Wohlenhaus Stan Donna 1965 Brazil PDF
Wohlenhaus Stan Donna 1965 Brazil PDF
Wohlenhaus Stan Donna 1965 Brazil PDF
and \/-^SUn
I Jira Moreland (i960) are working together with some others in a newly inaugurated program of evangel ism in Belem, Brazil, The progranj is called SEVIC
This program was christened on October 14th. Al ready more than 3OO are enrolled in the corre spondence course and about a dozen are being ma
(3) Classes given in downtown Belem. The subjects for this school are 'Why I Believe. ' 'Life of
Christ, ' "Life of Paul, * "Life of Peter, * 'Ques tions about Corinthians, * 'The Christian Life, '
and 'Introduction to the Study of the Sacred Scrip
9 1965
FropoTty of
Vol 5
No, 1
February 1965
^yetings once again to you who support us in the United States. It has been
!v^+-i challenges of theopportunity to speak vdth ofto you the actV ties and work of Qirist here and we all want do about so now.
Dlr+ n^'r ; ' conference which was held in Anapolis the first finflliv 400 miles down the Bel highway; iinaily, a month long ^ programabout of Vacation Bible School in em-Brasilia the churches of this and, area.
T! ogether of all of the spiritual of our lives as we took part churchfeasts of Ohrist-christian church mission-
to at+!rrt mLntnn^
diaruqofnvi ^ Phin^
personally. Our bfforts can bo hindered or helpod by what our fellow workers do,
profeas6r at Ozixrk Bible College, Joplin, Missouri, was invited ^is presence and challenges from God's Word were real stnHv iL the very feed benefits ^ perional vTsifs-Wd~ 1b LrWv, ^30 served to bring us all closer together us a group that +hn n ^ f benefit of Brazil as a whole in trying to stir a nation wi-Ui Jit y pray returning to and the every Christianity of tho for Brazil and accepting the work of missionary as ffew well Testament. as for us
weok of uanuary four of tho missionarios from tho Bolem area about 400 miles down tho Bel em-Brasilia highway. This
"^^e Week-long program of classcs, reports, brought us all closer together and to our Lord. Woodrow
In loRQ ^ of those once in a lifetime experiences. Tho highway was opened vot ^ between central and northern Brazil. Over tho past five Ihnl^ ^ has boon improved constantly from a swath through tho jungles to ThomL nnfr?!J R f i Brasilia in four dfcys. Clint
milnq ^ I rom the Bra8ilia.-Anapolis-Goiania aroa have roachod about 5^0 sourthem and up wo and would like to moot thrivTestament churches end growing down this groat them new halfway frontoir with area. Wo knows wSfnV, tcon different villiagos along this strotch and as yet only God ^no- in+n +in^ those may bo largo cities in tho next docado. People arc movrnifn+vr T talking ovory day with now droans in and a bettor cities life and with a newspaper editor onehopes of the for established on
^ i I Horn, and Stan wont on this trip to seo what tho posstarting some preaching points along tho road. Some of
haven't hspn f Protestants who have no churches to attend because they wpv and Aopportunities ^ o-blished yet. Please pray for with us as wo seek workers and ways to take advantage of us this and situation.
AYnKr>. +v,v,rt u^p V sincc the largest vacation from school here comes from DocDonnr. Vyf, s eon working ^ missionary wives are charge of this program and hard along with the others to in make it a success* One week church with the Vacation Bible School being for children
roL ^nd
cf February has been set aside among the churchesof Christ hore for
people every attended tho final program. Last atprogram. Sacramonta +1, they averaged and II5 595 children day and over 200 attended tho wook finnl
Ihis weok at Marambaia thoy averaged 93 chiljiron every day and about 200 attended
rom out i + of It tired out but happy in-Charge at Marambaia asweek moat VBS diroctora know CMS with the results. and Next the final week of looarnoi. Your prayers are certainly needed
tLtffir ar-r+
"'^jtdents of these Vacation Bible Schools. The conSifts and prayers that have
e^ advantage of
Svei 1 th^ H
enaUed ul^o
VI bless
r each
'Pi'sont ourin Lord as service your ambassadores every one of you your for Christ here this
Your co-workors for Christ,
^41 - Oyr,
J Ifc
Balonco on hand
Oct. Nov.
$555.00 $572.50
1 Salary
Oct. Nov.
$550.00 $550.00 $550.00
Total income
Total expenses
^ 474.55
Macapa trip
Total expenses
5 I65.4O
Atotal of $157.00 was roceived as Christmas gifts and we want to thank each ono who had a part in helping make this past Christmas an onjoyablo
one l o r us.
Dear Christian friends,
It has been several months since we've taken time
in Brazil, The churches
Jime 196^
No. 2
have been taking what seen to us to be healthy steps during the past months in growth toward becoming self-s\ifficient congregations. We work directly with the church in Marambaia, a suberb of Belem. This congregation has about 35 members. Three of these men are capable of leading any of the churches public services and have done so. Two of them preach at least once a month eadi. The church has been saving money for more than a year now and will be starting to build a more adequate meeting place on their jjresent property sometime next month. This will be done without financial help from us as missionaries. It is cur desire and plan at the present time to leave this congregation with its own leaders
directing her program when we return to the U.S. for furlough in late 1966.
One of the churches in Icoaraci that went through a very difficult period a \Aiile back now has 30 to 40 in Bibl School very Sunday. Another congregation
there has started sending its non about 50 miles out into the country to hold services for a group there. The church at Sacramenta is still the largest of the churches in our area. We do not work directly with these churches but are glad to report the progress they are making. Please pray with us for these Christians. It is often hard to know when and what is the best thing to do to help them know Jedus and accept their Christian responsibilities,
and southern Brazil with David Bayless. David did the preaching and, Stan led the music in a weeks meeting in the downtown Brasilia church where Harry Seated and David Sanders work, two nigttts in Belo Horizonte with Bob Smith, and a week in Sao Paulo where Gene Smith is working. This meant a long absenso from the family. In each of these places missionaries told of open door after open door that could not be entered because they were already committed up to their cap acity. A lady iri Belo Horizonte built a house in a nearby '.dty and
building suitable for church services \diich she will give to any(pne vriio will hay
Sao Paulo a Christian tailor had to leave the small town and congregation he was
with because of business reasons. His shop is now located in another part of the city where we have no woric. But one misiionary's time and energy go only so far. These are only a few of the opportunities which come week after week here in this great land. Wo ask you to pray with us for more woi4<ers to give them selves to work for Christ in Brazil, Remember, if you pray you must be willing
to send.
Our famiily is all well and we thank each one of you for making it possible for us to bo here. Donna and Stan are still taking a lesson a week in Portxiguese from a Brazilian teacher in order to continue to progress in the ability to com municate in this langxiage# First impressions upon arriving in Brazil seemed to indicate that it would never be possible to understand or speak Portuguese.
Now it's starting to como naturally,
, We do ask you to pray for us personaUy as well as for the work here. Our effectiveness depends so much on our jfdiysical and emotional health and we do
of you and may He lead each of us to more and greater service for Him,
'xrfio bi-t.v'Cii
fiii'is.'l ri.c
Financial Report
January-April, I965
Januaiy February
n'. i> ivl
. j- j j -
January February
533.31 5^2.02 565.61
T.i-t ^
-1 vT
t*crsjj SI.::-}
' " sftd ftr tC. :.-l .'noii^iuce bTif: ni oxiL*c2 Qtii
, uj-v.-y: u.-,:
Jan-April exponsos
expenses are available and will be sent to aryone t^o writes a^kiii:: ofr them)
1 I^
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Ho 3
Greetings once again to each and every one of you in the name of our blessed Lord# There are several things concerning our activities during the past few months which we want' bo share with you
First of allj for yoving people dv.ring the first week of July aged 13 - 18, Since we live we were hosts to a week of camp on the Institute property whore
camp is hold wo vrere initiated, rather abruptly at timos, to all of the little details involved in getting kitchen supplies, sporting equipment, and sleeping
facilities ready# Our home also served as the first aid station and supply house
for? costumes and various props for the special evening services, Stan taught a class "The Charch^% Tchj..ch was one of four included in the schedule. Classes in "Romans", "Evidences" and "Old Testament Personalities" were also taught, Stan also sorvod as recreation director during the afternoon hours. The marvelous thing abor.t camp is that eveiy activity is an opport\mity to put Christian prin ciples a^id attitudes into practice. Certainly some of the more trying moments of these yo\xr-z psople^s Christian experience came during the heat of a hard fought volloybaj-l game, 31 campers and 8 faculty members had a wonderful time
th.ls yoai' at camp
Vie havo also become quite adept in the art of finding sleeping accomodations and adding water to the soup for visitors during the summer months. We thank
God foi- thc'3e visitors becausc it moansmore and more people are becoming vitally interested in the work of Christ in Brazil, and,we hopeymar^r will make decisions to join the army of Christ hero, Ron and Evelyn Wilson, a young couple who are now finishing their last year of studios at San Jose Bible College, San Jose,
central Brazil stayed with us again before leaving for the U,S, Ron Riesss a student at lincoln Christian ColegCsLincoln,'111., spent a few days here before going back to the US, after spending the summer wi'Ui the Brazil Christian llission in Central Brazil, Jor^y Hall, i^o has finished his schooling at Ozark KLble Collogo, Joplin, Mo, spent two weeks with us in July and August before visiting tho south and stayed again on his way home. Ho has decided to return to work fcr Christ in Brazil next year, the lrd willing.. The last to arrive
was Tom Crc';:oll, who has finished his studios at Midwest Christian College,Okla, City, Okla, ,a3 well as two summers of the vJycliffe translator's Summer Institute of linguistics, and is now seeing the Belem-Brasilia road ty caro Wo hope that this svinmer will bo repeated again and again. Wo want to encourage everyone who
has a do?aire to serve Christ on a mission fiold to make a personal '^d.sit and see
Finally, during the first week of September, Stan and Jim Koroland made a very intorostiij?" trip up the Amazon River into the state of Amazonas whore the Clint Thomas fainili' i-erks, Most of the trip was ty air but the last log was a day's ride on a dioscj. "oowored river boat. The Thomasas are just getting settled in a community of c-^,000 pooplo and are the only Protestant contact, as well as the only modioal i icilities, in the town 'One man has boon baptized tuid good intorost hes be-.^r- -vhc/jn. It is a most difficult field, full of ignorance
and superstition, in both tho idiysical and spiritual realms, ^ cannot ^ a paradisGo Frosh fruits and vegetables, and at times food of any kind, are at a premium. The onOy contact with the outside is hy boat. Wo ask yo^ prayers for tho work of the Thomasas We feel that another area is being opened
up MJblGh can bo fruitfully entered for Christ.
Health-wise are family is well for which we contiriualOy thank God. Matenally ostcd in His fin^om to stand feefiind us with your gifts. S^rxtual3y sk you
to pray with us that we mi^t be ablo to faithfully teach
May God bless: and acfeisp: ach)"Oi^ Qf,yo?ii:,v P(^'4i
"'05 -r/'o v:^Jav:c:' i - .'o?
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XCi~~r! Lc
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November 1965
has surely been with us and you have been our constant encouragement during this time, VTe want you to know that we are grateful and wish we could speak to you in person and express our thanks# The work of getting a family to the inission field and keeping them there has been shouldered very capably ty each of you and it is our prayer that through this experience together that we may all
be of service to our Master,
T^to and a bglf years ago we first made public our desires and plans to go
The Lord
say that we aro enjoying our work and do see a groat need for continued and ex panded labor bore. We aro still studying and learning Portuguese but have como to tho placo whero talkingj preaching, teaching, etc., is possible. We aye cur rently in charge of the work in the congrogation meeting at Marambaia am are grateful to the patient ard longsuffering brethren thero for assisting us in
We have been in Brazil 3ust a little over two years now and can truth^Uy
with them a deep concern for her future. Part of the c^llengo to ma^e he Word of God known here has boon carried out an on the^old ^Jfa^zation in
the Belem area (Evangleizing Society of the churches of QinstSEVIC; wi^ a radio program and newspaper advertizing now being worked on.
tiying our wings in this new language and culture. During our first two yars wo have become good friends with the other families working in Brazil and share
(the Bolom Bolletin) which seeks to give you, our state-side brethren, news oi
Along with ii
^ ^
sooond torn in 3u].y, brought viord that a group is ^chasing ^ uso in our area. Jim is a licensed jAlot .and we aU feel certain that the pl^e can bo used to tremendous advantage down the Belem-Brasilia hig. y PAmazon River, and with several other interior P^eaoh^g p^ts, Robison^ rooentlY rer^umod from the U.S., has raised funds and obtained equipment xor a radio program to bo started the first part of 1966, ^ain r"rtof tract to buy property in Belom in preparation for a church in ^he min F=.rt of
tho city. We will bo assisting with these programs in eveiy possib-e way.
Present pla-.s indicate that wo will be returning to the U.S. in November of I966 after completing three years in Brazil. The Lord
The future is always somewhat uncertain but i^e do want you to toow some of the things we will bo involved in, Jim Moreland, who returned to Brazil for a
Again wo thank yor. from tho bottom of our hearts for all you havo done,both
collGctivoly and individually9 in sending us hor and making it possible for us to stay. We ask your continued prayers and support as we continue to learn how tc work best in this area and as we make plans for the future, l&y. God bicss uTch of you as we work together to make Christ available to our Brasilian
neighbors. Your co-worke
for Christj
August September
Aug-Sept e^qjonscs
Balance on hand
Expenses itemized
-$282.55 Aug_
538.73 .^3
2^4-. 83
_ 50.QQ
13^^.31 50.00
^5,20 $828.67