Parish - St. Mary's Chennai
Parish - St. Mary's Chennai
Parish - St. Mary's Chennai
Gregory Theophil - Student: (Doctorate), Asst. Parish Priest Fr. Irudayasamy Louis - Administrator, Asst. Parish Priest Fr. Pakiam Xavier - Rector, Parish Priest, Correspondent Fr. Purappamthanum Sebastian - PJ Confessor II. Mission Activities at St. Marys Co-Cathedral The Salesian community at St. Marys Co-Cathedral takes care of the faith formation of the faithful in the parish and to the children through the Anglo-Indian Hr. Sec. school. STATISTICAL DETAILS OF THE MISSION i. St. Marys Co-Cathedral: St. Marys Co-Cathedral Church is also known as St. Antonys Shrine. Total number of registered Catholic families: 43 Nature of the parish population: Total number of anbiams: Sub-station: Mostly middle class and lower middle class families. 3 anbiams -nil-
A. Regular Mass & Liturgical Services in the Parish: Weekday Mass: Wednesdays & Saturdays: Sundays: Sacrament of Reconciliation B. Sunday Catechism Sunday catechism classes are organized systematically in the parish at 8.30 am. There are 25 children from class 1 to XI attending regularly on Sundays.
Place Time I II III IV V No of children in each class VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Total No of teachers
06.30 am, 1.20 pm & 06.00 pm (except on Wed & Sat) 5.30 pm novena and mass 06.15 am & 07.15 am Tamil mass for the people 08.30 am & 6 pm English mass Tuesdays and whenever the penitents seek
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8.30 am
2 5
C. Devotions in the Parish: Every Tuesday 24th MHC Every Friday Benediction Special devotion to St. Antony and Blessings. Devotion to Mary Help of Christians Held regularly
First Friday Mass/Adoration Held regularly Comm. of Don Bosco Held regularly
02 03
10 21+6
Sunday Sunday
Anbiams: There are 3 anbiams in the parish, namely, St. Mathew, St. Mark and St. John. St. Mathew anbiam consists of 7 families of which 4 are settlers. This anbiam meets in the parish hall or in any one of their homes on the 2nd Sunday of every month for prayer and fellowship. St. Mark anbiam consists of 18 families, most of them are poor daily wage earners (coolies) and a few who do some business. This anbiam meets on the 3rd Sunday evening of every month. St. John anbiam consists of 14 families and of whom 10 families are very poor. They do coolie work to earn their livelihood. This anbiam meets on the 4th Sunday evening of every month. Parish Pastoral Council: The Parish Council consists of 16 members of whom 12 are elected and the remaining 4 are nominated by the Parish Priest. The Council is vibrant and ready to cooperate for the growth of the parish. The Parish has 1 dedicated catechist.
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Jesus Mary Joseph Youth Group: The youth group consists of 21 grown-up youngsters and 6 school going boys. Among the 21 grown-up youth, 16 are boys and 5 are girls. They help out in the parish activities and reach out to the needy poor people through creative initiatives. The youth group is followed up well with the help of a brother from Becchi-Theologate.
Domestic Staff: Total No. of Domestic Staff Male = = 15 13 Catholics Female = = 12 2
ii. St. Marys Anglo India Higher Secondary School: The St. Marys Anglo India Higher Secondary School has a total strength of 1629 students, from Std.III to Std. XII. Among them only 511 are Catholics, the rest are Hindus and Muslims. CLASS
III 105
IV 133
V 148
VI 200
VII 191
VIII 186
IX 200
X 185
XI 139
XII 142
Teaching Staff: Total No. of Teachers = 43 Male Teachers = 17 Number of Teachers paid by Government Office Staff: Total No. of Office Staff Male Paid by Government Paid by management Domestic Staff: Total No. of Domestic Staff Male Paid by Government Paid by management
= 42 = 26 = 32
= 04 = 02 = 02 = 02
= 04
= 11 = 09 = 05 = 06
Catholics Female
= 11 = 02
Daily: Bible reading during daily assembly, Catechism and moral classes, yoga, adoration service for the Catholics, etc. Weekly: Group masses, adoration service and group meetings. Monthly: First Friday mass and prayer service and Marian devotion on the 24 th of the month. Annual retreats are organized for both students and teachers. The teaching and nonteaching staff members are animated through regular meeting and animation.
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125 25 54 42 40 30 80
08 09 10 11
40 41 20 29
Public Exam results: Total number of Std. X students appeared are 179 and the number of students passed are 179. Percentage of pass: 100 % Total number of Std. XII students appeared are 147 and the number of students passed are 145. Percentage of pass: 98.64 % Salesian Cooperators: The Salesian Cooperators unit of St. Marys is vibrant and collaborates well under the leadership of the Rector and Provincial Delegate, Rev. Fr. Deva Joe and Local delegate, Fr. Siby. There are 27 professed members and 2 aspirants in this unit. They get involved in organizing various seminars, mobilization of funds and animation of spiritual events. Parent Teachers Association: The PTA functions well under the able leadership of Rev. Fr. Siby, along with a team of office bearers. The PTA is very actively involved in the academic activities of the school and facilitates good rapport with the teachers and parents. The PTA is also responsible for the growth of the school in various aspects. Alumni Association: The St. Marys A. I. Hr. Sec. School Alumni Association functions well under the able guidance of Rev. Fr. Siby, along with a team of office bearers. The association is actively involved in the academic and developmental activities of the school and also reaches out to the needy children of the neighbourhood. iii. Extension services:
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Evening Study Centre: This centre caters to around 60 poor children at the St. Marys A.I. Hr. Sec. School, George Town. They are well taken care of by providing better study ambience with the help of 2 teachers. Special gifts are provided during Christmas. Chaplaincy for the Religious: Once a month, the Salesian community offers chaplaincy to religious convents of Presentation Sisters and Sisters of Disciples of Divine Master.
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