Crank Arm Kinematics
Crank Arm Kinematics
Crank Arm Kinematics
Crank-Arm Kinematics
Crank-arm mechanisms are used in many devices to convert rotary motion into reciprocating linear motion. Presses involving crank arms are starting to use servo motors to provide greater flexibility in the press cycles they provide. Many users would like to program these devices directly in terms of the linear dimension, not of the underlying rotary crank angle. Turbo PMACs kinematic algorithms permit this method of programming by automatically computing the transformation between the linear end-effector position and the rotary crank angle. The geometry in this mechanism is quite simple. The trickiest aspect of the kinematics algorithms is to decide which of the two possible crank angles should be used for a given end-effector position. There are many possible methods for making this decision; in this example we make the choice that minimizes crank-wheel acceleration.
Mechanism Description
The mechanism has an arm of length L attached by a pivoting joint at one end to an end-effector that is constrained to move in only one direction with the line between this pivot and the center of the crank collinear with the motion of the end-effector. At the other end of the arm is a pivot joint connecting the arm to the rotating crank wheel at a distance R from the center of the crank wheel. The crank wheel is driven by a servo motor.
Forward Kinematics
In the forward kinematics, we want to compute the linear X position from the rotary position. We start with the law of cosines for the triangle with sides of lengths R, L and X:
L2 = X 2 + R 2 2 RX cos
X = R cos R 2 cos 2 R 2 + L2
Due to the physical constraints the arm can only go out to the right in our drawing only the positive solution is valid. The following setup and program can be used to implement the forward kinematics: Macro Substitution Definitions Status/control bits using suggested M-variable definitions
#define Mtr1Homed M145 Mtr1Homed->Y:$0000C0,10,1 #define CS1RunTimeErr M5182 CS1RunTimeErr->Y:$00203F,22,1 ; ; ; ; Motor 1 home complete bit Bit 10 in Motor 1 status word CS 1 run-time error bit Bit 22 in C.S. 1 status word
Application Note
This forward-kinematics program will be executed automatically every time Coordinate System 1 starts a motion program. It can also be executed on a PMATCH command. Note that variables Theta and DTheta are computed and stored for use by the inverse kinematic program.
Inverse Kinematics
In the inverse kinematics, we want to compute the rotary position from the linear X position. We rearrange the law-of-cosine equation used in the forward kinematics to isolate and solve for :
2 RX cos = X 2 + R 2 L2
cos =
X 2 + R 2 L2 2 RX X 2 + R 2 L2 2 RX
= cos 1
Here, both the positive and negative arc-cosine solutions are potentially valid, and we must devise a method to choose between them. In this example, we will choose the solution that produces the lowest acceleration in . When we are not close to 0 or 180 degrees, this strategy will keep us on the same side (as would choosing the lowest velocity). As we pass through 0 or 180 degrees, this will keep us moving in the same direction (using the lowest velocity would not necessarily do this). Because the crank wheel can rotate many revolutions, we cannot simply use the arc-cosine solution. Instead, we must extend this value by computing the change in angle, and adding this to an accumulated multi-turn angle.
Application Note
I5113=10 &1 OPEN INVERSE CLEAR CosTheta=(XKinPos*XKinPos-L2MinR2)/(2*Rad*XKinPos) IF(CosTheta!>1.0 AND CosTheta!<-1.0) ; Valid position? ThetaP=ACOS(CosTheta) ; Tentative positive soln ThetaM=-ThetaP ; Tentative negative soln DThetaP=(ThetaP-Theta)%-180 ; Velocity for positive soln DThetaM=(ThetaM-Theta)%-180 ; Velocity for negative soln D2ThetaP=DThetaP-DTheta ; Accel for positive soln D2ThetaM=DThetaM-DTheta ; Accel for negative soln IF(ABS(D2ThetaP)<ABS(D2ThetaM)) ; Use positive soln Theta=ThetaP ; Select and save for next cycle DTheta=DThetaP ; Select and save for next cycle ELSE ; Use negative soln Theta=ThetaM ; Select and save for next cycle DTheta=DThetaM ; Select and save for next cycle ENDIF Mtr1KinPos=Mtr1KinPos+DTheta*Mtr1Scale ; Accumulated angle ELSE ; Command out of range CS1RunTimeErr=1 ; Set to stop ENDIF CLOSE
Note that by selecting the positive solution only if its resulting acceleration is less than the acceleration for the negative solution, when we start from a stop at 0o or 180o, we will choose the negative solution. If we had used the !> (not greater than) comparator instead of the < (less than) comparator, we would have chosen the positive solutions in these cases instead.