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If you fail to plan, you plan to fail...

Business Leaders have two major responsibilities - to look after today's

business and to plan for the future growth of their business/organization.
Future planning is crucial if you want to take advantage of opportunities
and anticipate necessary actions for growth and success. The reverse is
also true - failing to plan for the future can have dire consequences in
terms of lost opportunities and contribute to business failure. According to
Marcelene Anderson, Strategic Planning Specialist, Raven Strategic
Consulting, preparing for the future is typically ignored because of a
preoccupation with today.

Planning is essential for an organization to focus its future

direction and outcomes or results it wishes to achieve. According to
management gurus and business leaders alike, strategic planning is
regarded as one of the most essential management tools. One of the
leading causes of business failure is not having a strategic plan or an
execution process in place to achieve results over time.

A strategic plan serves as a roadmap to the future, providing

direction and focus while aligning the organizational team, starting from
the board of directors and senior management to front line leadership and
employees. The importance of having a clear direction is captured by this
often used quote, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up
somewhere else.”

A good plan establishes the specific results an organization intends

to achieve, and includes a set of inter related core strategies and a clear
course of action to realize the intended results. The core strategies serve as
organizational glue when implemented across the organization, resulting
in horizontal and vertical alignment.
In addition, a strategic plan helps the various departments/work units
within an organization to align their work activities. The use of the core
strategies and strategic goals ensures consistency across the organization
while allowing each department the flexibility in implementing those

Many organizations develop a plan but fail to reap the benefits of

that plan because they focus solely on planning as an end unto itself
without creating an implementation process for that plan. According to
research at the Centre for Strategic Management, an international
organization specializing in strategic planning, leadership development
and enterprise wide change, developing a strategic and operational plan
contributes only 20% to the achievement of results, successful
implementation of the plan contributes another 40%, and building a high
performance organization is that achieves results day to day contributes
the remaining 40%. “What is needed is an integrated strategic
management system to lead, manage and change an organization in a
conscious, well planned, integrated way”, says Anderson.

To determine the effectiveness of your planning process, ask

yourself the following questions:
1. Do you have a mission, vision and values statement that reflects that
future we want to realize in the next 3-5 years and that takes into
consideration the trends likely to impact your organization?

2. Do you have measurable outcomes to progress towards your mission

and vision?

3. Do you determine the gap between where you want to be (your ideal
future) from where we are today?

4. Do you develop a manageable number of core strategies, 3-7, that

drive your organization?

5. Do you cascade the plan down through the organization, ensuring that
all functions are aligned to the plan?

6. Does division/department have a 3-year business plan aligned with the

organization’s core strategies and a one-year operational plans?

7. Do you have a process to review and update our strategic plan on

annual basis to ensure that it is current?

Strategic planning specialist Marcelene Anderson will host a series of

planning sessions, Planning the Future of Your Business, starting April
13th. To register for the session or for more information on Marcelene
Anderson, visit www.ravenstrategic.com or call 416-487-5300.


Copyright Raven Strategic Consulting 2006


Strategic management provides the following benefits including:

∞ A shared roadmap to the organization’s desired future, providing
direction and focus.
∞ Specific measurable results or goals that serve as mileposts to track
progress over time.
∞ Core strategies that close the gap between your desired future and the
current situation.
∞ Operational plans that realize results over time.
∞ Alignment at all levels of the organization and across functional
∞ Timely execution of plans.
∞ Accountability for results.
∞ Continuously improvement of processes to realize results.
∞ An update to-date road map to the future.
∞ Enhanced leadership to lead change and achieve results.
∞ Motivated teams and individual performers.

Copyright Raven Strategic Consulting 2006

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