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Vectors of Corruption

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Vectors of Corruption

Vectors of Corruption
Vectors of Corruption
Vectors of Corruption
Chao Jimmy Wu
Vectors of Corruption
Vectors of Corruption
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is perhaps the end of the beginning.
! Winston Churchi""
Vectors of Corruption
&r. 'ohn (arrison "roppe" his suitcase into his shin) ne* car+ a sil,er colore" -erce"es.
/en0 C. Class se"an *ith custom "esi$ne" rims an" seats. 1e smile" as he sli" the ke) into
i$nition an" t*iste" the po*erful car into life. 2he a*e" hum of the en$ines ne,er seeme" to
"isappoint him.
&r. (arrison *as a man of fort).fi,e. 1e *as of me"ium hei$ht+ !arel) $oin$ past fi,e.
foot nine inches+ ha" a hea" of hair that *as !e$innin$ to fa"e an" fall in places+ as *ell as a
stern lookin$ mustache that $re* from the top of his lips like the *hiskers of fo3. 1e in fact *as
like a fo3+ cunnin$+ smart+ an" has an -& an" "e$rees in !iochemistr) an" $enetics.
1e put the car into "ri,e an" presse" on the pe"als. 2he /en0 mo,e" for*ar" in a
$raceful fashion+ almost like a tame" "o$+ *aitin$ for his o*ner4s comman"s. 1e no""e" in
complacence5 it *as "efinitel) a car that *as *orth keepin$. 2he -erce"es mo,e" out of the
research facilit)4s parkin$ lot an" strutte" to the roa" in perfect motion+ not e,en makin$ as little
as a screech *ith its "ark+ "im tires.
(arrison *as returnin$ home after a te"iousl) lon$ 6ri"a) at his #o! as a hea" scientist on
$enetic se7uencin$ an" recom!ination of man) pre,alent "iseases. 1e *as often in char$e of
insertin$ "ifferent &89 se7uences from ,irulent particles into the !o"ies of other !acteria or
animals to see the effects. Currentl)+ (arrison is *orkin$ on a pro#ect that in,ol,e" an insect
kno*n as #nophe"es $uadrimacu"atus+ also kno*n more commonl) as the collo7uial malaria
mos7uito. 1is e3perimentation in,ol,in$ the malaria mos7uito *ere to "etermine if there is a
possi!ilit) of "isruptin$ the life c)cles of the malarial parasite *ithin the mos7uito itself. -alaria
is transmitte" ,ia the female mos7uitoes4 fee"in$ on an infecte" host+ then transferrin$ the
parasite to another host after*ar". 2he actual sporo0oite :pre.infecti,e sta$e of the parasite; is
"e,elope" *ithin the !o") of the mos7uito as it "i$ests the en$or$e" !loo" meal.
<o far his e3perimentation ha,e pro,en unsuccessful. =e$al issues ha,e arisen re$ar"in$
the testin$ of the treate" mos7uitoes on hosts an" the first propose" chemical that *oul"
suppose"l) stop the pro"uction of the parasite en"e" up killin$ the mos7uito itself. 2o most
people+ that *oul" ha,e !een the resolute ans*er+ !ut for &r. (arrison+ he kne* that the
e3perimentation results *ere onl) the !e$innin$. 2he *hole conun"rum is that ha,in$ lar$e
7uantities of malaria mos7uitoes treate" *ith the chemical *oul" result in the untimel) "eath of
a lar$e percenta$e of the #nophe"es population+ *hich thus ma) lea" to an unprece"ente" "rop
*ithin the populations of or$anisms *hich fee" on the mos7uitoes themsel,es.
Coinci"entall)+ a secon" chemical *as propose". 2his one ho*e,er+ *as e3tremel)
lethal. 8either to the mos7uito nor the parasite+ !ut to human societ). 2he secon" chemical not
onl) faile" to kill the parasites+ !ut ma"e them immune to the con,entional means of ,accination
in killin$ the malaria parasite *ithin the human !o"). >ats treate" *ith the classic anti.malarial
"ru$s "ie" *ithin a fe* "a)s of infection *hile sho*in$ no si$ns of reco,er). 8o* the secon"
chemical+ co"ename"+ ?&issension@ is fore,er locke" a*a) in the C&C+ or Centers for &isease
Control an" %re,ention+ in (eor$ia.
(arrison ne,er *orrie" much a!out the chemical. 1e *as co$ni0ant that onl) a small+
fi,e milliliter+ capsule of the li7ui" still e3ists to this "a). &efinitel) not enou$h to cause harm
*ithin the societ) as *hole. Ar so he thou$ht an)*a).
Vectors of Corruption
2he recipe for !uil"in$ the chemical itself *as locke" *ithin a safe far a*a) across the ocean in
a Buropean /ank. 2he onl) *a) to open up the safe is *ith a co"e en$ra,e" *ithin a lar$e+
pi$eon e$$+ si0e" ru!). 2o further complicate the situation+ the en$ra,in$s on the ru!) itself *ere
e3tremel) small. Anl) *hen ,ie*e" *ith an e3tremel) hi$h po*ere" microscope can an)one see
the scratches as en$ra,in$s an" not #ust natural+ en,ironmental fla*s.
1e trie" to a,oi" the ?fla*s@ *ithin his life as *ell. 2he "octor4s past ha" !een an
o,er*helmin$ *hirlpool of actions an" happenin$s . some he *oul" rather for$et. 9lmost t*o
"eca"es a$o+ *hen 1arrison *as still t*ent) fi,e+ the man *as an a$ent. 8o one asi"e from the
$o,ernment kne* of his secret actions in $oin$ a$ainst the terrorists an" mafias aroun" the
*orl". B,er)one else un"erstoo" him as simpl) a stu"ent stu")in$ to !ecome a scientist.
1arrison4s actions *ere not e3actl) superior to that of his fello*s5 neither is his stren$th an"
po*er. 1o*e,er+ *hat 1arrison lacke" in ra* a$$ression+ he ma"e up for *ith his !rute
intelli$ence. 8ot onl) *as he 7uickl) promote" to a rank e7ual to that of ?-a#or@ in the militar)+
he also helpe" "esi$n protot)pe !iolo$ical *eapons un"er a co"ename calle" ?Vector.@ Vector
in,ol,e" the transmittance of insect !orn "isease !) the infusion of !itin$ flies into an area. <oon
thou$h+ pro#ect Vector came to a halt *hen issues re$ar"in$ the uncontrolla!le sprea" of the flies
finall) close" "o*n the proposition. Cithin a )ear+ 1arrison ha" $ro*n tire" of not !ein$ a!le to
!e truste" in his e3periments. 1e *as not completel) respecte" !) man) of the $o,ernment
*orkers for his failures an" not consi"ere" *orth) for further e3perimentation. 2he $o,ernment
a$enc) thou$h+ continue" to allo* him to *ork as an a$ent+ sneakin$+ killin$+ an" stealin$ the
enemies4 li,es as 1arrison rushe" un"erneath the co,ers of the *orl" !lanket. 1e ha" sa,e"
man) li,es *ithin his career+ to contrast5 he ha" kille" man) as *ell in or"er to ?fulfill his
o!#ecti,es.@ Dt ne,er occurre" to him that he *oul" 7uit the #o! as an a$ent in or"er to pursue his
career in $enetics an" chemical sciences of "iseases. 9fter finall) $ettin$ accepte" into the
Eansas /iolo$ical an" Chemical Dnstitute of <cience as a "ominant #o!+ 1arrison coul" finall)
push a*a) his past memories of killin$+ slau$hter+ an" stealth. Cithin a )ear+ he met a fello*
collea$ue at his #o!+ a !eautiful *oman !) the name of Carla <te,ens. 2he t*o of them $re*
closer an" closer each "a) *hen the t*o starte" "atin$. 1arrison still remem!ere" their first
"inner+ their first mo,ie+ an" their first kiss. 2he man also remem!ere" the "a) the t*o of them
$ot marrie" after "atin$ for t*o )ears. 1e remem!ere" the "a) the) !ou$ht their ne* house+ their
ne* "o$+ an" their ne* car. Af course+ he *oul" ne,er for$et that "a) either+ the "a) *hen his
"au$hter+ <arah =)nn (arrison+ *as !orn. 1er "au$hter *as #ust as !eautiful as his *ife+ sleek
!ro*n hair+ "ark $reen e)es+ an" a smile that coul" cheer e,en the most "epresse" of people. <he
*as the #e*el of his life+ the prou"est $em *ithin his ,er) e)es. 1e $lance" at the photo of <arah
clippe" to the "ash!oar" an" $a,e a sli$ht smile.
2hen of course+ 1arrison also remem!ere" the acci"ent that slit his life apart. B,er since
the crash that took his *ife4s life a!out fi,e )ears a$o+ his emotions ha,e completel) re,ampe"
themsel,es to !ecome more mournful. 2he ol"+ cheerful em!o"iment of his humor "eplete" to
hate+ sorro*+ an" an$er. <econ"l)+ he has $ro*n more protecti,e of his "au$hter+ not too
surprisin$ to an)one in particular+ !ut it *as simpl) )et another chan$e to his "ail) routine. Af
course+ the la! helpe" cleanse his min". Chene,er an e3perimentation or proce"ure is takin$
place+ 1arrison fin"s himself in a trance of calmness+ #o)+ an" hope. %erhaps it *as "ue to the
fact that he kno*s the sur,i,al of man) people is un"er his han"s+ or ma)!e it is the honor that
e,er)one has restore" on him to !e a person of intelli$ence an" trust. 2rust+ he ne,er seem to
Vectors of Corruption
trust people an)more+ at least+ not trust them *ith passion. Fnfortunatel)+ he kne* that some *ill
ha,e to #ust o!tain that trust in or"er to help him succee". 2o his honest)+ 1arrison has $ro*n
more impatient of man) of his fello* *orkers+ )et he still fin"s their fla*s to !e e3tremel)
!eautiful. 'ohn 1arrison comes from a famil) *ho reco$ni0es the fact that fla*s are *hat make
someone uni7ue. 2o sa) the least+ he reco$ni0es the fla*s first !efore reco$ni0in$ the stren$ths
of someone he meets. Af course+ 1arrison coul" not e3actl) #ustif) his min" an" his thou$ht5
usuall) he #ust talks of the fact that it *as ho* he *as raise".
1arrison an" his "au$hter li,e" in an ol"+ Victorian st)le+ house to*ar"s the e"$e of
2opeka+ Eansas. 9t times+ the scientist an" e3.a$ent thou$ht it *as o"" that he *as place" in
such a !um of a state+ !ut there *ere po*erful i"eals for his reasonin$. 6irst+ it *as a*a) from a
lar$e cit) an" a*a) from his past. <econ"+ the air *as s*eeter an" less to3ic to his lun$s. 2hir"+
it *as much calmer an" much less pressurin$ than life *ithin a lar$e cit). Af course+ the place
*asn4t particularl) of an) superiorit) to an) other to*n *ithin the area+ it *as of a some*hat
a,era$e to small si0e+ ha,e a population of a!out a hun"re" an" t*ent) ei$ht thousan"+ as *ell as
a !alance of ?the ol" an" ne*.@ 2o*ar"s the <outh Cestern section is the ne*l) "e,elope" limits
*ith more e3pensi,e houses an" settlements+ *hile the ol"er 8orthern section has closel) knit
houses an" lar$e trees that ma) reach o,er one hun"re" feet tall. Cith this close !alance+
1arrison foun" it to !e a nice e7uili!rium for his min". &urin$ the "a)+ he *oul" *ork in the ol"
cit) center near the pu!lic li!rar) *hile in the afternoon5 the "octor *ill "ri,e throu$h the relics
of the past "eca"es to the *himsical structures of a more mo"ern cit) section. 2he "ri,e is *hat
usuall) cheere" him+ especiall) *hen he *as in a po*erin$ car that coul" $racefull) $rin"
throu$h the crack ri""en roa"s of the ol" to*n. 2opeka is kno*n for ha,in$ in"escri!a!l)
enormous amounts of roa"*ork an" construction. 2he constructions are often ?of no importance@
to 1arrison+ the) *ere #ust an e3cuse to spen" mone) on "ifferent ?e3pansion@ pro#ects that
ultimatel) accomplishe" nothin$ e3cept the slo*in$ "o*n of traffic. Chate,er the case+ the
*hole i"ea of the+ ?Gour &ollars at Cork@ slo$an seeme" to "ra* in pu!lic intentions to a $reat
1arrison stoppe" !) the traffic li$ht near an ol" run"o*n po*er station. 2he *in" !le*
outsi"e *ith an a*nin$ force+ thro*in$ the !la"es of *ee"s that sproute" from the cracks in the
si"e*alk in a m)ria" of "irections. 9roun" (arrison4s car+ not a sin$le person *as in si$ht. 2he
"octor *as at an ol"er part of the to*n *here there *asn4t much acti,it) past the afternoon
hours. Dt *as also a poorer part of to*n+ one that *as "esolate an" *ithout $oo" safet) measures.
9ll aroun"+ ol" !uil"in$s sat tum!lin$ a$ainst the *in" an" the !roken oak trees stoo" *ith their
last !its of ener$).
2o"a)+ (arrison stoppe" near the stop li$ht+ #ust as he has "one for the past three )ears of
his life. 1o*e,er+ to"a)4s air seeme" a lot more a!)smal than usual. 9s he *aite" for the
scratche" stopli$ht to turn $reen+ a slate colore" /-C creste" the hill !ehin" him.
(arrison pai" little attention to the /-C. 2he car *as 7uite !eautiful an" *ell kept. Dt
instantl) looke" like a car from someone of hi$her class.
&r. (arrison *atche" as the "im sports car rush to*ar"s the stopli$ht !ehin" him. 1e
$lance" !ack at the stopli$ht5 still re".
6or a fe* secon"s the "octor #ust *atche" the streamline" /-C race to*ar"s him5 its
paint $limmerin$ in the e,enin$ li$ht. Dt occurre" to him that the !lack sports car *as $oin$ a
Vectors of Corruption
little !it faster than it shoul". (arrison put his car into $ear an" $ot himself rea") to s*er,e a*a)
from the incomin$ !ullet of a /-C.
9s the car *as a!out fift) feet from *here he *as parke"+ the car !e$an to slo* "o*n.
(arrison rela3e" his $rip on the steerin$ *heel an" let out a relie,e" si$h. 2he li$ht turne" $reen.
(arrison shifte" his foot on the pe"al an" the /en0 inche" for*ar".
<u""enl)+ there *as a hu$e e3plosion of soun" cause" !) the connection of t*o metal ,ehicles
that cause" (arrison an" his car to lurch for*ar". Dt "i"n4t take a $enius to reali0e that someone
ha" #ust ramme" into the !ack of (arrison4s car. 1e felt the *ei$ht of the /en0 shift for*ar" an"
mo,e a fe* feet+ then stop as the car came to a halt in the mi""le of the intersection. Dt *asn4t a
full on crash+ !ut it *as one that left a hu$e in"entation in the trunk of the -erce"es.
(arrison *as anno)e" an" "isheartene" !ut not 7uite ma". 1e #ust hope" that e,er)one
*as all ri$ht an" that the other "ri,er *ill ha,e e,er)thin$ insure". 2he "octor looke" into the
rear.,ie* mirror. 1e sa* that the car !ehin" him *asn4t !a"l) "ama$e" either+ !ut he coul" see a
sli$ht t*ist in the hoo" as *ell as a li$ht that ha" cracke" an" fallen to the $roun". 2he o*ner of
the car opene" the "oor an" steppe" out. Dt *as a mi""le a$e" man in a !usiness suit an" a pair of
"ark sun$lasses. Ch) he *as *earin$ them on this "im e,en escapes (arrison4s min". 9nother
similarl) a$e" an" si0e" man+ *earin$ the same outfit+ cra*le" out from the other si"e of the
"oor *ith a nefarious aurora. <oon+ the t*o of them ominousl) stroll to*ar"s (arrison.
(arrison+ un"aunte" !) the t*o men+ steppe" out of his car as *ell. 6or the time !ein$+
the "octor "i" not actuall) ha,e an) 7uestionin$ to*ar"s the t*o men. 1e simpl) *ante" to
a,oi" as much trou!le as possi!le. %lus+ he *ante" to $et home !efore his "au$hter !e$an to
2he t*o men *alke" up to him. 2he) turne" sharpl) an" face" him. 8either of them took
off their sun$lasses.
(arrison spoke first+ ?=ook $entlemen+ D am not lookin$ for an) trou!le+ !ut )ou "i"
"ama$e m) car. D am not askin$ for an)thin$ more than insurance an" some num!ers D can call.@
Ane of the men+ the one *ho came out of the "ri,er si"e+ replie". ?2hat *oul"n4t !e
necessar)+ sir.@
&um!foun"e"+ (arrison sai"+ ?B3cuse meH@
Ane of the suite" men looke" at the other. 2he) no""e" an" the "ri,er spoke to (arrison
a$ain. ?&octor (arrisonH@
/efore (arrison coul" react+ the first man ha" $ra!!e" him !) the !ack of the collar an"
*as pullin$ him "o*n. Dn the ne3t instance+ the other man $ra!!e" (arrison m) !ack of his hea"
an" procee"e" to slam him into the *in"o* of the /en0. 2here *as a lou" noise as the "octor4s
hea" crashe" throu$h the $lass. (arrison taste" !loo" as he *as pulle" !ack an" slamme" onto
the *arm asphalt. 2he "ri,er+ still *ith the sun$lasses+ pulle" out a small !lack colore" pistol an"
aime" it at (arrison4s !loo"ie" face. (arrison !reathe" hea,il) an" ha" a small $ash on his
forehea". 1is nose *as also !lee"in$ a stea") stream of crimson re" !loo".
?Chere is itH@ 2he suite" "ri,er "eman"e" a$$ressi,el) as he pulle" (arrison up !) the
(arrison4s heart *ent into panic. ?Chere is *hatH@ Dt has !een a*hile since he *as in a
situation like this. 1e trie" to push the thou$hts out of his min".
Vectors of Corruption
2he "ri,er punche" him har" in the chest an" knocke" the air out of his lun$s. ?Gou
kno* *hat D am talkin$ a!out.@
&r. (arrison $aspe" for !reath. ?=ook )ou t*o+ D "on4t kno* *hat )ou are lookin$ for+
!ut all the mone) D ha,e on me is in m) *allet. Df )ou *ant to take m) *allet+ )ou can ha,e it
2he "ri,er looke" at his assistant+ *ho *as simpl) stan"in$ *ith his arms crosse". 2he)
no""e" to one another for a secon" an" the "ri,er looke" !ack at the *oun"e" (arrison+ *ho
*as spra*le" on the $roun" like a "o,e that ha" !een struck !) an arro*. ?&issension+ &r.
(arrison+ &issension.@
(arrison trie" "esperatel) to process the *or"s. >eali0in$ that the t*o men *ere
pro!a!l) part of an or$ani0ation lookin$ for !lack marketa!le material+ he spoke 7uickl) an"
calml)+ ?Dt4s locke" a*a) in the C&C. Df )ou *ant to take the "ru$ from me+ then )ou are out of
2he man chuckle". ?&r. (arrison+ *e kno* all a!out the C&C+ *e ha,e alrea") !een
there to ask. 2he) sai" that the) onl) ha" a small capsule of the "ru$ an" that if *e *ere to fin"
more information+ *e *ere to come here an" talk to )ou. D4m sure )ou kno* this alrea") &r.
?<o )ou *ant me to tell )ou the instructions to make itH@ 1e inhale" "eepl)+ tr)in$ to
take it as much of the o3)$en as he coul".
2he "ri,er leane" to*ar"s him. ?B3actl)+ see *e kno* )our $enius *oul" catch up after
)ou $et that o3)$en flo*in$.@ 1e patte" tenaciousl) on (arrison4s !ack.
Dma$es of the men approachin$ his house cause" (arrison to con#ure up a "i,ersion.
1o*e,er+ it *as e3tremel) *eak. ?D "on4t ha,e it. D ha,e "estro)e" the !lueprints a lon$ time
2he man punche" in in the si"e of (arrison4s face. ?/ullshit+ *e alrea") kno* *here it
is. 2he recipe is locke" in a safe insi"e )our house. D kno* *e *ill $et this recipe &r. (arrison+ D
kno* *e *ill. /ut D *ante" to $i,e )ou a chance. Ce *ere $oin$ to let )ou take us to )our house
an" $et it that *a)+ !ut since )ou "eci"e" not to cooperate+ D $uess *e *ill $o there !)
Dma$es of the men !reakin$ "o*n the "oors to his o*n home once a$ain cause" (arrison
to rethink his actions a$ain. ?(entlemen+ if that is all )ou *ant from meI@
?=isten up "octor+ *e "on4t *ant to ha,e to "o this more than )ou+ no* #ust $i,e us the
"amne" ru!) an" *e *ill !e out of )our *a).@ 2he "ri,er shoute" to him.
?=et me $o to m) house+ D *ill take it an" $i,e it to )ou t*o.@
<u""enl)+ a !lack an" *hite patrol car appeare" in the "istance from !ehin".
?<hit.@ 2he "ri,er *hispere". 1e turne" to (arrison+ ?9ct natural+ as if it *as #ust an
acci"ent. =et the t*o of us han"le the talkin$.@ 1e pushe" (arrison to*ar"s the -erce"es.
(arrison 7uickl) scram!le" !ack into his car. 2he other t*o men returne" to their /-C
an" !e$an pullin$ out papers+ tr)in$ to act casual. Chen the t*o4s attentions *ere "ra*n a*a).
(arrison "re* out his cellphone from his $lo,e compartment. 2he tinte" *in"o*s pre,ente" the
t*o men from seein$ him. 2he "oor of his -erce"es *as left open to pre,ent suspicion from the
t*o men in "ark suits.
Vectors of Corruption
Cith shakin$ han"s+ (arrison t)pe" a messa$e on his cellphone. 1e sent the messa$e+
*hile $lancin$ e,er) other secon" on the t*o men+ to his "au$hter. 8o repl). 2he police car ha"
#ust stoppe" !ehin" them. 9n officer *ith a mustache steppe" out of the car. 1e calml) *alke"
to*ar"s the t*o men. 6or the first time since the encounter+ the "ri,er an" his assistant took of
their sun$lasses. 2he) !oth ha" "ark !ro*n e)es. <oon+ the officer an" the t*o men *ere talkin$.
2he t*o men $lance" to*ar"s (arrison e,er) fe* secon"s "urin$ the con,ersation. 2he officer
*as still o!li,ious to (arrison4s presence.
2he "octor *as !e$innin$ to $et *orrie". 1is "au$hter hasn4t respon"e" to the messa$e
for her to lea,e the house. 1e $uesse" it *as su""en an" not "escripti,e enou$h. 1e altere" the
messa$e an" sent it to one of his collea$ues *ho he truste" *ell. 1e tol" him that he *as runnin$
into some ?issue@ an" that he *ants him to tell his "au$hter to $o sta) at her aunt4s house for
some time. 9fter a fe* minutes+ there *asn4t a response. 9hea" of him+ the officer *as no""in$
a*a) *ith the other t*o men. 1e then took out a note an" !e$an *ritin$ in it. 9fter a fe*
secon"s+ the officer *a,e" to the other t*o men+ *ho !oth *ere smilin$+ an" !acke" a*a)
to*ar"s his car. 2he t*o men 7uickl) turne" to*ar"s (arrison. 2he "octor 7uickl) thre* his
phone !ack into the $lo,e compartment.
B,er)thin$ for the t*o men *as $oin$ smoothl) until the officer su""enl) stoppe" in his
tracks. 1e picke" up his communicator "e,ice+ listene" for a !it+ an" replie". 2he t*o men4s
smiles *ere instantl) *ipe" from their faces. 2he) *ere co$ni0ant of somethin$ an" turne" !ack
to the officer. 9fter a fe* secon"s+ the officer "roppe" his communicator an" put his han" on his
$un. 1e !e$an *alkin$ to*ar"s the t*o men a$ain.
2he officer approache" the suite" men *ith a fast pace. ?B3cuse me sirs+ ma) D search
)our ,ehicles forI@
/efore he coul" $et all his *or"s out+ the "ri,er pulle" out his !lack pistol an" fire" a
shot at the officer. 2he !ullet spran$ out from the mu00le an" struck the officer "irectl) in the
center of his forehea". 1e $aspe" an" fell onto the $roun". Carm+ rich !loo" !e$an to
contaminate an" ")e the asphalt roa".
9fter the officer "ie"+ the t*o men turn his attention to (arrison. (arrison4s heart!eat
instantl) rose.
2he t*o men strolle" for*ar" an" starre" at (arrison.
J2r)in$ to call someone "octorHJ Ane of them aske" *ith an anno)e" tone.
J8o sir D *as #ust.J 1e coul"nKt finish his sentence for one of the t*o men raise" a $un an" shot
him in the neck.
(arrison fell har" onto the floor !et*een the seats of his car. 1e reache" up to feel the
!ullet *oun" !ut instea" foun" a "art. /efore he coul" sa) or "o an)thin$ else+ the "octor
!lacke" out.
Chen (arrison *oke after !ein$ tran7uili0e"+ he *as "a0e" an" ha" a massi,e hea"ache.
Chen he looke" aroun"+ he sa* ho* "ark it *as. Checkin$ his *atch+ the "octor coul" !arel)
make out han"s on the clock. Chen he sta!ili0e"+ he reali0e" that it *as alrea") ten at ni$ht. 9ll
aroun" him+ the "arkness seeme" to rise up an" s*allo* his life. 2he shiftin$ *in"s *hich
rustle" the $rass) fiel"s appear $a,e an eerie feel "urin$ the "arkness of the *arm ni$ht air.
Vectors of Corruption
9fter another minute+ his hea" cleare" an" &r. (arrison picke" himself up from the floor
of his car. 1e looke" outsi"e an" sa* that the t*o men+ their /-C+ alon$ *ith the police car ha"
"isappeare". 1is o*n car *as still parke" in the same position it ha" !een since the Jcrash.J 1is
min" *as still attemptin$ to $rasp *hat ha" happene" #ust in the last couple of hours.
<u""enl)+ he remem!ere" that the men *ere lookin$ for the &issension !lueprints.
(arrison inhale" *ith fear an" pulle" open his $lo,e compartment. 1is phone *as still there.
(ra!!in$ the phone *ith col"+ s*eat)+ an" shakin$ han"s+ (arrison calle" his "au$hter.
8o ans*er.
1e trie" a$ain.
8o ans*er.
9t the thir" tr)+ her ,oicemail came up.
2he "octorKs senses su""enl) !ecame ele,ate". 1e ran to his "ri,erKs seat+ slamme" the
"oor shut+ pushe" the car into J"ri,e+J an" mashe" the pe"al until the car screame" into life.
9s he cut throu$h the lon$ an" *in"in$ cornfiel"s+ (arrison continue" to "ial his
"au$hterKs phone+ !ut to no a,ail.
1e $rippe" the steerin$ *heel ti$htl) *ith his left han"+ he !reathe" faster an" faster+ an"
he listene" more an" more intentl) for the soun" of his most !elo,e" thin$.
8o ans*er. 1er ,oicemail arri,e".
(arrison shoute" out lou" in an$er+ frustration an" *orr). 1e continue" to click the JcallJ
!utton repeate"l) !ut recei,e" no response.
9t that point+ all he coul" "o *as pra).
(arrison approache" home on the outskirts of to*n+ #ust a fe* minutes from *here he
ha" his encounter *ith the t*o men. 1o*e,er+ the Jfe* minutesJ turne" into the lon$est Jfe*
minutesJ of his ,er) e3istence. 9s he $ot closer an" closer to his home+ (arrison !ecame more
an" more hopeful.
2hree more !locks.
8o ans*er.
2*o more !locks.
8o ans*er.
Ane more !lock.
<till no ans*er.
6inall)+ (arrison coul" see his house tucke" a*a) in the rear en" of a lon$ narro*
"ri,e*a). Dt *as 7uite the scenic e3clusion. 1is lar$e Victorian st)le home *as hi""en half a
mile up a hill in a hea,il) foreste" area calle" ?9r$iope.@ &urin$ the fall+ the chan$in$ lea,es of
the su$ar maples caste" a re" )ello* li$ht into the home+ !ut that !eaut) is $one from (arrisonKs
1e continue" to call in futile spouts as he ran up to his house. 9ll his hopes of positi,it)
*ere "estro)e" !) the si$ht of the !roken lock an" !roken hin$es of his *oo"en "oor. 9 fe*
potte" plants on the "ri,e*a) *ere also knocke" o,er an" there *ere tire trea"s across his la*n
an" across his "ri,e*a) itself.
(arrison fer,entl) ran into his house. Chat he sa* insi"e altere" his sanit).
Vectors of Corruption
B,er)thin$ *as trashe". 2he chairs *ere knocke" o,er+ paintin$s *ere smashe"+ an" lamps *ere
seemin$l) thro*n from one si"e of the home to the other. 9 trail of trash+ paper+ an" clothes ran
"o*n like a "r)in$ *aterfall from the stair*a).
(arrison sprinte" aroun" to the safe. 1e $aspe". 2he safe ha" !een torn an" sa*n open
*ith somethin$. 9ll the contents insi"e *ere $one.
D$norin$ his *orr)+ he screame" his "au$hterKs name at the top of his lun$s+ runnin$ from
room to room *hile "oin$ so.
2hen he stoppe"+ for he sa* a lar$e pool of !loo" stain the pearl *hite carpet near the
1is heart !eat faster an" faster as he entere" the kitchen+ then his heart skippe" a !eat.
Chen he sa* the full result of the t*o menKs *ork+ (arrison fell har" on his knees. 1e
coul"nKt e,en feel the pain in his knees+ his han"s+ or his neck. 9ll the pain ha" channele" to his
1e knelt o,er the lifeless !o") of his ,er) o*n "au$hter+ his ,er) o*n flesh+ his onl)
hope in the *orl".
<he *as la)in$ face up on the $roun"+ her hair !loo"ie"+ her "ress rippe"+ an" her !o")
(arrison coul" feel the *armth of her !loo" un"er her paper *hite "ress. 1e coul" feel
the life of the onl) hope in his *orl" slo*l) "rain a*a). &arkness. Chiteness. 9 $asp of sorro*.
1e crie" at the top of his lun$s+ he crie" at his o*n self+ he felt the *armth of her !loo"+ still
oo0in$ from t*o sta! *oun"s on her a!"omen.
2he "octor felt her pulse an)*a).
1e presse" his face a$ainst hers. Dt *as still *arm+ !ut slo*l) $ettin$ col"er.
Dn torpi" an$er+ (arrison $ra!!e" the nearest o!#ect+ *hich happene" to !e a ,ase he $ot at an art
auction last month for t*o thousan" "ollars. 1o* little it seeme" to him no* as he thre* it
across the room an" hit the coffee ta!le.
(arrison reache" o,er to $ra! another o!#ect in !lin" an$er. Dt *as a $un. 2he shin) $re)
pistol la) on the soft carpet+ #ust inches a*a) from !ein$ staine" !) his "au$hterKs !loo". 2he
"octor $ra!!e" the $un an" stare" "eep into the *eapon. 2hatKs *hen he sa* the t*o letters
JE.1.J en$ra,e" into the si"e of the (lock 17 pistol. 2he t*o letters "rille" into his min".
(arrison let his tears run. 1e felt as if someone ha" taken a knife an" car,e" out part of
his heart. 1e felt as if that same someone ha" torn apart his o*n *ill+ his o*n moti,e+ an" his
o*n soul.
1e thre* the $un across the room an" smashe" his $ran"father clock. Dt creake"+ chime"+
an" !ecame silent.
&r. 'ohn (arrison picke" himself up from the $roun". 1is *hole !o") *as shakin$ as if
he ha" #ust taken a s*im in a fro0en lake. 2he *orl" aroun" him seeme" to ha,e "imme" from
the "estruction+ "ama$e+ an" "eath.
Cith ironic calmness+ the phone slippe" from his trem!lin$ han" an" lan"e" on the
!loo"staine" $roun" *ith a "ull thu".
2he ,oicemail someho* acti,ate" an" (arrison hear" his "au$hterKs soothin$ ,oice. JGou
ha,e reache" <arah (arrison5 D am not a,aila!le at the moment so please lea,e a messa$e after
the !eep. =o,e )ouLJ 2he phone !eepe" an" then "ie".
Vectors of Corruption
9 clap of thun"er echoe" in the "istance.
<outh 9frica :6i,e -onths =ater;
9$ent >)an /runner raise" his silence" assault rifle as he peere" throu$h the he"$ero*s
that "otte" the lan"scape aroun" the lar$e estate. 1e *as tall+ !ein$ si3 foot four since his late
teens. Af course+ /runner *as in his earl) t*enties !ut seeme" ol"er an" more e3perience"+
ma)!e it *as the unusual !a"$es across his uniforms an" shirts or his o,erall attitu"e to*ar"s his
*ork. -a)!e it *as his thou$htful stare+ he "oes not kno*. /ut *hat he "oes kno* is that
e,er)one *orkin$ for the Fnite" <tates $o,ernment appreciates his capa!ilities. 2he hair that fell
across his forehea" *as a "ark sha"e of !lon"5 his e)es *ere a piercin$ !lue.$ra) color. An this
ari" "a)+ /runner *as *earin$ a !ulletproof #acket as *ell as a pair of insulate" pants. 2he
material in his pants *as more than capa!le of stoppin$ a small !ullet at point !lank ran$e.
/ein$ a 7uiet an" secular person+ >)an /runner ne,er e3actl) consi"ere" his entr) into
the %.<.9. as all those *ho kno* of it call it. 1e lo,e" su!#ects in,ol,in$ technolo$icall)
a",ance" *eaponr) an" chemical *eaponr)+ *hich *as one of his main reasons for #oinin$ the
%.<.9. 2he %.<.9. is compose" of a classifie" num!er of ?9$ents.@ 2hese a$ents li,e out the
normal office life: paper*ork+ lunch+ coffee !reaks+ late ni$hts...Fntil the) are $i,en the call of
the mission. Af course+ each a$ent is also $i,en a rankin$ to keep information lines in or"er.
Barl) recruits in their teens usuall) are $i,en a ?recruit@ status. 9t that time+ it4s onl) to train
them in com!at an" first ai". Ance the) hit ei$hteen+ recruits are then $i,en a %ri,ate or %ri,ate
6irst Class rank "epen"in$ on their a!ilities an" pro$ress. 9fter another )ear or t*o+ the) *ill !e
$i,en the rank of either a Corporal or <er$eant+ a$ain "epen"in$ on *hat the) are capa!le of.
Ance the) are aroun" t*ent).one+ the) are set to either =ieutenant or Captain. &urin$ this perio"
of time+ the a$ents *ill stu") at a militar) aca"em)+ *hile still recei,in$ or"ers for ?missions.@ Dt
*ill take them until the a$e of at least t*ent) si3 !efore the) are $i,en a ?-a#or@ status. Ance
the) hit that+ the) are the hi$hest an" most top priorit) of all a$ents. 9n" unless the) completel)
sa,e planet Barth from total "estruction+ the) are at their clima3 in rank. Af course+ the rank is
onl) implie"+ !ut specificall) $i,en out like that of the actual militar). Dt is onl) use" to make
lea"in$ an" follo*in$ easier *hen *orkin$ *ith the militar) itself+ *hich happens more often
than some a$ents *ant.
=ike*ise+ ori$inal offers of pri"e+ coura$e+ an" "efensi,e protection of the countr) *ere
all o,ersha"o*e" !) the or$ani0ations !uilt #ust to take them out. /runner foun" it 7uite
interestin$+ an" some*hat !othere"+ that the %.<.9. *as create" un"er or"ers !) past presi"ents
as a $roup of speciall) traine" assassins+ spies+ an" informants $oin$ a$ainst terrorism. Get no*
the terrorists an" their support $roups ha" create" or$ani0ations #ust to $o a$ainst the %.<.9. . so
much for !ein$ ?secret.@ 1o*e,er+ this re,ersal of e,ents *as not a surprise to /runner or
an)one *orkin$ for the Fnite" <tates $o,ernment for that matter. Dt *as onl) natural an" pristine
that the enem) *as to continue to arms race. Gears !efore+ a small $roup of terrorists *orkin$
un"er Asama /in =a"en+ separate" an" *ent on to a "ifferent path of "estruction. 2he small
or$ani0ation slo*l) $re* as it $aine" support from terrorist $roups *ithin Dra7+ Dran+ an"
Vectors of Corruption
9f$hanistan. 2his ?$roup@ !ase" itself on creatin$ *eapons of mass "estruction in the form of
chemical+ nuclear+ an" !iolo$ical. 9fter the "eath of /in =a"en+ another lea"er !) the name of
8a#a 8i,ea took o,er the scene. 8i,ea *as in a *a) more ruthless than /in =a"en himself since
he consi"ere" all *ithin *estern societ) to !e a ?hate" an" e3pen"a!le race of o,er0ealous
s*ine.@ 8i,ea *as *illin$ to "estro) an)thin$ li,in$ or nonli,in$ in his path to help his inten"e"
$oals+ *hich usuall) *ere nothin$ too lika!le !) the Fnite" 8ations. 1e en#o)e" hu$e spikes in
*eapon+ "ru$+ an" human traffickin$+ *hile keepin$ lo* !ehin" the man) la)ers of his net*ork.
Fnlike man) terrorist $roups+ 8i,ea *as actuall) not !acksta!!in$ the Fnite" 8ations *ith
suici"al plane runs+ !om! trucks+ or $as !om!s on F.<. soil. 8i,ea *as intereste" in a Jslo*
"i,i"e an" con7uerorJ st)le of "omination+ takin$ o,er instea"+ the 9frican countries4 resources
an" militar) control+ one at a time+ to raise fear on the Fnite" <tates. 8i,ea also ha" a niche for
the lo,e in the torture of 9mericans. 1e often films the occurrences in an unkno*n location an"
sen"s the ,i"eos to the *orl" lea"ers. Dt "i"n4t matter *hether that person *as a hi$h rankin$
official+ lo*l) sol"ier+ or innocent ci,ilian+ 8i,ea4s nee" to hurt Cesterners is a form of
entertainment to him. 2he official formation of the J<a!eem 1a!alasJ un"er his or"er *as )et
another thorn the Fnite" <tates *oul" ha,e to "eal *ith. 2he or$ani0ation of J<a!eem 1a!alasJ
or <.1. *as massi,e+ sprea"in$ across the entire !iosphere. 8i,ea has contacts from >ussia to
/ra0il an" >ome to 2ok)o. 1e reall) an" trul) *as the international terrorist lea"er of the
t*ent).first centur). 'ust the "a) !efore+ his mercenaries ha" mana$e" to capture a )oun$ %.<.9.
mem!er !) the name of Eaitl)n 1oll). 1a,in$ a ten"enc) of killin$ an)one *ith 9merican
!loo"+ the Fnite" <tates *as puttin$ e3tra measures to ensure that he $ets *hat he *ants if
hosta$e situation occur. Af course+ the sp) a$enc) of the %.<.9. *asn4t too fon" of ha,in$ leaks
in information. 1o*e,er+ the situation has !ecome ,olatile to the point *here ,iolence *as the
final solution to the or"eal. 2he) *ante" 1oll) to li,e+ !ut onl) so far as to a,oi" more
!loo"she". 2he $o,ernment kne* of 1oll)4s importance an" talent+ !ut the constrictin$ time an"
task of her retrie,al create" man) shakes of hea"s from e,en the !est of a$ents. 6or all the)
kno*+ she coul" ha,e alrea") !een torture"+ kille"+ an" s7uee0e" of information. Athers *ante"
to sta) optimistic an" hope" for her sur,i,al. Fnfortunatel)+ those $o,ernment officials *ho onl)
consi"ere" her to !e ?missin$ in action@ "i"n4t kno* *hat action to take. <till thou$h+ some
militar) $enerals are offerin$ a possi!le truce. 2o their "isma) ho*e,er+ 8i,ea ha" close" off all
policies+ mone) ransoms+ an" merciful re7uests for the safet) of 1oll)4s return.
Af course+ *hen harsh times arise+ $reat persons take action to safe *hat coul" !e lost.
2he e"ifice *hich surroun"e" 9$ent 1oll) *as !ristle" *ith "efense. Dt *asn4t particularl)
horrific !) mo"ern stan"ar"s+ !ut the amount of $uar"s *ithin *as too much to !ear !) e,en the
most "ie.har" of comman"os. <imilarl)+ the en,ironment aroun" the mansion *as e,en *orse.
&istances of $rasslan" mi3e" *ith semi.ari" con"itions *ere !lotte" *ith the !one "r) earth
from months of "rou$ht. 2emperatures soare" hi$h "urin$ the "a) an" "roppe" lo* "urin$ the
ni$ht. 2he en,ironment *as so hostile that e,en the !ra,est of all insects i$nore" the "a)li$ht
hours. %lus+ e,en if the rescue *as to ha,e !een a success+ the !ra,a"o necessar) of e3traction+
as *ell as sur,i,in$ lon$ enou$h to !e e3tracte" *as an immense issue. 2hat of course+ *as
*here >)an /runner came in.
1e *as in <outh 9frica+ the lan"scape !arren an" "otte" onl) *ith the occasional+ *ilte"
tree. =ife *as harsh here in the southern sections of 9frica5 terrorism+ $an$s+ ,iolence+ "rou$ht
an" malaria ha" taken a "eep !lo* on the local population an" its resources. /ut /runner cannot
Vectors of Corruption
help the others5 he *as here to help a teammate in trou!le. &iscretel) in the !ack of his min"+ the
i"ea of a ?&amsel in "istress@ seeme" to hammer out+ !ut the a$ent shook off the thou$ht.
9cross the lot in front of the !uil"in$ stoo" t*o $uar"s+ one ha" his !ack turne" an" *as
takin$ lon$ "ra$s from a !urnt out ci$arette+ the other looke" on into the hori0on+ seemin$l)
a*aitin$ somethin$ *hich *on4t come. /runner thum!e" his $un an" #u"$e" the "istance as one
of the $uar"s pulle" out a moss) $reen 9F( rifle an" !e$an cleanin$ the tarnishe" *eapon.
/ehin" the ro* of half "rie" !ushes+ 9$ent /runner stea"ie" his aim5 he s7uinte" throu$h the re"
"ot si$ht attachment on his *eapon an" 7uietl) let out a *isp of air from his nostrils. 2he *isp of
air $entl) s*a)e" the san$uine lea,es #ust !) a fraction of an inch as the) cou$he" in the
emaciate" air. Chen the $uar" ha,in$ a smoke tosse" the ci$arette !utt onto the $roun"+ /runner
hel" his !reath fire" the shots.
Ane $uar" *as hit strai$ht in the !ack section of the hea" an" the other "irectl) in the
heart. 2he %.<.9. has struck first !loo"5 the t*o sol"iers tum!le" "o*n onto the $roun" like
slau$htere" !ir"s.
1e 7uietl) *alke" up the steps an" "ra$$e" the !o"ies !ehin" some !ushes to hi"e them.
/runner then crept aroun" the !uil"in$+ stickin$ packets of e3plosi,e to the *alls. 9fter*ar"s+ he
ma"e a turn !ack to the front. /runner opene" the "oor an" peeke" insi"e. Dt *as a hu$e mansion
*ith man) t*ists an" turns+ !ut the he ha" a fairl) $oo" i"ea as to *here he nee"e" to $o. 1e
pause" to catch si$ht of the fo)er. Dt *as 7uite !eautiful to !e honest. 2he lar$e+ $au") paintin$s
hun$ on the *alls *ere counter!alance" !) the mo"est chan"elier *hich "roope" from the
center. 9s he roun"e" the corner of a kitchen+ a mercenar)Ks sha"o* "ance" a$ainst the *all.
1i"in$ in the sha"o*s+ /runner sta)e" calm as the churlish mercenar) *alke" past his hi"in$
spot. 2he man4s footsteps echoe" in the hall an" "isappeare" into another room. /runner $lance"
to make sure that he ha"n4t "isco,ere" the missin$ $uar"s at the front of the house.
9nother $uar" slithere" up near him in the hall to look a paintin$ on the *all. 2he
paintin$ *as o""l) a scene "epicte" of a rainforest. 2he $uar"+ a mi""le a$e" man *earin$ a
/ritish st)le !eret an" holsterin$ a shin) pistol *as completel) o!li,ious. 9$ent /runner sli"
near $uar" an" pause". B,en thou$h the a$ent *as onl) inches a*a)+ the $uar" still faile" to
reali0e his presence. <u""enl)+ /runner struck out+ almost like a pra)in$ mantis+ an" $ra!!e" the
$uar"4s hea"+ careful to co,er the mouth as he t*iste" his neck. 2here *as an inau"i!le ?pop@ as
the $uar" fell "ea". /runner 7uickl) "ra$$e" him into a near!) closet+ "roppe" him !ehin" a
!unch of uniforms+ an" close" the "oor.
Eillin$ ha"n4t !een an issue since the earl) "a)s *hen+ like man) of his fello* a$ents+
*as ?"rafte"@ into the *hole or"eal of a secret $roup of presi"ential supporters ,ia the seein$ of
his uni7ue a!ilit) "urin$ trainin$ for the CD9.. 1o*e,er+ !ein$ a hitman *asn4t e3actl) spelt out
"irectl) *ithin the confi"ential papers that *ere "roppe" for him to rea". 2he !ri$ht re" *or"s of
?Classifie"+@ a$$ressi,el) painte" onto the cream colore" fol"er+ "i"n4t help much either in
creatin$ a !alance *ithin him as an a$ent. 6or /runner+ it *as #ust another "a) in the office+
e3cept that he *asn4t. =uckil) for him+ his office "i"n4t ha,e much of a homel) aurora to it
an)*a). 1e preferre" to *ork in the ?!ellicosit) fiel"@ as e,er)one else *oul" sa). 2he $reat
out"oors *ithin enem) territor) *as much more e3citin$ an" arousin$ than stan"in$ !ehin" an
office scratchin$ on "ocuments *ith the "im ink of the fountain pens. Af course+ sometimes he
Vectors of Corruption
*oul" $et himself into more trou!le than he aske" for in the ?!ellicosit) fiel"+@ !ut those *ere
#ust minor occurrences to !e i$nore".
&ra$$in$ the !o") into a closet near!)+ he continue" his search for Eaitl)n 1oll). Barlier
in the *eek+ there *as a skirmish out !) Mam!ia5 the reconnaissance team she *as *ith *as
am!ushe". 2here *as a small stru$$le an" the team *as surroun"e" from the si"es. 9 *in"o* of
opportunit) arose after a frien"l) helicopter lan"e" in the !ackfiel". 1oll) sta)e" an" $a,e
co,erin$ fire lon$ enou$h for the others to escape+ !ut instea" en"e" up in custo") herself. 2hen+
/runner ha" the honor to !e calle" to retrie,e her !ack+ or so the) sa). <he *as a top priorit)
a$ent+ #ust like him+ onl) people lo,e" 1oll) more as the a,era$e person. <he *as kin"+ calm+
prett)+ an" ha" a m)sterious an" charismatic charm that $lo*e" from *ithin her. -a)!e it *as
her silk) !lon"e hair that $limmere" in the sun+ or those sapphire colore" e)es that $listene"
*ithin the mist) rains+ no one seeme" to kno*. 6or 9$ent >)an /runner thou$h+ this *as an
opportunit) not to miss. Dn all truth+ the ?Captain 9$ent@ ha" al*a)s ha" somethin$ for 1oll)
e,er since the t*o of them entere" the ser,ice. <ure+ the t*o of them seeme" to sta) separate"
an" onl) talk on occasion+ !ut he #ust coul"n4t resist $lancin$ at her *hen he ha" the opportunit)
to "o so. Dt *as a feelin$ of mutual support+ or so he thou$ht. 2he t*o of them talke" *hen
necessar)+ !ut *ere ne,er on the same missions+ in the same room+ or at the same place lon$
enou$h to reall) $et to kno* each other. /runner si$he".
Ance a$ain he is on the mo,e in search of his 7uarr). 9t an entrance to *hat seems to !e
the cell room+ t*o $uar"s stoo" facin$ out*ar"s in "irect si$ht. Fsin$ some lar$e plants locate"
in the fo)er+ the $uar"s cannot catch si$ht of the %.<.9. a$ent. /) "ou!le tappin$ the tri$$er of
his silence" *eapon+ he mana$e" to take !oth the $uar"s "o*n *ithout an) noise or suspicion.
9fter*ar"s+ the a$ent $in$erl) *alke" up to the "oor. /) listenin$ carefull) *ith his tune" ears+
/runner ma"e out the soun"s of *hat seeme" to !e sparkin$ electric *ires an" a fe* mercenaries
in "iscussion.
J=etKs !e$in the interro$ationJ Ane man *ith a hi$h pitche" *hine spat.
/runner hear" the silence" ,oices of the $uar"s after a fe* secon"s. 2he pro!lem *asn4t
the fact that someone coul" fin" his location or "isco,er the "ea" !o"ies of the $uar"s he ha"
taken out5 the trou!le *as makin$ sure the) coul" $et out in time. 2imin$ *as e,er)thin$+ he ha"
to $et in+ $et her+ $et out+ an" $et on to the helicopter !efore the clock ran out.
/rushin$ off some "ust particles that ha" sta$$ere" on the !reach char$e+ he notice" the
small !loo" stain that ha" snake" its *a) onto the e"$e of it. Dt *as not his !loo"+ it ne,er
seeme" to !e. 2he !loo" that ran in his !o") almost seeme" to turn $re) o,er the )ears *ith his
near "eath e3periences. <tra$$lin$ throu$h the min" of >)an /runner *as the man) missions he
*as put into an" put in char$e of. <plittin$ his fears to realit) ha" put much of a strain on
/runner4s thou$hts. /ut e,er) time he *as hurt+ the crimson li7ui" that oo0e" from the *oun"s
seem to empo*er him+ to stren$then his soul+ to set forth his tenacit) to finish *hat *as starte".
/loo"+ it "i" not scare him an)more+ the snakin$ "roplets onl) fuele" him to pursue the enem)+
to hunt "o*n the tar$ets until each *as "ealt *ith. 2he small stain of !loo" allo*e" him to
pon"er upon the man) more $allons that *ere she" "ue to the supremac) of the terrorists.
/runner put the !reach char$e on the "oor an" flippe" it on+ !ackin$ si"e*a)s to a,oi" the !last.
%erspiration "rippe" "o*n as the secon"s tick !) to "etonation. &ra*in$ in his !reath+ he
*hispere" to himself the *or"s+ J2his is it.J
Vectors of Corruption
2he char$e !le* up *ith a lou" roar an" sent the "oor spra*lin$ !ack*ar"s. >unnin$ in
front of the "oor*a) /runner 7uickl) sa* Eaitl)n in the center of the room. 1e raise" his rifle
an" shot a sol"ier runnin$ at him *ith a knife then shot t*o more "ra*in$ their *eapons. 9 thir"
sol"ier *as hit s7uare in the forehea" *hen he trie" to raise his $un to kill the $irl. 6inall)+ the
last sol"ier ma"e an attempt to soun" the alarm !) sprintin$ for*ar" to*ar"s the !utton !ut *as
un"ou!te"l) hit in the chest. Ance all the $uar"s an" sol"iers *ere "ea"+ /runner ran up an"
!e$an unt)in$ the $irlKs !in"s.
1e trie" to a,oi" it+ !ut /runner a$ain stare" at her a$ain. 1e coul"nKt stop himself from
starin$ at her silk) !lon"e hair an" $re).!lue e)es that $listen in the fluorescent li$hts. Eaitl)n
1oll) snappe" him out of his "ream.
J9renKt )ou $oin$ to ask if DKm all ri$ht.J she sai" as she 0ippe" the front of her !lack
Fnsure+ /runner splutter+ JFm+ are )ou all ri$ht.J
J2hanks for askin$+ !ut D am fine.@ <he no""e" to*ar"s some *ires that la) on the
$roun" attache" to a lar$e car !atter).
J(oo"+ the presi"ent *ante" )ou ali,e+ or more importantl)+ D nee"e" )ou ali,e an)*a)
!ecause the others *oul" kill me if D "onKt.J
JD *ill thank )ou later+ !ut it looks like *e onl) ha,e a fe* minutes to $et out of here.J
<he stoppe" to $ra! a pistol from one of the "ea" $uar"s. Cith care+ 1oll) checke" the amount
of !ullets left in the ma$a0ine an" carefull) sli" the *eapon into one of her pockets.
1e trie" not to stare+ he "i"+ !ut in this situation+ /runner *as lost in transit.
Cithout lookin$ at him+ 1oll) aske"+ JChere is our transportHJ
2hat took /runner out of his stupor+ J9 half mile out the north si"e+ 9$ent /arcla) shoul"
ha,e his chopper parke" there *aitin$ for us.J
J(reat+ lea" the *a).J she sai". Completel) une3pecte"+ 1oll) $entl) plante" a kiss on
/runner4s cheek. 1e felt the tin$le of his skin an" smelle" her fra$rance trul) for the first time.
1is face 7ui,ere" a !it.
/runner opene" his e)es *i"e.
J1e)+ come on+ time to $oJ she sai" in a cheer) ,oice. ?%eople "on4t $et too man) of
those from me+ if )ou *ant to li,e to !ra$ a!out it to all )our frien"s $o ahea" an" mo,e. D "on4t
nee" )ou comin$ to return in those !lack trash !a$s.@
9 stunne" 9$ent >)an /runner trippe" !ehin" 1oll) out the !ack"oor. 2he) ran to*ar"s
the "irection of the lan"in$ 0one as pinpointe" !) the tracker.
<u""enl)+ in the su!"ue" mansion !ehin" them+ a screechin$ alarm like that of an in#ure"
ha*k !ello*e" out into the ,ast empt) space. 1e coul" hear the ,oices of the mercenaries an"
$uar"s shoutin$ !ehin" their !acks. 2he lou" rasp) screams of men fille" the afternoon air. 9s
the pair sprinte" into the !arren lan"+ it *as reall) then that /runner notice" the fact that trees
an" !ushes *ere almost no*here to !e seen. Anl) small "itches an" $ullies sprea" across the
lan"scape pro,i"e" an) sort of co,er. 2here *ere lar$e patches of $rass+ !ut the) *ere not tall
enou$h to conceal their escape. 9!o,e them+ the !listerin$ sun raine" "o*n upon them+ the ra)s
piercin$ /runner4s clothin$ an" stin$in$ his salte" skin like hone) !ees attackin$ rai"in$
hornets. 2he t*o of them simpl) ran. 1e coul" !arel) see 1oll) ahea" of him as the ra)s !lin"e"
Vectors of Corruption
his e)es. <omeho*+ 1oll) *as "oin$ e3ceptionall) *ell an" *as sprintin$ *a) ahea" of /runner.
1e "i" ho*e,er+ mana$e" to keep up !) o!ser,in$ her hair.
B,er) $ol"en stran" that reflecte" the li$ht into his e)es5 it *as almost painful to *atch.
/ut he coul"n4t stop his $a0e upon the ri,ers of $ol". /runner almost felt rela3e"+ almost felt
ener$i0e". Fsuall) the si$ht of "eath+ "estruction+ an" !loo" ener$i0e" him to finish his #o!. /ut
the hair from a $irl *as somethin$ ne,er felt !) him !efore. 2he a$ent *as instantl) m)stifie".
<u""enl) a !ullet *hi00e" ne3t to him an" hit the $roun"+ /runner turne" aroun" as he
kept runnin$ for a !rief secon" to fire shots at the tailin$ enemies. 2he mercenaries returne" fire
an" a fe* almost scratche" /runner as he an" 1oll) ran for their li,es. 1e pause" for a secon" to
turn aroun" an" fire at some enemies. 2he smok) spra) from his $un mana$e" to hit some of the
a",ancin$ enemies. 2he) tum!le" "o*n*ar"s an" fell into the $ullies that la) *ithin the lan".
/runner pulle" up a control !utton an" "etonate" the e3plosi,es he ha" set earlier. 1e hear"
screams of men. 9s the pair continue" to sprint+ /runner pulle" out a tur7uoise colore" $a"$et.
J9$ent+ "on4t e,en...@ 1oll) !e$an
Dt *as a speciall) ma"e tactical $rena"e #ust for $o,ernmental use. /ein$ a protot)pe
mo"el+ *eapons *eren4t al*a)s e3pecte" to *ork. ?=uckil)@ for /runner+ he ha" the ?honor@ of
testin$ it out in the fiel".
?&on4t *orr) a!out me+ *orr) a!out )ourself.@ 1e *asn4t sure *hether that insulte" her
or not.
<he i$nore" him
JGeah+ #ust let me take care of themLJ 1e solemnl) a""e" on5 this *ith ma)!e a little
more hu!ris than *as necessar).
?'ust "on4t hurt )ourself. %lease+@ 1oll) spat out un"er straine" !reaths. <he e3presse"
this in such an i$norant an" chil"ish manner that /runner almost lau$he"+ almost+ !ut not 7uite.
2he t*o *ere onl) a fe* hun"re" feet a*a) from the =.M.+ or =an"in$ Mone. 2he) coul"
alrea") hear the plinkin$ soun" of the helicopter in the "istance. 9$ent Chase /arcla) !u00e" in
on /runnerKs hea"set. 1e *as a lo,a!le man+ same a$e as /runner+ usuall) calm an" likes #okes+
politics+ "e!ates an" the occasional run. 2he short !ro*n hair that sprea" across his hea" like
arm) ants to fresh meat sta)e" neat *ithout com!in$+ an" he al*a)s tries his !est at keepin$
o!#ecti,es *ithin a time.frame. J/runner+ D am almost lo* of fuel+ are )ou here )etH D am hearin$
7uite a !it of $unfire.J
J9lmost+ B29 three minutes+ $et rea") to take off+ *e ha,e o,er a fe* "o0en $u)s
comin$ up !ehin" us.@
?1o*4s a$ent 1oll)H@ /arcla) !u00e" in *ith alacrit).
J<heKs in !etter shape than me.J 1e $lance" at her+ )es+ her hair still $lo*e" !ack an" )es
she *as still runnin$ faster than she *as.
/runner tu$$e" off the han"le of the %%< $rena"e an" thre* it !ack+ he "i" not mana$e to see if
he o!taine" an) kills !ut he hear" the e3plosion an" the screamin$ of terrorists !ehin" him.
J(o+ $et to the =.M.+ D *ill hol" them off.J /runner tol" 1oll).
JAka)+ oka)+ )ou "onKt nee" to !e heroic all of a su""en+ the presi"ent nee"s )ou !ack as
much as he nee"s me !ack.J <he sprinte" ahea" an" for a split secon" "isappeare" !ehin" a thorn
!ush as the "ust) mists of the helicopter4s !eatin$ propellers ran$.
/runner turne" an" reloa"e" a fresh ma$a0ine into the $un an" fire" at the terrorists on
full automatic settin$. 1e peppere" the first *a,e of *hen the) appeare". 9s he finishe" off the
Vectors of Corruption
secon" *a,e of enemies+ he hear" the helicopter a!o,e him. Dts hum ran$ ri$ht into his ears like
the roar of a #et en$ine+ thou$h not that lou". 2he san") fra$ments aroun" him *ere churne"
up*ar"s like a san"storm. 1e coul"n4t see or mo,e+ e,er) !reath he took seeme" to choke his
throat *ith lar$e particles of "irt.
Commotion ran$ out e,er)*here an" /runner *as hit se,eral times in the neck an" face
!) the "e!ris tille" up !) the !eat of the helicopter4s !la"es.
JD $ot 1oll) on !oar" an" she is safe !ut the lan"in$ 0one is too hot+ *e ha,e confirme"
lar$e 7uantities of enemies hea"in$ in our "irection. <ome *ith lar$e cali!er *eaponr)+ D cannot
risk takin$ too man) hits on this thin$. -o,e to secon"ar) =.M. o,er.J
/runner *asn4t e,en sure ho* he misse" 1oll) $ettin$ on the helicopter. <tu!!ornl) he
replie"+ JCop) that+ D am on the mo,e.J 1e sai" it *ith such calmness. /ut "eep insi"e his !o")
$roane" from pain an" the loss of o3)$en. 9s he trie" to *ipe a*a) the san" from his e)es+
another t*o terrorists appeare" o,er the e"$e. 2he) *ere "resse" in "esert militia com!at $ear
*ith a tattere" pants an" a short slee,e" shirt *rappe" *ith ammunition !elts. 9cross their faces
*as a piece of !an"ana like to*el that *as *rappe" aroun" their faces. /runner coul"n4t see
their faces. 1e coul"n4t make out an) particular features on the terrorists5 ma)!e it *as !etter
that *a). B3cept for the !lack hair+ the tattoo of a coile" co!ra in a strikin$ position+ sittin$
calml) on their necks+ the men *ere #ust ima$es from a ran"om cro*e".
/runner *oul"n4t remem!er e,er)one he ha" kille"+ he remem!ere" some+ !ut others #ust
can4t !e memora!le. 9$ain+ it ma)!e !etter that *a)+ sometimes he felt that the killin$ of a
person is #ust his #o!+ an" not his en#o)ment. >eco$ni0in$ the faces *ill onl) haunt him in the
future+ or so he thou$ht.
2he terrorists !e$an firin$ at the chopper as /arcla) ,eere" a*a) to the alternate lan"in$
0one. 9t least it "re* fire a*a) from me+ /runner thou$ht. 2he secon" lan"in$ 0one *as onl) a
7uarter of a mile a*a)+ !ut he *as alrea") tirin$ from all the *ei$ht in his !ackpack. 1e pulle"
out a fe* more %%< $rena"es an" ran faster as the !ullets from enem) 9E.47 assault rifles
!u00e" an" scrape" the $roun" aroun" his le$s+ some almost hittin$ him. &irt ne3t to him "ance"
like popcorn crackin$ an" !reakin$ as it poppe" apart in the sto,e. 1e coul" feel the *hi0 of the
lou" !ullets as the) struck e,er)thin$ aroun" him. 9t this point+ /runner coul" onl) pra) for
sur,i,al. 9s he $rippe" the %%< $rena"e+ he felt that his life *as alrea") #u"$e". Dt *as all luck
no*5 it *as all "ecision on *hether $o" *ante" him to sta) on Barth or lea,e. 1e ha" com!at
trainin$ in situations like this+ e,er)one in the %.<.9. "i". /ut /runner "i"n4t particularl) like
runnin$ a*a) as !ullets traile" after him like 9fricani0e" hone)!ees. 2his a$ent preferre" the
stealth) approach+ sna$$in$ enemies as the) roun"e" corners an" "ark alle)s in the !a" parts of
to*n at ni$ht. Dn all honest)+ /runner *oul" rather for a moment scratch his hea" a$ainst
paper*ork than *orr) a!out !ein$ tar$ete" !) all the *a,es of mercenaries. 9t the time+ it all felt
like a $ame. 1e "oesn4t like consi"erin$ his *hole #o! as an online first person shooter+ !ut
thinkin$ that it is the case for some o"" reason $a,e him more coura$e. -a)!e it is the fact that
in an 6%< $ame+ one "oesn4t "ie. /ut *ho kno*s+ he onl) cares a!out sur,i,al at this point. 1e
accomplishe" his mission of $ettin$ 9$ent 1oll) out of the custo") of the enemies+ he has
successfull) complete" his o!#ecti,e+ an" ma)!e no* it *as time to #ust li,e. Af course+ /runner
*asn4t all that ner,ous+ he $ot o,er that ner,ousness )ears a$o+ !ut a sense of *orr) still
lin$ere". 9 7uiete" thou$ht of fear+ a fear that seeme" to chill him+ ma)!e it *as #ust him+ !ut it
felt as if this mission+ alon$ *ith his future missions+ *ill ha,e a $reat "o*nfall upon the team.
Vectors of Corruption
JCome on+ almost thereJ 1oll) sai" to him o,er ra"io.
2hat !roke his train of thou$ht. JD ha,e this+ "onKt *orr) a!out me.J 9$ain+ the a$ent
mi$ht ha,e sai" it *ith a minute amount more of hu!ris than necessar).
9t last he *as *ithin si$ht of the lan"in$ 0one+ pickin$ up the pace an" spee"in$ throu$h
the !ushes+ the helicopter *as a mere thirt) feet a*a). /runner felt that his lun$s *ere $oin$ to
!urst as he use" up his last scrap of ener$) to sprint for*ar". 1e *as almost ten feet a*a) from
the helicopter.
Cell+ then the unfortunate happene". 9n e3plosion ran$ out closel) !ehin" him+ he
instantl) kne* it as an >%(+ or rocket propelle" $rena"e. 2he e3plosion sent /runner fl)in$ into
the "irt. 9s /runner picke" himself up+ he su""enl) felt "i00) an" his ,ision an" hearin$ !lurre"
for a split secon" !efore re$ainin$ himself. Cin"e"+ /runner scram!le" "esperatel) up*ar"s for
!reath. 9s 9$ent /runner pulle" himself up from the shell !last+ he sa* that he *as not !a"l)
hurt other than a fe* scrapes+ the shell ha" e3plo"e" close to him !ut not close enou$h to kill
him. 2hen of course+ another unfortunate e,ent occurre". 9 sol"ier in the "istance raise" his 9E.
47 assault rifle an" aime" it ri$ht at /runner himself. /ut as /runner rea"ie" for the !ullet to hit
him+ the sol"ier su""enl) *as struck har" in the chest !) a !ullet. 2urnin$ aroun"+ he sa* 1oll)
aimin$ *ith an -4 assault rifle on the helicopter. <o the unfortunate *as resol,e"+ at least for the
time !ein$.
J1urr) up+ slo* poke+ *eK,e $ot to $oLJ <he )elle" o,er the shots.
&ashin$ across the fiel"+ >)an /runner lun$e" into the chopper as /arcla) took the !ir"
up into the sk).
1e lan"e" har" on his stomach an" the impact knocke" the air out of his lun$s a$ain.
1oll) fire" t*o more shots an" mana$e" to take out t*o more tar$ets as the !lack ha*k
helicopter rose into the air. <he close" the "oor of the helicopter5 /runner *as surprise" ho*
7uiet it *as after the "oors *ere close". 1e coul" talk *ith someone insi"e *ithout a hea"set.
Cell+ he CAF=& talk+ !ut *as he rea") to talk to 1oll)H 2hat pon"ere" in his min". 2he three of
them "eci"e" to catch their !reaths an" sta) silent.
Ance out of the "an$er 0one+ the three finall) !e$an talkin$ a$ain. Dt *as all mum!les an"
si$hs of ?thanks+@ an" ?$oo" #o!@ at first.
J(oo" to ha,e )ou ali,e.J /runner sai" to 1oll).
JD $uess )ou can tell that to )ourselfLJ <he replie"+ some*hat 7uietl). ?Cith that hei$ht
)ou ha,e+ D $uesse" that a !ullet *oul" pro!a!l) ha,e struck )ou.@
1e smirke"+ ?D4m in,inci!leL@ 1e 7uickl) cou$he" out a small clou" of "ust an" san"
from his mouth.
1oll) lau$he". 9n" after /runner cau$ht his !reath+ he lau$he" as *ell.
Chen the chopper fle* across the !arren lan"+ the e,enin$ sun !e$an "ippin$ her face into the
hori0on. /runner an" 1oll) stare" into the sunset.
JDt4s o"" ho* peaceful the earth looks after a !attle.J 1oll) *hispere".
JD kno*+ this is not the first for me+ an" it CD== not !e the last.J /runner replie".
<he smile". J2hank )ou+ D appreciate *hat )ou ha,e "one+ it is somethin$ D *ill
remem!er+@ she pause"+ ?Con4t for$et.@ 1oll) !rushe" her han" a$ainst the !ack of his hea".
/runner *atche" 7uietl).
Vectors of Corruption
J9 person that respects me+ D nee" to keep that in min".J 1e close" his e)es an" no""e"
in appreciation. -a)!e it *as #ust a !antam of an optimistic thou$ht that cra*le" out of his hea"+
!ut he felt please" an" content.
JGou are 7uite uni7ue.J she sai". 1er ,oice *as so $entle an" e3tremel) har" for /runner
or an)one to "islike.
/runner notice" ho* her $re).!lue e)es "ance" in the "im li$ht as she talke" an"
!linke". Dt ha" a ,er) similar color to that of his. 1e notice" her uni7ue !eaut) almost instantl).
Ance he has seen it+ it *as e3tremel) har" to "ra* his e)es a*a) from the $ol"en hair+ the lon$+
flo*in$ $ol"en hair that fell "o*n from a!o,e. 1e almost *ante" to reach out an" touch the fine
silk) stran"s+ !ut he "i"n4t for the sake of manners of course.
JGou canKt reall) sa) that+ arenKt *e all "ifferentH &o D o*e )ou somethin$HJ /runner
aske" finall).
J1e)+ )ou sa,e" me+ then D sa,e" )ou+ *e are e,en all ri$htHJ <he smile" a$ain.
JAka)+ !ut please un"erstan" the fact that if D "i"nKt $et )ou to"a)+ the) *oul" ha,e
shippe" )ou to (ula$ DV in <olomon Dslan"s. 2hen )ou ne,er *oul" ha,e !een a!le to return.J
/runner replie".
JD thou$ht )ou *ere $reat at !reakin$ into stuff+ isnKt the (ula$ #ust another task nee"e"
to o,ercomeHJ
J/ut a full force *oul" ha,e !een nee"e" in or"er to pass the islan"Ks "efenses. 2ra"in$
the life of man) for the li,es of man) for one *asnKt e3actl) *ritten in the rule.!ooks.J 1e
*on"ere" *hether he *oul" risk his life for 1oll).
1oll) looke" "o*n for a secon". <he si$he". JGouKre ri$ht5 sometimes the risk of losin$
man) for the life of one isn4t the most moral of all actions.J
/runner smile"+ J/ut D *ant )ou ali,e+ the team *ants )ou ali,e+ an" )our parents *oul"
*ant )ou to !e ali,e.J
1oll) turne" a*a) an" looke" out the *in"o* of the helicopter. Dt mi$ht ha,e !een the
"usk sunli$ht !ut /runner coul" ha,e s*orn that he sa* a small tear run "o*n her cheek. /ut if
it reall) *as a tear+ she suppresse" the ne3t ones e3ceptionall) *ell.
J2hank )ou.J she tol" him "ull).
J8o pro!lem.J /runner put a han" on her shoul"er5 she *as still lookin$ out the *in"o*.
JGes+ *hat is itHJ
<he pause" for another secon". J8e,er min".J
JDf )ou ha,e somethin$ to tell me D4m fine *ith it. D4m al*a)s here to listen.J
J8o+ itKs nothin$.J she replie". 1oll) si$he".
1oll) 7uietl) stretche" out her han"s an" starte" massa$in$ her arm. 2he pair sat there starin$
into the sunset. Dt *as all 7uiet+ soothin$+ an" some*hat e,en romantic "urin$ this harsh perio"
of terrorism+ ,iolence+ "isease+ an" "rou$ht. /runner continue" to pon"er as to *hat 1oll) *as
$oin$ to ask him as the) sat *atchin$ the sunset for almost fi,e minutes+ e,er)thin$ *as silent+
the hum of the helicopter propellers create" a sleep) tune.
?6or the recor"+ this has not $one full circle+@ /runner sai".
/arcla) turne" aroun". ?<top it an" $o an" $et a room *h) "onKt )ou+J he shoute" out to
!oth of them as he maneu,ere" the helicopter on course for &#im!i 9irfiel". 2he other t*o #ust
pla)full) $lare" at him.
Vectors of Corruption
&#im!i 9ir!ase+ -o0am!i7ue
2he !lack ha*k pilote" !) Chase /arcla) s*oope" o,er the "immin$ li$ht an" lan"e"
*ith a !risk ?plop@ on the helipa" on &#im!i 9ir!ase. 2he propellers spun *ith momentum e,en
after the en$ine ha" !een turne" off. 2he mo,ement create" a miniature "ust storm . !lin"l)
"riftin$ across the metal !ir". 8o one seeme" to !e aroun" to !other *ith the returnin$ a$ents.
2he) *ere #ust anon)mous people here to "o an anon)mous #o!.
2he propellers finall) stoppe" rotatin$ an" /runner steppe" out onto the *arm+ "r)
concrete. 9ll across the airfiel"+ 9merican sol"iers ha" alrea") !e$un closin$ "o*n the !ase for
the ni$ht. 9 fe* of them+ *earin$ !ri$ht neon )ello* #ackets+ *ere cleanin$ one of the man)
armore" cars parke" near the *est si"e of the !ase. An the east si"e+ near the run*a)s+ a truck
*as pullin$ a lar$e 6.22 >aptor #et into the han$ar. 9ll aroun"+ soun"s of clan$in$ metal+ $ratin$
ru!!er+ an" simmerin$ of $as coul" !e hear". Dt $a,e /runner a home) aurora+ one *hich struck
him a feelin$ of !roken ties an" far a*a) famil). /ut he "i"n4t seem to min" much. 1e *as use"
to !ein$ a*a).a*a) from the confines of the <tates an" a*a) from the restrictions *ithin his
/arcla) also steppe" out from the cockpit an" *as stretchin$ on the tarmac. 1e "i"n4t
seem to !e pa)in$ an) attention to his surroun"in$s. /ehin" him+ 1oll) "roppe" "o*n from
helicopter an" !reathe" in the "r) air. /runner hear" her si$h. Dt felt to him as if it *asn4t #ust a
si$h of relief+ !ut a si$h of )earnin$+ as if somethin$ !othere" her.
?Ds somethin$ *ron$H@ /runner trie" to !e "iscreet.
1oll) pause"+ she stare" at the sol"iers in the "istance *ho *ere cleanin$ the trucks+
pause" a$ain an" stare" at /arcla) "oin$ the stretches. 6inall)+ the a$ent turne" sli$htl) to*ar"s
/runner. ?D.D4m fine.@
/runner "i"n4t pursue her on the su!#ect. 1e assume" she *as simpl) tire" from *hat has
happene". Af course+ the *hole ?!ein$ capture" an" interro$ate"@ thin$ has !een tau$ht an" tol"
to them as %.<.9. "urin$ their earl) trainin$+ !ut the shock+ a*e+ an" final "istress coul" take its
toll on the !o"). especiall) that of a )oun$ *oman.
/arcla) stoppe" his stretches. 1e *as also 7uiet. Dn fact+ the three of them *ere all 7uiet
*hen the) *alke" to*ar"s one of the main !uil"in$s of the !ase. *hich ser,e" as their
2he) clim!e" their steps in silence. 9s the lar$e *oo"en "oor opene"+ the lou" shine of
fluorescent li$ht spra)e" out onto their !o"ies. 9fter their e)es $ot use" to the shine+ the three of
them steppe" into the room+ in sin$le file. /arcla)+ entere" first+ follo*e" !) 1oll) an" /runner.
2he room *ithin *asn4t much of a prett) si$ht. Dt looke" some*hat like a t*o star hotel lo!!). 9
small counter *ith a kitchen an" a fri"$e+ as *ell as a couple of arm chairs *ith a coffee ta!le in
the center. Dn the front of the room+ a lar$e 2V *as pla)in$ somethin$ from C/< 8e*s. 2he
*hite tile" floor $a,e the room an almost $hastl) look+ at least to /runner4s tire" e)es. Dn the
room+ t*o people *ere millin$ a!out. Ane+ 'osh (reene+ *as a scientist *orkin$ for the Fnite"
<tates (o,ernment+ an" the other *as <C<6 . <ecurit) Council <pecial 6orces =iana Ea!ins.
2he t*o of them+ *ho alrea") kne* of the success in retrie,in$ 1oll)+ soon perke" up an" ran
to*ar"s the returnin$ a$ent *ith open arms. 2he t*o $roups e3chan$e" their hu$s an" $oo" #o!s
an" mo,e" to*ar" the sofas.
Vectors of Corruption
1oll) ploppe" "o*n on one of the armchairs an" !reathe" in a "eep !reath of cool+
con"itione" air. <he close" her e)es an" opene" them a$ain.
?(oo" to !e !ack $u)s+ $oo" to !e !ack.@
'osh (reene+ a *il" haire"+ kno*le"$e fille" ?ner"@ thre* in his h)peracti,e cra0)
"isposition+ ?Chat a *on"rous "a)+ D $et m) stuff "one+ *e $ot 1oll) !ack+ an" *e e,en $et to
keep /runner4s *orthless assL@
/runner shot him an anno)e"+ ?D4m $oin$ to hurt )ou@ look.
?Ges+@ 1oll) pause" an" sho*e" a sli$ht smile+ ?the *orks of these t*o $ents sen"s me
!ack here in one piece. D ha,e much to thank.@
Ea!ins chime" in *ithout a sho* of hate+ ?2he) are $oo"+ unfortunatel).@
?Chat "o )ou mean+ Nunfortunatel)H4H@ /arcla) sai" as he poke" aroun" the fri"$e for
somethin$ to "rink.
?D mean+ if )ou *ere to !e an) !etter *e mi$ht actuall) 8A2 ha,e to "eal *ith the
o,erseein$ tomorro*.@
/runner su""enl) snappe" out an" remem!ere" *h) he *as here in the first place. <ure+
he *as sent to rescue 1oll)+ !ut he reali0e" the initial o!#ect for !ein$ sent here from hi$h
comman" *as !ecause he+ alon$ *ith the others+ ha,e !een thro*n here into the "esert in or"er
to o,ersee the "istri!ution of $oo"s. 9s kno*n+ the *eather alon$ *ith the increase" terrorist
acti,ities in the area ha" cause" man) of the citi0ens to suffer the *rath of nature an" enem).
9fter fun"in$ an" carin$ "onations from the Fnite" <tates+ a ?>elief 6un"@ *as s)nthesi0e" into
realit). /asicall)+ it in,ol,e" e3portin$ out common pro"ucts like rice+ so)!eans+ *heat+ corn+
an" other $rains to the locals that *ere hammere" from the former issues. 2o sa) the least+ the
amount of acti,it) in the area has cause" 2he %resi"ent to e3ert e3tra caution an" *orr) on the
important $rains. 2hat *as reall) the ma#or reason *h) the %.<.9. *as sent out. 8ot necessaril)
to shoot an" kill an)thin$+ !ut #ust to o,ersee an" ensure that the situation is han"le" properl).
6or the fe* of them+ it *as somethin$ the) reall) "i"n4t *ant to ha,e to "eal *ith. /ut the
%resi"ent *ante" to $ain !etter ties *ith the countr) an" !alance out the hate+ so he sent the
a$ents to ensure that all $oes smoothl). Dt *as a !other+ it *as anno)in$+ !ut it ha" to !e "one+ or
so the %resi"ent sai".
?9$ent 1oll)+@ /runner pause" for a secon". <he turne" to him *ith her uni7ue smile.
2hat smile+ "amn that smile+ he *as "istracte" a$ain.
?Ges >)anH@ <he use" his first nameL /runner *as instantl) mesmeri0e"+ a$ain.
?Fm+@ 1e ha" no i"ea *hat to sa). 9fter a fe* more secon"s of a*k*ar" murmurin$+
/runner finall) mana$e" to $et out+ ?9re )ou hun$r)H@
<he pause" a$ain. ?8o* that )ou mention it+ D *oul" lo,e some foo" ri$ht a!out no*+
!efore D $o to !e".@
/runner stoppe"+ unsure *hat to "o ne3t.
Ea!ins !roke the silence+ kno*in$ *hat *as happenin$. ?1oll)+ there are still some
lefto,er meatloaf san"*iches from lunch. D hope that *ill ha,e to "o !ecause D "on4t think D4m up
for cookin$ an)thin$ for the time !ein$.@
1oll) turne"+ ?2hat4s fine. D4m #ust lookin$ for somethin$ to fill m) stomach. 2he)
star,e" me for informationI@
/runner su""enl) felt an o"" feelin$+ he *orrie" for 1oll). Dt *asn4t a feelin$ he *as
use" to. 1is cheeks 7ui,ere" a !it.
Vectors of Corruption
1oll) left for the !athroom. Ance she *as out of earshot+ Ea!ins sta!!e" the moment. ?9
little !it in crush /runnerH@ <he smile" ,ictoriousl).
/runner4s face pinke". 1e turne" a*a) from the $roup an" shook his hea"+ tr)in$ to hi"e
his em!arrassment an" "i$nit). ?8o.@
?9*+ look at his face.@ (reene sai".
B,en /arcla)+ *ho *as sippin$ on a !ottle of *ater+ chortle"+ ?9n" the route to marria$e
/runner simpl) replie" *ith a+ ?<hut upI@ 1e *as still re".
?1e)+ it4s fine to feel attraction /runner+ she4s prett).@ Ea!ins tol" him.
?<he4s kin" of hot actuall).@ /arcla) tol" him as *e "rank from his !ottle.
/runner shook his hea" a$ain+ ?(u)s+ let4s not pla) this $ame oka)H D *ill tell )ou that D
like her+ !ut D *on4t !e so !latant as to let )ou clo*ns anno) me *ith this talk.@
?<peakin$ of clo*ns+@ /arcla) cut in+ ?1oll) hates clo*ns.@
9$ent /runner $a,e a famous ?facepalm@ an" looke" at /arcla). ?<o -ike)+ )ou tol" me
this C1GH@
?8o reason+@ he respon"e"+ ?#ust a piece of information for the future. 9n" "on4t call me
-ike) please.@
?<ure+ that4s *hat )ou sa). =ook $u)s+ D appreciate )ou tr)in$ to support me on this+ !ut D
think it *oul" !e !etter if *e #ust stop an" let it pla) out.@
?=et *hat pla) outH@ 1oll) returne" to the room an" *as "r)in$ her han"s on a to*el.
?8othin$.@ /runner !lurte" out.
/arcla) starte" smilin$+ ?1oll)+ /runner #ust tol" us that heI@
?I2hat D hate clo*ns.@ /runner cut in.
1oll)4s !ro* furro*e" an" she stare" at e,er)one in the $roup. 2hen she smile". /runner4s lip
7ui,ere" a$ain. 1oll) sai"+ ?2hat4s interestin$+ D "on4t kno* *h) )ou *oul" sa) it !ut+ D4m not
too !i$ of a fan of clo*ns either.@ <he turne" aroun" an" !e$an rai"in$ the fri"$e.
2he other three !e$an shakin$ hea"s an" smilin$ *ith appro,al at /runner !ehin"
1oll)4s !ack.
2*o hours later+ e,er)one *as alrea") in their rooms+ pro!a!l) preparin$ to sleep *ell
for tomorro*4s o,erseein$. e,er)one e3cept for /runner. 1e sat in his room in his pa#amas+
cleanin$ a lon$ <i$ <auer pistol. 2he a$ent set the pistol "o*n an" picke" up a lar$e assault rifle.
Cith care+ he took a cloth an" *ipe" the cartri"$e an" mu00le+ still runnin$ o,er the ima$e of
1oll)4s smile *ithin his hea".
1e felt the stares of e,er)one an" he felt the 7ui,erin$ of his lips. Dt *as an o"" feelin$+ it
*as a cra0) thou$ht+ !ut /runner *on"ere" *hether he *oul" e,en ha,e the *its to ha,e a
proper con,ersation *ith 1oll). 1e "roppe" his assault rifle on the ta!le an" fell !ack onto his
!e" an" !e$an starin$ aimlessl) at the ceilin$.
1e *ante" to talk to her. 1e *ante" to un"erstan" her. 9n" he *ante" fin" out *hat *as
causin$ her to !e so 7uiet an" upset. /runner "eci"e" to pa) her a ,isit to check on ho* she *as
"oin$. 'ust a mo"est trip+ no strin$s attache" an" no plans of his o*n. Dt *as #ust a simple ,isit to
see ho* 1oll) *as hol"in$ up from the "a)4s e,ents. 2he a$ent kept mum!lin$ to himself those
fe* *or"s.
Vectors of Corruption
>)an /runner reache" 1oll)4s "oor. 1e took a "eep !reath+ kno*in$ *hat *as !ehin" the
"oor. /runner knocke".
Autsi"e the mansion at -okele+ 8a#a 8i,ea arri,e" in his $re) =an" >o,er to see the
aftermath of /runnerKs *rath. 2he a$ents ha" kille" *ell o,er ten of his suppose"l) !est men+
in#ure" another "o0en+ as *ell as cause" massi,e "ama$e insi"e the !uil"in$ itself. 8i,ea
shoute" or"ers to all of his terrorist mercenaries an" $uar"s to clean up the mess create" in the
*ake of the %.<.9. a$ents4 paths.
1e stoope" from the san" an" kicke" a*a) a lar$e spi"er *hich clun$ to the si"e of a lo$
*hich !or"ere" the mansion4s ?$ar"en.@ 8i,ea looke" aroun" at the lar$e mess an" shook his
hea" *ith !oth an$er an" "is!elief. 1e *atche" as his men !e$an pullin$ "o*n the "ama$e"
*alls as *ell as the !o"ies of his fallen mercenaries. Dn a corner+ se,eral minute ?me"ics@ *ere
ten"in$ to those *ho *ere in#ure".
1e $a,e a $eneral shout to the *orkers. J(et those "ea" !o"ies out of m) house an"
*ash all the stains.@ 8i,ea pause" to take a puff from his ci$ar. ?9n" D *ant it all "one !efore the
sun rises.J 1e "eclare" in a $ruff ,oice. 2he terrorist *atche" as some of his men !e$an settin$
up temporar) li$hts in or"er let e,er)one see *hat *as $oin$ on in the "immin$ li$ht of the
e,enin$. 8i,ea entere" his "ama$e" house.
J<ir+ *e foun" another !o") in the closet !) the kitchen hall*a).@ <omeone shoute" to him. Dt
*as a mercenar) *ith a )oun$ face *ho he ha" hire" a fe* *eeks a$o.
JCell $et ri" of itL 6or (o" sakes *hat kin" of "isposal s*eep "o )ou not un"erstan"H
(B2 >D& A6 D2L@ 1e crie" out *ith his -i""le Bast.stu""e" accent. ?Ah+ an" D *oul" like to
ha,e a talk *ith 'o,a.J
'o,a *as the lea" $uar" of the -ansion. 9t the time of the attack+ 'o,a *asn4t aroun" the house
itself. 1e *as patrollin$ the near!) ,illa$es+ lookin$ for people he coul" ensla,e for la!or. /ut of
course+ he *oul"n4t "are tell 8i,ea that.
9fter a fe* minutes+ 'o,a+ a mi""le a$e" *hite.skinne" <outh 9frican *ith ta*n) hair+
finall) appeare" from the cro*". J<irHJ he aske" *ith a hint of ner,ousness. 8i,ea coul" see
perspiration trickle on his face e,en as the temperature !e$an to "rop.
J(et the hell out the !uil"in$. D nee" a talk *ith )ou outsi"e.J 2he men t*o *alke" to the
front la*n+ or *hat *as suppose" to !e a la*n. Dt *asn4t more than a fe* patches of *il" $rass
an" "rie" flo*ers.
JB3plain to me *h) )ou ha,e not onl) faile" at keepin$ intru"ers out !ut also faile" at
killin$ them once the) are "isco,ere"HJ
JCell+ to !e honest sirJ 'o,a sai" ner,ousl)+ J1e *as %.<.9.J 9s soon as 'o,a sai" this+
8i,ea forcefull) punche" 'o,a in his chest+ causin$ him to fall !ack on the $roun". 'o,a clutche"
his chest as he stoo" !ack up. 8i,ea *alke" up near him to kick him "o*n a$ain.
JChen D ask for somethin$ as simple as keepin$ out intru"ers+ D e3pect results. 2hat $irl
*as a present for -r. Chernko,LJ he shoute" out.
JD am sorr) sir+ it *as m) fault.J
Vectors of Corruption
J1ell )es it *as )our fault. 8o* *e lost an opportunit) of a lifetime+ ho* coul" )ou let
that !astar" take the $irlH 1o*HJ
JD apolo$i0e+ it *ill ne,er D s*ear+ 8BVB> happen a$ain.J 'o,a s7uirme" out
JAf course it *ill ne,er happen a$ain.J 8i,ea sai" as he pulle" 'o,a up to his feet.
8i,ea then pulle" out a (lock 17 o!taine" from Eaitl)n 1oll) earlier an" shot 'o,a !et*een the
e)es *ithout !linkin$. 2he !ullet tore throu$h his skull an" 'o,a "roppe" "o*n. 9 small pool of
!loo" starte" e3pan"in$ !eneath him+ !ut it "i"n4t $o far for soon the *ater) mi3ture *as
a!sor!e" !) the thirst) $roun".
JDf the %.<.9. is incapa!le of remo,in$ )ou from e3istence+ some!o")Ks $ot to.J he sai"
o,er 'o,aKs !o").
9 mercenar) on clean up "ut) *alke" up+ J<ir+ *hat "o )ou *ant to "o *ith the !o")HJ
J&o *hat )ou are "oin$ *ith all the other !o"ies+ $et ri" of it.J 8i,ea spat on 'o,a4s !o")
as it *as pulle" off !) the mercenar). 1e "roppe" his ci$ar an" thum!e" the (lock 17 pistol. 2he
terrorist lea"er slo*e" as his fin$er touche" the t*o letters en$ra,e" into the $un. 8i,ea $a,e out
a chuckle. Dt *as the letters ?E.1.@
9$ent 1oll) opene" the "oor *ith surprise. <he stare" at /runner. ?/runner+ *hat are
)ou "oin$ hereH
/runner pause"+ !ut this time+ he *as rea"). ?D came here to see *hether )ou nee"
an)thin$+ as *ell as *hether ho* )ou are hol"in$ out.@
1oll) smile" an" /runner4s cheeks 7ui,ere". 1e *on"ere" *hether she sa* it.
?D4m fine+ actuall) a!out to $o to !e" to !e honest. 2he *hole thin$ to"a) *as 7uite
appreciati,e.@ <he pause"+ ?2hank )ou.@
1e stare" into her "eep !lue e)es. ?&on4t thank me+ )ou "eser,e" it.@ 1e $uesse" that
*as a $oo" line ri$htH
?D ne,er reali0e" that the 1i$h Comman"+ alon$ *ith the $o,ernment+ still ha" hopes for
/runner leane" a han" on the "oor*a). ?-an) "i"n4t+ !ut D thou$ht other*ise.@ 1e
looke" at her e)es a$ain. ?/ut D shoul"n4t $et all the cre"it. /arcla) *as the one *ho fle* us out
)ou kno*.@
1oll) stoppe". ?/ut )ou *ere the one *ho stoppe" the others from leechin$ information
from me.@
?D "i" *hat D *as tol".@ /runner *asn4t sure e3actl) ho* that *as suppose" to mean.
1oll) pause"+ ?Coul" )ou like to come in an" sitH@ <he perke" up ?D4m sorr) D ma"e )ou
stan" here.@
/runner re,ie*e" the options in his hea". Df he *as to $o into her room+ *hat *oul"
happenH Coul" the) #ust sleepH Coul" the) #ust talkH Ar *oul" the) !reak the lon$ stan"in$
!arriers an" )earn for somethin$ moreH /runner *asn4t completel) sure ho* to react+ he *ent as
far as askin$ ho* she *as "oin$+ not *hat to "o *hen she in,ites him to sit in her room.
?D think D shoul" $o to sleep.@ <a,e"H ?Dt4s $ettin$ late outsi"e an" *e still ha,e to $et up
earl) to *atch some trucks.@ 1e trie" to soun" some*hat enthusiastic.
<he actuall) lau$he". ?2ruck *atchin$+ *hate,er happene" to poetr) an" !ir" fee"er
Vectors of Corruption
?Dt *ent out the "oor *hen %resi"ent -a#e*ski sen"s his secret arm) of a$ents to *atch
some trucks "eli,er $rain.@
2he) !oth lau$he". 6inall)+ *hen the) !oth stoppe"+ /runner looke" her in the e)es
a$ain. ?Cell+ $oo"ni$ht 1oll).@
?<ame to )ou.@
/runner smile" an" turne" a*a). 1e hear" the "oor creak as 1oll) !e$an pushin$ it shut.
Dn almost a *hisper+ 1oll) spoke *ith onl) her hea" peekin$ out. ?4Eaitl)n4 is perfectl)
accepta!le for our con,ersations >)an.@ <he shut her "oor.
/runner4s heart almost skippe" a !eat *ith e3citement.
&#im!i 9ir!ase. 0800 hours
Chen /runner *oke to the soun" of $unfire+ his first instinct *as to $ra! his pistol on the
ni$htstan". <u""enl) he remem!ere" that he *as not stuck in the mi""le of a *ar+ !ut instea"
foun" himself in his room. 1is "orm *as not a room of ama0in$ $a"$ets. Dt *as painte" a
$loom) *hite *ith t*o *in"o*s on the Bastern si"e. 2he paint *as fa"e" an" rippe" in places+
!ut he coul" honestl) care less. Co,erin$ the *in"o*s are some *orn curtains+ !arel) han$in$
on their hooks+ the) "roope" "o*n*ar"s+ sa$$in$ like the skin of the ol" men that *orke" in the
"ark mines of 9sia+ a si$ht /runner has )et to for$et in his a",entures there. /runner kicke" off
his !lanket+ he ha" the o"" ha!it of "oin$ so e,er since he *as )oun$+ it ne,er occurre" to him
until no* #ust ho* lon$ it has !een since those )ears. /ack *hen he *as a!out four or fi,e+ a
spi"er ha" mana$e" to cra*l un"er his sheets. Dt *as a "ark *olf spi"er *ith a #et !lack !o"). Af
course+ the fear of spi"ers at a )oun$ a$e *as somethin$ /runner *as a ta" ashame" of. 2rue+ he
*as tol" that man) species carrie" ,enomous fan$s that coul" kill a person+ )et it *as him
allo*in$ himself to !e scare" that he kicke" a*a) the sheet. Chen the sheet fell on the $roun"+
the *olf spi"er sprinte" across the carpet an" un"er one of his ni$htstan"s. /runner coul" not
for$et ho* lon$ he trie" con,incin$ his mother to help him kill the spi"er. /ut of course+ his
mother *as also in the militar) an" *as untouche" !) a creature the si0e of a small cookie. >)an
/runner remem!ere" ho* she tol" him to #ust ?suck it up+ "on4t kill such an ama0in$ creature+
catch it in a #ar+ an" let it $o outsi"e in the )ar".@ Ges+ he freake" out. 9fter a fe* minutes of
muckin$ aroun" tr)in$ to fin" a #ar+ he finall) fin"s one that *as of suita!le si0e. 1e remem!ere"
ho* *hen the flashli$ht *as shinin$ into the a!)ss of the space un"er the ni$htstan" that the
e)es of the *olf spi"er struck out to him. Dt *as a pale+ $loss)+ $re) !lue that reflecte" the li$ht
of the flashli$ht. Cautiousl)+ the spi"er turne" aroun" an" face" him. Cith a lou" ?*hack@ across
the si"e of the ni$htstan"+ the fri$htene" spi"er sprinte" out. /runner pulle" !ack #ust as the
creature scurrie" out un"erneath an" ran strai$ht !ack into his !e" sheet+ *hich *as still on the
floor. 9nno)e"+ the )oun$ >)an /runner $athere" his coura$e an" flun$ the sheet a$ainst the
floor until the spi"er "islo"$e" itself an" carrie" its !o") on three pencil thin le$s across the
room an" into a corner. Dt "esperatel) trie" to clim! the *all+ !ut e,er) time it clim!e" a little !it
hi$her up+ it simpl) fell !ack "o*n a$ain. /runner 7uickl) took the opportunit) an" sprinte"
for*ar" himself+ placin$ the #ar "irectl) on to spi"er. 2he arachni" continue" to franticall)
scuttle insi"e the #ar has /runner sli" a piece of paper un"erneath the #ar+ then the #ar *as
Vectors of Corruption
re,erte" !ack an" the spi"er sli" "o*n to the !ottom of the $lass container. 9fter he cappe" the
#ar *ith the li"+ he coul" still remem!er the *olf spi"er "esperatel) runnin$ insi"e the $lass
"un$eon+ helpless. 9lthou$h it *as not the prettiest of si$hts+ /runner "i" a"mire ho* uni7ue the
spi"er *as+ the #et !lack coloration contraste" the )ello* !an"in$ on the le$s as *ell as the
!luish e)es that reflecte" li$ht. 1e stare" at the creature+ *ho ha" calme" "o*n an" *as
!e$innin$ to $room itself. Dt *as a ,er) o"" thin$ in"ee" an" /runner *as startin$ to !ecome
mesmeri0e" !) ho* !eautifull) e,er)thin$ *as set on the creature+ the hairs+ the le$s+ the e)es+
#ust perfect. =ater that afternoon+ /runner release" the *olf spi"er into his !ack )ar"+ it sat on the
$rass for a fe* secon"s+ almost "a0e" !) the !ri$ht sunli$ht+ then it ran off into the !rushes+ the
small le$s carr)in$ it alon$. B,er since that inci"ent+ he *oul" al*a)s kick off his sheets in the
mornin$. Dt *as #ust consi"ere" a ha!it !) him.
9s /runner *alke" "o*nstairs to the lo!!)+ he foun" it to !e empt). J(uess e,er)!o")
sta)e" up prett) late.J he sai" to himself. 9fter ha,in$ a 7uick !reakfast of toast an" scram!le"
e$$s+ he "eci"e" to pa) a trip to (reeneKs la!orator) an" see *hat he cooke" up latel).
(reeneKs la! *as on the other si"e of the !ase+ ri$ht ne3t to a hot "o$ stan". 2he little
shop.lookin$ structure that is of (reene4s la! seems almost calm an" uno!,ious from the
outsi"e+ !ut the insi"e contains a hu$e "epot of the ne*est an" most technolo$icall) a",ance"
*eapons. 2he ol" "oor ma"e a screech as /runner pushe" it open. Dnsi"e+ (reene *as leanin$
o,er a microscope stu")in$ somethin$.
JChatKs ne* in hereHJ
J9 lot of stuff.J (reene sai" as he turne" a*a) from his microscope
JD ha,e up"ate" an" create" a fe* ne* *eapons for our %.<.9. arsenal.J
J9n)thin$ particular )ou *ant to sho* meHJ
(reen took off his $o$$les+ J2his *a).J
/runner follo*e" (reene to the !ack of the la!+ he *atche" as $reen presse" a !utton on the
*all+ causin$ a pane to $et pulle" !ack to re,eal a fin$erprint scanner. 1e puts his fin$er on the
scanner an" the *hole *all mo,e" to re,eal a lar$e room *ith man) $a"$ets insi"e.
J<ome fun pro#ectsJ (reene tol" /runner.
JGou alrea") sa* the %%< $rena"es+ here are some others. Ce ha,e a ne* $un for )ou to
test out+ D call it the Dmplo"er+ it is a mo"ifie" -16 st)le *eapon *ith a re" "ot si$ht. 2he main
"ifference is that it fires e3plosi,e !ullets that+ *ell+ e3plo"e on impact.J he sai" as he sho*e"
/runner the !ullets an" the $un itself.
JD re.en$ineere" the >%( to the si0e of a small rifle !ullet an" create" a $un specificall)
for launchin$ them+ the $un itself is a !it hea,ier than the ori$inal -16 !ecause D nee" to !alance
the recoil.J
J8ice+ D am $oin$ to nee" a fe* of these to"a). Chat else "o )ou ha,eHJ
(reen *alke" aroun" to another section of the room+ on the ta!le is a lar$e+ o"" lookin$ piece of
machine *ith three mini.$un !arrels.
JD like to call this !a!) 2riple./arrel.&enial.6ire. =on$ name+ lon$ ran$e+ an" packs a
"ea"l) punch to an) enem). 2his is prett) much like )our classic sentr) $un e3cept that it is anti.
infantr)+ anti.li$ht armore" ,ehicle+ an" e,en anti.aircraft. 2he !arrels $lo* !lue to the hi$h heat+
*hich is the reason *h) D use" a specificall) "esi$ne" re.a""e" metal to pre,ent the !arrels from
"roopin$ an" meltin$ "ue to the intense temperature. 9lso+ this !astar" can spit out o,er fifteen
thousan" roun"s per minute+ mo,e an" rotate on its a3is as smooth as cream+ an" has an
Vectors of Corruption
ele,atin$ an$le of ninet) "e$rees. D onl) ha,e t*o ma"e at the moment+ !ut *e can test these out
to see ho* useful the) are+ also inclu"e" are .30 cali!er !elts that are one hun"re" feet lon$
JCo*...looks like those "amn terrorists are in for a surprise.J
J9"" in this an" it *ill trul) !e a surpriseJ (reene sai" as he *alke" to the center of the
J-eet the Compacte" 1)"ro$en 9ccelerator /om!.J he sai" as he pointe" to a foot!all
si0e" pro#ectile *ith multiple $roo,es+ "etectors+ an" a fierce lookin$ e3plosi,e char$e.
J-) (o"+ looks like D am $oin$ to nee" to $et a fe* of these as *ell. 1o* "o )ou e,en
!other launchin$ themHJ
?2hese are still *ithin the "e,elopment sta$e. 9si"e from the %%< $rena"es an" the
Dmplo"er+ the rest are off limits until the $o is tol" to m) !) 1i$h Comman".@ (reene tol" him.
/runner then checke" his *atch+ J=ooks like D ha,e a fe* minutes !efore D nee" to hea" out. <ee
)ou hopefull) in a !it.J
J(oo" luckJ (reene sai" as 9$ent /runner *alke" out of the secret room
/runner *ent !ack to 1O+ the %<9 *ere alrea") "resse" an" rea") to mo,e out. /runner
foun" /arcla) *ho happene" to !e cleanin$ his -4 assault rifle.
JChereKs Eaitl)nHJ he aske" /arcla)
JGou mean *here is )our $irlfrien"HJ
J<hut up a!out it =ieutenant+ D am in no moo" for $ames.J
JChill+ she4s #ust $one to the restroom.J
1oll) *alke" into the room.
J1e)+ "i" )ou sleep *ell last ni$htHJ <he aske" /runner
J2o sa) the least+ it *as not too !a". Dt coul" ha,e !een *orst. D ne,er like sleepin$ in a
ne* !e" e,er) ni$ht !ut D seem to ha,e $otten use" to this.J /runner replie". JD $ot somethin$ to
sho* )ouJ he sai" as he sho,e" the Dmplo"er $un at her+ J2his is calle" the Dmplo"er+ 'osh
(reene create" it an" *ante" to $i,e )ou one of these.J
JCell+ ho* nice of him+ D *ill thank him later. 9n)*a)s+ "i" )ou see the *hich $roup )ou
are $oin$ to !e inHJ
J8ot )et+ *here is the listHJ
J1ere it isLJ she sai" as she !rou$ht her laptop *ith the list up for /runner to see+ J=etKs
see+ D am assi$ne" to CA.Bcho+ *ith Chase /arcla)+ 'ames <amin$+ =iana Ea!ins an" a fe*
other people as *ell as...J /runner pause" for a secon"+ J9s *ell as )ouLJ 1e sai" *ith a
surprise" tone.
JD kno*+ D aske" to !e s*itche" from &elta.3 s7ua"ron+ those $u)s are respectful an" fair
at their #o! an" all+ !ut e,er) time D am *ith them the) al*a)s tr) al*a)s actin$ e3ceptionall)
*eir" aroun" me+ almost as if the) are "esperatel) tr)in$ to impress me. Ds there >B9==G
somethin$ a!out me that attracts themHJ 1oll) aske".
JCell...J /runner sai" as he looke" up an" "o*n 1oll)+ JD *oul" $uess so+ !ut "onKt
s*eat it+ !o)s *ill !e !o)s.J 1e sai".
JAh reall)HJ she 7uestione" *ith a sarcastic tone.
JAh...)eah...)esIJ /runner trie" to soun" satisfie".
?Cell too !a" this piece of real.estate is taken.@ 1oll) announce" as she *alke" off.
JCell D must sa)+ )ou score" !i$ time >)anLJ /arcla) sai".
Vectors of Corruption
/runner si$he". J1o* are )ou sure she e,en is talkin$ a!out me Chase.@
J=ife is a !attlefiel" >)anI@ /arcla) !e$an.
?8ot this crap a$ainI@ /runne cut in.
/arcla) *ent on+ ?=ife is a !attlefiel". Gou ha,e to kno* hints an" tips from e,er)thin$
aroun" )ou. 9 flutter of a !ir" ma) mean an enem)+ a !lin$ in the "istance ma) mean a sniper
an" a !loop in the *ater ma) mean a su!marine.
?Chat are )ou >B9==G tr)in$ to sa) ChaseH@
?Gou ha,e to $et the hints.@
?1o* am D e,en suppose" to kno* *hether the) are hints or notH@
?Fse )our a$ent instincts. Df )ou can formulate three plans to e3ecute a mission *ith four
escape routes+ it shoul"n4t !e too har" to fi$ure out hints from a *oman.@
?Geah !utI@ /runner !e$an.
2here *as an a*k*ar" len$th of silence.
J&amn it.J /runner spat out !efore he *alke" out of the !uil"in$ after a fe* secon"s.
?&on4t s*eat )ourself >)an+ )ou ha,e time.@
?Chat if D "on4tH Cith this #o! D can !e "ea" in an instant.@
?Fse )our instincts.@ /arcla) replie".
JD see no reason *h) the) shoul"nKt+J /runner replie". ?D #ust "on4t kno* ho* D4m e3actl)
suppose" to react. ?2here isn4t e3actl) a har"ene" rule that one cannot N"ate4 others *ithin the
%<9+ !ut one #ust shoul"n4t N"ate4 *ithin the %<9.@
?Gou4re makin$ this *a) too complicate" >)an.@
1oll) returne" *ith a much more calm look. ?9ll ri$ht+ looks like the last !olts are !ein$
set+ *e shoul" !e $oin$ relati,el) soon+ #ust $et )our !utts prepare".@
<he *alke" ne3t to /runner an" $lance" at him e,er so sli$htl) out of the corner of her
J9ll ri$ht )ou la0) asses+ letKs $et a mo,e on+ the %resi"ent "oesnKt like to stall for time.J a
,oice shoute". 2urnin$ aroun"+ /runner an" 1oll) sa* that it *as a -a#or %att) AK &oole)+ a
traine" mem!er of the <C<6 *ith an e3tremel) $reat amount of fiel" e3perience. 1e *as an Drish
*ith a passion for hea,) li7uor+ the t*o ori$inall) felt that AK &oole)Ks alcohol a""iction *as #ust
stereot)pical of his countr)+ !ut the) ha,e mana$e" to o,erlook it. AK &oole) himself *as of
me"ium hei$ht+ stature+ an" stren$th. 1e *as not too !ri$ht in the tactical compartment of his
min" !ut he sure *as "ea"l) *hen $i,en a $un an" ammunition. AK &oole)Ks $ra) hair alon$
*ith his tanne" skin $a,e him an almost lau$ha!le look. /ut /runner an" 1oll) kne* !etter+ he
*as the man *ho !uste" up t*ent) !lack.market tra"ers *ith a !roken *ine !ottle. Af course AK
&oole) himself "i" not remem!er the inci"ent all too *ell for he *as "runk *hen the entire
e,ent occurre".
J<orr) a!out that -a#or+J 1oll) apolo$i0e"+ Jfor the %.&.9. an" *hat.not.J
J8o+ no+ it4s fine !) me. Dn fact+ D think the e,ent )ester"a) *oul" not ha,e happene" if
)ou t*o *ere closer to$ether like this !efore.J
JFh+ thanksHJ /runner mana$e" to $et out.
J&onKt *orr)+ this is lo,e at first si$ht+ stick close+ those <a!eem 1a!alas *ill not $i,e up
easil) on )ou.J AK &oole) sai" as he *alke" into the 1O lo!!).
Vectors of Corruption
'ust then the alarm si$nalin$ the !e$innin$ of the operation for o,erseein$ has !e$un. 2he %<9+
arm)+ an" all the others soon !e$an to rush out from the !uil"in$s an" into the "ifferent
helicopters+ 1um,ees+ an" trucks the) are assi$ne" to.
J=ooks like it is time for our meetin$ *ith our truck an" our team.J 1oll) tol" /runner
JGeah+ letKs $o.J
9fter a fe* more minutes of stru$$lin$ an" !itin$ of time. B,er)!o") is finall) in place
for the operation to !e$in. 9s /arcla)+ /runner+ an" 1oll) !oar"e" the con,o) of trucks hea"in$
for -e!eme+ the three looke" up to see a helicopter follo*in$ a!o,e them to $i,e them air
po*er. A,erall the con,o) consiste" of se,en trucks+ fi,e *ith famine supplies for the ci,ilians+
an" t*o *ith sol"iers+ one in the front+ one in the !ack. <pearhea"in$ the con,o) are t*o
1um,ees each *ith .05 cali!er machine$uns. 9n" tailin$ the entire con,o) *as an armore" car.
9"" that to the helicopter a!o,e an" the entire con,o) seems un!reaka!le+ !ut that *ill !e teste"
to its limits if an) terrorists are plannin$ to attack.
JD almost for$ot+ D nee" to pick up another (lock 17.J 1oll) sai"+ JCe *ere in such a
hurr) to $et out of the (ula$ )ester"a) that D left mine insi"e.J
JCell+ D *ill $et )ou one later.J /runner sai"
JD hope )ou *ill.J
<he nu"$e" a !it closer to him.
JCho else si$ne" up to !rin$ me !ack from the (ula$HJ
JB,er)one else *as afrai" of the task.J
J1m+ thatKs unfortunate.J
JGeah...looks like *e nee" some time alone after this.J /runner sai"
JAf course.J 1oll) tol" him.
2he) ro"e on *ith silence as the trucks approache" the ,illa$e itself. 9ll aroun" them+ the
once $rass) fiel"s *ere no* parche" an" "r)+ all "ue to the lastin$ "rou$ht.
Dt *oul" ha,e !een a peaceful insertion. /ut as the t*o of them !e$an thinkin$ some
"eeper thou$hts+ an >%( shell hit the first suppl) truck an" sent it+ the people+ an" its contents
fl)in$ into the air. 2hen out of no*here another >%( shell fle* strai$ht for truck num!er four+
the truck that /runner+ 1oll)+ an" /arcla) are on...
An.>oute to -e!eme
/runner #umpe" for*ar" an" pushe" e,er)!o") off of the truck as the >%( shell hit the
en$ine+ causin$ it to e3plo"e. /runner+ 1oll)+ Ea!ins+ an" /arcla) #umpe" out #ust in time. 9s
the truck continue" to !urn in the scorchin$ "a)li$ht+ the <a!eem 1a!alas came rushin$ o,er the
hilltops+ $uns !la0in$. 1oll) took position !ehin" a lar$e !oul"er an" !e$an pickin$ off tar$ets.
/runner starte" firin$ his Dmplo"er at an)thin$ he coul" see+ to his surprise+ the $un *as
e3ceptionall) accurate at first. /ut all of a su""en the *eapon #amme" an" *oul" not fire. 1e
trie" to pull the cartri"$e out to see if he coul" *ater cool the machine+ !ut the cartri"$e *as
Vectors of Corruption
stuck fast to the $un itself an" e,en after pullin$ *ith all his mi$ht+ /runner faile" to )ank off the
ma$a0ine. 6eelin$ the !arrel of the Dmplo"er+ he instantl) reali0e" it !urne" his han".
J&amn it+ 'osh (reene. 1e shoul" ha,e kno*n that -16 stocks are plastic.J
JChatKs *ron$HJ 1oll) aske"
J2he !arrel o,erheate"+ it must ha,e altere" the plastic stock an" someho* cause" it to
#am. D $uess (reene for$ot to consi"er that mini.>%( shells pro"uce much more heat than
/runner pulle" out his /eretta pistol an" starte" pickin$ out sin$le enemies. 9nother
>%( shell *as fire"+ this time hittin$ another suppl) truck+ causin$ it to !lo* up *ith its
contents fl)in$ out in all "irections. 2he F.<. 9rm) sol"iers mo,e" 7uickl) to tr) to "efen" *hat
the) ha,e+ !ut it *as o!,ious to the %.<.9. that the) *ere all outnum!ere" three to one. /arcla)
thre* a %%< $rena"e into a small $roup of terrorists+ the !lue tin$e" e3plosion sent !o") parts
an" san") "irt hi$h into the air.
<eein$ the am!ush in pro$ress+ the attack helicopter a!o,e them starte" to spra) its
machine$uns on an) terrorist it can see. 2he !ullets !le* arms an" le$s ri$ht off the !o"ies of the
enemies+ others killin$ them instantl) as it hit them.
JGeah+ looks like *e are pushin$ them !ackLJ Ea!ins shoute".
J-o,e upL 2he) are retreatin$+ push them !ackLJ /runner tol" e,er)one still ali,e.
JCop) that.J an 9rm) sol"ier sai"+ he then comman"e" the rest of the team to mo,e up.
2he terrorists !e$an fleein$ !ack into the cit) of -e!eme itself+ fearin$ that it *ill hit
ci,ilians in the cit) the helicopter "i" not pursue them+ instea"+ it continue" to pick out sin$le
tar$ets that *ere out in the open.
<u""enl)+ a lou" roar coul" !e hear" from the sk) a!o,e all the action. 2he %.<.9. all
looke" up to see an 9-( missile fl) "o*n*ar"+ at first the team thou$ht it *as a frien"l)
pre"ator "rone $i,in$ support. /ut instea" of hittin$ an) enem)+ the missile "irectl) struck the
frien"l) helicopter+ sen"in$ it crashin$ to the $roun". 9nother missile struck the 1um,ees in the
lea"+ an" )et another "estro)e" the secon" an" thir" trucks in the con,o).
JChat the hell is thatHJ 1oll) $ot out.
J&onKt kno*+ looks like a "rone+ not a frien"l) one thou$h.J
JCe nee" some !ackup for help.J Ea!ins tol" the $roup.
JCall for support+ there shoul" !e a ra"io aroun" some*here.J /arcla) sai"
JFse )our cell phone.J 1oll) su$$este".
J(oo" i"ea.J /runner replie" !ack.
1e pulle" out his phone an" "iale" for &#im!i 9ir!ase. 1o*e,er the line turne" static an"
"isconnecte" a split secon" after it turne" on. J&amn+ the) are usin$ a #ammer+ *here the hell is
itH Ce nee" to "estro) it if *e are e,en $oin$ to !other $ettin$ help.J
JCatch outLJ a sol"ier shoute" #ust as the ominous shape of the enem) "rone plane finall)
sho*s up a$ainst the !lue sk). 2he plane fle* strai$ht for the 9rm) sol"iers e3pose" an"
"roppe" a fe* acti,ate" C4 char$es on top of the e3pose" 9rm) sol"iers. 2he "eafenin$
e3plosion tore apart the con,o) an" sent parts+ !oth human an" metal+ fl)in$.
?(et the hell out of thereLJ /runner comman"e" the $roup. JCe nee" to take that thin$
Vectors of Corruption
J1o* "o )ou propose *e "o thatHJ /arcla) aske"+ JGouKre $oin$ to en" up *ith a fe*
!ullets in )our ass if )ou are to run out in the open.J
JCell+ *h) "onKt )ou think of a planHJ Ea!ins aske".
2he "rone fle* !ack for a pass+ firin$ its automatic thirt) cali!er machine$uns at their position as
it 0oome" past them.
JCith that !astar" spe*in$ out a thousan" roun"s a minute+ *e *oul" "ie out in the open.
Ce canKt kill the pilot+ this one is unmanne".J /arcla) spat out to the cro*"
JCe coul" *ait it out here until it runs out of fuel or !ullets.J Ea!ins su$$este".
J=iana Ea!ins+ that plane has t*o e3tra fuel cans attache" to it5 it *ill !e comin$ after us
for the ne3t t*el,e hours if necessar) #ust to $et ri" of us. Ce are lo* on ammunition an"
supplies+ so *e arenKt $oin$ to !e here for too lon$.J 1oll) sai".
JCait+ thatKs itLJ /runner sai"
JChatHJ 1oll) aske" *ith a confuse" e3pression
J2he fuel !arrel attachments+ it allo*s the plane to fl) lon$er !ut one hit on them an" the
plane $oes !oom.@
?<o )ou are $oin$ to tr) to shoot the thin$ "o*nH Cith ChatH@
?D "on4t kno*+ *hat *eapon l)in$ aroun" has the lar$est cali!erH@ /runner aske".
?D *oul" sa) an >%( or that h)"ro$en accelerator thin$ (reene ma"e+ !ut )ou4re not
$oin$ to $et that thin$ *ith a slo* pro#ectile.@ /arcla) sai".
/runner scoute" the area to look for usa!le *eapons. ?Cait+ has the Dmplo"er coole"
"o*n )etH@
?&on4t kno*+ it is *a) out there near the "estro)e" trucks+ !et*een these !oul"ers an"
those trucks are a!out se,ent) feet of space for that sucker to kill us.@ 1oll) tol" the $roup
/runner scratche" his arm+ ?<ome of us nee" to "ra* its fire on the ne3t pass. Ance it
passes D *ill sprint out there an" $ra! the $un+ then hopefull) make it !ack here.@
?Catch out+ *e $ot !o$ies at our t*el,eL@ Ea!ins screame" out as the $roup *atche" the
mercenaries *alk o,er the ri"$e. ?2ake them outL@
1oll) lai" suppressin$ fire on the $roup+ killin$ three of the enemies. 9fter the frien"l)
chopper *as "o*ne" !) the "rone+ the terrorist mercenaries came !ack to finish the $roup.
JEill them all+ lea,e no sur,i,ors.J /runner tol" the cro*"+ J9n" *hereKs the "roneHJ
JDtKs on our ele,en oKclock+ it shoul" !e returnin$ for a strafin$ run soon.J /arcla) sai"
throu$h !inoculars.
JDncomin$ armorLJ <omeone )elle" as an 9rmore" %ersonnel Carrier "ro,e o,er the
$rass) ri"$e. Dt *as #ust a !i$ armore" ,ehicle for carr)in$ sol"iers an" infantr).
JDKll $et ri" of it.J Ea!ins sai".
<he $ra!!e" a near!) >%( an" fire" at the 9%C. <eein$ that the %.<.9. has *eapons capa!le of
"estro)in$ it+ the 9%C !e$an !ackin$ !ack !ehin" the ri"$e. Ea!ins reloa"e" the *eapon an"
fire" a shot *hich hit the !ottom of the 9%C+ causin$ it to e3plo"e.
J1ot "amn+ D $ot it.J she tol" the $roup as the armore" ,ehicle lit on fire+ J'ust $ot )our
o*n *eapons turne" a$ainst )ouLJ
J1ol" up+ the "roneKs makin$ another pass at us+ $et to co,er.J /runner shoute".
JCrap+ looks like itKs $oin$ to strafe us a$ain.J 1oll) !urst out.
J(o an" take out those three terrorists.J /runner comman"e"+ JD nee" to $et a clear shot
of the &rone.J
Vectors of Corruption
JChat the heck+ thatKs $oin$ to $et )ou shre""e"L %lease+ *e canKt let )ou "o thisLJ 1oll)
crie" out.
JDKm sorr)+ D must.J
JCait+ D am $oin$ *ith )ou.J
J8o+ )ou sta) here *ith the rest of the $roup. Df the "rone sta)s *eKre all $oin$ to "ie. Df
*e tr) to take the "rone out+ at least )ou $u)s *oul" ha,e a chance. 2he thir" suppl) truck is still
intact+ once the "rone is "o*ne"5 )ou $u)s make a run for the truck an" $et !ack to the !ase.J
JGou canKt "o thisLJ 1oll) proteste".
J6or )our safet)+ an" )our sur,i,al+ D canKt let our team "o*n. Gou can tra"e one person
for the li,es of three an" $o off *ith a sense of pri"e.J
J%lease "onKt "o an)thin$ stupi".J <he sai".
J8o *orries+ D *ill !e !ack !efore )ou kno* it.J 1e tol" her. J(i,e me co,erin$ fire.J
/runner shoute" to the rest of the $roup.
1oll) reluctantl) raise" her rifle an" starte" firin$ at the approachin$ enemies+ the !loo"!ath
/runner *aite" for the "rone to pass on its strafin$ run+ ri$ht as the plane passe"5 he
rushe" from his hi"in$ spot+ sprintin$ for the open areas in or"er to $et a $oo" shot on the "rone.
1is teammates $a,e him co,erin$ fire !ehin" as he "o,e into the san") soil. /runner kno*s that
he nee"s to line up the shot perfectl) if he *as to e,en take out the "rone. 1e also kno*s that to
take out the "rone usin$ the Dmplo"er+ he nee"s to hit it ri$ht in the fuel tanks in or"er to "isa!le
the *eapon.
2he terrorists arri,e"5 *a,e after *a,e the) came+ !ut "i" not came as the earlier militia
ha" come. 2hese *ere traine" mercenaries that spare no life. 1e *atche" "esperatel) for the
silhouette of the "rone as he a,oi"e" the $unfire from a!o,e the ri"$e. 9fter a $oo" minute+ the
"rone plane finall) can !e seen comin$ strai$ht for him+ he rea"ie" his $un to $et an accurate
shot on the fuel tanks+ a miss coul" mean the "eath of him an" his team. <u""enl) the "irt aroun"
him starte" to rin$ *ith the soun" of !ullets. 1e coul" feel the san" an" "ust fl) onto him as the
plane fire" on him. /runner stru$$le" to aim his Dmplo"er.
9t the last split secon"+ /runner fire" the $un ri$ht at the "rone5 most of the !ullets
simpl) fle* ri$ht past the plane *ithout e,en scratchin$ it *hile some mana$e to scrape some of
the paint off. 2he "rone fire" more rapi"l) as it "i,e" "o*n lo*er an" lo*er. Dt *as spe*in$ out
!ullets so rapi"l) that the earth aroun" /runner seems to !e splashin$ aroun" like fish out of
*ater. 6i$urin$ that he onl) has a fe* !ullets left+ he hel" on until the ,er) last secon"+ firin$
"irectl) for the en$ine an" fuel tanks. Ane sin$le !ullet slamme" into the fuel tank an" e3plo"e"+
causin$ the fuel tank to catch on fire an" i$nite. 2he pre"ator "rone crashe" strai$ht into the
$roun". /runner looke" at the !urnin$ aircraft for one last secon". 9ll of a su""en+ the *a,es of
attackin$ mercenaries stoppe". 9n" all of a su""en /runner felt a piercin$ pain in his le$.
=ookin$ "o*n+ he sa* that one of the !ullets he scratche" a section of his skin off his le$. 1e
sa* a small stream of crimson !loo" roll "o*n his le$.
2he rest of the team rushe" to /runnerKs position. J=ooks like )ou "i" itJ /arcla) sai"+ JD
canKt !elie,e )ou #ust "i" that )ou stu!!orn !astar".J
J(reat *ork Captain.J Ea!ins tol" him.
1oll) slo*l) *alke" to*ar"s /runner+ an" then she sprinte" for*ar" an" hu$$e" him har".
J2hank )ouJ she sai" in o,er a small amount of tears+ Jthank )ou...J
Vectors of Corruption
J8o pro!lem+ an)one else make itHJ /runner aske" as he scanne" the area.
J8o+ e,er)!o") else "ie". =ooks like *e lost+ 1o!!art+ >oster+ an" Castine. 9lso *e lost
o,er three "o0en 9rm) sol"iers.J
/runner continue" to look+ J9n)one ali,e other than us fourHJ
/arcla)+ 1oll)+ an" Ea!ins stare" at the mess of tan$le" !o"ies+ "estro)e" trucks+ an" the
*recka$e of the fier) helicopter. 2hen the three simultaneousl) sai" the *or"+ J8o...J
Cherno!)l+ Fkraine
=ieutenant 9$ent -ar$aret Eraft peere" o,er the lon$ $rass co,ere" plains surroun"in$
the a!an"one" cit) of Cherno!)l. 2he melt"o*n of the nuclear po*er plant ha" turne" the once
pri"eful cit) into a $host to*n. Al" !uil"in$s an" e7uipment la) *here the) ha" lai" "eca"es a$o
since that fateful "a). 9t least+ that *as *hat *as *ritten "o*n in the histor) !ooks.
Eraft kne* that it *as the >ussian un"erco,er authorities lea" !) a man name" Victor
Chernko, *ho *as responsi!le for this cit)4s "estruction. 1e or"ere" the po*er plants to !e
"estro)e" in or"er to use the o,erall cit) as a !lack operations hea"7uarters. Dt ha" ori$inall)
!een use" as a secon"ar) location for retrie,in$ spen" fission material follo*in$ the inci"ent.
2he <o,iet $o,ernment at the time thou$ht it *as a horren"ous melt"o*n "ue to malfunction+ as
"i" e,er)one else. 1o*e,er+ ne*s *ithin the NP0s from a cancerous >ussian operati,e she" li$ht
into the or"eal. Anl) a small $roup of people actuall) kno* of the truth !ehin" Cherno!)l. 9n"
since the cit) itself has ra"ioacti,it) le,els too harsh for e,er)"a) life+ no countr) nor in"i,i"ual
!othere" to search it for )ears. /ut for Eraft+ a tall+ !ro*n haire" risk taker+ this mission *as too
$oo" to !e of a *aste.
%ast attempts at un,eilin$ the truth a!out Cherno!)l en"e" in "ea" en"s+ >ussian
contin$enc) plans+ an" faltere" national relationships. %utin for one+ *as ne,er e3ceptionall)
fon" of the F<4s secret attempts at enterin$ the emaciate" cit). 8either *as the Fnite" <tates4
presi"ent too apt at sen"in$ sp) missions into >ussia+ especiall) after the F.2 sp) plane inci"ent
of 1P60 *hich sparke" e3ceptional amounts of contro,ers). 2hou$h the creation of the %.<.9. in
the 1P80s sparke" a possi!ilit) of ?e3ten"in$ the protection of the *orl".@ Dssues *ith
"iplomac)+ time mana$ement+ an" terrorism s*a)e" the Fnite" <tates from full missions in
tr)in$ to un,eil the secrets of Cherno!)l. Af course+ the m)ster) of the fracture" cit) *as thro*n
further "o*n the paper pile follo*in$ the attacks on P11. Dnstea" of to)in$ aroun" *ith >ussia+
the %.<.9. s*itche" $ears to com!at terrorism in the -i""le Bast. 2hat *ent on for almost
another "eca"e until /in =a"en *as kille". 6ollo*in$ suit+ the %.<.9. rela3e" !ack into pla)in$
?an e3ten"e" measure of Dnterpol.@ 2hat of course+ laste" for less than a )ear !efore the 8i,ea
uprise. Connections occurre" an" 8i,ea recei,e" help from Chernko, an" his men. 6rom that
point on+ Cherno!)l *as once a$ain a tar$et of si$nificance for the Fnite" <tates as *ell as the
%.<.9. Dt seeme" o"" to those *ho kno* a!out the truth of Cherno!)l. 6or one+ it "i" not appear
possi!le. 6or t*o+ it seeme" as if the truth *as morphe" from some fictional no,el *ritten !) a
star,in$ no,elist in hi$h school. Chate,er the case+ ur$enc) calls her muffle" ,oice an" $reat
people respon" to the femini0e" cries of nee"+ *ant an" necessit).
9$ent Eraft *as notifie" earlier that *eek that >ussian /lack Aperations officials un"er
the "irect rule of Chernko,+ an" possi!l) 8i,ea+ ha,e mana$e" to capture a "o*ne" F.<.
Vectors of Corruption
<atellite *ith information to the nationKs air "efenses. 1er o!#ecti,e *as to $o in solo+ sneak past
as man) $uar"s as possi!le+ an" retrie,e the small satelliteKs chip. 2he catch *as that once she is
spotte"+ she onl) has ten minutes to $et out of the area an" reach the e3traction point !efore the
she is o,er*helme" !) the >ussian mercenaries.
Creepin$ amon$st the sha"o*s cast !) the *orn !uil"in$s+ she easil) snuck past a small
patrol of men an" "o$s. 9 lar$e+ sa!le colore" (erman shepher" turne" its hea" in Eraft4s
"irection. <he felt a chill "o*n her spine. Eraft *as appro3imatel) one hun"re" feet a*a) an"
"o*n*in" near the e"$e of a lar$e ro* of !uil"in$s. 2he "o$ slo*l) turne" a*a). Eraft felt
9s she neare" the cit) center+ the (ei$er counter !e$an to $i,e small clicks to *arn her of
ra"ioacti,e pockets. <he turne" her course an" !e$an to make a "ifferent route to her tar$et.
Eraft stoppe" at a small openin$ in *hat use" to !e a small $ar"en court)ar" !et*een some
apartment !uil"in$s. 8ear a small+ ")in$ tree *as t*o >ussian /lack Aperations <ol"iers+ takin$
a !reak from scoutin$. 9!o,e+ a $reat tit chirpe" in the col". <he aime" her silence" sniper rifle
at one of the sol"iers+ carefull) ensurin$ that the recticle *as "irectl) on his hea". 2he a$ent
fle3e" her fin$ers an" s7uee0e" the tri$$er+ !ein$ careful not to #erk the tri$$er an" cause the en"
of the !arrel to rise up. 2he mu00le $a,e a sli$ht inau"i!le JpopJ as the !ullet spran$ for*ar"
*ith ferocit) an" hit one of the sol"iers ri$ht in the hea". 2he other sol"ier onl) ha" time to see
his teammate $o "o*n !efore he *as hit in the hea" as *ell. 2he secon" man fell *ith a muttere"
scream. 1e seeme" to *rithe for a split secon"+ like a !eache" *hale+ !efore !ecomin$ silent in
the col" air. 9!o,e+ the $reat tit stoppe" callin$ an" took off into the to3ic air.
J(oo"!)e an" $oo" ni$ht+J Eraft *hispere" 7uietl) un"er her !reath. <he checke" her
*atch. /ein$ ahea" of the inten"e" sche"ule5 Eraft "eci"e" to take a safer route instea" of a
"irect path. <he mo,e" throu$h an ol" apartment !uil"in$+ floor!oar"s creakin$ un"erneath her.
<he hear" a mo,ement near a pile of fallen *oo". Cithout hesitation+ Eraft "re* her pistol an"
aime" it at the source of the soun". Dt *as a small rat.
Calkin$ throu$h a crum!lin$ *all insi"e the house+ she happene" onto an ol" famil)
li,in$ room. 1an$in$ on the *all *as a fa"e"+ fra)e" famil) picture of a man+ a *oman an" t*o
chil"ren+ the $roup *as smilin$ at the camera+ all happ) an" una*are of *hat *as to !ecome of
their home. Eraft pause" to look into the picture+ the "ate rea" J-arch 1P86J #ust one month
!efore the "isaster happene". <he felt a small !it of sorro* for the famil) in the picture as she
checke" her *eapons. Ance e,er)thin$ *as in place+ Eraft *alke" to the ne3t room+ *on"erin$
*hat ha" !ecome of the once happ) famil).
<he e3ite" the apartment ,ia a fire escape an" 7uietl) strolle"+ almost calml)+ across
another ol" $ar"en. 9 "o$ !arke" in the !ack$roun" an" she coul" hear the faint ,oices of
>ussian sol"iers. 9s she ,eere" closer to her tar$et+ the lou" roars of militar) ,ehicles coul" also
!e hear".
1i"in$ !ehin" an ol" chunk of *all+ she *atche" as a "o0en assorte" ,ehicles passe".
<ome *ere #ust 'eeps *ith a fe* hi$h rankin$ ?officers+@ some *ere trucks *ith !lack operations
sol"iers+ *hile some carrie" *eapons an" supplies into the facilit). 6ollo*in$ !ehin" *as a
>ussian /-% armore" ,ehicle+ its lou" en$ine co,erin$ up the ,oices an" con,ersations of the
sol"iers. Ance the ,ehicles passe"+ Eraft picke" up her rifle an" *alke" across the roa" an"
clam!ere" !ehin" an ol" lo$ co,ere" !) tall $rass an" !ushes. <he peeke" a!o,e the lo$ an"
Vectors of Corruption
pushe" her !inoculars up*ar"s. 1a!ituall)+ she thum!e" the N%.<.9.4 insi$nia on the e"$es of her
ne* pair of !inoculars.
<cannin$ the area+ Eraft *atche" as the ,ehicles she sa* earlier enter the compoun". 2he
facilit) *as surroun"e" onl) !) a tall chain link fence. 8o person in their ri$ht min" *oul" *e
sneakin$ aroun" the perimeter so the arms "ealers "eci"e" not to in,est on top 7ualit) "efense.
Eraft counte" o,er t*o "o0en $uar"s at the entrance. -ost *ere carr)in$ 9E rifles or %P0
machine $uns+ an" a fe* ha" >%(s strappe" on their !acks. 2he entire facilit) *as sai" to !e a
?>ussian >esearch 6acilit)@ for the effects of ra"iation of *il"life. Dt *as the most simple+ )et
still effecti,e+ co,er up stor). 8o one *oul" !e allo*e" to $et close an" no one *oul" !e allo*e"
to enter the facilit) "ue to ?scientific research.@
9$ent Eraft lo*ere" her !inoculars an" "isappeare" !ehin" a ro* of fra)e" !ushes.
Ouietl)+ she pulle" out a stick) char$e an" plante" it a lar$e chunk of concrete *all of a
"ilapi"ate". Cith spee"+ she checke" to ensure it *as *orkin$ properl).
<lo*l) Eraft e"$e" for*ar" until she *as a!out one hun"re" feet a*a) from the $ate.
%ullin$ out her remote control "etonator+ she "re* in her !reath+ an" then clicke" the !utton.
2he e3plosion !le* off a lar$e section of the !uil"in$5 it also cause" the $uar"s to run at
it to see *hat *as $oin$ on. 2he) sprinte" a*a) from their positions lon$ enou$h for Eraft to
"art throu$h the open $ate. Dnsi"e+ she continue" to *alk in the sha"o*s+ stickin$ to *alls an"
the tan$le" $ro*th of i,) an" $rass. 6inall) she reache" a section of loose fencin$ *hich lea"
into the facilit). %eekin$ throu$h $rass an" !ushes+ she cau$ht si$ht of a fe* $uar"s at the front
of the entrance. Eraft counte" o,er four $uar"s5 all *ere talkin$ to each other as the) *atche"
the others check out the "i,ersionar) e3plosion Eraft ha" set. 9$ent Eraft sli" un"er the fence on
an un$uar"e" patch an" sprinte" !ehin" the lar$e !ushes surroun"in$ the facilit)4s lar$e
*arehouse. 9cross the lot+ she sa* a fe* helicopters lan" an" lar$e com!at trucks "ri,e aroun"
aimlessl) from place to place+ keepin$ an e)e on the *ron$ si"e of the fence. 9s the sun !e$an to
set+ the $uar"s slo*l) returne" to their posts after fin"in$ no intrusion or issue from the
e3plosion. -ar$aret Eraft herself kno*s that there is no *a) she coul" take on fift) men arme"
*ith assault rifles an" >%(s. <he "eci"es to *ait it out. 2akin$ out her *atch+ she 7uickl) "iale"
out a messa$e to &imitri+ her partner *ho *as in char$e of e3traction. Ance &imitri recei,e" the
messa$e+ he replie" !ack. Eraft sli" "o*n a$ainst the cool *all of the facilit)+ feelin$ the cracks+
!umps+ an" imperfections *ithin the !ricks. <he checke" her (ei$er counter. 1er "ail) "ose of
ra"iation is still *ithin the safe 0one+ !ut Eraft kne* that e3ten"e" e3posure *oul" lea" to
nothin$ !ut earl) "eath.
9fter another hour of sittin$+ Eraft "eci"e" to take a look. 2he $uar"s *ere takin$ a
!reak+ an" no* onl) one of them is sittin$ in front of one of the si"e entrances to the !uil"in$.
<he 7uickl) sei0e" the opportunit) !) $ra!!in$ her -21 sniper rifle. Checkin$ to make sure that
the $uar"s in the entrance *ere not lookin$+ she aime" "o*n the scope. 1o*e,er+ as luck *oul"
ha,e it+ the sole $uar" near the si"e "oor !e$an to *alk a*a). Eraft release her $rip on her rifle+
s*un$ it o,er her !ack+ an" crouche". 2he $uar"+ co,ere" hea" to toe *ith !lack colore" $ear+
strolle" to the front of the !uil"in$ an" "isappeare" aroun" the corner.
Eno*in$ she is runnin$ out of time+ she utilise" the chan$e of $uar" shift an" rushe" out
from her hi"in$ spot. <printin$ silentl) to the si"e "oor+ she pushe" it open *ith e,er $entle
fle3i!ilit) an" peere" insi"e *ith her $un. 8o one *as there. Ance insi"e+ the tracker on her
*atch tol" her e3actl) *here to $o. 9pparentl) the small satellite *as house" in an airplane
Vectors of Corruption
han$ar+ #ust on the *estern si"e of the *arehouse+ *hich *as connecte" to the han$ar from *hat
Eraft presume" to !e eas) access for transportation. Dn front of the han$ar *as a me"ium si0e"
airfiel" for transport of troops an" supplies . an open stretch of $roun" for mercenar) tar$et
practice is one *as to tr) an" escape in that "irection.
Eraft pro""e" on*ar". 2o her luck+ the han$ar *as completel) a!an"one" an" onl) a
small plane use" on farms alon$ *ith the satellite *as there.
J(uess the) ne,er thou$ht this *oul" happen.J she *hispere" to herself *ith a
7uestionin$ tone.
Ouickl) Eraft $ot "o*n to *ork an" !e$an unhookin$ the satelliteKs mainframe to $et to
the chip containin$ all the information insi"e. <he !e$an unscre*in$ the !olts an" nuts *ith a
*rench she foun" near!). 2he mainframe came off an" Eraft set it asi"e on the concrete $roun".
<he peere" insi"e an" sa* the chip+ a $reen . !lue "e,ice the si0e of a small calculator. 'ust as
she retrie,e" the chip from the satellite+ Eraft hear" the han$ar "oors open. /efore she coul"
e,en turn aroun"+ she hear" the soun" of rifles !ein$ lifte" as *ell as a man in a >ussian accent
shout+ J&rop )our *eapon an" put )our han"s upL@ <he felt the earth ,i!rate a !it as her rifle
lan"e" on the col"+ col" floor.
&#im!i 9ir!ase
/runner $ot off the !eaten truck an" "ra$$e" himself !ack to 1ea"7uarters+ tr)in$ to
a,oi" his skin *oun" on his le$. Dt onl) took the skin off near his heel+ !ut the scratch *as
!e$innin$ to hurt an" itch like a !ee stin$. 1e $ra!!e" more !an"a$es an" *rappe" his le$ in
futile efforts to control the anno)ance.
2he mess hall has !een temporaril) chan$e" to a me"ical emer$enc) room for in#ure"
sol"iers. 2he other $roups of transporters suffer similar fates+ althou$h none lost as man) people
as that of their $roup. Bnterin$ the mess hall+ the once !ri$htl) lit room *as "arkene" !) the
!loo" stains an" screams that echo in the "arkness. 2eams of "octors an" nurses rushe" from one
sol"ier to another+ tr)in$ to stop !lee"in$+ appl)in$ !an"a$es+ as *ell as calmin$ the patients
"o*n. /runner an" 1oll) aske" a near!) nurse if the) nee"e" an) help+ !ein$ certifie" in first
ai"+ /runner "eci"e" he shoul" "o *hate,er is in his po*er to support his teammates. 2he fiasco
*as partl) the %.<.9.4s !lame for !ein$ here an" he felt $uilt) for lettin$ loose the hor"e of
J(o an" help the in#ure" %.<.9. an" <pecial Aperations mem!ers if the) are still a*ake.
CeK,e $i,en them a se"ati,e to keep them calm5 the) mi$ht !e sleepin$ !) no*.J <he tol" them
!efore rushin$ to stop the !lee"in$ from a sol"ier l)in$ on a stretcher.
1oll) an" /runner *ent to the corner of the room5 there *ere a fe* !e"s each *ith an
in#ure" <pecial Aperations mem!er on it. /runner looke" at the anestheti0e" people spra*le" on
the !e"s5 most onl) sustaine" non.life threatenin$ in#uries.
JCell+ looks like the /runner an" his $irl ma"e it throu$h the firefi$ht. 9renKt )ou t*o
#ust luck)+J some!o") sai" !ehin" the t*o. 2urnin$ aroun" the) sa* that it *as AK &oole).
JCe ma"e it out+ alon$ *ith Ea!ins an" /arcla)+ !ut the rest of the team alon$ *ith the
entire 9rm) force that *as sent to help us *asn4t so luck).J 1oll) 7uietl) sai"+ ?2*ent)
casualties. 6i,e "eaths as of no*.@
Vectors of Corruption
J&amn. /a" luck hits e,en the !est an" most pri"eful no* an" then. 2he %resi"ent isn4t
$oin$ to !e too happ) a!out this.J AK &oole) a""e" as he lit a ci$ar an" stuck it in his mouth.
JD think *e all can assume the issue is the truth.J /runner si$he".
AK &oole) che*e" har" on his ci$ar+ then spat out the contents into the trash can+ JBf
those "amn !astar"s+ the <.1. D mean. Chat the hell are the) up to an)*a)sHJ
<u""enl) /runner remem!ere" somethin$+ J-a#or+ *hen *e *ere pinne" "o*n at the
ri"$e+ a &rone ha" a hit on us. D thou$ht it *as frien"l) an" *as sent !) )ou $u)s to help us out
or somethin$+ !ut it turne" out that it *as there to kill us.J
J<hit+ are )ou sure it *as a "roneHJ A4 &oole) pulle" the ci$ar from his mouth.
J%ositi,e+ *e to*e" itKs *recka$e to the !ase+ (reene anal)0e" that thin$+ he #ust calle"
me ten minutes a$o to tell me that it *as "efinitel) >ussian.J
JD canKt !elie,e it $ot throu$h this 7uick.J AK &oole) sai" un"er his !reath. 1e took
another lon$ "ra$ from the ci$ar.
JB3cuse me sirHJ 1oll) aske".
JGou must not ha,e hear" )et+ the presi"ent calle" an" sai" that the Fnite" <tates
$o,ernment planne" a ne* t)pe of remote control "rone. Dt is sai" to !e capa!le of fl)in$ for
e3ten"e" perio"s of time an" has an arsenal of machine$uns+ C4 carpet "rops+ an" 9-( missile
attachments all in one. 6earin$ that the technolo$) of this "rone *as too po*erful to !e e3pose"+
the $o,ernment co"e" all the information re$ar"in$ the "rone plane alon$ *ith other secret
*eapons into a small microchip that the) installe" into a satellite. 2he satellite *as then launche"
into or!it. Ari$inall)+ the plan *as for the >ussian /lack Aperations /ranch of the (o,ernment
an" -ilitar) to consi"er the satellite as #ust another one of the man) scientific research satellites
launche" e,er) )ear. <omeho* or another+ information re$ar"in$ the satellite *as capture" !)
>ussian /lack Aps. Dn less than t*ent).four hours+ those !astar"s shot the "amn thin$ "o*n+
alon$ *ith all the information re$ar"in$ ne* *eapons an" technolo$ies such as the 21106 "rone.
2he) transporte" the <atellite to the facilit) in Cherno!)l+ *here the) ha,e "eco"e" the
!lueprints of the &rone. =uckil)+ the) ha,e not )et mana$e" to "eco"e other information 7uite
)et as far as D kno* of. 9 %.<.9. mem!er has !een sent to retrie,e the "o*ne" satellite from
Cherno!)l earlier to"a). 9n" that+ >)an an" Eaitl)n+ is *h) )ou met the "rone+ the >ussians
"eco"e" the informational !lueprints #ust a *eek a$o+ an" no*...*ell+ )ou sa* *hat )ou sa*.J
/runner an" 1oll) stare" at each each other+ then at the sk)+ then at A4 &oole)+ then !ack
at each other. /runner thre* his s*eat!an" "o*n on the san") $roun". J2hatKs #ust $reat+ more
people to ha,e to "eal *ith. D hope the >ussians arenKt as !ri$ht as the) think an" #ust i$nore the
fact that *e kno* of the satelliteKs location.J /runner sai".
Dn an anno)e" tone+ J9t least "o )ou kno* the status of the mission to retrie,e the
"roneHJ 1oll) aske".
J8ot )et+ as far as D kno* of+ it is still in the process of !ein$ retrie,e".
/runner all the information. JD #ust *ante" to think Cherno!)l *as a $host to*n "ue to
that acci"ental melt"o*n in 86K.J
J1aL@ A4 &oole) spoute". 1e checke" aroun" to make sure that no one *as listenin$+
then continue". ?2hat is *hat it al*a)s *as thou$ht of. Dn 9pril of 1P86+ Chernko, sent a team
to take o,er the facilit) !) force. 2he facilit) officers *ere force" to "etonate an" sur$e a
melt"o*n in or"er to pre,ent the po*er plant from fallin$ to enem) han"s. /ut after the *hole
inci"ent he create"+ it took a further "eca"e !efore the ra"iation le,els *ere safe for humans to
Vectors of Corruption
!e$in *orkin$ there. Af course+ that *as the *hole plan in the !e$innin$. Chernko, "eci"e" that
once the $o,ernment "umpe" concrete an" "i" all those thin$s to stop ra"ioacti,e leaka$e. 1e
*oul" $o !ack an" take *hate,er he nee"e". 8o*+ the insi"e is a massi,e *arehouse for ille$al
tra"e an" ne*+ ne,er seen *eapons. 9n" then comes to the point *here >ussia has no control
o,er *hat $oes on in there. 9ll the "ata an" information is sensiti,e an" fra$ile an" an) issue
ma) lea" to massi,e retaliation. 9h+ the $oo" ol" "a)s *hen that *as still a common termI@
1oll) close" her e)es an" shook her hea". JD still 7uestion as to *h) no one e,en
/A21B>B& or 2>DB& to e3pose this. %eople ha,e the ri$ht to kno* this kno*le"$e...an"
JChoa+ hol" it there $irl+ D lo,e it *hen people ask 7uestions+ !ut one at a timeLJ AK
&oole) chuckle". J2he reason no!o") kne* an" no!o") checke" *as !ecause no!o") thou$ht
that an)one *ith the ri$ht min" *oul" !e sneakin$ aroun" a ra"ioacti,e cit) #ust for the $oo" of
it. 9lso+ the reason *h) )ou "i"nKt kno* *as !ecause of the fact that the presi"ent "i"nKt *ant to
*orr) e,er)one on too much information. =ike*ise+ the *hole P11 thin$ appeare" an" the %.<.9.
shifte" focus an" an)thin$ a!out Cherno!)l *as thro*n to the *a)si"e.J
1oll) si$he"+ J1o* t)pical an" clichQ+ D canKt !elie,e >ussiaKs no* in this *hole terrorist
mess+ D #ust hope *e $et out of this hell.hole no*.J
JCith luck+ *eK" !e out of here tomorro* mornin$+ !ut as far as D kno* of *eKre $oin$ to
!e aroun" for a !it.J AK &oole) tol" them as he che*e" on his ci$ar
JAne more 7uestion sir+ ho* "i" the information $et leake" outHJ /runner con,e)e" in a
tire" ,oice
J8ot sure+ !ut it must ha,e someho* slippe" "urin$ transcription. Ar *e $ot a sp) up in
our s)stem.J AK &oole) tol" him !efore he thre* his ci$ar in the trash+ J&amn+ D am tire"+ looks
like the me"ical staff is calmin$ "o*n #ust a !it+ the ones *ho can !e sa,e" are sa,e"+ an" the
ones *ho canKt are "one for it. 8ot much else *e can "o aroun" here. D nee" a <cotch to calm me
"o*n a !it+ )ou $u)s *ant to #oin meHJ
JGeah sure+ at least itKll !e !etter than stan"in$ here ri$htHJ 1oll) announce".
JDKm *ith )ou.J /runner si$he" out.
9fter ha,in$ a small amount of <an$ria+ /runner felt a lot less tense. 1e "eci"e" to take a
,isit *ith 1oll) to (reeneKs la!orator). 9t first 1oll) sai" she *oul" rather #ust *atch 2V in her
room+ !ut /runner insiste" on "oin$ so. 2he t*o *alke" "o*n to (reeneKs la!+ to their surprise+
AK &oole)+ /arcla)+ Ea!ins+ an" a fe* others *ere there as *ell. J=ooks like *e all ha" the same
thou$htsJ /arcla) sai". Bnterin$ the la!+ (reene 7uickl) tol" the $roup to come to the !ack
2here he sho*e" the $roup a piece of the *recka$e of the &rone plane that /runner shot
"o*n earlier. JD $ot some important info+ so #ust listen.J (reene tol" the $roup *ith his
anno)in$l) lou" ,oice. JD ha,e anal)0e" the *recka$e e,en more. Dt is "efinitel) >ussian in
ori$in+ !ut D foun" a stunnin$ "isco,er). 2his particular section has a uni7ue lan$ua$e on it. DtKs
not >ussian or 9merican+ !ut pure %ortu$uese. <o that means that this thin$ *asnKt assem!le" in
>ussia+ !ut in a %ortu$uese speakin$ countr).J
JCell that narro*s it "o*n a !it.J /arcla) sai". 2his time he *asn4t sarcastic.
J(oo" 7uestion+ the t*o main countries D coul" think of off the top of m) hea" is
%ortu$al an" /ra0il. D thou$ht it *oul" !e /ra0il !ecause of the $an$ *ars eruptin$ o,er there. 9t
Vectors of Corruption
first D *as suspicious of the fact+ !ut this section of metal confirme" m) h)pothesis+J (reene sai"
as he sho*e" the $roup. An the piece of charre" metal+ one coul" still make out the statue of AK
Cristo >e"entor or Christ the >e"eemer.
J<o that settles the fact that there is a $oo" chance it *as assem!le" in /ra0il.J /runner
J%rett) much+ D "onKt see *here else it can !e. 2here is $oo" proof that /ra0ilian (an$s
are assem!lin$ secret >ussian *eapons.J
JCait+ *h) e3actl) are the) "oin$ thisHJ 1oll) aske".
JDtKs simple+ the >ussians $i,e mone) to the $an$s+ the $an$s !uil"s the *eapons+ the
*eapons are shippe" to *here the) are nee"e"+ an" the >ussians sa,e" !oth mone) an"
manpo*er.J (reene tol" the $roup.
J=ooks like *e nee" to inform the %resi"ent on these issues soon.J Ea!ins sai".
JGes+ he is on a fli$ht to the !ase ri$ht no* it fact.J AK &oole) commente"+ J'ust $ot the
messa$e+ the meetin$ *ill take place in an hour an" a half. 1e left the <tates for &#im!i as soon
as he $ot ne*s of the o,erseein$ "isaster. 6or the recor"+ he sent me all the information a!out
/ra0il a fe* minutes !efore )ou came here.@
J9nother restless ni$ht for all of us.J /arcla) "rone".
J-i$ht as *ell $et rea") for it+ see )ou in a !it >)an.J 1oll) sai". <he hu$$e" him an"
patte" his !ack !efore openin$ the "oor to lea,e (reeneKs la!orator). 2he smell of hot "o$s
"rifte" in from the hot "o$ stan" outsi"e.
Cherno!)l+ Fkraine
Eraft "roppe" her $un an" raise" her arms in Cherno!)l+ Fkraine. <lo*l) she turne"
aroun" to face a "o0en >ussian mercenaries+ all *ith assault rifles aime" strai$ht at her. <he
7uietl) remo,e" the ammunition !elt an" "roppe" that on the $roun" as *ell. J(oo"+ no* *alk
for*ar".J the man sai". Dt *as a >ussian officer *ith sha$$) hair an" a $re) $oatee. 1e ha" a
menacin$ scar that ran from his chin up to his forehea". Eraft slo*l) steppe" for*ar"+ the chip
still insi"e her pocket. J(i,e it hereLJ the man or"ere".
J(i,e *hatHJ Eraft sai". 1er ,oice *as calm.
JGou kno* *hat D am talkin$ a!out+ no* $i,e it here !efore *e la) "o*n fire+J the man sai"
*ith >ussian accente" Bn$lish. Eraft *oul" ha,e lau$he" at it if it *ere not for the situation she
*as in. 2he thou$ht of spittin$ !ack escape" her min"+ for all she cares+ sur,i,al is the main
JCh) the hell shoul" D !e $i,in$ it /9CE to )ou *hen it is ori$inall) oursHJ she
7uestione"+ tr)in$ to stall for time.
J<hut up+ D *ill $i,e )ou ten secon"s to respon"+ if )ou "onKt+ *e *ill pump )our "amne"
$uts full of lea".J 2he man spat out !efore he !e$an countin$ "o*n from ten.
Eraft "re* up the chip from her pocket as the man counte" "o*n to one. <eein$ the chip
in her han"s+ the man shifte" his attention from countin$ to talkin$ a$ain.
Vectors of Corruption
J(oo" $irl+ no* put it on the $roun" an" !ack a*a).J he sai" in his >ussian accente"
<lo*l)+ Eraft lo*ere" the chip to the $roun" !efore !ackin$ up a$ainst the *all. <he
kno*s that there *as no possi!le *a) for her to escape *ith the car$o at this point+ so instea" she
"eci"e" to pla) alon$ *ith the $uar"s to fin" the perfect opportunit). 9s the man !e$an to *alk
for*ar" to*ar"s the chip+ the $roup finall) lo*ere" their rifles+ unfortunatel)+ there *ere too
man) of them aroun" for Eraft to pick off. 2he man calml) strolle" for*ar" an" collecte" the
computer chip from off the $roun"+ J(oo" choice )ou ma"e. Gou ser,e" our team *ell.J
Eraft remaine" silent as one of the $uar"s raise" the 7uestion in >ussian+ JChat "o *e "o
*ith her -a#or =a$shmi,ar.J
J2ake her to the hol"in$ room in the Bast area+ once sheKs comforta!le in her cell *e can
$et some info out of her.J
JGes sir+J the $uar" replie"
J-o,e alon$ the $uar" shoute" !efore he pushe" her out of the han$ar.
&imitri =ene,ski aime" his /arrett li$ht hi$h cali!er sniper rifle at the han$ar+ *hich
happene" to !e one thousan" si3.hun"re" meters a*a). 1e *atche" as the $roup "etaine" Eraft
an" also *atche" as the $uar"s !e$an "ra$$in$ her into a !uil"in$ on the Bastern si"e of the
facilit). <lo*l)+ he raise" his rifle. 9s he $a,e out a *isp of !reath+ &imitri positione" the
crosshairs ri$ht on the chest of the officer hol"in$ onto Eraft. /efore firin$+ he looke" at the
>ussian fla$ in the !ack$roun" near the han$ar+ *hich la) "roopin$ "o*n*ar"s. JCin"+ 0ero
kilometers per hour+ perfect+J he sai". &imitri ru!!e" the %.<.9. s)m!ol en$ra,e" onto his rifle.
Cith a small "ra* of action+ he pulle" the tri$$er. 2he lou" !last echoe" into the surroun"in$
2he little talk *ith the presi"ent *as a!out as !orin$ as "itch *ater. 1e arri,e" ,ia
special #et #ust minutes a$o. /ein$ on a !us) sche"ule+ he *ent "o*n to !usiness as soon as he
$ot out of his plane. A,erall+ the presi"ent *as 7uite untouche" !) the "eath of the arm). 2o
/runner+ it almost seems as if he e3pecte" this outcome. Dt anno)e" him an" !othere" him !ut
/runner shru$$e" it off. 2he presi"ent has !een $ettin$ enou$h flak latel). 6ortunatel)+ the
presi"ent "i" at least mourn the "eath of <chumacherKs father+ a lon$time mem!er of <pecial
2he presi"ent+ name" (a,in -a#e*ski+ *as an ol" lookin$+ *hite haire" man of fift). 1e
slo*l) pace" aroun" the lo!!) room of the %.<.9. hea"7uarters as he scanne" the au"ience.
-a#e*ski stare" at 1oll)+ /arcla)+ an" then at /runner. 9fter a !it more of pacin$+ he finall)
spoke. JGou can tell D *as rushe" here !) the fastest plane a,aila!le+ "i"nKt e,en ha,e time to $et
on 9ir force Ane. 9lso+ )ou can tell that D am not in a $oo" moo" after to"a)Ks e,ents.J 1e spat
out. JD "onKt inten" for )ou all to sta) here for too lon$.J 1e repeate" for the thir" time. JD hear"
(reene ha" a suspicion that the) *ere assem!lin$ *eapons in >io+ unfortunatel) for )ou $u)s+
he *as ri$ht. -) task is for a fe* of )ou to $o an" check out *hatKs $oin$ on. D ha,e recei,e"
information that Chernko, *ill !e there. D *ant )ou to ta$ him an" ship him to the <tates+J he
tol" them in a $ruff ,oice.
Vectors of Corruption
/runner "i" not !other askin$ *here he $ot the information. JChen are *e all lea,in$HJ
he aske"+ anno)in$l).
J8ot all of )ou are+ D am $oin$ to keep a fe* of )ou here.J the %resi"ent sai" as he looke"
o,er to Ea!ins+ AK &oole)+ an" (reene. J/runner+ 1oll)+ an" /arcla).J 1e shoute" as the
%resi"ent turne" his attention to the three sittin$ in the corner. Gou three *ill !e $oin$ to >io.
9n" that is first thin$ tomorro* mornin$.J 2he %resi"ent *alke" o,er an" tosse" three packets of
papers "o*n in front of them. J>ea" these+ the) *ill $i,e careful instructions as to *hat to "o.
6ollo* them an" )ou *ill sur,i,e. D$nore them an" )ou *ill either $et capture" or kille"+J
%resi"ent -a#e*ski announce" as he picke" up his !riefcase. JD am hea"in$ !ack to the <tates+
there is !usiness to !e settle".J 1e looke" at (reene. J'osh (reene+ )ou are comin$ *ith me !ack
to the <tates.J
'osh (reene spurre" from his chair. J/ut sir+ D ha,e e3perimentation an" in,entions $oin$
on in m) la! hereLJ he proteste".
J8o pro!lem+ our !est men *ill ensure care to them. D *ill ask them to help !rin$ them
!ack to the Fnite" <tates. D am lea,in$ no* !ut )ou *ill lea,e later. 2here *ill !e a pri,ate #et
rea") for )ou ne3t *eek.
(reene "i" not protest.
9s /runner an" 1oll) *alke" !ack to their "orms+ the) !oth looke" "o*n at a packet of
paper $i,in$ instructions on their actions in >io.
/runner si$he". J<eems like *eKre not $ettin$ an) sleep toni$ht.J
J%rett) sure )ouKre ri$ht+ !ut at least rest up for the trip. D "onKt *ant to ha,e an)one
shootin$ at me *hile D am half "o0e".J 1oll) commente".
J&o )ou think the or"eal *ill $o an)*hereHJ
J9s far as D am concerne"+ this is a "ea"locke" case unless Eraft retrie,es the satellite
successfull). Df not+ the >ussians ha,e intel into all of our "efenses as *ell as Dntel into our !est
technolo$).J she sai".
J(reat+ *e also nee" a suppl) of *eapons.J
J(o an" ask 'osh (reene for that.J <he tol" him.
J<ure+ D *ill $et )ours for )ou+ *h) "onKt )ou $o an" $et some restHJ
J2hanks+ D appreciate that.J 1oll) sai" to him *ithout emotion !efore she *alke" off to
/runner strolle" o,er to (reeneKs la! an" *ent in a$ain. J'osh+ *e nee" some *eapons
for tomorro*.J /runner shoute".
JGeah oka).J 1e replie" as !e$an packin$ a$ar "ishes *ith !acteria cultures into a lar$e
thermal !a$. JD am lea,in$ ne3t *eek !ut the) *ant to sen" all of m) e3periments an" e7uipment
!ack to the Fnite" <tates tomorro*+ !ut the *eapons are in the armor) as )ou kno*. D *oul"
su$$est some short ran$e *eaponr). =etKs see+ *e *ill suppl) )ou *ith a full.auto (18 pistol+ as
*ell as ma)!e some shot$uns+ pro!a!l) a <%9<.12 or somethin$. 9s for main arms+ D pro!a!l)
$o for an -4 or an <-(. Chate,er+ the case+ D su$$est the usual.@
/runner scratche" his chin+ J2r) an" o!tain as man) ma$s as )ou possi!l) can+ *e are
"ealin$ *ith 7uite a fe* $an$s "o*n there.J
Vectors of Corruption
(reene pace" aroun" the room an" picke" up a %%< $rena"e in his han"+ JGouKre $oin$ to
nee" this as *ell+ *h) not pack )ou a trinitrium !ullet.proof ,est alon$ *ith a si"e.arm. Chat
pistol "o )ou preferHJ
JDK" sa) a /eretta or somethin$ of the like5 a,oi" re,ol,ers !ecause the) are not the !est
for stick) situations.J
(reene slo*l) *alke" o,er to a "oor5 he pulle" it open an" tol" /runner to #oin him
2he "oor le" to a lar$e stora$e room+ insi"e are *alls full of *eapons of all si0es. <mall
pistols+ su!machine.$uns+ assault rifles+ an" -2 /ro*nin$ machine$uns fill the room. 9s (reene
picke" up an assault rifle+ he cocke" it+ checke" if it *as loa"e"+ an" then tosse" it to /runner.
J1ereKs )our main.@ 9fter*ar"+ he $ra!!e" a pistol an" tosse" it to /runner. ?1ere is )our
/erretta. (o ahea" an" pick *hate,er )ou *ant from this room an" $et out of here. 6eel free to
take )our time.J (reene tol" /runner as he strolle" out of the room *ith a small+ protot)pe pistol
in his han".
9fter a lon$ hour of choosin$ an" thinkin$+ /runner "eci"e" he *ill pick up t*o -4
assault rifles+ t*o -21 sniper rifles+ t*o Vector su!.machine$uns+ a (18 full.auto pistol+ an an"
also a /enelli -1014 shot$un. 1e also picke" up a !a$ of o,er t*o "o0en %%< $rena"es as *ell
as t*o !a$s of flash!an$s to stun the enemies *hen necessar). 1e put all the *eapons in specific
suitcases an" tosse" them all on a cart. 9s he *as a!out to *alk out of the room+ /runner cau$ht
si$ht of a $reenish (lock 17 on the *all ne3t to the rifles.
2he room "oor automaticall) close" as /runner strolle" out. J6in" e,er)thin$ )ouKre
lookin$ forHJ (reene sai" o,er cleanin$ a ne* pistol an" packin$ his e7uipment.
J%rett) much+ !) the *a)+ "o )ou min" if D take the (lock 17HJ 1e aske".
J<ure+ D "onKt care+ *hat for thou$hH Gou alrea") ha,e o,er a "o0en other (locks+
/erettas+ an" *hat.nots.J
JDtKs for Eaitl)n. <he lost hers *hen she *as "etaine".J
JAh+ all ri$ht thatKs fine. 'ust "onKt lose it+ it kin" of is important. /ut+ since Eaitl)n *ants
it+ she can ha,e it.J
JD *ill $i,e it !ack once *eKre "one *ith the mission.J
JChat are )ou $u)s "oin$ in >io an)*a)sHJ (reene aske".
J9ccor"in$ to the papers an" *hat the presi"ent sai"+ *e are $oin$ in to "isrupt the
transport of cocaine.J
J<ince *hen is the %.<.9. $oin$ into the anti."ru$ !usinessHJ
J<ince no* apparentl)+ an)*a)s+ *e are $oin$ in an" stoppin$ an e3chan$e.J
JChat are those !astar"s e3chan$in$ no*HJ
/runner scratche" his chin+ J2he >ussians are makin$ tra"es *ith /ra0ilian $an$s. 2he)
are e3chan$in$ "ru$s+ *eapons+ an" mone) in e3chan$e for the $an$s to !uil" the "rone plane.J
J<*eet stor)+ m) $uess *as ri$ht the *hole time. 8o* $o an" kill them all.J
J9ctuall) *e canKt+ *e ha,e to capture Chernko, in or"er to o!tain information re$ar"in$
the e3chan$e of "ea"l) information.J
JChat e3actl) is )our planH Dt seems ,er) scant on information.J
J1oll)+ /arcla)+ an" D are $oin$ to !e transporte" to >io ,ia a pri,ate #et. Ce *ill meet up
*ith 9n"rea an" am!ush the e3chan$e near <lon)ia <treet 9lle) the "a) after*ar". 2he four of
Vectors of Corruption
us *ill take out all the !o")$uar"s an" capture Chernko,. 9fter*ar"+ *e transport him o,er to
the airport *here the CD9 an" *e *ill #ust interro$ate him on the information re$ar"in$ the
e3chan$e of information as all $o !ack to the states. 2hat4s all D can sa)+ the rest is classifie".J
J9n"rea huhH 9n"rea 6er$usonHJ
J<heKs mine.J
9*k*ar" silence.
J1o* soHJ /runner aske"
J/ecause o!,iousl)+ there is a positi,e/ne$ati,e attraction !et*een the t*o of us.J
JGou "o kno* she is pick) a!out choosin$ her partners ri$htHJ
9nother a*k*ar" silence.
J<oH Dt is o!,ious that sheKs cute+ plus+ )ou alrea") ha,e )our $irl+ no* itKs a!out time D
$et mine.J
J2ou$h luck+ )ouKre $oin$ to ha,e to !eat Chase /arcla) to it.J /runner tol" (reene.
JChase *onKt stan" a chance. Chate,er the case+ )ou nee" to $o an" $et out of here. Gou
reall) nee" to sleep *ell toni$ht5 D hear" the pri,ate #et is so !ump) an" li$ht that )ou pro!a!l)
*ill not !e sleepin$ on it at all.J
J2hanks for the o!,ious tip.J /runner sai" as he !e$an to *alk out of (reeneKs la!. 9s he
*as a!out to lea,e the room. /runner cau$ht si$ht of one of the 2riple./arrel &enial.6ire sentr)
$un sittin$ in the corner.
J-in" if D take that sucker *ith me to >ioHJ
(reene looke" up an" simpl) replie"+ ?8o.@
Dn Cherno!)l+ Eraft stalle" for time. JChatKs the secret *ith this place+ it actuall)
fascinates me a lot.J
J<hut up an" $et $oin$ )ou !astar".J -a#or =a$shmi,ar tol" Eraft.
JDKm $oin$+ DKm $oin$.J <he replie" in an anno)e" tone. Eraft rolle" her e)es+ !ut not *ith
sarcasm. <he *as checkin$ for opportunities.
2he t*o !e$an *alkin$ to*ar" the Bastern section of the facilit). JGou kno* )ou arenKt
$ettin$ out of this ali,e.J =a$shmi,ar tol" her.
JGou "o kno* that GAF *ill not $et out of this ali,e either.J she tol" the ma#or.
J1mm+ D *ill make a "eal *ith )ou. Df )ou tell me information re$ar"in$ *hat the Fnite"
<tates *as ori$inall) plannin$ "o*n in -o0am!i7ue+ D *ill let )ou $o+ plain an" simple.J
J1o* a!out D tell )ou *hatKs $oin$ to happen to )ou.J
=a$shmi,ar pulle" out a ci$arette an" a li$hter+ J%lease "o tell -iss+ *hatKs $oin$ to
happen to meHJ
JA!,iousl)+ )ouKre $oin$ to "ie ri$ht no*.J
JChatHJ =a$shmi,ar shoute" out in surprise.
'ust then+ a !ullet struck =a$shmi,ar s7uare in the hea". 1e ploppe" !ack*ar"s onto the
$roun". 2akin$ this opportunit)+ Eraft reache" o,er to $ra! a pistol from the holster of a near!)
sol"ier as t*o more !ullets struck t*o other enemies. <he pulle" up the -akaro, pistol an"
cappe" three >ussians consecuti,el). 9nother !ullet struck a sol"ier in the !ell)5 he fell
!ack*ar"s an" lan"e" on a sol"ier that Eraft kille". 9s the sol"ier pulle" out his 9E.47 rifle to
shoot Eraft+ Eraft aime" her -akaro, at the ")in$ $uar". %ullin$ on the tri$$er+ the ominous
Vectors of Corruption
click of an empt) cartri"$e startle" her. 2he sol"ier $ra!!e" hol" of his rifle+ !ut a !ullet struck
him in his chest #ust as Eraft prepare" to take the !ullets. J2hanks &imitri.J she sai" un"er her
!reath as she !e$an runnin$ for the e3traction point.
9t that moment &imitri !u00e" in to her ra"io. J-ar$aret+ remem!er the chipLJ Eraft
7uickl) ran !ack to fin" =a$shmi,arKs !o"). 2he !ase alarm *as in full !last an" ,oices of
hun"re"s of mercenaries+ $uar"s+ an" /lack Aperations sol"iers coul" !e hear" in the
Eraft thum!e" throu$h =a$shmi,arKs pockets an" foun" the chip+ still in $oo" con"ition.
JD $ot it+ $oin$ to =M one ri$ht no*+ meet me there in three minutesLJ she shoute" throu$h the
ra"io to &imitri.
J>o$er that+ D *ill !e there to meet )ou.J
J9ppreciate the sniper support+ D *ill thank )ou later.J Eraft tol" him as she sprinte" out
of the !ase. /ehin" her+ sol"iers *ere runnin$ an" shoutin$ at her+ rifles an" su!.machine$uns
!la0in$. 2he a$ent ran out into an open fiel" flanke" !) !are+ scarre" trees. 2he fiel" of ")in$+
$ra) $rass $a,e out an e,il aurora to the past e,ents as she sprinte" throu$h them. Fn"erneath
her+ the !reakin$ of ")in$ $rass onl) helpe" si$nal the once rich lan"+ no* "estro)e" !)
ra"ioacti,e fallout. Eraft coul" hear $unfire as *ell as the steps of the sol"iers !ehin" her. B,er)
clatter of !oots a$ainst ra"ioacti,e soil seeme" like one step closer of "eath to her. <he *as sure
that there *as a $oo" thirt) secon" lea" !et*een the sol"iers an" her+ !ut Eraft continue" to hear
the occasional $un shot as *ell as the poun"in$ of shoes as the alarm of the facilit) !e$ins to
fa"e. B,er) secon" seeme" like eternit)+ e,er) secon" seeme" like a secon" closer to her "eath.
<u""enl)+ &imitri !u00e" in on the ra"io+ J-ar$aret *atch out+ thereKs a /-% armore"
,ehicle hea"in$ to*ar"s )ou on )our three oK clockLJ
JFn"erstoo"LJ she shoute" as she "ucke" "o*n in the $rass. 9t this point a $illie suit
*oul" ha,e !een a $reat i"ea+ she thou$ht. 2he soun" of the /-% coul" !e hear"+ alon$ *ith the
footsteps of the sol"iers. =ess than ten secon"s later+ the "ark shape of the /-% coul" !e seen
o,er the tall $rass. Dt *as a li$htl) armore" ,ehicle on tracks. An top *as a turret *ith a mounte"
73 mm $un. 2he ,ehicle *as o,er t*ent) feet lon$ an" al*a)s pose" as a pro!lem to infantr).
<he hi" in the $rass+ kno*in$ that there *as a!solutel) no *a) she coul" take out the Jminiature
tankJ ahea" of her.
J<hit+ the /-%Ks stoppe" a!out fift) feet ahea" of me. 2hereKs no *a) D can sur,i,e *ith
it there.J
J(o an" hi"e in the tree line for a !it. 2he) pro!a!l) *onKt check aroun" that area.J
&imitri tol" her.
J9ll ri$ht+ D am on it.J she sai" as she cra*le" o,er to the tree line+ makin$ sure that the
$rass !ehin" her $ets raise" !ack up as not to raise suspicion. Eraft kneele" !ehin" a ")in$ tree
trunk tilte" !) the *in". Dt *as $re) #ust like the ")in$ $rass she *as #ust tramplin$. 1er (ei$er
counter !e$an to $i,e off faint clicks. 2his *as as far as she coul" $o. 2he forest *as a "eath
trap+ further in an" the ra"ioacti,e le,els *ill !e too hi$h. (lancin$ at the $roun" "eeper into the
forest+ there *as a "ea" !ir"+ a cro*+ on the $roun". Dts feathers *ere still shin) !lack an" the
!ir" *as still fresh. Eraft *on"ere" ho* lon$ it ha" "ie"+ she *on"ere" *hether her life *oul"
en" here in the to3ic forest+ #ust like the life of the cro*.
2he sol"iers from !ehin" her finall) cau$ht up to her location+ the) continue" to run past
*here she *as hi"in$ in the tree line. -ar$aret Eraft sucke" in a li$ht !reath an" counte" o,er
Vectors of Corruption
fort) people "ispatche" to fin" her. -an) more *ere !ehin" them. 'ust then+ one sol"ier+ one
*ith a maske" face an" *earin$ a full suite of camoufla$e stoppe" an" looke" "o*n in the $rass+
it *as a section that *as trample" an" flat. 2he section she for$ot to raise !ack up after pro""in$
throu$h the to3ic $ro*th that sputters itself from the $roun". Eraft kne* that the) ha,e foun"
her appro3imate location. 2he sol"ier calle" for others to come an" look at the e,i"ence. &imitri
!u00e" her in a$ain+ J-ar$aret+ )ou ha,e no*here to $o+ take the $roup out *ith )our rifle+
thereKs onl) four of them.J
JD *ill tr)+J she sai". 'ust as she *as a!out to reach for her -21 rifle+ she su""enl)
remem!ere" that the rifle *as still in the han$ar alon$ *ith the ol" airplanes an" "ea"+ "r)in$
sol"iers. <he curse"+ ? D "onKt ha,e it+ itKs still in the han$ar.J she *hispere" o,er to &imitri.
JChat "o )ou ha,e *ith )ou that are usa!le *eaponsHJ &imitri aske".
JD ha,e m) pocket knife an" one %%< $rena"e.J she tol" him. =uckil)+ her ,oice *as
"ro*ne" out !) the roar of the en$ine on the /-%.
J2hro* the $rena"e at the $roup ahea" of )ou. 2hen run for it+ D *ill co,er )ou from the
Eraft sucke" in a "eep !reath+ tastin$ the eli3ir of chemicals in the air+ JAka).J
2he %.<.9. a$ent pulle" the safet) off of the %%< $rena"e+ *aite" for three secon"s+ an"
then thre* it "irectl) into the $roup of sol"iers. /efore an) of them coul" react+ the $rena"e
e3plo"e" *ith a !lue hue an" sent the four sol"iers spra*lin$ !ack*ar"s. <he sprinte" into the
open to*ar"s the e3traction point. 9ll alon$ the open fiel" sol"iers arouse" !) the e3plosion
alon$ *ith the /-% !e$an firin$ at her. Eraft coul" feel the !ullets *hi00 throu$h the air all
aroun" her. <u""enl)+ one nicke" at her hair+ scarin$ her+ an" causin$ her to fall. Dt *as an
amateur mistake. <he *as #ust a!out to $et up *hen the sol"iers cau$ht up to her location an"
aime" their $uns at her.
Ane of them "ro,e the !ack en" his $un on her left scapula. <he felt it stun$ har" as Eraft
fell !ack into the $roun".
J2his is for =a$shmi,arLJ 2he sol"ier shoute".
2he hi$h rankin$ officer *alke" up an" aime" his pistol at the !ack of her hea". Eraft
close" her e)es. <he tense" up as she felt the col"+ steel !arrel #ust millimeters from her skull.
2hen came the crack of the $unshot.
Cherno!)l+ Fkraine
Eraft s7uinte" her e)es e)es ti$htl). <he hear" the echo of the $unshot rin$ *ithin the
"eepest orifices of her ears.
2he rifle roun" struck the mercenar) stan"in$ o,er her. 6ra$ments of his o*n skull
spe*e" across the ?scorche" earth@ an" Eraft coul" s*ear+ for that split secon"+ taste the *arm
!loo" of her enem). 2he officer spra*le" !ack as the other sol"iers *ere too pelte". Dt *as the
most !eautiful thin$ she ha" seen.
2he frien"l) helicopter *as ho,erin$ a!o,e her5 &imitri coul" !e seen *ith a rifle+ the
rifle that sa,e" her life a$ain. <he re$aine" her stren$th an" pulle" herself off the $roun". 2he
Vectors of Corruption
other sol"iers in the "istance *ere no* firin$ at the helicopter+ *hich *as ho,erin$ a!o,e her
like a metal an$el.
J(et to the =M -ar$aretL (et to the =M+J &imitri shoute" o,er the e"$e of the smoke.
!oun" metallic !ir". <u""enl)+ a rocket propelle" $rena"e *as fire". Dt!u00e" close to the
chopperKs tail an" e3plo"e" *ithin the torpi" air. &imitri *as thro*n !ack into the helicopter an"
the chopper itself s*un$ in the air.
JCe canKt sta) here Eraft+ D nee" )ou to $o on *ith the plan+ keep that chip safeLJ he
Eraft sprinte" to*ar"s the location of the e3traction point as the helicopter "arte"
for*ar" to*ar"s it also. /ehin" her+ the an$ere" ,oices an" $unfire of "o0ens of mercenaries
pierce" her ears. Dt *as the lon$est three minutes of her life as she scale" o,er fallen trees+ sharp
!la"es of $rass+ an" ol" !ram!le scattere" across the !arren lan"scape. 2he $unfire continue" to
*hi00 aroun" her as she ran throu$h a small patch of !urnt trees. /ullets coul" !e hear" strikin$
the ")in$ trunks an" !ranches as she plun"ere" to*ar"s the chopper one hun"re" feet a*a). <i3
9merican <pecial Aperations sol"iers alon$ *ith &imitri *ere all outsi"e *ith rifles on han"+
aime" an" rea") to $i,e support to Eraft.
<u""enl) Eraft *as cau$ht !et*een the line of fire as the frien"lies an" enemies all
tra"e" !ullets to*ar"s each other. Eraft coul" hear the ominous soun" of the /-% in the
!ack$roun" alon$ *ith "o0ens of other ,ehicles !ehin" her. 2he chopper !e$an to rise off the
$roun" as &imitri an" the sol"iers $ot !ack in.
JCe ha,e to lea,e5 the)Kre !rin$in$ out <tin$er missiles soon. Ce canKt sta) here an)
lon$er. DD "onKt *ant to ha,e to lea,e )ou hereLJ &imitri sai" o,er the ra"io. 2he chopper *as
alrea") fi,e feet off the $roun".
9s Eraft ran up closer to the chopper she prepare" herself to #ump off the $roun" onto the
chopper. =uckil) for her+ she *as a runner !) nature. Chether it *as the sprints or the marathon+
Eraft coul" sur,i,e ha,in$ her lun$s punishe". 1o*e,er+ to"a) *as "ifferent. <he felt hopeless
!et*een the crossfire. Ceak+ s*eat)+ an" out of !reath+ -ar$aret Eraft lun$e" for*ar" *ith the
last amounts of ener$). 9ll aroun" her !ullets of multiple cali!ers from multiple ,arieties of
*eapons *ere *hi00in$ aroun". Dt *as like a scene in a "rama mo,ie+ *here the cops are on one
si"e tr)in$ to kill the !ank ro!!ers on the other si"e+ an" Eraft *as the person in the mi""le of
the crossfire. B3cept she *asn4t "uckin$ an" tr)in$ to hi"e+ she *as runnin$ to*ar"s the cops.
Aut of the corner of her e)e+ she sa* a !ri$ht o!#ect hea"in$ "irectl) for the chopper.
Dnstantl) she kne* it *as a stin$er missile. 2he Chopper ,eere" up*ar"s an" "roppe" heat
"eflectors "o*n*ar"s as the stin$er turne" an" hit the soil. /) the time Eraft *as near the
helicopter+ it ha" alrea") risen up to o,er thirt) feet a!o,e the $roun" in or"er to a,oi" the
onslau$ht of !ullets from the enemies.
J-ar$aret+ the team is ,eerin$ on lea,in$ )ou. Ce are $oin$ to nee" to $o *ith plan /.
9!out half a mile to the 8orth is an ol" church *ith a lar$e+ !eaten steeple. (et o,er there+ clim!
onto the steeple an" $et on to the chopper !efore the) sen" their air forces after us+@ he shoute"
to her.
JAka)+ thanks D $uess.J Eraft replie"
2he rest of the *a) *as #ust a!out as amusin$ as !efore. Eraft thre* in the last !its of
ener$) into her !o") "ashe" for the church. Ance she !reache" the treeline+ she felt as if the
Vectors of Corruption
enemies ha" $i,en up on pursuit. 2he $unfire !e$an to fa"e !ut footsteps an" the soun" of
,ehicles coul" still !e hear". 9$ent Eraft came up on the church.
2he church *as once a !eautiful !uil"in$ *ith *oo"en structures an" stain $lass
*in"o*s. 8o* it is a pile of ru!!ish *ith stairs that *ere !e$innin$ to fall apart. Clim!in$ the
stairs+ she coul" see the helicopter ahea". J'ump for itLJ &imitri sai"+ J9lmost thereLJ <he hear"
a $unshot+ then another+ then )et another.
9t the last split secon"+ Eraft #umpe" an" lan"e" onto the /lack 1a*k chopper. 2he
chopper rose hi$her up into the air as it !e$an to fl) out of the area. Eraft an" &imitri cau$ht one
last look of the /-% an" the sol"iers+ some of them *ere #ust a!out to clim! onto the steeple of
the church. 9s the helicopter lifte" hi$her into the air+ the sol"iers !elo* *ere still shoutin$ in
>ussian. 9n >%( *as fire" at them as *ell+ !ut from this "istance+ it misse" them !) a mile. <he
*as safe. <he felt safe. <he felt safe ne3t to &imitri5 *ho ha" close" his e)es+ lifte" !ack his
hea"+ an" *as si$hin$.
?2hank )ou.@ Dt *as all she coul" ha,e sai".
Chernko, calle" 8i,ea later that "a). Chernko, 7uietl) ru!!e" his forehea" *ith his han"
as the phone continue" to !eep. 9fter a minute+ 8i,ea picke" up.
J2he line is secure+J 8i,ea sai".
J(oo"+ D $ot some !a" ne*s for )ou sir+J Chernko, tol" 8i,ea *ith hesitation.
J<hoot for it.J
JFh+ *ell+ *e ha" an inci"ent to"a) at the facilit). 9 %.<.9. mem!er infiltrate" to steal the
J=et me $uess+ the) took it+J 8i,ea respon"e" *ith an an$ere" ,oice.
JCell+ *e mana$e" to "etain her+ =a$shmi,ar "i"+ then *e *ere $oin$ to take her to the
east cells to interro$ate her. Fnfortunatel)+ there *as someone else out there *atchin$ her !ack.
2hat person shot an" kille" =a$shmi,ar alon$ *ith a "o0en others in the process of her escape.
<he took the chip an" the) successfull) e3tracte" from the location ,ia the ol" churchKs steeple.J
J&amn it.@ 8i,ea pause" then continue"+ ?Victor+ *h) is it that )ou al*a)s fail to achie,e
such eas) tasksH Dt *as a facilit) "efen"e" !) almost a thousan" men. 2he !est of the !est of
$uar"s an" sol"iers. Get it *as taken "o*n !) less than a "o0en 9mericans sneakin$ aroun" the
place. Ar shoul" D sa)+ one $irl an" someone from far a*a).@
J<orr) sir+ it *as all m) fault+ D shoul" ha,e ha" $uar"s e)in$ the chip at all times.J 2here
*as a soun" of *orr)+ ner,ousness+ an" hesitance in his ,oice.
J<hut up+ itKs too late no*. RCe nee" to use *hate,er information *eK,e "eco"e". Ds the
other "rone plane rea") to !e e3chan$e" )etHJ
Chernko, hesitate" a$ain+ J8o )et+ *eKre $oin$ to $i,e it to the =ameurtia $an$ in >io to
assem!le it in e3chan$e for a fe* 9E.47s+ (rena"es an" some "ru$s the) aske" for a*hile
JChat the hellH Ch) not #ust assem!le it )ourselfHJ
JCell+ it is technolo$icall) a",ance" an" e3pensi,e an" m) pa)check cannot co,er the
matters for un"er$roun" assem!l) here in >ussia. Df %utin or an)one outsi"e fin"s out there
*oul" !e "o0ens of hits on me from !oth pri,ate in,estors an" e,en interpol.J
Vectors of Corruption
J2hat is e3actl) the case+ those planes that $et fi3e" !) the "amne" $an$ mem!ers are
completel) unrelia!le+ the first *as knocke" "o*n !) one %.<.9. mem!er usin$ a stupi" rifle.J
8i,ea shoute".
J9 rifle that launches miniature >%(s.J Chernko, correcte".
J<hut the hell up )ou !astar"+ $et that secon" "rone here !) the en" of this *eek or the
entire "eal is o,er. Ah+ for the recor"+ D *oul" lo,e to sen" out m) o*n hit on )ou. -a)!e then
)ou *ill actuall) $et shit "one.@
JD *as ori$inall) plannin$ to $et it in !) ne3t *eek.J Chernko, si$he" 7uietl).
J(et the hell out of )our room an" $et some "amne" thin$s "one. Chen is the e3chan$e
$oin$ onHJ 8i,ea aske".
J2omorro* afternoon+ near <lon)ia <treet 9lle).J Dt *ill !e full of $uar"s+ so the
e3chan$e *ill !e ensure" of success. D *ill !e there m)self to ensure of it.J
8i,ea pause" for a secon"+ J&oes the %.<.9 or the Fnite" <tates kno* of thisHJ
J1opefull) not+ D "onKt see an)*a) that the) coul" kno* of this meetin$.J
J(oo"+ D hope not.J 8i,ea shoute" an$ril) as he slamme" the phone+ en"in$ the
Chernko, si$he". 1e ha" an a*ful feelin$ that the Fnite" <tates alrea") ha" information
on their e3chan$e. 2he >ussian "rank his har" li7uor.
Dt *as a 7uiet ni$ht. Ane of those that are !est spent #ust tucke" a*a) "reamin$ a!out
*hate,er the restin$ min" takes a person. /runner coul"n4t sleep+ his e)es stoo" open as the)
trie" to focus on the $re) ceilin$. 1e *as #ust not tire" enou$h to sleep on a ni$ht like this.
Fsuall)+ sta)in$ a*ake ne,er *as his fa,orite thin$ in the *orl". An most "a)s+ the lo*erin$ of
the sun makes him "ro*s) an" "o*n. Dt *as a natural thin$ for him to simpl) sta) asleep for
e3ten"e" perio"s of time+ allo*in$ the "reams to take him far. /ut on this ni$ht+ /runner felt
alone. 2he 7uiet room+ the !ri$ht moonli$ht that crept in from the ol" curtains. 1e *ante"
somethin$+ !ut coul"n4t put his fin$er on to *hat. Dt scare" him that he himself is unsure of *hat
he *ants. 2here seeme" to !e somethin$ missin$. Cas it foo"H Ar *as it *eaponsH 8o+ he has
!oth of them. Dt "i"n4t take him lon$ to fi$ure out *hat he *as missin$+ !ut he trie" not to think
a!out it. 1e trie" to remo,e the $listenin$ hair out of his min". /ut it *as so !rilliant. 'ust
perfect ho* it flo*s "o*n*ar"s. /runner shook his hea". Chat is happenin$ to himH 1as he
reall) mana$e" to lock himself into a relation *ith a *omanH Dt *as a thou$ht that !othere" him.
Dt *as. 2his *as the first time an) person of the opposite se3 has !een that close+ that close to
him. 8o* he "i" sa,e her+ he "i"+ sa,in$ is carin$ ri$htH 2hat *as somethin$ completel) unsure.
1opefull) the e,ents in the future *ill onl) !rin$ them a !it closer *ithout a*k*ar"ness+
hopefull). =o,e *as not his forte+ neither *as startin$ a relationship. 2hese t*o su!#ects *ere
completel) out of his ,ast realm of e3perience. 1e con#ure" the thou$hts+ those thou$hts that
"re* the t*o of them to$ether. Chat *as it that "re* them to$etherH 1e *on"ere" more. 9$ain+
/runner *as unsure. 1e #ust la) there+ continuin$ to stare aimlessl) at the "irt) ceilin$+ *atchin$
the li$ht caste" a!o,e. 1is attraction *as har" to resist. Cell+ she *as har" to resist. Dt *as like
fi$htin$ a po*erful "ru$ that ha" taken o,er his min". Dt *as like fi$htin$ off a "isease that ha"
taken o,er his immune s)stem. Dt *as #ust painful to i$nore her5 it *as e,en more painful not
!ein$ ne3t to her. /runner coul" onl) close his e)es an" tr) to fall asleep.
Vectors of Corruption
2he 8e3t -ornin$.
J(u)s+ letKs $et a mo,e on no*LJ 2he pilot *ith the $oatee shoute" to 1oll) an" /runner
in the mornin$ air. 1e ha" arri,e" )ester"a) ni$ht an" *as a!out as !othersome as can !e.
/arcla) $ot out a pistol an" stashe" it in his !ackpack. /runner put all the $uns an" ammunition
in their "esi$nate" suitcases. 2he three of them *ere $oin$ to take a fli$ht to >io+ strai$ht across
the 9tlantic Acean.
J=etKs !lo* this tu!LJ /arcla) sai" as he ran up the stairs into the pri,ate #et. /runner took
one last look at the 9ir!ase+ he coul" see the 9C.130+ (reeneKs la!+ the hot "o$ stan" as *ell as
multiple ,ehicles all mo,in$ across the lan". J-an DKm $oin$ to miss this place.J he si$he".
JD *onKt...J 1oll) replie" unenthusiasticall). <he ran her han" throu$h her hair. /runner
pause" to stare.
JGou "onKt nee" )ou to+ as lon$ as the fe* of us stick to$ether+ *eKll sur,i,e this thin$
like an) other.J /runner retorte". /runner felt his pocket+ su""enl) he remem!ere" somethin$.
1e pulle" out the (lock an" han"e" it to 1oll). ?D *ant )ou to ha,e this+ )eah D took it from
(reene !ut D thou$ht )ou mi$ht *ant it.J
J2hanks+ D appreciate ho* much )ou seem to actuall) care a!out me. 1a,enKt !een *ith
an)!o") 7uite like )ou. B3cept for m) parents+ DK" sa) )ou *ere the person *ho sho*e" the most
care to me.J <he pause" an" stoppe" talkin$+ /runner thou$ht he sa* some sli$ht sa"ness in
1oll)Ks e)es !ut it seeme" to ,anish 7uickl).
JCell thatKs a nice thin$ ri$ht there isnKt itHJ /runner sai" 7uickl).
1oll) rake" her !lon"e hair *ith the tips of her fin$ers an" sai"+ JD $uess )ou are #ust that
JOuite so the case+ D h)pothesi0e that this is #ust another one of those times *here *e $et
some happiness in our li,es ri$htHJ
J<ure enou$h >)an. /ut it looks like /arcla)Ks $oin$ to !e happ) the minute *e $et
there.J /runner *as some*hat $la" for the topic chan$e.
/arcla) snappe" out of his "a) "ream *hen his name *as mentione". JChat a!out meHJ
JGou are $oin$ to fin" that )ou *ill like this mission+J 1oll) tol" him.
JChat+ "o )ou think D "onKt like it alrea")HJ
JDKm not $oin$ to rea" )our !rain Chase+ !ut D "o kno* that there are t*o thin$s )ou
en#o) in )our life+ *eapons of "estruction an" $irls.J
/arcla) raise" an e)e!ro*. JChat are )ou impl)in$ there EateHJ
J2he fact that )ou ha,e the *eapons no* that )ou are part of the %.<.9. an" the fact that
)ou *ante" a $irl to !e )our partner in this mission shoul" ans*er this 7uestion. Ah an" if )ou
call me Eate a$ain )ou mi$ht fin" )ourself han$in$ from a !uil"in$ ,eerin$ to*ar"s "eath.J
JChat+ )ouKre $oin$ to "itch >)an to !e *ith me on this "e!acleHJ /arcla) sai" *ith
JFnfortunatel)+ no. D am not choosin$ an)one. Gou on the other han" can ha,e Nfun4 *ith
9n"rea *hen *e $et.J
9t the soun" of those *or"s+ /arcla)Ks face su""enl) tense". JCaitJ
Vectors of Corruption
J&on4t *orr)+ )ou *ill !e fine. Df )ou can sur,i,e *hat the) "i" to us !ack in %.<.9. !oot
camp )ou can sur,i,e talkin$ to a female.J 1oll) replie" as the plane !e$an to ta3i onto the
2he *or"s "*elle" in /runner4s min". J<top this cheesiness an" letKs $o o,er the *hole plan.J
1e "eci"e" that it seeme" like a $oo" con,ersation starter.
J9ll ri$ht.J /arcla) replie" *ith a little enthusiasm.
JChen *e lan" at the >io "e 'aneiro.(aleSo Dnternational 9irport+ our first task is to
meet up *ith 9n"rea 6er$uson at the %uerta 'uanita 1otel. 2he first ni$ht *e *ill sta) at the
hotel room to talk a!out the *hole !usiness. Dn the mornin$+ *e *ill hea" out an" sta) un"er
co,er as *e $et !reakfast an" hea" out to check out the local shops an" *hat.not like re$ular
tourists. 9fter lunch+ Eaitl)n an" D *ill !e $oin$ to <lon)ia <treet 9lle) to check out the
situation. D ha,e reports from the presi"ent that the alle) is flanke" !) some ol" apartment
!uil"in$s. Aut of the alle) an" strai$ht across the street is a lar$e park+ the outer e"$e of the park
is full of $rass an" !ushes. <urroun"in$ the lar$e park is also a lo* han$in$ an" open metal
fence that is onl) a!out t*o feet tall. Eaitl)n an" D can set up location in the $rass an" !ushes
*ith our -21 sniper rifles. -ean *hile+ Chase /arcla)+ )ou an" 9n"rea hea" out to the opposite
si"e of the alle) *ith the truck.J
JCait+ *hat truckHJ /arcla) cut in.
J2he presi"ent *ill !e pro,i"in$ us *ith an armore" truck for transportin$ Chernko,
once *e "etain him.J
J9n" ho* e3actl) "o )ou propose 9n"rea an" D *ill "o that.J
J'ust knock him out *ith the !utt en" of a pistol. &onKt *orr)+ the %resi"ent has mana$e
to $et the local police force as *ell as the arm) to help us out *ith this one. 2he arm) an" police
for *ill !e on the other si"e *ith )ou to "etain him+ then the police an" arm) *ill escort us to the
airport an" then *e *ill take the !astar" !ack to the states.J
JDf it all $oes ri$ht+ *e shoul" !e in an" out in less then three hours.J 1oll) a""e".
JChat *eapons are *e usin$.J /arcla) aske"+ JD kne* )ou took a !unch of stuff from
(reene last ni$ht.J
J2he usual+ t*o -4s for 9n"rea an" )ourself+ t*o -21s for Eaitl)n an" m)self+ t*o
Vector <-(s+ one for )ou an" an" one as an e3tra *eapon. D also took a (38 this mornin$ as an
e3tra as *ell. 9lso the usual are the %%< $rena"es alon$ *ith a /eretta pistol for me an" the
(lock for Eaitl)n. %lus an 9E- for m)self.J
J(reat+ those $u)s *onKt kno* *hat hit them.J /arcla) sai" as he leane" !ack on his
JCe kno* *hat *e are "oin$ *ith Chernko,+ !ut *hat a!out the rest of his menH 2he
$an$ mem!ersH 2he $an$ lea"erHJ 1oll) 7uestione" a$ain.
J9s far as *e kno* the $an$ mem!ers an" Chernko,Ks !rain*ashe" men are e3pen"a!le.
9s for the lea"er of the $an$+ catch him if *e can or kill the !itch if *e nee" to. Ce can al*a)s
ransom *ith him to see *ho to sa,e.J
J<oun"s+J 1oll) stoppe".
?<oun"s *hatH@ /runner aske".
?8othin$.@ 1oll) stare" a*a).
?Aka)I@ /runner continue"+ ?Cell+ en#o) )our fli$ht la") an" $entleman. -a) success
a*ait us at the en" of the alle).@
Vectors of Corruption
2he three of them looke" out the *in"o* an" *atche" as their pri,ate #et left the $roun".
2he) *atche" as the air!ase "isappeare"+ then the run*a) "isappeare"+ an" the) kept *atchin$
until the tall control to*er coul" no lon$er !e seen.
-ean*hile+ /runner *on"ere" *hat *as up *ith 1oll).
A,er -o0am!i7ue
J-r. %resi"ent+ *eK,e successfull) retrie,e" the satellite chip an" are en route to &#im!i
9ir!ase for its return !ack to the Fnite" <tates.J Eraft shoute" o,er the lou" helicopter hum.
J(oo" to hear lieutenant+ D *ill see )ou soon. /runner+ 1oll)+ an" /arcla) all left for >io
#ust a fe* hours a$o. Gou *ill !e on lea,e for a little !it.J
J>io sirHJ
JGes+ >io+ (reene mana$e" to fin" a fe* $oo" inklin$s that the >ussians ha,e contacts in
>io+ looks as if the $an$s "o*n there are !ein$ pai" for fi3in$ up >ussian *eaponr).J
J(reat+ more >ussians to "eal *ith. =ooks like D am nee"in$ to $et in this.J
J1o*Ks e,er)!o") else o,er thereH 9n)!o") lose their li,es o,er thereHJ the %resi"ent
J6ourt) to si3t) !a" $u)s+ 0ero %.<.9. mem!ers an" 0ero arm) $u)s.J she sai" as she
$lance" o,er to &imitri an" the others an" $a,e them a thum!s up after hearin$ her *or"s.
2he helicopter $a,e a sharp turn an" continue" on. JChat happene" at the o,erseein$
missionHJ Eraft aske" the %resi"ent.
2here *as a small si$h at the other en" of the line. JCe lost o,er a "o0en or more <pecial
Aperations $u)s an" a lar$e amount of arm) men. /runnerKs team lost e,er)one e3cept for four
J-) (o".J Eraft sai" *ith silence" !reath+
JD am pullin$ most of the %.<.9. <C<6 out of there for a fe* "a)s. DK,e kept AK &oole)+
Ea!ins+ an" (reene there. 2he rest *ere all in#ure" so D !rou$ht them !ack to the <tates *ith me
*hen D $a,e -o0am!i7ue a ,isit a t*el,e hours a$o. Ce nee" to re.think the entire strate$).J
JGes sir+ D un"erstan".J
JGou are to come !ack to the Chite 1ouse *ith the satellite chip. 2he >ussians ha,e
alrea") "eco"e" some of the information on that chip+ most nota!l) the information on our
21106 "rone plane. Dt has alrea") $otten out to them ma)!e a *eek a$o. >ussian scientists
mana$e" to "eco"e the information alon$ *ith actuall) !uil"in$ a replica mo"el that *orks
*ithin a *eek.J
J&amn+ ho* much more "o )ou kno* of thisHJ
J2he >ussians $a,e one to the terrorists an" the) use" it a$ainst us "urin$ the
J-a)!e it is a ta" o!,ious+ !ut it looks like *eKre in trou!le a$ain.J Eraft t*irle" her hair
as she looke" at &imitri. 1e turne" to look at her.
JChat are )ou plannin$ to "o a!out it -r. %resi"entH 1o* "i" the information a!out the
satellite e,en $ot out in the first placeHJ
Vectors of Corruption
An the other en" of the line the presi"ent hesitate" for a !rief secon". JCeKre not sure
ho* it $ot out. Ce are "oin$ a thorou$h look.throu$h to check that thereKs not a sp) insi"e our
J9 $o,ernment sp) *orkin$ un"er our s)stem sirHJ Eraft 7uestione".
JDtKs possi!le+ *e ha,e ones *e put in >ussia+ an" *e also ha,e a fe* inserte" into 8orth
Eorea after the "eath of Eim 'on$ Dl.J
JGou mean+ suppose" "eath am D correctHJ
JGes+ the *hole pu!lic un"erstan"s that he "ie" on the se,enteenth of &ecem!er t*ent).
ele,en. /ut in realit) heKs #ust hi"in$ from the pu!lic ,ie* to escape persecution from the Fnite"
<tates an" 9sian $o,ernments. Chich also remin"s me that if this information $ets out+ )ou *ill
!e "isa,o*e" as a national threat.J
JGes sir+ D un"erstan".J Eraft scratche" at an insect !ite. 1o* there *ere still insects near
that ra"ioacti,e *aste pile she *as still unsure.
J<o *e "i" a scan of the entire cre* at the top5 C.D.9.+ 6./.D.+ %.<.9.+ the staff at the Chite
1ouse+ Con$ress+ 'u"iciaries+ all of them. Ce foun" nothin$.J
J9re *e sa)in$ that there is someone at the ,er) topH Cho else is thereH <peakerH Vice
%resi"entH GouH CanKt !e )ou $u)s+ so there must !e another personHJ
J-ar$aret+ *e "onKt kno*+ *e #ust "onKt. /ut *hatKs happen has happene"+ e,er)thin$ *ill
$o on as planne".J 1e pause"+ ?CD== !e planne".@
J<ure+ life $oes on ri$htH Ce *ill !e lan"in$ in &#im!i 9irfiel" in an hour. Ance D lan" D
*ill imme"iatel) $et into a plane hea"in$ for the states. D ha,e to $et off at the moment. 9lso+ D
hope the line *as encr)pte".J
J&onKt *orr) -iss Eraft+ it al*a)s is. D *ill see )ou !ack <tatesi"e.J
J(oo" !)e. D appreciate the information+ -r. %resi"ent.J
Eraft un"erstoo" that to"a)Ks e,ents *ere #ust the start of somethin$ ne*+ !ut she kept the
thou$hts to herself. 8e,er in her life *oul" she fin" an) of this interestin$+ !ut it *as 7uite a task
to !e achie,e". 6or no*+ she is #ust content *ith sittin$ !ack an" *atchin$ the col"+ sno*) lan"
0oom past.
9n"rea 6er$uson strolle" up the stairs of the %uerta 'uanita 1otel. <he ,er) attracti,e+
mo"eratel) tall $irl *ith *ith au!urn.!ro*n hair an" "eep !lue e)es. 1er e3pression *as al*a)s
happ) an" $entle+ !ut she ha" one of the most "an$erous a$ents out there. 1er rankin$ of
Captain sho*s the time an" patience e3erte" in her #o!. 'ust last )ear+ 6er$uson *as plante" in
the human affairs section of the %resi"entKs <ecret 9rm). -ostl) her #o! in,ol,e" missions to
stop human traffickin$ amon$ the *orl". 9 lot of the time *as spent in the office an" on stealth
missions aroun" Burope an" >ussia. 'ust last month she !reache" an entire camp in <er!ia an"
rescue" o,er thirt) teena$ers "estine" to !e auctione" off to the rich in >ussia as sla,es. 9n" #ust
t*o "a)s a$o+ she !reache" a safehouse o*ne" !) a $an$ lea"er name" 1ernan 9l"olfo. 9l"olfo
*as in the "ru$ an" human trafflickin$ !usiness for o,er ten )ears. 1e ha" capture" )oun$ !o)s
an" $irls of assorte" a$es to !e sol"+ mostl) as sla,es. 2he !o)s *oul" ha,e !een sent to *ork
an" "o la!or *hile the $irls *ere ultimatel) en"in$ in prostitution. 9lthou$h 6er$uson "i" not
$et much praise o,er the acts )et+ the thankin$ from the teena$ers that she rescue" *as enou$h.
2he hotel *as one of the !est in the cit). Dt *as situate" at the at the ,alle) !elo* the tall
mountain+ the mountain hol"in$ Christ the >e"eemer. 2he insi"e *as #ust as !rilliant as the
Vectors of Corruption
outsi"e+ $ol" an" cr)stal chan"eliers hun$ across the the tall ceilin$. 2all+ potte"+ tropical plants
*ere sprea" across the lo!!)+ some $i,in$ off an her!al smell. 8ear the lo!!) *as the reception
"esk+ sil,er) an" polishe" in the "im li$hts. 9,oi"in$ the the all the "iscussions an" people in the
!uil"in$+ she *alke" o,er to the ele,ators an" *ent in.
2he room she *as $i,en *as a lar$e !e"room *ith t*o separate rooms+ separate" !) a
*all *ith a lar$e *oo"en "oor. 2here *ere t*o !e"s in each room. 2he rest *ill !e for /runner+
1oll) an" /arcla). <he has !een here for o,er t*o "a)s+ t*o ,er) lon$ "a)s. 6or to"a)+ she spent
most of her "a) messin$ aroun" the local shops an" also spent the "a) lookin$ aroun" the cit).
2o an) passer!) she seeme" #ust like the a,era$e tourist+ !ut insi"e her top.7ualit) #acket *as a
(lock 17 *ith laser si$hts attache" un"erneath the mu00le. 9lso not kno*n !) the pu!lic is the
-491 assault rifle *ith <A( si$hts an" as *ell as laser si$hts an" a $rena"e launcher
attachment. 2he $un *as locke" up in her /-C -5 sittin$ in the VD% section of the parkin$ lot.
<he took a 7uick sho*er+ $ot "resse"+ an" *alke" o,er to a tall ca!inet on the si"e of the
room. 9fter openin$ an" rumma$in$ throu$h the contents+ mostl) han$ers an" !athro!es+ she $ot
to the !ack of the of the *ar"ro!e. >eachin$ an" feelin$ aroun"+ 6er$uson $ra!!e" a lar$e !lack
case. 2he case *as o,er three feet in len$th. 9fter flippin$ throu$h some num!er com!inations+
the case opene" *ith a small Jpop.J Dnsi"e lai" a -<(.P0 rifle. 6in$erin$ the cartri"$e+ she sees
that it *as polishe" an" *ell kept. <he then opene" a locke" hatch use" for storin$ e3tra !ullets.
6er$uson peere" insi"e an" smile". J(oo" to see that that itKs still here.J she sai" to herself.
JD $ot the suitcases. 2he *eapons are alrea") taken care of !) /arcla).J /runner tol"
J2hanks+ looks like )ou are stuck *ith me for a !it.J 1oll) tol" him
J8o pro!lem.J he sai".
J9ll ri$ht+ D $ot the *eapons on the cars. 1ere are )our ke)s.J /arcla) sai" as he *alke"
JEe)sHJ /runner aske"
J&i"nKt )ou hear >)anH 2he presi"ent is len"in$ out cars for us to use+ *e each $et one.J
/runner $ra!!e" the ke)s an" thum!e" throu$h it+ the /-C lo$o $linte" in the li$ht as
he hel" it to the *in"o*.J
JCo*+ /-C+ not that !a".J
JCoul" !e *orse+ the three cars are out !ack *aitin$.J /arcla) tol" the t*o.
J=ooks like *e are off to a !etter start then *hat happene" in -o0am!i7ue.J 1oll)
retor"e" as she stretche" her arms.
/runner an" 1oll) pro""e" "o*n the stairs from the airplane an" $lance" at the three
/-Cs parke" neatl) on the tarmac. 2he) *ere painte" a "ark !lack *ith a "im tint to the
*in"o*s. 2he rims *ere also speciall) ma"e racin$ rims+ once a$ain painte" a "ark !lack color.
J/etter then the that !eaten truck *e ha" last time.J
JD $uess so Eaitl)n.J
JGeah *hatHJ
<he pause" for a !rief secon". J8e,er min".J
2he three $ot their *eapons from a pile near their cars. /runner *as a!out to put all his
$uns in the trunk of his car *hen a man *alke" up to him. 2he man *as "resse" in a hi$h 7ualit)
Vectors of Corruption
!usiness suit an" *as *earin$ sun$lasses *as as "ark as the three /-Cs. J<ir+ ma) D make a
su$$estionHJ 2he man aske" in an accente" ,oice.
J2hat *oul" !e appreciate".J
2he man intro"uce" himself as -arko Masla,sk). 1e *as assi$ne" as a sp) to >ussia an"
the C0ech >epu!lic !efore he 7uit as a sp) an" !ecame part of <pecial Aperations *orkin$ un"er
the %resi"ent. J2here is a secret compartment in the !ack of )our /-Cs.J 1e sai" as he opene"
the trunk. 1oll) an" /arcla) also sho*e" up to see *hat *as $oin$ on. J1ere is a section *ith
*hat seems to !e #ust pa""in$.J Masla,sk) lifte" the pa""in$ off to re,eal a four num!er lock
com!ination. J2he com!ination is liste" in )our pack of o!#ecti,es. &o )ou ha,e thatHJ
/runner fum!le" aroun" the pack !efore he foun" an" the com!ination. 1e sai" it to
Masla,sk) as the man in the "ark sun$lasses flippe" the num!ers to the ri$ht or"er. 9fter all the
num!ers *ere liste"+ there *as a small click. Masla,sk) then pulle" off the *hat seeme" to !e the
!ottom of the trunk. Dnsi"e *as a lar$e space capa!le of hol"in$ up to a "o0en assorte" rifles.
JDtKs #ust a su$$estion+ !ut D think )ouK" fin" it ,er) helpful.J
J-uch appreciate".J /runner 7uickl) !e$an loa"in$ his assault rifles an" $uns into the
secret compartment.
9s 1oll) an" /arcla) *as a!out to "o the same on their cars. 9nother !lack /-C race"
to*ar"s *here the) *ere. Dt looke" e3actl) like theirs+ *ith tinte" *in"o*s an" "arken" rims.
J1e) look Chase /arcla)+ itKs )our $irlfrien".J Masla,sk) crie" out "ull).
/arcla) shook his hea"+ ho* the heck "i" this $u) kno* thisH 1e thou$ht to himself.
Cashin$ton &C+ Fnite" <tates
Eraft arri,e" at the Chite 1ouse ,ia a !lack su!ur!an. /) the time she reache" the front
$ates+ it *as alrea") "ark. Dn the "arkness+ the spotli$hts set aroun" the perimeter of the
!uil"in$s itself $a,e out an eerie cast as the car parke". Ouickl)+ some men in !lack suits secure"
a lar$e !o3+ pushin$ it up into the !uil"in$. Eraft $ot out an" follo*e" into the Chite 1ouse.
Dnsi"e+ the structure sho*e" itKs ancient si"e *ith paintin$s of past presi"ents an" important
persons alon$ *ith statues of ,arious fi$ures. J2he %resi"ent *ill !e e3pectin$ )ou =ieutenant.J
9 mi""le a$e" man in a "ark suit *ith sun$lasses sai". Eraft *on"ere" ho* he *as a!le to e,en
see in the "arkness *ith the spectacles on. J>i$ht this *a).J 1e tol" her.
6ollo*in$ the man+ she alrea") kne* she *as !ein$ lea" to a pri,ate+ unkno*n room in
the *est *in$ of the !uil"in$. Anl) a han"ful of people e,en kne* of itKs e3istence. 2he halls
*ere "ecorate" *ith once a$ain more paintin$s of historic fi$ures. <he *as lea" to the en" of the
hall. Chere the lon$ hall*a) en"s+ another !e$an+ an" so continue" the *alk to the meetin$
room. 2he !e$innin$ of the hall *as $uar"e" !) o,er a "o0en <ecret <er,ice a$ent+ all in "ark
suits an" sun$lasses. <ome ha" earpieces to communicate *ith the rest of the !uil"in$+ most ha"
holsters *ith assorte" pistols hel" in them. 9 fe* carrie" machine.pistols an" one other stan"in$
in the corner e,en ha" a riot shiel" an" a ne* mo"el of shot$un Eraft ha" ne,er seen !efore.
2here *as a metal "etector an" T.ra) as *ell as a tall officer stan"in$ there. J%ass*or"+KK he
aske" the mi""le a$e" man. J&efiance+J the man replie". 2he Afficer no""e" to*ar"s one of the
<ecret <er,ice $uar"s an" the $uar" steppe" out of the *a) to allo* Eraft an" the man to enter.
Vectors of Corruption
Eraft *alke" past the $uar"s to the T.ra) machine. <he !e$an remo,in$ the hi""en *eapons.
J2hat *onKt !e necessar) lieutenant.J retorte" the officer. 1e raise" the $ate for them to pass+ an"
then he #okin$l) a""e"+ JCe trust the %.<.9. isnKt too apt at tr)in$ to assassinate the %resi"ent.J
Eraft smile" an" *alke" past the arme" !locka"e.
2he t*o *alke" to the en" of the hall. 2here *as no "oor or ne* hall*a). 2o most
people+ it looke" like a "ea" en". /ut she kne* of the secret compartment !ehin" it. Eraft
follo*e" the mi""le a$e" man an" the t*o stoo" in front of the seemin$l) meanin$less *all.
JDtKll onl) !e #ust a secon" -iss+J he sai" to her. 'ust then he presse" his han" a$ainst a section of
the *oo"en !arrier. <lo*l) !ut surel)+ the structure !e$an to pull !ack an" open up. /ehin" the
*oo"en !arrier *as a secon"ar)+ reinforce" concrete !arrier three feet thick. Dn the mi""le of it
*as a titanium "oor capa!le of "eflectin$ a fift) cali!er anti.materiel !ullet as *ell as !ein$ a!le
to hol" up to e3plosi,es an" $rena"es.
%ressin$ his han" a$ainst a scanner on the hea,) "oor+ there *as a J!eepJ as the "oor
s*un$ open. J1ere )ou are lieutenant+ itKs all )ours. 1opefull) it *onKt !e lon$.J
J9ppreciate it+ thanks.J she replie" "r)l). Vi!rance *as not somethin$ too common
*ithin the $o,ernment a$encies it seems.
<he peere" into the lar$e room. Dnsi"e+ "o0ens of *orkers *ere a t)pin$ an" *orkin$ on
their assi$ne" tasks+ there *ere computers an" scanners e,er)*here+ all of them on an"
recor"in$ information as Eraft *alke" to the !ack. 2he front of the room house" a lar$e screen5
on it *as a lar$e map of the Fnite" <tates *ith *hat appears to !e airplane fli$ht patterns stre*n
all across it. J=ieutenant Eraft+ the presi"ent is *aitin$ for )ou in the !ack.J 9n attracti,e man
sai" to her. <he coul" not help !ut check out his stature. J9ppreciate it.J she sai" !efore lookin$
at the ta$ on his shirt+ J-a#or Collins.J Collins $a,e out a small lau$h+ J%lease+ )ou can call me
2he t*o *alke" o,er to the !ack. 2here *as )et another "oor $uar"e" !) t*o <ecret
<er,ice -en+ !oth hol"in$ F-% -achine.%istols. 1e le" her into the room an" close" the "oor
!ehin". Eraft *as alone *ith the %resi"ent an" the t*o <ecret <er,ice -en *ho slippe" into the
room. JCelcome !ack to the states.J the %resi"ent sai" as he turne" aroun" from his chair at the
other en" of the ta!le. JD hope it *asnKt too !a" o,er in Fkraine.J
J8ot at all+ *e $ot into a !it of trou!le *hen the) "etaine" me for one minute. /ut thanks
to &imitri+ *e all $ot out safe.J
J2hatKs $oo" to hear.J the %resi"ent sai" as he opene" the lar$e !o3 near his chair. 1e
pulle" out the <atellite Chip an" set it on the ta!le. JGou shoul" come a little closer. D think there
is somethin$ )ou shoul" see.J Eraft *alke" o,er ne3t to the %resi"ent. 2he %resi"ent *a,e" the
$uar"s for them to lea,e the room. J2ake a look here+J he pointe" at the chip. 2here *as a small
la!el on the chip+ it *as tin) *ritin$.
JChat "oes it sa)HJ she aske".
(ra!!in$ a ma$nif)in$ $lass from near!)+ the %resi"ent put the mirror o,er the la!el. An
the la!el rea" the *or"s+ %ropert) of 6/D+ CD9+ an" %<9. JCas this suppose" to !e "irecte"
to*ar"s usHJ Eraft aske".
J9ctuall)+ it containe" information in,ol,in$ the actions of the 6./.D.+ C.D.9.+ an" %.<.9. J
-ost people+ inclu"in$+ )ourself *as informe" that it containe" secret *eapons an" futuristic
protot)pes "e,elope" !) the F< $o,ernment.J
J<o it containe" e,en more information an" "ata than *e *ere informe" a!outHJ
Vectors of Corruption
JFnfortunatel)+ )es. 2he o,erseein$+ the "rone plane+ all of it. 6ortunatel) for )ou+ the)
"i"nKt mana$e" "eco"e the information re$ar" )ou $oin$ an" retrie,in$ the "o*ne" <atellite if it
happene" to $et shot "o*n. <o luckil) for )ou lieutenant+ )ou escape" the $rasp of "eath.J
JD must ask+ *hat other information $ot out to the >ussiansHJ
JD "onKt kno*+ the >ussian $o,ernment+ its a$encies an" its $an$s arenKt $i,in$ out all too
much information. D "o kno* that Chernko, an" the $an$s "o*n at >io are e3chan$in$ *eapons
for construction of more &rones.J
JGou mean+ the >ussians are $i,in$ the $an$s *eapons in e3chan$e for the $an$s to help
!uil" the "ronesHJ
JD am afrai" so -a$$ie.J
Eraft al*a)s felt o"" *hen someone calle" her !) her nickname. Dt #ust *asn4t 7uite as
professional soun"in$. Fsuall)+ onl) &imitri calle" her !) that5 ho*e,er+ she shook it off. JCell+
heKs apparentl) not !uil"in$ them for the >ussians5 the >ussians are !uil"in$ them to $i,e to the
terrorists so that the "rones can !e use" to take out the F< troops !ase" in the -i""le Bast.J
J9ctuall)+ that is correct5 the >ussians are not usin$ man)+ if an) of the "rones
themsel,es. Ce "onKt kno* ho* man) are alrea") !uilt at this point other than the one >)an
/runner shot "o*n )ester"a) in -o0am!i7ue.J
J9n" 'osh (reene mana$e" to fin" out that it *as !uilt in >ioHJ
JCorrect a$ain+ (reene foun" a picture of Christ the >e"eemer on the plane fusela$e.
6our %.<.9. a$ents are sent to >io to stop the e3chan$e of *eapons+ the) shoul" !e there
JAka)+ hereKs another 7uestion+ ho* "i" 'osh (reene mana$e to fin" out that the) *ere
e3chan$in$ *eapons for !uil"in$ the planeH 9lso+ "i" )ou e,er fin" an) spies in our s)stemHJ
J6irstl)+ *e "i"nKt fin" an) spies in our s)stem. 9lso+ 'osh (reene "i" not kno* of the
*eapon e3chan$e in >io totall). (reene #ust ma"e an assumption5 he foun" out that there *as
somethin$ $oin$ on in >io ,ia a scrap piece of metal from the "rone. 9t first he ha" an inklin$ of
it+ !ut D *ent to the !ase an" tol" them m)self.J
JD kno* )ou *ent+ !ut *here "i" GAF $et the informationHJ
2he %resi"ent hesitate" for a !rief secon". Cell+ D *as informe" !) spies o,er in >ussia
*ho tol" me of this e,ent.J
J<o )ouKre o!,iousl) sa)in$ that there are spies in their s)stem at the time !ein$.J
JGes+ &imitri use" to !e one of them5 he stoppe" !ein$ a sp) after he met )ou.J
Eraft pause" for a secon". J<o *hat is it in for meHJ
JGou m) frien"+ ha,e !een throu$h enou$h+ )ouKre on lea,e for a fe* *eeks. (o
some*here nice an" take a !reak.J
J9re )ou seriousl) sa)in$ that )ou are makin$ me $o on ,acation at a time like thisHJ
J8o+ D am sa)in$ )ouK,e !een throu$h enou$h an" that )ou shoul" take a !reak.J
Eraft si$he"+ JD $uess )ouKre ri$ht+ D am $oin$ to take a !reak an" $o home. -a)!e ha,e
"inner later.J
J9h+ thatKs the spirit5 D am $uessin$ thin$s !et*een )ou an" &imitri are *orkin$ out
J<ort of+ he sa,e" me an" D no* o*e him one.J Eraft *asn4t too please" a!out the
7uestion. 8ot that the presi"ent aske" her a!out her personal life+ !ut the fact that she has 0ero
i"ea as to ho* far the relationship !et*een her an" &imitri *oul" $o. 2he !on"in$+ "inners+ se3
Vectors of Corruption
an" talks *ere nice+ !ut asi"e from these shallo* an" superficial e,ents+ nothin$ seems to come
out of it. 9t least not )et.
JD *ill !ook a ta!le for )ou t*o at 2he %en"ulum >estaurant for toni$ht. &imitri *ill !e
informe" of this.J 2he presi"ent sai". 1e seeme" to !e actin$ a lot nicer than usual. Eraft "i"n4t
J2hanks+ D appreciate it+ !ut D reall) think itKs not necessar).J Eraft sai".
JD insist+ no* $o an" $et cleane" up for itLJ the %resi"ent tol" her. JCoul" )ou like a
"rinkH Dt is top 7ualit) ,o"ka+ D e,en ha,e ice there+ althou$h the ice ruins the fla,or. D like it
J8o thanks+ D "onKt "rink that much+ D *ill see )ou soon then.J
J8o pro!lem.J the %resi"ent sai". 1e pulle" the cork of the !ottle.
Eraft *alke" out of the "oor. 2he <ecret <er,ice -en $lance at her as she *alke" out the
of the secret room. 2he t*o men $lance" at Collins. Collins no""e" an" the three *alke" into the
room *ith the presi"ent. J<heKs $one.J Collins sai" to the %resi"ent.
J(oo"+ &imitri an" herself *ill !e $oin$ to 2he %en"ulum toni$ht+ DK" sa) at se,en or so.J
2he three men looke" at each other.
<cratchin$ his hea"+ the %resi"ent looke" up at the three $u)s. JGou three kno* *hat to
"o+ no* $et to it.J
JGes sir+ *eKre on it. D *ill !ook them to the restaurant for )ou.J
J(oo"+ D hope the) ha,e a $oo" time. D kno* D am askin$ a lot from )ou latel) Collins+
!ut the situation is #ust critical. D kno* ho* )ou hate !ein$ m) *hippin$ !o) !ut D #ust can4t ha,e
all this $oin$ on ri$ht no*. Dt has !een )ears since %resi"ent A!ama succee"e" in slo*in$
terrorism+ no* that ,acation is o,er. J 2he %resi"ent sai" as he pulle" out a !ottle of ,o"ka an"
four $lasses as *ell as a !ucket of ice from a miniature fri"$e near!). J&rinks (entlemenHJ
2he three men looke" at each other. J-i$ht as *ell. =on$ ni$ht ahea" of us. D #ust hope
Eraft $ets her restJ Collins sai" as he took the !ottle to pour himself a shot.
%resi"ent -a#e*ski looke" at Collins. ?&on4t !other *ith criticisin$ Eraft+ her success
rate *as slo*l) surpassin$ )ours.@
?9n" )et D still $et the rank of -a#or an" her chances are still slim.@ 1e si$he" an" took a
lon$ "rink from his shot $lass. ?Chat a "a).@
>io "e 'aneiro
2he /-C stoppe" near the other three alrea") parke" on the tarmac. 9fter a !rief
secon"+ the en$ine s*itche" off an" a )oun$ *oman steppe" out+ the au!urn.!ro*n hair instantl)
tol" the three it *as 9n"rea 6er$uson. <he smile" an" ran up *ith open arms. /arcla) prepare"
himself an" stoo" as tall as he coul"+ hopin$ to impress her. 1e raise" his arms to em!race
6er$uson !ut she ran past him an" hu$$e" 1oll) instea".
J<o $la" )ou three ma"e it+ D coul" use some help o,er here.J 6er$uson sai".
Vectors of Corruption
J8o pro!lem+ *eKre happ) to $i,e the terrorists some $rief.J 1oll) replie" as the t*o $irls
hu$$e" an" em!race". 6er$uson *ent an" mo,e" on to em!race /runner.
JCell if it isnKt >)an /runner+ the $u) *ho shot a "rone "o*n *ith a rifle.J she sai" as
she kisse" him in the cheek.
/arcla) shook his hea". 1e *on"ere" *h) /runner al*a)s mana$e" to rope in the
J9ctuall) 9n"rea+ it *as an Dmplo"er rifle that 'osh (reene create"+ he prett) much
stuffe" miniature >ocket.%ropelle".(rena"es into an -16 rifle !ase. &i" a lot of "ama$e+
unfortunatel) there *as a !it of trou!le *ith o,erheatin$+ so D en"e" up not !ein$ to !rin$ )ou
one of them. /ut it looks like )ou are alrea") *ell off+ D can $uess that )ou ha,e a (lock or
somethin$ un"er that st)lish o,ercoat )ou $ot there.J
6er$uson !linke"+ !ut not reall) in surprise+ J1o* "i" )ou kno*HJ
/runner shook his hea". JD am >)an /runner+ D kno* too much stuff alrea") that D "onKt
nee" to kno*+ like the fact that )ou ha,e a sniper rifle hi""en in that closet in )our room.J
J&o )ou creep on other peopleKs !elon$in$s CaptainHJ 6er$uson $a,e him a pla)ful
J'ust *hen necessar).J /runner shru$$e".
JAka)+ enou$h *ith the chatter+ *e ha,e some!o") )ouK" pro!a!l) like to meet.J 1oll)
!roke in as she looke" o,er to /arcla)+ *ho happene" to !e ea,es"roppin$ on the entire
J9n"rea+ DK" like )ou to meet )our partner in this mission.J 1oll) sai" as she *ent an" put
a han" on /arcla)Ks shoul"er. J-eet our frien" Chase /arcla).J
J9h+ the infamous Chase+ D hear" )ou *ere $oo" at stealin$ enem) ,ehicles an" DK,e also
hear" )ou *ere $reat at pilotin$ aircraft. (reat to see )ou here.J 6er$uson sai" as she *alke"
o,er to shake han"s *ith /arcla).
/arcla) force a smile from un"er the em!rassement. JGes+ D "o like to pilot aircraft+ !ut
"oesnKt mean DKm an) $oo" at it thou$h.J
J8o pro!lem+ )ou can teach me some time.J
/arcla) stare" into her "eep !lue e)es+ the) *ere as "eep an" as stunnin$ as the ocean.
<he seeme" so *eak an" fra$ile+ )et he *as starin$ at the same person *ho took out an entire
enem) camp *ith o,er a hun"re" $uar"s !) herself. J<o *hat are )ou carr)in$HJ he mana$e" to
$et out.
J9s in *eaponsHJ
/arcla) looke" "o*n+ JFh+ )es.J
JCell+ D am prett) sure )ou hear" that D ha" m) (lock !ecause )ou hear" the
con,ersation !et*een >)an an" m)self.J /arcla) *ince" an" !e$an to feel a ta" uncomforta!le
*ith e,er)one *atchin$. J/ut D also ha,e some e3tra $a"$ets hi""en here an" there. Gou can see
them later if )ou *ant.J she tol" him in a 7uiet ,oice. <he *inke". /arcla) *asn4t e3actl) sure
*hether it *as pla)ful.
JGou kno*+ DK,e kno*n of )our e3istence for less than a fe* "a)s+ D ha,e kno*n )ou in
person for less than ten minutes. D reall) think *e shoul" slo* this "o*n #ust a !it.J /arcla)
looke" "o*n. 1e "i" not e3actl) *ant to tell 6er$uson that he ha" Jkno*nJ of her e3istence for
man) )ears.
Vectors of Corruption
J8o pro!lem+ *e ha,e all the time. Gou like $uns+ )ou ha,e them+ )ou also like $irls. 9n"
)ou *ante" a real partner for a little !it ha,enKt )ouHJ 6er$uson triumphantl) sai".
/arcla) looke" o,er at 1oll)+ then he smile an" sai" in a "efeate" ,oice+ JChen "i" )ou
tell herHJ
JChen )ou *ere asleep on the plane D calle" 9n"rea to tell her of )our situation.J 1oll)
sai" *ith a smile.
/arcla) si$he"+ JCell+ D must a"mit D am a !it attracte" to )ou. /ut ho*Ks that to !lameHJ
1e $lance" at 6er$usonKs "eep !lue e)es a$ain. 2he) *ere like a7uamarines shinin$ in the !ri$ht
J=ook+ *h) "onKt *e $o to the hotel an" talk all a!out this after a nice sho*er an" some
champa$neHJ 6er$uson su$$este". ?9n" "on4t *orr) /arcla)+ D am not that "esperate for )our
/arcla) felt a surpresse" cou$h+ JGeah+ that soun"s fine+ D *ill nee" some time to rela3
for a *hile an)*a)s.J 1e ha" no i"ea *hat he *as e,en talkin$ a!out.
JCe all nee" some time to rela3.J 1oll) shoute" out+ J9fter that stupi" "a) of o,erseein$
D am not sure D e,en *ant to !other *ith an)more *eapons.J
6er$uson *alke" to*ar"s her /-C+ J6ollo* me there+ tr) not to lose si$ht of m) car.J
JGeah+ *eKll tr).J the three sai" simultaneousl) as the) $ot into their /-Cs.
-arko Masla,sk) *atche" as the four !lack /-Cs "ro,e a*a) from the tarmac. 1e
pulle" out a phone that *as connecte" to a pri,ate satellite an" "iale" a co"e" num!er+ J2he)
#ust left for the hotel. 9re *e rea") for the team to take the four outHJ
2he man on the other si"e of the line t*irle" somethin$+ causin$ a Jpin$J in the line+ J8o+
not until *e take out the other t*o in,ol,e" in this !usiness. 2he) are in Cashin$ton &.C. *e
*ill let those $u)s in >io "o their mission. D *ant )ou to keep me informe" a!out their situation
in >io+ #ust remem!er to sen" me the "etails after*ar"s.J
JGes sir+ ho* is -o0am!i7ue hol"in$ upHJ
J8ot so $reat+ the plan faile" as )ou kno*+ D hope it "oes not fail a$ain.J the man sai".
Masla,sk) *ipe" his forehea"+ JGes sir+ *e *ill not fail.J
J(oo" to hear.J the man on the other en" of the line sai" as he t*irle" his $lass of ,o"ka.
/runner almost lost 6er$uson in the afternoon traffic. =uckil)+ the !lack /-C stoo" out
a$ainst the normal traffic aroun" the poorer e"$e of the cit). 2he) *ere sta)in$ at the *ealthier
part of to*n. 2he part *here the %uerta 'uanita 1otel is locate". /arcla) an" /runner !oth
arri,e" last+ !) the time the /-Cs reache" the front entrance+ the $irlsK lu$$a$e an" !a$s *ere
alrea") !ein$ carrie" a*a) !) a !ellman. 2heir /-Cs *ere no lon$er in si$ht. /runner parke"
his car an" $a,e his ke)s to a man *ho *as $oin$ to help park his car. /ein$ a hi$h 7ualit) hotel+
the $roup truste" that the hotel clerks *onKt !e pullin$ an) tricks.
JGouKre late to the part).J 1oll) tol" him.
JGeah+ D !et )our car *as ri$$e"+ it ha" much !etter han"lin$ an" turnin$.J
J/lame the car+ )ou #ust hate a"mittin$ )ou lost to a $irl.J
JChate,er+ D am #ust $la" to see )ou in a happ) moo".J /runner $a,e 1oll) a pat on her
Vectors of Corruption
/ehin" them /arcla) stretche" out an" scratche" at his hair+ his $lasses fell onto his nose.
JGou shoul" $et contacts+ much easier to han"le.J /runner tol" him.
/arcla) pushe" a small+ minute !utton on his $lasses+ the clear $lass soon fo$$e" up to a
$ra) coloration+ J2hermal si$hts+ $reat for seein$ in fo$.J 1e presse" another !utton+ this time a
$reenish coloration poppe" up. J8i$ht ,ision+ for seein$ in the "ark.J /arcla) sai"
/runner an" 1oll) stare".
?Ah )eah+ Chase $ot ne* to)s.@ /runner sai" *ithout emotion. 2hen he nonchalantl)
*a,e" his han"s in the air.
J=etKs $o insi"e+ 9n"reaKs *aitin$ in the lo!!)+ sheKs $ettin$ the foo" an" "rinks or"ere"
so *e can ha,e some refreshments *hile *e $o o,er the plans.J
J>emin" me to thank her Eaitl)n.J /runner sai" as he pulle" up his !ackpack. 1e felt the
pistol insi"e as he *atche" the "oor man *alk to*ar"s him.
J2hanks+ it *onKt !e necessar)+ D can $et it m)self.J /runner sai" to the )oun$ man.
JAka)+ no pro!lem.J the man sai" *ith a %ortu$uese stu""e" accent.
JCome on+ 9n"rea hates *aitin$ for people.J 1oll) tol" /arcla) an" /runner.
/arcla) no""e"+ JAf course she "oes not+ "i" )ou see ho* fast she *ent in that carHJ
JChase+ if )ou *erenKt pa)in$ attention+ she *as "ri,in$ un"er the spee" limit+ )ou $u)s
slo*e" us "o*n )ou kno* that ri$ht.J 1oll) sai" to the t*o men.
/arcla) trie" to co,er his em!arrassment. J<uit )ourself. D am $oin$ to $o in an" hit the
6rom the top of a tall apartment housin$ comple3 a fe* !uil"in$s "o*n+ Masla,sk)
looke" throu$h his !inoculars at /runner+ 1oll)+ an" /arcla). J2he)K,e #ust arri,e".J 1e sai" into
his phone.
J(oo"+J the man on the other si"e of the line sai". J8o nee" for action )et+ D *ant them to
capture Chernko,+ once heKs secure an" taken care of+ )ou can "estro) the loose en"s.J
J>o$er that -r. 6letcher.J Masla,sk) replie".
>io "e 'aneiro
2he room *as !etter than *hat /runner ha" ori$inall) thou$ht it *as $oin$ to !e. 2*o
separate rooms+ one for /arcla) an" 6er$uson+ one for 1oll) an" himself+ alon$ *ith a !athroom
for each room. Ane =C& tele,ision set in each room as *ell as ni$ht lamps *ere #ust some of the
compliments of the %uerta 'uanita 1otel. 2he !e"s *ere ,er) lar$e+ *hite+ an" ha" anti7ue
pillo*s across them. /ro*n an" )ello* sheets *ith ,i!rant frills *ere spla)e" across the the
7ueen si0e" *on"ers. Bach of the rooms ha,e t*o !e"s an" each of the t*o rooms also has
cream colore" *alls a"orne" *ith lar$e pictures of the /ra0ilian lan"scape. /runner "umpe" his
!a$ "o*n on the !e" an" stretche" his arms.
6er$uson came in from the other room. JDf )ou are tire" )ou can take a nap.J
/runner )a*ne"+ J8o+ D "onKt nee" sleep+ D can sur,i,e.J
JCell if )ou "onKt nee" a nap+ then there is fon"ue+ fruit+ san"*iches+ an" champa$ne in
m) room. Dt *as #ust "eli,ere"+ D can !rin$ )ou some if )ou like.J
Vectors of Corruption
1oll) *alke" out of the !athroom+ JD *oul" "ie for a $lass of champa$ne. &o )ou ha,e
ice for itHJ
J2he ice ruins the fla,or Eaitl)n+ *h) *ant the iceHJ 6er$uson aske".
1oll) stretche" her neck. JD "onKt kno*+ the temperature outsi"e is a!o,e *hat D like.
9lso+ *eKre on the opposite si"e of the e7uator. Dn the states it is *inter+ !ut here in the southern
hemisphere+ it is summer. Ah+ )ou mi$ht *ant to chan$e )our *atches+ the time is a ta" !it
"ifferent here than *hat it is in -o0am!i7ue.J
/runner *as #ust !e$innin$ to fum!le *ith his *atch to s*itch the time *hen there *as a
knock on the "oor. 2he three instincti,el) reache" for their personal conceale" *eapons. JD !et
itKs #ust /arcla).J /runner *hispere". 1e *alke" o,er to the "oor an" peeke" into the sp).hole in
the "oor. JD *as ri$ht.J
2he "oor opene" *ith a sli$ht creak an" Chase /arcla) *alke" in. 1e sniffe" the air+
JDtKs in our room if )ou *ant some5 there are san"*iches an" fon"ue as *ell.J 6er$uson
J(oo"+ D nee" a $lass no*+ D hope thereKs ice.J
6er$uson shook her hea"+ JChatKs *ith )ou $u)s an" ic) champa$neHJ
J2he ice $i,es it a cool feel+ no* D am $oin$ to $et a $lass+ an)one else *ant oneHJ
/arcla) tol" the $roup as he close" the "oor an" strolle" into the room.
J-i$ht as *ell pour us each a $lass. Ce nee" to "iscuss *hat happens tomorro*+ !ut D
$uess it canKt hurt to rela3 a little !it !efore *e $et "o*n to !usiness.J 1oll) sai".
/arcla) poppe" his *rists an" slo*l) *alke" o,er to the "oor separatin$ the t*o
!e"rooms. 1e $lance" o,er into 6er$usonKs "eep !lue e)es !efore openin$ the "oor.
6er$uson steppe" up+ JChase *ait+J she starre" at /arcla)Ks sp) $lasses an" $a,e a sli$ht
hint of a smile+ J%ut a fe* cu!es of ice in mine as *ell.J
2he three others smile".
J8o pro!lem+ *h) "onKt )ou come help me prepare some of the fon"ue an" *hat notHJ
/arcla) tol" 6er$uson.
JAf course+J an" 6er$uson *ent to #oin /arcla) in the room. 2he soli" re"*oo" "oor
close" !ehin" them.
/runner an" 1oll) looke" on as the "oor close"+ an" then the) turne" an" stare" at each
other *ith a !it of a*e. 2he) sat "o*n on the !e" in silence. /runner looke" o,er to 1oll)+ not
sure *hat to sa).
J<eems like the little plan to $et the t*o to$ether is *orkin$ *ell.J 1e finall) $ot out.
JCa) ahea" of sche"ule.J 1oll) tol" him. <he $ot up an" pulle" the hair !an" from her
hea"+ her !eautiful !lon" hair traile" "o*n as she ran her fin$ers throu$h it. Dt *as the first time
/runner actuall) $ot to a"mire her !eaut)5 he sat in silence as she $roome" the stran"s+ !it !) !it.
Dt "i" not take lon$ for 1oll) to notice that /runner *as starrin$. <he *a,e" her han" to $et his
attention. 2hen she sai" *ith a chuckle+ J9re )ou all ri$htHJ
/runner snappe" out of his "a)"ream. JD think D am $oin$ to !e fine.J 1e tol" her !efore
he $ot up an" strolle" o,er to 1oll). 2he pair looke" out the lar$e *in"o* at the coast. 2here
*ere man) ships cruisin$ o,er the "eep !lue *aters. <ome *ere #ust )achts o*ne" !) rich
!usinessmen+ others *ere fishin$ !oats out har,estin$ the sar"ines that spa*n !) the millions+
still others *ere lar$e pri,ate !oats out circlin$ the !a). 2he) also spotte" a fe* patrol !oats
Vectors of Corruption
mo,in$ alon$ the !a). 2he soun" of !ir"s+ *in"+ an" the occassional JhonkJ from the horn of a
car coul" !e hear" e3ceptionall) clearl). 1e trie" to $et the coura$e to put his han" on 1oll)Ks
shoul"er !ut "i"n4t 7uite ha,e it. 1oll) e"$e" a*a) an" e3cuse" herself to the !athroom.
/runner kept starin$ out the *in"o*.
Masla,sk) *atche" the patrol !oat throu$h his !inoculars+ he *atche" as the !oat "ocke"
an" also *atche" as the $uar"s chan$e" shifts from the top of the apartment comple3. Checkin$
his *atch+ he e3pecte" he *oul" !e $ettin$ a call soon. 2he temperature *as startin$ to rise up as
the afternoon !e$an approachin$. 2he men assi$ne" to him *ere alrea") takin$ sha"e !ehin" an
ol" stora$e she". 1e pulle" out a !ottle of mineral *ater an" $ulpe" "o*n half of it+ makin$ sure
he nourishe" e,er) "rop. 2he sun *as un!eara!le an" the temperature $a$e on his *atch rea" a
sta$$erin$ ninet).se,en "e$rees 6ahrenheit. 2hou$h *ith the humi"it) an" their hea,) !ullet.
proof ,ests+ it felt much hotter.
Ane of his men name" Caters "unke" *ater on his hair. J<ir+ *hen are *e suppose" to $o
an" rela3 at the pool or the !eachHJ
J&onKt s*eat it /en+ once D $et the call+ *eKll ha,e the "a) off. D #ust canKt !elie,e those
"amn %.<.9. freaks are in that hotel+ "oin$ *hate,er the) please+ *hile *e are up here "oin$
nothin$.J Masla,sk) calle" out. 1is !ro*n hair *as !e$innin$ to stick to his face.
JDf *e sta) up here an) lon$er+ *eKll !e $ettin$ heat stroke. Chat are *e suppose" to "o
here a$ainHJ 2he man aske".
J9ccor"in$ to 2he 6letcherKs instructions+ *e *ere suppose" to sta) up here until
some!o") calls me on m) phone.J
Caters *ipe" his forehea" *ith a han"kerchief+ J9n" *hen the hell are the) suppose" to
J2*ent) minutes a$o.J
J(o"+ "ammit. D canKt sta) an) lon$er+J he sai" as he splashe" himself *ith another !ottle
of *ater.
J&onKt *aste those+ *eKre $oin$ to nee" them if *e are to sta) up here an) lon$er. ChatKs
*ith )ou an" *astin$ our resources+ D for$ot to remin" )ou that )ou use" an entire ma$a0ine clip
to kill one person last time.J
J2hat $u) *as !itchin$ a!out his pro!lems+ so D "eci"e" to shut him up. %lus+ *ho cares
a!out *ater+ there are tons of it out there+ an" D am not a!out to let some 6letcher $u) ruin m)
?Gou make fun of 2he 6letcher an" this man *ill ri" of us at moment4s notice if he
*ants to. D !et he has a "rone up there scannin$ us ri$ht no*. Df *e sa) somethin$ he "oesnKt
*ant to hear+J Masla,sk) mimicke" the e3plosion from a missile usin$ his han"s. J2hen *e $o
an" rela3 at the !each not in peace+ !ut in pieces.J
Caters stoppe" talkin$5 he instincti,el) looke" up to see if there *as an) si$n of a plane.
<o far+ the skies look !lue an" clear+ almost as !lue as the ocean !elo*.
<u""enl)+ Masla,sk)Ks phone !e$an to rin$. 1e instantl) picke" it up after the secon"
rin$. JMasla,sk) here+ *ho am D talkin$ toHJ
Vectors of Corruption
J2he 6letcher has sent his re$ar"s+ -r. Masla,sk).J 8a#a 8i,ea sai" from the other en".
JDf it isnKt the lea"er of the terrorists+ -r. 8i,ea himself. Chat are *e "iscussin$ to"a)HJ
J'umpin$ to the point are *eH D !et itKs hot on that apartment comple3 roof ri$htH 'ust
"onKt !e "oin$ an)thin$ stupi"+ !ecause D assure )ou+ D *ill ha,e all of )ou kille" ri$ht there+
ri$ht no*.J 8i,ea threatene" *ith *hat appears to !e a $ro*l.
Masla,sk) ner,ousl) looke" aroun" to see if there *ere an) helicopters or "rone planes.
JCheckin$ for "rones an" helicopters are )ouH &onKt !other+ D am not $oin$ to sen" an) to
kill )ou+ instea"+ D ha,e a fe* of m) !est shooters *ith sniper rifles aime" ri$ht at )ou.J
Masla,sk) 7uickl) $lance aroun" the tops of the !uil"in$s+ tr)in$ to pick out an) snipers.
JAh+ !) the *a)+ if )ou are lookin$ for the snipers+ "onKt !other. D *ill tell )ou that the)
are on top of the %uerta 'uanita 1otel.J
9 s*eat) Masla,sk) picke" up his !inoculars. /alancin$ the phone+ he peeke" up at the
top of the hotel !uil"in$. Dt *as a $oo" t*ent) stories hi$her than their apartment comple3. 1e
mana$e" to catch the $lint of the sniper scopes as the sun shine" across the top of the !uil"in$.
2here *as a lon$ $ap of o,er ei$ht hun"re" meters !et*een the snipers an" his men. Df the shot
*as to !e accurate an" successful+ the rifle ha" to ha,e lar$e cali!er.
JDf )ou are intereste" as to *hat *eapons the) are usin$+ m) assassins up there are usin$
9merican Che)2ac Dnter,ention sniper rifles. Ver) accurate an" ,er) "ea"l). D *as $oin$ to
sneak a fe* /arrett =i$ht 6ift) Cali!ers rifles+ !ut the) *ere too !ulk) to !e mo,e" aroun".J
8i,ea sai" to him.
Masla,sk) "i" not speak.
JChat is $oin$ on -r. Masla,sk)H Gou stoppe" speakin$.J
JD am #ust takin$ it all in+ that is all. Ch) all thisH D thou$ht *e *ere #ust ha,in$ a little
chat across a cell phone.J
8i,ea s*ore+ J&onKt lo*er m) status5 no*+ listen carefull). &o )ou ha,e location as to
*here the %.<.9. are in >ioHJ
JGes+ the) are insi"e the %uerta 'uanita 1otel.J
J(oo"+ no* D *ant )ou to keep an e)e on them.J 8i,ea sai" to him
JD *ant )ou to make sure the e3chan$e tomorro* $oes *ell. -ake sure the %.<.9. "oes
not interfere *ith it. D kno* the 6letcher *ants them ali,e till after the e3chan$e+ an" D *ill keep
that promise to him. /ut if it fails+ m) assassins *ill hunt )ou "o*n an" "estro) )ou. D "onKt care
*hat )our e3cuse is.J
Masla,sk) !linke" as he trie" to take in all the information.
JChatKs it in for meH D mean+ DKm "oin$ all this shit.J
JDf e,er)thin$ $oes accor"in$ to plan. Gou $et ei$ht million.J
J2here are ei$ht of us+ one million isnKt enou$h for me m) frien".J Masla,sk) sai".
J&onKt call me as )our frien"+ an" D meant ei$ht million each.J 8i,ea replie".
Masla,sk) close" his e)es. 2he 6letcher *as $i,in$ them a 7uarter of that price.
J9n" *hat if D failHJ
J=etKs #ust sa) that D "onKt care )ou ha,e to "o in or"er to succee" in this mission.J
JD think )ou *oul" un"erstan".J 8i,ea sai". J9n" D *ant those %.<.9. mem!ers "ea"+ as
in D *ant )ou to !lo* up the entire hotel if necessar) in or"er to succee" in $ettin$ ri" of them.J
Vectors of Corruption
8i,ea curse" as there came the soun" of !reakin$ $lass at the other en" of the line. Masla,sk)
assume" it *as the terrorist lea"er flin$in$ "o*n his $lass of alcohol.
Cipin$ the perspiration from his forehea"+ Masla,sk) *atche" the tourists enter an" lea,e
the hotel !elo*. 1e kille" *hen necessar) !ut "oes not like to e3tirpate ci,ilians. 2he sun !e$an
to !urn into him. J6ine+ #ust tell )our snipers to la) off an" "isen$a$e.J
'ust then+ a !ullet ricochete" off of the concrete a fe* feet a*a) from him. Masla,sk) an"
his men all flinche". J2he snipers sta)+ ar$ue *ith me a little lon$er an" that !ullet *oul" !e
aime" at )our face instea" of the concrete. 8o* shut up an" "o )our #o!.J 8i,ea hun$ up.
Cashin$ton &.C.
Eraft an" &imitri arri,e" at 2he %en"ulum aroun" se,en in the e,enin$. 2he presi"ent
phone" her to tell her that he !ooke" the ta!le for se,en.fifteen. Dn the *anin$ hours+ the streets
*ere !e$innin$ to !urst into ni$htlife. Goun$ chil"ren *ith their parents an" ol"er couples alon$
*ith the usual teena$ers *ere out for foo"+ shoppin$+ or out #ust to *an"er a!out after a lon$ "a).
2he t*o %.<.9. mem!ers !len"e" into the cro*" like an) other couple a!out. 8o!o") *oul"
kno* of their i"entities unless the) sa* the special !a"$e or the hi""en silence" /erretta -P
pistols sli" in holsters un"er their coats. 9ll aroun" them+ the air *as !ustlin$ *ith the soun" of
traffic+ chil"ren+ an" the shouts of ,en"ors. 9roun" the corner of the !us) street+ people *ere
linin$ up !ehin" a hot "o$ stan". <till+ others *ere enterin$ an" e3itin$ ,arious classes of
restaurants an" shops. 9cross the street from the hot "o$ stan" *as 2he %en"ulum. Dt *as a lar$e
restaurant that *as part of the lar$e pla0a. Dnsi"e the pla0a itself *as a hu$e mall *ith ,arious
shops. 2he %en"ulum situate" near the entrance of the pla0a mall *as a Buropean st)le
restaurant+ not too e3pensi,e or fanc)+ !ut still ,er) honora!le *hen it came to makin$ the ri$ht
cuisine. An the outer !ooths+ lar$e *in"o*s o,erlooke" the !us) street.
Ance Eraft *as insi"e+ she coul" alrea") smell the curr) an" spices from the ,arious
ta!les. 2he *aitress took their coats an" the t*o *ere seate" in a !ooth near the !ack of the
restaurant. Eraft sat "o*n an" looke" o,er the menu.
&imitri *a,e" o,er a *aitress. JCe *oul" like to ha,e Bn$lish champa$ne+ chille" in an
ice !ucket.J
JAn )our *a) sir+ D *ill !e !ack to take )our foo" or"ers.J 2he *aitress sai". <he *as a
)oun$ $irl of aroun" se,enteen or ei$hteen an" ha" !eautiful "ark !lon"e hair.
Eraft looke" o,er at &imitri+ he *as a mo"eratel) tall person like herself. &ark hair+
!ro*n e)e"+ an" a smile that can charm an) $irl.
&imitri use" to !) a sp) *orkin$ for the presi"ent+ his $reat $ran"father "ie" "urin$ the
stru$$le in the sie$e of <talin$ra" "urin$ *orl" *ar t*o. 2hen his $ran"parents !ecame ill *ith
cancer. 9fter*ar"s+ his parents mo,e" to the Fnite" <tates an" $a,e !irth to &imitri. 9t a )oun$
a$e+ he sho*e" e3ceptional si$ns at sports an" chemical science+ so he *as enrolle" at a pri,ate
institution for his hi$h school career. =i,in$ in a >ussian home also meant he picke" up the
lan$ua$e ,er) 7uickl). 9fter*ar"s+ in hi$h school+ &imitri #oine" a camp "esi$nate" for the
C.D.9. 1is skills at the camp *ere sho*n throu$h *hen he *as calle" upon on "a) !) the
%resi"ent to #oin the %resi"entKs <ecret 9rm). 2his *as like most of the a$ents in the %.<.9. Eraft
herself *hen throu$h the same process. 9fter ser,in$ the presi"ent on multiple occasions+
Vectors of Corruption
usuall) helpin$ the <ecret <er,ice+ &imitri *as then sent o,er to >ussia to ser,e as a sp) for the
presi"ent. 2hat *as *hen the t*o of them met. Eraft *as on a mission to $uar" the presi"ent
"urin$ a speech in -osco*+ it *as the summer !et*een her senior )ear of hi$h school an" the
freshman )ear of colle$e. 9 shot ran$ out "urin$ the speech an" &imitri an" Eraft !oth ran from
opposite "irections to pull "o*n the presi"ent. 2he) crashe" into each other as the) "i" so+ an"
thin$s *ent on from there. Af course+ the ?shot@ *as onl) a firecracker in the !ack$roun".
9fter colle$e+ the) continue" their career as the %.<.9. *atchin$ each otherKs !acks an"
often stri,in$ to !e on the same team. 2heir competition continue" as the !oth hit the rank of
lieutenant at the )oun$ a$e of t*ent) t*o.
<he snappe" out of the memories *hen the *aitress *ith the "ark !lon"e hair returne"
*ith their champa$ne insi"e a !ucket of ice. J-a) D take )our or"er no*HJ
Eraft smile". JDKll ha,e the Co" <oup <pecial for m) appeti0er.J
2he *aiter smile" !ack an" turne" to &imitri. J9n" )ou sirHJ
JD *ill ha,e e3actl) *hat m) frien" is ha,in$ he sai".J &espite him !ein$ !orn in the
Fnite" <tates+ &imitri coul" not help !ut sho* a !it of a >ussian accent.
JAn )our *a).J the *aitress tol" them. J<houl" !e here in ten minutes or less.J she sai"
!efore scri!!lin$ "o*n the or"ers on a piece of paper an" *alkin$ a*a).
JD ne,er kne* )ou like" co" soup.J Eraft sai" to &imitri.
JD ne,er kne* that )ou 7uestione" m) likin$s.J he replie".
J(reat+ a "inner *here *e are ha,in$ an ar$ument o,er *hat foo" *e are suppose" to
like. 2hatKs a $reat start.J Eraft #okin$l) sai" as she leane" !ack into her chair.
?=et4s make it a "ate.@ 1e *asn4t #okin$
Eraft sco*le".
&imitri checke" his *atch. JChate,er the case+ D *as $oin$ to tell )ou somethin$
interestin$ D hear"+ !ut D $uess that "oesnKt ha,e to happen.J
Eraft shook her hea". JCeKre suppose" to !e on a N"ate4 correctH B,en if it is one the
presi"ent set up for us.J
JCh) "onKt *e for$et *hat $oes on at *ork an" #ust en#o) it like *eKre suppose" toHJ
&imitri ru!!e" his chin. JD $uess it can *ait.J 1e kne* he *as "efeate".
2he t*o !e$an talkin$ a!out their families an" their *herea!outs. Eraft hate" to a"mit it+
!ut !ein$ close to someone *ho un"erstan"s the situations she has to $o throu$h ma"e her feel
much more rela3e" an" calm. 1er J!o)frien"J *as a sp)+ an assassin+ as *ell as a tar$et on the
>ussian /lack Aperations list+ !ut she ne,er *orr) a!out her safet) *hen there *as someone
close *ho kno*s ho* to operate a #et an" "isa!le a !om! in the "ark.
2here *as a moment of silence !et*een the t*o after she hit a soft spot of &imitri "urin$
the con,ersation+ his father.
Eraft looke" into his $loss) !ro*n e)es. J2ell me a!out )our father a$ain.J
&imitri pause". J-) father *as a $reat man+ he al*a)s ma"e me stri,e for the !est+ he
supporte" me *ith all the stu"ies+ $ot me into likin$ chemistr)+ science+ an" al*a)s ma"e me
sta) at the top of the class.J 1e sai"+ &imitri pause" for one secon". J2hen that unfortunate e,ent
happene". Dt *as m) sophomore )ear in hi$h school+ D *as #ust a corporal in the %.<.9. !ack
then. 9 !reak in occurre" at m) house on a trip. 2he man shot m) father. -) "a" ne,er ha" a
Vectors of Corruption
chance. =uckil) m) mother *as shoppin$ an" a,oi"e" $ettin$ kille". 2he police *ere aroun" the
place for "a)s.J &imitri $luml) sai".
Eraft reache" o,er an" hel" his han". J<orr).@ Chat else coul" she sa)H Eraft too5
ho*e,er+ lost her father at a )oun$ a$e+ !ut from *hat *as "ia$nose" as a parasite !orne
J-) father tol" me that kno*le"$e is po*er. 1e ma"e me sta) at the top of m) class. D
mana$e" to sta) at secon" place for m) entire hi$h school career.J
Eraft mana$e" a smile. J=et me $uess+ (reene *as num!er oneHJ
&imitri chuckle"+ JCorrect a$ain+ that 'osh (reene+ his !rain is like a freakinK ma$num
chip+ information $oes in+ an" it sta)s in.J
J/ut a ma$num chipKs memor) can !e erase"+ it can also !e altere".J Eraft pointe" out.
J8ot that it has an)thin$ to "o *ith our frien".J
J<peakin$ of *hich+ *here is 'oshH =ast D hear" of him *as a fe* months a$o an" he *as
makin$ some ne* sentr) $un or somethin$.J
J1eKs in -o0am!i7ue !uil"in$ ne* *eapons in his la! at &#im!i airport. 9n" he !uilt a
ne* sentr) $un an" a !unch of ran"om #unk that the presi"ent tol" me a!out. Canna!e O. can4t
e,en seem to pro"uce an)thin$ usa!le it seems.@
JCasnKt /runner+ 1oll)+ /arcla) an" Ea!ins as *ell as AK &oole) o,er there as *ellHJ
J2he) *ere there for the o,erseein$.J Eraft tol" him.
&imitri remem!ere" the "isaster. JD hope the) are oka).J
J2he) are fine+ althou$h a $oo" amount of other <pec Aps an" 9rm) $u)s *eren4t so
luck).J Eraft tol" him. J/runner+ 1oll)+ an" /arcla) are actuall) in >io at the moment.J
JD *as informe" a!out that+ *hat o!#ecti,e *ere the) tr)in$ to complete a$ainHJ
JChernko,Ks e3chan$in$ *eapons+ "ru$s an" mone) for manual la!or from the $an$s in
fi3in$ an" !uil"in$ the "rone planes.J
J2he ones in *hich the "esi$n *as oursHJ
&imitri stretche" his arms+ J2hen D am $uessin$ that the) are tr)in$ to stop it.J
JCorrect a$ain.J Eraft sai". J2he e3chan$e happens tomorro*+ the) are $oin$ to capture
Chernko, an" ship him here to the states.J
J1eKs $oin$ to !e unluck). >)an /runner is $oin$ to set him a!la0e.J
Eraft smile". JD !et he *ill li$ht his hair on fire. 9s lon$ as his Nfrien"4 is oka) *ith that
JChoa+ since *henHJ &imitri no""e" in appreciation.
JDK" sa) since a!out t*o "a)s a$o.J Eraft sai".
JChoHJ 8o* he *as intereste".
JGou4re ki""in$L D !et it *ill take /runner a$es to sa) an)thin$. 9h+ >)an4s a ")namic
man. /ut !ack to !usiness+ are the three $oin$ to seriousl) take out all the $uar"s of Chernko,
an" the $an$s at the same timeHJ
J8ot completel)+ 9n"reaKs there.J
J9n"reaH 9n"rea 6er$usonHJ
JCorrect once a$ainLJ Eraft sai" *ith a smile. <he *inke".
JCo*+ D ha,enKt seen her for monthsL 1o* is sheHJ
Vectors of Corruption
J<heKs ali,e an" li,in$+ if that is *hat )ou4re askin$ for.J Eraft #okin$l) sai" a$ain.
JD !et. <he *as so $or$eous+ e,er) $u) *ante" to "ate her !ack in trainin$. >eall)+ same
$oes for Eaitl)n 1oll).J
Eraft smirke"+ J/ut no* )ouKre stuck *ith me huhHJ
JCell+ )ou are attracte" to me no*+ so *h) !other ar$ueHJ &imitri sai". 2ruth is+ Eraft
*as 7uite stunnin$+ !ut she kept her !arrier stron$ an" armor thick. 8o men coul" penetrate her
outer !locka"e to e,en successfull) talk to her a!out the possi!ilities...&imitri kne* this+ !ut he
!roke throu$h after he mana$e" to relate his past to hers.
2he t*o of them $a,e out a lou" lau$h.
J&i" 9n"rea mention an)thin$ a!out her ol" crush for /arcla)H 2hat *as hilarious !ack
in the $runt "a)s. Dt use" to !e funn) !ut D $uess it isn4t that funn) no*.J 1e *asn4t 7uite sure of
*hat he *as trul) tr)in$ to sa).
J8ot much *as sai"+ hopefull) thin$s *ill *ork out.J Eraft sai".
2he *aitress !e$an *alkin$ to*ar"s their ta!le *ith their tra) of foo".
J=ooks like cho*Ks here+ *eKll continue our con,ersation some other time.J
2he *aitress returne" *ith their meals+ she set them "o*n on their ta!le. <u""enl)+ the
front *in"o*s shattere" as a sin$le !ullet shot throu$h. Dt fle* throu$h the air ri$ht in the
"irection of Eraft. Df it *as not for the *aitress stan"in$ in the *a)+ the !ullet *oul" ha,e struck
Eraft strai$ht in the hea". Dn a split secon" the *aitress "roppe" to the $roun"+ the !ullet *oun"
spat !loo" an" soake" her $re) uniform. <he *as "ea" !efore an)one e,en mana$e" to scream.
>io "e 'aneiro
2he team of four sat !ack in recliners an" "iscusse" the e,ents "esi$nate" to happen the
follo*in$ "a). /runner *as *ith 1oll) to snipe off the $uar"s an" =ameurtia $an$ mem!ers
aroun" the perimeter of the alle). 2hen the) hope" to kill of the mercenaries protectin$
Chernko,. Df e,er)thin$ $oes ri$ht+ Chernko, *ill run in the opposite "irection an" out the !ack
of the alle)+ strai$ht into the *aitin$ arms of /arcla)+ 6er$uson+ an" the >io %olice an" 9rm).
Ance that *as accomplishe"+ Chernko, *ill !e escorte" !) the police an" 9rm) to the airport+
*here Masla,sk) an" his men *ere suppose" to "ra$ him !ack to the states. 9s for the %.<.9.+ it
*as the first part of their o!#ecti,e. 2he secon"ar) su!.o!#ecti,e *as to fin" the hea"7uarters of
the =ameurtia $an$ an" retrie,e stolen $oo"s+ *eapons+ an" "ru$s. 2he) *ere to !e here in >io
for another fe* "a)s.
JD think thatKs a!out all *e ha,e for the time !ein$. &i" an)one contact Masla,sk)H Ar the
%resi"ent for that matterHJ /runner aske".
J2hereKs !een a pro!lem tr)in$ to reach a sp) satellite to maintain a secure line. <eems
like either some!o")Ks usin$ the closest one at the moment or the satellite is in maintenence.J
/arcla) tol" the three others as he "esperatel) trie" to $et a si$nal from his cell phone !)
*alkin$ up an" "o*n the room.
1oll) shook her hea". J%ro!a!l) *e shoul" *ait. Ah+ *hat e3actl) are *e suppose" to "o
a!out Cristiano 9l"olfo+ the =ameurtia $an$ lea"erH Df *e snipe him off+ the $an$ pro!a!l) *ill
not !other cooperatin$ *ith us in $i,in$ out information.J
Vectors of Corruption
/runner !linke" an" thou$ht throu$h for a secon". JDK" tell )ou *hat+ *e coul"
potentiall) capture 9l"olfo alon$ *ith Chernko,. 2hen in e3chan$e for the return of 9l"olfo+ *e
*ill ask the $an$ for an e3chan$e of our o*n.J
J9re )ou thinkin$ *hat D am thinkin$HJ 6er$uson sai".
JD "onKt rea" peopleKs min"s+ !ut if )ou are thinkin$ a!out us tra"in$ 9l"olfo !ack in
e3chan$e for the $an$ to $i,e up all information re$ar"in$ the e3chan$e. 2hat *a) *e coul"
ha,e an e3tra source to rel) on if Chernko, "eci"es not to talk.J
1oll) )a*ne". JChat a!out the "ru$sHJ
J2he "ru$s *ill ha,e to *ait+ D *ill notif) the %resi"ent a!out the situation+ hopefull) he
*ill sen" a <pecial Aperations unit "o*n here to retrie,e the "ru$s. Ce "onKt ha,e time to
!ar$ain for the information an" for the "ru$s at the same time.J /runner e3plaine". J9n)more
2he room *as silent for a fe* secon"s. J1ereKs a 7uestion for )ou+J /arcla) "roppe"
"o*n from the top of the !e". JChatK our secon"ar) plan+ as in+ *hatKs our plan /HJ
J(oo" 7uestion+ if thin$s $et hair)+ *e coul" "ra$ Chernko, an" 9l"olfo into one of our
/-Cs an" "ri,e off in "ifferent "irections. 2he) *onKt kno* *hich to follo*.J
J<o tell me >)an+ *hat happens *hen the) fin" enou$h helicopters or cars to follo* all of
themH 9n" *here are *e suppose" to $oH Ce canKt all hea" strai$ht for the airport+ or else the
plan *oul" #ust !e stupi".J /arcla) sai" *ith an e3hauste" ,oice.
JDf all that )ou sai" happene"+ *e coul" call plan C.J
JChich isHJ
JAne of us nee"s to cause a "i,ersion *hile the rest of us !reak for the airport.J
/arcla) no""e". J9 "i,ersion+ *hat a!out the people *ho !reak for the airportH Ce are
$oin$ to $et follo*e" an)*a)s.J
1oll) cut in+ J1eKs $ot a point+ the /-Cs are a little !it $au") amon$st the re$ular
/runner si$he". JCe coul" $et our han"s on ci,ilian cars+ then "ri,e at the spee" limit
an" take our time.J
J/ut that kills our precious time+ *e *ere to $et them to the airport as soon as possi!le.J
6er$uson !rou$ht up.
JChat a!out a helicopterH Ce coul" $et a chopper in+ that *a) *e coul" a,oi" the !us)
traffic an" hea" strai$ht for *here *e nee" to !e.J 1oll) su$$este".
JD $uess if *e reach that point in time+ itKs our !est !et. D *ill notif) Masla,sk) as soon as
the line clears up.J
/arcla) sippe" at his champa$ne. JChat happens after*ar"sH &o *e come !ack to the
JCe shoul" !e safe hear+ onl) the %resi"ent an" a fe* others kno* of our presence here.
9s lon$ as *e a,oi" !lo*in$ our co,er+ the fe* of us shoul" !e safe at this location.J
6er$uson $ot up from her chair. JD ha,e somethin$ to sho* )ou $u)s.J <he sai" as she
*alke" o,er to the lar$e closet. 9fter openin$ it an" rumma$in$ throu$h the contents+ she
!rou$ht out a lar$e case. 6er$uson flippe" the safet) hatches an" opene" the case.
J2hatKs a nice lookin$ sniper rifle.J /runner commente".
Vectors of Corruption
JGes+ it is.J 6er$uson sai" *ith a smile. J/ut the important part is not the rifle+ !ut this.J
<he pulle" out the rifle to re,eal a small hatch in the case. Apenin$ it+ she pulle" out a ru!) the
si0e of a pi$eon e$$.
J-) (o"+ *here "i" )ou $et thatHJ 1oll) aske".
JD s*ipe" it from the !a" $u)s a fe* "a)s a$o. Dt *as insi"e a facilit) o*ne" !) 9l"olfo
an" his men. D *as to rescue some capture" ci,ilians insi"e the facilit) that *ere $oin$ to !e sol"
as sla,es. Dt *as on a ta!le in the outer re$ion of the facilit)+ so D took it.J
JGou #ust took *hat isnKt )oursHJ /runner aske".
J9ctuall)+ itKs not the ru!) that matters+ itKs *hatKs on it.J <he sho*e" them the $em. JAn
it are multiple sets of num!ers an" letters+ all co"e". D4m surprise" the securit) to protect it *as
that a*ful.J
1oll) hel" the #e*el an" thum!e" throu$h the en$ra,in$s. JChat "o the) all meanHJ
J8ot sure+ !ut D can assure )ou that there is of some importance to them+ the) are still
searchin$ for it ri$ht at the moment.J
/runner scratche" at his le$+ *hich *as itchin$ from !ein$ $ra0e" onl) a "a) a$o. J<o
are )ou sa)in$ *e coul" put this $em at stake if an)thin$ $oes *ron$HJ
JDt *oul" !e *orth a shot.J 6er$uson sai". <he then took the ru!) an" put in !ack in itKs
hatch+ sli" the rifle !ack on top of it+ then close" the case. 6er$uson finall) took the entire case
an" pushe" it to the ,er) !ack of the closet.
JCoul"nKt the housekeepin$ people look in thereHJ 1oll) 7uestione".
JB,en if the) "i" the) *oul"nKt !e a!le to open it. 2he airlock is onl) accessi!le !) me. Df
the) are to open it the) nee" a cutter ma"e from "iamon". 9s *ell as this+ the case is stain proof+
*ater proof+ scratch proof+ an" !ullet proof.J
/arcla) aske"+ J9ma0in$+ shoul" !e keep it here or take it *ith usHJ
JDK" sa) *e shoul" keep it here+ itKs reall) hea,) an" no!o") *ants to "ra$ this aroun".J
JAka)+ DKm *ith 9n"rea then+ D+ Chase /arcla)+ hate lu$$in$ *eapons aroun".J
JChate,er )ou sa)LJ 2he other three shoute" simultaneousl).
Chile /runner+ 1oll)+ /arcla) an" 6er$uson continue" to "rink their champa$ne in >io+
Eraft an" &imitri #umpe" !ehin" a lar$e stone counter as !ullets continue to rip apart 2he
%en"ulum. %eople screame" an" ran for co,er as the front *in"o*s *ere shattere" !) $unfire.
Ane *in"o* *as hit "ea" in the center. Eraft *atche" as it spi"er*e!!e" an" e3plo"e" off itKs
frame after another !urst from *hat she assume" *as a machine.pistol. 9 )oun$ !o) *as
crouche" in the corner+ his e)es *ere shut ti$ht as he hu$$e" his mother. 2he three men *ho
kicke" open the "oor an" *alke" into the restaurant. 9ll three of their faces *ere maske" !)
*hat looke" like !lack !an"anas. 2he) also *ore sun$lasses. Ane of them *ho *as me"ium
!uilt carrie" an -16 st)le 9merican assault rifle. 9nother man+ *ho *as shorter an" stockier
then the other t*o+ carrie" a lar$e -1014 shot$un in his han". 1e aime" the $un at the ceilin$+
fire" a *arnin$ shot+ an" tol" e,er)one to sta) put. 2he thir" *as a taller man *ith matte" !ro*n
hair an" "ark.$reen e)es. 1e also *ore sun$lasses an" *as carr)in$ a machine.pistol of some
sort. 1e also ha" a sniper rifle strappe" to his !ack.
J9ll ri$ht+ e,er)!o") sta) put. Df an)one "ares to run or $et up+ *e *ill shoot.J the taller
man shoute" throu$h his maske" face.
Vectors of Corruption
2he shorter man *alke" o,er to the "ea" *aitressKs !o"). 1e pushe" the "ea" $irlKs face
up*ar"s *ith his !oot. J&onKt follo* e3actl) as *e sa) an" )ouKll en" up like this !itch.J 2he
shorter manKs ,oice ha" a sli$ht 'erse) accent.
Eraft looke" at &imitri+ the) !oth no""e" an" sli" out their conceale" pistols. /oth
starre" at each other+ sli$htl) mouthin$ *or"s. &imitri an" Eraft no""e" !oth spran$ out of
hi""in$. 2he t*o sli" across the room from the counter in opposite "irections+ their pistols
!la0in$. Cau$ht !) surprise+ the three men "i" not ha,e time to raise their *eapons an" fire
accuratel). 9 !ullet from EraftKs han"$un struck the shoul"er of the short man. 1e crie" out in
pain as he fire" a shot from his shot$un !efore "roppin$ it. Fn"er paine" !reaths+ he $ra!!e" the
*oun". 2he !ullet hit the flesh) part of his shoul"er ri$ht a!o,e the scapula+ causin$ a clean
shot. Dt simpl) tore throu$h his flesh an" came out the other si"e.
9s the short man trie" to !an"a$e his *oun" usin$ napkins from a near!) ta!le+ Eraft
e)e" &imitri across the room. 2he) *ere onl) a!out fifteen feet a*a) from each other. &imitri
*as hi""in$ !ehin" the corri"or lea"in$ to the restrooms an" Eraft *as hi""in$ !ehin" the !ar.
<he checke" her clip+ onl) three shots left. 9cross the room+ &mitiri *a,e" to $et her attention.
1e hel" up four fin$ers+ tellin$ her that he ha" four !ullets left. Fnsure of *hat to "o+ Eraft
reache" for her cell phone+ she $rope" at her pocket for almost ten secon"s !efore reali0in$ that
she ha" left the cellphone on the ta!le the) *ere at. Cursin$ un"er her !reath+ she *as a!out to
$et &imitri to call for help *hen the men !e$an talkin$ a$ain.
Dt *as the me"ium !uilt man *ho talke" first. J/oss+ *hat are *e suppose" toHJ
2he taller man looke" at him an" then aroun" the restaurant. /) no* e,er)thin$ ha" !een
rippe" apart !) $unfire. <har"s of *in"o* trinkle" an" fell as the street !ehin" them *ere
emptie" of life. %eople hear" the $unfire an" ran.
<ome!o") must has to ha,e calle" for the police !) no*L Eraft thou$ht to herself.
<u""enl) the tall manKs attention *as cau$ht on the !o) an" his mother. 1e *alke" o,er
to them an" rippe" the chil" from her motherKs $rasp.
J8ot m) sonLJ <he shoute" throu$h tears. <he reache" to $et to her son. 2he tall man
slamme" her !ack *ith his $un stock. 2he *omen fell an" crashe" on the $roun". 1er forehea"
*as !lee"in$.
J<hut upLJ the taller man then shoute". 1e "ra$$e" the !o) to the center of the room+ !)
no* the !o) *as alrea") *ellin$ up *ith tears. 1e *as onl) a!out si3 or se,en from *hat Eraft
coul" make out. 2he man spoke a$ain. JD appreciate )our hurtin$ of m) partner.J 1e sai" as he
$lance" o,er at the short man+ *ho ha" a lar$e *a" on napkins un"er his shirt near his shoul"er.
J/ut D "onKt think )ou %.<.9. like to *atch innocent people "ie.J 1e #amme" the mu00le of the
$un to the !o)Ks temple. JD *ant )ou to thro* a*a) all )our *eapons an" come out *ith )our
han"s up. Df )ou "onKt o!e)+ itKs !)e !)e for little #unior here.J 2he man #amme" the $un painfull)
a$ainst the !o)Ks neck. JD *ill $i,e )ou ten secon"s.J
Dronicall)+ it *as not Eraft or &mitiri *ho came out from hi"in$ first. 9 hea,il) !uilt man
*ho seeme" to ha,e a 1a*aiian !loo"line steppe" up from the !ack of the room an" strolle"
JChat the hell "o )ou *ant+ no* sit )our ass "o*n !efore D pump it *ith lea"LJ 2he tall
man shoute".
Vectors of Corruption
2he hea,il) !uilt man kept his $rim e3pression. 1e looke" to !e a!out the same a$e as
Eraft an" &mitiri+ !ut his stark e)es an" fi$ure seems to make him ol"er an" more e3perience".
2urns out+ he *as e3perience". JGou canKt #ust shoot chil"ren.J 1e calml) sai" to them.
2he tall man pulle" off his sun$lasses+ he $a,e out a lau$h as he tosse" the !o) o,er to
his me"ium si0e" assistant. JCatch meLJ
2he follo*in$ e,ents happene" too fast for Eraft to remem!er e,er) aspect. 6rom across
the room+ the short man rushe" up an" the me"ium si0e" man tosse" the !o) to the short man.
/ut as the three "ark suite" men raise" their rifles. Eraft an" &imitri foun" out that the) *ere not
the onl) ones in the restaurant *ith conceale" *eapons. 2he m)ster) man from the !ack "re*
out a lar$e shin) pistol an" fire a sin$le shot. Dt struck the short man in the si"e of the a!"omen.
/efore all en"e"+ the tall man ran strai$ht for the front of the restaurant an" crashe" throu$h one
of the remainin$ *in"o*s an" fle". 2he m)ster) shooter fire" another shot. Ouickl)+ the !ullet
smashe" into the ri$ht chest of the mi""le !uilt man. 2he man fell !ack*ar"s !ut cau$ht his step.
<oon he ran out the "oor as *ell. >i$ht as the me"ium !uilt man ran out the "oor+ the short man
"roppe" the !o) an" sprinte" out sprinte" out of the tattere" restaurant+ his han" clenchin$ the
ne* *oun" near his stomach.
9fter the inci"ent+ the restaurant !ecame 7uiet an" calm. 8o one "are" to speak an" no
one "are" to mo,e. 9s he sli" his pistol !ack un"er his #acket+ the m)ster) man spoke a$ain.
JDK,e calle" the police+ )ouKll all !e fine.J 2he customers !e$an emer$in$ from their hi"in$ spots.
JGou t*o nee" to $ain some $uts.J
Eraft snappe" at the mention of &mitiri an" herself. <he looke" at her frien" then the)
!oth looke" at the m)ster) shooter.
JGou t*o $oin$ to come out or hi"e there for the rest of )our li,esHJ 1e aske".
Eraft an" &imitri $ot up an" *alke" o,er to the man. 2he *omen $ot !ack up an"
hu$$e" her son. <he suffere" onl) a scratch on her hea".
<he looke" "eepl) into the e)es of Eraft an" &imitri. 2hen she looke" at the m)ster)
man. <lo*l)+ she uttere" the *or"s+ ?2hank )ou. 2hank )ou all.@ <he hu$$e" her son+ *ho *as
cr)in$ into her shoul"er.
2he m)ster) man turne" to the t*o a$ents an" hel" his han" out as muffle" police sirens
echoe" in the !ack$roun". J-a#or Carter %ett)+ &elta 6orce+J he sai" to the t*o.
Eraft shook his han".
>io "e 'aneiro
>)an /runner turne" on the tele,ision+ he leane" !ack a$ainst his !e" an" *atche" a
translate" ,ersion of an ol" *estern film. 9s he *atche" an outla* pepper the sheriff *ith his
machine$un+ 1oll) strolle" in from the sho*er. <he *as "resse" in her ro!e an" *as "r)in$ her
hair *ith a !ath to*el.
JChat are )ou *atchin$HJ
/runner shru$$e". J<omethin$ D foun"+ )ou ha,e an) !etter i"easHJ
J8othin$ in particular+ *e coul" or"er more champa$ne if )ouK" like.J
Vectors of Corruption
JD think D nee" a ni$ht of rest. 2omorro* mi$ht "rain our ener$) faster than a hole "rains
a pitcher.J
1oll) sat "o*n ne3t to him on his !e". 2he t*o sta)e" there silent for a fe* minutes as
the mo,ie continue" to pla) on the tele,ision.
JCe shoul" *atch somethin$ other than killin$ an" ,iolence+ D think *e personall) ha,e
e3perience" too much alrea").J 1oll) finall) su$$este".
JD $uess.J /runner s*itche" the channel to a $ame sho*.
JGou kno*+ *e ne,er reall) ha" time to talk a!out each other.J /runner !rou$ht up.
JChat "o )ou meanHJ
/runner trie" to put it in a *a) that *as eas) to un"erstan". JCeK,e kno*n each other for
onl) a little o,er t*o "a)s true+ !ut D "onKt e,en kno* *ho )our parents are+ *hat foo" )ou like+
or *hat )ou en#o) "oin$. D seem to !e "eplete" of kno*le"$e a!out )ouLJ
J2hatKs *hat )ou *ant to talk a!outH D $uess *e can.J 1oll) sai".
>)an /runner put his han" aroun" 1oll)Ks shoul"er+ JCh) "onKt )ou start firstH 2ell me
a!out )our parents.J
1oll) turne" a*a) an" looke" "o*n for a secon".
JChatKs *ron$HJ
J8othin$+ itKs #ust that D normall) "onKt #ust tell people a!out m) parents.J
<ensin$ a risk) su!#ect+ /runner "eci"e" not to persist. JDf )ou "onKt *ant to tell+ )ou
"onKt ha,e to. D *as #ust curious.J
J8o+ itKs fine.J 1oll) si$he". <he fell har" onto her pillo* an" !e$an recountin$ the stor).
J<e,en )ears a$o+ D *as selecte" to !ecome a trainin$ mem!er for the CD9. 9fter some trainin$+
the %resi"ent $a,e me the permission to #oin the team. 2*o months of har" *ork *ithin the pit
an" the classroom an" the %resi"ent calle" me into his office. 6earin$ for the *orst+ D *as sure D
ha" faile" somethin$ o!,ious.@ <he pause"+ !linke"+ an" continue"+ ?2hat *as the "a) D foun"
out a!out the %<9. 1e sai" he *as $oin$ to put me throu$h ,i$orous trainin$ to $et me into %<9
shape. 2he minute D came out of the meetin$ an" arri,e" home+ D ha" an ick) am!ition. D ha"
notice" a !lack -erce"es./en0 follo*in$ me home. 9t first it *asnKt a !i$ "eal+ #ust !ecause D
ha" a fe* !o)s from school *ho *oul" !other me *hene,er the) ha" the chance. Chen D $ot
home+ the car mo,e" on an" so D for$ot the *hole or"eal. -) parents+ m) !rother an" D *ere
talkin$ an" #okin$ a!out the "a) as *ell as cele!ratin$ m) entrance to the %.<.9.+ or a shift
*orkin$ to $i,e tours aroun" the Chite 1ouse as the) thou$ht+ *hen someone knocke" on the
"oor. Dt *as prett) late+ pro!a!l) a!out nine oK clock or so. Carefull) m) "a" *ent to the "oor to
ans*er it. /efore he coul" e,en ask *ho it *as+ a !ullet rippe" throu$h the *oo" an" hit him
strai$ht in the stomach. 1e "ou!le" !ack shoutin$ for us to call the police. /efore D coul" run
an" $ra! the pistol from un"erneath the counter+ there *as a lou" crunch as the "oor fle* open.
<u""enl)+ there *as a metal o!#ect !ein$ tosse" in an" a lou" e3plosion of soun" an" li$ht that
!lin"e" me.J
J9 flash !an$HJ /runner cut in as he listene" *ith intent.
JGouKre correct+ it *as a flash !an$. Dt sent me to the corner+ D clutche" m) e)es an" m)
ears as four men in "ark suits came rushin$ in. Chen D re$aine" m) senses+ one ha" $ra!!e" me
!) m) *aist an" *as pullin$ me out. 1e stuck a lar$e piece of cloth stuck in m) mouth. 2hen he
pricke" me *ith the s)rin$e. <tars fle* an" D coul"n4t mo,e+ coul"n4t fi$ht+ coul"n4t scream. 9ll
D coul" "o *as *atch helplessl) as the men "ra$$e" me into the -erce"es. D hear" m) parents
Vectors of Corruption
an" m) !rotherKs screams an" )ells as D *as pushe" into the car. 2he tears *elle" up prett) fast
*hen one of the men close" the "oor to m) house. D hear" m) famil)Ks screams of fear+ pain+ an"
sufferin$ !efore there *ere three $unshots. 2hen there *as silence. D coul"n4t for$et ho* lon$ the
silence felt. Dt seeme" *ell o,er ten minutes !efore the "oor opene" an" the man insi"e *alke"
out. 1e shoute" a fe* *or"s in >ussian an" mo,e" to the front of the car. 9fter the four men
came in+ D starte" to cr)+ to !e honest+ D *asnKt e,en sure *hen it starte". /ut D starte" *eepin$
un"er the !in"s an" cuffs that secure" me to the seat. /) this time+ D *as a!le to $et some feel
!ack into m) !o"). D trie" to $ather stren$th an" test the !in"s. 2he) *ere too ti$ht. 2he car
"ro,e for a!out ten minutes !efore it stoppe" at an empt) parkin$ lot at an ol"er part of to*n.
2here *ere t*o men sittin$ !esi"e me+ !oth hol"in$ a pistol+ an" the "ark.haire" man sittin$ in
the front seat that kille" m) parents turne" aroun" an" $a,e me a smirk. 1e or"ere" the others to
pull the cloth out of m) mouth.J
JD....J /runner pause".
J8o+ the) "i"nKt "are tr) to assault me se3uall).@ <he si$he".
/runner felt a !it of relief.
?9s soon as one of the $uar"s sittin$ ne3t to me pulle" out the cloth+ D starte" cursin$ all of them
out. 2he "ark haire" man tol" me to shut m) mouth+ !ut instea" D leane" for*ar" an" spat on his
face+ all throu$h tears of sorro*. Dt felt $oo". 1e calml) un!uckle" his seat.!elt+ turne" aroun"+
an" took out a han"kerchief. <lo*l)+ the man *ipe" his face *ith it+ *a""e" it up in a !all+ an"
slappe" me across the face *ith his $rim) han"s. 1e then s*ore an" calle" me some "ero$ator)
names in Bn$lish. 9fter tellin$ the men to $et out of the car+ the man *ho kille" m) famil)
$ra!!e" me !) m) hair an" pulle" me across the parkin$ lot to a near!) !uil"in$+ the !uil"in$
*as their safe.house. D still felt entan$le"+ *eak+ hopeless. 2he "ru$s still ha,en4t su!si"e".
Dnsi"e the !uil"in$+ there *ere o,er a "o0en men pla)in$ car"s+ smokin$+ or cleanin$ $uns. 2he)
all turne" to look at me *hen D *as lea" to a !ackroom *here the man slamme" me "o*n on a
chair. 6inall)+ he tol" his $oons to lea,e the room. D *as ner,ous an" tears *ere still runnin$
"o*n m) cheek as he tape" his han"s. D "i"n4t kno* *hat *as to come !ut D "i" kno*. Dt *as
one of those o"" paro"ies that trainin$ ne,er seeme" to teach )ou. D felt the first !lo* to m)
a!"omen+ then to m) face+ m) chest then m) ri!s. D cou$he" !loo" an" it soake" m) *hite shirt.
D still remem!er the crimson color.@ 1oll) looke" a*a) a$ain. <he si$he"+ cou$he"+ $ra!!e" a
$lass of *ater near!) an" took a lon$ har" "rink from it. 2hen continue". JD *as cr)in$ in a$on)+
!e$$in$ for *hat he *ante". 1e finall) aske" me for *hat he *as lookin$ for. 2he man *ante"
me to tell him the location of the presi"entKs son. 1is son *as to ha,e a part) the ne3t "a). 9t the
time+ D ha" no clue *hat the) *ere "oin$. 9ll D *ante" *as to sur,i,e. 8o one *as traine" for
that.@ <he inhale"+ !ut sho*e" no tears.
? D "i"nKt kno* *here the presi"ent4s son *as $oin$ to !e. Af course that !astar" "i"nKt
!elie,e me an" took out a nail.@
6or the first time in a lon$ time+ /runner *ince".
?1e "ro,e the col" nail into m) thi$h. D felt it sear into me. -) screams echoe". /ut 1e
procee"e" to ask me *here the presi"ent4s son *as an" pushe" the nail e,er "eeper into m) le$.@
1oll) slo*l) ran her han" a$ainst her thi$h at *here /runner thou$h the *oun" *as.
Vectors of Corruption
?/ut D coul"nKt "o an)thin$ a!out it. <o D #ust took it+ D *as a!out to !reak after ten
minutes.J 1oll) pause" a$ain an" !reathe" in hea,il). <he close" her e)es an" $ra!!e" at her
pants. <he $rippe" one part of it ti$htl). J2hen he stoppe"+ $ra!!e" me !) m) hair an" pulle" it
!ack to re,eal m) face. D still remem!er those "ark e)es+ that smirk+ that $rimace. 6inall) he
stare" me in the e)e an" shoute" his name in m) face.@
JVictor Chernko,.J
1oll) no""e". Dt looke" as if she *as in a far a*a) place. J1o* "i" )ou kno*HJ <he
JD #ust $ot in to the %.<.9. aroun" that a$e an" time as *ell an" D hear" a!out an a$ent in
Cashin$ton &.C. *ho $ot "etaine" !) Chernko,. Chernko, ha" someho* slippe" into the states.
2hat *as all D $ot. 2he 6./.D. an" C.D.9. as *ell as the %.<.9. trie" to hunt him "o*n+ !ut *e
ne,er succee"e". D ne,er ha" the name of the a$ent or *hether she sur,i,e" or not.J /runner
pause" to !rush 1oll)Ks face *ith his $entle han". J/ut D $uess she "i".J
1oll) mana$e" to smile. JGes+ !ut Chernko, left the room soon after he shoute" his name
in m) face. 1e opene" the "oor an" another man+ a )oun$er one *ith a tattoo of a co!ra on his
neck came in. Chernko, aske" the man+ if he "ispose" of m) parentsK an" m) !rotherKs !o"ies.
2he man ans*ere" that he "i" in >ussian. Chernko, then turne" to look at me an" !ack at the
man. D *as pra)in$ it *as not *hat he *as $oin$ to "o !ut he "i" e3actl) *hat D "i"nKt *ant. 1e
tol" the man that he *as "one seein$ me for the ni$ht an" that the man has permission to "o
*hate,er to me as he pleases.J
/runner coul"n4t look at her. Dt *as the first time in a*hile *here he felt as if someone
$ot somethin$ that person "i"n4t "eser,e. ?<orr).@ Dt *as all he coul" mum!le.
J8o+ itKs fine. 2he man #ust *alke" for*ar". 1e *as "efinitel) lookin$ to $et me. >ape
*as not the last thin$ D ha" in m) min"+ it *as tol" to #ust en"ure an" not re,olt+ #ust hol" an"
pra)+ #ust sta) an" *ait for it to en". 1e ensure" m) han"s *ere properl) tie" to the chair an"
starte" to feel up m) le$. 1is fin$ers touche" the nail+ still em!e""e" *ithin m) flesh. D felt the
electric pain shoot up m) le$. /ut he ne,er $ot the opportunit)+ that !astar". 2he *all su""enl)
!le* open an" someone *ith a machine.pistol shot the man "o*n !efore he $ot the !etter of me.
Dt *as (arrison+ 'ohn (arrison. 1e came in an" *ith a $entle motion+ untie" me. (arrison then
tol" me to follo* him. /ehin" the "oor+ the enemies *ere all arouse" !) the e3plosion. Ce
#umpe" throu$h the hole (arrison ha" !reache" in the *all an" sprinte" to his car. 2he car #ust
mana$e" to spee" a*a) *hen the !a" $u)s came into the room. 2he) opene" fire" on the car !ut
it *as !ullet proof+ so *e sur,i,e". 2hat *as a!out it+ the %resi"ent arran$e" that D sta) in contact
*ith him an" that one of his ol" trust*orth) frien"s !e m) $uar"ian. D then atten"e" colle$e at
/oston Fni,ersit)+ -a#ore" in %s)cholo$)+ then stu"ie" for a )ear at Cest %oint as per the
presi"ent4s re7uest. 9fter*ar"s+ D *as #ust an) other %.<.9. a$ent "oin$ his or her #o!. =ast *eek
D *as sent to <outh 9frica *ith a fe* others to check on some *eapon traffickers *hen D *as
cau$ht. 2hat *as *here )ou met me.J 1oll) close" her stor)+ li$htl) smilin$+ !ut not 7uite+ *as it
sa"nessH >eliefH Ar *as it an$erH /runner ne,er coul" fi$ure out. JD ne,er sa* m) parents a$ain.
Chen the police an" the 6./.D. *ent to m) house after the inci"ent+ the) foun" no !o"ies+ #ust
!loo"stains that matche" m) parentsK an" m) !rotherKs.J
/runner inche" a little !it closer to 1oll). JDKm sorr) )ou *ent throu$h all that+ D ne,er
kne*.J <he stare" at her. 1er face *as sa""ene"+ $re)+ an" "iscolore". 1o*e,er+ no tears *ere
Vectors of Corruption
J2hank )ou+ for sa,in$ me from that $uar" house in <outh 9frica.J 1oll) sli" "o*n an"
JGou are *elcome5 itKs+ #ust so *ron$ )ou ha" to e3perience the "eath of )our famil). 'ust
so *ron$I@
1oll) thanke" /runner a$ain+ then she *as 7uiet. 1e su""enl) ha" his han" aroun" her
shoul"er. Dt *as impulsi,e an" he kne* it. /ut !runner coul" not let $o. <he "i"n4t resist either.
/runner hel" her for almost another thirt) minutes. /) that time 1oll) *as fast asleep. >)an
/runner lai" her "o*n on the !e"+ turne" off the tele,ision+ an" *ent to !rush his teeth.
-ean*hile+ continuin$ to run 1oll)Ks stor) throu$h his min".
/arcla) fell asleep the moment he fell on the !e". 6er$uson tosse" a sheet o,er him an"
*ent o,er to the "esk. <he flippe" on the "esk lamp an" turne" off the li$hts. 2he team faile" to
maintain contact *ith Masla,sk) earlier. <he trie" to see if he *as a,aila!le at the time !ein$.
Apenin$ her laptop+ the !lack screen !linke" into life. 6er$uson t)pe" in the pass*or" to her
computer an" lo$$e" into her account. <he messa$e" Masla,sk) ,ia a pri,ate line an" *aite".
9fter ten minutes+ she t)pe" in the messa$e an" sent it a$ain. 6inall) Masla,sk) respon"e".
1is messa$e sai"+ JCe un"erstan" the situation+ !ackup is on stan"!) if necessar).J
6er$uson si$he" an" replie" that she $ot his messa$e. <he turne" off the lamp an" *ent
to !e".
-ean*hile on the other en" of the line+ Masla,sk) close" his computer an" picke" up a
knife. 1e *ipe" the knife carefull) !et*een a piece of cloth. 9fter *ipin$ the *eapon+ he
checke" it in the li$ht to ensure that it *as stain.free. 2he knife *as then put into a small sheath
an" inserte" into a "ra*er on his "esk. 2he other men *ere all in their separate rooms "oin$
*hate,er the) please"+ he *as $la" that the %uerta 'uanita 1otel still ha" rooms left for them. 9t
first+ the thou$ht of sta)in$ in the same !uil"in$ as )our suppose" enem) mi$ht ha,e !een an
untoucha!le i"ea+ Masla,sk) kne* that the closer he *as to his tar$ets+ the more opportunit) he
has in "ealin$ *ith them. A,er the )ears+ he has learne" that the first step in *ee"in$ out the
un*ante" is to comprehen" their actions. 2o "o so re7uires time+ patience+ an" ener$). /ut *ith
ei$ht million "ollars at stake as *ell as the e3chan$e happenin$ tomorro*+ Masla,sk) still ha"
an" eerie feelin$ insi"e of him. <o far from *hat he coul" pick out+ the %.<.9. still has no i"ea
that he has parte" them an" #oine" *ith the enem). 2o them+ he *as still the support the) nee"+ if
he mana$es to pull of this trick till the ,er) last minute+ he coul" succee" *ith his mone). Ance
the t*o people in Cashin$ton &.C. *ho *as in this or"eal *ere era"icate"+ there *as not too
man) *ho coul" stop him. Masla,sk) s*allo*e" ner,ousl) as he remem!ere" *hat 2he 6letcher
ha" tol" him+ to protect the %.<.9. an" ensure the e3chan$e "oes not succee". /ut 8i,eaKs plan
*as more temptin$ an" offere" a more "elicious re*ar"+ !ein$ a man of $ree"+ he coul" not pass
up the plan from 8i,ea.
1is pri,ate cellphone ran$+ Masla,sk) $ot up from his seat to ans*er it. An the other en"
of the line *as Chernko,.
J-r. 8i,ea has informe" me of )our position in this particular o!#ecti,e.J Chernko, sai".
Vectors of Corruption
JGeah+ so *hatH 2he) are #ust some a$ents out to capture )ou+ m) #o! *as to pre,ent that
from happenin$ correctH Ch) call me at this hourHJ
JCell someone asks a lot of 7uestions+ 'ust "o as )ouKre tol" an" )ou *ill $et a share of
our mone).J
JAh+ more mone) no* is itH D *as actuall) lookin$ for somethin$ else from )ou. 9s in D
*ant the ru!) *ith the co"es to acti,ate %ro#ect Culici"ae.J Masla,sk) shoute" impatientl).
Chernko, hesitate" on the other en" of the line. J9l"olfo #ust notifie" me )ester"a) that
*eK,e lost that ru!).J
Masla,sk) s*ipe" "o*n a !ook on his "esk in an$er. JChat the hell+ ho* the hell "o )ou
lose a "amn ru!)H Cas it reall) that har" to keep that $emHJ
JCell sir+ *e store" it in 9l"olfoKs compoun"+ )ou kno*+ the one *e use" to house our
sla,es !efore *e sell themH Fnfortunatel)+ a %.<.9. mem!er !reache" an" rescue" a lar$e
percenta$e of the sla,es. &urin$ the inci"ent+ 9l"olfoKs men *ere "isoriente" from the
commotion. 2hat !astar" mana$e" to slip into the room an" $ra! the >u!) !efore *e ha" a
chance to $et her.J
Masla,sk) ploppe" "o*n on the armchair an" si$he". J-r. Chernko,+ )ou seem to !e
ha,in$ man) issues in )our presence. 6irst the "rone plane inci"ent in -o0am!i7ue+ then ha,in$
to e3chan$e *eapons for manual la!or+ no* thisHJ
JDKm sorr) -arko+ !ut our fun"in$ "oesnKt appl) enou$h to ha,e the planes !e !uilt in
J2hen $et this situation sol,e" !efore D lea,e >io.J
Chernko, s*ore un"er his !reath. J&o )ou ha,e an) i"ea *ho the hell stole the ru!) from
usH D kno* )ou are all rope" in *ith the %.<.9.J
2here *as a lon$ pause+ then -arko Masla,sk) sai"+ JD think D ha,e an i"ea *ho it *as.J
1e shook out a fe* files on the %.<.9. 2he i"entit) pictures of: /runner+ 1oll)+ /arcla)+ an"
6er$uson fell out of the packet an" lan"e" on the ta!le.J Masla,sk) pulle" out the file on 9n"rea
6er$uson. 2he title rea"+ J1uman 9ffairs &epartment.J
-arko Masla,sk) place" his cellphone to his ear. JD think D kno* *here to look.J 1e
calml) tol" Chernko,.
JD hope so+ that $em has the access co"es to the *ealthiest safe."eposits in the !ank. Dt
took three )ears to o!tain e,er)thin$.J
J&onKt lose an) sleep o,er this+ )ouK,e alrea") lost *a) too much resources for )ou to
ha,e to *orr). D *ill "eal *ith /runner+ /arcla)+ 6er$uson an" 1oll) tomorro*.J
Chernko, pause" for a !rief secon". J1oll)H Eaitl)n 1oll)HJ
JGes sir.J
An the other en" of the line Chernko, $a,e out a small lau$h. JD canKt !elie,e that $irlKs
still aroun". Gou "o kno* she an" her "amn frien" kille" m) son si3 )ears a$o.J
JEaitl)n 1oll) sirH <he kille" )our sonHJ Masla,sk) *as not sure if he hear" correctl).
JGou are correct in that fact. 1er an" her "um!ass frien" kille" m) son an" !le* a hole in
m) $o""amn safehouse in &.C. si3 )ears a$o. D *as tr)in$ to $et some information out of her
re$ar"in$ the presi"entKs son+ !ut she *oul"nKt talk+ so D #ust torture" her for a !it.J
Masla,sk) shook his hea". JD ne,er kne* that sir. DKm sorr) to hear.J
J8o nee" to apolo$i0e.J Chernko, su""enl) !ecame silent. 2hen he spoke a$ain. JD *ill
make )ou a "eal+ if )ou can $et me 1oll) ali,e an" in one piece+ D *ill cut )ou another ei$ht
Vectors of Corruption
million from m) account. <he an" D ha,e some unfinishe" !usiness *e nee" to take care of+J
Chernko, spat out.
An his !e"+ Masla,sk) ran the or"ers o,er his hea". JD *ill "o m) !est to fulfill )our
nee"s sir.J
J/etter $et some rest+ *e $ot a lon$ "a) after us tomorro*. Gou mi$ht *ant to !rin$ a
$oo" team aroun". D ha,e m) men setup a "efensi,e circle if necessar). Ce ha,e a fe*
helicopters aroun" that *e coul" use. 9l"olfo an" his $an$ are aroun" to assist as *ell. DK" lo,e
to $et that ru!) an" our tar$ets !) tomorro* afternoon.J
J-r. Chernko,+ *hat e3actl) are )ou plannin$ to "o *ith 1oll).J
JGou *ill see *hat happens as soon as *e "etain her+ "onKt *orr)+ she *onKt !e kille"
7uite )et. D at least *ant them to see the aftermath first.J Chernko, hun$ up the phone.
Masla,sk) "roppe" the cellphone+ *ipe" his forehea"+ an" *alke" o,er to the restroom.
1e splashe" *ater on his face+ !ut it onl) ma"e him more tire". =ater on+ he flippe" off the
li$hts+ hoppe" into the *arm !e"+ an" hope" to $et some rest !efore he takes on a$ainst the
%.<.9. the ne3t "a).
Cashin$ton &.C.
2he %en"ulum suffere" thousan"s of "ollars4 *orth of "ama$e from the three men. Eraft
an" &mitiri offere" to help the police !ut the 6./.D. ha" the entire e,ent un"er control. B,er)
*in"o* *as shattere"+ the *alls *ere torn apart from !ullet holes+ an" the ceilin$ tiles *ere
!a"l) "ama$e" from the shot$un !lasts. =uckil) onl) one person has "ie" from the !last itself.
2hat person happene" to !e the *aitress+ *ho took the rifle !ullet strai$ht to the heart.
Eraft scratche" at a splinter that *as in her arm. J&mitiri+ can )ou tell the 6./.D. the
"etailsH D nee" use the restroom.J
J<ure thin$.J &imitri $a,e her a pat on the shoul"er+ he *alke" off to a "etecti,e lookin$
at the "ea" *aitress.
Eraft *alke" into the restroom. <he $ra!!e" some paper to*els from the "ispenser+
soake" them *ith *ater+ an" applie" it to the scratch on her arm. Dt *as not a "eep scrape+ !ut
#ust one from *here a piece of *oo" scratche" across the surface+ creatin$ a re""ish line on her
skin. Cater coole" the sli$ht !urnin$ sensation an" she thre* the *a" of to*el into the trash.
Chen Eraft returne" !ack out to the restaurant+ there *ere a "o0en or so police cars
parke" outsi"e alon$ *ith a fe* trucks from the <.C.9.2. team. 9roun" the entrance *ere three
6or" <FVs that the 6./.D. uses. Dnsi"e 2he %en"ulum itself+ "o0ens upon "o0ens of 6./.D. a$ents+
police+ an" the man name" Carter %ett) *ere all mo,in$ a!out+ "iscussin$ the "a)Ks e,ents.
&imitri tol" the stor) to an a$ent *ho *as furiousl) takin$ notes in his notepa". 9ll aroun" her+
there *ere splintere" *oo"+ shattere" $lass+ an" !ullet shells.
-a#or %ett) came o,er. JCell+ looks like )ou *ent off !etter than the *aitress. 2hat ki"
sa,e" )our life+ )ou !etter $o an" talk to her parents later.J
JD "efinitel) *ill+ the !ullet *as aime" for m) hea".@ Eraft pause". ?<he #ust *alke"
for*ar" at the *ron$ time.J Eraft "eci"e" to chan$e the su!#ect. J<o *h) are )ou hereHJ
Vectors of Corruption
%ett) lau$he". JChatH CanKt &elta 6orce ,ets $o ha,e a nice "inner aroun" hereHJ
JA!,iousl) this "inner *as the *orst D ha" in a *hile. Ar at least+ it *as one *here D ha"
to en" up pullin$ out m) $un.J
J(oo" for )ou+ no* )ou $et practice.J 1e sai" almost *ith sarcasm as he pulle" out a
pistol. Dt *as a Calther. JGou mi$ht *ant to chan$e it from those /erettas an" (locks+ CaltherKs
are much easier to take care of.J
JChate,er )ou sa).J Eraft reache" "o*n to feel the pistol tucke" into itKs holster on her
*aist. J-a)!e )ou shoul" ha,e hit the "amn !astar"s instea" of in#urin$ them. D thou$ht )ou
*ere some !a"ass ,eteran *ho ha" a "ea"l) aim.J
%ett) lau$he" a$ain. JChat makes )ou think thatHJ
JCell )ou "o ha,e that me"al of that /ron0e <tar on )our shirt.J Eraft su$$este".
JDf )ou reall) *ant to kno* *h) D misse"+ then D *ill tell )ou.J %ett) stretche" his arm. JD
misse" them on purpose !ecause D kno* that if D shot an" kille" them+ the) *oul" #ust "ie here.
<ure *e coul" fin" out *ho these people *ere+ !ut chances are the) are #ust some assassins hire"
!) a $u) hi$her in the chain of terror. <o if the) *ere to ha,e "ie"+ a ne* !atch of killers *oul"
ha,e !een calle" upon. Dn these e,ents+ the assassins are usuall) e3pen"a!le+ if one on them "ies+
*ell+ there is al*a)s another+ ma)!e t*o more+ to replace that one person. <o D "i"nKt kill them
!ecause the) *ill pro!a!l) run !ack to their lea"er an" tell them that the mission *as
unsuccessful as *ell as e3plain to him ho* *e are capa!le of repellin$ an" attack+ forei$n or
"omestic. 9lthou$h D hi$hl) "ou!t this *as an)thin$ "omestic. =ike*ise+ it is !etter for them to
face their client rather than $et knocke" out in front of a restaurant.J
9 tall+ han"some man aroun" EraftKs a$e *alke" up to her. J=ieutenant EraftHJ
JGes sirHJ
JDKm 9n"re =ancin$+ C.D.9. -a) D ha,e a fe* *or"s *ith )ouH Dt *onKt !e lon$.J
JD $uess D ha,e time to ha,e a 7uick chat. %lease un"erstan" that D ha,e to file a report
upon firin$ m) conceale" *eapon *hile not !ein$ on a mission.J
=ancin$ smile". JDtKll onl) take a couple of minutes5 )ou can ha,e the rest of the time to
fill )our report. D ha" the honor of !rin$in$ the papers to )ou.J 1e han"e" Eraft the report. 2he
%.<.9. *as re7uire" !) la* to report their firin$ of a $un *hen not takin$ on an o!#ecti,e or a
mission. 9s lon$ as the mission is still in pro$ress+ the mem!ers "o not nee" to file. /ut in the
case of Eraft an" &imitri+ the) fire" *ithout consent from the $o,ernment+ so the t*o has to file
a report. 2he "ocument itself *as much like a police report+ it *asnKt such a !a" happenin$+ if the
t*o *ere to not ha,e opene" fire+ thin$s coul" ha,e !een a little !it hair).
JCell -a#or %ett)+ )ou can share )our stories i"eas *ith me later then.J <he tol" %ett).
J8o pro!lem.J %ett) left to talk to the other "etecti,es an" &imitri.
<he follo*e" =ancin$ to the !ack of the hall*a). =ancin$ took out a notepa" an" a pen+
the notepa" looke" much like the one she sa* *ith the other a$ent *ho *as *rittin$ furiousl) as
he listene" to &imitri.
JD ha,e a fe* 7uestions rea") for )ou =ieutenant+ are )ou rea") to tr) ans*erin$ themHJ
JGes sir+ D am rea").J
JAka) then.J 1e pause" for a secon" as he clicke" his pen. J%lease "escri!e the
Eraft inhale" an" let out a lon$ !reath. J2here *ere three of them+ a tall man+ a me"ium
si0e" man+ an" a shorter man. 2he taller man appeare" to !e the lea"er of the $roup of three. 9ll
Vectors of Corruption
of them *ere *earin$ a "ark #acket an" "enim pants+ their faces *ere co,ere" !) a !an"ana+ !ut
the tall $u) ha" matte" !ro*n hair an" "ark $reen e)es. 1e ha" sun$lasses on at first !ut he
pulle" them off lon$ enou$h for me to seem his e)e coloration. 9s for the me"ium $u)+ his
features *ere o!scure" !) the sun$lasses+ hoo"ie+ an" the !an"ana+ the same prett) much *ent
*ith the shorter attacker+ he *as *earin$ prett) much the same as the other t*o+ sun$lasses+
!an"ana+ an" the !lack #acket an" "enim pants.J
J2hank )ou.J =ancin$ sai" as he #otte" some notes "o*n. JChat *eapons *ere the)
carr)in$H &o )ou remem!erHJ
J2he taller man ha" a machine.pistol of some sort. D coul"nKt tell !ehin" the co,er+ !ut it
looke" like a Vector su!machine.$un. 1e also ha" a sniper rifle strappe" to his !ack+ it *as an
>700.J Eraft pause" to think. J9s for the man *ith me"ium hei$ht+ all D remem!er seein$ *as an
-16 st)le assault rifle+ he mi$ht ha,e ha" a pistol some*here on him !ut D "i"nKt see it.J
=ancin$ *rote "o*n her "escription. J9n" the shorter suspect -issHJ
J1e ha" a semi.automatic shot$un+ a /enelli ,ariet)+ pro!a!l) an -1014. 9ll three mi$ht
ha,e ha" a si"e arm hi""en in their #ackets+ !ut D coul"nKt see them.J
J&i" )ou mana$e to in#ure them in an) *a)HJ
Eraft tire" to con#ure up the ima$e of *ho shot *ho. JDKm sorr) !ut D "onKt e3actl)
remem!er if D hit an)one or not. D kno* that the taller suspect ran out *ithout an) !ullet
J9n" the other t*oHJ
J<hort $u) *as hit t*ice+ once in the shoul"er an" once in the si"e of the a!"omen. D
think the me"ium hei$ht suspect *as hit in the ri$ht chest !) -a#or %ett).J
J2hank )ou. D onl) ha,e one more 7uestion !efore D set )ou free.J =ancin$ tol" her. 1e
scri!!le" somethin$ "o*n then looke" at Eraft. JChat "o )ou think *as the reason for this
attackH D #ust nee" )our opinion.J
Eraft *as cau$ht off $uar" !) this particular 7uestion. <he e3hale". JD think the one
possi!le reason for this attack *as that some!o") out there *as tr)in$ take us t*o out.J
9 fe* hours later+ Eraft ha" finishe" the entire report. <he took it an" tosse" it onto the
"esk of her a",isor an" *alke" "o*nstairs. =ancin$ cau$ht up to her. J-ar$aret+ "o )ou ha,e a
fe* minutes )ou can spareHJ
JD $uess it is mana$ea!le. Ch)HJ
J2he *aitressKs parents are "o*n in the police station+ D think )ou shoul" talk to them an"
e3plain )our thou$hts. 2he) are "o*n near the police precinct+ !oth are ,er) "istresse" a!out
*hat #ust happene".J
Eraft si$he". J2he) *oul" !e cra0) if the) *eren4t. D *ill $o there+ can )ou #ust $et me a
ca! or somethin$ so D "onKt ha,e to *alkHJ
J9 car *ill !e *aitin$ outsi"e for )ou+ it is a !lack 6or" Cro*n Victoria.J
J2hanks+ ho* are the parents hol"in$ up ri$ht no*HJ Eraft aske".
=ancin$ shook his hea" slo*l). J8ot $oo"+ the) ha" !een in tears e,er since the) hear"
the ne*s. D think )ou shoul" $o a !it eas) on them.J
JChat *as her nameHJ
J'ennaJ =ancin$ tol" her.
Vectors of Corruption
JAf course. Cell then 9$ent =ancin$+ D !i" thanks an" a $oo" ni$ht.J
J8o pro!lem.J
2he t*o "eparte" in opposite "irections.
Autsi"e+ the *eather *as chill) an" Eraft coul" see her !reath in the col" &ecem!er air.
<he 7uickl) foun" the car that *as sent to pick her up in the front of the %.<.9. hea"7uarters. 2he
$uar" lo*ere" his $un an" no""e" as he opene" the metal $ate to allo* Eraft to pass throu$h.
<he hoppe" into the car an" the "ri,er "ro,e a*a) to*ar"s the precinct. Eraft *asn4t sure *hat
to sa) an" *as still shocke" that she ha" a hit on her.
2he <i3th %recinct *as a !ran" ne* police station !uilt #ust t*o )ears a$o. Dt ha" a fa"e"
)ello* outsi"e structure an" "o0ens of *in"o*s an" camera s)stems. An top of the !uil"in$ *as
a lar$e helicopter pa" an" satellite "ishes. Autsi"e the precinct+ a hun"re" plus police cars of all
,arients *ere parke" in their "esi$nate" spots. Eraft arri,e" at the front $ate+ she thanke" the
"ri,er+ thre* him a tip+ an" clim!e" the stairs to the front "oor.
Dnsi"e+ the !uil"in$ *as like an office+ officers an" *orkers all ha" their o*n specific
space+ each little JofficeJ ha" a computer+ telephone+ printer+ an" a "esktop or$ani0er *hich
house" files an" "ocuments. 8e3t to the files *as a cup *ith pens+ pencils+ an" other stationar)
necessar) to $et the #o! "one.
Eraft arri,e" at the front "esk+ the man no""e" at her. JD see that )ou ha,e time. D reall)
hope the parents *ill un"erstan" *hat *as $oin$ on.J 1e pointe" to*ar"s the !ack. J9 man !)
the name of <te,ens *ill let )ou in+ it is the last room to the left. 1ope )ou can e3plain the
situation to them.J
J2hanks+ D *ill tr) m) !est.J <he left for the room.
Eraft foun" the room+ an officer *as stan"in$ in front of it+ *hen he sa* Eraft he smile".
J(oo" luck.J 2he man opene" the "oor for Eraft to enter.
2*o people *ere sittin$ insi"e the !are room. Dt *as a *aitin$ room for people *ho #ust
ha" a lo,e" one past a*a). 2he) *ere there to a*ait further information. 2he t*o people stoo"
up as Eraft *hen she entere". <he intro"uce" herself to the couple. 2he man stoo" up an"
intro"uce" himself an" his *ife to Eraft+ their names *ere 'err) =a*son an" his *ifeKs name *as
2ania =a*son. 2he man *as a!out fift) )ears ol". 1e *as *earin$ a $reen coat+ "ark colore"
#eans an" ha" thinnin$ hair. 9 !al" spot at the top of his forehea" *as sho*in$ throu$h in the
li$ht. 2he *oman *as a!out the same a$e !ut looke" )oun$er. <he ha" a fau3 fur coat an" ha"
!ro*n slacks on+ her hair *as a tin$e" !ro*n much like EraftKs. /oth parentsK e)es *ere re".
Eraft reali0e" that the) *ere still cr)in$ !efore she entere".
<he *asn4t e,en sure *here to start+ this *as !e)on" her realm of e3perience. 1a,in$ to
con,e) sorro* *as #ust+ not somethin$ she felt she *as Nkraft)4 enou$h to "o. JDKm sorr) a!out
)our loss+ )ou "au$hter seeme" like a ,er) $entle+ carin$+ an" compassionate person.J <he
7uietl) sai" to them.
'err) spoke first+ he *as tr)in$ to hol" !ack his tears. J<he *as the perfect chil"+ ne,er
"i" an)thin$ to hurt someoneKs life. -) *ife an" D ne,er *orrie" a!out her+ she *as #ust our $irl
*ho ha" !i$ plans. Ce *ere #ust $oin$ to cele!rate her ei$hteenth !irth"a) ne3t *eek...J 1e
pause" to suppress as so!. J'enna *as accepte" to Cashin$ton Fni,ersit) in <aint =ouis+ she *as
plannin$ to $o on a me"ical career an" stu") micro!iolo$ical science. <he foun" a part.time #o!
Vectors of Corruption
at 2he %en"ulum to help pa) for tuition.J 1e pause" for another secon". J/ut no* sheKs $one...J
'err) *ipe" his e)es *ith a tissue.
Eraft *asnKt sure as to *hat to sa). JD am sure )ou are ,er) prou" of her...J
2ania so!!e". JCh) "oes it ha,e to !e our chil"HJ
JDt *as all m) fault.J Eraft !e$an to feel a small amount tears in her e)es+ !ut of course
she hel" them. J2he assassin *as there to kill me+ not )our "au$hter+ DKm sorr) she ha" to take
the faults D ha,e o!taine". D shoul" ha,e !een the one to $et hit+ D shoul" ha,e !een the one to
"ie+ an" D shoul" ha,e !een the one *ho is at the mor$ue+ it all shoul" ha,e !een -BLJ Eraft ha"
tears that *ere streamin$ "o*n her face. <he *asnKt sure if it *as tears of sa"ness+ sorro*+ or
an$er. J/ut D kno* one thin$+ 'enna sa,e" m) life an" D *oul" "o an)thin$ to repa) the price she
ha" sacrifice". D shoul" ha,e "ie"+ not her+ she *as an innocent !ein$LJ Eraft shoute" in an$er.
2hen she inhale" "eepl).
'err) an" 2ania *ipe" their e)es+ the) !oth $a,e out a smile.
J2hanks for !ein$ so kin" an" please "onKt take it personall)+ *e "onKt nee" )ou to repa)
us+ *hatKs happene" has happen. Dt *as terri!le+ !ut *e canKt re,erse it an" it is not )our fault
-iss. Eraft+ it *as #ust !a" timin$ an" unfortunate e,ents all piece" to$ether.J 'err) sai".
J2hank )ou.J
2ania $a,e a smile. J'enna *as a $reat person+ !ut sheKs $one+ )ou "i"nKt "o an)thin$
*ron$+ it *asnKt )our fault+ it *as the killerKs fault. 1e *as the one *ho kille" our !a!)+ not )ou.J
?1e *as after me+ D #ust kno* it. 8o one shoul" ha,e to fall for m) faults.@ Eraft *as
feelin$ 7uite uneas). <he kept lookin$ out the *in"o*+ checkin$ for scope $lare "espite the
'err) aske". JCho *as the person *ho kille" our "au$hterHJ
JD "onKt kno*+ he $ot a*a).J 2hat hit her an" the parents har".
2aniaKs e3pression s*itche" from sa"ness to an$er. JCell "amn him to hell for such a
cruel act.J
J9men.@ Eraft an" 'err) sai" to$ether. 8o* Eraft *ishe" that %ett) *oul" ha,e #ust
kille" the assassins instea" of let them lea,e *ith !ullet *oun"s.
>io "e 'aneiro
1oll) tosse" an" turne" in her !e". <he "reame" of the "eath of her parents an"
Chernko,Ks torture on her. Dn her "ream+ Chernko, has starrin$ at her a$ain *ith his "e,ious
e)es. 1e $ra!!e" her shoul"er an" !e$an shakin$ her. 1oll) reache" out to slap his face *hen
she *oke *ith a start. /runner knelt at the si"e of her !e"+ li$htl) massa$in$ his face.
JDKm sorr)LJ <he tol" him.
JGou ha,e a prett) po*erful slap there+ m) frien".J
JChat happene"HJ
/runner si$he". JGou *ere tossin$ aroun" in )our !e"+ D thou$ht )ou *ere ha,in$ a
JD *as. 1e *as there a$ain.J
J<orr) that )ou ha" to tell me an" !rin$ !ack those memories.J 1e sai". /runner felt !a".
Vectors of Corruption
J8o+ itKs not )our fault+ it *as #ust a memor)+ an" D4,e !een ha,in$ this "ream for the the
last fe* )ears. 9lmost e,er) ni$ht since that "a)...J
JChat can D "o to helpHJ
JCan )ou sta) *ith me toni$htH 2hat *oul" !e much appreciate".J 1oll)
tol" him.
JAf course.J
J2hanks. Gou kno* )ou are a $reat person /runnerHJ 1oll) sai". /runner coul"nKt tell in
the "arkness !ut he coul" feel that she *as smilin$.
/runner then pulle" the !lanket o,er himself an" 1oll). 1e li$htl) !rushe" her !eautiful
!lon" hair until the t*o fell asleep a$ain.
Dn the other room+ 6er$uson *as *i"e a*ake5 she thou$ht of the ru!) insi"e the closet
an" *on"ere" *hat it *as for. <he looke" o,er at /arcla)+ *ho *as snorin$ a*a) !ehin" his
sheets. 6er$uson starre" at his face an" remem!ere" ho* she use" to ha,e a crush on /arcla). Dt
*as !ack in earl) trainin$+ /arcla) *as the a,era$e teena$er *ho en#o)e" ,i"eo $ames an"
sports. 9s for his social hierarch)+ /arcla) *as not necessaril) popular or unpopular+ !ut he
seeme" to a,oi" the attention of most people. 6er$uson *as more popular *ith !o)s that
follo*e" her a!out. B,en !ack in hi$h school+ all the popular !o)s *ho *ere "oin$ sports like
foot!all or !asket!all al*a)s trie" to ask 1oll) an" herself to "ances+ e,ents+ an" parties. Fsuall)
6er$uson #ust $a,e in an" a$ree" to #oin+ !ut insi"e+ she al*a)s like a !o) *ho *as more secular+
a,oi"e" attention+ an" *as full of important kno*le"$e that *ill fuel the *orl"Ks future. <he
smile" as she *atche" /arcla) e3hale+ turn+ chan$e his sleepin$ position+ an" continue" to snore.
9 fe* stories "o*n+ -arko Masla,sk) coul" not fall asleep on his !e". 1e "eci"e" to $et
up an" surf the internet instea". (ra!!in$ his computer+ Masla,sk) opene" up a "ocument on his
har" "ri,e. 2he "ocument *as la!ele"+ J%.<.9.J it ha" the names+ ranks+ an" "escripti,e
summaries of e,er) sin$le %.<.9. a$ent in the Fnite" <tates. Masla,sk) scrolle" the pa$e "o*n to
the J6sJ an" scanne" the pa$e. 1e then clicke" open a file la!ele" J6er$uson+ 9.J an" the screen
!linke" into a p.".f. file. An it sho*e" a picture of 9n"rea 6er$uson. <he ha" shorter hair in the
picture !ut the "eep !lue e)es *as unmistaka!le. Masla,sk) $a,e out a smile. 1e rea" throu$h
6er$usonKs achie,ements an" the !io$raphical summar) of her %.<.9. career. 2he entire
"ocument *as o,er ten pa$es lon$+ most of *hich containe" her success as *ell as her histor)
an" personal information. 9fter scannin$ throu$h the "ocument+ Masla,sk) foun" nothin$ useful+
he *as !e$innin$ to close out of the entire file *hen he cau$ht si$ht of a secon"ar) "ocument in
6er$usonKs file. Dt *as a small file+ onl) a!out ten kilo!)tes in si0e. Dt *as la!ele" as JClassifie".J
-o,in$ his fin$er o,er the "ocument+ he presse" "o*n on it. Dnsi"e *as mostl) a !unch of co"e"
*or"s that he "i" not *ant to tr) fi$urin$ out. Ane line at the !ottom cau$ht his attention+ it *as
*ritten in e3ceptionall) small font+ pro!a!l) at one 9rial si0e. 2he file Masla,sk) *as on "i" not
allo* the *or"s to !e ma$nifie"+ so he copie" an" paste" the *or"s onto a Cor"%a" "ocument.
2hen he ma$nifie" it to a le$i!le font. Dt *as a link to a *e!site. 2he link *as then paste" !) him
onto an internet !ro*ser. Dt !rou$ht Masla,sk) onto a pri,ate+ $o,ernment o*ne"+ *e!site. 2here
*as a pass*or" that nee"e" to !e o,erri""en. Masla,sk) *as not sure *hat the pass*or" *as+ so
Vectors of Corruption
he put "o*n the laptop an" thou$ht throu$h an)thin$ he coul" came up *ith. 2hen he
remem!ere" *hat mi$ht !e the ri$ht pass*or". 2he computer humme" an" the *e!site ran
throu$h his co"e to see if it *as correct. Dt *as+ an" he entere" the $o,ernment section
containin$ information re$ar"in$ the %.<.9. 1e clicke" the search !o3 an" t)pe" in J6er$uson.J
9n"rea 6er$usonKs name *as the first to come up. Masla,sk) clicke" on her name. Dnsi"e *ere
multiple sections that coul" !e clicke" on. 9cross the entire pa$e *ere pictures of 9n"rea
6er$uson. Masla,sk) sa* a particular picture in the corner that he foun" of interest. 1e pointe"
the curser o,er it an" tappe" his pa". 2he photo$raph ma$nifie"+ it sho*e" 6er$uson hol"in$ a
lar$e sniper rifle *ith a smile across her face. 1er "eep !lue e)es once a$ain shine" throu$h the
photo. 8e3t to her *as a lar$e case for hol"in$ the rifle. Masla,sk)Ks attention *as cau$ht on one
section of the case+ he 0oome" in on that particular section of the photo$raph an" a smile came
across his face. J(otcha.J 1e 7uietl) sai" to himself.
An the other si"e of the cit)+ Chernko, pace" aroun" the *arehouse+ his safehouse. 2he
lar$e stora$e !uil"in$ *as like a small "epot for trucks+ cars+ an" ,ehicles that *ere not in use. Dt
ha" a tall+ thirt) foot ceilin$+ no *in"o*s+ an" the li$hts *ere all "im an" fa"in$. Chernko,
*oul" ha,e *ante" to #oin into a hotel of some sort+ !ut he "i" not *ant to risk !reakin$ his
co,er so a cheap *arehouse for one ni$ht *oul" ha,e to "o. Dt *as $ettin$ late !ut he coul"nKt
sleep throu$h this ti$ht moment an" its *orries+ so he "eci"e" to pace himself out to see if it
*oul" make him tire". Eorolo,+ one of his lea" officers+ *alke" to his ai". J<ir+ *h) "onKt )ou
tr) a sleepin$ pillH Dt *ill keep )ou "o*n for a $oo" perio" of time.J
JEorolo,+ D mi$ht !e a man of !rutalit) an" crime+ D mi$ht !e a man *ho tra"es the li,es
of people for mone) an" m) o*n $oo". /ut DKm not $oin$ to let one ni$ht of unrest stop me from
"oin$ one of the most important e3chan$es in m) lifeLJ 1e shoute" to him.
Eorolo, snappe" an" shut his mouth.
J8o* that )ou are all 7uiet+ *h) "onKt )ou $et me some Eru$ from the fri"$eH 9lcohol is
sai" to make )ou *ant to sleep.J
Eorolo, o!e)e" an" left the room. Chernko, hear" the JclinkJ of the refri$erator an"
some *ine$lasses. Eorolo, returne" *ith a small $lass of *hiske). 1e han"e" it to Chernko,+
*ho "rank the entire $lass of li7ui" in one $ulp. J(et me anotherLJ 1e or"ere".
JGes sirLJ Eorolo, sai" *ith alacrit)+ then he left for the fri"$e a$ain.
Chernko, s*ipe" the $lass out of Eorolo,Ks han" *hen he returne"+ causin$ some of the
*hiske) to spill out on the floor.
1e "o*ne" the secon" $lass #ust a!out as fast as the first one.
Eorolo, stare" in "is!elief. JCoul" )ou like another sirHJ
J8o+ DKm fine. D nee" so sa,e a section of m) li,er in or"er for it to $ro* !ack after all
this.J 1e tol" him.
2here *as a moment of silence. <u""enl) Chernko,Ks phone ran$. 1e set the line to his
satellite to ensure no!o") listens in+ the Chernko, picke" up. Dt *as Masla,sk).
J(oo" to hear from )ou a$ain.J 1e tol" Masla,sk).
JD foun" somethin$ )ou mi$ht like.J Masla,sk) sai".
J2r) me.J
JD foun" a possi!le location as to *here the ru!) is.J
Chernko, let out a percei,a!le $asp. J9re )ou sureHJ
Vectors of Corruption
J8ot one hun"re" percent+ !ut itKs the first place D *oul" look.J
J9 room in the %uerta 'uanita 1otel.J
J1o* are )ou so sure it is in the hotelH %lus there are hun"re"s upon hun"re"s of rooms
in that hotel+ ho* "o )ou e3pect us to search throu$h e,er) sin$le oneHJ
JCe "onKt+ *e search throu$h one.J
JChich oneHJ
J2he one the %.<.9. is sta)in$ in.J
J<o *hatH 1o* "o )ou kno* the) ha,enKt store" it some*here safe alrea")HJ
JD think our frien" 9n"rea *oul" kno* *here it is.J
Chernko, shook his hea". JChat "o )ou kno*HJ
JD *ent throu$h 6er$usonKs "ocuments an" foun" a link to a pri,ate $o,ernment *e!site.
9fter passin$ the co"e" pass*or"+ D foun" one important section of !io$raph) on her+ it sai" that
her fa,orite *eapon is the -<(.P0 rifle an" that she likes to store her e3tra stuff in the same
case as the -<(.P0 !ecause it *as room).J
Masla,sk) si$he". 1e hate" e3planations. J2here *as a picture of her *ith an -<(.P0
rifle. 8e3t to her an" her rifle *as a case. An the insi"e of the case !arel) ,isi!le unless
ma$nifie" *as a lock mechanism+ it *as perfect for hol"in$ a fe* e3tra !ullets.J
JAr a lar$e $emstone.J Chernko, sai" in "is!elief.
JCeKll search it as soon as D confirm that the) are out of the room. Ah+ make sure to not
sho* up at the e3chan$e itself+ $et Eorolo, to "o it instea". DtKs much safer. -eet me at the
%uerta 'uanita 1otel tomorro* as soon as D call )ou.J Masla,sk) sai".
JD can mana$e that.J Chernko, replie".
Masla,sk) then a""e". J-ake sure )ou !rin$ a cutter ma"e of "iamon" as *ell.J
Dn Cashin$ton &.C.+ a !lack /-C much like the ones /runner an" the team are usin$
spe" throu$h the late ni$ht traffic. Dnsi"e+ the tall assassin "ro,e *ith an intense spee". 1e
slippe" !et*een the traffic an" left the inner cit) an" hea"e" for the su!ur!s. 1is t*o assistants
moane" in the !ack seat+ one of his partners+ the me"ium hei$ht one+ suffere" a *oun" in his
ri$ht chest. 2he shorter assistant ha" a *oun" in the shoul"er an" another on the si"e of his
a!"omen. 2he tall assassin kno*s that the *oun"s are not fatal )et+ !ut the men nee" treatment
soon or the) mi$ht !lee" out. 2he car arri,e" in the su!ur!s an" continue" throu$h the narro*
an" 7uiet roa"s *in"in$ aroun" the outer e"$e of the cit). Dn a fe* minutes+ the /-C stoppe" in
front of a lar$e+ )ello* house at the en" of a pri,ate roa". 2he tall man ushere" the other t*o out
of the car. 2hree $uar"s *ith assault rifles !locke" the path+ the) aime" their rifles at the
JCait+ DKm here to see 2he 6letcher.J 2he tall man sai".
2he three $uar"s looke" them up an" "o*n. Ane of them aske"+ JChere are )our
2he tall assassin han"e" him a !a"$e.
J2hat *ill "o sir.J 2he $uar" sai". 1e *a,e" for his partners to open up the small $ate.
2he three assassins sta$$ere" into the lar$e mansion. Dnsi"e *as "ecorate" *ith top
7ualit) *oo"+ ceramics+ an" li$hts. 9!o,e them+ a cr)stal chan"elier hun$ from the tall ceilin$+
Vectors of Corruption
near the front entrance an" to the ri$ht *as a lar$e+ Jfamil) roomJ e,en thou$h it *as not use"
for famil) rela3ation. An the *all of the famil) room *as a lar$e paintin$ of an 9frican
=an"scape. /elo* the paintin$ *as a lar$e a7uarium+ it *as fille" *ith plants an" e3pensi,e
"ecorations. 9 fe* lar$e $ol"fish s*am out from their hi"in$ spots at the si$ht of the three
assassins. 2heir mouths opene" an" close" an" their e)es follo*e" the men as the) *alke" to the
center of the room. 9si"e from the li$ht at the top of the terrarium+ the famil) room *as "ark. Dn
the corner sat a man+ *ho also ha" a li$ht source on his lap+ a laptop. 1e cau$ht si$ht of the three
men an" close" his computer. 2he man ha" $re) hair an" looke" to !e in his late thirties or earl)
forties. 1is fi$ure *as no* almost completel) o!scure" !) the "arkness+ onl) the spark from his
e)es sho*e" throu$h.
2he tall man spoke first. J-r. 6letcher+ the entire e,ent *as unsuccessful5 *e coul"nKt kill
the t*o %.<.9. mem!ers. 2he mission *as a failure.J
2he 6letcher scratche" at his neck. J2he ori$inal plan *as+ kill A> capture. Ch) "i"nKt
)ou think a!out trickin$ them into custo")HJ
JDt "i"nKt seem possi!le5 the t*o are too smart to #ust fall for a "um! trick. Ce "onKt ha,e
time to set up our o*n stin$ operations an" $o un"erco,er here at the moment. 9lso+ m) men
nee" me"ical treatment5 the)K,e !een shot up !a"l).J 2he t*o in#ure" assassins t*itche" in the
!ack$roun" an" trie" to stan" as still as possi!le "espite the pain.
JD e3pecte" !etter results than this.J 2he 6letcher replie" plainl).
JD "i" too sir+ *e almost pulle" it off if it *erenKt for that stupi" &elta 6orce $u).J
JB3cuse meHJ
2he tall assassin s*allo*e". J1e *as this !i$ ,eteran $u) that sho*e" up from no*here+
pulle" out a pistol+ an" shot up m) partners. D ran as soon as D sa* the /ron0e <tar on his shirt.J
JChat the hellH Gou ran #ust !ecause )ou sa* someone *ith a $unHJ 2he 6letcher
shoute" out.
2he tall man !acke" off+ "efeate". JGes sir+ it *as m) fault.J
9 fe* feet in front of him 2he 6letcher si$he". J1o* man) people "ie"HJ
JAne sir+ a )oun$ $irl+ the *aitress. <he *as the one *ho !locke" the !ullet that shoul"
ha,e taken out Eraft.J
JGou hit an innocent $irlH D thou$ht )our accurac) *as much !etter than thatL D kno* *e
are $oin$ on assassinations an" all !ut D certainl) "o not en#o) the "eath of innocent people.J 2he
6letcher4s ,oice slo*l) increase" in ,olume.
J<orr) sir+ !ut can )ou sa,e m) assistants+ the) are !lee"in$ reall) !a".J /ehin" him+ the
short man an" the me"ium !uilt man *as !e$innin$ to shake. 9 !it of the !loo" "rippe" "o*n to
the pearl.*hite carpet.
2he short man spoke first. J%lease sir+ D canKt hol" it too much lon$er+ DKm feelin$ col" an"
D nee" me"ical treatment soon. -a)!e )ou can make me ,anish from the pu!lic e)e or
somethin$. 2he same $oes for m) partner.J 1e sai" as he looke" o,er to the me"ium !uilt man.
2he me"ium !uilt man no""e" 7uickl) as he *ince" in a$on).
JD *ill tell )ou *hat+ D *ill make )ou ,anish. Come here5 let me see )our *oun"s.J 2he
6letcher tol" the t*o.
2he t*o sta$$ere" for*ar" *ith trou!le. J-) partner is hit in the chest an" DKm hit in the
shoul"er an" the si"e of m) stomach.J 2he short man sai". J%lease $i,e us me"ical treatment an"
Vectors of Corruption
make us ,anish from the pu!lic e)e after*ar"s "ear sir.J 1e plea"e" as his arms t*itche" from
the loss of !loo"5 his forehea" *as "renche" *ith perspiration.
2he 6letcher smirke" an" $a,e out a short lau$h. JDKll make )ou t*o ,anish all ri$htLJ 1e
pulle" out a silence" pistol an" shot the short man an" the me"ium !uilt man !oth in the hea".
2he pistol onl) $a,e out a small pop from the silencer5 no one else *oul" ha,e hear" the
$unshot. J2hat takes care of them. 8o*+ $et some of m) men to "ispose of the !o"ies.J 2he
6letcher looke" at the tall man. JD hope )ou un"erstan" that )ou *ill en" up like those t*o if )ou
"onKt succee". D like )ou an" D "onKt *ant to kill )ou+ !ut if push comes to sho,e an" trou!les
start+ D *ill "o BT9C2=G *hat D "i" to )our partners there+ un"erstan"HJ
2he tall man s*allo*e". JD un"erstan" sir.J
J(oo"+ no* *e #ust nee" those $u)s "o*n at >io to take care of the e3chan$e !efore D
$et ri" of them as *ell. 2o !e honest+ D coul" care less *hether the) e,en $et Chernko, at this
point. Bither *a)+ the en" result is the "eath of them. 9n) ne*s on the fe* %.<.9. mem!ers o,er
at -o0am!i7ueHJ
2he tall man $a,e out a short smile. JD $ot them taken care of+ those !astar"s are $oin$ to
$et a nast) surprise. Dt *ill all en" in a !oom.J
2he 6letcher $a,e out a "e,ious lau$h. J(oo"+ $oo"+ D kno* that )ouKre still "epen"a!le+J
2hen he a""e". J-r. Collins.J
/ack at &#im!i 9ir!ase+ =ieutenant =iana Ea!ins an" Captain 'osh (reene *ere !oth
furiousl) t)pin$ on their computers. 2he presi"ent "i" not sen" them on the mission to >io "e
'aneiro+ so the t*o *as stuck at the !orin$ air!ase+ "oin$ nothin$ !ut paper*ork. 2he room *as
one *ith air con"itionin$+ thanks to the re7uest !) the presi"ent. Dt is mi".summer an" the
temperatures *ere soarin$ hi$h e,en thou$h the countr) *as close to the southern tip of 9frica.
<he sat $luml) in front of her "esktop computer an" close" her e)es as she reste" her fin$ers+
*hich *ere sore from t)pin$ all "a). Barlier+ the %resi"ent ha" $i,en them multiple "ocuments
in,ol,in$ the e3chan$e of !ioto3ins !et*een >ussia an" Dra7. (reeneKs #o! as *ell as herKs *as to
*rite a possi!le tactic in repulsin$ this act as *ell as *ritin$ possi!le locations for stora$e of the
>ussian !ioto3. 6or her+ this *as a time of lost sleep an" for$otten meals. <he ru!!e" her e)es
an" "rank some *ater from a !ottle near!).
8e3t to her+ (reene )a*ne". JAh m) (o"+ DK,e !een t)pin$ nonstop for three hours+ there
are o,er one hun"re" an" t*ent) locations *here the !ioto3 coul" !e store" at+ t*o hun"re"
areas of pro!a!le facilities+ an" all across ninet) or more cities. 1o* the heck is he suppose" to
make us fin" out e3actl) *hich one it is *ithout the consent *ith the >ussian $o,ernmentHJ
J9lso "o remem!er the fact that *e "onKt e,en kno* if this particular "e!acle is real or
not. %erhaps the !oss #ust *ants us to ha,e !us) *ork *hile those freaks are o,er at >io part)in$
a*a) *ith the locals5 D !et the) are lau$hin$ at us *ho $ot stuck here.J
JGeah+ !ut the %resi"ent su$$este" *e sta)+ D reall) "onKt kno* *hat for. 1onestl)+ D think
*e coul" !e of help to them in >io.J
Vectors of Corruption
J9n e3planation coul" !e that the) *ant to ha,e an operation that *as un"er the ra"ar
an" pri,ate. Df there *ere too man) of us sneakin$ aroun"+ there *as a !i$$er chance of our
co,er !ein$ !lo*n.J
JCell )ou 9>B the !est assassin+ )ou an" )our sneakin$ skills+ small si0e+ an" harmless
outlook make )ou the !est for stealth operations an" e,er more "an$erous.J
Ea!ins lau$he". J2hanks for the compliments+ D think+ !ut D !et it *as a full.on attack
that re7uire" stren$th an" $uts.J
JAh ri$ht+ )ou hate the si$ht of people !ein$ !lo*n to !its !) $rena"es an" shells.J
(reene tol" her as he leane" !ack to stretch his le$s. JGet )ou "onKt care all too much *hen
some!o") is slice" open *ith a knife.J
Ea!ins fin$ere" the han"le on her pocket knife. J&onKt make me take it out an" thro* it
at )ou. 8o* )ou #oine" the %.<.9. a lon$ time a$o. <houl"nKt )ou !e use" to this stuff alrea")H
9n" *h) "onKt )ou #ust !uil" !etter *eapons+ ma)!e then the %resi"ent *onKt make )ou "o stuff
like this.J
J<hut up+ m) *eapons are $reat. D ma"e the !est sentr) $un in the *orl".J (reene
JAh+ the &enial.6ireHJ
JGes+ an" it has hi$h accurac)+ fire rate+ little recoil+ an" no o,erheatin$.J
<he smile" an" $a,e out a sarcastic si$h. JD "ou!t it *ill e,er !e as $oo" as the (ecal 50
that e,er)!o") is usin$ aroun" the *orl". %lus+ that thin$ of a *eapon )ou create" hasnKt e,en
!een "eplo)e" in com!at+ ho* e3actl) C98 )ou conclu"e of its usefulness if it *as ne,er teste"
in the fiel". GouK,e ne,er e,en let it fire )et.J
(reene looke" at Ea!ins. JDt *ill !e use" soon+ D $a,e one to /runner an" he took
&enial.6ire to >io.J
JDt is hi$hl) "ou!te" !) m)self that the *eapon *ill see an) usa$e there.J <he !lan"l)
J<uite )ourself+ )ou 9sian Ba$le.J (reene sai".
Ea!ins smirke"+ 9sian Ba$le+ her nickname from the %.<.9. <he o!taine" it for the fact
that she *as !orn in China an" is no* in the Fnite" <tates+ thus completin$ the J9sianJ part as
*ell as the JBa$leJ part. 1er histor) at a )oun$ a$e *as m)sterious+ an 9merican 6./.D. a$ent !)
the name of &arr)l Ea!ins *as in China on a trip to sp) on the re!els aroun" the 2i!etan lan"
0ones. 2hose 0ones *ere full of a$$ressi,e an" !rutal lea"ers *ho *ill kill to suppress their
an$er. An mornin$+ near a street in Bastern /ei#in$+ the &arr)l Ea!ins ha" #ust !ou$ht coffee
from a near!) shop for !reakfast. 1e *as sippin$ at his coffee *hile *aitin$ at an intersection to
cross *hen out of the corner of his e)e+ a mo,in$ !un"le *as *rithin$ un"er a tree ne3t to him.
&arr)l Ea!ins thou$ht it *as a "o$ or cat+ !ut he "eci"e" to check an)*a)s. 2o his surprise an"
"isma)+ it *as a !a!) $irl. 1e checke" her o,er an" foun" that she *as losin$ temperature. /ein$
a person for chil" support $roups+ he "roppe" the entire mission to sen" the chil" to the Fnite"
<tates for a safe home. 2his particular !a!) $irl *as =iana Ea!ins. Ea!ins $re* up *ith an
9merican famil)+ *hen she *as )oun$er+ Ea!ins ha" small thou$hts a!out fin"in$ out *ho her
!iolo$ical parents *ere. /ut after careful consi"eration she "eci"e" to !e content *ith *hat is
a,aila!le an" $o on *ith life as it is.
1er e3ceptional skills at martial arts an" split secon" timin$ *as !rou$ht forth to
attention *hen there *as a !ank ro!!er). Ea!ins *as insi"e the !ank at the time an" ori$niall)
Vectors of Corruption
*as tol" !) her parents to Jsta) "o*n an" a,oi" the e)es of the ro!!ers.J 2he !ank ro!!ers ha" a
fe* 9E.47s an" shot$uns at the rea"). 9t the time she spran$ into action+ the mana$er *as
"esperatel) lo!!in$ cash from the safe "eposit !o3es into the !a$s pro,i"e" !) the ro!!ers. <he
mo,e" so 7uickl) out*ar"s that her parents "i" not ha,e a chance to tell her to stop. Ea!ins
rushe" for*ar" at one of the ro!!ers *ith a shot$un+ smacke" the $un from his han"+ an" then
pulle" out a knife from the pocket of the ro!!er. 2hen she sta!!e" the knife once at the le$ of the
ro!!er an" another time in his a!"omen. 2he ro!!er s*un$ his fist at Ea!ins+ !ut her short
hei$ht meant that the fist simpl) fle* o,er her hea" an" ri$ht into another ro!!er stan"in$ ne3t
to the one she sta!!e". 2he other ro!!er "i" not ha,e time to react either+ he *as 7uickl) sta!!e"
!) her as *ell. A,er !) the safe "eposit !o3es+ the t*o remainin$ !ank ro!!ers turne" aroun" to
see *hat the commotion *as. <eein$ t*o of their men "o*n as *ell as a )oun$ $irl *ith a
!loo") knife+ their first thou$ht *as to raise up their assault rifles an" fire. 9cross the tile"
$roun"+ !ullets ricochete" all aroun"+ Ea!ins ran for the nearest co,er+ *hich happene" to !e
!ehin" one of the 92-s aroun" the corner. 2he !ullets hammer the other si"e of the 92- as she
trie" to hi"e herself as !est as possi!le. 9t that time+ Ea!ins hear" footsteps an" she took in a
"eep !reath an" let it out. /oots an" $unfire coul" !e hear" as she $rippe" the knife in her small
Chat happene" ne3t shocke" the *orkers+ her parents+ an" other hosta$es in the !ank.
Ea!ins #umpe" up*ar"s as the t*o ro!!ers *ere reloa"in$ their *eapons. <he thre* the knife at
one of the ro!!ers+ it hit him strai$ht in the stomach an" he "ou!le" o,er in a$on). 2he other
ro!!er "esperatel) trie" to pull out a pistol+ !ut he *as too late. Ea!ins crashe" into him *ith her
small !o")+ causin$ the pistol to fl) !ack*ar"s an" out of reach. <he then slamme" her foot
"o*n on the most sensiti,e spot on a manKs !o")+ the ro!!er $roane" in pain. /ut the little $irl
*as not "one )et+ Ea!ins *ent on to $i,e four punches+ all "irecte" at the face of the ro!!er. 9t
the last punch+ the !ank ro!!er *as knocke" unconscious.
=ater that "a) she *as inter,ie*e" on tele,ision for the ne*s+ !ut for Ea!ins+ this *as
not the hi$hli$ht of her "a). =ater that afternoon+ a lar$e en,elope *ith an 9merican $o,ernment
postal stamp *as sent to her. <he $ra!!e" the en,elope an" tore it open. Dnsi"e *as an in,itation
to tr) for enterin$ the %resi"entKs <ecret 9rm)+ si$ne" !) the presi"ent himself #ust a fe* hours
prior to *hen she recei,e" it. Ea!ins shoute" out in #o) an" happiness+ she *as onl) fifteen at
the time+ t*o )ears )oun$er then *hen 1oll)+ /arcla)+ 6er$uson+ (reene+ or /runner *as
selecte". Ea!ins $a,e a sheepish smile as she thou$ht of the stor) o,er her hea". <he shook it off
7uickl) an" *ent !ack to *ritin$+ it *as then "i" she reali0e that (reene *as not in his seat
an)more+ he must ha,e $one to use a restroom !reak for his computer *as still on an" runnin$.
Ea!ins *as so into remem!erin$ her prou" teena$e )ears that (reene left the room *ithout her
noticin$. JAh *ell.J <he si$he" to herself.
9fter a $oo" fi,e minutes+ (reene returne" *ith a $lass of oran$e #uice. 1e *as follo*e"
into the room !) -a#or %att) AK &oole)+ *ho *as hol"in$ a ci$ar !et*een his lips+ it *as not lit.
JGou kno* -a#or+ those thin$s are !a" of )ou+ )ou shoul" tr) to s*itch to somethin$ else
thatKs a""icti,e an" $oo" for )ou at the same time.J Ea!ins sai".
AK &oole) lau$he" as he !rou$ht out a little flask+ it *as fille" *ith <cottish Chiske).
JGou mean thisHJ
Vectors of Corruption
Ea!ins moane".
J9im for somethin$ that "oes not shorten )our life. D like a $lass of *ine or champa$ne
e,er) no* an" then+ !ut ne,er har" li7uor or to!acco.J (reene sai" as he pla)e" aroun" on
(oo$le Barth to see if there *ere possi!le /ioto3 stora$e sites.
AK &oole) $a,e out a J%fft.J an" chan$e" the su!#ect. JCh) not #ust use a satellite
J&onKt *ant to !other controllin$ one *ith case.sensiti,e "ata *hen DKm half asleep+ D
shoul" ha,e $otten tea or somethin$ instea".J 1e sippe" his oran$e #uice.
JD see+ *h) "onKt )ou t*o $o an" take a !reak+ $o an" take a *alk+ $et some air+ D "unno+
#ust rela3 for a !itH Df an)one asks+ #ust sa) D tol" )ou to "o so.J AK &oole) tol" them.
J<ure+ *h) not.J Ea!ins sai".
JD *ill "o that.J (reene also commente".
2he t*o left for the ,en"in$ machines in the 1O !uil"in$.
JCell+ at least D $et a !reak from all this+ D hope D see some action soon.J Ea!ins si$he".
JD hi$hl) "ou!t it+ the !oss "oesnKt *ant )ou to poke aroun" *ith enemies ri$ht no* so all
)ou $et are ,i"eos of people killin$ each other.J (reene tol" her.
J2hanks for makin$ me *ant to shoot somethin$+ no* *h) "onKt )ou $i,e me some of
)our to)s in )our armor)HJ
(reene pause". J<top referrin$ to m) *eapons as m) to)s.J
J>eall)H 2he) are notH 9re )ou sureH Gou seeme" prett) content *ith #ust sittin$ there
an" a"mirin$ them all "a).J
J<hut up.J (reene sai" to her.
2he t*o stoppe" !) the ,en"in$ machines+ one *as for soft "rinks an" the other *as for
snacks. 2here *as a thir" one in the !ack *ith actual *eapons insi"e it. 9ll )ou nee" to "o *as
put some cash in it an" it *ill $i,e )ou a $rena"e or a stick of ")namite. Dt fascinate" man)
people *ho ,isite" the !ase an" most 7uestione" *hether it *as usa!le or not. 6or Ea!ins an"
(reene+ it *as not a necessar) act to !u) $a"$ets from a ,en"in$ machine that coul" kill people+
the onl) *eapon shop she *as e,er) intereste" in *as one o*ne" !) a *oman name" 9!!)
?(ail@ /esthorn !ack in the <tates. Dt *as a lar$e ?shop@ *ith multiple *eapons+ the usual
inclu"e": pistols+ machine.pistols+ shot$uns an" assault rifles. /ut the shop o*ners *ere all top
kno*le"$e chemical scientists *ho *ere in process to "e,elop ne* *eapons for their countr)+ or+
reall) for the *orl" in $eneral. Ane such in,ention *as a uni7ue proton.!ase" assault *eapon
that launches an intermittent stream of atoms out throu$h the mu00le. 2he protot)pe *as capa!le
of clippin$ a helicopter out of the air *ith one flash. 2hou$h still e3perimental+ the scientists
kne* Ea!ins *ell an" that she *oul" !e one of the first to test out the ne* *eapon after
o,erheatin$ measures are !alance". has once sai" to Ea!ins that the reaction itself *as of
1)"rocar!ons force.!on"e" *ith o3)$en+ thus creatin$ a com!ustion reaction. 2he reaction itself
is *hat causes a hi$h ener$) !olt to !e shot out. Af course Ea!ins an" (reene himself kne* it
*as a much more complicate" process+ !ut the t*o *ere !oth ,er) apt at tr)in$ out *eapons of
the future *hene,er the) ha" the chance to "o so.
<he smile" at the thou$ht of the *eapon. JD >B9==G hope *e $et some action soon.J
<he sai" out lou". Dt *as "efinitel) force" if an)thin$.
Vectors of Corruption
1er call *as surprisin$l) ans*ere" !) an e3plosion outsi"e near the Cestern e"$e of the
9ir!ase. 9t first Ea!ins an" (reene i$nore" the e3plosion thinkin$ that it *as #ust a "rill the
9rm) *as "oin$. /ut soon the) foun" out that it *as not an acci"ent or a "rill *hen the 9ir!ase
alarm soun"e" #ust as $unfire *as echoe" outsi"e in the *arm !ree0e. Ea!ins an" (reene !oth
rushe" !lin"in$l) to the *in"o* to see the situation outsi"e. <he cau$ht si$ht of o,er t*o "o0en
terrorists mo,in$ in from the *est. /ehin" them follo*e" multiple trucks full of e3tra sol"iers.
2he trucks carr)in$ the sol"iers *ere flanke" !) pickup trucks mo"ifie" *ith a fift) cali!er
machine$un attachments on the !ack. -en mounte" the machine$uns an" *ere firin$
confusin$l)+ !ut effecti,el)+ at the sol"iers in the 9merican !ase. 2he "ull+ Kputt+ putt+ puttK of the
roun"s ran$ 7uietl)+ )et ominousl)+ in the "istance.
<oon the t*o coul" see a fe* /-% armore" ,ehicles that traile" !ehin" the entire $roup
of trucks an" sol"iers. /) this time+ 9merican sol"iers all aroun" *ere rushin$ out in "efense of
the 9merican !ase from the terrorists. -ost *ere runnin$ a!out callin$ for !ackup or settin$ up
!locka"es an" "efenses. Dt seeme" futile. Ea!ins *atche" as a )oun$ sol"ier *as struck "irectl)
in his shoul"er. 1e tum!le" to the $roun" as another sol"ier ran out to "ra$ him to safet)+ onl) to
$et torn apart !) the mounte" machine$uns on the trucks. 2he $unners *orke" efficientl)+
menacin$l)+ hauntin$l)+ pickin$ one sol"ier off at a time.
JChat are *e suppose" to "oHJ <he sai" in a*e.
JGou *ante" action an" shootin$H Gou $ot some+J (reene shoute" as he tosse" Ea!ins a
<C9>.1 assault rifle from a near!) emer$enc) *eapon !o3. 1e himself $ra!!e" an >BC7
assault rifle *ith $rena"e launcher an" <A( si$hts. Dt *as almost funn) to see (reene carr) a
rifle. 9lmost+ !ut not 7uite.
JCe nee" to help them outLJ Ea!ins shoute" ur$entl). <ome *oul" later sa) "esperatel).
(reene 7uickl) checke" the surroun"in$s5 there *ere multiple tar$ets alrea") in the outer
e"$e of the !ase+ alon$ *ith a fe* trucks. JD *ill $o *ith the other sol"iers to help out *hate,er
possi!le.J 1e sai" as he stuffe" some me"ic packs in his pocket. JGou $o an" tr) to $et as close
as possi!le+ take out an) enemies as necessar). Df *e can all $et to m) la! *e mi$ht ha,e a
chance+ there are hun"re"s of $uns in there plus the secret room can also act as the panic room.
Ce ha,e $uns+ foo"+ *ater+ an" a ra"io insi"e.J
Ea!ins starre" at the onslau$ht as more e3plosions rocke" the !uil"in$s. 2he shortest
*a) to the la! *oul" !e to $o strai$ht across the run*a)+ !ut that meant e3posin$ herself to
"irect $unfire of the enemies+ so she "eci"e" to take a lon$er+ !ut safer roun" !ehin" the mess
hall. 2he t*o of them ran "o*n the stairs to the first floor. Ea!ins an" (reene stoo" in front of
the "oor lea"in$ to the outsi"e. Autsi"e *here $uns+ e3plosions+ screams+ an" *histles of rockets
coul" !e hear".
JCith luck+ D *ill see )ou on the other si"e.J (reene sai".
J(oo" luck to )ou too.J <he replie".
2he) !oth loa"e" put on a !elt *ith multiple ma$a0ines for their *eapons. 2hen the t*o
%.<.9. a$ents inserte" a fresh ma$a0ine into their $uns+ cocke" them+ checke" the si$hts+ an"
flippe" off the safet).
(reene+ !ein$ a hi$her rank than Ea!ins+ $a,e the or"ers. J>ea")H An three+ D *ill kick
open the "oor an" *e *ill sprint out. D *ill make for the sol"iers near the pill!o3es an" san"!a$s+
)ou make )our *a) o,er to m) la!+ D *ill see )ou there in a fe* minutes oka)HJ
Ea!ins si$he". JGes.J
Vectors of Corruption
'osh (reene checke" his rifle one last time. JAn three+ one+ t*o...J /efore (reene coul"
count to three+ an >%( rocket shell !laste" onto the close" "oor+ sen"in$ the t*o %.<.9. a$ents
spra*lin$ !ack*ar".
>io "e 'aneiro
Dt *as a !ri$ht mornin$ "a) in >io "e 'aneiro+ *orkers an" la!orers *ere #ust *akin$ up
to the earl) sunli$ht to start the "a). -ist) "e* shrou"e" o,er the cit) itself+ the !lanket $a,e a
cool+ calm+ an" $entle tin$le to the hot afternoon to come. %eople of all a$es *ere a!out outsi"e
to catch the mornin$ air !efore the sun !reaks throu$h the ha0e an" "ra$s the temperature hi$her.
2he !ellmen at the hotel s*itche" into ne* faces for the mornin$ shift. <ome *ere still
)a*nin$ *hen the) took their positions !) the "oor. 9cross the entire lo!!)+ custo"ians moppe"
the floors an" polishe" the "esks. 9 man *ho happene" to !e the hotel mana$er *as millin$
a!out !) the front "esk+ tr)in$ to or$ani0e the mess he ha" create".
9ll the *hile+ the %.<.9. a$ents *ere still soun" asleep upstairs+ curle" up in their o*n
co0) !e"s+ separate" from the shiftin$ *in"s of the outsi"e *orl". An the ni$htstan"+ the clock
ticke" on+ one secon" at a time+ slo*l)+ carin$l). 1oll) turne" in her sleep+ she slo*l) opene"
her tire" e)es an" li$htl) ru!!e" them *ith her han"s. Eaitl)n 1oll) turne" to look at /runner+
*ho *as a fe* inches from fallin$ off the !e". 1is e)es flicker as he "reamt. %uttin$ on her
slippers+ 1oll) ma"e her *a) to the !athroom+ *hich *as a near the "oor to the outsi"e hall. <he
*alke" slo*l) o,er to the sink an" turne" on the faucet. Cool+ clear+ *ater came out of the
sil,er) tap. Cuppin$ the *ater in her han"s+ she splashe" it on her face+ a fe* "roplets fle* to her
hair+ then follo*e" the silk) !lon"e stran"s "o*n*ar"s. Ane "rop slippe" to the en" of her hair
an" fell "o*n to the tile" $roun"+ then another "rop+ then another+ an" another. 1oll) $ra!!e" a
*ash.to*el ne3t to the lar$e mirror an" soake" the soft to*el in the cool *ater. <he then !urie"
her face in the cool+ "amp+ cloth. 2he fi!ers tin$le" the sensiti,e areas on her face an" ma"e her
more a*ake. <he then turne" on the sho*er+ careful as to keep the *ater cooler to *ake her up
instea" of make her sleep). 9fter a minute or so+ the *ater *as at the perfect temperature.
<lo*l)+ 1oll) pulle" off her !e".clothes an" hoppe" in+ closin$ the )ello* sho*er curtain !ehin"
Autsi"e in the room+ >)an /runner opene" his e)es+ he stare" at the ceilin$ *ith
!ore"om. <u""enl) he remem!ere" that he *as not in the Fnite" <tates+ not in -o0am!i7ue+ !ut
in >io+ the countr) *here he *as sent to in or"er to stop an ille$al e3chan$e of *eapons !et*een
$an$s an" >ussian terrorist $roups. /runner then remem!ere" also that he *as sleepin$ ne3t to
1oll) "ue to her ni$htmares. 1e turne" aroun"+ e3pectin$ to see her asleep. 1oll)Ks
"isappearance from her si"e of the !a" $a,e /runner a sli$ht shock. /ut he hear" the sho*er
$oin$ in the restroom+ so /runner *as soon !ack to his normal self. >)an /runner poppe" his
neck an" *rists then pulle" out a !ook from his !ackpack. Dt *as a cop) of 2he 'u"as (ate he
ha" !ou$ht a fe* )ears !ack. 8e,er ha,in$ time to sit "o*n an" #ust rea"+ /runner treasure"
e,er) moment a,aila!le. 9fter thum!in$ throu$h the chapters+ /runner fin"s the particular pa$e
he *as lookin$ for an" !e$an to rea". 1e ha" taken out his contacts last ni$ht+ !ut /runner "i"
not *ant to !ar$e into the restroom *ith 1oll) insi"e the sho*er+ so he put on his $lasses instea".
1e felt a smile comin$ on his face *hen he hear" the *ater in the restroom stop an" the ruffle of
plastic as 1oll) pulle" open the sho*er curtain.
Vectors of Corruption
Dn the other room+ 9n"rea 6er$uson *oke to the soun" of /arcla)Ks snorin$. 1e *as
soun" asleep *hen she $ot out of her !e" an" *alke" o,er to his. /arcla) ha" his sp) $lasses on
the ni$htstan" an" one of his han"s *as han$in$ o,er the si"e of the !e". <he smile" an" leane"
o,er /arcla). 1e t*itche" in his sleep+ !ut soon *ent !ack to his normal !reathin$. 6er$uson
tosse" !ack her hair an" *ent to the restroom. <he "i" the e3act same process as 1oll) an" *as
also in the sho*er *hen /arcla) *oke up startle". 1e #ust ha" a "ream *here he *as shot !)
someone he truste" for all his life. J(uess )ou shoul"nKt trust people.J 1e si$he" to himself.
/arcla) checke" 6er$usonKs !e"+ it *as empt)+ !ut he soon reali0e" that the sho*er *as runnin$
as *ell as the faint ,oice of 6er$uson insi"e. /arcla) remem!ere" in hi$h school+ he "i"nKt kno*
6er$uson all too *ell for she *as popular *ith e,er)one an" he *as not. /ut he coul" ha,e
s*orn that *hen he passes !) her locker an" all her Jfrien"sJ+ 6er$uson seeme" to al*a)s $lance
at him for a split secon". Ance+ she ran into him in the hall*a) in the cro*"e" school. 6er$uson
7uickl) apolo$i0e" in an o"" tone an" !riskl) *alke" off !efore /arcla) coul" sa) a *or". 1e
al*a)s ha" a sli$ht crush for 9n"rea 6er$uson e,er since the "a) she ran into him+ !ut he ha"
al*a)s kept that thou$ht to herself. /arcla) ne,er share" the thou$hts re$ar"in$ 6er$uson *ith
an) of his frien"s+ not e,en 'osh (reene+ -ar$aret Eraft+ or >)an /runner for that matter. 2he
information insi"e him *as not e,en let out *hen the) entere" the %.<.9. J6or the $oo" of
themsel,es+J *as *hat /arcla) ha" ori$inall) thou$ht of for not sharin$. Chen he *as startin$ to
*ake up+ /arcla) smelle" an o"" o"or. Dt *as not stink) or putri"+ !ut a containe" a $entle+ s*eet
smell of cherr) !lossom+ $in$ko lea,es+ an" !err) e3tract. 1e felt his cheek+ it *as sli$htl) moist
*ith somethin$. /arcla) put his fin$ers to his nose. Dt *as "efinitel) the source of the smell+ he
*as #ust !e$innin$ to *on"er *here it came from *hen he looke" o,er at 6er$usonKs ni$htstan".
An it *as a small !ottle of face.lotion. 1e picke" up the !ottle an" rea" throu$h the in$re"ients.
1e *as not surprise" to fin" that cherr) !lossom+ $in$ko lea,es+ an" !err) e3tract *ere the first
three in$re"ients in the lotion. /arcla) slo*l) put the !ottle !ack on the ni$htstan"+ *alke" o,er
to his !e"+ an" sat "o*n. 2hen he shook his hea"+ smile"+ an" ru!!e" the area of his cheek *here
9n"rea 6er$uson ha" kisse" him.
9 fe* floors !elo* the %.<.9.+ -arko Masla,sk) ha" alrea") taken a sho*er an" also ha"
or"ere" room ser,ice. 1e took out his phone+ after a fe* secon"s Chernko, picke" up.
J=ineKs secureH ChatKs the status o,erHJ Chernko, sai".
J2he tar$ets are pro!a!l) *akin$ up at the moment+ *e nee" to act fast. 2here *ill !e a
chan$e of plans.J
J9 chan$e of plans this lateHJ
Masla,sk) cou$he". JGes+ )ou $o an" sho* up to the e3chan$e+ then allo* )ourself to !e
JChat the hellH 9renKt )ou suppose" to !e on m) si"e instea" of theirKsHJ
JD am on )our si"e+ preten" )ou "onKt kno* me. 2he $u)s are plannin$ to #ust toss )ou in
a car an" "ri,e )ou to the airport. D *ill falsel) lea" /runner an" his team into a trap that )ou an"
D *ill create.J
JCill createH Ance a$ain+ isnKt it a little late to chan$e plansHJ
J&o )ou *ant to remo,e the loose en"s an" $et )our ru!) !ackHJ Masla,sk) 7uestione".
JAf course.J
Vectors of Corruption
J2hen D su$$est listenin$ to me. -ake )our men set up "efense am!ushes alon$ =e)ia
roa". 2here *ill !e lots of police escorts alon$ *ith a lar$e amount of 9rm) infantr) as *ell+ so
!rin$ in hea,) *eapons for fullest impact.J
JAka)+ !ut the roa" is a main roa"+ *e coul" kill lar$e amounts of ci,illians if *eKre not
careful.J Chernko, tol" him.
2hinkin$ !ack to *hat 8i,ea ha" sai" to him a!out "estro)in$ the hotel+ Masla,sk)
continue". JDt "oesnKt matter *hat it takes+ D *ant those "amn %.<.9. mem!ers capture" if not
J<o are )ou sa)in$ that innocent ci,ilians ha,e to "ie #ust !ecause of our faultsHKK
Chernko, aske".
JChat in the *orl" is *ron$ *ith )ouH Gou use" to kill an" slau$hter *ithout !linkin$+
no* *h) are )ou so ne$ati,e a!out itHJ
Chernko, pause" for a secon". JD ha,e a lot of m) frien"s here at stake+ 9l"olfoKs son is
officiall) m) (o".son. 1eKs onl) se,enteen. D think heKs $oin$ to !e at the e3chan$e as *ell. D
"onKt reall) *ant his son to "ie in the crossfire. 2hose %.<.9. mem!ers ha,e "ea" accurate shots5
one of them took out -a#or =a$shmi,ar at o,er fi,e hun"re" meters.J
J<o )ou are *orrie" for 9l"olfoKs sonH D thou$ht )ou "i"nKt care for an)one+ )ou
consi"ere" e,er)one aroun" )ou as e3pen"a!le.J Masla,sk) sai".
J2hat *as until D lost m) son+ he *asnKt a $reat ki"+ !ut he C9< m) chil". 9fter his "eath
D #ust lo,e" 9l"olfoKs son like heKs m) o*n. 9l"olfo himself "i"nKt treat his chil" ,er) *ell. <o in
the en" D *as the one *ho reall) raise" him.J
Masla,sk) si$he". JCell *ith all "ue respect sir !ut D "onKt ha,e time to mess *ith )our
lo,e" ones. -) mission is to ensure the sur,i,al of )ou+ not 9l"olfo or his son.J
JD $uess )ou are ri$ht. 'ust make sure )our men keep an e)e on the !o) as *ell. D "onKt
*ant an)thin$ to happen to him.J
JDKm all up for that.J
Chernko, "rank somethin$. 2hen pause" for a fe* secon"s. JGou still are $oin$ to $et me
6er$uson an" 1oll) correctHJ
JD *ill tr) m) !est+ personall)+ D *oul" ha,e to $o there+ "o the !usiness+ an" then 7uickl)
come !ack to the hotel to search 6er$usonKs $un case+ D nee" 9l"olfo or Eorolo, here *ith me if
J9l"olfoKs not $oin$ to the e3chan$e itself then+ his secon" in comman". >a$narius+ *ill
!e there to take his place+ D *ill notif) him of this.J
Masla,sk) no""e" e,en thou$h Chernko, coul" not see him. JCell then *e *ill meet in a
fe* hoursK time sir.J
J(oo" to *ork *ith )ou. -ake sure this "oes not $o !a"l) or else itKs comin$ out of )our
J8o pro!lem -r. Chernko,+ D *ill han"le the situations m)self. 2he) "onKt suspect a
thin$. DKm still someone trust*orth) to them+ the) *ill #ust fall for all m) traps.J
JAka)+ then that is all for no* m) frien".J
JD *ill see )ou soon sir.J 2hen !oth Chernko, an" Masla,sk) hun$ up.
Masla,sk) "roppe" the phone on the ta!le an" fell !ack onto his !e". 1e close" his e)es
an" trie" to $ain some ener$).
Vectors of Corruption
9 fe* miles "o*n south+ closer to the !each. 6ernan"o 9l"olfo+ 1ernan 9l"olfoKs son+
*as sittin$ insi"e a lar$e mansion o*ne" !) his father from the man) *eapons "eals o,er the
)ears. 1e *as a tall !o) of se,enteen an" in his senior )ear of hi$h school. 9lthou$h !orn in
-e3ico an" raise" in /ra0il+ 6ernan"o *as almost fluent in Bn$lish+ minus the fact that he has a
sli$ht accent. 1e learne" Bn$lish mostl) from 9merican an" /ritish *eapons tra"ers o,er the
)ears. 1is father *as a 7uiet man *ho makes 6ernan"o sho* up for his meetin$s. &ue to this+
6ernan"o has $ro*n a sli$ht hate for his father. Dt *asnKt a total hate relationship+ !ut he *as
certainl) closer to Victor Chernko, if an)thin$. 6ernan"oKs main characteristics *ere his uni7ue
!lue e)es. 2he ha" an iri"escent shine to them+ especiall) on a *arm+ sunn) "a). 2hese e)es
"re* in the attention from man) $irls his a$e. 1is !lack hair *as lon$er then most an" ha" a
matte" effect from the moisture in the air.
6ernan"o *atche" as Chernko, calle" someone on his cell. 1e $uesse" it *as pro!a!l)
Masla,sk). /ein$ onl) se,enteen+ the $an$ lea"erKs son *as "epri,e" of man) materials+
inclu"in$ a $un. 1is father *oul" not allo* him to carr) an) kin" of *eapon an)*here. Chere
e,er he *ent+ a !o")$uar" or t*o al*a)s follo*e" him aroun". 1e hate" his life+ e,er) aspect of
it. 1e hate" ha,in$ to sta) up late to finish school *ork an" *ake up earl) to ha,e to $o sell
*eapons. 1e hate" ha,in$ to replace his father in his line of *ork. 1e also hate" the fact that he
"oes not kno* *ho his mother *as. 1ernan 9l"olfo ne,er mentione" *ho his mother *as or
*here she *as. Chances are she *as #ust some $irl ori$inall) inten"e" to !e sol" that his "a"
knocke" up an" kille" after he *as !orn. 1e "i"nKt kno*+ 6ernan"o kne* himself that no!o")
tol" him the *hole truth a!out an)thin$. Chen a 7uestion *as aske"+ the response *as al*a)s
the same. JGouKre too )oun$ to kno* a!out that.J 9s for his career in the future+ 6ernan"o
actuall) *ante" to !ecome part of la* enforcement. 1e hate" the fact that he *as $oin$ a$ainst
the *ill of man) treaties an" enforce" la*s+ !ut a !o) of his a$e has nothin$ to "o a$ainst the
crime !usiness an" *ar !et*een $an$s an" the mafia. Ane "a)+ he+ 6ernan"o 9l"olfo *as to $o
a$ainst his fatherKs *ill an" re!el a$ainst his famil)Ks histor). <ome"a) that *ill happen. 1e
clenche" his fists an" slo*l) close" his e)es. <ome"a)...
/runner+ /arcla)+ 6er$uson+ an" 1oll) sat in the room+ the) *ere all "resse". 8)lon fi!er
enhance" pants+ !ullet proof ,ests+ as *ell as an ammunitions !elt. 9ll the) *ere *aitin$ for *as
Masla,sk)Ks si$nal.
JGou rea") for thisHJ /runner. 1e *asnKt sure *hat else to reall) sa).
J>ea") as D *ill e,er !e.J
/arcla) took out an assault rifle. J<o our #o! is #ust to catch himHJ
J9ffirmati,e.J /runner replie". Dt seeme" ri$ht.
J<o *h) "i" the presi"ent sen" us here an)*a)H D am prett) sure the re$ular arm) shoul"
ha,e !een a!le to "eal *ith them.J /arcla) sai".
JGou ha,e no i"ea *hat Chernko, an" 9l"olfoKs men are capa!le of+ "o )ouHJ
JD sure "onKt+ !ut not enou$h *here a fe* $rena"es *oul"nKt "o.J /arcla) thum!e" his
%%< $rena"es alon$ *ith his stun $rena"es.
Vectors of Corruption
J-ake sure )ou $ra! him !efore *e can run. Masla,sk) *ill sho* us the !est route to the
airport after*ar".J
J<o )ou t*o are the ones "oin$ all the shootin$HJ /arcla) aske" a$ain.
J2hen *h) "i" )ou $et us all these *eapons+ the)Kre pro!a!l) $oin$ to slo* us "o*n.J
/runner smile". JGou ne,er kno* *hat pro!lems *e mi$ht run into.J
2here *as silence for a fe* secon"s. J&o )ou $u)s e,er *orr) a!out "eathHJ 1oll)
su""enl) !rou$ht up. J9s in+ are )ou afrai" a!out ")in$HJ
2he $roup *as silence" !) the 7uestion.
9fter a full minute+ 6er$uson spoke. J2his mission shoul" !e an eas) one+ *e #ust $ra!
him an" $o. 8o hassle.J
/runner trie" to keep it positi,e. JGouKll !e fine+ DKll al*a)s co,er )our !ack for )ou. 2his
9E- assault rifle has a $oo" rate of fire.J
1oll) $a,e out a smile. <he turne" o,er to 6er$uson an" then $lance" o,er to /runner. JD
tol" >)an a!out *hat happene" si3 )ears a$o.J
6er$usonKs e3pression "imme". JGou "i"...J <he *as unsure as to *hat to sa).
JGes D "i"+ it hurts to remem!er the facts. /ut D thou$ht he ha" the ri$ht to kno*.J
/arcla) *as sli$htl) confuse". JChat e3actl) *as thisH DKm sorr) to 7uestion+ !ut D "onKt
kno* *hat is up.J
6er$uson turne" to*ar"s 1oll). JD think Chase has the ri$ht to kno*.J
1oll) no""e" an" looke" at /arcla). JD lost m) parents *hen D *as se,enteen+ Chernko,
kille" them an" capture" me. 2he) $a,e me pain for a !it !efore 9$ent (arrison sho*e" up an"
!roke me free.J
/arcla) no""e". 1e remem!er seein$ 1oll) !ein$ a !it upset one "a) !ack in hi$h
school+ he $uess that that mi$ht ha,e !een the reason. JDKm sorr) a!out that.J
J8o+ itKs fine+ it has !een si3 )ears+ D tr) to for$et as much as possi!le. =ife $oes on
J=ife for the $oo" $u)s+ the !a" $u)s en" up losin$ to the !a" $u)s.J /arcla) replie".
2hen their recei,erKs !u00e"+ it *as Masla,sk). JChernko, an" 9l"olfo has !e$un settin$
up shop in <lon)ia <treet 9lle). 2he mission is a $o+ D repeat+ the mission is a $o.J
1oll) replie" to Masla,sk)+ then she scanne" her e)es across the other three %.<.9. a$ents.
J=etKs $o.J
J>ea").J 6er$uson an" /arcla) shoute" simultaneousl).
Eaitl)n 1oll) turne" to*ar"s >)an /runner. 1e no""e" an" sai"+ J=etKs catch that
!astar" that kille" )our parents.J
Chile the three a$ents in >io left for their risk) mission to capture Chernko,+ the rai" on
&#im!i 9ir!ase *as on full throttle. =iana Ea!ins stru$$le" to pull 'osh (reene !ack on his feet.
2he e3plosion left multiple scratches across his face an" a small $ash on the palm of his han".
Ather than that+ (reene *as still *ell an" ali,e.
JDKm fine+ $et on *ith it.J 1e shoute" to her o,er the $unfire.
JAka)+ sorr) for !ein$ nice.J <he replie".
Vectors of Corruption
/ecause (reene took most of the !lo*+ Ea!ins "i" not $et seriousl) hurt+ her knee lan"e"
a*k*ar"l) an" *as no* startin$ to stin$. Eno*in$ it *as $oin$ to hurt an" ma)!e $et !ruise"+
she "i" not hesitate to run out of the open $ap *here the "oor use" to !e. Ance outsi"e+ she ma"e
a sharp turn an" *ent !ehin" the 1O !uil"in$. Ouietl)+ the 9sian Ba$le follo*e" the !ack of the
!uil"in$s until she *as perpen"icular to the la!. 2hat *as *here she kille" her first enemies that
"a). 2*o terrorist mercenaries "resse" in "esert com!at $ear an" carr)in$ 9E.47 rifles ran up
!et*een t*o !uil"in$s. 2he) ne,er $ot to fire at Ea!ins since !) the time the) !oth raise" their
$uns. <he alrea") ha" sent a knife into each of their necks. /ehin" her+ she coul" hear the
"istinct soun" of an >BC7+ (reeneKs+ !ein$ fire". /ut she "i" not stop to check if it lan"e" an)
hits. Ea!ins ran strai$ht to the si"e of the !uil"in$s+ she pause" to catch a !reath. 9s Ea!ins
poke" her hea" out from the si"e of the !uil"in$+ a !ullet struck the concrete+ !arel) missin$ her
hea". 2he soun" instantl) tol" her it *as a sniper rifle. 9n" the "ama$e tol" her it *as a >ussian
&ra$uno, rifle. 2he concrete poppe" a$ain as another !ullet hit. 2here *as no *a) she coul" $et
past the sniper+ unless the sniper runs out of !ullets. 2hat *as *here the smart pro!lem sol,in$
skills of the %.<.9. came in. <he 7uickl) calculate" a formula in her hea" an" fi$ure" that there
*as a!out t*o hun"re" feet !et*een herself an" the la!. Fsin$ trian$ulation+ Ea!ins kne* that
she ha" to fin" co,er an" use "ia$onal paths in or"er to a,oi" $ettin$ hit. <he cau$ht si$ht of a
!urnin$ truck on the tarmac of the 9ir!ase. J%erfect.J <he sai" to herself.
<he sprinte" out of her hi"in$ spot an" ran strai$ht for the "estro)e" truck. 9s she left+
!ullets kicke" up ne3t to her feet. Ea!ins "i,e" !ehin" the truck #ust as !ullets coul" !e hear"
hittin$ the metal hoo"+ *hich *as la)in$ crumple" ne3t to a pile of of ol" tires.
Ea!ins rushe" out once a$ain for the entrance of the la!orator) as !ullets kicke" at her
le$s. Ane mana$e" to scrape her arm as she ran past. <he looke" at the scrape. Dt *as a near miss
to flesh an" onl) a section of skin *as !rushe" off+ a small amount of !loo" oo0e" throu$h. JAh
!other.J <he tol" herself as she kicke" the "oor open into (reeneKs la!. Ea!ins reache" the secret
!unker armor) *hen (reene came crashin$ throu$h the *in"o*. /ehin" him *ere t*o an$r)
(erman shepher" "o$s sprintin$ to !ite him. Ane hur"le" the *in"o* an" #umpe" ri$ht on top of
(reene+ he stru$$le" to $et the lar$e !east off of him. 9s Ea!ins raise" her rifle to fire at the "o$+
the other shepher" spran$ into the air an" knocke" her !ack*ar"s into a pile of san"!a$s.
J(et off me )ou filth) !eastLJ <he shoute" as she stru$$le" to pull her pistol out of her
2he "o$ continue" to $nash at her *ith its lar$e teeth. <he #ust ha" enou$h po*er to $ra!
the "o$Ks neck an" hol" it !ack. Ea!ins "esperatel) $rope" for a *eapon+ her han" lan"e" on a
shar" of $lass. Cithout thinkin$+ =iana Ea!ins picke" up the shar" of $lass an" slice" it *ith
sur$ical perfection across the (erman shepher"Ks neck+ !loo" miste" out an" the "o$ fell
!ack*ar"s+ "ea".
(reene *as still ne3t to her on the $roun" tr)in$ to *restle the other "o$ off of him.
Ea!ins pulle" out her pistol+ *alke" o,er to the shepher" an" shot it in the hea". 2he "o$
"roppe" "o*n on (reene. (reene moane" an" pushe" the "o$ corpse off of him an" stoo" !ack
up+ !rushin$ fur off of his clothes.
J&amn+ D ha" "o$s+ thanks for $ettin$ ri" of that one for me lieutenant.J
Ea!ins no""e" 7uickl). JGouKre *elcome !ut *e nee" to enter the sanctum no*LJ
Dt *as then the t*o reali0e" that the 9merican sol"iers ha" fallen all the *a) !ack to the
opposite si"e of the !ase. 2he) *ere !ein$ o,er*helme".
Vectors of Corruption
JCe ha,e to help them.J Ea!ins shoute" o,er $unfire.
J8o time for that+ $et to the armor) sanctum no*LJ (reene spat out as he pushe" Ea!ins
for*ar". 'osh (reene *as a!out to t)pe in the pass*or" *hen the t*o of them notice" that the
"oor *as alrea") opene". /efore (reene coul" react 7uickl) enou$h+ some!o") !ar$e" out of
their safe room *ith a pistol an" shot (reene in the shoul"er+ he "ou!le" !ack an" "roppe" to the
$roun"+ onl) a fe* feet a*a) from the "ea" "o$s. Ea!ins 7uickl) raise" her rifle !ut it *as too
late as *ell+ she felt a sharp !lo* to her shoul"er an" the pulse of !loo" leakin$ throu$h.
=ookin$ "o*n+ it *as then that she reali0e" she *as hit from !ehin". 2he !ullet *ent ri$ht
throu$h her small frame. <he felt another !lo*+ this time to the !ack of her shoul"er5 =iana
Ea!ins kne* it *as not from a !ullet+ !ut from a tippe" "art. <he "i" not ha,e time to
comprehen" the entire situation as she "roppe" "o*n ne3t to *here (reene *as.
Dn >io "e 'aneiro+ >)an /runner an" Eaitl)n 1oll) looke" throu$h their !inoculars. 8e3t
to them la) their assault rifles an" spare sniper rifles. 2he t*o *ere in the si"e of the <lon)ia
%ark+ #ust "irectl) across the street from the alle) in *hich the e3chan$e *as takin$ place. 2he
outer e"$e of the park ha" a sparse metal fence alon$ *ith tall+ *ee") $rass. 9n) passer!) from
the street *oul" not ha,e !een a!le to see the t*o %.<.9. mem!ers in camoufla$e. Dn <lon)ia
9lle) across the street+ the =ameurtia $an$ mem!ers *ere *aitin$ near a lar$e ta!le+ there *ere
a!out a "o0en of them alrea") stan"in$ an" *aitin$. 9l"olfo an" Chernko, *ere not in si$ht.
J=ooks like tar$et 9lpha has not arri,e".J /runner *hispere" to his ra"io+ *hich *as
connecte" to 1oll)Ks+ 6er$usonKs+ an" /arcla)Ks earpieces. J9lphaJ *as the co"ename the) $a,e
to Chernko,.
JCop) that.J /arcla) an" 6er$uson replie" simultaneousl). Dt *as a !attlefiel". 2he) *ere
sol"iers. B3cept the) *erenKt. 1o*e,er+ the) *ere inserte" into a *ar0one. 9 place of 7uestion. 9
place *here none of them reall) ha" felt !efore. Dt *as ecstas).
JGou think heKll sho*HJ 1oll) *hispere" o,er to /runner as she concentrate" throu$h the
scope of her rifle.
JAf course he *ill+ that fool *oul"nKt turn this "o*n.J /runner hope" he *as ri$ht.
J>)an+ *e ha,e a 'a$uar sports car mo,in$ to )our location+ please check tar$et.J
6er$uson ra"io him from the other si"e of the alle).
J(ot it.J
2he 'a$uar pulle" up in front of the alle)*a)+ a "oor opene" an" a )oun$ !o) steppe"
out. 1e *as onl) in his teens.J
JCait+ *e ha,e a ki"+J /runner sai"+ sli$htl) surprise".
J2hat must !e 1ernan 9l"olfoKs son+ 6ernan"o. 1e takes his fatherKs place in man) areas
of *ork.J 6er$uson replie".
JCh) is that ki" hereH 9n" more importantl)+ *hat "o *e "o *ith himHJ 1oll) aske" the
/runner turne" to look at 1oll)+ the t*o *ere in a prone position. 2he) *ere l)in$ so
close that the t*o *ere practicall) touchin$. 1oll) put one of her han"s on top of the rifle an"
lo*ere" it.
JD "onKt kno*. 9n) i"easHJ /runner aske" 1oll). 2hat *asnKt e3actl) the !est sho* of
capa!ilit)+ !ut he actuall) *asnKt sure ho* to enact at that moment.
Vectors of Corruption
J8o clue+ "o *e #ust take him out like an) other enem)HJ 1oll) aske" to no one in
J1e is here to take his fatherKs place. 2hat means 9l"olfo senior *ill not !e sho*in$ up
to"a)+ "ammit.J 6er$uson sai" o,er the ra"io. JD *oul" keep an e)e on him+ "onKt kill him if )ou
"onKt ha,e to.J
2he con,ersation *as interrupte" *hen a "ark -erce"es pulle" up to the front entrance
of the alle). 9 man *ith $re) hair an" a ra,a$e" e3pression came out from the shin) !lack car.
2here *as no mistake that this *as Victor Chernko,. 1e ner,ousl) $lance" aroun" the *hole
area an" a"#uste" his suit. 9fter*ar"s four !o")$uar"s all *earin$ ur!an com!at $ear an"
carr)in$ machine.pistols $ot out of the -erce"es as *ell. 2he) follo*e" Chernko, into the
Anl) thirt) meters a*a)+ 1oll) $a,e out a small+ force si$h. 1er han" shook a little an"
she $rippe" the rifle+ menacin$l). %erhaps a little too ti$ht.
6eelin$ her $rip out of the corner of his e)e+ /runner *hispere"+ JDtKs all ri$ht+ calm
"o*n. >e,en$e is in si$ht+ !ut "onKt !reak parameters+ a$ent.@
JGou nee" not *orr) a!out me.@ Dt *as #u3taposin$. 9 !ea" of s*eat traile" "o*n the
crest of her forehea" an" skimme" her 0)$omatic !one !efore "roppin$ into the ari" soil
/runner turne" to look at her+ she *as startin$ to crin$e a !it+ an" the moisture *as
!e$innin$ to mat her !eautiful !lon"e hair+ !ut she hel" stron$.
1e $rippe" his rifle ti$hter as *ell. 2he reticule traine" on Chernko, like a perfecte"
Cashin$ton &.C.
2he streets *ere #amme" packe" from late traffic as Eraft left the precinct+ the police
officers an" the cr)in$ parents. <he ha" to skim passe" some a*k*ar"l) parke" patrol cars as
she slippe" o,er to the si"e of the street to hail a ca!. <o much for !ein$ part of the %resi"entKs
<ecurit) 9$enc). Ance insi"e+ Eraft tol" the "ri,er to take her !ack to her apartment. <he "i" not
reall) ha,e a permanent home+ it *asnKt *orth the mone). %lus+ there al*a)s *as a chance that
someone a$ainst the Fnite" <tates (o,ernment mi$ht initiate a ,en"etta a$ainst her. <he *asnKt
surprise" it hits *ere alrea") calle" on her. Dn fact+ it happene" in the past alrea").
1er apartment *as on %earson <treet. Dt *as an ol"+ minor+ an" some*hat "ilapi"ate"
,ersion of -ain <treet. 2he asphalt *as crackin$ in places *here the *ater fell in+ fro0e+ an"
e3pan"e" the cracks. /ein$ in the "o*n.point of the econom)+ the $o,ernment "i" not ha,e
enou$h e3tras to "eal *ith minor roa"s. Dn the lon$ run+ Eraft *as sent to the $hettos e,en
thou$h she *as a respecte" part of the Fnite" <tates. <he a"mits that there reall) *as not too
much to *orr) of. B,er) no* an" then there mi$ht !e a shootin$ or fi$ht+ !ut as lon$ as she has a
conceale" *eapon at all times an" "irect access to her home+ there *as little that an)one coul"
"o to her.
2he ca! screeche" to a halt in front of a tall !rick !uil"in$ . her apartment. <ha"es of
!ro*n+ )ello*+ an" moss) $reen pulse" throu$h the ori$inal re" coloration that ha" fa"e" after
the man) storms o,er the )ears. Fpon closer inspection+ one coul" tell that the moss) $reen in
Vectors of Corruption
fact *as real moss. 1ea,) rains ha" cause" !its of moss to $ro* ri$ht on the outer e"$e of some
of the !ricks. D$norin$ the outer si"e+ the insi"e *as ama0in$l) *ell furnishe". Dt *as clean an"
neatl) kept+ *ithout an) leaks or cracks. 2he "oor opene" to a comfortin$ staircase that *as
li$htl) carpete". Dt lea" all the *a) up to the top of the fifteen stor) !uil"in$+ !ut no one uses it
an)more. &ust an" "irt ha" collecte" o,er the fra)e" carpet "ue to lack of use an" maintenance.
/ehin" the ol" staircase *as the ele,ator+ intro"uce" onl) a fe* )ears a$o. Dt still containe" a
ru!!er) Jne*J smell insi"e it.
Eraft pai" the "ri,er an" opene" the "oor to the !risk air. <he coul" sli$htl) see her
!reath in the cool air. Dt *as alrea") "ark+ aroun" nine oK clock. 2he street *as "eserte" e3cept
for a fe* men near the en" of it smokin$ an" chattin$. <he *atche" as the ta3i "ro,e a*a)+
continuin$ to e)e it as it "ro,e to the corner+ turne" left+ an" "isappeare". 2he "oor on the
!uil"in$ ha" a lock s)stem that can onl) !e opene" *ith ke)s to that particular !uil"in$+ e,er)
person that li,e" there ha" his or her o*n ke). Eraft reache" into her pocket+ to her surprise+ it
*as not there. 9t first she thou$ht it *as hi""en in some pocket or her purse+ !ut after checkin$
for a fe* secon"s+ it *as then that she reali0e" that the ke) must ha,e slippe" out "urin$ the
shootin$ at the %en"ulum. <i$hin$+ the %.<.9. a$ent "eci"e" to call the lan"lor". Ance a$ain to
her surprise+ her cellphone *as not there. 9n" once a$ain she reali0e" that it *as left on the ta!le
at 2he %en"ulum+ pro!a!l) still there as the 6./.D. *rappe" up the in,esti$ation for the ni$ht. <he
s7uatte" "o*n an" !urie" her hea" in her han"s an" moane". Dt ha" !een a lon$ ni$ht+ all she
*ante" *as some rest+ !ut she coul" not e,en $et into her o*n home. 2here *as the option of
pickin$ the lock itself+ !ut she "i" not ha,e an) of the necessar) materials nor "i" she ha,e the
ener$). (lancin$ aroun" the ,acant !ack roa"+ Eraft felt alone in a *orl" of sha"o*s. Dn the
"istance a "o$ !arke"+ peerin$ o,er some of the shorter !uil"in$s+ she coul" make out the
!rilliantl) lit sk)scrapers in the !ack$roun". <he *as not in the inner cit) an)more+ she *as in
the outer e"$e+ an" she *as alone+ alone+ alone. Eraft repeate" the *or"s o,er an" o,er in her
hea". <u""enl) a thou$ht came o,er to her. Ch) not *alk o,er to the cit) "istrict an" fin" a
phone to call &imitriH 2he cit) "istrict *as onl) a fe* !locks "o*n+ it ha" lots of people+ *as
clean an" !ri$htl) lit *ith stores of all kin"s flankin$ the si"e of the roa". Dt *asnKt #ust
e3citement or a *a) to $et to &imitri+ it *as her ni$htl) safet). <he let out a lon$ !reath+ tie" her
hair up+ an" fin$ere" her pistol+ makin$ sure it *as still there. Dt *as+ loa"e" *ith hollo*.point
cartri"$es+ makin$ it ha,e hi$her "ama$e. =ieutenant 9$ent -ar$aret Eraft $lance" aroun" the
street for a secon". Dt *as e3ceptionall) "ark5 ho*e,er+ she coul" make out the *a) usin$ the
"im+ flickerin$ streetli$hts that *ere a!out to !urn out. 8o one *as aroun"+ all e3cept for the
four men on the mouth of the roa". 2he) *ere all chattin$ lou"l) an" *ere also smokin$ an"
"rinkin$. (oin$ out throu$h the mouth of the roa" *oul" !e the closest *a) to the cit) "istrict+
!ut Eraft "i" not *ant to $et the attention of a fe* "runk men. <o she "eci"e" to take the !ack
alle) instea". Dt *as e,en "arker than the roa" itself an" it took lon$er to $et to her "estination+
!ut a least she "i"nKt see an) people there. Eraft $lance" one more time at the "runken men an"
slippe" silentl) to the !ack alle). 2he alle) *as a mess+ there *as trash littere" e,er)*here.
%lastic !a$s an" ol" pieces of paper s*irle" aroun" from the li$ht *in". B,er) no* an" then a
so"a can *oul" roll aroun"+ creatin$ a metallic soun" an" scare the hell out of Eraft. <he trie"
not to !e afrai". <he kne* that "urin$ the "a)+ she o*ns the entire nei$h!orhoo" like a ha*k+ !ut
at ni$ht+ she falls Jpre)J to ni$ht stalkers like cats an" o*ls. /efore lon$ a mo,ement in a trash
"umpster cau$ht her attention. 2here *as a rustlin$ an" rippin$ soun" insi"e the "umpster. Eraft
Vectors of Corruption
put her han" on her pistol+ not 7uite turnin$ off the safet) or pullin$ it out. 1er heart *as racin$
as she hear" more relentless tearin$. 6inall)+ the thin$ #umpe" out of the "umpster an" lun$e" at
<he rippe" out her pistol an" fire" a shot. 2he silencer onl) $a,e out a small+ inau"i!le
JpopJ as the !ullet struck the thin$. Dt *as a raccoon. 8o* that she shine" the li$ht from her
pistol attachment+ the "ea" creature finall) sho*e" its face+ there *as a !ullet hole "irectl) on the
furr) creatureKs forehea"+ "irectl) a!o,e the mask co,ere" e)es. Dt *as a )oun$ raccoon+ much
smaller than the ones she *as use" to seein$. Dt *as a!out ei$hteen inches from hea" to tail. 2he
sha"o*s an" scratchin$ ma"e it more scar) than it reall) *as. Eraft put the pistol !ack in her
holster an" si$he". <he *as seein$ thin$s+ it *as #ust an alle)+ nothin$ *as $oin$ on in the alle)+
it *as #ust an alle). -o,in$ on+ she onl) thou$ht of the fact that there *as $oin$ to !e a report to
ha,e to !e *ritten #ust !ecause she fire" a shot at the raccoon. Cursin$ un"er her !reath+ the
a$ent !riskl) strolle" on*ar".
<he *as onl) a!out t*o !locks a*a) from the "istrict+ alrea") Eraft coul" hear faint
noises from people in the far "istance. <he $athere" her coura$e an" *alke" e,en faster as the
moon rose hi$h a!o,e her. 1er leather !oots $a,e a clickin$ soun" as she i$nore" the mice an"
other creatures scurr) a*a) from her. Eraft *as #ust a!out one !lock a*a) from the cit) "istrict
*hen out of no*here she hear" a sli$ht Kchink.K 9hea" of her+ !acke" a$ainst a telephone pole+
*as a suspicious man *ith "enim pants an" a #acket *ith the hoo" pulle" o,er his hea". 2he
e3pression an" his entire face *as hi""en. 1e fin$ere" his ci$arette an" #amme" it in his mouth.
9fter takin$ a lon$ hit from the ci$arette+ he e3hale"+ the smoke !ello*in$ out from his nostrils
an" mouth. Eraft pause" an" starre". 2he man turne" e,er so sli$htl)+ he ha" seen her+ there *as
no "ou!t.
%.<.9. or not+ the a$ent su""enl) !ecame a ta" ner,ous. /ut !ein$ spotte" an" !ein$ so
close to safet)+ she "eci"e" to risk the chance. 9s she *alke" past the man+ Eraft "i" not keep
e)e contact+ she stare" "o*n at her shoes an" strolle" past. 2he man let out a *isp of smoke in
her face as she *alke" past. Eraft $a,e a small si$h of relief *hen the man sta)e" put an" slo*l)
smoke" his ci$arette. <he *as seein$ an" ima$inin$ thin$s+ !ut *hat can she !lameH 2he relief
*as cut short *hen Eraft su""enl) reali0e" that she hear" footsteps+ it *as not her o*n+ it *as
!ehin" her+ turnin$ aroun"+ she sa* that the man smokin$ *as not at the telephone poll an)more+
a streetli$ht cast a $loom) *hite li$ht on the a!an"one" telephone poll. Chere the man *as a
fe* secon"s a$o+ a smokin$ ci$arette la) on the $roun"5 the small flame slo*l) !urnin$ a*a) at
its unfinishe" contents.
<he turne" to look at the si"e of the !uil"in$s+ a sha"o* "arte" out of si$ht. Cithout
thinkin$+ Eraft sprinte" on*ar"+ the footsteps continue" to follo* her as she ran *ith all her
mi$ht. 2he cit) "istrict+ her safet)+ *as onl) a !lock a*a). 2he soun" of chatterin$ people
shoppin$+ e3citin$ restaurants an" stores !ecame lou"er an" lou"er. 2he a$ent ran an" ran+
sprintin$ ri$ht o,er a mouse. 2here *as a "ull JcrunchJ an" a s7ueal as her !oots crushe" the
helpless creature. Dt su""enl) occurre" to Eraft that <1B *as the helpless creature. /ehin" her
the soun" of footsteps !ecame lou"er+ there *ere t*o sets of them no*+ !oth poun"in$ a*a) as
she "arte" throu$h the ol" street. 9ll of a su""en+ her toe cau$ht on a crack on the si"e*alk+ she
trippe" an" lan"e" hea,il) on her chest+ knockin$ the air out. 2he footsteps !ehin" her stoppe".
(lancin$ !ack+ the ominous shapes of t*o men coul" !e seen. 9hea" of her+ t*o other men+ !oth
"resse" in hoo"ies sho*e" up. <he *as cornere"+ trappe"+ trappe" like a )oun$ $a0elle !et*een
Vectors of Corruption
four lions. 2rappe" like a fl) on a lar$e spi"er *e!. 2here *as no *a) she coul" escape+ she
*asnKt sure *hat the) men *ere lookin$ for from her+ !ut she "i"nKt tr) con#urin$ *orst case
thou$hts an" scenarios. Dnstea"+ almost instincti,el)+ -ar$aret Eraft "re* out her pistol+ aime"+
an" fire".
An the <outhern hemisphere+ /runner stea"ie" his look throu$h the rifle. 2he act of
happiness an" care slo*l) "raine" from his face. 9cross the roa"+ the e3chan$e *as in full force+
6ernan"o 9l"olfo tosse" an 9E.47 on the ta!le set up. 8e3t to the rifle *as a stockpile of
ammunition an" three !a$s of *hat looke" to !e "ru$s.
J&eath to the $uar"sHJ 1oll) *hispere".
J8ot )et+ *e nee" proof+ *ait until the shipment of the "rone parts arri,e. 2hatKs the onl)
*a) *e coul" sa) that there is an e3chan$e $oin$ on.J
J<et up the assault rifleHJ
J-i$ht not !e *orth the time+ #ust keep an e)e on the !a" $u)s.J 1e shifte" his position
an" *ipe" the sniper rifle stock.
/arcla) !u00e" in. JChatKs the situationH &i" the truck *ith the "rone parts arri,e )etHJ
J8e$ati,e.J /runner si$he". JDtKs a!out ten minutes late+ if it takes an) lon$er *e coul"
!e in trou!le. 2he afternoon traffic is alrea") pickin$ up. 9n) lon$er an" it *ill !e rush hour+ the
trafficKs $oin$ to "eplete the entire process.J
JD un"erstan"+ contact me *hen it arri,es.J /arcla) replie".
2he car$o ne,er arri,e". Dt *as not too apparent to /runner an" the team *as not sure as
to *hat *as happenin$. 6ernan"o su""enl) picke" up his phone. 1e listene" *ith intent an"
no""e". 9fter the call en"e"+ 6ernan"o shook han"s *ith Chernko,+ *ho *as ner,ousl) smokin$
a ci$ar. Chernko, no""e" as *ell an" the t*o *as $oin$ !ack to their cars.
JCeK,e $ot a pro!lemL Chernko, an" 6ernan"o are lea,in$ the tar$et location+ D repeat+
the tar$ets are lea,in$ the tar$et area.J /runner shoute" o,er to /arcla) an" 6er$uson.
J<hoot them+ this is our chance. -iss it an" *e ma) not $et another. 2ake out the "ri,er
of their cars.J 6er$uson shoute" !ack.
J>o$er that+ *hat ne3tH &o *e continueHJ
JGes+ continue on+ /arcla) an" D as *ell as the police an" the 9rm) are all on stan"!). An
)our si$nal+ *e *ill #ump into action.J
JAka)+ DKm on it.J
>)an /runner looke" o,er to 1oll)+ *ho he assume" ha" her crosshair aime" at
Chernko,. JBas) Eaitl)n+ eas)+ $o for the $uar"s+ not him.J
1oll) si$he"+ JFn"erstoo".J
2he t*o of them aime" their *eapons at the $uar"s an" the $an$ mem!ers. 2he) !oth
"re* in a "eep !reath+ stea"ie" their sniper rifles+ an" fire" the shots.
9cross the street 6ernan"o *as a!out to enter his car. 1e *as "one !ein$ !osse" aroun"
for the "a) an" *as un"ou!te" pisse" off a!out ha,in$ to "eal *ith or"ers. Masla,sk) ha"
notifie" them ,ia cellphone that he is a!out to search the %.<.9. room at the hotel. 1e also tol"
Vectors of Corruption
6ernan"o that the) *ere !ein$ am!ushe". Cithout thinkin$+ 6ernan"o opene" the "oor to his car+
his "ri,er at the rea").
<u""enl)+ the *in"o* shattere" as a !ullet struck his "ri,erKs hea". /loo" spe*e" out the
other si"e an" his "ri,er fell o,er to the passen$er seat. 1e *as "ea" *ithin a millisecon".
6ernan"o "roppe" out of si$ht as more !ullets pierce" throu$h the *in"o*s. 1e *atch helplessl)
at the $an$ mem!ers an" Chernko,Ks $uar"s *ere pelte". 9ll of them "roppe" "o*n !efore e,en
ha,in$ a chance to react. Victor Chernko, sprinte" in the opposite "irection of the alle). 1e ran
out of si$ht !ehin" t*o !uil"in$s.
6ernan"o peeke" o,er the open car "oor+ all of the $an$ mem!ers an" all four of
Chernko,Ks $uar"s *ere "ea". Fnfortunatel) for him+ he *as stuck insi"e the car. 1e prepare"
for himself to !e capture"+ or at the least+ !e kille". Cith a sli$ht t*ist of luck+ the t*o people+ a
man an" a *oman "resse" in *hat appears to !e stealth suits an" hol"in$ pistols+ ran past his car
*ithout turnin$ to look to see if an)one *as insi"e. /oth each ha" a sniper rifle strappe" to their
!ack. 2he t*o of them simpl) sprinte" after Chernko, into the alle). 1e $a,e a premature si$h of
relief an" pulle" out his cellphone. %eople on the street *ere all hi"in$ !ehin" o!stacles of all
sorts. 2raffic ha" stoppe" ri$ht in front of the alle)+ ha,in$ fear that the) mi$ht $et hit. 2he
usuall) lou" street *as no* screamin$ *ith the noise of a thousan" cica"as. 8o one "are" to
e,en speak *or"s. 2hose *ho ma"e an) soun"s *ere the soun"s of fear.
6ernan"o "iale" Masla,sk)Ks phone num!er an" *aite". 9fter a fe* secon"s+ Masla,sk)
picke" up. JD ha,e searche" the %.<.9. room at the hotel *ith )our "a" an" t*o of his men as
*ell as t*o of mine.J
J<i3 people to search a small roomHJ
JDt keeps it !alance" in case there *as trou!le.J
6ernan"o coul" hear /en#amin Caters+ Masla,sk)Ks assistant+ talkin$ in the !ack$roun".
Masla,sk) spoke a$ain. JChat is $oin$ on "o*n thereHJ
J%art one of the o!#ecti,es complete. 2he) ha,e chase" Chernko, into the alle)+ heKs
$oin$ to $et capture" prett) soon.J
J(oo"+ our men are *aitin$ to am!ush them. D *ill $et "o*n there as soon as possi!le.
Gour "a" an" the others *ill sta) at the hotel room in case an)one "eci"e" to $o !ack+ for no*+
#ust keep )our hea" "o*n.J
JDKm alrea") "oin$ that. 8o* )ou nee" to $et )our !utt "o*n there an" $et Chernko,
!ack+ *h) the heck "i" )ou e,en let him sho* upH D thou$ht )ou *ere to protect him+ not risk his
JCell+ if Chernko, "oesnKt sho* up+ o!,iousl) the %.<.9. arenKt $oin$ to stick aroun".
2he) *ante" to capture Chernko,. 2hat *as prett) much *hat their o!#ecti,e *as. D ori$inall)
inten"e" for a replacement+ !ut then D thou$ht that if someone *as to replace Chernko,+ the
%.<.9. *oul" not fall for m) plans.J
J<uit )ourself+ e,er)one e3cept for Chernko, an" D are "ea"+ )ou *ere ri$ht+ the) "o
ha,e accurate aim.J 6ernan"o ma"e it as if sur,i,in$ *ithout $ettin$ in#ure" or capture" *as not
a !i$ "eal.
JD *as ri$ht an" *ill !e ri$ht+ no* $o an" make )ourself scarce !ecause D nee" to $et
there 7uickl). D am alrea") in m) car on m) *a) there to meet our %.<.9. frien"s as *ell as $ra!
Chernko, !ack.J 1e cut off the line.
Vectors of Corruption
6ernan"o shook his hea"+ si$he"+ an" tosse" the phone asi"e. 1e took a look aroun"+
people *ere still hi"in$ an" peekin$ out from !ehin" o!stacles.
Dn the alle)+ Chernko, *as runnin$ for his life+ the onl) pro!lem is+ he kne* he *as
$oin$ to !e cau$ht. Dn fact+ Masla,sk) Jor"ere"J him to !e capture". Chernko, reall) hope" that
the "ou!le a$ent kne* *hat he *as talkin$ a!out5 he nee"e" the return of the ru!) as *ell as the
"rone plane to $et !uilt. 9s Chernko, ran "eeper into the narro* alle)+ his lun$s *ere $i,in$ out
on him. 8e,er actuall) e3ercisin$+ his *ei$ht ha" risen si$nificantl) in the past )ear. 1e *as
runnin$ out of !reath #ust as the footsteps of the tailin$ %.<.9. mem!ers coul" !e hear". D$norin$
that fact+ the >ussian ro$ue tra"er continue" to #o$ out the last !it. 9s Chernko, #ust e3ite" the
alle)+ a $un stock *as s*un$ at him. Dt connecte" him ri$ht in the stomach an" he fell "o*n.
/efore Chernko, ha" a chance to $et !ack up+ he *as knocke" in his !ack *ith the same $un.
-oanin$ in pain the ol" man curse" as the attacker han"cuffe" him an" "ra$$e" him on his feet.
Chase /arcla) looke" o,er his $un that he use" to !ash Chernko,. Dt still looke" *ell an"
there *ere not an) scratches on it. 1e !le* off some of the fi!er "ust on the !arrel an" stare"
Chernko, o,er. 2he >ussian terrorist comman"er looke" him in the e)e+ !ut he "i" not speak.
/oth #ust stare" at each other. 6er$uson came up to search for *eapons on Chernko,. 6in"in$
none+ she no""e" at /arcla) an" the police officers as *ell as arm) men !ehin" them. 2he) *ere
$la" that !ackup *as a,aila!le. Df the team ha" to "o the entire operation !) themsel,es+ it *oul"
ha,e !een a hassle. /arcla) $ra!!e" Chernko, !) the han"cuffs an" *as a!out to pull him into
the transport ,ehicle+ an armore" truck+ *hen 1oll) an" /runner cau$ht up to them from the
alle). 2he) *ere !reathin$ hea,il) from carr)in$ e3tra *ei$ht. 1oll) stoppe" short *hen she
cau$ht si$ht of Chernko,+ she !acke" up nonchalantl)+ !ut e,er so sli$htl)+ !ehin" /runner.
1oll)Ks han" immi$rate" to*ar"s her holster+ !ut onl) as a $uesse" $esture.
Victor Chernko, lau$he" his 1eh.1eh lau$h. JCell if it isnKt Eaitl)n 1oll)+ the $irl *ho
J<hut up+ )ou "o not ha,e the ri$ht to talk.J /runner shoute" !ack. -a)!e a !it
unprofessional+ !ut necessar).
Chernko, smirke" an" looke" at 1oll). JD remem!ere" *hen D shot those !astar" parents
of )ours. D sa,ore" e,er) moment. D remem!ere" *hen the) screame" for merc) of )ou.J 1e
looke" at her a$ain. J/ut D #ust kille" them for the sake of it. Gou look nice. (oo" to see that )our
ass hasn4t faltere" from its+ as )ou 9mericans sa)+ Nse3iness4 o,er these si3 )ears.@
1oll) !reathe" hea,il). 9n e,er small tear ran into the corner of her e)e. Dt *as more or
less a tear of an$er+ !ut a$ain+ she suppresse" it. %ressin$l)+ Chernko, continue". JD also
remem!ere" ho* D felt )our *eakness+ )our stru$$le+ an" hear" )our screams for for$i,eness.
DtKs so comfortin$ to see others in pain *hile )ou sit !ack an" en#o) the sho*.J
1oll) !roke. <he rippe" the pistol on /runner *aist an" aime" the $un at Chernko,. 9
$ust of *in" !le* !) an" cau$ht on to a fe* stran"s of her untie" hair. <he s*ore an" #amme"
the en" of the !arrel onto Chernko, until she *as sure he coul" smell the $unpo*"er..
Vectors of Corruption
JD *ant to kill )ou !astar" so !a"l)+ m) parents *ante" onl) the !est for me. 9n" )ou ha"
to $o in an" ruin their li,es #ust !ecause of me. D *as the one )ou shoul" ha,e kille"+ not them.
Ch) must one pa) their life for the faults of othersHJ
6or a secon"+ Chernko, *as 7uite stunne" at the fact that 1oll) ha" the same thou$ht as
him re$ar"in$ "eaths for the faults of others. 1e su""enl) remem!ere" that 6ernan"o *as $oin$
into the car as the shootin$ !e$an. Con"erin$ *hether his (o".son has sur,i,e"+ Chernko, shut
his mouth.
1oll)Ks $rip on the -P pistol *as so ti$ht that the tips of her fin$ers *ere turnin$ a fa"e"
*hite. /arcla) an" 6er$uson *as unsure as to *hat to "o. 2he) looke" at /runner an" looke"
!ack at 1oll).
6inall)+ >)an /runner came up an" put his han" on the pistol 1oll) ha" raise" in the air.
JBas)+ itKs oka)+ e,er)thin$ is $oin$ to !e fine. %ut the pistol "o*n+ itKs oka).J he sai" e,er so
$entl). 2hat *as honestl) a!out as calm as he $ot in the last fe* )ears.
1oll) slo*l) o!li$e" an" !e$an lo*erin$ the $un. <he hel" it in her han" for one secon"
an" then flippe" on the safet). 2hrou$h a fe* $asps of !reath+ the $un *as pushe" !ack into
/runnerKs holster. 2he a$ent inconspicuousl) inhale" a !reath of air+ picke" up the sniper rifle
she *as carr)in$+ an" *alke" off to her /-C parke" a*a) from the $roup.
/arcla) turne" to Chernko,. J-o,e it )ou son of a !itch.J 1e pushe" Chernko, to*ar"s
the open "oor of the armore" truck as the police an" arm) !ehin" them looke" on. Chernko, *as
force" into the !ack section of the truck *ith his han"s still cuffe". 2*o policemen close" the
"oors an" locke" them as /arcla) *atche" in satisfaction. 1e came !ack o,er to 6er$uson+ *ho
*as talkin$ to /runner.
JD think )ou nee" to talk to Eaitl)n. 2hat !reak"o*n is unaccepta!le.
JD kno*+ D kno*+ !ut *hat am D suppose" to "o a!out itH <heKs the one *ho ma#ore" in
%s)cholo$)5 she pro!a!l) un"erstan"s her situation !etter than D "o.J
J'ust $o an" let her talk+ sit ne3t to her+ let her cr)+ let her rant an" "o *hate,er necessar)
to make her feel happier. Ce are mo,in$ out in fi,e minutes+ !ut )ou can use that time to at least
allo* )ou to un"erstan" ho* she is feelin$. 2here mi$ht !e somethin$ insi"e that is !u$$in$
B,en thou$h /runner kne* a lot !etter than the others as to *h) 1oll) !roke a fe*
minutes a$o+ he "eci"e" to $o alon$ an)*a). J<o *hat "o D "o+ #ust talk an" ask 7uestionsHJ
J&onKt #ust ask 7uestions+ *hen )ou are sa"+ )ou hate ans*erin$. 2he !est option is to
allo* her to sa) *hate,er she *ants. =et her $et the profanit)+ s*earin$+ cursin$+ an" hate out. Df
she cries+ let her cr). 'ust make sure )ou *rap it up in fi,e minutes.J 6er$uson sai".
JD *ill tr)+ thanks 9n"rea.J
J8o pro!lem.J
/runner *alke" off to talk to 1oll) as /arcla) slo*l) pro""e" o,er to*ar"s 6er$uson+ he
put his han" on her shoul"er. <he "i" not mo,e.
JD hope Eaitl)nKs oka)+J she sai".
JD hope so too+ it must !e tou$h losin$ )our parents at a )oun$ a$e.J
6er$uson si$he". J2rue to that.J
JChat e3actl) happene"HJ
6er$uson si$he"+ JD *ill tell )ou...J she e3plaine" the stor) on the "eath of 1oll)Ks parents
si3 )ears a$o.
Vectors of Corruption
9fter she finishe"+ /arcla) no""e" *ith crestfallen satisfaction. J9ll "irecte" from the
man insi"e the truck.J 1e looke" at the armore" truck hol"in$ Chernko,. J2he sick life of
people+ *hatKs ne3tH 2reasonHJ
Eraft struck the t*o attackers ahea" of her ri$ht in the stomach5 the) !oth "ou!le" !ack
an" fell to the $roun"+ "ea". /ehin" her+ the t*o others sprinte" for*ar" an" knocke" her
"o*n*ar"s #ust as she *as a!out to $et up. Ane kicke" the pistol out of her han" !efore she ha"
a chance to fi$ht !ack. 2he attackers pinne" her han"s an" "ra$$e" her to her feet.
2he one *ho *as smokin$ a ci$arette earlier *alke" up to her face. JChereKs the ru!)HJ
Eraft ha" a small amount of fear in her ,oice. JChatHJ
J2he ru!)+ *here is itH 2ell me the e3act location of the ru!) an" *e *ill spare )our life.J
JD "onKt kno* *hat )ou are talkin$ a!outH Chat ru!)HJ
2he man $runte". J9 $irl like )ou kno* lots of information an" )ou an" D !oth kno* it.
<o letKs $et that out or )our entire team is at stake. Gou took out t*o of our men so start talkin$.J
Fnsure+ Eraft sta)e" silent.
J&onKt *orr)+ if )ou "onKt *ant to talk+ *e can make )ou talk.J
JChat "o )ou e,en *ant from meH Chat ru!)HJ <he *as !ecomin$ sli$htl) ner,ous.
JGou %.<.9. stole a ru!) *ith $reat ,alue to the terrorists.J
JD "onKt kno* *hat the hell )ou are talkin$ a!out. 9n" D "o not e,en !elie,e the fact that
)ou arenKt part of the terrorist or$ani0ation )ourself.J
J2hatKs not part of the 7uestion+ the ru!) is of $reat importance+ tell us the e3act location
an" *e *ill let )ou $o.J
JChat if D sa) noHJ
2he men slamme" his fist into her stomach5 she "ou!le" !ack*ar"s an" hit the *all.
J%erhaps *e tr) a$ain+ *here is the ru!)HJ
JD "onKt kno*.J Eraft *as li$htl) massa$in$ her stomach. JD "onKt kno* *here it is.J she
sai" *ith a "efeate" ,oice. 2*o $uns *ere stille" aime" at her. <he ha" no*here to $o.
JChat shoul" *e "o !ossHJ 2he secon" man aske".
JCeKll #ust ha,e to tr) a "ifferent tactic. 2he) arenKt ma"e to talk5 *e ha,e to make them
Eraft $lance" at her pistol+ it *as t*ent) feet a*a) or so+ too far for her to run an" $ra!.
JAka)+ letKs tr) a$ain+ no*+ *here is the ru!)HJ the man *ho *as smokin$ earlier *alke"
for*ar" an" "re* out a re,ol,er from un"er his ra$$e" #acket. 1e slamme" Eraft "o*n on the
$roun" an" stuck the $un to the !ack of her hea"+ "irectl) un"er her occipital !one.
Eraft $raspe" the last !its of ener$) left in her5 she stare" at the pistol on the $roun". Df
there *as a "i,ersion+ she mi$ht !e a!le to $et to it in time. JCho kno*s *here it isH D !et it has
!een taken !) one of us if D am not mistakenHJ
2he man s*ore. J2hat is true+J he release" his $rip on his shoul"er+ there *as a small
JclinkJ as he "roppe" his pistol. J2ell us *here it is.J
J2ell me *ho )ou are.J she trie" to pla) alon$ for as lon$ as possi!le+ hopin$ to stall for
the perfect moment.
Vectors of Corruption
8e3t to her+ the man !rou$ht out another pistol from his pocket. /oth aime" their
*eapons at Eraft.
J2hereKs no nee" for us to tell )ou *ho *e are+ *e are #ust messen$ers+ kill us an" there
*ill !e more after )ou. -a)!e )ou shoul" ha,e cooperate" !ack the restaurant *ith m) frien"s.J
8o* that -ar$aret Eraft has fi$ure" out that the t*o $roups *ere to$ether+ she !ecame a
little !it tenser. /ut the ,eteran %.<.9. a$ent trie" to camoufla$e it as !est as she coul". J1o* are
the)HJ she aske" sarcasticall).
2he smokin$ man $ot up to her face+ in the "im li$ht+ a fa"e" scar *rithin$ itself from his
neck up to his chin coul" !e seen. 1e ha" a $rim e3pression *ith strikin$ $reen e)es. &o*n
un"er his e)es sat an as)mmetrical nose+ *hich Eraft assume" *as !roken a fe* )ears !ack an"
"i" not heal correctl). 2he man looke" a!out fift) or so an" also ha" a lar$e !ear" #ettin$ out
from one si"e of his face to the other. 2he !ush) !ear" *as enhance" further !) the tip of the
front+ *hich *as "arker an" ha" a !its of ash stuck on it+ she assume" it *as from the ci$arette.
JD "onKt take )our st)le of humor as entertainin$ or funn).J he ran his han" up the front of
her shirt. J/ut D !et )ou *oul"nKt min" #oinin$ m) frien" an" D for a little chat at our apartment.J
Eraft felt the $narl) fin$ers run up her torso+ !ut she i$nore" it. J2hat mi$ht actuall) !e a
$reat i"ea+ *e can communicate properl) correctH ChatKs )our nameHJ
2he !ear"e" man *as not ha,in$ an) of this. J<hut the hell up an" listen to me.J he
slamme" her "o*n on the $roun" an" #amme" the pistol at her hea" a$ain. J2ell me *here the
hell this "amn ru!) is an" D *ill let )ou $o off easil).J
JCh) "o )ou *ant this thin$ so !a"l)H 2ell me the reason an" D mi$ht $i,e )ou an
ans*er.J Eraft picke" herself off the $roun"+ the pistol still aime" at her hea".
J2hatKs 8A2 important to )ou.J the man shoute"+ JGou tell us the location no*+ or *e
*ill paint )our cute.ass !rains all o,er this *all.J he shoute".
JChill+ no nee" for this kin" of a$$ression.J she s*allo*e". JD "onKt kno* *here it is+ !ut
D can ask someone *here it is.J
2he !ear"e" attacker looke" at his assistant+ *ho *as stan"in$ !ack *ith a pistol aime"
at Eraft+ unsure as to *hat to "o. J(et the ,an+ *e *ill "ra$ her !ack to our apartments+J he
pause" to look at the t*o attackers that Eraft kille" earlier. J=ea,e them+ the) "onKt e3ist on an)
of the profiles an)*here+ no!o") *ill kno* of *hom the) are.J
2he other+ )oun$er man+ *ho *as *earin$ a ,est on top of a !ro*n #acket+ no""e" an"
$lance" at Eraft *ithout speakin$. 1e then ran off out of the alle) an" ma"e a left turn as he left
for the street.
Cith his assistant $one+ the !ear"e" man turne" his attention !ack to Eraft+ *ho *as still
e3actl) ri$ht *here she ha" !een since he "etaine" her. JD *oul" su$$est that )ou talk no* an"
spare the pain.J
JDKm fine *ith pain. %ain is *hat heals us+ #ust like ho* pain heale" )our scar an" )our
1e pause" an" looke" for*ar"+ !ut still ha" his $un aime" on her hea". JChate,er )ou
sa). 8o* *e #ust take )ou to our lo,el) house first+ then *e *on"erfull) allo* )ou to "ream out
*hat *e *ill "o to )ou.J
J2hatK #ust !loo") *on"erful.J Eraft trie" to continue her calmness. JD hope it isnKt that
Vectors of Corruption
J&onKt *orr)5 *e *onKt "o an)thin$ to kill )ou #ust )et.J Fsin$ his other han"+ the man
"re* up a small $un an" fire" it at Eraft. 2he a$ent felt the stin$ of the "arts from the ten foot
shot an" sa*+ throu$h her tire" e)es+ the !lack ni$ht turnin$ to a )ello* tan$. 2hen she fell on
the col" $roun"+ unconscious.
-ar$aret Eraft *oke+ "ro*se" out from somethin$. Chen she trie" to mo,e+ Eraft
"isco,ere" that her ankles *ere tie" to a hea,)+ *oo"en chair. <hiftin$ her position cause" a
sta!!in$+ thro!!in$ pain on her chest an" hea". <he moane" in a$on). Chen the %.<.9. a$ent
finall) $aine" full consciousness+ it *as then of notice to her of her surroun"in$s. <he *as in a
"ulle"+ fa"e" room. 2he carpet *as *orn an" "irt). 2he !e" *as unma"e an" ha" a uni7ue+ urine
staine" smell en,elope" to$ether. <tarrin$ across the empt) cell+ she sa* the onl) source of li$ht
*as a flickerin$ lamp that stoo" a fe* feet from her location. 2he room *as relati,el) empt)+
#ust a t*in si0e" !e" *ith a !roken ni$htstan"+ proppe" up !) a lar$e !ook. Dn front of the !e"
*as a ,anit) ta!le+ reflectin$ from the !attere"+ )ello*e" mirror *as the *in"o*. 2he *in"o*
*as co,ere" !) torn curtains that Eraft $uesse" *as !lue ori$inall)+ !ut ha" fa"e" to a "ust) $ra)
after !ein$ uncare" for. 'u"$in$ from the amount of li$ht penetratin$ throu$h the *in"o*+ she
$uesse" that it *as still "ark outsi"e. 1o* lon$ ha" she !een outH Ane hourH 2*o hoursH 2hreeH
Eraft *asn4t sure+ *hat she *as sure *as the o!,ious fact that her han"s *ere !oth tie" !ehin"
her !ack. 9 thick la)er of "uct tape $lue" her *rists to the !ack of the hea,) chair. <he trie" to
mo,e her han"s+ !ut the) *ere stuck fast an" so *ere her le$s. 9fter feelin$ a!out for a fe*
secon"s+ Eraft finall) trie" con#urin$ up *hat ha" happene". <he remem!ere" $ettin$ hit in the
!ack of the hea"+ thus the thro!!in$ stin$. <he also remem!ere" !ein$ "ra$$e" into a ,ehicle of
some sort. 9n" she picke" up !its an" pieces of the ri"e. /ut other than that+ Eraft ha"
completel) lost thou$ht of *hat ha" happene".
<he slo*l) t*iste" to see if the "uct tape coul" !e un*oun". 8o luck+ it *as triple
la)ere" an" *as tie" *ith a !unch of knots an" t*ists+ she $uesse" that it *as also not #ust one
piece of tape+ !ut a lar$e clump of them intert*ine" to$ether. 9s Eraft tu$$e" on the !in"s+ she
su""enl) reali0e" somethin$5 &imitri. Chere *as he atH &i" he e,er fin" out a!out herH 9
su""en *a,e of ner,ous thou$hts rushe" across her hea". <he *asn4t e,en sure *here she *as.
Coul" &imitri e,er fin" her *ithout kno*in$ her locationH 9$ain an" a$ain+ more an" more
"ou!ts shot throu$h. Dt spran$ a trap in her hea" an" she curse". /ut it *as one fille" *ith
ner,ousness+ not one *here she *as frustrate". 'ust then+ the "oor to the room opene". 2he man
*ith the !urnt !ear" came in+ she coul" #ust make out that he *as carr)in$ a small !o3 in his
han". Fpon closer inspection+ it *as e,i"ent to her that the !o3 *as ,er) small+ a!out the si0e of
a "eck of car"s. Eraft straine" to see *hat *as $oin$ on *hen the man *alke" up an" spoke.
?(oo" to see )ou a*ake+ no* let4s see if )ou are a !it more responsi,e after )our !eaut)
?<hut up+ no* *here the hell am DH@ she shoute" into his face.
?Calm it $irl+ *e are #ust at an ol" apartment !uil"in$. &on4t *orr)+ the ,ie* isn4t too
$reat+ !ut )ou *ill like it here.@
Eraft felt a sli$ht sta! of pain *hen the man ran his han" across the sore in a!o,e of her
chest. <he *as sure the "art ha" left a nice re" s*ollen "ot on her skin.
Vectors of Corruption
?2ell me *here D am an" ma)!e cooperation *ill !e accepte". Ather*ise+ it is #ust an
impossi!le compromise.@ Eraft ha" a small trem!le in her ,oice+ !ut she retaine" it as !est as
2he !ear"e" man smile"+ ?Gou are in &.C. still+ #ust on the outer e"$es of the cit).@ 1e
*alke" o,er to open up the fra)e" curtains. Autsi"e in the "istance+ the $lo*in$ sk)scrapers
coul" !e seen. ?2here+ )ou $ot *hat )ou *ant+ no* tell me *hat D *ant.@ he sai" *ith impatience
in his ,oice.
?Ane more thin$.@ <he coul"n4t hi"e the sli$ht tremor in her ,oice. ?Cho are )ouH 9n"
*hat "o )ou C982 from meH@ there *as "efinite fear *hen she sai" those *or"s. /ut e,er so
9cross the room+ the man pulle" the curtains !ack to$ether an" sat on the !e". ?D am in
no li!ert) to tell names+ especiall) to people like )ou.@ he $a,e her a sco*l. ?/ut most call me
6rost.@ he $runte". ?9n" D nee" )ou to tell me *here the ru!) is.@
Eraft si$he"+ ?D "on4t kno*.@
6rost "roppe" out of his ?nice@ trance an" kicke" off the !e". 1e strolle" o,er to Eraft
an" retrie,e" his !o3. <he sa* that it *as a ci$arette pack. 6rost then pulle" out one of the
ci$arettes an" lit it *ith a li$hter that materiali0e" from his pocket. 1e sucke" on the ci$arette+
inhalin$ the to3ic fumes+ then he reache" o,er an" #amme" the !utt into Eraft4s neck. <he crie"
out in surprise an" a$on). 2he !urnin$ ci$arette left a re""ish spot on her "irectl) un"er her chin5
she coul" #ust make it out from the staine" mirror. /ut !efore Eraft coul" react+ 6rost ha"
#amme" it a$ainst the e"$e of her forehea". Dt stun$ !ut she *as traine" to hol" out. <o she #ust
0ippe" an" let it happen. 9fter a fe* secon"s+ 6rost $ot tire" of the ?$ame@ an" "roppe" the !utt
into an empt) trashcan. 2hat *as *hen the other man that *as *ith him+ *alke" into the room.
1e *as much )oun$er an" ha" no !ear"+ the onl) hair *as a patch*ork of re"s an"
!ro*ns that stretche" o,er his hea". <lo*l) he !rou$ht out somethin$ from his pocket+ a small
kitchen knife+ the t)pe use" to slice fruits on the counter. Eraft coul" see the shin) tip $listen in
the "im li$ht. <he coul" almost feel it !ein$ use" to slice her throat *hen the )oun$er man
han"e" it to 6rost. /ut instea" Eraft #ust $a,e out a cou$h.
J&onKt *orr)+ *e *onKt *e hurt )ou 7uite )et+ D *ill $i,e )ou ten minutes to tell us the
location of the ru!) !efore *e enact.J 6rost sai".
-ar$aret Eraft *ince" at the thou$ht. 1onestl) she has a!solutel) no i"ea *hat 6rost *as
talkin$ a!out. &i" the) fin" the *ron$ personH Ar *as it #ust somethin$ she ne,er kne* a!out.
<u""enl) she thou$ht of &imitri a$ain+ !ack at the restaurant. 1e *as $oin$ to tell her somethin$
important5 she remem!ere" scol"in$ him for *aitin$ till after "inner. 8o* there *as re$ret
insi"e her. &i" the ru!) ha,e to "o an)thin$ *ith *hat &imitri *as $oin$ to tell her !ack at 2he
%en"ulumH Cil" thou$hts !e$an racin$ throu$h her hea" as she prepare" to *hat *as to happen
ne3t. 2o tell the truth+ Eraft kne* that she *as ha,in$ trou!le at hi"in$ her fear+ she ne,er
e3pecte" to !e knocke" unconscious. Ari$inall)+ she *as $oin$ to *ait for the opportunit) to
escape *hen her captures *erenKt pa)in$ attention. 2ime tick "o*n to the last minute an" she
still hasnKt thou$ht of somethin$ to sa) )et. <he simpl) stare" at the *orn curtains+ the !e"+ an"
the t*o men in the room. 2he )oun$er man still ha" not talke" since she sa* him+ he pulle" out a
!ottle of somethin$+ Eraft assume" it *as !eer+ an" poppe" the cap off.
9s the )oun$er man *as a!out to take a sip+ 6rost shoute" at him. J&ecker+ stop *ith the
li7uor+ "rop it an" help me out.J
Vectors of Corruption
2he )oun$er man+ &ecker+ instantl) "roppe" the !ottle of !eer on the $roun". Dt hit the
carpet+ turne" o,er+ an" the alcohol spille" onto the *orn fi!ers.
J8o* look *hat )ouK,e "one+ clean this mess up *ith a ra$ an" help me $et a *or" out of
this fool.J 1e stare" at Eraft an" pulle" out the knife a$ain.
Cithout hesitation+ &ecker 7uickl) left the room. 9 fe* secon"s later+ he returne" *ith a
cloth in his han". 6rom *here Eraft *as sittin$ she coul" see that the cloth *as a !ran".ne* one.
Dt *as so ne* in fact that it *as still insi"e the plastic *rappin$ that hel" it !efore. -a)!e it *as
the fact that the ra$ *as insi"e the plastic or some other ran"om thou$ht+ !ut Eraft coul"nKt help
$i,e out a small lau$h at ho* out of place the ne* piece of cloth seeme" in this ol" an" "irt)
&ecker *ent to *ork openin$ up the plastic an" pullin$ out the ne* piece of cloth. 1e
$in$erl) "a!!e" it a$ainst the section of carpet *here the !eer ha" spille" onto. 9t this point+ it
*as soake" completel) throu$h an" e,en after tr)in$ *ith all his mi$ht at scru!!in$+ there *as
still a stain left o,er.
J(o" "amn+ canKt )ou "o an)thin$ correctl) )ou !astar".J 6rost shoute" as the room
!e$an to reek *ith a mi3ture of alcohol an" urine.
Eraft crunche" her nose an" *atche" the e,ents pla) on.
&ecker looke" up *ith his !ro*nish e)es. 2hen he spoke for the first time since Eraft
sa* him. J<ir+ D am "oin$ *hat )ou tol" me to "o. 8o* if )ou *ant to tell me to "o somethin$
else+ feel free to "o so.J
2hose *or"s cause" a spark insi"e 6rost. 1e spran$ up an" pace" himself o,er to &ecker.
6rost thre* "o*n a har" punch on &eckerKs !ack+ the )oun$ man "ou!le o,er an" lan"e" face.
first in the *orn carpet. 9s &ecker *as a!out to $et !ack up+ 6rost slamme" his fist "o*n on his
!ack a$ain. Eraft looke" at the entire scene+ stunne". 6rost notice" her $a0e" an" stare" !ack at
her. JD *ill "eal *ith )ou later+ "onKt )ou $o an)*hereLJ he shoute".
Eraft tu$$e" on the "uct tape !in"s+ the) *ere still ti$ht an" in place+ she *asnKt $oin$ to
$o an)*here an)time soon.
-ean*hile+ the in,esti$ation of the "eaths of t*o men in an alle)*a) near -ain <treet
continues. 6./.D. an" police alrea") ha" JCautionJ tapes *rappe" all aroun" the area. 9 "o0en
police cars alon$ *ith half a "o0en !lack <FVs !locke" the entr).*a) to the alle). 8e* stations
an" camera cre*s for the stations *ere !us) at *ork on the opposite si"e of the street. Dn the
"istance a "ark -erce"es./en0 "ro,e closer to the site. 2he !lack car stoppe" at the cur! an"
&imitri came out. 1e *alke" o,er to the site+ no* fille" *ith police an" 6./.D. a$ents all runnin$
a!out. 9n officer sa* him an" came o,er to &imitri. /efore the officer coul" "en) his access+
&imitri flashe" him his %.<.9. !a"$e. Dnstantl) the officer no""e" an" unhooke" a section of the
caution tape to let them throu$h.
JChat happene"HJ &imitri aske".
J8ot sure )et+ !ut there are t*o $u)s "ea" at the mouth of this alle)*a). %ro!a!l) !een
there for a fe* hours. 9 car that *as "ri,in$ !) sa* them an" calle" us.J
J9n) si$n as to *hat happene"HJ
J<hootin$+ the *eapon is a ne* stan"ar" /eretta -P pistol.J
Vectors of Corruption
&imitri flinche" an" felt his o*n -P in his pocket. J1a,e )ou ma"e i"entifications on
the "ecease"HJ
JFnfortunatel)+ *e searche" them an" foun" no papers or an) le$al "ocuments or
i"entification car"s. 9ll *e foun" are a fe* "ollars4 *orth of ci$arettes an" a !unch of pocket
chan$e. 2he $u)s are pro!a!l) $oin$ to run an autops) an" $et a &89 test to see *ho those t*o
are.J the officer no""e" o,er to the t*o "ea" men+ *ho !oth ha" a chalk outline" aroun" the
locations the) fell on.
J9n) si$n as to *hat happene" here other than the fact that it *as a shootin$HJ
J8ot that *e coul" tell.J 2he officer scratche" at his han". J9s far as *e kno*+ the
shooter is still out there. Ce "i" fin" a serial num!er on the pistol as *ell as some fin$erprint
marks on it. /ut *e nee" to $o !ack to sen" those to the la! for further i"entification. Chances
are+ *e *ill fi$ure out *ho it is !) this e,enin$.J
&imitri checke" his *atch5 it *as alrea") t*o oK clock in the mornin$+ almost fi,e hours
since the restaurant inci"ent. Call himself paranoi"+ !ut he !e$an ha,in$ secon"ar) thou$hts. &i"
this shootin$ an" the restaurant inci"ent ha,e an)thin$ in commonH 9re the t*o cases
connecte"H 1e *asnKt sure as to *hat *as $oin$ on+ !ut he kne* that he shoul" at least help out.
JChatKs there that D can "o to helpHJ he aske" after a fe* secon"s.
JCell+ )ou coul" talk to the ne*s $u)s.J the officer $lance" across the street at the ne*
stations+ *aitin$ to sei0e the opportunit) to inter,ie* someone. J/ut unless )ou *ant to talk+ DK"
sa) *e are prett) much *rappe" up in this mess. <houl" !e "one in less than thirt) minutes+ )ou
mi$ht as *ell $o home an" $et some sleep+ *h) are )ou up so lateH Gou $u)s "onKt nee" to take
the ni$ht shift.J
2o &imitri+ it *as an interestin$ "ilemma+ althou$h the %resi"entKs <ecret 9rm) *as
suppose" to !e secret+ most $u)s kno* of their or$ani0ationKs e3istence+ !ut as far as most people
kno* of+ the %.<.9. is nothin$ $reater than the C.D.9. or 6./.D. 1e kne* that crime scene
in,esti$ations are not out of his le,el of kno*le"$e+ !ut terrorist acti,ities are a more persistent
2he officer *a,e" his han" in front of &imitriKs face. J1e)+ )ou oka)H &onKt )ou ha,e to
$o some*hereHJ
&imitri su""enl) snappe" out of his "a)"ream an" remem!ere" *here he *as $oin$.
JGes+ D "o ha,e to $o some*here.J
J-i$ht as *ell $o no*.J the officer checke" his *atch+ !efore the ne*s stations come
s*armin$ in like !ees to hone).J
&imitri !i" the officer $oo" luck an" left for his -erce"es+ he $ot into the front seat an"
put his ke) into the i$nition. 9fter a fe* secon"s of stretchin$+ he !uckle" the seat!ealt an" took
one last look at the in,esti$ation+ the caution tape+ an" the officer+ *ho ha" !usie" himself to
callin$ someone on the ra"io. 9fter*ar"+ he "ro,e off+ the car $i,in$ a small hum as it spe" off
into the street.
-ean*hile in >io+ /runner an" the team $athere" up materials for the route to the
airport. 9cross the street+ a lar$e amount of police officers *ere shoutin$ throu$h their ra"ios
tr)in$ to $et the streets to !e cleare" an" altere". %eople from the surroun"in$ shops *ere
Vectors of Corruption
peakin$ at out from !ehin" counters+ o!,iousl) intereste" in the situation $oin$ on !efore them.
<ome ha" the luck to catch si$ht of Chernko,4s !eat."o*n #ust a fe* minutes a$o *hile other
#ust #oine" in from all the e3tra commotion. 9s the cro*" thickene" aroun" the team an" the
arm)+ the police actuall) ha" to $et off their feet an" hol" !ack the cro*". 9 mi""le.a$e"
policeman *ith a thick+ furr) mustache shoute" to the $roup in %ortu$uese+ he then calle" his
assistant+ a lean man *ith !ro*n ")e" hair+ to help him out. Chen the t*o officers !e$an to push
!ack a cro*" a*a) from the street to open a route+ 1oll) strolle" up ne3t to /runner. <he si$he"
an" $entl) "u$ her han" into his shoul"er.
?D ha,e a !a" feelin$+ almost as if it an une,entful premonition is a!out to occur.@ she
?%ro!lems occur *ith e,er) perfect plan. B,en the most appreciate" an" accepte" course
of action still is speckle" *ith fla*s an" errors.@ /runner tol" her.
1oll) let her han" slip from his shoul"er5 it caresse" the fi!ers of his !ullet.proof ,est as
it sli" "o*n. ?Chat happens no*H@
?2he four of us an" the police an" militar) escorts *ill make our *a) to the airport+
*here *e *ill meet up *ith an" the others to take Chernko, !ack to the states. Dt4s a simple
matter reall)5 the most ner,e.rackin$ part is the actual route to the ren"e0,ous point.@
?8o+ D mean+ *hat happens to us after*ar"sH@
?Ce sta) to ten" a "ru$ relate" $an$ operation.@
?-ore "a)s in this forsaken place+ #ust *hat one nee"s to keep one4s self in honor an"
?2rust an" honor nee"s to !e $aine"+ )ou can4t #ust trust someone #ust !) lookin$ an"
meetin$ them.@
1oll) put her han" on his shoul"er a$ain. ?D truste" )ou from the start+ "oes that mean D
shoul" stop an" reconsi"erH@
?Dt all "epen"s on ho* one person *orks. Df )ou !elie,e that D+ >)an /runner+ am
trust*orth)+ then !) all means+ $i,e in to trust. /ut if )ou think D nee" areas that re7uire
impro,ement+ then that *ill also allo* )ou time to $ain that trust.@
?Chat a!out 9n"rea an" Chase+ the) seem to en#o) each other4s presence 7uite nicel)+
are the) suppose" to trust one anotherH 9re *e suppose" to trust themH@
?Gou ask a lot of 7uestions Eaitl)n+ )ou are "eeper than the e)e can see.@
?/ut D am not *orrie" a!out me+ !ut )ou. &on4t )ou un"erstan" hereH@
/runner smile". ?D appreciate that+ )ou seeme" to consist of a lo$istical )et still recepti,e
st)le for me. /ut "on4t *orr) 9$ent 1oll)+ D *ill !e fine. 'ust *atch )our !ack+ an" D *ill *atch
?>)an+ am D suppose" to like this i"ea of primar) approach to*ar"s )ouH@
?Ds that )our *a) of askin$ *hether )ou are suppose" to lo,e me or notH@
?%ossi!l).@ <he stoppe"+ ?Ges.@
?Df )ou think D am *orth) of !ein$ lo,e" !) a person like )ou+ then that ans*er is a
"efinite )es. /ut+ if )ou think )ou are !etter off *ith a man that is of a safer "ecent+ then that is
)our choice as *ell.@
1oll) seeme" confuse". ?Chat e3actl) "o )ou mean !)+ a man of safer "ecentH@
?Eaitl)n+ D am a sp)+ secret operati,e+ an" an assassin traine" to kill+ sooner or later there
*ill !e someone after to $et me !ack for all these )ears of entit) remo,al.@
Vectors of Corruption
?9n" D am not an) of the a!o,eH@ 1oll) aske".
?Gou ha,e )our !eaut) an" $entleness to mask )our po*erful presence5 D "o not ha,e that
option to "o so. 2he a$$ressi,e "isposition locke" insi"e Eaitl)n 1oll) is a *orth the !reath of a
thousan" "ra$ons+ )et it is locke" all insi"e a *omen of !eaut)+ kin"ness+ respect+ an" care.@
/runner cou$he"+ en"in$ his short rant.
1oll)4s mouth curle" up*ar"s in a sli$ht smile+ it *as /runner si$n of success. ?=ooks
like some!o") has "one his research.@ she sai" *ith minute amounts of intimate closeness.
?Fnfortunatel)+ research onl) lasts so lon$. Coul" )ou rather rea" a!out the moon online
or *oul" )ou rather *alk on itH@
?>esearch is from the safet) of )our surroun"in$s+ the actual "eal of $oin$ on the #ourne)
to the o!#ecti,e itself is a "an$erous one.@ 1oll) pointe" out.
?/ut *ith a person+ is it all that "ifferentH@ /runner aske"+ ?>ea"in$ a!out )ou makes
)ou seem like an) other secret operati,e+ !ut actuall) meetin$ )ou in person $i,es a *hole ne*
aspect a!out )our life. Chen the) ask *ho Eaitl)n 1oll) is+ the response is all the same+ the
!eautiful $irl on the team that has *hat e,er) man on this earth is lookin$ for. Get meetin$ )ou in
person+ D can safel) sa) that she is person of not onl) !eaut)+ !ut compassion an" trust.@
?2rust.@ 1oll) mouthe" the *or"s.
?2rust.@ /runner replie".
2he) hel" each others han"s for one secon"+ completel) i$norin$ the s*armin$ cro*" aroun"
them. 2he t*o coul" ha,e sta)e" there for the rest of the "a) if it *ere not for one of the officers
shoutin$ o,er to them that the route *as cleare"+ open+ an" rea") to transport Chernko,.
?Aff to *ork a$ain.@ /runner si$he".
?2he route to "estructionH@
?8o nee" to the call it that 7uite )et.@ 1e pulle" up his assault rifle an" flun$ it o,er his
2he t*o of them 7uickl) scram!le" an" foun" their /-Cs parke" near the front of the
con,o). 2he front of the operation *ill !e spearhea"e" !) a "o0en police cars follo*e" !) a t*o
militar) 1ummers *ith mounte" machine$uns. &irectl) !ehin" the t*o 1ummers follo*e"
/runner an" 1oll)4s pitch !lack /-Cs. 2a$$in$ !ehin" them *as the lar$e armore" truck that
hel" Chernko,+ *ho *as no* !oun" to a chair an" $uar"e" !) half a "o0en militar) sol"iers. 2he
line after the armore" car consiste" of more police cars an" militar) support ,ehicles. 2*o lar$e
trucks fille" *ith top honor militar) sol"iers fell after the police cars. 2railin$ !ehin" the entire
con,o) *as 6er$uson an" /arcla)4s /-Cs+ still sleek in the "ust) con"itions.
/runner $ot into his /-C an" close" the "oor. 1e turne" the i$nition an" pushe" to
"ri,e. 1e took a "eep !reath an" let the air slo*l) si$h out of his nostrils. 1oll) came o,er to his
car+ she smile" an" /runner rolle" "o*n the *in"o*.
?(oo" luck.@ she 7uietl) sai".
?Gou too+ sta) in ra"io contact5 D *ill see )ou once *e hit the airport.@
?Chere is Masla,sk)H D ha,e lost contact *ith him e,er since this reall) last ni$ht.@
/runner checke" his phone an" "iale" Masla,sk)4s num!er. 2he line !eepe" for a fe*
secon"s an" then *ent "ea". ?=ooks like some!o")4s not in a moo" to ans*er 7uestions. Ce *ill
stick *ith the plan5 he shoul" ha,e scoute" a $oo" route for us to take. Ance *e hit the thir"
intersection+ he shoul" !e there to meet us an" $ui"e us on.@
Vectors of Corruption
?D $uess so.@ she $a,e him a kiss on the forehea". /runner felt the soft lips on his !ro*.
1e smelle" the faint perfume of lilies an" roses that 1oll) ha" spra)e" as she pushe" !ack an"
left for her /-C. >)an /runner *atche" as 1oll) entere" her car+ he *atche" all the *a) until
she close" her "oor an" starte" the i$nition. 2hen /runner rolle" up the *in"o* an" !lare" his
horn three times+ the si$nal to $et $oin$+ an" the entire con,o) of assorte" ,ehicles !e$an
mo,in$ of in or"ere" unison.
2hree intersections "o*n+ -arko Masla,sk) sat *aitin$ in his $ra) -erce"es./en0. 1e
ha" #ust $otten *or" that the con,o) *as startin$ to mo,e. 9fter scoutin$ for the entire "a)+ he
has foun" a route that *oul" lea" the entire $roup into a "eath trap set up !) his small team+
Chernko,4s men+ an" 9l"olfo4s $an$ mem!ers. 1is $oal *as to lea" the lar$e con,o) of ,ehicles
into a choke point. 2ake out the militar) ,ehicles+ an" $ra! Chernko, !ack *hile still tr)in$ to
catch Eaitl)n 1oll) an" or 9n"rea 6er$uson for Chernko,. 6or him+ the secret ?stin$@ operation
*as a risk) one. 2his inclu"e" ha,in$ ei$ht million "ollars at stake+ a fe* hun"re" ci,ilians at
stake+ an" his part in the *hole scheme at stake. Df he *as to fail at his task+ then 8a#a 8i,ea
*oul" most likel) fin" a man to hunt him "o*n. Df e,er)thin$ $oes accor"in$ to plan+ then he
*oul" recei,e his mone)+ an" $et the respect from 8i,ea an" Chernko, alike. Af course+
Masla,sk) kne* that he *oul" !e proclaime" as a fe"eral enem) !) the %resi"ent of the Fnite"
<tates. 1o*e,er+ the *innin$s for the "ark si"e *ere more *orth) an" massi,e. Masla,sk)
kno*s that as lon$ as he "oesn4t !reak his co,er an" allo* the %.<.9. to fi$ure out his status+ he
*ill ha,e a chance. <lo*l)+ the man *ith a chan$e" status shifte" to "ri,e an" the -erce"es
roare" into life #ust as /runner4s /-C *as a!out to pass the first intersection.
>)an /runner *as in a state of hei$htene" sensi!ilit). 9ll of his senses *ere tune" to the
sli$htest mo,ements as the thir" intersection *as passe". Masla,sk) an" his $ra) -erce"es./en0
mo,e" ahea" in front of him an" he tol" e,er)one on the ra"io to follo* the -erce"es. Cithout
o!li$in$+ he follo*e"+ i$norin$ completel) the fact that he *as hea"in$ off course from the route
to the airport.
9fter ten more minutes of "ri,in$+ it su""enl) occurre" to /runner that somethin$ *as
*ron$+ the) *ere suppose" to make a ri$ht turn half a mile a$o. /ut instea"+ Masla,sk) ha" ma"e
a left. 1e trie" to ra"io e,er)one !ut all he ha" *as static. Checkin$ his phone+ /runner also
foun" out that it ha" no ser,ice. =ookin$ outsi"e+ he sa* that the team *as pinne" !et*een a ro*
of ol"+ tall+ an" "irt) apartment !uil"in$s to the left. 2o the ri$ht *as an ol" park that *as
o!,iousl) uncare" for. (rass *as !al" aroun" poles *here "o$s ha,e urinate" for "eca"es. 2rees
*ere either ")in$ or "ea". 9 lar$e+ ol"+ "ea" oak in the center of the small park ha" a
*oo"pecker peekin$ out from a hole it ha" "rille" for *ho kno*s ho* lon$. 9n" the once
!eautiful flo*er !e"s *ere replace" !) ,ines+ *ee"s+ an" "an"elions. 2o top thin$s off+ some of
the $rass on the une,en ri"$e reache" almost three feet in hei$ht.
/runner rolle" "o*n his *in"o*+ stuck his han" out+ an" motione" for e,er)one to stop.
Dn less than a secon"+ the mi$ht) con,o) $roun" to a halt. >)an /runner opene" the "oor an" $ot
out of his car. 1oll)+ most of the police+ an" sol"iers !ehin" him "i" the same.
?Chere e3actl) are *eH@ /runner finall) poppe" the 7uestion !efore someone e,en
!other ask *h) the) stoppe".
?Cell+ accor"in$ to m) kno*le"$e of these streets+ *e are ten miles south of our
"estination.@ one of the officers sai" in a %ortu$uese accent.
Vectors of Corruption
?<o *h) the hell are *e not *here *e are suppose" to !eH@ 1oll) aske" *ith a hint of
anno)ance in her ,oice.
/runner turne" aroun" #ust as Masla,sk) opene" the "oor an" came out.
?<ir+ *here e3actl) are *eH@ /runner aske" Masla,sk) suspiciousl).
?Bn.route to the airport+ isn4t that *ere *e are suppose" to $oH@
?D $et that part. 2he onl) 7uestion is *h) )ou turne" left instea" of ri$ht half a mile a$o
?2oo much traffic+ D scoute" the roa"s earlier an" D learne" that the most "irect roa" *ill
al*a)s !e clo$$e" aroun" this time of "a). Dt *oul" ha,e taken at least another hour an" a half to
$et to the airport.@
?Ce are off course an" )ou ne,er ans*ere"+ *h)H@
Masla,sk) pause"+ ?%ro!lem CaptainH Gou al*a)s seem to *ake up on the *ron$ si"e of
the !e".@
?Chat the heck is $oin$ on hereH@ /arcla) shoute" as he ran up.
?-isse" a turn *e *ere suppose" to take half a mile !ack.@
?Can4t )ou un"erstan" that *e are ha,in$ a traffic #am on the re$ular routeH@ Masla,sk)
shifte" his *ei$ht.
?Cell aren4t )ou the one *ho *as suppose" to make sure the routes are clear !efore CB
arri,e on the sceneH@
?<ome thin$s are #ust !etter *hen "one "ifferentl).@
?=ike *hatH@ /runner 7uestione".
?=ike this+@ Ma,sla,sk) snappe" his fin$ers an" 9l"olfo4s $an$ rushe" out from !ehin"
the co,er.
/runner 7uickl) raise" his $un an" starte" spra)in$ the incomin$ enemies that scattere"
a!out ahea" of his team an" himself. 1e picke" off ones an" t*os at first !ut *asn4t too keen
a!out keepin$ ammunition to his o*n $oo". 9fter a fe* clips *ere e3pen"e"+ /runner "eci"e"
that sa,in$ !ullets like usual *oul" ultimatel) en" his life+ *hich thus resulte" in him $oin$ full)
automatic a$ainst the $an$ mem!ers. 9lthou$h initiall) the %<9 *as unsure as to *hat ha" #ust
happene"+ there *as no "ou!t that Masla,sk) *as "efinitel) in,ol,e" in this turn of e,ents.
1e trie" "esperatel) o,er the lar$e amount of fire to catch a $limpse of -arko Masla,sk)
an" his *herea!outs !ut that *as i$nore". 2oo man) $an$ mem!ers *ere rushin$ a!out for him
to e,en care a!out the re$ar"s of the traitor. Chether the rest of the team has comprehen"e" as to
*hat has happene" escapes /runner for the time !ein$. 1e $lance" !ack to see 1oll) positionin$
herself !ehin" a ,ehicle+ "an$erousl) an" a$$ressi,el) fee"in$ ma$a0ine after ma$a0ine into her
$un. /arcla) *as hunche" o,er tr)in$ to call someone for help on his phone *hile 6er$uson
co,ere" the $oo" of all of them *ith a 7uick !urst of fire e,er) other secon" from her rifle. 2he
entire street *as in chaos+ not onl) *as the team an" the transport trucks takin$ hea,) firin$
from all "irections+ ci,ilians rushe" out from man) points an" *ere scattere" a!out tr)in$ to
escape the carna$e. 9 man *ith trousers an" an ol" shirt almost *as cau$ht in the spra) of
!ullets "irecte" !) /runner. 1e #ust happene" to run out in his ma$a0ine *hen the man sho*e"
up. -otionin$ for him to take co,er+ /runner "irecte" his attention no* to a lar$e $ro* of
Vectors of Corruption
$an$sters co*erin$ in the center of the park near a lar$e clump of $rass. 1e aime" an" fire" into
the $roup+ killin$ off t*o of the $an$ mem!ers. 2he remainin$ t*o pose" up*ar"s an" finall)
/runner sa* *hat the) *ere hi"in$ !eneath the $rass tan$le. Dt *as a rocket.propelle".$rena"e5
the shape of the pro#ectile *as a tell.tale si$n for /runner to focus his attention on. 1e $lance"
!ack at 1oll)+ *ho *as at the moment !us) slammin$ enemies !ack to hell $roun"s *ith her
$un5 she *as also firin$ full) automatic.
2heir e)es met for a !rief secon"+ in that !rief secon"+ the secon" that seeme" to last
eternit)+ /runner capture" the !eaut) of the !lue topa0 e)es. <he $a,e him a 7uick thum!s up
an" he 7uickl) turne" !ack an" shot the t*o $an$sters *ith the >%(.
?(an$sters an" >%(s+ *hate,er happene" to 9E.47 assault rifles an" !leach !om!sH@
/runner muttere" to himself.
'ust as he *as a!out to sla) his tenth enem)+ a police officer calle" out to him. 2he officer
*as a man in his late t*enties or earl) thirties5 he ha" !ro*nish e)es !ut a sli$ht !lon"e hi$hli$ht
to the e"$es of his thick hair. 9t first /runner *as tie" "o*n at shootin$ that he misun"erstoo"
him. Dt *as seein$ the trail of !loo" that ran "o*n from his a!"omen that he reali0e" the officer
has !een hit.
/runner pause"+ checke" !ack to his team+ an" then 7uickl) *ent forth to pull the officer
a*a) from the open an" !ehin" the /-C+ *hich !) no* ha" !een ri""le" *ith "ents.
9ma0in$l)+ /runner "isco,ere" that the /-Cs *ere speciall) ma"e to "eflect !ullets of all
cali!ers+ !ut for the moment that important thou$ht *as at the peripher) of his thou$hts. 1e tore
open the officer4s shirt to reali0e that the !ullet+ *hich *as unmistaka!l) from an 9E.47+ ha"
struck the officer in the area of the li,er. 2he li,er is infuse" hea,il) *ith !loo" ,essels an"
o3)$en rich !loo". Chen hit+ a person *ill ha,e a massi,e !lee" from that area. -ore or less+
after $ettin$ puncture" !) a !ullet+ the person ten"s to ha,e a small chance of sur,i,al. /runner
"i" the !est he coul" at the "ire situation+ he $ra!!e" some $au0e from a first.ai" kit that *as
l)in$ near him an" tol" the officer to put pressure on the *oun". 1e $ot !ack up #ust as 1oll)
*ent "r) *ith ammunition.
?&ammit+ D4m outL@ <he shoute" to him.
/runner looke" aroun" an" sa* an 9E.47 rifle la) near his location. 1e picke" it up an"
tosse" the hea,) $un o,er to 1oll).
1oll) accepte" *ith a small smile. ?Al" fashione" still *orks D sa)L@
/runner no""e" an" *ent !ack to the officer. 2he officer tol" him to $o an" help the
others an" sa,e the team. /runner o!#ecte" !ut he sai" he *ill !e fine. 1earin$ this+ /runner
looke" up an" sa* that the entire team has fallen to sham!les. 9ll the arm) ,ehicles *ere stre*n
across the narro* roa". <ome trucks *ere alrea") on fire an" still !urnin$+ others hol"in$
to$ether lon$ enou$h for the sol"iers to use as co,er.
?Eaitl)n+ D4m mo,in$ up to help the others+ keep e,er)thin$ in control !ack here.@
?8o pro!lem@ 2hen she a""e"+ ?<o >)an+ *hen are *e $oin$ in missions 'ames /on"
st)le instea" of a $iant arm) slu$festH@
?9n) "a) !ut to"a) apparentl)L@
?/e careful. 'ust !e careful.@ <he tol" him.
?D *ill. Can Chase $et an)one onlineH@
?8ot that D kno*.@ 1oll) shoute" o,er an e3plosion.
Vectors of Corruption
?Cell keep tr)in$5 *e can4t hol" them off for lon$.@ 1e en"e" his sentence an" sprinte"
for*ar" into a $roup of arm) men an" officers hi"in$ !ehin" a *recke" truck.
?Can )ou $u)s $et an)one onlineH@ /runner aske" them.
9 )oun$er police officer *ith "ark !ro*n hair an" pale e)es replie"+ ?8o sir+ *e ha,e
trie" our !est call help+ no possi!le help aroun".@ 1e shoute" !ack *ith an accent.
?Can *e $et a <C92 team inH Chat a!out <pec ApsH <ome!o") *ith hea,) *eaponsH@
?Ce ha,e trie"+ !ut somethin$ is #ammin$ our ra"ios an" lines of communication.
?Gou $u)s keep tr)in$+ hol" them off for as lon$ as possi!le+ lieutenant /arcla) !ack
there+@ 1e pointe" to /arcla)+ ?Ds also tr)in$ to $et someone online+ see *hat )ou can "o.@
?Ges sirL@ 2he officer replie".
>)an /runner 7uickl) sprinte" !ack to the area *here /arcla)+ 1oll)+ an" 6er$uson *ere.
?(u)s+ *e $ot a pro!lem. /a""ies are #ammin$ out our ra"io an" communication
s)stems5 *e can4t $et an) *or" in or out. /asicall) *hat D4m sa)in$ is that *e are alone on this.@
?(reat+ so tr)in$ for the last ten minutes of callin$ *as a fail. 'ust $reat.@ /arcla) shoute"
o,er the $unfire.
?=ooks like *e nee" some more !ullets.@ 6er$uson sai" as she tosse" "o*n her emptie"
$un an" pulle" out a pistol. 1er 69-9< rifle ploppe" on the $roun"+ "ance" aroun" a !it+ then
fell ne3t to a small pile of ru!!le.
1oll) si$he". ?(u)s+ let4s "o *hat *e al*a)s "o+ stall them out until a $oo" opportunit)
allo*s us to en$a$e them off an" $et our asses out of the situation.@
B,er)one no""e". /runner "i"n4t challen$e an)thin$.
/runner reloa"e" the last ma$a0ine into his $un5 he ru!!e" some "irt off of the !arrel.
=ookin$ aroun" he trie" $et a $oo" shot on somethin$. ?Chat the hell coul" !e !lockin$ us
completel) off for helpH@ 1e aske" the $roup.
1is 7uestion *as ans*ere" !) the silhouette of a fl)in$ o!#ect scannin$ o,er the clear
!lue skies. 2he ominous !lack shape of a plane sha"o*e" the team for a split secon". Dt $a0e"
upon the helpless %.<.9.+ arm) men+ an" police officers like a co!ra e)ein$ a helpless rat.
/runner stare"+ e)es *i"e. ?8ot this shit a$ainL@ 1e shoute".
2hen it raine" "o*n the missiles an" "roppe" the C4 e3plosi,es+ killin$ the $roup that /runner
ha" #ust secon"s !efore talke" to instantl).
/ack in Cashin$ton &.C.+ &imitri "ro,e up to the ol" apartment that Eraft *as li,in$ in. 1e *as
unsure of *hat to e3pect after the "a)4s e,ents. Dt the moon *as !e$innin$ to lo*er "o*n from
the sk) !ut the area *as still Chill) an" 7uiet. 9ll aroun" there *as "arkness an" onl) the li$ht
from a lo*l) lamppost "o*n the street illuminate" the "ull !lock. 1e strolle" for*ar" an"
opene" the "o*nstairs "oor *ith a ke) that Eraft ha" $i,en him a fe* *eeks !ack. &imitri ha"
onl) !een insi"e her apartment a fe* times an" e,er) time he arri,es to the area he $ets sli$htl)
ner,ous. Chether it *as his paranoia a!out his o*n tie not !ein$ strai$ht or himself thinkin$ that
there is tomato sauce on his face+ he ne,er $ot o,er the fact that !ein$ insi"e the home of another
person ma"e him step outsi"e of his comfort 0one. Calkin$ up the stairs+ he foun" Eraft4s room.
&imitri e3hale" a nice lon$ !reath. ?2his is itL@
1e knocke" on the "oor. 8o ans*er.
1e knocke" on the "oor a$ain. <till no ans*er.
?2hat4s interestin$I@ he sai" to no one in particular.
Vectors of Corruption
9fter a fe* secon"s+ he "eci"e" to call Eraft on her phone. 'ust then in "a*ne" on him that 1B
*as carr)in$ Eraft4s phone. 1e ha" #ust reali0e" his *hole point in comin$ here in the first place.
9fter the *hole inci"ent !ack at the restaurant+ Eraft ha" apparentl) left the phone sittin$ on the
ta!le. &imitri *as ori$inall) $oin$ to $i,e it !ack to her !ut *as "istracte" !ack at the site *ith
the police aroun" the corner. <ometimes he seeme" to $et "istracte" !) the smallest of thin$s. 8o
necessaril) a !a" thin$+ he consi"ers. Chen )ou are constantl) on )our toes a$ainst the *hole of
the enem)+ )ou ha,e to keep an e)e on the "etails+ inclu"in$ *hat the police has to sa). /ut *hat
reall) trou!le him more the fact that -ar$aret Eraft is not ans*erin$ the "oor. 9t first &imitri
thou$ht that she *as asleep+ so he calle" out her name+ hopin$ to *ake her if she *as in a "eep
sleep. 9fter shoutin$ her name for a fe* times+ there *as still no one ans*erin$. Dt *as a stran$e
act for him+ if Eraft reall) *as insi"e+ she *oul" ha,e ans*ere" for sure. %.<.9. are kno*n to
sleep li$htl)+ in case someone "eci"es to !acksta! them in the ni$ht.
'ust then the "oor ne3t to Eraft4s apartment opene". 9 )oun$ *oman a!out Eraft an"
&imitri4s a$e came out. <he *as o!,iousl) asleep an" *as *earin$ a li$ht pink ro!e.
&imitri 7uickl) turne" an" apolo$i0e". ?D4m sorr) to *ake )ou -rs. <mith. -ar$aret left
her phone an" D *ante" to $i,e it !ack to her+ !ut it seems like she4s not home at the moment.@
?&imitri+ D ha,e not seen -ar$aret come !ack home e,er since the afternoon+ she sai" she
*as $oin$ to ha,e "inner *ith )ou or somethin$.@
?Ges+ are )ou sure she ne,er came !ack after*ar"sH@
?8o+ she ne,er calle" or an)thin$+ as far as D kno* of she has not !een !ack+ ma)!e la*
enforcement is makin$ her sta) after*ar"s at the officeH@
<ince the %.<.9 is kept as a secret+ an)one *ho asks a %.<.9 mem!er a!out their #o! is
re7uire" to ans*er that the) ?*ork for la* enforcement.@ Ather than that+ no more information
*as to !e $i,en out to an)one.
?Cell $reat+ notif) me if she sho*s up+ as D sai"+ D ha,e her phone so she *on4t !e
respon"in$ to phone calls an)time soon.@
?Aka)+ no pro!lem+ D *ill notif) or ha,e her notif) )ou if she sho*s up.@
?2hank )ou.@
-rs. <mith smile" an" close" the "oor.
Fnsure+ &imitri stoo" there for a moment. 1e honestl) ha" no i"ea *here Eraft *oul" !e
at this time of the "a). B3hauste"+ he "eci"es to $o home an" call !ack in the mornin$. 1is
*orries are !e$innin$ to $et o,ersha"o*e" !) the e3haustion. /efore he left+ &imitri "eci"es to
$o into her apartment to see if he coul" look for clues.
Dnsi"e+ the apartment *as fairl) mess)+ Eraft ten"e" to !e on the neater si"e of thin$s+ !ut
&imitri instantl) kne* of her a!sence from the scene. %iles of ne*spapers an" ma$a0ines *ere
stre*n across the sofa an" coffee ta!le. 8e3t to a stack of ne*spapers *ere a pair of scissors+ a
fe* hi$hli$htin$ markers+ an" tape. &imitri turne" to the *all of the apartment+ on the *all
mounte" a thirt).t*o inch li7ui" cr)stal tele,ision. 2he "ull *all !ehin" the tele,ision *as full of
ne*spaper articles an" clippin$s tape" onto it. 1e strolle" o,er an" $lance" at a fe* of the
clippin$s. -ost of the clippin$s consiste" of ne*s re$ar"in$ the $o,ernment5 one in,ol,e" an
election frau" t*o months a$o *hile another sho*e" a picture of %resi"ent -a#e*ski
announcin$ a pro#ect to stop terrorism in 9frica. 1e $a,e a small chuckle as he un"erstoo" that
the secret ?pro#ect@ *as the %.<.9. Calkin$ throu$h a narro* "oor+ he entere" Eraft4s !e"room.
2he scene in the !e"room *as a*k*ar"l) similar to the li,in$ room. -a$a0ines sprea" all o,er
Vectors of Corruption
the !e"+ ne*spaper clippin$s "otte" the *alls like !lack an" *hite !utterflies+ slo*l) fa"in$
a*a) "a) !) "a). An Eraft4s "esk *as a lar$e note!ook+ it *as Eraft4s personal #ournal+ &imitri
un"erstoo" that he reall) "i" not ha,e the ri$ht to rea" her secrets+ !ut he coul"n4t resist an"
opene" to a pa$e. ?
?'ust one pa$e.@ 1e sai" 7uietl)+ ?D4m #ust $oin$ to rea" one.@ 1e flippe" throu$h the
!ook an" stoppe" at a pa$e *ith a picture on it+ it *as one taken a fe* months a$o+ of him an"
Eraft "urin$ a ,acation !reak in =on"on+ Eraft4s arm *as $entl) *rappe" aroun" his shoul"ers+ a
face *ith a sli$ht smile. &imitri raise" his arm an" felt his shoul"ers+ *ishin$ she *as here.
Ouietl)+ he close" the !ook an" lai" Eraft4s cellphone "o*n on the "esk ne3t to her #ournal.
&imitri then !acke" out of the room an" checke" the restroom+ a$ain+ nothin$ out of the
or"inar). 8e3t to the sink on a hook *as a to*el+ !elo* that in a small rack *as a tooth!rush an"
toothpaste. 1e "isre$ar"e" the rest of the restroom an" *as #ust a!out to lea,e *hen he hear"
someone openin$ the "oor.
?-ar$aretH Ds that )ouH 2his is &imitriL@
8o ans*er.
?1ello+ )ou oka)H@
<till no ans*er. &imitri *alke" out of the !athroom an" #ust *as out of the !e"room
*hen he sa* the man *ith the tall stature ahea" of him.
?Chat are )ou "oin$ hereH@ he shoute" to him.
?'ust t)in$ up some loose en"s.@ 2he man pulle" out a pistol an" fire" it+ &imitri "roppe"
"ea" like an in#ure" "o,e.
?&amn+ D ha,e no shot on that "roneL@ /runner screame" out.
?(et in position+ D "on4t feel like ha,in$ this happen to me all o,er a$ain+@ 1oll) shoute"
2here *as a small+ ?Choosh@ in the sk)+ ?Dncomin$ missileL@ someone tormente". 2he
air $ui"e" missile cou$he" itself a*a) from the "rone plane an" "irecte" hea"e" for the lea"
1ummer. 9 mi""le a$e" sol"ier *ith crisp) !lack hair an" a ci$ar in his mouth *as firin$ the
machine$un mounte" on top of the 1ummer *hen the missile hit the ,ehicle. 1is screams *ere
muffle" !) the e3cruciate" t*istin$ of steel as the <FV e3plo"e" apart. /its an" pieces of it fle*
hi$h into the sk)+ an" then fell "o*n upon the scorche" earth like fier) rain infuse" *ith millions
of $ol"en "ust particles.
2he a$ents coul" onl) *atch in a*e as another missile struck an infantr) truck+ sen"in$
the sol"iers hi"in$ ne3t to it into the air like soil off of a $e)ser.
9s the smoke from the e3plosions cleare"+ /runner looke" throu$h the "ust) air. 2o his
"isma)+ another $roup of $an$ mem!ers *ere rushin$ ri$ht for them+ !) no*+ he *as unsure of
ho* much the con,o) *as left+ !ut there *as one thin$ certain in his min". 1is team+ the) *ere
ali,e+ the) mi$ht not !e safe+ !ut the) *ere ali,e+ an" it *as his #o! to keep them *ell. /arcla)
trie" to continue callin$ for help *hile 6er$uson an" 1oll) "ra$$e" in#ure" sol"iers an" ci,ilians
close !) !ehin" their !ullet proof /-Cs. 1e *as #ust unsure of *hen the "rone *as $oin$ to
make another pass. Ouickl)+ he s*un$ his sore "r) e)es aroun" the area+ tr)in$ to fi$ure out a
*a) to take out the "rone. 1e sa* a machine$un l)in$ not too far from him+ !ut the !uil"in$s
aroun" *oul" pre,ent an) means for him to $ain an) $roun" a$ainst a fast fl)in$ o!#ect. 2he task
of takin$ out the "rone *as set asi"e *hen the $an$ mem!ers rushe" closer to the team4s
Vectors of Corruption
location. -ost of the other sol"iers an" police officers ha" fallen at this point. 2he) *ere prett)
much the onl) ones left ali,e. /runner raise" his rifle an" fire" at the char$in$ $an$ mem!ers.
/ut it *as of no use+ there *ere immense num!ers of them+ it *as like tr)in$ to kill arm) ants on
the march+ *hen one $oes "o*n+ another simpl) replaces the fallen one. 1e si$he" a "esperate
si$h+ an" ,o*e" his min" to the sur,i,al of his team.
?>)an+ its comin$ a$ainL@ 1oll) sai" to him o,er the rushin$ enemies.
1e looke" upon the "arkene" sk)+ the silhouette of the "rone *as !ack+ this time+ e,en more
ominous a$ainst the clou") ,ie*s. Dt neare" an" neare"+ then fire" a missile ri$ht at the team.
=uckil) for them+ it struck far from their location+ an" onl) sent a shock a$ainst the team.
2he "ust) air *as 7uickl) ma"e more "ust) after the missile lan"e" upon a lar$e clump of "rie"
"irt+ spra*le" *ith the !loo" of man) li,es.
Dn the mist of the commotion+ /runner for$ot one ke) piece of the plan+ ?(u)s+ *here4s
?<hit+ D thou$ht he *as *ith one of the officers.@ /arcla) sai".
1oll) trie" to look aroun" as she !an"a$e" a )oun$ !o)+ his mother *as l)in$ motionless
ne3t to him. ?6or all *e kno* he coul" !e "ea".@ 2hen she turne" to the !o)+ *ho ha" a !a" $ash
on the si"e of arm. ?&on4t *orr)+ )ou are $oin$ to !e fine+ e,er)thin$ is $oin$ to !e oka).@ <he
sai" it so calml) that /runner *as taken !ack from the $entleness in her ,oice. 1e kne* she *as
"ealin$ *ith stress+ !ut keepin$ such a calm ,oice *as somethin$ that escapes his capa!ilities
completel). 2he little !o) *as cr)in$ no*+ slo*l) tu$$in$ at the lifeless !o") of his "ear+ "ear+
mother. ?&on4t *orr)+ )ou are in $oo" han"s.@ 1oll) li$htl) kisse" him in the forehea". 1e set
the !o) "o*n an" looke" at /runner. ?%lansH@
?D nee" to kno* *here Chernko, is or if he is "ea" or not.@
6er$uson 7uickl) interrupte" his 7uestion+ ?Dsn4t that him o,er thereH@ <he pointe" o,er
ne3t to a sil,er) colore" car aroun" the corner.
2hrou$h the $unfire of the remainin$ $an$ mem!ers+ /runner an" the rest of the team
cau$ht si$ht of Chernko, an" Masla,sk) rushin$ into the car. 2he car 7uickl) inche" for*ar" an"
mo,e" off.
?&ammit+ he4s $one.@ /runner si$he".
2he) *ere still e3chan$in$ shots *ith the $an$ mem!ers. <u""enl)+ the "rone reappeare"
in the sk). 2his time+ it *ent strai$ht for the team in their fortifie" space of *recke" cars an"
their /-Cs.
?<hit+ here comes that !itch a$ain.@ /runner shoute".
?B,er)!o") $et rea") for impact+ >F8L@ 1oll) shoute" !ack as the air $ui"e" missile
stuck *ithin fifteen feet of their location+ sen"in$ them runnin$ !ack*ar"s !ehin" a the tall !rick
apartment houses.
?(u)s+ #ust hi"e. 2here4s nothin$ *e can "o a!out it+ sa,e )our sel,es.@ /runner *ipe"
his face.
2he "rone ha" alrea") turne" aroun"5 it *as "esi$nate" to clean them off the planet+ once
an" for all. 2he #et !lack !o") $listene" in the "ust) air as slo*l) turne" on i$nition an" fle*
ri$ht at them *ithout "espair.
/runner coul" see the missile !ein$ rea"ie" up5 he coul" ima$ine the *eapon !ein$
aime" "irectl)+ for his face+ or at Eaitl)n4s. 1e looke" "o*n at Eaitl)n *ho *as kneelin$ o,er
some chil"ren *ho *ere in#ure" an" cau$ht in the !la0e. 1er !lon"e hair *as infuse" *ith ashes
Vectors of Corruption
an" "ust particles from the e,ents. /runner *ante" to feel the hair+ to see the topa0 e)es5 he
*ante" to #ust en#o) her presence for one last time.
2hen the miracle happene".
9s the "rone *as a!out to !last them a*a) *ith a missile somethin$ else shot at the
enem) "rone. Dt *as machine$un fire+ 7uick rapi" machine$un fire+ like the soun" of art paper
!ein$ torn apart !) han"s. 2he !ullets pierce" the li$ht armor of the "rone an" cause" the
missiles in it to e3plo"e+ there *as a lou" piercin$ screech as the once mi$ht) "rone plane that
em!o"ie" the po*er of the air fell from the sk)+ almost rh)thmicall)+ like charre" ash !ein$
tosse" onto a ")in$ campfire. Dt *as ama0in$l) another "rone that ha" shot "o*n the enem) one.
2his one thou$h+ !ore the !ri$ht 9merican fla$+ $entl) painte" o,er the propellers an" the
fusela$e. Dt *as a ho,er"rone+ a ne* "esi$n )et to !e teste" in *arfare. 2his "rone consists of
four roun"e" propeller !la"es infuse" in steel metal rims. Dt ha" the capa!ilit) of sta)in$ in one
position or mo,e in an) "irection *ith ease. Bn,elope" in the technolo$) of this "rone *ere
)ears of perfecte" measurements+ countless hours of lost sleep+ an" creation ,ia the stan"point of
en$ineerin$ $enius. Dt *as technolo$) )ears ahea" of *hat the enem) "rone *as usin$+ e,en
thou$h the !lack ominous "rone use" !) the enem) *as suppose"l) mo"ern. 2his piece of
e7uipment+ costs almost si3 million "ollars to create. /ut it *as this piece of e7uipment+ that
en"e" up sa,in$ the li,es of /runner+ 1oll)+ /arcla)+ 6er$uson+ an" countless other ci,ilians an"
frien"lies in the ,icinit).
9fter the enem) "rone has !een taken care of+ the 9merican ho,er"rone turne" its
attention to the remainin$ $an$ mem!ers+ *ho *ere "esperatel) tr)in$ to escape certain "eath.
Fnfortunatel)+ the) "i" not mana$e to $o too far !efore the "rone "estro)e" the li,in$ hell out of
=ike *hat ha" happene" !ack in 9frica+ the enem) "rone *as the source of the ra"io
#ammin$+ once it *as $one+ ra"ios *ere all !ack up online. 9 static !u00e" throu$h all of the
team4s hea"sets an" a ,oice came to li,e in it.
?2his is -a#or 'esse Cor!ett of the 8ational Dntelli$ence 9$enc) at Cashin$ton &.C.
speakin$+ there is not much time+ D ha,e notifie" the location an" officers an" more sol"iers are
hea"in$ )our *a) to clean up the mess. 9m!ulances an" me"ical personnel are hea"e" to )our
location to treat the in#ure". Gou must lea,e an" procee" *ith tr)in$ to track "o*n Chernko,
!efore he mana$es to *ormhole his *a) out of >io an" possi!l) !ack to >ussia+ D am controllin$
the ho,er"rone m)self an" can scan the cit) for si$ns if necessar).@
/runner interrupte"+ ?2his is Captain >)an /runner of the %resi"ent4s <ecret 9rm)
speakin$+ D ha,e lost location on Chernko,+ also+ Masla,sk) has !etra)e" the s)stem an" is on the
run *ith Chernko, in a sil,er car+ notif) the %resi"ent imme"iatel).@
?2hat *ill !e "one5 also+ "o an) of )ou ha,e location on a ru!)H@ Cor!ett aske".
?Ges.@ 6er$uson sai" as the sirens of the police can !e hear" in the !ack$roun"+ ?&oes it
ha,e si$nificance sirH@
?(reatl)+ D "on4t kno* the "etails 7uite )et+ !ut from *hat D un"erstan" it contains
microscopic co"es en$ra,e" on it that tells of a lock com!ination to a safe insi"e a !ank pro!a!l)
in <*it0erlan"+ there coul" !e multiple co"es to multiple !anks. Chat is in those safes *e ha,e
no clue+ ma)!e it is #ust mone)+ !ut for all *e kno* it coul" !e somethin$ else.@
?Ds this line secure"H@ 6er$uson aske".
?Dt is.@
Vectors of Corruption
<he looke" aroun" the place. <ome of the police ha,e starte" to arri,e on the scene+
/arcla) *a,e" them on. ?D ha,e it store" in a $un !o3 in the room at the hotel5 D *ill retrie,e it
as soon as possi!le. Chat shoul" D "o *ith itH@
?(et to the airport 9<9%+ there *ill !e a plane *aitin$ there for )ou+ $i,e the $em to the
a$ents an" the) *ill take it an" take care of it for )ou.@
?Chat a!out Chernko,H@ 1oll) aske".
?D nee" )ou $u)s to split up lookin$ for him+ a pu!lic *arnin$ has !een $i,en out to
capture him an" Masla,sk) as of t*o secon"s a$o+ !ut *e nee" )ou all to $o hunt him "o*n.
6i$ure out ho* )ou are $oin$ to set it up. Ce nee" one of )ou to $et the ru!) to the plane+ *hile
the rest of )ou $o hunt for Chernko, an" Masla,sk).@
?2hat can !e arran$e"+ *e *ill tr) to "o it 9<9%.@
?(oo"+ D hope D can count on )ou all. (oo" luck *ith )our task. D *ill see )ou statesi"e.@
Cor!ett cut off an" the ho,er "rone mo,e" up*ar"s into the sk) an" "isappear !ehin" a ro* of
!uil"in$s+ /runner ima$ine" it *oul" !e hea"e" "irectl) for the cit).
?Aka)+ this is ho* *e set it up.@ 6er$uson spoke out. ?D am $oin$ !ack to the hotel to
retrie,e the ru!)+ )ou three $o ahea" an" search for Masla,sk) an" Chernko,+ an" *e *ill meet
near the airport in three hours.@ 6er$uson checke" the clock+ ?&amn+ it is $ettin$ a lot later than
*hat D *oul" ha,e thou$ht+ ei$ht o4 clock p.m.+ make sure )ou are at the airport+ south terminal.
/lack /-Cs shoul" not !e too har" to miss.@
?(ot it.@ 2he other three sai" simultaneousl).
?D am $oin$ to take a hea" start5 )ou three "eci"e *here to $o look an" ho*.@ 6er$uson
7uickl) ran off into her /-C+ it *as co,ere" *ith "ust) an" !roken pieces !ut *as still intact.
<he turne" on the en$ine an" the machine roare" to life. Dt then took off into the street as the
police an" am!ulances came to the scene.
?=et4s split up+ D *ill take the southern part of the cit)+ >)an+ )ou take *est+ an" Chase+
)ou take east+ tr) to *ee" him out if possi!le.@ 1oll) retorte".
/runner no""e". ?Aka).@
?8o pro!lem.@ /arcla) replie".
1oll) !ent "o*n to kiss the )oun$ !o) *ho lost his mother+ he *as still clutchin$ onto
1oll)4s pant le$. ?Dt4s oka)+ it4s o,er+ the police are here+ an" )ou *ill !e safe.@ 2he little !o) let
out a small so! an" let $o of her pant le$. <he turne" her attention to /urnner. ?<ta) safe.@
?D *ill tr).@
?D4ll !e *atchin$ )our !ack.@
?2r) not to make me retrie,e )ou a$ain.@ /runner sai".
2he t*o kisse" in the "immin$ li$ht !efore hea"in$ off in "ifferent "irections.

9n"rea 6er$uson rushe" throu$h the cro*"e" cit) streets. <he !rushe" off the "ust an"
smoke+ an" also trie" her !est to pull out the rock) fra$ments stuck in her hair. 2he air
con"itionin$ of the /-C *as !roken "urin$ the constant poun"in$ of !ullets so she ha" her
Vectors of Corruption
*in"o*s "o*n. 9s the *in" "rifte" throu$h her fine !ro*n hair+ it helpe" !lo* loose some of
the "ust an" "irt particles stuck in it. <he si$he"+ this "a) ha" laste" lon$er than *hat she *oul"
ha,e like"+ *as it #ust this mornin$ that she $a,e /arcla) the kissH Dt felt like eons a$o. 1er "r)
throat *as !e$$in$ for *ater+ !ut she "i"n4t ha,e time+ she "i"n4t ha,e the time to stop+ she ha"
to keep $oin$. 2he traffic *as un!elie,a!l) horri!le aroun" the cit). Cars of all shapes an" si0es
*ere on the free*a)s an" !oule,ar"s+ slo*l) cra*lin$ for*ar" like caterpillars across !a)
lea,es. 9cross the street+ a ,en"or *as sellin$ hot "o$s+ the salt)+ !urnt+ aroma "rifte" from the
outsi"e *orl" into the confinement of her car. 6er$uson inhale" "eepl)+ catchin$ the luscious
scent of the foo". Dt remin"e" her of her hometo*n of 8e* Gork.
Chen she *as little+ her father *oul" take her to the hot "o$ stan" e,er) *eek. <he *oul"
al*a)s smother the sausa$e *ith ketchup an" sa) hello to the ,en"or there. 2his occurre" for a
fe* )ears+ until one "a)+ as she *as *alkin$ o,er to !u) foo"+ she *atche" as a man in a hoo"ie
thro*n o,er his hea" *alk o,er an" "eman"e" the ,en"or for cash. 2he ,en"or "i" not o!li$e
an" the man took out a shin)+ "ark pistol from un"er his s*eater an" shot the ,en"or ri$ht on the
scene. 9t the time+ the street *as still empt)+ an" the onl) people in si$ht *ere 6er$uson an" her
father+ she *as onl) si3 or so an" 7uickl) clun$ onto her father4s le$s. 1er father tol" her to sta)
calm an" "on4t cr). 1e also tol" her+ that ?e,er)thin$ *as $oin$ to !e fine.@
9cross the street+ the man turne" his attention to the t*o of them5 6er$uson remem!ere"
*atchin$ the ,en"or+ !lee"in$ a trail of !loo" from his a!"omen+ the !loo" slo*l) "riftin$ "o*n
the cur! onto the pa,ement like a tenacious co!ra+ slo*l) "ra*in$ the life a*a) from its ,ictim.
2he man *alke" closer to her father an" herself. <he *as still clin$in$ onto his pant.le$.
6er$uson "oes not remem!er e3actl) *hat happene"+ !ut *hat she "i" remem!er *as the man
*alkin$ o,er to them+ keepin$ his $a0e "o*n on the $roun". 2he entire con,ersation !et*een the
shooter an" her father still clun$ insi"e her for these man) )ears.
1er father reache" "o*n an" hel" her firml) *ith his han"s5 the) $entl) massa$e" her
!ack+ calmin$ her "o*n. ?Gou can ha,e all m) mone). 'ust "on4t hurt us.@
?Ah D *ill $et )our mone)+@ he "re* out his $un an" pointe" at her father.
?<ir+ D *ill $i,e )ou m) *allet+ there is no nee" for the $un+ an" )ou can ha,e all the
mone) on me.@ 1is father looke" "o*n on her5 she cau$ht a $limpse of his "eep !lue e)es.
1er father slo*l) raise" !oth of his han"s+ stoo" there for a secon"+ then reache" "o*n
slo*l) an" retrie,e" his *allet+ a !ro*n tin$e" *allet *ith a !luish hue. ?2his is all D ha,e+ *hat
*oul" )ou like me to "oH@
?'ust "rop the "amn thin$ on the $roun" an" !ack a*a) from it.@
1er father "roppe" it on the $roun"+ it ma"e a small ?plink@ as it lan"e" on the pa,ement.
2he man in the hoo"ie 7uickl) lo*ere" his $un+ *alke" for*ar"+ an" picke" up the *allet from
the $roun". 1e $a,e a small no" of satisfaction as he thum!e" throu$h the contents insi"e.
2hrou$h the smok) air+ the "im e)es looke" !ack at the t*o of them. 1er father still ha" !oth his
arms aroun" her5 it ma"e her feel safe+ calm+ an" almost rela3e". 6er$uson remem!ere" as she
cau$ht a 7uick $lance o,er at the ,en"or+ *ho *as unconscious an" l)in$ ne3t to the hot "o$
cart+ the smoke an" aroma of !urnt meat still "riftin$ off into the air.
1o*e,er+ the shooter in the "ark hoo"ie *as still there+ his $a0e lo*ere" from her father
onto her+ or more specificall)+ her han"s. Dn her shakin$ han"s+ clutche" three "ollars+ the mone)
ori$inall) inten"e" for !u)in$ her lunch.
?(i,e it hereL@ the man or"ere".
Vectors of Corruption
6er$uson *as at a loss of mo,ement5 she ha" no i"ea as to *hat to "o an" 7uickl) looke"
up at her father+ searchin$ his e3pression for hints.
?9n"rea+ #ust la) the mone) on the $roun" an" *e *ill !ack a*a)+ oka)H@ 1er father sai"
it *ith such $entleness that+ for a secon"+ she for$ot a!out the situation.
<lo*l)+ a )oun$ 6er$uson lo*ere" her han" "o*n upon the col" pa,ement+ an" then
opene" her palms. 2he mone) fell onto the $roun" like ")in$ !utterflies+ flutterin$ upon their
in#ure" *in$s.
<u""enl)+ there *as a lar$e $ust of *in"+ it !rushe" *ith its mi$ht) han"s across the
mone) an" sent it rocketin$ into the air. Dt fle* hi$her an" hi$her an" separate" into "ifferent
"irections. 2he man in the hoo"ie !reathe" out a *hoosh of air+ 6er$uson coul" remem!er seein$
the *arm mist) stream fl) "irectl) out from his nostrils.
?Gou little !astar"L@ 2he "im e)es stare" "o*n at 6er$uson+ *ho *as shakin$ *ith fear.
2he hoo"e" man then pulle" out his shin) !lack pistol+ raise" it up+ an" fire".
2he !ullet fle* out like the po*er of a thousan" horses5 it slice" throu$h the !risk
mornin$ air an" struck flesh. <he smashe" her e)eli"s shut+ it seeme" to separate her spirit from
the rest of the *orl"+ #ust for a fe* !rief secon"s. Chen 6er$uson opene" her e)es+ she sa* the
*ater) re" li7ui" oo0in$ across the $roun" in front of her5 the )oun$ $irl almost fainte" at the
si$ht. B3cept+ it *as not her+ it *as her father. 1e ha" !locke" the !ullet from 6er$uson an" *as
hit in the chest. /loo" seepe" an" soake" his shirt+ turnin$ the *hite fa!ric to a !rilliant fier)
<he crie". =ou"l). 6er$uson "i" not kno* *hat to "o5 it *as the feelin$ of !ein$ in a
state of shock. 2he ,en"or spra*le" a fe* feet in front of her+ her father ri$ht ne3t to her+ !oth
*ith a snakin$ trail of !loo" slitherin$ across the pa,ement. Dt scare" her+ it scarre" her+ an" it
haunte" her+ that si$ht. 6er$uson looke" up at the hoo"e" man5 he looke" aroun" reall) 7uickl)
then slippe" the *allet into his #acket !efore runnin$ off into the alle)*a).
6er$uson felt the salt) "rops trail "o*n from the corners of her e)es onto her ton$ue5 she
taste" the "roplets+ the e,er salt) "roplets. <lo*l)+ her han" *ent up*ar"s an" felt her father+
*ho *as !reathin$ "eepl).
?&a"H@ she *hispere" in *ith a so!.
?9n"rea+ D4m+ D4mI@
?Gou4re hurt "a".@
?D am s*eetie+ D am hurt reall) !a"l).@
9n"rea 6er$uson $rippe" her father4s col" han"s. ?D nee" to call an am!ulance...@
?9n"rea+@ her father interrupte"+ ?ha,e D e,er tol" )ouH@ he cou$he" !loo".
?Ges "a"")H@
9fter a fe* !loo") cou$hs+ her father $aspe" for !reath+ ?ha,e D e,er tol" )ou ho*
ama0in$ of a "au$hter )ou areH@
?&a"+ please.@ <he pulle" out her father4s phone an" calle" for an am!ulance+ so!!in$ the
entire *a) throu$h.
?9n"rea+ *hat is $oin$ onH@ her father4s !reaths *ere much more rapi".
?9n am!ulance is on the *a)+ )ou *ill !e fine "a".@ <he *hispere".
Vectors of Corruption
9fter a fe* $asps+ her father looke" at her. <he starre" !ack+ into those !lue e)es. ?9n$ie+
D am so prou" of )ou. <o !eautiful+ so talente"+ )ou are $oin$ to $ro* up "oin$ $reat some"a).
Gour kno*le"$e has life cutout for )ou.@
?&a"+@ she pause".
?GesH@ 1er father con#ure" up a smile throu$h the pain.
?D lo,e )ou.@
<he coul" see the tears *ell up in his e)es+ the !eautiful !lue e)es that she e,er so much
inherite". Cas it the colorH Cas it the "epthH Ar *as it the uni7ue stor) it tol"H 6er$uson *as not
?2here are times in life 9n"rea+ *hen )ou *ill face stru$$les+@ he so!!e" in air. ?9n"
althou$h the) ma) !e tou$h in the !e$innin$+ life *ill fi$ure out itself. Gou *ill al*a)s !e m)
?&a"+ D think D can hear the am!ulances+ )ou are $oin$ to !e fine.@
?<ometimes+ )ou ha,e to make sacrifices in life+ )ou ha,e to hol" )our $roun"+ fin"
someone )ou trust.@
?&a"")+ )ou can tell me this all toni$ht+ *hen *e are all safe an" tucke" into !e".@
?9n$ie+ D ha,e lo,e" )ou more than D ha,e lo,e" an)thin$ in m) life. 2ake care of mom
for me *ill )ouH@ 1e smile" sli$htl) a$ain.
?&a"+ please "on4t $o.@ <he *as !lee"in$ out snakes of tears no*.
?&on4t *orr)+ )ou nee" not to *orr) a!out me+ D am safe+ in the arms of (o"+ in the
safet) of m) min". 9n" in the safet) of )ours.@
2he) *ere silent. 9n"rea 6er$uson then looke" at her father.
1er father looke" !ack+ ?Gour e)es shine like a thousan" $ems. &o )ou kno* thatH@
?&a"+ )ou ha,e the e)es+ mine are #ust fakes.@
?8o 9n$ie+ the) trul) !elon$ to )ou. Gou can4t i$nore that. 8o one can. >emem!er to
lo,e+ remem!er to remem!er+ an" learn the trust+ learn the trustI@ he repeate" the phrase a$ain
an" a$ain+ each time lo*er an" lo*er in ,olume.
?D lo,e )ou "a".@ <he shook her hea" an" kisse" her father4s cheek.
?D lo,e )ou too 9n"rea+ sta) *ell+ sta) stron$+ learn to trustIlearn to trustI@ 1er father
*hispere" the last line an" close" his e)es.
9n"rea 6er$uson sniffe" her nose an" li$htl) *ipe" her e)es on the slee,es of her shirt.
B,er) time she remem!ere" the stor)+ the tears *elle"+ she ha" not share" the memor) of that
"a) to man) people+ perhaps she shoul" aim onl) to those *ho she feels comforta!le *ith+ or
those *ho she trusts. B,er) "a) after the "a) she ha" lost her father+ 9n"rea 6er$uson *ent to the
same spot of her father4s "eath. B,er) "a)+ she *oul" continue to remem!er the last moments of
her father4s life. 2he smell of hot "o$s *as !e$innin$ to !ecome o,erpo*erin$ an" 6er$uson
rolle" up the *in"o*s of her car as she spe" alon$ !ack to the %uerta 'uanita 1otel.
Chen she arri,e" at the %uerta 'uanita 1otel+ the outsi"e *as #ust as the same as the "a)
!efore+ tourists arri,in$ in+ people lea,in$+ "oormen openin$ the "oors to let people throu$h. Dt
seeme" completel) normal consi"erin$ *hat #ust happene" on the other si"e of to*n. 6er$uson
crin$e" as she coul" still smell the copper) !loo" an" smoke from the *hole inci"ent.
Vectors of Corruption
<i$hin$+ 6er$uson took off her #acket an" left the smoke smellin$ #acket in the car. <he
li$htl) spra)e" on some perfume to tr) to mask off the po*"er) fumes then ran her fin$ers
throu$h her hair to "ispatch the tin) fra$ments of ru!!le. 9fter a fe* more secon"s of "oin$ the
!est she can to make herself look ?presenta!le+@ 6er$uson left the car an" 7uickl) ran to the hotel
from the parkin$ lot. 2he )oun$ "oorman $a,e her a smile an" opene" the "oor for her. 1e "i"
not suspect a thin$. <he thanke" him *ith a smile an" *alke" into the lo!!). 2he lo!!) "i" not
chan$e5 it still sta)e" e3actl) the *a) it *as. %eople *aitin$ insi"e it "i"n4t seem at all !affle" !)
the e,ents of the "a). %erhaps the) ha,e not kno*n of the e,ents )et+ 6er$uson $uesse". &i" the)
*atch the ne*sH Ar *ere the) reall) that careless to the su!#ect. 2o tell the truth+ 6er$uson *as
careless a!out *hether the people care" at all a!out the e,ents. 9ll she *ante" to "o *as $et the
ru!) an" $et out. Ane of the ele,ators *as ha,in$ malfunctions an" people line" up in front of
the other one like pi$s *aitin$ for the slau$hterhouse. <he clim!e" the tall "ark stairs that snake"
its *a) up to the top+ the *in"in$ coils rope" aroun" an" aroun" the corri"or. 6inall)+ 6er$uson
reache" her floor an" pushe" open the "oor into the hall*a). <he 7uickl) foun" her room an"
fum!le" to sli"e the car" ke) to open the lar$e *oo"en "oor. Ance insi"e+ she "i" not hesitate to
run into the room an" pr) open the lar$e closet. 9fter "i$$in$ aroun" for a fe* secon"s+ she
mana$e" to pull out the lar$e case that containe" her rifle an" the ru!) out onto the carpet. 2he
%.<.9. a$ent *as a!out to open the case *hen su""enl) she sa* that a section of the case *as
missin$. 2he area o,er the pocket hol"in$ the ru!) has !een cut a*a). <he 7uickl) checke" an"
foun" out that ru!) *as missin$.
?=ookin$ for somethin$H@
6er$uson 7uickl) turne" aroun" at the ,oice !ut she *as knocke" "o*n !) a !lo* to her
!ack. /efore she coul" re$ain herself+ someone $ra!!e" her !) her hair+ pulle" her up+ an"
slamme" her "o*n on the carpet+ knockin$ the air out of her lun$s.@
<he $aspe" for !reath as someone tie" her han"s !ehin" her !ack. 6er$uson trie" to
retaliate !ut someone simpl) sat on her an" pinne" her "o*n. <he *as trappe"+ trappe" like a
tuna in fishin$ nets+ trappe" like a !utterfl) in a spi"er *e!. 2he person pinnin$ her lifte" her
hea"+ it *as Masla,ks).
?1ello -arko+ ho*4s the "ark si"eH@ she $aspe" as Masla,sk) close" a han" aroun" her
throat+ !lockin$ off her air passa$es. 6er$uson stru$$le to take in a !reath throu$h the ti$ht $rip.
<he raspe" out+ ?<o )ou *ere the one *ho tol" the >ussians a!out the "rone an" the satellite
chip huhH@
?<hut up+ the less )ou talk+ the more ener$) )ou ha,e for us to take a",anta$e of.@
Masla,sk) pulle" her face close to his. ?Gou kno*+ D ne,er notice" ho* cute )ou *ere+ the other
$u)s are $oin$ to lo,e that.@
6er$uson $a,e a muffle" noise. <he *as afrai" that he *oul" suffocate her+ #ust kill her
off then an" there+ an" lea,e her to rot *hile the) lea,e *ith the ru!).
9fter a minute+ Masla,sk) finall) let $o of her throat. (aspin$ "esperatel) for !reath *as
#ust natural+ nothin$ $reat. 6er$uson looke" up an" sa* Chernko,+ smirkin$ sli$htl) as he
polishe" the ru!) *ith a small *hite cloth.
?Cell+ *ell+ *ell+ if it isn4t 9n"rea 6er$uson+ D $uess *e meet a$ain.@ 1e sai" *ithout
makin$ an) e)e contact.
6er$uson cou$he". ?Gou kno* )ou aren4t $ettin$ a*a) from this.@
Chernko, i$nore" her+ ?>emem!er si3 )ears a$o+ !ack in the statesH@
Vectors of Corruption
?D remem!er it like it *as )ester"a).@ <he trie" to keep calm.
?>emem!er ho* )ou "estro)e" m) *arehouseH@
?Dt *as a $reat feelin$.@ Masla,sk) slamme" her "o*n a$ain.
Chernko, stoppe" polishin$ the ru!). 1e pause" to la) the $em "o*n on the !e" an"
"rop the cloth on the $roun". ?>emem!er that $u) that )ou shotH@
6er$uson remaine" as calm as she coul"+ ?Chich oneH D fire" so man) roun"s D "i"n4t
e,en see *ho *as hit.@
Victor Chernko, 7uickl) rose from his seat in the !e" an" *alke" o,er to 6er$uson+ *ho
Masla,sk) *as still pinnin$ to the $roun". 2he footsteps almost echoe" in her ears as he stoo"
ri$ht in front of her.
Chernko, then procee"e" to slap 6er$uson across the si"e of her face. 2he lou" ?*hack@
left her face *ith a re"+ fi,e fin$ere" mark.
<he close" her e)es an" ma"e a muffle" soun" *ith "i" not o!li$e to retaliate.
?(o""am !itch+ )ou kille" m) o*n son that "a). Gou kno* ho* it feels to ha,e to !ur)
someone )ou lo,eH@
6er$uson 7uickl) $aspe" in surprise.
Chernko, smirke"+ ?Geah+ )ou "o un"erstan" "on4t )ou. 1o* "i" it feel to *atch )our
o*n father !lee" out ri$ht in front of )our ,er) faceH@
1er e)es *ere !e$innin$ to $et *ater)+ in a "esperate ,oice of sa"ness+ she aske"+ ?1o*
"i" )ou kno*H@
?-arko tol" me all a!out )ou.@
<he looke" up at Masla,sk).
?&o )ou kno* ho* har" it *as for me to *atch )ou fall pre) to i"iots like /arcla)H Dt
sucks to !e alone an" *orkin$ in this shit "epartment for )ears an" no one respects me+
especiall) not an) *omen. Gou *ere the closest D coul" reach. /ut )ou ha" to !e too stu!!orn
an" $o for the *ron$ $u).@
?Chat *as it that D e,er "i" *ron$ to )ouH@
?8othin$+ )ou ha,e "one nothin$ to me at all5 all )ou ha,e "one is make me hate people
like /runner an" /arcla) more an" more.@
6er$uson "re* out a small smile+ ?'ealous) is not uncommon -arko+ ha,e to $et use" to
?2o hell *ith that+ )ou are officiall) un"er m) control. D $et to "o *hate,er the hell D
*ant *ith )ou.@
6er$uson "i" not speak. Dnstea" she *on"ere" *hat the others *ere "oin$. <urel) the)
*oul" suspect her a!senceH Ar *ere the) also !ein$ attacke" at the same timeH 2here *as no
*a) for her to fin" out.
Chernko, looke" at 6er$uson for a !rief secon"+ ?9ctuall)+ D *oul" =AVB to kno*
*here )our frien"s are. D !et the) lo,e to #oin the part).@
?/eats me.@ 6er$uson $ot out.
Victor Chernko, $ra!!e" her hea" an" slamme" it a$ain onto the carpet. ?D !et the) lo,e
to see )ou a$ain. D !et the) *oul" lo,e to see *hat *e are $oin$ to "o to )ou.@
6er$uson trie" to reco,er from the pain. <he onl) ha" the ener$) left to lift her hea".
?2o hell *ith this+ take her to the car. D think our fli$ht is rea") to lea,e soon.@ Masla,sk)
shoute" out.
Vectors of Corruption
?D4" "rink to that.@ Chernko, replie". 1e $lance" at 6er$uson+ ?2hink it *oul" !e easier
to #ust knock her out an" take her alon$H@
?Geah shoul" !e.@ Masla,sk) sai"+ then he a""e"+ ?Gou sure )ou "on4t *ant to $et the
others as *ellH@
?8ah+ *e ha" enou$h fun to"a)+ mi$ht as use her to "ra* in the others later.@
Masla,sk) no""e"+ he then procee"e" to take out a s)rin$e fille" *ith a !ro*n flui".
9s Chernko, an" his assistants hel" onto 6er$uson+ Masla,sk) in#ecte" the flui" into her
6er$uson fou$ht !ack at the attackers !ut soon her *orl" *as fille" *ith ,arious circles+
s7uares+ an" shapes. 9fter a fe* more secon"s+ she !lacke" out into "arkness.
>)an /runner race" "o*n the !us) roa"+ cur,in$ !et*een the man) ,ehicles that ran
"urin$ rush hour. 1e ha" no i"ea *hat to "o or ho* to follo* Cor!ett4s plans. B3actl) ho* the
fe* of them *ere suppose" to scout out the entire cit) lookin$ for Chernko, escapes his min".
Chat "oesn4t escape his min" is 1oll)4s /-C+ tailin$ ri$ht !ehin" his+ li$htl) s*er,in$ in the
asphalt roa"s+ $entl) tune" to his e,er) mo,e. 1e li$htl) smile" from the feelin$ of the $entle
$a0e "ri,en !) her e)es+ oh those "eep !lue e)es that *ere the colors of lit sapphires.
1e snappe" out of his "a)"ream an" continue" as he *atche" the cars ahea" of him stop
at a re" li$ht. /runner close" his e)es+ stretche" his arm+ an" poppe" his fin$ers. <hakin$ his
hea"+ he "islo"$e" some "ust particles stuck in his hair from the earlier encounter. <till
*on"erin$ ho* the team mana$e" to sur,i,e+ he remem!ere" the o!#ecti,e $i,en !) Cor!ett+ to
fin" an" capture Chernko,.
Basier sai" than "one he kne*+ !ut *hat *as the planH Chere *ere the) to lookH 1o*
*ere the) to take him outH
8ine of ten $uesses+ there *oul" !e $an$ mem!ers an" mercenaries surroun"in$
Chernko, from "usk to "a*n+ so *ith that in han"H 1o* are four people $oin$ to fin" the tar$et
in a cro*"e" cit) like thisH
2he 7uestions pulle" at his hurtin$ hea" until finall) 1oll) !u00e" in throu$h her hea"set.
?(u)s+ D think this isn4t $oin$ to *ork.@
/arcla) cut into the line+ ?A!,iousl) Cor!ett has no i"ea *hat he *as talkin$ a!out+ ho*
e3actl) "o *e fin" Masla,sk) an" Chernko,H Dt is likeI@
/runner cut into his *or"s+ ?9 nee"le in a ha)stackH@
?8o+ more or less like fin"in$ a piece of ha) in a stack of nee"les+ e,en if *e "o
someho* e,en mana$e to see him+ *hat are *e to "oH <hoot himH Eill himH@
?Capture+ actuall).@ 1oll) si$he" out.
?Dmpossi!le.@ /arcla) s*er,e" his /-C a*a) from the center of the street an"
continue" to pull throu$h.
2he three of them has mana$e" to e3it the cit) center an" enter into the poor outskirts+
/runner sa* the lar$e statue of Christ the >e"eemer in the !ack$roun"+ he coul" also see the
lar$e fa,elas+ *hich *ere poor housin$ "e,elopments+ that snake" their *a) up all o,er the hills.
?<o+ *e are no* officiall) in $an$ territor)+ *hat4s the plan no* !o)sH@
?Eaitl)n+ #ust 0ip )our #acket.@ /arcla) sai" *ith a scoff.
?<hut up.@
Vectors of Corruption
?9t this rate+ *e *ill ne,er fin" him5 perhaps *e shoul" #ust $o to the airport an" *ait for
9n"rea to $et here *ith the ru!).@ /runner massa$e" his neck *ith one han" *hile keepin$ the
other on the *heel.
?9n"reaI@ /runner coul" almost see /arcla) mouth the *or"s. ?D hope she4s oka).@
1oll) si$he"+ ?&o )ou think it *as a $oo" i"ea to ha,e let her $o !) herselfH@
/arcla) si$he"+ ?D shoul" ha,e $one *ith her.@
?Corries are too late no*+ )ou can4t al*a)s $uar" *hat )ou ha,e+ )ou #ust can4t+ )ou #ust
can4tI@ 1oll) sniffe" an" si$he" as *ell.
/runner su$$este" an option+ ?<houl" *e park an" fi$ure out a planH@
/arcla) slo*e" "o*n his car+ ?-i$ht as *ell+ nothin$ !etter to "o an)*a).@
2he three of them parke" near an ol" crum!lin$ *all surroun"in$ an ol" nei$h!orhoo".
<ome people looke" at them as the) $ot out of their cars.
?Gou kno* >)an+ there 9>B !etter places to stop an" rest. 6or instance+ a CafQ+ or a mall+
!ut )ou of course ha" to choose the ol" run"o*n nei$h!orhoo"s *ith "ru$ a""icts+ alcohol
fien"s an" territorial $an$s all o,er.@ 1oll) sai" 7uietl). <he $lance" aroun"+ in the "istance+ a
fe* men smokin$ aroun" the corner of the street stoppe" to look at the three of them.
?&on4t *orr)+ *e ha,e $uns.@ /runner replie" *ith a !lan" tone.
?D "on4t nee" people takin$ notice of us+ the less *e seem out of place+ the !etter.@
?Aka) Eaitl)n+ perhaps )ou *oul" like to $o first an" tell us of an) possi!le strate$ies.@
>)an /runner enunciate" *ith a smirk.
1oll) smile"+ ?Cell+ there4s no $oo" plan+ the !est *e coul" "o is $o to the airport an"
hope for 6er$uson to sho* up.@
/arcla) *as !us) starin$ at the skies+ *atchin$ out for "rones. 1e *atche" an" talke" at
the same time+ ?D *ant to fin" 9n"rea.@
2he) *ere silent for a fe* secon"s.
1oll) li$htl) smile"5 her e)es still $listene" in the li$ht. ?Gou reall) like her "on4t )ouH@
?Ges D "o+ ha,e D e,er tol" )ou t*o ofI@ /arcla) pause"+ the men *ho *ere smokin$
earlier ha" starte" to *alk to*ar"s them+ a fe* more ha" arri,e" an" *ere slo*l) stri"in$
to*ar"s their location.
?D think *e shoul" $o.@ 1oll) *hispere".
/runner checke" his pistol in the holster+ *hich *as hi""en !) his shirt. ?Ges *e shoul".@
?=et4s #ust $et out of here.@ /arcla) tol" them+ ?D am "one ha,in$ trou!le to"a).@
2he) each hoppe" into their /-Cs an" "ro,e a*a)+ mean*hile+ the smokin$ men
!ehin" them still *atchin$ their cars roar a*a) from the ol" outskirts.
2he three of them ha" no i"ea as to *hat to "o+ it *as alrea") a!out si3.thirt) !) the time
the three reache" the cit) center. Cithout an) lea"s from Cor!ett an" 6er$uson+ the three a$ree"
that it is the !est in their interest to #ust $o to the airport an" *ait for 6er$uson to sho* up *ith
the ru!). 9s the) "ro,e throu$h the securit)+ the three each flashe" their i"entification !a"$es
an" the $uar"s 7uickl) let them throu$h. 2he airport *as !e$innin$ to ha,e hea,) traffic+
/runner *atche" as lar$e passen$er planes lan" from the sk)+ their *heels lou"l) screeche" on
the *arm $roun". 1e *atche" as the planes slo*l) snake" their *a) throu$h the lanes an" ta3ie"
Vectors of Corruption
their *a) to one of the !oar"in$ $ates. 1e also mana$e" to $limpse planes of ,arious si0es line
up on the run*a)+ *aitin$ for the control to*er to $i,e them the si$nal to take off. 1e *on"ere"
*here the planes *ere $oin$5 he *on"ere" *here his team *as $oin$ to !e $oin$. 1e *on"ere"
*hether the) coul" all lea,e an" #ust $o home to a ,acation+ or *hether the) *oul" return in
!o") !a$s. /runner li$htl) $ulpe" at the latter thou$ht. Dt *as not in his interest to "ie5 he ne,er
thou$ht a!out "eath+ ne,er reall) feare" it or kept a*a) from it. 2he career re7uire" man)
situations *here he *oul" ha,e "ie" multiple times if it *as not for his "um! luck. 9t least+ that
*as *hat /runner like" to call it: "um! luck. Dt *as "um! luck that $ot him here to >io+ it *as
"um! luck that he cau$ht Chernko,+ it *as "um! luck that allo*e" him to escape+ it *as "um!
luck he ha" fallen for 1oll). 1e reconsi"ere" *hether it *as "um! luck that allo*e" him to fall
for her. 1e thou$ht a!out *hat she meant to him. Chat "i" she meant to himH /runner coul"
onl) close his e)es+ e3hale+ an" shake his hea". <he meant e,er)thin$ to him. <he truste" him+ he
ha" $aine" the trust from her+ he kno*s a!out her past+ he kno*s a!out *hat 1oll) fears+ an"
*hat she lo,es. Chat trou!le" him *as not *hat she feare"+ she feare" Chernko,+ that *as
o!,ious+ !ut it *as the secon" thou$ht that !it at him like (reat /ritain to (erman) "urin$
Corl" Car DD. Dt *as *hat she lo,e". <he lo,e" him. 1e *as the one thin$ she cares a!out the
most. 1oll) lost her parents an" has !een separate" off from her famil) for *ho kno*s ho*
lon$. /runner *as all she ha". 1e #ust ha" to sta) ali,e5 he #ust ha" to+ for the sanit) of himself+
an" to protect 1oll) from her fears. 1e+ >)an /runner+ *as the !arrica"e that split Chernko,
a*a) from 1oll)+ if he *as $one+ Chernko, *oul" onl) take her thou$hts. 6or the hun"re"th
time that "a)+ >)an /runner si$he" a lon$ si$h+ the trust has !een $aine" !) her+ !ut no* he has
#ust that much more pressure on him+ #ust 2192 much more $roun" to lookout for. /runner
*atche" as 1oll) $ot out of her car to stretch+ he smile" as she com!e" her han" throu$h her
!lon"e hair.
Masla,sk) an" Chernko, alon$ *ith a fe* of their $oons slo*l) "ro,e "o*n the streets of
>io "e 'aneiro. /ehin" them+ tie" to the !ackseat+ *as 6er$uson+ she *as still hea,il) se"ate"
an" *as slo*l) !reathin$ a*a) in her sleep.
Masla,sk) shook his hea"+ ?<he4s too $oo" to #ust lea,e alone.@
?Calm )our ass "o*n+ )ou aren4t $oin$ to !e the first in line.@ Chernko, s7ua*ke" at
Masla,sk) scoffe"+ ?>eall)+ D *as the one that tricke" her into the plan+ )ou think )ou are
#ust $oin$ to lea,e her !eH@
?D use" to remem!er ho* stupi" people like )ou *ere -arko+ no*5 people like )ou are
still "um!asses.@
?<hut the hell up+ like )ou *ant this more than me. Gou "on4t nee" to fin" *omen.@
?D sell them.@ Chernko, sai" as he *atche" his "ri,er+ Caters+ make a left turn at a
?Gou "o+ an" ho* much "o )ou make+ ma) D askH@
?&epen"s on *hich market.@
?1o* a!out the >ussian oneH@
?-ake a $oo" million or so for a nice one.@
Vectors of Corruption
?1uman traffickin$ ehH 2hou$ht that *as 8i,ea4s #o!.@
?Dt *as+ !ut the !usiness is !oomin$ at a pace that is faster than !oth the "ru$ in"ustr)
an" !lack.marketin$ *eapons. Gou $ot to #ump at opportunities *hen the) sho* -arko.@
Masla,sk) cracke" his knuckles+ ?<o *hat4s our plan *ith herH@
Chernko, turne" aroun" an" $lance" at 6er$uson+ her au!urn !ro*n hair flun$ o,er her
face. ?-eh+ *e coul" easil) lure her frien"s into traps+ plus+ the) *ill come lookin$.@
?<o *hatH 9re *e $oin$ to tie her at a post an" *ait for them to sho*H@
?2hink "eepl) -arko+ "on4t !e an i"iot+ "o )ou reall) think the) are #ust $oin$ to sho*
up an" free herH Fse common sense+ *e $et them to a location that *e ha,e more kno*le"$e of+
an" then tie her to a post+ or so to speak.@
?Gou4re takin$ 6er$uson to >ussiaH@
?-i$ht as *ell+ she coul" keep a fe* of m) $u)s compan)+ or so to speak.@
?9n" *hen "o D $et m) turn.@
?Chen D feel like it+ 8i,ea4s alrea") pa)in$ )ou ei$ht million5 D think )ou are in $oo"
?Ch) are )ou so apt at keepin$ 6er$usonH@
?2he same person+ *ho kille" m) son+ "eser,es some pain an" humiliation.@
?Ah an" *h) "on4t )ou #ust kill her off as *ellH@
?2hink -arko+ if she "ies+ the %.<.9. *ill ha,e no reason to fall for an)more traps. 'ust
like ho* 8i,ea lost 1oll)+ if *e coul" $et our han"s !ack on the !oth of them+ life *oul" !e
?Victor+ "o )ou "espise the t*o of them that muchH@
?Cith all m) heart+ !ut no *orries+ *e ha,e half the pu00le complete+ #ust nee" to $et the
other half in m) han"s. Cith an) luck+ D shall o!tain !oth an" m) hate shoul" once an" for all !e
?Chat are the t*o of them to )ou VictorH@
?-i$ht as *ell not *aste their !eaut)+ to m) men+ the) are nothin$ !ut o!#ects of se3.@
?Df )ou sa) so.@
?&arkness isnKt too fun at times+ !ut the concept of pleasure *ill surel) moti,ate the
lackluster mercenaries to actuall) $et shit "one.@
2he) continue" to "ri,e to*ar"s the airport+ the same airport that the other %.<.9.
mem!ers *ere hea"in$ toI
2he team *aite"+ *aite" at the airport for *hat seeme" like hours. 6er$uson still has not
sho*n up )et.
/arcla) *as !e$innin$ to !ecome an3ious. 1e starte" pacin$ across the small trian$le
forme" !) the three /-Cs an" starte" checkin$ his *atch e,er) other secon"+ almost seemin$l)
lost in his o*n *orl".
?Chase+ calm "o*n+ it4s #ust se,en fort).fi,e.@ 1oll) 7uietl) sai" to him.
Vectors of Corruption
?Ds 9n"rea usuall) like thisH Ar "oes she arri,e on time a lotH@ /arcla) starte" pacin$
a$ain+ this time reachin$ for his cellphone an" "ialin$ *hat the others assume" to !e 6er$uson4s
Chile he put the cellphone to his ear+ 1oll) replie"+ ?8o+ 9n"rea is almost al*a)s on
time+ the onl) time D remem!er *here she *as a little late *as *henI@ <he *as cut off !)
?<he4s not pickin$ up. (o"+ D4m freakin$ out+ pick up 9n"rea+ pick upL@
?Chase+ she4s pro!a!l) #ust !us)+ #ust for$et it+ ma)!e 9n"rea ran into traffic.@ /runner
"eci"e" to sa) to him to calm him "o*n.
?Geah+ !ut she shoul" at least pick upL@ <*eat *as !e$innin$ to slo*l) trickle "o*n from
the top of his forehea".
1oll) looke" aroun"5 she ran her han" throu$h her hair to pull it !ack !ehin" her ears.
?/ein$ on the phone an" "ri,in$ is "an$erous.@ 1oll) finall) $ot out. /runner kne* she *as out
of i"eas.
?D am sure 9n"rea4s smart enou$h to #ust use the earpiece.@ /arcla) looke" into the
hori0on as a lar$e /oein$ 747 took off *ith a roar+ the en$ines !itin$ into his ears like a snake
smashin$ into a rat.
/runner si$he" an" checke" his *atch+ onl) t*o minutes ha,e crept !)+ )et it felt like an
eternit). 1e trie" to keep it natural as he e"$e" a !it closer to 1oll). /runner felt fascinate" !)
the $ol"en !lon"e hair that flo*e" "o*n. 1e *ante" to touch it+ to feel the softness+ to feel the
$entle tin$le. /ut he "eci"e" not to+ instea" he #ust stare" at it. <tare" at it like a hatchin$
!utterfl) !ehin" a terrarium.
1oll) turne" to look him in the e)es5 the !lue e)es ha,e "roppe" to a "im $re) in the lo*
li$ht. /ut to him the) *ere still the colors of cr)stals+ #ust as !eautiful as !efore.
<he "i"n4t speak+ she "i" not mo,e+ she #ust stare" !ack. /runner *on"ere" *hether
1oll) coul" see the happiness an" honor of the fire !ein$ lit in his e)es+ the flames "ancin$ upon
the !ack of his retinas as it slo*l) as it rises up from the ashes+ an" flies off into the hori0on. 1e
*on"ere" *hether she *as happ). Con"ere" *hether she felt safe+ an" more importantl)+ he
*on"ere" *hether she ha" $aine" his trust.
?Gou ha,e !eautiful e)es.@ <he tol" him !efore turnin$ a*a).
>)an /runner stare" at 1oll)4s hair a$ain+ he #ust *ante" to reach out+ to feel it+ !ut a$ain
he "i" not+ instea" he simpl) cur,e" his mouth up to a small smile. ?2hanks. /ut it reall) is
)ours that shine up upon the *orl".@
1oll) "i" not turn to look at him+ instea"+ she looke" "o*n. ?-) parents use" to sa) that
to me a lot.@
?D !et the) *ere prou"+ "i" the) ha,e the same e)es an" the same flo*in$ hairH@ 1e trie"
to make small con,ersations *ithout soun"in$ too i"iotic.
9fter a fe* secon"s+ 1oll) "eci"e" to replie"+ ?B,er)one in m) famil) ha" !ro*n hair
an" $ra) e)es. D am the recessi,e one.@
?9n" recessi,e traits aren4t al*a)s !a".@ 1e kept lookin$ at the fine+ silk)+ stran"s that
streame" "o*n across her shoul"ers.
1oll) turne" !ack to $a0e at him+ #ust for a secon"+ he coul" make out small pockets of
tears "eep *ithin her e)es+ the )ears of sorro* an" $rief+ "esperatel) !ein$ hel" !ack.
/ut she hel" them !ack+ ?2hat4 usuall) not the case.@
Vectors of Corruption
/runner scratche" his hea"+ tr)in$ to fin" somethin$ from the !ack of his min". ?Cell+ it
is like a fiel" of re" flo*ers+ usuall)+ re" is a ,i!rant color that *arms the e)es. /ut *hen )ou
ha,e a lar$e fiel" of them+ the) are nothin$ more than en"less "ull !ro*n shapes that snake off
e,er) "irection. 1o*e,er+ if )ou fin" a rare purple in"i,i"ual !loomin$ amon$st the en"less fiel"
of re"+ the "ark+ "im ,iolet coloration *ill stan" out upon the rest. Dt is a nee"le in a ha)stack+ or
!etter )et+ a !lue "iamon" formin$ 7uietl) amon$ the ,ast sea of ru!ies.@ Dn his min" he thou$ht
he ha" reache" 8ir,ana thinkin$ of this sa)in$+ !ut /runner trie" not to sho* his e3citement.
1oll) smile"+ ?Gou ha,e a *a) of *or"s.@
?9ll thanks to m) trust*orth) peers.@
?2rustI@ 1oll) mouthe" the *or"s5 she sai" it almost in a tone of acceptance+ a tone of
/runner looke" into the "im sk)+ ?2rust.@
<ilence ha" fallen upon the $roup+ the "eafenin$ silence. 9cross the airport+ the planes
seem to lose their $as+ lose their po*er. Dt *as a silence of eerie composition+ so 7uiet that the
crickets scuttlin$ across the tarmac coul" !e hear". <ilence.
2he silence *as !roken !) /arcla).
?(u)s+ D ha,e a !a" feelin$ a!out this+ it is almost ei$ht o4 clock+ 9n"rea has not sho*n
up )et an" she4s also not pickin$ up.@
?Chat4s there to "oH@ 1oll) 7uestione"+ *e faile" tr)in$ to fin" Chernko,+ as far as D
kno* of+ she is #ust still !ein$ tie" "o*n in traffic like >)an sai".@
?Ges+ !ut this is reall) startin$ to *orr) me. <he mi$ht !e in trou!le.@
/runner cut in. ?Chat "o )ou suppose *e "oH@
?Ce shoul" $o look for her.@
?Chase+ the cit) is too !i$ for the three of to search.@
?Chat a!out Chernko,+ he4s still runnin$ lose+ the $oal for the four of us is to fin" him.@
?(oo" luck *ith that.@ /runner replie" *ithout enthusiasm.
<u""enl) someone !u00e" in on their earpieces+ !ut it *as not 6er$uson+ instea"+ it *as
'esse Cor!ett.
?2he pri,ate #et mo,in$ to )our location to o!tain the ru!) *ill arri,e in thirt) minutes.@
?<ir+ *e "o not ha,e location on >u!)+ *e ha,e lost location of 6er$uson e,er since the
fe* of us split up an hour or so a$o. 6er$uson has not !een pickin$ up the line.@
?Ce nee" )ou to fin" her an" $et that ru!) 9<9%. D ha,e scoute" the area *ith the "rone
an" the !uil"in$s an" ,ast communication ser,ices ha,e "rasticall) re"uce" the effecti,eness.
Gou nee" to fi$ure this "e!acle out imme"iatel) or the presi"ent4s not $oin$ to !e happ). 2here
alrea") *as a planne" assassination of Eraft an" &imitri #ust earlier a fe* hours a$o.@
?&amn+ in &.C.H@ 1oll) $aspe".
?Ges 9$ent 1oll)+ the t*o ha,e escape" "eath for the time !ein$+ !ut *ho kno*s *hat
*ill !ecome of thin$s. Ce kno* there are or$ani0ations in the states that are tr)in$ to take out
%.<.9. mem!ers5 *e nee" )ou to finish the mission an" $et out of >io as soon as possi!le. D "o
not kno* if an)one is sent specificall) )et to kill )ou.@
?Cop) that Cor!ett+ the ru!) is still not here )et. Ce "o not kno* *here 6er$uson is+ like
*hat D sai" !efore.@ /runner *as !ecomin$ a little !it impatient.
?6in" her.@ Cor!ett cut the line.
Vectors of Corruption
?Ane of us nee"s to $o !ack to the hotel to see if she is or has !een there.@ 1oll) 7uickl)
?D *ill $o.@ /arcla) spoke out *ith alacrit).
?Aka)+ if )ou *ish to "o so.@
?D am the one *ho is suppose" to protect 9n"rea+ it is m) responsi!ilit). Gou t*o #ust sta)
here an" sta) safe. /e on the lookout for an)thin$ out of the or"inar)+ )ou alrea") hear" of those
people tr)in$ to take out the %.<.9. in the states+ *ho kno*s if the) *oul" !e after us.@
?8o pro!lem+ Eaitl)n an" D *ill hol" fast+ )ou $o an" take care of !usiness+ !e careful+@
/runner replie".
?Eeep )our e)es peele"+ "on4t let people $et the "rop on )ou+ an" please *atch for
snipers if the) are pla)in$ assassination $ames no*.@ 1oll) *alke" for*ar" an" $a,e /arcla) a
7uick hu$.
/arcla) no""e" an" 7uickl) #umpe" into his /-C+ after a fe* secon"s+ the car roare" off
of the tarmac to*ar"s the "irection of the %uerta 'uanita 1otel.
?'ust us t*o a$ain.@ 1oll) si$he".
/runner scratche" at a mos7uito !ite on his left arm. ?Gou *ant to $o sit insi"e the cars
?Geah+ the !itin$ insects are comin$ out no*+ mi$ht as *ell.@
/runner opene" the "oor to his car an" *as a!out to $et in *hen 1oll) su""enl) spoke+
?Cait+ *oul" )ou min" if D sat in )oursH@
/runner pause"+ he *as surprise". ?Fm+ )es+ that *oul" not !e a pro!lem.@
1oll) smile" an" opene" the "oor to his car. <he inhale" a lar$e !reath of air+ then sat
"o*n an" close" the "oor. 2he t*o *ere close enou$h to smell each other4s scents.
/arcla) ha" no intention of fearin$ the *orst5 he ten"e" to !e optimistic at most.
%rotectin$ someone else *as a ne* aspect to him. Cell+ in the ol" "a)s it *asn4t much of a
pro!lem. 1e simpl) *ent the *a) he *ante" to $o. =ife to him *as a strai$ht path+ not a c)cle.
6or instance+ *hen he lost a frien" a )ear a$o in a car acci"ent+ /arcla) #ust !it his lips an"
strolle" on *ith life. <he""in$ tears upon the earth seeme" too *eak for him5 he like" keepin$
his a$$ressi,e "isposition+ *ell+ a$ain+ some*hat an a$$ressi,e "isposition. Anl) person capa!le
of !u$$in$ the hell out of his min" *as -a#or <hah+ !ut <hah *as far a*a) an" out of his senses.
Dt *asn4t anno)ance or an3iousness itself that shrou"e" his min" at the moment as he spe" his
car !ack to the %uerta 'uanita 1otel. Dt *as more or less+ 6er$uson. 9n"rea 6er$uson+ he ha"
fallen in lo,e *ith her+ possi!l). /ut then a$ain it coul" #ust !e an ol" crush. /arcla) *as not
e3actl) in the moo" to start a relationship an" "efinitel) not one that *as *a) too serious an"
intimate. 6or the time !ein$ thou$h+ the fear of losin$ her *as $reat. 6or the time !ein$+ he C9<
*orrie" an" an3ious. 9t least+ that *as the onl) e3planation he coul" think of. Comen+
somethin$ ne,er e3actl) thou$ht of !) him. &urin$ his trainin$+ he *as traine" to resist his
se3ual ur$es from *omen. Cas he !reakin$ the ,o*H 8ot reall)+ the rule!ook ne,er sai"
an)thin$ a$ainst "atin$. /ut *as 6er$uson too much for himH 9ll these 7uestions circle" aroun"
in his hea" like sharks circlin$ a ")in$ *hale. 9n" he *as the *hale+ slo*l) $aspin$ for !reath+
slo*l) makin$ him more an" more tire". Dt *as like a fe* )ears a$o in 8i$eria+ *here he *as on
a trip to listen in on $o,ernmental issues after the Coup "e ta. 9merican am!assa"ors *ere
Vectors of Corruption
suppose" to !e protecte" !) him+ )et he *as suppose" to also follo* in on the situation itself.
2he one *eek sta) *as his pain.*aters. Gearl) harmattan *in"s that !le* throu$h the emaciate"
lan"s $na*e" at his sinuses+ causin$ his aller$ies to react. 1e hate" that feelin$+ he #ust hate" it.
Fnfortunatel)+ that *as ho* he felt no*5 sensiti,e+ e3pose" an" *orrie". 1e *orrie" for
6er$uson+ !ut also *orrie" for the safet) of the team as a *hole.
2he lea"in$ position of the team *as not him+ it *as pro!a!l) /runner+ as he #ust assume".
/runner *as a $oo" lea"er+ usuall). <ometimes he almost *ishes he *as of hi$her rank+ to not
ha,e to follo* or"ers. /ut then a$ain+ /runner "oesn4t reall) ?or"er@ him to "o an)thin$5 he #ust
speaks *or"s+ *or"s that /arcla) *as allo*e" to scan throu$h his hea"+ carefull) pickin$ out the
!etter si"es. 1e *as a likea!le person+ #ust one that $a,e o"" impressions for the sh)ness earlier
on in his career. 8o* thou$h+ the a$ent *as much more talkati,e+ much !ra,er at startin$
con,ersation+ an" sometimes+ startin$ skirmishes in,ol,in$ *eapons.
Chase /arcla) ha" man) thou$hts+ too man) to $o o,er. /ut a$ain+ all %.<.9. mem!ers ha,e ha"
some kin" of thou$hts in the past. -ost think too har". 1e smile" as he thou$ht of (reene4s
lecturin$ ra$es. Get the) seem much softer than the special operations people. 2he %.<.9. sa* the
*orl" aroun" them "ifferentl)5 the *orl" aroun" them *as a !eautiful place+ a natural ha!itat for
man) "i,erse or$anisms *on"erin$ a!out their "ail) li,es+ not a "eath fiel" of !ullets+ mines+ an"
e3plosions. /arcla) un"erstoo" that the) operate" not as militar)+ !ut as traine" assassins+ $oin$
upon missions that re7uire too much thinkin$.
1e si$he"+ remem!erin$ a!out 9n"rea. 2he palms of his han"s are !e$innin$ to s*eat5
his forehea" also "ri00le" *ith $rains of li7ui"+ meltin$ off his pores as the /ra0ilian sun spla)e"
"o*n upon him. &roplets *oul" fall off an" lan" near his mouth+ the stale saltiness stun$ his
ton$ue. /arcla) *oul" then *ince an" spit+ tr)in$ to e3pel the s*eat.
9s the traffic slo*e" him "o*n+ the memories of his 6er$uson coul" not escape from his
hea". 1e remem!ere" the au!urn !ro*n hair5 it *as so natural+ )et so !eautiful. Can sometime
so natural !e so !eautifulH Dt #ust occurre" to him that nature *as his "efinition of !eaut). B,er)
"a) "urin$ his )outh+ he *oul" run onto *et+ $rass) fiel"s of Eansas an" pick the "an"elions that
spran$ up. Dt *as one of the most en#o)a!le memories of his life. 1e *oul" kneel "o*n on the
*et earth+ *atchin$ the small ants an" *orms cra*l an" *i$$le their *a) out of their soake"
homes an" mo,e across the s*eet smellin$ earth. Carefull)+ /arcla) *oul" pick each flo*er off
from the "an"elions+ makin$ sure the stem *as clean cut+ an" then the flo*ers *oul" !e put into
a little !ottle of *ater. 2here *as a $oo" amount of memories o,er the )ears of takin$ flo*ers
an" *atchin$ the $rasshoppers fl) off in "ifferent "irections later in the )ear.
Ane "a)+ *hen /arcla) *as a!out fourteen+ he *as out on the same fiel"+ searchin$ for
"ifferent plants for an ecolo$) pro#ect. /ut upon arri,al+ the )oun$ teena$er foun" that he *as
not alone. 9nother person+ a $irl+ *as also there. 1e *as instantl) mesmeri0e" !) the "eep !lue
e)es+ an" the "ark.chestnut colore" hair. 1er name *as 'enn) 9m!ers. 'enn) *as also there to
collect samples for her ecolo$) pro#ect. <oon+ the t*o *ere paire" to$ether like <iamese t*ins.
2he) coul" not !reak apart for too lon$. =unch *as eaten to$ether+ classes *ere taken to$ether+
an" those class pro#ects often in,ol,e" them partnerin$ to$ether as *ell. Dt *as an ama0in$
feelin$ for /arcla). 1e coul" onl) *atch *ith a*e" !eam as he *atche" her $ro* more !eautiful
each "a)+ each month+ an" each )ear. <he *as perfect to him. 9n" soon after their si3teenth
!irth"a)+ /arcla) finall) o!taine" the coura$e to ask her out to a mo,ie. 2he t*o sat ne3t to each
other an" share" a small tu! of popcorn. 'enn) leane" on his shoul"ers. /arcla) almost "ie" from
Vectors of Corruption
the passion !et*een them. Dt *as like $ems to his e)es !ein$ a!le to see her e,er) "a). Ane time+
she *ent on ,acation+ an" /arcla) sta)e" up all ni$ht to te3t to her. Dt *as perfect. Chat ma"e
him e,en more content *as the fact that 'enn) respecte" him #ust as much. Af course other
teena$e !o)s trie" their luck *ith her. /ut she simpl) refuse" their actions. 'enn) like" him+ he
kne* that. 2he) *ent to the same fiel" of $rass e,er) *eek of e,er) season. Ane "a) "urin$ the
fall of *hen the) *ere !oth se,enteen+ she $a,e him a #a"e stone that *as in her collection. 2hat
*as the same "a) the t*o kisse" un"er the "immin$ sun. Dt *as perfect. Bach "a)+ he *oul" $o
to the fiel"+ la) "o*n a !lanket an" *ait for her to arri,e a fe* minutes later. <he *oul" sa) ho*
he *as ?al*a)s earl).@ 9fter that+ the t*o *ere insepara!le. &a) after "a) he *oul" $o there+ la)
"o*n the !lanket+ an" ma)!e !rin$ some foo" an" *ater for them to en#o). &a) after "a) it *as
a similar routine. 9n" /arcla) coul" ne,er ha,e !een happier. /ut then one "a) it stoppe". 'enn)
ne,er arri,e" for an hour so /arcla) "eci"e" to pack up an" $o home. 1e trie" to call her !ut no
one ans*ere". Chen he arri,e" home+ there *as a car parke" on his "ri,e*a)+ it *as a police
2he officer *as talkin$ to his mother+ *ho looke" solemn. /arcla) remem!ere" the entire
con,ersation. 2he officer sa* his car pull up an" he turne" aroun". 2he "oor opene" 7uietl) an"
he steppe" onto the *et $rass as the officer came "o*n his "ri,e*a) to $reet him. 1e ha" a lar$e
!ear" that co,ere" his face. 2he !ear" mo,e" like a little shi,erin$ ra!!it as he spoke.
'enn) 9m!ers ha" "ie" in a car acci"ent #ust thirt) minutes prior. 1e *as the last contact
on her phone so the police "eci"e" to track the num!er to his a""ress. /arcla) #ust stoo" there+
limp+ helpless+ crestfallen. 1e *as not sure *hether to cr) or to !e an$r). 1e simpl) stoo" there+
9pparentl)+ 'enn) *as on her *a) to the $rass fiel" to meet /arcla) *hen a lar$e <FV
pilote" !) a "runken man *as spee"in$ ri$ht in her "irection. 2he <FV colli"e" *ith her car
hea" on an" she *as instantl) kille". 2he "runk "ri,er ho*e,er+ sur,i,e" *ith no in#ures much
to /arcla)4s an$er.
1e *as an$r)5 he kne* he *as+ not #ust *ith the "runk "ri,er+ !ut also *ith himself. Df he
*as to not ha,e ?pressure"@ her to come to the $rass) fiel"+ she *oul" ha,e !een fine. /arcla)
!lame" himself for her "eath e,en after the calmin$ from his peers an" parents that he *as not to
!lame. 2he "a)s passe" on as if her "eath *asn4t announce". 1er "esks in all the classes *ere
remo,e". 1er locker *as cleane" out an" left empt). 2he si$ht of her !eautiful e)es an" !ro*n
hair *as no more+ no more+ no more.
/arcla) *ent to the $rass) fiel" e,er) "a) after her "eath. 1e *oul" la) "o*n the
!lanket+ la) out the foo". <ome "a)s+ *hen it *as cool an" mist)+ he coul" almost see the ima$e
of 'enn)+ arri,in$ to the seen+ tellin$ him that he *as ?al*a)s earl)+@ an" sharin$ the foo" *ith
him. <ome "a)s+ he remem!ere" the passion the) share". /arcla) coul" still feel her lips on his+
soft+ smooth+ an" $entle.
1e *ent to the fiel" e,er) "a) of the )ear unless he *asn4t in to*n. B,en *hen /arcla)
*as "o*n *ith aller$ies+ the flu+ or some other illness+ he still *oul" sho* up. 9n" e,er) "a) the
!lankets an" foo" *oul" !e lai" out. 9ll !eautiful an" neat+ #ust like ho* 'enn) lo,e" it.
/ut then one "a) that stoppe". 2he $rass) lot that *as his safe ha,en a*a) from the
*orl" *as torn apart. 9 lar$e truck fille" the "estro)e" fiel" *ith concrete. Cithin a fe* months+
it ha" turne" into a lar$e parkin$ lot for the e,er e3pan"in$ supermarket across the roa". /arcla)
coul" feel the memories !et*een 'enn) an" himself !ein$ torn e,en farther apart. <ometimes+
Vectors of Corruption
the teena$e /arcla) *oul" "ri,e !) the parkin$ lot an" stop to stare. Dt *as #ust not the same5 the
natural !eaut) *as replace" !) concrete" u$liness. 2he $narle" surface *oul" reflect the li$ht
into /arcla)4s e)es+ causin$ him to lea,e.
1e trie" not to cr). 2ears *ere hel" !ack as !est as he coul" e,er mana$e. /ut on a
storm) "a) one *eek after 'enn)4s "eath+ he coul" no lon$er hol" it in. /arcla) locke" the "oor+
hi" in the corner of his room+ an" let all his emotions out. 1e $raspe" the #a"e stone she ha"
$i,en him so ti$htl) that his han"s turne" *hite. /ut he "i"n4t care5 it *as one of the thin$s he
coul" ph)sicall) feel that *as from her. Dt sa""ene" him that e,er)thin$ ha" to en" so 7uickl).
/ut he kne* it *as out of his reach of po*er. 2he #a"e $linte" in the li$ht an" /arcla) polishe" it
*hen it $ot "ust)+ !ut it har"l) e,er "i"+ he han"le" it almost "ail). 9!out t*o *eeks after her
"eath+ /arcla) recei,e" an enclose" letter to meet at the *hite house for a special e,ent. 1e left
2opeka+ Eansas took a trip to Cashin$ton &.C.+ *here he *as chosen to !ecome part of the pre.
trainin$ pro$rams for the %.<.9. after the) foun" a uni7ue com!ination of his athletic an"
intellectual skills. 2he summer of that )ear+ he traine" in &.C.+ !ut no matter *here he *ent+ he
carrie" the #a"e+ it remin"e" him of that au!urn hair an" "eep !lue e)es. 9s *ell as that !eautiful
smile on her !ri$ht face. Dt ma"e him happ). Dt is perfect.
/runner an" 1oll) sat in the car. Dt *as 7uiet outsi"e+ almost as if the Barth ha" stoppe"
rotatin$ on its a3is. 1e felt as if it *as *aitin$ for him to make a mo,e+ to ask her a 7uestion to
start a con,ersation. Chat *as he to sa)H 2here alrea") *ere man) sensiti,e su!#ects Eaitl)n
1oll) *oul" rather not "iscuss. Chat if he !rou$ht somethin$ up that offen"e" herH 9n" another
"istur!ance continue" to lin$er in his min"5 1as 1oll) $aine" his trustH Ar *as she still insecure
enou$h to hi"e secrets from himH 9ll a!out his !loo" $ur$le" throu$h his !o")+ col" an" "amp5
"amp like the urine soake" trenches of Corl" Car D. &amp like the mil"e* that $re* across his
to*els "urin$ the mist) "a)s of summer. 1e *as unsure. 1e *as more or less+ e3tremel)
ner,ous. 1oll) "i"n4t look him in the e)es. <he *as starin$ off into the sunset. <he seeme" to
like the sunsets. /runner lo,e" *atchin$ her as she *atche" the sunset. Dt hei$htene" the color of
her silk) hair. 2o sa) the least+ it turne" him on. 1e coul" spen" all "a) #ust *atchin$ the hair.
2he si$ht ma"e him happ).
<till thou$h+ the silence aroun" *as turnin$ a*k*ar". 2he a$ent un"erstoo" that he
*ante" to connect to 1oll)+ after all+ the) alrea") kisse"+ alrea") share" their passion to some
e3tent. Cas there somethin$ to *orr)H Dt *as like talkin$ to a $o""ess+ *ell+ he "i" see her as
one. 9fter all+ 1oll)4s !eaut) *as har" to i$nore+ !ut it frustrate" him to !e a!le to con,erse *ith
the top criminal $an$s across the *orl" *ith pistols aime" at him )et he+ >)an /runner+ Captain
>)an /runner+ an a$ent in the %resi"ent4s <ecret 9rm)+ "i" not ha,e the ner,e to speak *ith a
$irl. Dt ma"e him s*eat.
/runner looke" at 1oll). <he still *as #ust as !eautiful as e,er. 1e turne" a*a). 1oll)
reache" o,er *ith her han". /runner s*allo*e".
<he li$htl) reache" an" hel" his han"+ li$htl) s7uee0in$ it. /runner "i"n4t mo,e. 1e
s*allo*e" a$ain. Dt ma"e him feel a little uncomforta!le for some reason. &i"n4t he #ust kiss her
Vectors of Corruption
)ester"a) !ack at the hotel as the) *ere lookin$ on into the !lue seaH Ch) *as he ner,ous
?Gou kno*+ )ou are one of the onl) people *ho kno* a!out m) ni$htmares+@ 1oll)
7uietl) sai".
?Ges+ e,er since m) parents "ie"+ D ha,e ha" "reams almost ni$htl) of them ")in$ *hile D
*atch helplessl)+ almost like a pane of $lass !lockin$ me from helpin$ them.@
?D4m sorr)+@ he *asn4t sure *hat to sa). /runner *asn4t $oo" at makin$ personal
?8o+ it4s oka)5 D #ust *ante" )ou to kno*.@
?Chat *as it likeH@ 1e pause".
<he $raspe" his han" ti$hter. ?2he first *eek *as painful5 e,er)*here D *oul" $o D4"
think of the last time D *as there *ith m) parents or *ith m) !rother.@
/runner pause" a$ain+ ?2ell me a!out )our !rother.@
?Chris+@ she li$htl) smile"+ ?D *as al*a)s his !i$$est fan. Anl) t*o )ears ol"er than me
)ou kno*L 1e *as a freshman in colle$e at the time. 2hat ki" *as onl) there to ,isit us for a fe*
"a)s !efore hea"in$ off !ack to colle$e.@ 2he smile "isappeare".
?Ges+ if Chris *as to not ha,e come !ack to con$ratulate me on m) #o! at the Chite
1ouse+ *ell+ he *oul" still !e here to"a).@ 1oll) si$he". 2he color of her !lue e)es seeme" to
ha,e fa"e" to a "im $ra). /ut she *asn4t cr)in$+ #ust simpl) crestfallen.
?D !et )ou lo,e" him+@ /runner mana$e" to $et out. 1is throat *as !e$innin$ to ti$hten
as a !ea" of s*eat trickle" "o*n his neck.
1oll) mana$e" to smile a$ain+ ?1e use" to al*a)s anno) me. D use" to lock the "oor to
m) room #ust so he "oesn4t come in an" rearran$e e,er)thin$ in m) closet.@ <he pause" an"
looke" "o*n+ ?D kin" of miss that no* actuall).@
/runner con#ure" up a 7uestion. ?Chat *as he likeH@
?1e *as someone D al*a)s looke" up to. Chen D *as )oun$+ D *oul" follo* him
e,er)*here. %eople use" to call me his sha"o*. 2hose *ere the times.@ 1oll) continue" her
sli$ht smile. ?D remem!ere" ho* on the first "a) of hi$h school+ he fen"e" some !ullies a*a)
from me. Chris al*a)s *oul" anno) me as to ho* m) hair is so )ello* that it looke" like D
*ashe" it *ith mustar". 1e *oul" poke fun of ho* D trie" to #ust !e like him.@ 1oll) pause". <he
reache" into her pocket an" pulle" out a *allet. 9fter she carefull) opene" it+ 1oll) pulle" out an
ol"+ fra)e" picture of a famil) photo. 1er parents+ *ho *ere stan"in$ e,er so prou"l) ne3t to
their t*o chil"ren+ smile". <he han"e" the photo to /runner.
/runner $raspe" the thin+ flak) piece of paper+ tr)in$ not to "estro) it more. 1e looke" at
the ?!o)@ stan"in$ ne3t to Eaitl)n. Chris *as almost as tall as >)an /runner himself. 1e ha"
$re)ish e)es+ an" *as e3tremel) *ell !uilt+ much more muscular than /runner4s o*n !o"). Chris
*as *earin$ a $reen 2.shirt *ith !a$$) shorts. 8e3t to him *as a )oun$er ,ersion of the Eaitl)n
1oll) sittin$ ne3t to him. B,en !ack then+ she ha" the lon$+ flo*in$ hair+ the piercin$ !lue e)es+
an" a smile. 2hat smile. <he seeme" happ)+ prou"+ content+ an" certainl) happier than *hat she
is ri$ht no*. Dt *as a true smile+ somethin$ /runner has )et to *itness in 1oll) herself. 2o"a)+
she !arel) raises her lips to sho* happiness. Dn fact+ >)an /runner *on"ere" *hether 1oll) *as
happ) to"a) at all from the e,ents she ha" to *itness+ #ust si3 )ears a$o.
Vectors of Corruption
1er parents *ere hu$$in$ the t*o of them5 to the ri$ht *as her father. 9 funn) lookin$ man *ith
!ro*n hair infuse" *ith *hite ones. 1e *as openin$ his mouth *i"e. 2o the other si"e *as her
mother+ a !eautiful *oman+ almost a true representation of the ol"er Eaitl)n+ she *as also
smilin$. /ut *hat struck /runner the most *as the teena$er stan"in$ ne3t to Eaitl)n 1oll). Chris
ha" "ark !ro*n hair+ much more "im an" "ark than the li$ht frail )ello* of Eaitl)n4s. /ut e,en
throu$h the ol" photo+ /runner coul" make out #ust ho* fine the hair *as+ it *as silk)+ *arm+
an" soft+ #ust like that of Eaitl)n4s. 1e passe" the photo !ack to 1oll).
?Gou ha,e a *on"erful famil)+ D am sorr) for *hat )ou ha" to "eal *ith. D kno* D am an
i"iot talkin$ to )ou an" tr)in$ to make )ou feel !etter. /ut D #ust am not $oo" at su!#ects like
this.@ 1e si$he" out in !oth sa"ness an" "isappointment to himself.
?Gou aren4t "oin$ too !a"l).@ <he leane" o,er ne3t to him an" $entl) !rushe" her lips
a$ainst his cheeks.
/runner shi,ere"+ !ut she #ust mo,e" on an" plante" them a$ainst his lips. 1e taste" the
li$ht scent of cherries mi3e" *ith all the fra$rances he coul" not make out. 1e coul" feel her
$oose !umps risin$ on her arms. /runner coul" feel !oth of their heart!eats risin$. /ut he coul"
onl) tr) to i$nore them as the a$ent slo*l) lifte" his han"+ an" ran it carefull) throu$h her fine+
silk) hair+ separatin$ each stran" as it caresse" the thin filaments.
/ehin" them+ the sun *as settin$+ castin$ a li$ht oran$e $lo* upon the airport run*a)s.
9 fe* miles a*a) an" a!o,e the airport+ there *as a Fnite" <tates $o,ernment plane
carr)in$ four %.<.9. a$ents *as !ein$ rushe" to /runner an" 1oll)4s location. 2he four of them
*ere rushe" to the location to not onl) help fin" Chernko, an" Mas,la,sk)+ !ut also to secure the
ru!) *ith the encr)pte" information. Bach of them carrie" a /eretta pistol slippe" un"erneath
their suits. Ane of them+ a )oun$ *oman a!out 1oll) an" /runner4s a$e+ name" 'o)ce 'ohnson+
*as sittin$ still+ ner,ousl) t)pin$ on her computer. <he *as easil) spooke"+ an" ha" li$ht !lon"e
hair like that of 1oll)4s e3cept that it *as rou$her an" *as left in e3treme curls. 8e3t to her sat a
man *ho *as half asleep on the couch. 1is name *as -ike Binspahr+ a skinn) man *ho al*a)s
#okes aroun" on the #o!. 1e ha" shorter+ some*hat matte" hair that sta)e" on his hea" like it *as
$lue" "o*n *ith ru!!er cement. Binspahr *as fairl) tall !ut his thinness allo*e" him to !e sl)+
*hich thus allo*e" him to carefull) creep across fiel"s of people to fin" his tar$et+ his o!#ecti,e+
or as he calls it+ his ?8e3t Bnem) Victim.@ 9cross the aisle sat t*o shorter men. Ane *as name"
>ei" As!orn+ *ell5 his real name *as Een !ut the presi"ent felt that ?Een@ soun"e" e3tremel)
*eak+ *hich thus cause" >ei" to $i,e himself a ne* nickname. 9fter a *hile+ the nickname #ust
stuck to as !ein$ >ei". 1e ha" short hair that li$htl) co,ere" his roun"e" hea". 1is ,oice ha" a
ki".like tone to it+ thus makin$ some people call him+ ?2he Chil" of the %.<.9+@ or in the instance
of his frien"s+ ?2he 8oo!.@ 2he last man sittin$ in the plane *as one !) the name of 1a""ock+
%orter 1a""ock actuall). /ut he hate" it *hen people call him %orter "ue to an ol" hi$h school
!ull) as *ell as the connection to a t)pe of alcoholic "rink. B,er)one ha" #ust resi"e" to call him+
?1a""ock@+ ?2he 1a""ock@+ or ?=ieutenant 1a""ock.@ 1e *as short+ #ust like As!orn+ *ith
lon$er hair+ a "eeper ,oice+ an" more serious attitu"e to*ar"s his *ork. 1a""ock poppe" his
fin$ers an" rea" throu$h some notes $i,en !) the %resi"ent.
9ll of the four a$ents *ere lieutenants5 the) all un"erstoo" that /runner *ill run aroun"
!ossin$ them all o,er the place if he *ante" to. /ut the) kne* !etter a!out >)an /runner+ the)
Vectors of Corruption
kne* that he *ill ha,e to !e controlle". 2he four onl) hope" that /runner *as in a $oo" moo" so
as to not ha,e to listen to or"ers an" instea" "eci"e on their o*n *hat *oul" !e the !est plan.
2he) "on4t hate /runner+ in fact+ the) like /runner much more as a lea"er than sa)+ -a#or <hah.
9s for 1oll)+ 'ohnson herself un"erstoo" 1oll)4s soft past+ an" it *as also un"erstoo" !) at least
'ohnson herself that 1oll) *asn4t as a$$ressi,e an" tenacious as some officers. <he $ets the
*ork "one of course+ !ut she $ets it "one *ithout ar$uments or #u"$ment+ *hich is *hat
=ieutenant 'o)ce 'ohnson+ lo,es. 2he four of them thou$h+ *eren4t in the !est of all moo"s for
$oin$ on this mission. Cell+ at least the plan *as for t*o of them to mo,e out an" help /runner4s
$roup fin" Chernko, *hile the rest sta) at the airport an" !e rea") to lea,e at moment4s notice.
2hose *ho sta) at the airplane *oul" !e in char$e of securin$ the ru!)+ *hich the $roup has no
i"ea as to *hat it "oes+ the) *ere #ust tol" of the fact that the $em *as of ?Ftter Dmportance.@
2he #et !ounce" an" rum!le" as it hits some tur!ulence in the air+ causin$ Binspahr *ake
up *ith a s7uirme" #ump. Dt *as o!,ious to the other three that he *as sli$htl) ner,ous+ >io *as
a countr) completel) out of his realm of e3perience. 1e ha" spent most of his operation times in
=on"on an" /erlin. 8ot e3actl) the same en,ironment as >io. A!,iousl)+ the continue"
e3clamation on the $an$s in >io itself "i" not calm Binspahr4s fears an) more than caffeine
causin$ people to sleep soun"l). Binspahr !e$an to tap his han" on the *oo"en armrest.
?<top tappin$+ it4s anno)in$ as hell+@ 1a""ock announce" as he looke" up from his pile
of papers. 1a""ock ne,er seeme" to sho* fear or an3iet)+ onl) an$er an" anno)ance.
?<orr)+ #ust a !it ner,ous.@
?<till+ stop tappin$.@
?Aka).@ 1e stoppe" tappin$ his han" an" took out his phone. 2he ner,ous a$ent !ean
scrollin$ throu$h the flat+ touch.screen cellphone+ his fin$ers makin$ inau"i!le taps as it fle*
across the screen.
?<o an)one has !een here !eforeH@ As!orn aske".
?Ges an" >io is horri!le+@ 1a""ock e3claime".
As!orn inhale" "eepl)+ ?1o* is it horri!leH Dt can4t !e that much *orse than >ussia.@
As!orn *as sent mostl) aroun" >ussia to check up on the *eapons pro$rams that are secretl)
hi""en from the Fnite" <tates. A,er the )ears+ his co,er *as almost !roken t*ice+ !ut the tou$h
min"e" %.<.9. a$ent still mana$e" to escape out of the countr) unscathe".
?6irstl)+ *e ha,e the streets. 9t ni$ht+ the) are ri""le" *ith "ru$ a""icts+ $an$ mem!ers+
prostitutes+ an" a ,ariet) of o""ities *aitin$ to snatch )our *allet+ )our ,ir$init) if )ou still ha,e
it+ or *orst )et+ )our life. <econ"l)+ re,ie* m) first reason.@ 1a""ock still *as rea"in$ throu$h
his notes+ his e)es traine" upon the tin) *or"s like a pre"ator) !ir"+ e)ein$ his ne3t meal.
?8o*here 8B9> as !a" as >ussia+ *here D *as sta)in$+ the) simpl) capture" people an"
kille" them if the $o,ernment *as incapa!le of $i,in$ out the necessar) fun"s. 9lso+ traffickin$
is almost as !a" as the *eapon pro$rams in >uskie territor)+@ As!orn e3claime".
?9h )es+ the human traffickin$+ >io is #ust as !a" )ou kno*H >an"om ki"s an" teens are
snatche" from the streets "ail). 9nother reason *h) )ou ne,er $o out at ni$ht+ the roa" is #ust a
minefiel" *aitin$ to !e "etonate" !) the steps of the un*ar) pre).@
As!orn pause"+ ?Gou think 6er$uson *oul" $i,e me a chance if D focuse" more on
human affairs instea" of *eapon !lack.marketin$H@
Vectors of Corruption
?>ei"+ the "a) 9n"rea 6er$uson $ets close enou$h for )ou to see her e)es is the "a) the
thir" *orl" *ar en"s+@ 1a""ock replie" *ithout much emotion. 9$ain+ his e)es *ere still
skimmin$ across the pa$es of "ocuments.
?<o much for fin"in$ *omen+ it4s a lot har"er than 'ames /on" ma"e it to !e.@ As!orn
$luml) sai".
1a""ock finall) stoppe" an" looke" up from the notes+ ?8o *orries m) !o)+ )ou *ill $et
)our chance some"a)+ #ust ha,e to *ork to $et it. -ean*hile+ )ou #ust ha,e to let /arcla) run his
course *ith 9n"rea 6er$uson+ if he "eci"es to en" the lo,e+ )ou mi$ht actuall) ha,e a chance.@
1a""ock took a sip of champa$ne+ cou$he"+ an" *ent !ack to skimmin$ his packet of
'ohnson un"erstoo" this con,ersation *as $oin$ no*here+ !ut she "i" not interrupt+ if
an)thin$+ it *oul" #ust make her face turn re" an" also create massi,e frustration. 8othin$ much
to "o a!out that+ it *as ho* the )oun$ a$ent ha" !een for as lon$ as an)one can remem!er.
6rustration *as somethin$ har" for her to i$nore an" mo,e on *ith+ somethin$ that+ to sa) the
least+ ?frustrates@ her.
2he four of them sta)e" 7uiet+ a fe* minutes later+ Binspahr !e$ins to tap a$ain+ this time
a$ainst his o*n packet of "ocuments. /ut 1a""ock *as pro!a!l) too tire" to respon". 2he
1a""ock simpl) shook his hea"+ )a*ne"+ an" *ent !ack to skimmin$ the "ocuments. 9roun" the
room+ the noises "roppe"+ e,er)one remaine" silent. 2he "eafenin$ silence frustrate" 'ohnson5 it
ma"e the situation a*k*ar" for her. /ut+ once a$ain+ e,en 'ohnson *as too tire" to respon"5 she
#ust simpl) sat there+ crosse" her le$s+ slouche" "o*n on her seat+ an" continue" to t)pe on her
laptop. <lo*l) !ut surel)+ the #et *as arri,in$ soon at the >io "e 'aneiro.(aleSo Dnternational
Chase /arcla)4s /-C screeche" a$$ressi,el) has it !rake" in front of the %uerta 'uantia
1otel. 1e 7uickl) rushe" out of it an" ran up the stairs+ not e,en checkin$ to make sure that the
car "oor *as close". 2he "oorman tippe" his hat an" open the "oor to let him throu$h+ he rushe"
ri$ht past *ithout stoppin$+ causin$ the "oorman4s hat to fall to the $roun". Ouickl)+ he muttere"
out an apolo$) an" continue" to run throu$h the lo!!). 2he lo!!) *as the same as !efore+
chan"eliers lit+ people talkin$+ tele,isions 7uietl) shinin$ in the !ack$roun" *ith their noise
"raine" out !) the constant chatter of the people.
9 line ha" forme" in front of the ele,ators5 people *ere as usual+ moanin$ a!out ho*
lon$ the) ha" !een *aitin$. -ost of them *ere tourists from Burope an" the Fnite" <tates an"
man) *ere still carr)in$ lu$$a$e. /arcla) "i,erte" his path an" opene" the "oor to the stairs. 1e
race" up*ar"s throu$h the stairs+ his heart poun"in$ !oth from the lack of o3)$en an"
ner,ousness. 2he a$ent reache" the floor to their rooms an" "ashe" throu$h the "oor. 9hea" of
him+ the hall*a)s stretche" on like cells+ each reflectin$ the li$ht from their shin) $ol" num!ers.
Fpon reachin$ the room *here the) *ere sta)in$ at #ust hours !efore+ /arcla) instantl)
kne* somethin$ *as not ri$ht. 2he "oor *as sli$htl) open an" the lock ha" !een cut throu$h.
/arcla) 7uickl) "re* his pistol an" kicke" open the "oor. 9hea" of him+ the li$hts in the room
caste" a $loom) $lo* that sprea" across the *alls like the slo* e3pansion of mol". 1e pause"
an" stare" at the surroun"in$s. B,er)thin$ actuall) looke" #ust the *a) it *as *hen the) left it
this mornin$. /e" *as ma"e+ the lamp *as turne" off+ an" the to*els *ere fol"e" across the !e".
Vectors of Corruption
/arcla) *as #ust a!out to "ismiss the *hole scene *hen the shin) o!#ect near the front of
the *ar"ro!e cau$ht his e)es. 1e sprinte" o,er an" looke" at it. Dt scare" him+ that o!#ect. 2he
shin)+ sil,er) o!#ect *as the *eapon case that 9n"rea 6er$uson keeps her sniper rifle. Dt "i"n4t
take lon$ for him to notice the four !) four inch section of metal that *as cut a*a) from the case
itself. /arcla) "roppe" "o*n an" 7uickl) reache" insi"e the *hole. Dt *as o!,ious to him+ !ut he
#ust ha" to check as a firstl) human nature.
8o "ou!t+ the ru!) *as $one+ an" it *asn4t 6er$uson *ho has it+ her $un *as still there+
!ut the ru!) *asn4t. /arcla) 7uickl) scanne" the room in a small panicke" mo"e+ tr)in$ to look
for clues. 2here "i"n4t seem to !e an) that stoo" out to him. B,er)thin$ *as perfectl) cleane"
an" put to *here it !elon$e". Dt *as *hen /arcla) scanne" the !e" that he notice" somethin$.
An it *ere small speckles of $re) "ust. 1e ran his han" in the speckles of ash) "ust an" ru!!e"
his fin$ers. /rin$in$ his fin$ers up to his nose+ /arcla) sniffe" the particles. Dt smelle" like
smoke+ it smelle" like $unpo*"er+ he instantl) !ecame *orrie".
9s he !rushe" off the po*"er from his fin$ers+ his e)es cau$ht hol" of a "im patch on the
*hite carpet. /arcla) leane" closer5 it *as a small "rop of !loo". 2he a$ent !ecame e,en more
*orrie" an" an3ious. Dt seeme" to him that there *as a small kafuffle that happene" not too lon$
a$o. 2he "roplet of !loo" that staine" the fluff)+ *hite carpet *as still crimson re"+ almost still
li7ui". 9s he leane" closer+ somethin$ else cau$ht his e)e+ an" that somethin$ horrifie" him e,en
more. 1e $aspe" in fear as the a$ent scram!le" to pull out his phone to call /runner an" 1oll) as
he picke" up the little+ thin o!#ect.
>io: 2hat <ame &a)
2hat o!#ect+ 21B o!#ect that la) across his shakin$ han"s. Dt *as a thin hair!an". 2he
hair!an" *as tin$e" *ith a cross !et*een )ello* an" !lue+ !lue that *as the color of the rich+
,ast ocean. /lue that *as the color of sapphires. Chat struck /arcla) e,en more a!out the
hea"!an" *as that it *as snappe" in one spot+ the ori$inall) roun"e" !an" ha" !een !roken into
a sin$ular line. 9 line that cause" )et more *orrie" upon his cro*"e" min".
1e instantl) kne* it *as 6er$uson4s+ he #ust kne* it+ the colors+ he sa* her *ear that
same hea"!an" #ust the "a) !efore. /ut one "a) !efore+ it *as still perfect+ not !roken. 2o further
lo*er his sense of hope+ he reali0e" that it ha" her initials on them. Dt *as *ritten on it+ actuall)+
it *as em!roi"ere" on it. 2hose initials+ the t*o letters: 9.6.
/arcla) "roppe" the hea"!an" an" it fell+ fell slo*l) "o*n*ar"s+ "o*n*ar"s onto the
carpet. Dt "i"n4t e,en make a soun". Dt coul"n4t make a soun".
1is phone !eepe" 7uietl) in his ears as he picke" up the !roken hair!an" a$ain. (entl)+
/arcla) thum!e" the piece of fa!ric. Dt *as then that he notice" somethin$ else. 2he piece of hair
stuck on it. Cith $reat care+ /arcla) picke" out the piece of hair *ith his free han". Dt *as !ro*n+
au!urn !ro*n to !e e3act. B,en *ith #ust a sin$le piece of it+ the a$ent kne* that it *as
6er$uson4s+ no*here else has he e,er seen hair like this+ so fine+ so smooth+ so !eautiful.
Get he no* reali0e" that the !eaut) *as out of his reach. 1e ha" lost his sense of lo,e+ his
sense of hope+ his sense of 6er$uson. /arcla) "esperatel) con#ure" *hat short memories he ha"
of her+ an" tacke" them into his min". 9 small tear touche" the ,er) corner of his e)e. Dt 7uietl)
Vectors of Corruption
rolle" "o*n to his cheek+ an" then "roppe" onto the carpet *here it *as a!sor!e" !) the "r)
2he phone continue" to !eep+ no one *as pickin$ up. /arcla) *on"ere" *hat /runner
*as "oin$. 1e $uesse" it *as !ecause the t*o of them *ere i$norin$ him+ !ein$ to$ether.
/arcla) en,ie" that no*5 it no* struck him that he has a$ain lost someone he has lo,e". Get
a$ain+ *hen *as this e,er $oin$ to en"H 2he a$ent coul" onl) *on"er. 9fter t*o full minutes of
!eepin$+ no one ans*ere". Chase /arcla) *alke" to the *in"o*+ starin$ out onto the ,ast cit)
that lies ahea" of him+ he *on"ere" *here 6er$uson *as+ or if she *as oka). 2hat *as a!out
*hen the line connecte". /runner *as on the other si"e+ his ,oice *as happ).
/arcla) si$he"+ ?Chat took )ou so lon$H@
?2he %.<.9. #et has #ust arri,e"+ "i" )ou fin" 9n"rea or the ru!).@
1e so!!e"+ it *as actuall) 7uite e3treme+ an" /arcla) #ust so!s echoe" across the line. Dt
*as the first time he has crie" since the "eath of 'enn). ?2he) $ot her >)an+ she4s $one.@
/runner sta)e" 7uiet. 9ctuall)+ no one talke" for at least a $oo" full minute. Anl) -ennen4s
7uiet so!s continue" to pierce across the line.
Chen the other si"e starte" talkin$ a$ain+ it *as 1oll) *ho replie"+ her ,oice *as also
paine"+ ?Chase+ *here are )ouH@
?9t the hotel.@
?D4m at the hotel+ in the ,er) room *here *e sta)e" last ni$ht.@ 1e si$he" out a lon$
!reath of air+ tr)in$ to keep his emotions roun"e".
?Ds she+@ 1oll) pause"+ ?thereH@
?<he4s not here+ she4s $one.@
1oll) pause" a$ain5 it seeme" as if she *as searchin$ for the correct *or"s+ ?D mean+ is
she+ 21B>B+ *here )ou areH@
?8o+ Chernko, $ot her+ D4m sure of it.@
?<o 9n"rea4s not $one.@
/arcla) lost his temper an" shoute" an$ril) throu$h the phone+ ?<he4s $one Eaitl)n+
"on4t )ou un"erstan"H D ha,e no i"ea *here 9n"rea is+ !ut if Chernko,4s $ot her+ then she mi$ht
as *ell !e "ea"L Dn fact+ )ou kno* *hatH D *oul" hope for her to "ie an" not ha,e to suffer *hat
Chernko, is $oin$ to "o to herL@
1oll) pause" a$ain+ o!,iousl) taken a!ack !) /arcla)4s tenacious out!urst+ she sai"+
?Gou kno* )ou "on4t mean that.@
?Gou kno* D mean BT9C2=G thatL@
?Chase+ it4s not the en" of the *orl" )et.@ 1e hear" her sniff+ ?Ce can still $et 9n"rea
!ack+ *e still ha,e a chance Chase+ )ou 19VB to un"erstan" that.@
?Ah reall)+ an" ho* "o )ou propose *e "o that no* CaptainH 8ot 7uite the same since
the person )ou lo,e is sittin$ >D(12 8BT2 2A GAFL@
1oll) pause" )et a$ain+ ?Chase+ D think )ou nee" to come "o*n here to the airport. 2he
other four are here.@
/arcla) si$he"+ ?Chat4s the pointH Chat are *e $oin$ to e,en "oH <earch for Chernko,H
%lease+ *e fin" him 9n"rea4s chance of sur,i,al has #ust hit ne$ati,e ten+ her chance of sur,i,al
in his custo") alrea") is at point t*o percent.@
Vectors of Corruption
?Gou ha,e a *a) *ith )our num!ers /arcla)5 ma)!e )ou coul" trian$ulate a formula that
$i,es the chances of fin"in$ her hi$her. 9s a hi$her rankin$ officer+ D am paine" to ha,e to sa)
that D A>&B> )ou to come "o*n to the airport.@
?Ah !ein$ all !oss) no* huhH Ch) are )ou so calmH D thou$ht it *as 9n"rea that sa,e"
)our ass a fe* )ears a$o.@
1oll) pause" a$ain+ then she sai"+ ?Chase+ D kno* it is a tou$h time for )ou+ !ut *oul"
)ou come "o*n here to the airportH@ 2hen after a secon"+ she a""e"+ ?pleaseH@
/arcla) *ipe" a*a) !oth s*eat an" tears *ith his shirt+ the s*eat stun$ his e)es+ !ut he
coul" care less a!out the pain. 9ll he kne* *as that the pain he *as sufferin$ *oul" !e much
less than *hat 9n"rea *ill ha,e to "eal *ith. 1e kicke" the !e" in an$er.
?6ine+ D *ill !e "o*n.@
?2hank )ou Chase.@
/arcla) pause" at the *in"o*. 1e *as lookin$ a$ain+ lookin$ at the traffic that *as
slo*l) mo,in$ across the ol" roa"s. 1e *on"ere" a$ain+ *on"ere" *here 6er$uson *as+ it
*orrie" him that her "eath *as imminent+ *hat *orrie" him e,en more *as *hat she *as to
suffer !efore it en"s. ?1e) Eaitl)nH@
?Dt4s oka).@
?D4ll !e there in fifteen minutes.@
?/e careful.@
Chase /arcla) "isconnecte" the line+ he then looke" out the *in"o* for one last time.
2he a$ent raise" his han"+ his han" that *as still hol"in$ the !roken hea"!an". /rin$in$ it up to
his nose+ he smelle" the uni7ue !len" of fruits an" $un.smoke+ it actuall) ma"e him happ). Cith
care+ the !roken hea"!an" *as put into his pocket. Chase /arcla) patte" the pocket after*ar".
9s he *as a!out to lea,e the room for the last time+ /arcla) cau$ht si$ht of the shin) !o3
a$ain. 1e pause"+ then turne" aroun" an" $ra!!e" the !o3. /efore he left+ /arcla) opene" the
!o3 an" hel" the sniper rifle in his han"s. Dt *as a !eautiful *eapon+ *rappe" $or$eousl) in
*hite tape camoufla$e. 1e smelle" the *eapon as *ell+ an" it also containe" the !len" of her!al
an" fruit) mi3ture. 2he %.<.9. a$ent put the $un !ack into the !roken !o3+ locke" it+ an" sho,e"
it into a lar$e plastic !a$ from the closet. 2hen /arcla) hel" the !o3 *ith his han"+ careful to not
e3pose it to the pu!lic e)e. /arcla) opene" the "oor+ close" the li$hts+ inhale" a "eep !reath+ an"
left the room.
9t the airport+ the entire $roup *as consoli"atin$ as to *hat to "o on their ne3t plan of
action. 1oll) *as startin$ to tear up an" /runner hu$$e" her ti$htl) ne3t to him. 1e felt sa"+ !ut
he sho*e" no emotion. 9$ain+ it *as not somethin$ that >)an /runner *as too apt at e3posin$
himself for all to see. 1is emotions *ere seemin$l) locke" up ti$htl) in a titanium safe "eep
*ithin his heart. Dn realit)+ he felt much sorro*+ especiall) for /arcla)+ it *asn4t somethin$ he
took honors upon.
9cross him an" 1oll) *as 1a""ock+ *ho ri$ht no* *as fum!lin$ *ith a /eretta pistol
strappe" to his *aist. 2o the ri$ht of 1a""ock *as =ieutenant Binspahr *ho *as still ner,ousl)
Vectors of Corruption
lookin$ aroun" *hile keepin$ his han" on his o*n pistol. 8e3t to Binspahr *ere As!orn an"
'ohnson+ !oth lookin$ $lum an" tire" as the others+ 'ohnson *as on the phone *ith the %resi"ent
of the Fnite" <tates+ her ,oice *as ent*ine" *ith sa"ness an" small traces of an$er.
?Ges -r. %resi"ent+ *e un"erstan"I@ <he si$he"+ ?D kno* of the situation+ !utI)es+ D
un"erstan"I ho*e,er+ accor"in$ to the circumstances that arri,e"+ D4" sa) it is the !est option
for the se,en of us toI@ <he pause"+ si$he" an" rolle" her e)es+ the $roup looke" on. ?8o+ that
*oul" !e impossi!l) "ifficult for the timeI*e C9842 "o that -r. %resi"ent+ she4s $one an" *e
nee" to fin" her+ !ut there is no *a) *e can ha,e t*o "eals $oin$ on at once+ D4" sa) her safet) is
of concern hereL@
Dn the "istance+ /arcla)4s /-C *as mo,in$ to*ar"s them.
?Cait+ /arcla) is a!out to arri,e+ *e4ll see *hat he has to sa). 1onestl) sir+ D think it is
the !est option if sit ti$ht an" see *hat Masla,sk) an" Chernko, has to sa) to us. 2he) *ill call
since the i"iots are lookin$ for somethin$ ri$htH@ <he pause"+ face re"+ o!,iousl) frustrate".
2here *as a lou" click on the other line. 'ohnson turne" to the $roup an" sai"+ ?Cell+ D can4t
!elie,e D am sa)in$ this !ut %resi"ent -a#e*ski #ust hun$ up on me. 1e kept askin$ me *hat
*as on the ru!) an" *h) it *as important to the <.1. an" Chernko,. Ce are tol" to fi$ure out
*hat is the "eal *ith this N$em4 !efore an) e3tra or"ers are $i,en.@
1oll) pushe" /runner a*a) for a secon"+ she steppe" for*ar"+ her hair !lo*in$ in the
sli$ht !ree0e+ ?Chat the hellH Ce4re #ust suppose" to sit here *hile *e *ait for 9n"rea to "ieH@
'ohnson sai"+ ?9pparentl) so+ he4s stresse" ri$ht no*+ the *hole issue !ack at
-o0am!i7ue+ the "o*ne" satellite+ failure to capture Chernko,+ the chan$in$ of the si"es for
Masla,sk)+ as *ell as the capture of 6er$uson. 9ll of this action tires out the lea"er of the $roup.@
<he trie" to soun" positi,e !ut e,en her ,oice ha" a sense of pain an" sorro*.
2ears *ere rinsin$ a*a) at 1oll)+ !its of her e)eliner smu"$e"+ she *ipe" them off.
/runner hu$$e" her a$ain+ his han" $entl) ru!!in$ her !ack. <he !urie" her face "eeper into his
/arcla) pulle" up. 2he car screeche" to a halt an" stoppe". 9fter a secon"+ the a$ent
opene" the "oor+ steppe" out+ an" 7uietl) shut the "oor !ehin" him. 1e slo*l) *alke" for*ar"5
the $roup coul" see that his e)es are still re".
?<orr) Chase.@ /runner sai"+ the rest of the $roup follo*e" suit *ith their apolo$ies.
1e si$he"+ !ut he "i"n4t speak+ /arcla) *as simpl) too lost for *or"s. 6inall)+ after a fe*
secon"s of 7uiete" silence+ he sai"+ ?<he4s $one.@
2hen the silence fille" the air once a$ain.
Dt *as 1oll) *ho spoke first+ ?8o she4s not+ *e *ill fin" her an" !rin$ her !ack+ for the
countr)+ for the team+ for )ou.@
/arcla) !roke "o*n at that point+ he returne" to his car 7uietl). 1oll)+ *ipin$ a*a) her
tears sai" to the $roup+ ?D think D shoul" $o talk to him.@
2he others no""e" silentl).
<he *alke" to*ar"s /arcla)4s car.
1e *as sittin$ insi"e+ his face !urie" "eep into his palms. 1oll) *asn4t sure *hether he
*as cr)in$ or not !ut #ust opene" the "oor. <he "roppe" into the passen$er seat5 a hea,)+ so!!e"
si$h escape" her throat.
?D can4t !elie,e D lost her alrea").@
Vectors of Corruption
?Geah+ me neither+ sorr) D *as a little a$$ressi,e earlier.@
?Dt *asn4t )our fault. Gou ha" the ri$ht to use )our rank.@
1oll) pause"+ ?8o+ D shoul"n4t ha,e pushe" it. 9ll D *ante" )ou to "o *as return.@
/arcla) ran his han" across his pocke"+ he ease" an" pulle" out the hair!an". ?D foun"
this in the room.@
1oll) took it an" ran her fin$er across the stretch) fa!ric. ?Dt4s "efinitel) hers+ this *as
her luck) !an"+ an" she ha" !een *earin$ this almost e,er) "a) since she lost her father.@
?Cait+ 9n"rea lost her fatherH@ /arcla) sai" *ith a surprise" tone.
?<he "i"n4t tell )ouH@
/arcla) stoppe" talkin$ for a fe* secon"s+ an" then he 7uietl) sai"+ ?8oI@
6or a fe* minutes+ 1oll) e3plaine" the e,ents that occurre" to 6er$uson4s father to
/arcla) *hile he listene" intentl). Chen she finishe"+ /arcla) $a,e out a lon$ e3hale of !reath.
?D ne,er kne*I@
?D $uesse" 9n"rea "i"n4t *ant )ou to !e *orrie" a!out that. <he tol" me too keep a little
!it 7uiet a!out this+ !ut D thou$ht that )ou pro!a!l) ha" the ri$ht to kno*.@
?D4m+ D4m not sure *hat to sa).@ 1e *ipe" at the corner of his e)es.
?2here4s no nee" to cr) )et+ it4s onl) the !e$innin$.@
?9 little h)pocritical thereH@ 1e pushe" a sli$ht smile.
?Aka)+ )ou $ot me+ !ut the thin$ is D came here to tell )ou somethin$ that ha" !een
aroun" for a !it !ut *as ne,er re,eale" to )ou.@
?Chat4s thatH@
1oll) sniffe"+ ?9n"rea has ha" a crush on )ou e,er since hi$h school.@
/arcla) snappe"+ ?>eall)H@
?2his is startin$ to soun" like another teena$e "ream !ut it is 7uite true. <he ne,er tol"
an)one !ut me+ #ust like ho* she ne,er reall) tol" too man) a!out her father4s "eath. 9n"rea4s
mourne" of it for a lon$ time )ou kno*H &o )ou kno* *h) she feels safe ne3t to )ouH@
?<he trusts )ou.@
/arcla) pause" an" looke" across the tarmac at an airplane preparin$ to takeoff. ?D ne,er
?B,er since she lost her "a"+ 9n"rea *as ne,er the same. <he lost him !efore she e,en
met )ou.@
?D kno*.@ he stoppe" talkin$+ then after a !rief pause+ /arcla) continue"+ ?1o* "i" she
?9n"rea use" to !e more open. <he4s+ 7uieter no*I@
?Gou kno*+ D mi$ht ne,er hear her ,oice e,er a$ainI@
1oll) turne" to him. ?8onsense.@
?=ook Eaitl)n+ D kno* )ou lo,e 9n"rea+ !ut let4s face the truth+@ tears !e$an to return to
his e)es !ut he hel" them !ack+ ?Df the presi"ent "oesn4t e,en $i,e a "amn a!out her life nor "oes
he $i,e us the or"er to fin" her !ack. <he4s $one+ she4s out of our reach+ an" she4s !een ensla,e"
upon the !astar" $an$ mem!ers.@
?Ges+ !utI@
?/ut *hatH Df )ou care for her so much+ *h) "on4t )ou think of a plan to keep her safe
an" let her see her famil) a$ainH Ar see us a$ainH@
Vectors of Corruption
1oll) let out a lon$ !reath. <he turne" a*a) an" looke" out the *in"o* at the rest of the
$roup. 2he) *ere still stan"in$ ne3t to the plane talkin$ a!out somethin$. ?Gou kno* Chase+ if it
*asn4t for 9n"rea+ D *oul"n4t !e here to"a) talkin$ to )ou.@
1e turne" to 1oll). Dt *as his first time noticin$ the silk) !lon"e hair that flo*e" "o*n
her shoul"ers. /arcla) *on"ere" *hether /runner notice" the hair as *ell. ?Ges+ D un"erstan".@
1e si$he"+ ?D #ust can4t !elie,e D lost her. Dt4s funn) actuall)+ one minute *ere tra"in$ a kiss an"
the ne3t she4s out of m) reach. 2his *as m) fault. D shoul" ha,e follo*e" her instea" of lettin$
her $o alone. Chat the hell *as D thinkin$H@
?Chase+ it *asn4t )our fault+ )ou coul"n4t ha,e kno*n the future to pre,ent this.@
?Ges+ !ut "on4t )ou feel $uilt)H@ 1is ,oice *as !e$innin$ to rise hi$her. ?Df D *oul" ha,e
#ust ma"e the act of follo*in$ her to the hotel instea" of comin$ here to this "amn airport+ *e
*oul" still !e a!le to see her no*L 9ll m) i"iotic thou$hts an" actions ha,e struck me a$ain.@
/arcla) stoppe"+ he turne" an" looke" 1oll) in her e)es. 2he) *ere so similar to
6er$uson4s. 2he e)es *ere color of sapphires in the e,enin$ li$ht. 1e su""enl) *ent mute+
unsure *hether to e3plain his past. 2he a$ent pause"+ *ipe" some s*eat off his forehea"+ si$he"+
an" procee"e". ?<ince )ou tol" me a!out )ou past earlier an" 9n"rea4s past #ust no*+ D mi$ht as
*ell tell )ou m) o*n ,ersion of a paine" chil"hoo".@ /arcla) recline" !ack the seat of the
/-C+ close" his e)es+ an" then tol" 1oll) the entire stor) of his time *ith 'enn).
Chen he *as finishe"+ 1oll) *as 7uiet. <he simpl) looke" at him *ithout mo,in$.
/arcla) coul" see the sorro* !urie" *ithin the sapphires as it $a0e" on him.
6inall) she spoke+ ?D4m sorr).@
?Dt *as m) fault too.@ 1e si$he" a$ain+ ?9n ol" author of a !ook D rea" in hi$h school
e3presse" the *hole *orl" as an en"less c)cle. %eople *oul" make the same mistakes o,er an"
o,er a$ain until he pass the *retche" con"itions "o*n the $enerations. D $uess D am still stuck in
the hellhole of stupi"it) an" still am una!le to fi3 these mistakes after so lon$. 2o"a)+ D finall)
un"erstan" *hat she *as tr)in$ to sa). Chat she *as tr)in$ to sa) is that the human race is #ust
too la0) an" pathetic to chan$e.@
1oll) looke" at him+ ?/ut Chase+ the c)cle can !e !roken.@
1e looke" !ack at her. ?D kno* it can !e !roken. /ut D ha,en4t seeme" to !e a!le to !reak
it )et. D ha,e mourne" of 'enn)4s "eath e,er since that "rea"ful "a). 8o* D ha,e to !lame m)self
)et a$ain for losin$ such a close frien".@
1oll) $a,e out a 7uick !urst of air+ ?Dt4s interestin$ ho* much each of our li,es sucke"
/arcla) mana$e to pull off a smile. Chen 1oll) sa* it+ she kne* that talkin$ to him *as
a $reat i"ea+ )et insi"e her+ she still felt the nee" to help a,en$e for 6er$uson+ !ut like *hat
/arcla) ha" sai" #ust a fe* minutes !efore+ she ha" no i"ea ho*.
?2hank )ou for talkin$ to me.@ 1e *as still in a crestfallen moo"+ !ut much !etter than
*here he *as !efore she talke" to him.
?8o pro!lem. =ook+ D "on4t *ant )ou to feel that D ha,e /runner *hile )ou "on4t ha,e
an)one. Ce are in this to$ether+ *e still are a team.@
?2hanks Eaitl)n+ D kne* there is still hope left for humanit).@
Vectors of Corruption
8o* she mana$e" to smile+ ?D think the others are still *aitin$ for us.@ <he looke"
outsi"e5 the sk) has "imme" to a t*ili$ht color. 2he $roup *as still stan"in$ ne3t to the airplane+
?Geah+ time to $o an" see *hat to "o.@
2he t*o of them opene" the "oor an" steppe" into the *arm+ humi" air.
/runner *atche" as /arcla) an" 1oll) approache" them+ !oth of them seeme" to !e in !etter
moo"s. 1e *as happ) a!out that. 1e himself *asn4t a man that normall) *as use" to make
someone happ). 1e ne,er reall) ha" that e3perience+ !ut seein$ the sli$ht shift for the $oo" in
1oll) ma"e him feel !etter as *ell.
'ohnson spoke first+ ?1o* *as the talkH@
1oll) replie" *ith a "ull e3pression+ ?-a"e us feel !etter than !efore.@
?Ce #ust reali0e" ho* alike our li,es *ereI@ /arcla) replie".
?D4m $la" it *ent *ell. 9$ain+ the others an" D ha,e !een talkin$ a!out a possi!le plan to
$et 9n"rea !ack.@ /runner sai" to the t*o of them.
2he t*o stoppe" talkin$ an" stare" motionlessl) at the $roun".
?Ce can tr) the usual tactic of Na tra"e for a tra"e4 to see if Chernko,4s intereste".@
1a""ock reporte".
'ohnson a""e"+ ?2he onl) pro!lem is fin"in$ somethin$ that Chernko, or Masla,sk)
*ants. 2he) alrea") ha,e the ru!)+ so that is o!,iousl) not possi!le. <econ"l)+ the t*o !astar"s
are pro!a!l) alrea") !ein$ pai" for this #o!+ so mone)4s out of the 7uestion.@
?Chat else *oul" Chernko, *antH@ Binspahr aske" to no specific person in particular.
?2his is $oin$ to !e strictl) off the charts+ !ut *e coul" $i,e him information re$ar"in$
the "rones.@ 'ohnson su$$este".
?9n" !reak the co"eH Chat a $reat i"eaL@ 1a""ock *as sli$htl) anno)e" a$ain.
2he $roup *as silent for a fe* secon"s. Dt *as /arcla) *ho steppe" up an" !roke the
silence. ?&i"n4t the presi"ent call )ou $u)sH@
?Ges he "i"+@ 'ohnson replie"+ she scratche" at her hair+ *hich *as !e$innin$ to curl in
the humi"it).
?Chat "i" he ha,e to sa)H@
<he ans*ere"+ ?%resi"ent -a#e*ski tol" us to fin" out *hat the ru!) *as a!out. Ce can
9== $uess that there is somethin$ si$nificant a!out the $em asi"e from the fact that it is #ust an
e3pensi,e stone. Come to think of it+ D4m actuall) surprise" that 6er$uson e,en mana$e" to sna$
the thin$ *hen she !reache" the sla,e cells earlier this *eek.@
?<he4s $oo" 'o)ce+ she4s $oo"I@ /arcla) replie" to her.
?D kno*+ 9n"rea is the a$ent in human affairs. 2he) kept her at the "esk for much of the
time !ut *hen she4s on a mission+ she takes matters a$$ressi,el). 6er$uson is the ea$le in the
fiel" of her #o!. <he is the !est.@
?D< the !estI@ /arcla) mouthe" the *or"s. 9fter takin$ a fe* "eep !reaths+ he sai" to
the $roup+ ?D think *e shoul" #ust "o as the presi"ent sa)s+ *ait a "a) or so an" let Chernko,
calm himself first+ then ask. 9lso+ *e nee" to research the ru!) first as to *hat is so important
Vectors of Corruption
a!out it. Gou *oul"n4t ha,e a picture of the inscriptions *oul" )ouH@ 1e turne" to 1oll) an"
?8o+ 6er$uson ha" the pictures. <he shoul" ha,e sent them out alrea") thou$h. Dt mi$ht
!e collectin$ "ust on Cor!ett4s "esk as of no*. /ut as )ou kno*+ he is e3perimentin$ *ith his
ne* to) "rones so he *as pro!a!l) too !us) to "o an)thin$. <peakin$ of *hich+ *hat e,er
happene" to that "rone that Cor!ett *as pilotin$+ "i" he #ust $i,e up on the matter an" lea,eH@
1oll) poppe" her fin$ers.
?8o clue+ D *ill call him later to see the situation. Dn the meantime+ Chernko, is still at
lar$e in the cit). /ecause of this+ *e ha,e to !e careful of his actions an" his henchmen. D su$$est
*e "itch the hotel an" fin" a nice+ cheap place at the e"$e of to*n an" sta) there for the ni$ht.
2he onl) place he coul" lea,e *oul" !e this airport an" Cor!ett alrea") has informe" us that the
securit) of the airport alrea") ha,e a lock"o*n on their faces. Df an)one *ho remotel) looks like
either of them pop out aroun" the airport+ the) *ill !e 7uickl) "etaine". %lus+ this also means that
6er$uson is still here in the cit)+ !ut searchin$ "o*n the street *ill !e impossi!le+ plus+ Chernko,
pro!a!l) has a satellite lookin$ "o*n ri$ht as us to pinpoint our location.@ /runner replie".
?Cait isn4t that *orkin$ for us as *ellH@ /arcla) chime" in.
/runner turne" to him+ ?Chat *as thatH@
?2he satellites+ shoul"n4t CB ha,e pinpoints on the t*o !astar"s as *ellH@
?2hat4s true. D *ill nee" to talk to Cor!ett a!out that also.@ /runner )a*ne".
?D think *e nee" to $o fin" a place to sta) for the ni$ht.@ 1a""ock su$$este".
'ohnson sai" to the $roup+ ?Gou kno*+ *e coul" #ust sta) on the plane+ it4s co0)+ it4s $ot
foo" an" "rinks+ an" it has air con"itionin$.@
?Chat D am *orrie" a!out is the suspicion it *ill cause. Ce are not suppose" to e,en !e
here !ut *e4,e !een sta)in$ ne3t to this plane for such a lon$ time that it is !e$innin$ to !ecome
7uite conspicuous.@ Binspahr e3plaine".
?/est i"ea is still to fin" a place to sta) for the ni$ht. =ike *hat Chase sai"+ *e shoul"
#ust fin" a place to rest for one ni$ht an" then "eal *ith the issues in the mornin$.@ 1oll) pulle"
uneasil) at her hair+ ?D think that4s still the most ,ia!le option. %lus+ *e *ill $et to see the cit)
an" ma)!e keep an e)e on suspicious acti,ities.@
?9lso+@ /runner cut in+ ?Ce nee" to $et ri" of the /-Cs+ the) are fast an" all !ut after
to"a)+ the cars ha,e !een sli$htl) !eat up. 9 re$ular /-C is $au") enou$h+ !ut one that has
suffere" scratches from !ullets is like seein$ a *il"fire "urin$ a sno*storm in the artic.@
?1e4s ri$ht. Ce nee" to $et ri" of them.@ /arcla) affirme".
?1o* "o )ou propose *e "o thatH@ 1oll) aske".
?2here is a #unk)ar" near the southern e"$e of to*n+ *e coul" "ri,e our cars there+ smash
them+ set them on fire+ an" people *oul" e,er fin" the e,i"ence. 9fter that+ *e take the *alk
o,er to the motel+ *hich shoul" #ust !e a fi,e minute *alk.@ /runner commente".
1oll) looke" uneas) a$ain+ ?Chat a!out the *eapons *e ha,e in the trunkH Ce can4t #ust
carr) that into a motelL@
?2he si"e arms *e *ill nee" to carr)+ that4s "efinitel) nee"e"+ !ut the !i$ !o)s *ill nee"
to !e left in the plane.@ As!orn finall) sai" after sta)in$ 7uiet for so lon$.
?'ust lea,e it in the planeH@ 1oll) 7uestione".
As!orn replie"+ ?Aur pilots+ <er$eant Conners an" Corporal &unne has ha" e3perience in
9f$hanistan an" Dra7+ these t*o shoul" !e a!le to han"le themsel,es. 2he) are still in the plane
Vectors of Corruption
ri$ht no*+ pro!a!l) restin$+ !ut D can tell them to sta) here for the ni$ht an" keep an e)e on
?2hanks >ei"+@ she s7uee0e" his shoul"er. As!orn $aspe".
?Ah please.@ 1oll) *alke" off to $ra! her *eapons from the /-C.
'ohnson *ent insi"e the plane to e3plain the situation to the pilots.
As!orn stare" at 1oll) as she *alke" a*a).
?Bas) >ei"+ she4s not )ours+ )ou4re $oin$ to nee" to fin" someone else.@ 1a""ock "ull)
As!orn snappe" out of his trance. ?>i$ht+ sorr) >)an.@
/runner shook his hea" an" slappe" As!orn in the !ack *ith a lau$h. ?Come to think of
it+ D4m prett) luck) aren4t DH@
As!orn4s e)es s7uinte" to a line. ?<ureI@
?Cell+ !etter $et )our !utt use" to this place. Dt4s a *hole lot "ifferent than -osco*.@
?D4,e $i,en up tr)in$ to aim for *omen.@ As!orn sai" in a "efeate" ,oice.
?Ane #ust nee"s to *ait for the perfect purple !loom to e3pose her *ithin a fiel" of re"
flo*ers+@ /runner replie".
?Df it *as as eas) as the mo,ies make it+ D *oul" !e $ol".@
?2oo !a" >ei"+ real life is horri" !e)on" the !elief of a person. 9s a male+ )ou still ha,e
)our prime,al instinct to ha,e intercourse *ith a person of the opposite se3. Dt4s una,oi"a!le.@
?1a,e )ou t*o+ )ou kno*I@
/runner smacke" his o*n forehea". ?8o >ei"+ *e ha,e not. 2he t*o of us ha,en4t talke"
a!out it at all. D "on4t think *e are rea"). Dt4s #ust !een t*o "a)s since *e4,e officiall) met each
other. 'ust t*o "a)s a$o D *as rescuin$ her from the $rasps of 8i,ea. &amn that felt like a lon$
time a$o.@
?Cell+ D $uess )ou ha,e )our reason to *ait.@ As!orn respon"e".
?=ook >ei"+ D *ill tell this to )ou since )ou are a fairl) close frien". Eaitl)n4s a little !it
sh) *hen it comes to talkin$ a!out lo,e. -akin$ out is fine+ !ut an)thin$ farther+ that4s a little
too much for her.@
?1o* soH@
/runner $lance" o,er to 1oll). <he *as still $ra!!in$ some !its an" pieces of her thin$s
from the /-C. ?Aka)+ D think *e all shoul" ha,e the ri$ht to kno*.@ /runner e3plaine" 1oll)4s
stor) to As!orn.
?&amn. Ch) *ere *e ne,er tol" of this !eforeH@
?2hat4s the reason *h) she is touch) a!out the su!#ect on her parents. 9n" that is the
reason *h) she is also sensiti,e a!out+ er+ se3. 9lso+ that is *h) she is so close to 6er$uson.
9n"rea *as a rescuer of people in trou!le+ $enerall) speakin$@
?9n" no* *e ha,e to rescue to rescuer.@ As!orn shook his hea". ?1o* sa" thin$s can
!ecome. Dt *as like the inci"ent D ha" last )ear !ack in -osco*.@
?Ah ri$hteous+ is it stor) timeH@ /runner sai" *ith sarcasm.
?/e 7uiet. 9n)*a)+ D ha" #ust met this ama0in$ $irl "urin$ m) sta) as a sp) for an arms
"ealer name" 9le3i 9ntono,. <he *as an a!use" ser,ant *ho *as constantl) !ein$ !eaten an"
rape" !) the henchmen. Ane "a) "urin$ "inner+ she *as ser,in$ foo" an" D acci"entall) trippe"
Vectors of Corruption
her+ causin$ the foo" to spill all o,er 9ntono,4s suit. 1e calle" the $uar"s an" the) "ra$$e" the
screamin$ $irl "o*n to *here D assume" *as a hol"in$ cell.@
?Ah $reat+ *hat a *on"erful stor) >ei"+ D totall) nee" to hear more of these tales.@
/runner sai" in "isma).
As!orn continue" an)*a)+ ?<o that ni$ht D snuck out from m) room an" *ent "o*n to
the !asement to see her. <he *as curle" up in the corner+ her clothes tattere"+ her face !ruise"+
an" she *as !lee"in$ from a cut on her le$. 2he $irl curle" ti$hter *hen D tol" her she *as $oin$
to !e fine. D pulle" some paper to*els an" trie" m) !est to !an"a$e the *oun"+ *hich *as a lot
"eeper than D ha" ori$inall) thou$ht.@
/runner cut him off+ ?>ei" D think *e4,e ha" enou$h of this stor).@ 1e $lance" at
/arcla)+ *ho *as also listenin$. /arcla) *as !e$innin$ to sho* more *orr) in his e)es.
Af course+ to /runner4s utter "isma) a$ain+ As!orn continue" an)*a). ?<o she !e$an
cr)in$ an" so!!in$. D sai" to her that she *as $oin$ to !e fine a$ain. 2hen D *ipe" the !loo" that
staine" her skin an" she replie" a 7uiet *or" of thanks. D also ran an" $ra!!e" her some lefto,er
foo" an" *ater an" aske" *hether she *ante" the foo" or not. <he tol" me that the) ha,e star,e"
her for t*o full "a)s an" she *as ")in$ for sustenance. D fe" her an" she took the foo" an" ate it
7uickl)+ thankin$ me the *hole *a) throu$h. D aske" *hat her name *as+ an" to m) sa"ness+ she
sai" she "oesn4t ha,e one. Chen she *as )oun$er+ 9ntono, kille" her entire famil) an" "ra$$e"
her to his house to li,e. 9fter reachin$ an ol" enou$h a$e+ she *as force" to *ork for him. 1e
#ust calls her N8um!er 6ort).four.4@
/runner stoppe" talkin$. 1e looke" at /arcla). /arcla) *as !reathin$ "eepl). >ei"+ D
think )ou reall) shoul" consi"er stoppin$.
?8o+ let him $o on.@ Dt *as /arcla) *ho sai" this.
>ei" looke" o,er to*ar"s /arcla)+ ?9re )ou sureH@
?-i$ht as *ell.@
?Aka)+ D of course felt 7uite sorr) for her an" tol" her m) name. Cell+ the name of m)
fake D& of course+ !ut it still counts ri$htH 9n)*a)+ D sai" to her that D4ll come check to make
sure she is oka) e,er) ni$ht an" that she "oesn4t ha,e to *orr) a!out not $ettin$ foo". <he of
course+ thanke" me a$ain. Dt *as a *hole c)cle. B,er) ni$ht *as the same routine of $oin$ "o*n
an" seein$ her. Ce sometimes *oul" #ust talk an" chat. =uckil) m) >ussian *asn4t half !a" an"
she "i"n4t suspect an)thin$. 2hat *ent on for a!out a month or so. 2hen one "a)I@ As!orn
pause" an" !it his lip. 1e looke" at /arcla)+ then !ack at /runner.
?(o on.@ /arcla) sai".
?D think no* it4s a!out time to stop.@ As!orn tol" him.
?'ust $o on >ei"I@ 1is ,oice *as still calm.
As!orn si$he"+ ?Cell+ one "a) at the en" of the month+ D *as a!out to $o "o*n to see her
*hen D hear" a fe* men "o*nstairs as *ell as her screams for help.@ 1e stoppe".
/arcla) raise" his hea" an" stare" si"e*a)s at As!orn.
?2he) *ere !eatin$ her a$$ressi,el) *ith the !utts of their $uns.@ As!orn stoppe".
/arcla) let out a force" !reath of air an" *alke" to his /-C. 1e pause" an" put his
shoul"ers a$ainst the tinte" *in"o*s+ face !urie" in his han"s. /runner strolle" o,er to him.
?Chase+ "on4t think a!out it.@
?D4m *orrie".@ 1e "i"n4t sho* emotion. 1is face *as still !urie" *ithin the protection of
his han"s.
Vectors of Corruption
?<he4s $oin$ to !e fine.@
?9n" ho* *oul" )ou kno*H@ /arcla) raise" his ,oice in sli$ht an$er.
?<ometimes one #ust has to sta) optimistic.@
?<a)s the most pessimistic person on this planetI@
?%essimism is not a pro!a!le solution to our pro!lem ri$ht no*.@
/arcla) si$he". ?D #ust can4t !elie,e D lost her.@
?Gou "i"n4t lose her. Dt *asn4t )our fault.@
/arcla) un!urie" his han"s an" stare" at /runner. ?Gou kno*+ Eaitl)n sai" the e3act
same thin$ to me.@
?8o+ not $oo"+ D feel as if D can "o somethin$ to help her !ut can4t.@
?Gou can4t "epen" on )ourself )ou fi3 e,er)thin$ Chase+ )ou nee" the collecte" efforts of
the team to ensure the success.@
?9n" our *on"rous lea"er has i$nore" 9n"rea4s life for the life of a $emstone *hich for
all *e kno* has a!solutel) 0ero si$nificance other than the fact that it is *orth a lar$e sum of
?2he %resi"ent #ust "oesn4t un"erstan" her importance to )ou )et.@
?9n" )ou "oH@
?Ges.@ /runner si$he"+ ?Dt4s o"" to sa) so !ut she reall) "i" like )ou.@
?Dn less than a "a)H@
?Gou coul" see it *ithin her e)es.@
?1onestl) thou$hI@
?Df an)thin$ is to !e sai"+@ /runner pause"+ ?Dt4s the fact that she truste" )ou.@ Cith that
he left for 1oll).
/arcla) stoo" in the *anin$ sunli$ht. 1e *as "epresse"+ sa"+ an" hopeless. Dt seem to !e
the en" for the one thin$ he ha" felt attraction to. Dt *as #ust like the man) )ears !efore+ *hen he
lost his other lo,e" one to that acci"ent. Dt *as histor) repeatin$ itself once a$ain. 1e i$nore" his
sa"ness as !est as he coul". Chat *as there to "oH >io *asn4t a nice place to *ork at. /ut
neither *as the Fnite" <tates. 1o* *as that !etterH /ein$ stuck in one4s o*n countr) "oesn4t
mean that one is safe. Dt #ust means that one has the connections to the others he or she lo,e".
/arcla) ha" lost that connection )ears a$o. 2he ominous "a) ha" c)cle" its course. 2here *asn4t
an)thin$ to !e "one !ut to *ait. 1e ha" to !e patient an" curious. Cithout the support an"
feelin$s from 6er$uson+ /arcla) felt *eak. Dt *as a sense he ha" a,oi"e" feelin$ e,er since the
last acci"ent. =ike /runner+ it occurre" to him that the *eak "o not sur,i,e. Dt "i"n4t take a sin$le
!iolo$) class for him to un"erstan" !oth natural an" social &ar*inism. Df it *asn4t for his
tenacit) to achie,e his inten"e" $oals+ he *oul" ha,e !een "ea" since the "a) he *as a"mitte"
into the %.<.9.
2he team *as preparin$ to mo,e out to fin" a motel at the e"$e of to*n. /runner ha"
alrea") packe" the unnecessar) e7uipment into the airplane. Conners accepte" the materials
$la"l) an" "isappeare" !ack into the plane. &o*n on the *arm $roun"+ 1oll) opene" a !ottle of
*ater an" !e$an takin$ "elicate sips from the plastic container. Dn the "arkness+ her hair still $a,e
off a small shine. Binspahr+ As!orn+ an" 'ohnson *ere ar$uin$ a!out somethin$+ !ut it *as too
far for /arcla) to hear. 9fter a fe* secon"s+ 1a""ock "roppe" out from the airplane an" sai"
Vectors of Corruption
somethin$ to the $roup. Dt seeme" all like a "ream. Dt felt to /arcla) as if his life ha" !een in
lim!o+ slo*l) creepin$ across his unconscious min". 1e pinche" himself. Dt *asn4t a "ream.
2he issue that Masla,sk) an" Chernko, face" *asn4t the rest of the %.<.9. 2he issue *as
*hether 9l"olfo4s son *as oka). Dn a "arkene" alle)*a) on the other si"e of to*n from the
%.<.9.+ the four men as *ell as a still sleepin$ 6er$uson hi". 8othin$ much *as sai". 9ll aroun"
insi"e the car+ onl) the li$ht inhalin$ of !reath from Chernko, coul" !e hear". Autsi"e+ the "rone
of the ni$htl) traffic continue" to slur. /ut the four ki"nappers onl) sat still+ contemplatin$.
Masla,sk) an" Chernko, !oth un"erstoo" that the !est possi!le option out of the cit)
*oul" !e ,ia the airport. 1o*e,er+ information supplie" to Chernko, !) Masla,sk) tells of e3tra
%.<.9. a$ents arri,in$ to that same airport. 2he t*o of them simpl) assume" that /runner *oul"
!e campin$ a!out near the airport itself+ *aitin$ to na! them if the) *ere to tr) to lea,e. 9t the
moment+ there *as a pon"erin$ silence as to *hat to achie,e ne3t. Chernko, *on"ere" *hether
9l"olfo4s son *as oka)+ he still remem!ere" the !o) hi"in$ insi"e the car as !ullets penetrate"
the "ark+ tinte" *in"o*s. 1e still en,isione" the fear *ithin the )oun$ !o)4s e)es+ the e)es that
ha" that uni7ue $lo*.
Chernko, reache" o,er an" rolle" "o*n the *in"o* of the $ra)ish car. Masla,sk) shot a
7uick stare at him throu$h the corner of his e)es. 2he Al" >ussian terrorist pulle" out a packet of
ci$arettes. Dnsi"e the pack of -arl!oro *ere t*o remainin$ sticks of smoke. 1e pulle" one out
an" put it into his mouth *hile reachin$ o,er an" offerin$ Masla,sk) the remainin$ ci$arette.
Masla,sk) "ull) an" 7uietl) muttere" a *or" of thanks an" fum!le" aroun" his pockets5
Chernko, assume" he *as lookin$ for a li$hter. Dn t*o secon"s+ Victor Chernko, lit his o*n
ci$arette. 1e "roppe" the li$hter onto Masla,sk)4s lap an" tosse" the no* empt) !o3 out into the
"arkness outsi"e. Dt ma"e a sli$ht Nplink4 as it hit the har" $roun" a "o0en feet a*a) from the car.
Masla,sk) repeate" a mutter of thanks that *as !arel) au"i!le. 8e3t to the >ussian terrorist+ the
!etra)e" %.<.9. a$ent lit his o*n ci$arette.
Dnsi"e the car+ the air turne" a must) smell of to!acco mi3e" *ith s*eat. Chernko, took a
lon$+ "eep "ra$ an" e3hale" the to3ic smo$ into the *arm ni$ht air. -arko Masla,sk) "i" the
same. /ehin" them+ one of the henchmen cou$he".
Dt *asn4t for another ten minutes that an)one sai" an)thin$. Masla,sk) spoke first+ ?Gou
kno*+ the) are $oin$ to come lookin$ for her.@
?Dt4s onl) a fact.@ Chernko, calml) replie".
?Cell+ *hat4s )our $enius planH@
Chernko, stuck his hea" outsi"e the *in"o*. 1is $re) hair ru!!e" a$ainst the framin$+
after that+ the man spat into the alle).
Chen he *as !ack safel) insi"e the car+ he spoke. ?Ce *ait.@
?D4,e !een *aitin$ )ears for this Victor. Ce all ha,e.@
Chernko, looke" at 6er$uson+ *ho *as cuffe" an" *as spra*le" !ack on the seat+ his
t*o henchmen+ %etro, an" D$or+ flankin$ her si"es.
?9re *e talkin$ a!out the $irl or the *hole !lack market net*ork that *e ha,e finall)
?-ostl) the latter+ thou$h the former is a $oo" a""ition to the pri0e. 8o* the %.<.9. *ill
ha,e to fin" the e7uili!rium !et*een a$$ression an" retreatin$ if the) *ere to keep her ali,e.@
Vectors of Corruption
?&on4t *orr)+ she4ll li,e+ for no*I@ Chernko, took another "ra$ from his ci$arette.
?/ut sir+ *hat is the planH 1o* are *e $oin$ to $et out of this "amne" cit) an" return to
?>ussia4s a tou$h or"eal to han"le+ plus+ *e D *ant to see some small action in the Fnite"
?Chat "o )ou meanH@ Masla,sk) su""enl) !ecame en$a$e".
?Gou kno* those P11 attacks *a) !ack *hen planne" out !) /in =a"enH 9n" ho* the)
took out the t*o tra"e center !uil"in$sH@
?Ges+ D remem!er.@
?Cell+ the <tates starte" to hunt the man "o*n. 9n" after a "eca"e or so+ foun" him an"
kille" himH@
?D remem!er that too+ !ut *hat "oes this ha,e to "o *ith an) of our plansH D thou$ht *e
*ere to sta) a*a) from the reach of the states as !est as *e coul"H@
?8o *orries+ *e aren4t $oin$ to !lo* up a national !uil"in$+ *e are $oin$ to simpl) "o
some "ama$e a place that people coul" care less a!out.@
?/ostonH -iamiH 1oustonH Chere are *e talkin$ a!outH@ Masla,sk) leane" in closer.
?B,en less important than those places.@
Masla,sk) replie" in an anno)e" tone+ ?'ust tell me.@
?1a,e some patience -arko+ )ou4,e *aite" this lon$+ )ou coul" affor" to *ait lon$er.@
Chernko, took his time to tell Masla,sk) the plan. 1e pulle" out a small canteen fille" *ith a
fra$rant li7ui". 2he man took a lon$ har" sip from the !ottle. 9s he e3hale"+ the smell of smoke
intert*ine" *ith alcohol "rifte" throu$h the room. ?Ce are tar$etin$ an e,en smaller to*n+ a
to*n so small that most terrorists ha,e not e,en hear" it !efore.@
?Chich isH@
?2opeka Eansas+ more specificall)+ a hi$h school in that area.@
Masla,sk) $a,e a chuckle+ ?%erfect place+ no one *oul" e3pect an)thin$. 9 "amne" fiel"
in the center of a "amne" countr).@
?Ce alrea") ha,e our men+ a #oint force of >ussian anti.$o,ernmental task force
mercenaries *ith 9frican <.1.+ near the location. Dn #ust a *eek+ the e3plosions *ill occur. %lus a
little e3tra if *e can $et our !u"") to *ork@ 1e checke" the ru!).
?9h )es+ a $oo" ol" !om! e3plosion+ onl) this time *e *on4t !e nee"in$ an)one to
suici"e like *hat /in =a"en ha" to "o.@
?-arko m) frien"+ there *on4t e,en !e an) of our men insi"e the school at all for the
start. 2he !om! *ill onl) !e the !e$innin$ of the plan5 *e ha,e much more fun acti,ities
planne" for our lo,a!le Eansan frien"s after*ar"s.@
?9 hosta$e situation D see.@
?Ce *ill implement that someho*+ people ten" to sta) still *hen the chance of "eath is
e,er so present aroun" their li,es.@
?1o* !i$ of a $roupH@
?D *oul" sa) the school is a little o,er fifteen hun"re".@
?9n" e3actl) ho* are *e to !)pass all the scanners an" airport securit)H@
?/elie,e me+ D4m Victor Chernko,. Gou nee" not to 7uestion m) a!ilities.@
?D onl) hear that in !ooks an" mo,ies.@
?9re )ou "ou!tin$ m) efficienc)H@
Vectors of Corruption
?8o sir+ it4s #ust that there are lots of issues.@
?2he *eapons aren4t the har" part. 2he har" part $ettin$ e,er)one out of the !uil"in$ an"
into open space.@
?2here is lots of open space in Eansas.@
?D can onl) hope so.@
Masla,sk)4s !ro* fro*ne". ?Chat are )ou pla)in$ at VictorH@
?Dn time+ )ou shall see. 9 !om! threat is onl) the "i,ersion.@ Cith that+ Chernko, shut his
throat of further information re$ar"in$ his plans.
Masla,sk) *as to sa) the least+ curious. 1e has ha" the plans to #oin the "ark si"e !ut
*hat *as this >ussian $an$ lea"er to "o ne3tH Fsuall)+ it *oul" !e 8i,ea that thou$ht of all
these militaristic an" terroristic actions to keep a thorn *ithin the si"es of the Fnite" <tates. 6or
him+ Chernko, seems to !e the $runt that rises up for the #o! *ithout prior e3perience. 1e kno*s
!etter thou$h+ that Chernko, *as certainl) capa!le of "ra*in$ out a plan of action. 1o*e,er+
this area seems to !e)on" his realm of e3perience. Ceapons e3chan$e )es+ human traffickin$+
)es+ an" "ru$ e3chan$e+ )es. :2he latter t*o are most likel) the reasons on *hich *h) Chernko,
sho*s so much hate to*ar"s 6er$uson an" 1oll); /ut *hen it came to #ust utter "estruction to
e3ert terror upon a $roup of people or a population+ Chernko,4s e3perience seems to !e "r). 9t
least+ that *as *hat -arko Masla,sk) thou$ht. 1e took a li$ht "ra$ from his ci$arette5 the *oo")
taste of smoke stun$ his throat. 9nother thou$ht came into his min"+ 6er$uson. Masla,sk)
$lance" at her. <he *as still asleep5 the "ru$ usuall) knocks the ,ictim out for a full "a). 2he
au!urn hair co,ere" her face in patche" stran"s. %etro, an" D$or !oth took "rinks from a *hiske)
!ottle ne3t to the %.<.9. a$ent+ the pun$ent fumes "iffuse" across the stuff)+ moist air. Masla,sk)
*on"ere" *hat Chernko,4s plans for her *ere+ the) certainl) *ere not $oin$ to !e $oo"+ !ut
*hat *as there to "oH <he is the enem)+ a sin$le enem) *ithin a hu$e net*ork of others+ others
#ust as "ea"l) if not more tenacious than her. 1e close" his e)es an" the ima$e of Chase /arcla)
a fe* months a$o+ knockin$ out three other traine" arm) assassins "urin$ a practice !ack in the
Fnite" <tates+ came crashin$ !ack to him. <ure+ it *as onl) a sta$e" practice+ !ut Masla,sk)
kne* that the a$$ression an" protecti,e thou$hts of /arcla) are stron$. 1e kne* that he *oul"
!e seein$ /arcla) a$ain+ onl) this time+ as the enem) instea" of a frien". Dn all honest)+ the)
ne,er reall) *ere frien"s+ #ust ac7uaintances+ t*o $o,ernment *orkers "oin$ the !est to ser,e the
countr). Af course+ he "eci"e" to #oin the "ark si"e an" sli"e to*ar"s the place *here the mone)
Masla,sk) shut his e)es. 1e kne* /arcla) ha" somethin$ for 6er$uson. 2he man4s e)es *oul"
!ecome a li$hter sha"e of color e,er) time 6er$uson *as present. B,en thou$h it onl) has !een a
short "a) of encounter+ the t*o seeme" as if the) kne* each other fore,er. Dt appeare" as if the
t*o *ere connecte" from a sin$le train of thou$ht+ a sin$le stem+ an" a sin$le heart. 2hat scare"
9n" *hat a!out 1oll)H 2he plan *as to take her as *ell+ that *oul" surel) pull the plu$
on at least part of the %.<.9.4s "omain. Fnfortunatel)+ the) ha,en4t mana$e" to "o that )et. Chat
if the) "i" $et herH Coul" Masla,sk) himself alon$ *ith the others "eal *ith the *rath of *hat
*as to comeH Chat a!out the other a$ents *ithin the net*ork in the <tatesH Chat a!out the
CD9H DnterpolH 2hese *ere 7uestions no one in the <.1. or the >ussian mafias *ante" to ha,e to
"eal *ith.
Vectors of Corruption
D$or cou$he" a$ain in the !ack seat an" took a "eep "rink from the *hiske) !ottle. 1e
su""enl) starte" sputterin$ an" sta$$ere" to hol" himself up. Dt *as o!,ious that the man has ha"
a little too much to "rink. D$or procee"e" to open the *in"o* of the car an" ,omit onto the
alle)*a). -ean*hile+ Masla,sk) an" Chernko, simpl) stare" ahea" an" i$nore" him.
?Dt4s $oin$ to !e a lon$ ni$ht.@ Masla,sk) spoute" out.
Chernko, $a,e a 7uick smirk.
?<top smilin$+ )ou "o kno* *e are $oin$ to !e stuck here *ith this i"iot all ni$ht.@
?8ot necessaril).@ Chernko, chime" in.
Masla,sk) *as instantl) intereste". ?Chat4s )our planH =et me $uess+ more *aitin$H@
?8o. Ce hea" o,er to 1ernan 9l"olfo4s place.@
?Gou think he hasn4t $otten too tire" of us after *hat happene" earlierH@
?8ot if *e con,ince his son+ plus+ his son consi"ers me to !e his secon"ar) father.@ 2he
>ussian thu$ lea"er actuall) sho*e" a sense of pri"e in his short speech.
?Df he4s still ali,e.@
<u""enl)+ Chernko,4s emotion chan$e" to a small sense of sa"ness+ he reall) hope" that
6ernan"o 9l"olfo li,e" throu$h the shootout !et*een the %.<.9. an" their men. <lo*l)+ he
reache" insi"e his pocket an" pulle" out his cellphone. 9fter a fe* secon"s+ the line *as securel)
connecte" to a pri,ate satellite. 1e "iale" 6ernan"o4s num!er. 9fter a full minute of rin$in$+
Chernko, !e$an to *orr). /ut *ithout "ou!t+ a tire" an" sore soun"in$ 6ernan"o picke" up.
?(oo" e,enin$ 6ernan"o. 1o* are )ou "oin$H@
?2here *as a small $asp at the other en". D thou$ht )ou *ere suppose" to !e on a plane
lea,in$ for >ussia or China or somethin$.@
?Cell+ there has !een an issue.@
6ernan"o pause"+ ?Chat ED8& of issueH@
?Cell+@ Chernko, cleare" his throat+ mean*hile+ D$or e3pelle" another $lo! of his
stomach contents out of his mouth an" into the alle)*a). ?2he %.<.9. apparentl) reinforce" the
!oun"aries an" sent !ackup. D ha,e a $oo" feelin$ that the) are campin$ out at the airport+ #ust
*aitin$ to pounce on us. Currentl)+ *e are situate" at an arche" alle)*a) !et*een &anius <treet
an" 6ifth.@
?=et me $uess+ the *hole of )ou *ant a place to sta) for the ni$ht.@
Chernko, coul"n4t help !ut smile. ?Ges m) !o)+ m) frien"s an" 6er$uson all nee" a
place to sta)+ possi!l) for a fe* ni$hts.@
An the other en" of the line+ 6ernan"o si$he"+ ?D can tr) to con,ince m) "a". &o )ou
ha,e the ru!)H@
?Af course.@
?2hat coul" help out a lot.@
?D4m sure it coul".@
?1ol" fast for the time !ein$+ D4ll see to this instantl). Ah !) the *a)+ thanks for askin$
ho* D *as after almost !ein$ shre""e" !) $lassL@
Chernko, coul"n4t hol" a sli$ht !it of em!arrassment+ he ha" !een so happ) to hear from
6ernan"o that he ha" someho* for$otten the trou!le the !o) ha" $one throu$h.@
?Cell+ $oo" to hear that )ou are ali,e.@
?<ame+ D4ll notif) )ou if he *ill allo* ,isitors.@
Vectors of Corruption
?2hank )ou.@
?Geah+ *hate,er. 'ust "on4t $et into an) more trou!le for the ni$ht please.@ 6ernan"o
hun$ up.
Chernko, sat an" si$he"+ ?Chat *oul" D "o *ithout that !o).@
?-a)!e !e a little !it more a$$ressi,e an" competent to*ar"s )our $oalsH@ Masla,sk)
?Gour mouth likes to run m) frien"+ !ut sometimes e,en the lar$est source of *or"s
nee"s shuttin$.@
?<o *hat+ *e sta) there for the ni$ht an" leech off of 9l"olfo4s resourcesH@
?6or A8B ni$ht+ *e *ill !e hea"in$ off tomorro*.@
Masla,sk) shook his hea" a$ain. ?9n" ho* e3actl) "o )ou propose *e "o thatH 2his issue
has !een aske" a$ain an" a$ain )et )ou ha,e faile" to $i,e me an ans*er.@
Chernko, rose up an" $ra!!e" Masla,sk) !) the collar an" slamme" him a$ainst his seat.
1e $ot close to the e3.a$ent4s face. ?Gou ask a lot of 7uestions !o)+ )ou kno* *hat *e "o to
those *ho kno* too muchH@
?Masla,sk) shook of Chernko, an" cou$he". ?8o point in sa)in$ an)thin$ in all honest)+
the more )ou kno*+ the more )ou are capa!le of takin$ ,ictor) o,er )our enemies.@
?Ar so the) sa). >emem!er+ )ou *ill onl) $et the ans*er if )ou *ant to kno* the
?Cell sir+ D *ant to kno* )our plans+ please "o tell.@
?Ch) "o )ou care so much a!out m) plans all of a su""enH D thou$ht )ou consi"er
)ourself to !e self.sufficientH@
?D #ust *ant to $et out of this "amp+ rotten place.@
?Dt4s >io m) frien". 2his N"amp+ rotten place4 has some of the most !eautiful !eaches.
2he *armth an" sunli$ht are a!solutel) stunnin$.@ Chernko, cou$he" into the corner of his
?2he) *h) aren4t *e thereH Ch) are *e campin$ out here in some "amn alle) instea" of
!ein$ at a cool hotel eatin$ plates of ca,iar an" salmon until *e "ropH Ch)H@ 1e *as !e$innin$
to soun" e3tremel) irritate".
?=et4s keep thin$s in perspecti,e+ *e are !ein$ hunte" !) some of the top a$ents in the
*orl"+ )ou kno* that.@
?9n" *hat shoul" keep us from !ecomin$ the huntersH@
?2he ma#orit) of the people are a$ainst us. >emem!er -arko+ *e are un"erpo*ere" in
this sense. Ce lack 7uantit).@ 2hen Chernko, a""e" as he $lance" at the ,omitin$ D$or+ ?9lon$
*ith 7ualit).@
?<o )ou are sa)in$ *e *ill pla) mouse for the rest of our li,es+ !ein$ follo*e" an"
sha"o*e" !) our enemies an" ne,er steppin$ up to pick a fi$ht oursel,esH@
Chernko,4s lips $rinne". ?Df a mouse is runnin$ in a "ark li,in$ room+ the cat *ill !e a!le
to catch it. /ut+ if the mouse "ra$s the cat into the interlockin$ la!)rinth of its home in the *alls+
the !asement+ an" the $ara$e+ the cat *ill not stan" a chance of catchin$ the mouse.@
?'ust like a fish out of *ater.@
Masla,sk) no""e"+ ?9n" *here *ill *e !e a!le to fin" this+ !asement or $ara$eH@
Vectors of Corruption
?2hat m) frien" is a $reat 7uestion. Fnfortunatel)+ the %.<.9. has e)es o,er most of the
*orl"+ so there aren4t man) !asements left to "o !attle !et*een us. /ut there are some places that
are less charte" than others. Ce "on4t *ant to pick a fi$ht on territor) that the) kno* !est+ *e
ha,e to "ra* them to a place *here *e ha,e the a",anta$e o,er them.@
?9n" *here *oul" *e fin" a place like thisH
?Cell -arko+ as D mentione"+ places such as these are e3tremel) rare. %laces *here one
can escape the Ba$le B)es of the 9merican $o,ernment are almost impossi!le to esta!lish *ith
the a$encies runnin$ aroun" sniffin$ us out like !loo"houn"s. 1o*e,er+ there is one place+ one
sin$le place left on the map *here e,en the Fnite" <tates *ill think t*ice !efore sen"in$ a full
force to+ rat us out.@
Masla,sk) leane" in closer. ?9n" *here *oul" this place !eH@
?9 countr) D like to call+ China.@
2he %.<.9. team arri,e" at #unk)ar". Dt *as !arren+ "esolate+ an" lifeless. Al" carcasses of
cars an" trucks la) *ran$le" like torn fence posts after a torna"o. 9cross the )ar"+ the *in"
ho*le" 7uietl) *ith a stin$in$ taste of ruste" metal. Dt *asn4t e)e can"). 2he *hole #unk)ar"
*as merel) a lar$e lot !roken apart into separate sections an" surroun"e" !) a lo* han$in$+
chain linke" fence. Dn all honest)+ the fence *as almost as *recke" as the ol" cars themsel,es.
Chat li$ht there *as $lo*e" from the rottin$ street lamps that surroun"e" the "eath !e" for the
once ne* machines. Dn the "ark of the ni$ht+ each !ul! cast a $loom) shine+ *hich ricochete" off
of the "estro)e" ,ehicles+ an" left a ha0) aurora of crestfallen thou$hts upon the passer!).
2he) foun" the entrance an" "ro,e in+ car tires makin$ lo* fre7uenc) screeches across
the ashen $roun". 2he team parke" their /-Cs at the e"$e of !roken car en$ines+ rippe" from
their ,er) o*n hoo"s. /runner $ot "o*n to *ork an" "ra$$e" out a fe* lar$e plastic cans of
$asoline+ fuel the) ha" !ou$ht from a $as station #ust minutes a$o.
9ll of them *ent to *ork+ pourin$ the no3ious+ pun$ent eli3ir onto the !eautiful ,ehicles.
<u""enl)+ the spic) fla,or of the rust) air *as ent*ine" *ith that of fresh $asoline. Dt *as a
fra$rant com!ination that cause" the *aterin$ of e)es.
/runner "umpe" out the last "rops of $asoline onto his ?o*n@ car. 1e !acke" a*a) to the
rest of the $roup+ *hich *ere all stan"in$ t*ent) feet a*a) from the con,o) of $as soake"
/-Cs . /-Cs !ein$ lea" into a slau$hterhouse. B,er) one of them5 /runner+ 1oll)+ /arcla)+
'ohnson+ As!orn+ 1a""ock an" Binspahr+ took a "eep !reath.
?2he) *ere nice cars.@ 1oll) "ull) sai" in the ha0) !ree0e.
Binspahr spoke up+ ?9re )ou e,en sure this is necessar)H@ 1e seeme" particularl) sa"
an" "istur!e" to *atch the three cars $o.
?%.<.9. hea"7uarters "istri!ute" them out to us for our o*n use. Ce *ere to "ispose of
them after their use an)*a).@ /runner tol" them.
?Ce4,e use" them for less than a "a).@ 1oll) replie". ?Chat a *aste.@
?=ea,e no clues for the enem) to fin". 2hat means "estro)in$ *hate,er that coul" lea" to
our i"entit).@ /runner sai" *ith "i$nit).
2he $roup *as silent. >)an /runner pulle" out his li$hter. 1e flicke" it until a flame *as
Vectors of Corruption
2he three cars !urne" *ith an intense aurora+ !utterflies of lit paint fle* up*ar"s an"
"escen"e" on the "r) $roun". 9 "ra$on of $ol"en encruste" flames rushe" up*ar"s an"
consume" them.
/runner si$he" 7uietl) an" muttere"+ ?2he en" of the !e$innin$ has #ust !e$un.@
24 1ours =ater
-ar$aret Eraft opene" her e)es to "arkness. 2he onl) li$ht *ithin the room came from a
small fluorescent !ul! !urnin$ in the center of the "arkene" ceilin$. 9si"e from that+ all four
"irections *ere !locka"e" !) concrete *alls. Ane *all ha" a tall metal "oor. Chere *as sheH
Cas this still &.C.H Ar *as it some*here elseH <he trie" to remem!er the e,ents *hich
happene". Dronicall)+ the a$ent coul"n4t remem!er much asi"e from seein$ the t*o men ha,e a
fist fi$ht an" a ?pre.part)@ shootin$ of her $un . her gun. Eraft 7uickl) reache" "o*n. Dt *as
also then that $a,e the !rutal reali0ation that not onl) *as her $un not there+ her clothes also ha"
chan$e". 2he *arm #acket *as replace" !) a simple *hite linen shirt an" pants5 Eraft felt a flush
of col". 1o* lon$ ha" she !een outH 2he a$ent ha" no clue. <he mo,e" an" trie" to $et up. 9
sta! of pain *ent "o*n from her hea" to her feet. <he *ince". =ookin$ aroun"+ Eraft reali0e"
that it *as a hol"in$ cell. Dt *as also ri$ht then that she "isco,ere" that one of her han"s *as
cuffe" to a lon$+ rust) metal pipe in the center of the room. 9s her e)es a"#uste" to the "im li$ht+
she also reco$ni0e" the metallic smell "iffusin$ across the sullen room . !loo". 2he soile"
$roun" near the *alls *as staine" *ith "ark+ "rie" !loo". Eraft felt a chill run "o*n her spine5 it
*asn4t e,en fi$urati,el) or from the col". <lo*l)+ her senses came !ack to her !o"). 9n" slo*l)+
her min" !ecame clear.
2he room5 Dt *as #ust a concrete !unker *ith a metal pipe loopin$ from the $roun" in the
center. 2he one "oor+ *hich *as out of reach+ *as pro!a!l) locke" . or so she assume".
Chate,er the case+ she ha" no *a) of reachin$ it an)*a). Eraft cou$he" into the "r) air. Dn the
corner of the cell *as a small hole a!out the si0e of a $olf !all. <he hear" rustlin$ in the hole.
%ore mice she thou$ht to herself.
Dn the other+ opposite+ corner of the room+ there *as a small *a" of material. Eraft
s7uinte" her e)es. 2o her "istur!e" min"+ the a$ent *as 7uick to reali0e that it *as a !ase!all.
si0e" *a" of moss) )ello* hair. 9nother *a,e of uneas) feelin$s rushe" o,er her. Where is
&imitri' What (ust happened' Who were these peop"e who detained her' #nd who were the ones
trying to )i"" her' Eraft !reathe" hea,il) an" shi,ere" in the col". <he also su""enl) felt hun$r).
When was the "ast mea" she had' <cratchin$ the !ack of her min"+ she remem!ere" that the meal
*ith &imitri "i"n4t finishe". <he remem!ere" the "eath of the *aitress. What was her name
again' Eraft still seeme" to !link out. 9 fe* minutes passe" an" no one came. Eraft for a secon"
thou$ht that ma)!e the) left her here to suffer+ to star,e+ to "ie an" !ecome the rats4 ne3t meal.
<he pushe" the ima$e out of her hea". 2he a$ent nee"e" to $et out of here+ !ut ho*H
<u""enl)+ the "oor opene" an" a man+ "resse" in #eans an" a 2.shirt stoo" at the "oor*a).
2he man also ha" a !ase!all cap on his hea" *hich co,ere" his face. 1e tosse" "o*n a plate an"
close" the "oor.
?C9D2+@ Eraft "r)l) shoute" to the man. <he felt her !o") *eaken *ith e,er) secon".
Vectors of Corruption
Dt *as a plate of foo"+ !ut a plate of foo" t*ent) feet too far a*a). <he kne* that this *as
part of the test. 2he lump of !rea" an" *hat appeare" to !e a !o3 of some form of li7ui" la)
there+ motionless.
Eraft trie" to sta) calm+ !ut the smell of *hat appeare" to !e a fresh roll "rifte" to*ar"
her. <he felt it sap all the remainin$ ener$) from her. 1er hun$er rose. /ut it *as out of reach.
2he cuff still !oun" her. <he s*allo*e" an" trie" to contain her hun$er+ #ust like ho* she ha" to
it in trainin$. /ut it *as of no use at this point+ she ha"n4t ha" foo" for so lon$ that the scent
*eakene" her o*n muscles+ e)es+ senses+ an" morale. 9t this point+ it *as o!,ious to her as to
*hat her captors *ere pla)in$. 2he foo" *as there as a s)m!ol to $i,e hope an" possi!ilit)+ !ut
A8=G hope an" possi!ilit). =ike 2antalus+ Eraft *as left ha,in$ her en"urance straine"+ her
stomach torture"+ her !reakin$ point puncture".
2hree hours passe" an" the roll4s scent "iminishe". <he 7uietl) curse" an" *as thankful
that the smell she so "esire" *as $one. Eraft hel" it5 she ha" to hol" it. 9t this point+ there *as
nothin$ she coul" "o !ut hol" it. 1er !reath !e$an to strain an" she still felt a po*erful thumpin$
*hich "re* her to *ant+ to nee"+ to !e$. /ut there *as no one to !e$ to. <he ha" an appallin$
that she *oul" !e makin$ her maker soon U the ne3t ?*a" of hair.@ 9$ent Eraft #ust *on"ere"
ho* lon$ she *oul" last insi"e here.
2hen her sa,in$ $race arri,e" upon the "oorstep. 2o sa) the least+ it *as certainl) not the
!est of all *orl"s+ !ut it *as an en".
2he "arkl) "resse" man still ha" his !ase!all cap on *hen he pushe" the hea,) metal
"oor open. 1e *as carr)in$ a tra) of rolls. 2he man then procee"e" to *alk for*ar" to*ar"s
Eraft. <he hear" his hea,) footsteps echo across the "esolate room.
Ouickl)+ the man "roppe" the tra) of rolls ri$ht in front of Eraft an" procee"e" to push it
to*ar"s her *ith the si"e of his !oot.
Eraft !reathe" hea,il) !ut a,oi"e" lookin$ "irectl) into his e)es.
1e also lo*ere" a lar$e canteen onto the $roun".
Eraft su""enl) felt his han"s run across the mar$ins of her hair. 1er !o") crin$e" not
from fear+ !ut from the ph)sicalit) off the ic) fin$ers *hich she coul" feel throu$h the thinne"
stran"s of her !ro*n hair.
2hen he stoppe" an" cou$he". <he reco$ni0e" the ,oice *hich she once thou$ht *as so
Cith a rasp) ,oice+ Eraft mana$e" to etch out the *or"s+ ?9$ent Collins+ *h)H@
?<hiftin$ ti"es re7uire shiftin$ si"es.@
?<o )our ans*er to trou!le is to s*itch si"esH &i" )ou !other consi"erin$ *ho )ou *ere
aimin$ to take."o*nH@
?-) ans*er is the Fnite" <tates economic "o*nturn *hich has turne" m) pa) to shit.
9n" *hen !a" times arise+ !a" thin$s occur. 9n" *hen !a" thin$s occur+ !a" thin$s must !e
"one to make those !a" thin$s $o a*a).@
?<o )ou #oine" the %<9 after risin$ from the CD9H Dsn4t that )our $oo" "ee"H@
1e lau$he"+ ?-iss Eraft+ e3cuse me+ 9(B82 Eraft+ "on4t )ou kno* the stakes !ehin"
*hat is $oin$ onH@
?D4m not e,en sure as to *hat is $oin$ on+ 9(B82+ or shoul" D sa)+ B3.9$ent Collins.@
?Cell+ D4m sure *e ha,e time to "iscuss m) future accomplishments.@
Vectors of Corruption
Eraft felt her hun$er sta! a$ain. ?<o )ou $o throu$h all this trou!le #ust to !rin$ me
Collins smile". ?8o+ )ou alrea") shoul" ha,e !een "ea" !ack at that restaurant.@
?<o it *as )ou.@
?8o+ it *as "efinitel) not me for no one else ha" an) i"ea of *here )ou *ere.@
?Gou set me up. Ch) CollinsH@ <he *as !e$innin$ to lose her ,oice.
?Dt4s )ou huhH Dt4s al*a)s )ou. Cho $ets the promotionH Eraft. Cho $ets to $o on
e3ten"e" !reakH Eraft. 9n" *ho $ets the !enefit of e3tra pa) upon a mission4s successH Eraft.@
1e thre* his han"s up in a "ramatic "isposition. ?-ean*hile+ here is me+ lo*l) Collins+ #ust
simmerin$ *ithin his o*n urine+ *atchin$ the screen an" keepin$ an e)e on Eraft to ensure
nothin$ $oes *ron$ then $ets nothin$. &o )ou see the issue here -ar$aret+ or shoul" D sa)+
Eraft instantl) remem!ere" &imitri from the mention of her nickname. ?Chere is
&imitriH@ <he sai" this almost too *eakl).
?2hat is somethin$ )ou nee" not to kno*.@ 1e kicke" at the plate of !rea" an" !e$an
*alkin$ to*ar"s the metal "oor.
<he cracke"+ ?2ell me )ou !astar"+ *here the hell is heH@
1e stoppe"+ turne" e,er so slo*l)+ then pulle" out his $un an" aime" it at her+ !ut it *as
more for sho*. ?Ch) "on4t )ou #ust shut )our mouthH Gou all think )ou are so tou$h. Ce shall
see ho* lon$ )ou last *ithin this place. D su$$est )ou eat up+ *e ha,e some Ntalkin$+4 to "o later.@
1e pushe" the $un !ack into his holster an" strolle" out the "oor. &ominance+ control+ he kne*
he ha" !oth.
Eraft shrunk "o*n *ithin the col"+ har" floor an" pulle" open the canteen. <he pause"+
fearin$ that the li7ui" insi"e ha" !een poisone". /ut then reali0in$ that Collins *ante" to Ntalk4
to her later+ she "eci"e" a$ainst the *orr). 2he s*eet+ fresh *ater trickle" "o*n her "r) lips. Dt
*as a *a3in$ si$n+ somethin$ she hun$ere" more for. /ut the canteen ran "r) !efore she felt she
ha" enou$h. 9t least+ it satiate" her thirst to an e3tent. <he then carrie" on to take in the "rie"
!rea". Dt scratche" at her throat an" cause" her to come in nee" of *ater a$ain. Eraft re$rette"
ha,in$ "runk the precious li7ui" in the !e$innin$+ !ut her )earnin$ for sustenance an" lack of
moisture sappe" her min" to a point *here she kne* she coul" not respon".
<u""enl)+ the room !e$an to "arken once more. Dt ne,er e3actl) occurre" to her that the
*ater+ in"ee"+ *as "ru$$e". Af course+ no* the a$ent reali0e" it *as a stupi" mo,e. /ut her
mistake *as enou$h to keep her ali,e. Dt *as either "eath from thirst or her !ecomin$
unconscious *hile still ha,in$ the future chance to sur,i,e. Af course+ Eraft coul"n4t reall)
fi$ure the "etails. <he fell upon the fro0en concrete an" close" her e)eli"s. Cithin a fe* secon"s+
her consciousness has faile" her an" once a$ain+ she *as in "eep sleep.
<he *oke to another li$ht. Dt *as the same kin" of li$ht one *oul" fin" in a "octor4s
office. 2he $iant pulsatin$ !eam !ore into her e)es. <he close" them.
<omeone pushe" the li$ht a*a)+ causin$ a lou" screechin$ of metal *hich cause" her to
con,ulse on the metal ta!le. Dt *as an operatin$ ta!le. <he ha" no clue *here she *as+ !ut Eraft
kne* at that point that it *as crucial she *as to $et a*a). 2he a$ent "i"n4t ha,e a clue as to *hat
or *h) Collins *as in,ol,e" *ith her assassination+ !ut it scare" her a little that there *oul" !e a
hit sent out on her.
2he ?sur$eons@ *ere clothe" in !lue.$reen scru!s+ o3)$en masks co,ere" their faces.
Vectors of Corruption
?<he4s a*ake+@ one of them sai".
?Chat "o )ou *ant from meH@ <he aske" in a tone of control.
Collins appeare" from the mass of floatin$ hea"s a!o,e Eraft. ?(oo" e,enin$+ -iss
Eraft+ *here shall *e !e$in *ith our 7uestionin$H@
<he *as *illin$ to test it. ?1o* a!out ho* far )ou sho,e" )our "esirin$ e$o up )ourI@
Collin4s har" fist lan"e" on her facial 0)$omatic !one. Eraft felt the har" impact an"
stin$ of the !lo*. 1e pulle" his fist a*a) an" "re* his face close to hers. ?=isten up !itch5 it
looks like Chernko, has foun" the ru!). 8o* *e nee" to kno* *hat *as insi"e that chipH@
?Chat ru!)H D "on4t kno* *hat ru!) )ou are talkin$ a!out.@ <he $ritte" her teeth from
the stin$ on the si"e of her face.
?Bnou$h a!out the ru!) alrea"). Chat *as in the chip EraftH@
2he chip+ *hich chip *as itH 1er memor) *as s*irlin$ a!out in lim!o+ unconscious to
9s if someho* Collins ha" mana$e" to rea" her min"+ ?2he chip )ou $ot from
Cherno!)l+ *hat *as in itH D kno* the presi"ent sho*e" it to )ou+ C192 *as in itH@ 1is ,oice
escalate". Eraft coul" almost feel her !in"s an" the metal ta!le shi,er un"er his screams.
Collins took a short o!#ect from his pocket. Cith a fleetin$ motion+ Eraft sa* him
position an" slam that o!#ect "o*n+ "irectl) un"er her ri$ht collar!one. Dt *as a fountain pen.
<he felt it pierce her soft+ *hite skin an" sink "irectl) into her *arm flesh. Eraft $a,e a small cr)
of pain+ surprise an" fear+ !ut she trie" to hol" in the rest.
&a,i" Collins procee"e" to t*ist the pen+ still em!e""e" *ithin her !o"). <he painfull)
*ince". ?<o+@ Collins !e$an+ ?D $uess *e can start talkin$ !efore *e !rin$ out the fun stuff.@ 1e
pause"+ spun the pen in a scre* like motion+ an" then pulle" out the fountain pen from her
searin$ flesh. 9 *arm streak of stra*!err) colore" !loo" oo0e" from the "eep *oun" an" crept
a!out+ stainin$ her pearl *hite shirt. <he sa* the stream slo*l) ra"iate+ like a shock*a,e+ from
the puncture. Collins *ipe" the fountain pen *ith a paper to*el he ha" pulle" from a near!)
ta!le an" sli" the pen !ack un"er his suit #acket. 1e looke" her in the e)es. <he painfull) looke"
!ack at him+ almost to the point of !e$$in$+ !ut not 7uite. Eraft kne* her en"urance *ill !e
straine" an" that she *as the controlle"+ like a stalke" mouse . an" Collins *as the huntin$
serpent lurkin$ in the sha"o*s. Collins stu!!ornl) continue"+ ?D aske" )ou a$ain Eraft+ *hat *as
insi"e the chipH@
Eraft !reathe" in hea,il)+ she felt a sli$ht hea"ache comin$ an" also sense" some
*eakenin$ of her lim!s from the su""en loss of !loo".
?D "on4t kno*.@ -a)!e it *as too stark of a response+ !ut her ?half."ea"@ state "i" not
help her in fi$urin$ out an) issues.
?2he) aren4t ma"e to talk+ sir.@ Dt *as one of the "octors.
?8o *orries Carren+ *e can al*a)s make them talk.@ 1e looke" Eraft in the e)es a$ain+
?8ot so NEraft)4 *hile !ein$ tie" up no*+ huhH@ 1e reache" o,er+ touche" her *oun"+ causin$
Eraft #ump an" $asp from pain. Collins ran the fier)+ luke*arm li7ui" on the tips of his
lamentin$ fin$ers.
9$ent Eraft cou$he" an" checke" her *oun"+ it *as still !lee"in$ !a"l). /loo"
continue" to oo0e from the "eep puncture. <he "eci"e" to make a "eal. ?2ell me *here &imitri is
an" D *ill tell )ou a!out the chip.@
Vectors of Corruption
?Ce "on4t make ne$otiations here+ Eraft+@ Collins smu$l) sai" to her.
?Choe,er sai" D *as ne$otiatin$ *ith )ouH@
Collins4 smile fa"e". Cithout emotions+ he or"ere" the "octors to "ru$ her.
Eraft felt the ,ile nee"le poke into her arm. 1er ,ision !e$an to fa"e a$ain an" she s*ore
at Collins+ promptin$ him to hit her in the face a$ain. 2his time5 ho*e,er+ she *as too "o0e" to
feel the pain. Eraft fell asleep seein$ Collins4 !eautiful+ smirkin$ face.
Eraft *oke+ she *as in another cell. 2his one5 ho*e,er+ looke" e3tremel) similar to the
last asi"e from the mechanical ta!le+ a lar$e !athtu!+ an" three car !atteries *hich stoo" close to
each other U "irectl) in front of her. Eraft *as no* tape" to a metal chair+ stan"in$ in the center
of the !arren room ne3t to the other o!#ects. 2he a$ent 7uickl) checke" her *oun"5 the puncture
*as hi""en !) the !loo"staine" linen. 1o*e,er+ she kne* from e3perience that the in#ur) ha"
mostl) clotte". 8otin$ the lar$e span of copper) !loo" runnin$ from her chest "o*n to her pants+
Eraft kne* she ha" lost a lot. 9lmost instantl) upon reali0ation+ the a$ent su""enl) felt *eaker+
"i00ier+ an" col"er than !efore. &irectl) ahea" of her+ t*o ?"octors@ in sur$eon scru!s *an"ere"
a!out. Ane *as preparin$ a s)rin$e. Eraft *ince". 2*o other men *ere also in the room+ !oth of
them ha" on a ,est an" !lack #acket *ith !a$$) pants. /oth of them hel" -%5 machine pistols.
>eali0in$ that Eraft ha" a*akene" from her slum!er+ the t*o men aime" their pistols at
her. 2he "octors+ too+ turne" to face her.
Ane of the "octors+ a mi""le.a$e" Caucasian man *ith a partial mustache+ pulle" out his
cell phone. 1e *aite" a fe* secon"s an" muttere" into the recei,er+ ?<he4s up !oss.@
Cithin thirt) secon"s+ the "oor in front of her *as pushe" open *ith a screech. Collins+
no* suite" up in a tie an" slacks+ came in *ith a smile. 1e stoo" ominousl) in front of her an"
stare" at her tire" e)es.
?-a$$ie+ a*ake no* D seeH@
?D *oul" !e more a*ake *hen D see )ou "ea"+@ ma)!e a little too far a$ain.
Collins lau$he". ?9h+ a fi$hter+ D use" to lo,e ha,in$ to "eal *ith those.@ 1e no""e" to
the t*o men an" the) lo*ere" their $uns. Collins then turne" to the t*o "octors. 1e snappe" his
fin$ers an" the pair #umpe" into action. 6irst+ the t*o of them fille" the !athtu! *ith four !a$s of
ice. Eraft hear" the cu!s fall into the metal tu! like *aste fallin$ into a cesspool. 8e3t+ the men
took a lar$e !o3 of salt an" slice" it open *ith a knife. Eraft *ince" at the si$ht. 9fter pourin$
the salt "o*n into the tu!+ the men procee"e" to turn on the faucet on the metal !athtu!. 2he col"
*ater $entl) flo*e"+ almost too $entl)+ "o*n into the !athtu!. Dnsi"e+ the fro0en *ater rushe" to
meet the salt an" ice+ causin$ a lou" $rin"in$ soun" *hich ma"e Eraft shi,er. 9 minute later+ one
of the "octors+ the one *ith the partial mustache+ turne" off the faucet. Collins *alke" for*ar" to
a"mire their *ork U he no""e" in appreciation.
?Cell+ -a$$ie+ it is )our luck) "a)+ D am $oin$ to $i,e )ou one last chance !efore *e "o
the !a" stuff. Chat information *as insi"e the chipH@
Eraft !e$an to panic a little. 2he truth *as that she onl) kne* of ho* it *as the propert)
of the 6/D+ CD9 an" %<9 an" that it ha" some important information enco"e" in it. <he "i"n4t
kno* an) of the e3tra "etails.
?CellH@ Collins *as smilin$ a$ain.
?D "on4t kno* much.@
Vectors of Corruption
?Cron$ ans*er.@ Collins no""e" to the t*o men *ith the $uns. 2he) put their *eapons
asi"e+ *alke" o,er+ an" !e$an unt)in$ Eraft. Df she *asn4t in such !a" of shape+ she mi$ht ha,e
taken the opportunit) to fi$ht them off. /ut she *as *eak+ tire"+ an" ha" a !urnin$ ache *ithin
her si"es+ her in#ur)+ an" her hea".
9fter un"oin$ her !in"s+ the t*o men strai$htene" Eraft. <he trie" to stan" !ut felt
e3cruciatin$l) *eak. 1er le$s coul"n4t hol" her up an" her sta! *oun" su""enl) reopene"+
causin$ a rush of !loo" "o*n her !o"). <ome of it poole" near her feet. Eraft $aspe" from the
su""en *a,e of "i00iness.
2he t*o men "ra$$e" her o,er to the tu!. <he coul" see a small trail of her o*n !loo"
tailin$ after her across the concrete $roun". Eraft $aspe" "esperatel) for air.
Collins looke" at her. ?<o+ ma)!e one =9<2 of the last chance.@
(au$in$ her options+ Eraft kne* she *as not to share her information+ !ut kno*in$ her
position+ she opte" for sur,i,al. Dt *as selfish+ *ron$+ an" a$ainst the rules. 1o*e,er+ she kne*
the ne$ati,ities all too *ell+ especiall) *hen &imitri4s status *as still in 7uestion. ?Dt *as la!ele"
as the propert) of the CD9+ 6/D an" %<9. 2hat *as all that the %resi"ent tol" me.@
Collins pause" from rene*e" intereste"+ ?(o on.@
?2hat4s all that D kno*Ihell Collins D "on4t e,en kno* *h) D !othere" $ettin$ it
consi"erin$ D kne* nothin$ a!out itI#ust like that ru!) no one tol" me a!out.@
Collins4 an$er rose. 1e $ot close to her face an" shoute"+ ?Chat a!out "issensionH Chere
*as "issensionH Chat a!out %ro#ect VectorH D nee" to kno* E>962+ tell meL@ 1e steame"+
?9lso+ D kno* )ou kno* a!out <(<. 2ell me *ho is <(<H D4m $i,in$ )ou the opportunit) Eraft5
"on4t make it so har" on )ourself.@
Eraft close" her e)es. <he felt some har" tears rise from the rear of her e)es. &espite
!ein$ traine"+ she kne* it *as useless. ?D "on4t kno* Collins+ D "on4t kno*. D *as ne,er tol"I@
?<top it. Gou *ere the closest to the %resi"ent. 2here is 8A C9G )ou coul" ha,e not
kno*n a!out an) of these+ )ou *oul" ha,e E8AC8 a!out it. 2B== -B E>962+ 2B== -B <A
D &A842 19VB 2A &A 21D<.@
?<orr)+ D can4t "o thisI@ <he pause"+ ?&a,i".@
?Gou !itch+ )ou ha" e,er)thin$. Gou think )ou coul" $et a*a) *ith an)thin$. Gou
messe" up missions onl) to !e repai". Gou scre*e" people o,er *ith )our se3. Gou fucke" up
&imitri4s ,ital #o! at sp)in$ a$ainst the >ussians. Cell $uess *hat *horeH 1e4s "ea"5 D shot him
up at )our apartment. D *ishe" )ou coul" ha,e !een there *here his le$s fra$mente" un"er the
po*er of m) .45. Gou kno* *hat elseH Dt *as the most !eautiful an" "amn spectacular sho* D
ha,e e,er seen. Gou shoul" ha,e seen his face all scare" an" *orrie". Gou shoul" ha,e !een
there to *itness ho* he cra*le" ten feet to tr) to $ra! his *eapon. 9n" )ou *oul" &B6D8D2B=G
ha,e lo,e" to ha,e seen him cr) in a$on) as D shot him in his stomach. 1is !loo"+ it *as
!eautifulIso !eautiful. 9n" )ou kno* *hat else EraftH 2hat !astar" still ha" the $uts to sa) that
he lo,e" )ou !efore D slit his ,er) throat.@ 1e stoppe".
Eraft sniffe" an" !e$an cr)in$. Dt *as the en"+ &imitri *as $one. 9n" her tears traile"
"o*n*ar"s+ like fallen an$els *aitin$ to !e kille". 9ll the lo,e the) ha" !uiltIlost. 9ll the
intimac)I$one. 9ll the careI,anishe". 9ll the storiesI"eparte". 9ll their secretsI
e,aporate"I$one+ "estro)e"+ "emateriali0e"+ $oneI
Dn !urnin$ an$er+ Collins pulle" out his pen a$ain. Eraft crin$e" not from the hurt it
coul" !rin$+ !ut the hurt the user ha" !rou$ht to her. <he coul"n4t hol" her sorro* an)more.
Vectors of Corruption
Dnstea"+ the a$ent let it run+ like streams of salt) sorro*+ "o*n her face+ "o*n her shirt+ "o*n her
!o")+ an" intert*ine *ith the crimson !loo" left to "r) on the "epra,e" floor.
?Gou4re a fuckin$ monster Collins+ a fuckin$ monsterI@ Dt *as all throu$h tearsI
Collins looke" at the t*o men. ?&rop her no* )ou *orthless assesL@
2he t*o men complie" an" pushe" Eraft into the ic) *ater *ithin the !ath tu!. <he felt
the painful stin$ of the li7ui" hit her forehea"+ her e)es+ her nose+ her face+ then her *oun" an"
the rest of her !o"). 2*o pairs of arms pushe" her in further into the to3ic col"ness. <he
stru$$le"+ !ut to no a,ail. Dnsi"e the *ater+ her screams+ her cries+ her !loo"Iall rose an"
!ecame "issol,e" *ithin the arctic eli3ir. Eraft felt the col" take her+ "estro) her+ !ecome part of
her. <he thrashe" a!out *ithin the chille" mi3 an" felt the pain sear into her lun$s+ her *oun"+
an" her skin. 1)pothermia hit har" an" she coul" take in the stench of her o*n "o*nfall. Dt ha"
!een almost thirt) secon"s. =ife flashe" throu$h her close" e)es. 2he "a) she fell off her first
!ike+ the "a) of her se,enth !irth"a)+ the time she scratche" herself *hen she slippe" on the floor
at the mall+ the "a) she $ra"uate" from mi""le school+ the "a) she sa* the happ) faces of her
famil) on her hi$h school+ then colle$e+ $ra"uations. 2hrou$h the "esperate+ )et futile attempts to
$et air+ Eraft remem!ere" the "a) she met &imitri at the trainin$ school for the %<9. <he
remem!ere" the "a) the) first kisse"+ the "a) the) ha" their first "inner+ the ni$ht the) ha" their
first intimate se3. /ut that *as all o,erIthe *orl" has reache" an en". 9n" as her han"s !ashe"
a!out+ searchin$+ searchin$ for the thin$s she *ante" most+ her life "raine" from her alrea")
*eakene" !o"). <lo*l)+ almost too carefull)+ her stru$$les !ecame *eak+ her fi$ht !ecame lost.
Circles cra*le" to the e"$e of her ,ision. 9 "i00) en,elopment of "arkness *rappe" aroun" her
o3)$en."epri,e" hea". Dt *as the en". 9ll aroun" her+ the *ater staine" re" *ith her pulsin$+
*arm !loo". 9n" it chille" further *ith the a""ition of her hot+ salt) tearsI
Collins replace" his pen in his pocket as he *atche" from a!o,e. Eraft4s mo,ement
slo*e"+ *eakene"+ an" then stoppe". 9$ent Eraft fell limp into the "eep a!)ss that is of the
fro0en+ metallic tu!. 9 con#urin$+ an" ominous+ silence echoe" across the fro0en+ portentous
room. 9s the t*o men steppe" !ack to ru! an" *arm their han"s+ Eraft4s au!urn hair floate"
across the chille" li7ui"+ her han"s still motionlessl) cla*e" at the si"es+ an" her froste" !loo"
continue" to pulsate into the "ark+ fri$i" *ater.
/runner sippe" his $lass of *ine as he looke" out the *in"o* of the motel. 2he ,ie* *as
a*ful an" painfull) o!scure" !) ol"+ run"o*n !uil"in$s. 2he) *ere safe+ for no*+ *ithin the
confinements of the small motel room. <e,en a$ents forcefull) stuffe" into a small space *ith
onl) t*o !e"s5 a si$ht for sore e)es if the times *ere not so o,ercast. B,er)one *as asleep on the
floor or on one of the !e"s5 e,er)one e3cept him. 1e stare" into the open skies+ then at the ol"
!uil"in$s+ then at the skies a$ain. /runner thou$ht a!out *hat ha" happene" that "a). 1e
7uestione" the moti,es of the enem)+ as *ell as the moti,es for his $roup. 1e coul"n4t reall) fin"
an) to his "isma). Dt seeme" so+ common. Ei"nappin$ an a$ent+ not askin$ for ransom+ then
forcin$ that a$ent to "isappear amon$st the cro*". Dt seeme" so lo$ical+ so o!,ious. 9n" )et+
/runner still thou$ht there *as somethin$ left *ithin the pu00le that ha" !een so poi$nant *ithin
this operation. 6or one+ the ru!) presente" a means of fin"in$ somethin$. Ges+ it ma)!e lea"in$
to some ran"om pass*or" from some*here+ he ha" no clue as to *hat the) *ere. 9ll the
"ocumentation *as *ith 6er$uson. 8o* that she *as $one+ there *as no *a) he coul" fi$ure out
an)thin$ an)more. 1e hate" himself for not cop)in$ the s)m!ols. 1e hate" himself for !ein$ so
Vectors of Corruption
i$norant as to let 6er$uson $o on her o*n. /ut that hours a$o+ no*+ /runner *as #ust content at
sittin$ there an" "rinkin$ his *ine. Dt soothe" him+ it calme" him+ it ma"e him rela3e".
/arcla) shifte" in the !ack$roun". /runner kne* ho* harsh this must ha,e !een for
/arcla). <urel)+ meetin$ to"a) an" !reakin$ tomorro* seeme" #ust too 7uick. &espite the %<9
ha,in$ !een traine" to a,oi" emotion+ it is har" not to. Dn fact+ man) ha,e conclu"e" that the
emotional !ri"$es !uilt !et*een each of them actuall) fuel for safet) an" success. 8o reason *as
there to not lo,e someone )ou *ork *ith. Ar so /runner thou$ht. 1e close" his e)es an" shook
his hea" an" *on"ere" ho* an)one can sleep in a situation like this. 2hen his phone su""enl)
ran$. Dt *as %resi"ent -a#e*ski.
2he rin$+ of course+ *oke e,er)one else. /runner apolo$i0e"+ tol" e,er)one that it *as
the presi"ent+ an" then ans*ere". ?1ello -r. %resi"ent+@ he put in the pri,ate co"e *hich tol"
others it *as >)an /runner himself+ an" then procee"e". ?(oo" ne*sH@
2he presi"ent cou$he". ?D4m sorr) sir+ more !a" ne*s.@
?<en" it.@ 1e turne" on the speaker. B,er)one else ru!!e" their e)es in the "arkness an"
trie" to listen in. 1oll) si$he" an" /arcla) inhale".
?Ce lost contact *ith Eraft an" =ene,ski.@
?Chen *as thisH@
?9ppro3imatel) t*el,e hours a$o.@
/ein$ informe" of the shootin$ earlier+ /runner *asn4t sure ho* to take the ne*s. ?=ost
contact as in "ea" silence or simpl) that the) are a,oi"in$ the callH@
?2he 1O tracke" them ,ia their phones !ut coul"n4t locate them. &imitri =ene,ski4s
phone *as offline an" Eraft4s phone *as left at the restaurant after the shootin$I@
?2rackin$ "e,ices+ *e all ha,e one *e carr) a!out.@
?Ce checke" that too. 8othin$+ e,er)thin$ *as !lacke" out.@
/runner curse"+ ?Chat the hell is $oin$ on -r. %resi"entH 1a,e )ou finishe" checkin$
for others asi"e from Masla,sk)H@
?9$ent+ D ha,e no i"ea+ M. *as one of our !est men for man) )ears. D #ust coul"n4t !elie,e
him to !e the one *ho *oul" !etra)I@
?-r. %resi"ent+@ /runner interrupte"+ ?1e !etra)e" the team+ the countr)+ an" the co"e.
8o*+ *e can sit here all "a) an" "iscuss Masla,sk)4s past stren$ths or *e can keep up to "ate on
all ta!s.@
2he presi"ent coole" his attitu"e. ?>i$ht+ the Fnite" <tates -ilitar) /ase at &i#im!i *as
also attacke" a fe* hours prior. Gou ha,e alrea") !een informe" of this !ut *hat )ou ha,en4t
!een informe" of is that Ea!ins+ (reene an" A4 &oole) are also all missin$.@
?Ges sir in"ee". Ce ha,e shit oursel,es *ith this *hole operation. D su$$est )ou $et 9==
of )our asses !ack <tatesi"e as soon as )ou *rap thin$s up in >io. D nee" )ou all to come !ack.
2he CD9 is in,esti$atin$ the situation. Dnterpol has !een notifie" of the situation+ as *ith our
informants *ithin China+ /ritain an" (erman). Eeep )our si$hts alert an" for (o"4s sakes+ keep
calm an" "on4t "o somethin$ stupi".@ 1e soun"e" futile.
?-r. %resi"ent+ )ou #ust tol" me that *e lost four elite a$ents an" )ou are still tellin$ me
to keep calmH@ /runner soun"e" an$r). B,er)one else *as a*ake an" at full alert at this time.
Vectors of Corruption
?=ook Captain 9$ent. Aur $u)s are *ell traine"+ !ut sometimes e,en the most *ell
traine" people falter *hen the time is *ron$. Ce can4t e3pect perfecte" success. 9n" *hile our
situation is "esperate at the least+ D nee" )ou+ CB nee" )ou all to !e !ack here *here it is safe.@
?<afeH &i" )ou not #ust e3plain to me the "o*nfall of t*o of our a$ents *ithin the
<tatesH@ 1is ,oice echoe" in crescen"o.
?=ook+ *e nee" to fi$ure thin$s out. D nee" )ou all to come !ack as soon as )ou can.@
?<ir+ *e are still missin$ an a$ent. Ce are still *aitin$ for Masla,sk) an" Chernko, to
call us for an) information. Ce can4t lea,e 6er$uson !ehin".@
?D "on4t kno* *hat to tell )ou a$ent+ !ut *e can4t risk an)more a$ents.@
?<o -r. %resi"ent+ let me $et this strai$ht+ )ou are $oin$ to make us lea,e an a$ent here
*hile *e i"l) run !ack homeH@
?Ges+ this con,ersation is o,er.@ 2he presi"ent cut the line.
9nother "eafenin$ silence fell across the room.
?Cell+ *e came all this *a) for nothin$+@ 1a""ock sai".
?Dt4s as if *e *ere thro*n into this mi3 simpl) for the cameo.@ 'ohnson a""e".
?Chate,er the case+ *e *ill ha,e to return. 2he man has spoken.@ /runner "rank the last
of his *ine.
?Chat a!out 6er$usonH@ /arcla) aske".
?2here4s nothin$ *e can "o. <orr) /arcla).@ /runner poure" himself another "rink. 1e
took a hea,) s*i$ from it+ then "roppe" the $lass hea,il) on the counter.
B,er)one *as silent.
Eraft a*oke "esperatel) $aspin$ for air. Cas she "ea"H Chere *as sheH Chat happene"H
2he 7uestions poure" from her !rain. <he ha" a massi,e hea"ache an" her lim!s *ere fro0en
sore5 she coul"nKt !elie,e that "elirium *oul" "ri,e her to use that a"#ecti,e. -ar$aret Eraft+
")in$ an" sick+ stare" into the "istance. Dt *as a room+ !ut *here C9< sheH Eraft ha" no i"ea.
2he once a$ain !arren *alls *ere !eautifie" simpl) !) the presence of a calmin$ *hite paint
instea" of a rottin$ $reen peelin$. Dnstea" of the e,il+ !loo" encruste" pipes+ there she sat on a
soft !e". &espite the "ecor+ the surroun"in$s still ,iolentl) remin"e" her of a close"+ fro0en cell.
6ro0en+ a *or" so ne* to her life. 1o* "i" she sur,i,eH
Eraft looke" "o*n+ the rest of her !o") *as co,ere"+ nake"+ un"er a !lanket. 6or a split
secon"+ she ha" the horrific ima$er) that she *as in"ee" "ea"+ *aitin$ to rot *ithin this room
a*a) from her famil) an" frien"s. /ut instea"+ the calmin$ tickin$ of a near!) clock a*akene"
her from her "eepest horrors. Dt *as mornin$+ or afternoon. 2he *in"o* *as co,ere" partiall) !)
a clou")+ !lue.$reen curtain+ !ut she coul" see the luscious sunshine !urro* throu$h the $aps.
<he $aspe"+ not in happiness+ !ut in som!er relief.
Eraft carefull) mo,e" her toes. <he coul" feel them+ thou$h throu$h num!ness. <he
s7uee0e" her fists. <he coul" feel them+ thou$h the) ha" a lacerate" hurt from her o*n nails
"i$$in$ into her palms "urin$ the stru$$le.
2he stru$$le.
Chat happene"H
Vectors of Corruption
Eraft trie" to remem!er+ !ut memor) faile" her a$ain. <he remem!ere" !loo"+ a "eep
free0e+ an" a ,iolent !e$ for o3)$en+ !ut that *as it. 2he rest *as "arkness. <he felt her *oun"
on her chest. Dt *as mostl) seale" !ut $a,e a painful stin$ e,er) time she mo,e". Eraft kne* it
*ill !e there for a lon$ time.
%ushin$ herself up+ Eraft *as su""enl) rushe" *ith a massi,e hea"ache *hich hammere"
across her skull. <he fell off the !e" an" lan"e" har" on the ic) floor.
2he a$ent pulle" herself to$ether+ picke" herself up+ clim!e" !ack into !e"+ an" co,ere"
her shi,erin$+ nake" !o") un"er the *arm+ soft co,ers. <he *as hurtin$+ sick+ an" hun$r)+ !ut at
least she *as *arm.
2hat *as *hen Eraft sa* the plate near a small+ *oo"en ni$htstan". An it *ere t*o
"inner rolls+ !oth ic) col". <he "i"nKt *ait an" coul"nKt hol" in. Eraft let the fo3 insi"e her sprin$
out+ a$$ressi,e+ tenacious+ an" attacke" the !rea" *ith a ,iolent ferocit). <he ate the "r) rolls
*ithout !linkin$+ *ithout merc) or for$i,eness+ !ut *ith "esperate hun$er+ sa"ness an"
*eakene" nee".
2he) left in the mornin$. 2he *hole of them. B,er)one left. Dt *as a 7uiet ri"e. Dt reall)
*as. 2he *hole mission+ faile". 2he *hole scheme+ "i,erte".
/runner steppe" out a!o,e the *armin$ $roun". Dt appeare" as if there *as rain the past
ni$ht. 1e looke" across his team. Cell+ *hat *as left. 8othin$ results from the stru$$le. 8othin$
"ra*s from his min". 2he) pile" into the cars an" mo,e" alon$ the !us) street+ "o*n+ up*ar"s+
left an" ri$ht5 the roa"s snake" *ith "emonic turns to*ar" the airport. /ut there *as no fli$ht.
9s for /arcla)+ he *as still !othere"+ still reco,erin$. 9 tie" pi$eon+ a shot "eer+ a $asse"
fl). 2he ima$es of 6er$usonKs fate s*arme" into his teste" hea". /ut /arcla) "i" not sho*
sa"ness+ or *eakness+ for+ to sho* crestfallen emotion *as a si$n of *eakness+ or so he thou$ht.
1e ru!!e" the pistol in his pocket+ then stare" into the cro*"e" street. An the street+ people+
!ic)cles+ an" foo" stan"s cra*le" across the moist $roun" in ro!otic uni sense. 2hat *as that.
2hat *as the en". 1e close" his e)es in "efeat.
9n" 1oll)H <he hel". 1el" *ith her mi$ht. /ut this *ill continue to !other her. 9 thorn in
her si"e. 9 piece of sharp $lass "u$ "eep into her heels. 1oll) si$he". Dt *asnKt a !attle she coul"
*in. Ch) e,en !other *ith all the 7uestionin$H 2he en" is at han". 2he !ottom has !een reache"+
the finale has !een initiate".
2he) $ot out of the ta3is.
2he) $ot on the plane.
2he) *atche" as the plane took off.
2he echo of the cit) ,anishe" !ehin" the (ulfstreamKs en$ines.
Ea!ins a*oke *ith a start. Chere *as sheH Chere "i" she en" upH Chat ha" happene"H
9nother rush of 7uestions. 9 matter of 7uestionin$. 2here *as a li$ht. Chat li$ht *as itH Dt *as a
fluorescent li$ht. Dt *as a col"+ concrete room *ith a li$ht. <he sa* AK &oole) an" (reene+ still
knocke" out in the corner. <he *on"ere" *hether the) *ere still ali,e. <he sa* their !reathin$.
2he) *ere ali,e. Chere *ere the)H Dn the center of the room+ the cur,e" metal pipe rose out of
the $roun" like a poise" co!ra. <he ha" no i"ea.
Vectors of Corruption
Chen Eraft hear" the ,oices+ she kne* the) *ere not in her hea". 2he) *ere ,oices of
the men. 2he ,oices of Collins an" his partners. 1er *oun"s *ere still fresh+ !ut she kne*
escape *as a potential possi!ilit).
Chen 6er$uson *oke+ she *atche" the "esolate concrete room. Chere *as sheH Chere
"i" she en" upH Chat ha" happene"H 9nother rush of 7uestions. 9 matter of 7uestionin$. 2he
li$hts flickere". 2he col" "rafte". 6er$uson ran her ic) han"s across her le$s+ tr)in$ to for$e out
*armth. 2here *asnKt much of it. 2here *as one place that *as *arm U the cur,e" pipe in the
center of the fro0en room.
<o that *as that. 2he en" of the !e$innin$. 9 rise to shame. 9 rise to fame. 9s /runner
left his office+ he cau$ht si$ht of 1oll) s*iftl) lea,in$ the scene. Cere the) still connecte"H Cas
there still attraction. %ossi!l)+ !ut 1oll) *as not in the moo". 8o one *as in the moo". 1e left
the hea"7uarters+ he left <outh 9frica+ he left -o0am!i7ue+ he left his #o! at the en" of the "a)
*ith a feelin$ of re$ret+ of hopelessness. 2hat *as that. 2he search for the <.1.+ the failure to
fin" them+ the search for Chernko,+ the ina!ilit) to "etain him an" the loss of 6er$uson. <o *as
this a ,ictor)H 1e "i"nKt think so.
1e $ot in his 6or" 6ocus an" "ro,e home. 2he *in"o* roa" lea" to his house. 9 col"
si$ht+ empt)+ !arren+ lifeless. 6or )ears+ !urro*in$ *olf spi"ers ha" etche" holes *ithin his front
)ar". 8o*+ his nei$h!orhoo" pestici"e !om!in$s ha,e remo,e" them. 6or )ears+ his )ar" *as
fille" *ith !ir"s. 8o*+ the) remain silent in the "ea" ni$ht.
1e sho*e"+ ate some takeout he ha" alon$ *ith some lefto,er *ine. Dt *arme" him.
/runner ploppe" onto the sofa an" turne" on some music. &r)ness. 1e !rou$ht his laptop out
an" t)pe" in the pass*or". <lo* connection. /runner tosse" e,er)thin$ "o*n an" lai" on his
sofa. Dt *as 7uiet.
1e *as a!out to "o0e off *hen his phone ran$. Dt *as 1oll).
?/runner+ *e ha,e a pro!lem. DtKs Eansas.@
?2urn on )our "amn 2V.@
1e "i". 9n" it *as chaos.
Dt *as a !om! threat unlike an) at the hi$h school. <tu"ents *ere all rushe" out into the
open Eansas fiel"s. B,acuation *as 7uick an" clean...!ut also mess). Dt *as all a !lur. Dt *as all a
mess. Dt *as all chaos.
/ut it *as the !e$innin$. 2hen came the "rones. 2he) strafe". 9 !loo") mess. 9 thousan"
9n" a fe* miles a*a)+ Chernko, smile".
&r. (arrison *atche" the e,ent unfol" in front of his tele,ision. 1e *atche"+ e)es open.
2hen he turne" off the 2V an" left for the hospital. 2he car ski""e" out of his "ri,e*a) an" out
into the street. Dt *as ,er) col". <no* starte" to "ri00le upon the "eafenin$ $re)ness of the open
lan"scape. 1e passe" the countr)+ he passe" the su!ur!s. Chen he arri,e" at the hospital
Vectors of Corruption
entrance+ the am!ulances *ere there. Dn the "istance+ a lone "roneKs en$ines echoe" like a clap of
2he "octor entere" the hospital. 9 frantic mess. %eople stre* e,er)*here+ !ooks an"
ma$a0ines all knocke" o,er+ an" staff mo,in$ 7uickl) across the room to tr) an" ten" to the
people *ithin the room.
Dt *as three hours later *hen he o!ser,e" the !o") of the patients. 1e *as runnin$ a
tissue sample across the microscope *hen he reali0e" somethin$ *hich cause" him to $asp. Dt
*as one hun"re" percent "issension.
9n" so it en"e"5 his short ,acation. /runner *as in Eansas. 2he "eath an" "estruction.
2he !io.ha0ar" suits. 2he lock"o*n. Dt *as a mess.
9 man came up to him. ?9$ent /runner+ *e ha,e #ust e3perience" a !ioterrorist attack.@
?<o so it !e$ins.@
An the en" of the fiel"+ a lar$e+ smokin$ *reck of a "rone la) "ormant on the torn turf.
/runner *ent up an" e3amine" it. 2he shape of Christ the >e"eemer *as present. 9s
/runner shifte" insi"e his o*n !io.ha0ar" suit. 1e sa* the initials ?V.C.@
?Chernko,+@ he mouthe".
Eraft kne* she ha" to escape. <he ha" to. Dt *as the most sensi!le thin$ to "o. &eath *as
imminent *ithin her life. Dt *as the fact. <he 19& to face the facts. 6or the last fe* "a)s+ she
has !een plannin$ it. Dt *oul" !e simple. 9 !reakout+ a "istraction. <o she *aite". 9n" *aite".
A,er the "a)s+ she "reame" of &imitri+ an" *hether he *as still there. <he *on"ere" *hether he
"ie" easil). Eraft trie" to a,oi" thinkin$ a!out his "is$runtle" face *ithin the pool of *arm
!loo". 9s *ell as the clan$ of CollinsK pistol.
An "a) three+ the opportunit) came. 9 mercenar)+ carr)in$ the usual tra) of foo". Chen
he arri,e" in the room+ she turne" to him. 2heir e)es met. %hase one complete. <he sol" herself.
1ormone "ri,en an" lackluster+ the mercenar) mo,e" in. %hase t*o complete. 1e $ot closer. <he
coul" smell his stale !reath.
<he kisse" him.
<he taste" the ra* alcoholic air ,entin$ from his sour mouth.
2hen she $ra!!e" his knife.
Dt *as all o,er in a fe* secon"s. Eraft+ !loo".stre*n an" "a0e"+ $ra!!e" the *eapons
!elt+ cocke" the "ea" mercenar)Ks $un. 9n" ran.
%ast the hall*a)s of screams. %ast the rooms of ")in$ *omen. %ast the rooms *ith !io.
ha0ar" s)m!ols. <he ran.
Dt *as that eas).
Dt *as the same feelin$ she ha" *hen she ran track in hi$h school. Dt *as the feelin$. <he
ele,ate" herself as her *oun"s "esperatel) tu$$e" at her. 2hen she fire" her first shots. Dt *as
some*hat unnecessar)+ !ut it *as "one. 2he $uar" fell "o*n like slau$htere" "o,es.
<he ran.
9n" she sa* the rooms flash !) *ithout lo,e+ *ithout honor.
Vectors of Corruption
2he "oor *as at last *ithin reach.
<he !urst throu$h it into open sunli$ht.
Eraft felt the *arm ra)s echo across her !o").
<he taste" the col" *inter air *ithin her nose+ her e)es.
9n" then the alarms soun"e".
8o *aitin$.
<he ran.
/urst speech.
Eraft sprinte" across the col" $roun". 1er *hite $arments trailin$ !ehin" her+ hea,enl)+
<he sprinte" across the fiel"s.
Eraft reali0e" that it *as farmlan" all across. Bmpt) farmlan" *ith a lar$e $rasslan"
ahea" of her. 2he rest *as open lan". <he *as helpless+ nake"+ e3pose".
2hat *as *hen the $unfire echoe" across the !ackfiel"s !ehin" her. 2enacious+
a$$ressi,e+ o,er!earin$.
2he !ullets ate the $roun".
<he continue" to sprint.
2he metallic shells "ance" all aroun" her.
2en meters.
Eraft coul" hear the reco$ni0a!le scream of Collins in the !ack$roun"+ !ut it *as
hopeless. <he ha" to run.
Chen Eraft sprinte" across the open fiel". 9 *arm ra) of sunshine $lance" across the
earth. 9 *olf spi"er clim!e" out of the $roun" to soak in the sunshine. Chen Eraft sprinte" !)+
the spi"er "arte" !ack into its small !urro*.
2hree meters.
2*o meters.
Ane meter.
<he *as in the $rass. <he *as free. 6ree from constraints. Eraft *ante" to press the eas)
!utton+ !ut she kne* it *as still earl). <he must fi$ure out *here she is.
Eraft *an"ere" in to col" for hours. 2he sk) *as "immin$. Dt *as soon ni$ht+ the time
*hen the col" came har"er.
<he shi,ere" *ithin her scant $arments+ tr)in$ to see an)thin$.
2hat *as *hen she sa* a small si$n an" she reali0e" *here she *as. 2he si$n rea"+
2he clim! to the top of the hill *ithin the forest sappe" more of her ener$). <he *as
")in$. 2he *oun"s ha" opene" up. <ome !loo" seepe". Eraft searche"+ looke"+ clim!e". <he
sa* the house. 2he Victorian st)le house tucke" a*a) at the top of the foreste" hill.
?(arrison.@ <he mouthe" the *or"s.
6inall)+ Eraft reache" the steps. 9n" she fell upon them unconscious. 9 small amount of
!loo" traile" onto the "oorstep.
Vectors of Corruption
9n" so it *as 7uarantine". 2he "rone attack sent a *a,e of &issension malaria into a
$roup of lar$e hi$h schoolers. /) the en" of the "a)+ it *as estimate" that 80V of them *ere
/runner pace" a!out in the mock 1O room in the police station. 1e *as there+ !ut onl)
/runner *asnKt e,en sure *h) he *as sent e3cept that he *as.
9n ol"+ tire" lookin$ man entere" the room.
/runner rose from his chair to $reet him.
?D see our paths ha,e crosse" a$ain+@ the man sai".
?Dt appears so. =ooks like )ou *onKt !e nee"in$ m) help much.@
?8o+ D nee" )our help all ri$ht. 9fter all+ D C9< the one *ho tau$ht )ou to "isarm the
?Celcome !ack to the team &r. (arrison+@ /runner sai".
/runner "esperatel) *ante" to track "o*n Chernko,. (arrison no* "esperatel) ha" to
fin" some*a) to com!at &issension. Dt *as a "ra*n line. 8either coul" reall) help each other.
/) ele,en.thirt)+ !oth parties calle" the ni$ht.
/runner left for his hotel.
(arrison left for his house.
6or (arrison+ the "ri,e *as another lon$ one. 1e still has )et to $et o,er the "eath of his
"au$hter. B,er) time he returns home. Dma$es of his onl) chil"+ torn+ !eaten+ rape"+ still echo
across his e)es.
Chen he arri,e" at his house. <omethin$ *asnKt ri$ht. 1e sa* somethin$ on the "oorstep.
(arrison "re* his pistol. 1e carrie" one e,er since that fateful "a).
/ut as he $ot closer. 1e reali0e" *ho it *as. Ouickl) (arrison checke" the *omanKs
pulse. Dt *as *eak !ut certainl) there. <he also ha" a ra$in$ fe,er. 1e unlocke" the "oor+ picke"
the fra$ile *oman up an" !rou$ht her insi"e. 2he "oor close" *ith an inau"i!le Kthump.K
9 "a) passe" an" -ar$aret EraftKs con"ition *as still a*r). (arrison put her on his
"au$hterKs ol" !e" an" checke" to ensure she *as fine. <omethin$ cau$ht his e)e *hen he *as
takin$ her temperature.
1er *rist.
2here *as an ominous in#ection hole in it.
Dt looke" sli$htl) s*ollen.
1e took out a small s)rin$e from an ai" !o3 near the !e" an" flicke" it.
(arrison took a sample of EraftKs !loo".
1e *aite" as the sample coole" so he coul" look at it un"er the microscope.
Chen he place" the sli"e un"er the lens. 1e sa* it. Dt *as &issension. B3cept it *asnKt. Dt
*as the parasite for sure. 1o*e,er+ a fe* of the in"i,i"uals ha,e ha" their !o"ies "estro)e".
Fpon e3posure to air+ ho*e,er+ the parasites continue" to mo,e a!out. /ut (arrison *as
shocke". Dt appeare" to him that Eraft *as "e,elopin$ anti!o"ies a$ainst the parasite. 1e cross
reference" the !loo" of the hi$h schoolers *ho *ere affecte"+ man) of *hom are still ")in$
Vectors of Corruption
*ithin the hospital !e"s at the time. 2he "ifferences *ere so stark that (arrison *as !lo*n a*a)
an" sta)e" 7uiet. 1e $lance" at Eraft. 1e then calle" /runner.
2hat *as *hen Eraft *oke up.
Dt took less than fi,e minutes for /runner to arri,e. 1e *alke" into the room. Dt looke"
like an) normal room for a teena$e $irl. /runner kne* of *hat ha" happene". 1e trie" not to
think or ask a!out it. Eraft la) !un"le" in un"er the co,ers.
?1er fe,er has $one "o*n a !it !ut she is still !urnin$+@ (arrison sai".
?<o "o )ou think D ha,e somethin$ in m) !loo"H@ Eraft cou$he".
(arrison e3plaine" his short fin"in$s to the t*o of them. ?9$ent Eraft+ )ou mi$ht ha,e
the solution to our pro!lems. 1o*e,er+ the contents are unsta!le. Ce nee" 6>B<1 !loo"
samples to "o an) further testin$. D nee" )ou to come "o*n to the hospital.@
?Cait.@ Eraft tol" the t*o a!out Collins an" the *hole scheme an" ho* he ha" !roken
the rules. Eraft then tol" him the location of his safe house. <he also tol" them a!out &imitri.
Eraft hel" the tears *ith her mi$ht+ !ut she "i" it.
/runner echoe" a small cou$h at the !ack of his throat.
(arrison con#ure" a lon$ "eep !reath.
Eraft si$he". ?Chat no*H@
?Ce hunt+@ /runner ans*ere".
2he en"$ame has !e$un. /runner loa"e" his *eapons into his 6or" 6ocus. 1e ensure" his
assault rifle *as in prime" con"ition. 1e "ro,e. 6ast. 1e "ro,e reall) fast.
6iel"s of $rass fle* !) the *in"o* in a "istance" !lur. 1e *as there. 1e coul" taste it.
Chen he reach the !arn+ /runner fire" the first shots at the $uar"s. 2he) tum!le" "o*n
like slau$htere" !ir"s.
Ouickl)+ the a$ent !uste" throu$h the "oors in !lurre" motion. 2he mercenaries insi"e
turne" #ust in time to see the !ullets fl). Dt *as !eautiful. 2racers "ance" an" li$hts flickere". Dn
the !lacke" cell+ rifles !urst. Dt *as o,er in a matter of secon"s. 9 room full of "ea" men an"
/runner stoo" a!o,e+ pantin$. 1e *as ali,e+ capa!le+ fuele"...ele,ate".
2he a$ent ran throu$h the hall*a)s+ checkin$ e,er) sin$le room. B,er) one. 2he) *ere
all empt). 1e $ot to the ,er) last room an" place" the !loo"ie" e3plosi,e char$e on the outsi"e
of the "oor. ?2his is it+@ he *hispere". 2hen he presse" the !utton.
2he !last sent the "oor !ack*ar"s. /runner thre* himself into the room+ rifle poise" an"
rea") to strike. Chat he sa* *as emptiness. 8othin$. 2he steel pipe cur,e" in the center+ the
!loo"stains pile" on the e"$es+ !ut it *as empt).
2hat *as *hen he felt the !last.
Dt came !ehin" him.
1e kne* it *as a flash!an$.
/runner fell to the floor+ clutchin$ his hea".
Dt took him o,er fi,e minutes to clear his hea".
Collins stoo" in front of him.
?Cell *ell+ if it isnKt the !etra)er+@ /runner etche" out. 1e *as tie" to a chair.
Vectors of Corruption
?Chate,er+ -r. /runner. Gour other frien" cause" enou$h trou!les. D "onKt nee" another
one to talk.@
?8o talkin$H@
?8o talkin$.@
?/ut Collins.@
?1ol) shit+ shut the hell upL@
/runner follo*e".
?D am "one *ith talkin$ to )ou i"iots.@
?2hen kill me.@
?Gou kno* *hat -r. /runner+ "espite the fact that *eK,e all ha" our past frien"ships an"
peer help+ D think D *ill take in )our su$$estion.@ Collins pulle" up a $un. 2he other t*o
mercenaries *atche"+ !oth hol"in$ assault rifles.
?8o* this is not the en". Dt is not e,en the !e$innin$ of the en". /ut it is+ perhaps+ the
en" of the !e$innin$+@ /runner murmure".
Collins looke" a*a) for a split secon"+ ?%erhaps.@
?Ch) not fin" out.@
?-a)!e D *ill.@
?Ar+ perhaps not.@
/runner si$he"+ ?Gou "onKt ha,e to "o this Collins.@
?8o one has to "o an)thin$. 2he )ears of sufferin$ has lea" to the pur$e of m) hate".@
?9re )ou $oin$ to let simple $ree" take o,er )our entire lifeH@
Collins lo*ere" his pistol from /runnerKs hea". ?-r. /runner+ let me tell )ou a little
?D "o en#o) a $oo" stor) *ith some s*eet tea.@
?>emem!er corporate 9mericaH@
?D "o ten" to remem!er 9mericaKs political si"e.@
?>emem!er *hen *e *ere little an" an" the) use" to tell us that mone) "oesnKt matter to
the life of a $ro*in$ personH@
?=ook ho* it turne" out in the real *orl".@
?Celcome to "isparit) !et*een the real *orl" an" the )oun$ *orl".@
?Ges -r. /runner+ or so D *as tol". D stru$$le" to hol" the famil) to$ether e,er since m)
father "ie" of a sta!!in$. 2hat *as *hen realit) struck. 2hen D $ot the chance to !ecame the $oo"
an" fi$ht the !a"+ !ut that ma"e me reali0e somethin$ else: !ein$ $oo" has no a",anta$e in
?9renKt the success an" ai" )ou !rin$ to others not enou$h for )ouH@
?Dt *as+ until m) mother fell ill. &onKt )ou see 9$ent /runnerH 2he realit) is ne,er
checke". 2hen D came into contact *ith the -r. Chernko, an" 8a#a 8i,ea throu$h -r. 6letcher.
B,er) since D ha,e leake" the information to them+ helpin$ them an" recei,in$ the !enefits. D
ma"e more in one "a) for them than D ma"e in a *hole month *orkin$ for the "amn Fnite"
<tates $o,ernment+ *hich is more !roke than 8orth EoreaKs political re$ime.@
Vectors of Corruption
?ChoKs -r. 6letcherH@
Collins smile"+ ?Gou "onKt kno*+ "o )ouH@
?D am al*a)s rea") to learn somethin$ ne*.@
?Ance )ou reali0e *hat sufferin$ trul) means+ D *ill tell. 1o*e,er+ it looks as if life isnKt
e,en $oin$ to !e lon$ enou$h for )ou to fi$ure out.@
?ChoKs -r. 6letcher+ CollinsH@
?2hatKs for me to kno*.@
?8o one sai" it e,er *as eas)+ Collins. =et me tell )ou a little stor).@
Collin checke" his *atch. ?Cell+ since *e *onKt !e seein$ )ou aroun" an)more+ D mi$ht
as *ell *rite "o*n )our *ill.@
?9n" so )ou *ill.@ /runner pause"+ ?Chen D *as little+ D *as $oin$ to $et ice cream one
"a) at the ice cream shop. Dt *as the summer *hen D *as in secon" $ra"e. B,er)thin$ *as $oin$
*ell. 2hen su""enl)+ there came the !ullet. D "i"nKt e,en see an)thin$.@
?Cell then+ D think it is a!out time *e re,isit that.@
?Ah m)+ has it !een that lon$H@
?2ime is ne,er of the essence. 2hank )ou -r. /runner for )our stor) an" e,er)thin$ )ou
ha,e "one+ !ut no thank )ou.@ 1e pointe" the pistol at /runnerKs hea" a$ain.
?Dt *as $oo" *orkin$ *ith )ou Collins. %erhaps *e *ill meet in hell. -a)!e perhaps
then )ou coul" tell me *ho this -r. Collins is.@
?%erhaps.@ 9s Collins *as a!out to pull the tri$$er+ there came an e3plosion !ehin" him.
Dnstantl)+ the !ullets came throu$h an" hit the mercenaries. 2he) fell *ithout e,en firin$
their rifles. Collins turne" aroun" to shoot !ut a !ullet struck him strai$ht in the hea". 1e fell
"o*n onto the col"+ concrete floor.
1oll) steppe" in.
?9n" *e ha,e $one full circle+@ she sai".
2he) ran out of the mansion. 2his time5 ho*e,er+ there *ere no !ullets shootin$+ no
>%(s+ nothin$.
?Ce nee" to $et Eraft to the hospital. Ce ha,e secure" the area. 2he hi$h school stu"ents
affecte" !) &issension are alrea") sho*in$ si$ns of !reak"o*n. 9n) lon$er an" the) mi$ht !e
"ea". Ce nee" to help them+ !ut *e nee" to help Eraft.@ 1oll) sai".
2he) left /runnerKs car !ehin" for 1oll)Ks -erce"es./en0. Dt *as faster an" more a$ile.
?Aka).@ /runner *as solemn.
?=ook >)an+ D "onKt care for !ein$ e,en or not e,en+ *e nee" to help the stu"ents.@
?2he) *erenKt there.@
?Cho *asnKt thereH@
?Ea!ins+ AK &oole)+ (reene an" 6er$uson.@
?DtKs too late no*.@
?D kno*.@
2he "ro,e in silence.
/runner !roke the silence. ?Chernko,+ Masla,sk) an" 8i,ea are still out there.@
?D kno*+ !ut the) ha,e to *ait.@
Vectors of Corruption
?&onKt )ou see+ 1oll)H CB are the ones that ha,e to *ait. Chile *e muck aroun" *ith
this shit *e canKt $o after them.@ /runner )elle".
?<o "o )ou *ant to help (arrison or notH@
/runner "i"nKt kno* *hat to sa). 1is short out!urst an$ere" himself. 2he) "ro,e in
silence. <ilence.
2he t*o of them arri,e" at the hospital #ust as (arrison escorte" a fra$ile an" *eak
-ar$aret Eraft out of the car. <ol"iers+ policemen+ an" a$ents *ere all a!out. Dt *as !eautiful. <o
secure+ so capa!le.
Eraft kne* she *asnKt "oin$ *ell. <he kne* the en" *as near. <he kne* nothin$ coul"
chan$e+ !ut she also kne* that there *as somethin$ insi"e her that coul" chan$e. Eraft ne,er
remem!ere" *hat ha" happene" to her "urin$ much of her "etainment. Chat she kne* *as that
she *as e3perimente" upon...an" she has the ,accine+ or so she hope". <tan"in$ up+ she felt
*eak+ !ut that *as #ust that+ a$on) *hich echoe" across her fra$ile !o"). <he thre* up onto the
carpet. /ut there *as no time+ a 7uick *ipe across the mouth an" Eraft *as alrea") escorte" into
a !lack car sittin$ in front of (arrisonKs "ri,e*a). 2he "ri,e *as a$oni0in$ as the ,ehicle ma"e
its *a) to the center of to*n. 2imin$ *as e,er)thin$+ an" she kne* time *asnKt on her si"e.
2he) reache" the hospital.
/runner *as there. (arrison *as there. 1oll) *as there. B,en /arcla) ma"e it out.
'ohnson+ 1a""ock+ As!orn+ an" Binspahr *ere all there+ too. Dt *as !eautiful. 2he *a,e of them
escorte" Eraft up the steps to the hospital. <afet) at last+ for all.
-ar$aret Eraft steppe" out an" *an"ere" to*ar"s the !uil"in$. (arrison hel" her arm to
stea") her un$ainl) trea". <he clim!e" the steps 7uietl). Eraft felt *on"erful "espite her fe,er.
<he kne* it *as the en". 2he en". 9s she looke" aroun". <he sa* all lookin$ at her. <milin$.
B,en /runner *as smilin$. 2he hospital "oors opene" an" (arrison let $o of her arm. <he *as
free to *alk. Eraft took one step into the hospital. <he turne" aroun" to look at e,er)one !ehin"
her: the a$ents+ the police+ the sol"iers. Dt *as !eautiful.
<u""enl)+ a lo*+ cacophonic e3plosion echoe" across the !uil"in$s. Eraft felt the punch+
then the stin$+ then the fall. 2hen she looke". 2he !ullet *oun" in the center of her chest. Dt *as
re". Dt *as !lee"in$. <he cou$he".
Dt *as ma"ness. B,er)one *as rushin$ a!out+ the a$ents+ the "octors+ the sol"iers. <hots
*ere fire". <he hear" the screams an" shouts. Eraft felt han"s !ein$ place on her fra$ile chest to
stop the !lee"in$. <he ha" !een shot. 9n" she kne* it. 2he stretcher rushe" alon$ the halls+ li$hts
screamin$ !) a!o,e like alien ships from far a*a) planets5 "rones floatin$ a!out in suspen"e"
animation. Dt came !) an" !)+ an" it !ecame *eaker. 2o Eraft+ it felt as if the "rones *ere
"istancin$ themsel,es. <lo*l)+ her e)esi$ht fa"e"+ her !reaths *eakene"+ an" her min" came to
rest. 2he stretcher cart continue" to rush as the ,oices of the a$ents "ecline". 9n" then there *as
nothin$. Bmptiness. =im!o. <he *as safe at last.
&imitri =ene,ski lo*ere" his sniper rifle. 1e sa* the chaos unra,el un"erneath the
!uil"in$s. 1e sa* e,er)thin$. 1e taste" the *in"s+ the air+ the !loo". 9s he *atch the cro*"
con,er$e on the entrance of the hospital+ he si$he". ?DKm sorr) -a$$ie+ D ha" to "o this.@ 1e
plante" the e3plosi,e onto the rifle an" *alke" off. 2he e3plosion echoe" like *arm thun"er in
the fro0en air...
Vectors of Corruption
6irst came the itch+ then came the fe,er+ follo*e" !) uncontrolle" spasms of shock. Dt
*as all *ithin the s)mptoms. 2he citi0ens *ill suffer. 2he affecte" *ill "ie. 8o control of
an)thin$. 8o control of the parts. 9s time pro$resse"+ the ,ectors *ill e3pan" their ran$e across
the *orl"+ "ominatin$+ controllin$+ killin$. 9n" so that *ill continue until the) fin" the !locka"e.
Corruption re!uil"s upon itself in a c)clical motion+ )et motionless. 8o success *ill occur
*ithout failure+ !ut some successes are impossi!le to achie,e. 2he punch+ the stin$+ the fall. Dt all
continues on in the 7uiet *aters hi""en a*a) !) the ominous trees. &eep insi"e+ lurkin$ in the
sha"o*s+ the) mer$e an" $ro* an" sprea" *ithin the spittle of hate" thinner+ tumultuous+
tempestuous. <o it continues. 9cross the fiel"s of the center+ the forests of the perimeter an" the
san"s of the south+ man) *ill !e affecte"+ none *ill !e helpe"...until the e3act ,ector of
corruption coul" !e stu"ie"+ un"erstoo"...an" controlle".

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