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Mullard 520 Amp

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sl io
d t:

E e
By E. nals



3. Good response to transient


Over-cll viow ol polPer cEplifier. The lhree luses dle lrounted on ihe lett floDgo while lLe "on-ot" switch appears oa the dqht llqrEe. Tbe lcrge housins (shicl i! veated dt top cad bottom) direclly behind the tubes coveE tLe output ;nd powe! trqnsforoera cnd tlter chote. The other coEponents are eounted belog the chassis.

The original British-designed power amplilier was conservatively rated at 20 watts. Actual tests showed an o.utput ol 36 watts with .2 /o harmonic distortion. /Aaximum output is with .3 volt input.
nONSfDERABLE international attention has been focused on a new lr v audio output pentode, the EL34, recently introduced in England by Mullq.rd, Ltd., in view of the many American power amplifier designs based around this new tube. The cirards resulted in a rather surprising performance in that, instead of 20 watts output, we were able to obtain up to 36 watts with a total harmonic distortion of .27,. Before going into the actual details of this power amplifier, let us review the basic requirements of amplifier designs that are important considera-

peaks to be reproduced without overloading 7. Low output resistance to proviale electrical damping for the loudspeaker system 8. Stability under feedback condi-

4. Low phase shift 5. Low hum and noise level 6. Enough power output to allow





can be obtained in a push-pull triode output stage operating under virtually Class A conditions. It is found that with 25-\Matt pentodes or tetrodes, wired as triodes, a power output of tained with harmonic distortion levels below 7E, using a supply voltage of
430-450 volts. The maximum power output and the corresponding distortion vary appreciably with the value of loaal impeal-

A low level of

Amplifier Designs inherent distortion



watts can be easily


ly an "Ultra-Linear" design that was originally worked up by Mulktrd Ltd,, and published i^ "Wiretess World,,,' According to published data. it was rated at 20 watts with a total har-

cuit described in this articte is basical-

tions for high-fidelity

tion distortion

Briefly, they are as follows:



1. Low harmonic and intermodularesponse

monic distortion of .05qa at rated output. Actual tests by American stand-

throughout the audible range

2. Linear frequency

in a push-pull stage operating slightly below its rated plate dissipation of 25

Increasing interest is being shown in circuits employing distributed toading (r'Ultra-Linear" operation) of the output stage (Fig, 1), These circuits apply negative feedback in the output stage itself. In the simplest form, the screen grids of the output tubes are feal from taps on the primary of the output transformer, The stage can be considereal as one in which negative feedback is applied in a non-linear
manner oio the screen grids. The char-

slope output pentode, triode-connected,

ance. Fig. 2 illustrates typical perof t}j.e Mulktl'd, EL34 high







(volts) (volts) (ohrns) (P-P, ohrne) (oh;rs)


Es'! Rk Impedance R""


(in per-cent at)




400 400


low. l4w.



.4 1000 .5

" Ultr-a


400 470


.8 4.0

Pcatodc-connccted 330


330 130 (cornmon)



470 1.5 2.O

stage are intermediate between those for pentode and triode operation, approaching triode operation as the per.Iniernational Electroni CorDorarion. gtreet, Nes York. NeF York.


of the





while at power levels corresponding to lriode operation, a similar ;rder of distortion is obtained. At the same time, tbe output impedance is reduced to a level approaching that obtained when a conventional push-pull triode

mon to plate and screen-grid circuits increases, It is found that under otrrtimum conditions about two-thirds ;f the power-handling capacity of the corresponding pentode slage can be us-ed with greauy reduced distortion,


of the primary winaling


efficiency being much greater than with triode operation. pentode, and dislributedload operation for the EL34. For tubes oi the EL34 type, comparison with triode operation is of most interest. It will be

watt class in high-qualilJ amplifiers designed for power outputs well in ex_ cess of 30 watls, the over-all Dower
Table 1 is a comparison of triode,

slage is used. Such a stage can, therelore. be used with penlodes of the 25_

Theoretical desier lor ,,Uhrcir omplitier. The percertdge ligure is tuIns rc:io.

Liuea!" circuitry uled



same lime, distortion in the siage can

that dislribuledJoad operation enables lhe power-handling capaeity 10 be more than double th;t possible with triode operation while, at the

with a common windihg ralio of

be held to a very low level. Alihoueh


1o triode conditions, it has been found that appreciable improvement is ob_ tained at higher power outputs if the common winding ratio is further in-

to 1 the distortion level is comparable

obtaihed uhder cathode and fixed bias conditions since wilh a closer approach to Class A triode operation, variations in plate and screen grid currents are reduced when the slage is driven. Sec_ ondly, as with normal triode operalioh, power output anal distortion are less dependent on the precise value of the

From the figures of Tabte l. tit e to be gained by further approaching lriode ionditions. There are. however, at least lwo advahtages ih using a tap at about 40"o of primary turns. particutarly with the EI-34 where a iigh power output is still available. In the first place, almost identical performance is
advantage would appear

Fig. 2, Pe ortbalce curaes ot trro td. ode{onrccred EL3a tubes tn puBh.DuI. !el6r to t6xt lor complete dt3cusrlo!.

change in performance is produced by a change in the plate-to-plate load im_ pedance of 6000 to 9000 ohms. In addi_ tion t_he output impedance of the stage is still further reduced by the use of the larger common winding ratio.

of about 40qo s1 1l't turns, little

load impedance. With a primary tap

Flg' 3' sch.'oclic ol Mullatd 520 obPlifier. All Pq,l! are cvailqble ar bcal patl" robbers. Maxiium cu'nr drai! lo! plec.p is {0 Dd.

Circuil Arrangemenls The next-to-thelast-stage of the amplifier musl be capable oI providing a

R\ Rs-t mesoh-,

R-Jgo,oOo ohm, V2 R*820o ohm, t/, * RIF27O,OoO ohm, lh -47o,OOo

rc,. '. rc, t tu'. R , Rt*t8o,ooo oh . V2 |. re,. :L,q'o, Rn to be et.dt.t th46 R,, RA. R ohn, y, ,- re,.

R\-1OO ohn, t/1 ,. rcr. R6-100,OOO ohm, th t. rc'.

Rt, Ra,

Ri-a7oo ohn, t/; ,. rc,Rt*22o0 ohn, y) *-rcr.


*- tat.



Rtt, RQ-tooo oh , y2 ,. rc'. cr-47 MJ.I. .litc .etuni. .and.;t-, C-tO !1.1., 12 ,, ete.. .dnd.itot C*.o' ttl.l.,4Oo r. .dtd.itot C, C*8 pld.,45o r. elec..dba.itor ct-.25 at.!.,4OO t, .dodcitot Ch C1-.05 ald., 4oo ,. .doa.it.t C*220 rtt.t. u--;" "oi*it", ttot t6-ohn lnai l

Rn-15,OOO ohn, V) 1, rcr,

R^-8200 ohm, t/r a. re'. +5q. (tot t6-ohn Iodd ) Rn, RF+7O ohn, t 4 *ire'ound rer. (.titi.at rdtrc) =5/.

C'*a t/ft!., ioo '. v. etec- cioacir., IF& hr, t80 md., tlj ohn frtir chohe tTho,.,dtron T-20-C-54 or aJTC H-62) F', F*2 dno lu'e

CL-50 trld..5o

ete.. Mba.it.t

S)-D.p.'.t. ( po,et..oa.6i" t ',n.h 4oo-o-4oo ,. 6 2oo Tt-Poeer na"s. ne.: , @ t dnpr.t 6.t '. '..,t. @ 5 enDt. tstdn.ot PM-8412 0t .cui,-) T*Outpu! bdn'. t /n., o! the lo\ori,s n.r ,do Ptottl.t' Conpaq T6.too, te,-ikd: 6600 ohnB pno.p, 4.a-j6 ohnt Chi.d,ostdnd&.! Ttdn'lotmq Corp. t-so72. TioO ohmt pro.p. 4-8.16 ohm,j Drnd ConD.n, A-42O.6600 ohmt ,,to-p,8-t6 ohn, p.rr,,j"rt {i ilf ; 66o0:hn ' pao.p.4.16 oh6,) v-Ecc1 t t'be ( M/rrd;.t) Yr Y!-EL14 t.be t tlldt.t)

vr-cZt2 ot GZJ4 tcbe ( Muudt.!)

Atril, lt56


looD Iccdtra.k llom oulpul inpul inslaLility will occur iI the loop gain ex-


,.-.a* ti"ltv al lrequencies [ol which it',. rorat pt't"se shill alound thc loop becomcs either' 0' or 360" and so ren.n-if-t^t.

ieris ine t.eatacx signal in-phase with iL" inpur. Tho condilions for negali\e



if"a-rri"t i-prv a phase change of 180' i".t.uliitv is approached as the phase shitt in the amplifier ^aiiiionur approaches 180"' i"i - i""ao"ir. nellvolk conlrol l] i.. itt"."rot", necessary to over a the amptificr characteristics excess ol i;;";;;; ranse s'eallY in As iil'i..r^"a workinc band thp dc-




bett"J"i T""Arr""t increases conlrol is usually i"-1. -o." dimcult and induclance' ii-ir"d tv the lcakage inducu n"" and primary Tt is

tre' lesPonse' dnd Phcse chdroclerislics' OveFall Fiq. 4. Loop -';.;* sdin, lrequencY 30 to 20'000 cYcles'Per'second' nqr' is oPeldtion wdl dr 36 ;i':r;;


TABI,E 2. OF THE SUMMARY OT PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS POWER AMPI,IFIER 36 watts; 30 to 20'000 cPs Power output: within I db frorn 20 to 20,000 cPs (at 36 watts) resPonse: Frequency .05% at 20 watts, .2fi at 36 watts (at cPs) 400 Harmonic ilistortion: with peak corresPonding to 36 IM ilistortion: (40 to 10,000 cps, 4:l ratio) .87" watts sine-wave Power Hum and nofue: Sensitivity: DatYtping factor:
36 watts) -gg db (relative tooutPut volt lor 36 watt s0

well balanced push-pull dli\e of adequate amplitude and lo\a distorlion c.ntent. With the EL34 lhe maxlmllm

arive vottaee r"quired is approximately re2x25 volta r.m.s lnput voltagepencuirements are similar lor ll iode r;de. or disl ributed-load operalion Bcarine in mind lhe necd lo insur' srabilitv ivhen feedback is applicd ovel

gain slage. enables a high o\er-all iensiliriiy to be oblained even when a ia.e,'a;ount of negative feedback is ,,-^.r_ a r.i.r' <.nsirivitv in the main l""rrL". thc outpul roltage "-Jiin"i reouir"merrls ol preamplifiel and lone contlol circuits lo be reduced th'reby cnabling low dislorlion io he morc
oasilv actrieved

irr. *nlte

ttt" minimum number of "n"tui" iiages in order to recluce phase shifts ii rle lunction of phaso splitling and amDlification can bo combir)..d in lhc neit -t o-t he-last -st a gn so much lhe il"it"". rni" can be conveniently u"tri"i-a uv usinq a cfllhodc-coupled form o[ phase spliller' A high deerce .,i u.tun"" is possibte \\'ilh thii circuil'

ampliner, lhe circuit should

.nnuia fr" rcmr'mbered lhal circuils nteceaine lllc main amplifier muit bp capabln ol handling. wilhoul apFrP-

in thcse cilcuils ll

".ii-""ou"ir iun""lr lr'to outpul translormer' nuiic oimcurr in praclice lo proride a feedback IJn.l"ni una hish levet of over lhe whole audible range rn .a 3- or 4-stage amplifier $ here th' maln clrjncludcs uholc lhe foP.lback loop tft" oulpul transformer' An "nO rnu.gin of slability in such "uii ii"ouut" lo obIi."i,-iiun""""it verv dimcull1o find iri". irt"" it is more usual decreases feedback efTeclive ihat thc il*u"0" rn" upper and lower audible ii..ltnn"i".. iie Mullord 520 circuil i.'J.p""iurrv designed and enginFered i" -ii"i"iti a conit.nt degree ol feedihe audible lange' back --inethroughout oerf6r-ance of any high-quclitv amplifier is, ullimately dependenl .ri tlie quatiry of the ouiput transfn" use of dis I ribu ted-load i"tt ".. does not modily the essenconditions tial rcouiremPnl of a first_class compo"onf; on lhe conlrary the output i"'"".io"-n" may be a more critical since precise balance of musi be maintained' ""-p"t"tt *inding. i.i-^rv ' w" summarize bY slatinq lhal ion ot dislributed*,iir.- "un 'o itti roduct io"J "p"t"tion using the Mxild'd EL34 ouipLri pentoac we can design efficienl rrieit-qultirv amplifiers with vcry higi no$ei handling capacilies 1o repro_
ern program

ri;ble dislor'lion' vollages \\'hich y jnpui

much greater than those neccssary to


aucc ttre widesiaynamic range of mod-

load thc amplifier fully. With the use of such tubes as the EF86. \,t'hich is particularly suited for

r<l. in a ,ii,. ro lts

h iqh-sensil ivil

!v'it-h a tow distortion level "o-lrin"a cl maximum drive lo lhc oulpllt slage' iu u.ine u high-impcdanco douhle lri.m.cti*e gairr ol aboul 25 odc, ii-"t "ri be ohlain(d simullsneously' "un uilh A I'rncrrlrnq highThis. combirre.t Fis.

apit is lound lhAl $hcn leedback is 300 ojioa, input sensitivilies of 100 lo i.iiriu"fr" lor 36-ualt oulprrt can be

slage l6rv hum and Dois{' lovels'

acni".:ea wf]ite keeping hum an'l noise levels '-tn extremely low.

nrriout itug" is 6600 ohms and \\'iih a i.J vottae" ot approximalely 440 at the center-tap of the output transin"-"" pti.in the combined anode ,'a.creen-erid dissipalion of the ouf-


Gonstruction De{ails Dtale-to-Plale Ioading



oui t,rbes is zs *atts per I ube wii h the

an amplifiel emplo]ine iingle-

oarticular screen- grid_to-plate - lurns imi^rio used, il has been tound thai oroved linearily is obtained at power

oI the dnplilier' Hormonic distotlion dnd inPut/ouiput charocte!tulics

ievels above 15 walis when resislors on ii"-L.J". ot 1000 ohms are inserted in irr. screen-grid lecds. The slight re-

duclion in peak po$er-handling capacin Ir"-*tti"ft ipsults is not siSnificant reoiact ice. Separate caihode_bias !iJ.t.-.," used to limit thp oul-ofLutun"" ,t." currenl in lhe outpul

i.an.totm"t primar): lhe use of lur_ ir'r.,i J.", ttui^n"inq arrangPmenls in it',. nutput stage has nol heen consid_ i6- lli"essarl: primarilv b.causc of ", itr" unitor m characleli-lics of lhe



Pqgc 139\


Mullard's 520 Circuit


ArR F0RCr ttlrSSttE


(C ontinued,

from p&ge 68)

EL34. It is necessary, in this type of output stage, that the cathodes be bypassed to ground even when a common cathode resisfor is useal. T]le power supply is conventional and uses a MulLtrd Gz32 or Gz34 irrdirectly-heated, full-wave rectifier with capacitor input filter. The driver stage uses a Mullnrd ECC83 twin-triode anal fulfiIs the combined function of phase splitter and driver. amplifier. It is of the cathotlecoupled type and enables a high degree of push-pull balance to be obtained,



The first stage is a high-gain pentode voltage amplifier using an EF86 low-hum pentode. High-stability carbon resistors are used in plate, screengrid, and cathode circuits and give appreciable improvement
background noise level as compared with ordinary carbon resistors. This stage is d.c,-coupled to the input grid of the phase splitter in order to minimize low-frequency phase shift in the




feedback used in the present design, an adequate margin of stability has been achieved, Complete stabilily is

ampliffer and improve low-frequency stability when feedback is applied. Despite the high degree of negative

maintained under open-circuit condi-

tions in this circuit. An increase in feedback of at least 10 db, obtained by reducing the value of .Bro, should be possible before signs of high-frequency instability occur. The loop gain, overall frequency response, and phase shift characteristics of the whole amplifier are shown in Fig. 4. The harmonic distortion of this amplifier at 400 cps, measured without feedback under resistive load conditions, is shown in Fig. 5. The distortion curve towards the overload point is also shown for feedback conditions. At the 2o-watt level the distortion level without feedback is well below 1% and with feedback applied falls to below 0.05%. Harmonic distortion at 40O cps reaches 0.2% at approximately 36 watts output. The loop gain characteristics are such that at least 20 db feedback is maintained from 15
to 25,000 cps,

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Measutement of intermodulation products has been made, using a carrier frequency of 10,000 cps, and a modulating frequency of 40 cps, with a ratio of 40 to 10,000 cps amplitudes of 4:1. With the combined peak amplituale of the mixed output at a level corresponding to the peak sine wave amplitude at 36 watts r.m.s. power, intermodulation products expresseal in r.m.s. terms totaled 0.8% of the 10,000 cps carrier amplitude. The sensitivity of the amplifier is approximately 0.3 volt for 36 watts output. The backgrounal level in this amplifier was 89 db below at 36 watts, measureal with a source resistance of
10,000 ohms.

30Vo incentioe, nxeals and lodging Iumished'. Return

These positions are located on the IsIaLd's shown otu the ,xop abote. Salara, to U.S. ewru 3 months.

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Mr. H, C. lour Technicol Etnployment, Dept. N-l5D Missile lest Proie(t RCA Service Co., lnc, P.O. Box 1226, Melbourne, Florido




Aprll, lt56

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