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Oral 3

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com Oral Preparations INTRODUCTION The sequence of questions and answers in this chapter are directed towards Junior Officers of the Mercantile Marine who are studying or who intend to study for the Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW) Seamanship Oral Examination, conducted by the Marine Authorities around the world. The Junior Officer should familiarize himself or herself with the topics of the respective syllabus prior to entering for the examination. It should be realized from the onset that General Seamanship is a vast subject and covers many topics often with numerous variants. In order to be successful in the examination candidates need to portray a confident attitude as being first and foremost, a competent seaman. The Marine Examiners do not expect candidates for the qualification of Officer of the Watch (OOW) to be superhuman. However, they do expect candidates to present themselves in a smart manner and show an in-depth knowledge of the art of good seamanship. This does not mean individuals will be expected to know everything about everything; this is clearly an impossible task. Certain areas of questioning must be considered as essential to the conduct of the examination, like rules of the road questions. If these were answered incorrectly, the examiner would-be unlikely to issue the candidate with a licence to be in charge of a navigation bridge. For further information, extracts from Marine Guidance Notice (MGN) 69 (Conduct of Candidates) is given in Appendix A. It should be remembered that this is the first of several rungs of the ladder towards the successful attainment of becoming a Master Mariner and it is not a qualification to be taken lightly. It will allow the candidate to take charge of a navigational watch at sea and on deck, when the vessel is in port. Once the licence is issued, the candidate will be called upon to act as the Masters representative in many and varied situations. This responsibility is known by the examiner and the candidate should ensure that when presenting himself for examination. He should be well prepared with regard to all the related subjects for that rank.

BRIDGE PROCEDURES (OOW) Question 1. After completing the 812 night watch at sea and handing over to the 2nd Officer, what would be your actions? Answer: Having handed over the watch, I would complete writing up the Deck Log Book, and sign the book as a true record of events. I would proceed below decks and carry out ships rounds and security checks, inspecting all accommodation alleyways, storage and domestic spaces. Question 2. What specific items/topics would you include, when handing over the navigation watch to another relief Officer? Answer: I would expect to follow any company policy and include the following: (a) Appraise the relieving Officer of the ships course, gyro and magnetic headings, highlighting any compass or gyro errors.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations (b) Provide the relieving Officer with the current updated position of the vessel and indicate the position respective to the chart. (c) Draw attention to any visible shipping traffic and provide details as to the current actions and intentions effecting relevant targets. (d) Appraise the watch Officer of the current weather patterns and advise on the past and present state of visibility, passing on the latest weather report. (e) The watch Officer would be appraised of any night orders left by the Master. (f) If it is relevant, I would draw attention to the next way point and any expected alteration of course. (g) If making a landfall or in coastal regions the under keel clearance would be noted and attention drawn to the least oncoming areas of depth. (h) Any potential navigational hazards or possible security incursions would be discussed in conjunction with the passage plan. (i) Should any defects have occurred these would be brought to the attention of the OOW (as well as the Master, as they occur) (j) The OOW would be appraised of all the operational instruments as to their performance. Radar specifics such as range and presentation would also be positively discussed. (k) It would also be normal practice to discuss events and activities over the previous watch period that may or may not affect the overall performance of the vessel. Note: As the outgoing OOW it would be my duty to ascertain the state and condition of the relieving Officer. Having let the incoming Officer adjust his eyes to the light and visibility conditions I would note any adverse feelings, that may be affecting the relieving Officer which may have been caused by sickness, overtiredness, drugs or alcohol. (In such an event where an officer felt that the relieving. Officer was not in a fit state to carry out normal watchkeeping duties he would be expected to inform the Master of his doubts.)

Question 3. While acting as OOW, you encounter deterioration in the condition of visibility. What action would you take? Answer: As OOW I would take the following actions: (a) Place the ships main engines on stand-by and reduce the vessels speed. (b) Advise the Master of the change in visibility conditions. (c) Commence sounding fog signals. (d) Switch on the navigation lights. (e) Close all watertight doors in the vessel. (f) Commence systematic plotting of any targets on the radar. (g) Place a current position on the chart. (h) Post additional lookouts. (i) Stop all noisy work on deck. (j) Enter a statement of my actions into the ships Deck Log Book.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 4. When would you consider it necessary, as OOW, to call the Master? Answer: The OOW should call the Master in any of the following circumstances: (a) In the event of visibility dropping below 4 miles (company policy may be more or less than this figure). (b) If traffic was causing concern effecting the safe passage of the vessel. (c) In the event of failure of any of the ships navigational equipment. (d) If failing to sight a landfall when expecting to. (e) If sighting a landfall when it is unexpected. (f) If soundings are shelving when unexpected. (g) In the event that difficulty is experienced in maintaining the course. (h) If a scheduled position is unattainable or suspect. (i) In the event that the man management of watch keepers becomes untenable. (j) In the event of heavy weather or on receipt of a bad weather forecast. (k) On sighting ice, or receiving an ice warning of ice being reported on or near the vessels track. (l) If sighting oil on the surface. (m) On any issue of security or shipboard alert. (n) In any other emergency, such as fire or flooding, imminent contact or contact with a submerged object.

Question 5. When on watch at night, the alarm for the non-function of navigation lights is activated, what action would you take as OOW? Answer: I would immediately inspect the navigation light sentinel to ascertain which navigation light had malfunctioned and caused the alarm to be triggered. I would make a note of the defective light and switch the backup light on in its place and cancel the alarm. In the event the light circuit had failed I would activate the secondary circuit and cancel the alarm. During the hours of darkness it may not be prudent, following a risk assessment, to repair the light or circuit, before daylight hours. Provided navigation lights remain operational on one or other circuits. In any event the Master would be informed and repairs instigated during daylight hours.

Question 6. When approaching a pilot station, to take the Marine Pilot, you are sent down below to meet the pilot on deck at the ladder position. What actions would you take when at the ladder position? Answer: As a responsible Officer, I would inspect the rigging of the ladder, especially the deck securing hitches of the ladders rope tails. I would further ensure that the stanchions and manropes were correctly rigged.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations The pilot station would expect to have a heaving line a nd a lifebuoy readily available and I would check that these are on hand. It must be anticipated that the stand-by man would also be on station and the immediate deck area was safe and clear of obstructions. If all was in order I would report to the bridge (by two-way radio) my presence at the ladder station and that all was ready to receive the pilot on board. I would report again to the bridge that the pilot was on the ladder and when he had attained the deck position. Note: Pilot entry may be obtained via a shell door in some cases and access procedures may be changed to suit the opening and closing of the door.

Question 7. As the OOW, how often would you be expected to take an azimuth/amplitude in order to obtain a compass error? Answer: Most certainly every watch, and on every alteration of course, within the watch period (exception under pilotage where transits maybe a possible alternative). Also in the event that I was concerned about the reliability of the gyro or magnetic compass (i.e. concern may be caused by magnetic anomalies). Note: Some shipping companies policies may differ from this procedure.

Question 8. When the vessel is at anchor, what would you consider as the main functions of the OOW? Answer: When conducting an anchor watch the ship is still considered as being at sea. As such the prime duty of the OOW is to maintain an effective lookout, by all available means, including visual, audible and radar. Neither would I allow the vessel to stand into danger and would check the position at regular intervals to ensure that the ship was not dragging her anchor. Position monitoring while at anchor would entail checking by primary and secondary position fixing methods, i.e. checking Visual Anchor Bearings, Radar Range and Bearings, Global Positioning System (GPS) and optional transit marks if obtainable. While at anchor the OOW would monitor the state of visibility, the state of the weather, especially wind and tide changes, and traffic movement in and out of the anchorage. Navigation signals should be checked continuously that they are visible and lights are correctly functioning. Access to the ship would also be of concern and The International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code controls would be implemented. The very high frequency (VHF) radio would be monitored throughout for communication traffic. Log Books would be maintained, and the Master kept informed of anything untoward.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations

Question 9. When approaching a pilotage station, when you require a pilot, describe the actions and duties of the OOW. Answer: As OOW, and when approximately 1 hour from the pilot station, I would comply with the International Safety Management (ISM) checklist and anticipate the following actions: (a) Advise the Master of the expected estimated time of arrival (ETA) to the pilot boat rendezvous. (b) Establish communications with the pilot station and advise the pilot of the ships name and ETA. It would be normal practice to ascertain the pilot ladder details (e.g. side for ladder and height above water). Also the local weather conditions at the rendezvous position would be established to enable the Master to provide a lee for the launch. (c) Continuous position monitoring should be ongoing throughout the approach. (d) Under keel clearance would be monitored through out, on approach, by use of the echo sounder. (e) An effective lookout would be maintained throughout the approach period. (f) The bridge team would be established to include changing from auto to manual steering and the positioning of extra lookouts. (g) Log Book entries would be made throughout. (h) All correct signals would be indicated, prior to approach. (i) Engines would be placed on stand-by in ample time and astern propulsion tested. (j) The ETA would be updated with the pilotage authority and the speed of engagement with the launch, clarified. (k) Radar reduced to 6 mile range on approach, and a sharp lookout maintained for small traffic and through traffic, affecting the area. (l) Master would take the conn.

Question 10. When instructed to inspect, check and test the bridge navigation equipment, prior to sailing, what actions would you take? Answer: I would follow the company checklist with regard to checking the bridge equipment. This would necessitate the duty engineer monitoring the rudder and steering gear inside the steering flat, as the steering gear systems are tested from amidships to hard over to each side. The movement of the rudder indicator on the bridge and would monitor rudder movement. Radars would be switched on and performance tested, and left in the standby mode, not switched off. All navigation lights and domestic lights would be tested, together with all instrument lights. Checks would be made on the echo sounder, communication equipment, signaling apparatus, inclusive of ships whistles and the engine room telegraphs synchronization. An entry would be made into the Deck Log Book, that all equipment was found satisfactory and in good order. The Master would be informed that the bridge equipment had been checked and no defects found.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 11. How would you maintain and correct the ships navigational charts? Answer: The navigation charts would be maintained under a Chart Management System and corrected in accord with the Weekly Notices to Mariners. All chart corrections being noted in the Chart Correction Log. Question 12. What is ITP and what would you do with it? Answer: The ITP stands for the Intercept Terminal Point and is in celestial navigation practice. It is that point through which to draw the obtained position line (P/L) (see figure on next page). Question 13. Having obtained a morning sight of the sun, the weather changes and becomes partially cloudy around the time of noon, prior to obtaining the latitude by meridian altitude. What would you do? Answer: I would anticipate the cloudy weather and calculate the limits of working an ex-meridian altitude. In the event that cloud persisted and an exmeridian was not obtained I would try to obtain a double altitude as soon as the sun became visible, later in the day. Question 16. When engaged in coastal navigation, would you use the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals? And if so, how would you use it? Answer: Yes, I would use the light list in conjunction with the navigation chart. The lights are listed geographically and it would act as an additional checking operation to match the coastal light order as presented by the chart. The light list also contains more information about individual lights, than is normally contained on the chart, and this fact would further enhance the safe navigation practice of the vessel. Question 17. While holding the watch at anchor, you see another vessel at anchor display the Y Flag. What would you assume from this? Answer: That the vessel displaying the Y Flag is dragging her anchor. Question 18. What three types of notices, promulgate marine information to ships and seafarers? Answer: The Merchant Shipping Notices (MSNs) The Marine Guidance Notices (MGNs) The Marine Information Notices (MINs). Question 19. What are the duties of the OOW when in pilotage waters, with a pilot on board? Answer: The OOW remains the Masters representative in the absence of the Master, despite the presence of a pilot (exception Panama Canal). During any pilotage period he would be expected to maintain an effective lookout at all times. In addition, he would continually monitor the ships position by primary and secondary means and ensure that the under keel clearance is adequate throughout.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations His duties will also include the management of the bridge personnel and he would ensure that the members of the bridge team execute the pilots instructions in a correct manner. He would further ensure that the pilot is made familiar with the bridge instrumentation and advised of compass errors and any defects which may affect the safe navigation of the vessel. OOW and pilot, maintaining lookout duties aboard a vessel with integrated bridge features. Radar and Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) positioned either side of the control consul. Question 20. While on watch during a coastal passage, you sight a vessel aground, on a bearing of approximately one (1) point off the port bow. What action would you take? Answer: As the OOW, I would place the engines on stand-by and the situation may make it necessary to take all way off my own ship. My subsequent actions would include: (a) Advising the Master of the situation of the vessel aground. (b) Carrying out a chart assessment to include my own ships position and the position of the vessel aground. (c) Switch on the echo sounder and note the Under keel Clearance. (d) Position lookouts and turn from auto pilot to manual steering. (e) Communicate with the vessel aground, with station identification, obtaining the draught of the aground vessel and the time of grounding. (f) Carry out an assessment of the extent of the shoal that the vessel has run aground on. Note: Once the Master was present on the bridge it would be normal practice for him to take the conn but he would equally expect a detailed report from the OOW. Question 21. When involved in making up a passage plan, what principles would you employ in its construction? Answer: I would base any passage plan on the four fundamental principles: Appraisal Planning Execution Monitoring. I would construct the plan to operate from berth to berth bearing in mind that any plan is meant to be flexible and carry with it relevant contingency plans to cater for exceptional circumstances. Question 22. When on watch at sea, specific signs indicate the possible presence of a tropical revolving storm in the area. What positive evidence would you take into account to show this is so in the absence of radio information? Answer: Assuming that the vessels position was between 5 and 35 latitudes N/S of the equator and that it was the seasonal period for tropical revolving storm (TRS), I would look for the following indications: (a) A swell may be experienced at a distance of up to 1000 miles from the storm. (b) A decrease in the diurnal range, showing on the barograph.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations (c) A change of direction in the trade wind. (d) An ugly threatening sky with black Cumulonimbus or Nimbostratus cloud formation. Question 23. What is contained in the Weekly Notices to Mariners and what would you use the information for? Answer: The Weekly Notice contains six (6) sections, which include the corrections to Admiralty List of Radio Signals and the Admiralty List of Lights/Fog Signals. It also contains an index and chart correction index in the front of the notice, followed by the respective, individual chart corrections. Additional notices for the correction of sailing directions and publications is also included. Question 24. How would you ascertain the reliability of the navigation chart? Answer: The navigation chart is probably the best aid to navigation available to the OOW. However, it is not infallible and should be used with caution at all times. Its reliability can be judged from the date of the charts printing, found in the border at the bottom of the chart. It can further be assessed by inspection of the source data block that provides the date/year of survey and the authority which carried out the survey. If the chart is corrected up to date this should be indicated by the last small correction being inserted in the left-hand corner of the chart by the ships navigator. The correction should also be noted in the chart correction log. Question 25. How often would you expect to carry out an emergency steering drill? Answer: Emergency steering gear drills are conducted at least once every three (3) months. Question 26. When on watch at night, how would you know that the visibility was deteriorating? Answer: By observing the back scattering light of the navigation lights. This misting effect could be visibly seen. The visible range being established from radar observation of a target as and when it becomes visible to the naked eye. Question 27. What is a ship reporting system and what is its function? Answer: Ship reporting systems are organisations like Automated Mutual Vessel Reporting (AMVER), Australian Ship Reporting system (AUSREP), INSPIRES, JASREP, etc. They can be voluntary position reporting schemes like AMVER or compulsory reporting schemes like AUSREP, for vessels entering Australian waters. It allows the organisation to monitor ships positions during the ocean voyages and provides mutual assistance in the event of a marine emergency.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 28. While on watch at sea in the North Atlantic you receive an iceberg warning from the International Ice Patrol providing iceberg positions. What would you do? Answer: The positions of the icebergs would be plotted onto the navigation chart along with the ships current position. The ships Master would be informed of the report and made aware of the proximity of the danger to the ships position. Question 29. When involved in a coastal passage, in clear weather, how would you ascertain the vessels position to ensure that the ship is maintaining her course? Answer: It would be normal practice to obtain the vessels position at regular intervals by both a primary and secondary position fixing methods to ensure that the ship is proceeding on its intended track by using a primary and secondary system (each method becomes a self checking procedure). Question 30. What is expected of you as the designated prime lookout when acting as OOW? Answer: Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.

MARINE INSTRUMENTS Question 1. What is a Masons hygrometer and what is it used for? Answer: It is the name given to dry and wet bulb thermometers, usually contained in the Stevensons screen often found on the ships bridge wing. It is used for measuring the humidity. Question 2. For what would you use a hydrometer when aboard ship? Answer: A hydrometer is used to obtain the density of dock water. The obtained value is then used in conjunction with the Fresh Water Allowance (FWA) to obtain the Dock Water Allowance, i.e. the amount that the vessel may submerge her load line mark, in any water other than sea water. Question 3. When reading the precision aneroid barometer, what corrections would you make to the reading? Answer: The barometer is supplied with a calibration correction card which allows for a correction to be added to the reading to adjust to mean sea level (table of height in metres _ air temperature in C). Question 4. How would you check that the azimuth bearing circle, of the compass was correct? Answer: By taking a bearing of a terrestrial object, e.g. a lighthouse, with the arrow indication uppermost. Take a second bearing of the same object, with the arrow in the downward position. Both readings should be the same and the bearing circle can be used with confidence.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations

Question 5. What is the liquid found inside a magnetic compass bowl? Answer: The older design of liquid magnetic compass contained a mixture of one part alcohol to two parts distilled water. The more modern magnetic compass would be filled with a clear oily fluid, derived from Bayol. Question 6. The purpose of the alcohol in the liquid compass was to prevent the fluid from freezing in cold, high latitudes. What was the purpose of the distilled water in the mixture? Answer: Distilled water was included in the fluid mixture to prevent the alcohol evaporating in warm latitudes. Question 7. How would you check the performance of the radar on the navigation bridge? Answer: I would operate the performance monitor (if fitted) on the instrumentation panel. Once activated the range of the plume could be compared with the Radar Specification Manual details. Note: New radars are usually fitted with a self-test control to meet instrument specifications. Question 8. When taking a visual three-point position fix, you find the charted plot produces a cocked hat. What would you do? Answer: I would consider the position as unreliable and take another set of bearings. It would be prudent to also obtain a secondary fix by an alternative method, e.g. radar or GPS. Question 9. How would you test the steering gear prior to the vessel departing from a port? Answer: Having ascertained that the rudder and propeller area is clear of obstructions, I would turn the ships wheel, hard over each way to port and starboard. When in the hard over positions I would note the Helm Indicator and the rudder indicator are both shown in the hard over positions. The autopilot would also be tested to port and starboard, together with the tiller control. The rudder indicator should be noted to reach The hard over position on each occasion. Question 10. What information can you obtain from a barograph? Answer: The barometric tendency measured over the last three (3) hours. Question 11. When joining a ship for the first time, how would you ascertain if the vessel had any Blind Sectors affecting the radar(s)? Answer: It is common practice to display a diagram on a bulkhead, in close proximity to the radar, if its operation is hampered by Blind Sectors. Alternatively, the Radar Specification Manual could be consulted and any Blind Sectors would be indicated in the manual.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 12. When ascertaining risk of collision with another vessel, it is normal practice to take a series of compass bearings as per the COLREGS (Reference Rule 7(d)(i), see Appendix B). Why would you use compass bearings? Answer: The compass card is a fixed reference and eliminates the Yaw of the ships head when taking the bearings. Question 13. What are the three correctable errors that exist on a marine sextant? Answer: The first adjustment is for any error of perpendicularity, the second adjustment is for any side error, and the third adjustment is for any Index Error. Example of a marine micrometer sextant seen with the index arm set in the middle of the arc. Question 14. Where would you find the instrument error for a marine sextant? Answer: The instrument error of the sextant is found on the certificate, inside the lid of the sextants box. Question 15. What is Collimation, with reference to the marine sextant? Answer: Collimation is an error on the sextant caused by the axis of the telescope not being parallel to the plane of the instrument. With modern sextants the collar holding the telescope is permanently fixed and no adjustment is possible. Question 16. What are the non-correctable errors that are found with the marine sextant? Answer: Non-adjustable (or non-correctable) errors of the sextant, include: (i) shade error, (ii) prismatic error, (iii) graduation error. Question 17. Where would you find the lubber line? Answer: The lubber line is found on the inside of the magnetic compass bowl, in line with the fore and aft line of the vessel. It is used to reference the ships head on to a compass heading. Question 18. While on watch you notice that the magnetic compass card is shuddering, what do you think might be wrong with the instrument? Answer: Unusual movement of the compass card in this manner could be a reflection of dirty bearings or a lack of lubrication on the gimbals. Question 19. When obtaining the density of the dock water using a sample bucket of water obtained from the dock, how would you ensure accuracy of your hydrometer reading? Answer: When obtaining the water sample I would ensure that the bucket is allowed to sink below the surface and draw a sample that would be uncontaminated with surface debris.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations When using the hydrometer, I would spin the instrument to break any surface tension against the scale bar and so obtain an accurate reading.

Question 22. When engaged in manual radar plotting operations, an OAW triangular plotting format is established. What do OA, WA and OW represent? Answer: Manual radar plotting techniques employ a minimum of three timed plots on any one target. OA represents the apparent motion of the target WA represents the true course and speed of the target OW represents own ships motion (course and speed) Radar: head up display Question 23. When taking a position fix by use of the azimuth bearing circle, the charted position shows an enlarged cocked hat. What would you do? Answer: Any cocked hat of size would probably indicate that one or more of the bearings and respective position line(s) was incorrect. I would therefore consider that the position was unreliable and would look to take another position. It is expected that primary and secondary position fixing methods are employed wherever and whenever possible. Having confirmed the position by an alternative system, I would inspect the azimuth mirror for defect and check its use by carrying out another sequence of bearings. Any fault detected would be reported to the Master. Question 24. How often do you test and check the ships steering gear? Answer: The regulations state that the steering gear must be tested by the ships crew, twelve (12) hours before departure. In reality the steering gear is thoroughly checked out alongside the navigation equipment 1 to 2 hours before leaving any port. An entry is made into the Deck Log Book and the Master would be advised that the operational features were effective and free of defects (ships will have an ISM checklist for such procedures). Question 25. How are the ships chronometers maintained? Answer: Most vessels are now equipped with quartz chronometers and as such they do not have to be wound at regular intervals like the 2- and 8-day mechanical chronometers. Most ships will keep the chronometer(s) in a robust wood box with the instrument slung on a gimbal arrangement. This box will in turn be mounted in an insulated cabinet with a glass, see through, dust protective cover. It is normal practice to rate the chronometer daily by comparison with a radio time check signal. Question 26. Is the Automatic Identification System (AIS) being fitted to all ships? Answer: No. Vessels less than 500 grt are not required to have AIS.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 27. What is the compass error and when do you apply it? Answer: The compass error is obtained by taking an azimuth or amplitude or by making a comparison on the chart with a known bearing. The error is made up of the algebraic sum of Variation and Deviation and is used to convert compass bearings and courses to true directions, and vice versa, true to compass. Question 28. While on watch the off course alarm is activated. What actions would you take as the Officer of the Watch? Answer: The off course alarm is an audible signal and I would cancel this and investigate the cause of activation. As the OOW I would ensure that the steering motor(s) is on and functioning correctly and immediately check the comparison course on the magnetic compass with the gyro heading and the auto pilot heading. The weather and/or sea state could have affected the course temporarily. If the cause cannot be ascertained and rectified, I would engage manual steering by the magnetic compass and inform the ships master of the defect. A statement would be entered into the deck log book to this effect. Question 29. On a Roll OnRoll Off (Ro-Ro) vessel you are on stations on the bridge prior to sailing. The cargo load has just completed. How would you know that the stern ramp, and bow door/visor are locked down and secured ready for sea? Answer: It is a requirement that Ro-Ro vessels have closed-circuit television (CCTV) monitoring all access points into the vessel. It would be necessary to check the visual display monitor to see the watertight integrity of the ship is intact. This would additionally be checked by a red/green light tell tale, sensoractivated display showing all green lights. Each station operator or Deck Officer would also verbally confirm by radio that the respective aperture is closed and locked. Question 30. Men are assigned to clean and paint the radar scanner tower. What precautions would you take as OOW? (Assume that the vessel is in open water and clear visibility.) Answer: It would be expected to draw the fuses from the circuit box and place a notice on the Plan Position Indicator (PPI) screen to prevent accidental switch on and also inform the master and take precautions.

LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES AND REGULATIONS Question 1. How many immersion suits must be provided to each lifeboat? Answer: Three per boat (assuming totally enclosed boats) if the boat is a designated rescue boat. Note: New legislation (2006) will require immersion suits for all the ships complement.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 2. How many lifejackets must be carried aboard a passenger carrying vessels over 500 grt? Answer: One for every person on board plus an additional 5% and enough child lifejackets equal to 10% of the total number of persons on board to ensure one lifejacket for every child on board. Question 3. What pyrotechnics are carried in survival craft? Answer: Six hand flares, four rocket parachute flares and two orange smoke floats. Question 4. How many lifebuoys must be carried aboard your ship? Answer: The number of lifebuoys carried will be dependent on the ships length: Question 5. What additional equipment, over and above standard lifeboat equipment, would you expect to be carried by a designated rescue boat? Length of ship in metres Minimum number of lifebuoys Less than 100 then 8 100 or more but less than 150 then 10 150 but less than 200 then 12 200 or more then 14 Answer: A buoyant towing line of 50 m length. Two rescue lines and quoits each of 30 m in length. A waterproof first aid kit. A search light. An effective radar reflector. Thermal Protective Aids (TPAs) sufficient for 10% of the number of persons that the boat is certified to carry, or two, whichever is the greater. Walkie-talkie communications if from a non-passenger vessel. A painter system with a quick release operational method. A typical example rescue boat employed with offshore stand -by vessels, passenger ferries, and vessels fitted with free-fall lifeboats. A whistle or sound signaling apparatus. A waterproof electric torch. Question 6. What is the length of the painter fitted to a manually launched, inflatable liferaft? Answer: The Safety of Life at Sea (Convention) (SOLAS) Regulations require the liferaft painter to be 15 m in length. However, it should be noted that manufacturers supply liferafts with a standard painter length of 25 m. Question 7. Why are davit launched liferafts supplied with two (2) painters? Answer: Davit launched liferafts have a short painter for causing inflation in the davit launched mode. The liferafts employed with a davit launching system must be capable of being launched by the throw over inflatable method, in the

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations event that the davit system becomes inoperable. If such conditions arise there must be a long painter to allow launching in the manual, throw over, inflatable manner, hence a second painter. Question 8. What markings do you expect to see on the outside of the liferaft canister? Answer: the following will mark the canister: (a) The manufactures name and/or logo. (b) The instructions for launching in diagram and text format. (c) The capacity (manning) that the raft is designed for. (d) Whether it is equipped with a survival pack and type of pack (A or B). (e) The length of painter fitted to the survival craft. (f) The date of last service. (g) The next date of service due. (h) The symbol do not roll sign. Question 9. What is the period of validity of the HAMMAR disposable Hydrostatic Release Unit? Answer: Two (2) years. Question 10. What are the two functions of the rescue boat? Answer: A rescue boat should be capable of recovery of person or persons from the water. It must also be capable of marshaling survival craft together. Question 11. At what depth would you expect a liferafts Hydrostatic Release Unit, to activate? Answer: Between 2 and 6m. Question 12. Are all ships liferafts fitted with Hydrostatic Release Units (HRUs)? Answer: No. Some large vessels over 100m in length with accommodation either all forward, or all aft, will be required to be fitted with a 6- man liferaft. This 6-man liferaft is not required to be fitted with an HRU. A typical liferaft securing arrangement. Question 13. What is the breaking strength f theweak link fitted with the HRU? Answer: 2.1 kN _ 45 kg. Question 14. How often is the Liferaft and Hydrostatic Release Unit serviced, and can this period be extended? Answer: The raft and the HRU are both serviced at 12 monthly intervals. Note: Exception is a disposable HRU _ 2 years period and then replaced. The service period can be extended by 5 months for both HRU and liferaft.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 15. What type of distress signals could you make from a survival craft? Answer: Use of pyrotechnics: Rocket parachute flare throwing red star. Volume of orange-coloured smoke (smoke float). Red hand flares (six per survival craft). Inflatable liferaft canister, situated on exposed deck in a secured frame. It is fitted with securing retaining straps, manual release senhouse slip arrangement and a Hydrostatic Release Unit. Also: Raising and lowering of the arms. Burning bucket of oily rags. Whistle continuous sounding (any fog signal apparatus). Square flag having above or below it a ball (improvised shapes). Explosive signal (improvised axe bang on metal bucket). Activation of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) if carried in survival craft. SART operation. SOS transmitted by any means, use of flashing torch. Spoken word MAYDAY by means of walkie-talkie radios (carried under Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Regulations). Question 16. Describe how you would take a ships boat away from the vessels side when the parent vessel is underway and making way through the water at four (4) knots. Answer: Ensure that the boats painter is secured well forward on the parent vessel. Lower the boat to the surface with the crew wearing suitable clothing and lifejackets. Have the boats engine operational, but in neutral gear and have bowman and crew standing by to slip and clear the falls. Once at the surface and the falls are clear, the coxswain should use the tiller (wheel/rudder angle) to sheer the boat away Question 17. Totally enclosed lifeboats are equipped with a compressed breathing air bottle. What is the purpose of this and how long will the air last for? Answer: The air in the bottle of the TEMSC is to allow the boat to clear the immediate area in a battened down condition so as to be free from toxics or harmful gases. Provided the boat is correctly battened down and sealed the air will last for a period of 10 minutes and will tend to pressurise the inside of the craft. This is expected to provide enough time for the boat to head upwind into a clean atmosphere. Question 18. How many self-contained rocket line throwing apparatus are carried aboard a Class VII vessel, and what are the specifications of this equipment? Answer: Class VII vessels carry at least four (4) rocket line throwing apparatus.Specification of self-contained line throwing apparatus: the rocket line must have the capability to stretch the line 235 m, in order to achieve this most manufactures include approximately 275m of line.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Size of line is 4 mm diameter. When operated it is expected that 10% of the flight distance is an expected deflection allowance. Question 19. When firing a self-contained rocket line in an area of a strong cross wind, would you aim the rocket: (a) upwind, (b) downwind or (c) directly at the target? Answer: The answer is (b) downwind because the wind acts on the stretched line, not on the small rocket. This causes the line to bow outward and allows the rocket to turn in towards the target area. Question 20. What is the period of validity of ships pyrotechnics? Answer: Three (3) years. Note: Out-of-date pyrotechnics should be handed over for disposal to the police or coastguard authorities. Question 21. What is the construction of the wire falls lowering the ships lifeboats? Answer: Lifeboat falls are constructed in Extra Flexible Steel Wire Rope (EFSWR) of 6 _ 36w.p.s. Alternatives, include stainless steel manufactured falls, or a wirex lay which has a multi-plat construction which has antirotational properties. Question 22. Are the bowsing tackles for use with open boats rigged to advantage or disadvantage? Answer: Disadvantage. Question 23. What is the purpose of tricing pendants fitted to lifeboats? Answer: To bring the lifeboat alongside the ship during launching, when the parent vessel has an adverse list. Question 24. Assuming you are in charge, how would you attempt to beach a liferaft? Answer: I would order all persons to secure their lifejackets, and cause the floor of the liferaft to be inflated. I would prefer to carry out the operation in daylight onto a beach area which is rock free and without surf. I would deploy the sea anchor and man the two paddles on approaching the shore line, attempting to fend off any rock obstructions. Question 25. What is the emergency muster signal aboard your last ship? Answer: Seven or more short blasts, followed by one long blast on the ships whistle.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 26. In an emergency situation if time is available prior to launching survival craft, what additional items would you place into the survival craft? Answer: Several items would be useful if they are readily available and time permits. Any of the following are suggested: (a) Extra blankets. (b) Torch and extra batteries. (c) Additional food and water. (d) Hand held radios, EPIRBs or similar communication equipment. (e) Cigarettes (lifeboats only, not liferafts). (f) Notebook and pencil. (g) A pack of playing cards. Question 27. What three methods are employed to allow a free-fall lifeboat to become water borne? A free-fall lifeboat seen in the stowed position at the aft end of the vessel Scandia Spirit. The recovery crane is seen prominently in the upright position. The davit launched liferaft station is also seen in the quarterdeck position on the starboard quarter. Answer: The boat can be launched in the free-fall manner, or launched by lift off methods using the derrick or davit recovery system or alternatively allowed to float free. Question 28. How are lifeboat painters secured when the vessel is at sea? Answer: Inside the lifeboat fall and outside all other projections and made fast as far forward as is practical. Question 29. What symptoms would you look for when suspecting hypothermia is affecting a person? Answer: The casualty would experience discolouration of the skin, to a whiter pale shade. The lips could also turn bluish. When questioned the person may be incoherent. In acute hypothermia, loss of memory could be expected, pupil dilation and loss of consciousness could all follow. Note: Shivering would probably have ceased. Question 30. What treatment would you provide to a hypothermic victim if inside a liferaft? Answer: Remove any wet clothing from the person and replace by dry clothing if available. Note: Damp clothing is better than no clothing at all. Place the person in a Thermal Protective Aid (TPA) if available. Huddle other people around the chilled person to generate body warmth. Ensure that the entrances to the survival craft are battened down in order to raise the internal temperature of the raft.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations FIRE-FIGHTING APPLIANCES AND REGULATIONS Question 1. What is contained in the ships firemans outfits? Answer: A firemans suit with boots and gloves; a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA); harness and safety line; a protective helmet; safety lamp; and a firemans hand axe with insulated handle. Question 2. What is the construction of the firemans safety line and why is so constructed? Answer: The safety line is a woven flax line constructed about a steel core. The purpose of this construction is that the steel core would not be burned through, even if the flax caught alight. Question 3. When kitting a man up with the SCBA, what safety checks would you make? Answer: I would check the condition of all the web straps that they are not worn and that they are secure about the body. Inspect the air content gauge and ensure that the bottle is full. When turning on the air valve I would listen for the whistle alarm signal. When placing the mask over the face an even tension must be applied to the mask straps in order to create an airtight/smoke seal. This would be subsequently checked by shutting the air valve so that the wearer would experience the mask crushing onto the face, so creating a partial vacuum. This denotes that the wearer is not drawing air from around the sealed mask, and is therefore providing an effective smoke seal. I would then open up the valve to allow the wearer to breath on demand. Finally, communication with the wearer and the control position would be checked to ensure a safe entry. Note: Breathing apparatus use is covered by a checklist and permit to work system. Whenever donning B/A, these would be adhered to and completed. Question 4. What is the capacity of the emergency fire pump? Answer: The emergency fire pump must be capable of delivering the required two jets of water to any part of the vessel and also be able to produce a pressure of 2.1 bar on a third additional hydrant. Question 5. What length are the fire hoses on your ship? Answer: Minimum of 18 m and a maximum of 27 m, as per the regulations. Question 6. How many hoses would you expect a Class VII vessel to carry? Answer: A Class VII vessel could expect to carry a minimum of five (5) hoses, plus one (1) spare. When they are joined together the overall length must equal 60% of the ships length. Question 7. Where would you expect to find the International Shore Connection? Answer: It is usually kept readily available and found often at the top of the gangway, or on the bridge or alternatively in the Chief Officers office.

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Question 8. What maintenance would you regularly carry out on dry powder fire extinguishers? Answer: It is customary to shake dry powder extinguishers in order to prevent the powder from congealing in the event it may become, damp. They are also serviced at regular intervals under the Chief Officers planned maintenance schedule. Where any extinguisher is test fired, it would be recharged under supervision and date labelled. Note: Some company policies send extinguishers ashore for regular checks and maintenance inspections. Question 9. In the event of fire on board, what signal would you expect to hear? Answer: Continuous ringing of the ships fire alarm bells. Question 10. How much air time is contained in the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus bottles, assuming that the wearer is working at a steady rate? Answer: Normal working conditions for a person wearing breathing apparatus, would expect to provide approximately, twenty-five (25) minutes of air. After this the low air alarm whistle should sound. Note: In order to conserve air and make it last longer the wearer should sit down and rest. Heavy work demands more oxygen, and the air bottles would be consumed faster. Question 11. It is now a requirement that Ro-Ro passenger vessels are equipped with an emergency equipment locker. Where would you expect this locker to be located? Answer: This type of locker should be clearly marked and stowed on an upper deck, near the ships side. Example of an emergency equipment locker established on Ro-Ro passenger vessels. Question 12. What equipment is contained in the emergency equipment locker, as required for RoPax vessels, as stated above? Answer: (a) A long-handled fire axe. (b) A short-handled fire axe. H6701-Ch01.qxd 3/23/05 2:31 PM Page 34 (c) A 7 lb pin maul. (d) A crowbar. (e) Four torches or lamps. (f) A lightweight collapsible ladder (of at least 3 m). (g) A lightweight rope ladder (10m length). (h) A first aid kit. (i) Six sealed thermal blankets or alternatively six TPAs. (j) Four sets of waterproof clothing. (k) Five-padded lifting strops for adults. (l) Two-padded lifting strops for children. (m) Three hand powered lifting devices.

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Question 13. Where are the extinguishers in the main engine room? Answer: Extinguishers must be strategically positioned so that a person walking in any direction of ten (10) metres will come upon a fire extinguisher. Note: Appropriate types of extinguishers are placed to reflect the type of fire that maybe anticipated, i.e. electric board CO2 extinguisher close by. Question 14. When acting as OOW, the duty engineer telephones the navigation bridge and states that there is a small fire in the engine room store. What immediate action would you take? Answer: Not having already heard any fire alarm, I would immediately sound the bridge fire alarm and carry out the following actions: (a) Advise the Master as soon as possible. (b) Place the ships position on the Chart. (c) Engage manual steering with a quarter master. (d) Close all watertight and fire doors. (e) Place engines on stand-by as soon as appropriate and reduce speed. (f) Alter the ships course to position the wind direction, directly astern (to reduce the draught and oxygen content within the vessel).1 (g) Proceed to my muster station, once relieved on the bridge. Question 15. Following your watch at sea, you are carrying out rounds of the vessel and you discover smoke is issuing from under a cabin door. What action would you take? Answer: Following the discovery of smoke in the accommodation block I would immediately assume a fire has occurred and I would take the following actions: (a) Raise the alarm and inform the navigation bridge (b) Isolate live electrical circuits effecting the location of the fire. (c) Close off all ventilation to the fire-affected area. (d) Prepare to attack the fire on as many sides as possible. (e) Rig a hose to the cabin entrance ready for the fire party. (f) Once the alarm has been sounded, it must be anticipated that a fire party is being mustered and fitted out with breathing apparatus. (g) I would order the fire party, when ready to tackle the fire immediately, by kicking in the crash panel at the base of the cabin door. This would allow a jet hose to be pushed into the cabin and directed towards the deck head. This action would deflect the jet of water, off the deck head and cool the interior of the cabin. (h) The hose could then be extracted and turned to a spray to protect fire fighters as they make an entry into the cabin. (i) The entry being made with two hoses one in spray for protection, the second in jet to kill the fire. It should be realised that hoses should not be employed until the electrical circuits have been isolated. Note: The cabin door should not be opened until back-up fire fighters are in position, as this action would only allow an ingress of oxygen and probably cause a flash fire scenario.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Once the navigation bridge has been informed it would be anticipated that the Master would take the conn of the vessel alter course to put the wind astern and reduce speed. This action would reduce the oxygen content throughout the ship and tend to starve the fire of oxygen. It must also be assumed that the Chief Officer would manage the fire fighting operation and carry out a role call of all personnel (especially the cabin occupant). His duties would also include establishing boundary cooling and first aid parties being placed on stand-by. Question 16. How is the paint room fire protected, on your last ship? Answer: Depending on the age of the vessel, regulations make it necessary for paint rooms to be protected by a fixed sprinkler system. Question 17. What colour is a CO2 fire extinguisher, and what type of fire would you expect to use it on? Answer: CO2 extinguishers are red in colour with black strip on top and would generally be expected to be used on electrical fires. Question 18. Is CO2 a smothering agent or an extinguishing agent? Answer: CO2 is a smothering agent. Question 19. What extinguisher requirements are expected on the vehicle decks of Ro-Ro vessels? Answer: Ro-Ro vehicle decks are expected to have at least two (2) portable extinguishers suitable for oil fires, for every forty (40) metre length of deck space. Question 20. Means of stopping the main engines from a remote position outside of the engine room is a requirement of the regulations. What types of stops are provided and what do they cut off? Answer: The more modern vessel will be equipped with solenoid switches which operate gate valves. These close down the fuel supply, shut down fans, and boilers inside the machinery space. Question 21. If your vessel is fitted with a heli-landing deck, what firefighting and emergency equipment would you expect to find available? Answer: Helicopter landing areas are expected to have a crash-box of emergency equipment adjacent to the landing area and additionally the following fire-fighting appliances: (a) Dry powder extinguisher of 45 kg capacity. (b) A foam application system. (c) CO2 extinguisher of 16 kg capacity. Question 22. How would passengers aboard a passenger vessel, be informed of a fire on the ship and be advised to move to muster stations? Answer: Passenger vessels must have a Public Address (P/A) system as part of the statutory fire-fighting appliances. If deemed necessary to muster

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations passengers this P/A system would be operated to give instructions and warnings. Question 23. How is the pump room of a tanker, fire protected? Answer: Pump rooms on tankers are protected spaces and covered by a fixed fire extinguishing system, which is operated from outside of the compartment. (Usually a CO2 operation. Note: Pump rooms are treated as enclosed spaces.) After July 2002, under SOLAS II-2 Regulations 4, 5.10.3/4, cargo pump rooms were required to be fitted with gas detection/bilge alarm systems. Question 24. A modern vessel is fitted with an emergency control room. What items of equipment and operational features would you expect to find inside such a room? Answer: Emergency control rooms are usually fitted with the activation equipment for the operation of: the emergency main engine stops, the CO2 total flooding system, water fog application unit, firemans outfits, emergency pumping/valve systems together with bulkhead mounted plans for emergency operations. Communications are also featured, usually linked to the navigation bridge from such a compartment. Question 25. What is a water fog application unit? Answer: SOLAS requirements (1995) require that passenger vessels and RoRo Ferries, over 500 grt, carrying over 36 passengers are required to carry two (2) water fog application units. These are pressure units which deliver a water-mist extinguishing agent to designated spaces of high risk. These units are carried in addition to the total flood systems required by the regulations. Question 26. A fire is discovered around the oil stoves in the galley. What type of extinguishers would you expect to employ? Answer: Oil stoves would usually generate oil fires and as such attack by foam extinguishers would normally be expected. Question 27. What are the three elements of the so-called fire triangle? Answer: Fuel, oxygen and heat. Question 28. A man fitted with Breathing Apparatus would be expected to wear a harness and have a lifeline fitted. What is the construction of the lifeline and why is it so constructed? Answer: The lifeline is constructed with a steel wire core and an outer covering of flax. The purpose of the wire core is to prevent the wire from being burnt through. Question 29. What type of nozzles is fitted to the hoses aboard ships? Answer: Ships must be fitted with dual-operation spray and jet nozzles.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 30. Where would you anticipate hydrants would be found in a ships engine room? Answer: At least one would be positioned on either side of the engine room and one would be inside any shaft tunnel. In any event sufficient hydrants must be placed to bring two jets of water to bear to any point.

ANCHORWORK Question 1. What type of anchors is generally fitted to Class VII vessels? Answer: Stockless anchors. Question 2. What are the parts of a stockless anchor? Answer: Anchor Crown D shackle, shank, arms, fluke, pea or bill, crown, tripping palms. The lower part of the anchor attached to the shank is termed the head of the anchor. Question 3. What is the length of a shackle of anchor cable? Answer: A shackle length is 15 fathoms, or 27.5m (90 ft). Question 4. How are shackle lengths joined together? Answer: The most popular method of joining anchor cable shackles is by the use of Kenter Lugless joining shackles alternatively D lugged joining shackles may be used. Question 5. How would you secure the Stockless Anchor, when the vessel is about to proceed outward bound to sea? Answer: Once the anchor is home and stowed correctl y into the hawse pipe the windlass brake would be firmly applied. The hawse pipe cover would be set in position and the bow stopper would be secured. Crown Head Anchor Crown D shackle Shank Pea or bill Fluke Arm Tripping palm Example of a stockless anchor. A devils claw would be set and tensioned with the bottle screw and additional chain lashings may be passed through the Anchor Crown D shackle and shackled on deck. Finally, the spurling pipes would be sealed with either designated covers or by means of a stuffing pudding and cement. Question 6. What is considered Good Holding Ground for the anchor? Answer: Mud or clay. Question 7. What is considered Bad Holding ground for the anchor? Answer: Ooze, marsh, soft sand, rock, pebble.

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Question 8. How does the anchor arrangement hold the ship tethered in one position? Answer: It is the amount of chain cable that effectively keeps the vessel in the anchored position, not just the weight or size of the anchor itself. When anchoring the vessel, the objective is to lay the chain cable in a line on the seabed and avoid the cable piling up. This action is meant to provide a horizontal pull on the anchor to drive the flukes into the holding ground. Note: A short length of cable would have tendency to pull upwards and cause the anchor to break out. Question 9. What type of braking system, do you find on the ships windlass? Answer: There are several types of braking systems commercially available but probably the most widely used is the band brake. Alternative system would be a disc brake. Question 10. How is the bitter end of the anchor cable secured inside the chain locker? Answer: The last link of the last shackle is usually an open link which is held in check by a through, draw bolt, in a bracket or clench, quick release arrangement. Common link (inside locker) Draw bolt Open link Forelock Securing the Bitter End. Current regulations require that the chain cable can be slipped from a position external to the cable locker.The bitter end attachment being achieved by an easily removed draw bolt system or similar arrangement. Question 11. How would you break a Kenter, Lugless-joining shackle? Answer: To break a Kenter joining shackle, punch and drift the spile pin. Movement of the spile pin will push out the lead pellet. Once the spile pin is removed, knock out the centre stud then separate the two shackle halves by hammer blows to the side of the link. Question 12. What prevents the spile pin from accidentally falling out of the joining shackle with the vibration caused in the cable when operating anchors and cables? Answer: Once the tapered spile pin has been inserted into the shackle, a lead mould pellet is forced into the dove tail chamber, a space above the top of the pin. This shaped cavity prevents the lead from dropping out, while at the same time retaining the spile pin. Question 13. Where would you find the ganger length on an anchor cable?Answer: The ganger length is the term given to the few additional links found between the Anchor Crown D Shackle and the first (1st) joining shackle. The ganger length may or may not have a swivel piece within it.

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Question 14. What and where is the snug on a windlass? Answer: The snug is the recess found on the gypsy of the windlass or cable holder that holding position where the individual links drop into onto the gypsy. Question 15. How do you know, after letting go the anchor, when the vessel is brought up? Answer: By watching the cable after applying the brake once the required scope has been played out. If the cable rises up, to long stay and then bows, to form a catenary, then rises again. This cable movement is an indication that the vessel is riding to her anchor not dragging her anchor. If the cable stays taught all the time it may be assumed that the anchor is dragging under the tension. Question 16. How would you normally pump out the chain locker, aboard a general cargo vessel? Answer: Normal practice would be to use a manual hand pump operation. The reason for this is that the construction Regulations only allow the collision bulkhead to be pieced once and this is usually Water line Catenary of cable Line of cable as vessel is brought up Cable brought up. Assigned to the fore peak tank because of its regular use, the chain locker being traditionally positioned forward of this bulkhead. Note: Deep draughted vessels would usually employ an educator process. Question 17. What is the advantage of mooring using two anchors as opposed to a single anchor? Answer: Use of two anchors is used where weather is causing problems and a second anchor is employed usually to prevent the vessel from dragging her single anchor. Where a designated moor is used, like a running moor operation, two anchors are employed to reduce the circle of swing. Question 18. How would you measure the size of anchor cable? Answer: Measure the size of the bar that the link is manufactured from, by use of external calipers. Question 19. How would you prepare an anchor for letting go when coming in from sea? Answer: Having received orders to prepare the anchor, I would obtain power on deck from the engineers and proceed to the focstle head with the stand-by man: (a) Ensure that the windlass is out of gear, and turn the machinery over. The gears and moving parts would be oiled as the machinery is stopped. (b) Place the anchor in gear.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations (c) Remove the hawse pipe cover of the specified anchor. (d) Remove the devils claw and any additional chain lashings. (e) Remove the bow stopper (guillotine or compressor type). (f) Remove the brake on the windlass. (g) If spurling pipe covers are employed these would be removed. (If cement and pudding has been used walk back the anchor a small amount, approximately 0.2 m. This will be enough for the cement to crack and clear the mouth of the spurling pipe. Waste cement can then be cleared with ease.) (h) Continue to walk back the anchor, until the anchor is clear of the hawse pipe and above the water surface. (i) Place the brake on hard, and check that the brake is holding. (j) Once the brake is seen to be effective, take the anchor out of gear. (k) Report to the bridge that the anchor is ready for letting go. Note: Not all ships let go the anchor and it is common practice with the large and heavy anchor arrangements to walk the anchor back all the way to the seabed. This would also apply to deep water anchorages. Question 20. How would you test the brake on the windlass? Answer: Once the brake has been turned on, it can be tested by the following methods: (a) Having walked the anchor clear, reverse the movement of the windlass and turn the gear plates back to provide a small space between them. Turn off the power and watch to see if the gear plates close up on themselves. If the gear plates remain stationary and the gap does not close the brake is effective. (b) Alternative method would be to put the brake on and provide a burst of power to the chain movement. Provided the anchor chain does not move forward, it will be observed that the windless bed shudders under the stationary weight. The brake can be considered as being effective. (This is not the best method as over time it could strain the securing of the windlass bed.) Question 21. When in Dry Dock, it is decided to end for end the anchor cables. Once this operation is completed, what action must now be carried out before the cables are returned to the chain lockers? Answer: The cables would be re marked. Question 22. When weighing the anchor, when would you inform the bridge that the anchor is aweigh? Answer: The ship is still considered to be anchored all the while the anchor is in contact with the seabed. Once the anchor clears the bottom, the up and down chain will be seen to fall away, back to the ship and it can be assumed that this moment in time is when the anchor is termed aweigh. Note: The experienced Officer is generally not in any hurry to signal to the bridge, anchor aweigh. He would much prefe r to see the anchor hove up, to a position of being sighted and clear. This avoids embarrassment later, in the event that the anchor has been fouled.

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Question 23. What is the difference between short stay and long stay? Answer: Short stay is a term used to express a short amount of visible cable at a steep angle from the hawse pipe to the water surface. Whereas long stay is a term which describes where the cable is in a more horizontal direction towards being parallel to the surface of the water. The cable is said to grow from a shorter stay to a long stay aspect. Question 24. What day signal must a vessel display when lying to her anchor? Answer: A vessel at anchor must display a black ball, in the fore part of the vessel, where it can best be seen. The ball shall be not less than 0.6m in diameter.

Question 25. What is the fog signal for a vessel at anchor? Answer: A vessel at anchor, in fog, will sound a rapid ringing of the ships bell, in the forepart of the vessel for a period of about 5 seconds, at intervals of not more than 1 minute. If the vessel is more than 100m in length, the bell signal would also be followed by the gong signal, in the aft part of the vessel. Question 26. Where would you expect to find a swivel link in the anchor cable? Answer: If the cable contains a swivel piece this would normally be found next to the Anchor Crown D shackle set into the ganger length before the first joining shackle of the cable.

Question 27. What type of bow stoppers do you know? Answer: There are two popular types of bow stopper employed in the Mercantile Marine. These are the Guillotine Bar type and the Compressor type. The tanker and offshore vessels often employ an auto-kick down (AKD) type stopper, which is counter weighted to wedge against the links of the chain. Two AKD stoppers engaged on the forward chain moorings of a shuttle tanker engaged in offloading oil from a Floating Storage Unit (FSU). Question 28. What is the range of the anchor lights of a vessel over 50 m in length? Answer: Three (3) miles. Question 29. What is the difference between a fouled anchor and a fouled hawse? Answer: The fouled anchor is the description given to when the anchor itself is fouled by some object like a cast off fishing wire, or even by its own cable turned around the fluke. A fouled hawse occurs when the vessel has moored with two anchors and ships anchor cables have become entwined, usually caused by a change in

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations the wind direction, causing the vessel to swing in opposition to the lay of cables. Question 30. While acting as OOW aboard a vessel riding to a single anchor, you observe that the vessel is yawing excessively from side to side. What are the dangers of this and what action would be expected? Answer: If excessive yawing is taking place there is a danger that the anchor will be broken out of the ground allowing the vessel to subsequently drag her anchor. The OOW would be expected to inform the master of the vessels movement and he would probably order more cable to be laid. The position and the weather conditions should be tightly monitored and the state of any tidal stream should be checked.

DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF THE DECK (TANKERS AND DRY CARGO) CARGO WORK Question 1. What do you understand by the term stowage factor? Answer: Stowage factor is the volume occupied by unit weight and expressed in either ft3/ton, or m3/ton. (No account is taken of broken stowage). Question 2. What is broken stowage? Answer: Unfilled spaces between cargo packages are termed broken stowage. It tends to be the greatest amongst assorted sizes of large cases where the stow is at the turn of the bilge or where the vessel fines off, in the fore and aft regions. Question 3. What is Grain Space? Answer: This is the total internal volume of the cargo compartment measured from the internal side of the shell plating to the shell plating on the opposite side. Also measured from the tank tops to the under deck. This measurement is used for any form of bulk cargo which could completely fill the space. An allowance being made for space occupied by beams and frames etc Question 4. What is bale space? Answer: Bale space is the internal volume measured from the underside of beams to the tank tops and from the inside edges of the spar ceiling and bulkhead stiffeners. Question 5. How could you separate similar cargoes but destined for different Ports of discharge? Answer: Depending on the nature of the cargo parcels would depend on the type of separation that could be employed. Clearly the best form of separation is to stow cargoes in alternative compartments. In the event that the loading plan does not permit this, paint, paper, dye mark, dunnage, burlap or nets can be used on a variety of general cargoes.

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Question 6. If loading a cargo parcel of hazardous material, where would you obtain the details of such a cargo? Answer: Dangerous and hazardous goods are detailed in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code (the International Maritime Organization (IMO) publication: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code). Question 7. How would you prepare a cargo hold for the carriage of Grain? Answer: I would ensure that the hold was thoroughly clean and dry. It should be seen to be free of rust and infestation. The hold should be free of any taint from previous cargoes. I would test the hold bilge suctions and tween deck scuppers and ensure that the bilge bays are clean and dry. The bilges would then be covered with burlap (sack clothing) to allow passage of water but not solid matter. The vessel would be expected to comply with the Grain Regulations and may need feeder construction or the rigging of shifting boards. Prior to commencement of loading it would be anticipated that the hold may be inspected by a cargo surveyor to provide National Authority Approval, for the carriage of grain. Note: Bulk carrier type vessels require a Document of Authorisation and do not require the National Authority Approval. Question 8. How many classes of dangerous cargoes are covered by the IMDG Code? Answer: There are nine (9) classes of dangerous cargo pollutants. Question 9. What is the purpose of dunnage? Answer: Dunnage is wood plank boards laid under cargoes to provide ventilation and in some cases assist drainage of moisture from cargoes. Some cargoes require double dunnage. All dunnage must be clean and free of oil or grease contamination as this could spoil cargo quality. Dunnage can be used as a separation mode between cargo parcels but its prime function is to separate cargo from the steel decks and avoid cargo sweat. Question 10. While engaged in loading a tanker, a malfunction occurs in the inert gas system (IGS). What should the Cargo Officer of the Deck do? Answer: Any failure in operation of the IGS would immediately cause all loading operations to cease. Question 11. What are the main concerns for the Chief Officer if the vessel is scheduled to carry timber as deck cargo? Answer: When carrying timber as deck cargo there are two main concerns: (1) the securing of the timber cargo, (2) the absorption factor of timber, effecting the stability of the vessel.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 12. How would you load bags of Mail and what precautions would you take aboard a general cargo vessel? Answer: Mail bags are treated as a special cargo and would be loaded by nets or in a container under the supervision of a Security Officer.3 They would normally be tallied aboard, if loose and given lock up stow. Question 13. If your vessel is fitted with 5 ton safe working load (SWL) derricks could you load a 4.5 ton weight? Answer: Yes, the load could be lifted but not on the single whip, cargo runner. Normal practice would dictate that the derrick is fitted with a 24 mm FSWR cargo runner and the SWL of the wire would be exceeded. In order to lift this weight the derrick would need to be doubled up, so providing a gun tackle (two parts of wire in the purchase). This would effectively place 2.25 ton on each part of wire, each under the SWL. Question 14. Tanker vessels employ an IGS when engaged in loading. What prevents inert gas flowing backwards, towards the accommodation? Answer: Inert gas is prevented from going into a reverse flow, because each system is fitted with a deck water seal effectively a non return valve. Question 15. What alarms would you expect to find on an IGS? Answer: All IGSs must carry the following alarms: (a) Low water rate/pressure in the scrubber. (b) High water level rate inside the scrubber. (c) High gas temperature. (d) Failure of inert gas blower. (e) High oxygen. (f) Power supply failure on automatic control. (g) Low water level in the deck water seal. (h) Low gas pressure. (i) High gas pressure. Question 16. What precautions would you take when opening up a single pull, chain McGregor steel hatch cover? Answer: Steel hatch covers of the single pull type are opened by: (a) Rigging a bull wire to the leading hatch section. (b) Rigging a check wire to oppose the direction of pull. (c) Ensuring all the cleating side dogs are released. (d) Releasing any hatch top wedges and completing any work on the hatch top. (e) Turning down the eccentric wheels by use of the jacks. (f) Checking that the stowage bay and track ways are clear. (g) Taking the weight on the bull wire. (h) Manning the check wire. (i) Removing the safety end locking bolts. (j) Warning personnel to stand clear and sighting the safe position of personnel. (k) If all is in order, heaving the sections to roll open.

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Question 17. How would you stow 500 drums of corrosive liquid as deck cargo? Answer: It would be normal practice to check the product with the IMDG Code, to ensure that it was not incompatible with any other deck cargo being carried. This publication would also advise on any special stowage conditions. Unless otherwise advised these drums would be stowed in small batches so as to allow access to any leaking drums whilst in transit. In the event of a leaking drum developing while at sea, it may become necessary to jettison the effected drum(s). Each batch of drums would be lashed and netted against movement, alongside protected bulwarks and/or ships rails. Securings would be inspected daily and re-tensioned if found to be slack during the passage. Question 18. What ventilation would you expect to provide to a full bulk cargo of coal? Answer: Coal gives off gas which rises through the cargo to the top surface and therefore must be given, surface ventilation in order to clear gases. It is customary to lift hatch edges on old ships, when in good weather to clear coal gases. However, hatches should not be opened in adverse conditions that could in any way have a detrimental effect on the watertight integrity of the ship. New ships must comply with the BC Code and be provided with permanent venting systems. Question 19. What is the ullage in a cargo oil tank? Answer: Ullage is defined as the amount of liquid that a tank requires in order to be full. The ullage measurement is often measured by means of a gauge or a calibrated ullage stick. Question 20. Can any vessel carry all classes of dangerous goods? Answer: No, passenger vessels are not allowed to carry Class I (explosives) dangerous goods. Question 21. What type of slinging arrangement would be employed to lift steel H girders on board? Answer: Most steelwork, including H girders would use chain slings. A spreader may also be employed depending on the overall length of the girders. Question 22. Cargo pump rooms must be fitted with certain alarm systems. What are these alarms? Answer: Since July 2002, cargo pump rooms must have a gas detection alarm and a bilge alarm system. Question 23. What do you understand by the term flashpoint? Answer: Flashpoint is described as the lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapour to form a flammable mixture with air, near the surface of the liquid.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 24. What goods require a magazine stowage? Answer: Class I and II, explosive goods require a specially constructed magazine stowage. Question 25. What is cargo sweat? Answer: Cargo sweat occurs when the vessel is going from a cold climate to a hot climate and ventilating hatches at the wrong time. When the temperature of the hold and cargo is below the dew point of the incoming outside air cargo sweat can occur. Contrast is made to ships sweat, which is caused by not ventilating the cargo spaces. Question 26. What is the function of a cargo plan? Answer: The purpose of the cargo plan is to show the disposition of cargoes, showing the amount and type of cargo together with its port of discharge. It is a pictorial display which is meant to prevent cargo being over carried. It also allows the Chief Officer to order the necessary labour/equipment to facilitate the discharge at respective ports. Question 27. How would you stow 40 ft drop trailers in the vehicle deck of a Roll OnRoll Off Vessel? Answer: Vehicle decks on Ro-Ro vessels are fitted with star/dome lashing points. Drop trailers would be stowed and lashed in accord with the Cargo Securing Manual which would provide examples of securing methods. This size of trailer would normally be secured by a minimum of six (6) chain lashings each fitted with a tension load binding bar, the trailer being landed on a trestle at the front end while the rear is balanced by back wheels. A manual brake system would also be applied. Question 28. How is the maximum load on a vehicle ramp determined? Answer: Permitted ramp loads are determined by axle weight, namely the weight of the load divided by the number of wheel axles. Question 29. What precautions would you take prior to loading chemicals? Answer: I would be expected to check the IMDG Code with the correct name of the commodity and note any stowage recommendations. It would also be prudent to note the procedures to take in the event of spillage of the product, making any reference to the Medical First Aid Guide. Documentation of hazardous goods would be supported by emergency contact names and numbers for relevant shore side assistance. These would normally be held on the bridge for immediate use. Question 30. While working cargo in port the fire alarm is activated. What would you do as the Duty Cargo officer at the time? Answer: It would be prudent to stop all cargo work operations and remove all unnecessary Personnel from the ship, e.g. stevedores. I would instruct the ships foreman to check his men are clear of the vessel by head count and report back to the Chief Officer that his men are clear and in safety. It would

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations then be expected that the Cargo Officer would report to his designated fire muster station. RIGGING AND LIFTING GEAR Question 1. What is the construction of the topping lift of a 5 or 10 ton derrick? Answer: Topping lifts are usually a 24 mm EFSWR of 6 _ 36w.p.s. Question 2. What is the safe working angle, between the two runners when derricks are rigged in union purchase rig? Answer: Runner wires have a safe working angle of 90 but may carry out occasional lifts up to 120. Question 3. A 5 ton SWL derrick is marked at the heel with a U _ 1.6. What does this signify? Answer: U represents the union purchase, safe working load, in this case U _ 1.6 ton. Question 4. What is the difference between a hounds band and a spider band? Answer: A hounds band is the lugged band found around a mast to support the shrouds and the supporting stays. A spider band is found around the head of a derrick, to secure the guys, topping lift and lifting purchase. Question 5. What marking would you expect to find on the binding of a metal block? Answer: The safe working load and the certificate number. Question 6. What is the difference between a head block and a heel block? Answer: Very little difference other than the head fitting on the head block is an oval becket, while the heel block will be fitted with a duck bill fitting to accommodate the gooseneck arrangement. Question 7. As Officer of the Deck, when would you inspect the rigging of the derricks or cranes? Answer: Every time they are used. Question 8. What is the SWL of a 24mm FSWR? Answer: The breaking strength (BS) of the wire is found by the formula: Question 9. When doubling up a derrick, what lifting tackle is made? Answer: A gun tackle. Question 10. What is the purpose of the heart inside a flexible steel wire rope? Answer: The purpose of the heart to the wire, is to p rovide flexibility and lubrication.

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Question 11. What is the construction of a crane wire? Answer: Crane wires have a multi-plat construction known as Wirex this type of lay having non-rotational properties. Question 12. Where would you expect to find a Union Plate on a derrick rig? Answer: Union Plates are employed on derricks which operate with a single span topping lift as opposed to a span tackle, topping lift. The downhaul of the single span topping lift is shackled to the apex of the Union Plate, while the bull wire, and chain preventer are secured to the base of the plate. They are also employed to secure the runners and hook arrangement in a union purchase rig, where a triple swivel hook is not used. Question 13. What is a schooner guy? Answer: A schooner guy is set to replace the crossed inboard guys of two derricks when rigged in union purchase rig. Two derricks rigged in union purchase rig, with a schooner guy stretched between the spider bands at the derrick heads. The schooner is shackled between the spider bands of each derrick and acts to brace the two derricks within the rig. Question 14. What is the difference between standing rigging and running rigging? Answer: Running rigging is any wire or cordage that passes through a block. In the case of steel wire ropes, running rigging would be of flexible construction. Standing rigging, is generally steel wire rope, which does not pass over the sheave of a block. Its construction is 6 _ 6, or 6 _ 7 and is employed for such items as stays or shrouds. Question 15. How would you normally secure a pilot ladder? Answer: Modern day tonnage is usually constructed with a pilot boarding station and a designated gateway either side of the vessel. This station is generally fitted with twin deck pad-eyes. The rope tails of the pilot ladder are secured to the pad-eyes, by means of round turns and two half hitches. If the ship is fitted with bulwarks, the ladder is passed over the gunwale capping and the rope tails are passed through the freeing port and turned and secured about the ladders side ropes. Question 16. What maintenance operations would you expect to carry out on the lifeboat falls? Answer: Lifeboat falls are either Extra Flexible Steel Wire Rope (EFSWR) or wirex or manufactured in stainless steel. Under IMO Regulations they must be end for ended every 212 years and renewed every 5 years or whenever considered necessary (some Marine Authorities do these checks at 2 and 4 years). Lifeboat falls are also inspected at each Boat Drill. In between these periods regular lubrication coatings would be appl ied as required and/or as designated by the ships planned maintenance schedule.

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations The davit and fall system would undergo a 5-yearly test where the load test would be to a 110% of the loaded boat capacity. Questions 17. When would you expect a steel wire rope to be condemned? Answer: In the event that 10% of the wires are broken in any 8 diameter lengths of the wire, it should be condemned. Question 18. How do you know a rope has been approved and designated for use with Life Saving Appliances? Answer: The rope will carry a specified colour yarn rove through the lay of the rope. The yarn was originally referred to as a Rogues Yarn, and was designated to a specific port of origin to prevent one Royal Navy ship from stealing the ropes of another Royal Navy ship, from a different port. The term Rogues Yarn still survives but for identification purpose. Question 19. How would you supervise the breaking out of a new coil of mooring rope? Answer: I would instruct the Boatswain to use a suspended turntable, and flake the new rope the full length of the deck (approximately 120 fathoms in a new coil). It would then be coiled and stowed in the rope locker ready for future use. Question 20. Describe the operation and use of a pilot hoist? Answer: Pilot hoists are common to high sided vessels and the operation of the hoist must be carried out by a responsible Officer. Once rigged overside, the hoist must be tested prior to use. The two-way intercom from the platform to the deck would also be tested. The pilot will have an emergency stop control on the platform in the event of incident. Note: It should be noted that many pilots have a preference for using a pilot ladder as opposed to the hoist and it is a requirement that an option of a pilot ladder is kept readily available. Question 21. How would you supervise the painting of the ships bow by use of stages? Answer: With any operation overside, I would carry out a risk assessment and make reference to the Code of Safe Working Practice (COSWP) for relevant precautions when rigging stages. These would include the following. Load test and inspect the stages for possible defect prior to use, ensure adequate lengths of new gantlines are cut to secure stages by stage hitch and lowering hitch. Order personnel to wear harness and secured lifelines. Have a stand-by man in attendance to the stage operation, and rig appropriate side ladders to accommodate stage positions. A lifebuoy and heaving lines would be readily available for this operation. Many ships have a steep flare under the bow region, and this operation would necessitate the rigging of a bowsing in line around the bow. Paint rollers would require man-helpers attached in order to paint extended areas.

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Question 22. When taking a docking tug, how would you secure the tugs wire towline? Answer: Instructions from the pilot or the ships Master may dictate the method of securing the tugs wire. However, in the absence of positive instruction it would be anticipated that the towline would be obtained initially by heaving line, followed by a rope tail messenger. The wire would then be heaved on board and turned about the bitts in figure of 8 fashion, leaving the eye clear. The turns on the bollards would then be secured by a light lashing. Question 23. When acting as the Mooring Officer, at the ships aft station, what would be your main concerns and priorities? Answer: My prime concern in any mooring operation would be the safety of personnel engaged on the mooring deck. To this end I would pay particular attention to ensure effective communications to and from the mooring station. The ropes and associated resources would be inspected to make sure that heaving lines were in place, winches fully operational, and that all personnel had been briefed on the mooring procedures. Ropes and wires would be cleared and flaked ready for running in a manner as to avoid kinking. Stoppers would be rigged and seen to be in a good condition and the whole area would be adequately illuminated during the hours of darkness.

Question 24. How would you apply a chain stopper to a mooring wire when transferring the mooring from the winch drum to the bitts? Answer: The chain stopper is employed on a mooring wire by means of a cow hitch and then turned up against the lay of the wire (if the chain is turned with the lay the links could cause the wire to distort). Question 25. When employing bulldog wire rope grips, how would you secure them? Answer: When securing wire rope grips the positioning of each grip must be considered essential to the security of the hold. When securing grips the bolted brace part of the grip must be placed on the standing part, as illustrated below. The aft mooring deck station aboard a passenger/vehicle ferry. Securing bolts Standing part Bulldog wire rope grips. Question 26. What would you use seizing wire for? Answer: Seizing wire is employed for various uses including: marking of anchor cables at the shackle length ends, also for mousing the bolts/pins of shackles to prevent them from coming loose. The wire can also be secured to prevent bottle screws (US Turnbuckles) from accidentally unwinding

mandyconquers@gmail.com Oral Preparations Question 27. When splicing an eye into a mooring rope, what tools and implements would you need to use? Answer: Mooring ropes are heavy and of a large diameter. In order to affect an eye splice a large setting fid would be needed with a heavy mallet to open up the strands of the rope in order to complete the splice. Question 28. How would you join two wire hawsers together (without eye splicing) to take exceptional weight as in a towline? Answer: Turn the ends of the hawsers into a diamond carrick bend. Take the weight on the hawsers and then secure the tails with lashings. The use of the carrick bend is preferred to the double sheet bend because it will not jam when under tension and will release easily. Note: The weight needs to be taken before the lashings secure the tails or the lashings will be pulled adrift. Question 29. When would you employ a Spanish eye? (Sometimes referred to as a reduced eye or a Flemish eye.) Answer: This eye is found in a runner wire bolted onto the barrel of a cargo winch by means of a U bolt. Question 30. What hitch would you use when securing a bosun chair to a gantline? Answer: A double sheet bend only.

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