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LL II - Caveats Compare & Contrast

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The key takeaways are that there are different types of caveats like registrar's caveat, private caveat, lien holder's caveat and trust caveat that can be entered for various purposes like to protect interests, prevent fraud, secure debts, and correct errors on title. Caveats prohibit dealings on the property and can be removed by the registrar, withdrawal, court order or lapse of time.

The different types of caveats mentioned are registrar's caveat, private caveat, lien holder's caveat and trust caveat.

The grounds for entry of caveats include to prevent fraud or improper dealing, protect interests of government authorities or vulnerable persons, secure land to satisfy debts owed to government, and if there is an error on title.


Types of
By application to Registrar
(e.g. letter)
Registrar performs quasi-
judicial role
By Form 19B (S.!(!))
- Registrar performs purely
administrati"e role
By Form 19# toget$er %it$
title (Ss.!&1 ' ((!))
lodged )y person %it$ %$om
document of title or duplicate
lease $as )een deposited as
security for loan (S.( (1))
Registrar performs purely
administrati"e role
By Form 19* toget$er %it$
transfer document+trust deed
(%$ic$e"er rele"ant)
(S.(!)) lodged )y
trustee, settlor or )eneficiary
(S. (1))
Registrar performs purely
administrati"e role
(a) to pre"ent fraud or
improper dealing
()) to protect interests of
Federation or State aut$ority
or minor or person mentally
unsound or person o"erseas
(c ) to secure land to satisfy
de)ts due to Federation+State
(d) if t$ere is an error on title
.o protect parties claiming for /
(a) title
()) registra)le interest
(c) a rig$t to title
(d) a rig$t to registra)le
(e) )eneficially entitle under
trust- t$roug$ )eneficiary
or guardian +ne0t friend
of minor )eneficiary
.o protect interests of lien
$older for loan granted can
only )e entered if not
pro$i)ited )y registrar1s
ca"eat, pri"ate ca"eat, trust
ca"eat or pro$i)itory order
.o pro$i)it any dealing in
relation to trust property
Registered proprietor ' any
person $a"ing registered
interest notified )y Form 19-
(S.!1 (!))-
(a) pro$i)its (S.19 (1) ())
registration of dealings2
endorsement of .*FR (Ss.13
1&)2entry of 456 in relation
to land or interest (e.g.lease)
()) pro$i)its e"en application
presented efo!e entry of
Registered proprietor or person
%it$ registered interest notified
)y Form 19- (S. !7 ())
(a) pro$i)its (S.!!(!) and ())
registration of dealings and
certificate of sale2 endorsement
of .*FR2 entry of 456 in
relation to land or undi"ided
s$are in land or interest (e.g.
()) ca"eata)le interest interest
Registered proprietor notified
)y Form 19- (S.( () ()))
(a) pro$i)its (Ss.( (8) and
!! (!) and ()) registration
of dealings and certificate of
sale2 endorsement of .*FR2
entry of anot$er 456 in
relation to land or undi"ided
s$are in land or interest
()) pro$i)its only application
(a) 9ro$i)its (S.!! (!)
registration of dealings2
endorsement of .*FR2 entry
of 456 in relation to land or
interest (e.g.lease) precisely
stated in ca"eat
()) pro$i)its only applications
presented afte! receipt of
application for entry of trust
ca"eat (pro"iso to S.!(!) )
Registrar1s ca"eat (S. 19 (!))
su)ject to %ai"er )y
Registrar (S.19 ())
(c ) not pre"ent t$e entry of 96
or .6 as neit$er of t$ese
ca"eats creates any interest
soug$t to )e protected must )e
recogni:ed )y ;46 as )eing
eit$er registra)le and + or
entitled to )e protected
(c )pro$i)its only application
presented afte! receipt of
application for entry of pri"ate
ca"eat (Ss.!! (7) and !7 (!)
(c )
(d)not pro$i)it (S. !! (8)
application )y ca"eator2
application consented )y
(e) once remo"ed )y court
registrar s$all not enter a fres$
ca"eat )ased on li<e claim
(S.!9 (!))
(f) on entire land and e0pressed
to )ind entire land 2 or an
undi"ided s$are in land2 or a
particular interest on land
(S.!!(!) and ()
presented afte! receipt of
application for entry of 456
(Ss. ( (8), !!(7) and (
(7) (c)
(c ) not pro$i)it (Ss. ( (8)
and !! (8)) application )y
ca"eator2 application
consented )y ca"eator
(d) upon entry of 456,
ca"eator entitled to lien o"er
land (S.!&1 (1) ()) upon
o)taining judgment, ca"eator
entitle to apply to 5ig$ 6ourt
for sale of land
(a) Remo"al (S.!1 ())-
(i) )y Registrar on $is motion
(ii) registered proprietor
applies to Registrar for its
(iii) registered proprietor
appeals to 5ig$ 6ourt against
Registrar1s decision to enter
ca"eat or Registrar1s refusal to
cancel ca"eat and 5ig$ 6ourt
orders cancellation of ca"eat
()) lifespan continues in
force until cancelled )y
Registrar (S. !1 (7)
(a) Remo"al
(i) %it$dra%al )y ca"eator
(S.!8 (1)
(ii) registered proprietor or
person %it$ registered
interest applies to Registrar
for its cancellation "ide Form
195 (S.!3 (1)) Registrar
notifies ca"eator "ide Form
196 (S.!3(1-) (a))- ca"eat
lapses ! mont$s from date
of ser"ice (S.!3 (=B))
unless e0tended )y 5ig$
6ourt %it$in ! mont$s upon
application )y ca"eator
(a) Remo"al
(i) %it$dra%al )y
(ii) upon sale of land
)y 6ourt >rder
and registration of
certificate of sale
(iii) upon proof to
Registrar t$at loan
fully paid
(i") any person
aggrie"ed )y
ca"eat applies to
(i) cancellation )y
Registrar upon
application )y trustees
and all )eneficiaries
()) lifespan until
(c) no statutory pro"ision
for compensation
(c ) no statutory pro"ision for
compensation once it is
(S.!3 (!))
(iii) any person aggrie"ed )y
ca"eat applies to 5ig$ 6ourt
for its cancellation (S.!?
()) lifespan 3 years from
date effecti"e unless
%it$dra%n, lapsed or
remo"ed earlier (S.!&(1)
(c ) once remo"ed )y court
Registrar s$all not enter a
fres$ ca"eat )ased on li<e
claim (S.9!(!))
(d) compensation for
%rongful entry of pri"ate
ca"eat ca"eator lia)le to
pay to person %$o suffers
loss (S.!9(1))
5ig$ 6ourt for its
(S.1 (7)
()) lifespan continues in
force until %it$dra%n
or remo"ed
(c) compensation for
%rongful entry of lien
$older1s ca"eat
ca"eator lia)le to pay
to person %$o suffers
loss (S.1 (7) ())


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