Nikki and Deja: Substitute Trouble
Nikki and Deja: Substitute Trouble
Nikki and Deja: Substitute Trouble
— K.E.
To my Mom, Trudy
— L.F.
Clarion Books
215 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10003
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New York, New York 10003.
Where Is Ms.
S omething not-so-good happens the first
Monday after Deja gets her puppy, Ms. Precious
Penelope. She wants so much to write about her
new pet in her morning journal and then read it
to the class when Ms. Shelby-Ortiz asks if there
is anyone who would like to share. She pictures
herself being one of the only kids to throw a hand
up and wave it in the air. Deja imagines reading
her entry and Ms. Shelby-Ortiz smiling with ap-
proval and surprise that Deja is using so many
supporting details and descriptive adjectives.
But something not-so-good happens to that pic-
ture in her head. Ms. Shelby-Ortiz is not there!
When the whole class is lined up nicely and
quietly, waiting to be led into the school, Deja
sees an unfamiliar person heading their way
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