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ROVsim2 O&G Brochure

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ROVsim2 O&G

ROV training simulator for the oil and gas industry

Designed specifically for the offshore oil and gas industry, ROVsim O&G is a complete undersea ROV training system for observation and working class ROV operators and trainees. ROVsim O&G puts control of virtually every facet of the simulation in your hands. You can adjust the ROVs physics and dynamics, change the video overlay, enable options such as casualty simulation, and adjust the environment. With just a few clicks, the video overlay as well as physical and dynamic operating characteristics of the vehicle can be changed to simulate a wide range of ROVs. And with just a few more clicks, the environment can be changed from clear and tranquil to zero visibility with dangerous currents. No other ROV simulator on the market offers this much flexibility at this price point.


Heavy Working Class ROV training simulator. Integrated scanning SONAR simulator. Integrated instructor's remote control of casualties, environment, etc. Seven new Oil and Gas missions. A variety of new ROV tools, including 7 & 5 DOF manipulators, cathodic potential (Cp) probe, suction dredge, and laser measuring devices. Full serial communications (RS 232) support so the simulator can be integrated into custom control consoles and send data to external devices such as chart plotters and instrument displays. Extended support for Windows 64 bit operating systems.

Marine Simulation, P.O. Box 6027, San Diego, California, 92166 Phone: 619.906.6152 Email: info@marinesimulation.com

ROV Designer
ROV Dynamics are adjusted by moving the horizontal sliders left or right. By using these adjustments you can use ROVsim O&G to simulate a wide range of vehicle and thruster arrangements. Thrust adjusts vehicle forward or reverse power. L-thrust adjusts vehicle sideways power left or right. V-thrust adjusts vehicle power up and down. R-thrust adjusts vehicle power, rotating left or right. When the exact thruster characteristics of a vehicle are not known, a good starting point is to use the total known thrust for all thrusters in your ROV divided by the number of thrusters and apply that value to all thruster settings equally. The center window displays a wireframe representation of the physical dimensions of the vehicle in your configuration.

The Environment settings allow you to change the mission Visibility (turbidity), Current Direction, Current Speed and Surge. Surge simulates the cyclical motion of waves in shallow water. The Options settings allow you to turn on various optional features. When Casualties are turned on, ROVsim O&G will simulate various equipment failures in response to hard collisions and excessive pull on the umbilical. The Video Overlay panel allows you to choose from a list of available configurations. This way ROVsim O&G may be used to simulate a number of manufacturers systems. Additional overlay configurations as well as custom configurations may be added.

Custom Mission Designer

Using the mission editor you are able to create a new custom mission environment or launch a previously created one. Design your own mission by importing your own models and textures or build one using the supplied terrain, models and textures. Models that are imported can be moved, rotated or dropped on to the terrains surface either interactively or by entering a position on the keyboard. Custom Mission Definition Files can even be created with a text editor or an external application. The Custom Mission Designer supports 3D models in .OBJ format and textures in .PNG or .JPG formats.

Marine Simulation, P.O. Box 6027, San Diego, California, 92166 Phone: 619.906.6152 Email: info@marinesimulation.com

The included Scanning Sonar Simulator works with all ROVsim O&G missions as well as any custom mission you may design in the Custom Mission Designer. The sonar simulator is so accurate, it can even pick up small contacts, such as the ROV tether, fish, as well as details of sonar targets, such as holes and bumps. The sonar display includes a full instrument display showing status of the cameras, heading, depth, altitude, speed, etc.

Instructor Remote Control

The mission environment and ROV casualties can be controlled remotely from a keypad, laptop or even a smartphone or tablet. The instructor has complete control over vehicle casualties, such as video and power failures, as well as the mission environments visibility and currents. With a few simple clicks, the instructor can disable the students video camera, simulate a variety of thruster casualties and alter the environments currents, thus creating a dynamic learning environment with infinite possibilities and challenges. Also, using the optional Instructor 3D View console, the entire mission area can be viewed from any location while monitoring the simulated ROV's operation.

About Marine Simulation

In the field of sub-sea simulation, Marine Simulation's ROVsim family of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) simulators has set the standard for cost effective, physics accurate and visually stunning undersea simulation systems. Our background includes nearly 30 years experience in undersea research, maritime operations and software development. From portable solutions for near-shore mini ROV operators to high end working class ROV operations at offshore drilling facilities, there is a ROVsim product to meet your specific requirements. Our users span the globe, ROVsim products are in use in 18 countries worldwide and by over 50 training and educational institutions.

Marine Simulation, P.O. Box 6027, San Diego, California, 92166 Phone: 619.906.6152 Email: info@marinesimulation.com

Included Missions: Drill Ship Inspection

Level of difficulty: 1 Overview: The ROV is launched from the side of a drill ship with rig deployed. Goals: Safely operate the ROV from the surface to the ocean floor while locating and identifying all the major components of the rig, riser, BOP, etc. A forth camera is mounted on the wrist of the right, 7 DOF manipulator to assist your inspection. Evaluation: Performance gauged by operator's skill in ROV maneuvers and ability to locate and identify rig components. Press the keyboard's "z" key to reveal labels for major rig components.

Pipeline Inspection
Level of difficulty: 3 Overview: An oily sheen was reported in the vicinity and due to wind and current the exact location of its source is unknown. There are 4 pipelines in the immediate area. A forth camera is mounted on the wrist of the right, 7 DOF manipulator to assist your inspection. Goals: Conduct an inspection of the pipelines in order to locate the source of the suspected leak. Find and record the leaks location (Latitude/Longitude), the number of the pipe and its date of installation. Evaluation: Performance gauged by operator's skill in ROV maneuvers, use of SONAR to navigate and ability to maintain umbilical using TMS. Each time the mission is run the location of the leak will be different. By pressing the keyboard's "z" key a relative bearing and range to the leak will be displayed on the screen.

Lost AUV Search

Level of difficulty: 4 Overview: An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) was lost in the vicinity while conducting survey operations. It's exact location is unknown but is believed to be within 1 nm (2 km) of your current position. A forth camera is mounted on the wrist of the right, 7 DOF manipulator to assist your inspection. Goals: Conduct a search pattern of the ocean floor to locate the lost AUV. Find and record the AUV's location (Latitude/Longitude). Evaluation: Performance gauged by the operator's skill in ROV maneuvers, use of SONAR to navigate and locate the AUV, and the team's ability to maintain the umbilical using

Marine Simulation, P.O. Box 6027, San Diego, California, 92166 Phone: 619.906.6152 Email: info@marinesimulation.com

the TMS. Each time the mission is run the location of the AUV will be different. By pressing the keyboard's "z" key a relative bearing and range to the AUV will be displayed on the screen.

Mooring Anchor Inspection

Level of difficulty: 2 Overview: The captain in charge of mooring operations for a floating oil platform reports that he suspects on of the mooring anchors has not set properly. A forth camera is mounted on the wrist of the right, 7 DOF manipulator to assist your inspection. Goals: Locate the mooring gear (rode and anchor) and record their condition, whether they are fouled or set properly. Also draw a map of any obstructions found that may interfere with setting an anchor in that vicinity and assist in locating a more suitable area if required. Evaluation: Performance is gauged by the operator's skill in ROV maneuvers, use of SONAR to navigate and locate the anchor, and the team's ability to maintain the umbilical using the TMS.

Oil Platform Inspection

Level of difficulty: 3 Overview: A routine inspection of the oil platform is to be conducted. A "Cathodic Potential" (Cp) probe is mounted to the wrist of the right, 7 DOF manipulator and mini observation ROV are included to assist in your inspection. The Cp probe is activated by pressing the keyboard's "z" key. Goals: Record any visual damage or obstructions that are observed including their location. Conduct a thorough Cp survey of the horizontal frame and record any irregularities. Evaluation: Performance is gauged by the operator's skill in ROV maneuvers, ability to discern issues, and operation of manipulators and Cp probe. Team performance is judged by their ability to maintain positional awareness and maintain the umbilical using the TMS.

Suction Dredge Intervention

Level of difficulty: 3 Overview: An oily sheen was reported in the area and its source located. In the vicinity are several oil pipelines, some of which have been covered by loose sand and silt. An inspection class ROV has been deployed and is prepositioned at the suspected leak. Goals: A 5" suction dredge is mounted to the wrist of your right 7-DOF manipulator that you will use to remove sand and silt to expose the source of the leak. The dredge is activated by pressing the keyboard's "z" key.

Marine Simulation, P.O. Box 6027, San Diego, California, 92166 Phone: 619.906.6152 Email: info@marinesimulation.com

Evaluation: Performance is gauged by the operator's skill in ROV maneuvers and use of manipulators and suction dredge. Team performance is judged by their ability to maintain positional awareness and maintain the umbilical using the TMS.

Suction Pile Anchor Intervention

Level of difficulty: 5 Overview: Mooring operations for a platform is being conducted and a suction pile anchor has been lowered, installed and awaits confirmation that it is positioned properly, level and then valves closed and bridle released. Goals: Locate the anchor and verify it is level by checking it's bull's eye level. Close the two main valves by turning their control levers clockwise. Locate each quick release shackle and release it by turning it's lever counter clockwise. Evaluation: Performance is gauged by the operator's skill in ROV maneuvers, minimum thruster power is used to maintain position and minimum force is used to control valves and shackles. Team performance is judged by their ability to properly position ROV to accomplish each goal and maintain position while effecting each task. Team is further judged by their ability to maintain positional awareness and maintain the umbilical using the TMS.

Marine Simulation, P.O. Box 6027, San Diego, California, 92166 Phone: 619.906.6152 Email: info@marinesimulation.com

ROV simulator: Integrated scanning Sonar simulator Remote Instructor Control Tether Management System Vehicle pitch / roll control Four cameras on ROV Expanded Custom Mission Designer Vehicle dynamics editor Current and visibility editor Adjustable sea-state, surge and current Casualty simulation Tophat TMS with heave compensation Support ship auto follow Windows 7 (32 bit, 64 bit optional) Seven Missions: Drill Ship Inspection Pipeline Inspection Lost AUV Search Mooring Anchor Inspection Oil Platform Inspection Suction Dredge Intervention Suction Pile Anchor Intervention Scanning Sonar: Range controls (5 to 75 meters) Beam width (45 to 360 degrees) and direction (0 to 360 degrees) controls Variable gain (10 to 100%) Instructor's Remote Control Environment (current, visibility, etc.) and casualties can be controlled with a separate USB keypad, computer or using a smart phone or tablet. Nine included video overlays: Ageotec 4 Custom Overlays SeaBotix SeaEye Falcon and Panther Hercules Included Tools: 5 DOF manipulator 7 DOF manipulator Laser measuring device Cathodic Potential (Cp) probe Suction Dredge Manipulator mounted camera Observation eyeball ROV Serial Data Output: Vehicle data (position, heading, speed, depth and alttitude) are transmitted as NMEA 0183 text strings from the software via RS232 serial communications. Hand Controller Support Supports Microsoft HID compliant joysticks, custom hand controllers, and serial controllers using a custom interface. Minimum system requirements: Microsoft Windows 32 bit Operating System i5 CPU or equivalent 2 GB RAM 3D performance oriented graphics card with a minimum of 1 GB video RAM Monitor capable of 1680945 pixels* (*ROVsim O&G can be run on 1, 2 or 3 monitors) Recommended system and options: Windows 64 bit Operating System Intel Core i7 Processor 6 GB RAM High performance 3D oriented graphics card with 2 GB video RAM Three monitors capable of displaying 1024768 pixels. (ROVsim O&G can be run on 1, 2 or 3 monitors) Custom ROV hand controller USB Keypad, Smart Phone or Tablet for remote instructor control External NMEA 0183 instruments, chart plotter, etc.

Visit us at: http://www.marinesimulation.com

Marine Simulation, P.O. Box 6027, San Diego, California, 92166 Phone: 619.906.6152 Email: info@marinesimulation.com

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