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Patel College of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department Proposed Teaching Scheme and Detailed Syllabus
M. Tech Sem. II (Electrical Engineering)
Examination Scheme
Subject Lecture (Hrs.) Tutorial (Hrs.) Practical (Hrs.) Total (Hrs.) Theory Pr/TW Total Int. Asses 3 4 4 3 0 4 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 4 2 5 30 30 30 30 00 30
Practical Grand Total Total 100 100 100 100 00 100 Pract/TW 00 00 50 50 100 50 100 100 150 150 100 150
1 2 3 4 5 6
Applications of AI in Electrical Engineering Power System Dynamics & Control Modern Power System Protection Electrical Drives Core Lab Elective-II
3 4 4 3 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2 2 4 2
3 4 6 5 4 6
Power System Group: - 3EE206-Power Quality & Energy Management Machines & Drives Group:- 2EE207- Analysis of Electrical Machines
GANPAT UNIVERSITY M.Tech. Sem. II (Electrical Engineering) 3EE 201:- Applications of AI in Electrical Engineering
Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) L 03 T 00
Unit No. 1
P 00
Total 03
Examination Scheme ( Marks) Theory Practical Sem. End Total Int. / TW Assess Marks Hrs 30 70 03 00 100
Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Foundation of Artificial Intelligence, Problem Solving Approaches, Reasoning in logical domain, quantification of Uncertainty, Probabilistic reasoning and model, application of Bayes rule, decision-making in the presence of uncertainty. Neural Networks: Introduction, Humans and Computers, Organization of the Brain, Biological Neuron, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models. Perception Models& Networks Applications, Back propagation-RBF algorithms-Hope field networks. Genetical Algorithms: Introduction,Encoding,Fittness Function, Reproduction Operators, Genetic Operators, Crossover & Mutation Op, Generational Cycles, Convergence of Genetic Algorithms Fuzzy Sets & System Components:Introduction to classical sets - properties, Operations and relations; Fuzzy sets, Membership, Uncertainty, Operations, properties, fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions, Fuzzification, Membership value assignment, development of rule base and decision making system, Defuzzification to crisp sets, Defuzzification methods Application of AI Techniques: Load forecasting-load flow studies-economic load dispatch-load frequency controlreactive power control-speed control of dc and ac motors, Voltage Stability & Condition Monitoring.
Reference Books: 1. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig , Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition , 2009,PHI. 2. Zimmermann, H. J., Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications, 2nd Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 3. D. P. Kothari and Bhavesh Bhalja, Application of AI in Electrical Engineering,, Tata Mcgrow Hil l, New Delhi, 2012. 4. El Hawaray Electrical Power Applications with Fuzzy systems, IEEE Press. 5. D. P. Kothari, J. S. Dhillon, Power System Optimisation, PHI. 6. M.Ganesh, A Introduction to fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, Prentice Hall India. 7. Kelvin Waruicke, Arthur Ekwlle, Raj Agarwal, AI Techniques in Power System, IEE London U.K. 8. Rajasekaran and G.A.V.Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithms, PHI, New Delhi, 2003. 9. Simon Haykin,Kalman Filtering and Neural Networks.
GANPAT UNIVERSITY M.Tech. Sem. II (Electrical Engineering) 3EE 202:- Power System Dynamics & Control
Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) L 04 T 00
Unit No.
P 00
Total 04
Examination Scheme ( Marks) Theory Practical Sem. End Total Int. / TW Assess Marks Hrs 30 70 03 00 100
Modeling Of Generator Machine Point of View: Classical Machine Description, Voltage Generation, openCircuit Voltage, Armature Reaction, Terminal Voltage, Power Delivered by Generator, Synchronizing Generator to an Infinite Bus, Role of Synchronous Machine Excitation in Controlling Reactive Power. Circuit Point of View: Energy Conversion, Application to Synchronous Machine, The Park Transformation, Circuit Model, Instantaneous Power Output, Applications, Synchronous operation, Steady-state Model, Simplified Dynamic Model, Generator Connected to Infinite Bus. Excitation and Prime Mover Controllers: Excitation System, Excitation System Modeling, Excitation System Standard Block Diagram, System Representation by State Equation, Prime Mover Control System. Dynamics of a Synchronous Generator Connected to Infinite Bus: System Model, Synchronous Machine Model, Calculation of Initial Conditions, System Simulation, Consideration of other Machine Model. Analysis of Single & Multi Machine System: Small Signal Analysis with Block Diagram Representation, Characteristic Equation and Application of Routh-Hurwitz Criterion, Synchronizing and Damping Torque Analysis, Small Signal Model: State Equation, Nonlinear Oscillations. Simplified system Model, Detailed models: Case I, Detailed models: Case II, Inclusion of Load and SVC dynamics, Modal Analysis of Large Power Systems, Case Studies. Transmission Lines, SVC and Loads: Transmission Lines, D-Q Transmission using -Variables, Static VAR Compensators, Loads.
Reference Books:
1. K. R. Padiyar , Power System Dynamics, B S Publications. 2. Vijay Vittal, Bergen, Power Systems Analysis, Pearson Education. 3. P.Kundur, Power System Stability & Control, Tata McGraw hill. 4. L. P. Singh, Advanced Power System Analysis and Dynamics, New Age International Ltd, New Delhi, 1992. 5. Allen J. Wood, and Bruce F. Wollenberg, Power Generation, Operation and Control, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 6. I.J. Nagrath & D.P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. New Delhi.
GANPAT UNIVERSITY M.Tech. Sem. I (Electrical Engineering) 3EE 203:- Modern Power System Protection
Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) L 04 T 00
Unit No.
P 02
Total 06
Examination Scheme ( Marks) Theory Practical Sem. End Total Int. / TW Assess Marks Hrs 30 70 03 50 150
Power System Protection Basics: Need for Protective Systems, Nature and Causes of Faults, Types of Faults, Effects of Faults ,Fault Statistics, Evolution of Protective Relays, Zones of Protection, Primary and Back-up, Protection, Essential Qualities of Protection, Classification of Protective Relays, Classification of Protective Schemes, Automatic Reclosing , Current Transformers for Protection , Potential Transformer , Summation Transformer, Phase-sequence Current segregating Network, Basic Relay Terminology. Digital & Numerical Relaying: Overview of Analogue relays Digital Relaying Algorithms, Differential Equation Technique, Discrete Fourier Transform Technique, Walsh-Hadamard Transform Technique, Rationalized Haar Transform Technique Removal of the dc Offset, Introduction to probability and random processes, Kalman Filtering. Algorithms. Modern Numerical Relays Protection of Transmission Line: Overcurrent Protective Schemes, Directional and Distance Protection Schemes. Adaptive relaying fault location algorithms. Protection of Electrical Machines: Protection of Generators- Class A, B and C Protection Scheme. Transformer ProtectionBiased- Differential Protection Scheme. A.C. Motors- Comprehensive Protection Schemes. Bus-Zone Protection: Protection Schemes for Bus-zone, Frame Leakage Protection. Reclosing & Synchronizing of Circuit Breaker: Auto Reclosing, Needs of Reclosing & Synchronizing
Reference Books:
1. Bhavesh Bhalja, R. P. Maheshwari and N. G. Chothani, Protection and Switchgear, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1st Edition, 2011. 2. T.S. Madhava Rao, Power System Protections (Static Relays), Tata McGraw -hill, 1989. 3. A.R. van C Warrington, Protective Relays, Chapman and Hall London, 1968. 4. S. H. Horowitz and A. G. Phadke, Power System Relaying, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996 5. P. M. Anderson, Power System Protection, IEEE Press, Wiley Interscience, A John Wiley & Sons Inc; New York, 1999.
GANPAT UNIVERSITY M. Tech. Sem. I (Electrical Engineering) 3EE 204:- Electric Drives
Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) L 03 T 00
Unit No. 1
P 02
Total 06
Examination Scheme ( Marks) Theory Practical Sem. End Total Int. / TW Assess Marks Hrs 30 70 03 50 150
Introduction of Electric Drives: Classification of Electric Drives, Basic Elements of Electric Drives, Dynamics Condition of Drive System, Stability Consideration of Electric Drive. DC Drives: Modeling, Rectifier fed DC drive, Chopper controlled DC drives, Close loop control of DC drive. Analysis of steady state and dynamic operation. Induction Motor Drives: Operation with unbalanced voltage and unbalanced rotor impedances, effect of time harmonics on the motor performance, Various methods of braking, transient analysis, speed control using change in no. of poles, stator voltage control, variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) control, rotor resistance control, Concept of constant power and constant torque drives for slip power recovery system, Static Scherbius and Kramer drives, direct torque control, direct frequency control. Synchronous Motor Drives: Introduction, Sinusoidal SPM machine drives, synchronous reluctance machine drives, Trapezoidal SPM machine drive, wound field synchronous motor drive, Loadcommutated Synchronous Motor Drives, permanent magnet Motor Drive, Vector controlled PMSM drive, UPF control, torque angle control, optimum torque per ampere control, operation with fixed frequency & variable frequency voltage source.
Reference Books:
1. P. S. Bhimbra, Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines , Khanna Publications. 2. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Narosa, 2001. 3. Dubey .G.K. Power semiconductor controlled Drives, Prentice Hall international, New Jersey, 1989. 4. R. Krishnan, Electrical motor drives Modeling, Analysis and Control PHI-India, 2005 . 5. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC drives, Pearson Education Asia, 2003. 6. Dewan, S. Slemon B., Straughen, A. G.R., Power Semiconductor drives , John Wiley and Sons, New York 1984. 7. P.C. Sen., Thyristor DC Drives, John Wiley and sons, New York, 2001. 8. Bimal. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003. 9. N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland & W.P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converter, Applications & Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.
GANPAT UNIVERSITY M.Tech. Sem. II (Electrical Engineering) 3EE 205:- Core Laboratory
Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) L 00 T 00 P 04 Total 04 Theory 00 Pr/TW 02 Total 02
Examination Scheme ( Marks) Theory Practical Sem. End Total Int. / TW Assess Marks Hrs 00 00 00 100 100
Introduction to basics of MATLAB programming & various tool boxes like control 1. 1 system, optimization tool box etc. 2. 2 Introduction to Simulink and various block sets. Plotting response of first order and second order circuits with the help of MATLAB 3. 3 programming & Simulink. 4. 4 Simulation of control system represented in state space form 5. 5 Least Square Method & Divided Difference Method 6. 6 Probabilistic Reasoning and Modeling 7. 7 Genetic Algorithm And Modeling 8. 8 Fuzzy Sets & Model 9. 9 Application of AI in Power Systems and Machines 10. 1 Stability Analysis 0 11. Modeling of Electrical Machines
GANPAT UNIVERSITY M.Tech. Sem. II (Electrical Engineering) 3EE 206:- Power Quality & Energy Management
Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) L 03 T 00
Unit No.
P 02
Total 05
Examination Scheme ( Marks) Theory Practical Sem. End Total Int. / TW Assess Marks Hrs 30 70 03 50 150
Introduction to Power Quality: Definition of power Quality, Responsibility of supplier and users of elect power, Standards, Voltage sags, cures of law frequency disturbances, voltage tolerance, Transients, Transient system model, Examples of models & response, Types and causes of transients, Examples of transient wave forms. IEEE 519-1992 Standards: Standards & Implementation to enhancement of Power Quality. Quality and Reliability of Industrial / Commercial Power Systems: Introduction, Sources of Harmonics, Harmonics in supply system, Effects of Harmonics & Mitigation Techniques, Active & Passive Filters, Power Factor, Reliability analysis of power system and restructured electrical market. Energy Management: Concept of energy management, elements of energy management, energy cost, energy performance, energy saving calculations, balancing energy use and requirement, maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing input energy requirement, Demand Side Management. Energy Audit & Case Studies: Introduction, types and walkthrough energy audit. Energy audit at unit level, Industrial Audit approaches. Procedure for energy audit and equipments required. Comprehensive Energy audit Site testing Measurement & Analysis of Electrical System equipment and utility system. The Electrical Utility in Industry: Introduction, Electrical utilities characterized by function, Different regulated electrical utility frameworks, Electrical Utility structure in deregulated industry, Energy conservation task in industry.
Reference Books:
1. C. Sankaran, Power quality, CRC publication. 2. Roger C. Dugan, Electrical Power Systems Quality TMH publication. 3. G.T. Heydt, Electrical Power Quality, Stars in a Circle Publications, Indiana,2nd edition 1994. 4. Bollen, M. H. J. Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage sags and interruptions , IEEE York, 2000. 5. H W Beaty, Electrical Power Systems Quality, McGraw-Hill, Second Edition, 2002 6. Barney L Capehart, William J Kennedy, Wayne C Turner, A Guide to Energy Management, 7. S. Rao, B. B. Parulekar, Energy Technology, Khanna Publishers. 8. P.M. Dave, M. N. Sheth, Energy conservation techniques .
Press, New
GANPAT UNIVERSITY M.Tech. Sem. II (Electrical Engineering) 3EE 207:-Analysis of Electrical Machines
Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) L 03 T 00
Unit No.
P 02
Total 05
Examination Scheme ( Marks) Theory Practical Sem. End Total Int. / TW Assess Marks Hrs 30 70 03 50 150
Three Phase Induction Motor Equivalent Two Phase Machine by m.m.f equivalence, equivalent two phase machine currents from three phase machine currents ,Power Invariant Phase Transformation ,Voltage Transformation ,Voltage and Torque Equations of the Equivalent Two Phase Machine, Commutator Transformation ,Nonlinearities in Machine Equations , Equations under Steady State - Solution of Large Signal Transients in an Induction Machine, Linearised Equations, Eigen Values ,Transfer Function Formulation. Three Phase Salient Pole Synchronous Machine Three Phase to Two Phase Transformation, Voltage and Torque Equations in stator, rotor and air-gap field reference frames, Commutator Transformation and Transformed Equations, Parks Transformation, Steady State Analysis, Large Signal Transient Analysis, Linearization and Eigen Value Analysis. Dynamical Analysis of Interconnected Machines Machine Interconnection Matrices, Transformation of Voltage and Torque Equations using Interconnection Matrix, Large Signal Transient Analysis using Transformed Equations, Small Signal Model using Transformed Equations, The DC Generator/DC Motor System, The Alternator /Synchronous Motor System, The Ward-Leonard System, Hunting Analysis of Interconnected Machines Selection of proper reference frames for individual machines in an Interconnected System.
Reference Books:
1. D.P. Sengupta & J.B. Lynn, Electrical Machine Dynamics, The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1980 2. R Krishnan Electrical Motor Drives, Modeling, Analysis, and Control, Pearson Education., 2001 3. P.C. Kraus, Analysis of Electrical Machines, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1987 4. I. Boldia & S.A. Nasar, Electrical Machine Dynamics, The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1992 5. C. V. Jones, The Unified Theory of Electrical Machines, Butterworth, London. 1967 6. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and A.C. Drives, PHI, 2002. 7. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, 2002