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Foundation Design and Construction HK - Lecture Slides

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The State-of-the-practice of Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan and Hong Kong

Foundation Design & Construction in Hong Kong Present & Beyond?

Daman Lee Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited W.K. Pun Geotechnical Engineering Office, CEDD Arthur So China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd. C.C. Wai Gammon Construction Limited

Our Theme
A brief look at where we are Issues still bugging us Where do we go now?

Common Foundation Types in Hong Kong

Mini-piles Steel H piles Large diameter bored pile




Up to 100MN



New Publications in Hong Kong

1 / 2006

Progress in Last 5 Years

Li et al (2000) Design of Deep Foundations in Hong Kong Time for change?

(1) End Bearing Bored Piles on Rock

Predominately using presumptive values Bearing pressures generally regarded as very conservative

GEO Publication 1/2006 provides an alternative approach

(2) Bell-out / Rock Socket

Many queried the actual effectiveness of bell-out (eg Lumb) A convenient way to address bearing pressure being too conservative?
Typically 10MPa

Half-addressed by Code of Practice for Foundation (BD, 2005)

Typically 5 7.5 MPa

(3) H-pile Driven to Rock

Shallow rockhead Pile driven into rock Loading tests tend to produce positive results
Shallow rockhead

Addressed by Code of Practice for Foundation (BD, 2005)

(4) Negative Skin Friction

Drag on piles due to settling ground Transient loads results in temporary settlement Need to consider a combined Addressed by Code load case of both?

of Practice for Foundation (BD, 2005)

Settling ground

(5) Issues Requiring More Progress

Use of hydraulic hammer to achieve final set Bored pile on rock how to deal with soft materials at the interface

Bored Piles

Design & Construction Issues with Bored Piles

Bearing pressure on rocks Combined end bearing and rock socket 45 load spread Pile base imperfections

Bearing Pressures on Rock

First appear in 1990 Considered to be very conservative Many full-scale pile loading tests had been undertaken since Used until 2005


Loading Tests by West Rail

Presented in many previous occasions In the Technical Memorandum, 50% increase in bearing stresses were approved by BD Various other loading tests also support this
End bearing stress qb (MPa)


(14) (2-3)



West Rail


(30) (7) (130

(11) (12)


1.0xUCS 10
(30) (1) Breccia


0 0 50 100 150 200 250

Average unconfined compressive strength (MPa)

Bearing Stresses in the New Code of Practice for Foundations (BD, 2005)

A new prescriptive bearing stress for highly to completely decomposed rocks No change to the other categories A new prescriptive bearing stress for fresh rock note the requirement of 100% total core recovery (TCR) and no weathered joints

End Bearing on Rock Alternative to Presumptive Values

Mobilised Bearing Pressure q (MPa)

25 Mobilized Bearing Pressure, qa (MPa)

All ow abl e 20 Be ari ng Pre 15 ssu re (M Pa)

Bearing pressure thatBearing can induce pressure that settlement of ~1% can induce settlement of of the of the about pile 1% dia. pile diameter at the at the base pile base.
14.5 12.5 10 7.5 5


Recommended Recommended allowable allowable bearing pressure bearing pressure 88

60 70 80 90 100

0 0 10
20 30 40 50

Rock Mass Rating (RMR)

Legend: ? = Bearing pressure substantially mobilised ? = Degree of mobilisation of bearing pressure unknown

Rock Mass Rating (RMR)

Extracted from GEO Publication 1/2006 (In Press)

Data published in recent years Many used Osterberg Cell at pile base direct measurement of socket behaviour
Ultimate socket friction, s (kPa) Ultimate shaft friction s (kPa)

Mobilized Shaft Resistance in Rock, (kPa)

The Use of Rock Socket



Extracted from GEO Publication 1/2006 (In Press)


s = 0.2 c 0.5

100 1 10 100 1000 Uniaxial Compressive Strength of of Rock, q c (MPa) Uniaxial Compressive Strength Rock, c (MPa)

Legend: ? = Shaft resistance substantially mobilised ? = Degree of mobilisation of shaft resistance unknown

Figure 19 Mobilized Shaft Resistance in Rock Sockets


qu 0.3

Williams & Pells

Geoguide 1/96 GEO Publicati on No. Code of1/96 Practice 2004

Horvath et al (1980)

1 10 100

Extracted from West Rail papers


Horvath et al (1980) Long & Collins (1998) Radhakrishnan & Leung (1989) Williams & Pells (1980) Glos & Briggs (1983) Shiu & Chung (1994) Lam et al (1991) Arup tests in HK KCRC West Rail tests Zhan & Yin (2004) Incheon 2nd Bridge (2005)

Uniaxial Compressive Strength, qof Unconfined compressive strength rock (MPa) u (MPa)

Load Deflection Behaviour of Rock Sockets

This is where The bullet points Are to go

Combined Rock Socket and End Bearing

Rock socket behaves in a ductile manner Should allow direct combination of both without the need of further loading test Provide a robust alternative to the use of bell-out if the socket length to pile diameter ratio is around 3 Max ratio allowed by BD (2005) is 2 (or 6m whichever is less)

45 Load Spread

Under the strange rule, there is no need for any load spread check in this case!

Pile Toe Imperfections

Major issue a few years ago Less so nowadays, but not completely resolved The use of pressure grouting is still routinely done as a remedial measure

Study by the HK Contractor Association (2001-2002)

Thin layer of soft materials at pile base does not always require remedial works Factors to be considered:
A single pile or pile group? Probing at centre of pile or edge of pile? unbound aggregate, soil inclusions or coreloss

Suggested a rational approach to the problem

Prescriptive Approach An Example

Interface Investigation Soft This is where Layer Thickness S 100 N/A Remedial Works/ Proposal Flush clean + The bullet pointsnormal grout 100 < S 150 N/A Flush clean + Are to go pressure grout 150 < S 200 Sonic test (Fan Flush clean + shape) with pressure grout satisfactory results Unsatisfactory results Further Investigation N/A Remedial Works/Proposal N/A N/A N/A N/A

Concrete pile Coring tube

coring for second hole S 100 100 < S 150 150 < S 200

N/A Flush clean + normal grout Flush clean + pressure grout Pressure jet clean + pressure grout

Thickness Of soft Material - s

S > 200

Further investigation + submit remedial proposal

Driven H-piles

Design & Construction Issues with Driven H-piles

Pile driving formula Final set problems
Whipping of piles Long piles

Shall We Keep Using Hiley Formulae?

Different views Simple is beautiful vs Too simple, sometimes .. If we were to vote ..


The Driving Formulae

Hiley (1925) In 1960, more than 450 formulae of slight variations to Hiley HKCA (1994) lumped various efficiency terms into a single factor Kh HKCA (2004) uses energy measured from PDA Gradually increasing experience in modelling the efficiency of hydraulic hammers in Hiley Formula Difficulties encountered in long piles

Development of the Wave Equation

Isaacs (1931) First used 1-D stress wave theory in pile driving analysis Smith (1960) forms the basis of modern wave equation analysis Development of bonded resistance strain gauges Research work at Case Institute of Technology CAPWAP, GRLWEAP At present, limited to detect pile defects, measure hammer efficiency

A State of Confusion
Different departments have different approaches ASD approach: Use of CAPWAP to determine pile capacity and calibrate against parameters in the Hiley Formula Private projects: essentially HKCA (1994), with trial piles to establish kh and PDA/CAPWAP Contractors do not know how small the set needs to be in order to pass the loading tests

Long Piles Big Hammers

Ideal Situation: SPT N > 200 at around 30-40m; set usually achieved 3-5m into the saprolite For longer piles, the length effect of Hiley Formulae starts to show Even 20t hammers dropping from 4m is not enough So-called Driving to refusal

Required Set for Long Piles at a Particular Site (over 4000 piles, 35-80m long)

Hypothetical Allowable Set

Whipping of Piles

Why Does This Happen?

Happens mostly in sites with soft deposits in the upper layers (eg reclamation) Let go in its weaker axis with insufficient lateral restraint during driving Some contractors attempt to avoid this by reducing the drop height and carry out final set a few days later

Signs of Whipping from Shaft Shortening Measurements

Static load tests carried out at a particular site with thick layer of soft soils Signs of whipping

More to Tackle .
Residual settlement on pile loading tests Use of pile raft (settlement reducing piles) Use of base-grouting in competent soils Ultimate limit state design? etc etc Encourage rational designs when time and resources are available

Thank You

Typical Set Table

TYPE OF PILE UNIT WEIGHT OF PILE DRIVING RESISTANCE TYPE OF HAMMER WEIGHT OF HAMMER OR RAM WEIGHT OF PILE HEAD HELMET ENERGY OUTPUT PER BLOW (MAX) S= (W*h*k* )/R-C/2 : : (R) : : (W) : (WH) : (W*h) : WHERE 305x305x223 kg/m 223 kg/m 7096 kN <=3548x2 Drop Hammer (DH-06) 20.45 ton 0.59 ton 642 kN.m C = Cp + Cq + Cc 200.6 kN 5.79 kN DROP OF HAMMER EFFICIENCY OF HAMMER COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION TEMPORARY COMPRESSION OF PILE HEAD Efficiency of blow : = W+P*e^2 W+P (h) : (k) : (e) : (Cc): 3.2 m 0.6 0.5 (Steel Anvil) 1.5 mm



Max. Allowable Penetration (mm) For Last 10 Blows Table Pile Length (m) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Temporary Compression Cp+Cq (mm) 61 49 48 62 50 49 47 46 44 43 63 49 48 47 45 44 42 41 39 38 64 49 47 46 44 43 42 40 39 37 36 34 33 65 50 49 47 46 44 42 41 39 38 37 35 34 32 31 29 28 66 50 49 47 45 44 42 41 39 37 36 34 33 32 30 29 27 26 67 49 47 45 44 42 40 39 37 36 34 32 31 29 28 27 25 68 49 47 46 44 42 40 39 37 35 34 32 31 29 27 26 69 46 44 42 41 39 37 35 34 32 30 29 27 26 70 41 39 37 36 34 32 30 29 27 25 71 36 34 32 31 29 27 25 72 31 29 27 26 73 26 74 Blow Efficiency

0.733 0.730 0.726 0.723 0.720 0.717 0.714 0.711 0.707 0.704 0.701 0.699 0.696 0.693 0.690 0.687 0.684 0.682 0.679 0.676 0.674 0.671 0.668 0.666 0.663

B.H. Fellenius

E. Blackett


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