A Systematic Erosion-Corrosion Study of Two Stainless Steels in Marine Conditions Via Experimental Design
A Systematic Erosion-Corrosion Study of Two Stainless Steels in Marine Conditions Via Experimental Design
A Systematic Erosion-Corrosion Study of Two Stainless Steels in Marine Conditions Via Experimental Design
A systematic erosioncorrosion study of two stainless steels in marine conditions via experimental design
H. Meng , X. Hu, A. Neville
Corrosion and Surface Engineering Research Group, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Received 25 August 2006; received in revised form 13 December 2006; accepted 18 December 2006 Available online 26 March 2007
Abstract Erosioncorrosion performance of two stainless steels (UNS S32760 and UNS S31603) for marine applications has been assessed under liquidsolid impingement conditions in 3.5% NaCl. The total material loss rate and the components of mechanical erosion, electrochemical corrosion and their synergistic interactions have been determined under various conditions. The major environmental parameters considered are solid loading, ow velocity and uid temperature. For the two stainless steels, a quantitative analysis of the damage showed mechanical erosion to be the dominant process under erosioncorrosion over the range of conditions considered. A full two-level factorial experimental design method was applied to study the individual effects of each parameter as well as their interactive contributions to the overall material degradation. The analysis shows that the interactions between environmental factors all accelerate mass loss during the erosioncorrosion process and the interactive effect between velocity and sand loading is the greatest. Fluid temperature has the smallest effect of the three parameters. Some guidelines to assist in material selection for erosioncorrosion and progress towards prediction of erosioncorrosion in marine applications are discussed in this paper. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Stainless steels; Marine; Erosioncorrosion; Experimental design
1. Introduction It is well known that the industries that transport slurries and other particle-laden liquids in pipes for sectors such as offshore and marine technologies spend millions of pounds every year to repair material damage. The typical examples of this kind of material destruction are erosioncorrosion damage to pumps, impellers, propellers, valves, heat exchanger tubes and other uid handling equipment. In a recent survey, erosioncorrosion was rated in the top ve most prevalent forms of corrosion damage in the oil and gas industry [1,2]. A lot of work has been carried out to characterise and classify the materials related to mining and marine industries. Erosioncorrosion in aqueous systems is dominated by two major mechanisms: electrochemical corrosion and mechanical erosion [3]. On account of the greater material loss than the sum of their individual components, the interaction between electrochemical and mechanical processes has been recognised
in many works, and they have been referred to as Synergistic and Additive effects [35]. The so-called synergistic effect is normally used to describe the way in which corrosion can enhance erosion, while the so-called additive effect refers to the mechanism by which erosion can enhance corrosion. In dening the erosioncorrosion behaviour the regimes are often dened to be erosion-dominated, corrosion-dominated or erosion corrosion-dominated with the regime depending on the specic working environments and the material type [6]. There have been numerous studies by the authors and others which have focused on assessing material durability in erosioncorrosion environments as a function of several parameters including velocity, sand loading, temperature or pH [715]. Though the studies show how environmental factors affect erosioncorrosion behaviour, it has been difcult to predict quantitatively how the damage will be affected by factors and their interactions. In an attempt to extend understanding of how factors affect the extent of damage in erosioncorrosion and constitution of that damage (i.e. corrosion, erosion or synergy); an experimental design method has been used. The primary goal of experimental design in scientic research is usually to show
0043-1648/$ see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2006.12.007
Table 1 Nominal compositions and macrohardness of UNS S32760 and UNS S31603 Cr UNS S32760 UNS S31603 24.9 18.5 Ni 8.4 10.3 Mo 3.65 2.2 Mn 0.94 1.18 C 0.026 0.048 N 0.21 Macro 222 HB 153 HB
measurements on each sample surface of the raw material after specied heat treatments. 2.2. Experimental methods The sample specimens were cut from the square bar. The surface of the test specimen was polished by SiC papers up to 1200 grit, followed by washing in acetone and high pressure air drying. Immediately after weighing in a high precision balance, the specimen was exposed to an impinging jet of liquid containing solids generating by the recirculating liquidsolid impingement rig which will be described later. The liquid brine used in the tests was 3.5% sodium chloride solution and the liquid was continuously recirculated via a speed controlled pump. The impingement apparatus (Fig. 1) comprised a submerged liquidsolid jet generated using a recirculating rig and the electrochemical apparatus used for in-situ monitoring as described in [17]. The rig comprised a dual nozzle system with each nozzle diameter being 4 mm. The distance between the nozzle and the specimen was kept constant at 5 mm. The area of the specimen was 2.89 cm2 . For all tests the angle of impingement was 90 . The size of silica sand as erodent is in a range of 150350 m in this study. Tests were typically conducted for four hours and repeated for three times, and the specimens were weighed before and after the experiments to determine the components of the total weight loss using a Mettler At201 high precision digital balance (0.01 mg). Electrochemical tests were carried out to determine the contribution to the total weight loss due to the pure electrochemical corrosion processes. For the anodic polarisation and cathodic protection tests, samples were used with electrical connecting wires attached to the back face of the samples. Anodic and cathodic polarisation potentiodynamic scans were undertaken during impingement at a scan rate of 0.25 mV/s using a computer-driven potentiostat. A Ag/AgCl reference electrode and a platinum counter electrode were used in the 3-electrode cell. The material weight loss due to the pure mechanical erosion (E) was obtained by applying cathodic protection on the test sample followed by weight measurement. The cathodic protection potential for all the tests for both materials was 0.8 V.
the statistical signicance of the effect that a particular factor exerts on the dependent variable of interest. Experimental design provides a well-dened framework for data collection, analysis and interpretation. The process can help to answer the questions relating to a hypothesis and interpret how different factors inuence an interesting variable [16]. In this study, a full two-level factorial experimental design method is presented, which was applied to study the individual effects of each parameter as well as their interactive contributions to the overall material degradation. In addition, the components of the total weight loss of two stainless steels (UNS S32760 and UNS S31603) under the conditions are presented. Based on the experimental design analysis, the correlation between the material hardness and the test results enables some contributions to the detailed understanding of the erosioncorrosion resistance of the two stainless steels to be made. 2. Materials under study and experimental methods 2.1. Materials under study The two types of materials selected for this study were stainless steels UNS S32760 and UNS S31603, which represent a super duplex and a standard austenitic grade respectively. It is appreciated that the performance of UNS S32760 in every respect will be superior to UNS S31603, but in this study the main focus is to assess the effect on erosioncorrosion of the parameters specied and quantify the effects for the two materials. The information of the chemical composition of the two materials and their average Brinell macrohardness is shown in Table 1. The average hardness values were obtained from ve
Fig. 1. (a) Re-circulating rig used to generate impinging jet of liquidsolid slurry for erosioncorrosion test. (b) In-situ electrochemical monitoring apparatus.
H. Meng et al. / Wear 263 (2007) 355362 Table 2 Design matrix for a three-parameter, eight-run experiment for each material TRIAL VARIABLES Temperature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Sand content 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 Velocity 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 OUTPUTS Weight loss W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 Corrosion rate C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
Erosion rate E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
2 in this matrix represents high level of all parameters, while 1 represents low level.
The experimental tests in this study focused on three environmental parameters: temperature, sand loading and velocity. Each parameter was set at two levels, thus there were 2 2 2 = 8 trials for each type of the material. The temperature was set at 20 C and 50 C; sand loadings were 50 ppm and 500 ppm, and velocities were set at 7 m/s and 20 m/s. For each condition at least three tests were carried out to determine the reproducibility of results. The test matrix is shown in Table 2. This test matrix gives the following information: (a) how weight loss, corrosion rate under erosioncorrosion, and the interaction between erosion and corrosion are affected by temperature, sand loading and velocity and their interactions; (b) identies the key factors and interactions and quanties their effects. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Component of the material total weight loss (TWL) 3.1.1. TWL under eight experimental conditions From the total weight loss measurements under eight conditions in Fig. 2, it is clear that the total weight loss of both materials increases as the environment becomes more severe. It is also demonstrated that UNS S32760 has higher erosioncorrosion resistance than UNS S31603 over all the
range of conditions. As expected, the severity is assumed to increase as either sand loading, velocity or temperature increase as validated in previous work [3,18]. However, the extent of these effects is unknown. The main reason for the different relative erosioncorrosion resistances of the two materials is the extent of alloying elements, especially the composition of chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen, which makes the corrosion resistance and hence erosioncorrosion resistance superior as reported in previous work [3]. 3.1.2. Erosion as a percentage of total weight loss From Fig. 3 both materials show mechanical erosion (E) to be the dominant process under erosioncorrosion impingement over the range of conditions considered. This will be discussed further in due course. 3.1.3. Weight loss due to pure corrosion In-situ electrochemical monitoring using DC anodic polarisation enables the corrosion characteristics under the impinging jet test system to be determined. The in-situ corrosion current (icorr ) can be obtained via the Tafel extrapolation technique [19], and then the weight loss due to pure corrosion is determined by Faradays law (Eq. (1)). C= iW AT F n (1)
Fig. 2. Total weight loss of UNS S32760 and UNS S31603 under the eight conditions dened by the factorial design methods.
Fig. 3. Weight loss due to pure mechanical erosion as a percent of total weight loss.
Fig. 6. Synergistic weight loss of both materials under eight conditions dened by the factorial design methods. Fig. 4. Corrosion current densities (icorr ) obtained under eight test conditions dened by the factorial design methods.
where C is the weight loss due to pure corrosion (g), i the current density (A/cm2 ), W the atomic weight (g/mol), A the specimen area (cm2 ), T the time (s), F the Faraday constant, n the number of ions. Fig. 4 shows that icorr of both materials also increases as the environment becomes more severe. Although the stainless steels are depassivated under erosioncorrosion, it is clear that the corrosion rate is still lower on UNS S32760 than UNS S31603 in line with other work [3]. The current densities of both materials increase suddenly as specic test conditions are reached indicating a critical level of severity. This suggests that the corrosion behaviour of both materials transfers from passive to pseudopassive behaviour. This is validated from the anodic polarisation curve (Fig. 5), there the charge transfer is clearly increased when the sample is exposed to the impinging jet. Hu and Neville [3,18] have focused on the corrosion transition behaviour of stainless steels from passive behaviour to pseudo-passive behaviour, and they have proved the existence of a critical sand loading and a critical ow velocity. It is well known that the environmental parameters affect the corrosion behaviour of the materials, but in this project (Table 5) it has been proved that the interactions between certain parameters are very important, which will be discussed later in this paper.
So, it can be hypothesized that there might be a corrosion transition behaviour of stainless steels determined by not only the individual environmental parameters but also the interactions between parameters. 3.1.4. Synergy The components of weight loss under erosioncorrosion are often represented by either of the two Eqs. in (2) [3] and (3) [5] as follows: TWL = E + C + S (2)
where E is the weight loss due to pure mechanical erosion obtained from the cathodic protection tests. C in this equation is the weight loss due to pure electrochemical process determined by anodic polarisation tests. Because this is a corrosion rate measured under erosioncorrosion conditions the effects of ow increasing the mass transfer, and impacts of sand are accounted for in the corrosion rate. S is then dened as the effect of corrosion on erosion and this is often referred to as the synergistic effect, which is dened previously. TWL = E + C0 + CE + EC (3)
where E is as described in Eq. (2); C0 is the corrosion rate in static condition; CE is the additive effect, which is dened in introduction; EC is the synergistic effect. Therefore, C0 + CE is in Eq. (3) is equivalent to C in Eq. (2). Fig. 6 shows the synergistic effect in erosioncorrosion processes of both materials; it is clear that the synergy increases signicantly at high velocity and sand loading, and also the synergistic process on UNS S31603 are more prevalent than UNS S32760. 3.2. Experimental design analysis of the inuence of the parameters (V, S, T) on erosioncorrosion resistance Many studies have proved that environmental parameters affect erosioncorrosion behaviour [3,715], for which this paper provides verication. The individual effects of increased velocity, sand loading and temperature positively contribute to enhance the overall material degradation, but also this latter analysis shows that the interactions between environmental parameters can accelerate weight loss during the
H. Meng et al. / Wear 263 (2007) 355362 Table 3 The contributions of environmental parameters to the total weight loss (TWL) V (%) UNS S32760 UNS S31603 32.4 34.32 S (%) 37.02 32.34 T (%) 0 0.38 V and S (%) 29.85 31.5 V and T (%) 0.41 0.54 S and T (%) 0 0.42
Table 4 The contributions of environmental parameters to the weight loss due to pure erosion (E) V (%) UNS S32760 UNS S31603 34.67 34.41 S (%) 32.77 32.53 T (%) 0.02 0.2 V and S (%) 32.53 32.13 V and T (%) 0 0.27 S and T (%) 0.007 0.23 V, S and T (%) 0 0.23
Table 5 The contributions of environmental parameters to the weight loss due to pure corrosion (C) V (%) UNS S32760 UNS S31603 40.98 34.93 S (%) 16.35 13.04 T (%) 14.04 16.32 V and S (%) 13.35 13.56 V and T (%) 13.28 14.77 S and T (%) 0.82 3.37 V, S and T (%) 1.18 4.01
Table 6 The contributions of environmental parameters to the synergy effect (S) V (%) UNS S32760 UNS S31603 25.32 34.48 S (%) 23.93 33.37 T (%) 6.84 0.22 V and S (%) 23.03 31.57 V and T (%) 7.69 0.05 S and T (%) 6.77 0.17 V, S and T (%) 6.42 0.14
erosioncorrosion process. If a predictive model is to be constructed for erosioncorrosion it is necessary to be able to quantify the effects of these interactions on the total damage but also on the components of total weight loss. 3.2.1. Contribution to total weight loss and weight loss due to pure erosion Tables 3 and 4 show the quantitive effects of environmental parameters and their interactions on the total weight loss and the weight loss due to pure erosion using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) approach over the range of conditions considered. The percentages shown in Tables 36 are the values of the sum of squares for that variable relative to the total sum of squares for all variables. Higher percentage values correlate to that parameter having a greater effect. In order to obtain a good understanding of ANOVA, the average effect of factors for each level, the sum of squares and corresponding calculations need detailed explanation. The following calculation is applied to obtain the nal contribution percentage. The average effects of the factors for each level are shown in Table 7. The velocity factor is at the low level for trial conditions 1, 3, 5 and 7 in Table 2. Hence the calculation for the average effect of velocity at the low level is shown below:
1 Wlv = 4 (W1 + W3 + W5 + W7 ).
others including all interactions could be computed in the same manner as Wlv . In the ANOVA method the sum of squares is dened. For example, the sum of squares due to velocity factor is calculated using the following formula: SSV = 2(Wlv WG )2 + 2(Whv WG )2 . (5)
where Wlv and Whv refer to the average effects corresponding to the velocity factor for low and high levels and WG is the average total weight loss for eight trial conditions. The sums of squares for other factors including possible interactions were computed in the same way and are tabulated in Table 8. The nal part of the ANOVA was nished easily to obtain the percentage contribution with the following equation: V (%) = SSV SSV + SSS + SST + SSVS + SSVT + SSTS + SSTVS 100%
Table 7 The average effects of individual factor for each level Column Factors Level Low 1 2 3 Velocity Sand loading Temperature Wlv Wls Wlt High Whv Whs Wht
where W1 , W3 , W5 and W7 are the total weight losses in Table 2 corresponding to trial conditions 1, 3, 5 and 7 respectively. The
Velocity Sand loading Temperature Velocity and temperature Velocity and sand loading Temperature and sand loading Velocity, temperature and sand loading
Table 3 shows that for UNS S31603, velocity contributed the highest percentage to total weight loss; followed by sand loading and their interaction. The rest of the variable effect contribution percentages were all less than 10%, and in this case are considered insignicant. The prominent contributions to the total weight loss and weight loss resulting from pure mechanical erosion are due to velocity, sand loading and their interaction. This is the same for both materials so whilst there are differences in the extent of degradation, it appears that the effects of velocity, sand loading, temperature and their interactions on total weight loss and erosion are remarkably similar under erosioncorrosion conditions and differences exist only in the effect on synergy (Table 6). It is common that more kinetic energy needs to be dissipated by materials at higher velocity to produce deformation, cracks and even cuttings. It has been concluded that at higher impingement velocity, the particle impact velocities increase and more energy was provided to the moving particles, thus causing more severe degradation on the specimen surface [9,10]. Moreover, Ruff et al. [20] summarised some other parameters which affect the erosion rate of metals. The main parameter that controls the rate of erosion of materials is the particle velocity; the erosion rate is found to increase as v2 to v3 in most cases. The rate of material erosion is proportional to v2 in Bitters model [21]. In terms of sand loading, as the sand loading increases, the protective lm on the surface of the materials will be stripped off, and the bare metal will be exposed to the severe erosioncorrosion environment, which will enhance degradation. This analysis conrms that velocity and sand loading play very important roles, but also the results show that the interaction between velocity and sand loading is another key factor in the erosioncorrosion environment. 3.2.2. Contribution to the weight loss due to pure corrosion Table 5 shows the contributions of the environmental parameters to the weight loss due to pure corrosion. The most inuential parameter is velocity, but the effects from sand loading, temperature, the interaction between velocity and sand loading and the interaction between velocity and temperature also play a relatively important role in corrosion. As a result of the high velocity and sand loading, the protective lm on the surface will be removed easily, which leads to creation of a reactive surface from the point of view of corrosion. It should be noted that the velocity plays a role in increasing corrosion; one effect being the increased mass transfer and transport of aggressive chloride ions to the surface in particular. In terms of the effect of temperature,
a higher thermodynamic driving force exists at higher temperature. As mentioned in the previous part, the corrosion rate in erosion-corrosion environments is composed of two parts; the corrosion rate in static conditions (C0 ) and the erosion enhanced corrosion ( CE ). The dynamic corrosion rate ( CE ) is the most affected component of the corrosion by environmental parameters and their interactions. It could be explained recursively that velocity, sand loading and their interaction have been approved to accelerate erosion, which will enhances corrosion further; but the static corrosion rate will keep invariable (C0 ), which will be affected by temperature due to the different thermodynamic driving force. So it could be concluded that the environmental parameters and their interactions apply more or less effects on corrosion behaviour over the dened range of erosioncorrosion conditions. 3.2.3. Contribution to the synergy Table 6 shows the importance of environmental parameters to the synergy, and it is clear that the greatest factors in determining the synergy are velocity, sand loading and their interaction, consistent with what was found for TWL and E in erosioncorrosion environments. The detailed magnitudes of synergy effects under impinging jet tests are shown in Fig. 6. Even though the prominent factors in the synergy material loss dened from statistical analysis are velocity, sand loading and their interaction, the relatively high synergy weight loss occurs when high velocity and high sand loading are applied. It could therefore be concluded that the synergy is not largely affected by either velocity or sand loading individually over the range of test conditions, because the brittle roughened surface cannot be removed when there is inadequate impact kinetic energy. So, it is hypothesized that the sudden increase of synergy magnitude is affected primarily by a critical impact kinetic energy. The synergy is dened as corrosion enhanced erosion, but still describes a kind of erosion. The analysis in [17] provides a good understanding of synergy. The anodic polarisation curve can be sub-divided into three potential regions as described below (Fig. 7): Region I: the magnitude of current measured in the anodic potential region immediately adjacent to Ecorr rises to reach a stable value. Region II: for a potential range spanning several hundred millivolts (depending on the temperature) the current shows an oscillating response.
nicantly affect material loss. Predictive modelling of material loss can therefore be simplied and be represented as a function of velocity, sand loading and their interaction. 4. Conclusions The erosion corrosion behaviour of two stainless steels has been examined over the range of conditions considered. UNS S32760 stainless steel exhibits better erosion corrosion resistance than UNS S31603 by 6 to 50%, and both respond to changes in test conditions in the same way. The importance of all variables was analysed using the methods of statistical experiment design and it can be summarised that: 1. Erosion is the dominant weight loss process over corrosion, under all test conditions. The overall material loss and it erosion component are signicantly affected by sand loading and velocity, with strong interaction between. 2. Weight loss by corrosion is also affected by sand loading and velocity, and in addition is affected by temperature. 3. Improving the understanding of the controlling parameters in all components of the damage enables progress to be made towards predictive models for erosioncorrosion damage. Acknowledgements Region III: a breakdown potential similar to that seen during anodic polarisation in mild conditions is observed. According to the above analysis the corrosion enhanced erosion (synergy) is mainly from region I, where the surface was roughened due to corrosion, and also reduction of mechanical properties occurred making materials more susceptible to erosion. 3.3. Future predictive erosioncorrosion modelling Statistical analysis from experimental design enables a systematic database to be constructed in which the data can be analysed using statistical methods and provides directions for future predictive erosioncorrosion modelling to be established. The future predictive erosioncorrosion modelling can be simplied as the components of total weight loss and how they are affected by sand loading, velocity and temperature are more clearly understood. As a next step, the conversion of the 3D interpolating model to the expected functions will enable the predictive capability to be derived. 3D interpolation is valuable computational method to build the model based on the known data collected from the tests dened by experimental design methods, and moreover to predict any unknown points in this model. As a result of statistical analysis, the signicant factors in determining the components of total weight loss are dened for future predictive erosioncorrosion modelling; while the minor factors can be appropriately ignored. This work has demonstrated certain parameters and their interactions (under this regime and this range of conditions) e.g. temperature, do not sigThis research work was sponsored by Weir Materials & Foundries, Noel Village Ltd., Lloyds Register, Sea Technology Group, Weir Pumps, Weir Engineering Services, DSTL and Langley Alloys Meighs Ltd. References
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