DC Short CKT Calculation
DC Short CKT Calculation
DC Short CKT Calculation
Verification of the calculation procedures for evaluation of short-circuit currents in 220 VDC auxiliary system of TPP Rijeka
Sejid Tenjak, Javor kare, Nikola vigir Department of Power Systems University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Unska 3 Republic of Croatia sejid.tesnj http://www.fer.hr
Abstract: - DC auxiliary systems are usually relied upon as the last source of reliable electric power at an installation of power plants and substations. Because DC auxiliary systems and battery power sources differ from AC systems, it is important that DC system protection designer is aware of their special considerations. In Standard IEC 61660-1 is given mathematical model for dynamics analysis in DC auxiliary systems of power plants and substations. In this paper, the authors performed short-circuit currents calculation in real DC auxiliary system of TPP Rijeka using mathematical mode defined in standard IEC 61660-1. Calculation results were verified on site during DC circuit breakers selectivity testing. Key-Words: - DC auxiliary systems, thermal power plant (TPP), substations, mathematical model, short-circuit, circuitbreaker, selectivity.
1 Introduction
DC auxiliary systems are usually relied upon as the last source of reliable electric power at an installation of power plants and substations. That is the reason why the transient behavior of DC auxiliary systems has recently gained great interest. The greatest effort in standardization of DC short-circuit current calculation is represented by standard IEC 61600-1, Calculation of Short-Circuit Currents in DC auxiliary installations in power plants and substations. Using mathematical model for dynamics analysis in DC auxiliary systems defined in this IEC Standard, short-circuit currents calculation in real DC auxiliary system of TPP Rijeka was performed. Calculation results were verified on site during 220 VDC circuit breakers selectivity testing.
Threephase bridge
Smoothing reactor
Z N = RN + j X N RQ,X Q Q Rp ,X p RT ,X T RR X R
RN = RQ + Rp + RT + RR X N = X Q+ X p + X T + X R Rectifier branch
Line Common branch
RB Lead-acid battery EB
RC Capacitor EC
+ -
RF DC motor EF
+ -
2.1 Mathematical model for dynamics analysis in accordance with the IEC 61600-1
Mathematical model for short-circuit current evaluation in DC auxiliary systems considers following items that are sources of possible contribution to the fault current: rectifiers in three-phase AC bridge stationary lead-acid battery smoothing capacitors DC motors. The equivalent circuit diagram of DC auxiliary systems under study is shown in Fig.1.
The approximation function for each short-circuit current of the above-mentioned four sources is describe by
i1 (t) = i p 1e 1e
t 1 tp 1
, 0 t tp
t t p 2
i 2 (t) = i p [(1 p) e
p = Ik Ip
+ p], t p t
(2) (3)
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems, Beijing, China, September 15-17, 2007
The total short-circuit current is found by superimposing the partial short-circuit currents from different sources at the short-circuit location. The approximation function for total short-circuit current is described by
i tot ( t ) = jipj
j=1 m
1 e 1 e
t ij t pj 1 j
0 t tpj
( t t pj ) 2 j
+ pj
tpj t TK
p =
I kj I pj
Fig. 2 block diagram of the 220 VDC auxiliary system in TPP Rijeka
where i(t) is the total short-circuit current j is the numeral of voltage source m is the number of source Tk is the short-circuit duration j is correction factor of j-voltage source
2.2 Calculation of short-circuit currents in the 220 VDC auxiliary system of TPP Rijeka
Block diagram of the 220 VDC auxiliary system in TPP Rijeka is shown in Fig.2. Calculation of maximum shortcircuit currents are made on fault locations F1, F2, F3, and F4 by using mathematical model described in
Calculation results which describe time variation of the short circuit current in the first 10 ms after short-circuit was occurred are given in table 1 for fault location F1, in table 2 for fault location F2, in table 3 for fault location F3 and in table 4 for fault location F4. Since in this case the contribution of rectifier in total short-circuit current was higher than the contribution of emergency lube oil pump, in tables 1-4 are shown calculation results only for short-circuit currents with parallel operation of three sources; battery, rectifier and capacitors. In Fig. 3 is shown calculated variation of total shortcircuit currents during the first 10 ms for fault location F1-F4.
where Ik quasi-steady-state short-circuit current ip peak current tp time to peak 1, 2 rise and decay time constants These characteristic values are defined for each different source once certain electrical parameters (i.e., resistance, reactance, etc.) and nominal voltage are known and by using some correction factors evaluated on an experimental basis. Detail references about theoretical background can be found in Standard IEC 61600-1 (1997-06). The total short-circuit current for the location FX in Fig. 1 is obtained by adding short-circuit current of all sources without correction factor and for location FY in Fig. 1 by adding the partial short-circuit current modified by means of correction factor j that is needed because in that case there is a common branch (RY and LY 0). Formulas for calculation of partial contributions of different sources can be found in Standard IEC 61600-1 (1997-06), too.
section 2.1. Thereby following switching and operating conditions are taken into account: The conductor resistances are referred to a temperature of 20 C; The joint resistance of busbars are neglected; The control for limiting the rectifier current is not effective; All sources are connected to busbars but initial load is neglected; Any diodes for decoupling parts of system are neglected; The battery is charged to full capacity; The current limiting effect of circuit breakers are taken into account; Parallel operation of rectifier and emergency lube oil pump is impossible.
AC, 400/230 V, 50 Hz BATTERY Powersafe DDm 125-25 105 cl, 1500 Ah I LEVEL MCCB, Tmax T5 S "ABB" TMA 400 A Cu cables 2x95/pol mm2, 15 m Cu cable 120 mm2, 130 m M ST EMERGENCY LUBE OIL PUMP 220 V, 19,2 kW
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems, Beijing, China, September 15-17, 2007
ik (A) t=1 ms ik (A) t=2 ms ik (A) t=3 ms ik (A) t=4 ms ik (A) t=5 ms ik (A) t=6 ms ik (A) t=7 ms ik (A) t=8 ms ik (A) t=9 ms ik (A) t=10 ms
itot (A)
894 882 870 859 849 839 830 821 813 805
itot (A)
3361 3751 3750 3669 3580 3516 3471
ik (A) t=1 ms ik (A) t=2 ms ik (A) t=3 ms ik (A) t=4 ms ik (A) t=5 ms ik (A) t=6 ms ik (A) t=7 ms ik (A) t=8 ms ik (A) t=9 ms ik (A) t=10 ms
Fig. 3 Time variation of total short-circuit current in locations F1-F4 during first 10 ms itot (A)
1362 1361 1338 1318 1299 1282 1267 1254 1242 1231
ik (A) t=1 ms ik (A) t=2 ms ik (A) t=3 ms ik (A) t=4 ms ik (A) t=5 ms ik (A) t=6 ms ik (A) t=7 ms ik (A) t=8 ms ik (A) t=9 ms ik (A) t=10 ms
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems, Beijing, China, September 15-17, 2007
s 10000 7000 5000 3000 2000 1000 700 500 300 200 100 70 50 30 20 10 7 5 3 2 1 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.007 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.001 1 2 3 4
T5-TMA 400
Fig. 4 Breaking I-t curves for circuit breakers situated in three protection level
I-t curves of three circuit-breakers situated in different protection levels of 220 VDC auxiliary installation are shown in fig. 4. We can see that time selectivity is ensured for low short-circuit currents. For verifying selectivity at high short-circuit currents we performed selectivity testing on site. Circuit breaker selectivity testing in TPP Rijeka verified selected circuit breakers disposition up to maximum short-circuit current 3300 A for circuit breakers situated in the first and the second level and up to maximum short-circuit current 680 A for circuit breakers situated in the second and the third level. In Fig. 5-8 are shown testing results for variation of total short-circuit currents during the breaking of fault in all observed fault locations. In case recorded in fig. 5, shortcircuit current was broken by circuit-breaker situated in protection level 1 (Tmax, ABB), in fig. 6 and 7 by circuit-breaker situated in protection level 2 (NS100N, MG), and in fig. 8 by circuit-breaker situated in level 3 (miniature CB).
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems, Beijing, China, September 15-17, 2007
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We can compare time-current curves recorded during the testing, shown in fig. 5-8, with calculated time-current curves, shown in fig. 3. They are corresponding in the first segment of curves before arching voltage on CB breaking contacts appears. However, the magnitude of short-circuit currents measured during the test is about 510 % lower than we expected according to calculation results.
4 Conclusion
This paper has described calculation procedures for evaluation of short-circuit currents in 220 VDC auxiliary system of TPP Rijeka. Mathematical model for dynamics analysis was based on IEC 61600-1. Calculation results are compared with real short-circuit currents on site during 220 VDC circuit breakers selectivity testing. The comparison has shown an overall agreement between the two sets of results, with a general overestimation about 5-10% on the safety side by calculation results.
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