Word HNP
Word HNP
Word HNP
outward beyond the vertebral body margins, causing bulging of the disk. Herniation of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) through an anular defect causes focal protrusion of the disk material beyond the margins of the adjacent vertebral endplate, resulting in disk herniation. See the images below regarding disk herniation.
paracentral disk with compression of left S1 root. Axial T2weighted image shows protraction of a left paracentral disk with compression of left S1 root
(same patient as in previous image). Axial CT myelogram shows a posterior central disk extrusion present at the T11-12 level; it compresses the cord.
Axial CT myelogram shows posterior, central disk protrusion present at T11-12 level. Mild cord compression is noted. Trauma is the single most common cause of rupture of the nucleus pulposus through the anulus fibrosus. The result is protrusion or extrusion of the disk material into the vertebral canal. This outcome can be caused by a single event or by repeated trauma. Predisposition to degeneration is also a factor. Alterations in the vertebral endplate cause loss of disk nutrition and disk degeneration. Other potentiating factors include the following[1, 2, 3] :
Age Apoptosis Abnormalities in collagen Vascular ingrowth Loads placed on the disk Abnormal proteoglycan Obesity Sedentary lifestyle Poor physical fitness
The North American Spine Society (NASS), the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), and the American Society of Spine Radiology (ASSR) are joint task forces overseeing the standardization of the terms used to define conditions of the lumbar disk. This article reflects the work of those task forces. Although the principles and most of the definitions used in this article could easily be applied to the cervical and dorsal spine, the focus is on the lumbar spine.[4]
Normal disk
The term normal applies to young disks that are morphologically normal, without consideration of the clinical context. This class does not include disks with degenerative, developmental, or adaptive changes that may be considered clinically normal in some contexts (eg, disks that have undergone typical changes associated with aging, scoliosis, or spondylolisthesis would not be considered normal). However, the bilocular appearance of the adult nucleus resulting from the development of a central horizontal band of fibrous tissue is considered a sign of normal maturation.
Degenerative and/or traumatic changes in the disk represent broad category that includes the subcategories of anular tear, herniation, and degeneration. To characterize disks as degenerative and/or traumatic does not imply that trauma is necessarily a factor or that degenerative changes are necessarily pathologic, as distinct from changes associated with the normal aging process. The term anular tear or, more properly, anular fissure refers to separations between anular fibers, the avulsion of fibers from their vertebral body insertions, or breaks through fibers that extend radially, transversely, or concentrically so as to involve 1 or more layers of the anular lamellae. The terms tear and fissure reflect the spectrum of such lesions and do not imply that the lesion is the result of trauma. Degeneration may include any or all of the following: real or apparent desiccation; fibrosis; narrowing of the disk space; diffuse bulging of the anulus beyond the disk space; extensive fissuring (eg, numerous anular tears) and mucinous degeneration of the anulus; defects and sclerosis of the endplates; and the occurrence of osteophytes at the vertebral apophyses. A disk with 1 or more of these degenerative changes can be further classified as spondylosis deformans, which possibly represents changes in the disk associated with the normal aging process, or intervertebral osteochondrosis, which is possibly the consequence of a more clearly pathologic process.
Herniation is defined as a localized displacement of disk material beyond the limits of the intervertebral disk space. The disk material may be nucleus, cartilage, fragmented apophyseal bone, anular tissue, or any combination thereof. The endplates of the vertebral body define the disk space cranially and caudally; the outer edges of the vertebral ring apophyses, exclusive of osteophytic formations, define it peripherally. Localized displacement in the axial (horizontal) plane is classified as focal, in which less than 25% of the disk circumference is involved, or as broad-based, in which 25-50% of the disk circumference is involved. When 50-100% of the circumferential disk tissue extends beyond the edges of the ring apophyses, the disk is classified as bulging; such a condition is not considered a form of herniation. Likewise, diffuse adaptive alterations of disk contour secondary to adjacent deformity, as occurs in cases of severe scoliosis or spondylolisthesis, may not be herniation. Herniated disks may take the form of protrusions or extrusions, depending on the shape of the displaced material. In cases involving protrusion, the greatest distance in any plane from the edges of the disk material beyond the disk space is less than the distance between the edges of the base in the same plane. Because the PLL often constrains posteriorly displaced disk material, imaging may portray disk displacement as a protrusion on axial sections and as an extrusion on sagittal sections; in such cases, the displacement should be considered an extrusion. Herniated disks that occur in the craniocaudal (vertical) direction through a break in the vertebral body endplate are referred to as intravertebral herniations.
Protrusions may be focal or broad based. The distinction is arbitrarily set at 25% of the circumference of the disk. Protrusions with a base less than 25% (90) of the circumference of the disk are focal. If disk material is herniated, so that the protrusion encompasses 25-50% of the circumference of the disk, it is considered a broad-based protrusion.
A disk is classified as an extrusion if (1) any distance between the edges of the disk material beyond the disk space is greater than the distance between the edges of the base measured in the same plane, or (2) there is a lack of continuity between the disk material beyond the disk space and the material in the disk space. Extruded disk material that has no continuity with the disk of origin may be further characterized as sequestrated. A sequestrated disk is a subtype of extruded disk. By definition, a sequestrated disk can never be classified as a protruded disk. Disk material that is displaced away from the site of extrusion, regardless of the presence or absence of continuity, may be called migrated, a term that is useful for interpreting images because it is often impossible to show continuity on imaging.
Preferred examination
Preferred examinations for the evaluation of disk herniation include MRI of the spine (lumbosacral, thoracic, or cervical images), bone scanning, and CT scanning of the spine (lumbosacral, thoracic, or cervical images).[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] Additional tests, when indicated, include assessments of any of the following, alone or in combination: erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), serum glucose level, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration, alkaline phosphatase value, serum protein immunoelectrophoresis result, and urine findings for Bence Jones protein. Myelography with CT scanning is usually indicated in the following conditions: when surgery is contemplated in cases of spinal stenosis; with lateral recess stenosis; with multiple abnormal disks; with spondylolisthesis; with possible neoplasm; and after severe trauma.[6] Regarding limitations of MRI, some individuals with implanted devices (eg, pacemakers) or with metal in their body may not be able to undergo MRI because pacemaker dysfunction and/or electrode heating are possible adverse effects of MRI. Although changing the gradient fields can induce currents in leads, the radiofrequency (RF) pulses are typically the cause of inappropriate pacing.[7, 13] The physician ordering MRI and the MRI staff must determine whether it is safe for the patient to be examined with MRI. Patients undergoing MRI lay on a table that slides into the MRI unit. MRI of the head or neck area requires the patient's head and upper body to enter a narrow canal. Individuals with claustrophobia may require light sedation to improve their ability to tolerate the closeness of the machine. Although open MRI is an option for patients with claustrophobia, open MRI units are usually equipped with weak magnets (strength measured in Tesla units), which may prevent depiction of fine details. To obtain the best images, the patient must not move during the examination. Some patients and small children undergoing MRI may require sedation to ensure that they remain still. Although conventional radiographs probably show cortical bone better than MRIs do, the bone marrow is best imaged with MRI, and MRI is superior for demonstrating most bone abnormalities. CT is preferred for unstable patients with severe bleeding. MRI may not always be useful for distinguishing between tumor tissue and edema fluid, and it does not depict calcium well when it is present in a tumor. MRI is generally avoided during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, though the hazards of MRI use during this period have not been proven. Severe obesity limits MRI of the spine. Postoperative scarring and/or edema can limit results of the study.
Diskography consists of injecting contrast medium into the disk and assessing the patient's response to the injection. Reproduction of pain similar to the patient's existing back or neck
pain suggests that the disk may be the source. CT performed after diskography is often useful in assessing anatomic changes in the disk and in demonstrating pathology in the disk, including clefts and radial tears. Early studies indicated that diskography had low specificity, but more recent studies have failed to induce pain in asymptomatic control subjects, suggesting that diskography has utility in identifying patients with diskogenic pain. Pain reproduction during diskography in symptomatic individuals is variable. The incidence of pain reproduction is lower in patients with disk degeneration than in those with posterior tears of the annulus fibrosus or with significant disk bulges. In essence, when outcomes of fusion procedures are compared, lumbar diskography is sensitive but lacks specificity. Diskography is recommended only when adequate attempts at conservative therapy and noninvasive diagnostic tests, such as MRI, have failed to reveal the etiology of back pain. Specific indications for diskography include the following:
Investigation of persistent, severe symptoms when results of other diagnostic tests for identifying the disk that is suspected of being a source of the pain are negative Evaluation of abnormal disks, evaluation of recurrent pain from a disk that underwent previous operation, or evaluation of lateral disk herniation Evaluation of patients in whom surgery has failed, to determine whether pseudoarthrosis or a symptomatic disk in a posteriorly viewed segment could be the source of pain Evaluation of disks before fusion to determine whether the disks of the proposed fusion segment are symptomatic and whether the disks adjacent to this segment can support a fusion Evaluation of patients with a confirmed disk herniation as candidates for minimally invasive surgery
Spinal headache Meningitis Diskitis Intrathecal hemorrhage Arachnoiditis Severe reaction to accidental intradural injection Damage to the disk Urticaria Retroperitoneal hemorrhage Nausea Seizures Headache Increased pain
No known damage occurs to disks on long-term follow-up after diskography. HNP is not a complication related to diskography. With prophylactic use of antibiotics, the incidence of diskitis is significantly reduced. The Dallas classification of diskography includes the following 7 types:
In type 1, the diskogram is normal manometrically, volumetrically, and radiographically and produced no pain. The diskogram/CT scan shows central contrast enhancement in the axial and sagittal projections. Type 2 is identical to type 1. In addition, pain is reproducible. Type 3 includes anular tears leading to a radial fissure. This group is subdivided further into types 3a, which is a posterior radial fissure; 3b, in which the fissure radiates posterolaterally; and 3c, in which the fissure extends laterally to a line drawn from the center of the disk tangential to the lateral border of the superior articulating process. In type 4, once the radial fissure reaches the periphery of the anulus fibrosus, nuclear material may protrude, causing the outer annulus to bulge. In type 5, when the outer anular fibers rupture, nuclear material may extrude beneath the PLL and come into direct contact with either the dura or a nerve root. In type 6, the extruded fragment is no longer in continuity with the interspace; such fragments are said to be sequestrated. Manometrically, volumetrically, and radiographically, the diskograms are always abnormal. Familiar pain may be reproduced only if enough pressure is generated against the free fragment so as to stimulate the pain-sensitive structures. Type 7, which is the end stage of degeneration, involves internal disk disruption characterized by multiple anular tears. The diskograms are abnormal manometrically and volumetrically, and familiar pain may or may not be reproduced. Radiographically, contrast agent usually fills the entire interspace in a chaotic fashion. The diskogram/CT scan shows extravasation of contrast material throughout multiple annular tears.
Other interventions
Other interventions include imaging procedures necessary to aid in the injection procedures and to supplement and enhance already applied active treatment in motion. They include the following:
Epidural steroid injections Selective nerve root blocks Facet joint injections Trigger-point injections
In cases of disk bulging, plain radiographs reveal indirect findings of disk degeneration in the form of loss of height of the intervertebral disk, vacuum phenomenon in the form of gas in the disk, and endplate osteophytes. Moderate bulges appear as nonfocal protrusion of disk material beyond the borders of the vertebra; this is typically broad based, circumferential, and symmetric.
In most cases of herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP), plain radiographs of the lumbosacral spine or cervical spine are not needed. Plain radiographs do not reveal disk herniation; they are usually used to exclude other conditions (eg, fracture, cancer, infection). When the clinical condition strongly suggests HNP, plain radiographs can be avoided. Myelographic findings in patients with HNP include extradural deformity or displacement of the contrast-filled thecal sac. In addition, myelograms may show elevation, deviation, or amputation of the root sleeve and edema of the affected nerve. When used in routine practice, magnetic resonance (MR) myelography has been shown to be of limited value. In one study, it assisted in establishing a diagnosis in only a small percentage of cases (6%). The technique was of limited additional value in patients with multilevel pathology, and it was of even less value in patients with scoliosis, for whom it was used to help establish the most likely level to account for the pathology.[9]
Computed Tomography
CT has proved to be as good as or even better than myelography alone in the diagnosis of herniated disk. CT scanning with myelography is superior to either one alone. In subligamentous herniation, images show a focal, smooth, outward displacement of the disk margin in the spinal canal, in the neural foramen, or lateral to the neural foramen. CT scans may further demonstrate calcification or, less commonly, gas in the herniation. In disk herniation, CT scans show a soft-tissue mass with effacement of the epidural fat and displacement of the thecal sac. If the fragment is no longer restrained by the PLL but is still in contact with the disk margin, an irregular, lobulated excrescence on the disk margin is seen. A separated disk fragment is often detected in the epidural fat adjacent to the dural sac or sheath of a nerve root. The disk margin may appear normal. The attenuation of the nuclear fragments of a fragmented disk is usually 80-120 HU. To achieve optimal results with CT, a localizer image should be obtained at the site of pathology by using relatively thin sections and optimal resolution. A CT-based diagnosis of herniated disk is difficult in patients who have previously undergone laminectomy, because the epidural fat is partially replaced by fibrosis and the surgical scar. Deformity of the dural sac and nerve sheath, along with the bony changes, help in the diagnosis (see the images below).
Axial CT myelogram of a large, central calcified disk extrusion present at the T5-6 level; it causes severe spinal cord compression.
present at the T11-12 level; it compresses the cord. Sagittal reformatted CT myelogram shows a large, calcified, posterior central disk extrusion causing severe cord
compression at the T5-6 level. Axial CT myelogram shows posterior, central disk protrusion present at T11-12 level. Mild cord compression is noted.
Cervical disk
The uncinate processes project superiorly from the vertebral bodies posteriorly and laterally to the intervertebral disks. With wear and tear, disk degeneration and narrowing of the intervertebral spaces result in an abnormal relationship of the uncinate processes with adjacent vertebral body, resulting in sclerosis and hypertrophy of the uncinate processes. As the spinal canal is compromised by the degenerating disk, myelopathy results. When a similar process occurs in the neural foramen, radiculopathy is encountered. Cervical epidural space is naturally narrow; therefore, even small disk herniations and protrusions result in dural sac impingement. Epidural fat that highlights lumbar intervertebral herniation is nearly absent in the cervical disk. In cervical DDD associated with hard disks, CT often reveals the hypertrophied uncinate processes and osteophytes along the disk margin. On CT scans, soft disks are often
characterized by the dural sac indentation by the disk, with the disk having an attenuation slightly greater than that of the sac.
Thoracic disk
CT is helpful in diagnosing a thoracic disk when the region of interest, determined on the basis of clinical localization, is small. A thoracic disk frequently contains calcium, which is demonstrable on CT scans. A herniated disk may be seen as a clearly defined mass surrounded by epidural fat lateral to the dural sac. However, if the epidural fat is lacking, the disk appears as a mass of slightly increased attenuation that displaces the dural sac. CT findings vary depending on the amount of epidural fat and subarachnoid cerebrospinal fluid in the thoracic region.
paracentral disk with compression of left S1 root. Axial T2weighted image shows protraction of a left paracentral disk with compression of left S1 root
Recurrent postoperative
disk extrusion at L4-5 after L4-5 diskectomy. Axial and sagittal T1-weighted images obtained before and after contrast enhancement reveal a rim of enhancing, recurrent left
central disk extrusion with downward migration. Right L5 radiculopathy. Sagittal T1- and T2-weighted images show a large, right central disk extrusion at L4-5 that markedly compresses the thecal sac. The extruded disk migrates cranially,
compressing the right L5 nerve root. Right S1 radiculopathy. Axial T1- and T2-weighted images at L5-S1 show a large, right paracentral disk extrusion causing marked compression of the thecal sac. Images show compression, but the right S1 root is not visible. The extruded disk also has mild cranial extension that compresses the right L5 root.
tear at L4-5 and disk protrusion at the L5-S1 levels. Axial T1- and T2weighted images show moderate posterior central disk extrusion at L5-S1 level compressing
the S1 nerve roots. Sagittal T1- and T2-weighted images and axial T1and T2-weighted images show degenerative changes at the L1-2 and L2-3 levels, facet hypertrophy at the L4-5 level, and disk herniation leading to extrusion and compressing the
left L5 root. Sagittal T1- and T2-weighted gradient-echo images obtained at C5-6 show a moderate to severe central disk extrusion that causes cord compression with abnormal signal intensity in the cord. Gradient-echo images improve the contrast to distinguish between the hyperintense disk and the hypointense osteophytosis. In cases of disk bulging, early findings on MRI include loss of the normal posterior disk concavity. Moderate bulges appear as nonfocal protrusions of disk material beyond the borders of the vertebrae; bulges are typically broad based, circumferential, and symmetric. A radial tear of the anulus fibrosus is considered a sign of early disk degeneration. It is accompanied by other signs of disk degeneration, such as a bulging anulus, loss of disk height, herniation of the nucleus pulposus, and changes in the adjacent endplates. Although a radial tear of the anulus fibrosus can be detected as an area of increased signal intensity on T2-weighted and gadolinium-enhanced MRIs, the association between the annular tear on MRIs and the symptomatic disks is unclear. Gadolinium-based contrast agents (gadopentetate dimeglumine [Magnevist], gadobenate dimeglumine [MultiHance], gadodiamide [Omniscan], gadoversetamide [OptiMARK], gadoteridol [ProHance]) have been linked to the development of nephrogenic systemic
fibrosis (NSF) or nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy (NFD). For more information, see the eMedicine topic Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy. The disease has occurred in patients with moderate to end-stage renal disease after being given a gadolinium-based contrast agent to enhance MRI or MRA scans. NSF/NFD is a debilitating and sometimes fatal disease. Characteristics include red or dark patches on the skin; burning, itching, swelling, hardening, and tightening of the skin; yellow spots on the whites of the eyes; joint stiffness with trouble moving or straightening the arms, hands, legs, or feet; pain deep in the hip bones or ribs; and muscle weakness.
Three-dimensional (3D) MRI is a relatively new technique for imaging the lumbar region. Hofman et al found that lumbar 3D volume imaging appeared to be at least equivalent to other MRI protocols.[18] The nerve root was best depicted on volume imaging, and examination time was considerably reduced. Taneichi et al studied HNPs with gadolinium-enhanced MRI and reported that this technique depicted not only the morphology but also the pathologic changes associated with nerve root compression by herniated disk.[19] Enhanced MRI was performed in 115 patients who were surgically treated for lumbar disk herniation. Nerve root enhancement was seen in 39.1% before surgery and in 58.7% after surgery. Preoperative root enhancement reflected the intensity of radicular pain rather than the degree of neurologic deficits; by contrast, postoperative enhancement was not correlated with radicular symptoms. Nerve root enhancement represents intraneural edema in the affected nerve root. Enhanced MRI has the potential for identifying an affected nerve root in patients in whom there is a discrepancy between the level of disk herniation and neurologic manifestations.[20, 9, 10, 21, 22,