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Taweez-Amaliyat - Exorcism

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Rituals for Exorcism and to Break Black Magic Introduction The Rituals given here are of great secrets of Spiritual knowledge received from different Sufi Tariqats and mostly from the Qalandar Tariqat which can not be found anywhere and are very valuable. We trust that the people using the rituals are mature and will not use these rituals for any negative purposes; the rituals given are for knowledge sake but are very valuable for the spiritual practitioners. We do say that any one can apply these rituals and one does not have to be Muslim as the way of opening these rituals can be only done if one has a pure heart and leads a pious life. Some part of these knowledge and rituals can be opened by those who have experience on the spiritual path, The Taweez/Talisman that are given one needs to be pure and clean before writing them one should approach all rituals with care and respect to write the Taweez one needs to make the ink which can be made by mixing Saffron and rose water or red dye used in rice. Note: where talismans say 786 it should be written in Arabic. One need to remember that the practitioner has a greater chance of success if one is already on the spiritual path and prays five times a day and rituals should be done in a quiet, secluded room on the prayer mat. For some rituals to work one must be in a vegetarian fast as it helps to clean ones inner self and for success in these rituals it is important that ones clothe should be clean and white should be worn. The food during the ritual should be vegetarian with no animal products to be consumed; the room should be clean, empty and dark with no light penetrating in. The ritual should always be done facing the Kabba and the wazeefa should always be read to precise number no less no more. Sleep should be little and one must not talk to anyone during the ritual, one should also always be in a state of purification and be sincere and always pray the ritual 5 times a day prayer to Allah. For these rituals to work one must be on the spiritual path as well as being clean from the heart, as we do not take responsibility for any one that does these rituals blindly and without some kind of knowledge of Jinns I have place these rituals purely for knowledge sake and for interests only, Again one who carries out these ritual are solely responsible for themselves.

Effective ways of breaking black magic to do list: 1. Like attracts like the one who is positive will attract positivity and the one who is negative

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will always attract negativity. So one who is always positive will not be able to be effected by magic, one must try to be positive whatever the situation. Black magic, Evil entities feed of your negative energy and you are making their job easy, so one should avoid being negative as this will only make the Black Magic and Evil Entities stronger.

2. One must always be clean and pure at all times, one should have a shower everyday this helps to attract positive energy within, Cut your nails according the prophets way within 40 days. Cut ones pubic hair within 40 days is a must. One should always be hygienic. Negative forces and Magic feed of uncleanliness. Always be in the constant state of Wudu as this protects one from any harm and magic.

3. One should keep ones home/shop clean everyday, Always try to use good smell Bakhur in the house, good smell attracts positivity and the Angels. Ones home should be of good conduct, there should not be things against the Sunnah being done in the house. Make your house alive with the remembrance of Allah and his prophet as this attracts blessings and angels. Most important one should avoid sin as much as possible.

4. Remember Allah much recite Quran everyday, Reciting surah Baqarah (or part of) everyday keeps shaytan away from your house and negative forces. At night according to the prophets way recite the last two surahs of Quran (or one can recite Ayah Kursi and the last four verses of the Quran and blow on your hands and rub your hands on your body. This acts as a shield to protect one from any harm.

5. Always keep up your prayers one must pray five times a day as this is the best and effective way of protecting oneself from magic and negativity. Prayer keeps one on guard the angels are there to protect that person who obeys Allahs command.

6. Try to attend religious gatherings of remembrance of Allah, Weather it is at the mosque or in ones own home.

7. One should every month or if one can every week give to charity to the poor, the one who gives in charity is protected by Allah against all harm and negative forces. The more you serve humanity the more Allah will hear and answer your prayers.

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8. Ones tongue should always be busy in the remembrance of Allah weather it be names of Allah or verses from the Quran or reciting Salawat on the prophet. Ones body is a house just as you would keep your house clean and pure one should keep ones inner and outer body clean and pure by these 8 methods. Anyone who uses these 8 methods will always be protected against all harm, if one is suffering from Magic that magic will be destroyed Inshallah.

9. Anyone who is or has been effected with Jinn possessions or has been cured should ne aware that it can happen again if the person is not clean or pray five times a day, For this reason one should continue to wear the Naqsh given in these rituals to protect from Jinn possession again.

10. If ones house is affected by jinns or evil spirits then one should recite the Adhaan aloud five times day inshallah by doing this the Jinn's evil spirits will leave. Please pray for this Faqir and keep me in your prayers Inchallah.

Ritual 1 To exorcise someone of Jinns and negative spirits One should write on a green paper with Saffron the Taweez below and put around the Patients neck And at evening before going sleep and at morning when one wakes up one should recite Surah Al Naas 11 times and consecrate water and give to the patient to drink for 21 days. During the 21 days give less salt to the patient, Inshalla with this method all Jinns and negative spirits will go away. Note: In the Naqsh, at the top is written YA QADIRO, FOLLOWED BY YA QAWIYO, YA QAHIMO, YA DAHIMO

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Ritual 2 To exorcise someone from Jinn's and Negative Spirits One can do this by always reciting Surah Muzamil 141 times after Isha (Night Prayer) and continue to do this for 41 days. This Ritual should be commencing on Wednesday Evening Before and after one must recite Darood Shareef 5 times, After the Ritual is over one must continue to recite the Surah 11 times everyday. Who ever is possessed by a Jinn or negative spirit then one should tell the patient to do Ablution and sit opposite you and recite the Surah Muzamil the Jinn or negative spirit will then appear on that person and speak through the patient One must ask the Jinn to promise to go away and not to come back again, By the Power of the holy verse the Jinn will run and never come back.

Ritual 3

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To find out if Black Magic has been done by smelling the air To do this Ritual one must first recite for 40 days the Wird 3000 Times the recitation should be preceded by darood shareef 11 times and after the Wird. After completing the ritual one must always recite the Wird 30 times everyday, Whenever it is necessary when one has suspicions of Black Magic been done on a house or Shop then one should recite the Wird below for 300 times and if Magic has been done then the air would smell obnoxious and bad.


Ritual 4 Break the effect of Black Magic If someone is suffering from Black Magic then one should recite the Wird below for 41 times and consecrate on glass of water and give to the patient to drink morning and evening, This should be

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done for 11 days and inshalla within 11 days the effect of Black Magic will be destroyed BISMILLAH IRAHMAN IRAHEEM WA YA HAYYO HEENA LA HAYYO FEE WA YAMOO MAATE MULKEHEE WA BAKAHE HE YA HAYYO

Ritual 5. To cure someone from satanic forces If one is affected by satanic forces in any way then recite the verse below 5 x and blow towards the persons chest inshallah the person will be protected and all satanic forces will be removed from him. BISMILLAH IRAHMAN IRAHEEM LA ILAHA ILALLAH WAHDAHU LA SHAREEKA LAHU LAHUL MULKO WALA HUL HAMDU WAHUWA ALA KULI SHAYIN QADEER. Ritual 6 To break Black Magic from ones Home To destroy the effects of Black Magic from ones house then one must write the Taweez Below on white piece of paper and black ink and then one should fold and close the Taweez. At the time of Zawwal 12.00 pm an hour before Zuhr Prayers one must go to ones front door and have one foot inside the house and the second foot outside and then one must open the Taweez, Do this for seven days and inshalla the effects of Black Magic will be completely destroyed.


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Ritual 7 To find out which place Black Magic has been done If someone is affected by Magic then one should do this Ritual and find out where Black Magic has been done and where the Taweez or items are buried, one must after Isha (Night Prayer) recite 505 times the Wird below this should be done for 11 days one should recite darood Shareef before and after. On the last day one will see in ones dream where the Black magic Taweez or items are buried then one must recite the Wird 11 times and blow on ones hand and then get the Taweez or item out and throw in running stream or river inshalla by doing this the effects of Black Magic will be completely destroyed. YA RABBU YA RABBU YA RABBU YA ILAHA ILA LIHATA RAFEEH JALALAHU

Ritual 8 To find out which (Sorcerer) has done Black Magic

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If one wants to find out which sorcerer has done Black Magic then one must on Thursday after Isha (Night Prayer) do this Wird below for 1100 times and without talking go to sleep, one must recite darood shareef before and after 11 times. This Ritual should be done for 11 days inshalla one will see in ones dream the Sorcerers face and where he lives.


Ritual 9 To find out who has done Black Magic If one wants to know who has done Black Magic then one must for 40 days do this ritual, After Isha (Night Prayer) do 2 nawafil prayer cycles in each Rakat recite 15 times Surah Ikhlas and 1 time Ayah Kursi (Throne Verse), After giving salam sitting in the same position recite 41 times the Wird

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below, Before and after 11 times darood shareef and go to sleep where one has read. During ones dream one will see the person and information about where the person lives. If one sees the dream within the 40 days then there is no point of carrying on with the recitation


Ritual 10 To burn Jinns and negative spirits (Most powerful and effective) The method used here to exorcise Jinns and negative spirits is very effective it is done by writing a very powerful Taweez which will burn the Negative spirits and exorcise the person in an instant. This Naqsh should be written on a white plain paper and written in black ink and tied to a Black String then put on coals under the patients bed so that the smoke will go inside the patient and move the Naqsh around so that the patient can inhale the smoke. This should be done everyday and within a couple of days the Jinn or Negative Spirits will be burned. If the patient is out of control then one should tie the patient to its bed.

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But one needs to be the master of this Ritual, to do this one needs to recite the holy name ALLAH for 350,000 times the recitations should start on 1st Thursday of the new moon. When one recites the first 125,000 then send the recitation as a gift to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. When the Second 125,000 times is recited then send the Gift to Hadhrat Ali Radhi Allah anhu Then finish the recitation by reciting the remainder 100,000, while doing the recitations it is important that it is done at the same time and same place and without missing a day and this Naqsh should be always in front of you while doing the recitations. After reciting every 100,000 consecrate the Naqsh. One should use good Incense during the ritual. When finishing the Ritual one should then always wear the Naqsh on oneself on the right arm on the last day send Fatiha and Niaz (offerings) to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and Hazrat Ali. And always recite for 66 times 'Allah' everyday after the ritual. When necessary write the Taweez and use the method above to exorcise the patient and then see the wonders of Allah and how the Taweez will exorcise the person quickly this Ritual is the most effective and powerful never been publicised before. Note: The numbers given in the Naqsh is 66 the numerological value of the Name of ALLAH

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Ritual 11 To recognise if one has a Jinn To recognise if someone has Jinn or evil spirit then one should first recite Surah Jinn 41 times at the same time every day for 40 days. After one has finished the ritual then one should continue to recite the Surah Jinn 7 times everyday. When necessary and when one has suspicions that someone has a Jinn or evil spirit then one should tell the person to sit opposite you and give two pieces of paper in each hand that the suspected person should hold, Both should be sitting in lotus position One should then tell the suspected person to hold the white papers tightly in ones hand, And one should recite Surah Jinn seven times and if after reciting, the paper in the other persons hand has changed colour or burnt or gone black then one should then know that the person is possessed by a Jinn.

Ritual 12.To remove Jinn from someone via Surah Muzammil Recite Surah Muzammil 141 x everyday after isha Night prayer, Do this for 41 days, this will enable one to have the permission of Surah Muzammil and to be its Amil. This ritual should be started on Wednesday night, before and after recitations recite Salawat 5 x When one is finished after 41 days one should recite surah muzammil everyday 11 x. Then whenever someone is effected by Jinn possession one should get the affected person to do wudu or shower, and make him sit opposite you. Start reciting surah Muzammil and the Jinn will start to speak from that person, tell the Jinn to leave and never come back one should always get the Jinn to promise by the name of Hadrat Sulieman alahi Salam. After he has promised he will leave and will never come back Inshallah

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Ritual 13 To get rid off Jinns, Black Magic To do this Ritual one needs to recite the Wird below everyday for 41 times, When someone is possessed by a Jinn then one should recite the Wird 141 times and blow upon the patient doing this fours times will inshalla cure the person and the Jinn will runaway. To get rid of Black Magic one needs to get water from a running river or stream and fill the bottle up and recite the Wird below for 41 times and consecrate the water and then one should give to the patient to drink for seven days, Inshalla the effects of Black Magic will go away This Ritual is very quick and effective to do. The Wird


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Ritual 14.Removing magic, evil eye, negative entities via Noorani Haruf Write the starting letters of the Noorani Haruf from the Quran which are given below on white paper using saffron and give to the person affected by black magic to wear around the neck. Inshallah by the power of these words the person will be cured. Very powerful treatment method The holy words are given below: BISMILLAH IRAHMAN IRAHEEM ALIF LAM MEEM ALIF LAM MEEM SAAD ALIF LAM RA ALIF LAM MEEM RA KAAF HA YA HA SAAD TA HA TA SEEN MEEM TA SEEN YASIN SAAD HAMEEM AYN SEEN QAAF QAAF NUUN

Ritual 15.Powerful Ritual to exorcise Jinns and Evil spirits There are two ways to fulfil the Zakat of this Ritual after doing the Zakat one will be the master of the Ritual. 1. At the start of any Islamic month, On Thursday recite the verse below 2100x everyday for forty days, one must eat vegetarian food during the forty days. After the forty days continue to keep this verse In your daily recitation 121x

2. Second Method of zakat of this ritual is to recite the verse below at any start of the Islamic month for 21,100 x this should be done Wednesday Thursday and Friday a vegetarian fast should be kept for all three days, After finishing the recitation on Friday one should go asleep, Inshallah in ones dream you will receive the Ijazah (permission) for this verse. After receiving the permission keep this verse in your daily recitations every day 11x morning and evening. This will enable one to be the master of this verse.

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INNAHUM YAKEEDUNAH KAIDAN WA AKEEDU KAIDA FAHMAHELIL KAFIREENA AMHILHUM RUWAIDA The speciality of being the master of this verse is the following: The one who recites the verse 11x or 21x and blows and consecrates a flower or attar (fragrance) and gives to the possessed person to smell, it will make the Jinn appear out of him and will speak, one can then banish the Jinn away from that person. (For this one should recite only INNAHUM to KAIDA)

Another method is to write the verse (again from INNAHUM TO KAIDA) on the possessed persons forehead with your Shahada finger (index finger) three times, The Jinn will appear and talk and one can then banish the Jinn.

If one writes the second part of the Verse (FAHMAHELIL to RUWAIDA) on the possessed

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persons forehead three times again using index finger the Jinn will go away from that person.

This ritual is a very powerful way to get rid of all evil spirits Jinns etc.

Another method is if someones house has jinns or negative spirits etc. then recite the full verse INNAHUM to RUWAIDA 101 x blow on water and sprinkle all over the house and the four corners of every room Inshallah by doing this the Jinn's Negative spirits will leave.

Another method: If some one has Jinn's or evil entities in the house then recite on four metals nails the above verse INNAHUM to RUWAIDA 25 x on each nail and blow on the nail to consecrate it. Then put each nail in each corner of the house. Inshallah this method is very easy to do, effective and very powerful. All negative entities and jinns will go away from that house inshallah.

Ritual 16.Chahal Qaaf Prayer This is a very powerful and famous Prayer used by many Auliah Allah (Saints) and spiritualists; even sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani used to recite this Prayer, The Zakat of the prayer is given below: Recite the Chahal Qaaf 230 x for 25 days, after which one will have the power of this prayer, One should keep reciting this prayer 217 x everyday thereon. Another method of this Zakat is to recite it in the beginning of a Islamic month on Thursday 1000 x in one sitting. Inshallah doing this will give you the permission of this prayer and power. If anyone is effected by Evil Spirits or Jinn then one should recite the Chahal Qaaf 40 x blow and consecrate on Mustard oil then massage the oil on that effected person inshallah doing this the Aseeb Evil spirits will go away from that possessed person.

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Another method of Chahal Qaaf

First keep a vegetarian three days fast Wednesday Thursday and Friday, No meat product to be consumed. Break the fast everyday with rice and milk, and everyday give food to the poor, this should be done for three days. If possible one should give rice and milk to the poor to eat. Give the reward of your three day devotion to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, on the Friday morning after Sunrise (Fajr prayer) go next to the river bank and recite the Chahal Qaaf 1100 x before and after any salawat on the prophet 11 x. After the three days keep this recitation of Chahal Qaaf 11 x morning and evening everyday Now after doing this one will have the permission and power for this very powerful prayer. If anyone is possessed with Jinn, Saya (Evil Spirits) infact any kind of Negative Spirits or beings Then recite the Chahal Qaaf seven times and consecrate on mustard oil and using Wool or cotton bud dip into that oil, then place the cotton bud/wool in the persons ears using ones index finger to block the persons ears so that the oil stays in. massage some oil on the effected person too. One will start to notice a bad smell of the Jinn evil spirit burning, the spirit/Jinn will beg and it will be powerless and will burn by the power of Allahs words and the prayer of Chahal Qaaf inshallah. This is a very powerful method by this the effected person is cured.

Another method of Chahal Qaaf If some one is affected by jinns evil spirits etc. then recite this prayer 11 x everyday for 15 days inshallah the person will be cured and the negative entity will leave

Chahal Qaaf Prayer

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Ritual 17.To cure a possessed person via Surah Muzammil Recite Surah Muzammil on Mustard oil and massage that effected person everyday inshallah with this powerful method the person will be cured.

Ritual 18.To get rid of Evil Spirits Recite the prayer below seven times each time you recite blow and consecrate the mustard oil then massage the effected person who is possessed by evil spirits/Jinn etc. Even the strongest of Evil Spirits and Jinns will leave that person after using the above method inshallah

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Write this Naqsh below and give to the person to eat this naqsh can be placed inside food, When the effected person eats this Naqsh the Jinn Spirit will go away at once Inshallah, Very effective Naqsh

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Note: If one cannot see the numbers clearly in the Naqsh it is 321 in Arabic.

Ritual 20.To get rid of Evil Spirits Jinn's Aseeb Write the naqsh below and give to the effected person to wear around the neck, also write the Naqsh and wash in water for the patient to drink, by doing both methods the Negative entity will be gone inshallah, Very effective and fast method

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Ritual 21.To cure black magic (Sihr)

Recite the holy word below 100 x everyday for forty days, Try to keep in a pure state during those forty days and try to keep a vegetarian diet. Inshallah one will have the power of this verse, Whenever someone is effected by magic it doesnt matter how strong the magic may be recite the word below 11x and consecrate in water then give to the patient to drink and write the word and give to the patient to wear around the neck Inshallah the patient will be cured and the Magic will break. The word to recite is given below: ALHAMDOLILLAH

Ritual 22.To get rid of Jinn from someone Naqsh Chahal Qaaf

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If someone is affected by Jinn or any evil entities then write the Naqsh below and give to the patient to wear around his right arm, Inshallah the Jinn will leave. Also in the previous pages is the Chahal Qaaf ritual one can also use this same Naqsh below combined with the treatment given in the Chahal Qaaf ritual to make it more effective.

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Ritual 23.To remove Evil Entities from House

Write the Naqsh below and place somewhere in the house, somewhere high on the wall; Inshallah the Evil Entity will be gone. If one cannot see clearly the bottom right it is written 9923 In Arabic

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Ritual 24.If some has done black magic on business/Shop how to break it If someone has done black magic on ones business or shop then one break the magic by using this method, In a purified state write the Naqsh below twice using Arq Gulab (Rose water) and Mishk. Wear one Naqsh around your right arm and the second Naqsh one should place in ones Business/Shop, Inshallah the Magic will start to weaken and break by the power of Allah. At the bottom of the Naqsh is written...

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Ritual 25.To cures someone from Evil Spirits and to break Black Magic. If one is affected by Evil Entities (aseeb) or black magic then one should write the Naqsh below in pure state using Rose water and Saffron, Write on plain white paper and wear around ones right arm, Inshallah one will be protected against all magic and if magic has been done it will break.

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Ritual 26.Protection Naqsh Talisman against Black Magic. If one has enemies and they always try to do Black Magic spells on you, or one is in danger of having Black Magic being done on them then write the Naqsh below in a pure state after Fajr Morning prayer and before sunrise. Write the Naqsh using rose water and Saffron and wear around ones neck Inshallah no harm will come to you and one will be protected against all black magic and spells. Note: On the right of Naqsh is written ALLAH HU on the left is written ALLAH HAQ at the bottom is written ALLAH LA ILAHA ILA HU AL HAYU AL QAYYUM

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Ritual 27.To protect one from Black Magic and its effect

If ones enemies keep doing black magic and one is constantly ill from it then write this Naqsh in a pure state using saffron and rose water. And wear around ones right arm, And the affected person should after every prayer should recite 3 x ayah kursi and 3 x times the last four surahs of Quran and blow on ones chest. Inshallah the effects of magic will go away and be gone. Note: At the top right is written ALLAH NASEER top left ALLAH WAKEEL right side ALLAH HAFIZ left ALLAH NASIR bottom ALLAH HAFEEZ

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Ritual 28.Protection Naqsh of Surah Ikhlas Writing the Naqsh below of Surah Ikhlas has alot of benefits and power the one who writes this Naqsh whilst in a pure state and wears around ones right arm will be protected from all Black Magic, Spells and from Enemies Inshallah. Also to look at this Naqsh everyday has the power to protect one from any Magic etc.

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Ritual 29.To remove Negative Spirits from house

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If one has negative entity in ones house then write Surah Ikhlas in every room, and outside, and at night say aloud three times YA ALI ADRIKNI Inshallah no harm will come to you or anyone living in that house and the negative spirit will leave.

Ritual 30.To remove Jinn's from ones house If one has Jinn's living in the house then recite Surah Fatihah, Ayah Kursi, and the first five verses of Surah Jinn and blow and consecrate water. This water then should be sprayed in all corners of the house in every room. Inshalla by doing this method Jinn's will leave and never come back.

Ritual 31.Cure from negative spirits Recite the verses below and blow in the patients ear inshallah the evil spirit will be gone. Very quick and fast method WA LAH QAD FATAH NA SULIEMANA WA ALKAYTA ALA KURSIYEH HE JASADIN SUMMA ANABA WA ATAYNA DAWOOD ZABOORAN

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Ritual 32.Cure from negative spirits

Recite on the possessed person the adhaan, surah fatihah, the last four verses from the Quran, Ayah Kursi, Surah Tariq, and the last ruku of surah hashr HUWALAZI ALIMUL GHAYB till end then recite surah saffat recite all this then blow in the patients right ear and left and over him. Inshallah by doing this the Evil spirit will burn and will leave. The patient will be cured instantly.

Ritual 33.Cure from negative spirits Recite and blow in the possessed persons ear surah muhminoon verse AFHASIBTUM ANAMA till end of surah. Inshallah no matter how strong the evil entity may be it will leave.

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Ritual 34.To cure from negative spirits Write this Naqsh given below on a white piece of paper and show this paper to the possessed person inshallah when the patient looks at it, The Negative spirit will get scared and leave.

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Ritual 35.Protection from the evil eye A saying of Hadrat Othman Radhi Allah Anhu is that if one adds a black dot on ones face then that person will be protected from the Evil eye.

Ritual 36.Protection from evil eye The one who writes the verses below on white paper and wears around the neck will be protected from the evil eye inshallah, Also it is recommended that whenever one sees something beautiful or nice then recite the same verse so as to protect that person from the evil eye.

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Protection from the evil eye for a pregnant woman and child. Hadrat sheikh Abdul Wahaab Shahraani rahmatAllah (A great Auliah Allah) said that if a woman is pregnant and one wants to protect her from the evil eye then write the word below using Saffron on white piece of paper and give to the pregnant woman to wear around the right arm. When the child is older one can also give the same naqsh for the child to wear around the neck Inshallah one will be protected from all evil eye during pregnancy. The word to write is below: INSHALLAH

Ritual 37.Protection against the evil eye with Nalain Mubarak

The one who copies the Nalain Mubarak of the prophet (Sandal) on piece of paper and wears around the neck will be protected from all evil eye Inshallah

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Ritual 38.To bring the effected Black Magic Taweez Talisman in front of you If someone is affected by Black Magic and one wants to find the thing it has been done on e.g. Talisman then one should first become the master of this ritual to do this one should recite Surah Yasin 107 x before and after Darood Taj 7 x this ritual should start on the Fourth Monday of any Islamic month. The recitation should be done after Isha night Prayer. This ritual is for 41 x after which one will have the permission of this ritual. During these 41 days one should keep a fast. Everyday use Loban incense around you. Now if one wants to bring that item which is done by Black Magic then one should Get a basket (straw made basket) e.g. wicker type of baskets and place it upside down and put a red cloth over it to cover the basket. The person who is affected by magic should first have a shower then sit on the basket, Sit opposite the affected person one should be sitting facing the Kaaba. Start reciting Surah Yasin, and whilst reciting have loban incense in your hand. Reciting the Surah 21 x will have the power to bring that effected item under the Basket. One should sit on a small wooden stool (four wooden legged stool) when doing this ritual or the ritual will not work. One can do the same ritual if someone house or shop is affected by Black Magic using the method above (Excluding the person) On the affected items that are under the basket one should recite Surah Ibrahim 21 x and blow on the effected item then throw the item into a flowing river.

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Ritual 39.To find out if someones shop or house is affected by Black Magic

If one wants to know if someone house or business is affected by black magic then do this very effective ritual. First one need to have the permission for this ritual recite 125,000 x the verse below this should be recited within forty days. E.g. meaning at the end of forty days one would have reciting the verse in total 125,000 x. the recitations should be done at the same time every day and same place at night. Before and after the recitations recite salawat 7 x After doing the above one will have the permission of the holy verse. Whenever one wants to know if someone house or business is affected by Black Magic then get the soil from that house/shop place in front of you and recite the verse 101 x and blow on the soil (not too hard or it will blow away!) Then smell the soil if it smells obnoxious then that place is affected by magic. If it doesnt smell then there is no magic done on the place. If the house/shop is marbled or one cannot get the soil from the place then one should use outside soil and place in the shop/house for one day and night on the floor. Then do the method shown above This is a very effective way of knowing, when one knows if it is then in this E Book is a talisman to protect ones house or shop from Black Magic write that and give to the person to place in shop or house. Inshallah the Black Magic will go away.

The verse to be recited is given below:

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Ritual 40.Cure from Black Magic via NAD Ali Prayer One should get water from the Mosque recite Nad Ali 110 x blow and consecrate the water and give to the person affected by Black Magic to drink everyday morning and Evening Inshallah the person will be cured, One can also use that water for that person to bathe in.

Ritual 41.To be protected from black magic Write the verse below which is from Surah Noon on ones right arm inshallah if someone was to do magic it will not affect the wearer.

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Ritual 42.Protection for ones home against Jinn's and Evil entities

If one suspects there is a Jinn or Saya in ones home then one should recite Surah Fatihah Ayah Kursi And the first five verses of Surah Jinn

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blow and consecrate the water then sprinkle the water all corners of the house in every room Inshallah if there is any bad spirits, jinns then they will leave.

The same method can also be used by someone who is possessed by jinn and evil spirits just sprinkle the water on the persons face and inshallah the person will be cured

Ritual 43.Letter of the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him to all Jinn's.

Written in Dalaail al Nabuwwa by Imam Bayhaqi that once, Hadhrat Samak bin Harsha went to the Prophet and complained about Jinn's in his house. The Prophet told him that in his was Jinn's. The prophet then told Imam Ali to write the letter as such given in Arabic.

After writing the letter the companion took the letter home he later heard screams coming from his house from the Jinn's who were crying and burning. He said to the Jinn's I will not release you until I have told the prophet. When he went to the prophet he was told to remove the letter or the Jinn's will suffer till Qiyamah. When he returned home he removed the letter and the Jinn's never came back

This is a very powerful prayer given below; it has the power to remove all jinns all negative entities from house/Shop or person. Write this prayer and keep in ones house. Or if someone is possessed make the person look at the letter and the Jinn evil entities will burn and go away.

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But first one must pay the Zakat for this Ritual and to do this one should at middle of the night at the time of Tahajjud get up have a shower and pray 12 Nawafil of Tahajjud. Then recite 1000x

ALLAHUMMA SALI ALA MUHAMMED NINABAL MABHUSE ILAL INSEH WAL JINNI WAL ASWAADE WAL AHMAARI WALASGHARI WALAKBARI SAHIBIL KAWSARI WA BARIK WASALAM After reciting this one should 121 x recite the verse given in Arabic. Then write the verse on white piece of paper using any black ink. Then give either to a possessed person to look at and the person will be cured Or put in ones shop/home from the time one puts the letter all jinns negative entities will disappear never to return inshallah This is a very powerful and effective method.

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44. To know if someone has Jinn or any negative entities inside them

Measure the patients clothes (One that was worn overnight) Then Recite the verses below and consecrate on the persons clothes, then measure the person clothes again If the clothe has increased then that person is Shayateen affected, if the clothes has decreased in measurement then that person has Jinn or Black Magic, if the person clothes stays normal then it is just a common illness. Surah Fatihah 3 x WASAFFAT to LAZHAB Surah Jinn to SHATATA

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And the last two ayahs of Quran recite once each

Please make prayer for me, and may Allah give healing and a cure for everyone who uses this E Book. Ameen Ya Rabil Alameen

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