Jyotish Defined
Jyotish Defined
Jyotish Defined
VJha <vinayjhaa16@yahoo.com> Responder a: VedicAstrologyForum@yahoogroups.com Para: VedicAstrologyForum@yahoogroups.com Namaste, Jyotisha is "karma-phala-vipaaka-kaala-vidhaanam" , i.e., timing of fruition of actions. The "ripening" of an astrological fruit is termed "Vipaaka" ("karma-phala-vipaaka"). The entire storage of all past Karma-phalas is called "Karmaashaya". Within the Karmaashaya, those karmas which have already ripen fully and are giving results make up "Kriyamaana" (activated) part of Karmaashaya , which gives rise to one's present birth into this world and the consequent Fate in this world of that native. But Karmaashaya is not completely fixed. Even the non-activated dormant parts of Karmaashaya sometimes gets triggered in present life when present life's new Karmas which are similar in nature enhance the magnitude of those karmas to beyond the borderline-situation of Vipaaka. This is how propitiation of Grahas work, and how virtues or sins of this life get paid in this life. There are two parts of Fixed portions of activated Kriyamaana-Karmaashaya. First part is strictly rigid, such as birthplace, caste or race or family, etc, which cannot be changed because it happens only once in life. All these features related to BIRTH are clubbed under "Jaati", which is not merely 'caste' but includes all details pertaining to birth. Second part of Kriyamaana-Karmaashaya is just opposite of Birth and is called "Aayu" (longevity). It is almost fixed , but propitiation can have some effect on it. But no amount of propitiation can make a native life for thousands of years. Hence, the limits of longevity have slight fuzziness but not without bounds. Third part of Kriyamaana-Karmaashaya is called "Bhoga", which is perception of subject matters of eleven indriyas (mana + 5 karmendriyas + 5 jnaanendriyas). "Bhoga" is the actual reason of birth and is caused by desires inherent in the sookshma-indriyas. "Bhoga" is of two types : strong and weak, respectively caused by strong and weak combinations of horoscope deduced with the help of following method. Horoscope is not any single chart. It is Sudarshana Chakra (SC) for each Varga together with Vimshottari (and relevant dashaas) and Varshaphalas of SC. Cumulative result of SC of D1 and relevant Varga/Vargas according to planetary strengths gives rise to the final fruit. This is the 'short-cut' of Jyotisha which is known to all but used by few. Most of the astrologers use shorter short-cuts and are therefore led to seek novel "advancements" in astrology. (The long-cut is the Dashaa-Arambha Chart or DAC which is the standars method but not for Kaliyugi Mandabuddhis according to BPHS, because it takes weeks or months of hard work plus luck or divine blessing to make one reliable DAC since Garbhaadhaana-samskaara moment and Sootikaa-griha details are not preserved now). VJ 14 de julio de 2013 14:52