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JKR Astro Research Foundatioin Vimsottari Dasa System

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There are several Dasha systems for timing of the events but Vimshot-tari Dasha has been acclaimed as one giving more accurate results than other systems. We shall follow the Vimshottari Dasha system in our lessons. The total of different periods (Mahadashas) of the planets has been put as 120 years which our ancients considered as the natural lift period of a human being. The position of Chandra at birth is taken into account in the calculation of Mahadasha Eveiy nakshatra covers 13"-20- of the zodiacal space. Each nakshatra has a planet assigned as itis lord and Oasa at birth is determined by the nakshatra occupied by Chandra at tr at moment. Table of Mahadashas (MaJor Periods) Nakshatras Krittika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashcda Rohini, Hesta, Srevan Mrigsira. Chitra, Dhanista Aridra, Swati. Satabhisha Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorvabhadra Pushyam, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra, Ashleshai, Jyestha, Revati bn, Ivlagha, Moola, Aswini Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Bharini Lords Year


Ravi 6 Chandw 10 Kuja .; ' 01 7 < , iRahu r/ ' r ' 18 ' 16 ' Y" 1? ' lv 7' 20


Guru ! ' ' Seni ..... 3u,dha i Ketu Sukra


? The foflowing rriethod is adopted for calculating the balance of Mahadasha at bitth. fn the example, horoscope the longitude of the moon is Kataka 13-12' Kateka is composed of drie quarter oV'3-20' of Punarvasu, four quarters (13"-20') of Pushycrei and four quarters of Aslesha.
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As the longitude of Chandra is 13-12-in Kataka,

it has passed the 4th quarter of

Punarvasu in this sign and is in Pushy ami IMakshatra. To find out how much it has moved in Pushyami we will deduct 3-20'of Punarvasu from the Chandra s 13-12' Thus the balance comes to 9 C -52'. The extent of the whole of Pushyami nekshatra is

13"-20'. The lord of this nakshatra is Sani whose total major period is 19 years. Theiefore, 13-20' being equal to 19 years, 9-52< will be equal to 14 yrs, 0 months and 22 days. This indicates that 14 years and 22 days of Sani-s Mahadasha are already over at birth and the balance that wauld renam at credit at birth will be-19 years minus 14 yrs 22 days, that is, 4 years 11 months and 8 days. After finding out the Mahadasha at birth we have to find out the sub-periods or Antardashas. In the Mahada&ha of each planet we have the sub-periods of all the nine planets in proportion to the periods of their Mahadasha. There is an easy method by means of which the Antardasha can be independently calculated. This may be helpful at times when the Antardasha tables are not readily avaiiable. Multiply the number of years of the Mahadasha period of the pianet by ths number of years of the Mahadasha period of the planet whose antardasha is required Then cutting off the last digit of the product, multiply it by 3 and keep that figure as days, suppose, Wa want to find out the antardasha of Budha in the Mahadasha of Sani. Multiply the Mahadasha period of Budha 17 years by that of Sam 19 yrs ie 19X17: 323. By adopting the above methods the antardasha of Budha will be 32 months and 9 days ie 2 years Smooths and 9 days. The sub-periods are further sub-divided into minor periods (Pratiantardasha). The further snb-divisions a'e Sookshama, Prana and Swara. In our lessons we would like to confine ourselves to sub-periods only, because once the principle is known to find the results Mahadasha and Antardasha, the results of further sub-divisions can also be assessed That would be a m itter for more advance study of the subject Here we may mention for the guida.ica of students that In the books published in South India, the Major period ( Mahjd jsha ) is called 'Dasa' and the sub-period ( Antardasha ) is called bhukti' We have learned how the life span of a person is divided into various periods ( dasaas ) by each planet. For instance a person enjoys 20 years of the period of Venus, 7 years of period of Ketu or the relevant periods of other planets. During each such period the part cular Dash-loid would be influeincng U e native in all aspects of his life divided rhiough tne various houses, Whether the influence is beneficial or evil will depend upod the relarion between the Dasa-lord and the Lsgna. and also on the releti jn aetwaen the Dasa-lord and the lords of each of the h >uses representing the

various aspects of life However, the entire period of a lord would not be uniformnly good or uniformly bad. Because the period of each lord is influenced by all the planets who can be either benefic or m a i e f c by their position in the horoscope. In order to know these subtle influences provision is made in astrological theory. This is very important in predictions The duration of each Dasa is divided into nine sub - periods called Bhukthi. One for each planet The total Dasa duotson of each planet is divided among the n ne planets in the s&me piopornon ts their own Dasa-duiations, cno in the &me sequence as the Dasos Thns n ihe major period (Mahaadasra) ot Venus, the first sub period (Bhukthi) is that of Venus, the second is that of the Sun, the third is that of the Moon, the fourth that of Mars the fifth thet of Rahu followed by the sub-period of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu in that order (the general order of dasaat) In any major Dcsa, the first sub-period is that of the Dasa-iorb itself, which is followed by those of othther planets in the sequence precribed for the Oasaas ( KetH, Venu s Moon, Mars, Reahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury).

The calculation of the sub-periods in a major period Is simple. Multiply the total period of the Mahaadasa by the total period of the sub period lord and divide it by 120 (thespan of human life. For example in the major period of Venus which extends over 20yrs the s>ub period of Venus is 20 of ihe total 20 years and it works out as 20X20 vrs 720" 120~~ that is 3 yrs and 4 months The next sub-period is that of the Sun in Venus Dsss end its duration is'6 of 20 yrs. for 6 yrs is the period allotte d for the Sun m total of 120 yrs. ~120~ Therefore, Sub period of the Sun in Venus Oasa= 6 x 20 120 years 1 year. Similarly, the sub period of the Moon in Venus Dssa= 10 x2C 120 years = 1 year 8 months The principle may be applied to find out the sub-periods of other planets i Mars, R il u Jupiter, Saturn, and Kathu, Please work it out. Usually the sub-pericos of pit nets in each major period would be given in some almanacs and in the ?phemeris in the form of Ready Reckoner. A i l the books in astrology HEO wou d be g'ving the tcbit oi Dasaes and Bhukti. Here is an eesy method to calculate ihe duration of any sub-period in any mejorperiop Multiply the number of years of Dasa of the Oasa-iord with the number of years Of Dasa of the Bhukthi lord. The last digit of this number multiplied by 3 wouid be the number of days In the sub-period. The number obtained by striking the last digit wouid be the number of months in the Bhukthi.

For example, let us calculate the Bhukthl of Sun in the period of Ketu. Dasa years of Sun=6 Dasa years of Ketu=7. 7x6=42 The last digit is 2 and 2 3 6 is number of days. Striking 2 from 42 we get the number 4 and this is the number of months in the Bhukthi. Tberefore the Bhukthi of Sun in the Dasaof Ketu=4 months 6 days. Similary Bhukthi of Saturn in the Dasa of Moon is obtained by nultiplying the respective Dasa year. 19x10190 Last digit is Zero. So 0 days. Removing the zuro we get 1 9 as months. Hence the requ red BhuKthi is 1 year 7 months 0 days. It may be noted that the bhukthi of one planet in the Dasa of Another would be the same as the Bhukthi of the Second planet is the dasa of the first, (For reddy reference it is advisable that you would prepare a chart in which there are nine rows and nine columns. At ihe top of each coiumn write down the name of the planet starting from Ketu. then Venus, then Sun, Moon, Mars. Rahu Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury in tha above order (Dasa order), one planet t the top of each column on the left of eech row write down similarly the names of the planets one in each row in the same order from Ketu to Mercury. Now write down the Bhukthi corespondmg to planets A and B in the position where A tops the column and 8 heads the rows, prepare the chart and keep it for future reference) An illustration would make th; p'ocess very clear. Suppose a person is born in the Jupiter Dasa, with a balance of Dasa equal to 5 years 10 months Let us calculate the Bhukthis Ful duration of Jupiter Subtract Balance of Dasa Duration iost In the Dasa Now subtract successively the Vjrous , Jupiters's Bhukthi Saturn's Bhukthi Mercury's Bhukthi Ketus Bhukthi 16 vears 5 years 10 months 16 yrs-5 yrs 10 monthslOyrs Bhukthis in the dasa from 10 yrs 2 mon 00 days 2 yrs 1 mon 18 days 8 ' yrs 0 mon 12 days 2 yrs 6 mon 12 days 5 yrs 6 mon 0 days 2 yrs 3 mon 6 days

2 mnts

3 yrs 2 mon 24 dws 0 yrs 11 mon 6 days

2 yrs 3 mut 18 days 2 yrs 8 mm 0 days

Venus Bhukthi

Now you cannot subtract this. So the native is born in the Venus- Bhukthi of Jupiter Dasa. For the native this bhukthi is not fully available It is evident that before birth 2 vrs 8 mnt 2 yrs 3 mon 18 days=4 mons 12 days of Venus Bhukthi after birth. After this the other Bhukthis are fully available. Each of the Bhukthis are further sub-div.ded in the same way among the nine planets and these are known as (Pratiantards) (- ub sup-period). The firtt chhidra in a Bhukthi is that of the Bhukthi-lord. Thus the Chhidra duration of Mercury in the Bhukthi ot Saturn in the Venus. Dasa is calculated as fallows. Saturn's Bhukthi in Venus Dasa= 20X19 3 yrs 2 mon. The first Sub-sub-period in 120 Saturn's Bhukthi is that of Saturn it self and would be for a duration of (3y 2m or 38m) X 38 / 1 9 m 6m 0 dys 30 gh. This is followed by Mercury's Bhukthi which is equal 120 to (3 y 2 m) X 17 = 38 x 17 m 5ai 11 dys 30 gh. Similarly the Pratiantardasa ~T2u ~T20~ of the planets can be calculated in each Bhukthi. As the Bhukthis are sub-divided into Pratiantardasa each Pratiantardasa is further sub divided into nine 'Sookshma' into nine 'Praanaas'. This means that every moment in the life of person is influenced by a number of planets. However, only very few astrologers go beyond the Pratiantardasa in native analysis of horoscope: When one has gained ! . ,. . . . i,. * " i n sufficient experience he may go to the Spqkshmaas and 'Praanas' in due course for timing the events in life to a high degree of accuracy.

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2 yrs 3 mut 2 yrs 8 mm 18 days 0 days

Venus Bhukthi

Now you cannot subtract this. So the native is born in the Venus-Bhukthi of Jupiter Dasa. For the native this bhukthi is not fully available It is evident that before birth 2 vrs 8 mnt2 yrs> 3 mon 18 days=4 mons 12 days of Venus Bhukthi efter birth. After this the other Bhukthis are fully available. Each of the Bhukthis are further sub-divided in the same way among the nine planets and these are known as (Pratiantardas) (! ub sup-period). The firtt chhidra in a Bhukihi is that of the Bhukthi-lord. Thus the Chhidra duration of Mercury in the Bhukthi ot Saturn in the Venus. Dasa is calculated as fallows. Saturn's Bhukthi in Venus Dasa= 20X19 *z 3 yrs 2 mon. The first Sub-sub-period in 120 Saturn's Bhukthi is that of Saturn it self and would be for a duration of (3y 2m or 38m) X 3 8 > ; 1 9 m = 6m 0 dys 30 gh. This is followed by Mercury's Bhukthi which is equal 120 to (3 y 2 m) X 17 = 38x^7 m 5m 11 dys 30 gh. Similarly the Pratiantardasa ~TA^ ~T20~ of the planets can be calculated in each Bhukthi. As the Bhukthis are sub-divided into Pratiantardasa each Pratiantardasa is further sub divided into nine 'Sookshma' into nine 'Praanaas'. This means that every moment in the life of person is influenced by a number of planets. However, only very few astrologers go beyond the Pratiantardasa in native analysis of horoscope: When one has gained t. (,!. ,, i .,> * '* f >i ti i' sufficient experience he may go to the Soqkshmaas and 'Praanas' in due course for tt U *. *t timing the events in life to a high degree of accuracy.y
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