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This page should not be printed as part of the business plan and is intended to provide guidelines for completion only

General Instructions
You should complete your marketing plan prior to the start of the new quarter. Do your best to complete all sections. The Account Focus and Marketing Strategy sections are where you capture your overall campaign strategy for the quarter or half. Use the Tactical Plan and Project Plan sections to list, plan for and execute each individual campaign activity. Please work with your Channel Manager to complete the plan. IMPORTANT for MDF FUNDS: You must present a completed marketing plan to your Channel Manager or to the Channel Marketing Manager prior to applying for MDF funds. Throughout the plan: GREY areas are to be completed by Partner. Use drop down menus where available.

Account Focus
Identify up to 15 key new target accounts and up to 15 existing accounts to research and market to during the quarter. List the account owner or sales person responsible for the account within your organization. Identify the account location where most of your marketing and selling activity will occur. As you qualify these accounts, use the plan template to record opportunity details such as current solution/licenses, potential users, expected close date and OMM number.

Marketing Strategy
Campaign Purpose: Provide narrative description of your campaign plan. What are you going to do during the quarter and why? Campaign Objectives: What do you need to accomplish to consider the quarterly marketing plan a success? Campaign objectives should be measurable. Campaign Themes: Describe the main Primavera go-to-market strategy themes for your campaigns. For example, Transparency in Engineering and Construction, or Managing Risks & Project Portfolios During Challenging Economic Times Target Audience: Who are you going after? What industry verticals, what types of companies, what individual titles? Be as specific and targeted as possible. Key Competitors: List the competitors in your market that you encounter most often. You should do your own research on these competitors and understand what they are offering and their price configurations. Messaging: Describe the core messages of your marketing activities. The messaging should focus on how Oracle's Primavera Solutions address the business challenges of your target audience. Leverage the messaging and marketing materials provided by Oracle/Primavera. Content and Materials: List which Primavera marketing assets you will use and any other content and materials required for executing your marekting activities. Contact your Channel Manager if you do not know how to find the marketing kits and assets.

Tactical Plan
Activity Type: Select one marketing activity type per line. Activity Description: Provide a brief description of each activity. Activity Objective: Provide the main objective for each activity. For example: Create face-to-face networking opportunities; generate follow-up appointments; differentiate Oracle|Primavera from competition. Start Date: List the start date for the activity, or if it's an event, list the date of the event. Please sequence your activities according to their start dates. Vertical: Select the target vertical industry for each activity. Location: Provide the location where you are running your marketing activity and/or events. List City, State and Country.

Currency: Specify the valid currency for all revenues and costs (this should be the currency for your marketing expenses and your Oracle reimbursement). Cost: List total cost (in currency) for each marketing activity. Leads: Estimate the number of leads you hope to get from the marketing activity. Marketing Vendors: If you are using a advertising or marketing agency, or other vendors for your campaigns, please list those vendors in the provided space.

Project Plan
The purpose of the Campaign Project Plan is to help you execute each marketing activity in your marekting plan. You should list each required task, the assigned owner, and the due date, in chronological sequence. You can replicate this tab for as many activities as you need and name the tabs according to activity.

<Insert Partner Logo Here>

<Insert Partner Name Here> Marketing Plan

Version: <x> Date: <xx/xx/xx>


Please provide an overview of key new business accounts on which you will focus for this period.

Account Name

Account Owner

Account Location

<Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select>

Potential Current Solution(s) Users

Planned Solution(s)

FY10 Potential Revenue

Expected Close


<Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select>

Please provide an overview of key existing accounts on which you will focus for this period.

Account Name

Account Owner


<Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select>

Potential Users

Current Licenses

Planned Solution(s)

FY10 Potential Revenue

Expected Close


<Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select>



Q3 (Dec, Jan, Feb)

Please provide details of your marketing strategy for the selected period

Campaign Purpose

Campaign Objectives

Campaign Themes

Target Audience

Key Competitors


Content and Materials

Please provide details of general marketing activities for the coming year

<Partner Name>

Activity Type
<Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select>

Activity Description

Main Objective

Start Date or Event Date

<Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select>

Campaign Location


Cost In Currency

Expected No. Leads




Please provide details of any external resources or agencies to be used in the coming year

<Select> <Select> <Select> <Select> <Select>

Agency Name

Description of Work


Oracle - Confidential

Page 9 of 11

Action Item


Due Date

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