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102 Byggprojekt

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102 Byggprojekt


Rev 2 Datum: 2009-09-09 / MLG Reviderad/ny 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 39, 49, 55, 80, 82, 97, 99, 99, 102

H:\Word-document\KSA\101 byggprojekt KSA.doc




1 QROLLE-NG (NEXT GENERATION) QRP-RIG .................................................... 8 2 ELECRAFT K3 HF/6M, 100-W ALL-MODE TRANSCEIVER ................................. 9 3 KX1 ULTRA-PORTABLE CW TRANSCEIVER KIT ............................................... 9 4 K1 FOUR-BAND AND TWO BAND HF TRANSCEIVER...................................... 10 5 K2 AND K2/100 ALL HF BAND CW/SSB TRANSCEIVER .................................. 10 6 THE 'ROCK-MITE' TRANSCEIVER ...................................................................... 11 7 THE PSK-SERIES TRANSCEIVERS .................................................................... 11 8 JURMA- TRX2 ..................................................................................................... 12 9 FIREFLY TRANSCEIVER ..................................................................................... 13 10 THE MMR-40 TRANSCEIVER ............................................................................ 14 11 NUE-PSK DIGITAL MODEM ............................................................................. 15 12 THE CDG2000 TRANSCEIVER .......................................................................... 16 13 SOFTROCK ........................................................................................................ 17 HTTP://WB5RVZ.COM/SDR/ ................................................................................... 17 14 GENESIS G40: 40M ALL-MODE 5W SDR RADIO TRANSCEIVER .................. 17 15 MISS MOSQUITA, THE GERMAN QRP TRANSCEIVER .................................. 18 16 ATS-3B................................................................................................................ 18 17 TENNA DIPPER KIT ........................................................................................... 19 18 SDR-RADIO ........................................................................................................ 20 19 0,1-30 MHZ SSB/CW/FM/AM/DRM RECEIVER BASED ON DDS AND RISC ... 21 20 SDR SOUNDCARD TESTER.............................................................................. 22


21 FIRST STEPS IN SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO (SDR) ................................... 22 22 THE SIENNA ...................................................................................................... 23 23 AMATEUR RADIO POWER SUPPLY 13.8V 30-40A.................................... 24

24 PMSDR SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO (RX) 100KHZ - 55MHZ ..................... 25 25 AR347 1000 WATT 2-50 MHZ AMPLIFIER ...................................................... 26 26 4 TO 1 BALUN .................................................................................................. 27 27 CTR-REMOTE ............................................................................................... 28 28 LF CONVERTER KIT .......................................................................................... 29 29 PROGRAMERINGSINTERFACE FR ICOM (OPC-478)................................ 29 30 W8WWV - YET ANOTHER ICOM CI-V INTERFACE ......................................... 30 31 SIMPLE CI-V INTERFACE ................................................................................ 31 32 YAESU FT-817 / FT-100 CAT INTERFACE CABLE (Y-CABLE) ..................... 32 33 BUILD AN AUDIO SPEECH PROCESSOR ....................................................... 33 34 K42 CW KEYBOARD KIT ................................................................................. 34 35 OPENTRACKER+ KIT OT1+ .......................................................................... 35 36 137MHZ WEATHER SATELLITE KIT............................................................... 36 37 PIC 16F84A APRS TRACKER : GPS ENCODER............................................... 36 38 MICRO-TRAK 300 AND MICRO-AMP, ............................................................ 37 39 MICRO-TRAK TINYTRAK4 ................................................................................ 38 40 SOUND CARD INTERFACE FOR AMATEUR RADIO STATIONS: ................. 39 41 PIC 16F84A MICRO CONTROLLER ECHO LINK INTERFACE ..................... 39 42 PIC16F688 SATELLITE TRACKING INTERFACE: FD-ST1 ........................... 40


43 THE LAS VEGAS BOULEVARD TRACKER .................................................... 40 44 TNC-X - THE EXPANDABLE TNC ................................................................... 41 45 USB-TRANSCEIVERINTERFACE MIT INTEGRIERTER SOUNDKARTE, KOMPLETTBAUSATZ ............................................................................................. 41 46 3.5GHZ AUTO RANGING FREQUENCY COUNTER ....................................... 42 47 40 / 400MHZ PIC 16F84A FREQUENCY COUNTER ....................................... 42

48 EXCLUSIVE 2.5 GHZ FREQUENCY COUNTER WITH BLUE 2X16 LCD DISPLAY .................................................................................................................. 43 49 DG8SAQ VECTOR NETWORK ANALYSER .................................................... 44 50 MICRO908 "ANTENNA ANALYST AA-908" .................................................... 45 51 TAPR VECTOR NETWORK ANALYZER........................................................ 46

52 PSKMETER ....................................................................................................... 47 53 LP-100 DIGITAL VECTOR WATTMETER BY N8LP ....................................... 48 54 N8LP LP-300 HANDHELD DIGITAL SWR/WATTMETER KIT ....................... 49 55 VK5JST AERIAL ANALYSER........................................................................... 49 56 LP-REMOTE REMOTE CONTROL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COMBINATION. ...................................................................................................... 50 57 Z90 & Z91 SPECTRASCREEN PANADAPTERS AND Z90 CONTROL SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................. 51 58 L/C METER IIB ................................................................................................. 51 59 DDS RF SIGNAL GENERATOR ....................................................................... 52

60 DIPIT, - DIPMETER OF THE GERMAN QRP CLUB ....................................... 52 61 STACKAD 5/8 ANTENN 2M-BANDET ............................................................. 53 62 DRAGKROKSFSTE FR HGANTENN........................................................ 53


63 BUILD A 2 METER, 5/4 WAVE ANTENNA BY N1HFX .................................... 54 64 BUILD A EZ-LINDENBLAD ANTENNA FOR 2 METERS ................................ 54 65 BUILD A SHORT BOM WIDEBAND 3 ELEMENT YAGI FOR 6 METERS ...... 54 66 BUILD A SIX BAND LOADED DIPOLE ANTENNA ......................................... 54 67 5 BANDS VERTICAL DIPOLE ........................................................................ 54

68 BALCONY ANTENNA BY HARRY LYTHALL - SM0VPO ............................... 55 69 SPIDERBEAM 20-17-15-12-10M......................................................................... 56 70 LWC-4 LAKE ANTENNA COUPLER................................................................ 56 71 BUILD A 10 AMP 13.8 VOLT POWER SUPPLY................................................ 57 72 TWO POLE MAGNETOMETER USING 2 FGM-3 SENSORS .......................... 58 73 1-WIRE WEATHER STATION - STARTER KIT ............................................. 59 74 N4XI X1W-2V2 OUTDOOR HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS ..... 60 75 76 N4XI X1W-4 EMP SENSOR KIT ................................................................... 60 N4XI X1W-1 ...................................................................................................... 61

77 TAPR T-238+MODEM2 KIT LOW-COST APRS WEATHERSTATION........... 61 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 REVERSIBLE BEVERAGE ARRAY ............................................................. 62 EASY HOMEMADE 2.4 GHZ OMNI ANTENNA............................................ 62 K1EL MORSE KEYER KIT ........................................................................... 63 BAND AUDIO EQUALIZER AND NOISE GATE........................................... 64 ULTRA RX1 KIT ............................................................................................ 64 MOBILANTENN FR KORTVG - 80 OCH 40 M BANDEN ........................ 65 PIC PROGRAMMERARE .............................................................................. 66


85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

VOLLEDIG GESOLEERDE CAT & AUDIO INTERFACE ............................ 67 ALL DIGITAL TRANSCEIVER ADT-200A BY HB9CBU .............................. 68 HIGH PERFORMANCE SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO .............................. 69 NORCAL DUMMY LOAD ............................................................................. 70 BALANSERAD MIKROFONFRSTRKARE .............................................. 70 NTDEL TILL BALANSERAD MIKROFONFRSTRKARE ...................... 70 COAXIAL STUB FILTERS A RANGE OF EASY-TO-BUILD RFI FILTERS . 70 BUILD A TV NOTCH FILTER FOR 2M ......................................................... 71 UNIVERSAL USB DIGIMODE INTERFACE ................................................. 71 USB / CAT (CI-V) ADAPTER ........................................................................ 72 6 TUBE NIXIE DESK CLOCK ....................................................................... 72 USB UNIVERSAL RIG INTERFACE ............................................................. 73 BITX20A TRANSCEIVER ............................................................................. 74 THE MICROCODE ........................................................................................ 75 PIC BASED L AND C METER ...................................................................... 76 SM6KIN, PSK OPTO INTERFACE ............................................................ 77

WA0ZTI BATTERY MONITOR ..................................................................... 78 MKU 13 G2 TRANSVERTER FOR 23CM BAND ......................................... 79


1 QROlle-ng (next generation) QRP-rig

Nu finns en ny version av QROlle med mera funktioner, men fortfarande ytmonterad och begriplig fr alla byggare 80, 40, 30, 20, 17 meters SSB/CW QRP-rig.
Constructors Olle Holmstrand SM6DJH (Analog) Nils Sderman SM5DEH (Digital) Here you will see homepages to support the next generation QROlle-rig. The previous QROlle (Classic) has been a tremendous success and we would like to thank you all very much for the interest, feedback and support in this project. When Olle SM6DJH and Tilman SM0JZT started the project we could not have emagined what it would end upp with. No one would emagine that we not just designed, documented and presented the project in the SSA magazine QTC. We also got a huge interest from the neighbour countires Finland, Denmark and Norway. We shipped 178 kits to builders in all these countries. Today we have extended the team to a number of very enthusiastic members. Especially we are happy to have Nils SM5DEH on board. He has been working very hard with constructing, designing and coding a digital interface to the classic and next generation rig. We have had numerous meetings in the team to meet and gret, discuss and experiment with different solutions. Very many hours on the phone and at the PC have been spent to discuss and iron out all them small items to think of.



2 Elecraft K3 HF/6m, 100-W All-Mode Transceiver

3 KX1 Ultra-Portable CW Transceiver Kit

The Elecraft KX1 is a backpacker's dream: an ultra-light, multi-band CW station with internal battery and automatic antenna tuner


4 K1 Four-Band and Two Band HF Transceiver

The K1A compact, high-performance CW rig that you can build. HF operation is more fun than ever these days--five watts is all you need to work worldwide DX. That's why we've packed up to four bands

5 K2 and K2/100 All HF Band CW/SSB Transceiver



6 The 'Rock-Mite' Transceiver

A Simple CW transceiver for 80,40,30 or 20 Meters

7 The PSK-series Transceivers

PSK-31 Tranceiver for 20, 30 or 40 M band



High performance SSB - CW Transceiver designed by OH2NLT and OH7SV JUMA TRX2 is a high performance HF transceiver. It is using the direct conversion principle to generate quadrature I/Q signals. These I/Q base band signals are processed to detect true single side band (SSB) signal with the phasing method The two band model frequency coverage is 2 MHz...8 MHz The all band model has all ham bands, RX 100 kHz-30 MHz Transmit modes LSB, USB, CW and tune Output RF power 10 W



9 FireFly Transceiver
By Dan Tayloe, N7VE

Hendricks QRP Kits is now offering the FireFly, which is a 30 Meter Transceiver Kit with an SDR Receiver and a conventional VXO Tuned Transmitter. The kit was designed by Dan Tayloe, N7VE, and here is his description of the transceiver. The cost of the SMT kit is $60 plus S&H and the cost for the Through hole version is $70 http://www.qrpkits.com/firefly.html


10 The MMR-40 Transceiver

Designed by Steve Weber. KD1JV This rig was designed to be entered into the ARRL "home brew challenge". The results of the design contest won't be known for some time and it will be even longer before anything is published. We decided this was such a nice rig, it had to be kitted and made available as soon as possible. There's also the possibility the ARRL will choose some other design to win, so why take that chance? The MMR-40 features both CW and SSB operation, the first rig kit in this price class to do so. The reasonably small size, low power consumption and nearly full band coverage of 40 meters makes this rig ideal for back up or emergency use.



11 NUE-PSK Digital Modem

Kr PSK-31 utan Dator The NUE-PSK is a standalone, battery-operated digital modem using a Microchip dsPIC33F microcontroller. The project uses a single graphic display showing transmit and receive text data, band spectrum, and tuning indication. When coupled with an SSBcapable transceiver and a standard PS2 keyboard, the NUE-PSK Digital Modem forms an effective, compact, and portable station for working the digital modes on the amateur bands.



12 The CDG2000 Transceiver

-The CDG2000 High Performance Transceiver A design by Colin Horrabin G3SBI, Dave Roberts G8KBB and George Fare G3OGQ



Software Defined Radio Kits Software Defined Radio (SDR), more specifically, the "Softrock" series of technology sampler kits for working amateur radio HF receivers and transceivers. These kits have provided an economical, relatively risk-free, and exciting entry into the SDR tent. This site describes the kits and their availability and is intended to help newcomers who have absolutely no SDR experience ease into the topic with "Heathkit-Like" build instructions and easy-to-digest theory explanations.


14 GENESIS G40: 40m All-mode 5W SDR Radio Transceiver

The greatest part of 'homebrewing' is the enjoyment felt after seeing and hearing the results of your work. Whether you are an experienced radio operator or just a novice kit builder, GenesisRadio G40 will enrich your enjoyment of Amateur Radio. With over 380 electronic components to assemble, G40 will keep you busy for many hours - not counting hours you'll enjoy operating this powerful SDR radio transceiver 'on air'.



15 Miss Mosquita, the German QRP Transceiver

40m CW txvr, Superhet RX, 500 Hz Quartzfilter, 0-5Watt POut, FET VFO.


16 ATS-3B
Worlds smallest and lightest multi-band CW HF rig. This latest version of the popular AT Sprint CW transceiver now covers 80 through 15 meters, using plug in filter modules (not shown). A single digit LED display has been added for frequency and battery voltage readout. (in addition to Morse annunciation). Over current detection has been added to protect the PA. The transmitter produces 2.5 watts out with just a 9 volt supply--on all bands. Supply voltage can range from as little as 6 volts to a maximum of 12. An improved PA keying circuit ensures consistent rise and fall times of the CW output signal, regardless of supply voltage. Available early September, 2007 for $190.00



17 Tenna Dipper Kit

Designed by Steve "Melt Solder" Weber, KD1JV, the "Tenna Dipper" is a low power antenna analyzer and ATU tuning aid. With this handy accessory, you can determine the 50 Ohm resonance frequency of antennas or you can adjust your antenna tuner for a 50 Ohm match without generating QRM. Powered by a 9 volt battery, the "Tenna Dipper" can be built into an Altoids tin and used either in the shack or in the field.



18 SDR-Radio
Den engelska upplagan av Elektroniktidningen Elektor maj 2007 finns ett byggprojekt fr radioamatrer intresserade av ny teknik. Det r en SDR (Software Defined Radio) HFmottagare som tcker alla band mellan 150 kHz till 30 MHz.

Mottagaren r optimerad fr mottagning av DRM och AM sndningar men passar ocks fr att lyssna p vra amatrradiosndningar. Den kontrolleras via USB port och anvnder din PC's ljudkort som Analog-Digitalomvandlare. http://www.elektor.com/magazines/2007/may/software-defined-radio.91527.lynkx

G8JCF's Software Defined Radio Exempel p Programvara till ovanstende SDR-Radio http://www.g8jcf.dyndns.org/


19 0,1-30 MHz SSB/CW/FM/AM/DRM Receiver based on DDS and RISC

Shortwave Capture

As a special treat for all radio amateurs we present a general-coverage AM/FM/SSB receiver with a wide range of features, which uses a DDS chip in the VFO section and also has a DRM output that can be fed into a computer. The receiver is controlled by a modern 8-bit Atmel RISC processor. The frequency readout is on a clearly legible 7-segment LED display. http://www.elektor.com/magazines/2006/december/0-30-mhz-ssb-cw-fm-am-drmreceiver-based-on-dds-and-risc.58618.lynkx?tab=1


20 SDR Soundcard Tester

The key to using a soundcard successfully in digital signal processing or digital radio applications lies principally in the characteristics of the soundcard itself. If you want to experiment with SDR and avoid a lot of frustration, it is worth checking first whether the PC soundcard you plan to use is suitable.


21 First steps in Software Defined Radio (SDR)

I-Q: a Highly Intelligent Approach to Quality Radio

Until now panoramic display and selectable bandwidth were features found only on top range (and fearfully expensive!) shortwave receivers. Realising these functions in software makes it possible to create a receiver for ridiculously little money using barely any hardware components. SDR and I-Q Mixers are the new watchwords http://www.elektor.com/default.lynkx?pointer=1-28-16120-16393-16395-27770


22 The Sienna
A 160-10M CW/SSB/AM/Digital 100W transceiver

Intressant bygge i Heathkits anda som inte verkar riktigt frdigt nnu ! ?


23 Amateur Radio Power Supply 13.8V 30-40A

with short circuit protection - all you need to run the most common 100-200W Amateur Radio transceivers...!



24 PMSDR Software Defined Radio (RX) 100kHz - 55MHz

The PMSDR is a small, low-cost, HF bands full coverage "Software Defined Radio" receiver that use a computer USB port and delivers I-Q audio signals to the PC's sound card. It was designed by Martin Pernter IW3AUT and it's similar to the "SOFTROCK XTALL project", but with many more features. This way a great many hams can listening all shortwave bands that can be achieved by having just a low cost hardware working with the powerful (free) software WinRad, written by Alberto I2PHD and now also with PowerSDR-IQ and SDR-SHELL (for Linux) on the PC.



25 AR347 1000 WATT 2-50 MHZ AMPLIFIER

This amplifier design covers frequencies from 2 to 50 Mhz with a power output level of 1000 watts using RF power MOSFETs. The MRF154 used in this design is considered as a state of the art device. The MRF154 is usable up to 100 Mhz with a frequency range of 2 to 50 Mhz. Its applications include military communications, jammers, low channel TV, etc. Although the point of saturation is well over 1000 watts, the amplifier was tested for linearity at 800 watts. SPECIFICATIONS:
Frequency Range Power Input Power Output Input Impedance Output Impedance Input Voltage Input Current 2 - 50 MHz 10 watts (typical) 1000 watts (typical) 50 ohms 50 ohms 50 volts DC 40 - 50 amps (typical)



26 4 To 1 Balun

Many modern HF transceivers come fully equipped with built in tuners. While these tuners are great for changing bands, the manufacturers left out a very important accessory; the 4 to 1 balun. With out a balun the transceiver can only feed an antenna which uses coaxial cable. While this may be satisfactory for some operators, this is a real problem for those of us who prefer the super low loss ladder line. The only other alternative is to buy an external tuner with a built-in balun which is really absurd after spending the additional money to have one built into the radio. Fortunately, a 4 to 1 balun can be easily home brewed as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows a bifilar winding on a toroid. The toroid should be type 2 (red) material and can be any of the following sizes but the number of bifilar turns should be adjusted accordingly: NUMBER OF POWER RATING TOROID TURNS T80-2 25 60 Watts T106-2 16 100 Watts T130-2 18 150 Watts T157-2 16 250 Watts T200-2 17 400 Watts T200A-2 13 400 Watts T400-2 14 1000 Watts The exact number of turns is not critical but the numbers listed in the preceding table should yield optimum results. It is possible to exceed the power ratings listed above but the performance of the balun may be degraded during high SWR causing heating of the core. http://rason.org/Projects/balun/balun.htm


27 CTR-Remote
Pocket PC control software for Yaesu, Kenwood, Icom, and Elecraft amateur radios

CTR-BlueLync modules provide the "electronic glue" that connects the BlueSMiRF Bluetooth RF module from www.sparkfun.com to your radio by providing voltage regulation and signal level conversion (if needed). A single board design is used for all radio interfaces. The overall design allows for a single RF module to be shared between multiple interfaces.



28 LF Converter kit
Lyssna p Tex Grimeton. LF band (10 to 300 kHz) upconverted to HF use with your HF ham radio OR shortwave receiver http://home.att.net/~jacksonharbor/lfconv.htm

29 Programeringsinterface fr ICOM (OPC-478)



30 W8WWV - Yet Another ICOM CI-V Interface

This page describes my home-built ICOM CI-V interface. In order to connect most all ICOM radios to a computer, an additional interface is required. The interface bridges the gap between the RS-232 electrical levels used by the computer serial port, and the open collector shared bus used by the ICOM radios. The interface, therefore, is not much more than a level converter.



31 Simple CI-V Interface

Icom appears to delight in charging outrageous prices for all transceiver accessories, so many Hams improvise instead. A few circuits have been published for CI-V interfaces, most of which use the MAX232 IC. Here is a very simple CI-V interface, originally described by OK2WY. I've made small changes to the modem control signals connections. Although the circuit doesn't conform exactly to the RS-232 specification, it does work well and has the advantage of being easily constructed inside a 9 pin D-type shell. Please note that the resistor value 4K7 means 4700 ohms. The transistor types are not critical,



32 Yaesu FT-817 / FT-100 CAT Interface Cable (Y-Cable)

The intentions to start this project where the following points: 1. I was not willing to pay a lot of money for the original Yeasu CAT CT-62 cable 2. I needed a cable which works with nearly every Software 3. QRP means low power and small so the cable should also be a QRP cable (meaning super small dimensions and different types of power sources) And that's the result. A CAT cable with RS232 level shifter fitted inside a normal DB9 RS232 plug housing capable of using either DTR or RTS for PTT control and also capable of beeing powered by the PC or the Radio.



33 Build An Audio Speech Processor

Although most modern HF rigs have built in speech processors, a lot of the low power SSB rigs and kits do not have any real speech processor circuitry. When one operates at low power on SSB, speech processing becomes almost essential to get through the QRM. The circuit in figure 1 is a low cost speech processor that will perform well with a minimum of construction effort. The circuit even includes the microphone element so that a complete speech processor microphone can be assembled in an old defunct desk mike.



34 K42 CW Keyboard Kit

To make it easier to build, we put all of the rear panel connectors, LCD display and the CW reader circuitry on the main PC board. Put that together with a new enclosure and it is a very nice package. The enclosure shown above is the final production version made of heavy gauge aluminum. Final pricing is $92 for the kit including enclosure, LCD, CWR, and solid state keying relay



35 OpenTracker+ Kit OT1+

The OpenTracker+ represents a significant redesign of the original OpenTracker APRS tracker kit. It incorporates all of the features of the OpenTracker 1x and adds several new features, most notably the ability to receive and decode incoming APRS packets, outputting them to a GPS receiver as waypoints in NMEA format. This kit contains all of the parts needed to build the OT1+, including the case.

https://www.argentdata.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=65&osCsid=app294 ocfkba6vo6nn4g8nu6m0



The Receiver has been designed essentially for those that want to experiment with 137MHz Receiver design. The Receiver is suitable for reception of the NOAA & Meteor APT Satellites on the 135 to 141MHz band.


37 PIC 16F84A APRS Tracker : GPS Encoder

TinyTrak type of tracker hardware with small changes, where all functions are controlled by PIC16F84A. The position data in NMEA format ( $GPRMC ) delivered from a GPS is decoded and a 1200 bps packet radio signal is generated from it. This can be fed directly into a Radio Transmitter without the need of an expensive TNC



38 Micro-Trak 300 and Micro-Amp,

2-meter FM transmitter combined with a TinyTrak 3 controller chip that provides an easy and inexpensive way to build a small APRS tracker. Just plug in a GPS receiver and track!

No need to tie up an expensive radio for APRS tracking No complicated radio cabling Simple 2 wire GPS connection Supports all the latest Byonics TinyTrak3 features.

The current version of Micro-Trak 300 is version 1.4. This version includes a TinyTrak3 chip, a SMA antenna connector, and two LEDs. Micro-Trak 300 operates on 144.390 MHz or 144.800 MHz at 300 mW and is sold as a kit, or as a mostly built and tested unit. The kit contains 2 large surface mount parts that are as easy to mount as the through hole parts.


8 watt RF amplifier intended for use with the Micro-Trak APRS transmitters. The amplifier is a transmit-only device, meaning it is not suitable for use with transceivers. The amplifier was designed for low duty cycle operation, and does not have a heat sink suitable for continuous operation. The Micro- Amp is intended only for use only in the Amateur Radio Service. It is sold as a kit with 2 male SMA connectors.


39 Micro-Trak TinyTrak4
The Micro-Trak TinyTrak4 (MT-TT4) is a Byonics TinyTrak4 controller combined with a single channel, crystal controlled, 500mW radio transceiver on the North American APRS freqency of 144.39 MHz. The MT-TT4 can act as a tracker (with added GPS), KISS or UI Text TNC, APRS Digipeater, and packet display, all at the same time.



40 Sound Card Interface for Amateur Radio Stations:

You get a simple, economical & fast way to start digital communication on amateur bands with this kit & a free software.


41 PIC 16F84A Micro Controller Echo Link Interface

This advanced PIC Micro Controller Echo Link interface uses hardware DTMF decoder, Negative or Positive COR and true RS232 interface. Uses analog switches to mute Rx audio on transmit. Designed on a 7cm x 12cm Double Sided PTH Board.

http://www.foxdelta.com/products/echolink.htm 39(79)

42 PIC16F688 Satellite Tracking Interface: FD-ST1

This low cost, PIC16F688 based satellite interface, is ideal for radio amateurs having a desire to join the exciting hobby of satellite communication. Interface kits are available with either Serial port or USB interface to your PC.


43 The Las Vegas Boulevard Tracker

The LVB Tracker was originally presented at the 2003 AMSAT-UK Colloquium. It's a rotator interface designed to cover a number of limitations I've found with existing designs.



44 TNC-X - The Expandable TNC

TNC-X is a new Terminal Node Controller (kit) design based on the Chepponis/Karn KISS protocol. It is implemented using a Microchip PIC 16F628A microcontroller, a CML MX614 Bell 202 modem chip, an 8K Ramtron FRAM, a Maxim MAX232A level converter chip, and an op-amp which provides active audio filtering for the modem.


45 USB-Transceiverinterface mit integrierter Soundkarte, Komplettbausatz



46 3.5GHZ Auto Ranging Frequency Counter

Auto Ranging PIC16F84A Frequency counter counts up to 35-40Mhz and has two separate input BNC connectors. A pre-scale chip from Nec/CEL may be added with Divide by 256 counters to achieve 3.5GHZ frequency measurements.


40 / 400MHZ PIC 16F84A Frequency Counter

PIC 16F84A frequency counter is programmable for IF offsets & Pre-Scale division of 10. Counts up to 40MHZ as a basic PIC Frequency Counter & up to 400MHZ with MC12080 Pre-Scale IC.



48 Exclusive 2.5 GHz Frequency Counter with Blue 2x16 LCD display
This project explain a very powerful frequency counter which has many useful software functions. The software can add or subtract 3 different IF frequencies (455 kHz ,10.7 MHz and 21.4 MHz). You have also two level of resolutions, 1kHz and 100Hz. The main oscillator can be on-board 13MHz or external 10 MHz. The counter data can easy be transmitted to computer with RS232 cable (software below) The construction is extremely simple and the unit is very small.



49 DG8SAQ Vector Network Analyser

This design for a Vector Network Analyser was developed by Thomas Baier DG8SAQ over several years. The current design titled A Small, Simple, USB-Powered Vector Network Analyser Covering 1 kHz to 1.3 GHz was published in QEX January/February 2009


50 Micro908 "Antenna Analyst AA-908"

Several years ago, N2APB and N2CX embarked on a journey to develop a low-cost antenna analyzer that would sweep the ham bands with a micro power transmitter and measure the resultant SWR of an antenna system. The hardware design is complete and is now called the Micro908. It is a production-quality kit and has been available from the AmQRP Club since August 2004.



51 TAPR Vector Network Analyzer

The TAPR Vector Network Analyzer is a low-cost Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) that operates from 200 kHz to 100 MHz, and connects to a personal computer using a USB 1.1 interface. The VNA is one of the more useful pieces of test equipment for designers and experimenters. It can measure the forward and reverse gain and phase response of a circuit, and the input and output reflection properties (complex impedance). The VNA is used to measure and adjust filters, coaxial cables, amplifiers, antenna input impedance vs. frequency, just to name a few.


Frdigbyggd enhet kan bestllas frn TenTec http://radio.tentec.com/Amateur/vna


52 PSKMeter
PSK31 is one of the most exciting and friendly modes of operation in amateur radio! For all of its advantages, however, PSK31 has an important requirement that you need to be constantly mindful of-overmodulation! PSK31 depends very directly on the audio level that you have set in your computer's sound card. If the audio level is too low, your signal will be weak and noisy. If the audio level to too high, you will have plenty of power, but also plenty of splatter! Every PSK31 operator has seen other stations signals that are overdriven

http://www.ssiserver.com/info/pskmeter/ http://agurk.dk/bjarke/Projects/PSK-meter/PSKMeter.htm


53 LP-100 Digital Vector Wattmeter by N8LP

A groundbreaking instrument that is in a class by itself. The most interesting and unique wattmeter design in decades. Don't be fooled by competitive wattmeters that "look" similar. There is nothing else like the LP-100 on the market - Power & SWR - 50mW to 3000W Autoranging - R+jX, Z, Phase - 1.8-54 MHz... band-by-band power correction - Built-in frequency counter - dBm/RL scales with 0.1 dB steps - Calibrated field strength input -15 to +33dBm - Screen for measuring speech compression - SWR alarm w/PTT disable & snooze button - Serial port w/Windows control & plotting software - Flash upgradeable - FCC Part 15 A & B Verification Pris 313 USD + frakt



54 N8LP LP-300 Handheld Digital SWR/Wattmeter Kit

Power - 5mW to 120W SWR - 1.1 to 9.9 Simultaneous Pwr and SWR display "Analog" bar-graph display for Pwr and SWR Peak-Hold w/ Fast and Slow response More features and performance than most top-of-the-line desktop wattmeters



Ett mycket bra hjlpmedel vid antennexperiment r en antennanalysator av ngon form. De mest knda fr amatrbruk r kanske MFJ-259 och MFJ-269. En investering som kan vara i hgsta laget fr en normal amatr, men det finns alternativ. Jim, VK5JST har tagit fram en analysator som har den funktionalitet som behvs. Instrumentet finns numera att bestlla som en komplett byggsats.



56 LP-Remote Remote control hardware and software combination.

LP-Remote is a limited run product. The LP-Remote board is available as a kit or assembled.



57 Z90 & Z91 SpectraScreen Panadapters and Z90 Control Software

The Z90 and Z91 are planned receiver panadapters, to allow amateur radio and shortwave listeners to see a visual display of signals. Both the Z90 and Z91 are currently in prototype stage


58 L/C Meter IIB

Hand-held digital Inductor inductance meter Capacitor capacitance meter with a four digit display,



59 DDS RF Signal Generator

Frequency range: 50 Hz to over 70 MHz

Radio amateurs and RF engineers in general will welcome this design. This contemporary RF signal generator has many bells and whistles and is just the ticket for testing HF/VHF receivers, aligning filters, IF amplifiers and AM/FM demodulators. http://www.elektor.com/magazines/2003/october/dds-rf-signalgenerator.55360.lynkx?tab=1

60 DipIt, - Dipmeter of the German QRP Club

DipIt workes as a Direct Conversion Mode Frequency Meter To make DipIt more flexible, we added a Direct Conversion Frequency Meter. With a simple probe made from a piece of coax cable and a capacitor we can connect DipIt via its built in Cinch connector to any RF signal source. With its Attenuator, Mixer and separate AF Amplifier DipIt becames a complete Direct Conversion Receiver working over the same range as it does in Dipper mode. This makes DipIt ideal to measure the output of TX-Mixers, output of Bandpassfilters in a TX chain and others. Both DipIt modes together plus the standard Absorption Mode make DipIt a tiny and cheap replacement for a (much more comfortable) Spectrum Analyser.



61 Stackad 5/8 antenn 2M-Bandet

Ursprungsritningen r hmtad frn tidningen Radio & Television Nr:12 1975 sid. 78-79. Hr fljer en omarbetning av Bertil Olsson, SM7DVH Vertikalpolariserad, frstrkande antenn. De frslag till ndringar som hr presenteras bygger p SK4EA:s och mina egna erfarenheter av att bygga denna antenn.

62 Dragkroksfste fr hgantenn
Nedan hittar du grundritningarna fr att bygga dig ett mastfste att montera p dragkroken vid sambandsvningar osv. Vissa mtt kan du behva justera s att de passar dig och dina behov.



63 Build a 2 Meter, 5/4 Wave Antenna By N1HFX


64 Build a EZ-Lindenblad Antenna for 2 Meters

Se QST August 2007 sida 37-40

65 Build a Short Bom Wideband 3 element Yagi for 6 Meters

Se QST August 2007 sida 41-44

66 Build a Six Band Loaded Dipole Antenna

Se QST August 2007 sida 34-36


5 bands vertical dipole

Beskrivning I QTC nr 2004 54(79)

68 BALCONY ANTENNA by Harry Lythall - SM0VPO

Many amateurs are very restricted with the space they have available for HF antennas. I have documented a short antenna for the HF bands, but here is a simple method of mounting it, and a method of further reducing the physical length. I used to use an old CB (27 MHz) half-wave antenna which had a broken matching coil. this I used as a 1/4 - wave antenna for 14 MHz, after removing the matching coil. Today I find that CB antennas have increased in price, so I have found a cheap replacement that can be fitted to the balcony of appartment dwellers.



69 Spiderbeam 20-17-15-12-10m

20m Nr. of Elements Forward Gain at 10m height [dBi] Front/Back ratio [dB] SWR Max. Power Impedance Boom length Turning Radius Wind load area Weight Transport Size 3 11.7 15-20 < 1.5

17m 2 10.5 20-25

15m 3 12.3 20-25

12m 2 10.5 10-12

10m 4 12.6 18-22 <2

< 1.5 <2 < 1.5 2000 W / balun is included 50 Ohms / single feedline 10m (33 ft) 5m (16 ft) 0.35 sq-m (3.8 sq-ft) 7.5kg (16 lbs) 120x27x18cm (47x11x7 inch)


70 LWC-4 Lake Antenna Coupler

The LWC-4 Antenna Coupler is basically a magnetic balun encased in a plastic housing. It is designed to enable the traditional long-wire antenna to be used in conjunction with a coaxial cable downlead.



71 Build A 10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply

Genom att komplettera med fler transistorer och strre trafo s kan man ka uteffekten . http://rason.org/Projects/powsupply/powsupply.htm


72 Two pole Magnetometer Using 2 FGM-3 sensors

Finally managed to get a dual sensor magnetometer set up here , mainly due to Bill Speake of Speake and Co ( sensors and kit ) in the UK and Picotechnology for the hardware and software.

http://www.da4e.nl/magno.html http://www.fatquarterssoftware.com/product.aspx?id=18


Bygg en Vderstation 73 1-wire Weather Station - Starter Kit

1-Wire Weather Station Starter Kit contains all needed elements to convert your PC computer in to a profesional Weather Station. It lets you view the weather outside from the comfort of an armchair, measuring wind speed, direction and temperture. Easy to build and install with free windows software. Additional 1-wire units can be added to expand your system.



74 N4XI X1W-2v2 Outdoor Humidity and Temperature Sensors

The 1-Wire outdoor humidity and temperature sensor kit was designed to be used with the TAPR T-238/T283+ APRS Weather Station or N4XI's Linux based WXN weather server over APRS


75 N4XI X1W-4 EMP Sensor Kit

The EMP sensor kit was developed as a cost effective alternative to more expensive lightning detectors on the market. It boasts a fast response time and also allows adding an experimental input filter (a low-pass LC circuit which is normally not populated). Compared with commercial sensors, this unit is more sensitive, and allows repairs using readily available parts.




N4XI X1W-1

The 1-Wire sensor kit was designed to be used with the TAPR T-238+ APRS Weather Station or N4XI's Linux based WXN weather server over APRS. The humidity and barometric pressure sensors, as well as the rain gauge interface


77 TAPR T-238+MODEM2 Kit Low-Cost APRS WeatherStation

The T-238+ is a general-purpose Motorola MC68HC908GP32 microcontroller-based board intended for use with the Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire(tm) bus and any device that needs a serial connection. The T238+ has been pre-programmed to interface with a Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire Weather Station. Weather data is displayed on an LCD display and transmitted via the piggyback modem in APRS formatted weather packets. The T238+ can also be interface to a computer for data logging.



78 Reversible Beverage Array

Byggbeskrivning 17 sidor se lnk www.elisanet.fi/oh3xr/OH2BEN_Reversible_Beverage_Array-20-10-2007_04d.pdf


Easy Homemade 2.4 Ghz Omni Antenna

Bygg en extra antenn till det trdlsa ntverket med RG-213 och en kontakt




K1EL Morse Keyer Kit

The K12-BAT Kit is for standalone applications where external power is not available. Since the idle current of the K12 is so low a CR2032 coin cell can last up to one year.

K12 Morse Keyer I.C.

The K12 replaces the very popular K10 and K10+ keyers which have been shipping for almost ten years now. The K12 shares the same pinout with the K10's so you can easily upgrade your existing keyer and enjoy some great enhancements. The new K12 has nonvolatile EEPROM memory, when you remove power it retains messages and settings ! No more keep alive battery. Six memory slots are supported along with many new embedded commands. In addition to HSCW support the K12 provides QRSS for VLF beacon work. The K12 I.C., as well as a K12 kit, is in stock for immediate delivery. The chip cost is $6 and the kit cost is $17 for either the battery version or externally powered version http://k1el.tripod.com/K12.html http://k1el.tripod.com/files/k12man.pdf



Band Audio Equalizer and Noise gate

Finally, professional audio processing technology is applied to the unique requirements of amateur radio operators! The W2IHY 8 Band Audio Equalizer and Noise Gate is an easy-to-use, sophisticated unit loaded with high-performance features. This thoughtfully-designed, quality- constructed station accessory performs three important functions, all in one good looking, low- profile package:




You can DX the alien nations insects, rodents, bats, and more in the 35 to 45 kHz ultrasound band, listening to their feeding, communication, and navigational signals. Ultrasound, in general, refers to all sound waves above the range of human hearing, about 20 kHz.




Mobilantenn fr kortvg - 80 och 40 m banden




PIC Programmerare

Kompletter PIC programmierer Bausatz, PicProg-R4. 9,95 http://ezkits.illumicon.nl/de/picprog4.html

PIC Software for programmer Windows 95 / 98 / XP

This is a simple program for Win95/98/XP to program the PIC firmware from a HEX-file (the type generated by Microchip's MPLABTM) into a PIC microcontroller. Most modern PICs (like the PIC16F84, 16F628, 12F675, dsPIC30Fxxxx) can be reprogrammed many times, because the program can be erased electrically (the code is stored in a FLASH, not a simple ROM). Some of the "very simple" programmer interfaces can be used, a few of them are described in the manual.




Volledig Gesoleerde CAT & Audio Interface

Modern transceivers are equipped with a computer interface (CAT). This interface can be used for e.g. automated tuning, and retrieving the tuned frequency for logbook applications. Furthermore digi modes such as PSK31 and WSJT are popular these days. When connecting a transceiver with a PC, ground loops can cause interference or worse, damage you equipment in case of accidental faulty wiring of ground connections. (high current to power the transceiver may go through connected PC which is not dimensioned for such high current rating. The proper solution to prevent these problems is by electrically isolating the transceiver from the PC.




All Digital Transceiver ADT-200A by HB9CBU

2 Intressanta projekt hll lite koll p de hr sidorna In the digital receiver the full signal spectrum is fed directly to a high resolution A/D converter. All signal processing is made digitally, which is ideal as it relates to distortions and noise. Since algorithms are determined by software, uniform performance parameters are obtained. Another benefit of this technology is the high degree of functional flexibility. New functions can be added by simple software download.




High Performance Software Defined Radio

An Open Source Design

The HPSDR is an open source (GNU type) hardware and software project intended as a "next generation" Software Defined Radio (SDR) for use by Radio Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners It is being designed and developed by a group of SDR enthusiasts with representation from interested experimenters worldwide.




NorCal Dummy Load

The NorCal Dummy Load is the perfect kit to use to train yourself to work with surface mount parts. It is cheap, and has lots of similar operations so you can really get the hang of working with surface mount parts. Power Handling 10 Watts for 1 minute 5 Watts for 3 minutes



Balanserad mikrofonfrstrkare



Ntdel till balanserad mikrofonfrstrkare



Coaxial Stub Filters A range of easy-to-build RFI filters

This is a real "brick wall" filter for the European TV band!




Build a TV Notch Filter for 2m

Notch filters are effective at reducing TV interference from a particular frequency band. For example, where TVI problems are experienced from the 2 metre amateur radio band, a 2m VHF notch filter design can prove effective. It is possible to build a tuneable notch filter by using a simple series tuned circuit or by connecting an open circuit quarter wave coaxial cable stub in parallel with your TV feeder and cutting it to length to minimise the interfering signal. http://www.stevelarkins.freeuk.com/tv_interference.htm 93 Universal USB digimode interface

Galvanic isolated audio and digital paths. Supports CAT (Yaesu), CI/V (Icom) and RS-232 (Kenwood) transceiver control as well as separate PTT and CW keying lines




USB / CAT (CI-V) adapter

Based on the FTDI's USB / serial IC FT-232BM.

http://lea.hamradio.si/~s57nan/ham_radio/usb_cati/usb_cati.html http://lea.hamradio.si/%7Es57nan/ham_radio/index.html


6 tube Nixie desk clock

Build your own nixie clock! All kits include everything you need to build the clock




USB Universal Rig Interface

Allowed the use of a common USB port rather than the increasingly hard to find serial port. A CW/PTT open-drain MOSFET output is provided. This output is driven by the virtual serial port's DTR or CTS line (jumper selectable), making it compatible with most software set up for serial port operation. Virtual COM port drivers are provided on CD for Windows XP/Vista/2000, Windows 98/ME, Mac OS/X, Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, Linux (support is already built into the kernel for 2.4.20 or greater)

http://www.hamgadgets.com/product_info.php?products_id=85&osCsid=4cd4eb4759501985 08bba9ed11ba1799



BitX20A Transceiver

The BitX20A is a SSB board and parts only kit that is based on the BitX20 that was designed by Ashlan Farhan. The original version was built ugly construction, and you had to source all the parts. I discovered the BitX20 site on Yahoo earlier this year, and decided that the BitX20 would be a neat kit for Hendricks QRP Kits

http://www.qrpkits.com/bitx20a.html Manual http://www.qrpkits.com/files/BITX20_Assembly_Manual.pdf



The Microcode

The Microcode. A compact Morse Code reader that won't break into a sweat when you do! This new kit is a popular choice for both newcomers and experts of Morse Code. Reliable decoding from 10wpm to over 40wpm with an internal microphone or line inputs. A key input is provided to allow the Microcode to be used as a training aid.




PIC based L and C Meter

This version uses a PIC16F628 and a 1 x 16 character LCD, with a PCB layout to fit a standard Hammond enclosure - giving a neat overall piece of test equipment. In addition to the basic design provided by Phil, the PCB includes the extra circuitry required to implement Microchip's ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming), and also allows the optional use of a backlit LCD such that the backlight is permanently on when the unit is externally powered. When run from the internal battery the backlight is not accessible. Note that the standard kits I supply include an LCD that DOES NOT have a backlight - this is available as an optional alternative only. Claimed range is 0.1pF to >100nF, and 0 to >10mH Accuracy is claimed as +/- 1% of the reading, +/-0.1pF or +/- 10nH




100 SM6KIN,


Hr r SM6KIN:s variant av ett interface. Schemat r speciellt gjort fr transcievern ICOM 706 MKIIG men gr givetvis att anpassa fr andra modeller. Det r kombinerat DC- isolerat med optokopplare och transformator.

Beskrivning i PDF-format http://web.telia.com/~u31455935/Interface%20tot_descr%20SE%20.pdf Hemsida http://web.telia.com/~u31455935/


101 WA0ZTI Battery Monitor

PIC baserad Batterivervakning 8 LED + summer spnningsomrde 12,7- 10,6 V



102 MKU 13 G2 Transverter for 23cm Band

By employing advanced techniques and SMD devices, a 1.5W transverter has been developed that will fit in the palm of your hand. This NEW DB6NT transverter is suited for home, hilltop or can be used for roving. Despite its small mechanical size, the MKU 13 G2 features a GaAsFET front end, helical filters plus an SMD Schottky DBM (Ring mixer).

TRANSVERTER KITS A complete line of Transverter Kits is now available from DB6NT. Models are available for 1296.0, 2304.0, 2400.0, 3456.0, 5760.0 and 10.368 GHz. Specifications are the same as factory built units.



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