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Journal Guidelines: How To Summarize and Write A Critical Response For Journals

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Journal Guidelines: How to Summarize and Write a Critical Response for Journals

Part I: SUMMARIZING When you summarize, you write a general restatementof the main ideas of the original story using your own words. Therefore, the summary will be shorter than the original work becauseit will not include all the details but will highlight the main idea. Steps in writing a summary: 1. Read the story/article as many times as necessaryto determine the main idea. 2. Look for the writer's purpose in writing. 3. Begin with one sentencenaming the writer and the story/article title. 4. Use your own words-do not copy directly from the article.

Part II: CRITICAL RESPONSE The word "critical'! has positive as well as negative meanings. You can write a critical .response that agrees entirely with the reading, or you can choose to disagree with the ideas posed by the author. In simple terms, a critical responseis your opinion about the story. Some key phrases that you may use include: .In my opinion... .I feel that. .. .The problem with. .. .Without a doubt... .Not everyone will agree with me, but... .If I were_, I would have... Guidelines for Journals: 1. Include the AP A citation of the book that is given in the samplejournal. 2. Your title must be: Journal # 3. The first sentence must include the author, title of the story/article, and page numbers. 4. The summary should be half a page. The critical responseshould be half a page. 5. Journal entries must be typed. f


Sample Journal Entry

S Name S~i~e" ~ L Date Classand ~"'ol{. Section ~Clt..-~~ Joumal#l K D9u.\;:)\~ ~{>(:J..u Langan, J. College Writing Skills with Readings. McGraw-Hill: New York, 2008. -..\)Q~ ~"-t ISummary: In the story "Choosinga Treasurer"by Dan Smith(p. 45-48),we areto selectthe best

candidate to serveas studenttreasurer of the local university.To makethe selection processfair S\C\q\t.andunbiased, the three top candidates'identificationis not revealed. The candidates have ~o..~ submittedtheir qualificationsincluding transcripts, autobiography, and lettersof recommendation. Beforepresenting the candidates' qualifications,the treasurer'sresponsibilities i are given. For instance, the chosentreasurer mustwrite detailedmonthly reportsof all expenses by the studentgovernment and decidehow the studentgovernment moneyshouldbe spent. The threecandidates up for electionarelabeledCandidate X, Y, andZ. CandidateX has strengths which include enjoying mathcourses, beingreliable,and gettingalongwell with people.However,CandidateX has only had a clericaljob andhasneverparticipatedin extracurricularactivities.Candidate Y hasa strongbackground in extra-curricularactivities suchas cheerleading, secretary of the accountingclub in high school,and directorof the Student FellowshipCongregation. Unfortunately,Candidate Y hashad five incompletes andthree withdrawalsfrom classes. Finally, CandidateZ haswonderfulgradesin mathand science courses; however,this candidate disclosedthat his/hermainweakness is a lack of socialization. Having only threeclosefriends,this candidate may lack the peopleskills needed to actas treasurer of the studentgovernment. -:po D.oM.\~ S 'f "-C-.Critical Response: After examiningthe qualificationsof thesethreecandidates, I would chooseCandidate Y. This candidate hasan A- averagein mathcourses, andjudging from the threelettersof recommendation, herprofessors believeshe/he is bright and capable.In addition,this candidate hasthe most extra-curricular experience compared to the othertwo candidates. Servingasa treasurer not only requiresthat the personbe good in math, but he/shemustbe a peopleperson. This candidate servedasthe directorof the StudentFellowshipCongregation whereY put in long hoursto completework. Candidate Y's autobiography is also impressivebecause it illustratesher commitmentto whateveractivity she/he is involved in. CandidateX lackedexperience althoughX's grades were in the A range.Also X's autobiography was described as simple and childish which could be dueto his/herlack of work experienc~. This candidate haspotential,but may needmoretraining than what might be offered. Candidate Z isa very strongcandidate dueto his/hergrades andcommitment.The lettersof recommendation indicate that this student is extremelyintelligent; however,the positionof treasurer requiresthat the candidate alsobe good with people.Unfortunately,this candidate may appear unapproachable to others.

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