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Global Analysis of A Flexible Riser

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AppL (2011) 10: 478-484

DOI: 10.1007/s11804-011-1094-x
Global Analysis of a Flexible Riser
Liping Sun and Bo Qi
College 0/ Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering, Harbin Engineering Harbin 150001, China
Abstract: The mechanical performance of a flexib1e riser is than other risers in violent
environmental conditions. Based on the lumped mass method, a steep wave flexible riser configuration
attached to a Floating Production Storage and Offioading (FPSO) has applied to a global analysis in order
to acquire the static and dynamic behavior of riser. The riser was divided into a series of straight
massless line segments with a node at each end. Only the axial and torsional properties of the line were
mode1ed, while the mass, weight, and buoyancy were all1umped to the nodes. Four different buoyancy module
lengths have been made to demonstrate the mode selection, so as to confirm
buoyancy module length. The results in the sensitivity study show that the flexible riser is not very sensitive to
the ocean current, and the buoyancy module can reduce the Von Mises stress and improve the mechanical
performance of the Shorter buoyancy module length can reduce the riser effective tension in a
specific range of the buoyancy module length when other parameters are constant, but it can also increase the
maximum curvature of the riser. As a all kinds of the riser performances should be taken into account in
order to select the most appropriate buoyancy module length.
Keywords: flexible riser; lumped mass method; global analysis; sensitivity study
Article ID: 1671-9433(2011)04-0478-07
1 Introduction
Due to the of the ocean environment on ocean
platforms, the motion characteristics are of diverse kinds, and
there are various the riser systems.
capability of a flexible riser is other risers
because of its special structure, which consists of several
layers of different materials. It is superior to other kinds of
risers because of its larger bending capability, and it can be
applied to more undesirable environmental conditions.
Flexible risers are slender marine which are widely
used in deepwater exploration and also to deliver oil and
natural the subsea to surface units. 1n deep-water
applications, because of the low bending stiffness compared
to axial and torsional stiffness, flexible risers can suffer large
displacements, causing them to demand geometrically special
nonlinear analysis (Kordkheili and Bahai, 2007).
Flexible risers have many arrangement forrns (Bai and Bai,
such as Free Hanging Catenary, Lazy Wave, Steep
Wave, and Pliant Wave (lazy S, Steep S). Based on the
lumped mass method, Wang and Chen(1991) established a
non-linear element dynamic analysis method considering the
flowing of fluid in a pipe, and the results were compared to
forrner outcomes (Wang and 1991). Bahtui et al. (2008)
accomplished a detai!ed finite analysis of unbonded
flexible risers using ABAQUS, and made a comparison
Received date: 2011-01-05
Foundation item: the National Natural Science Fundation ofChina
(No.50879013); China National 111 under Grant No. B070 19
*Corresponding author Email: sunliping@hrbeu.edu.cn
Engineering University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
between the numerical results and the analytical solution ones
(Bahtui et al., 2008). Zhimin Tan, Peter Quiggin and Terry
Sheldrake presented a "state-of-the-art" dynamic simulation
in time domain of the 3D bending hysteresis behaviors of a
flexible riser under offshore environment loads (Tan et al.,
2009). Based on the AIgorithmic Processor Description
Language (APDL), Jifang Zeng realized the program and
atomization modeling (Zeng, 2009).
As a lot of detai!ed and local analysis has been completed by
the anterior studies, this paper adopts the lumped mass
method to perforrn global analysis on the flexible riser;
furtherrnore, the ocean wave and current loads are simplified
in order to represent the static and dynamic response better
under the effect of an ocean environment.
2 Mechanical model of a flexible riser
Based on the lumped mass method, OrcaFlex is used to
simulate the flexible riser. The analysis is based on the
following assumptions: (1) Geometric property and material
characteristics of the flexible units are constant. (2) The
bottom end of the riser is completely constrained in all
directions and rotations. (3) Consideringthe effect of the
deadweight and the extemal load of the riser, the analysis
belongs to the of small strain and large deforrnation
issues (Zhong, 2007). (4) The Stokes 5th wave is used to
simulate the motion of the platforrn to act as the boundary
condition at the top end ofthe riser.
2.1 The load modeling
1n the presence of waves, the current must be extrapolated
above the still water level. 1n this paper it is that the
Journal 01 Marine Science and Application (2011) 10: 478-484
surface current applies to alllevels above the water surface.
direction is specified and does not with depth.
Speed varies with according to the formula
as follows:

where Ss and SI are the current speed on the surface and
seabed, Ex is the power law exponent, Zs is the water surface
ofthe Z level, all as specified in the data, and Zt is the Z level
ofthe seabed directly be10w
To calculate the current load, an extended form of Morison's
equation has been used. Morison's equation was originally
for calculating the wave loads on fixed vertical
There are two force components; one is related to
water partic1e (the inertia' force) and the other
related to water particle velocity (the drag' force).
The extended form of Morison's equation used in this paper

In the formula, F w is the wave force, Ll is the mass of fluid
displaced by the body, a
is the fluid acceleration relative to
earth, ca is the added mass coefficient for the body, a,. is the
fluid acceleration relative to the the density of water,
the fluid velocity relative to the body, C
is the drag
coefficient, and A is the drag area. The in parentheses is
the inertia force, and the other is the drag force. In flexible
riser analysis, C
varies between 0.7 and 1.2
2.2 Boundary condition
The top of the riser was attached to an FPSO, using the
response amplitude operator (RAO) of the FPSO as the
boundary condition at the top end of the The bottom end
of the riser is fixed to the seabed; the is not
considered here. It is very to obtain accurate values
of the RAO amplitude and phase if the dynamics of the
system are to modeled.
The model of the flexible riser is shown in Fig.l. Also, the
fixed bend at the lower end is modeled as two elastic
solid blocks with no rotation, which are at their
The turret at the top end is modeled as an e1astic
solid cylinder connected to the FPSO.
Fig.l Model ofthe flexible riser
2.3 Building the model of the flexible riser
Using OrcaFlex to simulate the flexibIe riser, the bottom end
of the riser is completely in all directions and
rotations, and the Stokes 5th wave is applied to the
The displacement of the connection point FPSO and
riser is taken as the boundary condition at the top end of the
riser. As the dynamic performance of the flexible riser is
geometrically the results of domain
analysis are not accurate; time domain analysis is commonly
used to analyze the performance of flexible riser.
Based on the lumped mass method, the riser is mode1ed as a
line, which is divided into a series of line segments. The line
segments only model the axial and torsional properties of the
line. The other properties (mass, weight, buoyancy, etc.) are
alllumped to the nodes. The lumped mass model is shown in
Fig.2 (OrcaFlex User Manual).
Actual Pipe Discretised Model

(a) Line model
(b) Detailed representation of Line model
Fig.2 The theory of the lumped mass method
3 Global analysis
G1oba1 analysis ofthe flexible riser is performed to evaluate
the global load on the riser. In order to evaluate the
performance of the riser, the static configuration and
extreme response of displacement, curvature, force, and
environmenta1 effects should be ca1culated in
the globa1 analysis.
The globa1 analysis includes two aspects: static analysis
and dynamic analysis. The static analysis can determine the
equi1ibrium configuration of the system under weight,
buoyancy, and drag force. Additionally, it can also provide a
starting configuration for dynamic ana1ysis. In most cases, the
static equilibrium configuration is the best starting point for
dynamic analysis. The dynamic analysis is a time simulation
of the motion of the model over a specified period of time,
the position derived by the static analysis.
The environment defines the conditions to which the objects
in the model are of the current,
waves, and seabed. The operating water depth is 91. 5m, whi1e
the influence by the change of tide has not been considered
The wave height is 7.3m, and the wave period is 11 seconds.
The current data is shown in Tab1e 1.
T"able 1 The current velocity of 3 different return periods
m l
The fundamenta1 parameter of the riser is shown in Table 2.
The flexible riser has a fixed bend at the 10wer end
and a sliding bend stiffener at the upper in-built
angle of the flange on the connecting pipe, which is running
Liping Sun, et al. Global Analysis of a Flexible Riser
through the turret, is 15 the vertical, while the
in-built angle at the pipeline end manifold is 20
degree from vertical. The buoyancy elements will be clamped
to the flexile riser over a length of70 m, apoint
the lower end ofthe riser.
Table 2 The fundamental parameters of the riser
case value
Totallength 185m
Pipe inner diameter 0.3048m
Pipe overall diameter 0.4884m
The density of riser material 242.5kg/m
Design pressure 55.0 barg
Design temperature 87.0
Bending stiffness at 20 oC 390 kNm^2
Axial tensile stiffness
Torsional stiffness 224KNm^2/deg
Relative gravity 1.26
Per Buoyancy Module Weight 674.6kg
mud density 780kg/m
The fundamental ofthe FPSO is shown as follows.
The RAO of the FPSO is used as the boundary condition at
the top end of the riser, considering the interaction between
the FPSO and flexible riser. The RAO is
hydrodynamic ca1culation.
Table 3 The fundamental parameters ofthe FPSO
Length overall 1m
Depth moulded 1m
Draft (Fully loaded).Im
Topside weight (operational).1 t
Mooring system
the single point mooring
4 The results and discussion
4.1 The static analysis
The aim of static analysis is to determine the initial static
of the flexible riser configuration. The design
to be selected in the static analysis are typically
length, weight, buoyancy requirements, and location of
seabed touchdown point and subsea buoy. The loads
considered in the static analysis stage are generally gravity,
buoyancy, intemal fluid, and current loads.
After the static analysis, the Z-axis coordinate of the flexible
riser is shown in Fig.3.
Journal 01 Marine Science and Application (2011) 10: 478-484
statc poston

100 1jO O 201
Arc 1ength/m
Fig.3 The Z- axis coordinate of the flexible riser
Under the effect of the current load, the effective tension of
the flexible riser changed along the arc length of the riser.
From Fig.4, it is shown that the tension changes
along the arc length ofthe flexible riser and there is almost no
difference among the three curves. It could also be found on
the segments with the buoyancy module that the effective
tensions are almost the same under return periods of
the current. Therefore, it turns out buoyancy module
can change the uptrend of effective tension, and improve the
mechanical performance ofthe flexible riser.

S 140



25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Arc lenglh/m
hundred years relum --Ien years retum
--one year retum
Fig.4 The effective tension in static analysis
4.2 Dynamic analysis
The dynamic analysis primarily represents the analysis of the
riser response to the combined action of the wind, wave, and
current. The starting point for dynamic simulation is the static
equilibrium configuration. Dynamic simulation considers the
RAO of the FPSO over a specified of time. Three
kinds of current loadings are selected: a one
ten-year return, and one-hundred-year return. The FPSO
motion is decided by the wind and wave according to the
wave height, water depth, and wave RAO is used
to the motion of the FPSO, which acts as the
boundary condition at the top end of the riser, and then to
carry out the dynamic analysis.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Arc length/m
--.!r- one year retum years retum
--onc hundrcd ycars relum
Fig.5 The Von Mises stress along the riser in static analysis
Fig.5 presents the Von Mises stress of the riser under the
dynamic analysis. The 105 to 175m has a
buoyancy module, while other segments do not have a
buoyancy module. The Von Mises stress changed sharply at
the two points where the structure changed. It can be seen that
the Von Mises stresses of the segments with the buoyancy
modules are less than that of the segments without a
buoyancy module. That is because the stress of the segments
equipped with the buoyancy module will be
the ones without a buoyancy module. The curves of Von
Mises under three different return periods of the current
conditions are very similar. It is obvious that the influence of
current on the flexible riser is not distinct in
shallow maximum Von Mises stress value of the
riser is 68.5MPa, which is in the range ofthe design pressure
Under the of these three kinds of currents, the Von
Mises stress ofthe riser is almost the same; it can also be seen
that the flexible riser is not very sensitive to the ocean current.
Fig.6 shows the effective tension of the effective
dynamic tension is the static analysis result. In
the static analysis, the effective tension at the bottom end of
the riser is larger than at the top end, but it is the opposite in
the dynamic analysis. In addition, the effective dynamic
tension is larger than the effective static value of
tension under the one-hund:red-year return period
current condition is maximum, and the effective tension
under the one-year return period condition is minimum. The
effective tension is relative1y large in the area of the riser top
and bottom, to which more attention should be given.
I 'able 4 The minimum bend radius of the riser
Currents Minimum bend radius 1m
One year retunl period 22.43
retunl period 27.82
One hundred years retum period 31.84
Fig.7 shows the bend radius of the riser on three
current conditions. The minimum bend radii of the f1exib1e
riser on the three different current conditions are listed in
Table 4, and they are all smaller than the designed minimum
ones, making them safe. However, the bend radius has an
abrupt change in the position of the riser where the structure
a1so has an abrupt change. For the three different currents, the
bend radii of the riser segment which has a buoyancy modu1e
are a1most the same.


o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Arc length/m
-0--one hundred years relum __ len years retum

Fig.6 The effective tension of the flexible riser on three
different kinds of current conditions in dynamic analysis

o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Arc length/m
ten ycars rctum -- onc year retum
hundred years retum
Fig.7 The bend radius of the flexible riser on three different
current conditions in dynamic analysis
Table 5 The minimum and maximum curvatures of the
flexible riser
Minimum Maximum
curvature/ l'm'!
One year retum
O 0.04
Ten years retum
O 0.027
One hundred years
O 0.024
retum period
Liping Sun, et al. Global Analysis 01 a Flexible Riser


o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
-*- one hundred ycars rctum
years retum

Fig.8 The curvature of the flexible riser on three different
current conditions in dynamic analysis
The curvatures of the riser under three different currents are
shown as Fig.8. The minimum and maximum curvatures of
the riser on three different current conditions are listed in
Tab1e 5.
The three curves are almost the same, on1y differing in the
areas 0 to 100m and 125m to 185m a10ng the
arc 1ength of the riser. The riser 0 to 100m are
bare, without the buoyancy modu1e; the maximum curvature
in the case of the one-hundred-year retum period current is
minimum, while the va1ue on the one-year retum period
current condition is the biggest. The riser
125m to 185m are wrapped with a buoyancy modu1e, and the
maximum curvature va1ue in the case of the
one-hundred-year retum period current is the biggest, while
on the one-year retum period current condition it is minimum.
It is clear that modu1e has on the
mechanica1 perforrnance of the riser. The buoyancy modu1e
makes the riser 1ess sensitive to the current 10ad.
Fig.9 presents the for the bending moments as
Fig.8 for the curvature on three current conditions, because
the bending moment is related to the curvature.

50 75 100 125 150

Arc length 1m
-- one year retum
---*- tcn years retum
---- one hundred years rctum
Fig.9 The bending moment of the flexible riser on three
different current conditions in dynamic analysis
Journal of Marine Science and Application (2011) 10: 478-484
4.3 Sensitivity study
The buoyancy modu1e 1ength of the riser is a significant
for it can influence the riser dynamic performance.
paper, the main objective of the sensitivity study is to
obtain the effect of the 1ength of buoyancy modu1e equipped
on the mechanica1 performance of the riser. A series of
buoyancy modu1e 1engths are se1ected to be used in the
calcu1ation. At the same time, the resu1ts are verified based on
the recommended practice of API 17J and API RP 17B to
achieve a reasonab1e 1ength of the buoyancy modu1e. After
calcu1ation, it can be seen that the buoyancy modu1e 1ength
can vary from about 50 to 100m. The riser structure can
hard1y be supported without buoyancy if the equipped
buoyancy modu1e 1ength is shorter than 50m. And if the
equipped buoyancy modu1e 1ength is 10nger than 100m, the
maximum curvature of the riser can't meet the requirements
of recommended practice.
So the equipped 1engths of buoyancy modu1e adopted in this
study are 57, 70, 83, and 96m, respective1y. The riser
equipped with the 57m buoyancy module has 16 buoyancy
modu1es, and the one equipped with the 70m buoyancy
modu1e has 19 buoyancy modu1es. The one equipped with the
83m buoyancy modu1e has 22 buoyancy modu1es, and the
one equipped with the 96m buoyancy modu1e has 25
buoyancy modu1es.
The results of the static and dynamic ana1ysis on the
one-hundred-year retum period current condition for the
risers are shown from Figs.1 0 to 12.
o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Arc lenrthlm

96 meters
Fig.l0 The effective tension of the four risers in dynamic
Fig.l 0 to Fig.12 respective1y show the effective tension,
bending moment, and the bend radius of the four risers after
dynamic ana1ysis. The trends ofthe four curves are alrnost the
same in each figure; the riser with the 96m buoyancy modu1e
gets the biggest effective tension, while the effective tension
of the riser with the 57m buoyancy module is the smallest.
For effective tension, the buoyancy module length is not
better when shorter; it falls in a specified range. For the
bending moment, all the four curves have two peak va1ues;
the first one in the vicinity of about 10m above the
top of the buoyancy module, and the second one appears in
an area about 15m under the top end of the buoyancy module.
peak va1ue of the which has the 57m buoyancy
module is 1ager than others, and the peak value of the riser
with the 96m buoyancy module is

o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Arc lenrth 1m
Fig.ll The bending moment of the four risersin dynamic
E 600

c:: 400

Arc lenrth 1m
- ... - 57
Fig.12 The bend radius ofthe four risers in dynamic analysis
Fig.12 shows the bend radius of the four risers. The minimum
bend radius values of the four risers are listed in Tab1e 6. The
va1ue gradually becomes the riser with the 57m
buoyancy module to the one with the 96 m buoyancy module.
When other parameters are constant, increasing the equipped
length of buoyancy module can enhance the minimum bend
radius ofthe riser.
I 'able 6 Minimum bend radius of the four risers

length of the riser 1m
Minimum bend radius 1m
5 Conclusions
Based on the lumped mass method, global analysis of
flexible riser has been made. A simplification has also been
perfonned on the ocean wave and current load. The mode1 of
a :flexible riser has built in order to analyze the dynamic
response ofthe riser on three different current conditions. The
effect of the buoyancy module length of the riser has also
been considered in this study. The results show that, the
:flexible riser is not very sensitive to the ocean current, and the
buoyancy module can reduce the Von Mises stress whi1e
improving the mechanical performance of the f1exible riser.
Also, the bending moment is re1ative to the curvature. ln
general, an abrupt change of can induce an
abrupt change of the mechanical performance.
A comparison of results of the four risers with length
of buoyancy modules demonstrates the importance of
module length selection. When other are constant,
increasing the buoyancy module length can enhance the
minimum bend radius of the riser, and it can also reduce the
However, that is not always reasonable, for
it works in a specified range of buoyancy module length. An
extremely long or short buoyancy module wi11 weaken the
mechanical behavior of the riser
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ORCAFLEX Help File and User Manual, available

Tan Zhimin, Quiggin P, Sheldrake T (2009). Time domain simulation
of the 3D bending behavior of an unbonded flexible
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Liping Snn was bom in 1962. She is a professor at
Harbin Engineering University. Her current
research interests inc1ude deepwater techno1ogy.
Bo Qi was bom in 1986. She is a graduate student
of Harbin Engineering University. Her current
research interests inc1ude dri11ing risers and
flexib1e risers

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