Aplicaciones Militares
Aplicaciones Militares
Aplicaciones Militares
E-mail: m.asdaque@gmail.com,pervaizkanju@yahoo.com,kskwak@inha.ac.kr Md.Asdaque Hussain, Pervez khan, Kwak kyung Sup UWB Lab,IT & Telecom Department INHA University, Incheon
Abstract Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) offers great promise for information capture and processing for different application, which inherits military applications excessively. Military is using this concept rigorously for their advancement in warfare and field. This work is compilation of some recent work of Military Application using WSN. Keywords Military, WSN, Sensors
1. Introduction
Wireless Sensor Network is an emerging technology that enables information gathering in several different scenarios ranging form wild life monitoring to industrial and military application. A wireless sensor network consists of group of sensor nodes using wireless links to perform distributed sensing task. These nodes are typically provided with embedded microprocessor and a very small amount of memory. The application of WSN are a lot and diverse, but it actually involves some kind of monitoring, tracking, and controlling. In a typical application a WSN is scattered in a region where it is meant to collect data through its sensor nodes. The initial wireless sensor network is to be used in the military applications. Since sensor nodes are low-cost, destruction of some nodes by hostile actions in the battlefields may not affect a military operation. The features of robustness, self-organizing and fault tolerance make sensor networks appropriate for military use. Section 2 comprises the recent activity on military application and its brief detail, and Section 3 ends with conclusion.
sensor (UGS) systems can augment aerostat arrays by providing additional solution vectors from several ground-based acoustic arrays to perform a 3D triangulation on a source location. The aerostat arrays advantage over ground systems is that it is not as affected by diffraction and reflection from man-made structures, trees, or terrain, and has direct line-of-sight to most events. The same aerostat and UGS collaboration can track nearby helicopters in 3D for tether avoidance. Elevating the array gives an significantly longer range of detections under favorable MET conditions.[1]
2. Recent work on Military application Aerostat acoustic payload for transient and helicopter detection
The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has conducted experiments using acoustic sensor arrays suspended below tethered aerostats to detect and localize transient signals from mortars, artillery and small arms fire. This persistent surveillance can have a powerful effect on the survivability and lethality of our soldiers. The airborne acoustic sensor array calculates an azimuth and elevation to the originating transient, and immediately cues a collocated imager to capture the remaining activity at the site of the acoustic transient. This single arrays vector solution defines a ground-intersect region or grid coordinate for threat reporting. Unattended ground
Fig 1: Geometric model (a) and finite element model (b) for open access shoe scanner shielding chassis [2]
More traditional magnetic resonance systems are closed or partially closed and cannot be used for screening personnel because the scanning chambers confine the object in question. The shoe scanners novelty lies in a particular chassis geometry that works in conjunction with an electrically connected QR coil geometry. The resulting scanning system achieves the same level of performance as a more confining system. The shoe scanner is small enough to allow integration with other sensors such as the GE Itemizer FXTM trace detection system. In fact, the first application of the novel shoe scanner is expected to be as a component in a multi-sensor verification and security system known as the Secure Registered Traveler (SRT) Kiosk. The SRT kiosk is designed to be used as part of the TSAs Registered Traveler Program.[2]
ISBN 978-89-5519-139-4
b) Chemical, biological, and explosive vapor detection with micro cantilever array sensors
Nevada Nanotech Systems, Inc (NNTS) is developing micro cantilever-based Self-Sensing Array (SSA) technology to measure trace concentrations of explosives, toxic chemicals, and biological agent signatures. This technology is expected to provide the selectivity, durability, low cost, and low power needed for unattended sensor networks. The prototype system employs a variety of sensor coatings and the ability analyze electrical and thermal properties of vapor molecules on the cantilevers. This so-called Lab-on-a-Tip technology could lead to enhanced chemical identification capabilities of the trace detection platform. This unique approach offers a significant advantage of versatility as this method allows the detection of a variety of explosives, chemical warfare agents, pesticides, common pollutants, etc.[3]
present in the underwater environment. Detection systems must be able to discriminate objects which vary in size, shape, and orientation from naturally occurring and man-made clutter. Additionally, automated systems must be computationally efficient to be incorporated into unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) sensor systems characterized by high sensor data rates and limited processing abilities. Using non commutative group harmonic analysis, a fast, robust sea mine detection system is created. A family of unitary image transforms associated to noncommutative groups is generated and applied to side scan sonar image files supplied by Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City (NSWC PC). These transforms project key image features, geometrically defined structures with orientations, and localized spectral information into distinct orthogonal components or feature subspaces of the image. The performance of the detection system is compared against the performance of an independent detection system in terms of probability of detection and probability of false alarm. Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) are a key technology in reducing the dangerous work of surveying and clearing underwater mine fields. Side-scan sonar is the sensor of choice on many of today's UUVs because of its mature high-resolution imaging capability. However, without automated detection and classification algorithms, all sonar data must be reviewed by a human operator prior to marking and removing mine-like objects. Robust, accurate and computationally efficient computer-automated detection and classification (D/C) algorithms enable UUVs to carry out D/C onboard and in real time. Automated D/C expedites mine clearing operations and may automate tasks such as identification and neutralization in the future.[5]
e) Omni Bird: a miniature PTZ NIR sensor system for UCAV day/night autonomous operations
Supported by NAVAIR and working with Boeing and Northrup Grumman, Technest is in its completion Phase of developing a novel airborne video sensor called OmniBird for day and night UCAV (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles) deck handling (e.g. taxiing) operations and on-board surveillance. The OmniBird sensor combines a uniquely configured optical structure, a highly sensitive near infrared (NIR) sensor, and a specialized onboard image processing electronics unit into a payload package that is small in size (<8 cubic inches), low cost (~$1,500), lightweight (<5 lb), , and has pan/tilt/zoom capability. Once it is completed, the sensor system will be fully integrated with a gesture recognition system to automatically detect and track the flight deck traffic director, to recognize his/her gestures, and to guide the UCAV for its motion.[6]
ISBN 978-89-5519-139-4
Inc. (SI2) has developed a small, low cost, short range, dual mode acoustic sensor. An illustration of one implementation of SI2s Large-N ASW concept is shown in Figure 2.This concept utilizes small sensors with passive and active sonar to detect modern diesel submarines operating on batteries. The sensors can be deployed in large numbers (hundreds or thousands) to provide a high density sensor field depending upon the application of interest. SI2s low cost sensors have a short detection range and therefore are far less susceptible to multipath reverberations and other acoustic artifacts. [7]
Fig. 2: SI2s Large N Concept for the detection of submarines in Littorals waters. A combination of passive and short range active sonar detection reduces the false alarm rate (FAR) below that of conventional sonobuoys.[7]
system performs a three-dimensional, The Time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) localization of blasts of various yields in several different environments. Localization information of the blast is provided to the end user by exfiltration over satellite communications. The system is able to perform accurately in the presence of various sources of error including GPS position, propagation effects, temperature, and error in determining the time of arrival (TOA). The system architecture is shown in Figure 3. Conceptually, the system consists of a large number of sensor nodes and one or more exfiltration nodes. Both the sensor nodes and exfiltration nodes are deployed in the vicinity of the expected blast location. Once deployed and activated, each sensor node self-configures into an ad hoc, multi-hop, robust wireless sensor network that provides communication between the sensor nodes and to one or more exfiltration nodes. This web of sensors provides coverage over a large area. The sensor nodes detect one or more blasts using an acoustic algorithm, and then transfer the resulting data to the exfiltration (exfil for short) node using the node hopping capability of the network. The exfiltration node processes the data received from the sensor nodes and packages the data for satellite transmission to the server hub. [9]
ISBN 978-89-5519-139-4
environmental exposure monitoring system on AEGIS destroyers or cruisers to collect and store vibration, shock, temperature, or damaging events data over the entire lifetime of a missile canister.[10]
classification, low detection and classification latency, reduced false alarms, and efficient bandwidth utilization. Wireless Sensor Networks are more than just specific Ad hoc networks. The compilation of these research activities is a mere approach to understand the live application of Wireless Sensors in live scenarios. As we know, initial research in Wireless sensors is attributed to Military Organizations, Since sensor nodes are low-cost, destruction of some nodes by hostile actions in the battlefields may not affect a military operation, and they had made the grounds for use of Wireless Sensors in public cause. This work was supported by the IT R&D program of MKE/IITA, [2008-F-050-01, Development of WBAN system for In-body and On-body] REFERENCES
[1] M. V. Scanlon, C. G. Reiff, L. Solomon, Aerostat acoustic payload for transient and helicopter detection, Spie Defense & security Symposium, Orlando, Florida USA, 9-13 April 2007. [2]C.Crowley, T.Petrov, O.Mitchell, R. helby, L. Ficke, S. Kumar, P. Prado, A novel shoe scanner using an open-access quadruple resonance sensor, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6538, 65380J,9 April 2007 Orlando, FL, USA 2007. [3] J. D. Adams, R. Whitten, B. S. Rogers, Chemical, biological, and explosive vapor detection with micro cantilever array sensors, Spie Defense & security Symposium, 9-13 April 2007, Orlando, Florida USA. [4] R. T. Zehr, S. K. Holland, G. Laufer, A low-cost remote chemical sensor for E-UAV platforms, Spie Defense & security Symposium, 9-13 April 2007, Orlando, Florida USA. [5]. M. H. An, J. T. Cobb, B. Shenefelt, R. Tolimieri, Advances in group filter applications to sea mine detection, OCEANS 2006. Publication Date: 18-21 Sept. 2006. [6]. S. X. Yi, H. Li, OmniBird: a miniature PTZ NIR sensor system for UCAV day/night autonomous operations, Proceedings of SPIE, Orlando, Florida USA, 9-13 April 2007. [7]. J. P. Towle, R. Johnson, H. T. Vincent II,Low-cost acoustic sensors for littoral anti-submarine warfare (ASW) Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6538, pp. 653814 (2007). [8] Jay Chang, William Mendyk, Lisa Thier, Paul Yun,Andy LaRow, Scott Shaw, William Schoenborn, Early attack reaction sensor (EARS): a man-wearable gunshot Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6201, 62011T, (2006). [9]R. A. Knobler, T. J. Plummer, Time Difference of Arrival blast localization using network of disposable sensors Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6538, pp. 65381E (2007). [10] L. Bukshpun, R. D. Pradhan, N. Tun, V. Esterkin,G. Tomczyk, Novel optical sensor system for missile canisters continuous monitoring, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6538-61 (2007). [11] R. Harig, Infrared remote sensing of hazardous vapors: surveillance of public areas during the Soccer World Cup 2006, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6538-73. [12] H. Deng, H. Xu, Acoustic threatening sound recognition system ,SPIE Defence Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida USA, 9-13 Apr 2007
3. Conclusion
j) Infrared remote sensing of hazardous vapors: surveillance of public areas during the Soccer World Cup 2006
The German ministry of the interior, represented by the civil defense agency BBK, has established analytical task forces for the analysis of released chemicals in the case of fires, chemical accidents, or terrorist attacks. One of the first assignments of these task forces was the provision of analytical services during the soccer world cup 2006. One part of the equipment of these emergency response forces is a remote sensing system that allows the identification and visualization of hazardous clouds from long distances, the scanning infrared gas imaging system SIGIS 2. The system is based on an interferometer with a single detector element in combination with a telescope and a synchronized scanning mirror. The system allows 360 surveillance. For simple interpretation of the results, the system is equipped with a video camera and the results of the analyses of the spectra are displayed by an overlay of a false color image on the video image. This allows a simple evaluation of the position and the size of a cloud. The system was applied for surveillance of stadiums and public viewing areas, where large crowds watched the games. [11].
ISBN 978-89-5519-139-4