idea and supporting details
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.5.1.a Name characters and identify setting of story R.5.1.b Recognize the beginning, middle and end of narratives R.5.1.c Answer factual, simple questions about content of text X
R.5.2.a Participate in discussions describing characters, setting, events and plot R.5.2.b Identify the topic or main idea of text R.5.2.c Restate facts and details of text R.5.2.d Distinguish between fact and opinion in informational text X X
R.5.3.a Summarize informational or narrative selections R.5.3.b Compare and contrast characters; describe setting and events in text R.5.3.c Demonstrate knowledge of story structure and sequence
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R.5.3.d Describe the development of plot and identify how conflicts are addressed and resolved X
R.5.4.a Recognize the theme (general observation about life and human nature) within a text R.5.4.b Identify main ideas and supporting details from grade appropriate texts
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.6 Apply reading skills in social and academic contexts
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.6.1.a Identify common signs and logos R.6.1.b Use prior background knowledge to approach text R.6.1.c Use print from the environment to derive and reinforce meaning R.6.1.d Read and follow simple written directions X
R.6.2.a Read and follow sequential or multiple step written directions to complete tasks and assignments
R.6.1.e Use simple reference materials (such as picture dictionaries) to acquire concepts X
R.6.2.b Use simple reference materials to acquire concepts (dictionary, thesaurus, technologies, vocabulary categories, and alphabetical order)
R.6.1.f Locate pictures, maps, keys, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, chapter headings, and table of contents
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R.6.2.c Use text features such as illustrations, diagrams, charts, glossaries, and indexes to draw information from text X
R.6.3.a Apply information using table of contents, index, and chapter headings, diagrams, keys, charts, tables, pictures, maps, graphs and glossary
R.6.2.d Use strategies to read text (preview, predict, question while reading, reread, and self-correct) X
R.6.3.b Make connections between prior knowledge, personal experiences and what is read
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.7 Read for research purposes
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.7.2.a Develop questions about a topic R.7.2.b Collect and organize information using a resource other than the textbook for presentations and/or projects X
R.7.3.a Collect and organize information from multiple resources for presentations and/or projects X
R.7.4.a Evaluate and synthesize information from multiple sources for use in presentations and/or projects
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.8 Make inferences, predictions, and conclusions from reading
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.8.1.a Use pictures/graphics to make predictions about text, and discuss conclusions X
R.8.2.a Use pictures to make predictions about stories and informational text R.8.2.b Make and confirm predictions about the subject/story from text clues R.8.2.c Draw conclusions from information provided in the text R.8.2.d Draw inferences about stories read aloud and use simple phrases to communicate the inferences X
R.8.3.a Read text and use detailed sentences to identify orally the main ideas and use them to make predictions supported by details
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R.8.4.a Read text and use detailed sentences to identify orally the main ideas and use them to make predictions with supporting details about informational text, literary text, and text in content areas
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.9 Analyze style and form of various genre
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.9.1.a Identify elements of a story, including character, setting, and sequence of events R.9.1.b Recognize format differences between poetry and prose R.9.1.c Recognize differences between expository and narrative text R.9.1.d Use graphic displays (photos, art, pictures, icons, symbols) and textual aides (sub-heading, graphs, charts) to understand stories and informational text X X
R.9.2.a Demonstrate knowledge of story structure and sequence R.9.2.b Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction R.9.2.c Understand literary forms by recognizing and distinguishing among stories, poems, and information books R.9.2.d Distinguish between reality and fantasy in literature
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R.9.2.e Understand literary forms by recognizing and distinguishing among stories, poems, myths, fables, tall tales, plays, biographies, autobiographies, and historical fiction R.9.2.f Use text structure or sequence of ideas such as cause/effect or chronology to recall information R.9.2.g Distinguish between explicit examples of fact, opinion, and cause/effect in text R.9.2.h Determine whether the evidence in a text supports a conclusion R.9.2.i Identify information from graphic displays and textual aides X
R.9.3.a Understand literary forms by recognizing and distinguishing among short essays, novels, journals, informational text R.9.3.b Discuss significant structural patterns in text such as, compare/contrast, sequence or chronological order, and cause/effect
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R.9.3.c Analyze a variety of rhetorical styles found in consumer and informational materials R.9.3.d Analyze characteristics of text including its structure, word choices and intended audiences R.9.3.e Judge the internal consistency or logic of stories and texts, such as Would this character do this? Does this action make sense here? R.9.3.f Describe how graphic displays and textual aids convey meaning X
R.9.4.a Analyze the features and rhetorical devices of public documents and primary source material R.9.4.b Distinguish elements of literary technique (foreshadowing, flashbacks, figurative language, dialogue, metaphor, simile) R.9.4.c Identify literacy devices narrative voice, symbolism, dialect, and irony
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R.9.4.d Analyze text for the purpose, ideas and style of the author R.9.4.e Read and analyze how clarity is affected by patterns of organization, repetition of key ideas, syntax, and word choice R.9.4.f Critique the effectiveness of graphic displays and textual aids
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards R.10 Identify authors voice, attitude and point of view
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
R.10.2.a Understand that authors write for different purposes such as persuading, informing, entertaining and instructing R.10.2.b Distinguish personal opinions and points of view from that of the author and support with examples X
R.10.3.a Describe how the authors perspective or point of view affects the text X X
R.10.4.a Analyze text for the voice of the author R.10.4.b Recognize how style, tone and mood contribute to the effect of the text
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W.1 Use conventions and formats of written English W.1.1.a Write the English alphabet legibly in manuscript (printing) using upper and lower case X W.1.1.b Write messages from left to right and top to bottom of the page W.1.1.c Use word and letter spacing to make messages readable W.1.1.d Write personal information (name, address, phone number) W.1.1.e Write labels, notes and captions for illustrations, charts, and objects W.1.1.f Write words and short sentences from dictation with developmental spelling X K-2 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 3-5 6-8 9-12
W.1.2.a Write the English alphabet legibly in cursive using upper and lower case
W.1.2.b Write sentences from dictation with more conventional spelling of familiar words X
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X W.1.1.g Copy from a model text with attention to using lines, margins, and spacing X
W.1.2.c Write simple sentences using key words available in the classroom environment W.1.2.d Organize and record expository information on pictures, lists, charts and tables from information presented in the classroom X
W.1.3.b Organize, record and summarize expository information for posters and presentations for literature and content areas subjects
W.1.3.c Write three paragraphs including a beginning, middle and end on a prompt/theme
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W.2 Use grammatical conventions of English
W.2.2.a Capitalize and punctuate correctly to clarify and enhance meaning (such as capitalizing titles, using possessives, commas in a series, apostrophes and contractions, and abbreviations) X
W.2.3.a Use punctuation and capitalization to enhance meaning and express complex thoughts (such as direct quotes and compound sentences)
W.2.4.a Use punctuation and capitalization to enhance meaning and express complex thoughts to produce complex sentences without sentence fragments or run-on sentences
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W.2.1.b Use nouns (singulars and plurals), verbs (singular and plural), pronouns, adjectives, adverbs in writing W.2.1.c Use basic grammatical constructions in simple sentences X
W.2.2.b Identify and correctly use subject verb agreement and past, present, and future tenses in writing simple sentences W.2.2.c Demonstrate knowledge of negatives and contractions W.2.2.d Demonstrate knowledge of verbs, tenses and modals (auxiliaries), WHwords and pronouns and antecedents W.2.2.e Demonstrate knowledge of parts of speech X
W.2.3.b Use a variety of parts of speech to clarify writing W.2.3.c Use prepositional phrases to elaborate written ideas W.2.3.d Demonstrate knowledge of nominative, objective, and possessive case
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W.2.3.e Use verb tenses appropriately in present, past, future, perfect and progressive
W.2.4.b Demonstrate control over grammatical elements, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, verbs forms, transitions and parallel construction W.2.4.c Use clauses, phrases and mechanics with consistent variation in grammatical forms
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W.3 Write using appropriate vocabulary choice and variation
W.3.2.a Use thematic and content-specific vocabulary introduced in the classroom for writing across the curriculum X
W.3.3.a Select words from an expanded personal vocabulary to accurately communicate ideas clearly and concisely across the curriculum X
W.3.4.a Use vocabulary to convey intended meaning while recognizing the meanings and cultural uses of the other registers in English which are often expressed through colloquialisms, idioms, and other language forms
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W.4 Construct sentences and develop paragraphs to organize writing supporting a central idea
W.4.1.a Compose simple declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences appropriate for language arts and other content areas based on a classroom model W.4.1.b Compose multiple sentences around a topic X
W.4.2.a Support a central idea with relevant details and examples W.4.2.b Write a brief expository composition that includes a thesis and some supporting details X
W.4.3.a Independently create cohesive paragraphs that develop a central idea with consistent use of standard English grammatical forms, including a variety of sentence types W.4.3.b Use varied sentence structure to express meaning and achieve desired effect
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W.4.3.c Produce cohesive and coherent written text by organizing ideas, using effective transitions, and choosing precise wording W.4.3.d Organize ideas in writing to ensure coherence, logical progression, and support for ideas X
W.4.4.a Use effective sequences and transitions to achieve coherence and meaning W.4.4.b Produce a multiple paragraph essay that elaborates a thesis W.4.4.c Structure ideas and arguments within a defined context including supporting and relevant examples X
X W.4.2.c Use resources to extend vocabulary choices in writing (bilingual dictionary, thesaurus, English dictionary)
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W. 5 Use the writing process to produce writing
W.5.1.a Prewriting: Generate ideas for writing by using prewriting techniques such as drawing and teacher assisted listing of key thoughts X
W.5.2.a Prewriting: Use graphic organizers as a prewriting activity to demonstrate prior knowledge, add information and prepare to write X
W.5.3.a Prewriting: Plan ideas through independent organizing activities such as listing, webbing, clustering, sequencing, and classifying in English X
X W.5.1.b Drafting: Develop drafts by categorizing ideas and organizing them into sentences with teacher assistance
W.5.4.a Prewriting: Use planning strategies to organize information, generate ideas, and develop voice
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W.5.2.b Drafting: Use simple sentences to follow an outline or graphic organizer to create a draft of a paragraph
W.5.3.b Drafting: Develop a draft by organizing ideas into sentences and paragraphs following an organizational plan X
W.5.4.b Drafting: Develop a draft independently by organizing and reorganizing content and by refining style to suit occasion, audience and purpose
W.5.2.c Revising: Revise draft by elaborating text with expanded use of adjectives, adverbs and a variety of sentence structures W.5.2.d Revising: Revise writing for expanded word choice and organization with variation in grammatical forms X
W.5.3.c Revising: Revise writing by adding, elaborating, combining, deleting, and rearranging text
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W.5.4.c Revising: Revise writing for appropriate word choice, consistent point of view, introductions, transitions, and conclusions
W.5.1.c Editing: Edit writing for punctuation, capitalization and spelling with teacher assistance; create legible final copy
W.5.2.e Editing: Edit draft for basic grammatical constructions; expand use of adjectives and adverbs; check for singular and plural agreement X
W.5.4.d Editing: Edit writing for developmentally appropriate syntax, spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W.6 Use various types of writing for specific purposes
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
W.6.1.a Write basic information on classroom assignments, such as, name, date, class subject, teacher W.6.1.b Write to communicate basic personal information such as filling out forms, autobiographical sketches, home-culture descriptions W.6.1.c List, label, or summarize content area information W.6.1.d Write a few words or phrases about an event or character from a story read by the teacher X
W.6.2.a Write brief responses to selected literature with factual understanding of the text using simple sentences X
W.6.3.a Write responses to selected literature that exhibit understanding of the text, using detailed sentences and transitions
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W.6.4.a Write responses to selected literature that develop interpretations, exhibit careful reading, and cite specific parts of the text
W.6.1.e Write a short narrative story that includes elements of setting and character X
W.6.2.b Write a brief narrative include elements of setting, character, and events W.6.2.c Narrate a sequence of events with some detail X
W.6.3.b Use the writing process to write brief narratives using standard grammatical forms X
W.6.4.b Write stories or other compositions such as personal narrative, stories, and poetry, that employ a logical sequence of events, provide insight into why the incident is notable, and include details to develop the plot in English
W.6.1.f Write in different forms for different purposes including lists to inform, letters to invite or thank, and stories to entertain
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W.6.2.d Write friendly letters, formal letters, thank you letters, and invitations that address audience concerns, stated purpose and context using conventional letter formats W.6.2.e Write across the curriculum with teacher assistance stories and other compositions such as personal narratives, journal entries, friendly poems in English W.6.2.f Write simple compositions such as descriptions, compare/contrast that have a main idea and some supporting details W.6.2.g Write technical materials such as instructions for performing tasks or playing a game that include specific details X
W.6.3.c Write simple compositions that address a single topic that include supporting sentences with concrete sensory details of people, places, things or experiences
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W.6.3.d Write in various forms with particular emphasis on business forms such as a report, memo, narrative or procedure, summary/abstract, and resume W.6.3.e Write a brief expository composition that includes a thesis and some points of support; provide information from primary sources; organize and record information on charts and graphs W.6.3.f Write short expository text that proposes a solution to a problem or speculates on causes and effects X
W.6.4.c Write expository compositions and reports that convey information from primary and secondary sources and use some technical terms W.6.4.d Write persuasive and expository compositions that include a clear thesis, describe organized points of support, and address a counter argument
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W.6.4.e Write in a variety of forms using effective word choice, structure, and sentence forms with emphasis on organizing logical arguments based on clearly related definitions, theses and evidence W.6.4.f Write in a variety of forms with an emphasis on persuasive forms (such as logical argument and expression of opinion) personal forms (such as response to literature, reflective essay, and autobiographical narrative) and literary forms such as, poems, plays and stories
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W.7 Use multiple sources to extend writing
W.7.1.a Record or dictate knowledge of a topic in a variety of ways, such as by drawing pictures, making lists, or using graphic organizers to show connections among ideas X
W.7.2.a Identify questions for investigating a given topic W.7.2.b Use print or technology resources to write a simple informative paper W.7.2.c Use accepted format (including quotation and reference notes) to credit sources of information X
W.7.3.a Develop questions to guide research W.7.3.b Collect information, take notes, and synthesize information on a given topic from a variety of sources X
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W.7.4.b Compile written ideas and representations into reports, summaries or other formats and draw conclusions
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Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards W.8 Use tone and voice to engage specific audiences
W.8.4.a Exhibit an identifiable tone and voice in personal narratives and stories
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Michigan Department of Education Ofce of School Improvement Dr. Yvonne Caamal Canul, Director (517) 241-3147 www.michigan.gov/mde