The Metaphor of Women As Truth in Nietzsche
The Metaphor of Women As Truth in Nietzsche
The Metaphor of Women As Truth in Nietzsche
Babich Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Nietzsche Studies, No. 12, Nietzsche and Women (Autumn 1996), pp. 27-39 Published by: Penn State University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 02/03/2012 11:36
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ofWoman Dogmatist's
as Truth Reverse
in Nietzsche: Logic
The sage shookhis head and smiled. 'It is men,' said he, 'that corrupt women; and all the failings ofwomenshouldbe atoned byand improved man who creates men. For itis in for himself theimageofwoman, and womanformsherselfaccording to thisimage.' ? Nietzsche.The Gav Science Friedrich
after Paul
de Man
that Nietzsche's
or else
in Nietzsche.
this hyperbolic
of philosophers.1
But an endless
the logic of associative thinking persistently works against our dispensable or we already 'know' ? Nietzsche named the process a R?ckschlu?, what to reinstall knowledge is lost on most a posteriori.2 The self-elidingly metaphorical conclusion point of metaphor commentators, self-absorption, just including Derrida in all his stylistic topicality but very masculine as it is lost on the very many indeed it is lost on those who and the very earnest expositors of a kind of feminist canon,3 ? inNietzsche. as find an adroitly misogynist
of woman
readers, unwittingly appropriating of woman as that of truth. putting first what only comes
routine dogma,
that Nietzsche
the question
precisely by taking Nietzsche and accidentally Nietzsche's one among involvedly proves drawing
liked towarn against. This only means that the very R?ckschlu? Nietzsche ? the easy danger of finding oneself and one should not underestimate literal readers the point. F. Krell, Even when theymove as sinuously and as seductively and self devotion to the letter of the texts such a strait and even philological
Indeed, sought tomake about conceptual philosophy. point Nietzsche to the letter is endemic to so here that such dense dedication not do I shall though or as nationalist, as anti-semite but all-too commonplace readings of Nietzsche
sought to raise the question of the value of truthand that, for a material of the demand the possibility or need answered of attaining by our deepest convictions. Nietzsche truth,where this metaphysical to raising moral
raises the
does not simply as the genuine good and evil the value that there is no truth,
philosopher's Nietzsche
of a Nietzschean
For Nietzsche,
as one puts away the things of a child, while yet retaining faith in truth,one finds a way With Nietzsche's triangulation of reference beyond by invoking our belief
theatheist the God but gets to poison of thechurch.Equippedwith theidealof truth, philosopher
by other means.' between the traditional opposition (logic) and in religion and science, the question precisely in proper grammar
to do with woman.4
The metaphoricity
is the subject
of this essay.
Nietzsche's Nietzsche
it is important to remember the rhetoric (or verbal 'English') provocative as the very twist which made them his liked to add to his pronouncements, aphorisms. declarations,
As a way
faces, Nietzsche
identify these eyes of night as lynx eyes. proposed multifarious sphinx eyes, precisely where
eyes can be seen as elective ocular fetishes. For has to tell us about emphasised
such Augen,5 it is only with such metaphors thatwe underpinnings of creed or race as groping about on the feminine.6
the philosophic
the blindness
us that the andKofman reminds back of a tiger, theimage of thefeline(and indeed of animality, the
demonic, and the night of grey indistinction) offers a traditional way to suggest
of our perception
speak used the metaphors of Oedipus' eyes and (more ambivalently) Odysseus' ears.7 We might add that it is no accident that both classical figures are linked with the destiny of woman. Oedipus, as scholars tell us, betrayed by themetonymic cadences of his name, is the bearer of this condition, Nietzsche of masculine devastation; Odysseus, the comedy of themasculine Penelope. disappointment of the feminine in each and every one of its guises, Circe, Nausicaa,
in its animality,
this is a doom
doom to die in
such as George
beyond Oedipus
destiny works
with Oedipus'
tale of violation
and destruction
by the names
who people
a and by his wife who lives the whole lifeofmarriagealone, deferring fantastic illuminations,
life in her own image and defining a distaff ideal and life-program for the entirety of returns, like so many in his line, Western culture, by keeping her pledge to an absent husband who at the end of a life lived elsewhere. barely recognizable
to follow
epistemological I mean
critique of what
by which
to describe
drag or associative
of logic is founded on the fiction in reality) identical cases that is, insofar In a
identical but only similar cases. as they are only similar truth is simple,'" simplicity variation "'All with on this point of plain with for Nietzsche
things insofar as they resemble one another, unequal "'?Is and as such exactly vehemence, Nietzsche that not a twofold unchanging, world
a simple,
self-identical of multiple
in the real
what we call 'simple, is just plain Thus, for Nietzsche, implicated dependencies. a the of As it idea not true.' (XIH, 478) presupposes plain essence or ultimate nature, the imaginary, framework that has been surpassed in all other respects idea of the simple requires a metaphysical scientific vision of the world. Yet the same metaphysical in the assumption recidivism which There in such claims as 'all truth is simple' is preserved of identical cases.
upon quaintly
case (falsification) what is the and is thus builtintologicas contrariety with (XI, 634) Contradiction
is coordinate with, or the very exact ground condition for, the will to logical truth.
the esoteric
of becoming, he examines
as theproblem
issue which
life's work may be expressed of selective attention Nietzsche's we as emphasis simple solution
terms as the problem of logic and causality. question problem of self-knowledge of causality as indeed
tend to vanish.
has absorbed
to Nietzsche's
concern and that in turn routinely means philosophical that here Nietzsche rather than being concerned of the human our understanding with rather a great psychologist critical discussion
spirit, more
philosopher. dimension.
or even
literature rather
critique of psychology,
of Nietzsche's
epistemology scholars?to
for Nietzsche
for or
and diet, indeed: just about anything but epistemology question Nietzsche The himself poses,
the problem of truth. As a result of such interpretive strategies we effectively miss fundamental, certainly themost prototypically philosophical thereby fall victim to what Nietzsche attempts to take Nietzsche's its epistemological word warns against critique of the provenance by considering the philosophic in all his writing.
of (the invention of) the concept of truth at counterpoint between truth and woman.
To express Nietzsche's
typology of science and philosophy, I have suggested the term hyperrealism10 parsing as Jean Baudrillard uses it to reflect the quasireal or themanifestly
in a thoroughly modern
sense, reflecting the photorealism is plus quam or overmuch. its abundant in its least details, also and more
minded (I think of John Wilcox but I could also be thinking Somewhat scientistically ofRichard
Schacht ? or Robert Solomon) Nietzsche scholars?presumably he named as evidence philosophy by aligning him with the science for intending to save Nietzsche the ruling religion or asceticism of our day 'positivism.*11 opposition Speaking of to positivism.
by excellent of woman,
It is essential because
as a 'Life
and earnestly
intended as it is, it remains nearly impossible of scientific technique of his language talk of style. Yet The result
to follow of
and technology,
the body, reality, or causality bring us back that style is talk about metaphors, runNietzsche's
of the question of style.12 If talk about it is here, between scholars, we continually is inevitably conflated. taking what is last style,
that as readers,
The Miasma of Metaphor: The Woman Question an exampleof theforegoing as ofmetaphoroffers of thinking The stylistic vulnerability problem
well as a useful approach example Beyond Good and Evil, to the subject-metaphor of cause and effect. Recall (it is relevant that the to its has been overcited to the inevitability of oversight) truth is a woman?what the very first line of the Preface then?'(BGE, echo 13) Considering
interpretive resonant fortunes from its earliest misogynistic staccato or indeed even more more recent deconstructive metaphor movement emphatic, begin runs from truth to woman as a movement and?this
is important?there
effective distraction
'Granted we want
truth:why not rather untruth?* (BGE, with the first line of the Preface
save a connection with the issue of epistemology, 'that truth is a woman' Genealogy Morals, of in all itsmetonymic 'We are unknown
the assumption
to ourselves, we men
of knowledge.'
In this connection,
see (at least) one reason for the troping of truth and woman.
is composed
ein Weib
the question
to take Dan
The metaphor
bit of warning
fare. Here, with the given truth nor indeed, but supposing
as pretext, we are not literally talking about subjective pains, about women. Now is as beginning with truth.What is supposed
of so many
truth to be a woman,
thus supposed
supposition The
transference is effected as the transference always is, by way of the doctors, in this case, via her woman = truth, her suitors = all philosophers. Speaking of philosophers, putative suitors. Where are us of that all them. reminds of all of them, Nietzsche they Speaking dogmatically dogmatists: thus of doxa, Nietzsche could hardly keep the question 32 and its constellation of images more tied to
its theoretical
tether when
are urged
to note
as a preliminary
an angel's coolness
as of the value ofmorality andknowledge, and truth dashedglosses (VII,493) Thus: the altogether.
to the next three sentences case by way of the kind of musical can be read as themetaphilosophicaT commentary (arched in this than Vienna or even jocularity that plays better on Broadway
asNietzschehas it, as thesubtext of a calmor cold angel inconnection alwayscounts Bayreuth)that, with the of and truth. problem knowledge
then? Then
as those who
a guy never gets an even break. them when it comes to woman (or truth)?-just
a guy get a chance. then she has not let herself be won?those lousy dames...
if truth is a woman
formally now, we
argument once more: are truth's clumsy suitors. (B) have not won truth. (C)
suitors (B)
then philosophers
isa woman (A) then have notwon truth. Therefore,iftruth philosophers (C)
In a third restatement, we express A=>B the above
here is traditionally or causal syllogism.It called a hypothetical The logicalform may also be noted
that the phenomenon transition is also She She Nietzsche decries as mistaking the consequence for the cause in a metonymic in force:
(truth) has not let herself be won. (truth) must be supposed to be a woman. 33
can stillbe thought to agree, that with theclaim, andmodem philosophers criticalphilosophy
philosophy especially as compared with the example runs, must of science has not succeeded in winning the truth. The problem, so backwards lie on the side of truth. Itmust be the fault now thatwe have banished beliefs. the preludes
of the object rather than some error on our part, especially of science?magic, following Kant's somewhat know more alchemy, and religion?to
cue here, adverts to the limitations of the instrument of knowledge, radically than Kant, into the possibility use) of critique as such. How The
the tool he
is using
(and must
to know?15
and conditions
of pure reason.
the world
to be known as it is in itself and apart from the knower excessive (California-style) surfboard
as an x.
In Towards
the Genealogy
source of such
error as a result of the same ascetic/slave has always Nietzsche allied science as magical
finds precisely
in the aperspectivalist
of the resentful
we have seen tobe effective in thecase of philosophersin (the lambsormeek of the world) that
pursuit of their own elusive woman) perception reproved or else as manifest of what truth object in the sensual (i.e., and this is what flux of becoming itmeans regarded to suppose as an obstacle that truth be a to the solid may be
or convicted blame.
should be attainable
happens without
on language
that truth is anything but a woman as a woman mathematical or else of uncountable proportions.
thatwhen Nietzsche
truthof supposing
as an outrage,
truth/woman in an inaccessible to of
is not a way
against her.
a philosophy
a perspectival
the concept.
are no is no
interpretations. is no woman.
no willing,
no value ?there
on its own side, couldbe found beyonda simplistic logicof simpleassumption, inadequacy choking
at the sense of saying that there is no truth,we need a logic of subtlety and finesse. not optional imaginary. deliberately, where, To catch as Nietzsche reminds us, even the logic that believes Such finesse is or in truth is unreal
to the fragrance
for the
Works Cited
Babich, B. E. Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science: Reflecting New Science York: on the Ground Random of Art and
in Rousseau, Nietzsche, De Man, P. Allegories Rilke, Proust, of Reading: Figural Language New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979. J. Spurs: Nietzsche's Les Styles de Nietzsche. Trans. B. Harlow. Derrida, Styles/Eperons: ."White Bass,
and theWoman Question." History of European Ideas, 1989, 865-76. Trans. N.K.Smith. I. Critique of Pure Reason. 1929. New York: St. Martin's, 1965. et laMetaphore. Paris: Payot, 1972. Nietzsche Kofman, trans. D. Large. London: Athlone, and Metaphor, 1993 .Nietzsche Kant, ."sBaubo: Nietzsche's and Fetishism'" Perversion Eds. M.A. Gillespie Theological in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics. New Seas: Explorations 175-202. Chicago University Press, 1988. Woman, Sensuality, and Death inNietzsche. & T.B. Trans. Strong. Strong. Indiana 1992. Penguin, 1974. York:
in Margins
of Philosophy,
trans. A.
et la rhetorique. Paris: Presses Universitairesde A. Nietzsche France. Kremer-Marietti, F. Beyond Good and Evil. BGE. Trans. R.J. Hollingdale. Harmondsworth: Nietzsche, 1967. . . . . GS. Trans. W. Kaufmann. New York: Random House/Vintage, The Gay Science. KS A. Berlin: Gruyter, 1967. Kritische Studienausgabe. GM. Trans. W. Kaufmann & R.J. Hollingdale. On theGenealogy New ofMorals. 1968. House/Vintage, Twilight of the Idols. TL Trans. R. Nietzsche. London: R., ed. Nietzsche:
Schacht, Solomon,
R.J. Hollingdale. Harmondsworth: 1968. Penguin, and Kegan Paul, 1983. Routledge A Collection New York: Doubleday, 1973. of Critical Essays. the Antigone Legend Has Endured inWestern Literature, Art, and 1986. inNietzsche. Ann Arbor: University ofMichigan Press, 1974.
End Notes
and more than Derrida and de Man, themetaphorical dimension of rhetoric/the inNietzsche rhetorical efficacy of metaphor et la directly. Sarah Kofman, Nietzsche For a fine translation with useful introduction by Duncan Large, see metaphore. and Metaphor. See too, Angele Kremer-Marietti, Nietzsche et la rhetorique. Nietzsche Spurs is themost frequendy cited and influential text, first presented Jacques Derrida's 1972 at a conference at Cerisy-la-Salle. See also Derrida, "White Mythology: Metaphor Unlike Kofman address Allegories in the text of Philosophy" first published of Reading. &tc. in Poetique 5,1971. See also Paul de Man,
to the of translating I thank difficulties my attention drawing patiently Holger Schmid for
as epistemologist and psychologist.
for example, Kathleen Higgins, a Zarathustra specialist and able commentator on and and music, is typically dogmatic on the question of Nietzsche the topic of Nietzsche woman, particularly within a feminist context. Speaking on the topic of feminist to a North American Nietzsche in Illinois in Society meeting interpretations of Nietzsche October of 1994, Higgins offered an unremittingly "complicit" presentation, to take the named Freudian woman the extraordinary identification with the oppressor shown by plausibility) in exact contrast with other oppressed groups such as blacks and Jews. Higgins' own cry "mulier taceat de mulier" as it report was of the kind that inspired Nietzsche's of an assault on other readers of Nietzsche,
at end of the term Second Sex to identify whatmightbe de Beauvoir introduces (beyond
philologically unremarkable
in particular Carol Diethe's Woman For Higgins, and in informed, "Nietzsche and the Question." turns concord with most feminist readings, especially Diethe's, Nietzsche out to be ? better feminist than his feminist readers. consisted describes the illusory character of the opposition between science and of Morals. in the third essay of On theGenealogy For the classic statement of the truth, faith in grammar, and governesses see Beyond Good and
Nietzsche's religion
footnotes and directly in the text by the volume the page number. 6. 'The most
are related towoman, tiger and the panther, all felines and animals of Dionysus, Perversion and feline and natural animal of all." Kofman, "Baubo; Theological p. 190. Beyond Good and Evil, section 230. Hereafter directly cited as BGE with
Fetishism," 7. Nietzsche,
section number in the text. 8. The devastation wreaked on women is scrupulously indirect. It is significant thatOedipus
takes his father's life withhis own hands,as his sons likewiseslay (evenunknowingly)
of the Idols. 23. Hereafter directly cited as TT, with page number in
10. 11.
of hyperrealism,
see my Nietzsche's
of Science,
109 ff.
ordinarily speaks exactly "against" positivism (and thereby against "method" ideal) and its recourse to "just the facts," in favor of "just Cf. KSA XU, 315.
the 19th
even ifwe read Nietzsche's aphorisms, contradictions, deflections, problem remains as part of a cadential and etc. together with our own anticipations and responses/reactions melodic, no matter whether harmonious or dissonant, whole I elsewhere name his stylistic concinnity.
reminds us, suggesting that we are in great company. read ordinary metaphors is literally the literally?this way metaphors work. Nietzsche
famously begins his study of Nietzsche's style, "The title for this lecture was is woman who will be my subject." the question of style. However?it Jacques Derrida, Spurs, p. 35 and p. 37. to have been
Weibliche: ein blo? imagin?rer Werth,an dem blindly?believe: "Das Weib, das ewig alleinder Mann glaubt" KS A XD3, p. 477. See also Twilightof theIdols. "Maxims Nietzsche saw through theidealof theeternal andArrows." It isworthnotingthatif
feminine, as suggested by the epigraph above, or in these quotations, or else in the toDante and Goethe ironic counterpoint (that Petrarch was not also named obliquely
is because he was himself, as Goethe certainly was not, much more than a 'clumsy women. It is for precisely this clumsiness (a characteristic dogmatist' when it came to more proper to frustrated hetero- than homosexuality, which neither proves nor disposes
womanlydrawsus upward?:
of the question of Nietzsche's sexuality) thatNietzsche was able to take thewoman's part, a version of the eternal feminine, "'the eternal feminist against Goethe's perspective, reflecting that is precisely what she believes of the eternal manly..." Less clumsy or better said: more successful (it is no accident they are called ladies') men have little cause to recognise the game in the BGE prelude toNietzsche's ? his 'convictions' personal
I refer tonothing but only comment, they play sowell. And with thispenultimate biographical
he called scare-quoting (what he named "my truths,") on aphorisms a reference to his earlier contextual mystery
? hold thekey to the definition (BGE 8) which convictionsthemselves problemof what one is: whichwe are." (BGE 231) "thegreatstupidity
17. Kofman, "Baubo," p. 193