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PCGG Milestone Report

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There is cadence to the rhythm of the work in the public sector. To create public goods of consequence and value, we must occasionally look back in order to move forward. The Presidential Commission on Good Governments work has endured for 26 yearsand the verdict still remains unclear on its over-all track record. Among the main challenges that were faced by the present Commission was that of restoring its credibility and infusing the institution with renewed vigor in its operations. The first few months involved a careful balancing of priorities: the pursuit of the Commissions primary mandate of recovering illgotten wealth, while repairing the institutions integrity to navigate its political and legal terrain. Excesses of the past were immediately discontinued, while priming the present for the Commissions future. Adhering to the principles of transparency and accountability, the Commission embraced a third pillar of good governance: voice and participation. In this regard, it aimed not to be a mere passive presence. Instead, it strove to be an active partner to its primary stakeholders--the Filipino people. Q Part of this effort was a comprehensive Report that situated the Commissions 25-year historyits successes and failings, as well as the remaining challenges. (see 100 Day Report and Plan of Action available at http://www.pcgg.gov.ph) The Report sought to shed light on questions that have hounded the Commission, all throughout its existenceHow much has been recovered? Where have all these recoveries gone? What remains at stake? What were the excessive expenses and questionable transactions that were entered into? At the same time, the Report made a full disclosure of the immediate steps that were undertaken in order to stem the tides of corruption. When it could, the Commission sought to undo and remedy, with fresh eyes, situations that seemed irremediable to most. Q The Commissions new set of officialsChairman Andy Bautista and Commissioners Gerard Mosquera1 , Richard Amurao, Maita Chan-Gonzaga, and Nelson Aceboembraced the institutions 25th Anniversary, as an opportunity to close chapters, and find a way forward. Twenty months since the Commission convened and commenced its own chapter, it remains steadfast and unceasing in protecting the interests of the Republic and the Filipino people, while accounting for all the years that it has been in existence. Early on, the Commission--based on its assessment of the tasks involved in fulfilling its primary mandate of recovering ill-gotten wealth of former President Ferdinand Marcos, his family, and cronies--proposed that this mandate be winded down. This recommendation2 was made, on the bases that (1) nearly all the ill-gotten wealth cases involving the Marcos regime have already been filed, (2) these cases are presently being prosecuted by the Office of the Solicitor General (and, in certain instances, the Office of
1 2



Assumed as Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon on 1 June 2012.

There are two important contextual factors that should be borne in mind in evaluating this recommendation. First, the Commission has two further mandates, under Executive Order No. 1, s. 1986: (i) the investigation of other cases of graft and corruption, as may be assigned by the President, and (ii) the installation of effective safeguards to prevent corruption in government. Second, the executive issuances concerning the creation and existence of the Commission were promulgated, in the exercise of then President Corazon C. Aquinos executive and legislative powers. As such, a de jure abolition of the Commission can only be accomplished through an act of Congress.


the Special Prosecutor), and (3) the possible future discoveries of ill-gotten wealth cases is constitutionally Section 15. The right of the State to recover properties unlawfully acquired imprescriptible.

by public officials or employees, from them or from their nominees or Even as it awaits the details and directives regarding its transferees, shall not be barred by winding down, the Commission has commenced the task of prescription, laches, or estoppel. fully documenting and revitalizing the operations of the Section 15, Article XI
corporations under its care, as well as improving its linkages The Accountability of Public Officers and cooperation with partner-agencies: Department of 1987 Philippine Constitution Justice, Department of Finance/Privatization Management Office, Department of Agrarian Reform, Commission on Audit, Office of the Ombudsman, and Office of the Solicitor General. Q

REFORMATION That institutional reforms do not happen overnight is a truism, but this does & RESTORATION not foreclose the possibility of achieving incremental and landmark changes. We recognize that the time will come when we shall have

In October 2010, its present officials still not to lose any more of what others perceive to be a came upon an agency whose lost cause. And while closure can be appreciated on reputation was shoddy and shot. The different levels, we have in contemplation the concluding agency had figured in a number of chapter of the Commission, in the form of legislation controversies that played out in full directing it to wind down its affairs, mindful of the fact of view of the public. It was important to its other mandates under Executive Order No. 1, s. 1986. seriously re-think the Commissions - Letter to His Excellency Benigno S. Aquino III position in the fast evolving politicodated 6 December 2010, re: Winding Down the Commission legal landscape. After all, while it represented a valiant first effort in the journey from the dictatorship--back to democracy--its continued existence, 26 years later, likewise, meant that the ghosts of the past had not yet been fully exorcised.

done all that we could. We are tying loose ends and trying

More than two decades have passed since then President Corazon C. Aquino created the PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION ON GOOD GOVERNMENT on 28 February 1986, the first official act of the Aquino administration, predating the 1987 Philippine Constitution. This legislative measure seeks to recognize that symbolic first step in the transition from tyranny to democracy, and the institutionalization of the Filipino peoples desire and aspiration for good government. It is important to learn from the mistakes of the past and anchor the nations future in ethical and rational thinking, while underscoring the fact that demanding good governance is a challenge that rests on everyones shoulders. This Bill seeks to underscore the urgency and necessity of giving the Filipino people a muchneeded sense of closure to the culture of corruption that was the legacy of the Marcoses and their cronies. - PCGG Draft Winding Down Bill

That being said, the relevance of these efforts to recover Marcos ill-gotten wealth, despite the daunting challenges and ever-present criticism, should not be lost on the Filipino people. Though the peoples expectations seem to have been dashed by the long passage of time, the hope remains that, under the present Administration, justice may finally be rendered and a semblance of closure be attained, marked with a sense of peace with the past.



In the transition from the past administration into the new, an important signpost on the road of good governance was the Truth Commission of 2010. Among its first directives was to require the various agencies to document and endorse instances of graft and The most notable nding that was corruption from the past administration. In response to this call, made public and revealed in the said Report was the extent of the Commission submitted its Preliminary Report to the Truth Preliminary the excessive travels and expenses Commission (which was later annexed to its 100 Day Report). from the fund that was set aside for
litigation and administrative costs (to be) incurred in the recovery and I. UNLIQUIDATED CASH ADVANCES transfer to the Republic of the ARELMA and WestLB accounts A. Background: Certain sums that were disbursed to and advanced by the remaining from the Marcos Swiss Commissions past ocials were not supported by appropriate liquidation deposits.

requirements (e.g. reports and receipts). These sums remain outstanding and As was found out, various employees open in the books of the Commission. were co-opted in order to facilitate the withdrawals and charges upon B. Issue: Former Chairman Sabios failure to remit the sum of PhP10,350,000.00 an account that was set aside during (representing PCGG-collected deposits) to the Bureau of the Treasury is the the time of then PCGG Chairperson Haydee Yorac. subject of a case before the Oce of the Ombudsman. C. Status: Chairman Sabio has been arraigned and has posted bail. A holddeparture order has been issued against him. The Pre-trial was conducted on 16 April 2012 and the prosecution commenced presenting evidence on 30 May 2012.
Since its report was made public, the Commission has been trying to fully document and liquidate the expenses that were charged against the said fund. Letters have been sent to all concerned ocials and persons who, based on available records, appear to have received or were subject of disbursements from the said fund. This is the most comprehensive eort to fully liquidate and document all these disbursements. Upon completion, all the data, information, and replies gathered will be endorsed to the Commission on Audit.
A. Current PCGG Employees* Letters sent Replies received B. Former PCGG Employees Letters sent Replies received C. Non-PCGG Employees Letters sent Replies received 16 16 11 8 25 23


A. Background: In 2004, the Commission recovered the amount of US $658,175,373.60, forfeited from the Swiss deposits of former President Marcos. In connection with this matter, two cases remain pending in New York and in Singapore, representing a potential recovery of (approx.) US$60,000,000.00. Under the leadership of then Chairperson Haydee B. Yorac, the Commission passed PCGG Resolution No. 2004-Y-002, which resolved to authorize the Philippine National Bank (PNB): to retain ve per cent (5%) of the amount recovered to cover the necessary administrative and litigation expenses in the recovery of the ARELMA account and the approximately Twenty-two Million U.S. Dollars (US$22M) still in West Landesbank in Singapore, as well as necessary expenses that may arise in relation to the Escrow Agreement. B.1. Issue: The amounts retained by PNB are managed by it (i) to maximize the funds earnings (ii) subject to trust fees. It appears that the said funds income was less than competitive, despite the above-the-market trust fee rate that was being charged against the fund for its judicious management.

*With COA clearance and in the interest C.1. Status: The Commission commenced negotiations with then PNB President of transparency, the Commission may Eugene Acevedo resulting in an in-principle agreement being reached as to the make public, at the appropriate time, (i) waiver of trust fees for 2012, coupled with its (ii) subsequent reduction, in the list of respondents who have yet to order to maximize the funds earning potential. Despite these earlier good faith extend the courtesy of a reply. negotiations and in-principle agreements, a written Memorandum of Agreement has yet to be concluded under PNBs new leadership. In order to safeguard the integrity of and nature of the said fund, The Commission passed a Resolution directing the withdrawal from PNB of the purpose and to further support the amount of US$10,000,000.00 from the said fund. The whole amount was Comprehensive Agrarian Reform remitted to the Bureau of the Treasury on 28 June 2012 for utilization in the CARP. Program, the Commission withdrew US$10,000,000.00 and immediately the whole amount to the B.2. Issue: Under its previous leadership, the Commission retained various law remitted Bureau of the Treasury on 28 June rms to represent the Republic in its cases abroad. 2012.

C.2. Status: Based on an assessment of its legal needs vis-a-vis the complexity of its ongoing litigation, the Commission decided to terminate the services of some of its previously retained foreign law rms and to request substantial discounting of previous bills, resulting in a tremendous decrease in legal costs and expenses.


C.3. Issue: Various travels charged against this fund were marked by the following characteristics: (i) unliquidated/incomplete documentation; (ii) irregularly disbursed; (iii) clearly excessive; and (iv) in some instances, ultra vires, in that it was used for travels clearly beyond the stated parameters of the fund. C.3. Status: The Commission has issued various letters requiring the concerned ocials or employees to explain and/or to accomplish the appropriate liquidation report.


A. Background: There were a number of contractual agreements and/or decisions that were made with the color of authority, but upon closer scrutiny and the exercise of due diligence, were found to be apparently disadvantageous to the government. B.1. Issue: IBC-13s Joint Venture Agreement: The agreement, signed on 24 March 2010, covers the property known as Broadcast City. The previous Commission interposed no objections, despite apparent red ags concerning the transaction, foremost of which are (i) the lack of review by the Privatization Council and (ii) the lack of technical review of the valuation. C.1. Status: The Presidential Communications Operations Oce (PCOO) created a technical working group composed of PrC, COA, OGCC, PCGG, OSG, and NEDA which will review the JVA. PCOO and IBC representatives will join the members of the TWG. The 1st TWG meeting was held on 13 January 2012, where the Commission sent a representative to observe the proceedings. All member-government agencies were present, except for the OSG and COA (which did not participate due to a con ict of interest). Each member-agency was to give their respective comments and recommendation on the issue. B.2. Issue: Conversion of SMC Common Shares into SMC Series 1 Preferred Shares: On 17 September 2009, as an incident in COCOFED, et al. v. Republic (G.R. Nos. 177857-58), the Supreme Court resolved to approve the conversion of the 753,848,312 SMC common shares registered in the names of CIIF companies to SMC Series 1 preferred shares. C.2. Status: The Commission is presently coordinating with coco levy recovery groups to work out a strategy that is responsive and aligned to the interests and needs of the countrys coconut farmers. B.3. Issue: PIMECO MOA: On 11 December 2009, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was entered into by and between PCGG, Peter Sabido, PIMECO, and Consolidated Prime Development Corporation, concerning a prime property located along C-5. On its face, the MOA appears to be grossly disadvantageous to the government. C.3. Status: The Commission has registered a claim in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines with the Registry of Deeds of Pasig City, expressing its intent to recover the approximately PhP4.3 billion property subject of the questionable compromise agreement.

The incremental reformsboth institutional and organizationalhave, likewise, been followed through: the abusive practices of the past have been discontinued and the internal systems for transparency and accountability have been further refined. If anything, Accountability in Action: Updates the most radical reform that the present Commission has put in place is the active, responsive, and transparent Former PCGG Chairman Camilo Sabio has conduct of its affairs. In its reports and statements, the already been arraigned in the Sandiganbayan, for Commission has sought to engage its stakeholdersthe misappropriating at least PhP10.35 M, funds that Filipino peopleby responding to lingering questions, should have been remitted to the Bureau of the Treasury; he has, likewise, been declared by the issues, and concerns promptly. Oce of the Ombudsman administratively liable The appointments of a new Ombudsman in the person of (Ret.) Supreme Court Associate Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales and of a new Commission on Audit Chairperson, Grace Pulido-Tan, were, likewise, important steps in the administration's anti-corruption drive and platform for good governance. Apart from the aforementioned institutional cooperation among the Office of the Ombudsman, COA, and the Commission, significant progress has been made as regards charges leveled against the Commissions past leadership.
for grave misconduct and penalized with forfeiture of retirement bene ts and disquali cation from holding public oce. The former Chairman, together with (Fmr.) Commissioners Ricardo Abcede (), Narciso Nario, and Nicasio Conti, have also been declared administratively liable by the Oce of the Ombudsman, with the latter ordering the ling of criminal charges before the Sandiganbayan.

Most significantly, formal indictments have been filed in the Sandiganbayan against the former PCGG Chairman for waylaying and misappropriating at least PhP10.35 million in funds intended to be remitted to the Bureau of the Treasury.


The Commission is embedded in a nexus of legal relations. The success of its operations and performance is hinged upon an authorizing environment that supports its efforts. Executive Order No. 42, signed by President Aquino on 9 May 2011, was an important boost to the Commission's mandate to oversee the judicious management of shares and/or corporations sequestered by or surrendered to it. This Executive Order complemented the Commission's inherent authority to nominate and designate persons to such corporations, in order to protect the interests of the Republic and prevent the dissipation and wastage of the assets under its care. Aside from this executive issuance, the Commission has been working closely with the Office of the President, in order to ensure that the persons nominated to these corporations would perform their functions faithfully and with a clear view of their purpose, that is, to serve the better interests of the Filipino people. Q The Commission has among the smallest budgets among the attached agencies under the Department of Justice (which itself, has among the smallest budgets within the Executive Department). This limitation notwithstanding, for the year 2011, the Commission remitted the sum of PhP268.481 million, on a budget of PhP93 milliona cost-to-recovery ratio of nearly 1:3, that is, for every peso spent on recovery efforts, the approximate return to the Bureau of the Treasury is three pesos. For the year 2012, the Commission aims to generate PhP405.723 million, on a budget of PhP96 million. The Commission is on track and will most probably exceed its remittance target for 2012. The monies that the Commission remits to the Bureau of the Treasury come from (i) the sums recovered from its cases, (ii) the earnings from surrendered corporations remitted to it, and (iii) the income realized from its privatization efforts. Q A longstanding criticism against the Commission is the apparent abuse and looting of the corporations under its care. In the early years, the so-called fiscal agents were notorious for taking advantage of their positions. In the years that followed, persons were appointed to these corporations, primarily, on the basis of patronage politics.
Industry Banking Broadcast Clinical Research Insurance Manufacturing/Re ning Micro nance Oleochemical Telecommunications Real Estate Company* 1. United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB) 2. Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC-13) 3. Chem elds, Inc. 4. United Coconut Planters Life Assurance Corporation (Cocolife) 5. UCPB General Insurance, Inc. (Cocogen) 6. CIIF Oil Mills Group (CIIF OMG) 7. UCPB-CIIF Finance and Development Corporation (Coco nance) 8. United Coconut Chemicals, Inc. (Cocochem) 9. Philcomsat** 10. Independent Realty Corporation (IRC) 11. Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Company (Baseco)




*Surrendered/sequestered corporations or corporations with surrendered/sequestered shares under the care of the Commission, as of December 2012. **See the discussion in the succeeding section, re: Philcomsat.


When the present Commission took charge, some of these corporations were either operating at a loss or were grossly mismanagedhaving been peopled by appointees who lacked the managerial wherewithal, much less the dedication to look out for the interest of the Republic. In the early half of 2012, the The present Commission has brought an understanding of management and corporate governance principles to bear upon its handling of these corporations, respecting fairness, accountability, and transparency. For sequestered corporations, especially, while the questions of their ownership remain unsettled, their operations are impressed with public interest. The corporations under the Commissions care (except for one) are now operating in the black. The consolidated Revenues increased from P26.1 billion in 2010 to P31.2 billion in 2011, this translates to a 19.5% growth rate, or P5.1 billion. Consolidated Net Income increased by P509 million, from P2.8 billion to P3.3 billion, or an 18% improvement. Q The following summary provides highlights of the performance of these corporations. (see www.pcgg.gov.ph for the full Report) 1.
UCPB AIBC, a subsidiary of San Miguel Corporation, was created in 1983 to engage in the general business of insurance, reinsurance, preneed, and health maintenance. The company and its assets were sequestered on 21 April 1986 and is a subject of Civil Case No. 33 (Republic v. Cojuangco, et al.). Commission also established its presence in Anchor Insurance Brokerage Corporation (AIBC) and the Philippine Development Alternatives Foundation (PhilDAF).



Established in 1963, the United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB) was the first private Philippine bank to become a universal bank, obtaining its expanded commercial banking license in 1981. Today, the bank and its subsidiaries operate nationwide delivering a full range of expanded commercial banking services to a highly diversified clientele.It has strong capabilities in consumer finance, commercial credit, corporate and investment banking, trust banking, domestic and international trade finance, treasury and money market investment, cash management and deposit services.
UCPB Revenues Net Income 2011 6,151,000,000 3,048,000,000 2010 6,019,000,000 2,454,000,000 Change 2% 24%


IBC 1 3

The Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) operates radio, television and/or telecommunication stations. Pursuant to Executive Order No. 4 dated 30 July 2010, IBC has been placed under the supervision and control of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO).
IBC 13 Revenues Net Income 2011 203,000,000 55,920,000 2010 120,000,000 (26,230,000 ) Change 69% 313%

3. Chemfields Chemfields, through its 80% owned Joint Venture company with UST UST Cedres, manages laboratory facilities and provides drug research and evaluation services for pharmaceutical companies. Its key services include bioavailability and bioequivalence (BA/BE), monograph (potency) and dissolution tests for local generics companies and clinical trials in partnership with leading pharmaceutical companies and Clinical Research Organizations (CROs).
Chem elds Revenues Net Income 2011 20,802,594 1,713,583 2010 21,157,165 (757,681) Change (-2%) 326%

PhilDAF, formerly Technology Resource Center Foundation, was incorporated to engage in the mobilization, encouragement and support of resources and expertise in the formulation of researches, policies, and strategies for technology development, innovation, and adaptation. The Commission is currently exploring ways by which PhilDAFs resources and potential can be optimized to pursue its laudable objectives.



4. Cocolife United Coconut Planters Life Assurance Corporation (Cocolife) is the 9th largest life insurance company in terms of premium income. The Company offers a wide range of life insurance products as well as accident and health insurance.
Cocolife Revenues Net Income 2011 3,919,283,000 241,761,000 2010 3,097,151,000 212,301,000 Change 27% 14%

5. Cocogen UCPB General Insurance Company (Cocogen) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cocolife. The Company is engaged in the non-life insurance business which covers motor, property, liability and casualty, marine, personal accidents and bonds. In terms of premium income, it is the 8th largest nonlife insurance company.
Cocogen Revenues Net Income 2011 1,885,001,000 46,510,000 2010 1,711,151,000 1,974,000 Change 10% 2,256% In this connection, the Commission is fully supportive of the designation and appointment of legitimate farmerrepresentatives in the appropriate coco levyrelated companies under its care.

6. CIIF-OMG The six companies which comprise the CIIF Oil Mills Group were established or acquired with monies from the Coconut Industry Investment Fund (CIIF) which formed part of the coconut levy fund. These companies are engaged in the milling and refining of copra to processed products such as crude coconut oil and edible oil. Among its better known products is Minola Cooking Oil.
CIIF-OMG Revenues Net Income 2011 16,657,000,000 149,000,000 2010 14,187,000,000 120,000,000 Change 17% 24% UCPB-CIIF Foundation, Inc. (Cocofoundation) serves as the Coco Levy Companies social development vehicle and is sustained by the contributions from the group. Its agship scholarship program was launched in 2004. Since then, it has provided nancial assistance to children of coconut farmers/ farmworkers for college education or vocational/technical (VOCTECH) courses. As of December 2011, a total of 1,425 quali ed bene ciaries from 54 coconut-growing provinces had been awarded scholarships: 909 in college and 516 for VOCTECH. Total graduates now number 756, with the rst summa cum laude scholar graduating in 2012.



UCPB-CIIF Finance and Development Corporation (Cocofinance) serves as UCPBs wholesale finance and investment vehicle for coconut farmers. Cocofinance provides wholesale financing/lending to accredited rural financial institutions and cooperatives who, in turn, relend the funds to coconut farmers.
Coco nance Revenues Net Income 2011 90,486,107 14,166,734 2010 68,919,022 2,157,774 Change 31% 557%

8. Cocochem United Coconut Chemicals, Inc. (Cocochem) is engaged in the manufacturing of various oleochemical products that are sold in the domestic and foreign markets. Its main products include fatty alcohol (which is used in the manufacture of soaps, detergents, cosmetics, etc.) and glycerine.
Cocochem Revenues Net Income 2011 2,191,842,030 -318,057,878 2010 809,105,815 -10,512,000 Change 171% (2,925%)


9. Philcomsat


The Philippine Communications Satellite Corporation (PHILCOMSAT) was organized for the primary purpose of providing telecom services through space relay and repeater stations mounted on communications satellite, and also to install, maintain and operate a satellite station. Philcomsat is 100% In August 1990, Meralco owned by Philippine Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (POTC) Foundation, Inc. (MFI) and which is 35% owned by the Republic. the Commission entered As of this publication, despite repeated requests, Philcomsat has not submitted agreement for the any financial report to the Commission nor to the Department of Finance. disposition of the Meralco 10. IRC The Independent Realty Corporation (IRC) was created for the primary purpose of acquiring, selling, leasing, investing, and dealing with real estate properties. The company, and its subsidiary corporations were voluntarily surrendered by Mr. Jose Campos in 1986 in favor of the government.
IRC Revenues Net Income 2011 80,027,433 39,256,391 2010 71,866,423 31,190,020 Change 11% 26% shares held by MFI and sequestered by the Commission in 1987. The Three-Man Board that was created to oversee the disposition of the shares and the remittance of the proceeds was thought to have completed its task in 2008, after successfully disposing of the shares and remitting PhP18B to the national government. In May 2011, the existence of two accounts related to the 1990 agreement was discovered after a due diligence review of the transactions--an escrow deposit at the Development Bank of the Philippines in the amount of PhP114M; and a PhP67M account in MFIs custody. Both sums are the subject of ongoing discussions between the Commission and MFI, for their possible recovery and remittance to the national government. into a compromise

11. BASECO The Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Corporation (BASECO) is a shipbuilding and ship repair corporation once identified with Marcos in-law Alfredo Bejo Romualdez. The current business operation of BASECO involves the lease of properties in Mariveles, Bataan and in the City of Manila. The Bataan property covers around 300 hectares under a Joint Venture (49% BASECO - 51% Bataan) corporation with the Province of Bataan. The Manila property covers around 6 hectares abutting the Pasig River and Manila Bay and is more commonly known as Engineering Island.
BASECO Revenues Net Income 2011 51,360,073 17,128,715 2010 43,028,224 2,136,992 Change 19% 702%

Consolidated Performance
2010 2011








Consolidated Performance
2010 2011





The consolidated Revenues increased from P26.1 billion in 2010 to P31.2 billion in 2011, this translates to a 19.5% growth rate, or P5.1 billion. Consolidated Net Income increased by P509 million, from P2.8 billion to P3.3 billion, an 18% improvement.




Q In 2011, the Commission, in coordination with the Privatization Council, undertook the bidding of the following surrendered properties:
Property Location 1. Wack-Wack Property EDSA corner Berkeley St. Barangay Wack-Wack, Mandaluyong City 2. Hans Menzi Compound Outlook Drive (North), Barangay Gibraltar. Baguio City Area 2,012 sq.m. Floor Price Winning Bid

PhP101,606,000.00 PhP127,057,239.00

3,875.57 sq.m. PhP37,245,850.00


In connection with the Wack-Wack Property, the highest bid received was P127.057 million25% above the floor price. The notice of award was issued in favor of the highest bidder on 27 December 2011 with the approval of the Privatization Council.3 The Hans Menzi Compound was successfully bidded out on 24 April 2012 for PhP93,017,555.57a bid that was 150% higher than the propertys minimum bid price of PhP37,245,850.00. The Privatization Council, on 9 May 2012, approved the PCGGs proposal to award the sale to Comnet Management Corporation. (In the same letter, the Privatization Council approved the Commissions proposal to undertake a rebidding for the 4,038 sq.m. Mapalad Property with a minimum bid price of PhP250,759,800.00 or PhP62,100/sq.m.)
3 However, there is a pending legal issue with the City Government of Mandaluyong, in connection with the Citys foreclosure and auction sale of the property for alleged non-payment of real estate taxes. The Commissions positionthat the Wack-Wack Property is exempt from real estate tax pursuant to Section 234(a) of Republic Act No. 71605is supported by the Supreme Court Decision promulgated on 24 August 2011 in G.R. No. 185023 (City of Pasig vs. RP/PCGG). In the said case, the Supreme Court held that real properties surrendered to the Republic are exempt from real property tax, except when the beneficial use thereof has been granted, for consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person.

The Mapalad Property is a 4,038 sq.m. commercial and residential lot located at Roxas Boulevard, cor. Librada Avelino St., Baclaran, Paraaque City



Most strikingas it is, consequently, most tragicis the fact that a large number of its cases that have remained pending for more than two decades, were filed by the Commission during its first three years of existence. (In certain instances, there are cases that have yet to commence pre-trial!) These setbacks aside, earnest efforts are being undertaken in order to reach certain milestones in some of the Commission's landmark cases. The Commissions Legal Department has formulated a three-track strategy composed of the following elements. 1 . M a n a g i n g Effe c t i v e ly a n d Addressing Risks. The foremost function of re: Managing Eectively and Addressing Risks the Legal Department is case management. Its main a. Update of the legal docket and case statistics responsibility is to ensure that the 279 cases in the b. Establishment of 14 case clusters to facilitate legal docket are effectively monitored, pleadings are ecient case management by teams filed on time, and that the main cases are aggressively c. Development of a counterpart cluster team pursued. system in the Oce of the Solicitor General The other half of this track is Risk Mitigation and Management. It is important, considering the highly political and controversial nature of PCGG cases, that re: Risk Mitigation and Management risks are identified in advance and a. Identi cation and close monitoring of the top 20 contingency plans are prepared. Accordingly, concerns. This watch-list allows the Legal Department to the Legal Department established two focus its attention on the cases and incidents that might mechanisms to enhance its capacity to pose a risk or cause problems for the Commission. respond to contingencies and risks that may b. Institutionalization & conduct of regular meetings of the arise in relation to the prosecution and Legal Management Committee (LMC). The LMC meets at defense of cases in its docket. least once every two weeks, functioning as the risk
top 20 concerns and other problem areas are regularly 2. Five (5) Priority Cases. Five discussed, anticipatory measures and action points are cases and crucial incidents in the formulated, and their implementation regularly Commissions docket were identified early in monitored. 2012 as having a high probability of imminent resolution. The first two--cases involving the CIIF Block of SMC shares and the Arelma assets, with a total potential recoverable value of approximately PhP70.965B--were resolved by the Supreme Court in favor of the government in January and April, respectively; both cases are the current subjects of motions for reconsideration which are expected to be resolved early next year. The other three identified cases involve execution: the matter of PTIC dividends, as well as the Bugarin and Tanchanco cases. These may generate substantial pecuniary recoveries in favor of the government, estimated at PhP497M. Accordingly, they are being closely monitored and aggressively pushed. MANAGING GOING FOR management committee of the Legal Department. The

3. Preparing for Winding Down. To reflect the forward-looking vision of the present Commission, the Legal Department prepared a study as to how the 279 cases in the PCGG docket, sequestered assets, case records and important documents will be transferred to permanent agencies such as the Department of Justice, the Office of the Solicitor General, the Privatization Management Office of the Department of Finance, the National Museum and the National Archives as part of the winding-down process of the Commission.




Legal Departments Three-Track Strategy

The implementation of these three separate but closely coordinated strategy tracks is meant to ensure that the objectives of the Legal Departmentmanaging its complex docket, addressing inherent and unavoidable legal risks, capturing the so-called low-hanging fruits and preparing for the transfer of the docket to a permanent agencyare met in an effective manner with a view to avoid confusion and conflict of mandates and directions.4





Background: This an action for reconveyance and recovery of ownership and possession of assets and properties acquired by defendants Lucio Tan and the spouses Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos as a result of a criminal enterprise founded on a 60-40 partnership. Pursuant to the said illicit partnership, Mr. Marcos extended special favors and concessions, and under his special sponsorship, Mr. Tan rose from being a small businessman into one of the principal tycoons in Southeast Asia with vast holdings in tobacco, banking, livestock, transportation, real estate development and other industries. It is the governments position that all properties acquired pursuant to the criminal enterprise and partnership of Mr. Tan with the spouses Marcos are forfeitable and should be reconveyed to the government. In a Decision dated 11 June 2012, the Sandiganbayan dismissed the case. Next Steps: The Commission and the Oce of the Solicitor General are studying the Republics legal options in light of the recent ruling--among which are the ling of a Motion for Reconsideration or a direct recourse to the Supreme Court.


Background: In its Decision of 15 July 2003, the Supreme Court ordered the forfeiture of the Swiss deposits in the estimated aggregate amount of US$658,175,373.60 (as of 31 January 2002) in favor of the Republic. (The amounts recovered from the Swiss deposits had already been remitted to the Bureau of the Treasury in 2004 and, of which, approximately PhP10 billion has been set aside to fund a bill that would provide compensation for the human rights violations victims of the Marcos regime.) Of these so-called Swiss deposits, there remain two sums of money that are presently being litigated in New York and in Singapore. SINGAPORE: WESTLB AG V. PNB AND OTHERS (OS 134 OF 2004) Background: In the interpleader case led by WestLB, the Republic did not initially intervene and asked to be impleaded only after the lower court did not approve PNBs application for forum non conveniens. The High Court was satis ed that the Republic had established sucient standing to apply for a stay of the proceedings but ruled that it had submitted to the courts jurisdiction through implied waiver (notwithstanding that it had expressly declared that it was intervening solely to plead sovereign immunity). The other parties include a slew of Marcos foundations and the plaintis in the Hawaii class suit against the Marcos estate. NEW YORK: SWEZEY V. MERRILL LYNCH, PNB, ET AL. (INDEX 104734/09) Background: This case, involving the Arelma assets, was initiated in 2009 by a representative of the martial law human rights violations victims which had won a class suit in Hawaii (against the Marcos estate). The Republic is not a party in this case as it asserts sovereign immunity as a matter of right. However, it believes that the monies belong to the Republic and not to the Marcoses.

It bears noting that in the 2008 case of Republic v. Pimentel (which also dealt with the Arelma assets), the US Supreme Court had dismissed the proceeding, giving respect to international comity and the Republics sovereign immunity. The instant This case is pending before the High Court (the lower division of litigation in New York is simply a thinly-veiled attempt to revive the Supreme Court of Singapore) and all parties provided this earlier litigation. closing submissions on 16 January 2012. The pre-trial conference was held on 28 February 2012, but there is, as yet, It was PNB, as escrow agent, and Arelma which both intervened, no update from the Supreme Court Registry on when judgment seeking the dismissal of the petition. The NY Supreme Court may be released. denied the motion to dismiss, but the NY Appellate Division reversed the lower courts order (on 16 June 2011). It held, in a The Republics lawyers anticipate that the Judge will take a few 4-1 decision, that the plaintis suit should be dismissed as the months to render his grounds of decision. Once judgment in OS case should not proceed in the absence of the Republic and that 134 of 2004 is pronounced, parties have one month to le a to require the Republic to participate would be to essentially Notice of Appeal to the Court of Appeal (which is the upper negate its sovereign immunity. Petitioners appealed the division of the Supreme Court). dismissal to the NY Court of Appeals which, on 26 June 2012, in turn, armed the dismissal of the case.

Background: In 2009, the Sandiganbayan ruled the Arelma assets as ill-gotten wealth and, thus, forfeited in favor of the Republic. The Marcoses raised this issue to the Supreme Court soon thereafter. On 25 April 2012, the Supreme Court armed the Sandiganbayans decision. The decision dismissed all the arguments of the Marcoses and makes a number of signi cant points, including: 1. that forfeiture proceedings under R.A. 1379 are civil in nature and that, therefore, summary judgment is allowed; 2. that the Republic was able to establish a prima facie presumption that the subject assets were manifestly and patently disproportionate to the Marcoses salaries as public ocials and that they had failed to overturn this presumption when they merely presented vague denials and pleaded lack of sucient knowledge; 3. that the 2003 decision on the Swiss deposits did not serve as the entire judgment in Civil Case No. 141 (Petition for forfeiture of Marcos ill-gotten wealth) and that the Republic was not precluded from seeking partial summary judgment over another matter covered by the petition for forfeiture; and 4. that the petitioners are simply attempting to delay recoveries by evasiveness and the expedient profession of ignorance, and that their sham denials and their failure to properly tender an issue justi ed the application for summary judgment on the part of the Republic. Petitioners have led motions for reconsideration of the Supreme Courts decision--which the the Republic will be opposing.


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In 1987, the PCGG led Civil Case No. 33 which was later subdivided into Civil Case Nos. 33-A to 33-H. To this cluster of cases belong the infamous coco levy cases which cover three blocks of shares in San Miguel Corporation: 20% (Cojuangco Block), 24% (CIIF Block) and 4% (Treasury Shares).


Background: Based on the allegations in the Republics complaint, the Cojuangco Block was purchased by Mr. Eduardo Danding Cojuangco, Jr. through loans that he took out from United Coconut Planters Bank and credit advances from the CIIF Oil Mills Group, at the time when Mr. Cojuangco was in control of these institutions and the government-facilitated monopoly of the Philippine coconut industry. Status: In April 2011, the Supreme Court decided against the Republic in the case that it led against Mr. Cojuangco. In its Decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the Republic failed to substantiate its claims and fell short in providing the necessary evidence as regards contentious issues surrounding Mr. Cojuangco's acquisition of a 20% block of San Miguel Corporation shares. Soon thereafter, the Commission led a Motion for Reconsideration reiterating the position earlier adverted to by Justice Carpio-Morales in her dissenting opinion that the evidence adduced, taken together with the judicial admissions made by Mr. Cojuangco, were sucient to con rm that the said contested shares rightly belong to the Republic (and to be held by it, in trust for all the coconut farmers and the coconut industry). Unfortunately, the said pleading was denied by the Court.


Background: The CIIF Block represents shares in SMC that were previously adjudged by the Sandiganbayan as belonging to the Republic, to be held in trust for the coconut farmers and the coconut industry. These shares were found to have been purchased using coco levy funds (which, by nature, are prima facie public funds). Status: In a Decision dated 24 January 2012, the Supreme Court, by a unanimous vote of 11-0, decided in favor of the Republic, whereby it armed the earlier Resolutions of the Sandiganbayan to the eect that the 6 CIIF Oil Mills, the 14 Holding Companies, and the CIIF Block, along with all dividends declared, paid and issued, are owned by the Government to be used only for the bene t of all coconut farmers and for the development of the coconut industry. On 14 February 2012, a Motion for Reconsideration was led by COCOFED-which will be opposed by the Commission.


Background: The Treasury Shares are part of the CIIF Block which were the subject of a 1986 stock purchase agreement between SMC and UCPB (then administrator of the CIIF). This purchase did not pan out and a subsequent attempt to compromise was disapproved by the Sandiganbayan in 1991. The Treasury Shares were awarded in favor of the Republic by the Sandiganbayan and this was armed by the Supreme Court on 14 September 2000. Entry of Judgment was made on 27 June 2001. A prior demand was made by the Commission during the time of Chairperson Haydee Yorac, upon San Miguel Corporation. However, SMC did not comply with the order of the Supreme Court arming the Sandiganbayans prior resolutions.

The Commission subsequently led a Second Motion for Reconsideration which was expunged by the Court. On 29 November 2011, the Commission led an Omnibus Motion asking the Court to reinstate the Second Motion for Reconsideration, and to consider the issues and arguments raised in the higher interests of justice as is allowed by the Internal Rules of the Supreme Court. This, too, was expunged by the Status: The present Commission led a motion in the Supreme Supreme Court via Resolution dated 17 January 2012. Court, asking that SMC be directed to comply with its order for the latter to deliver 4% Treasury Shares in SMC, including all the cash and/or stock dividends that have accrued thereto, had the said shares The relevant dates are, as follows: (a) the initial Sandiganbayan of stock not been previously declared treasury shares. SMC has led disapproval of Compromise Agreement: 25 October 1991; (b) a comment reiterating and rehashing its previous position on the Sandiganbayan denial of Motion for Reconsideration: 18 March matter. 1992; (c) Supreme Court armation of Sandiganbayans
Resolution: 14 September 2000; (d) Supreme Court denial of SMC M.R.: 17 April 2001; (e) Supreme Court Entry of Judgment: 27 June 2001.


On 24 August 2011, the Supreme Court, in City of Pasig v. Republic of the Philippines (G.R. No. 185023), armed the ownership and possession over Payanig sa Pasig. Furthermore, the Commission recently commenced the ling of cases to eject 10 non-paying tenants in the said property (as a result of the latters refusal to heed the demand letter sent by MPLDC). The Commission and MPLDC asked the court to issue a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction compelling the non-paying tenants to vacate and deliver the possession of the property to the government.
Payanig sa Pasig is an 18.5 hectare property situated in the heart of the Pasig Central Business District owned by Mid-Pasig Land Development Corporation (MPLDC). MPLDC was surrendered by Jose Y. Campos to the government, through the Commission, in 1986.


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With a fresh mandate from President Aquino, its officials were set on commemorating the Commissions 25th year in a meaningful manner. Mindful of the historical value of the Commissions work, as well as its heretofore little known mandate of installing safeguards to prevent the occurrence of corruption in government, it embarked on an ambitious series of activities that aimed to help teach the lessons of martial law and of the EDSA People Power Revolution. Q What is Good Government T o Me? The Commission launched a series of contests that posed the question, What is Good Government To Me? to the post-EDSA 86 youth. The overwhelming number of entries to the various contestsessay writing, short film, drawing, and model youth organizationreinforces the contention that the spirit of youth activism remains vibrant and relevant.

... Good government is not the work of the government alone. It should also be the work of the people who selected those that are in government. I would like to believe that this is why we seem to have such high regard for our electoral processes or for historical events like the 1986 EDSA Revolution. These are the times which constantly remind us of our role in the pursuit of the ideals that constitute Philippine democracy. Democracy Through the Pursuit of Good Governance (1st Place) Pamela Jasmin K. Wong, First Year Immaculate Conception Academy

Ronna T. Cruz (1st Place), Grade 5 Santiago Syjuco Memorial School Malabon City


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A good government should put into consideration not only the present but also the sustainability of a country which is why the youth should be given attention. It is the request of every Filipino to be heard and be allowed to ventilate their feelings to what they see is not in accordance with what a good government should be. What is Good Government to Me? (2nd Place) Marcus J. Valdez, Fourth Year Ateneo High School

Jennifer C. Libertino (2nd Place), Grade 6 Salvacion Elementary School Davao Del Norte

I feel sad for those people who have chosen the wrong paths in life because I know that soon enough, the very pleasures that brought them happiness would soon destroy them. I hope that you are one of the few remaining people who have the heart to abstain from those deadly pleasures and work with me towards the realization of a good government...

The Good Government in My Lenses (3rd Place) Philip Nathaniel T. Go, Second Year Misamis Union High School

Jheremie Lois B. Salalima (3rd Place), Grade 6 La Consolacion College Caloocan City


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1st Prize: Audije, Facturanan, Jansalin, Landingin, Reyes, Villongco, Yecla University of the Philippines - Manila http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfChRO2kCRQ

2nd Prize: Butial, Bongato, Castillon, Recla, Salinas, Songco University of the Philippines - Manila http://vimeo.com/mainitnakape/gustokong

3rd Prize: Calimon, Chua Rojas, Ocampo, Lim, San Juan Ateneo de Manila University http://vimeo.com/20093397


Winner of the Model Youth Organization Competition

Pedro Diaz High School Supreme Government Resolution No. 15

Sa ating sama-samang pagtutulungan ay matutugunan ang suliraning kinakaharap.

Background of the Organization: PEDHS Supreme Student Government is a school-based organization established to represent the students in the community where it belongs.

Noise pollution has always been a problem for everyone; especially for our schoolmates who occupy the buildings along the South Luzon Expressway... The dierent vehicles that pass through SLEX create a big amount of noise that distracts the classes in the said buildings. As a result, the students became slow learners because they couldnt focus well on their lessons. As concerned students, we want to help our fellow Pedronians to have quality education. So we came up with a project entitled, The Environmental Hazards Caused by SLEX to the Learning Environment of the Pedronians.

To help the plight of our fellow students, we undertook the following actions: 1. Identi cation of the magnitude and extent of environmental hazards caused by SLEX to the learning environment of the Pedronians. 2. Conduct of a survey among the students in order to enumerate and consolidate their concerns. 3. Thorough research to comparatively analyze the detrimental eects of environmental hazards to the learning performance of aected learners occupying the buildings adjacent to SLEX. 4. Filing of SSG Resolution No. 15 to air deepest concerns regarding the ill-eects of environmental hazards. 5. Presentation of SSG Resolution No. 15 to the Vice Mayors Oce. (An endorsement letter was thereafter sent by the City Council of Muntinlupa to the Mayors Oce.) 6. Attended a public hearing which tackled the said resolution. The chairman at the said hearing suggested that the construction of the sound-proof fence be done before the start of the next school year. The SLEX environmental ocer then conducted an ocular inspection and measured the extent of gas emissions within the premises of PEDHS.


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2 5th Anniversary Exhibit The Commissions milestone year officially started with a weeklong public exhibit at the Gallery located at Greenbelt 5 (Makati). Entitled Excesses, Recovery, and Good Government, the exhibit was envisioned to be a narrative of the Commissions historical context and institutional history. At the same time, it featured the winning entries from the What is Good Government To Me? contests.
(The exhibit panels may be viewed online at www.pcgg.gov.ph)


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Journey to Good Governance The Commission recognized the need to bring its message of good governance vis--vis the lessons of Martial Law to various academic institutions across the country. Weeklong exhibitsfocusing on the themes of the excesses of the past, ongoing recovery efforts, and the challenges of good governancewere complemented by various forums attended by the Commissions top officials. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Name of School/University Central Luzon State University Science City of Muoz Ateneo de Naga University Naga City Colegio de Dagupan Dagupan City St. Paul University Philippines Tuguegarao City University of San Agustin Iloilo City Aquinas University Legaspi City Silliman University Dumaguete City Leyte Normal University Tacloban City Western Mindanao State University Zamboanga City Visayas State University Baybay City Xavier University Cagayan de Oro City University of San Carlos Cebu City Central Mindanao University Maramag, Bukidnon Ateneo de Davao Davao City Notre Dame of Marbel University Koronadal City Saint Louis University Baguio City University of Batangas Batangas City Philippine Normal University City of Manila UP-Los Baos Los Baos, Laguna Date July 13,2011 July 19,2011 Aug.10,2011 Aug. 24,2011 Sept. 7,2011 Sept. 12,2011 Sept. 21,2011 Oct. 5,2011 Nov. 10,2011 Nov. 16,2011 Nov. 23,2011 Dec. 5,2011 Dec. 7,2011 Dec. 9,2011 Dec. 12,2011 Jan. 25,2012 Feb. 10,2012 Feb. 23,2012 Mar. 9,2012
With the support of external partners, funding agencies, and centers of academic excellence, the Commission was able to reach an audience of 4,374 participants from 19 universities and colleges.


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Haydee Yorac Commemorative Lecture Series In recognition of Chairperson Haydee Yoracs meaningful contributions to the Commissions work and history, a series of lectures were organized in her name and honor. Facilitated and delivered by recognized experts in the field of anti-corruption, these lectures served to complement the Commissions third mandate pertaining to measures to prevent corruption in government. No. 1st Lecture Mr. Tony Kwok (Hong Kong) Independent Commission on Anti-Corruption 5th oor, FEU- Makati Sec. Florencio Abad (Philippines) Department of Budget and Management Date May 4, 2011

Comm. Gerard Mosquera (Philippines) 2nd Commissioner, Presidential Commission on Good Government Atty. Racquel Dimalanta (Philippines) Author, Assessment Report on the PCGG Marriott Hotel, Newport City Complex, Pasay City Judge Michael Hopmeier (United Kingdom) Judge, Kingston upon Thames Crown Court Garden Ballroom, Edsa Shangri-la Prof. Robert Klitgaard (United States of America) (Fmr.) President, Claremont Graduate University Bancom & Soriano Rooms Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Makati City

Sep. 30, 2011


Jan. 11, 2012


Feb. 27, 2012








PCGG Assessment Report It is not often that a government agency opens its doors and invites scrutiny. For a 26-year institution, however, doing so is necessary, if only to inspire a breath of fresh air into the conduct of its affairs. And so, the Commission allowed itself to be made the subject of an independent assessment that cohered around the following framework: review of legal literature, study of the operational framework of the Commission, and an analysis of pending cases.

PCGG May Be Assigned Non-Marcos Graft Cases by the President

Pursuant to Cruz, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan (G.R. No. 94595, February 26, 1991) and Republic of the Philippines v. Sandiganbayan (G.R. No. 115906, September 29, 1994), it is clear that non-Marcos graft cases may be investigated by the PCGG, upon Presidential authority. The PCGG may therefore want to fully explore its potential as an anticorruption agency by soliciting the Presidents assignment to it of such cases as may be warranted. PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION ON GOOD GOVERNMENT ASSESSMENT REPORT

PCGG can Perform Preliminary Investigation

Since part of the challenges encountered by the PCGG is the delay in the resolution of complaints and petitions led with the Ombudsman, it may want to consider taking on the task of conducting preliminary investigation of certain cases, provided that fact- nding is performed by another agency, possibly the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

President Benigno S. Aquino III enunciated throughout his campaign and during his initial months in oce that his number one priority is ghting corruption. His campaign slogan, Kung Walang Corrupt, Walang Mahirap embodies this priority. The PCGGs centerpiece function is recovering the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses and their associates. However, the agency does have other functions, although lesser known--including investigations of cases of graft and corruption as the President may assign, and the adoption of safeguards and institution of adequate measures to prevent corruption. These mandates contained in EO 1 allow PCGG to be aptly called an anti-corruption agency, aside from being an asset recovery organization. While PCGG has recovered some of the plundered wealth of the Marcoses, its potential in investigating cases of graft and corruption and in instituting safeguards against corruption remains to be fully exploited.

Observations on Case Inventory in Sandiganbayan

Unfortunately, the average length of time for these pending cases from ling, to current year, is 20 years, with the longest period running at 24 years. 64 percent of the cases pending with the Sandiganbayan have been pending for more than 20 years. This may be due, in part, to the interlocutory appeals which are raised by parties from the Sandiganbayan to the Supreme Court, which also toll the proceedings below. The average period for incidents elevated from the Sandiganbayan to the Supreme Court is 9 years, with the longest incident running at 21 years. 18 percent of these incidents have been pending in the SC for more than 20 years. This period is embedded in the number of years that the case remains pending in the Sandiganbayan, as the proceedings with the Supreme Court on the incidents aect the proceedings in the Sandiganbayan from which the incidents arise.




Human Rights Compensation In a letter to His Excellency Benigno S. Aquino III (dated 18 July 2011), the Commission expressed its full support for the passage of a bill that would seek to provide compensation to the human rights violations victims of the martial law regime. In that same letter, the Commission further urged the President to certify such legislative measure as urgent, as well as to include it as a priority measure in the Administrations human rights agenda. On 25 July 2011, the President delivered his Second State of the Nation Address, stating categorically that [it is the Administrations] aim to give due compensation to the victims of Martial Law.

We welcome the opportunity presented by the prospects of passing this Bill as a chance to right the wrongs of the past. B eyo n d p rov i d i n g a m ea n s fo r compensating the legitimate claims brought by Human Rights Violations Victims, the passage of this Bill by Congress signifies the recognition of the various forms of human rights abuses that characterized the Marcos regime. It is within this context that we write to urge you to certify this Bill as urgent, as well as to express our support for its inclusion as a priority measure in your administrations human rights agenda.

Chairman Andres Bautista Contemporaneous to these efforts, the Commission has (i) Letter to the President, dated 18 July 2011 facilitated the visit of Ambassador Valentin Zellweger, Head of the Directorate of Public International Law, Switzerlands Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, including meetings with the respective Committees on Human Rights of both houses of Congress; (ii) participated in the Committee hearings of both the Senate and the House of Representatives; and (iii) contributed to the work of the inter-agency task force on the Human Rights Compensation Bill. Maganda na po ang ating nasimulan. Pero mahalaga pong maalala natin: simula pa lang ito. Marami pa tayong gagawin. Hayaan po ninyong ilatag ko sa Kongreso a n g i l a n s a m g a b a ta s n a magpapaigting sa pagtupad ng ating mga panata sa bayan. Layon nating bigyan ng kaukulang kompensasyon ang mga biktima ng Martial Law... President Benigno S. Aquino III Second State of the Nation Address

xxx It is hereby declared the policy of the State to recognize the heroism and sacri ces of all Filipinos who were victims of summary execution, torture, enforced or involuntary disappearance and other gross human rights violations committed during the regime of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos covering the period September 21, 1972 to February 25, 1986 and [to] restore the victims honor and dignity. The State hereby acknowledges its moral and legal obligation to recognize and/or compensate said victims and/or their families for the deaths, injuries, suerings, deprivations and damages they suered under the Marcos regime. - House Bill No. 5990, Compensation Act to Victims of Human Rights Violations

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Coco Levy Recovery The Commission is a key partner in the fight to recover the coco levies. In this regard, it has dialogued and cooperated with various farmer groups and relevant organizations, in order to help align efforts in the coco levy recoveryafter all, it is for the 3.5 million-strong Filipino coconut farmers that this fight is being waged. The Commission, likewise, is part of the Presidential Task Force on the Coco Levies that was convened by the Presidential Management Staff, and is looking to submit a report to the President on the issues surrounding the anticipated recovery. The Commission has participated in the Joint Committee hearing at the Senate, regarding the Coco Levy Trust Fund Act authored by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile. The Commission is committed to supporting the passage of such legislative measure. Strategic Partnerships The professionalbut collegial and convivialwork environment resulted in a more efficient and effective system, both internally and externally. The reality of the team system that the Commissions officials took on has made collaboration with other colleagues in the bureaucracy possible. And just as assembling a team is important to foster integrity, collaborations further it by inviting others who will keep watch and ensure that ethical progress is made. The risk posed by one person speaking up forestalls the prospect of co-optationespecially when more of those persons could be counted on as partners.

A country whose Court is without a sense of history will have a history devoid of sense. Beyond the dictates of judicial notice--be it of the history of the Philippines or of matters which are of public knowledge--there are the demands of justice and the resolve of ones conscience. The impartiality and independence that Lady Justices blindfold signi es are not served by turning a blind eye to the obvious which, if ignored, is to the painful detriment and suering of others: that the Republics duty and right to recover ill-gotten wealth is an eort of paramount and transcendental importance--and that all the matters, issues, and cases relative to such eorts are sui generis. In many ways, these eorts are bound up with the struggle to right the wrongs of history. - Motion for Reconsideration, re: Republic v. Cojuangco

Partnerships have allowed the Commission to undertake various relevant projects, at no additional cost to the taxpayer. A more expansive take on partnership means accepting an ongoing active relationship with ones stakeholders. In this regard, the Commission has reached out to such stakeholders and have opened its doors to them. The fourth estate, media, and the publics watchful eye are partners in ensuring that it does not stray from the straight patha path that the Commission treads, even at the risk of, sometimes, harsh and unfair criticism.

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The experience of the Commission is illustrative of the difficulty of the fight against corruption. Deeply-entrenched practices that have seeped into the organization feed into a culture of inefficiency. Nevertheless, what the experience has, thus far, shown is that institutional reforms are possible. Incentivizing and Reinforcing Good Behavior Reforms are the result of incremental changes that chip away at deeplyembedded inefficient and improper practices. They are simultaneously directed at the organizationthat is, the people, their environment, and the administration and management of bothand the institutionthat is, the intangible norms that suffuse and animate the organization. Lacking the traditional carrot-and-stick incentives of the private sector, the public sector contends with resources that are limited both in fact and by law. In this regard, creativity is key in signaling change cues that incentivize good behavior and reinforce reform efforts. At the end of the day, the work is only as good as the people who do them. Considering that the agency was born out of noble intentions, it does not come as a surprise that its first employees were, in fact, its first volunteers. A recognition of this important factual context revealed that leadership by example and by inspiration are integral to restoring the employees morale. Being able to work with a sense of pride is essential to being able to do work that one could take pride in. T ransparency and Accountability These principles are without meaning if they are not translated into concrete policy measures. In this regard, the Commission aspired to be truly transparent and authentically accountable. If it is to be effective, then the Commission has to be truly and legitimately public. The PCGG failed in claiming this role in the last 26 years. Had it remained true to the edict of its being the peoples Commission, it could have played an active and relevant role in being the peoples advocate in combating and preventing corruption. Rather than seizing upon the window of opportunity, it allowed itself to be swept by the torrents of the political events in the years that followed. Throughout this process, it was clear that the Commission had to communicate its efforts to the publicnot just to assure them of the changes that were comingbut to invite their attention, as a means to further reinforce its commitment. Reports, statements, and publications were prepared and disseminated regularly through its web site, via email, and even on social media (such as Facebook and Twitter). The various fora that were organized in connection with the Journey to Good Governance and the Haydee Yorac Lecture Series served as platforms to communicate and interact with the public. Acknowledging that the Commission needed to share the Presidents Social Contract with its audience, it made a discussion of the Good Governance Framework and Action Plan (as prepared by the Department of Budget and Management) an integral part of its public forums.

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T ools and T alents to the T able/Legal++ Corollary to a team system is the principle of giving, but not counting the cost. This enlightened approach to managing and utilizing human resources, allowed the Commissionfrom its officers to its employeesto go beyond the traditional operational constraints of the public sector. Whereas traditionally, work in the public sector relegates the functioning of a public official to the itemized scope of duties and responsibilities, the Commission sought to harness its own peoples talents, skills, and passions. Instead of outsourcing a certain job function or work, the Commission looked to its own, whenever possible. This has improved morale, due to an increased sense of ownership and initiative among its ranks. Whereas in the past, the work of the Commission was largely confined to a legal nature, it was important to recognize, and so, bring an economic senseas well as a sense of timingto its functioning. Being the steward of various corporations in a diverse range of industries, it was just as crucial to bring real management skills to improve the performance of these corporations. Negotiation and legal advocacy, coupled with business acumen allowed the Commission to bring much-needed unusual changes to the lackadaisical business as usual attitude that had long stymied the financial viability of the corporations under its care.


A POSTSCRIPT It is hard to tell the future for a Commission whose work has most to do with the past. There is much difficulty in shouldering the burden of righting past wrongs--and of understanding the sins then, since then. Counting time passed reveals not just time lost: 26 years since the Commission was created, and nearly 40 years since the impetus for its creation--the proclamation of Martial Law. 40 years since the dictatorship, the Philippines remains saddled with and reeling from the aftershocks of the sunk cost that was the dictatorship. 26 years since the People Power Revolution of 1986, the road to democracy led to a recent nine-year detour that bore a striking resemblance to a past that does not bear repeating. Looking forward, the horizon will always loom ahead--ever-present as a possibility, until it is made real. Ushering in that closure that the Filipino people seek and deserve requires urging along the causes that have languished for far too long. The battle lines have been drawn, and the present Commission has been making in-roads to hurdle the challenges. And while the people are better served to manage their expectations, the Commission seeks to serve the Filipino peoples expectations by delivering results, through its renewed sense of commitment and dedication. The present Commission has learned from the mistakes of its past incarnations--and so, too, should the people learn the lessons of history. In its 26th year, the Commission will continue in its vigorous pursuit of its mandate--with the full understanding that its success (or failure) is premised on a proper and functioning politico-legal environment, steeped in good governance and rid of corruption.


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