National National LANGUAGES Languages && National National LANGUAGES Languages && Language Language PLANNING Planning Language Language PLANNING Planning
National National LANGUAGES Languages && National National LANGUAGES Languages && Language Language PLANNING Planning Language Language PLANNING Planning
National National LANGUAGES Languages && National National LANGUAGES Languages && Language Language PLANNING Planning Language Language PLANNING Planning
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A Australia li Singapore Indonesia France Tanzania India Canada Paraguay Brazil
3. Elaboration Extending its function for use in new domains. This involves developing the necessary linguistic resources for handling new concepts and contexts. 4 Securing its acceptance 4. The status of the new variety is important, and so peoples people s attitudes to the variety being developed must be considered. Steps may be needed to prestige g and to encourage g p people p to enhance its p develop pride in the language or loyalty towards it. This is known as status planning or prestige planning l i .
Language planning is defined most simply as deliberate change. This covers a wide variety of activities including g the introduction of new labels for fruit, the reform of spelling system, and the provision of advice on non-sexist terminology i l such h as Ms M and d chairperson. h i Language planners generally focus on specific language problems. Their role is to develop a policy of language use which will solve the problems appropriately in particular speech communities
- Indonesia: The government developed and standardized a variety of Malay which was widely used in Indonesia as a trade language to be the national and official language. The government did not select Javanese, the language of the political and social elite. - Norway: In 1814, Norway became independent after f being b i g ruled l d by D Denmark k for f four f centuries. Danish as the H languages and Norwegian as official national language. language
3. Prestige It should h ld be b recognised i d as a proper or real l language with higher status than local dialects and vernacular languages. languages 4. Frameofreference function It must serve as a yardstick for correctness. Other varieties will be regarded as nonstandard in some respect.