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Business Research Assignment - 1: Submitted By: Fajer Abdul Malik - Emba/8053/12

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Consumer Attitude towards TV

1. Introduction Consumer behavior and consumer attitude are two highly researched phenomena. Throughout the world it has been researched heavily and still is the focus of further research. One of the dimensions that are being researched concerned with consumer attitude is Television. It has been used worldwide that today many media styles are present in the market that are focusing on the aim to attract customers by making television the most prominent face of media. The focus on the picture is believed to have better results in making an impression on the consumer mind, and then there is also TV programmes that combine both sound and picture to attract customers and leave an impression. Here the common consumers who buy televisions are considered. But how do televisions influence what makes a consumer buy the product? Of course its the needs/wants, but then there is also persuasion that is made through the social arena and as a result the attitude that is formed by the consumers. Television has always made a need rather than a want by marketers to attract consumers towards their products. But since the market is highly differentiated today the term target market is used widely. TV being the highly marketed media related product even in the 21st century and as a part of this research showing how the consumers show their attitude towards Television. Consumers of old age group and young age group are both equally important as both are increasing in number today worldwide and that has made many researchers to focus their studies on different age groups and their attitudes to evaluate the importance each group gives to how they perceive the advertising. Also the result is tested if the gender of the consumer changes the attitude. The findings indicate old age group of consumers are relatively more interested in watching television as compared to the young generation and gender has little significance in ones attitude towards watching television. 2. Literature Review Attitude creation towards any thing isnt just coincidence. Many steps are there that guide the mind to form an absolute attitude. Although this process does get influenced by other factors like the Age-group that the person belongs to, the Social-Class the person belongs to, the surroundings and the social circle, the Appeal any person is more interested in and so on. It all matters. My basic project rotates around the Attitude that is formed towards Television market in general, what difference is seen in attitude towards watching and buying televisions between both genders of young consumers and older consumers. Attitude

Attitude in words can be defined as an opinion, just like you may have heard words like, dislike, dont care etc. so when a friend or family member use these terms he/she is showing the attitude towards something or someone. An attitude is thus any mental position that cannot be observed directly and there is a need to study the attitude of consumers. Many written definitions have been seen for this specific term but Schiffman and Kanuk defined it as a learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way with respect to a given object. (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2004) Attitude is, in a word, how you express your likes and dislikes towards particular people, things, and occurrences. Attitudes can be positive, negative, or neutral. It is also common to have more than one of these feelings towards something when that happens, for example, in the case of a person both likes and dislikes something at once, we say that that persons attitude is ambivalent. Attitudes and its formation are the two phenomenons that are studied mostly in the communication process. Various theories have explained how formation of attitude takes place and how they may be reinforced or customized. The behavior of consumers includes the psychological processes that consumers go through in understanding their needs and up to finding the solution to satisfy that need.

e.g. As seen in my neighborhood, Senior citizens would go for a simple mobile set that will be given definite specifications and contain basic needs but young adults and teenagers need mobile handsets giving entertainment, MP3, radio FM, video and picture camera, Bluetooth, touch-screen and the list goes on. This example gives a view that youngsters will be more motivated and have a positive attitude towards ads having entertainment in more quantity. Attitudes are typically derived from judgments, which everyone makes. In psychology, it is believed that attitudes are rooted in an ABC approach: that is, affect, behavioral change, and cognition. Lackenby & Sandage (1980) and Rettie, Robinson, & Jenner (2010) suggested that using prying tactics in advertising while competing for consumers interest can be frustrating to the audiences and can lead to similarity of generally pessimistic public attitude towards advertising (Lackenby & Sandage, 1980), (Rettie, Robinson, & Jenner, 2010). Attitude is defined as an individual tendency to assess some body, thing or feature around him in an approving or disapproving manner. If the decision-makers behavior is positive towards advertising, he/she will be inclined toward advertising (Pollay & Mittal, 1993).
Attitude in three Mediums:

Attitude Change and Retention of Message Content as a Function of Medium and Message Difficulty (Chaiken & Egly, 1976)
Easy Message Written Attitude change Number of messages recalled Number of short answer items correct Perceived message difficulty 2.94 2.45 4.57 4.76 Audio 3.75 2.21 3.93 4.21 Video 4.78 2.17 4.45 4.83 Difficult Message Written 4.73 2.29 4.21 5.31 Audio 2.32 1.74 3.71 2.32 Video 3.02 1.67 3.36 7.43

Note: Higher numbers indicate greater attitude change; message comprehension, and perceived message difficulty. (Chaiken & Egly, 1976) Above table has shown that message transferred through video has the maximum effect as compared to other means of delivering messages. Consumer purchase decisions are often made on the basis of both emotional and rational motives and both must be given importance in developing effective advertising (DeJesus, 2007). Advertising appeals that focus on the practical, functional, or utilitarian need for a product or service and emphasize features benefits or reasons for owning or using the brand. Content of these messages emphasizes facts, learning, and the logic of persuasion. Rational based appeals tend to be informative and advertisers using generally attempt to convince customers that their brand has a particular attribute(s) or provides a specific benefit that satisfies their needs.
3. Research Methodology

As the research is about consumer behaviour so, survey method is to be adopted in which a questionnaire is to be used to obtain data for further processing of the research topic. The nature of this research is descriptive and type of the research is survey based. This research methodology is selected because of its consumer based aspect, as usually the consumer based researches cannot be done without making surveys, questionnaires to be more specific.
3.1 Instrument

The survey instrument comprise of questions that are to be used to find out the consumers interest in the product, TV, it also consist of questions showing the importance given to various Television brands that are variables that affect the attitude or behaviour of the respondent. These questions use 5 point scale (very important to very unimportant and strongly agree to strongly disagree). Some other questions that are followed are related to demographics to know the age of the consumer along with the respondents education level, occupation, gender and family income level. Another question that is to be used is to find out whether the respondents memory/cognitive ability differed with age when it came to recalling the brand of television purchased.

3.2 Population/Sample Size

The research is designed to cover a sample of 200 randomly selected respondents from various parts of the UAE. The respondents were mainly TV viewers and interest respondents, ranging from age 16 to 50 and above, comprising of both genders (53.5% females).
3.3 Sampling Technique

Random sampling is to be used in this research.

References Chaiken, S., & Egly, A. (1976), Communication modality as a determinant of message persuasiveness and message comprehensibility, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34, 605-14. DeJesus, N. (2007), How to make your advertising appeal to consumers. Fung, H. H., & Carstensen, L. L. (2003), Sending memorable messages to the old: Age differencs in Preferences and Memory for Advertisements, Journal of Personality and Social Psycholog, 85(1), 163-178. J.T. Russell, & W. R. Lane. (1996), Advertising procedure (13th ed.), Prentice Hall Inc. King, K. W., Reid, L. N., Tinkham, S. F., & Pokrywczynski, J. (1987), The Perceived Informativeness of National and Retail Advertising, Current Issues and Research in Advertsing, 173-197. Lackenby, J., & Sandage, C. (1980), Female College Student Attitudes toward Advertising: Institution vs Instrument, Journal of Advertising, 9, 29-32. Lowett, E. M., & Nunes, P. F. (2007), Mass Advertising: Consumer Attitudes and Creative Oppertunities, accenture, 4.Luscher, K. (n.d.). Mamey, J. (1993), Feeling for the Pulse of the After -Boomers. Marketing, 37. O'Donohoe, S. (1995), Attitudes to advertising: A review of British and American Research, International Journal of Advertisin, 14, 45-61. Pollay, R., & Mittal, B. (1993), Heres the beef: factors, determinants and segments in consumer criticism of advertising, Journal of Marketing, 99-114. Rettie, R., Robinson, H., & Jenner, B. (2010), Does Internet Advertising Alienate Users? Retrieved November 7, 2010, from http://eprints.kingston.ac.uk/6393/1/Rettie-R-6393.pdf Schiffman, L., & Kanuk, L. (2004), Consumer Behavior. In L. Schiffman, Consumer Behavior (pp. 250-287). Prentice Hall. Wells, W., Burnett, J., & Moriarity, S. (1995). Advertising principles and practice (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. Williams, P., & Drolet, A. (2005), Age-related differences in responses to emotional advertisements, Journal of Consumer Research, 32, 343-353.


Evaluation category Technical characteristics (power, size, technology used, brand etc.) economy characteristics (electricity consumption) operation conditions Design Universality (can be used in any country) Reparability number of breakages during warranty period service and repair availability Price Need or Want Your attitude as a customer to Television as a product

Importance (1-5)

Degree of satisfaction (1-5)

When answering the questions of the questionnaire you would need to circle the number most accurately reflecting Your attitude to the

questionnaire category.

The numbers meaning are as follows:

In respect to importance
5 very important 4 - important 3 - sometimes important 2 - unimportant 1 - absolutely unimportant

In respect to satisfaction 5 - completely satisfied 4 - satisfied 3 - partially satisfied 2 - unsatisfied 1 - absolutely unsatisfied

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